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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1902)
' I . , . - ' , ' \ , . , . ' I I ,1 , : END OF BANDiT TRACY The \Vashington rt\an Killer Dies By His Own I-land Rather Than to Be Captured < , ) "HIS HIGH CAREER IS FINALLY ENDED I 0 ( , I . I 'Vounded by a Posse Which Denlands His Life , Mal < : es Desperate Fight For Liberty - - - - - ! i HOLDS ENTIRE FAMILY AS SUBJECTS I , , Reckless Dnrln of the Outlnv Finnlly Cnubes HI.s Own U"dolnFour Cltlzcns In the Flnnl Chnse. I' ' I''J' , , , J'a'Y tl II' \ ( 'Jullaw , has kllll'd hllllsclt In a wheat \1 tielcl near Fellows , , lie was surloliluled bY ; sherIiT's I , , pnscc Werillesday nl ht. I ra'y w\s : \ , I wuunded ill the right , II' ' . . \ ; . , j the Iwee and tile thigh , and I , ' , enty , mlnlltes latel , Iwowlng thai hhH'ap- tlll'l' was eerlaill , he Jellied hImself' ' wlLh a rf'h'tr. ! . Tile hody of 1.1) ) ( ' 0111.- law was ffIIIHI , ill the wheal tield this : mllrnln . 'I'he place \ \ here Tracy was Slll- roullded Is Ileal I he Eddy farlll , olf'I'oll miles s utheasl. of CleslIJlI , 1 While 10llg lange IllIe tirillg o. , tweell 'Pr'and \ SIJPrlfT Gardnt'r's pllsse was goIng OIl , , lack ! llclnnls ; , a lI\"cryman an lI1f'muer of the started for' roln- posse , to IJavenporl - fr'lcelllents. ' lIe arrived early t.hls mornlllg and went 011 to Da\'enport , Later a tl'lephone llIessa e staLed that twenry-Ih'c , armed mf'11 ha left llere , Bnt. meanwhile Tr'y : ! ! , hy hl IIWI1 hand , bad made their service IIn neoessary. The wheat field Is near Fellows , a Stll t Ion 011 the Wash I ngton Central railroad , ahont tiny miles wesl , of ( ) kanc , Word was ent uacl. to .l1\'ellport ; , thc cOllnty scat , and a large IIIIIlJUC ! ' of al Iller ! lUen hurried to the SCClle , The p'Jsse lindeI' her. 10' ( ; aIIII'I' , OIJf'ned lire on IIIl' 0111.- Jaw. and ( Jlle blillel plel'ccd his right Iel'twl'ol1 / the knpe alld thl h. Aholll Iwenly , mlnlltes aHer ueing w'lJnrlccl. ' he shol himself with enc of his OWII ( ( ' \01 vcrs , ami his lJody was fnnlld this 1II(1'lIillg after da ' - ' , 'ak. Tlw I'e\'ovc ! ! ' wilh whkh he killed blmsclf was ra l1ed tightly lu his r'-lll ' ! : llamL l'nll'y was hllnl cd dOWII uya posse ( If Crest.on rll lzens. SlIrrounded , he enaed ! ! In a rllnnln battle with his pursllel's 11 Is leI ! wa hrokt'n by a hlllll'l and an al't.ery hied profllse- Iy 1If' ( 'rl'pt 11110 \vheat Held a111 \ Illed to tlf' tlH' ' 11\1 \ artery Be'lIruillg 11t'spl'ratl' he pllt hl rcvolvl'r to his lwad and IJrerl a hlllll't Into his own I1laln , At daYli ht this 11I01 lIilJ hi hlJdv , was fOil 11(1 , alreadv ( ' 0111. Tr.II' ' hUllted duwlI ) was hy four dtl7ens or the little farruillg towlI of Creston , and alro deLJlJtj' slr- ! ! lIT. Sherin' l ardner and POSSl ! al" lived in tllI.e 10 gllard the wheat , III'Idlhrollgh the ni ht ; hilt the work had alJ'f ady been done , 1 'I'hf' p ss , ' Ihat will share the re- , ward was madf' up as follows ; , C. , \ tallh , deputy sheriff ; IJI. I I C Lalliel. lallJ'ice SmitII , , atlornpY , , I .1 . : \1111 risoll , ailway sCl'tlon fOIl'- . ilia II , a III Fnlllk Lllellgen 'rhesl' 1111'11 arllled to the tee I II , Sf't lit : I J. frolll Creslon Wednesday aftplnoflll ahfJilt. : ! O''Jock They were wOJ''III ' . ( In till' Informatloll of thu Gold Ii 111'11 I \'outh who lIad heen forl'iullIIarie j t 1If' ( : ollipanioll of tlH ) Oeoou ! : ; OIl\'Jet I fflr o\'er tWl'nty-four hUllrs at tlw j ralH'h of L. II , 1'lldr. : on Lakl' crerl" aboul lhr'e IIIlles south fro III J.'pl- I lows , 11 sl a li(111 on.IJC \ . Wash I III1011 'i ( ' ( , lItlal raII waTho , parly 1JI11Cr " 11 po silllp hnste In ettlnlo : to Ihp , , i . . . ralll'lI \\\)1'11 ' \ withll ! a few hnndl'l'd . ; .yards ot the farlll the ) ' eucounl l'H'c ] Fanller Elldy mnwln In one of his IIrlds While engagln him In I'on- \'e ! lIl1on thf' , } ' saw II man IS5uln frolll the harn donr "J , ; ; that Tlaey' ! " \ked one of the pa rty , " 1l re1Is " SII \ , replied Elldy ' 1'111' Il.Ilty sl'lmratel ] , Laulul alld SlIIlth aCHllupanylng I dd.t In he 111. rerllon of I hI' ham , whllo the other 11'0'11 mell'lInf. ! arollnd to Ihe olh ( ' ( shlf' TWfl or thu lIIan hllllters sll'pped Iwhlnd thl' baln on a slil-hl ( , NO 110PE FOR \\URUEWR ! Shrln lielrl. Ill" A IIg , S.-LolIl G , ' 1'lIllIh , ; ; . of Chicago , l'un\'lctcd 01 II1l1rdl'rllll ! a girl 011 a heat III Lake : \1 j'hhall , "UN assallltln her , ancl lif'ntOlH'rd to hung , and who ha I wire hee/l granted a reprluve uy r- ' ( II\ , ( ! ! /lor Yatl' ' ' In orrler that his lit. tllrnf'\'S l'Ollld take the CIISO lip III th ( ! s I\'me ( \ cOllrl , I1IIIt , ; han Allgllsl II. as J\'tln Go\'ornor Northcott , II'h"a , ; ; aslerl lo lignin utxenct re. prlovo , hs rlenlilled 10 rte so , i \ , I elllinellce , frolll which they could I watcl ) e\'l1fy hln t.hat went ( In , 1'rI- : dy contltlllPd on up to the do r " ! 'racy came from Lhe bam a aln 1111I ] begall helplllg his host. IInhltch thl' horses. lie carrle(1 110 IIOe , althol/gh III ! had hi levol\'ers In place. 'rile. . fll ll1 ve tiliaIly saw the mCII cart'ylng rltlec ; and tnrllln sharply to Eddy , said : "Who arc Ihuse men' ! " "I dOli t SI'I' any lIIon , " said Hly. ( ! ' 1'r:1I'j' : poilltpd out t'ho Lwo lIlen on the hilI. Eddy Infolmed his eompan- on who Uw mell were and bho outlaw madl' a Icarl for the barn door. The pllrsuels stupplng a bit ; closer , com. mandt'd "l1old lip YOllr hauds. " 'l'he olltlaw jllmped uehlnd l'lcJr : and i placed IIn' ' t the fanller and then his horse hetweon himself and the men. 110 I'ommandod the farmer 10 lead ' his horse lu the halu , and remlilu lng nnder cuver , mo\'ed toward shel- lpr. When m'ar the stahle , ho hrole and dal'hed hlsldp , 1Ie qulcl < ly re appeared , rille In hand , alld startcd on a dead run. 'J'lIll1ln on the two men nealosl him till' IIl'sperate 111,111 IIred two shots , hili , without his 11811al IIIOk , nelthel uullet taklu efTect. . Wlt.h- out waltln for fllrther tI htln ' 1'm- cy made a dash down the \\lIey : lead- In SOlllh , from the barn , and headed for thp url1sh , In an Instant the man hunton , were olT in pursuit , Ilrlug af : ! they ran , Comjll to a " 01'1. , 'I'ra ! ' ) ' dodj.\ed \ he- hind It , and resll'd his gUll on the rocl. , uegan a fus < ; llade. EI ht shots in all wel'e tired u.thp . outlaw , nut olle hili IlIg Il.s mark , Seelllg he was nlll slI'cecdlllg , he bolted for a wheal. field closc hy. A t the cd e 01 the l eld he stJllmhled , falling 011 his face aud ( 'lm led iulo the graltl all his hallds and kllees. It . . . .as rowin dark , an the plll'- sllors not dal'llIg 10 IIIO\'C closer , dc- chled 10 surrollnd the place a(1 ) walt for dayll ht. ] 11 Ille meanLlmo heltT Galdllel with PollceJllI'lI tatTer and ( ; emmer. ' , 'J' Fa ' 1I of Da of Sl1llkaul' , I ack 1'lt veil - eil pOI t and 01 he.r relufollJcmell ts hac ! a I rl'f'd 011 I h ( ' s'ene , an(1 t hlY weill Inlo camp arollnd the Held dUI'lnl ! the night. Shol.ty atter Trac ) ' dlsappearodl : shot was hearll from th'c dlrectloJl of Uw wlll'aL tields No In\'l'stl a- tioll was madl' , howe"er , ulltil thl mornilllAs soon as dawn came , all { ,1I1ralu'e , was made Into .the wheat liI'ld. Tracy's hody was fOllud l.vln I ! amid the gmin with his face tmned I OWII : d the sky , Ills left I.and throwI' over his head a re\'ol\'I'I' , whirh had illilil'led the deal h W01I1II1. Thl' thllmh ot his hand was 011 I he I ri - 1.1'1 ; of the pistol. 11 Is I ight hand. throwlI across the lower part of hi- tody , tirllll ' I-raspped : the b.rrel : 01 t.he famous rine , IJralh was IlInletel ] hya re\'ol\'CI held ( 'lose to tile forehead , The lop lit hIs hearl \ as uadly sha 1I ered. Two hullet WOlllllis 011 the Jen leI ! showed the ( 'itllse of Ihe lIIall's de- spolldl'lI'Y. One shot had uroken lIlI' leg 1101 Wl'l'n the anl.le alld the knee. The otlwr l'uL 11111 tibial artery which IIf Itspf ) was slIllIl'ient to callsu death , II Is helie\'cd tha t both of thes ( ' WOIIIHls wlee r'col\'ed after the eOIl' \11'1 loh the slll'lor of I he ro l , ancl Illadu hi < ; IlIea" 10J' the wheat Held. 'I'lli' lIIulderer had takell a strap III.d 11III'klcll It tljhlly alollllli his leg' in all alt.elllpl 10 stop I he bipedlllj ! . ) I'Spill' Ihe'lightly falilelle(1 strap I hf' hh'rrlilll ! ( 'olltllllled ulltll he proh. hIlly If'alized his hopele < ; condition IInd ( ' ! HII'll UP struggll' , Tral'\ , ' was drl'ssed Irl IIlue O\'clalb I KANSAS MAN APPOINTED , Wahlllg'lolI , ; , A II . H-'I'hl' Ilrf'sl. dl'nl has appoilitell , Iohll II. Hir'harrl- SOli of I\ : "lilted " Iale : . 1'lIISul al 1t\1la ! \ , 1l ( IIrlIra ! ! > . : \1 r. . HiI'harc ) . son Yras rl'l'entJ ' appolnlPc ) nonslIl at ! 'ort 1..lmuno , Cosla Hlca , hut 11" diner ! that ullll'e on accoullt of UIlJ I ollmallc cOIHlltlons oft he plallo , 1I\\Utl'r \ \ Chalp of urth Carolina has JeHII l'lIl11l11 Islon'r ! II } ' the presl- ( I'nl as Interpreter of Ihe tTnltul Iates eonsulat Kobe , , lapan , - . . - . . . II whllt' , shirt , IIlId wuro no cual ( II' \'est. 110 WOIO n blc'cle CliP IInd a ( Jalr or rOllgh shoes. 110 had ono IllIe and two rl'\'ollols. Shel'IIT .latdneT of Lincoln Cllllnty , and his asslsants , IIrrlod ou the scenc In tlull ) to help In the IInlll dls- co\'ery of lhe rellluins and It Is stlltcd that he maintained that Ill' IInd his d'pulles welo entitled to at least 11 shure of the booty. ' 1'hls was dls- Iluted h ) ' the CI'eston party , the u\'lIIhers \ of wblch lIIalntalned that tIIC , } ' dlel the work , and to thom hc- lon s the rowllrd , 1"lually Sherltl' Gardnl'T was ullowed to tuke the hOIy ] , with the lInC101stundlug thut , he reconlluend thtt ; the rl'ward ho paid t.o the men from CrOliton. ' 1'he body , olTellts and t.he horses of the nlltorlus 11I111I wore tulwn III char e b ) ' hCl'lIr lfardnel' ami tuln'n direct to Da\'enport , where thcy will be Iwpt penclln the decision of thu Onal dlsJOsitlon ! of 'l'racy's hody. Hepurts cOllie from nn'on port that wild excllement pre\'ails , Slores , arc elosed an ( ] people am l'd'owdln arollllrJ to geL a 'slloht : of the outlaw. It Is stated that a heavy guard Is kept arouIHI.tIC \ mtIJ' ue wherl' the booy is kept , as we ] ) as aroulld t.lll' corpse Its lf to pre\'ent relk-huntel's frmll tearlnH the cJothlnHO to pieces and l'arrylnH a wa ' son \'pn Irs , Itor two rtays and lIi hts 'l'rncy held the fUllllly of I'arlllel L , B , 1 < ; d- dy nnder suhject , lIerc again he sIH/Ved ; the qualities of Iwrve and cllol-headl'dncs < ; ; , But tlJese : very qualities IJrou llt ahout his downfall , lIad Ill' not allowed G , ] . GoleJlJllch the ol hteen'Yl'lIr.ld hey , t'J Ica\'e the ralH h whull Iw dl d , the story today - day IIIlghl Ul' dltferent , hut the outlaw hll1 : tou milch faith In estl- 'HaUIH ! the ter.ror his words uf wal'll' 1111wOllld : glvo to the lad. The story of tlHJ 3X piol ts of the fa- mou' ! bandit at the gddy ranch ale Hhen lJy the hey , who was his SOI- \'ant for over a-day. It , was Sunday afternoon t.hat , Goldllnch was rldhl a hOlse across tbo prall'le not far from the Eddy farm , He noticed a strange man munped not far from where he passed , ' 1'0 a ] ) appearances the stranlel' was jllst ha\'ln hi. . supper , but yuun GoleJHnch paid little - tle attention to him , , JIISt as the boy was goln by tbo I'ampor callo ) IIUt , asklllg hllll tu have SOIllO slipper. With the reply tbat ho had IInlshed his 8I1ppl'I' noldllnch did nut even slacken the pace of hIs horse , unrl passed the strltnjel' . I twas the II an Imperative eUIIJ ilia lid from the tralJ - or brou ht nuldtinch to a slldhm ( stop. 1I0 was ! ! reil'r. d to COIHC hal'lc. 'l'hls order \Vas oheyed. With hl uSllal cerelllony he SOOIl lIIade iJimself known , He inquired the way to thl' neare t farlll and was direeted to the Eddy plal'e. 'l'laey at this tlmo < ; t.ill had two horses. 0110 Ill''Ode \ , thu other , the hay says , was 10a'1ld with roeeries , meat , sll ar , cofTee and heddln- ! : , "Yoll o ahead alld I ( ll him I alii coming' , " commanded t hI' olltaw , { ; 01l111 nch I'oad lIy eO 111 plll'd a n started alleall to allllOlllH'e tlw ( 'om- I n of I hI' III : cst , 'l'raeho . . . .evel , kept close 011 the heels of the lad , I cvldelltly II'Jt Intendlllg to Ive him a chalice 10 gl\ ' ( ' wartllll , On the way to the iJllllse 'I'raey no- Lkcd a lOp ! ' lIallill frolll his pacl , anllllal "That's lea\'lu a bad malk , " said Ihe oUllaw , and he slopped t.o gathel' In tIll' trallin calls , lie then 'went 011 his wa ) ' to I the Eddy raneh , Arrlvlll there , i . CuldlJllch ; pf1rformed the sPI'vice al. loted to 11111I and SOOIl led ] the falll- ily whll the \ 'IsltorTas. . The nll-ht : passed without allY spec'lal happellings so f : r as the lad I emem hers. In the III0rll III Tracy made his toilet. A al h and a sha\'l' ' I\l're 111l'11Ic1pd III his mornlllg make 'I up , the fal'mor and hi ; > lIIen ha\'ing I provld'd razor. Sl p. towelc ; , ' When Ihe mCII start.ed . fol' thell etc'l l'lIlcy dlscovprf'rI they we'l' ( 'OIlStl'UI'l- , 11110 ( an o\'f'rhead raek III tile ham for ! ' Lhe rall ( 'rop. 'I'/w / ouLlaw drl'idl'd 10 I makc hllllfl'lf ; IIsetul , and divl'stlll I himself of his \\'llll'lwsl er alld line of : his r\'ol\'els , h llllfd wllh Ihe ot.hor men dllrln IIIlIIst of the IllOl'n I IIg' . lie kppl olle , , ' \'olver , . howHvur. III the hlllf'1 el' by his sl de I cady ! Ol III- stant USf' , IJulln the day till' outlaw - law wanted Ius otllCr wealHlIlS , which had heell left w th his IIprlelln nIHI , : travf'lllI outlIt. , lIe SOli I ( ; olrlllrwh ! : aft,1 till ! weapons , alld IJHl\lIlly \ passetl ' thelll al(1I1I1I1 to t he a we-strickell workmon. Tlwy were allowed to h'jnrJle the weapolls alld Inspect 1.111'11I , hilt It Is sa ill tltey toolc rare nlll to ha\'e thp mllzzles of tlw 1-:11 : liS I polnllnll toward the olltlaw , 'I'ra'y ( I I all this lime hlld a re\'ovel hllllSl'tr I I ancl left no opf'lIll1g f'J ! tlu' l'arml'r5. , . 10 get tlw drop on him. Tha t the , outlaw stood In 110 fpar of BrJdy allcl DEATII ( W Dt\RIN < I CIIMBER. Philadelphia , AII . H.Janlel ! liar. , ry , it dllrln ! . : I'IllIIher klloWII as "Sf'I'- pit ! .llu'k" f11 nlrl'ty.elght feet while worl\\nJ. : \ ( III the clt\ ' hall tOWII' ! and WIIS Inslanllklll11. . Hn ( ' ( y pliced : the ulectl Ic ll hts arounl ] the hrlm or the slalllO of I WIIIII\III Penn , which eaps Iho I'lty hall towN , teet aho\ ' ( ! the pa\'o. 'nH1I1 and occaHlormlly wflulrt 10wol' hlm:1elf : over tltt ! edje of that ami hl1n In mid-air uy his hauds , Ho fl1J frum the dumo. . . . , r . ' . ' . ' . - - - - Ills IIIl'n attelllptllllo : to lall' advlIlI' tl1l.e ! of Lhe upenlnlWUS ( \III'IIl'd fll ! by himself , ho Im\'llI ll'nHII'k'd tCi lhl' farll1l'ts : "I alii 1I0t ufrald of 'Oll. " ) )1111111 : the clay the outlaw rClllllrkl'd thai hr I'eeh'd a new holst.l'I' . , olle or 11 I IO\'ol\'el'S beln IIIISIIIlIoII. \'OIlU OOhllllll'h wus Instructed to 1I1It ! tlJl1 leal\\l'r \ \ , IIl'ter which the outlaw SOClII lIIade a hulster , lf\llIlay o\'cnlnj. ( 'I'rHl' ) ' told 00111. ntlnh he IIII ht o. lie was , hOWl'\- re l'IHltwnCl ] , un palll or delth. : note \ . to tell what hud happened IInt,11 , Wodnesclay. I t was this \'OJ'y display ot lIel'\'I' that had heretofol'e l1Iade Iho olltlaw apparentl ) ' safe lIlIIt this tluw callsed his 1'111 n , Geld II IIl'Il , : Instead - stead of uolnJt sllllicielltly telrorl1.l'd to kel'tJ l3Ca ( c , SOOIl started the news all ( al"Hlsed a posse , . - - - - - - - CRUHITORS CAUSE ARRlsT. Callaway , Nph. , Au , 1I.-'I'odIlY liS the tralll plllled out ] II1l'St lrlrl IlIIel sLepped uuto It , leaving bl1lll1d , I\ \ . Is al1l'loed : , a nU11l1wI' of crellltllls. A tell'phonp nH'ssa t ! wsa sellt to an al- torney at I\eallley allli a a result whull the Iraln , IIIIIIel1 11110 thai , clly tOl'tlmer was ap rehcllrled , IIICI' Is nn 1' II l\shman \ who l'allie to this cOlllltr ) ' abollL a year a o and COl1lml'lIcerVOl ! k on 1I0nnel t's dmy II lie , I'arly : 111 the SIlIllI1lI1l' he hOlllo\ht \ the restaurant and ( 'ream patioI' 01 , Jal1les 01\\'er \ , prumlslIJo ! : to pay a hal- anl'C SCIOli , Yestulday hl' sold tlte I'estaurant aud left. . A I1Icssage frolll Koarl1l'y states that. he paid the money - oy ovel to halance the a'COllllt and was till nud loogl' . l.OSES FORTUNE IN JEWELS , 'I'hll" ' " ' ' ( ; . .1 U..III. " ' . .rIll * ' . ! tItIHI , . . . . . . \1 " 1 , ( 'h"rlt' S'I..I" ' . " . Now Yurk , A 11",6Ml's " , Charles A. Sprecl < els of : ran Francisco , whu mlssld ! jewcls val ued at $ : ! OUOO while UII the wa. ) ' to outhl\mplon to take niassale on the steu1Ier : KalRer Wilhelm der Grosse , arrh'ed 011 that \'ei'lscl ttiday She had heard nothlnK concerrrlll the mlsslll1 ! jewelry , uut trusted It would I he recovered. A reward dr $ . , OOO has heen otrered t'or Its rotul'll. . - - - - - - " 'ullloA fifO II I h'lIItllI , An ext.remely . stout , uod tom perel1 EII1lIsh WOlIlln : onno contrl\ed to weel e helself Into a gallery seat ai , a London theater. Th' scat woulrl Im\'c accomodated a pOlSOIl of ordilla- ry slw , hut her avoirdupois cllused ullcolleea11ed allnoyance 1011 smallly dressed youth next to hl'l' , She hc- gan Lo peel an orange , alHl 1IIl' , youlh , , with a I'SturO ot' ( ! flmpllllnt , rel'lovell hi ! ; hat. fliRslIy to a saft'r posltlun. "I SUPIose , , " said the oed tempered woman , II "ha I. . you'd ra thel' ha1' had a gellilemall slttln hy the sldc of you , sl , ' , wOlildn't , you' ! ' The \0111 \ h replied , snappishly , 111 Ihe , al111l'ma- I\'e , "Ah ! " said thc WOJll/lII / , hOIIJ.htfuIJy : , "so would I ! " u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 011 ions arl ! a tonle for lilt. ! lIe'v's. , - - - - - - - - Celcl y Is an ack lIowedged ! llel'\'U ' t'Jnlc. Dalldellolls purify the blood alld tOile lip Lhe s'sleJll , , - - - - - - \\'aten'rl'ss Is a " oed , a11.arolllld" hr.lce : up for the system , - - - - - 'l'hree.follllhs , ot the slecplcc'hase races In 1'II ; land ale won IIhurses \ hreJ In Irelallli. 'rhe organ of sight Is 1II0le highlv developed lu hlrds thllll In allyalli. .lIIal. People who o barefool ( Od , and Ihose , who wear sllndals Inslean , of shoes , larely havc eold < ; III the header or any I'olm of Inl1l1enzlI. . - - - - - - - A III oJllohlc sta e III1f's ha'e h wlI estahllshed , III' arc to III' 1 ! Lahlisllld. ! In ! IIallY sLales , ac'ol'rJill tu IlirOI- matlon 111 tile : 'Iolol' A ' , A lJa'lslall ! slIr eon has Illvonted a su r Il'al sew I II 11Ilr'h : Ille wh ! I'h will ! IIelid renl.s Irl hUlllali skill aL a rapid rate , _ ] f thl' eal I h wcre ! eqllllllly (1I\'ldl'll alllOIl lis III ha h ! tall Is , each persoll's . , hare wOllld 1) ) ( ' abollt Lwclity-IJIJI'eo alld one-hall' a'res. ( I n the rural dlstr'lIlts of Sweden a I-/lldell / /lUu'hl'd / : to I\'I'I' ! } ' sdlOlIl. II ere tw ! ch Ildl'n reeel'e pral'l ! I'a I IIIctrllctloli III the clllti\'lIlloli of plants , hHrrl ! ' , l1o\\'ers , IwrhllId ; / fm I ts , till' ilia naolllull ( L of hothmls , ( ( reellhollCI'S , and so forih. - - . . . . . - - A pallol of jllJ'llrs was sumJllolled III 1.llIstlee BrlghaJll's cOlllt London. SlYLy-two of thurn allswol'l'd to till' nanlo uf Cla'k , A jury 01 "woh'c WlS : ( J.ra WII , and elf'vell' tholll were , lIamed Clark , The twelfth lIIan was , Ii. I' ' ' . Clarkson , It SCIIIS pI elm ' , II' I ha t. the . . III.YslI'l\ ' of the murder IIf , Iohll Donaldson of Wood Hlver anrl to : . : \1. I'rllz o ( Po. catelo , who wee , killed while plOS. PCCtlll 011 the ForI. lIall reservation last , lillie , will be elcarerl tip , as word lias heen recel\'cd that \ \ ' , J\ , \urham \ has Iwon al rested In Dall- nor CJI\t \ ; ' , Idaho , and the count ) ' I1tlolnH\ , ' has a ellIllu of c\'lduIH'e that wlJl result III his cfll\vlclion. \ . . . , I . , 4" - ' . . . . , ATCHISON GLOBE SIGHTS. CUllllllell IH 1111 1.\ cr\'oIIlY I. . IIcn II , . 1111 Orls.:11I1I1 OCIIIII" . If ' ( ) II ( ' 1111'1 ! lIIot , /:1\1' / lilt 111 ( ' 1I11. \ \ 'lIell011 , JO \ IHltlIII { , d01l'1 IIIY 100 Inll , I' vl'r.111l . ' II ! Il (11111 ( IIn . COI' II (11111 Jler- 11011 , I r It'll'hl'I'rh' (1011'1 IIloIll' ! 111:1'f'1I : .111 1111'\ , ' ! ! ' 10. 11'1 'tllIl' 11/\ / . ' , ' 1'1'11 'lIUI' trollhle II rOil wl 1I 10 1111't' 1IIt'III l't'II'IIII'II , IInl 118 tllI'r l'l'ull } ' III't' . , \ hOl'1 11I1111 1I11 ! ! Iho hest of n lall 1111111 al III ! ! (1I11t1l'I' tahil'--lIo I 1\0 IIllIell 11I'11I'1'1' I ht' : 'IOIIJl. A 11I1111 ( ll'lIl11ll1l Iill' rlghl of dohlJ. : all III' ph'IISI' , hili h ( ' ( lul'oI : nol I-I\'t : ! IIIK wil'l' 111111 11I'1\1I1'J , : ' " \\'hl'lI a 1111I11 1 < 1 l'Olllpllllll'lIll'll , Ill' 1I1t : ' 1101 wlIlIw It 1111 , \lilt \ hl' Iilhll , 1111'1' ( ' I sOllll'lhhl III it , \\11(11111 11I1111 dh' Ihl'l'l'l IIlwlI 'S SilK , III'IISI' 1111111 It Is (1Is'O\'I'I'I'(1 ( whnl his OIlI-of-hl\\11 1" " IlIh'llIl 10 lIu. \\'IIt'1i II 1111I11 ( Ih' ! ! , IIow SOOIl 11I1\1\1'1':01 \ : IHIjIl.1 Iht'msl'h'l's 10 I'I IIlolI wltlllllli hllll. II will Ill' Ihllt'u ' hi 'IIIII' ( 'IISI' . \\'t' I 11'11 1't' Wl' 1'1111 11'11 II 11t'1'lfI' II fill' II \\1' ( ' 1111 , , ; pl ! (1111' . 111111 \ \ ' ( ' 1ll'\'I'I' hillt tllll" 11111111 dowlI 0111' 1'01111I' , I'lt IWI' . \\111'11 I \\0 IIII'll l'IIJ.IIJ.I' hi II 1\1I11\'rl'l. \ IIlId " 1111IIhOll1 \ I'lIl'h olht'I' , 1111 Ihl' ' 111'0pl ( ' IIIII-h ! : III 1111'11I. \1J.l11 \ I'e 1Ill' III 111'1' IIII . It oftI'll IIIIPIII'IIH Ihlll 1\11' \ girl \\'lth slIl'h SI'I'loIIH hllllllll'IIIIH II fl'I''ldt's IIIIfI sll'Hlglll IIl1h' JI'IH 111'1' 111'1'1 , 1111111'1' 111 ( ' ' ' ' Ih's , \ \ 11'1' I It Is II Jollllltil'II , If 'Oll IIIllIle II011I - /III / JlIds too IIIlIl'h , 10 III'gl' hl'r 10 11111 III lIar'tl wooll IIOOI'S , ' 1'lIl'r \\'Ill IW'II hl'r \JIIS \ ' III hOIlIt' . I'I'I' I ' 0111' Ol''IISIOIIIIII ' IhllllIhlll If olllt'l's 1\lIl'w 110\\ ' lie HIIIl'l'l'l'l1 , Ih ( ' ' I\'ollid lit' 111111'11I11. HIIIIII'Opll' 1'1I1'e'I'r ' 1It \ h' IIhOll1 'UII. YUII ' ' t ' ' wltll 1'1111 Iulllpli IIII'II IIII gh'l 11111' ) . I'\'l' , " h ' ( ' 1111 I IIhl'l' / II g 'IIH ' , IIIollgll It IH \\1'11 1\110\\11 1111I1 g 'p h s 111'1' gl'l'lIsr 111111 dlsllOlll'sl. \\'hlll IIlIs h1'1'01l11' of Ihe olll-I'II 1I101l1'1I lilliI' girl 1\111I IIsl'(1 III Sll ' 10 Ih ( ' ho ' ' 1 III hl'l' I'IIIS" , "YIIII Ihllll , 'tI\l'\ , ( ' IIIlghl } ' SIIIIII'I. IIUW 11011'1 'Oll " I'\'I'I'\ : , ' UIII' hml I Ills ( 'IIlhllsh gl'hl\'IIII1'e IIglllllsl his PIII'PlIls : 111111 11 ( ' UIII'1' IIl1d a ( 'IIIc' 111111 1\111'11 IIII' ( 'all' \\'IIS gl'OWII his I'lIlhpl' suhl 11111111 Itt'll ! Ihl' IIIIIIU' ' . If ' 1'1'11'11t1 uf UIII'S'Ill ' ' 1111\ , UIII'S \ \ 1'l'fllSI' Iu 1'111'1111 IIlIollllI's Oil 1I0\\'I'I's \\111'11 WI' to (111',11\111111 ( \ a1'111' , 11111'1' Itl\'t'sl 11\1' ( 't'ul" ! II , 110\\1'1' S'I'II" 1'(11' 011I' gl'lI'P wll\ \ III'1'1' , \ ' gl'lIll'flil. 11I1t'I / 1111I11 ( ' 011I1'01'111 IIh'l1If1 / 'UII \\111 lit , slII'pl'lsl'd III 111101 wll111(1 / wls- ( lulII. 0111' 11'0111111' with 1111'11 Is. Ihl' ' III'/ ) 1010 ul'l I'll 11a \ I t'lIIoIt' ; IIII'll' 1I1'I'UIIIIIlIlIgH 110 1101 III 111111. ' 1'111' \ \ ' 011I1'11'ho ( 'olllpill III I hl'l' ( ' Is 1101 hltl" " : nl'w lIIull'l' I III' SIIII 10 I'oole11 \ hI' Inll'l't'HIl'd III l\1Iowlu , . : 111111 1I111''I'I' ' ' ' B/lz/llII' / / , . : In'H II 1'1'1'1111' 1'01' I'I'\'III 1'III1'\ \ ; . I'll willi IIII' 1'1'1I111t'1'H 011. lt IIIII' 1111'1' ( ' ' 11I'41 of 1111111'1'1111 10 111111,1' a tlh : ell sllll'l \\1I1 1 : 1111'1' 11I11. 11'1'1111 lIIar III' 11011:111 fill' to ( ' 1'111101 'I 'III'II , HIli I II 1I1'1hlllll' will 11'1111 Ihe 11111. 11'1'11. 1 > ' 1":111'1' " 1111101 1IJ1. : \1111 \ \\111'11 II 1111111 HI'I'S II ' ' \ ' ' ' :11'1 Ills ' . JlI'l'lt.\ lIl1ll1ll'I' : , : , 110 11'011. 111'1' III' ' ( ' ' : III' 1'1111 HIIJlIIIII'1 a wlfl' . 1'l'oJl14' lIulI" Haa , 1111111. " II II 'a II 111111 LS 11110111 01 ht'l's as 1111' , " 1'01'1II1'1'1 ' 11111. ' ' ( ' ' ' 1II'I'OIIlItI ' 1'l'oJl(1' 111'1' 1t1'111'1' . , \ltll t a lI"hdJlIII1I11I1dll" / " : C'IIIII'gI'H 1111I1 , \011 do 1101 It II I lI'III'\'c' ( , 11I111 111111 , \011 twOI\ ' 111' ( ' Jll'tlllaltl\ ' 1111/1'111' / . alill . " 011 11'/11 / 1'1'1'1 1111'1111 1'01' IIol/l' / . YOII ( ' 1111'1 III'IJI It. YOII :0111011111 : Ill' II ! > qlllll'l' 1111I11 1'01''ullr , 0\\11 sa 1\1' . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - THE CONGRESSMAN'S WIFE. tlllllg-Illt' " ' 11111 , ) ' 'l'hills. : . . , hili Ih ( ' Hc lillI " " " / ' , . ' 1'lIc ! 1'11I'111 COllgl'l'SoIIIIIIII'S : 11'11'1' , /1111111 / tlolls 10 I. . , III l'owll'l\ , ' , IIl1d110 fOlllllJ' 1I1111llIl's Ihllt 1'11'1I01l 10 lilt , 1I01lSI' of ICI'PI'I' 1'1I1111i \'t'oI : ( ' /11'1'1..1' / . 11'11 II II IIIe " :01111'11 1I'v , 10 111111" , , , 1111 11001'1 , II'II'IIM ! 111'1' Ih'HI a 1111 lilt iI' " II'SIHlII Whl'lI sill' ' 1I1 ( 'o\'I'I'oI : IIUlI po llloli II 11'11 liS SUIIIII Ihillg , 11111 p..I'SOIlS . III'I ! 1"'I'I' 'IIIIII.r. : , HII\'S , 111I1'JlI'I"s 'Iag'milll' : ; \ ) ( ' a wOllllln l'Olill'S 10 \\11"11111:1011 filII of h"I' OWII 11I1HII.tlllll'I' ( , PI'OfOIlIlIlI ' 1I11111'I'HSl'll wllh I hi' : ' :1'1'111111' ' ' ' ' 01' 111'1' hllHIIIIIIII , 1'011 d I } ' 111'111'1'111 : ' : 111111 Ihl' wil'l' of 1111' I'I. . . I 111'111. Iltl' 1\1\1' " of till' 111l'llIhl'n ; of Ihe ( ' 1I1t1l11'1. 1114' 1I'1\'t's of : OI'IIII\lII'S ; \ , t\1I1 1'1' ' . .1\1' 111'1' wl1h ' ' ' ( \ Opl'lI al'IIIS : Ihlll HIli' 11'111 III' 1I1\'l1l'cl 10 till' 11111111'1'101 of'hlc'II ! 'ollp hllH l'l'all III 111'1' 1111'111 ' tllnl I IHlP" ! ; 1'0 I ! ! \\111 : , : " 1 IIc'l' 1I11111e III IIII' III'wspap"I's. IIlId 111'1' 1I1'I'I'HI'S will III' 1I" "I'lh11 1111 Illat of III' I ; ' ' " 11'11'1' WIIS t U\'PI'II0I"S ' , al Ihl' Ilisl dllll'lt111111. , . . \IIIS , fUI' 111'/ ' tlh/IIlIslulIlIll'lIl / ! hl' ( . .III'IIS tllIIl willie H ( 'UIlj.I'I'SSIlIHII lilli\ , ' II. . . II1'1' > ' hi , . : 1111111 III his 1I1r11'ld , hI' Is II'I'I' . \ ' slIIlIlI 1111111 III \\1I..11I1IJ.:101l . IIlItllllI' IIIIS eslallllslwll hlR rl : ! 1l lu LI' l'j'\ul'dl1I \ / II hu\ ' ( ' 111/ ' \'I'I'lIgc' , I I' III' IIIIH IIIUW , , " ullll Iud , hI' IIIII\ ' )0(001111111'/11'111111'1111011 ) 11I111 I'I'O " IIII' , . : ; , ' " ' 111I111111111'\ , ' : 01' If Ill' hils IIU IIIUIII' > ' , 11111 1IIIII'h a 111111 , \ ' , 11 ( ' will ' ' ( ' IIIH tll'\llIlIllolI , \ h ' 11110"1' l'Ullll' ; If Ill' IIIIH 111'11111'1' UII ( ' 1101' I III' Ollll'l' , If III ! I. . . sllllpl > ' 1111 tlnUIIIII'1lIl'lIIhel' or COli' ' ' ' ' filII' I'opl'l'\lIU'1I \ ul' IIlldll1" . 1-'I'HIoI . , II V 1'1'\ , " c'IIIIII'I , ( 'Olllilltlllllhll' ( ' ' \ : ' : ( ' ' ( ' , IIw IoIt II' I II I l'I''O lIltillll I'm' \\1111'11 Ills wlfu IIIh" : \\111 111'h. . . III'\'s \ , Till' wh'l's 01' l'llIltUl'H fl'UI11 11'1' : OllIlt' ; will 1'1'111I'11 ( ' ' c'lIlI. sill ! 11111 > ' III' III11 I'd 10 II 11'11 , 1'\1'11 10 a dllllll'l' III Illu fll 1'11I1 or till' tit ' /I IoiU II. Iut Illat 1\111 IJI' the 1I1IIIt or hl'l' 1111'1\11 ; \ Illto to"II'I " ' , . - - - - - - - - - - - - - . \IIIC1l1ll1llo OliN Imllll''l , . . \ n 1I1'I'III1I-\PlIll'lIt \ III1R , llIst 111'1'11 ( Ullde ( \'III'I'I'I. . 1111' 111'1'1111 IIS 11111111 > 1 III 1111' -lI'l'l't" will II ( ! II III(1 1I111t1ll1l1th'lIlIy 111111 tlllllulllllll'UII15I > ' LJ ' 1II1'1I11t1 01'IIn 1'11'1'l1'h' II 1I11t'1 ! 11I1'11 I , ' 1'111' \'II\'Ollt \ \\111 III' "wltl'\ll'd \ Oil 1'1'011I till ! 1'l'lIll'ul sla. 11011 IIl1d a Spill' ) , 1\111 1 lIlto IIIe gas , whil'lI \ \ 111 hu Im'III'll 011 h ' /I / sJI'eJI\ ( ' a\IIHlI'lIllI \ : ; , . . . . - - - - - - - ( iO 1111 10 II l'l'owl ! uf 0111 fullows , IIl1el SII > ' , "Uuol'IIIOI'lIll1g ! , hu ' : ; , " allcl Iho > ' wlll fl'ul gum I 1111 ( III ' , . . . . - - - - - - - - ' - Few ' . II's'I'l' ' 1\:1 t hu ' ( 'l.1t ( \'I'l' gl't W \ : t > aru Ujt1l'll ( lu III I hI : , Ilul' ' worlll , . . . . , , . . . . , ' . " , ' , I - . . ' ' . NE8HASl < A' NOT.ES. Columhu5111 ha\'o an lndopondcnel 1'lehollo , systl'III , 'i ' 1'hert ! Is II great dliTerellcc bclweem polt"r spots and uoker dilts , - - - - - - - three.stolY addltloll to thc 1 < 'ro , . nwnl , orphan's hume will be bul I t _ I ' ! , 'L'ellty-slx alltes ot lUlid to be t1 i Leeillp liS a park , ha\'o IJCon lidded l06 ' the tOWII of WYlllore , I , I I\IIISIII"5 store , which Is sltuuted ; Ii IIIHlel' the Ol1el'a house lit I1el rndlJ. \J\1rnell \ , . causlll a loss . , f ahollt $5,000.1 II I 'I'wo mell were arrested near Wln- hle IIlIrI I hl'l'l' was foulld UpOIl thcll Iwrsons nine wIIIl'hes. 'l'lwy ure sup- r1osl'rI to he till ! men who rehhed : : t jl'1'o'elr ) ' stIH \ \ i = - _ _ 'I'll ( > IWal'llI1of ( Ihe Argo huse ball ; 111111' , III , Nehraskll Ult.y chlll' cd wlUt \llaylll \ hall on HUlirlay , , ! Illy ta , re- sulteel In hlllllln o\'el tYO t ( If thc pll1)'ClS , lIlIrry Seay IIl1d Jll'n JyrcR. , , - ; lIl ra ; " i ' The Uage ' alld racing ; lIIeet , alillou\l'ell \ for A IIgllst 21aO , hils het'n call'ellerl , as the Iounty- : 'iIlIWr\'lsOI'S madc IIll apl1l opprlu tlO ! ) ; for Ihe , lIIeet. p , C , Itlohatus has heell releas'd : frolll Lw : pCllltolltlllry on $ : iIlOOO : hail ( HJlldllllo : the hJar lIg of Ills cnse IB. Ihl' Stiprelile l'ollrt. Itlchards wall , 'oll\'lclell ot mlllllnlli 1IIIImacy wit his YOIIII stelJ.rlu\l hter. papel' IHI fa'tory will soon he h > > "pClalioli at Beatrice. MI. Sprillgen Is lit I he head ot tlte ( ilan and lito Illachlnel ) ' Is now hohlH marlo. A lar e nUlllber of men and boys will Ie l'm ployc < l , ' ' 'J ! , Allen oC 'I'ho yonn son of r. Beat.rlce. was eanght In the hult era a I hreshlllg machine while mltllnK } . hands , Ills shoulder was dlslocaledf tllli se\'ew Intel'lIal Injuries wer IlIllletl'd , whlrh lIIay IJfJ\'e ( fatal. A oonlJld ; for t.l1I1 . construction IIr a SYSIOIII of water' worls at BlIrwe has bellll ] el. , All clcctlon has heenl I a lIe(1 ( to , 'ute on the Issuance of uonda. for II lIew eight. room school hlllldir go , In Saturday nl ht's Ihundertorn1 ! a harn bcloll llIg to A. M. Helt , whl ) lives cast of l < 'a'IIIOllt , was struek h lI htnln alld hUl'lled t , the ( ( rollnd. . \ horse whldl was In the hal'll los Its life In the II illll I'S , otl'elllel' has In SheliiT Dally ! CUSj LIIly Hlldopl ) ll hlln and Au . lIen- hel'del's the , IIlng , . on resorvatlunt . who are charg ( ' < 1 with ha\'l1l set Ilrd to a Iwuse helonglng to George I" " Phelps on the l'eser\'atloll un , July 4. A 'ollng nllln IIlIlIICd Flalltz , froml /looper / , 1.I'll'd 10 jump f'olll an mk- horn train eomllJg Into I'romont from- ( , lie \\'est 111\(1 \ ( as a l'esnlL was thrown 10 the rollnd so that his head struck llIIwthln hal'd and his scalp was 101'1I opell , . - ft.el' a lon earch the hody of , r. \ \ ' . : -mlth ; was found In a I1sh pOlld , lIear his hlllll ! ! at Nur,1r ( Bend. Be had apparent.1y OIW'In for a plunge , Oil thu pl'e\'lous e\'enlng he hnd com- plailled of 111 health. hilt In the lIIurulllg seenle ( ] all I'I hl. A Ihel't Thomas , a palntur , who has ll''II" : work i ng In the B , & . M. shops 'II , Pal ] tsmonLh , I'esl ncd his position and 111I < ; slneo lIIysterlously dlsap- ( If'al'ed , It ( , left a wife all ( Iwo , chll- tllcn , who arc aL a los < ; to accullnt. ( III' : lls depalLure. \Jnrln \ a I hunderstorlll IIghtnln 011'111'1 , 1IIl' , hl-h ! : school bullrllllg at 1 > ' ( ' ( ! III'IIIt , throwIng ofT the slono ' "pln allli cmekln ( ( one ot the tall 'llilllneys. ripping up ! , ; lInl ! ! of Ihe lallll aud jar'rlng pillstel from the 1I'1I111 In tWII ( 'IIOIIIS. III'ol'lndam ! : - Ie ( lo the amounl , of $ IW to : WO , - - - - \\'hlll n ( ; ocltl I\\IIn IIIIIN , e ' 11i'II II , IlL , . \ 111- : . \1 \ t II. I r.'ahl - III'I' . lit : Oollih ; l'eul'h. I. . IlIls < < 'Ily , hllll rOI''l'al'l'I . 111'1'11 all 111\111111 with 1I\'I' ! ' ( ' 111111 Idlllll'tl'ollhl , \ ! whld1 was 1'111'01 IlIIsll'lIll1g hllll 10 11m II II " 1' , 'I'llIlcwlol'S gll1' 11111I 1111 HIIlI hlloo ' , , , , , " , , 111111 IIl'lgllhul'H all " " 1'1111'1'11 I. . . . " 0111(1 1101 11\ ' ( ' . I I I. . hl'OIIII'I' 1'1111I1' 1'1'011I 111I1I"1I110119 III 1'01' ' ' hllll 11,1'01' , ( ' III' cIII'II 1111/1 111- ' ' If III' 111111 1I'1"d I lodd't' 1\ltllll'Y 1'111101. e III 11"1111 : lold tlllli IIIls 1'1'1II1'tlhatl 11111 1"1'1t tI l'd III' 11'1'111 Ollt a I Olllt' 111111 hulth. ; . a ho" . r"I'III1" " : HIIIIoIlI'II rl'OIll \I IIa I III' lull'w of 1I0IIII's 1It II II'\ ' 1'11I11 1111I1 1 h. . . lI"hl" ' \ orlt t 111'\ , ' hall 1":1'11 : ,10- ill \lIIIIII''ola. ' . 111111 tll" ' WOlild su\'u Iii. . hi' ' ' ' III'I"s 111'1' . ' 1'1. . . . 111'1 IWO III1 > 's II''lIlIlhl" ' ' ' ; . . . .c.III.d 10 LI'UW WIH''I' , 11111 111'11'1' Ihat h" " :1'llIllIall\ , ' 1111 Jim \1'11 1111111'1' IIII'I'l'lIt - 1111'111 /11111 / Wlis soou rl'slul'I'd 10 cum- : ' :0011111'111111. Work 011 the projected 11 ne from \'lr lnla to Beatrice , cu. , thell'u lIorthwest to Grand Island , with a IJraneh from Haetrlco to Lincolll , uy the Kansas City , Uearlcu & , Western cOlllpany , Is soon to be llI. 'I'hls 11011I pa IIY has llIed tor record at licit t- r lee a lIIort I\Le g I veil lo the LT IIlun Tl'lIsl ( 'olllpany of Ph\1adelpllla \ for $ WUnoo , 'l'ho procecds from the sa Ie . .t bOlIlI. . arc 10 he used II ! tl1c c.n- ilt IIctloll of the road ,