Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 14, 1902, Image 4
Ii ; = _ _ _ _ _ _ ( gU1it r QIo. 11cpublican - - - - - - - - - - - - - l'uhllelltll fI"'fY 'rtmrAdlY ! nthe Conllty Sent _ . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - n. l. AtHBEltlt\ ' , - - Editor - - - - - - - - - . . . , .0f1\ce \ ! n ( ' 1J lef lJIoek. Yourth A 'fJ.-r. , _ . _ . , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Rnterl'd lit till' t lomC8 At JJrukoll lIow , Neb. . : IIR 1I1'r.Olld.oIM rnnlUJr ror trall tnl IOII throuh ! ( the U. S. MIIIII. . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8U1I8CHU'TIUN 1'11108 : One\'c/lf.lnll'lvlulco. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \.OO \ . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , 'O\'IUlTII-1INn 1t\'I'/t . Olll' colllmll.II \ f 1I10Ilth7 .on , OIlO.Ia 1r CHI. nmll. ) lef 1II01l1h. $1 ( U ( luutl'r COIUIIIII , ( lor mOllthe.t.o \ ! I"I thRII (1IIIIrt'r CUIUIIIII , W ; ' Ilich l'Ot ' 1I111111h. CM' ' A 011 fllllt 1'\1 ' ( " , r.o 1'0111/1 per IlIohor \ month l.oeululvortl/llllK , Ii 1"11111 Ilor 1100 enela hlor. , I tloll. . tloll.Nolleo of churrh rBlt. , 1I0I'IIhlclI Rnd oulorllllll' 1II0lltll whew 1II0m' ) I. CIIIII/Ct / ! . urlU.lmlf ratell. ! < oehlt ) 11III1e08 RIII1011111011" , . ullo.llnlf mll'l. We.II\lIII \ : ' nttC1I In" ' . lIalf IlIle , ' for pllhllPlIr11 ! ( I IIAt ( Jf ' ' / ! . Doat Illulleo/l fr.'o , hnlf Irlc. , . ror ) llIhll/l1l11l1l ohllllltt'lInUeC8 , 1111" rnrd. of IhMlk/ ! . 1A'/oItIIWllclI/I / ( nt rnI . l'told"11 ' 111 stRtatcs of Nellln kll. , . - - - - - - - - - - - - 'J'hur day , Aug14 , 11)02. . . - - - - - . . . REPUBLICAN TICKET. , ' .r _ ' _ _ _ _ ' . 8ta to Tlckot. For Uovcrllnr- .I. I ! . IICKgYof Polk. , l < 'lIr.l.hJIIl""VlJrllllr B. O. Mcr ; I l/L'UN , of Douglas. I'or ! : Icerolnry of IIILJ- GI Ol ( iI W. MARSH , I Of Hlclultl\eoll \ , Fet l'rc'LIOl1rN- ' PWl'J' I IOWl'l'NSgN ; , Of Valley. For AIIIIIIII'- AIIIIIIII'I I Of Ihcr\dllt. : ! \ . J"Of Attnrl"'v-OmH'tnl - FRANK N. PROU'I" of Gagc. For { ; OIIIIIII.HloIIO' 1'1111110 1.811.1" 111111 JJlllldIIJK - GEORGE D. FOLLMBH , Of Nacleolla , . 'or Comlll" loIIPr I'ubllc lu ltuclioll- WIJ.41-4IA r K. FOWLEH , \\'lIdllogloD. . - - Congressional Tlckot. 'Fot Congre-unon. lxtlllH ttlet- . \l. P. KINKAID , Of O'l',11. Reprosontatlve Ticket. " "or " nelre ) nIlUltl"e8. Mth lII lrlrl- A. n. COPSEY , of Wcstcrvillc. ' S. C. W ALDHON , of Ovcr. County Ticket. } ' Coullty Allotlll'Y- A. K HUMPHREY. Broken Bow Township Tlckot. \ < /SlIllefvleor. / . 'l'hlrtlJI ! trlcl- G. 11. 'I'HORPE. I For ' 1'owIIShlJJ..k \ , - I A. D. BANGS. For TOWII hlll 'freItHllrfJr- J. M. KIllBERTANG.I I } ' Town hlp , \ e.Mt- W. 1\1. VANNICE. } ' ROMI Ov.-rH"t IJI I r ( 'I No 1- L. CUSHl\lAN. ' } 'or HURlI . 1)'f1cl \ : > ; 0.2- I JOHN KENNOYER 1 Ror lIond Ov'r""r ) ) ' " \flet n , :1- : 1-4. IcCANDTIESS. 1 For HORI U\'o'r cIJhtrlcl No. 4- 1 . Ll ON I D lIEI SlI. For ItU5tl O""r 11I 'rlt't Nfl , _ C. Eo I EC'I'OR. For HOdl O.OtHl'r m. . rlet No. ( ) - IIgN RY l gEDER. For HOIII Ov.r o t HI.lrllILn. : - . 7- 1 .I. N. WES'1' . - HI'llIIhlh'ulI SI'lIalul'lul COIlJIIllolI. . 'I'he l l'IHlJlicans ! of thc Ii'if- ( teenth Scnatorial District of Ne. braska arc hcreby called to meet in a cOll\'ention in the city of Ord , in sai < 1 Di trict on londay , Scp- tember 1st , 1'J ( ) at IU o'clock A. J. , for the PurPO l' of placing in in nomination a canlidatc ( for State Senator and for the transaction - saction of any othl'r busincss which may properly come beforc saill con 'ention. I. A. I HNHAU , Chairman Senatorial Committee. King 1'liwanl ; wa crowncd last Satunlaybut much of the pomp and array that was planned for . the first occasion was di : : pensed with owing to the statc of thc Kings health. 'I'he ; tional 'I'reasur.y had on July I , S5h4,31)IfI03 in gold ; more than haH of thc national debt on that date. How docs that com- parc wit h t hc cond i tions of alTairs in the dcmo-pop days when wc were horrowing money to meet thc currcnt expenscs of the nation ? In one county in Kansas in 1893 an l'xchange says thcre werc 136 farms sold un.dct' mortgage. In lSIJH the number sold were 36 ; in ISC ) ' ) , 1 h ; in 11)00 , 24 ; in 1901 , 15 ; . When 13ft were sold under the hamtner it was democratic times and fusion managment. How dilTerent under republican rule. I . ' 1'he letter of ex-Hepresenta- i tive Webb , the populist war i of Custer county , explaining why : he cannot swollow the fusion pill . this ye < Ir , pours hot shot into the ; democratic annexationists and 1 make might ) ' intcrl'sting read- ' ing. 'What'is more , a whole lot of Nehraska populists , who think for t.hemselves havc come to . . about. the Si'\me conclusion- . Omal\a Bee. t10SCIh ; Heireh of McKinh ) ' , : who has bcell for : strugling along 1 the past 1ifteel1 or more years in Custer Canyon to maintain himself - self ; uIII family without ostenta- tions or prcntiolls was enc of the county scat visitors Saturllay. Wc mect him in the vicinity of thc Court House , which led us to inquire 'of his wclfarc , crops , cct. Mr. HclTelc informed us that he had just filcd another deed for record in the registers omce which made him the owncr of bOO acres of land. On making further lHluiry we learned that hc alrcady has quit < > a bunch of cattle and hog \ ami thc largcst crop of com to f'ed them he has cvcr raised 1tl the coullty. By furthcr interrogatories we learn- cd the secret of his success is that all thi timc that hc has : bccn accumulating his herd of cattlc aud adding farm aft r farm to his possesion ! , hc has been raising hogs for thc markct and milking his cows. Ill' is now milking twenty thrce head of which a number of them are heHcrs with their first calf , but hc tclls mc his crcam check for Junc was 8fA and for July S&H. Mr. IIeffele has no patcnt on his methods of doing busincss and thc wa ) ' is open for others who b endowed with the patiencc and pcrsevcrcncc that Mr. HclTele posseses. While others havc beel complaining he and his faithful wife and children have kcpt right along in thc cvcn tenor of their way and now they have attaincd a position that lct hard timcs come or not thcy milk their cows fecd their pigs and take in their crcam check c\'cry month in the year , with no expense exccpt their own labor.Vc are pleascd to notc that there arc hundreds of other farmers in Custer county who started with no property a fcw ycars ago in Custer county that can numbcr thcir broad acrcs by the hundrcds and many of thcm arc out of debt and have a monthly income from lheir cows of S25 to S75 per rnonth. For mixed farming lhere is no country to comparc with Custer. 'I.'hcre is stil1 room for a fcw morc HeffcIe. And while land is yet chcap it is time Lo come to Custer county. , \ UClllocrntic Clmrncterlstlc. At the close of thc recent democratic - ocratic state convention at Grand Island , a , 'otc of thanls was cx- tended to thc citizens of that place for their cordiality with which thc visitors were received. CoI. Edgar Howard of the Columbus - umbus 'l'elegram was temoorar- ily in the chair and after IHitting tlie motion , hc said in his characteristic - acteristic manner : "It is'cry appropriatc that a votc of thanln ; bc accorded thc Urand Island people , bu t it would not , in my opinion , be inappro- priatc for thc citizcnsof this cit ) to pass a rcsolution of thanks to the delegatcs to this convention. It has bcen demonstrated that every delegate to a democrat convcntion spcnds clcven dollars and forty ccnts. Ii'our dollars is for hotel bill and - - " And with a gentlc strokc over his chin hc sat down le.wing the dclegatcs to mentally supply thc place wherc thc rcmaining scvcn , forty had g-one. - - ' ! ' 14clIler- ; Indcpcndent , Grcely , Nehr. We are a littlc surprised that 1-4cadcr--Indcpendent Which is s'upporting thc democratic ticket and P. II. Barry for Congrcss would publish thc above. Wc had hoped that the dcmorratil' party hadlcft 011' its old habits and would not be chargeable with bcing' adicted to the rum habit. We can say to thcir credit that thcre arc not many of that class that bclong to the demo-pop party in this vicinity , to whom thc acqusation could apply. But CoI. gdgar Howard is reliable authority in dcmocratic circles and wc are compelled to accept it. But in all seriousncss did rou c"er know of a steam rising ilbove its fonntain ? Can you ex- pcct the nomi nees of t ha t con- I'ention to be different from thosc \'ho \ nominated them ? stllte l'rc ! ! ! ! COllllIIl'lIt. Shclton Clipper : If J. II. MiclCy is better than his party , ilS ex-Senator , Allen says , he is a 00 < 1 enough man for .1I1) ' man to vote for for govcrnor. Oakland Repub1ican When - , nothing clse can bc said against Mickey or IcCarthy , they arc said to be Irish or Scotch or somcthing elsc cqually horrible , and of course they are said to be "railroad candidates. " Ord Quiz : What ! cind of a man is Mickey in his private life ? What as a busincss luan and farmer ? What in patriotism and citizcn < ; hip ? Well , hc will take all these good qualities into thc go\'ernor's chair with him. Stanton Pickett : J. II. Mickcy has ncver been a failure at any- thing. 'l'his h , sullicicnt rcason why he must expcct to rcce'e thc opposition of those who contend - tend that all honest mcn are blooming failurcs in a busincss , vay. vay.Hcbron Hcbron Champion : J. 11. ! \lickcj' , rcpublican candidatc for govcrnor , was hcre yestcrday circulating amollg thc business men and , 'isitors. IIc seC1/1S / to bc a plain , matter-of-fact Inlls- ncss man , without an ) ' frills or curly-cues. He madc a good im- prcssion. Blair Pilot : WIll'n they talk of defeating l\lickc.y for governor this fall they arc talking about defeating enc of the best mcn ever put on the tic1 t.Vcll , its all talk. Mickey is good for a maJorit ) ' of 20,000 and aU thc spcllbinders in Nebraska cant re- ducc it a vote. Kimbal Obscrver : J. II. Mickcy. the republican candidate for gO\- cl'1lor is a thorough , honest , COI1- sicentious buisncss man , who was nc"er known to shirk or evade his duty or rcsponsibiJitj' . 'rhc pcople have confidence in his ability and will votc their approval - proval on No\'ember 4. Norfolk Ncws : It is not to bc supposcd that any largc number of democrats wil1 cxprcss unqual- ificd admiration of Governor Mickey-not until aftcr election. Thcn thcy will lay aside politics for a few mOI1t ls and acknowledge - ledge the truth-that he is thc I right man for the place. I Bradshaw Republican : 'l'he fusion press is just now de'.Ioting some of its valuable space to a little matter that is just a little difi cult to undcrstand in rcgard to their labored effort to induce thcir readers to believe that Mickcy is a temperance man. 'l'his is liablc to bc construed to mcan that ' 1'hompson is not a temperancc mau , If 'such should bc the construction gi\'en thcir elTorts , who will be to blame ? : NI inden Ncws : 'I'he pop papers are still running- full of the old gag about Mickcy being a "bankcr" and a railroad candi- datc. lIe is a banll r and to our opinion is usually about as good as a la wycr. 'I'hc only d i IT crcnce is that l\licke ) ' madc first a successful - cessful farmcr , thcn a successful , banler , while 'l'hompsOJi's suc- ccss as a lawycr is not widcly circulatcd. Crctc Vidcttc-Hcrald : 'l'he' ' democrats refcr tolickcy as a I prohibitionist. Since 1\lr. Mickey 1h'l'r votcd anything- but a rcpuhlican ticket , and nc\'cr alliliatcd with thc third part ) . , why call him a prohihitionist' ! It is t ruc hc is a tempcra te ma n and a Mcthodist. W. J. Bryan is a tcmperatc man and a Pres- hyterian , but wc nevcr heard the Demonat class him as a pro- hibitionist. If one , why not thc othcr ? Albion Ncws : An e/Tort / is alrcad ) ' bcing made in ccrtain quarters to turn votes against Mr. Mic1ey because hc is a tem- pcrance man , or , in other words a "prohibitionist. " It is not denied - nied that Mr. Mickey is a temperate - perate man , and probaly as fl'- ganls his personal , is a prohi- bitionist. He was a memlJl'r of the legislaturc which enalkd the present Slocumh la wand \'otcd for that measure. That is his record , and judg-l'ml'nt must be rendered according-Iy. Bencdkt News-Herald : .10hn JJ. Iickey is one of thosl' ml'n to I whom the tl'rm "self-madl' " applies - plies in all force. Hc has tried his hand at a Iltlluber of things and there is not a single thing to which h c'er gavc his . \ . - ' " - . - . . . I I but what he made ! l succe s. lie i enc of the ml'n thut do thing's I I and he i the IlOnlinl'l' of a pal'l ) ' ' that accolIlp1i..he. . thillg'S , and if 'I I he is elected g-o"erno of thisstatl' the people may conliently cxpl'd that matter. . pertaining to the goveJ'lor" duty will beol1e \ with that expedition and sllccess that havc characterized e\'cr } ' step of Mr. iolickcy's life. - - - - - - - "lIn I1ntlllll Jlllul ! ! . " Under the aho\'e captioll t hc Custer County Beacon last week took up the defcllce of Sheri IT A rl11 < ; t rong"B milage rccord and charges thc n'lHtblican members of the board witb persecuting the sherilT for po1i tical purposes. One of its statements hi that : "Tile Con n t \ ' hoa rd eu tcrcd into - to a contract iiI its .July l11eeting agTl'l'ing to pay Shcri IT A 1'111- strong 2" " , cents per milc for each mile actually and nece sar- ily traveled in sen'ing distrcss warrants , and in pursuance thereof - of , directed the Count\ ' treasurer to issue \\'aJ'J'lnts for -the collcc- tion of a largc amount of delinquent - quent pl'rsonal taxes. " 'I'he facts arc that thcrc is no rccord that the hoard entcrcd into - to a contract with the sherifj to pay him 2 % ccnts a milc for cach milc actually and neccessarly traveled in scrl1g distress warrants. We are informed thc sherifT stated that hc wOl1ld enl ) ' chargc 2,1/ cents a mile , but there was no contract to that e/Tect. / I rad thQ sheriff charge < l only 2 ! cen ts a milc or e\'en fi\'e cents a milt : for cach mile necessarialy travel- cd we apprehend thcre would have becn no complaint and the sherilTs bill would ha\'e promplly becn allowed and a warrant ordcred drawn for thc amount. 'I'he rcport of two members of the comm i ttee M essers 1 remy and Hiser , both repubJican is as follows : " 'Ye , your committee , recommend - mend thtt ; the within claims he rejccted for the reason that the claims arc not properly itemized , in uat gi\'ing the date of sen-ice nor the number of miles traveled. \Ye further allegc that the charges as mileagc , i < ; ( 'xce < ; si'e and illeg-al. " This report WitS adopted , every republican ou the hoard \'oting in the atlirmati\ ' ( , . \11' . Creen- walt the pop member of the board hrought in a minority report - port recommending that the hill be allowed. That report was supported only by l\lesscrs nrcen- walt , Daily and ConIc ) ' the pop ml'mbers of thc hoard. If there were any poJitical'ot - i ng done it was by t hc m i nori ty as wc think facts will show. 'I'hc shl'rilT had not itemized his bill and there was no wa ) ' for ! the hoard to kllow wether he had tra\'eied IUUO or 25000 miles or whethcr he h1(1 charged 2J : : ceuts a milc or 25 cenb a mile , nor did his bill state when the work was donc. 'I'his was sufli- cicnt cause for the hoard rejecting - ing the claim IIntil it was pro- pcrly itemixe(1 ( , Iut : we an' informed - formed the sheri IT decl i ned to itemize his hill 01' g'i"e the miles traveled or when he trtl\'eled , as he had kept 110 record of either. Did thl' lOmmittcc ha\'e sutli- dent gTotll\l \ to allege that the charges as m i lcage were excssi . ve and illlegal ? Iet us sec. The committee found upon ill\'cstiga- tion of the rccords that the shl'rilT had liled mileagl' claims against till' coullty for . , warranttIIll'olll'l'tl'd , lrom I > l'l'- - - - - tIn - - In every town and village' may be ha . . 1 tht : : I - ' Mica Axle Grease that makes your horses glad. . . . . . . " " " ' 'i'I'-rr : , . ' ' 'T , . " ' ' 'I'It7..l''Y'I'II- ' ; - - - - " t . , I . . , .u _ - 1 I I : y" " RfAKINO ! VICIOU5 I < ICKLJR L I1 I I 1N D L l 'r I-J I1 I 1 is my motto. I will sell goo , > to thc pub1ic cheaper than any othc'r house west of Lincoln , and if you will spare a few minut . s , I will gladly show ) 'OU m ) ' goods and tell you 111) ' pric s. $1.00 sa'ed is S1.00 made. COIllC in a nd nee. I take eggs in exchange. At Collom's old stand , west side of public squar . a6h Grocery , Dr ) ' Goods and Notions. J. W. 0001 ( , and lVIlS. IJ. L. SIIARP. - - - - . - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - I ember 2 , ] 101 } , to Junc IH , I1J02 , amounting to SI0h'I.95 and on warrants collectcd had charged S20i. 5. 'L'his latter chargc docs not include only about two thirds of thc warrants collected. 'l'hesc sUins amount to S12i2. O for mileagc on distrcss warrants alonc in the short spacc of timc of six and half months. At live cents a mile for cach milc necessarily - sarily and actually tra\'elcd , it would rcquirc Sheriff Armstrong or deputy to havc traveled 2i.154 miles , more than once around thc world , in that short space of time. Had he charged but : n ccnts a mile as the Beacon avers was the contract the sheriff would ha\'e had to tra\'cl double the numbcr of miles or S.IIOg miles or cqui\dent to 2t ! times around the world. Is it strange thc rcpublican membcrs of the board became just a little startlcd a t those ligures. 'l'he only strangc thing ahout it is that the pop member' > of the board insisted - sisted that the claim wa not excess \'e or illeg-aI. 'J'he I E- 1'II1I.IN ha' , no de ! ire to accuse sheri/T / wrong-fully simply because - cause hc chance to bclong to thc fusion party. TIc has made a good oflicer alld is cntitled all the law allows , but no more. Neither do we chargc him with intcntionally tryiilg to beat the county. The trouble is with his system of charging. ' 1'0 illus- tratl' , we will suppose that he starts out with 10 distress war- rants. Ill' reachcs the lirst man by traveling livc miles , thc 2nd is Ih'e milcs furthcr which is ten milcs from thc starting point , the third is li'e miles further which make , > 15 milcs from thc starting point , the fourth man is anothcr li'e milcs furthcr , or 20 milcs from t hl' point of starting and the lifth still another fivc miles farther on , which would be 25 from thc place from which he startcd. A t the same ratio whcn the tcnth man had hcen rcachcd hc would havc traveled l fty miles. But see how man ) ' morc lIIile it will ligurc. If thc lirst man is charg'cd for li\'c mill's , the second man for 10 miles the third lIIan 15 , the fourth man for 20 , the fifth man for 25 and so on - - - - - - - - TO Ct'ltl ' A CO..N ON' ; : UA' " ' ' . . . , . . ' ' . . 'I'nk. I.n'llto IIrom. IJlllnllli''lIhI / III. \11 ' ' ' " 10\111 \ , ' . r"flllllll1l8 IIHIIIII > ' If It tllllil0 curu. I , W.11 / \ ' " , /l1 u ltltu 1/1 011 ellell 110\ 5. " - - - - until the tenth man is reachcd. It woul < 1 amount 275 milcs when in fact but 50 milcs had actually and neccssarri lly been tra , 'elecl. At only 2 , % cents a mile on that method of computation UI ( ' sheril' ! would get Si.8 , YVhile at 5 cen ts a mile for the distancc actually tra\'eled he would get only S2.50. ' 1'he argument that $2.50 would not paj' for tcam or livery hirc has nothing to cIo with the case. 'l'he law limits the mileage - age fec to livc cents a mile for cvery mile necessarily and actually - ally tra\'cled , and limits the sher- i/T's / salary to $2,000 a year , he I paying expenses the same as does thc county superinten. dent. But let us see , if it the Sheriff does not at that rate get fair wages. li'or serving cach of those distress warrants he gcts 50 cents forserngthem. . From that fcc hc realizcs $5.00 milcage S2.50 , amounts to S7.50. Is that not a fair competmation. We , 'cnture that there arc hundreds of mcn in Cu'tcrcounty ! who would talc thc job for half ' the amount. 'I'hen , frc- qucntly if not always the sherilY has other papers that he scn'cs on which hc collccts both milcagc and fecs at the same time. 'I'hc eye opencr which caused the hoard to make a little investigation - igation was the claims of the sherilT I led since March 1st 1902. lIc liled claims for milcage on warrants not collected : March. . . " . . . . . . . . . S2W 35 J unc 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 10 ' June 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412 90 ' 1'otal. . . . . . . . . . . SH71 35 For fccs on warrants not collected - ) lected , at 50 cents each : l\Iarch. . . . . . . . . . . . . .SlO'l 00 . ! uuc 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . HO 00 June 7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.8 . 00 June 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . 13H 00 'l'otaI. . . . . . . . . . . $ h'5 00 Thc S3,8 , item was for Wlir- " 'ntcb I or a Chili. Howcver slight at this time of year and in this climatc , it is th forerunning of malaria. A disposition - position of yan , and an all tired out feeling even COIllCS befort' thc chill. Hcrbi ne , by its prom pt t stimulative action on the liver , drives thc malarial gl'rms out of . -4 , 1 thc system , PUritil's tl\l' \ blood , , tOties up the systclll and restores health. 50c at gd.lcComas' , Broken Bow al1l1 Ml'1'IIa. J. - - - - or. . . . . " . " . . ' " . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . - ' . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . - - . - . - - - , . . . . - . _ . _ . 1 . . / . . , . . .1/ / . . : " : . " . . . ' . . . . . . . .a ' : ; : : . , I. ; . , . . . . . . , . : . "jI. . . : , . . . . ' . ; . . . : . " : " ' ! . . . ; . . . . . . . ' . : . . : L. . . . . . ; . . . . . , ' . . ; : . , I..i . . . . . . . . . . . . L . . . . ' , . : . . , ' . , ' . :1. . . . . ; . : . . . , ' . I . : : . . ' . : . : ,1. . , ' ( . : . , ' . , : . , ! .e.r'l"'t ; : : : ; . : . ! : . iL. . : . , , ; 11. . . : . ; . . . . . . . . . i , . } J ; . 'fi ' : r. ; EAGLE GROCERY . ' . ' P. ; ; ' . - - - - - ' , ; I 1 t t All p"rtio" iucluhhul to the I agle Orooery , arE ! requeHted rl f . : to . al1 : \1.1 . twUlo lhllir IWCOUllt ! ly oatjh at 01100. I mUt ! ! have I. ( 11101I1Ito II" > " hillK , I lannot do Il\lt illlJttj Oil wind. f : t J Your ! ! tfuly , . . . . . 1" W . S II SWAN ' i.i. ' ! " i . : ProprIetor. . 10 Bars of Soap for 25c. . - . . ' . , . , . . . . . . , " " . . . . . . . : : . " r. , . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! t' : 11" ' ' ' ' . . . . . . . M . . ' ! . .1ij' . . . .Yvoo.-I. t.i.r : ' , . t- : . . " . . . . ; . , ! : ' . . ! . ; , . : . . ' . ; . : . ' ' . , ! . . . , . . : . ; ! . } . , "li " tt ' . ; : ! , . : . " U. . . : . ! . ; ; tIP1f..U. : , . . . "I..I.W..u. ' . .t-oi" : ! = - -.F.'I.--'u..r : ! : : : ! ; . ! . . , . ; . . : , , . . . . . r.:1 . : .1t. ! , f.r.rtt .