Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 04, 1902, Image 1

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J _ - = - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J _
. .
yeeve. .
d r.s0
t J !
I , : cOllogc.1
HddulltlJ or ( hIC O OIJlhnlml11
. . . .ene. , . . .
Schon I Supplies ,
J. a. Haeberle's ;
. Perle EIizabtth Fieldg ,
' ) a. 111. to 12 m.
1 :30 : to 4 p. 111.
Or hy appointment.
r . , . . . '
Alltlcrsoll's torc
.ctt.omcc O\'cr Jcwelry
ill Rcalty lI1ock , BrokclI Bow , Nchraska.
- - - - - - -
\Vall paper at J. C. Bowen's.
I : : ; - : : I
A. R Humphrcy was a Uncoln
\ ' sitor ycstcrday.
W. P. awl Chas. Davy of Oconto
werc city \ ' sitors Tucsday.
Hev. Henry Kcllcy and wifc
arc hol ing tcnt mcctings this
wcck in Custer Ccntcr.
J. W.Vhite returncd thc first
of the wcck from a visit of thrcc
weeks at Schuyler , this state.
1\lrs. 1. ' . D. Gallup and two
childrcn spcnt Sunday aud 1\1on-
day visiting fricJls ( at Scncca.
1\1r. Shcrr of S1. Louis , brother
in-law of W. G. Purccll is'isit -
ing in thc city. IIc arrrivcd
'l'ucsday morning.
I. , . m. Colc' lcft l .r.iday for.
Boise City , Idaho to visit his
parents and other relat'es thcre.
Ill' may concludc to remainc.
Mrs. 1\ [ , 1\1. ParldlUrst has dc-
cided to return to Oklohoma with
lll'r son ' [ homas , whcre hcr
daug-hter , 1\lrs. lIerringalsol .
She will rcnt her propcrty here.
C. S. Oshorne , who holds th-
position of forcman on thc Grand
Island Prcss , camc up Satllnlav
night , accompaniell hy his wic
and daug-hter to visit rc1at'es. .
'I'hcy returned home 1\1onda ) ' .
Thc greatcst sensation of the
year in the circus linc is John
O'Bricn's horsc ballet , thc latcst
spectacular featurc of Wngling-
Brother'sVorld's Grcatcst
Shows. 'I'his is thc most magni-
ficcnt horsc display c\'cr con-
cc'el1. .
1\-1 iss Bcrtha and Ruhy 1\lcCoy
of Crawford , arc \ ' siting with
1\1rs. Ii' . D. Gallup for a couple of
wecks , when thcy will return.
Mrs. ( allup will accompany them
as far as Hyannis , whcrc thc ) '
witt take in two days of the Cow
Boy Carn'al at that placc.
Simpson & Drapers mcrry-go-
rOllnd was hauled to Brokcn Bow
yesterday. 'l'hc.y will remaine
at thc county scat two wccks ,
then gq to Hyannis , to he at thc
cowbo.y carn'al , which com-
menccs on the 11 th of Septcm-
bcr. 'I he ) ' will thcn go to Alliance -
liance for thc hig races Octobcr ( )
to I-Anslcy Chronicle.
. .
" ' A . A . . , .t , : < < X , . < , . . , . . . . . 'I-i. P _ . . VA : ti : XM1t. A .tM.I > . , . . . "N 4tX1M : AAA < < A ; ( ' \ - . ( : : )
< <
IY. ' t
41 : & : Our Notion lJepartment Has Been Double , tkv. : :
: NO 10RE /IPE1'IrrION. / .
c I >
= I'or ; the rcason we ha\'e so complctely rcmodlcd our storf' :
: ! in ordcr to mal < e room for our immensl' and increasing busi- :
c ness.Ve will surprise you with our immense display of .
: mcrchandisc. Now isthc timc. to secure thc best hargains of
C.1 : the season , for the reason you will ha\'e tirst choice. No :
: one can dispnte thc tact that. . . . i
C1- ! ; which consists of all kinds of Ladics Goolls of the most fashionable - ;
: ionable make , amI at very low prices considering quality. :
: . 'I'hese goods must hc sold at somp price :11111 you can help : :
j name the amount. Now when you want a full Ladies Suit :
: in every partIcular let m know. We ha\'e them complcte. :
: Our Fall Hat Department !
: outranks all othl'rs in mcrit , and such hcauties too. l atest :
c French No\'plties ! Our trimmer is still in the cast selccting i
t ! morc , which arc arring daily. ' ! 'hl'n our fall and winter :1 : :
: ! coats arc simply immensl' , and 110 mistall's : ha\'c bccn made I :
! in selectiug what is sure to suit l'\'l'rybody. Also whilc in f
: ! cxamine our immcnse line of Skirts :11111 : Skirt Waists , which :
t arc hcauties in lit allll style and of suhstantial quality and :
c { . 'I'h n do not forget our Ulo\'e and Hosicry Dcpart- r
: lmen1. 'I'he ) ' an' all O. K. ! f. :
: Talk About Dry Goods ! :
: ! Our linc of Drcss Patterns ancl pil'ce g-oods havc not hl'cn :
: t c'luallell for ) 'Pars in our city. Drcss trimmings to suit any !
: t kind of goods. 'l'hen why go elsewhere , whcn we can savc W .
c C. you money . , for . our . stock was purchascd for cash and at bed- , .
C ! I ro.c ; : pnces , w 1 HC 1 I lIlsures YOIl t 1 IC greatest bargllns c\'er ; ;
h ! olfcred. Now another fact appears that mayhc you ha\'e not L
c well consic1erell.Ve own our own store room and also the I .
: groun upon which it is built ; and these high rents mu"t be
: ) < i paid by'ou , if you patronize others - - for a penn ) ' saved is "
: worth two earncd e\'ery tIme. Then think of. . . . . .
: a Those Lovely Furs , Soft as Silk , , \ ' :
: and madc of the \'ery bcst material the fur market alTords.
c We offer these because of their beautv and not thc 11rolit , for ! 6 . .
c > j.
c we arc preparcd not to bc under sold by anyone , but will defy . ;
: all so-callcd competitors. Now to suhstantiatp our statement
c c. . . . wc as1 ; : you to step in , if nothing more , and see for vourself , .
c 1 that we meall what we sav allli av what we mcan. > Hats re-
I trimm 'd : HlIlli ted , and \it 1 tll ( ' .1lte"t ; dl'signs in trimmi lg .
: ! Our tnmnll'r will soon arn\'l' trom thl'l'a ! > t with all the ,
: 1i:11owh'dgl' : nl' ' "sary to maIn' our hat OIL' mo-t l > l'aut ful Ii
hat ' ' ' ' ' fl'a' tl'd . Sdwol .
c your l'j'l' " l'n'r > upun. ordl'r. . takl'n at tlJ ( '
raCI31.5 PRE V.ORE . , I
: First Door North Post Office. .
. C ; ; . . ! t : _ _ . . _ _ : e. ' 1I. t.c _ :6t : _ : ! : _ ! : _ : , . : _ : > : _ _ _ _ : t : _ _ 4' _ ' ! e : w. ' > J _ ! t'i. _ _ _ . . . if [
J. G. Brcnizer wcnt to 14incoltl
today to thc statc fair.
' 1'he statc fair is in sc sion this
wcck. It is rcportcil as heing
enc of the hcst evcr hcld.
Mrs. 1\1. Kclscy who was rcport
cd seriously ill last wcck is
\'cry much impro\'ed.
Mrs. gd. McComas who has
bccn quitc sick scvcral Ilays , We
arc pleascd to rcport is cUII\'alcs-
cc n t.
C. W. Young of 1'1ainc , is \ ' s-
iting' in the cit\ > , with his cousin ,
Ii' . H. Young. 1\lr. Young' has
largc property intcrests in the
coun t y.
Mrs. J. J. Snj'der returned
homc 1'rida ; \ . nigh t froll1 hcr old
home in IJcnnsylvania , whcrc
she has bcen on a'isit for thc
last two months.
'Prof. Bruner of thc state lJni-
\'crsitv is to hc olle of the Sll'ak-
l'rs at't he old settlcrs picn ic to bl'
held at Wcstcrvillc in Welsh's
grove Saturday Scptcmhcr 13.
CfaUlll' and Cam \Vahl h\\'c I
lcased the Schrodcr laundrv
huihling with the view of putt-
ing' in a steam laundry. 'I'he
carpcntcrs wcnt to work on thc
building yestcrday morning to
repair allll tit it up for usc.
G. Hiscr of Mason Citv was
rcnuminatcd for spcn'isur in
district No. . 1\1r. Ilbcr has
fillcd thc pOSI tion a hly thc past
two ycars and is hcttcr qualificd
by his expcrience for the nl'xt '
tcrm. ' 1'he sclect ion was the '
right thing.
A popular fcaturc of Hingling
Brothcrs circus is the prcliminar ) '
conccrt givcn hy l anwciler's
militar ) ' hand , in the grl'at hippodrome -
drome pavilion , during thc hour
prcceding the performancc.
'l'hcrc arc fort ) ' membcrs of this
hand , and cach enc is a soloist.
'rhe Business collegc was open-
L l.last 1\lomla ) ' . Prof. Housh informs -
forms us that thc enrollment is in
exccss of HO. which is a good
showing- for thc lirst wcck. Hc
has more IIIstrnclors and pays
them better wages than an , ) ' other
schools of thc kind in thc state.
A. g. Anderson has mo\'ed to II
thc Ilacherle hnihling two doors
cast of the Cnstcr National Hank
with his Jewelcr ) ' store. IIc has
his room nicely fitted up and fine
stock of good whcre he invites
his old custumers as wcll as new
ones to visit him.
' 1'l1 rt ) ' grcat principal alII !
menagne riders are with lingling
Bros. circus , which shortl , ) ' cx-
hibits in this cit ) ' . Among the
most famous arc the Davenports ,
thc IIohsons , I rcderick and
A ugusta Schadel , Julia 140wandl' ,
John and 1\licha1 Ioonc ) ' , Hholla
Ho'al , Madame I oyal , Charlcs
Carroll and thc famous princc of
horscmcn , John O'Bricn.
Hingling Bros. , aquarium ,
which is enc of man ) ' fcatures in
the zoological , lisplay of thc
\Vorhl's Greatest Shuws , comprise
a wondcrfully complete collcction
of hippopotami , sea lions , scals ,
Polar hcars and other water-
frl'quenting animals , togcthcr
with a supcrh display of water-
fowl , indUlling score : of pclicans ,
: storks , Ilaming'o's and wild gilml' .
J udge l ecse , of Hrolwn How ,
while attcnding thc rcunion ill
Ansll'y las wcek , lost \'aluahll'
n. A. l { . hadge , which was pre-
scntl'd to him a ycar ago h ) ' thl'
national commandcr of thl' < : . A.
I . It'or 25 ccnts hc h:1Il : an ad-
\'ert iSl'men t pu hlishcd in 'l'hl'
Chroniclc , and Wedncsday it was
returned to him , lIorace Welch
hang found it. i\lorc c\.illence
that advertising pa ) ' . -Ansley .
. W. . ' 1' . . Auld of Lincoln .wa . : t
cIty VISI .t or 'l uese 1 a ) ' . Iecoglllz ,
ing thc sir namc as heing famil.
iar , we inquired of the gentlemall
if he knew cI'om Auld of Knox.
villc. ' 1'0 our surprise he inform'
ed us that hc was the man. We
were well acquaintcd with him
and his people when we wcn
hoys. Thirty vears had intcr.
vened since we last met alH !
nei ther of us Imcw thc other
t\lr. Auld is now Presidcnt of tIll
City National Bank of Lincolt
and also has a hank inlcd Cloud
' 1'11C Citv National of 1-4incoln il
its July statcmcnt showed a capi
tal stock of SlOOOOU , a surpiu
: and un i\ ' ed profit of S3lSI ! )
. 25 , with dcposits to the amoun
1 > : $737,335.30. His brothcr J
t II , is Cashier of their hank i
. . I incoln.
, I
Austin Daniels and Miss Katc
Bakcr wcrc marricd at Ansle ) ' II
last 'l'hursday. I
Alml'r ) 'oung and Mrs. 14'lom
l' . Funl of Gatcs , wcn' gmn l'd
liccnse to wcd last 'l'ucmlay br
Judg'l' Armour.
'l'hcYoman's Suffrage association -
ation will sen'c lunch , show , la ) ' .
Sept.Il , in thc room first door
north of Rl\l'UlIllCAN \ omcc.
Los'l'-A coa t het ween t hc depot -
pot and m ) ' housc. 'I'he finder
wilt . confcr a fm'or hv . return 1w /"t
It. g. WmSSI\NHI\DHH. \
14'or lack of spacc thc proccl'd-
i ng's of Socalist conven t ion :1I111 : I
schoolomccn , mcetiug Saturdav
wilt nut appcar untilncxt wl'el ; : :
Prof. aml1\lrs. i\lacy arc thc
prond pan'nb of a bo ) ' that ar-
rin.'d at their homc 'cstct'lla\ ' .
1'lothl'r and child g-cttlng alolig
li rcil Coon and wifc. of 1\1anl ) '
are in the city. 'l'he ) ' wcrc all-
cd hcre last wecl ; : hv thc Sl'rlOUS
illness of i\lrs.Coons ; mothcrl\lrs.
ll'v. W. I , . l\larkland of A ns-I
ll' ) ' , ami J. A. alii ! Bcrt Hall uf
l\lasun City , made this ol1 cc a
fri c 11(11) ( ' call l\lomla ) ' . 'I'hey
wcre on thl' r way homc from
Arnold , wherc thcy attl'mled thl'
Custer Baptist Association.
M A I { HI HD-'I'ucsda ) ' Scptem ber
2D.VinsantofCallaway and 1\lrs.
Wad\'s Walton of this citr , .Iudgc
'Arm ur ofliciating- . 'l'he HH-
'l'lTIII.ICAN extends l'ong-mtulations
to 1\1r. andll'lrs. Vinsant and wish
thcm happincss and prospcrity.
'I'hos. Parkhurst arrivcd ' 1'ues-
day morning to sce his fathl'r ,
whum he just rece'cd word h ) '
mail last Sunday morning was
s l'k. 'l'hc tclcgrams scnt of thc
death of his fathcr last wcck
IW\'er reachcIl him and he was
not appriscd of his father's death
until he arrived in the city.
J. C. Predmorc of Walworth ,
lcft with last 'l'hursda '
us ) sam-
plcs of wintcr wheat he raised on
his farm this scason. One
\'arietr . is thc "Supcrlat'c" a
larg-e rcd hcad , hig hcrry and is
said to ) 'ield undcr ordinary cir-
cumstanccs from 45 to 50 hushels
to the acrc. ' 1'he other varicty
is thc "frost proof" a largc white
head wcll tillcil and ripens carl ) ' .
It isalsosaid tobeprohl c inyield.
'I'he Custcr Baptist Association
was hcld at Arnold last It'riday ,
Saturda ) ' and Sunda.It was wcll
attendcd :11111 thc sessions wcre
unusually in tercsti ng. 'l'wcl vc
of the thirtecn churches of thc
Association wcre rcprescntcd.
Thc Association next ) 'car will
he hl'1d at I olli. 'rhc Ollicers
I'lcctcll for the cnsuing ycar are
D. 1\1. Amshcrr ) ' , modcrator , 1\1rs.
.I. II. Kcrr , Clerk and J. A. 11 all ,
'I'he funcral of 1\1. 1\1. Park-
hmst was not hcld until last Sat-
u 1"11 a ) ' afternoon. 11 is rcma ills
werc hcld Ulltil that datc that
SOIllC of tllcchildrclllllig-ht arr'e. .
But in that the '
) wcrc disappoint-
ell. Mrs. Parkhurst rccci\'cd a
lctter frolll John and Joc who
were driving thc team throug-h
that tlll'ir fathcr left and thl' ) '
werc than at Crawford. 'I'hc
oldcr son ill l\lontana tclcgraphcd
I'rid , aevcn , i ng he could not
.I. W. Brewcr of Callaway ,
forlllerly of this cit ) ' , died 'I'ucs.
Iia r. II is rcmains wcrc hroug-ht
hl'rl' for hlll'ial ycstcrday. ' 1'lIl
f1IJ'ral serccs wcre hell ! ycstl'r ,
day aftcl'lloon in thc t\1. K
church , Ic'I'ritcs ofliciatillg' .
lIc was huricd , . . 'ith llIilitarj
honors by thc G. A. R of thi !
post. Soldicrs of thc Spanisl
war erved as guards of honor
'I'he deceascd was among tlll
I carly settlers of West 'l'ahlc am
had the high esteem of all whe
kncw him.
Prof. g. A. Garlichs , who i
cngagcd by thc Hrolen Bo\
Normal , is Jerc , and rcady t ,
g-in instructions on Pianc
\TioliJl , Mandolin an Guitar ani
\'ocal. Pri\'atc instructions t
I all. li'or terms apply at t\Iusi
. loom oppositc thc Norm :
I School. Ill' sulicits your patrol
agl' and feels a surcd hc will gi\ '
s entire satisfaction to all. A fc.
more privatc pupils arc dcsircd t
occupy his time. SpecHli attcl
tion givcn to ndvanced pupils :1
11 beginncrs.
School J-III'oIlIlWllt. :
'l'he following i4 ! the cnroll-
mcnt of the pupils in thc Broen !
Bow schools , Scpt. 2 , 11)02 :
NIII < TII Sill I : . . . . .
lIuI's. Hlrlq. ' 1'111\1. :
: \ IIHqU'nll \ \ ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iJ I'I ' s
: \IIHq Clllll".r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2- ' I 4J
MI'hlh.h.I. : . . . . . . . . . . . 25 17 4Z
M IH K\\ ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : H III 411
IIll1h Sl'huul. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 41 [ . .1
: \lIqq IItl\\1I1) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2- ' ; \1
MtH Jo'lInl ( , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 17 :1. : <
: 'ollk" Smith. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Is 411
: \II. . nnllh.r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . III I : It.
- - - - - -
' ! 'utaIH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Is 1'1'1 : I. '
No pupils will he permitted to
enter thc first grade aftcr the
sel oml wcck of school , cxccpt
thosc who arc ahle to cntcr
classcs alrcHly formcd. !
uttl S"ttlm'I J\11'l\t1I1 \ .
An old sl'ttlers picnic will bc
he1l1 in I1all's Oro\'e , at 1'1asoll
City , 'I'hnrsday , Scptemhcr II. :
A program has heen arrangcII for I
the occasion and a pleasant time
is in store for all who attend.
'l'hc'icinity uf Mason was enc
of the first settlemeuts in the
cOllnt ) ' , and a Iltllnhl'l' of till"
pionccrs arc still there to rccount :
till' l'\'en ts 0 f early days. 1
. . _ _ _ - I
. \ I'orl'l'ct lOll. I
Iast week our locals gave f , . :
l . Cole crcdit with painting' the
Hank of Commcrse hllildillg. It
was a mistakc. l a ' 0,11111 is the
artist that is entltlcll to the
l'n'llit. Hc is this wcek painting -
ing the l lIhlec residence.
- - - -
Church Hcr'lcc. . .
ItIllII\Y school at 11111. III. I'n'aehillg
lit II II. III. IIlIcI H p. III. hy Rl'Ril'1ul'Cls. .
II. Y. 1' . If. lit 3 p , III. Thl'
Pllhlie is eonlililly ill\'ilec\ \ .
1\1. H. CIlITIU'I : ! .
Thc 1\1. H. dlllrch ohsel'\'l's lIext IIII-
" ' I'l'cIII'IIl'I'S 1 > . "
IIIIY as'ctmll ay. \Ve
111 , ' fOl'tllllllte ill ha\'ill with ItS 011 thllt
OCl'asioll olle of thelll III RcJ. . BIIl'k Icy
who will assist ill the sCI'ce 1111I1 pl'clII'h
ill the c\'cllill . . 'rhe pastor will prelll'l. .
ill the lIIorniugoll "Our Rl'lirell ohliers"
. 'rext I 'filii. SH. : All arc in\'itcI\ \ .
l'l\o. 1' . 'fIU'I'I\S , Pastol' .
\\'hether liS rcslIIl of pJ1J\'itlcncc 01'
chance , we wcrc'ery fort\ll\lte \ ! Ilist
Ionlsllay in the clljo'lIIcnt of heantifnl
day for our open ail' scrccs. . 'rhc pro-
ralllcI'IIS rellllcred illtel'esting allil
helpfnl frolll first to last ; lI1ul in IlIhlilioll
to ratitl1lle for thc failhfnl clTorts of our
Im'al IIIclllhcrs , thosc who cnjoycd th , '
day arc l'spcl'ially mtcfnl to thl' \ ' sitill
IIrl'lltcl'll : Hnhallk , Ililtonllllell\lcDollllld
as wel1l1s till' 1II1'lIlhers of the 1\landolyn
Orchcstra 1'01' thcir k lIIII ) ' assistancl' in
lIIakin the Ila ) ' I\n clljoyahlc onc. Nol'
wcre the hrcthcrn our ollly bcncfllctol's ;
for when we listellcel to MI'S , Hnhank's
papcr on the pionccr work in tIll' Conllty
wc wcre lIIacle ashalllctl of , ' \'er Icill
clisconm ccl 11) ' Irl.sent ohstlll'1cs. liS'l'1I
liS bcill spllnct { to lIIorc nnselfish s'n I' "
I ) ) ' 1\lrs. I\lcDollalds papel' on "what
hall OlTl'r to thc I , ore\ \ . II
'flte nsnal illdoor scr\'icl's will hl' rc-
snlllcclllcxt Iorelscla ) ' . A cordilll inl' -
tat ion to 1111. C. V. AIII : oNl\linistcl' .
11. n. ClllmCIl.
lIIulay school III a. III. nhjccl ,
" ) JI'Ii\erallcc frolll 'J"'lIIptatioll. " Y. 1' .
C. ( ' .7:311. : I.cadcrIiss ! Maclge HCl'sh.
I'lcachillg H p. III. Helllcational topic.
Al1 HlC ill\'i\'tled.
CAn. ) ) Olr TUANICH ,
We desirc to thallk the kiwI fricllels
: tIlllnl' ghhors IIl1d also I\lrs. I.III'C fol'
thcil' Idndllcss they showcd ns throllgh
Ihl' ! ' .ieklll'ss alld hllrial of 0111' d'al' hl'-
lewd hnshanel allel father.
1\11s. R. A. 1'\IUIII'1tS'I" '
Hlwk to the UIII lIulIlI ! .
'fhe lIurlillgton Ronte ha ! ' . allthl\ri/cd
tIll' 101mtc of OIIC fare pIlls : - . . ! for th
IOlIlItltrip frolll all points ollthl' B. . ' \ : : \1. .
R. R. R. to lIIall ) ' points ill oltio :11111
Itu lialla.
'I'iekl'ls Oil saIl' Seph'llIhcl' ( ) , If ! IIl1e' '
23. < : oocl rcltIJllillg I' 01'30 clays. T I'kcl
Iolel'ill Chieugo , I''oria 01' Sl. 1,0Ilis.
Ask thc Burlillgtoll agl'nt. or WI ile :
J. FIt.\NCIS ,
. < : l'lIcral I'us.cllgcl' ! Agellt ,
12-\.1 Olllaha , : > ; , 'hr.
. Itnl"tclltrc'II.lhc Utncl.
. C. W. 14alll1i ; : : ' I'ortcr" for th. .
Oricntaillotcl , Chanutc , Kan.
savs : "I loww what it was te
u'lrcr with ncuralgia , dced I did
an I got a hoWl' of Ballard"
Snow Liniment alII } I wa" 'misl'1
froll1 thc IleII1. : ' I tricil to g-e
OIl1C , hut hefore I h:1Il 'deposed
of m ) ' hottlc , I was cured entirely
I all1 tcllill' ele truth too. " 5l :
50c allli SI.OO at Ed. l\lcComa
Brolcn : Bow and 1\lerna.
l"nrlu t IICIJOrl lur ' . 'uc.ny.
\\'bt'bt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .t
Ihlrluy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :
Oalli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Corn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3r. ( { . ;
H.IJ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
lIuuur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
K I , : " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I'utntnc. , p"r hu"lIul . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . tJu8111J1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . .
CblckUlIlI , I'"r 1'0unI ' , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1101(11 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II.
Cow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , : : , ' ; r. lit. .1.
HI.Cl l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : I.UJ ri b.
TUlk"YII , plJr I.GUlld. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
t'IIKWd.ercwt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
lIay , Nuw , purun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ii.
HUKhr , 1101 cw\ . . . . " " . " . . . . . . . . . . . . b.
W.'OI" " " 'UI ; ; COlltal
A. ren'OlU" " tltl ' 1'111 ; ; COI.n.
l.a1uUVIJ UWIIIO lJullillJlJ 'l'lIb\cll \ curu 1cohl
. onallay. Nu Cur" , No "IiY. l'rh' . . , C.II"
. ' .
. .
m mm m m m
. : i : : h : tS : : Jil
J. c. 1'100rc , abstracting. 2tf
Get your Clocks at Ed.
McComas' .
Motley loaned on improved' '
farms. JA\lltS : 14HDWICH ,
7 lH tf Broken Bow , Neb.
Clocks , the very best , at
Ed. McComas' .
- - - - - -
'I'hc Custcr County 14'air will
be hcld at Broken Bow , Nebr. ,
Septemhcr 34511)02 , County
Fair all da ) ' , and Strcet all night.
Comc cvcrybod ) ' . I ) tf
Dr. ' 1' . W. Bass , den tist , ofiice
northwest corncr of Healty Block.
X-I tf . .
. -
T4arge li nc dress goods and
llIlics : jacket at Sn'der Bros.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Wcst Union , Nebras1m-Yes ,
we will pay a part cash for bnt-
tCI' and cg-bl"S. I Ul us G. CAHR.
FOr Elegant Watches go to
Ed. McComas' .
'I'he I Hl'lTlIJIC N and Inter
Occan , $1.50.
Ceiling' wax for scaling jars at
J. C. Huwen's. 8 tf
. .
- - - - -
Pepsin GUill , two palltmges for
a nickel at Wilkins' Pharmacy.
- - - - - -
'I'hl'rc will he \Vag-on and
Blac1smith hop running at West
Unioll i\lill hy thc 25th of
August hy J. Ilines. 11-13
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Ed. McComas has a Fine
Lot of Nice New Silverware.
- - - - - - - -
Just J'l'cei vcel a car of hcdge
posts at Dierls : f4umber & Coal
Co. in this city. Pricc , 12 and
H , cents. 2 tf
l'arms ; for sale and lands for
ren to Now is the tillle to get a
farm cheap , as the cheap farms
are all goin ! ? , and prices arc advancing -
vancing raplll1y.-J. G. Brenizer.
Se\'cral gooll farms for sale at
a hargain , illcluding lilY own.-
JHSSH GAND\ ' . 44 tf
OO Htdts for boys to age 20
just rccci vCII and priccs ver ) ' low
at Snyder Bros. l1-tf
l oH SAI.H-'l'cn acrei ! of land
adjoining town , cheap. Enquire
at this ollicc. 5-12
See Ed. McComas' Fine
I OI { SA I.H OJ { ' 1'JADH-1'oWtl
lots and a few five acre lots in
this city , for cattle , horses or farm
land.-Allcn Heyner.
( ; rccn and dry fruits at J. C.
n _ _ _ _ _ _ _
li'oJ { SAIH-T ots I , 2 , 7 and 8 ,
hlock 5 , in Jewett's : u1clitioll to
Brolen Bow. Enlluire at this
ofiice. 11-21 tf
WatchesuThey Are Fine ,
At Ed. McComas' .
FOH SAI.HL'c acres f land
in good sttte of cultivation ad-
joinillg Brokcn How for $200.
Inquirc at this oflice. 3-27 tf
- - - - - - - - -
Sllydcr Bros. will sel1 you a
S3.50 mClls Ilrcss shoe for $3.00
It ruit jars at J. C. Bowen's.
I -
; W N'I'IO > - - College students to
hoard , alIll roollls to rCIlt.
H-11 1'1Hs. li VA 1\1AJ'l'IN.
Jar ruhhl'rs , thc hest , at J. C.
I ( ) we II'S.
WAN'I'H1A girl to do gcneral
, housework. Call at the Presby-
: I terian l\lansc. l1-tf
Befon' 'ou gct mone ) ' on your
cattle , eIther stock or fee ers ,
1I0n't fail to see S. B. Thompson.
- - - - . . - -
- -
. 1411hricating oils of all kin s at
Will n's drug store.
- - - - - -
'I'he 1 : lIlies of the C. W. B. M.
A IIxiliary will mect at the home
of C. V. Allison the first 'l'hurs-
day in September.
If ) 'ou in tCI1Il to bu ild call at
Dierks f4\lmber Co. and get prices.
lJI ( UUII.H. ! ! .4. . .
I will hold my next horsc sale
; at lilY yarlls in Sargcnt , Satur.
tday \ ; , Octobcr II. Will otTer for
sale a choicc lot of well-bred
MI hrood marcs ; some choice 3 and 4
year old unhrandcd coltSj about
O head of well-bred sllckerl .
In l -l L . M. CURHIJ .