Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 04, 1902, Image 5

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    . - . .
L . _ - : 1
The - Biggest Circus in the World Exhibits at' Brol < en Bow , September 9.
' '
_ .
$3,700,000.00 CAPITAL INVESTED.
' <
" - . . . .
j. .
60 AERI LISTS In.roduclng .ho Word.famoull
_ IIIgh.Wlre Gymnas. .
TH HO LO" " A yo TRIO.
, , Children , Under IZ Venrs. Unlr Price. At end 8 P. M. Doors Open One . . . .our . Earlier ,
- - -
, I _ _ _
rc > en. : . : l30""VVFu.esday , Sep1 ; . 9.
. Reserved Numbered Seats and Admissions Show Day at the Post Office News Store.
0 ( \ r Unlike Other Shows , Prices at Down Town Office Are' ' Exactly the Same as Charged at the
Regular Ticket Wagon on Show Day.
- - - - -
Agana , Island of Guam.-
July ] 0 , lC)02.-HHl'UBLICAN-I : i
never realizcd thc honorcd position - I
tion of Guam so clcarly as on thc
4th of July. At 12 a. m. or at
midnight , thc 4th was ushcrcd
in by a naval salutc of 21 guns.
' . Guam , in fact , ushcrcd in thc
4th of July for all Amcricans. I
Hcrc thc days for Amcricans be-
, gin. 'l'his is thc first inhal > 1tcd
L , island owned by thc U. S. on this
. . , " side of the 180th Meridian.
. , .
j. , - -
Where to locate ?
Why , in the territor ) '
. traversccl hy the
: " Louisville & Nashvil1e
, . , ,
Great Ccntral Southern 'frnnk I.ine ,
Ken tucky , Ten essee , Alabama ,
Mississippi , Flordia ,
At , b . I arl1lers , Frnit Growers ,
. itf ; Stock Rllisers , 1\llluufactlircrs ,
I uvestors , Spccuilltors ,
1ll1111\Ionc ) ' I.elilicrs ,
' . " : ' , will fincI the greatest chances in the
UnitecI Stlltes to I1Il1ke "hig 11I0ney"
y reason of the IIlmllllance : IIHI
LatH ancI Fllrllls ,
. Timher 11I111 Stonc ,
' 1 Iron : IIH } Coal ,
, Lahor-Hvcrything !
I ree sites , financilll IIssistllnce , IIIHI
frecclol1l from tllxation for thc nlllnu-
I.allli :11111 limns lit $1.00 per acrc
ancI upwards , ancI 500,000 IIcrcs in
West I'loricIu that can hetakcn grntis
. \mder the U. S. Homcstcad laws.
, Stock raising in the Gnlf Coast District -
trict will make cnormous , .
Half fare excursions t Ie first 11I111
. , third Tuesduys of cach 11I0nth. us know what ) 'OU want 1111I1 we
will tell ) 'ou whcre IIIHI how to get it
-hut Ion't cela } " as thc countr ) ' i :
filling ) rapic I ) ' . Printcd mllttcr ,
I1Il1pS 111) all illfonnation frcc. Acclress }
l'I I R ] . WEMYSS ,
. , : ' General 11I1Inigrntion mu } Indnstrial
Agcnt ,
I.OVIKVII.I.E , IC " ' .
: . : , ' . - . \ . _ . " " ' . . . . . \JJl > . . . , . . . . . . . ' . . : ! . - , ' - "
- - - .
'Whilc wc wcrc cclcbrating our
national , < 1ay , you werc enjoying
the c\'cn1l1g of July thc 3rd.
'l'his is truly a p1acc of JIowcrs ,
fruit and pcrfumes. 'l'he "I1ang
Ilang" trces arc full of their fra-
gratlcc , and may be sccnted for
( luitc a distance. 'l'hcrc arc
othcr largc trccs with spreading
tops , which are a mass of largc
rcd JIowcrs. ' 1'he lilics grow
cvcrywhcrc and arc full of rich
110wcrs all thc ycar , ' 1'hc brcad
fruit trecs arc \'er ) ' full now , and
thcy look vcry much like trccs
full of watcr mc10ns. 'l'hc fruit
is palatablc , rich , and tllUch uscd
by thc nativcs. Bamboo shoots
havc grown this year fully 20
I fcet hig-h , without leaf or li'mbj
thcy look just like grcen nag
polcs. You can form some idca
of thcse bamboo shoots by imagining -
ining an asparagus shoot 20 fect
tall and two to four inchcs in
diameter. 'l'he bamboo is not
strictly a trcc , but simply grass.
Native superstiHfn has 'pcoplcd
all the bamboo thickcts with
ghoulsj and thcy say that all
who truly belicvc , uin see thc
old ghouls and their huts in thc
thickcts. All arOlt'HI this island
are cavcs , and in many places ,
thc cavcs arc inhabited by na-
ti\'es who cannot speak or understand -
stand an ) ' languagc , othcr than I
a gibberish among cach separatc
family or families. I cnclose a
program of cur school cntcrtain-
mcnt in English.Vhcn we
came , nonc of thc pupils conl(1
gpeak or understand a word of
r . ' 1'hc ' this '
ngliHh. ) gave pro'
gram quitc plainly. ' 1'hc govcr-
nor and his family , and all the
lta\'al and marine officcrs wcn
prcsent. 'rhc ) ' all expressed sur.
prisc that the childrcn had ac'
complishcd so much. Judg <
Prcss ) ' said he did not cxpcc'
half such rcsults. I wish I couIc
scnd a picturc of our hall on thaj
cvcning. Amcrican flags fron
thc U. S. stcamer Justin. co\'crc (
thc cntirc cciling. l rcdcric. .
palms were in all thc window
and carners. Cocoa palm lca ve
8 to ] 2 fcct long werc fastcncd t ,
thc sidcs of the room in beauti
I rul form. 'l'hc stagc was a fOl
= cst of plants amI flowers , ' 1'h
- - - - - - . - - -
ch ildrcn wcrc all in i mmacula tc
wh i te , and reall ) ' rcmi mled enc
of fairics amid \'cnlurc and ulos ,
soms. L'his entcrtainmcnt prac.
tically cndcd our first school ) 'cal
in Guam. 'l'ltc work hercaftct
will bc vCr } ' much easier , and fal
morc intcrcsting. 'rhe govern01
very kindl ) ' gavc m ) ' wife an as'
sistant , which will makc hc !
work vcry cas ) ' . In speaking 01
the o\'crl1or's kindncss , whicl
has been most frank and marlcd
\Ve havc always a fceling 0
gratitude for Judge Prcssey , wht
is the "power behind the thronc
hcre. It is the policy of th ,
governmcnt to leave men her ,
only two ycars , gO most of tIt
tun'al and marinc ofiiccrs , as wcl
as the marinc battalion , will u ,
callcd away vcr ) ' soon. Wc hop
the ncw go\'crnor and omccr
will be as pleasant sociall ) ' an ,
othcrwise as those now hcn
IIowc\'cr , it will e vcry dimcu1
to supply the place of GOVCrl1C
Schroedcr and his family.
'l'hc wcather contil tlcs vct'
pleasant , though the rains at
morc frcqucnt and the air mOl
damp. In no place can glccp 1 :
morc cnjoyable than hcrc. \\i
can slccp all night , and thcn re
igh a stecp during the day. It
the natural rcposc from cunu
\Vc slecp with no care of t1
world's alTairg. It is both
physical and gout rcpose.
II. II. IhA'I'1' .
This slgna.tllro 10 on every ox of the gonul
Laxative Brome = Quinine Ta. lct
th\l remedy t.lll t .cnrell 0 colli 'u onu dl
Crn"I' ,
Usually bcgins with the 5YI
ptoms of a common coldj thcre
chillness , sncezing , gorc thrmi
hot skin , ( Iuick pulsc , hoarsenc
and impcdcd respiration. Gi
frequcnt small dm.cs of Ballan
Horchound Syrup , ( the child w
cry for it ) and at thc first si.
of a croupy cough appl ' freqt\ (
tly Ballard's Snow Lmttnent <
tcrnall ' . SOc at Ed. l\1cCom \
Brokcn Bow and Mcrna.
Ie Job printing at this ofiice.
. . . . . , . - .
U. S. IJIJJld ( ) ffice.
JAMRS WIIiTRUICAU. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Itfoghler
11' . II. YOUNU. . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .UeceIYor
- -
AU hl1Yorll emellh Ulllter thlR hoall " ,11be , \
chllllltil fllr IIllel'l\l rl\lt , viiI 11,110 I , r IIqulln'
fIr nr 1 Inorr , " ' " . IIn,1 f > l1C I'"r 'qIH\t8 for tlRrh
0,1001'11' ' ' ' I II1 "rl'nll '
. \ . . "Iollr. . . . It'll IIlIe IIr frllcllIIII 1III'ro' .
I Aro\lf111 \ Jo ' : ' II t\lIIlnllt , will hh
nullrl' hll' nil I \ I" Ihlr.I \ I , I.f 8el.I"l11l1or IVlt ,
I\r M N"I on 1IIIIInlll1 111"01 hili 1IIIIIIIon III Ihe
Dhiliol CIIUlt lit ( U Il'f ccunly , Ne ln ka.
"Ilnhut Ibo oletol"I"nl " Iho ollject anll Ilroyer of
whle h lire tu ohldll II ,1..cH'o 01 dlvorro rfilm 110111
l\efl'llIlIIlIt \ 011 Ih. . Irulll1lll1 of wllflll abandonment
tor IbQ pACIl of hVIl JCIII la t IIMI , ) ' 011 are no.
I1I1"rI11111 Rn'er ald "I'IIUon " 011 or botoro tbt1
: " 'lJth ' day IIf Octobrr , IIIII' . !
Ihlool Ihlll tblrllilay of l:3elllomlll'r : I\IO'J \ ,
1.ll'1-oo ! ! LAlla M. NItl.M > K ,
It , JUlltll I.1CDWICK.lII11 AUorno ) ' ,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -
The following Proposed Amend-
montto the Constitution ofthe Stnte
of NObraska , as hereinafter 8t
forth , In full , Is submitted to the
eleotors of the state of I
to be voted upon at the Kenera
eleotlon to bo hold Tuesday , November - '
vember 4 , A. D. 1902.
A Jllint Ho ' 101111101111 lectlon
une I f A"lelo 0 IeI'll , IIf Iho lon : Ullllllln III
1ho Iol. . of ! IIebrnsl. . . , lel"l"u 10 1111I mRIIIII'r
IIf nllmtlUIlIr 1111I1 adol.lln amendmtilia t.
Iho , 'onllllllllioll of Ibo Hlllio of NI'hrllRko ,
11& IT 1I1t1l0L\'J.\I : ANII Ihl"CTltll liT TIIK J.lCOI8l.A.
TIIIIIC " ) ' Till' : ' bTATK 011' : - I'UIIA8KA : ' I
SEOTION I TbliL arcllon 11I\11 of MUcio 011..1111
of thu CIIUIllIlUOII of the Stlltu of Ndfo k" he
amellll 11 to " 'all liS fo\101vt \ :
ccllon I llher hl"nch of thn lfl'lIlnlllro
lUa"ol'o O 01ll1'I'II1110llts to 1111. . COIl8111111on : , '
alill If Ih. . 801118 bo : relJ.I to ) ' tbreeOUbs of Iho
lIIelllltl'S ol.'rtC/llo I'aeh hOIl O , 'IoblIOIoped
OIllI'IIIIII\'IIIR I'hllll tlO I'Illernl 011 Iho JOl.trlll\8.
wllh the Y'a , 111111 II11Y8 , IInol JllIltllshcll nt leRRt
ewe I'lirh wI..k III RL : onU 111111 "ew1apor In
I'Ilcb " "IIIILy where " ' cW8\Jopcr \ I. IIl1bllshod , fOf
Ihlrly .In11 Imlllllllololv I'ccollln the lIext
l'lerlloli of Rl'lIalorR IInll reprIl811I1hU\'C8. ilL which
1111'111111 the Ilnme hllll II" lIhl1lllll'll In Ihn
I'h clor ror approTnl or "jcrlloll. nlllllf 0 111 Jor-
IIY "r Iho elcctllr volllllt III slich . 'leclloll nn 811ch
\lr,11.0.eIlIlIll011l1Illelil \ hllll vole to ndol'l ' lIch
nml'mliDelit. Iho SIIILO 8halll'ccOIIIO ' a 1.lIrt . of tills
Vonlllltlilioll.'bellllloro Ihnn mill 8\11o"II1'elll
\8 \ 811bmiltCiI nl the nme 1110clloll , they Ihall bo 80
8l1hll.llled 118 10 nah'o the I'II I-Iou III TOlu Oil
I'/lrh III11M'dmnt Ilaratcly.
, \11 ballotlO 11'11 al Rneh o'"c , lon 011 lIch
11l1Iellllmellt nr IIIIWIII111WIIIH Hh\ I hlIVII wrilloll or
l.rllllnllhcu'OIl IlII ! lollowllll' : , , "or propos 011
olllfnllllll'ni In Iho 1 01l8111111101l11\IlIlIog 10 ( here
\)15l1lt \ Ihe pohj"ct of the IIml'llIlIlItllt ) IImla 1I108t
"tllll" " ed unell'hnel t t" Iho COIIRlltlltlon relaUnlt
III ( hero IlIlIUrL Ihe lIhjfCt III Ihu alllllIll1Iellt )
uIIII the vote 01 I'nrh IJlcetllr TIIUllg on 811Ch
II11 elll110 lit or IIlIIellllmout Hholl 100 IIahmnlell
II ) ' the "I..c'nr by lI.aklllt II crops wllh 0 11011 IIf
1'1" ell III II Cllr.'lc or fIlllire ( to bo 1.1I1cl'ol . ilL the
rlghL of Ih. . IIlIeH Ih.YolIl ! ! " \ < " 01' IIr AgollI t" the
Iltlll.osl'd omo11nllnt II. ho hlllllle.lrc 10 vole
Iwu'OIi. ! or 10) ' 11I11Ic1I1I1 ! hl8 prof'rollco , 011 "
vol , , : mnclllllo wh"n " lIrh IIIIcllilln 18 III lIao.
I , (11'0 W. M"r h , "NOII rf IIf Mllilu IIf Ihl !
IIIIIIIf N , hr kll , 110 hl'rl'lI" certify IhRt the
f'lIt goh'llrI'l'o ' : ' ( ,11 RIIIClldllll.1IL t" Ibo CIIII UhU
Iluli of tI. . , ! l1 I IIf Nehm'lml8 0 hllo 1111I1 cnrrort
CUI' ) ' IIf Ihn orlulllRlllIIrnl1"11 1111.1 l'r/rll 8ctI bill
1I1I1'I1"PI'd hv Ih" 'l'\\lIly. "vClllh c81110n or the
leelllltur. . ( If Ih. . = , llIto or Nchrllpkll , III nPI1I'"r.
frolll , nlll orl/IIIII 11111 1111 I\lc \ III 11I1IIfIlee , allll
thnl MIt' prnl1o.cll I1II1f1nUml'"t Is IlIlIwltlell to
III , ' qaallllrd v 'lorR of I ho 8t1\ ' " of I' , , ' rask'l lor
II ell' " nr rdecllollIl Ihe gellola1 011'1 t 1111I
II ! III ! hall 1111 'I'1I1' IItIY the .lIh d IY or No\'elllllor ,
A. n 1001.
III 'u ' tlll on'l''llI'r'of , I " "vo hnr-lInlo BeL IIIV
IlIlIullll,1llIIxullilO /rclII "al nf the 811010 or
nllnn o'I.llIco nlhls 2 1II1.lay of Jilly III Ihn
Yl'llr of IIlIr 111,1 011011011811111 Nil II 1"\llIlrell
111111 'I'wo , III. Iho Il1dol'I'IIII""CI' ' of the 111111"11
. t"tl' Ih. . CIllO 1II\lIIIr.d nnd ' 1'\fcntY'F vClltll ,
111101 nt Ihl8 IIIIII ! 1110 'rhlrty.'b.lh.
1 AI.l Ulto. W. MA1I811.
i : ! U7& HlcreLl\ry of tll"le ,
. .
I - America's
, .
Editorially FoarloBR
ConBIBto'1t1y Ropublloan
NewR frolllall of the worlel-Wel1
written , original Rtorics-Answers
to querics-Articles on Hcalth ,
the HOlllc. Ncw hooks , IIIH } on
\Vork IIhout the fllrlll amI gllnlen.
: The W ekly
Inter Ocean
Is a IIIcmher of the Associatcc }
Press , thc only \Vestern \ ,
recciving the cntirc tell'grllp lie
ncws service of the New York Sun
! Iud spccial cahlc of thc Ncw York
Worll-daily ( reporl'l from ovcr
2,000 spccial corrcsponelenl'l
throughout the country.
Suhlcrihc : for thc RJtI'UlU.ICAN
I\Itll the Weckly Intcr Occan one
ycar , hoth papers for $1,50.
I ,
, .
. . . - -
NOTIOI' To OlUml rOng ,
In 001l1lt { Or 11I1. "lIhlllanll tor On tor eOllllh.
Ne r""a. n tll" malter of the oPlale ot tIlYe llIf
S.l\vorol" Docu ell.
ro Ibe Creilltors of ulll ellolo :
Yon Ita lIereby 1I0UnflI , Thill I will 111& nt the
( 'onllt , CoorL foom , III IIrollllO ! lOIY. In 8-111
noun I ) ' , 011 tha 41h lIa , of NOTellll er , 1\l0'J \ ; Oil the
. 'llda ' , of JOIIII.ry , I\JI 'I ani' Oil the 41h da , or
MOlch 1001. 11I111 u'clook R m of uch dllY
II ) rfcelYI ! :1ulluamh , " nil clnlm , n1:41118L 'altt
1' llIle , wllh II vle\V 10 Ihelr atlJII IIII lIt al\ll \
Th" thoa IImltol lor the Ilreeolllallon of clnlme
aqhllt alil .I" " ' III IIx 11\0111111 ( rom Iho Ilh "ay
of B"I.t..mbcr , II/I J , allll the tlmn IIm\lrll \ for \Ia , . ,
Dlllnt ot dcbl Iolle y"or frOlIl uld dllio.
\\'UI1OI8 m , hnlllallll the Benl of salll COllnt ) '
( } ollrt 1111. , tlh Ila ) ' ot HO\IIl'mber. IIIO'J.
1.Il\-l\J : : rn'Ll J , A. AUloun , 001101) ' JIIIIlo. :
UlIlll-d BI"1 l.allil Olllco
llroken 110' ' ' , Nebrll8ka , Angllsi. : :8 : , lOO'
NoliI' ' ' III hereb , glvoll tha' the follo\Vln < < 'lIall\l'll
seillor haR OII'IIIIOlico of hIli Illtelllloll 10 lIa0
I1nal tlroof III 8111'port of hiM claIm , alll\ \ thaI nlll
IlIuof 11'11ho \ mollo heroro HeRlner nllll 1I , , , IYI'r
at I\ro..n Bow , Nchrllllka , 011 September Itl , I\IO' .
TliE : Mo o 11 MOlltltomotT. llrokell 1I0w , Nth ,
for the 11 K , 'ir.\J \ , " "II N W ' " 8ectloll : " ' 0. \ \ ' ! ,
8 W ! , S\clloll17 'I own.htp ' 811 , lIolIlIO : ) } 11' ,
111'11I\111'8 the ollowlllltVllrc. . tR tllllOVO hi.
cOllllnlloll. rClhlNIRO 111'011 anll cnlllvntion of Mill
Ilnll 1'11. : Wllllllm W roolCT. .hlll,1 II ,
! : HIII' OIt. A'/ollv.o ' / Ca ell , Irwin " "shll II 11 1111 all of
IIrokon : 1I0w , Nubr'llIn. JuntsV lilT It II 110\11.
I\t- \ ! & ! IIl'glRler
- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
UnltM Siale. 1.111111 OI1lM ,
BrokclI 110" , N..lllukn Jllly , : : r. . I\lO \ .
Nullr.l\ hOll'h1 gh'an thai III1l1rMllnnce \ ot
In'trlltloll' frem the ( o\l\I1II lllInrr of the Uener-
all.\I\IIOOllro , IlIlIh'r , , "thorlly TO II'llln h\1II \ h ) '
MCUOII ! HMi , U S. He , ' . 8tllt. , . . . IImellllr,1 hy
IIcl of Congrl'lIo allllrovOII t "ltllrory Iltl. IR11'0 \
will procoCiI 10 otter lit l1Ullllo 111\10 all 1110 11th 11.IY
of SCIll'lIIlJor , 100' : , lit tll18 omc" , Ih" followlr'R
trtJot of 11111Ito wit : No l { , H\ , , , nnll 1.0t i ,
' ' , : : tlth 1' . lit.
Section II , 'I'ownrhll' ID n. nalllt:1 w
All' IIUlI allllllr ollllollll clslt1lnlC altre"uly Iho
allove Ile8crlh'd IMII11 I\ro Illvl ed 10 11I0 tholr
rlalm In Ihls ontCJ 011 or bcfolo Ihe IIIIV above
de l/nalod / for the romml'ncomont of Haiti nle ,
oLherwl8e thulr rlflhl' will III' foronll'll.
'j'-12-1r ; JA IKII WIIITlClUUlI , HCRbler.
N'H'I m o Pit 111\1' & Ol 1\11.1. ,
The 81"to or ollras" " " , t
ClI8tl\r COlin IV , f
' 1'0 aU 1M novlpen , ,11I1 t.olll\le06 , 111I1 "lIllenonl
In Iho ellale of ,101111 8chrollor Iloceallllll :
Wherea. . Carollnc" Srhrouur of 8nhl COli III ) ' ,
hl\A 11I011111 m , ollirn nn IlIstrllmellt 1.IIt\lorlhlt .
to bu the Il\8t Will nnll ' 1'"llalllellt of .llIhn
Scllrofler IIpcellscll.lato of FIIIII COllllt,1I1I11 n
potlUon , Ir"yllln 10 lIoYIl the "limo .llmltlllll LI )
prnllate , which Will rolntcR tn hflth rel\l n1l1111l'r-
AonliloHlalo , whuroupnll I hno ' ' thn
1\Jlh \ IItir of t1'JlICmhor ! , tllll' . ! . IlL 10 o'c tlcl. : III thn
forellnon. at mv nUlco III H"hl Cnunt ) ' , Mlhn 1I11\
0111111 1IIIfn ) 'on 01111 oil cOllc.'rnl'll , IUny 1\IIIClIf IIl1d
cOllt".t the probdn IIf the " 111I0.
III ' 1\"lhllonv Whoreo' . 1 hnvlI IlI\r'l1Il1ln Hnt
III ) haml nil nntxoll IIIV olllclni OIII , thh ltilh IIIIY
IO-I\J-SJ \ [ HIIAI. } Connly Jmlgo.
C lluly Conrl , ClIster COUllty , Nebrl\lIkn.
To the Holr 1I1I111I..xl of lUll of A rolll J }
1I0wm"n , ] ) ecl'nllCiI
Yon are horohy 1I0UOI't\ \ that CRrIIC 011I1 O. W.
\lowman , ROil nnd IInlh"r or R\III t\l'ccooOII \ , ha\'o
Ololllbl'lr prtltlou III HAhl Courl. asklnthnt 11.
'I' . Orr 11I0) ho a\lpoilltoll \ Allmlnl.lrnlllr IIf Ihn
OlinLO of A"ram n.lolIIl1n \ docrll8ell. flahl
mllllef hOIi h IIII Rot for h"\lIII for Snillolllhor
20th l < lO'J , lit III o'clock n 1II"II'ho ' COllllly DOllrt
1I00m. In IIrokell 1 < 0W NohmMkll , when all III'
IClI' lell , ' &rlloll mil ) ollllenr 111111 he heonl.
n.II'IIUln : : : Ittl t\1\'or \ AnlluMI 11IO .
11,1,1-115 r J."L : } J A. AlnlOUII ,
OOll\lly ,
Unltoll Htnle ! ! I.nllli Olllc. . .
1.lncollI , Nobr. .Tlliv : ! ( ) , IU ( ) , .
Nollro 10 h tllb , . Riven tha' the followlnJ. : 11I\11I0'
I 1' . , , "I'ler hall 11111'11 1I01lco of hl6 Intlllllloll to
moke IIlIalllroof tll IIPllort of hi. clohn , oull
I IIIHt Fillet Iltnof wi I he mnllo hoforll COllnty
TullIo lit Irokolllnw \ , Nohr" 011 Rellimllhllr I : .
1000J. vi ? : Mlnnlo I. . IIrv on. for Ihe Hw l ( , No
. AecUon 14. ' ' ' , \tnle'O \ : : w. I II\II. \
8hn lIamOIl UIII follow \ nl : wltnusel 10 , 'rovu her
1'0nllnnOll1l . . . . . .hl lIce UIIOI1 ntHI ClIlUVIIllon III
alolln/lll vh : : .la1ll08 W. UnlInkr of UI'tllll
NI'hr. , J08"111I"hll \ \ of U\ItOl/I Nllbr. I'olllr \ "
lIock of GlIurgullJWlI , Nil \ Ir. Whllo 01
\JlltOIl \ , Nobr. W , A. IlI\IIN , Roglltlr. !
81:1-80 :
IWAl ) NO'I'lCl .
To who\\l It lIIay COli corn :
The Comllliulonor n\lllolntod \ 10TIow 0 roa.
cOlmtpl1olnlC ! al . I ornl'f helwerm 8ecUoli. r ; 11111
8 16.:11 : Lbonce Ronlh on , Ircllull : ! IIl1u on" 11I11 ,
Ihellco 801lih 011 1II0Rt IlrRcliclo 101110 flllloWII1 !
Illnoy at now mndo ' 0 \llaoo ahonl II rlllls S. \ von
on .lIrTOY from 81alloll No.II.lhereon Iho10. .
IlracUcd ronio to IlIlorHect ronll nl " " " llrvOYC ,
011 Ihe 1-16 "nclloll 11110 about fiB rola , mare II
leRII 80nlh 01 No II thell u 80llth and woet 01
prou'l1L .lIrvol Ir Ih H. IC. Corner or Sucllon 1
11I1 : ! nml al.o n-k far Ihll vllcallon of the I\fOSell
willI botlvp"n tlalioli No , II alill wboro Ihe rOil
Intersect Iho I IIIlIlIu I'ollth of Hiotlull ' 110 II h.
r"ported In ravllr of Iho 10caUoII thereof. 111111 II'
obJ"cliolis tll fOlo , Or cl"lmo ror dnllllll"lI , IIIU8
bo tiled III the C01lllty elork'il omeo on or hofor
nooll of Iho 2lrtlll : _ , of Oclober. tllIt , Of Ilirl
ronll will b. , o tabllshed tllorllio.
In Wltlle.1JVboreor , I hl\vo horellnlo pot III
hal1d allilIllIf pal.cOlinlY. . thlH : :7lh dAY (
. ' \111-:081. : HKJ , < lRO. Vi. ORwnT ,
1I.I.t-87 18ul.l COUI1I ) ' Clark.
- - -
It'H Cool In Colorl1do.
August I to 14,23,2.1,30,31 ,
Scptem her I to 10.
On thc nho\'c da's thc IInr1ingto
Routc will scll romHI trip tickets t
Dcnvcr , Colonulo Slrlng ) ! ! , Puchlo tin
mlluy othcr poiuts in Colorl\co } lit cxtn
onlinarily low rIItcs.
It's cool In Colonulo 1111 summcl- lon
IlIIu } therc arc hmulrclls of rcsorts in HI
Rockies wherc 01lC 11I11) ' CRCtlle from HI
hCllt of the pllliu ! ! IIIHI spcncl IIn IIltl
gcthcr cle1ightful vtcation.
A cllnl to J. Francis , GCIllral Pa < ; scngl
Agcnt , Omaha. Nelli. . , will hring ) ' 011
geol } supply of Colortlno IHloklets thl
will help you plan ) 'our trip. 9-1
- - -
United Stat. . Lanel Omce , l
North I'lotto , Neb" AnKuat 11 , IPO'l. r
Nollce I. hnrth , Riven that the rOllo"lolr nam'
el , leUlllr hu ftlct1 nollco of hll lal8 tloD to
mRko nnlll , Iroof In 8111'pott or ble cla4m , anel
flIRt , Mlllroof , will ho mndll before tb count ,
JUIRII or ClIslor COUI1IY , NehruU. ot Broba
} Iow , Nehruko. nn Helltnmb..r 115. 1M. vial
AItINOJ ' 1' . IIB.t.MAN. IIomelltoad Katr1 No.
liOtIl. ror the NOIJI , IIlIcllon III , townahlp to N"
' 11111 % " : :2 : , WOlt. Olh PI , IIn flatUOI the todo , . , .
IIIKVllllr' ell to praTe hla conUnoou. r8llidenee
1I110n end cnlLlnllon IIf uld laml , Thl : John I. .
Wllllnll" , of IIrokell lJow Nebmeka : John W.
lIolerll 01 IIrokllllllow. Nebraaka : Nellon IInl.
man , ot IIrokell 1I0w , Nebraeka : 61xlon 11. 1111I.
man , ot llroklill Unw , Nl'bra.ka.
\I. I HI.1 UIIOno& E. JCntlNOIt , Regllt.r.
- - - - - - -
NOllOK ' 1'0 NON.1mSIUENTS ,
III 11\11 UlRtI Id Oourt. Cnder Cctlntr , Nobra k ' .
lUlu P , WOOI'lalntltr , '
Wlillall1 11 , lIoblltll s , decea ed , l'
I t nl , Dofomlanl .
Rllrll \lolllUlI \ , admlnl.tratr x , of the o.tato qt
\\111111111 II. 110101111I. dccoaeoll , and 'Mart U ,
Alhou h 1'llIlh U , navl. , al'encer n. lIobll& .
111111 lnthlnll 8. 1I0bllta , minor cblldrun of
Wlllla1ll II. 1I0hllta , docen.od , alld Sara U.
1I0blll. , hl8 wltlo , , , allll IInardlan Of IIIId minor
1'011 an.t ol\ch of ) ' 011 will toke 1I0UCo. tbat on Ibo
: lMh , Ih\y c \nllllsl , A , 1 > . 102. Ihe salel JUlu. 1' .
WoodIlall\lIlT , I1lcd her } loUUon In the Dl trlct
COllrt of ( 'lIl1t r cllllnl ) ' , Nebra8ka. tbo object aOti
"rnyrr of whIch art. ' tll 10rechJllo a certain real
ollIle IlIorlIRWI : , made , executell and lteUered ,
hy Iho 8n\l. \ . Wlllillm II. 110111111 anll Sata II ,
lIoblll. 10 thl8 ulalntltT , 1I\0n \ tbe BOlllb balf of
lIeclioli \ < 'olllioen (14) ( ) In 'lownllblp Flfteoll lI l
Norlh , Hlilige twellty Iwo ( , Wcd of tbe IIUJl .
ilL elter \ cOllnty , Nebm ka. to IIccur their ono
rerlnln Ilromt AO' " nole ror the sum of $2,000 00
IllItnll " " " 1. IIlh , ISCo , Iino allit pnrablO Janr. 11th ,
1 11I : , wllh 7 , lI'r Cellt lIo1ll1'l\nllllO lutorelt thUD'
111UefnlllL hl\Thl1 : been made In tbe } lament
of Hl\hl nolo Iherns \ HoW due tboreon thl' um of
$ : 1UO'lalnU ) \ Ilroyen for a decree tbat rOil
ho rCllulrllllO pa , Ibo sawn or Ibat .ald land bo
old to potl fy Iho aUlllullt Ilue 111altt note , with
Inlllr"Rt 1\1111 cOil. . Ycu IIro reqolred ' 0 'iliwor
thlll petltloll 011 or hofore the 1l11i. dll' ot October ,
100' : , or JudlIIml ! will 110 rund.roll agt.lllit rou' .
Dntod aL Ihokl'n 1I0IV , l'ebralktl , tbls 2Mh
, Iny of Allgnel.I'J ! \ ( , ELI\ , WOOD ,
HBIJ lIyhor attorno ) ' , ALI'ItA Man
I = - .
It Itu't the IIiRtcrlal
thnt " OCK Into your
rCI."lrclI'VutC 1 U.t
rCHnltH In 00 Ilcrfect
'nh. ' It 19 t"t IQow J10W
thnt llou ! ! tlIo buslno8s , any bn glor
ol\n buy thu tlno kinds 01 material
tltltt I 1180 In rell\lrl\ \ ) J but ekill
18 tlto m08t vfthll\hlo matorlft. . tbat.
, ru. bu II ell III watch repalrlngj
nllli the bllnjller onn't buy It.
Boll my aklll lor wbnt It Ie worth
nUll It will cost you lOB ! ! than
bUII"lIn I\t lower prlcee.
F , W . HAYES ,
.Joweler amI Optician ,
Wl'Bt aide of aquare.
BltOKltN BOWl Nl .
J.lncoln , Icnver.
ollu.lln. Ileleua ,
Chlcu"o , Dutte ,
. .t. .JONCI.II. IJ-ortlQlld ,
IC..IKAH cu. " . Halt Lak" CIt I
Ht. I.onlt. . A 11(1 Hun I.rrallcl co
All . -olntH RUKt And All J-olnt.
And HunUa 'VeNt.
No. 41-VooUbulelt ! cspreRl dall1 Lincoln , Omaha -
ha , lit. JosolHI Il.an818 Olty , tit. LooS-LiCbl
cllgo allil oil , ,01l1L411l1etnnd sooth. . . . 8 OJ , . . m ,
No. H-I.oolIl eXI"en , IIIIIJ , Lincoln. plI1 .ha ,
Chlcl\IIQ 1111I1 oil " 011118 ea t aud sonthn : q " , Ill.
No. H-VesUlJIIlell cxllros81lallJ. Uolena. , Hoal'
tlo , 1I0tte , I'orllanll. I\nl1 1\11 PaeUo ( JOal'
IIOIIIIA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .II , i am
No. 43-I.ocal OX\lre \ 8 dall" Alliance , and
Illtorlllollllllo lolllls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1pm
Sleoplng , dh.loK alld rocllnlng .1. ohalr carl. ( , " 'a
free ) 011 Ibrollghhalnl. 'I'lckol .old and " 'ar'
gage chockl'd ' to allY plllnt III tb. Unltod"at ' .e
allll Calla.ll\ . , J . .
Illformalloll , mall' , Umo I4blefl and. Icket .
I call on or write to II. L. Orloaby , agout , or oJ
Irllllcl , . G. 1' . A. , Oml\hv. Nobrq. ka. . . .
11. L. OnKIIB1' . Lb : nt.
Pouch tor we8t will close I\t 8 p. m" except
Sundny whollit will elo o at Otll : p tU. ,
\'ollch \ , OURt ror tral" No. 42 cl08eeat ,8 IJJi III
It onll ror No. 44 clO 08 nt , 11.30 1Irn. , MainOr .le ,
o all II 110111\.8 \ east of Uralld Isillud ourled on Ual"
} No. 4 ( . ,
I Ocollio Tla ef lIyno and 'J'u kervllle. datry"cx ,
I- cOI.t . 1iullday clollr , lit 7 a m : rolurnlult 8'tnola1 !
Cnllnw"y ViII , IIlc'Jlnle , l1ally eXol'Pt allulla ,
r cloM08 nt 7 a III , relurliing 8nme dll' , .
" 1t01l0l1 Valley via Ureen anlt Elton .c o e . . 7 a
IC m.Tlle.llay , Thuuday and taturda'e ! , returdtng
IC SaO d"y. - . ,
) _ 81\111110r vllGurnso ) ' , Ucor-elOWo ! : aod U"toa
' ' ' ' da ' alll1 8 tof <
arrnVOH at 11,311. 1'IIc dlJ 'l'bur )
day rotllrnl\lJ ( laaye. at 1,30 : lIame'dar. !
r OlUo hours frolll 1i.1X > II In to 8.00 jI m. Don. o
doyn fnJlJllr. : . \ , . m. to 6:4 p. tn. Lobb , , open
wl.kd"YI rrom 'j " .ID , to 8 II m. 8unJa . / 8UIO
ill a.I\I , to 11PI. / . ( ll'IlufalliollVllry not oen , Son-
[ 2 d"y marnllll : as hereloforo. L. U..r.WJ\Tt. PY'
" ,
I -
- - - -
- - -
- . . . - - - - ---A - - - -
I AM GOINH ' 1'0 , :
.1\1y entire Moult of olothing. Big out in prices
1- of IJadie'l Shoes to reduce the Ktook. Como and
s , have our moaRllro taken for a
Prices 1 ron1 $8.50 Up
As Good As You Want.
00 Don't forget that \YO
! at Cash PriocR , and pay the
: I HiIhest Market Prices for Produce. .
Sg I
nx - Broken BC'w , Nobrallka ,
- , . . . . . . . . . . . , . -"T' , - - - - - -
_ _ Ii ' : - A _ _ _