Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 04, 1902, Image 8
, r ; L . , - - . II.VNO. Mnny thallks to Jnlllcs Mny for Inrge mel1oll. , Report says there wus n tight fret ! llenr the 1.0111 > river SlIntlny Inorning. I1nrve ) ' Owell wi\1tcach \ the J. W. Con. Icy school. 01111 ( jrnce Griffith the River. side. side.G. G. A. Griffith nml J. W. Conleyshlpped . three cnrs of cnttle frolll Oconto to Olllaha Moudny. Mr. Chnrles W. Stollt 111111 Miss Hliza ] Smith were mnrried hy Jllsticc Beck. "ith at his office in Callnway on Wednes. day August 27. Ne11ie McDermott , John McDermott , ] ese ; Donnel and Rny V. McCall hnve resullled their studies lit the Brokcn How Business alltl Normnl College. Pickett nnd Pelkey Spcllt the Sahhath with their families , returning on MOllday morning. 'fhey arc threshillg III HlIl1nlo co nty. Wheat yields frolll 25 to ,16 bushels per.ncre. . Prof. Atlnmson put In 11 telephone frolll Ryno to Oconlo'HI J. W. Conley's Inst week the line will he extendecl fmln J. W. onley's to Finlins , Scyholl nnd Tierneys ranches und finnlly to Brokcn Dow. ORTI ' .LO. C. D. Da ) ' nnd wifc wcre lit lhc mncll Sunday. A n Wa dington IIntl Jim : \Iilne me s owly recovcring. Misscs Ashhangh 11I111 Hill wcre lit Brokcn How , Friday. C. G. HmpfielclllJl ( wifc of Ryno wcre ill the \IlIcy SUllllay. Miss Ashhnugh hegan school In the Hicks District l\londny. Jallles IIncl Iyle Cornish arc spending n wcek with their gmllliparents. ellic 11I111 Alhert llill nllelHlccl the socinl at l\laple Gro\'C 5alurdllY night. 'rhc Misses Ashhaugh , Jessie 111111 Hllzcl Scott and Hughes Scott spenl 5111111ny with Mattie Fodge. A brother of Gcorge Ilughes IIrrivcd from1\tlssouri \ Frida ) ' . Hc camc with the expectations of finding work. E. D. Beals and wife callie up fmm 1\Iason City l\Iondny , 10 spend nfewdnys , Elt is preparing to farlll next year. Clam HUllt nml Hert Wmldinglon went to Broken ! low , MOllday , where they will attend College the coming ) 'car. A party of Ortclloites spent several dnys on the Disimnl Rivcr , where they fished , hunted and had a geneml good time. Some of those who went were Silas ! lenis , 1\Inrlon Butlcr anti Lu Neves. De'ollrcd By , vorUIH' Children often cry , riot from pain , but from hunger , although fed abundantly. 'l'he entire trouUle arises from inanition , their food is not assimilated , but devourcd by worms. A few doscs \Vhite's Crcam Vermi- fuge will cause them to cease crYIng and bcgin to thrive at , oncc very much to the surprise of the mother. 25c at Ed. Mc- Comas' Broken Bow and Merna. - - - - - _ ---1 r ! MRS. L. S. ADAMS. Of GRh.tou. TCRII. "Wine or Cardulls Indeed a bluslng to tired women. lIavlng .ufftred ror stven years with weakness and bear. Ing.down pain" and having tried stv. cral doctor. and dlfrtrent remedies with no .uccus , your Wine or Cardul WIIJ the only thing which helped me , and eventually cured me It Itemed to build up the weak parts , slrengthen the .ystem and correct Irregularities. " Dy "tiredV . . : ? IIrs. .Adams means nervous women who have disordered menses , fa1ling of the , vomb , ovarian troublcs or auyof these ailments that women have. You can cure yourseathomewith } tbisJp'eat women's romed ) : , 'Vine of OiLrdul. Wine of Carliui hns cured thousauds of cnscs which doctors have failed to boncfit. WhX not begin to get well today ? All druggists have $1.00 bottles. For nny stomach , liver or bowel disorder - der 'l'hedford's Dlack-Drnught should bo uBed. Fomdvlcel\ndlltt'rnturo I\dlIl't'81 . \ 1.1f1nR ' 1mrtoml. 'l'htll.lull. , . ' Advloory J'eJ1ll.r JlleD L 'flte OtlAnooi1' ! Medlclno Co. , CbatumooG' , Tonn. I WINEoFCARDUI I , . . . . . , ' " ClIWUS UY IS NEAH. - I vcrythlllg III HcntlhlcHR ror the J lIgllgO IIICllt or JUngllllK IJrOR. lUg Show. - Next 'l'uesdav , Setcmucr ! ) I ) , is circus day. ftcr much prcli- minary heraldittlf alHI a world of plcasurahle anttcipation Wng- ling Brothcrs' famous hig show will bc seen here in all its magnificent - nificent complctencss. In the or- ganhmtion of such a colssal national - tional cntertainmcnt , an in bringing to the hOllies of the people the rare and curious things of the widc world , the five famous proprietors of this greatest - : est of all great shows have constituted - stituted thcmsclves public benc- factors. Hingling Brothers' Circus is so admirable organized that there is something to interest - est and hold the attention of evcrj'spectator. The student of natural history is furnished the grandest object lesson that the humane mind could possibly conceive - ceive of , for thc wondcrs of the animal world are broulfht together - gether in living , brcat1llng' re- ality. 'l'hc iovcr of finc stock has here 500 magnificent , thoroughbred horscs upon which to fcast his cycs. 'l'he admirer of physical bcauty and perfection in athleticachievcment is rcgaled with the performances of hundreds - dreds of the world's most famous acrobats , gymnasts and riders. the arti tic illstinct finds grati- cation ill the splendor of a pageantry - eantry that out-Neros Ncro. gven the devotce of the turf is 1I0t forgotten , for the finest racing - ing thoroughbreds of Europe , Arabia and our own Kentuckey are lIIatchcIl in the most thrilling and hotly-contested trials of speed an equine endurance. li'rom the initial parade that precedes the opening of the engagement until the close of the final performance everything is. pen a scale of grandeur and magnitude hitherto - to unknown in the amusement world. 'l'he inaugural street p rade taces ] place at 10 o'clock lU the morning and is a fitting introduction to the wonders of the bigshow. 'l'his great parade is Ringling ilrothersfrce ofTering to the peoplc. No one who sces Ringling Brothers' parade will miss the performance. It is a splendid promis of what is to follow in the big show. Its. . hundreds of proudly -stepping horses , with waving } ) lums and trappings of gold and silver gJit- tenng in the sunlight ; its gorgeously - ously costumed knights and Indics heralds and courtiers ; its brilliantly - antly uniformcd soldiery and mountcd military bands ; its grcat herd of cannon-drawing war elephants ; its rcsplcndent gold- illumincd chariots and cars of state ; its supcrb tableau 110ats , and its scores of magnificently carved and ornamentcd dens and . cages of openly-exhibited rare. wild beasts form a spcctacle that in wealth of display and beauty , of coloring rivals the rainbow iil prismatic brilliancy. l'he open- lUg performance begins at 2 o'clock , but the oors will be open an honr carlicr to afTord I visitors an opportunity to sce the oological displa ) ' , iucluding the only living giralTe , and to enjo ) ' the grand concert by Ganweiler's famous militar.y band. 'l'he performance - formance introduces hundrcds of new alHlnovel acts. cnJisting the services of 300 high-class performers - formers , 40 clown and hnndrcds of auxi1liaries , and is declared b ) ' all who have seen it to be the grandest alH1 most complete arenic exhibition ever presentcd before the Amcrican public. Reservcd numbered scats and admissions - missions show day at the Post Ofiice Ncws Stand at exactly the same pride as charged at the rc- gular ticket wagon on the show grounds. l-rCflldclI' 1t00Hc"clt In OlllRhl\ 1.0' " n " 'CN " Ourllll'OIl Il.otl'c. , Prcsidcut Rooscvelt 'H visit to Omaha , ! Septemhcr 27 , tlurin the Ak.Sar.llcn fcsti\'itics , will he II gala \occasion. A gorgcous electrical pageant 5altmlilY l'\'cni\l , Septemher 27 , will he one of the featurcs. 'I'his will he i'epe lI 11 - - - - - - - - - - - . . R..R' . \ : : : ' " ' J : " ; ' ' \ : ANDlRSON & MOORE.J & : : frL ndl ror .alo und rent an CUlter county and adJolnlDK counties. Uquttlos IUld mort/agea / . bought und lold. AburllQt I'romllt\y \ ILnd nelltl ) lDado. Ol1lco-MRln Street , 1JoLwcon .Jth aDlI Mh Avcnno" , Uroken 1I0w , Cn"ter county , Nebraska. TI-IE P. D. SMITI-I COMPANY , Alwava have the boat 1l1Blity of 14umbcr Bnd , ether building ) OB- toriala Bt the LowostP/ioos. 'Phono No. O. O. R. JUDIINS , Manageit. I . . . ' . lit . ' . . I Octoher 2. 'rlll Ak.Sar.I1en fcstlvltles Ojlen this ycar on Seplemllcr 24 IIl1cl con. tinue until Octoher , \ . Iow Rulcs via the lIuriinglon Route- Ask the agcllt. 12.15 Ulrth.Uny I"rly. - ] ditor HltI'UJIJICAN-On August - gust 2' ) , 1')02 , the fricnds and ncighbors of Mrs. A. A. Win. chcstcr mct at their home in Hoosier valley to ceJebrate her 51st birthday. 'I'hcre were about 40 or 45 prl'senttheir children and grand-children bcing among thcm. 'l'he first on the program was the serving' of dinner , which was in progress until 4 o'clock. Ice cream and cake was served- thcre being ten large cakcs for occasiol1 , after which water mel- Ion and musk l11el1on was rclishcd to finish the happyevcnt. Three different picturcs were taken of the crowd , and all went home wishing Mrs. Winchcstcr many more s"ch happy birthdays. The following presents were prcsent- ed as a mcmCI1 to of the occasion : A. level ) ' black dress prcsentcd by Mr. and Mrs. H. Ib H.ichardson ; ! \lr. and Mrs. U. C. Strcet , vegetable - table dish ; Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Hobison , syrup pitchcr ; Mr. and Mrs. 1-4ce Neth , jell ) ' dish and set of glasscs ; Miss Nanc ) ' and Mary Sncll , fruit dish ; Elmer Bass , fruit ( lish ; 1\1rs. Becmas , apron ; 1\1rs. Bolin , glass fruit dish and fancy chair tid ) ' . L'here were other prcsents to numcrous to men tion. IIUl"VCllt 11011I0 llculc. 'rhe eleventh annual picnic of the Douglas Grove and L-ee Park Farmers Club will be held in the grove at 'V escott , 'l'hursday , August 28. 'L'he following is thc program : Allclrcss of Welcomc , 1\1. H. VllIlllcnhurg. Music , Ladies Quarlette. Rccitation , Dora Mooll. Addrcss , P. M. Currie. Music , Organ Solo. , Recitation , I : o Currie. Paper , 'V. G. Eastman. Solo , A. Moore. Adclrcss , Prof. Burnett , Lincoln. Music , Duell. 0111 Scttlers IIIlURIIlclllc. 'Vill be beld in John Welsk's grove near "r esterville on Saturday - day , September 13th , 1902. 'l'he several conl1niHees are making neccssary arrangements and able I speakers will be present , among which are Hon. Ii' . M. Currie , II. M. Sul11 van , C.V. . ileal , and others. 'Phose desiring to have a good time and enjoy a day of outing in a shady grove will not be disappointed. Ever'one comc both old and young. Ample shade for all , including your teams. 1I.\.lr . A. ' . ' . ' . 'O 1I..ttr.l'CGtt. G. A. . .lIcuulcu. H. = p'e'lIb. r 8 to 13,1902. 'l'he Burlington Route announ- fare for the round ccs one trip I from all points in Ncbraska to Hastings on account of the Annual - nual Hcuni n of the Grand Army of the l epublic to be held on above dates. Ask the Burlington Route agent about rates , routes , train servicc. 2:1 : " 'cnrH A n > HpcIIUC. , R. II. li'ostcr , 318 S. 2d St. , Salt 14ake City , writcs : "I have becn bothered with dyspepsia or indigestion for 21 ycars ; tricd man ) ' doctors \vi thou t relief ; recently - cently I got a bottle of Herbine. One bottle cured mc , I am now tapering ofT on the second. I ha'e rccommendcd it to my friends ; it is curing' them too. " SOc at Ed. McComas' Broken Bow and Merna. Elega.nt JewetJY at Ed. McComasp. : : - CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS , 0' tO . 110f" - . \ " o-.rl o\\ft. S" o o s 1111 ) ( \ t1t"t \ co e. . Hnr. . . AIWI\'S r II blc. l.n.II. . . . ask IIrUKKlat for ( 'IIIl'III'liTlat'H ' IJNUI.ISU III It. . . and ' lIhl m lAlilo bon's , F"lIlc,111th bluI . ribbon. . ! Tnl. . , 1IIIIIIhl'r. It. . , . . _ , . .hU'j'rllll. .lIb.U. . . . .III. . . Rn.1 h..llnUII..8. Ihl'of 'our . or sellli . . . . In .tl1l\1l for . . "rU..I" ) ) . . . lImggtat. . T..aU. ) . .0..1,1. and " 1t..II..r rllr . . : . .11. . . . . . In "IIn' . by rt > 1 II r. . : tIall. 10.000 'l'esllmoll18111. ! : ! old b7 &II UrugglhtS. CIIICIII'JBTKR ' OHEMICAL . CO. alee M..lla..n H'lua , . .11 I LA. , P& . MeDU" . ikt. paper. MIKl SOANI40N , -I'roj1rlotor or- lIe.taurallt & I.nnch Counter. IAUlle ae.ort 1eut or Conr..ctlouaIOI. Clgar and 'l'ObI\06OI. North ! lIdo of Publle Square , IIrokon Uow. Nebruka. , J , I. SN YDEH , m J 2jiIHr" ! ) Il rt tU ! I1 J , ANl OT\nY ; tJ 1 UUI.IC , al"o Juatlco or the I'uco. 8poclal allenton ! a"oll to collecttons l el'o ltlonN t&k.'u , Ilenllou vaneI' . . era ueat11 execuw,1 anal all kludl of lelal ; pallore wrlttou. OlUoo tn tllD rear or lIauk or Commerce. IIroken Bow. Nebmlka. CITY MILI4 , H. F. AlcCLUU. . I'roll. Uyo Plour , lIuckwheat , Grah"m , Feed , ute. - , I . . 1 . . . RAILROAD TAXATiOM GDMPARED. Stntemettt of Tnxes Pnid by the Uttiot1 Pacific Railroad itt tOOt , itt Nebrnska. , ( Issued Under Authority of the Uallronds of Ncbraska. ) . . COUN'l'V TAXUS PAID 'rhe trunk line of the Unoin Pacilic pass s ncro. . : Boone. . . . . . . . _ . . _ . . _ . . . . $ 3,704 84. thc state of NebraRka , aUtI it Is a valuable property. ! Buffalo..u. . . . . . _ _ _ . . _ 20,09784 . 'l'he figures presentellshowthat it pays taxes amount- ! , } Butler. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,80227 illg to $473.22 pcr mile in the state of Nebraska , and I l' ' Cheyenne _ _ _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,91 07 ' through the payment of this amoullt of tax in this i r Colfax. . . . . . . _ : ' _ _ . : . . _ _ . . . 0,5\J0 \ 73 , ' state , it made the average tax per mile $202.79 on the ! Custeruu.u _ . . . . . 3,10584 , I ' ! whole line of road in the ) 'ear 1900. The Inter.State I Dawson u..u. . . . . . . . . 3:1,40067 : " , Commerce Commissloll reports show that me average Deuel . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . . . . 9,80429 . tax paid by railroadq in Nebraska was $198.86 and the ! Dodge..u. . ' . . . _ . . . 12,600 88' average west of the Mississippi was but $171.5. , Douglas _ _ . .00 _ _ _ . . _ . . . . . 32,053 31 . " 'l'hese figures show thatin Nebraska the Union PacUic Gagc _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . 6li9329 , Railroad pays much more tax than the average rail. Greeley _ _ _ _ 00 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . 1,543 21 " " road pays , and it pa"s much lUore proportionate taxes I HaIL..u. . . _ _ _ . 14,80140 , than it should pay. I Howard _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u _ _ . . . 8,94242 : leith . . . . . . . .uu _ _ . . u 19,63140 " / 'rhe tonnage given the Union PacUic in 1900 I \ : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ 7,46908 "I amounted to 548,206 tons of freight (01' cach mile of Lancaster _ _ _ _ _ . . . 5.14589 , . . . . 00..00 - - - , railroad , and for purposes of comparison , we will com. ! Lincoln _ _ _ _ 00" .u _ _ _ _ _ . 28,80280 . ' " . pare with the Penns'lvania railroad system , the great. : Madi _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3,2.1343 I . , ' . estfreig-ht carf'ing roadsint he world. a systcm of road a : Merrick _ uuuu . . . .u15,77801 , . 'I't ' . : " that handled in 1900,3,250,587 tons of freight for each i . _ . . . _ . . 5,33319 .mile of road ( nearly six limed the tonnage of the ] ) latte 00 . . _ . . _ _ u.u. 13,318 16 11' \ : Union lacitic ) . I Polk u..uu.u.uu. . 2,605 89 I . Sarpy uuu..u.uu 3,918 fi9 \ ; The wildest western boomer would not compare . . _ _ _ _ 5,95798 the Union Pacific with the Penns'lvania system of Sherman _ _ uuu.uu 3,749 GO ' ' railroads. 'I'he Pennsylvania milroadsystem having Valley . . 2,513187 0000..000000----00 net earnings of $30,440,621.19 in 1900 , while the Union : 'rolal , 947.fiG Miles.u$297,836 51-$314.32 per mile. Pacific earned but $9,071,606.79 , and still this great ' 'l'axes paid Main Line , $22l,173.8g-407 .3 miles - systcm of railroadJ ! running through the states of $47a. ? ' per mile. Penlls'I\'ania , New York , New Jersey , Maryland , 'l'axes paid Branches , $76J02.480.18 ! milHlGO.Deleware and Virginia , Ijaid but $307.49 tax per mile : 00 per mile. in 190(1. ( , Tax per mite , Pennsylvania Railroad. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $307 49 Tax per mile , Union Pacific Main Line in Nebraska. . . . . . . 473 22 Tax per mile , Northern Pacific Railroad in 1900 . . . . . . . . . . 163 72 Average Tax per mile in Nebraska , 1900. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 86 - : I ( Inter..State Commerce Commission. ) . Statemettt of the Taxes Paid by the Clticngo , St. Pa t1 , Mitlttenpotis , & Ottta n Raihvay Compat1y it ! 190t. COUKTV . TAXItS PAID l'his section of road is the Nebraska. end of the , Chicago St. Paul & Omaha D oug 1 as _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Uuu _ $ 2,810 7 0 , , Minneapolis Railway Company. Cuming 2,12791 I ----------------00 , ' 'I'he traffic furnished this of the road is . portion so anton _ _ _ _ _ .0000.-- 351 Unu - - ; ; much less than what isgiven the line east oftheMissoud txon _ _ uuuu _ _ _ _ _ _ 8 ,338 River , that while the whole road iu 1900 edar _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ uu _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' -4 earned $2,751.- " 80 net earnings mile the line in { _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ , 3 1 . per , Nebraska earned ' , but $1,270.41 , or less thau one half the average. How- . . . , ' . . : " Ihtdt 4,7857757411 ever it will be seen that the Nebraska line on , they J. ' a ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . paid $219.05 mile tax. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6,78234 per ' . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 121572. It . i our a'm , t ma ke . c omp.ansonB.wl 'th roa.s un- , . , vas . Hng . t on _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6'890 49 der slltltlar . condl . 1ous , either . In eartltng capacity . or , I oca ton , an d. tt lese comparisons no t us i lmme d - 'V am : _ _ _ _ u.uu.uu 8 ' 48731 ng : 6'7 iate adacent statcs , so that the complete line of co D a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,98 78 parisons will ultimately cover nearl , . the whole country. 'rotal 271.16 miles.$59-402 . , , - 92-$219.03 per mile. So in this bulletin we will take lIome southern states , among others , for lines of comparison. . . S'l'.A'l'l RAILHOADS Milcs 'rax Paid NotEllrnlnglj Tax " " " " Per Mlta Per Mlt ' ' 'l'enncssee ' Mississippi _ unu Yazoo & 11 [ , R. Ruu _ 0. _ _ _ _ _ _ 1,000.138 $177,917.26 52,081.68 $177.91 Louisiana } 'Iorlda _ uunu _ _ . Florida _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 940.81 111,034.130 776.72 118.00 XII : ; ' : i : ; a } nuuuu Georrla & Ala. R. . _ _ _ _ 457.42 41,568.14 768.11 90.87 & Ie\ I I t ! _ _ _ nun Central N. E. R. R uun _ 181 19,270,03 7J0.01 ! 100.50 , ( Inc. Pougbkeopdu rldgu } . - , - - C.lI. JEFFRODS , fil > Jrz.J 1sfl' : cfrz.l' , Abstracla Promptlv Furnl"hed. Your nURlnet. Ioollclted Oil'ce ' In nnk or Commerce lIulldlu . I1rokoll Bow. Nebraeka. Taxes paid for nOIl-reHidenta. DRS. It 0. & W. E. 'fAI OT , PHYSIGIANS ij SURGEONS. 011100 over Uaeberle'll Drug Store. lIroklJn lIow Nohral . , - - a. DR. O. L. MULLENS , Physician Surgeou. 2nd Stairway om WMt end lu Realty 1IIook ; re hlenco , 3rd WesL I. . " R. church. on same side or streot. trllroken lIow , Nebrl\lka. WILLIS OADWEI4C4 ! l1\"tI ! ! . 't1 El' mi'Ok : v. CI4INTON DAY , Physician & Surgeon. om co In rear or .he . IIlnk or Commurco. RlIsl. donro 6th houle we t or the lIaplllt church. IIroken now. N ebrs kn O.II. . CONRAD , ' . ' UeAlor lu ' . PltlDjlS. WIDII MIII , 'ranke. 'lIlIlIgl , G tlollna Englnc8lIte , . t'tc. . IIroken 1I0IV , Nllhraeka , CAMERON & HI ESl , Glff . 51' 03S 8 u crz.l1 l'S A'l' LAW. Jtoom" lIaud II , lIealty lIIock , llrokl'n 1I0w , Neb. s. 1\1. D01UUS. IIltllttBk.l.jla. Al. klndll or work lit our IIno done promptly and lu lIut.da. . order. prUod Shop on thu corner 1'1DOhe hOle houso. GIVI tlH " TRIAl. . IIrokeu 1I0w , . . . . Nebrllka. - . " . . - = - _ . _ , - . . , - . " - . . I . ' . CAMERAS .AND SUPPI4IES. Free IDstruclion. how to take nnd devolope e pictnrl ! with erory camera old. Flnlshlult done tor amatures. Latest Styles jn Photographs. BANGS STUDIO. Ibtabllshed III t8 1. Broken Bow , Nflbraska. DR. T. I.I FARNHWOlt'rH , DENTIST , omcc Over Swan' ! Grocery. - - CITY AUBER SHOP , 11. O.HUTTON. Proprietor. I Flrst-olaps work. ( tear Uoom or lIroken 1I0w State ! Jlluk , lIrokon Dow. Nebraska. W A. THOMPSON , . . CONTRAlJTOU.1:5 : DUILDBR. CFPIRDR and eSlimate" ou ahortnotlco. Brokeu Dow , Nebraska. D. HTjAZE , I.D. . . . . . .Dealer In. . . . . . Oraullo , ForeIgn and American Marblel. Ornament1 Work a Specialty. IIrokeu HolV. . . - N ebraeka. I 4 - , - . LIVE AND LET LI\TI is motto. T will se11 the my goods to pubJic cheaper than any other house west of Lincoln , and if you will spar a few minutes , I will gladl ) ' show ) 'ou m ) ' goods and. te11 ) 'ou my pnces. $1.00 saved is $1.00 made. I Come in and see. I take egbrs in exchange. At Co11om's old stand , wcst side of public square. Cash Grocer ) ' , Dr ) ' Goods and Notions. , fT. W. ODOlf , and MRS. L. L. SHARP. . - - - -0-