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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1902)
I , . , > . ' ' 'Ia , _ L . - . - . . ' Soclal"IL r'ntlonJ ! , ; ,1 _ : i : : ) , The socialists held several con- ' ; . . veiifi ps at the opera house Saturday - ; ! ' urday afternoon. . ' ' Thecounty convention organ- . ized ( vith the following officers : ' ' 1\ , ; ' ' , , D.V. . Predmore of Broken Bow , , " Chairman and J. C. I . Wisley : ; , ' of Sargent , Secretary. " ! Platform presented and read by 'Visley , was unanimously adopt-I _ , ed. On motion \Vislcy , secon- : ' w" de(1 by Taylor. li'red CUII.lIuings , , " . : / Cp 1eyton , was unanllnously ' , ' 1 declared the nominee for county attorney. Moved and carried t 11 a t C. K. i 'i ' , ' 1 Hall of Cooley ton , lie elected Chairmaw and J. C. I . Wisle ) ' , of Sargent , Secretary of Socialist : , part ) ? of Cu ler county and lie " 1 , lUs'tructed to fill any vacancy in ' the ticket should it occur. J . ' 'l' vnsh i commi were ' " "l : - p ttccI.llen " " f elected as follows : I : ! : : " Broken Bow , 'D. W. Predmore ; I . ; ; ; : Garfield , N. K. 14cej Custer , ' . Ir ! . - , Jerome 'l'aylorj Kitfoil. H. J. } } } : ' } ( eilcyj Victoria , W. \ . PIJmale ; 1'/ , Sargent , J. C. L. Wisley ; West 6' : : Union , S.I" . Gain : , ; ' The county chairman and Sec- "i' ' : ' , retary.were . ; empowered to name ; ' comlmtteemen from other town- ' . I "i , . A motion was carried that the ! . . \ ' . committeemen of each township at once correspond with J. E. Morgan of Omaha , state secre- tarv , socialist party , with a view to rganizing a local branch of the socialist party in his tow ship. - Deegates } to the Congressional and representative conventions w re , then clected. Moved and carried that the county chairman and secretary be authorized to draft an address stating why the farmers and laborers of Cu ter county should join the socialist party. Ad- i , journed. : : : " Congressional con ven tion organized - , \ < ganized with same otlicers. Box f Butte was the. only county except ' , : : , Custer which had delegates : , , " present. " " " A motion was carried that the < : Custe count ) ' platform with a : : ' .few m1110r changes be adopted as , > ' : , the , congressional platform. lii ' A motion was made and un- : r animously carried that J. C. L. \Visely of Custer county be declared - clared the nominee of the socialist - ist party for Congressman. I Motion made and carried that Dr. L. J. Rogers of Sherman county be elected Chairman of the d strict and J. F. Smith of same county secretary with power to appoint a committeeman for each county and in case of a 11 r vacancy on the ticket to fill same. Adjourned. Representative convention organized - ganized with same officers. Same platform adopted with few changes. Moved and carried that E. P. Leach of Sargent be elected chairman of Socialist ' , ' party of 56th district and J. C. L. Wisely of Sargent , Secretary with power to fill vacancies on ticket should any occur. S. P. Great of Broken Bow and N. K. Lee of Hound Valle ) ' were nominated - inated for representative. Senatorial convention organized - ized with same officers. Same " platform adopted witn few ; , : . , chenges. Motion carried that A. B. ' , ' ; Coel y be elected Chairman and I' Where to locate ? . , I . Why , 111 the terntory travcrsell by thc I , I I ! Louisville & Nashville I " Railroad , . ' -THE- " Great Central Southern 'I'runk I.ine , , { , -IN- / ' KentuckyTennesseeAlabama , I . : ; ' . M ississippit Flordiat ' < > ; . . : : : -WIIERI ' ' " . " i " . l armers , Fnlit Growel" $ , Steck Raisers , Manufacturcrs , , Investors , Speculators , nnd Money I"euderll , witt find the greatest chances in the United States' to make "big money" : , / b } ' reason of the abundance and cheopness o { ' . Land an.d Farms , TImber and Stone , " , Iron aud Coal , l.abor-Every1hing ! , Free sites , finaucial assistauce , alii I freedom from ta ation for the mauu- facturer. I.atlll and fanns at 11.00 per acrc and upwards , and 500,000 ncres in Wcst Florida that can bc taken gratis under me U. S. Homestead laws. " Stock raising in the Gulf Coast District - trict 'witt make enorln us profits. Half fare excursions the first and I third Tuesda's of each month. Let us know what } 'OU want and we I will tell } 'OU where and how to get it -but don't delay , as the country ill filling up rapidly. Priuted matter , maps allli a11 informa1i n free. Allilress ! ' r 1' ; ' " R j. WEMYSS , General Immigration and Industrial f\I rcn t , ' . 1.0tJI8VII.Ln , KY. " : ' , . I , . . of. . . . . . . . . . . - ' , . - . r- " ' ! I f' ( . t . . . . . - - - - . . . Fred Cummings of Cnstcr county secretary of Socialist party for 15th district with , power to appoint - point count ) ' committeemen aUe ! to fill an ) ? vacancies on tic1\Ct I that l11ight occur. C. A. Snyder of 1\Iilhurn , Custer nomin , ted for shrte scnator. { each convention pledged its nomilHcs if electrd to use all hOlloralllc mcan ! ; if clcctcd to have socialist } > rinciples i1l1- cctiatel ) ' enacted with law. Hocl"I" t COIIJCre lounl Platlorllt 'fhe socialist Party of the Sixth Ne. braska congressional district , in convention - tion asscmbled , declares its aUegiance to the principles of international socialism aUII endorsl : the national platform of the socialists party adopted at Indianapolis and also the state platform. The Ulcans of production amI distribution - tion having become social in character amI operation , we dcclare that they should bccome social in owncrship , and wc declare further that the private owner. ship of the same is destructive of the rights of tlll : peoplc to life , liherty and hapl > iness. I . ' 1' Ie socialist party Ileclare that thc government of this nation and iL'I subdivisions - visions should be lhninlstered in the interest - terest of the working class , the producers of wealth , who l.'Onstitult : the majority of our citizcns. We point to the fuct that the capiUist class , a very smaU minority of our citizens - zens , are In absolute control of the reo publican anll democratic partics nnd that no mattcr which is in power the intercsts of the capitalist class are faithfully ulIII carefuUy gaurdcd and 11Ilvancell , while the interest ! ! of the workin class are utterly - terly ignored. 'l'he only tune when the old parties amI thdt" politicians hypo- criticaUy profess an interest in the welfare - fare of the workers is right before election when their votes arc necdcd to boost fhcm into office. 'l'he ) having two partics to do their bi ! ding , we , leclare thut the time has arrivcII whcn the workers - kers should use thcir aU-powcrfull weapon - pen , tlie baUot , in thcir own intercst nml vote for n partv of their own class. Every department of governmcnt being in possession of the capitalist class , and uscd in its interest , the workcrs should by voting the socialist party into power , captu\c the samc allll thus insure a govcrnment ill the intercst of a majoritv of the peoole. We point to the tact that while both olll parties profess to be oposed \ to tnists they are not opposed to ( Irnwing their campaign funds from them. We declare that the only remedy for private trusts and monopolies is public ownel"hip and operation of them , in the intercst of u11 the people , as proposed hy the socialist party. Wc point to the fact that while the capitnlists thm their politicians und , newspapers , preach the beauties of competition - petition to the workers , they , themselves , are practicing co-operation amI are , growing - ing rich thereby beyond the dreams ot aVl1rice. 'Ve declare that the samc priu- ciples of co-opcration atul elimination of waste , which are today enriching the capitalist class , will , when applied on u much larger scale by the socIalist ! ; , enrich - rich the entire people. We decl le poverty to be a cur aUI ! thatthe , social- ISl. propose the only remcdy for it. We declare it to be much morc impor. tance. that our entire people should be decently fed , clothed , housed and educa- tcd than that a few should revel in riches while the great majorit ) ' struggle witb poverty. We point to the fact that while the productivity of labor , by the introduction of countless labor-suvin - machines , has iucreased wonderfully 111 recent } 'cars , 'et the condition of the working claS9 is , 111 no wise improved 1hereb } ' , but rather rnal1t worse. Under the system propos d to be iuaugurated by the socialists e\'ery new labor-saving device will he a bcnefit to the entire people. We declare that this same labor-saving machiuery , including - cluding the trusts , by the use of which we are enabled to produce in a compar- ath'cly short time a11 the wealth that thc , wage.eaming capacity of the workers wit [ a1\ow \ them to consume , will soon bring the notion face to face with a giguutic unemployed problem. whicn can onlr be solved by the ) ' of the soctalist principle of co lectivc ownership of the means of production and dis- tribution. 'l'he socialist } ) artr of the Sixth Congressional - , gressional distrtct vtews with satisfaction the rupnd incl'cas of the socialist vote both in thisand , other countries , liS it indicates - : dicates that the workcrs of the world are :1 fast realizing their Iluty and responsibility atlll that the day will soon come when wars shall cellse aUlI the people of u1\ \ countries will be one in interer.t und the brotherhood of man be an established fact. 'rIie present so-called "prosperity" we declare to be participated in almost whotly by the capitalist class , as the prices of the uecessaries of life have greatly advunced while wages have either remaincd stationury or h eu subject to only II slight advance. Belie\'ing as we do that salvatiou , the vcry existence of the reJ > IIhlic , Ilepends uponthe early applicalton of socialist I principals , we ca11 upon atlloyal citizens I who Iu\\ ' the intercsl. of the country and of humauity at hcart , to investigate our principles and if thcy finll them right and just , as we believe them to be , to help us elect the socialist party to power , in ordcr that these principles may be placed in operation. We pledge our nominee for congressman to use all honorable means , if elected , to have socialist principles immediately enacted into law. . NORTIIWE8T IN SnPTl\ltJUIUl AND OCToDI R. I.ow linteR Rv r ) ' a 'VI" the DurlluK't l1 Route , To points in tllt Big Horn Basin of Wyoming , in 1\1ontana , Idaho , Washing. ton , Orcgon allli British Columbia th Burlington will sell one way tickets at uncomn1lluly low rates evsry day in Scp- tember and October. Ask the nearest Burlington agent , or wrtte , J. FRANCIS , General Passenger Agent , 12-J 5 Omaha.'I.T tt'TO CU.lIrOItNrA. , nvery Day In sP ntber I qd October - tober Via Ute DurUnJCton Ronte. To San Francisco , Sacramento , Los i Angelcs , San Diego and many other : 'points in Catifomia The Burlington I Route lIas nllule the extraordln rtly low rate of 127.40 from Broken Dowt Neb. Tourist sleepcr dally from Omaha , I.incoln , lIa5tingl1 alII ) other main linc } 'oints. , Stopover ! ! nHowed at mllnCatifomia - I points. Ask the Burlington agent , or write , J. Itlt.\NCIS , GCllcaal Passcngcr Agcnt , 12-14 Omhlleh. . Itcllubllr4u ItcHoIutlOU8 ttf CU81er Cuunl ) ' 'fhe republicans of Custer couuty in convcntion L\ssembled , reaffirm the principles - ciples of rcpublicanism as sct forth in the natioualplntform of 1900. We congratulate the pcople upou the happiness aUli prosperity that hus come to them us a rcult ! of republicau policy lIId } rcpubli an Jc lslation. Wuges werc ne\'cr so Ingh , nor producers so wcll compensatcd for their products as now. Men werc ue\'er so wen housed , clothcll un Ii fccl , and have ncver bcforc luul more contcntmcnt of millll than Illlting thc years sincc repuhlican policy has bc n enactcil int law. Wc congratulate the Presidcnt and the Army on the satisfactory J > ro ress nUllle iu the PhilipIJincs in surprcsslllg thc in. surection 11I11 estahlishing ordcr , unll we unqualifiedly cndorse the polic } ' of our go\'erument therein. Our flag is in th Philippines atlll there it will remain until such tune liS the American people may dl"Cm it expedicnt or proper to give the islan s a free IUlil hlllcpellllcnt overn. ment , such as it bas just given Cuba. 'l'he Amcrican Army has taken up thc work. of maiutaining uuthorit } ' in thc Philippines , and while we dcplore IIIl1i severely condemn an ) ' instunce ! ! of crucl- ty which ma , ) ' have occurrcd , we r mem- IJer our soldiers arc fighting a barbarous atl\l \ treacherous foe which has iullictcI ) most revolting anll inhuman atrocities upon its prisoners. It is thc Nation's Ann ) ' drawn from evcrv scction of our conntry , knowin no p litics nor crced , but fighting the Nation's battles Ullller the Nation's Flag ; allll we resent with hliligllation , thc rccent dcmocrut\c cffort ! ! to dmg il. honor in the Ilust 11I111 cast reproach - preach upon its fair namc. We congratulate th rcpublican > art } ' for the faithful fulfilhncnt of the p l cdge mUlle at its national convention of 1900 , to gh'e the opprcsscd Island of Cuba a frce and illdepcndent governmcnt , which was cOllsumatcdat lIa\'l1na on 1\la } ' 20 , by thc witllllrnwal of the Amcrican troops anll the turning ovcr of its gov- ernmcnt to iLq own pcoplc. 'Ve commellll our prescllt cOUllty om.I I cials for their busincss like mcthOlls in thc lulministrntion of county affair ! ! . I , _ Wc congratulate the p ople of Ncbrns- ' I--a UpOIl the prcscnt prosperity of our : uate , IInd we commellll thc business like I und economic methods employcil by GO\ ' . I Savage nnll the state officiuls of hi ! ! administration - ministration , which have rcsultell in II saving to the slate in comparison with administrations of nearl } ' two , mndred 11I111 fifty thouslllli dollars. He it further RI\SOI"VI\D \ \ , 'l'hat we disappro\'e of the incquality of the prescnt metholls of the assessment of propert v for taxation , th re being no two couilties assesscilup- on the same basis. 'Ve thcrcfore demllllll that our re\'enue laws of the state be IImenllell so that e\'ery dollar's worth of pro > erty or franchiscs shall be assesscd at Its actual cash value amI that : the le\'ics bc dccreased to the lowcst possible number of mills , thut will provide suffici- cnt revenue for count ) ' and statc pur. poses. Dc it 'further RUSOI"VJtD , That it be madc the duty of the attomey general amI county attorney - ney to see that the law is properly ellforced ; and be it further RHS01\'JtD , .1'hat we recon1ll1cnll the calling of a constitutional convcntion in the near future , or that the question of amendments to the constitution be sub. mitted to the people of the state for thcir ratification. With'the Ultdel"tmllling that the Hon. P , 1\1. Currie is a candidatc for the posi. tion of con17ressman from this congrcs- sional , distnct : therefore , be it RF.SOI"VItD , That we recognize in Mr. Currie his eminent fitncss for the place : unll as a mark of our confidence , we do hereby authorize him to name the dele- gatioll to represent his interest in the congrassional convention. S. L. CANNON. G. B. l\IAIR , D. 1\1. AlIISDltRR \ ' , } COlli. P. C. WU.SON. JOliN RmtsIt , $ 00 lrcmium for nesL Skimmed- Milk Oalf. 'l'he Beatrice Creamery Company - pany witI give five dollars to the best skimmed milk calf exhibited - ed at the Custer County Fair. PlUmy Ii'os'I'ltn , Agent. pre.ldent ltooHevelt In 01l1RIlR. I.uw nates 'VIa DurlinKton Route. I'rcsident Roosevelt's visit to Omaha , September 27 , during the Ak-Sar-lIcn festivitics , will bc a Wlla occasion. A gorgeous electrical pagOU1t Satunlay evening , Septcmber 27 , will bc one of thc features. 'fhis will be repeatcd October 2. The Ak-Sar-llen fcstivitil's oJ > en this year on Scptember 24 allli con. tll1UI : until October 4. Low Rates via the Hurliugton Routc- Ask the agent. 12-15 - - " ! ! 1 ( Y r w t scriber. 01l\J' ceata ' 1 yur. M5CALJ.Sa : I MAGAZINEV A LADIES' MAOAZINE. A C."INulJlul colo.4 pl. ' . . : . . . . " 'uhlo" . : d''mklne . .onoml. . : ' .ncy work bouuhol4 bin. . 6elloll. .Ie , Su , I : , crlb.I..4.y . , 01. IOnd o , fur 1..1 cOI'Y Lady , , &IIU WIAI..s , Send 'or , erml. 841lhb , Rollabll. Shuple , Up-to. dale , Econowlcal alld Abioluloly Pertect.i'lttla Paper Pallorlla. M nBAZAR. A1TERNS . I " AI S. . . . . AJI. * . . . P.rforttlo81 , bow tbe xlq 114 111t11l Llm , 001 , 10 .AIl II C 16 each-niDI bleber. .A.tli { ulkl. . 1014 la R.ul , " "r ell' &A& .o'o or f 16 IU frora . . . . THI : MoOALL CO. . . " . .n ' 1'.WNt II" t. , , ICW YlW. 'I u. S. Idlnd Office , JAMES WIIITEHICAD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1tegl.ler lI' , II. YOUNO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .lteceITer LRGAL ADV UTIBRURSTS. All adnrll.omontl under Ibll hea,1 ,11bo \ cbarged for alleva1 rltt lTI&t 11,00 per Illnal'O for 11l11llnaorllon. anll ouo per Iquare for eacb labloqaoDllnlorUon. "I quare" II ton IInel or fracllon thoreol. NOT10B TO NONHRSlDBNT. Caroline JOIOI.hlneNohon . : Ihfendant , w1l\ \ lake ooUce thai on the Ihlrd , lay of September 1\100. \ I.arl M , N'hon 1IIIIntilt lIIell hla Iolltlon lu Ibo Dlstrlcl Court of CUlLer couuty. Nebmlka. altalnilibo defondlnt Ibo obJecl anlt Ilrll'er of which are to obtain a decree of dIvorce ( rom 1Ift1l1 IleCehdanl OD 1he grollD,11 of wilful ablndonmeul for tbo 'I"CO of tIYO ) 'olralllll l'llI , you are reo qaltfl'to , anAwor IIld IlCtitlon ou nr before Ih" ( ) tIlIIIY of October , IIXJl : D.led tbll thllli day of BIJltlemher ml'J. 1J.111-W ! I..n. M. NELION. 11) ' JUIBII LltIJWICK. 1111lIorue1 , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. - - TI , , followlnA' Proposed Amendment - . mont to the Conotltutlon of the Stnto I of Nabrnttka , as horelnaftor sot forth. In full , Is submlttod to the elootors of\he : State of to be voted upon at the gonorn election to bo hold Tuesday , November - vomber 4 , A. D. 1002. A Joint Ho'olullollllrOlto.lng 10 amIJnl1 lecllon ODO of Arllclo rte , , " , or thu COIIRtllution 01 the fltale or Nebraska , relllllVu 10 the mallnrr or eabllllUlll1f nllli adoplllll : ; IlInOllllmoute t. the COIIRUll1Ilon or the SI"to or Ncbrnekl , Ult IT IIEHOLVKII ANI ! I N"CTKI ! BY TUB LKoUII.- TUllE 0) ' Tille bT TS OJ' ' II : IUIIK : SECTtoN I Thai ef'ctlon onu of Article nllon of Iht ! Cnnllllutiou or Ibo State of NehrlUkll ho amellderl to re",11I8 follol\'t : t'eclloll I , ! Clther III..nch of the leg'BI"turo may I > rolloeo alUOIJlhnllutlt to Ihlll ConlUlutOIl ! , audlr Ibo lime bll a re9llo by Ihreo.nrlhtl of the mombelB oleclIJllo each houao , .lIch ( " amendmIJIIII BIIIIII bo I'ntcred all the jllOIIl"d wllh the YIJ" ami tlarB , an,1 1 > UbIlBhc,1 nt lel\lIt Oli/'O cach week 111 at : ell.I 0110 ne.ppaper In nch county wheru R Ill1w.pnpcr lit Imbllshcll. for Ihlrl ) ' daYB Immelllnlciv IIn'ccelIl1j : ; the tint election of leultorl all,1 ruprolunhtlnJlI. III whIch electlou tbe urne ahllll bo eul.llllll1l'd to 1110 el cton for appronl or rf'Jectloll , allllit a ml jor- Ity of tbo "Ieclorl voUuit III .uch olectlou 011 BIICh prolloRcd IIlIIonlhucllt , 11111111 vole 10 IIdOIll tluch ulllendmenl. thu HaIiiO Bhllll become a IUlrl or tbll l'on lllntlou. When more than OliO anllHldrrelit IB eUblllltll',1 al Iho 1111010 eloctloll. Ihey .hall bo 80 Bubmllte,1 lie 10 enaho : the "Ieclofl 10 Toltl ou al'h am"I'llmantu parllloly. All lIallot" IIII'll nt RIICh o'I ) ( . lon 011 Iuch I1IDendmenl ur aIllUlI\lm"lIt" Hhlil havtI wrlltoll or I.rlowd Ihoreon thu lollowllilo Itor prop08ell IIIurndmenl to the Con tltulloll rolatlng 10 ( horu 1010rl Ihe Bubject of tb" IIlnl"ullllollt ) allllaglliult propo ell Imellllmotl to Ihe COII"Ulullon n.laIlD to ( hero In.ert Ihe Bubject or Iho IImrluhulJnt ) and tbo Tote 01 ench IJlcclor Toling on euth IllUendmenl or amllnllmentR tlllIllI bo dO.hmallHI by the olIJclor b ) ' lIaklnl : II erou wllh a Ilun ur 1'enellill a olrclo or IIlnllrll to bo 1.llIcod . at the right of the IIDca IhD wonll "For or Agalnel" the prollollJd ameudmellt" a. hll" to "olu therIJon , or by 10dlcdluI : his IIrofl'ronc" 011 a TolIng mlleluoo whuu Buch mllchlno Is III U80. I. Oeo , W. Mar h. III'cretLr , or 8tll1o uf thl ! Rtato of Nehrlllka. do heroin' cortlry thai Ihe foujollg ; , I'raposed ImIJndlllent 1.1 tbo Con lliln tlon or Iha Rlalo of NIJhrll kllll a true aUlI correct cop ) ' of Iho orl 11I1I1 onrollell aUlI e lrolIIJ,1 bill ao I'R .ed hy thll'l'wentY'BI'"enlh 8eulon ur the Icgllllulul'll of Iho tlta1e or NehrllBkll , o. apIlCarll rrom aohl origInal bill on 1I1t1 III tllill o 1co , BlIIl tblll ald , , , opoped alnflndmcnl II .uhmltlell 10 tlltlilulllllled v.)1ers or the Ilato or l-Iehraekll for I tlIJlr adoptioll or roJeclion at Ihe general 01el'I\On \ to be held ou Tuesday Iho 4th dlY of November , A. D , 1002. J I In loplhrony wbl'rIJot , I bave IIIJre-lInto 'IJI my haad afld a01xcd Ihe grolll tioal of Ihe Blalo of Nehralka. Done at I.1neoin thll22nd , lay of July In the YIJar of our lord 0110 'l'houullll Nluo lIullllroll IInd Two. of the 1ndepenllence of the Uulled blalel the Ono l1ulll1red nnd TIYont"lovellth , allll or this Itllo Ihe ' 1'hlrl"Blxlh. l8EALl GBO. W. M.AnIlJl. 7-1.0-7. tlecrlJtllry of 8tale. - - - America's 8'E S T Editorially FoorloBA ConBIBtol1Uy Ropublloan News from ull of the world-Well wriUen , original stories-Answers to ( jucries-Articles on Health , the Home , New books , and on 'Vork abont the farm and gardcn. The W ekly Inter Ocean Is a memher of the Associated 'ress , the only Wcstern Newspaper rcceiving the entire telegraphic 'news service of thc New York Sun 'allll special cahle of the Ncw York Worhl-ilaily rc } > orLq froUl over 2,000 special corrcspotlllcnt ! ! throughout thc country. YEAR ONE DOLLAR Subscribe for the RIU'UlIJ"ICAN and thc Weekly Inter Occan one ycar , both papcrs for $1.50. . - . . . - - NOTIOIC To OHEm mns , i In 001lutI O'nrt , wlthluand for Voltor COUll tv. NObraakab nlhe mllottor of the oplalo of 9IYIIller I EdwRrdl ecea od. fo the Credltofl or ulll oltlllo I Yon are hereb , 1I01i1led , That I will 1111 lit the Cooul , Ooart room , In IIrokon HolY. In Mid County , on the 41h dRY , \r NOTOmlt1rt 11100 ; on the 41h l1ay of Jllnll.ry , 111I\1 ; au,1 Oil the 4tll cia , or 1IIarl'b lOOll'Icli at 10 o'clook II , m. of each day to r'ccho Rh,1 eumlno 1111 clnlOl nfollnH : 1'1101\ , \ callIe , willi n vIe' , to their a"Jullmeot an.1 . allowAnce. Tbe lime lIuIIeJ 'or tbe l.relOlllallon or clnlm. agalll.I IIIdl1ltile la Ilx 1II0nllll from Iho 41h da ) ' or September , I\IO'J. allil the thn8 UII'lIell for plio } " monl of dobllia onll Yl'ar from BRld 111Io1e. , WUnel8 m , haml and the 8001 or laltl County I Ooml thlll 4th dllY 0' 10llember. : ! 1002. 1II11I : [ IIALI J. A , AntlOUl1 , Oouot ) ' Judge. Ulllh.d 8talea LalHI DOle" . IIrobn 1101" , Nebra ka. Auguel. ItI : 11\J' ! NOlll'o IB hercbllven IhM the rollowlnlNlamfil Retller ha. filed uoUeo of till Intention to ma 0 nlllll Itroof In Inpport of hIs claim. ROIl th\t 1'1\111 proo' "III ho mnde hcforo neglllor ami lIercher al IIroken 110IY , NehrIlBh. . on 8eplIJmbor ' . I\IO' . ! , Tlz ; Moae" G Monttomon , I1rokon 1I0w , Neh. , for Iho II , K. 760 , W'1i N W 8ecllon : :0. : W H , 8 W ' 4 l ! cUon 17 , 'I oWlllhlpl8 n , HaugoO : : w , i 110 II 'nell Iho rollowhljt wllreBBeR tn I"OVO hili COI1t1nnolll f\'shle"ao Ul'olllll1,1 cnltlTRllon 01 11IM lalUl 'I" : William W roole" Jamo. II Hol1lrolt , Aljtonr.n Ca90n. Ir"ln Alllhllaugh all or IIroklJn 1I01l't NoIhralllll. JUIBI WIIITRIIR.AU. 11.16-88 III'g1810r -Cu'-tyC : ; ; 7t ; . ll. . ; ; , ; u I-I ; ; hru ' 1'0 thu Holra ancllloxl or lUu 0' Ahram D 1I0wmllll , Dect'lllClI , Yon IIro horohYllolI lII1 Ihal Carl E IImll1. W. 1I0wlllan , BOil pncl llroth"r 0' .IIItI deeell.IJII , bavo ,1IC11 , theIr Ilellllon In . .hi COllrl , alkln" tlIIII C. 'I' . ( lrr II1R , ho al'poillted Allmllllplrahr or Ihe ollato of _ \ IIram n. 11011 IIIl1n ducralell. SIhl IIIl\lter ball he 011 1101 for lIeorllljt ror 801 > lotuhOr : IOlh l'JO'J , lit 10 o'clock a 10. , at the Counl ) ' Court 1I00m , In Hrokell liow NOlimAkll , when all III' lei eBtelt IlarlleR may alll'oar IIh,1 he beard. Ihte,1 Llllt : : : Ird IllIyof An gnat 100' ! . 11.1481II " " L ] J A. AmIOUII. Connly Jll1lge. Unlt)11 ) Htate. I.and Unlet' . I.IncollI , Nebr. JIIII' 30. 100' ! . Notice I h rolJy Khon tlla tbo follOlvluMillO' / e,1 atlllor hili nllf'll nollco of hi. . Inlonllon to I make tlnall.roof , III ' ' of hili Clllllll , 111111 IIIRI ' IIroof wI I bu mallo herorll COllnlr. Judge at IroklJn 1I0w , NObr" nil 8cnlIHuhnr I : . IOOJ. TI , : Mlnllio L. lIry on , for the Ihv : , No , Seotloll U. TOIYIIRhll' U. U'lIgnJ w , I lkll. Mhf'lnallles ' Iho follow nK wllneflea to lira , " her continnollY rllalrlellco ullon IUIII culllution of palll18nd vb : ; .lall10B W. 1I111111ker of UI.lulI . , Nebr. , JOlc1'1I Wliitn nf Ult'ou\ ' Nobr. I'etf'r 1' . Heck of OlJorgololYlI , Ne Ir. \ .lz"le Whll" or Untoll. Nobr. W. A. GllaaN , Ueglltur. 8-1:1-80 : ROAD NOTHm. To wlaomlt ilia ) ' Cllllcorll : The COllllllllllon"r nllUolntod 10 , lolY 1rOR.1 . eOlllm lIolllll al Ii corlllr ! IICIwoon tjOCtlOUR r1 /I / 16.lIlhelll'e : soulh on Ih.cllun : : IIno IIno mile Ihellce tiOlllh till 1II0Rt Ilrllcllelo roUlo foil ow 111,1 { .lIney as nolY mUllo 10 II 1IIOu about II rodl H. W ; 00 Buney frolll Station No. U thorooll the 11I0,1 IlraeUcd rontoto IlIlurHocl road al 1I0W 8urVeye\ ! 1111 Ihe 1.16 Rectloll IIno allout 1\8 \ rol. 1II0ro or IUR loulh 01 No II Ihellro 801llh anll wosl 011 IInllenl unoy tr.lh. . . 8. H. corner 0' 8ecllou IU au.1 : ! nud 110110 nsk for the vacntlollor the IlreHolI1 ronll bolwooll Btllllon No , U 111111 where the rll/ld / Inleraoct th. . I III 11110 lIouth or Mlllllull " 0 II h. . rOllorted In flTor or Ihti location IhurlJof. nnd nil 01ll'otlon8 th\rclo.or ! olllllll for IlalllngoB , lIIust bo loillu Ih" Coullty clIJrk' ol1\co \ nil nr beforc lloon or Ih" : : : Ird day or Ocloller. lDO' ' ! , or lIucll roa,1 wilt bo olltabUehcl1 IlIe.lo. In Wlloe.1I Whoroor , 1 hll\"o hIJrollnlo I'ot lilY band a'id lIel\lof paU county , this \'ith ! dllY of Anras\ , II Jl , OIC1J. W. lI&wJl\ " . 1" . ' 1-1:17 : I BUf.l COUIII ) Clork. NO WK ' 1'0 SUIT. In the 1 > I.lrlcl OOllrl Thereof of the hlh Jodlclal Dlllrict. : : Itolo of Nubllllkll. CllllerCllunty , I" . Jamol N. Clarke. Hec'lvIJr Nehrlskn Ioan . 'I'ru.I COlllpallY : 1'lanllll ; va. William Walker , . . . . . . . . - Walker , hili wlfo. Jam08 M. ItdlhlRton , , --IC.ldlllgtoll , hIs wit" , 8 , N , Tldll. Johll 1t.llIlltlr Htl\to of Nehrn.ka , Allallll Coulllr , II. ' 1'0 WIIIIII.n Walker , - - - Wlliker. his wlto. .laDlcI M , ItdlllrKlclII - KhUlIgtoll. bl wlfo. 8. N. Tldd , Jehn It. { Inlier : You aUII neh or 70U are herIJby notl.d . , ) thai the 1I1.10YO named tlahltllf hall brouKbl the aboye entltlod aeLton to tbe aboTo named ( Jourl ngaln.1 you. 'I'nal the oblecl Dnd praIJr of the petltloll nled In nlll antlon are 10 foreclo.o II morlgago beld hy Illaln. t'a all.ln l tll i pomb.wo.I 'Iuarter or Sect'on eight (8) In townlhlp twenty ( :10) : tlnrlll end unge elghteell (18) ) we.t In Inld OU8tor eoullty : alld to have Bllld renl.eatlte IIltpralBed IIdvIJrlllCd and lold to 8IItiaty Iho amounl dne IllaluUIr ou hI. mortgage lowll : 51ro with tIJII per coni Intoreal 'rom OctolJer rpt lUO' ' ! aud coatI of Rult You IDII each or vou are herIJby 1I0tllied tbal Iho furtber obJecL of pl1l < 1actlon Is to bavo you and each of you Imrredand forlJcloBed of all eqnlty of ref1l1l11ptlolllu alllilo &aliI rIJaleltato. You uud eueh of YOII r rurlhor nollllcli tllal you are ro 'Iulrcd to 1II'I10ar ' Ull an wer Ibo petition or 1llIln1ll1 on or bIJfore Monday the 20Ih day of Octoher 1\JlJ2. \ J.AMBII N. CL.AItKB , ltecclvlJr of TnB rislIIlAIIKA I"oAN .t 'j'I\UST Co. lIy A H.lIuMl'nnRy"nd 1:1-16-01 : JNO. M. lI"II"N , Atty'p. TnACe MARKS " ' -qIGNS COPYRI..UTS &C. An.ono 8"nllrllf n R"elch I1l1d ' " ' ! 11I11' / 'IIIlekl , . lI.rco/nlli ollr opll1\1111 \ frotl w ' 1'(1)'r ) ' 1111 IIII'Onllnl1 11 pruhnbly IlIIlelllllhlu , Cmllnullllrll' IInnR Rlrlctly ( 'nllllllollllili. I flllulhllilk Oil l'IIIt'IiI. .01 : ll rj : f. : : I lfOKI : ; II r I1l" , II : : ' , ptclal flutlct , wlrhollL ch"r o. III the Sd ntifie Jitn rica" . A hllllI O'I1I'V1I1I"t \ \ rnt 1',1 WI'"II. . , Jnl'l ! "t I'll' Clliulinu or allv dellllll" .I11l1rlllll. 'I\'rlllll. flll : fUllr : ( llur II\lIlIihi. fl. tlnlll hynll now""I- ' Mmm & CO.J01CrotdLf3Y : , Now Yor IIr" " U 1"011" " , 1.2.I I , ' Ht , \ \ ' 1hl"I ! " ' " , I' ( ' . , . , . . , . . J . . . . . . . . Unltecl St&11 A Lahll omce , L Norlh 1'lot1lJ. Neb" AlIgO.I 11 , 1m. r 1 Notice Is herl'hy gtTrn thaI the tollolTloJ ( nam- . j e,1 .aLtler has lIIed noticlI of hll Int8flLloa 10 . 1 make nnal I'roof In Bal'port of bll claIm , aDd tlillt 1'1I111 proof w1l1 bn mad" before tbe eouat , . : JlldglJ or ( . 'uller cOlin I" NohrulrI , at roum " 110IYt.Nobrllka. . on SOllll1mbf'r ' III ! , I , , 'al ' AItI OI T.I1ILLMAN. lIonllllload Bntry No , ' Ijl H , for Ibo Nel4 , IOOtion 13 , town hlp 10 N. , rllllit" Il. : wad. 611i P. Ar. Ue nlmell the follow. Ing WItUI'UCB to pran hla continuol" f81\ldonce nl'olaud onlLl\"Ilion of IIIld labll , TI , : .Jolin I. . Wlll1l\m. , or Uroken Dow NellralkA ; Jobn W. 1I0gefl , 0' lIrokenllo"Nebralka'j Nel.on Jllil. mau , of IJrolrcn HOIV , Nobralka : 8 xtou II. UlII. man , of Drokou 1I0N.brallra. . 9..S.1 GROMR E. ERRNOU , R g\Hf'r. \ ' j NOTIO ' 1'0 NON.I1E81D&NTB. , \ . " In Ille DlRlrlot Oourl. CUller CCunt ) ' . Nebra.ka. 'J Itlln P , Wood , 1'lalnUIf , . , p TI. William II , lIabllu. deCOABed , 1 ' Itl III , DefendantB. 8ara1l , lJoblltR , admlnlilratr x , of the olUle of WIlliam 11. 1I0b1l11J.docolled , and Mal } U , Albaunh. JtlIl11 n , unll , 8pencer n. lJobllt. . IInll I\lIIbrlno 14. UObIItB , minor chlldrou of William II. 00bllt8. docoRled , aud 8ara U , 110111111 , hll WIdow alll1 guardian of IIld mInor ou anl eacb of yea will talre uotlce , Illat on tbe : lMh , dill ( f Alllluit. A , U. 19 II , tbo IIII ! Kllza P. Wood , 1lalnUII , nJed her potltlon In the Dle1rlet . . Courl of CUlter cOllllly , Nehra k. . Iho obJecl and i , Ilrly.r or whIch aru tu loreclulll a certalu reel e tale mortl ; jttl. made , executed and dOllured , " , ' hy the Blllo Wlllllm II. 110bllll and 9al a U \ lIobll18 In II1IB ulalnlllf , npon the 90alh bait of ectlon I < 'ollrleell ( H ) In Towulhlp Flrtoen l1n ! NOrlh , I1allge twcuty two ( I Wc 1 or Ibo Oth.rS. lIf. CII81er count" Nablal" " , 10 Becuro Ihelr ono cortaln Ilrolll14110rv nolo for Iho Bum ot . $2.000.00 < dilled .Iany. 8th , 180a , dne alHI Jan , . Olb , 1603 , wllh ; IH'r cent . .oml.allnolIntorelt the- 011. 1 > ofalilt hllYhl1t been made 10 Ihe pa' of uld nolo there II noW due thereon , th<um of ! S : .oo.OO. . J'Jllntla prllYo. for a decree thai ' 00 . . ho reqlllrOl1 to pa ) ' tbe amo or Ihat . "Id land be , lIold 10 lIaUd ) ' thll amount due Oil eald note , , llh luloreel IIn,1 COI" . You are required ' 0 au.wer thl"I'otlUou ou or hofore Iho 6th , da , or Ootober , I UO' ! , or judmont ! will bo rondlrcd agalnalyou . Dated at lIrokcu 1I0\V , I'ehrfllkot. ! tbls tl& . ; Ilnr of AlIglIll. WO'J , ItLIU 1' , WOOIJ , ' 1" ' 4-80 1IllOr : attorne ) ' , ALI'U' " MORO K. - - - It IHl1't Ute luoterl. ' &lUlt KOCH Illto . . .ollr ' rcpulrecl , vutclt Utot . . . - reHnUH In Ilcrfect j 'nb. ' It Is the lQOW JtOW tbnl 110011 U10 bUBlu089 , any bUbRlof Ol\n bllY the 11110 klmlo of material thl\t J 1180 In ropalrltlKJ but klll Ie Iho most vI\h1l\hlo tuaterial tbat )1\11 bo u od In wRtch rcpnlrlDIU : Rnt ! the bllnJller oRn't buy It. 1. r Boll my kill tor wllnt It l worth 111111 It will oost you lees tba" IHlIIRlln "t lowcr prlocs. F. W. UAY1 < B , 1 : .Jowoler "lIl Optlolan , WI'at 8\110 \ of oqultro. , L _ . rBU ni TIME TAB'LE - - - - BROKEN now. NEB. Lincoln , lJen'Vcr , ( tntutta , Ilclena , CItICRIO , nuttc , Ht. , Jolleplt. . I-ortland , IIIulMaH : cn , . , Halt 111 ; : " CIt , Ht. LouIH. And Snnlrrancl co An l-olrUM RAHt And All Polot. And HouUt WeHt , No. .cJ-Volllbuled uproll dall7 , Lincoln , , Oma- ha. SI. JooepfJ j aolAB OItY' , til. Loul. ! . 'ChI oago allil nil poll1t. oalt Bad BOuth. . . . 8 01 . .m. No.LoclIl oxpre8t II nil" Llncolu. Omab. , ChlcaJ.o and 111I/l01nll oAllaud 80alhll33 a.m. No. 41-Veatlhuled oxpreBa dally , 110lena , Ueal. I tlIJ lIuUo , Portland Bnd Il l'aolllo Coall l'ollltA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . .IIOtaut No. 43-I"ocal upr08B dally , AllllncII anl1 Intormedlato 001111. . . . . . . . . . . . \ . . . . . . .11 pm SIIJoplnlt , dlLlog and rocllnlng cnalrcar. ( ' 0110' . tree ) on lIjrougll Iralu. Tlekel lold Ind ball. gage ehIJctUd to IUY point In III. UnlCod Italel ! and Canada. loforlllatlon , map ! , tlmo tablol aDd tIckel caU on or wrllo to 11. L. Ormaby. ageut , or J Fraucl. , O. I' . A. , Omabv. NobrAlka. 11. L. OnlBDr , Adnl. SOHEDULE OF DROKEN DOW MAICR. I'oucb for weol will clolc at 8 p. m.t ext-o ! ! , 8unday wbon It will 01010 allll6 p m. POlloh , call for tral8 No. 4l ! 0108611 'al 8 a , m an,1 fOI No. U cloles nl , 11.30 lI.m. Mall for Au.l. , aU11 poluls eRsl of Graud III1811d oarrled on tralD No.4 , Oconto TIIof R'lIo and Tuckorvllle. dally ex. celli ' : Innda , clole , lit 7 Ii m : returnlotr umo da , CIIIIII\VOY Tla , Mc'Klllley dall , excepl Bunda , cloMeM al7 a III , relnrnlnK lame dilY. lIound Vall" , via Oreen alld JUton olo.e a7 a 1II.Taelday , ' 1'lIunday and Salarda" , retornlll 81lao day. . 8umuIJr ViII Gurnle7 , O"orgeWwo aad Uptoa arrrlTos at 11.30. 'ruepdllY Thar'da'aud Balu&- Ilay roturlilng leaf 08 at 12,80 lame c\8Y. - . OJIIOJ 1I0nrs from 8.00 a 01 108.00 P m' : Buu- l1a8 rroIll6 : 6 p. m. to 6:411 : p. m. Lobby open . IYe..k daYI from 7 II. m. 108 I' . m. 8unda\B 8'11\I \ a.lI10 \I a. m. C/eueral / dellvuy nol open Huu. I day morning al bcroloforo. L. 11.JaWJITT. P.lI' . - _ , _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ > _ _ n _ , M _ . I AM GO.lNG o CLOSE OUT \ My entire sloolc of oloUling. Big out in pricoR of Ladies Sho08 to rel1uco the Htook. Oomo and have your meaBuro taken for a TAilOR MADE SUIT , Prices l roln $8.50 Up The rigors of wlnlerwill soon As Good As You Want. . " - iJe over. Don't forgot that wo : SELL GROCERIES I aL Oash PrioeH , aud pay the I Hilhest Market Prices for Produce. , HARRY DAY , ! I Broken nC\w , Nobr:1Bkn. : . , . . . - - - - - - -