Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 04, 1902, Image 2

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Custer County Republican
D. M. 118J1EIUtY , ItDIT01t , t l'UJlL1811EIt
I Pelce blew the uottom out of tbo
INlcaraguan cnllal.
] t's the sugar In Cuba's cup that
makes it ultter , tool '
, A smile ma ) ' hltle n1lm's thouRhts ,
\Jst ! j paInt rua ) ' llldo a woman's com.
lexlon ,
New York tloctors who do buslnesB In
.fashIonable circles arc ettlnK realy
or nil e111tlemlc ot perlt 'phlJtla.
I Most people woulll regartl their Ctlu.
lltlon ns cOlUplete It the ' could under.
, tnml nn nrt crltlcislU atter tlley lun'e
, end It.
J. PIerpont Morgun's gmm1nUlCr i
wus the nuUlOr ot n I'oelll beginning :
"An old red hen with ) 'ello\\ ' legs ,
She luStI her maater mlln ) ' eggs , "
'he lloet's gralldson gathera them In.
Ol1t1mlRtlc pc ollie lire Inclined to be-
Ue\'o thllt there I ! ! 110 more jur ' hrlb-
fng , police brlhlng mill councllmllllic
bribing than c\'cr , but thllt lIIorC of the
brl\.Jers \ nre uelng caught. SUCCC6S to
tJlC catcher8 ,
'hut mUll uIIII Wtlllllln , oJtell 'jj anll
7l' ' respectively , who wert ! torcl 1 to
elope for thc pUrtJUO ! of Jtcttlng lIIar ,
rled , muy well Sll ) ' : "AIIII , oh , LoI'd.
SU\'O us from the wrath ot our chllliren
and our chJ\dren'a \ chlStlrell , "
Perhnps we are coming to ra\1wll \ 's
without ralls , Severol outulIlobllo OWII'
ers In New York arc plannlllg to con.
struct on IJ llg Isla11l1 11ft ) ' mUIS ot
rend , to cross otllCl' roads II bo\'e or he.
low gnule , so that the ' mn ' hu0 n treu
course on which to spelod their 11I11'
cblnes , From running a single lIIotOl"
cur on such a roud to Ilttnchlug one or
more "tmllers" Is a short step , 111111 tilO
next leads to pllSsenger nnd trelght ser.
vice , Eh'en It spedal roads arc not
built tor theIr ucCmmodaUon. It II !
probable that automobile conch l1Ms
wtll be rlU ) us t l'lerB to tite ateam or'
electrIc l1neB In 11Istrlcts where It would
not pny to lay a truclt.
'hree pcol11e were drownCtl tile othe.r
dB ) ' In MIc1llgnll , becausc one ot tile
rowlr.g Il rt ' conld not reJitraln bla
pla'tultles8 to the extent ot retmlnll1g
trom rockIng the boat'ery S\1l1111101' ,
IH'sldcs thu Illlluber ot drownln ! ; accl.
dents thut hUll11111 Iowur Is unnltlo to
ll\'ert , ore these thut owe their trngcdj'
to tooJhnrdltll'Ss of sOllle trltler , 'l'here
Js no war ot prl'\'ontlng 8uch cnsunl-
tle:1 ! : , as a 1I1entnl em II1ll1ntlon Is not fl'-
qult'ell of personll who hlt'o rowbont8 ,
nnll oarslllen Ill' " nU\'er quelltlonell a ! !
to whether III thelt' ollinloll the III' JIll !
Illenls of'pla 'tul1lCs8 ou ht to Ill'eYll1l
uJlon both wllter nl1d land , It would hC'
well , howo\'or , If sOllie cel't\tlcn \ tc of
sllno conlluct were reIJult'1 ! of doubtful
, 10ollng membel's of rowIng pll1'tles , or
SOll1e url'llngoll1ont IIIndwhorlh ' the
num with a JlrolJmslt ' fol' rocltlng hl11l'
, sulf III the craille of the deep II1I ht ,
, when the rocltlng reuclwd the HIIllllng
, 1101nt , upset enl ' his OWIl phl 'ful 8elf ,
II "MInisters seull1 to be waking UII to
the nocoslilt ' of self.llI1llrlJ\'en\nt. ut
long ugo the Con regatlonalllt : suggest.
ell 'that IUlnls Cl's tllku a SU11l111 ' olr
1I0W end then to l1stull to thelt' 1'ullow
IlreaehCl's 111111 Ill'out thCl'eb ' , Now
HeHobort Zm'lng , pastor of onn of
the Iethodlst churcill's III It1l1lanallo1l8 ,
'urgeil thut theru bu ItlHpector8 of liet' .
IIIons as there ore IIIoa t 111111 IIIllk In-
511ectors , It Mr , Zaring's IJ1' lIosltloll
s1iould be eorl'lell out the Insllectll1s :
woul doubtless Ilnd 11I1111"elllhallll'
Il" Serm0l18 which loug a o hnd tholr
11nr utld w 1l merit deceut blll'lnl , l'he '
wou1l1 also dlsco\'e ! ' lI1aul / hucllhl8
f heres ) ' that should bo oxtel'lI1luatetl
before the coutnglon hus slll'e/ul / to the
congregatfon ol1d through that to the
wOl'1I1 ut large , Ther woulll nd\'lsu the
preacher to leave his Shlllj' , 1111(1 ( n'cn
Itls closet , to como III contnct with IIfo
: I1a It Js tlHlu ' unll not ns It WIIS two
enturles ago , Ther would orgnl1lz
In l ltutes nmi summer schools fOl' mltl'
Isters thnt they mu ) ' IId\'III1CO horOl1l1
the limit reuched yenrs IIHO lit theologIcal -
Ical semlnarle8 , 'eochers 111'0 torc tl
b ' trequent Inspection nml frettucl1t
pxnmlnntlons to llrogl'ess ho 'ol1l1 the
nttalnments mallo 111 colle u IIlld 110l'-
inal scbools , 'ho requlrol11el1ts I11lhlo
pt tbo minIster sboulli be 110 Il'89 thall
these mode or other etlucators , Ir ,
r.arln's ! proposition Ilro\'olwd II smllo
l\'hen It was first offef'd , hut thel'o Is
common sense lit the hottol11 of
" t n1ll1 preachers will do well to tllke
, he hint.
I.'or years the weight of melIcul 11\1 ,
thorlt ' hll8 heen IIglll118t the sl11oldn
habit , The babltuo of thl ! eljnl' lituro
has real1 wlUI mnll ' IIllsj.I\'luj.1i thu dl'-
Uveranccs ot the mCtllclil oXlerts 1'0-
pecUng Ule etrect ot nicotine 011 the
ner\'ous s ' 8tem , At tlnlt's Ill ! hns 111'en
fl'lghtelle\l to the \'erge of l1ulll'lulll
tromuns by the certI\ltlllrOntl\lI1l'IHIltl1t
thnt smokIng i8 the caUSl' ot ClIl\C \ r ,
bout the enl ) ' , "olee that 11118 ! x > en
bllaell III ta\'or or tobaccD-uslnj. ; Is thu
ocensloDlll mild suggestion tr0111 S0l110
pllyslcJUll wbo hns urged that It 111'0'
motes ( lIgcsUon , Now eOl11es Dr ,
Dumon , an emlncxlt I..ol1don nutllo1'lt ' ,
who hus mullo a speclnl stud ) ' or the
action or tl1bncco smolw uloI1 the \'uri.
ous organisms lO\1l1l1 In the cavlt ) ' ot
the mouth. Dr. Dumon finds thnt whllo
, ouacco smoke has no effect UlOIl t ) ' .
pbolcl lo\'or germs or totunu8 (1\lck ( jaw )
It grently rotarlls the growth ot the
ba Jll1 ot InOuonzl1. ot dllhtherla , und ot
COWlwnptlOn. It mny be Buill that te , ,
. . . , . ,
I II 111 olwrs nclh'eJ1 t'11Jngell In the put'
suit nre trollhlcll eltlwr with tnholll
( ( ' \'I'r or lockjnw. JlOclcjnw would 11111. '
l rlall ' Interfere with the elljoyment
of 11 cl lIr or a pllJAlld \ ns to t 'Ilhohl
te\'ur the , 'Ietlm Is like the eh/u'ncter / ot
1\ret \ Unrte , cOllcerllltl" wholl1 It wns
, Allld , "the ! lubsIIIeut IJrOceedltl III.
tl'rwltl'l hl1l1 110 1II0re , " As to 1IIIItHlIZ/t. ! /
(1IIIhtherlu. and COI1S II 1II11t1 011 , hO\\'urer ,
the C/lSe / Is different , \'ery smoker put
to It for detwse ot [ ) ' lAd ) ' lcotJne
w\1l \ testify thut he hRR 111111 nt dl\'erA
und sUlldry UU8 touches ot olle If not
nIl ot thuse dlseallCH. 'hese geml ! ! mU8t
be smoked out alltl destroyed , What
mort. natuml IIll'thotl thl1.11 the one BO
ulllverslllly eUlpo'CtI7 ]
AmerIca dOl's not do thltl"K { by haJ\'l's
E\'er ) ' du ) ' she smlUll'es sOllle old.worll1
, theory. 1'11.110 our \II rersl1leR , tor III.
BtnnCo. 111e h'y or ) ' 0l1r8 clings to the
sacn' ( ] walls of Oxtord allli CUll1brldgu ,
lluldcJbcrg 18 honored hy gelleratiollA
ot leurnlug , nut therc uro InstltutJons
ot blgh.I" learning In this countr ) ' thaI sCllrcel ) ' out at their BwuddllnK I
clotlll's us tar as Yl'nrs Is cOlleerlll'd ,
alltl 'ct the ) ' nrc n'Coglllzed the world
0\01' us ul1excelled , somu that uro look ,
ed UpOIl us prell1ler In cerulln Apeclul.
tlCM , And there uro fl'eRhwllterIIll'er -
Rltles 111 the nuwl'r cIties of the Ullited
Stutus whosu prosreHs I little lOfts thlLII
ullluzillg , lol1l' ' CI1I1 do II srent deul ,
cr11 In leant us ; , Thu stor ' of lho UIII
Yerillt ' of ChIcago Is UII elllphnUc ex.
amlle ) , I'rom the f1nllllGlal IIOlllt of
\'Iew It tnlws on 1111 URlect ) of u fn01' -
uhle del11 flIccsAfllll ' IJrollloted , But I
whllo ol1e IIlUltllllllllollltlt'u hils gl\1'1i !
$11,000,000 for Its Ullilulltlllll : ; ' , Othl'l'
fdellrlA hll'e goue dowII Illto their llOcl , .
eta for i , OOOOO ) , nllll their shn1'o IIlol1e
woul(1 ( hl1\'o heel1 lIulllclellt for UI1 px ,
cellel1t Bturt. Stili , It If ! , ,1wl1 the fl'-
suits I1re com'111lered ' tllut tile cnturllrse !
grows III Illterc t , Ita hlAtorr I'IIIIH hacl :
H'urcel ' a dpc/Ille , and 'et the enroll.
lIIent durltlJ ; the pust } 'ell1' , UCCOI'III1S ; to
the tJgures unl1oUl1ced / Ule COII\'Oeu.
tlon , WI1S , Jl : lO , or a totol ot uhnOit :
3,000 I1lff'rellt studellts , COl1slllerltlg ,
thl1t } ! < JHt-srnduntl ! work reeul\'Cs till'
greater ! ! h re ot the attelltlon , the II .
ures nssUlllU o\'en srenter Import. 'I'he
buildIng ot U11 IIIStitUtlolI
ot 811Ch mng.
Illtude In this short time. while mnlll- I
talning a standnrd recognized th , '
world o"er , Is only nether exnmple ot
tbe AllIerlcan wu ' ot "dolllg thlllKs"
tbut hns 80 trl'Quel1t1 ' 8tounded the
slowergolng 1lropenIs ,
In Paterson , N , J" a while ago , a
WOO\'er mllde
tor mon'
wnges , It wus retusud , He went to
hl8 home nud there he and his wle
hl1Ired theIllAel\'es
\ , ulld were Inter
t0\l1111 deed uy the neighbors , A rich
contrnctor III ew l' orlc dnmk
/Inl / dlell. ' '
1'he wel\Yer nu(1 his wife
wore not 11/l\1pers , 'I'hc ' had 11 fair i
1\\'lllg \ , At 110 tllI1e had the ' been 111
WlIlt. It the ' wel'c Ilesponllellt thelt'
trlollds did 1I0t Imow It. 'hu cOlltmct-
or , who relll'eselltod the other el111 of
the soclul 8cule , lIad henlth , 1II00te ' nlld
no entnllglelllel1ts tllnt thol ; ( ' closu to
hllll cOllld diIlCO\'el' , 1'hell why dill the '
Idll thumsel\'es 7 'I'he hl1l11UIl 111 I IHI 11'1 '
to-du ' nllllost liS II1l1eh ot am .stel'r 118
It wns III the begllllllng , Llt'e hils 1I0t
to nil the Hl1llte'nll1u It hus to 'OI1 , It :
IH llOHHlhlu 1'01' II hUlllnn buillA' to he-
e01ll1 ! tll'etl of exlstcl1clJ , e\'ell though
SUIT0l111tlell h ' luxl1l'l.c : , It Is 'pos- '
slllll' for thu JlOOI' 1111111 to ! 'eel thu t
the jnme Is 1I0t worth the cl1l11lll' , e\'ul1
though his Ilo\'ert ' Is no 1II0l'C ( Hslt'ells-
Il1g thnn 118ual. ' 1'lw hlllllall belll who
Is 110t rosolll'cl'l'lIl , who ( : l1l1not IInll III
hlH OWII hl'l'aRt thu IIIRII11'Iltloll thllt
11\111'l'S \ life IIwetJ ! 111111H1I18 / , lllte1'Plit to
the tlnll ' rOlllltl of wOI'I. or III ensure ,
oftell Ihllll1 exll'tl'l1l'u 1II0notonollR , ' 1'bllt
roatl Ie/His / to sulcille
nt1l1 II IWWRIIUIr !
stOl'Y thot gel1erllll ' clo eH with thpso
wOl'tls : " o rl'l1son Is kllOWII for the
uct. " 'l'here Is II relllelly , It ISII't
found In the lIIe lcnl wOI'I.s , nlltl fnw
tloetors Ill'escrlltl ! It , Stoll thlllldll
IIhout 'olll'RlJlt' . A cI'llllllo ( h'l1gJ.ctl
hlnuwlf ulol1J. ; the IlaIII ell t nlltl Ih'OII.
llell II coin Illto the hlltlll begg'lIr's hat ,
" 1'11I glllli 1'111 110t III thc shlllln thllt
t llow Is , " he slIlIl , ' 1'hlI'e Is the 1I11' I ,
'rhl'I'1 ! Is IIlwa 's sOllluhod ' worse on' ,
DOII't plllY t he lIIal'l 'r , Don't huaglno
that l 'l1te III 1\i1JJ.ItIJ : ) 'our footstells ,
1\0 \ of USl' , l'he useful hUIIl/\l1 lIelng'
doeRII't kllow the lII'alllu or 11\0uoto- \
II " If 'ou cnunot tllstrlhutu 1II0ner ,
shnre Idlul wOl'di ! with those who 11\(1
tholll , He luter'stl'l , 1111(1 10t1\'o death
to the 0111 IIIUII with the scythe , ' 1'he
wea\'er nm1 the wea\'er's wlfo 111\11 the
cOlltrlletor were selllsh whclI the ' tie-
Rtro 'ed thlIIse\'cR ! , ' .rh ( ! ' waRtetl hnl > -
Illnefs thllt coulll hu'c hCHI tllt'It's for
the I1sklnj. ; , 'l'he ' loolwd at n grave
wholl thl' ' hll'e'ltl1sell the
glor ) ' ot the sun ,
0111.1'11110 Ell 1I0ni inn ,
-ow that thpI'o Is so Illllch tl1l1 : I1hout
elllll'IIUon It Is lutel''stlng to 1001 , hucl ,
111111 Sl'e whllt II son'utl''nth centlll' '
1II00'II11st hlld to jn ' IIltollt thu telll'liing
of chl1l1l'eu ,
" " 'n IIl'l ! In Pnln to IIInla' tlll'lI1
Sehol/l1's / , hilt uot I en ! " ho wroll' , " ' 1\ )
tl1ll , . l'lIthel' I1lIIn to Iwow , which Ii ! the
Cl1l1tJUj. , 'I'he th'st ' ' '
; 'l'hlllg oh\'lous to
Chllllren Is what 1'1 Henslhle ; l1Iul that
we Illal110 Pal't of their HUllll1\l'UtS , "
Bllt what Is of 1II08t f1 nln'IIUI'l' to
liS Is thl' SIlIll ! . ' wrltm"s1111)111 / fOl' It''h.
ukl11 ulhll'1I Uon ,
"We Jln'ss t hl.'lr 1l'n\Or ) ' too soou ,
IIntl IJlIzzlc" stmln nt1l1 101111 tlll'11with \
WOI'ds I1Utl Hules ; to Imow Ol'/lIUl1\lIr / \
111111 mieol'lc 111111 11 all'tlllge ' 1'ou l1l' or
two , thnt It Is tell to oUe UlII ) ' IHH'lr ! lie
lIltlll to tlll1\j ) \ I ' : lYJug th\'h' uatural
Gl'III1I8 to [ l'ChflulcI IInll Ph 'sll' I 01'
: \atu1'tl1 Imowlcdgo uucllltl\'ntell 111\11
111'lectell ! ; which woultl he of excI'\tl"
lug Use utilI Pll'l1slIre to tholll throllgh
thl' wholl' COllrse ot the-II' LIfe , "
. \ftul' nIl , SI1 'S the 1.olldoll Chronlell' ,
It Is the rMobuel' rother than thc his.
torlull who Is forced to use yuill fl'Jll'-
Utlou ,
. ,
' clence
\ O
. N
, A : ventron
An Bngllsh ph ' ! ! loloJIHt explulns thnt
n girl cnll lIe\'cr throw 1\I'e \ n bo ' bo.
cnllRO her collnr.bollo Is lurger and suts
Muteors , rhlch rench the el1rth nl.
most 1t1\'nrluhl ' cOlltllln n large qUIlIl'
tlty of Iron 111111 n slIInller amoullt ot
I1lcl < el ,
' 1'he worst mOSflulto-lnestetl nolJh. ;
borhood III thu world Is the COllst of
HOrlllO , At certllin SenSOIl ! ! , It Is said ,
the IItrcnlllS of thllt regloll nre UIIIIIL\'I.
guille bccauso of the clouds of lUOIIUI.
toea ,
A peculiar BilOW obser\'ed 011 MOllt
; \lIlet 111 the AliIhns / : beell rellorted hy
[ , A. Brull. It Is cullotl "Cuuc slulI
SIlOW , " ulld Is'er ' porous , with gl'llllls
reachlllg 1111 el hth of nn Illch III sl7.o ,
rrho sll ht lldhellioll ot these graIns
gl\'es sruot lInbl1lt ) to a\'ulnllcls ,
A ttelllpts hn0 beull IIInl1e to IIltJas-
IIro thu light ot the l1Ioollless night sk ' ,
Gu\'III , T , BUrtis , nil gllgllsh IIstrollo-
Iller , has roughly e ! thllntl'l thut the
totnl light of olle hellllsilhere otu ls
tlll\t , If 0110 thouHalld Ih'st'lIIugnltudo
stllrs , und 1'rofelHOr SllIIon owcollIb
hUH-IJ'I'hnps lIIoru nccmn tely-foulld
this totnl light to ho elIuul to that of
six hUlltlrel1 to uJght hllllllred IIrst-
IIIUg'lIltutlu IItl11'S , ' 1'hu lIrlghtlless so ms
to ho 1I0t elltl1'el ' dlw to'Islblo 111Id
1111\'lslblc StUI'S , 'l'hu zol1lacnl light /tIltl
thu UHUll8Chulll / 1Il1t11l1Jtht glow 011111) '
site thu SUII , ha'c he n seen to cxtulld
UCI'OS ! ! the heu'CllS , und It Is Buggestell
that theRe /tI'e hut IlItullllIcntlolls ! ofl / '
gelleral IUlllllloslt ' ot the entlro slQ' . i
duo to S011l0 ulll"own Clluse ,
\ \ ' OIlllerful stol'los are ortull to1l1 of
thl' llowers of'Isloll Ilossessut ! b ' sa\'o
aJ.e ; l'Iltes : , Durlll/ / { the rucellt Cam-
hrldge ollthropoluglcnl expuc'Ulon to
'orres 8trlllts , the \'Isunl I1culty of the
natl\'es wes cllreful1 ' tested , ulld Ir ,
m"ers , who mude tllO tests , cOllcludl
that the excellellce of'Islon shown by
sn "lIge8 bus a ps'chologlcal orlglll ;
tbut Is to Sll ' , It arlse8 from Imowlllg
whut to look for , When the Europcun
ocqulres fuml1lurlty with the ell\'It'on.
mellt he CUll lIee ns tur IlII the ' call ,
Thus the power of an Indlnll to tell the
sex of 11. deer ot such a ( llstance thut
dll\tllIJulshCtl ; : tCl1turcs lI1w nntlers wcre
In\'lslble wus toulld to rcst UpOIl hIs
kllowll'dJe ; : ot the pecullur gnlt of the
mule deer ,
Professor A , E , Yerrlll of Yllle regards -
gards thc phollolllellu wltllcsscd durlllg
the awful urulltlon oflollt Pelee In
[ a ) ' liS.Jenrlu \ out the theor ) ' thut 1m'
mCllae quuntltle8 of expl081\'e gnses
wel'u u\'ol\'ed throu h the dlsHoelatioll
ut oxnun allt ! h ' (1t'ogell fl'om the wu-
\r ! on comlllg stllllenl ' Illto cOlltuct
\ \ It It hot lu'n , ntHI that these gnse : ! ,
\ \ hell ( 'Jl'cted 11Ito the utlllosllhe1'lJ , ex-
plocted nbo\'e the cl'lltel' , IJl'Ollucltl the
tCl'I'lhll ! ell'ects that were notedc -
COrtllll to this \'Iew , the Il1hahltHllts
of St , PJetTo wel'U 1lllell hy a s\ltltlell
eXIJloslolI of a \ 'nst'Ohlllle of 1l111l lell
ox 'geu 111111 h 'llroglII , while the poisonous -
sonous h 'droC'hIOl'lc aclll gas , formetl
h ' Ihl' chlorine IIhurntell from tilt' sen-
wutel' thut had lealullillto th011'111111
IIl1d wnl : ! comhluml with ! WIlIO of the
h ) ' I'ogulI , ql1lcl\l ' suffocatell those who
I\lU ' hn\'c escullell deuth 1'1'0111 thu ex'
ploslol1 ,
Succcl'lCul AIrllI"onl JoIce " 'orlcetl 11) '
New Orlcans PUllcr.
"Dill ' 1J11 e\'cr' hear nbout the time
the'el't ' Bell wns 8tlJlen'i" I\llwII : ;
u : \ew OdeanIlllll / : ut the UHlltol , the
olhlJr tll\ ' , lilt wus e\1'lr lu tlllJ 81H'Iug
of 18S : : , 'l"11U IXlJUsltlou ! wns IWItH' ; held
ntew Orll'al1 : ; atHI the \.Jcll \ 111\11 IHHI1 !
10nl1cll to thc eXllOsltlou , I rellH'mhur
well the excitement the thcn oeeasoll' !
ell , 'rhe ' 1'llIIeH.emocmt ) CHllIe ( l1t thl'
next 11I01'111111 : ; with sll11'tllu ; . ; heat1l1lltJs , ,
' . \ Dn tnl"llir Attelllpl , ' ' 'rhe l l\Iulum
of All1l'l'Icnn ItHlelJUllllellee , thu I.hert. !
Bell , Stolen. '
" 'Ll1st ulg-ht WI\S 1'01'I'O\\'flll onu
In the clt ' , ' It flalt ! , 'When l'hllatlel.
Ilhlu sl nt toew Orll'\l1 : : ; the j.I'lllHI
0111 I.IIItI't ' Bell , tl'l'ts\\1''d : 110t alonu
by the 1'nnHtl city of thc gaHt , hnt h ) '
the whole nntloll , I\S the Ill'el'lolls elll'
hlelll of Ilntlollnl 1I1Hrl " the I ) ople of
the 80nth j.ellernlly , and or LOllllilnna
JlUl'tlelllnl'ly , rSIHHHlcl ! wnl'mly to thIs
e\'hll'llco or hnthel'ly lo\'u Offl'l'eil h '
tIll ! sl'CtJlHl elt ' ot the relJ\lbllc. '
" . \ . 10ll nCcollllt of the l'lCelltion of
the hl'll ulll ! thc cnre tnl.ll ! of It fol.
10wt l. Illld the rl'huel\.lellloerut snit ! :
'The pot on which It stooll Is 1lI'pnl !
ot hn\'oc , 'l'ho cor tl1nt b01'e It Is hnlf
conRlllllL'tl h ' lire /11111 Its 1'1l1l1l'll tlm.
bers tell 1ftor } ' of wl\nton th'stl'uclloll
ull1lost without Il:1rnllel. : The U'I'i' ! thnt
! rtoo o\'er It Ilrl' 110 longl'r gl't'ful : ! : tllll
smntl ; hult dl'\'ourctl by tlro , ther !
chnrrell hrnnehes 8eCIII to ! ! I'Y aIO\H !
tor'enennel' ; , Last IIIht ; W'hl'll the
pule m01l1l 8hl'(1 hel' 1'\l1I\n'l' ; : Iwe1' the
; ' ; I'etl : } lat'I : , IInthlll ; ' ; It In 11 110011 of sll ,
\\1' , when the " :1'01111181'1'0 ealm
111111 still 111111 tlesertl'tl hy 1111 sa\'I' tllu
wntchflll j.Il/lnl , this th'l'll oflI1lon -
ness WI1C : ; ( Iolle , '
' 'Tht'n I.'nllllIn 1\'COllnl 01' tilt' 1I\0llllt-
Inj. ; of thu J.llard ; mill till' (1\sl'II\\'I' \ \ " ot'
the lire , The occount sl1ll1 : ' \\hllu'tllO
111'1\11.11 01111 thl ! two ollll'l'rs WI'o Ills.
csln the mrstCl'lulls t\SI1IIIWIII'/lIICI1 \ !
ot tbe two nlht ; wntchllll'll :111 olllel'l'
1II0do his wnr'elOHl' to Ihl' cl\r to Ill-
spect the bl'll I\ntl \ I\S'I'I'WItI wlll'thel'
or not It hntl Ru\tllllll'd ! IIll ' 11:1111111' : ; , ' 1'0
hi ! ! um/\7.t'lIIent the hl'1WitS \ ; ' ; Olll' , ot
n Yl'stige ot It rCllluhll'tl. It hllIIH'1I : \
WI'llUg trom Its tllstelllll s IIl1tl enl'l'le < t
o ! T. '
' ' 'l'hero wes lUoru detnll nllout tile
pnrch and cle , , ' , : \nttn'lIl1 ) ' thu cltl'
zons nnd the thousnnds ot18tors \ n t
the eXllosltlon WlWfe Indignant. 'l'ho
. . 'at _
, unllt'e IIOJlIluUon dllcllssed ! nothing else
thllt mOl'lllns ; and the cl1rs wel'o not
slllllelent to cllrry the croWl1 out to the
Jrollnll8 to scc thl ) nlltl wrollht ! and
Il'aru the InteBt clew , I coUhl not get
11 cnr alld walked a 11Istance of tour
mill's nnd wus nn hour getting through
the snte ,
"Tho IIext Issue of the rrhneR.Demlo
cnLt ! ll1ld : 'B\'cl'yhod ) ' takes a Joke good
nnturedly 011 the fIrst day ot Aprll , 111111
there was occnslon yesterday tor the
exorcise ot a good deal ot good I\l1.ture ,
B\'erybody trlcd to tool e\'eryhody else ,
' ' ' ' .
'I'he 1'lmes.Democrat Liberty Bell jol.e
went down \'er ) ' well , nnd these who
forgot the date ot the IIIlJwr and went
Into a sl1te ! ot ngltatlon over the Irrc.
IJlU'/lble / Injury that they \tnaghlf'1 \ hUll
beoll done to the '
1'l1l11oUS oM relic so
kindly loanetl to New Orleans hy the
C\t \ ' of Brotherly Lo\'c were tull or
luughter and surtlrl80 when the } ' tount !
themsel\'es the \'Ictlllls of 11 hOl1x , 'he
hell was \'IHlted by a Inrgo nUllluer of
\'IAltors ( luring the day and the oUleers
on gUl1rd hod no dllUeult ) ' In con\'lnclng
spectators that nothlllg was wronW
with It. ' "
" 'hut Young Amerlcunll Who Go The"
" 'III FInd.
\IIHlergrndunte Jlte at Oxford tht : !
studellt from Alllerlc/\ / will IhHI mall ) '
Interesting feature ! ! , IIo will , no dO\lbt ,
be IIRslgnel1 to n college ratber thl\lI ho
I1ll0\\'UII to choose Olle , as the will of
Cecil Uhodes eXJl1'esses the deslro "tltn t
thu scholl1r ! ! hollllng the scholarllhlpi :
shllll be distributed /\IIIong / the colleges
of the UII \'m.slt I ) ' ot Oxford , alld 1I0t
resort In UnhlC nUlllbers to one 01' 1II01'l'
collees ! 0111- : ' , "
'l'here IIro twellttwo colleges III the
\l1I1\rllt : ' , nll of which , eduel1t1ouolly
eonsillered , lire elul1l. ( Hensons of 1'IInk
In life , of llI1relltal or locoll1S80cll1tlollS ,
ot wo/\lth / , of religious tCllduncleil ,
rather thall reosous of a purely /\Cll'
demlc IInturo , leud nil l nllIsh : bo ' to
choose olle /\lIother / of thcse coll'gc8 ,
'l'he college ! ! dlffcr In exterunl ! > , SOIlIl'
of thom are rIch , otherR lJOor ; SOIllO of
them ure cOlllpar/\tI\'el ) ' hlrgl'-three or
four hundred studonts-ot1lC1'8 ) '
slllnll ; sOllie ore expensl\'oly c/\rrled Oil ,
others IlImcpolIsh'pl ) ' ; some arc "POS8 , "
others nro "readlllg" colleglS ; Borne hu'e
high resldellcc fees , others low ; sOllie
I hl1'e 110 gl".Jdu/\te st\ldcnts , and olle ,
All Souls , \IIHlergrnduato studentH ;
, ome Itu re SUIII'l'b buUdlngR , other ! !
plnlt1l'r ; I1nd OIlU , the NOli-Collegiate ,
: hl\8 110 hulldlng at ulllIId hurdl ) ' OilY
fneult ' , bclng go\'orlled by th.lnl'er'
i slt ' through a cOUlllllttee ealledn "del.
e nc ) ' tor unutt/\chcd students , " But
any olle ot these eoll'ges ! will be a
worthy for.ter IIIothe1' to the ullder.
l'I\duute \ , The studellt will PH ) ' his toes
to his collpge. alld will be wotch'll
o'erI ' It throughout his whole course ,
IIe Wllll10t gut all of his Instl'\\ctlon In
I Is leeture r0011lS , for the COlllm\II11t- '
or Interest Idea haR pelletrated mOllet'l'
Oxford , Ulld tOl' certaIn suhjects the
l'l'sl.lellt . shulellt will heIt ( to go to
IInother collugo , but hIs student life
will be I11l1lnl . within the eollegu walls ,
IIo will , It' fortunate clloU 1t to get
one , 1m'e a 1'00111 011 onu of the "stull' .
CafS ! , " will bu sm"'ed hy the "scout , "
who will bl'ln hllll his hl'el1kfast , will
tlltl ( ' In state In the hl1l1 c\'erj' o\'ellln ,
will WOI'lihll1 In the college , chHpel , 11I111
will shorten hlH willIs ahl'ol1d so thaI
he can gl't within tlw collpj.e gats he ,
I'01'l' t1lt ! ' clo l' 1'01' the III ht. lIe will
! I'OW In the college boa t or Illa ' 011 the
colll'o ' ( 'l'lclwl tell Ill , anti will hll0 II
slll'clal/Hh'lsel' / , a cullege tutOl' , to wholll
hu will 1001hllcl \ with gratitude alllll'e-
! lllcd ull tilt ! tlll 'H of his lIt'e ,
IIc will 111111 Ox 1'01'11 ItS expellsl\'e as
11111'\1\1'(1 ( Ol' Yllln , IIIH stl'letlr coHI'l ; !
expenses , rot' tul1l0n , hOlll'd IIntl dllll '
1I\'ln , ( 'xeluHI\'u of heels , elothln , Sl '
clutil'S , 81101'18 IUIII lux\II'leli , will \'lIry
fl'OIl1 II I11lnll11l11n of : : : : > 00 a 'I'ar to II
I11l1xll11ul11 (1Ill1eult to ostlmale , Of the
colle el ! , Kuhle , , Teli\ls , ew College and
\\'ol'el'stel' ml1lw RIJlc1al en'Ol't to altl the
st\ulent In economy ; Christ ChurcI : ,
UIII\'OI'Slty , 11Ij.lllIlon utili Ha\1lo1 \ lIl'll
the 1110st OXIJllIsl\'e ! ; Bmsenose , St.
, J ohu's , I'xelul' , Ol'lel 1\1111 Trlnlt ' 8tlll1l1
In al1 Interl11etllnte IJOsltlon ,
'I'he shutt'nt will hll\'e 10 he fatrl '
l'collomlcl1ll1t the n\'tI'lIgt ! colle"l' " , SIl 'S
1"1':1111'18 : lIo\'uy 810tldllrd In thu He ,
\'Iuw ot' He\'lcws , to Iwell hIs totlll ex.
IJI'I1Ses wlthlu the $ I , OO j'elll'ly Sll .
sested In the will os the Inconl ( ! tor
each seholll1'shlp ,
Ln..t ot' lllll Indian IhlnOlJJ.
'rhe Oll1l1ha Is tllt ) enl ) ' dUllce now
II1'lIcllc'd I1l11ung tlto Sioux , ' 1'he wllr
dallce tlll'tl wIth the accession of pelll'e ,
tilt ! 8un dllncn hils IOllg hCl'll f1'owIll'd '
\llIon h the OI''U1.1o'l1tl1or IIml the
! ; host. ( lnllce hus hel'n lIel'tmlltol'Il ' I'm' ,
hllllll'n e\'el' since the " 'ouhlu SlH'lng.
Ing fl'om It In that UllhIlPI'Y ' light I\t
" 'oll1111l'll l'I1l'l' In tlw ellrl ' wlntl'l' 01'
18111. Hut the Ol11l1hu , dal\'ull 1'1'I.11\1I'nt.
I ) ' \11011 tll ( ' l't'sel'\'lItion. hIlS not hl'pll
IIct\lllll ' t'tl1'hlthlell , ulthollh ! the Imll1l !
ugl'1l11i III l'lIl'I'al ' '
tIlsallll1'o\'o or It , u1ll1
so fill' us h ; Ilo slhle (1I'O\l1ltl'IIUIIC ( ' lis
111'1')1\1 ) UI1 tlnll , It I : , ; IIl'i1I1Ul'Il ' a SOl'lIl1
1'1111 ( 'tlo II , with thIs \I11IIU/1l1l1l'tl / ud\'llll'
tug-I'-llmt It tl'l"JIi townl'll the 1'0lltlll'
1II\lIl'U of thut ! 'tull' of suell't ' 1\IIIIwII
to till' Il1dlulls 1I111'IIIg tlH'II' tln ' 1i ot' lilli'
hHl'II ' , t hll t. It l'lllilhat'llzus 11111'1'IIIWtl
11l'IIhlll ; : : uIIII thut It hUR 1I01hlllg- ( 'OIU ,
l1IuII with lhu l'I\'IIJ : IIt1(111 towHl'tl whl'h
WI' 111'1' 11' 'llIg to le/lli till ! l'l'lI IIIUII ,
g\'t'I' , " thm' Ihe Omuhn Is lIum'l'tl till'
(1I11lt'I'I'S m'l' Ill'Il \\11 1II00'U l'loI'I : ' tt ) th , '
old \In's \ , l1al ! 01,1'U ' ' ' '
tu \\'U 'S , U l'U\'l'I'l'lIe ( '
1'01' the cURloms I : ! ' thl'l1' IItl'l'stm'ti Is
( 'lIldlltlll'tl wlhili \ lIwm , IIIlt1 whu tl\'l'l' !
1'1'11 II It I , . : Itllh" l1'l'lI of 1'1 \ ' 1117.0tlull mu , "
hn'lJ hltlll'l'lo hlllll'PHH'11 thelll 1\1'1' , 1'01
thl' tllIll' , uttl.t'I : ' t'al'Ottl'1ulltl ; \ 1'\'I'lItU-
IIII ' nltwh \\111'1\1.11 \ , It Is the j.I''lIt
lioclul 1''III'l'tlO1\ \ lllll'hll I'ls III , ulltl It
InIlIIlJll'l' I'UII1\ut \ ho fOl' gooll-Chlcng-o
Chl'Ollll't' ! ,
We hO\'e 1\otlct'tl \ thl1t 111'1l'1'8 ulwuys
so UI ) rOI ) ! l ' 1\lItl declillo'el' . slo\\'ly ,
I. \ ' . , t
, . , . . . . , "
: . . . . . . 4 * + . . " . . . " .
fJ . : S
. . . . - - - - - - . . . .
1'ho PIoneer tells n stor ' ot n rat
which on 01\0 \ occlIllon wns c/l\lJht nlh'o
on 11 flhlp nnd thl'own o\'eruoal'd , A sea.
Jtull was lIontln b ' the side ot the
I\hlp , Immetllntel ) ' there emmed a uat.
tIe ro 'ul , und the rut strnll lcd the
lIeaJtullto death. IIe thell sat upon the
cnrcnHS of the 8caJtull , unfurled Its left
wl1\I \ : ; ' to cntch the wind , nnd , worldns
the l'ISlt wlllg a8 UII O1\r , set sail for the
In re II01\Se \ to 11 IIIlslollory's ! ! appeals
for \'urlo\1s ul'tlcles for U8C 011 nil Afrl.
cnn fnl'l1I , u mllltlng.stool was acnt to
him from l nJlnnd , IIc gn\'e It to the
negro whoRe dut ' It was to IIIlIk the
COWfl , with Injunction ! > to ulle It , On
the Ilrflt duy the negro returnl'd hOllle
fl'OIll the COW-Shl'lfl , brulsud und hot.
tel'ed , hut with un empt ' pnll , When
thl ! IIIItslo1\/\I'r ! \ / Rked for un eXl1lann.
tlolI , the nero ; : replied : " IIIk stool
ver ' nice , ma8a ! , but shQ won't sit on
11lSG2 \ Colonel Alexander , ot 1'opelm ,
who was an Illtimate friend of Pl'l'sl'
dellt 1.lnc01l1 , visited him at WnRhlng ,
ton , I1nll found him In a gl'eutl ' dcpl'css ,
Ctl sta te of mllll1. "Thill being 1'I'esl.
dent IRlI't all It Is cI'acll'd up to he , Is
It , [ r , Lillcoln 7" InllUll'ed Colonel AI.
eXI\luler , " o , " saId Llneoln , his e 'es
' lIIolllentarlJ ' "I f 1
twinkling' ; some-
timeR lII.e thu It'lshman , who , ufter be.
IlIg rltlll'n ( 01 u 11 , saltl : 'Begor1' ) ' , It
It wlm't for the honor n" th' thing , I
rather \ull ! ' " ,
An Inuldent of the cQ'elonles at the
un\'elnJt of the lochlllbeau statue II
Washlllgtoll , D , Q" went fi' to prove
that the 'l1Ielan lug "Stl 'S put"
When the Countess '
the hlll 'al'd which cauled the lags
draping thc statuc to drop , e'ur'cs'
tge of the co\'erhlg fell but one corer
ot the AmerIcan tlg , which IJel'sl8tent.
I ) ' cung to n part of the work s\ll' .
rO\udln the statue , " 1'he lag sta's
put , " l'elal'l'ed &cl'etary Hay to the
PI'esllent In nn undertone , and the
Presldont , rememhel'lng his wordR
smiled bl'oal ' , 'l'he Frelch fag read ,
I ) ' ga\'c wo ' the 10lellt the rope was
IJletl , alll there WC'e n number ol
fpectatol's I ho wm'o Ilcllled to tuke
the In(11l'nt ns1n / Olen ,
CUltliln l"I'l'lwh I , Chadwick , U , 8 ,
N" who WIIS comll1ander of thu
ship ew 1orl , ( hl'lng the wlr with
Spain , sa 's that Heal' Admirl Snmp-
son was deell ' Oul unaffectedly religious -
ligious , /11 ndds : "le was II strIct
obsel'\'cl' of SUllca ' , but the foct tha t
once , at leaHt , hp forgot the dn 's of the
wPl'k Is 111'atl\'o of the IntllIslt ' wih
whleh Iho thlt ' In
hlnd 'S '
al\l sl'lzet
hll 11\111 the '
; cnlell Cl11taills I10al'I
101' cOllsultatoll on t1lh of , Tunu ( u
8at\'dl ' ) he faltl to\ll the l'lose of
the ' : 'I 11111 oltl '
cont'el'Ulle - -
; II to-10I'-
IW to alae the haUl'I'lls , 10 ha\'e
{ \er 'thllg I'eul ' hy tll1 'lIght. ' CIII'
taln 1111' , who . WIH lost em'nest 111
his 1'llgloll8 con\.itlon , at OICC Rolw
up : 'But , atl I 1 1 I , to-IOI'I'OW Is ) 8\1'
dn ' , ali I dOl't help\'e 11 lhtlll ; 01
SUl111ar , the '
ulIlS8 othll' fplow Iwlls ,
I ha ' ' '
\ ( nlwlJ'H t ' ' '
10tcItl thl Whll'\'el' hells -
lls 1 HIHhl ' lght gtI ! Il'lwd. Salp-
' ' . .
'Ul II OlrlJ lll : 'I nU 1 llt .O11'1
' , , Tack
tlJl'1 1lt ; to tell the tl'llh , I
hld fUI'j.ottel tIll' ' In 's of the wellc , I
al 10 101'1 a hllew'r 11 lhllll ; 011
8IHJn ' thal .rOull'e , Geltlelll'l we'l ,
ut I elf Ioudn ' , ' hIs '
) WIS ohe . uni all Oltel'
. . . . . . . . + . . + . . . . . . . . . .
t SURVIVAL or A C/AI. i. .
. . . . . , , . - . . . . . . . .
- .
At the tle we lef 1o1lla she
wus alre 1101 ht'l stel to the nr el
llerool 1\1 > 1:1s We luokpl bacl ,
we saw a , . \
stlllJ thll" " : e0l101
Il'ed ChilI lillh lS 'ou otl'U see 01
the 111lk of a ,
tllsltlllnte ller was
hangll II the aIr to the shill's stOl
I hall hetl I'asteuel to the afel' lag ,
altl hlletl ! bllow " 0 that It hung ol
11 Hllee just beJ'olHl the I'l'aeh or the
11 1 es , SOII 1101' de\1 hli Ilgell I ,
there 1 HI 8nt In It to
SIYlJ hllsel
1'1'01 ! h'c , :111 to jUII' l nccoult of
the le1'e ru h of \ ' ' '
tl'olcll1lc l'un'elts
buow , We cO\ld s'e hll thel'l' , slttllg
In his chall 1011 helore WI lef the
shlI ( , nt the haek of the sold wil ot
Iru whleh dlYllellS fl'ol h11 nltl
he l\st hl\'o sutrercd telrlbl ' letol'e
he 110)ltl frol his IJOI'ell IIHl w11
o\'orholll , Wu cO\ld Iot et at hl1
01 Iccouut of the 1m III thu for\nrd .
) art of the sllool , hut 1 stntC'o01 wa
nt hUll elose b ' , with lelt ' of ,
) If (
hue ' , IIltl he II ht hl'e got Oll' 11t
Ilt It Oi ; hut stllnel ' ( ' 101h , ttl'r
11 that lre tlll'e h\ig tl ( lIIllt ' lwlr
\tl'lnl ' Iltllt , The IUXt 10'1111 th
chnh' sti hllg thellhll'III , -
Chl'f OtlPl' Seot'li acoult of the loss
of thl ! HOlnll1 11 Im'tlllilue hUl'lur.
In 1esll"s Iolthl ' ,
"lnkl ! Palnl u ! ' lllllcR ,
) ( a lut'ud ' : ; lIl'tlsts' colol's
llel' o 10W
oftIlSl' 1llllles 11 111 > 1thel
l'llors , 111 It Is 1llI1ost et'I'tnhl that 1
' . ; of ' E ' ,
s1Illll'CeltlJ.e 8010 nlelt'llt ; 'p
tlal 1)ll'I'S'ellt to eOlllolie SOII 01
the colols u 11 h'n'lous I A.s II !
, ' ol'tmlts 1'01' ' '
lalltug t1I1' ) this 'l'ar's
: ' , ( : ; were ' '
aC\lel ullllle uSltl Il'e'
se1'\'ed In hltulln 01' the hl'st ,
sn 's tle 101101 'l ter , This hlelltlltl
wih the hOle of the IUII ' gin's I
pec\lnrl ' bll\t(11 tlt , eSllcdnly
II brown or 111'1 , bl\e ,
" ' ' 101 ' il l cJHe.
don't '
JoeYou set'l l1'llI
wih the Hwe t girl rduatl' ,
Dlek- ; thosc &Irls arc al so .
l11easCtl wih t1lr new frocks thnt tle ]
won't menton books ,
Sireet J tqlet .
In meeting a ludy In publc tbor-
oughfare In America gentleman nl-
Wl3'S walts for her bow of recognition -
tion before lUtng his hat or addressIng -
Ing her. In Eurpe , however , tbo
! contrry I ! the establshed rule , It
' being the gentemnn's place to bow
'frst , when , I the lady deslre ! not to
reco nlzohlm , she Ignores his snlu-
tatlons , thu ! ghlng the cut direct.
I Is not good form In nny pi nee for
a Indy to stop gentleman In the
street for the purpose at chating ,
wih him ) though she mlY wlb per
teet proprloty pause to ! peak I bb
tuke the Inltlntlve , Prolonged tnlks
In the steet arc not , bowever ) consIdered -
sIdered good term , even between persons -
sons of the same sex , the better plan
being to wnlk on : sloIy unti tbo
conversaton Is concludud.
Whaleye. rou do , don't lorget Mr Aultn'
l'orJ" l'puloton
Prrls , according to the latest census -
sus returns , has a populaton of 2-
U50(0 , persons , of whom 1,200,000
arc either foreigners or provincials ,
Whalter rou do , don't target Mr AU6tn's ,
J" " " "III\o on llt. Actnl.
On the west sl e of Mount Aetna
there te severl viages In the mIdst
of fonner la1 streams , and with ni
the bouses buit of la \
Whlllv" , rou do , don't ( orget 1rs , Austn's
Lunlol to Shunghnl ,
The lal from LOlllon to Shung.
hal , which now Is on the way 33 to
3 days , wil require only l days via
the 8lHIran riway ,
Wh'tenr ran do , don't ( orJct 1r" Austn'l
The feas of } ) cru are exasperatln I'
annnyln and Insatiable , It Is customary ' -
tomary In tmt country for a group
of hUDln beings to ba vo a lamb
npar them , to attrct tbe fcas from
theusel'es ,
Whalever you 110 , don't forget Mrs , ustn'
Jloronl' . SelRe of Rumor.
Mr , Marconi , unlke malY ot his
sclentlfc brethren , ha' a sense of humor -
mor , ays tbe London Express , Ie
said that wireless tle rhy wa as
old as the world When frst an onb-
rlglnal Indian lt a fre on an abo-
Iglnal bi t. sIgnal to another aboriginal -
riginal Indian some mies away then
Ihe prIncIple of wireles telegrphy
was Initiated , In a recent lecture
Mr , Marconi ) referring to the fact
that he can send mesages so mueb
more easiy by night tban bv ay ,
said that he huped no one but those
Intercstcl In cabel companies would '
class his labors among the works of
d rkncss ,
Whatevcr roudo , dOI't ( org t { rs , Austn's
1he best ti mes of tile year for fel-
ing timber , In the opinion of lur- . I j
berman , arc midwinter and mldsum- ;
Use the ( Hed Cross ,
Bal Bue
. Iarlo
l.oz , pfcka e 5 ccnlS , Thc Huss Compan .
Soulh Dend. lnd , )
An ostrich ne\'er goes straight to
Its nest , but always approaches 11
with many windings and detours , In :
order. I r ossl blo , to conceal the lo-
calty frol ouser\'atlol
Don't forget a large 2-oz , pnc1mlc Red Cros
BRIlue ani ) 6 ccnls , The Ruu Compan ) .
South Bend , lnd ,
To be able to use the tongue -
cntly Is uldoubtedly a great ad\'al-
tago In mauy cases ; but the power to
! eep sien t Is el ualy ad'an tageous.
Is taken Inteluly , Price 7 cent
) Ir , Wilolow'o SOOTHIu t\"lll'l ( or chl"h' D
t elhlll the . , reduce. , . "
. . ,
al. ) 1 I Ril , CUr , In,1 colc , 5c butlo ,
Urtlt.d A " .kin.
As a sequel to the recent earth-
qua ies In Sardl na an enormous chasm
11s bcen leoned In the earth , whle
the sUl'face has Into
bulged a hi of
onslderable clc\'atlol , from which
; tones and masses of earth are pro-
ected , 'lhero lre also symptoms that
the Interior of the hi Is In an ebullient -
lient conditon , Scientsts IneHn !
to the belet that tle plenomena oD
n'cd arc \ ' , Another -
> arc'olanlc cOlse-
luence of the earhquake Is I hat Lake
Santo , ncar ) [ oena , which wa , .
Ibout GOU yards lon ! nd 10 wide has
oIJloteldlsappearcd ,
The etorts of the German cemen t
; yudlcate to control the
Inl to regulalt : ! the prIces or cement
\ ' failec , and the s'ndlcatc has
Jeon d Issol'cd ,
1'he jaw of the shark furl15hcs lt
Jcst watchmal ers' ( dl [ n UICsharlc (
! s found about hal I pint ,
. \ tll I'hl'I'O TI'III"I
By a Frelch cll'mist Is claimed the
1\'cntol of a mCthod of comp/essllg
; n air Ilto tablolls , Those , -
; 0e , who wish for a of
changc 1\1
, '
\11 In fltuo only ha\'l' to t to the
leuest chemists one blY 1 tottlo of
\a n ! to tatold < or hnl a duzen
[ \ ' ,
U\'lcr pastlles So as
long tle
Jruls lire properly dlspcnsed the In.
, 'ontlon wil be welome , I wOlld
Je unpleasant to ask for BOlrnemouh
Jstes and to rcee'o I nstead the
ole ne ( the
eau de Ooln ne'a -
retf' The later form has iO dlslucl '
ino Is ,
-r ITS "ter ' , ' . n..t ' . . , C1Tt :0 Or I , , or ntrYOUlnt. . , at
: ern'ln/or.r , Stntl/"r UOU Kin. tr a'HI
. . , , , , FllE hul.
, . 'phl. ' , lit , I I KIISFI D , UI ANh 6t" I'hla'