. . . . " . . , . - - , , " USTER OUNTY EPUBLICAN. . . . . . Es'rABLISIlED 1882. 'rUE OF1i'lCIAI4 PAPEI OP CUS'.1'I I COUN'l'Y. J4ARGES'L' CI1 CUI4A'L'ION 014' ANY PAPI I IN 'PIlE COUN'l'Y. J _ _ , VOL XXI. BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COU NTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDA V , AUGUST 28 , 1902--EIGHT PAGES. NO.11. , \ y . . , . . . , . . . , .ev4I . . . ( I J Will Move Two Doors J I , East of , . Custe . National , Bank ! September 15. lI l I : I . . , , , , , , " "I..t I ( 'bI' " 0" , hlml CII" . . . . . . . . . . . . . .e tD - - - - - Tablets -AND- . . School Supplies , -AT- J. G. Haeberle's : I - , Perle Elizabeth Fields , DR m lDD n JllB 1 jB nl1. OlIICH 1I0Ul S : 9 a , m. to 12 m. 1:30 : to 4 p. m. , Or hy appointmcnt. I16Y"Officc ovcr Allllcrson's Jcwclry Storc in Rcalty Block , Brokcn 1I0w , Nchraska. 'Wc givc the puhlIc fair warning - , . , . . ing , no more Custer County IIis- torys for salc aftcr Dec. 25th , 1102. S. D. BUTClIIW. Snyder Bros. will sell you a $3.50 mens dress shoe for $3.00 That jewclry you saw in Rycrson & Watts is up to datc and thoroughly guarantced. Investigate - ! vestigate farthcr. I li'ruit jars at J. C. Bowcn's. Firstc1ass , guaranteed-I yer- son & Watts new jcwclry. W AN'l'HD-Collcgc studcnts to board , and rooms to rcnt. 8-11 l\IHS. EVA MAH'rlN. Jar rubbers , thc best , at J. C. Bowen's. [ 'OH. SAIH-One sccond hand opcn buggy very cheap. DH , C , PICKW1"1' . . - - - - - W AN'l'IW-A girl to do general housework , Call at thc Presb\- terian Manse. 11tf li'OH Si\1n-One IJ ua rtcr se - tion of land , all undcrcultiyation , 3 miles wcst of Bcrwyn , Ii'or particular call 011 or addrcss -1\1HS. DOHA ' 1'0\\,1\1,1 , . Bcrwyn. Nebraska , 1 fHi Be forc 'ou get 1II0ncy on you r cattle , eIther stock or fcelers , don't fail to see S , B. 'I'holllpson , - - - - - to- Bcfore huying clothing look at large' new line at Snyder Bros. Lubricating oils of all Idn ls at 'Yilkin's drug store. - - - - - - . . . . . I"h'Hlclnn Ulld nrllJ"J"I..t. Ford & Sturgeon , a prominen1 drug lirm at Rocky Hill , Statiol1 Ky.writes : " 'Ye were requeste ( ] by D . G , B. Singlcy to send fOI Herbtne for the bcnefit of oUI customers. We ordered three dozen tn Deccmbcr. and we arc glad to say , Herbinc has giver such great satisfaction that we hayc duplicated this order three times , and today we gave yOU ] salesman another order , 'Ye be to say Dr. G , n. Snigley take in recommetHlint Ierbine. " 50c boUle at gd. 1\lc . Comas' Broken Bow and 1\lerna. " .c 'rhe Ladies of the C. 'V. 13 , M Auxiliary will meet at the homl of C , V. Allison the lirst 'fhurs day in September. I [ : : : I Mrs , 1\1. Kelsey is dangerously ill. A , R. Humphrey was a visitor at Lincoln Monday. C , D , Pelham of Anse Imo , was a city visitor yesterday. Mrs , Dora ' .1'owell of Berwyn , was a business caller at this ollice Tuesday. Paul lIaumont of Elton , was a busilless caller at this ollice I yesterday. J. N. l idenour , proprietor of the Merna Hotel was a fricndly callcr at this ollice ycsterday , 'I'he Bank of Commcrcc is being - ing treated to a new coat of paint. f4. E. Cole is doing the work. Clark Watcrs went to Irdngton last Friday morning whcre he has Gngaged to tcach a ten months school. , 1\1iss Purdy Allcn of Weissert , was seriously ill the lirst of tMe wcek , hut is reported better at this writing. J. 1\1. Kimberling. and famrly returned 'I'ucsday morning fret l a three weeks visit to Des Moines and Kuox\'ille , Iowa. Claude Currie of Sargent was in the city : Mon < a ' , lIe rcports sc\'en inches of ram iu the dcin- ity of Sargcntlast wcck , 14. E. Wilson of the linn of Wilson & Drakc went to Chicago thc first of the week to lay in their fall stock of goods , ( i , 0 , 'Vaters' winter wheat on his Dry Valley farm yielded 31) bushels to the acre and tests ( ,3 poullds. 'Phat is a pretty gOO ( } showing 1'01' a 30 acre field , I ingling Brothcrs' great circus represents an invcsted capital of $3,700,000-more than twice the amount il1\'csted in all the other circuses in the United States. .I. I ' . Haerhle is fitting np his : -torc buildiug on .Main street just wcst ofVoods furniturc store for A. E , Anderson who will occupy it with his stock of jewelcry. Bedford H.a ) ' and wife of Greenbush , Ilhn01s , are visiting in the city with Dr. Day , Mrs , I ay's hrothcr. Mr , Ray is looking - ing O\'er the count y with a view of locating , 'I'hc relatives of Mrs. C. 1\1. Mauk , whom we mentioned last week \ ' siting her from Iowa and otber states returned home the first of the week , Broken Bow was largely rep- rcsented at Ansley last week at thc Woodman picnic and old Soldiers - diers reunion , One hundred fifty tickets werc sold here 'l'hursday morning for Ansley. 'l'he Highlanders made a good record in the payment of John Schroders heneficiary certificate to his widow. W thin fifteen days of his death the local secretary - tary , P. II. Munk turned over to Mrs. Schroder a draft for the S2000 , A mong the interesting animals in I iugling Brothcrs' oological display this year is a splcndid spccimen of the practically cx- tinct giralTe. se\'eral l oyal Bengal - gal tigers , two horned horscs , a : hi-horned rhinoccros , two hippopotami - . . popotami , a pair of rare black. tigers , and man ) ' other an i mals , including- trained elephants , 'rhe fishing party of whom the I liPUI\J.ICAN \ made mention last week returncd Friday morning- having enjored , a pleasant time and splcndHl luck in fishing. For lack of space we are unable to givc an extctHl d notice of the trip. In behalf of the party we hereby cxtend our thanks to : Phil ambell , Mr , and Mrs. Diah Woodruff and Silas 'fhompson for courtises received , A delightful kensing-ton in , honor of Mrs , H. 0 , Sutton of ; Grand Island 'as given by Mes- , damcs A.Y.Suttonand J.RDean ; Friday afternoon. Fancy wotk r and social chat well prepilred the guests for a dainty three course lunchcon served at 4:30 : , The in\ ' ted ladies were : Mesdames - SalisbuiyJewelt , Morgan Stuck- ey. Belts , Haeberlc , gastham" Humphrey. Adamson , Rublee , , Brenier , Glass , Woods , Shetlar , Farrel , Skillman , Taylor , Bass , - J. J , Wilson and the 1\Iissesl\1au- lick , Hiatt , Dora Hiatt , li'arre1. . , . . . , , - - - - - ' - , . - " . ' - - T.n. I ussell of Whitman was a citj' visitor 'l'uesday. An Old Settlcrs picnic is to bc held at W cstcrville Septembcr ' 13'1 Hingling Brothcrs' circus has a doen great mcnage ridcrs this season. G. Ii' . Perkins of Berwyn. was a friendly callcr at ttih ; ot1 ce ycs terd ay. If. JI. Hussey of Stand bury , Missouri , who'IIas bccn \ ' sitlIig in this \'icinity for scveral wecks returncd homc 'l'ucsday. Mrs. Clinton Da. , . , who has becn visiting in Jes Moines , Iowa for scyeral wecks returned home last 'I'hursday night. I ' [ 'he W. A. H. Missionary Society - ; ciety of the gpworth League , I will g'c an Art Social at 14' I' , Kirkpatrick's li'riday night. 'l'he Degrce of llonor of An- selmo , will hold a picnic in Cind- ley's Grove , aturday , Sept. 11th , ' 1'l1e Broken Bow lodge is in\ ' t- cd to attcnd Dr , G , W , Kirkpatrick of the Wcst 'l'ahle , was a city \ ' sitor ycsterday. Hc was accompanied by l\r. Frasicra ncphew visiting him from Indiana. 'l'hc giraffe with Ring-ling Brothers' Circus is the costliest wological specimcn in thc world. So far as known , it is the only one in cxistcncc , When it is gone thc species will be extinct. Everett Moorc of Alliance , ar- rivcd in this city Sunday to mect his wife who met him herc Monday - day on a return trip from Sewanl wherc she has been \'isi ti ng wit h her parcnts. gvcreU reports busincss lively in Alliance. C. 'V. Hedfern of Oconto , was amoug the cit.y visitors Saturday that rcmemhcrcd thc I HPUlITICAN ofiice with a friendl ) ' call. He reports his oats made 40 bushels to the acrc and that the corn in that vicinity is cxceptioually tinc. 'Ve ar plcasel no note that Jud Ka } ' who has been confined to the house for six wesks by sickness , is again ahle to he out. He has had a scyere sicge and it will hc some timc heforc hc is again strong enough to perform manual - ual lahor. E. W. Kellenbarger of Merna , was a cit.y visitor Saturday , Hc reports threc inches of rain at his place Friday night and corn and grass still growi ng , As Bcn numbers his cattle by the hundreds - dreds he naturally cnough has a broad republican smile. 'fhe 'Ycstern Light & Fuel Co , of Broken Bow rcceived their tanks Saturday , which the ) ' will put in place at oncc. 'L'he com- panyexpects to crect a thirty- foot towcr on the corncr hy the Custer National Bank corner and place in it a light of 2,000 candle I power to exibi t she sn periori t ) ' of their ligh t ovcr all others , Thcy will furnish id'idual plants for those who desire thcm 'l'lie Dale picnic under the aus- piscs of the Catholic church last weck was quite a succcss financially - cially and it is reported that a goo < ti me was enjoyel ( , 'I'he democratic candidate for gO\'ern- or was among- the jO\'ial crowd and joined with thc mcrry makers - ers in the g-iddy Whirl of "hal- : lI1ce all" . The democra t ca 1Hli- date for congress , p , I I. Bany. was also thcre. Broken Bow was wcll n.'presented as is always the casc when any of the local towns of the county'has an entertainment - ment on tap , M , M. Parkhurst who returneel last week by train from Montana whcre he had gone on a pleasure trip with team and wagon dicd in this city yesterday morning , Mr. Parkhurst was an early settler - ler in Clear Creek Vallcy and a highly respected citi en , lIe was a soldier in the Union Arm ) ' and a member of the G , A , H. post of this ci t y. He leaves a wife , fi\'e boys and one girl to mourn his death. He was an acth'e member in the M. E. churh and his funeral will be conducted from that church in this city Mon- day. 'rhe relatives have the sincere - cere sympathy of the community. OR. . . ' YoI,1..0. Ada Wmhlington islOW sick willi t)1 > hoid fcvcr. A. D. Hunt and wife wcnt to Brokcl : How , MOI\llay. \ I thcl Aohhaugh spcnt Satunlny IIUI : I Sunday at Anscllllo. C. G. Ashhmgh tltllll\1i11arl1l1i11 wenl to Ansll'y , ' } 'lmrstlllY. JIIlIll'S 1\1 illic is slowly rccovcring frUlu hi ! ! IIttack of t'pho ll fc\'cr. : \Ir. anllrs. : . 1Ii11 IIttcllllcll till' Wc11s- POl1ll'r WClhliug lit 1\1 CI1I II , SttllIllI\ . ' lIight. : \h'stlallll'S Bcals. lIuut , 1\1111 Belllssl'cut a cOliI'll' of IIIIVS iu thc ntnch rcgion. " 'fhcy WCll' sc "king I'lullls. : \Irs. Jolgc ! wcul fl1ll11 Auslcy to AlilOnt , 10 attclIIl thl' fUIIl'I'II1 ( If hcr lluicc.liss : HatticIoore. ! . hl' I etul1ll'll 1\Io11I111Y. l'lilTonllllllll'\ : \1 ss cott wcre ill thl''nllcy SlIllIlilY c\'l'lIillg. ClilTonl is goillg to attcnd thl' Brokcli lIow Bnsiucss Collcgc , this willtcr. ( korgc Hnghcs hrollght a IICW hnggy fWIII tOWIiIonday. : . Wc SlippOSC it is his OWII , for whl'lI II YOllllg III1UI gets II gitl hc uSlla11y gl'is a huggy. - - - - - - - - A rlcllltllmi Insh'lwtluu lit Stlltl ! " 'lIh' . A lIumher of thl' faculh' of tth' Statc lJn'l'rsity will g'c " ill- strurtioll at the State I.'air in c'rtain suhjects pertaining" to ag- ricnlture. 'l'hl'llIstmdion will lw g''clI hy means of practical dl'monstra tions. It will hl' ca 1'- riel ( on in a largc tl'nt dircdly wcr.t of the cattle hams. 1 : ac I ( lelllonstration will hl' hl'ld at a sPl'cial hour 011 'I'uesday , Wednesday - nesday and 'I'hursday of l air wcck. gach of thl' followin g- demonstrations will hl' given twice daily. tIll' time heingHm - ited to fifteen minutes , r IOHNINO. IOUlI-JIHIlhll : ( I..r call It. alll 1It11r . ! ( ) : - J lIhchllr .Ialn' call1t. . ' . . . . . . . . . . , 11:3' : ) I "alllillalitlll..r 11..1' rur UIIIIhll' . , \ I'THHN"UN HIIIIII1111'lIlIllCrartllll : ( rrllllll. . . . . I : U J 1IIIIChlIC s",1 , 'urll. lu..ltlillCllIlC : h..r call1t'IIIIIIICIIC . 2 : rJIIIIICIIII ( .Ialr ) ' , 'alllt. . JJH : g".IIllIalltlll..r lI..r. . . . . . r..r S"lIllIh. . . , :15 : I II II It II III ( alllllCrarlhllC rrllllll..C . 5:00 : Jlllhdllll" s'c,1 curll. 'I'hc pnblic will bc admitted for tifteen minutes prccclin { ! I cach demonstration , hnt not whilc any excrcise is in prog-ress , - - - - 'I'ho Urokml Uow Schools , 'l'hc Brokcn Bow Schools will open Monday lIlorni ng and all pupils arc requcsted to bc prcsent to cnroll the first day."Te arc authorioed by Prof. Scott to say t hat the 1 st and 2nd grades will lic t-aught ill the forenoon on the south side and in thc aftcrnoon on the north side by Miss Down- C ) ' . 'l'hc 3rd and 4th grades on the south sidc will hc taught hy Miss li'unk and on the north side hy Miss Cooper. 'I'hc 5th and ( , th grades will he in charge of Miss Smith 011 the south side and by Miss 'Vhitchcad on thc north side. ' 1'he 7th and 8th grades on the south sidc will bc under the inst1'llction of Miss Hunter and on thc north side Miss Kay. 'I'he High school will he in the north sidc build ing and prcsided ' thc Miss 'Vil- o\'er by principal. - hclmson of St. Paul , Nehraska. Shc comes vcry highly rec- omclHlc(1 ( for scholarship having stood thc highest iu her class at the State Un'ersity wherc she graduatcllast year. Thc certificates for promotion will he received for l1u. ' g-rades for which they were issucd from this school. Ccrtificates for promotion - motion from othcr schools will admit pupils to corresponding grades in this school. All other pupils will hc exanuned for classification to this school. A Suicide. A. D , Bowman , a suCcessf.al : farmcr and stockman who rcsiel- cd six milcs north of Ncw Helcna committed suicide "Tcelncsdayof last wcck hy shooting himself through thc heart with a shotgun g-un , So far as wc have heen ahll' to lcarn thcrc was no apparent - parent cause for the rash ad. I Ie was a mati 111 good health. wcll fixed financially. lIe owned twclve hundrel acres of lanel , had recently built a new frame house had one hundred heael or morc of cattle , scvcral horses anel othcr personal property in proportion. Onc hundred lifty dollars would covereel his entirc inelebtedness cxcept $1500 mortgage he made on some of his land to huilel his house , 'rhe only causc his friends can assign is that he lost his wife a few months ago anel it is thought in hrooeling o\'er that , his mind must have becamc un- ballancec1 , 'l'here is but little douht but thc act was prcmedita- ted , as he left a mcmoranc1om in a book , addressed to his son , an VIII ) : child about ninteen years old 111 which he made a state- men t of his i nc1e hted ncss and thl' amount due him from dilTl'rent I parties. Ill' directed his son how to continue the business but ad- I viscd him to consult his uncle Charley in all matters. It was while Mrs. Hussell was out milking - ing last 'Vcdnesday morning she thought shc heard a g-un shot and whcn she went to the housc mentioncd it to her daughter who had also heard the report of the g'un , 'l'lwt was ahout 7 o'clock , It was two or thn'c honrs later when some one of the family ( lisco\'erecl the hoely ' in the \ ' c'init \ ' of thl' ham with a double harrl'l shot g-un near it. with a binding' twine attachcd to the triggcrs , with enc harrel ( lis- chargcd through thc hreast in thl' dcinity of the heart. Death had e\.iell'n t1 y heen i nsta n taneous , 'I'he corul1l'i' and count ) ' attorIll'Y wcrl' summoned to'il'W t hl' situation. A jury wasempal11ll'l- l'd of I I. 11 , Squires. C , l > , Pel- ham , AIn l > aily. J as , Ash , Curt 1 lder and Clan'lice l > oman , who rcndcrl'd \'l'nlid that the ell'- ceased came to h is ( lea t h hy a g'un shot wound inl1deel hy his own hand. with suicidal int nt. . - - - - Spoolnl PrOlnllllnB. 1\lr , S , J. IA1\1Crgan of thl' Broken Bow lxolll'r 1\1 ills will g''e threc saL'1s of "Cn'am" li'lotlt' fOl' the hest individual display - play of Spring' wheat and 'I'ht'l'e sacks of li'lont' fot' the hl'st in- divielnal display of winter wheat. Mr , C. W. l onsh , of the Broken - ken Bow Business ColIl'g'c , wlll olTer thl' " s/l'cial following" } / premiums - miums- the Custl't' count ) . li'air : 'I'hc hcst I pagl' Writilll- ) ' Shllll'lIt or pupil , . ! .oo ; l1on ; wilh Iwllcr to hl' hanll'ssclalltl tJrivclI z lIIi1c hy Il\Ily thl' Oll nHI lIIthl' I lIIilc Iuickcst ( i-S.oo : el'OIlIl hcst , $3,00 ; Thc lar cst 11I111 he'ol ! he1I1 ; of l'Iihhal-c { $1.00 ; thl' lou l'st l'ar of l'Ot1l , : j\1.00 \ ; I.arl-l'st { hOli3.oo : \ ; IIl'sl iu- lliv llnal tJisplay of farllt lII1J11ucls raisl.tJ hy party l'ntcrillg salllC , enc thol1lul-h- { hrcil ] ) nl"Oc JClscy Malc l1o'ahlclt at , $20.00 ; IIcsl illllivillual llisplay of Culinary - ary protJuce , Oltc thol"Ou hhn 11 ) ) nl"Oc Jcrscy ( log , of cilhcr scx'lIltlccl at $2U.OO. Church "crvlccH. 1\1. Ii , CIIUHCII , Thc following IIIcctiU s of the 1\1. It church Suuda ) ' : 10 II. III" ullllay chool ; II II. III. , prcaching hy pastor ; 7 p. III , Epworth Ica lIc ; H p.III. , Prcllch- III scrvicc. 'rhc public is conlial1y in- vitc1 ! to altl llIl. GIiO. 1' . 'rIU'I.ItS , Pastor. I - I CIIIU'I'IAN : cmmclI. I Thc Christiau chillch is to havc a 'c' uuioll in 1\IlInk's GI"O\'C SnudllY eptcllt- bcr 31. Scrviccs frollt III a , lit. to H p , lit. tII inlcrcstiltl- { pro rallt bas beclI arranl-- { cel. 'fhc public is illtcd. . I'HI SII\'HU\N . ! CIIUUCII. Scrviccs IIcxt Sabhath lit II II. III. Snhjcl't "Spiritnal'akcfullncss. . " Hvcn- ing scrviecs H p. III. SlIhjcl't" Following Christ. " Spccial IIIl1sic hoth lIIornillg nnd c\'clling. All arc cordially invitcd to thl'Sl' scrvicl's. - - - - - - - - - - UmollltlulIH ur (1uullololl ( ( ' ( ' . W.\mll AS , thc Clcat Rlllcof thc \'lIi- \ ' ill his ill ficitc hils ' ' ' I vcrSl' , wisdolll. I'l' III 0CI frolll carth to thl' < 'ralld Castle IIhow , ouhl'lovccl Clllnslllan JOIIII 1'11nlcr , a ulclllhcr of Bcrwick Cafttlc No 2. , Royal lIil-hlllnllcrs { , \VClhlCftday , August ( ' . 11)02. 11)02.RHSOI'I Il , 'I'hal this Castlc is mllell IIpOIl 10 111011111 thl' loss of II ll'al 011 S Clllnslllllll , who has hl'cn l' failhfnf 11Il:1II- hcr Silll'l' thc orl-allil.lllion of onr onll'r ill IIrola'n Bow , and on who h ' his I'onslallt atll'llIlalll'l' , will hl' sallly Inlsscd hy his I lrol hl'r Clansllll'lI. H HSOI.\'IOI. 'I'hllllhc Chili t r of Jlllr- wi'k CIIStll' h drapcd in lIIonl'l\ill \ for a I period of sixty dllyslhalll ( 'OPY of thl' > ; I' Ic-.olliliollS : -.prelldllpon : lhl' lIIillllll's of this Castll' , a ( 'opy hcl'lIt : 10 I'al'h of till' IIcwspapcrs in 011I' ( 'ity for pllhlh-al ion , ani I thllt a ( 'opy ) ) ( ' frallll.d :11111 : pn'wnllt1 : 10 thc widow of ollr ClallSIIHln. \ \ ' . ( . ' \ ( ( ' < :1.1. : . l 1'.I',1'IIIN" . I ) . 1'1. ISIIJ.ltIt\ \ ' . I HlsullltlulI ! ur CUlltlull'II ( ' ! ! . \\'IIIOlo\S : , ( od , tIll' Iallll'r "llIIi hly , has Sl'CIl fit to n'IIIOV frolll onr lIIidst hclo\'l',1 BlOtIll'r hllJl'dl'r ollr \ , John , a 1I11'IIIIJl'r of Brokl'n Jlow I.od l' No II ( ) , I. ( J , ( I. F. . who \\'IIS ( 'alll't1I11l111 ! 10 pass flOlII this IiIl'lotIll'lifc Ill'volltl . , . \ n1Mh ( , 11) < ' 2. 'I'11I'Ii.folc Ill' il HHSOI.\'HII , 'I'hllt lhis lotl c is l'lIlIl't1 upon 10 1II0llrn lhc loss of II JI rollici ill \\hOIll WC ICCO lIi/l' II failhfnl IInl hllc IIIcIIIIJl'r of ollr ordcr , sincc his iniliati Oil inlo thl'.anlC : Fdruary ' , IC)02 alill onI' , who..c cxalllplc as all ( Itld Fl'lIow. I" worth v of followill , IIc it fmthcr H Hsor.\'IW , 'I'hat thc Charlcr of this led c hc draped ill 1II0urnill for lhirly Ilays , all(1 that a coPY of tI\l'-'C : I'l.ftolutioll- : ' hc sprcd on thc IIIl11ulcs of tlli > ; lotl . also a copy scnt to thc widow of thc t1 - l'cocfl , IInd to cach of thc IICwspllpcrs for pulllication. Dlc 'I' . \ \ : ' B.s , , . \V. A. ( , J.OIH , I' . . } C. T. Oltlt. IUnrlct UClutrt 'fir 'I'UUIU' , \\111'11& . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 11111'10) ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . , " ( Jnll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . Coru. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .3 : ; I ? ' ' . Uyo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : lIuUor . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1t1:11I. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I'ulstoc' , fieI' ' hU8he\ \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OuloupilI' ' bU811111. . . , ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chicken. , 1101' ' Iiound , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . .lIi lIoj ( , . . . , . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , " 6.5' ( : ow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t.7/i : ! / 'I.n St..UIIl. . . . . . , . . . . . . , . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . fl.U ) It. ! > bM 'l'ullwy , "or Ilound. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .It Htrawollercwt , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , II U/I.NIIW / , "er too. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 , ( ) ( HUKill' ' . Jlor cwl . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.foI HTOI" " Till > ; C01J ( 1I Arc ! ) 'VOUUH : ( ) Jrlr . . 'UI > ; cOI.n. Lautlvu Urolllo.Julnluu 'l'ahlele curoll l.'Ohl II : 01111 day. No Cure. No I'll ) ' , I'rlctl . Cllllt. . [ BUSINESS m m D .I , C , Moore , abstracting. 2tf Get your Clocks at Ed. McComas' . Wall paper at J. C. Bowcn's. I.'it'st class , guarantecd-l yer- son & WaUs nL'W jewclcry. Job printing at this officc. 1\loney loancd on improved farms. J AlIl\S : \ I41U > WIClI , 7 IS tf Broken Bow , Neb. Clocks , the very best , at Ed. McComas' . - - - - - - - - - - 'I'ltl' Custl't' County li'air will he ltL'ld at Brol\l'n How , Nebr. Sl ptellllJl'r , --5-h . , } I)02 , County I.'ait' all da ) ' , amI Street all night : COllIl' l'\'eryhody , I ) tf no not spank the hey for huy- ingtahlets at lxyersonVatts , Its tltl' firms fault. " 'Pheir pri ' - . " res at'erig-ht. Dr. 'I' . W. Bass , dcn tist , office northwest corner of Icalty Bl ck. 8-1 tf . - T-4argc Ii ne drcss goods and ladies jackcts . at Snydcr Bros. - - - - - - - - - - WL'st Union , Nebraska-Ycs , we will pay a part cash for but- tl't' and L'ggS. RUlUS G. CAIU . FOr Elegant Watches go to Ed. McComas' . l yerson & Watts will havc the school books ) 'OU want for } 'our childrl'n , . why look farther ? ' 'I'he l HPUBlICAN and Inter Ocean , $1.50 , Ceiling wax for scaling jars at J. C. Bowen's , 8 tf Pepsin Gum , two paGkages for a nic1c1 at Wilkins' Pharmacy. 'l'here will bc \Vagoll and Dlacksmith shop running atVest Union 1\lills by the 25th of August h ) ' J. Hincs. 11 13 Ed. McComas has a Fine Lot of Nice New Silverware. - - - - - Just recl''ed a car of hedge posts at Dierks Lumbcr & Coal Co , in this city. Price , 12 and H , cents , 2 tf School books and all other. school supplics in abundancc at , I yet'son & Watts. , 14aely hoardcrs wanted at Mrs , li ahcth Scll's. 10-11 I Ii'arms for sale and lands for rent. Now is the time to get a I farm cheap , as the cheap farmg arc all goin , and prices are ad- \'ancing rapully.-J. G. Brenicr. Se\'eral goeHI farms for sale at a hargain , including lilY own- JHsSH CAND\ ' . 44 tf 2UO suits for boys to agc 20 just recc'ed and priccs very low at Snydcr Bros , ll-tf - - _ . 1.01 { SA Ig - - 'l'cn acres of land adjoiningtown. . cheap. Enq ire at this ollicc. 5-12 - : See Ed. McComas' Fine Jewelry. A Brand "Spanldn" new line of school hooks at thc Post OlIice store , I"ot' sale or exchangc. 1.01 { SAIg OIt 'fItADlTown lots and a fcw five acre lots in this city , for caUle , horses or farm land-Allen l eyncr , nfL'en and elry fruits at J. C. Bowen's. - - - - - - - - - - li'oH SALH-Lots 1 , 2 , 7 and 8 , hlock 5 , in Jewett's addition to Brol\'cn Bow , EtHluire at this nOice , 11-21 tf If you in tend to build call at Dicrks 14ulllher Co , and get prices. Watches--They Are Fine , At Ed. McComas' . . FOH Si\IH-Fivc acres of land in geol statc of cultivation adjoining - joining Broken Bow for $200. ; Inuire ) at this olIice. 3-27 tf - - - - Bring your laundry work to Ryerson & Watts , Agents for : GralHI Island Steam J4aundry. - - - r - , I I'uultry"'ullteo. - ! I will hl' in Brolwn Bow with my poultry car on Saturday August - ust 30 , and Monday , September 1 , a. 111 , Will pay the following prices , lIens , ( , , Y : c ; springs , 8c ; ducks , 5c ; turkeys , ( IC ; old rosters II 12Y , : c cache E. Ii' . YAUNJaN.