Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 21, 1902, Image 1

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    It.'O 11Ie' ' Llburlau Boolel ,
. .
'I ( - . ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . .
1 J
J :
'l'hat's something ,
I it ? "rl"1l proH' it. :
! LIMdCr.s
' of ChICIlO OPt halmlo ( 'ollego
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . .
School Supplies ,
J. G. Haeberle's :
, Perle Elizabeth Fields ,
; . DR
m JjJJ ll MB b jB ) ] .
9 a. Ill. to 12 m.
1 :30 : to 4 p. m.
Or hy appointment.
omce o\'er All1ll'rSOIl's Jewelry Store
in Really Block , Brokell Bow , Nehraska.
- - - - - - - - - -
Church Hcr"lccH.
: \1. H. CIII'HCtr.
Prcachill services ill thc 1\1. H. church
hoth 1I1ortlill aII 1 e\'ellill 5111111a ) ' ,
' "Cod's GllitleIlCt' , "
1\Iornilll { suhjct'l ,
'fext , Aets 16:1U. : E\'l'lIill " ' \'hcre Art
Tholl , " Text GCII. 3 : < ) , COIIIC.
Cl\o. \ 1' . 'l'IU'I'I\S \ , Pastor.
l'RI\SII\"I'I\H \ \ I.\N ClIlmc II.
Serviccs 111'xt SlIlItlay 1I1orllill at I I a.
i 111. SlIbjcct , "HoChristl'plifts : 'olall-
; k 1Hl. " E\'ellill serl'e at p. III.
: Subjcct , "The SlIpn'llIt. nift. " S ) et'ial
.1 1I1USIC at hoth ser\'ices. The pllhhc is
conlially in\'ited.
I ' ' . " .
i Bible School at < ) : .15 sharp. The JIIorn-
inl { sermon will be the lint ill II eries on
:1 th book of ROJllans. COll1l11ullion er\'ice
i. contluctctl hy Eltler R , R. R'ersoll. , ' } 'ht ,
Hntlca\'or at 7.00 will ht , a er\'lce without -
out a leuler : , This JIIl'aUS that each olle
I IIIIISt he his own , tucl ) ' thl' snbjt.ct of
"Freclloll1 for erl'c" I cOllie ' -
er\ a 1\1 \ pn'-
parctlto take a part. l'rl'achin at H ,
I'he usual lIIitl-\\'eek st'r" I'es anll ap-
pointlllcnls , COIIIl' .
. , AI.I.ISO'olinisttr ,
C. y AI.I.ISO- ; , :
- - - - - -
L John II nry anl family went to
Ansley ttll morning.
Dr. Pennington made a trip to
Berwyn on 44 Tuesday.
Joseph Skelton took in thc reo
union at Ansley Wednesday.
( F. D. Gallup spent a few day
'I the first of the week in this cit )
i with his family.
Ed. McClure anll 1iss l\lan
Hollandsworth dro\'e to Anslc' ,
, to tal < e in thc reunion thi' !
'r morning.
C. L. Gutterson , wifc anI
i daughters NeHie and Ii'aith , anI
J Mrs. A.1. . Stuckcy and chitdrel
attended the Dale picnic 'I'uesday
Ri ngH ng Bret hers' Ad vcrtisi n !
Car No.1 spent Tucsday in ou
city , and from thc looks of bill
postcd and distributed , thc cir
" .t . cus is coming.
Jasper \Vallacc of Wcst Union
I was transacting business in th
\ city 'l'uesday. lIc remarkcd tha
\ there was } ) lenty of rain and
good crop 111 his vicinity.
: ; : : : : : : : :
W. H. Comstock , wal in our
city Saturday.
1 11. Molloy wcnt to Halscy
Saturday night.
J. J. 'l'oolcy went to Anslcy on
44 Wedncsday morning.
Alpha Morgan was an cast
bound passengerSunday morning. I I
Ii' . Eo 'l'aylor rcturncd homc I
Sunday night from his trip out
wes t.
! \lrs. H. O. Hutton's fathcr aud
mother of Towa , are visiting in
the city.
J. g. Adamson was a passcn-
ger on + 4 Wcdnesday morning
for Ansley ,
J. 1 . 1i'orsyth of New Hclena ,
. , .
was a C1ty1s1tor 1' 'ru " 1 ay , returning -
ing homc Saturday.
1 lmcr Bass and family came
down Sunday morning from
An'elmo ! to dsit fricnds and
Peter Dierl < s and wifc of Lincoln -
coln , visited in thc city se\'cral
days last week the guests of Mr. ,
and Mrs. Jos. Molyncux. I .
'l'hc socialist part - \ ' is to havc
a county cOI1\'ention- the opera
house , in Broken Bow , Saturday ,
August 30 , at 10 o'clock.
\Vill Chrysler an.d.amil . . > . . of
Wood Lake , are v1s1t1ng 111 the
city with Mrs. Chrysler's parents ,
Ir. and Mrs.V. . II. Osborne , Sr.
W. II. Reeder of Mcrna , made
thi ollicc a social call Friday.
Hc was in the city transacting
busincss with the U. S. Land
Joseph Molynoox and wifc ,
Mrs. Petcr Dicrks and Mrs. A.
Morgan , attcnded thc Dale picnic -
nic at Dale. 'l'hey report a
splendid timc.
"raltcr Lamon of Pubelo , Colorado -
orado , made this otl ce a friendly
call Saturday. 'l'wcnty-cight
ycars ago hc was a pupil of mine
in Hall count ) ' this state.
'l'he Sargent gra says ihat C.
C. Gardner will leave in a few
days for Kirks\'ille , Missouri ,
wherc he will engage in the loan
busincss. Missouri's gain will
be Nebraska's loss.
Jules lIaumont , wife and chit-I
dren. of glton , madc this ell ce a' '
friendly call I"riday. Mrs. Hau-
mont was one of thc popular
school teachcrs of Custer county
sixtcen and eighteen years ago.
A. J. VanAntwerp , of I40li ,
was a caller at this ollicc last
Saturday , lIe informs us that
hc will cnter thc Stateuniversitv
in Scptcmbcr to takc a course iil
ci\'il cnginccring.-T40up Valley
! Juccn.
J. W. Scott of Dry Valley was
a city visitor Wcdnesda.r of last
wcck. He was accompanied by
his fathcr-in-law , Mr. Smith
and brothcr-in-law Mr. 'l'homp-
son. 'l'he latter bought a farm in
the dcinity of Dry Valley and
cxpects to mo\'e to Custer county.
During thc heavy rain and
electrical storm Ii'riday night.
the house of Jamcs Nclson \'ing l
six mites sonth- east of towlI , was
struck hy lightlling. Mr. Nel
son's h-y . ar-old son was instantlj'
Idlled. 1\lr. Nelson was so badly
shocked h\ ' the holt that he wa' ! )
unconscioils for nearly two hours.
I Nonc of the other members of thl. :
family werc injurcd , nor was thc
building'damagcd ' . '
I anj'-Anslc )
Ci t izcn ,
A quict wcdding ceremon )
took place at the home of l\lr
and Mrs. J.V , Comstock , Tues.
eay e\'cning at six o'clock , h :
which their daughter Hattie
was united in marriage to M. .
I on' Husscl. 'l'he ceremon y wa !
performed bj' RcI I . \V C'IHlnll
ler in thc presence of only a fe\ .
near relat'cs and friends of tlH
couplc. The groom is a youn
farmer who resides on his father !
farm at Janes\'ille , and is an in
. dustrious young man. 'I'he hridl
is a young lady , a chool teacher
who has b en a resIdent of Ansll"
since the town \Yoas started sonl
tiftced years ago , and is to wel
- Imown 'to our reader to relluir
any introduction. 'I'hc ) ' il1l1n l1i
, atcl ) ' wcnt to housekc p1ng
c 'I'he Chronicle joins with thei .
t ! mall ) ' fricnds in wislling thtwu
a happy and prosperous life.-
I Amle.y Chrol11cle.
J. H. Varncy of Ansle ) ' , was in
thc city Saturda ) ' .
John Moran of Callaway , was
a city visitor Saturday.
Elmcr D. Joh\1sol1 \ of 1\lcrna ,
spent Sunday in our city.
AI. Joh IIson made a husincss
trip to Mason City 'l'ucsday.
Ii' . 1\1. l ublcc was a passenger
on 42 ' 1'ucsday morning for the
Jacoh Johnson spcnt SUllda ) ' in
Anselmo , rcturning Monday
Chas. Clc\'eland of Comstock ,
was transacting busincss in our
city Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. 11' , II. Young
werc passcngers on .12 'l'ucsday -
morning for Omaha.
Miss Nellie Hccd , who has been
\'isiting in our city sometimc ,
lcft 'I'ucsday morning for Council -
cil BlutTs.
L.V. . Amsberrywho has bcen
visi ti ng at home for thc past
month , returncd to Sheridan ,
Wyomingto rcsume work forthc
B. & M. I . l .
'I'hc wet weather last week rc-
tarded threshing , but littlc being
done bct wecn showers. Most
grain is vet in thc shock and can
bc threshcd whclI dry.
'l'hc Broken How Bu\l : \ ! will
furnish the mmdc duriug the.Hc . -
union. ' 1'his band is a good one ,
and the musical committee wcre
fortunate in sccuring their ser-
H. 11. Andrcws sowed eight
acrcs of emmer last spring and
informs us that it has just
thrcshcd out tifty-two bushels
per acre. He has secd for sale.
- -Callaway Courier.
H. J. Shinn ofVcst Union ,
accompanied the remains of Mrs.
Keys hcre for burial Monday
morning. l c\ ' . \V. ' 1' . Powcrs ,
the omciating clcrgyman , was I .
also in the company. I.
"r. J. Woods and wife , Chas. : I
Jcffords and wife , 14. 11. Jewctt ,
wifc and daughter , 'l'hos. II'inl u
and daughtcrs , wcre in attcnd-
unce at the Dale picnic , and
spent an enjoyablc day.
W. D. Coxcy , representative
of l ingling Bros. Show was a
bucincss caller at this ell cc Fri-
day. ' 1'hc show is to bc hcrc
the 8th of September. It has I
heen four y ars since thcy last
\ ' sited this place.
Hum. - OIIN - , ] )
--At the residence of the otl ciat-
ing linisterl c\ ' . I . Bellis , ncar
Berwyn , Ncbraska , August 10th ,
1t)02. Mr. Hcrbert ' 1' . Johnson
of Grcely Centcr and Miss Maggie
B. ] lwood of Berwyn , Ncbr.
Hingling Brothcrs' traincd alli- !
mal display introduces Capt. .
Webb's juggling seals , Prof. I
Wood's dog and pen ) ' circus. and
Pcarl Souder's famous heard of
30 comed.r elephants. 'I'his llis-
play of traincd animal fcatures
surpasses anything of the kind
e\'cr secn in this country.
G. Hiser member of thc county
board from glk Crcek township
was a city vi'itor ! Saturday. lIe
sa's that Henry Marks had recently -
cently thrcshell 40 acres of winter
whcat south cast of Mason City
that yielded 1475 bu.hcls , which
is 3h.K bushels to thc acrc. Hc
reports oats yilding 50 hushclo ; to
the acre and that corn nc\'er
lookcd bettcr.
l ingling Bros. employ o\'cr a
thousand mcu , womcn and child-
rcn. ' 1'0 IccIl this great company
of p oplc requires a daily a\'er-
, agc of 900 pounds of bread , 1,000
pounds of mea t , 420 of coffec , and
evcrything elsc in proportion.
These supplies , as wcll as 10 tuns
of haY' , 300 bushels of oats and
, . 25 blishels of corn for the horscs , ,
have to be secured daily in tht :
) city where the show is exhibiting.
'l'he postal authorities at Wash.
ington. recognizing the liabilitil'
of post-masters to malw mistake
s in getting mail in the wrong
- boxes ha\'e fixed a penalty 01
$200 , on persons ta ki ng 'ma i
other than ther own and not rc. .
turning it. 'l'hc law implie !
that people should looli theil
mail O\'cr beforc leaving the pOSI
e oflice and if they havc any mai
other than their own return it : r
once. Papers arc included is
.r this ruling and the excusc that i
a is the post masters fault .1ake
- I no ditfcrcnce. Vou are liablt
just the same. - Ansley Citizen.
Andrcw 1Iorn spent Sunday in
gd. De1\1errit of Mullcn , was
in the city 1\Ionda ) ' .
J co. Dean is taking' in thc reunion -
union at Ansle ) ' this week.
Hamah Hycrson wcnt to Ord
"redncsday morning on business.
lIc will rcturn ahout Saturday.
'I'hc band ho's went to A nsll'Y
on \Ycdnl'sday morning" to
furnish music for the rcunion at
that place.
John Welsh of Westerdlle , was
a cOllnty scat dsitor Wednesday.
'l'his ol1ice acknowlcdgcs a pleasant -
ant call.
I eroy D. l ussell a 1\(1 \ Miss
Harriet 1\1. Comstock of Ansle ) ' ,
were marricd at the court house ,
August 14 , hy Judge Armour.
Dr. li'arns\\'orth and Maude
lIunter wcnt to Ansley 'I'ucslla ) ' .
'L'he Dr. will attcnd ttie 1\lcdical
Association picnic , which is hcld
thcre , as well as thc reunion.
l o11ie 'l'owsley purchased the
Wm. Da\'is rcstaurant Wcdnes-
day. He will now he fOll1Hl sen'-
ng meals and hUlches to his
fri l\ls \ and the gcncral public.
James Boggs of glton , was a
cit.r \ ' sitor 'l'ucsday. 'I'his otlicc
acknowledges a fril'ndly call.
1\1 r. Boggs reports l'orn doi ng ,
niccly and the small grain yicld
gOOlI in his vicinity.
"T. R 'L'ennant and W. J.
McCullough , of Anslcy , werc
friendly callers at thesc head-I
quartcrs 1\1 end ay. 'l'hey ki nd ly
remembered this oflice , and re-I
port corn in line cOl\lition. I
' 1'he editor of the HItI'UIIJ.ICAN ,
wife and daughter , .I as. Cosner ,
wife and children , and Mrs. L.
A. Wells and childrcn , lcft Mon-
da ) ' for thc South l..oup , wherc
they will spend a few days
1\lrs. I4)'dia Kcysnoar 'raylor ,
r oup county , dicd at her homc
last Saturday nig'hL TIer remains -
mains wcre hrought hcrc alBI
laid to rest heside hcr husband
al\l \ daughter in thc Broken Bow
1\1. Parkhurst [ and wifc , who
Icft several weeks ago on an
ovcrland trip to W yom i ng , re-
turncd 'l'uesday morning on 42.
Mr. Parkhurst is in very poor
health alB1 docs not seem to bc
improved hy the trip.
Hingling Bros. ' great canvas
padlions covcr more than twel\'e
acres , and consti tu tc a veri table
city of tcnts. 'l'hc ma1\1moth \
hippodrome amphitheatre is the
largest ( : ver constructcd , and is
absolutely impervious to rain.
Last \Vcdnesda ) ' as Uncle
Noah I mbree was returning
home from Callaway , the colt
which he was driving got scared
at some object , turned slluarc to
one side , and threw Mr. I mbrec
out of the huggy. He fcll on his
right side , brcaking enc of his
ribs in two places and almost
dislocating his hip , bcsides gh'-
ing him a gcneral shaking up.-
Callaway Courier.
C.V. . Housh of thc Broken
Bow Busi ncss and Normal Col-
lcge , recei vcd on 43 'l'uesday
night , twelvc thoroughbrcll
Duroc Jersey Swine , also enc
Duroc Jersey hog , which P. H.
Iunk has a half intercst in.
I'or line porl < crs they arc dand ic
al\l \ ( would make a grcat show at
the County li'air. 'l'hcy canH
from D. S. I oush of Grand Tslal ) ( ]
a hrother of C. W.
C. I . Judkins and wife , O. II
l\Icvis and wife. t-.Iisses 1\lam l
and Philbert 'I'icrncy and Cor.
nelius 'I'ierncy , composed a part )
that took in the Dale picn l
, 'I'uesday. ' [ 'hey ' report having ;
line time , and' that there wa !
about 1000 people in attcndanCl'
, of which number fully half par
took of enc of the most deliclOu !
spreads that was c\'cr attemptel
in that ncck-'o-thc-woods.
We are reliably informed tIla
thrcc pcrsons wcrc brought he
fore the tribunal of ju ticc 1\lon
day and fined forshootingprairil
- ch ckens. One reccivcd a $17.51
tine and the other two ; ! :5.UO : cad
and costs. Under the law om'
half of thc fine gocs to thl' in
former. 'I'hc same law tha
applies to shooting prairie chid
cns is also applyable to seininl
for fish. We are told that ther
s has hecn some seining going 0
and that prosecution of th
parties is liable to follow.
r eS. . W. l ichanls was iu' '
1\Icrna last SU1H1a ) ' .
1\Iiss Vienna l eynolds is'isit -
ing' at Oconto this wcck.
James 'I'hom 1'80n'isited A rca-
dia the tir t of thc week.
Ii' . 1\1. Currie of Sargent , came
in on 42 Wednesday morning.
lIan'c Andrews of Ansclmo ,
madc this city a busincss visit
Wednesda ) ' .
II. II. Squires and Dan l uck-
well werc passengcrs on 0\1 \ for
Ansclmo Wcdnesday morning. 1 I
II. B. Dral and sonl\lax , went .
to Omaha on 44 "red nesday
morning. 'L'hey expect to return
K \V. Wilkins gathcrcd up a
band betwcen hcre and Dale , and
it is reported to he ver.r tine for
a pickcd up band.
S. J. Stcms and Miss 1\lamie
IJo Morrison of Berw'n , were
uni tell in marriage "I'uesllay ,
August PJ. J\\lgc \ Armour om-
l. P. Kinkaill of O' cil , rc-
pu hlican nom i ncc fOl' Congrcss
camc up on 41 at\l \ took .to ! hack
to Anslcy Wcdnesday to attcml
the rcun on.
n. O. Brown , who h s spcnt
several days in our city , left
'I'ucsday morning' for maha ,
wh rc hc cxpccts to rcmain for
somc tilllC. lie will stop olr at
Anslcy and 1\lason City a few
I' mcrson Purccll , Hcv. X\I\l- : \ !
crs , J amcs r4conanl , A. Moorc ,
Judgc Sullivan and son , J. .I.
Wilson amI S. K. Warrick , were
all in attcndance at thc Dalc
picnic , and spcak with fa\'ur upon - .
on thc gel timc and tn'atlllent.
they rcccivcd.
Mrs. ll. g. Predmorc is making
quite an improvemcnt on her
millincry storc huihling. 'l'hl'
room on thc south of the main
hu ild i ng will hc relllOllll'd , petition -
tion hetwccn the two takcn out
and roof raiscd , throwing hoth
rooms into enc , which will add
lIIa 'rially to the huilding , lIIak-
ing it lIIon' COII\'clli nt a 11 < 1 larger.
lk Willis 'l'albot and wife ,
Dr. C. [ 4. 1\Iullins anll wife , Dr.
C. Pickett , wi fe and daugh tcr ,
Ollic , Dr. ' 1' . W. Bass and wifc ,
Dr. K C. 'I'albot , Dr. Clinton
Da ) ' , Dr. 1.'arnsworth and 1\Iiss
Iaude Hunter , and Dr. Iatht'ws
and wife of Callaway , Dr. Wade
of Oconto , Mrs. I og-an and
daughter , composed the part\ '
that left this city 'l'ueslla ) '
morning for Anslcy to attcnd thc
picnic of the Ied ical Association.
An cnterta111ing timc was had ,
and those prescnt , ahout thirty ,
spent an l'njoyahlc , as wcll as
prolitahlc day. 'L'he picnic was
111 it gro\'e one milc outh of
' . .l'homasVilkinson , one of thc
earlj' settlers of thig county who
homesteaded the land on which
Anslcy is located , visited sc\'cral
da 's in this city last weck. 1\lr.
W I lId nson left Broken Bow ahou t
twelve ycars ag-o and stopped for
a while on thc Pacitic coast. He
than driftcd back to Wyoming-
and ng-aged in thc sheep husi-
ness with his hrothers Anthony ,
John , l.'clix and Frank , who had
left herc a few years previous.
Ir. Wilkinson hall becn unfortunate -
nate in his husiness'enturcs herc
al\l \ was down to "hell rock" whcl ]
he started on his western trip.
lIe and his hrothers arl' now the
owncrs of sc\'cntl thousand acre
of laml cxtcnlling from \Vyomin
into Kimhall countNehraslw ,
which thl'y hH\'e stocked witt
WUOII shcep. I r. 'l'hos. Wilkin.
son has his n'sid'ncl' in Kimbal
county. withill a mill' of th ,
county scat Ilf that cOllllty , Iii !
olde"t daughtcr Alin' is COllnt
, ' of that '
Supcrintcndl'nt l'oullty
'I'hc Willdnsoll Bros. reali l'l
from their wool this s aS)11't'1
S47OUO. They l'stima l' theil
\walt h by the lIlIldn'ds of thou"
allds. llr.Yilldllsoll is too m ! )
- dest to statc what 11l' is wort !
- individually , hut tates that hi
e hrother John who left hcre in th ,
early 'tO's with 7UU head of shel'J
is worth to-day a half milliol
' - dollars. One lIotahle charedl'r
istic of Ir. Willdllsons dsit wn
that he was lookillg up his 01 ,
fricnds to whom he was indl'htc
whcn he left to pay thcm ul
In order that he may lwep poste
n on Brokcn Bow and Custer count
c in the fnturc he ordcrl'd the I I
l'U1I1.1CAN ent to his address.
:1 : m
J. C. loore , ahstracting. 2tf
Bring' your lanndry work tel
l yerson & Watts , Agents for
( frand Island Steam [ aundry.
- - - - - -
Get your Clocks at Ed.
McComas' .
Wall paper at J. C. Bowen's.
Job printing at this ofiicc.
1\Ioney loaned on improved
farms. JA\IHS : LltDWlCH ,
7 18 tf Brokcn Bow , Neb.
'I'hc Custer County li'airvill
bc hcld at Bro1 < en Bow , Nebr. ,
Scptcmhcr23-4-5-6 . , 11)02 , Oouutv . -
l'lur all day , and Strcetal1111ght.
Comc cvcryhody. 9 tf
Dr. 'I' . W. Bass , dentist , olic
northwest corncr of l ealty Block.
S-l tf .
- - - - -
A Bral\l \ tISpanl < n" new lincor
school bool < s at thc Post Ofiice
store. Ii'or sllle or exchange.
West Union , Ncbraska- ,
we will pay a part cash for but-
tcr and eggs. 1 U1IUS G. CAlm.
FOH SATH - - A five room house
and two lots cast ofHac1 < ct Store ,
Broken Bow. I d lIaumont ,
h-tf I lton , Neb.
- - - - - - - - - -
WAN'1'lm-A gOOlI cook.
h-tf Willis Cadwcll.
[ 4uhricating oils of all l < n:1s : at
Wilkin's drug store.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
1i''c hands wantcd to mak
hay. . J HSHI GANDY.
- - - - - - - - - -
For Elegant Watches
go to Ed. McComas' .
'I'he 1 Hl'UIII.ICAN amI Inter
OCl'an , S1.S0.
'I'hat jewelry you aw in
l yersou & Watts is up to date
and thorollghly guarautccd. In-
vestigatc farthl'r.
Ceiling' wax for scaling jars at
J. C. Bowen's. 8 tf
- - - - - -
Pcpsin Uum , two pa < 1lmges for
a nickel at Willeins' Pharmacy.
- - - - - - - -
Bdorl' 'Oll get money on your
l'attle , elthcr stock or fecders ,
don't fail to sec S. B. 'l'hompson.
- - - -
Ed. McComas has a lot
of Nice New Silverware.
Just n'cl'ived a car of hedge
posts at Dierks 14nmhcr & Coal
Co. in this city. Price , 12 and
If , cen ts. 2 tf
School books and all other
Hchool supplics in , abundance at
RycrsonVatts. .
- - - -
} i'OH HHN'l'-A : dou1l.1c room 011
second Hoer of the CtMter block.
I nuire [ at this ofiice.
1 1l1y hoarders wanted at Mrs.
IWzabeth Sell's. 10-11
] i'arms for sale ar.d lands for
ren t. Now is the timc to get a
farm cheap , as the cheap farms
are all goin ! ? , and prices arc advancing -
vancing rapully.-J. G. Brenizer.
- - - - -
Scvcral good farms for salc at
a bargain , including m ) ' own.-- ; :
JHS H GAND\ ' . 44 H
I'OH SAJ.H-'I'en acres of land
adjoining town , chcap. ] nquire
at this otlice. 5-12
See Ed. McComas' fine
lots and a few five acre lots in
this city , for cattle , horses or farm
; land.-Allcn Heyner.
i ( rl'clI and dry fruits at J. . .
I O\\'l n ' .
- - -
I'OH SAI.H-r ots 1 , 2 , 7 and 8 ,
hlock 5 , in Jewett's addition to
I\'Olcen : \ Bow. Enquire at this
otlice. 11-21 tf
If you intend to build call at
lJierl < s 14umher Co. and get prices.
Wa tches..They ru
s F.'incat. Ed.McCow'as.
l j'crson \ Watts will have the
[ ) school heel < s you want for your
c I : n , _ y 1001 < farther ?
s li'oH 8AIH---li' of laud
, - - - \'e acres
II in good statc of cultivation ad-
II' Broken Bow for $200.
) . Inquirc at this ollice. 3-27 tf
d - - - - - - - - - -
y Bool < s. slatcs , tablets , pencils ,
\-1 pcncils , tablcts , slatcs aml
hooks at P. O. storc.