Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 28, 1902, Image 2

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    - - - - -
- , . : : :
. - - " . . -
fmster County Republican
. . .
. . . . . . Alt'IlJ ' KnltT , dHor "nd I'ubll.h. .
. 'n :
Do"IT , . . NlCllnAl !
"Adllliral l'In rlt , " Thllt sulls tIll'
( } l'Ollle. Ill' 11111 It with Ills tIltll. ' OI'U'
gen ,
Oxn en tHlllollls nrl. ! n I rrnl'h Imr
resRor's lutl'fit. "lIn\'l' Il Crrllh nil' with
III I : ! ? "
\'lclentl ' tile Ilonclu : : mnRtCI'S h-"o
decllll'l to pill Uw 0111 111'01'10 ollt of It
this 'l'lIr ,
Iost of liS011111 hI' downllenrt(1 !
If wo Impw wllnl Uw wornon who tells
us Hllo Is glnd WI. ! l'nmo In ! 'fI nClCl' wo
hn'I : ! left.
1I0w the 'ollllg mnrrllll womclI 110
hnte Ihl' : . :11'1 who cnn et UII ! 1I1'Ml oC
tll' c\'pnlng In Il COl'IIer nlHI ' ( ( 'OIl hllll
Illten'ttcli. !
' 1'hnt rllllt'oHI : IlIlpl'rllltollllrllt wllo
Htolpell ( Idsslll Oil Uw Htnlloll plot.
forllls Ill'ohnllly hils n jealolls wife nlld
IH hUJllleekcll , :
'l'ho d 'II\llIltel' : \ 011I1 the hl'PIII1Inry
nro two PI'llIIllIal8 lI nlllHt wholll till'
hnllli of 1"1'1' ' ' II UIII'en 111 till' W01'd ,
clnSHlJfI 01' thu COlli III 11 II It" " 8holllll Ill' i
Mnll ' n 11I1111 who IIIIfht hll\'o heell
' ' ' ' hll8 ' hIs dll '
n I'Cllt 11I01'111 fOI'I'U Slll'lIt 's
Hnl\'l'lIl1 ht'cnllfw some IItLlu fool of n
WOJIIIIII 111I11I't Iwow no(1 / ( ( thlllg whell
811 0 HJ\\\ ' It ,
1'11111111 w11l gct $ : ! ; 'iOOO n 'oar 1'01'
hpllIg Pl'l'slIlcllt of Ullim. Wu 11I11- "
tol.o It fOI' f1'lIl1tCII thnt he Is 1IlIlIltm'-
nUI ' oplosud ( to IlIIIIIXnlloll. nt lenHt
Cor the III'csellt.
A Colornllo gh'l hnR 1\'I'IIr\l11 \ \ to II1nr-
ry Il 1111111 he ! ,
\1111111111011 fOl' . Helllt ! or no11l1' : ' .
who ' the ' ' the olll '
SII 'H 11001' 111'0 olles
\\'ho 1m'e u e.Ullce ,
Il IR rellOl.tetI thllt WIIIIIIII1 WaltIorf
Astol' Is Jolll to gl\'o hili tIallJhtl'r
foOOOOOO : ! whull she Its 1II111'rlel ! .
\\111111111 Waldorf IlIUHt thllll , thut IH
nhout the llrlce of a good. ser\'lccllhlu
YoulI KillAlfollso's / fj'olllllell 111'0
olll ' lJl'gl 11111 1IJt. Hu hllR 1I0W to go
out ulHl look for 11 wlfl" IIIHI t hl'l'c 111'1'
nt leaHt n tIOZUII dlffcl'l'lIt lIel'sollH who
fire to decilio jus wholll ho IllIlRt
marry ,
III Delllllllrk tJlO Iwollio cOlltlllllO to
he excltell ovel' the IlrollOsltloll to sell
the DlilIlsh Weilt 1IlIIIes to the Ullited
Htalc'H. 'l'he ' HeOIll to tnlH ) It for l'lIl1t.
cII thllt Ullclo Sam Is wllltlllf ; 111'0111111
the cOl'ller rellll ' to IJ\I ' whclI the 111'011'
cr wIlli , la tllliled.
'We hl1'e c1\11 courls 1'01' the Hellle.
mellt of 1111 OUIOI' 11IllIllPH : 1'l'lIrlllllJ ; : ;
IlrOllCrt ' I1IHI 111I11\11111111 rlfhts. Wo 110 ,
uot I11l0w CltlzellS , howe\'cr much thl'Y
.11n ) ' thllllt they hll'e hel'lI IlIjlll'cII , to
fight It llt wIth ellch oUlCr III onr
! ! troet : ' ! , 'rho poll'e IIl'reHt HIICh Ilcoille
Ilnll loci , tJlCm UII for the JI'IICI'1I1 ood.
" 'hy , IlItIeed. shollld we 1I0t rl'lulrc
lIIen who ha\'e grle\'llllceH 11f1111ISl cach
oUlCr liS e.mployerH 111111 WOr1m11'1I to
_ ulJmlt their dlfferellceH to COllrtH eH'
tnhllshod for Um t I'III'\IOse'/ ' \ It Is a
c1\'lIIzed WI1 ' of dolllg It.
NIL pol l'Ol1 OlIlI\lartu'a \ will , 1I1110llg
those of Jrellt men , I1ITOI.tIR till' 111'111'1'1'11
IlIlrllllcl to thl1t of Ocell Hholles 111 th (
' 1I0 slll'l'I '
forlullo It Uelllll'1ltJICII. WIIS
the rlchoot exile HIIICO the wOI'hl hl'l-lIl1 ,
I rom his 10llely hOll1o lit St. 111'It'IUl he
bequeathed to hili J't'lllll'eR IIIllI 1'rll'llIb
$ .10,000,000. lie hll lIeclI rich , 111 " " 0111
1111 111 lOWer , bO ' 01111 UIO dl'l'nll1s 01
uVl1rlcc , n11l1 there IIIl1st hll \ 'elIIHRC"
through hlB blillds 11 prl11 te forlulIl
such I1B 1110rtal IIIl1n 1m ! ! rnrolJ
dreamed of , Ills CXIICtiOlls from COil
qllerml stntes hM been Hot down II
nearly $3i .OOOOOO , which IH , nftur nll
but six times mullllI ' 11I1thl' gift hI
ocured for himself from the A list I'ltll
lrcnsur- , ' after AIIHterllt.z.
Evcrr mUe whllo sOlllC'hol11'1111" 111
n cry for "the l enl h'I , " 'l'hl' III teH
dlssatlsllcll oue wuuts girls to 110 11101'1
uthlcUc tlU\11 theurOj h" whoolR ) fo
wlllsts tllll t 8hnll 110 1I1 PI' , IItHl h ,
WIIUts the 111'18 to wnHt Rtl1llghte1' . W ,
1II1 ht lIuswcr the l'ntll'lIIl1l1 h ' Hu-'IIII
that the girls 111'1' hl'l'Ol1llll111I0l'e 11111
lUorc IItlllelie f'n'r ' 'I'ar , tlll'l
wlIlsUJ 111'0 lurge ellol1gh fOl' nil llra
tical l)1JllI0Sl ) , lIud thll t t hpr will willI
atralJ'ht liS ! lOOU liS It IIgllltl hocOI1ll'
fushlollllhio for UWI1I to 110 so. Uu
WhlltlH the l1ao urglllllg willi 0110 whl
Is dlsslltlsllell willi the Irls all tlH : ;
I1re ? 'l'he II thlctle gl1'l Is Il jor. So I
the ouo who 1I0eslI't Cill'O for IIthloll'E !
" 'hether hl'r wl1lst Is Il\1'go 01' slI1al
the gl1'l of \ 0,1111Is - 1111 l'l ht--lf she I
the rlglJt OUII. AIIII thll t IR the 111111
thlug. Wllr will I1INI waRto their llm
tc1l1ul ; the ! ; Irls whll t to 110 to 1111111'0"
themsel YCH ? 'l'he glt'ls will 110 liS tI ) ( ' .
plouse , alld thc- , ' will he l'IIIII'I1IIII , 11
mnltc1' whether Uwo - III for II thlptl\ !
or 110t , 0) ' whethel' thl'willi. - . 11111'11-:11
or hop 111.0 1\II1I/lIrooH / : , I.l't us It'll'C !
to the 1-11'111 to be lll'wltl'hlll 111 tllI'l
owu WII'j'he - ' II\\'II 'S hn't. . I'Ilnl'lIIl'
unll the ' IIlwlI 'H will. FIIShiolls Iln
CIIStOI1lH nre 11l1t IIICllll'II1 ! ! , 'I'hl' II1n
who hns tlllle to 11I'\'ot ! ' to the tllsl. (
ml1klu Ule girls 10\\'IJ I' thllu tlll'se -
fit to mnlw thelllsc\'IO ! : ; 1Il'1'1 > 1'\'e8 tJl
world's plt ' . Bo IIOCIHI't Imuw II oo
thing wllel1 he IH'e ! ! It.
nnd Job boon nCIlIl1ll1tcII with tl
germ tbeor ' ha lolo r w01l111 hIck
meusuro ot the luster that IIU1'I'0lc8 01
of Its greatest lights , Job hello'oll till
boUu were D.D Indirect lsllonsutlon I
)6' , . . .
- - _ . - = : . - - - . - . . . - : : : - - - . : : ' "
1'1'0' Ifll'lH'1' ' 01' 11I1111'1'lh'ltllnl ' ) Jlro -I
I'I'I / I''PII I " ' 1'11iI'1I1 I4I'1Pllce hll , Iill'
' ( ) \ ' ' ' ' I hll r hell , . a I'I ! litH' III 111"1' "
I lull' ! , 'rill w h 11'11 hllll'l't I h 1'11I 'II'I VPH 111 I II '
: 1111111'11111111'111114 t" H\JI' \ . IIn\1I11 ( 0101111"1',1 ,
, 1I11111iAAloII Ihrol1 lt 11 1111111 IIrl'lIl" Th , '
Idll of th ( ' flll' ( , olld nr'k IH'IIIJ { IIIWIIV'
' ( ' 1' ' ' < < \ I ! ! morl' lInhl to lIullM 1111111 1111'
( 'O\'I'I'l'd pori Ion ! ! or thr " " ( \ ' . lrl'l't
IIIIMI , I'fllpN'hllly In rlt ( 'llh' ! ! , I'IIIIIIIIII
1IIIIIIIIuIlInouII mlcroKI'ollfto A"'I'III:4 : ,
whh'h IIInl ( their wo ' throllJt1l ; 111'1'1"
tUl'l'S 1'0ul\l'l1 h ' ( ' 0111\1' 01' 1'011111' hul.
tOil fl'II'LlolI or h ' IU'I'nll'IH'1I " ' 0111 IIIIHI ,
1H'O1I'R ] 01' 1I11jtl'r ; 11111111 , 01'11'1' 11 111111'
urlUY of hnl'lf'lu , will ROI ) 111111 11I1111' 1111
( 'nlrlllll'l 1I11J1l1oC 11 hiliI' 11110 Ihl' clItll'll'
1111,1 tlll'lIl'l' d'pl ( ' ( ' 110111:11 to hl' 11I
1111'11' 1II1l11'\'oll'nt oJlel'1I tl01l8 , It hll H
1.J1'1'1I fo 11 I III tll/lt 111.11 . "Iclllll III Wlllllll'
IlPnlth III Iwlow 1101'11101 01' who 111'1' hll-
hit 1111 11" , Ill'I"'f'IIRI'II lII'e 11I01'1' 1111111" to
hollA Ihllll I'1'0pl ( ' of11.(01' ( 111111 "I\'II'I1 ' ,
It III 1I0t IIU'III1f ; < ' , thl'l'I'fcJt4' , Ihllt IJlII.I' .
, loll 111111 1IIIIIIr H\'I'I'SlIh'l' \ ! I'I'UPH of hollR ,
All 1I111'II'lIt III1.tholl of CI1l'III hollR WIIS
to pOIlILl ( ' ( ' Ihl'lII , Ilol ' .llIh , II will III'
1'1'11I1'111 1I1'1'I'd , 11I1111'1'\\1'111 II 11'1111111'11 1 of
1101l1l'sLll' IIIIRtl'l'S WhOSl' 111'11011 WIIS 11111
liS 1IIIIIInU\1' IIR dOlllpsll ! ! 1IIIIIItll'I'II
ROIIII'UII1l'S 111'1' , : \lmlp"11 " 111'11'111" ' . III 1111'
Oplllioll of Ihl' Chll'lIfu 1 'hl'OIlII'II' , hils
f01ll1l1 I hll t IIII'I'I'I ' 10 IUlIl'h I III' 01111'1'
IIIII'II'IIH of II hell willi n IIIIY IIt'op of
,1'111'110111' nl'hl III IIIpllloHll'llio.'I'LlIlIllIIl'lh.
oIl of I'xth'pnthlJt thlll 1'01'11I of 11111111111
IIlIHI'I' ' , 11 IlIl'Lholi wlllt'h l'OI'l'olllll'a 11'11
IIII' tlII'OI' ' Ihllt 11 hell IR II 1'111'101'I'S' ,
tllhllshl'd 111111 wOI'ltl'll hy 11111'11'1'111. 1111 < < \
( , III'holll' 111'111 1111'11 111'1'11 III 1111' 11 po' ' hI"
l'III'Y Hhop oj' LlII' Ihlll' of 11111.Ioh - I hI'
ollHtrppl'l'OIlH llollll'sl.Il' 11\1 \ 1'1111'1' of I hI'
Hlln'pl'II' ! wOllld 111I\1' Plljo ' 1'11 Il'ss Slit.
IRfll'llolI hI Ihe II OlllpH of hl'l' patl'lIt !
SpOllllC ,
- - - - - . - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
'I'hl' 1 WO fl'lItlll'I' of thl' 11I1I1I'PHS h '
( lIUllol' ,101111 thlill 1' , I JolIl n'I' , of Iowa ,
III till' 1'01ll1ll1'1II'I'II11'IIt I'xl'l'elHps of Ih , '
r\OI'lh\\'ORII'I'1I ! ; lIln'I'sllr 111 Uhll'II O ,
whll'h Iiollhllt'llil IIIl1dl' thp 1II'I'III'IIt 1111'
111'1'11111011 1111011 UIO 1II11111H othl \ ! rIJII
I'lIlllIlItmi who IIl1tl'lIl'll 10 It , WI'I'O thl'
IWI'UOIIII whll'h Ilt'llreelltl'll IIIII 'IIIII.II'
lIolI III the colll'fI' $ 1111I1 whl11 Ill'pll'tl'd
tlll ! IId\'lIl1tll o of tlll ! pOOl' HtllllelltH
O\'l'r the l'll'h. NotwltllslHlIIIIII till'
' 'Wllt telllll'lIctowIIl'1i ' '
11I'1 telllll'lIc\ slIl'l'llIlIzllIl- ;
III l'olle ' ' ' " 111111 ' ' "
1' \\\11' towill'll COlli 1111'1"
clnll.IIIf ; 1'IIIICnlloll HI'lIlItOl' lIolll\\'r
PI'ol'lI1II1I1'fl hlH 111'111 hl'lIl'f III thl' 0111 ,
I'I1Hhlolll'l1 lIotioll or thl' hlfhl'l' ( , IItIl'II'
tloll whll'h tllllfht nil tile 11I'III1Phl'M of
l\IIowlt'III o 11I111 uhllcil to hlllllll't II wille
111111 11111'1'111 cultll'I' ! . It WIIS hlR helll'f
thllt thlH HOI'l 01' colll'fe tl'lllllhlJt SIIII'
pllell th ! ' hl'st t'qUlplIll'llt for SIH'II'IIH ! III
UII' hllttI' ! o ! ' 11 fl' . 111 I'X\latilltlll \ IIpon
the l'hlllll'I'S of Ihl' poor IIII.\ ' tilt ! ellll'
tor \ ' l ol'ollslJ' eomlJlI tL'(1 tlw tlH'OI'- , '
thnt thl' 1110111'1'11 hHItlHtl'lli1 tI'IHlclIl'II'1i
\11'0 \ 1II1""I.I"f ; hi ! ! OPJlOl'tUllltll'lI , 011
thu cOlIll'nl' ' . ho 11I'lIe\'ell llmt the 1111.
\"nlltnl-o ; of t.ho IIXlr ho ' o\'el' tllo 1'111
III the IIttlllllmellt of whnt Ill ! 1'l' : \l'II'i1 \
II ! ! "HIIl'I'e s" "I IIfo wnI'lntpl' ! \ thllll 11
C\'I.I' ! Willi. C01ll1llc1ltl1I1111011 \ the hllIHI.
Icnll of u ho\ ' who III nttllch11 ! to Il I'lell
fllther he Hliltllnll'H : : IIIICI'l'lIS If
IIWH.'IIII'etl h ' the WOI.1t ho IIOl" ! ! . 111111 110
hotl ' C\'OI' IIol'S 1I11 'thlllf ; I'Xl'l'llt hI' hllf
lo , It III lIeHt fol' III1JlJo ly who I' ! tf
I'ecelvo 1111 IlIhl'I'ltnllCI ! of \ ( ) { } , ( ( ) . 1111I ]
Ul'St fOl' the JOOO ) to hll'e tlll'm 1\1'111
ollt 01' each othel"R ' ' 1011
l'OIllPIIlIJ' liS ; : m
llOHslhle , A 1111111 will 110 his SOli jJ
groa tel' hl'lI1lt h ' f1 \ ' hi ; ' : hili thollslIlHf !
to II wOI'thy I IuCII 11011111 IlIstltUtlolI 111111
\'ttlll \ the 1I0 ' lIght IIIH OWII IInttlI'H , ' .
II' we I'e arll HllcceSH 111'1 ' sOllll'thlll1- (
thllll the 11I1'1'0 O\\'II'I'slll\l \ of III'olll'l.t
Oil ! ! lIel'lls olll ' to tnlw 1111 I'xeul'Hlol1
thl'ou h hlsIOI' ' to reullzo the fOI'l'I' of
thl' ellnt\ll"H 111'/:111111'1111'1 / : ' , 10 [ wl1Ihll \ :
tllllt n'l'r ' 1111'/:1' / : ' IH'O\lOl'lIolI \ of Ihl
I1\lIsll'low'l \ ' IIl1l11l'S III'IJII ( to 1111'11 l'l'nl'l't !
! 1II111t'1' the stlllllllntlll ; ' : IlIlIul'lIces 01
! lUI.t ' ,
J\rn JUlh''JIOII Into SIIL\'I'I' ) ' ,
I COIIslllcmlllo excltl'lIIent hllH 1Ift ! 1
CIHlSI'IIIII thl ! UIt ' of llxlcJ ( hJ rl'\'hL
thlll ! ! rl'lIl'llIug ; : II R ' ! llt1II of Iclllttnlllll
thut hll ! ! 10llg III'o\'lllleI thl'rlhu t hn :
) 'n1)lllLrI'IIUhcell o\'orIIXkl'l or CUIIII1\'Ci
III 11y the lIulhorltieH. It Is statl'lI Uta
chlllirell hllvo 1I01'n ltlth1l111'(1 ! lIy hUll
IIt'olls IInll Sl'lIllo the hl'III1IIWII Illlllltn
tlOIIH of YUl'alnll , Chlhlr\11 1'1'0111 :
'el1r8 0111 to ho-'s nnll jlrls well lip Ir
tlwll' tl'CIIS hn0 l.well lIthl'I'NI Illtl
hlIl1l11 : 11I111 selll II\II ' tu the south h
IIlIch 111I OPl'lI mllllller thllt It It ! Slll'lH'IH
IlIg UIO cltolllclalH - ha\'o lH'l'Ome IIwm :
olll - HOW of the tl'lIl11e whll'h was hI'
III cllrrlefl 011. 'j'ho "III-ellt" ; who 1111
been COllllucllllg this 1I0fllrl01ls 11lI1I11I1'S
IU'ofl'sHI'l1 SIII'IIl'lse IIml hlllt IHlllll
whell ho ' ' ' I . "
WIIS lII'l'l'stCll. III II m.plnllh"
that Il WIIS lIe'I'SSIIl'1'01' - the } IIII 11 1 < ' 1'
of YlIclllall to hll vo uccllmll tell Illbol
( ' 1.s , 1'1'0\110 \ 01' 1I1llllr ! nl ; ( ' Sl'lIt tu th
1IIIIIItntlolls blclt'IWI 11111 dll'I , but h
IlItllll1 tllm 'OUI 1111111 lal e qual
ttles such of the chldl'I'n 18 SUI'\'I' , .
gl'l'W 111 ICI'It0I(1 to the clmnto 11
CIllshod 1 sUllply of luch 1 f'tlrll h
bOI'l'I'S. As ono INilell 1111H'1 OJ
ll'l'sses It , ho plnlt Chlhl'l'n a th
Ilrollrltol' of 1 nm'sel ' would plnJ
trCl's. . uiI I tIY I\'Cll the fruit 0
thel. In11ols Illlatel ' wel I'l'llld 1
the trouhlo mil CXICISC Ittllclh'll to tl
Ollratol. 'I'ho chid 101 , of cour.l
\\(0 bent Ilto n R 'sll'I of lOlulgl
which \ ' ' ' ' to \ ' '
which1'llal IUIOlltl'l1 1 1\0'
sIn \'or ' to .
tl JlnntUld.
' ' " ' " mll8t , of ,
'l'll "Ylcntl'cos" 1 I'
h'o klOWII the SO\'el' : of thI' SUI
III ' of Ilfllnt hOIUIII'I. hut Slll' " tl
' ' 01' ' " ' " thl'r hn "l'
nll'l'st lwh' 1l1'1" 11 I
tll1d 1 IlscI'l'ot Ild Imll'lwtl'lhlu s
' the ,
Il'lCU 01 slhjel
Pal''I'II .
HectlU- \1r wns 11'I'al'hlll 1
chlllh'I'I. \ rt'l ask Ilg 1II111 ' 1111stlol
a 11 IllH'psslllg 01 the mluls or t
chlhlrel that thl ' IUlt he 11\'el 1'10
811 hl' nslw(1 ( the IIIl'ston , "Whlt
Hln ? " A hl'Iht 110 ho ' , 1 'ell'1 I
Iulclt us thought , l'l'JICI , "Uhowll
HIOlclg. cursing IUI lcarlng ) ' 01
. .
. .
- . -
. . '
. . . . . . . . .
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - = -
- - - - - - - - - :
r" + - . . . ' . . . . . . . ' . . . . + 'l' - . . . . + "r . - . . . i . T . . + + iiTf . + . . . . . . . + + + ' + + + : + t . . . . . + 'ST - . 'RMl . . I
. , , I'
nH Wl'nther not 1
11I111 tOS Iwel
hl II ' , allth"
ni wiltum RI'I nol
1 " ( of hi' I11J1 , 'I'hc ' 1111 .
'olrH 11d 11 tl wUI'Id'H fOl' the lend.
, ' ' " ' ' " cOlt
II 'l'h" "wl'nllll' 1111" hll 1IIItril
Olt thl' ntlw.pherlc C'Ollllloll . the fCI'
tll'I'H of thl' sl ( ' 1111 tl dnllll 111111hl'
of ' 1,1' Illtu
Inlllt tllltl
tme tl whlll .
' w ' , ; to Co'o.
cnlHIII'rn tOl hl'l ni 111 plllf
Cllt the lJprolll'l of I ItOI'I. ulII
whih , Ir II htlll ' Illt'lllltell. uru
' ' , . 'I'he ' / :
Cl'l'llil I1f1I11. 11'/111 COlltllols
to II c'IIRIIIII'(11 11'0 Ihe IHIl'l of t\l \ ! .
' ' . ' or h. I
WIIIIII'1 hol'lzol. 111 11'110110 I
fOIH'I ! of thl' CI'I'lIf 1111 cIIH Htrltll . I
( olcll tw tOlprrltll with slll'l.
II'HH 1111 hlllll\IIt ' . 1111 thl' tlItlee .
" ' 0111 thl' tl'lIll llllIt II the 111 " 8 tOI.
Ilrlltlrl' , I I tl'f ( , l\ferellt l'Ol11tllH 1
1'0 COI'I'ect I ' 1III'rstoot there Hholid I
ho 10 111llho Hn ' ! - \ , In foretollllg
' ' .
1 thIIIIP'st\ll'1.
. ' 1helo IH ole Illltlrl' of ni Ilccrtnll- .
t . 11)\I'er. nllolt thl' nctllll 1111CII'
1lII'O of Il Hlorl COIl'ct ) ' II'ollctell , IHI
tliR IH IItI to th , ' flct tlllt 111 tlllll'l-
RIO'I8 11'1' I lt Iltl10111 fllIturl'R.
hn'II to to wIth I'Xtl'Cloly 1 1 It cd
Irl'IS , 1111 111 of Iholt dlrnllol. 'lhlH
It for olle to HCO n
rCllels IIOSHIII !
Itorl COIII1 111111 ronl ' 01 ItH Wl ' ,
Ilt to hI dlsllllpollltlll of It. 11'1'1'11 In
OIO'S OWII 10'111 ' . IR lll'r ' his heclI
; Hllellt IHfol'e Il his hlll tle to cOle
, ' ' ' '
Hulleltr fil 'l'hlllerstO'mH . . lrul
co\'el' 100 thlll thl.t 10 forty IIIles
In I Htlotcl. f1 ! II 1'1'11 1\ ' 110 10re tUI
l1fht lliIl. whlo HOII' lt luch
Hllrt"l. A 11 Is1 01'1 , which nlwlQ'h
slfnllls III I'Xpelllt'lre of tl'l'lelllolll
' ' , seillolll ' ' OIW-
1'0111' l'o\lrs 10ll' lmn
ulghth of I 110 , 11'IIS HIVI'O 1'01'1H
Il'e HOlltlmol 10 IOllgm' , 111 looltllg
fo ! a Ht01'1 the Wlstl'l RI.y IH the ell '
sly poilt of11110. . 'lhls Is hCCluse
' hn0 Imowl1 lo
Itm'ls II WIYS \0 hel1I
trl\'ol fl'01 Wtto elst If ) ' 0\ leo I
' ' lIoth ' ROUlh , It IR '
8t01'I 1111' ! 01' Ille 10l'
llul II'ohnhlo tlll It wi not 1I'h
' ' . If Is Wl'st 01'
01' locllty. hit I tuc
WIHt of 1I0'lh , or Ilrhllllll weHt of ROlth ,
pi IIY lool fol' Is 11'1 vll IIIIIIRS I
Rho\111 hllllll to lllllllts ollo ) les 01
Uo WIJ' lIuforo relchlll ) ' 011.
I.olle Out for MurcK' 'IIB , "
' 1ho CloliR which forotel n IItorl
are the ( ' 1'\1'1 IIO\H , "llwr , . ' tuls" tll
CO\ltl ' folk cll ' - Ahreds .
tlrl'lch'IIC'I'OSH I he hen \'ell , Intcr I-nth , '
IrlnJt Ilto 1111' IlTlH IItrtus , whlto 1111
grlJ' c'lllll shll'll. whl'h 111'0 the tni
111 ( 'low III , 'Phe Itlo"ph"I'I ! Is Ih\'n 'R
hCltld wllh Il slIly hUlldlt ' . I II
WIln 111 101st , thlcl ( , 111111f ; y ,
I HOletlllloH 1I110t tclIH wet. Pcoille
ocn thl'l Hllelk of "feull " tll 1111
III the nil' . 'rhero IH rm'el- , " Ill ' wll {
11'I'llllf ; I Htm'l for 11 ' lell th of
LlII"j tll ! IIII Is UXCIlllolllllly sti. Af ,
te hIIIl 11111'011118 lIecr. how
Ylr. I sof thll" "wet" sort 01'
. .
. .
. ' '
.wlll.I. Ihl'lllel'lstc IIR I hlrhhlglr
of 11' 11111110111 at ItR herlA. IR 1l'l
IItl'llI Ihl'OII This Is 10st fllllr
to 11 tlllH' .who hn0 late I IItlly of .
weatllr l'OIllons n ld lS IIR ' of ree.
o lIltol1 11 Ihn 1 wful orlll'lel of the
I wUllthl'l' ' on '
110lhl't 10nstrosltIs fC't
'lhl' Ile of Illr wlwl Il 1111 Is 10Ht
11(11 ' to fl l IH about a o'clock 11 the
Iftll'1I001. or Igliln lIetweell : Illd 'j
o'clol'k 111 thl lornII { . ' 'hlse nrc tH
tWI turnll lJlnts 11 the c1-'s tl'l-
plrturl' , At a o''lol the IIIIXlllm
I hOlt usunlly hOl heel rEalhCI for nf-
111'11001 , whlo atnlht lhe coolneRR hlH .
, thoro\ hl ' sut In , 11 IISI' of Il RIN'PS.
810n 01' thl11rRtorls thl' ) uRual ' oc-
S'111 1r111 to CherlHhcll Amhilon of
the Nltct HUnorlHt
4\11 IntlrosllJ ) 'Ir rcollty Apnn h- ,
In oM St. LonlH rl\'ermuu Seel1 to ho
n RolutOI to the 101100tcc IIloston
Ila to whrIrk : ' 'wlll novel' fotowl'd
out hlB llrlshellulhltlol of lcolIlIg
n \lsslRIIIIII \ rl\r pilot.
Actorlllg to the old IIL : Hnrlc'L'wnlll
11'\'l'r hlclmo n ful.ted I'd piot 111
11\1 stooll Il night wltlh ulol' . II .
Ilhll' wordH , whl0 ho 11(1 I Illul's \
1'111:1 : hili 111ltoror the grelt 1'1\11
l1 It 01 which he rode WlHl1 WI 'S 11-
Il' hJ' tIl UIIIr"tllllll thltlll ohlul
1111 101' ( 'IH'I'll'lcld hCld Wit wlthil
' " l'nl'hls 110 ' ' tll Iho
l'IS- l'nl\ Wil Ilsl'I'edl
JUUII 1IIIot , 01 the occlslul II IIUI8-
tol. It 11 tp1'H uul whlt tw rl'lr 01'
1111 thu ItualUI to which 'OUI CI'I'
l'Us WIH ltllched lS cub Illut WIIS
1111111"II'l'lIl with 1 hOl\'Y t11' 0 uf
l'ol , At ' tahll' '
tel tll olcers' till 11'1
111 ' ollt 11'01 l'hl'71 : ! ! , I ht' 111 ; .
t 1I1'IlIIuIIII whl t to do II RUh"1 PI I I'
' " , luII ' ' ' II ! ' of ' (
gt'll"I l'SI"l'lll IM' 11'
01 I "tln 111' 10adl',1 with 10Uol. ' 11
malll'l' WIH dlselRsoll lu ul 111 ! pnI
IIIgS , 1'llh of those Pl'l'lwnt ivil hi ,
IIIIIH , upon 1 hI tnbject : III'k T1111
1" IIRt or I bo othels. 11'1 to t hl' Il
Iiou tlli 1 Wit lil'lot's duty III tI\I
' ' ' ' ' ' to ' tht' 1I0W
11 l'lH'I'gl'11' l'Uulntc II
J "hold hl'l' : ' . "
111111 11 111180 ( il 1\ ;
' ,
to III hlult ti the IIRt llool'
I "hll'I' , " IlledlltelJ' 111'1 1111
I . Ul'IIR WI'1I1 to ll plot hOWH' II
Itll" his wlIl'h.
I' , , \11'111 thOlI' lt the tlhll WIR 10" 11 ,
. ) . HI"tll III l'l ; I 1'1' . I ' ( "lg IUI whos
' ' ' ' uf tnllght tl
; 1' IH'I'lell' " Ifo hlll hll ,
I' Inl11 til' Ihllr ot' hU111 10tl'O t
II. ( 't' ' out the II'OJlcts of H. lI10re bOIRt
111 1011Its , 11 WClt bl'low nt th
t111 tlIW Illt Inrl ( 'lwulll WClt I1of1
hut til , tWo 1'llItIHI'd to thllk ot th
to CUI\'I'I"tOI JURI lOSI'11 'fhc moro th
IS l'1 11'11' tholll-hl ; nhout I the lesB crelll
II 11"11ld to h'l' to the eub I
WIN ; )
1 ot' = ! I'hUII' , IIH\'I'I'r IIlco It II ht II
I \ ' ' 01' til IIWSII'ert. '
Is \lI'IIi I 1101t'r )
111 . \ = 1'\'I'I' 'Ollu Imows thl Illot hOl
. . 1111 I'I IIC reel If 1 ! ! tcliUbout nr
' COlIlIll''II , 1I0t enl ' wHh helH tor sh
II' llllg. 11ut wih 1 sllnklng tu11 ,
lIr 1110llt twell ' .follr 10urs IIIU.t.
thut 1111 ullllrclty the tllle lecel-
; Ir ' for tlwl to ICllllllute ! ! 8ule [ !
IIIHtllle to II'pul" Ho , If I Htorm RN'le !
IllglllH 111 the nftP'1I001 , the 11'11111111'1'
, I' tw Hlrles w11tl'l ' tlit 1IIIlce 11
Ihl' 1 fe1 0011 , wile J Il hc/IIH / lt
111 ht the storlllR t'e lkely to cOltllue
10 Il lt nl lt
hl ' cosIer to '
I II cOllshlerl foretl'l
' ' ' the ' ' of .
\ n
' 'cl'ltel 111'1\11 tllulldlr.
itOll thll to lxplull It Ifpr It hllH
'IIW. " 'Is'r thll 1111111 IOW kllOWII
\\'oull hI Il who ( ' 01111 folow 11111
tllltll I ' the 111-IcIII IllamOl'lJhoslH
[ f t III' ehlllmlu SlllWr IUIIscaII.
Its Inke lusH nil 11I0'
wih Iw 1111 IH
IloulsH us murhle , frol the tlll' the
lNt Illt ' Allllluoss IrIRI ! I ! the hegln to strj IR thl
. ' fl'owllln I '
I.y lul'lwlIS tl whlls
hl'OI k hohfteroIlHI ' from their flttl'lR ,
the l'IOlld RtrCnlH llur Ollt Ill'atnrnCts ,
Ind the II'CH of hell\'oll Imnlnnte the
tl'llIRtUOUS nljht wih thell' tO'rllllo
Illar. Alld 111l1 ' , ns the elell1utR ;
a nll1 { 11m thl'IHeh'I'R. thc SUD In'oakll I ,
out 1111 ro\'I\'llIed Ilhl'e becomes' ' '
doulllr lovcly , I
1 lr"t 81:1 of Storm ,
' 1he IrRt clew to the I1IJ'Hte ' of n
storm COIIICS from WI tor. I n laR ! of
wnter Is stool on I wlllllosi Oi I
hot la ' Il JIIIIUllr ( 'a110'utlf ' 'he
hot. Ilr Illr RuclH It U\I. \ Slllurly thl
hot , Ilr ' aiI'l ho\'e a Ilrge hoI ' or Wl-
tel' SIIII UII Is water. trlISCOlllu It
Into n lle'u110r , which hnlHrtR Il Ils-
tucss to the ntmosplwro. 'j'he ltHtaut
utmollhcrt now rndullly SIIR It-
sIl' lu n01 ofallor. . whlh becomes 111 thlclter , ' 1h.s leads to the
lIext phcnolllollon 111 11 thunder storm ,
I'er I ' enl Imows thut when Htenl
cOles In cOlllact with cold objects :
cOldenll , tlaly forming tnr drops
III resullling Is original forl of Wl-
tel' . II the slmo WiY on II warm RUI-
Ilr nrl'rllOOI the UIIllr [ 10YIrR of the
I tmJsllhere ( 1'0 cooler thnn the ; 11-
1I'IIIItl'I ' nho\'o the earth. lenco the
hl her \'lpOIR rlslll lS UI' ' come 111
cOlltnc with the cool ulr COlllloISt
thl.l'nlllg Illto the form of ClollIH.
whih ure nothln else thall COlllclsed
sl'Ul , ' 'he 1Jrttll's of Wltforllu
the c0udR nre so 11111to IIl1d Il-ht thllt
the ' ' , 'rhe ' ' of
tOl. II tl III' 10\'Cml'lItR
the "lIpOI IR It rlsos nli the action of
thc toulor UPller Rtrtu of all UIon It
ol'ltes Cllrrellts of air. the wllll.
'Ihls lt Irt Is just strollg cnou h to
r1Plllo t1o lurfnco of the wnter 111 str
Ihe folngo of the treos. In the mcul-
tle. allother celont Is at worl ( . B\-
m' ' oue IlreSUIIIOseS 11 ncculullton
ot I'I'trlct ' lt n tlldor storm. glcc.
trle IH lresellt In t II I tmoslhl'le ni
thu tme. hit , as his lIen obser\'ell. I
Is Ih\'u ' 1 moro powerful when an- , '
strollg pelJlltcular Cllrrults of III' Il'e
In nctol. such liS c 'colles , torlllldocR ,
\'olclllllc IrUIUOIR. wutlrSlloltR. thllll-
del' HtOllIIA , Elltrlenl mllnlcslatlons
lre 11\\'n 'H ICCOmllllel1 h ' Iho dowl'
Ilour of wltcr. ThIs 1 I'l us that thl
cOldellslton of'opor Is closcl ' COl.
nccted with ell'ctrlcl ' , Why Is It not
' of ' ' ' II '
In ! llltlll'e I'Jectl'llly gl'l1ltell
frlcton'/ Hub two 1IIIcCR of pallr , 'Ig.
OI'oIlHI ' each othl'r ' '
Igalllst lud III'C'
trll'lt ' IH genertelOlwn the slfel '
\'ah'o of a It1111 l'u lnl' g\-Ing ! out \1-
pOI' alld olectrllt- lroduC'd ! h ' the
frleton of the stenm alld'al'e. . 11 I
thunder Rtorm electllcl ) ' IIY thml hI'
gollratf1 h ' the trlcton of Il1dl\'ldual
partlclR of wntcr which hu\'o hL'l
drh'ln I110ut b ' t I Willd ,
' 'he two 1""dR ot elelrcly. polllv
througl which the 1IIIrtnnt functon.
nrleR who opeMlte nbo\o 1111 helow ( ' 111
dlBcuRs the wentlor atllolics lu thoh
'rho mouth of the tuhe
nt the UPICr eml II hut lte III U
thlln the human mouth. bUt 11 the en
I-Ine 1'001 It has shape of n fU111 nf
ns u ' - ' , \ (
hll hll'-llllwl melRUl' ' JI\
1.1 nRslRtnlt enllncl'r WIH lolllelll
the ' ' ' - ho WIIS
eml'l'glll' IluCsUon 1111
wiping otf n porton of the mnhiler
with a bUl1cl of coton wnRt' , 1111 a !
he J't'lchl'll tlll' 10uth of the sllealdn !
tulH It wus the . work ot' hut a 101l'n
- - - -
, \I.m TWAIN ,
lu luudl a matll to the Inlllll\l
IIIlterlll III his hand 111 thrlst It fr
Ilto the tuut
No ono sa w tJIO nct. bllt oyor-'hollr 0
hOll'd tIlird from It 11 nllout n mlnllt' '
e IIII , 'l'wlln , 11010 II the Ilot hem
t , 1111 stl IIIII'IIIItho IUrn t hllgs I
o hld heard of hurll stonboltH , c
o peclnlr whl'lI the ' hallpelod to I
It 10ldell wih coton , waK hOlllll to RI
Ismoltc Ilouing from his eld of t
) - HIl'nkln tuhe.
'Ihere WIS but ono thol ht In h
II' m111. 'rhl' hOlt wns 01 tre , DrOIpl
'e the whell , whllh Al'un ' uroulc I !
- nrollli II ! ! I IIC Ils hIU , he 1"t
l the rope b ) ' whlrh t1 11lg bel WI
nlHI 1'Alt.C , Ih\'I ' ! try to unlo. 'ho
, pOllous of the Illr tbo
aSlelllllJt 111
ClolU1H cn\'jll- , ' I 11 lhll ed wi h 11 -
ntl\'l' 1III'Irlet ' . whlll' thl' Rurface of
the 1'llth o\'er whlh thl' ) ' swim nrc
\llr ed wih Ilosll\'e l'lm.trlcltr. Ench
RelH tn lule wi h I he other , 'l'he mil-
jorltr 0thu \ 1I1'Icles Ire 10t strOl !
NluJth 11 elec\'IIt ' to SIII the splee
of tl' Irll betweell. IlIl CUl do seoul
oul1111111' hl h tllsloll. As the frt.
tOI IIClelseA. elect'lclty Iccllllllntoi
01 the brlmf of tie ( 'Iouds Ild the pr (
jeclous of the pnlth's slIrfncc. trees
hOllsus 1111 11IIIIIIIIA , The CI'elt !
' , ' ' hl'lId the
of 111' hN'ome stldlpl' 'Jhe
hOIlfhH of the tlpef. Acolrgo tl WI "CH.
11Sh thl' ships , 'hr Ilft feelle SUI rl 'A
II'pal.s Ihlu h the II1ISS ' clouds , Clst-
III 111 UIIIIHUII. threllelling. nml 11'
clnny l ht on'r the HCOIC. The clouds
lIther mOl'e Hl I mor thlclt ' , tlln'
' thmsel\'es flOI the lght
clIlUIls tloudH to rll couds. 'l'hl !
Itrugfle of lhe IPl-ltI\'C ; 11111 IlosIU\
poles of ellctrlllt ' hecome more SI \ ' -
,1 , : , I 1 metul hlll Is chlll'lCd wih
'lI''trlpt ' olir the surflce hccolcs
m 11:1 ; el c , 'Ilw IlItlrlor Is not electrl-
fell , Ilmllrl ' the microscopic drops of '
wltlr formll ; ' : tll. ! clouds nrc [ ll'ctllcnl
ell ' on thl'lr ! HlfICO , 'lhrou h the c\'or :
grell tl'l' cOlllelslI tlon ther 1010 IIl'nrcr
ald IClrer , 1111 tllnly mln ' tOJetlor
form 0110 111'gU rindrop. 'l'hls Inlgcr
mlllrol contnns 111 the olectrlcltr of
the 111 ' smaler dropR , but lS IH sur-
fnco IH more Imlel1 thnn twlr COI'
hllel Hurflces ILq electrIciy Is ofrent / -
' ,
( power
Storm In Al I. Irury , '
' 1'ho Iailldropf. too Inre and hea'y tf ,
hon'r In the 111' . 111 to ' . As thu
c0lds mer l. ! . rllHlrOIs form moro IIII
10ll' rlphl ' nlll tie 11n fals 101'0
\'loll'It ' 111 coplousl ) ' . 'the storm ' 8
now fulr de\'l'lu1)CII , III Inhm'dens
ItRcI wih fm'r. Bl'llnnt Ilshes of
lfht prodll'ell h ' powtrful electrIc
Hplrl.R Iumilatc Iho 11arlmcss , 111111 the
thlHh'r growls 111 the Il ' . ' 1ho tl'lslol the ! lfllc of I hc ' ' 1111
thlt of the elolllis hus hOl'olllo st'oll or.
Tlc trcts of 111' whllh lt Irll were t
\'It to he \ \'tl'st'd hy electrlcl ' If&
now the Ilthwuy of lghtlln , not
' uehn'en IIl1d clouds ,
ell elrth hit Ilso
uetwcell coulI 1111 cioHI , le/at / : nn
poslt\'o } olos moctnlwhene'l'r stron
I'lI0uJth to crOiS the ncceslary SIICO
The lghtning comc ! In three forms.
Igzag lghtlllng wIh ItH crool.ed.
hrllHh-lw forkR. Is Ilrollll'l'd wh'n
\ ( ' ' IIUIRSldlu ' ) -
e\'ctrlcl smllll'olOrUon-
II poluts olwsite llIch other wlsles to
meet 1'lw clcct'lcly seels to sprlllg
11'088 h ' the shortl'st rOllto In
strnlAhtUlle , but Is hlllllorell h- , ' the r '
slstll 1UHSeS 01' 111 IIUtI cioulls , 1llIce
It 011 us Ilst It cln. IlIIIln to these
spots chllrll'tI wih cll'ctrlclt ' . whereh\ '
It nssules Its cll rlctorlstc nS\lcct \
1IJhhllul FlnHheH 17,000 1nrllH ,
Flashes 1 thousnlld 'lrlls IonA 11'0
not rl ( while theRe 10,00nd 1 iOO
Jlrl1s Iu Icn th hn0 hl'ln seen. ' 1ho
\'lst follo of thlSC long Ilshes mlr bl
1IlRHCd at wheu It Is Imowl thlt I
sl"cul II11 / IInd II hllf long Is the
larAI'sl thlt 011 stoutest appartus 1)1'
mlts 011' 1' 'lS to Inspect Beshlcs the
flmlnr lt'sllucton of thc bolt In
hclRes. trees. hellst , nlld 1nn. It hld
lIeen known to chllrgc Iroll fentI'S with
In lwtsm , A single 1118h. liS I scl ,
ontlfc mnn hl calculnted. If ut.lzed .
with custoll1lry Iumlnltug 1lllmrn.
, tUA , woull 'I1 ! cnouAh power to Igll
a ciy for n month.
! ollnlel ! nnd hcgnl pulng Iko n ! OJ-
I ton. It the sUle tll0 rlSI his \'olco
In u cr , ' of "Flro ! FIre ! ' 1ho hOllt's
ntro ! " Iero the otcers of the heat
nllil the IJlssl'ngers 1'0 8nlll to hu ve
foulIII hll , nfer hurrlcdl '
I , that the nlnrm WIS fllsc , sti'nlor -
ousl ) dltormlnl'd to " ! a'e tw ship. "
'he bent , role\'ed of the 1"lller's guill-
) nnce. hall In the 1l'lnwhlo Hwung
, urolllld In the currelt IHI taAhcl ful
on n hurt from which
spoel slnd I re-
'ulr1 ! hlif n day to dmA hcr. Ald
t . [ ' , 'lwlllI. hn'Iu ! lost his ner\'e. left
the 1'1\01' ,
' 10 Gollon Pleece ,
TIl King of Spain hUR confcrftl ! the
ordlr of the Gollou Fleo'u on the
111110 of Wales , 'Ihe bo ' KJng Is 110
fade onp of the gmnd of
mlstels 11
I nr.rhll'h wus Insttutel. at BI'uges.
h ' PhiIp , Dulw of HUlglllll , who
ft-I/I ' he Good. " lS 11' bncl. lS Fob-
l'I:1)'y : 1 } : , 'Phe otll flnnl mns-
11' .I' til oldlr Is , of cOIII'te. tw gm.
II" 1'1 nl' A ustlll , 'I'll l"ll'eo " went to
Ill . 1 : psllllrgs "u ' IIrl.ugemclt , nr-
I" , Ihl' tl'ath of ChlrlcB of BUJuld ' .
111' " 1gltng 'tn'rnll" " In H11 , b '
tl' 1Ill'rlngl of : Ilry of Burgundy
tile : \ . nftel'-
\ ill Alchlullnxllun. -
WIl'lls Elporor of Germany , So It got
t fpaln. When the lne of the Spun-
I h Inpsh1' B hl helOUl' ( XUUl.t ,
, \u I'11 1II1mll thl' sole / ; ' " ' -
fhlp. HIII cIJlolll' ' hld II ' \ ' .
In UII' rl'"ult , tl grand II"tll'shlp be
( 'III'1 tull un'ulr. To Wl'l' til tohleu :
_ \11'1" ' " ot' AII"lrlu 'ou lu't h a 1"\01' ,
II l'lgn. 1 Illll'o of 1 rt'lllIll1l hOlhW. Ot
II' 1 11Rt luslrloul nohll' , 11'l'tlIllllr ,
-"uu Ilst nlHo pl'ofes the old 1'lglou ,
On thc laUl'I' polm Is less '
hl1. 81alu lXllt'
PurlU' 11 A II hl 11 ,
' 'll' totnl lunhl'l of Cl'ms In AlII'
lama Is gl\\1 nt : ! 3. : O , of whlll 12\ .
li 11'1' olll'atl'll bwhlo fl'II1I18 111
IH.O : ur [ ulorl'll fnrll'1's.
An olt IllhelorI : : ; - e-l oIB blll (
nnd 1lscol'll.wd , IIWI-"S regrets thul
he his 10 wlfo to whine to ,
A Ifl IB uBuulr lolng the \'err 11csl
bo C or CIIO the re WQI'st he ca
_ _ _ _ r _ .
"lri htro pl"s 11 / . -
I New York. I l'illllural bl'I'lion flu' IUt- ,
Wllght thl' oll\crs\ Inll- '
111'1' or lahor , lslJlc : which nl' ! Ul rc- \ 1
Inl' il trn munufnltul COIIU-
; I OI
dlll'C II III futurl Is Ulshllkll , dullrg
Ilrrwhl'rc IJrl'IJorlnJ for a hl"fnl ' f
1I'I l whlc ( ollrlets for dl tnlt dulr-
il rUII furllwr Into t1xt ) 'l'nr thll Is
. .
, , hns hccn t
I uol II thlq dotc .ctl\.i
lollwollh ' In lumlll' 11019. ou fsh ' I
pllll ; 10dl' IIW ! . ! ! Halwny .
' ' . , 10te t
IlIrlil s OI'C ful 9uRtnl. tIl >
' n\'Irose IIdlJcC etUI \
11'11111 ,10\111 ; ni
UI 1111 Clut 01'11 thl l'orreRllollll ; Illu .
II.t J'III' , ntll : ! IS p'r . ! 1Ilt 0\1'1 WIO.
H , G , I.hll & Co..s'el'kl ' HI\\I'\ \ ot
' 1111l In kC9 thl' 1011011 ; IUII. ' ' oC
, . He-
tlJ Ir/dc CoutIIUII :
I'll\ sn 's :
" , \sllll frol thl' CIII'I Rcnr'lt enl SOle
"OItlol " of trulc. the 1101 IIUJ stN'1
It ua I iOI cOlltllllH propitious , COII' o\'ellS
in ! l COIIHlsrllll 11 lol Illutnln I
,1'111olplt oC Ihout IO.OOO tOiS luII
hiI I'adhU 'II'q nt Cul prlccs. IU.l
'Ill" could hI 1 , 'r to Olh'lntl l. CUll-
\itiols'lrl !'nllcl hy thl lulher ot
JIIr' ; oln ! 011 or til counll ' which
IOIlstlclrolllllr \ 1'lllt 1Illll'rtulI
Ihl' ! fil Ihl Ilpots hn\'l hu Ittt 11-
' ' . . ' lIS 10
11111'1' excll'l
01 .lunJstc 111(19.
, ' . ' nr ' ' ' hllow
lll'ls. whi'h ( frll'I ollrl'
, hI' hUI" " Iluk.t 11'11 , I'W ( 'onfruct !
for ' ' plucld tbls wlcl , CO\-
, & 11011'11
, ' . ' ' ' sI'oml ' of
'ril ; .111 'II' ! ! 11 Ihl ! 'Jlnrtel
! oI : , 111Itrletlrul \ 1III'IIul Is .llsh'Id
rur ' . " 0111 , tbnt wlllliot hu
hl'I.I"s hlllln&s
'I'III'.cl Intll 1\.1 mOI'e 1IloIl' tnll'f.
"achinlrJ' nlrl 11ldwnr ( II'otll 15 fll- , '
. Ilwl'e I. nt 1111
.1 lalnl11 hiI 1I11lIs
alt , ! ' lils old , ; . Inss rucol'les.11 : )
! '
,11ln ! 011 Rt"nh'
" ' nt this Itort Is sll
"lorlI1 ( nmmerll'
: lS fl\'II'u"ll thall in til Slml WI'I'I , lost
. ' ' . . $ , : , '
.1'lII' lXPOI.tS 11clllIil ; $3JimO whll'
imllol'ls Inl'l'l'I 11 slhtl.\ ' . I nlhlrl' ' fUI'
, ' In the UnitcII
thl'cll ; nlmhlr WI
llll's , l all t Ii : : Ilst > 'N\r. al foU'- I
111'1 In Calo o. aSllnst thlrtonl I YOIl .
ago ,
'lhu wcel ; wns 101.ll'cl uy
a ! oln 111 all western rnl-
' illcreoso
I'on LrnLe 111 In
in \ ' of ' - ,
til'olull Wl'st-uount tOIHltu
This melllS tl hl'llInlng of tl1111101 \
of actl'I' ulyioc thlt hnl 11(0 prellctell
C\I'I' since i hl'ln me 1\ldllt thlt Ihls ,
wOllel Il' I gOol 110 ( 'Inr. In tie r\olth-
the ' Is ' ' , I
WIHt han'lst ( rctl'II nl\l ( 1111
cooser\lt\IIS ! IIn Iw"ltatlon thl'O'I&h I
flnl' of possibll' . 11l\'enth-hol' cllumly
aru ! i\in ; WO 10 cOIIllncl , 1011 a Ile lro
for further bnsilss lxpoIRlon. Tho'
" 'est Ins hl nn hl 'lng hln\i ' 1111 Is
tnldlg a fnl sharI of lux1ies , 'lhe nn-
1"1aly Inrge 1II0110ltion of ligh-class
frligllt , whle ; I 1m-
cnrlill wih is t j t.
tiol , Is highl > ' ; rn tif 'ln ' : 10 WlII'I'1 11-
mud . 'fhis -
mlllagel1nt. wl lcln . pros-
11ri ' 1110lln thl' 1"'nltl in 1\'l'r .thln ;
of comllnt Itll thc genell hlslncs < II
thc cOIU ! ' lt largl' ,
Homl : OO IOlomotn's wl're mllell to the
polnt of Urelt orther. ol'tll-
Ill tie :
Ir Pacilc lu,1 See rOIls dUlilg thl ) 'ear . ,
'hc faliitils for hnllliug hu ol'thwt'st.
Iln crops are Intcl'lall ' IIICleISlt o\'cr
Int 'lor , 'It l'\'l'lI wih this thele Is
nell couccr Ilst thc reels \o nnable to
hlnle l\'lr ' I hingi th pl'olptness ISI- .
h ' . There
ally cllmallld shippels. wi
1IIIainl ' hl wore lonnnl this 'ear than
1\11 hlfon' 11.1 tllC\ Is the OIIltlli '
for rirolll 1Unin : s III the : ollhwest
' ' ' ' rucord hfar ,
sllpassiu ; Cl'J' IH'urOls h-
Thc grlil1 tr:1lc Is wlltin : for nl I' t-
of Ihe orthwsternheot '
mnte : ( \heot 'ielll
\ I 1' [ t prCI' > III II wh il hR\o beell n
shlrp cclnu lHIcI IullCICC o . the fa-
\'olablc c\p uews. Looklllg o\.cr the
\hol' 1lld. 1\IITLhlng In Richt at prlS-
Int SIII hlll'i"h , tll"t al ' 111'10
on' "omc thins fo\orabll' In wheot 0111
whil Ihl111 notlllj' inol'l ! at Ihls
, ' be , For
till thl > may Ilporllll lottr
enl thing , thc wU'ld'sisiblc , slppl ' of
WII'lt IO\ slallls lt enl ) ' ,11jli.OO : ;
hlshll , A j'l'ar ngo ot thi tlmc it \IS
ilOI ) hl.btI ; two Yllr Igo
: ! hushll. . Iul thrlc YCIIS l gO ,
, , .
. - I %
Ch\lo-Cn Ill common to .
! prme.
. , ,
.Io tn : hog . shippln IIll's.
$ . I : ! ; . tn : iO ; sllt'll , fiiI to Chnic ; , ; , : IrO
to : .100lllt ; , o'c , USe to ( i\e ;
UI. o. . lle to I : , ' ; uats , :0. , : : : c
In 001 ; ryl. I , : ! , Jl ! tl : ll' : ha3' , tim-
olhy. $ IIUO to Ii.o ; Ir.lric , $ .OO 10
t.O : : hutN , choi'c er"alcr ' . IiI to
We ; , , : : s. fresh. lic to le : ( otutoes ,
, tu Oe ' .
Ul\ \e ( pl'r bush.l.
11.lal.llnls-Culll' , lhilpil . $ : ,0 to
$ S , . . , cho ' ' . . : i.
: : I" : ( Iht. : -.UO to $ : : ;
, ' ' . ( ' 10 ' . , ) ,
lh'p. 'n\10n Irill' : : tl,00 ;
\hllt , : n , 2 , IHr to UI : Clr : n. 2
au" \ hil" 10 . 11 ' ' . 10 lr ; onts , Xo. : whil' . IIW ,
1 I.nliCRII' , $4. : , to $8,0 : hl : .
$ : :01 In $ i.l : Ihl'I'\ $ : .51 10 $ .I : ! ; :
' , , a" . . . A
\II'It , XI : ! " to l\ ( : COlI. :0. : !
: t. III ; : 1' ; lnt , Xo. 2 , : Ue to " - , . ' I" , ' " ,
. , , ' , ' .
XI. : - . : toH
Cill'iulnll-'atll $ .IO to $7:1 : hnc ,
$4.lI11 10 $1,40 : shflll. $ a , ; 10 $ : U : :
, . ) . . , . , , . .
WIIlt : . : 17 II lS : corn. :0.
1 , tO , to mc : Oll , o. : .
tr : mi\c.
Sc' Ul' ' , , . , .
: I" : : rj'p o : ril II i.f" " .
Illrul-Cntl' , $ H.O 10 $ l.U ; h. " ,
$ : .I I 10 n,45 ; Ib"p , $ , W Iu , ; . \ :
: I\
\IH t , XC. 2 , I \ ' to OU , ' : corn. :0 , a
. \"lnw. 11' : 10 I\U \ , ' ; 1:1tl. : 10 , : whitt' ,
II.aal' to :41' ; Irl. 51 ( to Ie.
. .
, - . No. ,
11 Ili.Wlln t. 2
, 11 , ' tu 1 , . C'o1 , Xo , a. ue to f l : un I" ,
, o. 2 whit" ( ll' to l\r : 1)1. S. ) . I. ,11t
to 481 : 1'lrll' ' ' , :0 , 2 , Ue to Ue : pori ; ,
U188. $117 ,
Tolcdo - . W l1u t. X , 2 Il xpd. ( Oe ' 0
71c ; corn. : C. : mlxlt r. c to le. ( ! ,
, mlxl' , ,
n to
> ;
: 2c cloreI
, primp. $5.11 ! , I illt
. :1'W YOI'\-Cnte , $ .10 to $7.hos
$3.0 to $1,15 ; sh"I'p , $ .10 to $4.1 ; ;
l wllat , :0. : r , ' . 71 to 751 ; om , No. .
13c to ( Hc ; ont. Xo , 2 whitl. Ulc to lcj
huter. crlom\r ' , 181 to 2lj cgss ' west-
J efn. ISc to 'e.
t BufaloCnttl aholel . . tl stt'rs , )
.I. to S.2 ; ho s , fnir , $ .
to..SO . ; sleep , fair to \ ' . lt $3. ! : .10
t $4 , . , ; lambs , cormon to dIUIl ' , , to
, $ U. . 0
- :