Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 28, 1902, Image 7

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    - -
' . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - -
.1 . .I II .I . . . _ 11..1.1. . . r _ , ! _ . . _ I
--J ' "IUli \ : 1Il:1I1I1I.1I11111111 -
, oily-Could Not no My Work I
< Cured , " :
_ _ _ _ _ I
: \Irq. g lh..r1. : 1.lllIlI'r : , nl'(1rnlI , :
0111' ' " WI'itl" :
"fwD ! ' II t rrlble sufferer frolll :
' fenlll/e lI'elkneS5 llIld lIad tile
f'lIeadnclw CO 1I11l1 IIIJ II ) ' . I 1I'1I's
I/ot aMI ! to dll ' ' ' - ' ' 1I0usell'ork for :
Ill } ' /1I1ilwwJ : arI. . 'sdf. IlI'rllte
.ww Dnd < < Iescrlbed 111.1' clIld/tlon
liS near liS flosslble. } 'uu re'om- :
. J ml.'llI/ell Per/lna. f took four betties -
I , ties 111/(1 1\15 completecun'lI. .
I tlllnk Perlllll1 11 lI'mderful mecl- :
IcIw I1nd IllJl'O reco1llmended It
I to 111.fricltis . wlt/J / best results. "
- IUrs. E. M. .HI/ner. / :
: \1 i q : \1 a lIIil' I : rolh. Plattl'I ! ! ' ,
" 'l. . \ \ ril. . : " . \ < 'l'l'l't IIrall' / : -
fill g-irl's IhlIk. : ; for till' \1'1111- J
11 I'r fll I 11I'lp 1 hll " ' . \ "I'cI'.d
throlljh Ih. . IISI' of I'l'rlllla. Altholli
1001,1'111,11 111111 ! < lrOlll. : I h-I' : for SI'I ,
I'lIr. ; slllT..rl'll with CrI'll 111'11 t hncl ,
111111 " " 011 Itl for ! WI'I'I'III 11111'1'1 hin'l' '
till hl'llal'lll's. : I tlltl IIIt ; \\1h tf
III ' ! 'roll'lII with pol lJllous Ilrl1/- / : ,
f0 ; \I'lli'll SI'I'I' rllI oC 11Itrit'IIlI 11(11
1I1l' 10 lulp 1'1'1'111111 , i 11",1 : III '
liidlill whllt hI' of It. l1e
(111'11I1'11111'11 it IIlltl 1'0 I I"ok It 111111 1111
til'.I.I' witholll pllill of allj' kiwI III
-'iiI' ' ' llIlIIi , ' 1:1'01h. :
III' . H. B. 11 nrl 11I1111 , PrItI'IIt : ! of
Ilartlllllll ullilarilllll , hils h,1.1
flCl.'I'a . r , , ' I'X (1l'ripIII'p ( III I hI' trI'll II'
of CCIIIIIt' ] l'lIlal'l'hal III "u"I' ' ' , III'
: .
- - - - - - - - -
I- ; - , , , ; - ' - ; ; ' ' , ' , r
s \ \ O I '
'pl'JIl uC chlll'Jl' . It 'ou1'1'
111'111' arl' MlIlTf'l'llI frolll 7
'plil- ' IIII ' CI'IIIII Il' Ih' . v _
I fill rllllI'1II1'1I1 ; wrltl' him a 1I1'1'l'llllion of
1I1It ! 'ollr SI'll1ptolll 111111 Ill' will ! ; I\"e rOil
'iH'I ! Ihl' 111'11 I' II ! or hi" I'Xpl'ril'lll'L' ill the
} lh ' - trpalllll'lIt ot WOIIII'II'R lli"I'II < ; I' ,
1'1'1" I f 'Oll 110 lint Ih'l'lve 11I'1II1I\lt \ 111111 "atis-
I 1'11ClIl'lor ' rl'slIlts fl'OIll thl' 1I I' oC l'el'lInll ,
JW. " writ ! ' III nlll'I' to Dr. 11 IIrtlllu II. ; . : il'in ; . : n
filII . ; tllll'lIIl'lIt of 'ollr CIIRn , ntlll Ill' will
Thl' hpl1t'lIsl'll \ toin' / : j'OIl his \1111111111' ] 1111.
ol'l'r vil'l' ! ; rlllis.
1II'IIt , \tllh'I''I' ' nr , 11l1rlman , Prl'itlpllt oe
uIIThl' 11l1rllllllll Hallilarilllll , COllllllhl1 , 0 ,
i . I
' ! ! o\ ' t
CUTICURA OINTMENT for preserving , purifying and beautifying -
fying the skin , calp , hair , and hands , for irritations of the skin , heat'
, , rashes , tan , sunburn , bites and stings of insects , lameness and soreness
incidental to outdoor sports , for sanative , antiseptic cleansing , and for
all the purposes of the toilet , blth : , and nursery ,
61" ' rlll'h that all Aholll Imow abollt the skin , scalp , and hall' Is told In
, the circular with CUTlCtltA SOAP.
When You Can Buy n. Botti a 0/
Mexican Mustang LinimenL
George Francis 'I'mln was , accord.
III tu his tonner declaration , to
' rlte a IOO-volume autobiography.
Bllt perhaps he has been just as wise
111 cutting outnlllotY-lIlne of the \01-
ullIes and publishing only one.
There Is a good deal ot 11IJToronco
bet wee II a strike alld a hit , when It
cOllies to IHlsl'hali. 'l'ho rOl'llIer seems
to Iliterfore wlLh a gallic consldem-
hi ) , I\lId the latter to lIluterlallyas-
sist It.
- - -
- - - - - - - - - -
A SI < ln of Dcnuty Is n Joy Forever.
. 'r , 1'1':1,1IHII : : flAI' ' ' ' ' ' n.ilr.Ii'I'\I : ,
lIlI A I , un 'H\IIII'AI.IlrAII'I'U'IElt ' : ,
C I.nln. " . Tnn. I'lml" . ' . rr c1r ,
< > : e- . . , ' . . , . . .
> 1 'oJ I , I. , ] ( " I' tch. H..h ell
If ) . .v ) 8 - - _ . Rkmll..en. . . . " 0.1 . . .ry blorn ,
, , .
! - : ; . . - - - " ' ' ' . ' '
. . . ' , M.r--- ,1.n..lI.toolioo,1\
) t' : S -
! : " ' " . , 8 . . 0 OJ , . 10. . . .Iooel I h. . 1..1
. 'J.J ' f. of M . nn.1
: : ; 3 , ) uro.
. " . . 'S , 1 ( i 1..11 Ionrmle. . . . "
: . : J 0 U' In.lo II II ) t""urolt
.1 : g. ; ? _ _ ' ' I. , I" 0"0,1 " , DlIII. . ,
, . ,
" A ' ' " 1Iu""un"'r.
1 : )
foI of oindlnr
r . . . . . ; " . " ' . . IIr , I. , , \ ,
- . . . r . " . r.Ironbll : : o f , , , , t
'i . . . .
' ' " 'II ' 1'.110. I
, - - . . . . . . . 1 : A' 0I.1ool , . . . . , , !
\ : " ' ' " aollo.rn Iloe"-
I . . mooll ' ( , ' .
M ( } , ' . \ .
(1roan & 01 h. : lOt
, . . . . " ' - . : harmful of nlilbo
! ok It' I' rOl > orll"
, ' , : ; . . r ; iI alt t , ! , n.Il : j.E..unr I > n { ig o1 ,
I , l.lit.I' ; , . . ' " " d , : , , , , , , . .I , 'UII..tlt" N , Y.
/ / / ' ; THE ORIGINAL
, ' -:0
/ :
! 0// " , /.y rt WERr :
- ' ;
' 1it't' . : J
( t'
i2 ' ' . \ .
1Io\/.J\ gr' >
{ ' II / . . . .
< . : ) \ J , / L'f ( \ : : : Z''U ) I\\'W
' ; -I't' ) , ' PO M ME-L
o.l ' , J.SILJCr.fE. ;
I//r.g /
/ ; / : ; , , ' .7/ rifoAT iS'DoTH
. -6- ' . . . . /
- - . : : RIDER AND 5ADDLf :
. t ; ' " 'HI
c Ie . WClg ' ; ' . tt tI.t HAA f T 5TORM
, . . . , - \ .
" - - - - - - - . - - - ' - . . . , . . . . . . . . - - , - - -
. . . , .
- - - - -
Too ' .I'rue To Bo lrolltable-"IJow
about that hlstorloal novcl ? " asked
the publisher.
II No good at all. " answered the reader -
er to whom It had been asslgnod.
" 'l'he man doesn't understand how
to write historical novels , and he
hasn't perverted the truth as we
knuw It enough to make any kind ot' '
a rumpus amen the crltoics , 1IIs
bOIlI { would fall nat.-Chlcago Post ,
Industry , witholltecullemy ; 11. like
a ba with a hole at the hottom or It ,
At least It mllY he said for the man
who talls shop that he knows what
ho Is tallllI alJuut.-Chlcago , Jour ,
11.\ ' . ' . ' 8 01'Hltll CUItH
Is taken Internally. Prlcc 75 cents.
" 'orl { I\'es OJO title to prosperlt ' ;
but some ( Jf us arc too domocratlc to
care about titles.
Two lJottes ] ot l"iso'tI Cure tar tJOIl'
' l'ured 1IIl' of II terrible < < 'oull1-
Frel \ lIermunn. 2H ( Box avenue , Buffalo ,
N. Y. . SI'It. 2'1 , 1\ltll \ ,
1'Ien o\ ' real genius never overwork ,
nor kan they wear out tholr brains ;
tl1elr phlslkal stren th may succum ,
thol r bmln IIOVOI.
( : tlon 11111':0.1:1gl'glt'i : :
liFt ! Ihl' "est 'fhnl's why the ) ' I > uy Hot ! Cro s
1I1I11111u. . , At IOlldlng grocers , 6 cents.
I like to see oed order In the
! JIJllsl'hole1. hilt I hascon housekeep-
r ! > Sll fastidious that they woultl
kct'p a hUlls dlrtj' all the year round
clealiing It.
JI-'T ! ; l'OIl , YOI.1t CI.l'lI' S
Use HI',1 ( 'ros 1III1I1IIuo nUll keep tbon1 white
liS snlllAllgrocor8 , 50 It I'Rckngo.
To I..e : a reat man It 11. rJot neces.
sary that II mau should ho unlike ollt.
ers : hut that 11e should always hp
like hlmselt.
- - - _ . _ - . . - ' "
" '
. _ - - - - - - - - _ - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - -
811101lih 8urfllccil Cloth ! ! Arc (1I\'III\ :
WilY tll Hult\h WCII "CH , 1,11(13 ZllJc.
\I \ lie ! ! 111111 . \lrllkIlIlH-'rl'ltlllttlll\M \
tltnt Will ! ; . . U"cII wltlt ' } 'ltelll.
= 'iI'\\ " York ' . . . ' ' ' :
\ ( ( I..f ll0Itllt'ltl'l'
_ _ _ " , 0. . _ _ _ . _ _
1 111'1 WIUl'r , al111111'-
" 11 I I ' . t hI' rl'i:11 ! Ilf
III. . . . t h II r f It C I' tl
. .tOIl h. . will hI' 0\1'1' ,
It " "I'II1S hlll'tl to hI"
1i"I' . fill' the huttL't
. ' \IIIIIIt' ) ! " ot tltl'U
II . 'a Vl' II : ! \\1 eL'l1
: lllIn/s / : ot I"n II t , . ,
lI"IIt ! , fl'tllIl ll'1Its IIf
\ \ 1'111' , frolll whil'h
111t'r ( ' 111111' nIT WI'II ,
liS n 1'1111' . Hut hl\l\ll.
" " II It' n s t h I'SI' Jntlll
111' . ' ill tIll' ) ( ' ( ' ' . 11I\11
1It.-'II' , liS Ihl' ' 11m I" ,
11)1. ) t hI' siglin I llll
111'1'11 ivl'lI Cnt. n
I'hlIIgl' : , 111111 alrl'lhl '
t lIP l'tll'l' 1'1t.h' ot
I'll 11 II'UO 11 I'll' ! n 1'1' '
1'11I1:1t ; Cnl'l'lI , zllll'lltll'
1\1111 " "ll'nknll I'lrl'I't
nho1ll1t1i1l1 ! _ HOlllf' tlf
thl..L' . woollI'ot1. , . . . ; ; ; , : "f ltrl'l't l : r llt" ,
111111 thl'l'1 1 < ; IIli Ilnllht Imt tltnl thl' ' nl'l' '
In bl' Ihl' lrll'h sIll 1It111 III thl' IIll'lh.
( Ilh nC lI1akltlg IIn IHlrlll'I.III . ; ' : chn IIgl' Is
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - "
, - - -
IIppllrllIt ! , thuugh less trlllllllill/- / : url'tl
tltllll waM 1I11t 011 tlte slI100thel' stllffs. 'I'hl'
g01l'1I ut till ! illltllll pll'IIII'L' , nlld tltell'colI,1 !
lIIullels uf tIll' IlIrgel' pil'turl's lI'erl' of tIli
! ; ratlL' of ; . : ouds. III the fil'st II'l're 11l'\ic'lIle \
rllr zllll'lInl' 111111 hlul'l , sill , bl'll lI III
h\lIII : \ > ! 1I11t1 IIwtllllliults. III Ihl' 81'1'011" wl're
IllIrk hllle clIlI1el'shnir cluth : .tilt ! white
silk fal'ill 111111 l'ul'll 01'111111I1'1111'1 for tit I'
CIIIIL' 1'011111' . ) 'jll'phllllt ra ' zlbl'lIlIl ! wns
tIw Cllbdl' oC Ihe thil'll gOWlI , uril'lItal ( ' 11I-
1'oidp1'r a 1111 1'1'11 "I'll'lt I'Ihholt Irhlllllill
it. h. 1I10st 1110111'1 gnl'\"lI < ; nf Nugh IIH1tl'-
rill 1 1'1 ' tlll'rl' Is 11I111'1' ul' 1I0\1'1t ' ill the trllll'
IlIilt Ihllll in thl' 1'111. nll\l ! 1'0101' I'on-
tra..t > ! in thl' i'1II1H'lIishllll'nts nr , ' u hit
sln l'rilig. while till' hail' ' Rllrfncls ! In
SlI 111 l' PIISCS l'I'I'I.h"p adorlllllent of lIrts to
{ J'ooo
" . .
. .
- "
. _ . _ _ . . . . - _ d _ _ _
ilt "lrl < 'l\"I , I."i.n'l' :11111 : 1111 ! lhII' : ! ' ' wit ! I'f
w..rll , \\'hllt , del ! ! I.r h , , " " ' II htt" . .1I1i
I'lIIlor"iI.'rl'.1 ill lIot' ! Ill' 1"1'I'lIl'h k 11,1 ( . . ' \\11 \
tl'illl 1II1111 01\1I ; ! .
11111\ " \If fnl't1t < , olnlllj ( wrnl'I 1"'I1t 'r"
gllrlll"III" 1111 thl' WRY frolll t\ir ' nl'I'r. " .
rh' fOlr I'nrly fl\lI , to 1\11' \ 1tI'RI'I. , \ fln
flit' lIIi.J will Il'I' , A IIl'Rlll1t1i1 11I(1,1 , fIll
( " "III " I. . 1II1I1.h IIkr { , ( 'rtllin or thi , " . .It . " 11111
1111'1' l'Iollk hnlf 1I'IIIth , 1110" ' ' ' , \\'I1h hll' :
no"'in , ,1t'1"'l'1 ! one ! InrI' 1II\lt'r"lt''I's !
I"ur th""I' , , ( , ( , \ ' ( , with wlllt'r'jl' I 11'r , '
will h. , I\\'Avy \ 1:111\1'9 with hlll\tI..III. . . . , ,
I'IlIhr"IIIt'I'I'I1 IOllg IU1l1ll11"IR. Thi. . i. . 1111
( ' ' ' 1'1'11I1' ' r"Mhltlll , hilI Cor111111'11 who , 'j ; 11
nITnr.1 tlll'lI ! . 11l\1 I' 1I0\\'Inll : fllr , ' 111111 , . . r..1 .
11111'1111 ( Ih. ' IIl1rs lit 111111I111'1''rlll' ' ' II ill I. . "
fllllhullnbl" ! . In III'Rr1nil , nllltl'l'll1l I ] "
1\4'11 , ' 1,111111 , will hl\"I' thl' lt'l\ll. 1111,1 , Ih.
filII . .It'\'I' ' ' \\111'11 IIlIt IIl1wlll ! : 11'111 hI' l1lh ,
l'rl',1 jllllll1'1i1T with n hrlll111 " " , " : : ' . 'I'hl' '
l'III' " 1'1111111' I II 1I1I11t'l'lIhll' t"tl11'l' IIr Ih. ,
111'11'1'1' l'I"t" 111111 1'111111- . 111111 IIIlIl'h nt tI\\ \ '
111'I'I" lII' IIf IIII' Jnrll\\'lIt \ \\'ill 111'1"1 ,
" 1" ' " Ihl' ! ! 1 < l1I'lth II'hll'll thl" I'ollnr I ,
Nhll111'11 " " 11 II It I'll. It IIII1Mt ! 'I't " "II.I\ '
1I"l'r th" ! tholllol'rl'l ' , : " ' ' /I / 111111. : , ! lIIII' Jtt :
1.1I1.t IInll 1'1111I1' \\1'11 IllI\\1I 1)\"I'r th , ' . .1'11I.
nlllln"l In thl' l'lhnw. , \ alntHIIII ! ; l'ollllr
IIIII ' 1,1' " ' ' 'I'll nlilli \ ,
Wilh 1\11 till' "lIrol'lnJf1 oC lonl : rOllts ,
f111tJ1'1 jlll'l , ( ' ! ! . 1'111111I hll\'l' ! ! tl111.\iIU \ : . 111111
1.111" 1'lIl\t ! ! \I III ht' 111111\1'11118 111111 lt- ! .
Th , . "HI'rl' 1II1I1t,1 ! III hllll'l. l'Iothtli hilt ,
tnll" 1\1111 dlllhll nf ! : nltl IInll 1'11111111'1 \\1\1 \
11t'hghl IIII' \ \ ' 1111I1111l'lth 1111.:111'1' to do
, ! flll'h 1:1\1'1111'111 .111111\1'1' \ . . \ IIInllt / : t h , ' "hort'l
1'1' I''at. . rllr filII 111'1' Inl"rl''lllI IIn\"t'ltll' 1
Ihnl " 'Inlllt ' ! FlllIUti 11\1 \ < ; \II'I'I'"CIIIII' \ , 1I/-l\lnMI / :
allll"st 1111) ' " ' " lIl' Cllr IOIlI'r ! \\,1'11\1" \ , ' 1'11' . ,
, of Ihl''I' nlll'l'al' hI tht' " " 1'111111 1'II'IIIrl's ,
CI" ! , 11'119 hll\l'l. pl'nll III' so t' 1\1111 CI"I'III\I \
la"l'I ith ) lll'all'll MIt'I" ' ' ' ' ; nll.1 . I'll PI' 1'111 ,
- - - - - .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - -
- - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
rt. "
IIII' , 'I'h" lither wns tnll 1'I0th 111111 1'1'1'91 III
1'11I brllhl'rj' , wit h 1111' " ! llpe. . " { lIIIT" , A ! to.
l'lhpl' , tlll'I'p is 1111 olltllllll , ot IIlIlCh VII'
rll'\j' JI \ \ ' 1'11IS , with n:01)(1 / : ( l'IllIlIl' " for
p"l'r 'Olll' III Ill' slIitl'd If olll ' tilt ! \lrlc \
mllk"I' ! ! 111'1' 1\11111.
' ) 'he IIl < l' of SI'I"eral 1'11i1I1I1I V"IlIIl M hI
\'Ilr "ill ; ' : tlilts 1I11I1l'I' II shpl'l' fllbric is IIIOI'
111111 11II1I'e fll 11 0 \\1'11 for el'piliti/- / : ; : O\\'IIS ,
IhOIlh ; \ lll'I'lls 1111 nrli1 10 I. : I'I' jllKt thl !
I'iht ; 1011l'h , ! hllt "lIill' ,1volle III' ole
0"1'1' a llilTl'l'l'nt ( ' 0101' IIlso IIl/iII'M / II IOI'Y ( ]
color hlll'1II01l ' . 11I11t'J , 1II0llsselilles 8'at-
tl'l'l'II O\'I'r with Cnillt HhlltlO\\'j' 1I01I'l'r8
lIIalws II cha1'llllll/- / : ; :11\\11 COl' l'\ " ( ' II I II/- / :
WI'III" Olle hllnllsollll' g01l'1I Sl'roll hllll II
fOlllldatioll or lillln of whltu slIl < , "IllI'd
first h ' Vlllu Yl'lloW chifCOlI , thPII r 1'lIle
&I :
' " ' -
I SlIO\Y1-\G cOx.l'n.u , ' - : - ' l I-- .S.
whlt'h her.totora thlY have ! Joen stranI I
p I
Hrlll tl II lid band t'lnhrolturj' ! nro to . .1 < I
th. . trlllllllll1tI ; lIIost III , 'ouu. : but I'l'IlI'ral- : 1
I ) " tilt ! hrulc ! or t'lI1broldl'r ) ' Is np\llil' \ , 11111 I
tu the lJuIIl'rial of the /lIwn / , but to 8011I1' I
0111..1' sluff ill ( 'olJlrnstln ; ; l'Oor ! uSl'll ill ,
IUl'.lalliun . 1.IIl'c' ! . 'l'oue1I1'S uf eltl art' 1111- I
lollrinl ; , allll ! lill'er 18 mllcll IlIiUd , not Iul ) ' I
en h..Il'"y mlltl.rlals , hut 011 the thinnest I
ti"KUpS. 'I'rllilill l'lIIhrolll'rll's , of Hllv'r I
upon whltl < I'hiffun or ! ; 1I1IZl' are conslli- t
l'rl'tl "l'rr fllrihlonahll' . HlIsslan and Ohl- .
lIe1l' : ' 1II hrlJirll'ril's In rllllllllt l'olorlnKs I
Ilr. ' to g'l' tltri1 < iIlJ ; tonc1l1'8 on lIark wool I
O\\'IIR. ' 1'11L'j" nlso look wull all a hrown-
Ish gray thllt iiol to ho fllshlonltble tllls fort. 1
\\'orkl.t ! 1''U\t.t \ holes are mllclI In e'I- I
dllJCI' ' on III n II ) ' liP\\ , wool gOWUB , and one 1
1\'hltu rlolh 1111)1\1'1 \ 8110\\\1 all skirt smms. I
.Il'\"o sel\ms anll 80me botllro 80nms lacrd (
throughont thnlr IOIlJ.th1111 sill , C < lN ;
run through worked e'elc . CordltJA' '
- - -
, . 1
- - - _ . . - - - - - -
, link 1'lIilIon 111111 IilJnlly b ) ' thp blllf'k
IIUUtllil'lilJ ! ' , whi.)1 ) \ \ UK lIuwlrtt ! with
uusl'lj' nnl'I\'II ! 1'11 , , " j"h I.illk . rO"I'8. 'J'he
'I''ult Wlttl'li"lIllIr\ ) ' till" IIrollwl Ibl
eel of the Iu\\'n \\'Iwrl' thl' ! 'Oft-hned
'hllIou" liarI'd Ollt ill mun ) ' Jittlt. trills.
: \ nutI..r JrO\\'A of Ihi" I'lIltruc'ler waij
I. . . . oriluol ! of th. . ortlKt'H rlht-hltlld : lull'
1Irt'h ! Ilurc I / III till' sP"lJudlil'lllrl' \ . IIt're
Jla < 'l , bilk mOIl : < < II\'lilll " , UN "I'ur rOlu Illnk
'hilY"u nnd whit. . Milk. 'j'ho fhlborute
rllllllliug l'onHi ttl'd of ivory whlt nncl
, old lacl' an,1 Vlull"IH't rlbhon. I.nce
.II mu < 'h f/l , "O\"l'd ON drl'li8 trllllllinlIud
! iel' gowlls will b ( ' In the list of rnll nu
Iviuter fiul'ri 's. A charn < 't < < , rIHtlc Illce.
: rhll/Ocd fnll own wnlt Jlut lit thl' IIft
) f the s ' ( 'ond plt'luro , nnll W.t : WI.t/C- ! /
I'OO luo Y'lIIug nud er < < 'l1l11 In ( ' ( ' , 01'1 ' > 0-
. \to \ this in th ( ' sllme pirturl' i a "In
) f bIsel , chnntllly , a'cry st'IIHh IlIc'e for
; owns , \\ith finish or omcrah.I . . .rel'U'd -
- - - - - - -
- ,
- - . - -
'V"'MT.Ulti : V 'J : mL. . .
. . . - -
- - - -
- - - - " :
- . , . .
" ; " ' " " - ' " .
. .
: : . CAS1iZ10RIA
- - - - - - - J '
- - , . . " " ' - - " , ' " " " 1 - - ' . For . . . . . In ants and . .4 Children.
t11 U I ] Bi : . . t . . The Kind You Have
I f Ili tt1 \ . .
. . , , , ' AI\
' - - - ' - - - ' , AIJays Bought
I J lo cl"hlr PCl'l1nri'liol1 for As ,
I sIl11i1 1till Ihl'r\'oc.lm\tml' tJl \
illlglhcSto IICllSt Ull JW 15t' _ ! Bears the
< " 1\ ' , I ; ' : ' \ ' : f. .
.2- _ : L JIiJ ' : ' . " .
.2'I 'I S. 19nature
I'ro111otc m l'stiol\.ch\'rrul- \
m' g lll\d Hl'sl.l'OI1I 1in 1.\t'Hher
Opiunl.Morphllll' nor } tmcm1. of
No' ! ' NAUCO'l'IO. I
, . .
. , . .
. .
JJrt 'I'aNJM l.r. WCn.rm'lER
JImv > / . ; , r't'J. . \ '
, . . . ,
Ab.r. . . " " .
. . . . , . . .
10..11 . .111- '
.Ani. . , rtvrl I
JwV/tloUrf . . . . - 1 I' n
lli . J- .
111 _ .r.J -
f !
IW :
' - HI'HtI'IIV .
Af\C1fl'c-1 rorronslip.1-
no" , Sour Sloninch , D iltl'chllClI
WorIl\5'o1\\'I.1I ( \ iuI\5.Fl'wrJsh- r
I\ess IImIUHS \ t.W Sump. \ r 0 r 0 V IJ ( j r
fncSimil , Si nl\llIr or
II ao/ttM . v. , T I Y
Nl " YOHIC _ _ _ _ : , 11 Y e a r S
I Wt . .6J. < . : . . . { . jJ . . . . , Vl . . . . , . l , ' ' , .I.- " " ' . " . , , _ : , . II' ' ; : , . : ! '
J , C AS1O R ,
, ,1" , . ' , . ' !
tXACT COpy OF' WRAPPER : . . .tY 1" ! : " , :10 : " : . : . ' , ' . , .
J } ; V" & ' & ' . . . p . . . . . .
< lvo your patrolls l'redlt 101' Ila\-
In a H'asollahle amoullt of IlIulll. I
gl'lwe , allli wholl an arl I lele Is asked
rOl'do notlllqullt' why It Is "allied ,
huL sllpply the domand. That Is up.
tl-lato IJllslness Iso-I'I'O- I
- : ollierpr , - -
resslve Allvel't 15PI' .
'J'hllllllI SIlI'I e < ; < ; Is the strongest I
IIIcellLl\'o to , achlu\11I1-t success.
- - - -
' 1'he auility to write aelverllsemellts ,
cun not he Imparted In the class-
room. It Is only to un acqnlred III
the harel , IIl1sympallwtlc schoul of ,
praCileal oxper lence.
"J was at a IUllchcoll the utlll'r
day , " said a "North side womall ,
"wheru t.1l1' hostess was II t.raduate ;
of SmlLh cJlIl' e , three of the graduates -
ates wme gJ\lllIa : tl'S of Wellsclcy.
two wenL thruugh Vassar , two hacl
Ileen BrYIl l\lawl ltls amI the ether
latlles presell LVere I raeuII ! tes of
I NOIthwcstcl'II , the ITlilvOlsily of Chi.
! cage , and Wells l'esect,1 ) ! , vCly. ! "
"Wo ) ) . " nile of hur heal'ers sa 111 ,
, "It IIIlIst have heen very IlItoreiLlng. :
Jlow I wish I ' ! oule ! 11I1\'e hecil thclC.
\\'hat \ elld you tall ; : ahouL ? "
"Let 11I0 sec. Oh , yes ; ahout how
hare ! it Is to lcee ) ! helChlca ) ! o
Becunl. I I craIe ! .
- - - - -
The Illforl1llltloll CUlltlllllCl1 III '
Htlltcl1Iclll IH \ lIllIlIhle.
' ) 'Ite halt' , I hI' hl'al'I ' , till' lI'OIl { ' : \II \
II frill'll tu luss I his I II IIH' I' 10 IIl1e Iide ;
IlllllHtll'lItI ' \I'lli'll Ihl' ' 1'1'1111 Ihl' Col-
101l'11Ihul / : 1111,1' SUII'I'I'I'I' III I hIs \\Phl" \
\t \ . \l'ho hils un'l'l' hOIll's o ( tUI'lul'e
PiluSI'd lIy ! ; hllll'\ . ' ( 'oillplllillt \1'11I stlllll )
111 his OWII lI hl 11' he .Iou . ! : ! lIot I'olbw
Iho 1'11111\11 : \ ] ( ' atlvlt-I ! on'I'I'I'11 III'I' ! ! ,
II' . Jo'rl 1 Koll'l1."I' " , 111'\11'1' : \ III 1111191c/11 /
IlIstrllllll'lIlH lIII lIIouhllll H of jl:1 : : Col ,
11'l ; ! II 1'1'11I1\1 , A ppll'toll , \ \ 'IH"I 's :
"I lul 1I0lzI'r , Hhol'lIIl1kl'r ut 1l1'l'Kt'rt's
Ht 01'1' , ! Lilli I r. ' 1'(11) ' \1111 00)11 , t be
IIn'I'j'II\IIII , lIoth 1'1'11'111111 of 11\1111' . 11111111"
I'll IIII' III IIs ( ' " 011 II'S Klll1tt'r PIIIR , 'l'lwy
111111 trll'll them 111111 I 11'0 II oU/Il'1'11 them
up to their rt'11r" l'lIlltlolls , 1 Htmhwd
III ) ' 11It'le ' Hlx ) ' ' 'ltl'/i IIO IIl'tllIK It plIlIlO.
lot IIIUHt have IIIJIII'l'll lilY kltllll'YH , for
Il'ollbln with thl e or III1H 1111I1 l'hl'u'IIIl'
t \1'111 \ Co11ow,11. I WIlH Illme Ilnli 111'1111
1111 over for fievel'nl mOlrths , 'I'hell , III
II meltSllre , It C'IIHI'II. A r < , I'Url'l'n'I' took
plac'a unll I WIlS cOIIOIII'l1 lu IllY hl'll Cor
tell WI''kll , I lurlu the limo Il'as I nt-
lellllcil hy 110ctor9 IIlId took 1(11 klJltI
of uJelllclI1t' , hut r'row WOI'S ( ' InHI-JIIII
of Iwtter. 'l'hl' palll III 111 , } ' ual'k WIIS
cx'rucll\tlng , the kltllle ) ' fil'c'rl't\J/lS \
wI'r ! ' dnrk alld thIck , 1'1I1.t of tnj' body
hlollll'd nnll utb1' [ tarts \\1'1'1' skIll 111111
bOIIt' . 1 l'uulc1 It'l\l'I'I'r ! ) walk fl'olll 11111'
1'011111 to anolhpl' ; { 'oul1 ; 1I0t I'at111,1 / .11
lIIost c'lIm ! ' 10 thO' 1'IIIt'IIISi\l1l tlint I \V.l
dou < < , for , . -\'tllI" " 'III thl' ntl vl ( ' ! ' 01' 111,1'
frll'llIlH , I I'rCII'III'11 IloIIII'H KIIIII..V
PlUM Ilt \ \ , , ( > 11. Broil. ' 111'\11 ; ' Hlol' ! ' 1I11t1
tuok tonr h01I'I. : Thl'.r ( 'IlTl'd 1111' , "
. \ ( ' ' ot 110:111' ( \ ' 1'11114
r'pe tl'lnl : " 1\ltlll.\ ,
thl' I' ! ' IIlI'cI J' thlt t l'n " 1'11 I r. 1(011'1 ze , ( ' 1II
hA IU\l1 \ hJ' Wl'llllIjot thl' 111'0111'11'111I' ' ; , 1-0'1
tl'I' tllllul'IJ Co" BlIlTalo , : \ . y , I'UI
this a verlllPlIIl'lIt lIUt I1I11IUI1/Ue PI1II"I' ,
- - - - - - - - -
coer. . } ) " ! , i\FFOHD 1' ' ) PA y ,
Freddlo-What did mamlJlI spall ! ,
yo u for Just now ?
Heglnald-fihe spulliec' ) mo fol' 1I0th-
Inu. Did you thlnle 1 pay Iwr rflr
dolu tbat ?
'rho Poets OPI1CJI'LllUlty.-BlfI"lJ < ;
I'1IJJ friend the prJoL , suhseribes to a
chpplnu .
Hlobbs-'J'holl whj' duesn't ho tal < p
ad vantll e ot It to hll vo his hal r CNt ? f'
-Phlllldolphia Hecocd ,
- - - - - - -
A mllll Imn II ve 011 the bare neces.
sarys ov lite ; S.I Imn a lIIud tllrtlo ,
" , , "rill' " 'I f : ' I' f"r 'Iollol' n
tI. . " " " , "h , . . Inrt"U. . . , ,
,0" , , 'I. .
1' ' lIIhll < ; sitll- ( I ! " dOIlI' Oil II press , 1I1lC
1OllIes , tlll'rotorl' , ullcler th' ! hoadlng !
of prl'ss 1\11' ' I. , all lioll h the proCOSH
Is a IItlle ( tll1'reollt. Embosslllg Is
: Iolle hy IIIPa liS of t , vo elil's , the mille
lIlIl ! Ill ! felllall' , gOllerally the hllHI-
st of OIt'otlotPYIJ lIIotal. ZIIlC , .
IJmss III' steel , the lIIalo 1-\01l0HI \ ly ot
50111(1 ( 'lIlIlposltlOIl , mallo to cOllie un-
IIN till ! paper : l1Id press It up lilt )
the fClltale dl ( ' alill raise the dcsigli
Ilhove till' sUl'face o ( leh 11:1 : per. 'l'ho
l\O t or enlhnsollIg , as comp Iroll with
ol'llirtary presswork. Is ahllllt as t\HI
\.0 \ olle. A t OliO LlllIo It WIHI'ory pop.
lilaI' for catalogue , eo\'ors. hut to-
ealllo so CIIIIIIIHIII Utal , lately It has
! -olle : slllllewilat oull of ( ashloll ,
llospeople \ who arc ullfortullate
hav IwlwlII so hi IIbt1i'.III the hest
filellll they 1mot , IIl1d thllt Iz.
thelllsel rs.
Ho kind to every thlllg alld e\'NJ
bodily ; tharc ISII't evell a bug ullt
Imll 110 you SUIll 10011 , or SIIIlt hurt. '
\\'hnt nn 1\ I 11I11 nl1 0 nhL
Mnllhl'II'H , Arl. . , AIlJ , : . : ! fitll.-\rs. ;
J.I'I' H. HIIIHlerR , of tlltll plnl'e , lells how
1111 111111111111 ( ' HII vl'li h'r IICI' .
"I 1111 " hl'l'lI t 1'1111 h1l'11 a rlIt denl
wit II /II ' IIIIIII'YI'I nil m ' liot'e 111111 WitS
l'oll ( alltl . J'Owlll wm'Hp.
"I ( 'hlllll' ' ( ' " to g't II ( 'Oil ) ' of 1)0dl1'1'1
AIIII/llln / ( ' (01' WO' ! Itrlll 111 It ( , ( , lIel HOIlIt !
t lo'II's , of 11011' Hoeltl'H 1 < ! lllIey 1'11110 ; hnll
( ' 1II'I'1I III11I1Y'tr ) ' 111111 CIIHUII of KlillIl' '
' 1' J'O II hit"
. . .
. .Iy hll hllllli hOIlJlIt a ! lox : IIlIel I
11l' 1I1I III 11MI' tl1l'lII. II/III III It IIhOl't tlmt'
\ \ ' ( ' WlI'I' ' ' ( ( ( lIuli 11l1I lItt'li nt
till' \\olllllrfllllllllll'lIl'l'lIl'lIl III /II } ' CnRl' ,
"I 1111I IIOW all 11'1'11 ItR IIlIyholly II/III ,
I 1'1111 1101 1'111) ' tOil /IIIIC'II for ! Jolltl'/j
Killtll'Y 1'1111'1 , It \\111'1 a 11IC'le ) ' dllY fOl'
1IIl' 11'111'11 Illicit" " lip ! hllt IIIIIIIIIIIIC ,
"I 11lIII"l. ! I ) nllll'H Kltllle ' I'IIIH , m
CIII'l' :1I1)'OIJe : whl ) HIIITerH wltl1 Klrlnt'y
' ' "
'l'he top rounc1 ot the ladder 17. It
hard olle Lo stile to , and an ugly aile
to tall from , I would rcckolllon < 1 0110
ahout thc mlddlo.
. They Work While You Sleep.
.While yom mind and body rest Ca"1
carets Candy Cathartic repair your
di tion , your ) iTcr , your bowels , '
put them in perfed order. Genuine
tablets 6t.lmpcd C. C. C , NCTCt' uo1d. .
ill hulk. All dmggists , lOCo
- - - - - -
- - -
- - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - -
W A N T E Dfeo : tor Ihe tTnlc1 \ Rtat. . .
. . . ,
N..ble I" i" " . "COO Is 10J6 :
, . .d b < J , . . " " " 16 ' " 11. \ \ rlt. . ( orlaforn..tlou , N. . ; !
1LecnJlllnc Ud.uutIUlllbAUuhl'r".pl. , ChloaolQ
- - j
I. ; , ' , : : ' Thompson 'sEye Wate
N , N , U. NO. 734-35. YORK , NEB'I