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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1902)
L\\JfU1 \ J \ . 11 , , ' : , \1 1lU \ . , . " USTER OUNTY EPUBLICAN. . ES'rAIHJSTIEO 1HS2. 'rIIJ 01'FICJAr ; PAPl l 01 ; ' CUS'l'gH COUN'rY. LAl GES' ( ' Cll Cl'r4A'I'10N Oll ANY PAPgl IN ' 1'1l1 COUN'ry. - , VOL XXI , BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , AUGUST 14,1902--EIGHT , PAGES , NO.9. - . . . . . , . . . . . . . I . ( : \ ! f ( - : - .r . 4 ( ; Q' , ) r t , : : : .p ; . " ' } Rl : " " " " - - , = = = : : . ' , - 1 - - = ' ' - 4'jj//HIII\\\ ; / / . 'l'hc ring" forms all im- . portallt link ill thc livcs : of 100'crs alHI swcethcarts. , Hillg" se11ing" forms 0111. ' of , , the most important fea- turcs of 1I1Y bllSillcss. 1t i < ; : Irrowillu' . , , hi.rrer hd : l1Hl bdter e\'l'n' da \ ' . 'I'he ' " flliltl : 'ss g-C1l1S , , . su p't'\cr \ . "d tl n t : " . . . a 1111 . . lownes. . . of prill , . . . . .1 I ' , w 0 . Irlllhlilio or ( 'IMlllln 0111 hflhnlr. ( , , , liege. . " " ' " " ' 8 4ID - - - - School Books , Tahlets - -ANn- School Supplies , -AT- " . J , G. Haeberle's : . ! ! . . . . . . 1'1' . " . .J > .4 _ - - ) . Perle E1i/.a1Jt th Fiellls , , \ ' DR. rnif ! JJ ! r hJJj Wll JBjll ] . O\l\lICE IIOUHS : I ) a. m. to 12m. 1 :30 : to , I p. m. Or hy appointmcnt. JOfliet'"l r : \ IIderSIIII'S Jewelry Store in Realty Bloek , llrokl'lI BlJNehraslw. . . - - HAil ! HAIL ! rrhc old l' liahlo St , Paul Fire ' l\'lal'ine ' Insuranef , ( Jo. , of St. , Paul , Minll.rith oyer $3,000,000 cash HR- sets , offen , thn thrIllers - ers of Custer ( 'oun ty absolute indenul1ty against loss hy llail. .L\v rates , IIonorH h l e ac jl stlnont. and Spot cash settli illents. Insure - sure your ern ] ) against ] ulil. .r. A. HALHJS , Ag . ent. , Of' l1CO " , ( ) POSI ] te. 1) . i 0. , BrolJ ll Ben"N ch , ij1" ij/ - - - - - - 1" CITY BA ItBEH SHOP , J . 11.0,11111'1'0-1 : I'ro\lril'lor. \ . FIf8I-cllI 1orlt. . IIlHlr 111111111 or IIrokPII 11011 1lIlIle IIIIUI. , IIroLou IInw. Nehra kl\ . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - J1lnrlcl UCIHlrl .or 'rofhn' . , \ j t " ' el:5 - : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tlarler. n l8. . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . I C\lru. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 : @ . : r . Uyo. . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1I11ttor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . K 1-8 ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , . . . . I'nlflle . I' r 111I8hol . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . OUIIIIII' . I.or hu hul. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . Chlckou . ' I'ollml , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , l1o , . . . . , I'"r . . . . . ' . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . 11.1' ( ' , 'Wii . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , \ ! . 71\ .1 II hUI8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . IfI.UI ! @ ( ) " 'rorl.ol'8lor \ I'ouml. . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . I lr..w.l'orcllt. ' . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 nay , Ncw , Ier lUll" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . 1\ 11 : dn lIr , per cwt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . r , fi FOH SAI.Hl'c ; al'f ( $ df lanl in g'ooll sttte of culti\1ttion ad juining Brokl'n Buw for $200 lt1Cluire at this omcc. 3-27 t - - - - - - - - - H''OI-H " 'II. cotln . " J ) , , 'OIU.H OI I ' ' 'II. COl. n. l.auUvt : ! lIromo IJulnlllo 'l'ahloh cllr" IIl ohi I onllllAy. No CUI'Nu I'uy. 1'rle" " , : I cuU\l \ . . . , . . . . , - - - - - - ' - ' ' - - ' " - - . t I } , \ Ii 1 : : : : : f : : : : : : : : :1 : I Jar rubbrrs , the hl'st , at J. C. . BOWl' n's. . Ellllcr 14l'lIIing' camc Ilown from Dl'adwood l\londay for a'isit. . L'laull and Kem Wahl are figur- ing' on putting in a stcam laun- dry. .Ias Coslll'r painted the -John l ohinsoll honse in Fleming vaney . this wl'ck. .Iohn Amshern' of Mason City , I'a" looking' aft r business mat- tl'rs ill the city 1\lonlla ) ' . W..N'l'lw--Collegc students to 1I0anl , and rooms to rent. H- ) ) l\IH . EVA l\IAH'I'IN. < ; eo. Willing' attendcII tht' ml'l'Ling of n'tail hardware dcal- l'n ; at Omaha last week. S. W. l ichards and daughters wcnt to 1\lerna 1\londay night to attcnd HcBcntlcy's tent IIIcet in g'S. i 1\1 rs. J. 1 . W oOlls and son , Neal , wrlll to 1l' : kcli Bow the first of wl'ek for a'isit with friends and l'l'l at i \ 'l'S.Ci t hen. : " ' . J. Woolls went to'l'hcclford ' ( 'ul'sday hight , on rcceipt of a telegram that John Shanlr was dl'ad , to prepare the bOlh ' for hllt'ial. 'I'he little child of Licurgus Dral had its s lOulder dislocated last Sunday in some lIIal1ner. Dr , ( : reel' was called and rcpl aced thc injured lIIelllber.--Quecli. Clair Cox , thc day operator at the B. & : 1\1. R K station of this cit ) ' has rcsigllcd. We undcr- stand tha t he has secured a 1II0re lucrative position with the U. P. railroad. E. K Purce1l returned last week from a trip south. 1Ie returned - turned by the way of Kansas , and his wife , who has been \'isit- ing' there se\'cral wceks , returned home with him. n. J. 'l'ierney sold Otto Hhyn- hart \Vesten'ilIe line , a 2-ycar- old Durham bu1l this week. The alii mal was hut:2 : rears old and tipped the hl'am'at 1450 pounds. - Ansle ) ' Citiwn. : W. S. ' ( 'nrnhull sold to the Be- atdce Crl'alllcry Co. at Broken now , Nl'h. $2S.0 worth of butter fat in t1 : month of J tly from 7 cows and supplicd a family of ten with milk and lmtter besidcs. Ask him if it pays to milk cows ? 1\lissl's % adce and Ne1lie Ams. bcrrof l\Ia"on Cit\ ' were \'isit- ing'in the city tIie latter part of last week and the first part of . this. ' ( 'hccallH' I'riday night. . hadee retitrtted homc'Monday. with llC'r fathcr who dro\'c ui ) Sunda r afternoon anll Nellie re- tUt'\'I \ on + 1 Tucsday. n. D , Helm of Emporia' Kan- "as , hrother of Mrs. .101111 Schro- lIeI' , arri\'ed last Friday morning in the ritin time to attend the flllll'raloi' 1\11' . Schroder. A sis- tL'r of l\lr. Schroder , accompanied by hcr hushatHl Nicoli Cook of \"ashing-ton " COUllty , arri\'ed ' ( 'hur..da y night. Mr. 1I0lm is still hl're assi , ting in hpr huis- lIess a ffa i rs. .ImgcII Schmidt and family arl ag-ain halk to goolluld Custer l\llIty. \ 'I'hey wellt to Oregoll la..t sprillg' with the intention of malng thcir home ill that statc , hilt 1\1 r. Schmidt dill 1I0t lilld Orl'g'on to be what hl' thought it was , su hc COli dud cd to rl'turn to this county alld again take up I hi" residence amollg' us. llc has pml'hased his 0111. farm alld says : "Cllstcr . . county IS good enough for I1Il' . - 'I'ranscript. We are in rcccipt of a sample " l(1)\ ' of the Enterprhl' I t1flex of West 14ibertIowa. . We notice that a form r Broken Bow hoB \ ' , B < , nt Oshorne ha'hought hlll : intcrcst in the paper and wil1 ha\'e charge of the ellitorial alld nC\\'R dl'partment. Bent ha hel'n gOt1l' from het"l' l'ight or tl'l : \'ear :11111 : has hall steady imploy. incnt in a store in West 14iher . , , alld has pron'll himself a steall. ' and competant young man. I1 ( lea rned the pr tl ter's t rad ( ' whel a hey in tltlS cit \ " ami with hi ! years of ' ' ' in hUs t1l's ! w ll'll1lipl'll for his new duties I ' ( 'hc I HI'UIlI.IC.\N cong'ratulatc ! f Hl'nt on the step he has take I and wish him succes ! > , In till i I dl al WI' loosc a suhscriher wll ( : wi1lnow uc cntitlell to the usua n. courtiucs of an exchange , , ' 1' . C , H. Ba yerhon'er of Custer prccinct retur IcIl from 14illcoln , Saturday. I ; ' . A. Walton , wifc allil i\lrs. Bacon of Lee Park , WCI'C ci t . Y \ ' sitors yesterday. Wm. Blair , who dr'cs till' daily ' hack to Callaway says : .Iess'e nandy has thl' hest lield of corn on till" route. .I. S. Squires is negotiating' with S. P. Uroat & Co. for the t' store with a \ ' cw of t a ki n g' charge the lirst of September. By thcadionof thc 1\linisterial Association the Sundar night park meetings arc herehlliscon ' - tinuelt. Ucoll. ' ( HI'I'I\ \ , llrcs. 1\lrs , O. 11. ConraIl's mothcl' ha ; hought the southl'ast cot'l1l'r lot of block ) h , old town , just north of the Conrad resillcncc , on which she is huihling a homl' . 1\lrs. W. 11. Amlrews fathcr and mother arrivell recently from Pl'11t1syh'ania. 'I'hey wili mal\ ( ' their homc with ! \t'r. amI Mrs. Andrews. lIcr father is quitc feeble. D. O. Drown , who is here looking after his property intcr- l'sts , is ha\'ing' his rcsillcnle property ill t.he ci.ty rcpainted. .I as. Cosner IS dOI1lg' the work this week. John Wall of Arcadia , from his farms in Lee Park , has thrcshed 1),000 bushels of wintcr whcat that yie1clcII on an a\'cr- age of 40 hush cIs per acre.-Ans- Icy Chroniclc. Claude Pickett was olTered and has accepted the principleship of the EIldy\'i11e schools. Claude is one of our best tcachcrs and it is with pleasurc we note that he has secured this school. Whilc bathing in a pool last \Vednesda ' , Miss Madge 1 > OU5 , a cam pmee11 ng guest , hecame strang-lcd , and hut for the timel\ ' assistance of Fred Brittan , woulil ha\'e becn drowned.Queen. . Moses Eo II. Sydenham of Kearn ) ' has reccntly resurrccted " ' 1'he Central Star of Empire" . 'I'h is ollice admow Il'dg'l's the re- ccipt of a cop ) ' . 1\11' . Sydl'nhall1 established the first ncwspaper in Ccntral Nehraska in IHf 2 at Kcarn ) ' . II. 1Wcaklin has heat all records so far on hea\'y . wheat yiellls. He has just. finished threshing a fielll of whcat that wcnt 52 I , ? hushels ] Jer acre. ' ( 'his hea ts 1\1 . E\'alls ' r. \ hig yiehl rl'port- : ed in the Chroniclc last week.- A nsley Chronicle. Jcss Gandy was in town Sahll'- da- , ' ostensibly to attcnd the camp meeting. , hnt wc arc afraill he was really trying to arrang-e a horse race. While in the cit \ ' he malle us a plcasant call and g.a\'c us some \'aluahle political poi n ters-Comicr. D. 14. IIerrick of Ash Crel'k was a1l10n ' the city \'isitors 'I'uesday. IIc says of his 215 acrcs of corn that HO of it is in guuIl roasting' ears and 'ihat : the rest is l'aring nkely. lie has 145 I head of hogs to feed it to and is milking J.I head of cows from whidl hp realixed SIH for his crcam in Junl' . 'I'he 1 l\l'lIlIl.ICAN \ all \'crt isell for a Shcpherd dog' lH : t weck , and insidc of 2,1 hours two different - ent partics malle application for th ( ' reward. But the owner of the Ilog' is not in the dty and which of the two dog-s is thl' right enc cannot hc Ileterminl'd until the owncr secs th'm. Bllt But the \:1Iue : of the l I I'1JBI.ICAN as an alf\'crtising' mellillll1 i ! > again demons'trated. Dision Supersntendent Ware , of the Union Pad fic , passcd through the city 'I'hursdayon No , ( " and whilc the train wm standinl at the Ill'pat he inforlll- l'd Agent Clinton that th COlli' pany had . ' that day tf rl'mO\'e machllll'ry from the I North PlaUc hops. lie said . some of thl' machinery was hi 11l'l Lo Urand Jsland atHl somc to Sill , ney , hut dill not say tIH' COlli' ' , pail.y intenllel.1 to wholl ) ' abandot 1 and remO\'c Ih shops I'ntirel\ ' frolll thl' Platt ( ' . In view of tlil reports that the cOlllpan'on tem pIa tl'll aha ndon i ng i is shop there it is hard to dl'tcrlll tH 1 whcther the work of total rcmo\ ' ! al has begun or whether it wil ) he only a cuUing down of till 1 i forces. 'l'imc will tel1. . 14cxing ton Pioneer. F. 1 J. Young''isited Cal1away , Wedncsday , Another nkc rain \'isitcd this locality last night. l\1iss I renc I c\'nolds wcnt to ! Brcwstcr ' 1'lIcsllaj' nig-ht , A light fl'ost is l'cpOl.tell in sC\'cral localities last lInday . night. W. S. I 'orwal'tl of WesterIIl' , I madc this omce a fl'il'IHlIy call yesterday , .Iohll SmailI.\ ' has solll his Ilray to W. H. l ohiiISOIl. He has a - ceptl'll iI posit ion wi t h the Dicrl\s 14umhl'r Co. I l'lh'crs' two chilclren , who ha\ ' ' ( ' Ill'l'li'l'r. . " low with typhoill I'c'cr for somc ti IIIC a rc now thoug'ht to hc imIH'o\'ing. 1'1'Of. < : arlichs alHI his ochcs. tra IIt'l'W ' ' ' ' g'oollcl'Owds hot h 1'lIcs- clay \Vcllul'sday nig-ht. 'I'hc cntcrtainllJellt was \'cry tillc. l\lrs. Big-lco allli dlilclrell of St. Joseph , 1\lissouri , al'l''ed in thc city ' 1'1Il'sllay nig-ht on a visit. ' 1\lt.s , Bigll'o is a daughtcr of 1'leet ; Walton. ' ( 'hl' onicc acknowledges a fricndly call 1'1'011I John \V. Early of Columbus , who was here with Garlichs Orchcstra. 1 [ c is editor - tor of tnc 11 igh School paper at Colulllhus. 'J'hc adjuster was here yester- clay : IIHI allowell 1\lrs. Schrodcr $22h on the damage to hcr huild- ing' from lirc last weck. 'I'hc propert . y was insured in one of hd Housc's companics. n. B. Drake wife and son , who ha\'e hecn Ollt to thc Pacific coast for a month on a pleasurc trip arr'ed home yesterclay. 'l'hcy \ ' sitcd at Salt 14akc , Boise , Portland and 'l'acoma. 'I'hc\ . ' report a'ery pleasant tilllC. 'l'he Yal1ey county republicans madc two strong' nOIll i na tions last week in theselcctionof Dr.A. Eo Bartoo of Arcadia for repre- sentativc , and Arthur Clellls for C01t11tj' attorncVe predict - dict that they will bc elccted , Custer count y land is hecoming morc ill clemanil e\'err da\ ' and our realestate Ilcalel = s ar kept husy showing' lanlls and answering - ing inquiries for lancls and priccs. In addition to the six farms each solll hy Brcnixer anll Anderson of which wc made mention re nt1y we Icarn that .I as. Ledwich lIIac e six sales last wcck. J as , Smith of Lexington Illinois - nois madc this onice a fricndly call 'I'uesllay and ordered the I H- I'lJIII.IC.\N scnt to his address. Ill' owns a section of land in the count ) ' . One quarter is near 1\la- son ci ty , another nca I' Callaway anll a half section ncar A I'IlOld. Ih. is'ery much plcasecl with thc aop prospccts of this cOllllty. Ih. lelt for home yesterday , : \1. f4. Fril's , wifc atld Ilaug-h- kr stopped 011' hen' yesterday on tlll'ir wa r homc from Boxematl , \lontl11ii. 1\1 iss II'des has heen Ollt there g"oing to school for the pa..t two y ars. 1\lrs. II'ril'S Wl'nt out to'islt hcr thrl'l' 1II0nths ago ancll\1 r. It'ries SOIllC six WCl'ki ag-o. 1\11' . It'rics itlciclentall \ ' rl" markcd that he had not \ ith. drawn as a calldidate for the sl'natc , hilt was anxious that del. l'g-atL.s should excrcise their hl'sl jllclg'mcnt in sell'lting' the liln' llida te , . - - - - ' - 1\ , \ : It II. 'I'U 1m 1'X'I'I' : : Ulm. IItIlU I'I' UiC'ItIIt\tllI , Snlll In Ill ! Al'1lu ! Htlllwwhnl SIISIIt'ltlIIHly. ! < : ctleral1\laliager Diclnsotl 0 the Union Pacilk railroad hm cOlllpletl'd a trip over the brand lines of his road with a \ ' ew 0 maldllg' extensivc impro\'l'ment a nd ex tensiolls , a lid the grea te part of his time wa Spl'nt in do illg' a grl'at dl'al of figuring alll speculating' : l1ong the Kearny \ 1 Jlack : II ill road. 1\1 r. Dic1dnsol was also a frequent visitor at th , \\'atson ranch , alldllpoll at leas olll' of his trips o\'er the Blacl II ills road he was accompaniel - by l\1 r. Watson , who , 110 dOllb I knows more than he is at libert to make puhlk what is conteni 1'Iatl'II in th ( ' way of extcnllin : - tltl' Black I1i11s linl' to the fa northwl'st. 'I'here is no douht hu that this line will hc extended . a 1111 it will not he su rprisi ngi i the cxtension will he COlllmcncel at ' ' da ' , 'l'herc wil a'l ry l'arl. " be millions of gralll anll todt he rcmovell from Ule north wc , "I . .0. r < ' > . ' 1m' ( ' , . & . _ . . & . . . & \ , ' 1. & . , . & . . . & . . . .0 , . r. ' > . .lhc9\r , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . < ' > -c9\"c9\ii.o.m.o. , . . . . ' ' ' " ' " ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' " ' " " I. ' ' ' ' ' ' " " " ' ' ' ; ; ; ' " " " " ! ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ! " ; "r" Ti.i..Ii ; ! ; I { \ l l'ml'mhl'r thl' Public Sale of oyer _ ! : \ \ ' \ 200 C.A.-r'rI.E : , 4' ' mil 1 ' 011ll'I \ og' , 1ON" \ , 11111'101110111 s , me. , 011 I / WEDNESDA ; / th. ) : t AUG. ( . . l < i ! : v t ; THOMPSON RANCH , Six Miles South. _ : ! n' J " " . . , . : . ; . ; : - : ; ; ' TI , , , ' , , . . , ' ' . . . : . ' " . " ' ' ' ' . . . . : . ' ' , , ' , ' ' ' . " " ' LC ty I L " " _ 'lll'J. ' ' " " .1 " 'U'1IlW'IIIJU" ' , , ' , , ! " " ! ' ! " ' ! - . ! " . > ! ' ' WU''CJII"1l1l' ' > ' Y"'O'i ' " ' ! ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , I i - - . . - - - - - - . - - - - - COllnt1'\ ' this iall , anll all slIl'ce'II- illg fails , atHl thl'rl' is no railroilll fa\'O'ahIL' direction pointing so \ ! a to Secttrl' this tarinic as the Kcarnc\ ' & Black I I ills road. 'I'he D mocrat hclic\'l'S that 1\11' . Dickinson Itas alrcally decidcd that it is necessary to bcgin work soon 11 1'0111 the ra pill l'X- ! elision of this roal1.-l\carne ) ' Democra t. Cm.h'l' UIIIIIst1111111'111111111. ) . The following' i ! ' the prog'1'am to hc rcndcred at Arnold , Nc- hraska , August 21) , O anl13 1 , )1)02 ) : I'IWIlIIo' DIB. "IHU\\ " ' , \I' nm-1OO-1. AI"HIH1 2'1. ' : "I--O\l"1111111 \ S"'I " , : , " , h',1 hI' \ \ ' . II. : 'Ilol1 ll. o ! , \ IIIIIhl. : . ! II - , \ IIl1l1al S'rlllllil hI' H , ' " . n. A. 11117.7.l'II. , \ IIt'rllalt. . H. . , . . ClIhn'lI. ; al'\lollllt',1 \ hy Ih. . , \ " . . . . . .Ial 1..11. . ' 1.l Catlllill "r A.'llIllolI 10 Onh'r hI' 1\1,1. I I'ral..r , " 1:1111I111111'111. : Hell latl : or Chlln'III' :11111 H" I""h" hI' IIt'h'lIall' " ' \ ' ' ' ' ' with Serll'"II" ' 1',1. .1:211-1'Io''II..II..r : : Ol1k'r , H"IIIIIIII 1111' 0..11'1' ur 1I11..1I1I' hI' CIo'II ( : ' ' ' ' . Ih. . " , , "al 11I..llallllll III'I ltlllll : 'I1I'lIIh'r . - 1:111HIIIIIII : : [ uf Chllreh 1.1'1"1' rrulll Arlllllll ChilICh , , \\juurllllll'lIl. \ 1\\-11-111 : : SHS III-1 , SIU11t'"ollal :' , . 10'h \ ) ' ' \11,1111 1.01',1' S:15 : ' \I'p"IIIIII\I'Ulur CUllllllllh" ' ' "I H."illl' \I"U .' ' ' ' ' ' . AIIIII " "HI . ' 1'11111' :11111 I'lae , ' ore" : ' 111'1'11111 [ , hI' : 'I1I"h'lalllr.I I S : lI S'rnlllll h ) ' II" ' , J , H(1,1 or : 'Ila ell I CII ) ' , HATUIU11111'Hr 1I. ' 1IHI-l'raIM' : S'r..Ic. . 1",1 hI' 111" . Cornl h. Sr. " :15 : SlIllIla. . Sehll,1 CIIII " 1'111 1011 S" , , IIIII,1. . .In' h , ' I. . ( ; " " 1'11" . ' 1:15-1'\11"1' : : . hI' : 'Ilr . 1.177.1 , ' Clllwl'lI : "r IIlIIlu'lI lIuII. Chrl"llall l'alrlll".111 III SIII1II\\ ' S'ho"l. 1II"'II IIIu . . . ,1 h ) ' . \ . II. Corti. I . h. a 11I1 rllllolll',1 h ) ' SlIIlIla ) ' Schllul \ \ . .rlu'v . 1lI:1 : ' I'a\l..t. \ Hallllll ! "r SIIIIIay ! Schlllli III Ih. . Church h ) ' : 'Ili. . 1la : 'Ila"1 or " 'Ir"l " :11. : 111'11. 1I1'ol'II illll 11.,1 hI' II. I. , : - : IcI\IIla or S'co1 , " ; , " 11'11. 11I:1I--A : : , Ij , , " I'll lIIelll , A ITIKSllIl-1 : SIHHIII-1 , 2\I-\"oljollal : ' \ 1' : I'\clM 11'.1 10) ' J\I. . H'I'r. ! ' . .IIlIur I.IIlIIa\ : . : ! :15HI'IIIIIIII : "r Chllrch 1111:1'11. : : ! : -IO--\\'IIIIII ' : ' 111'1'11111111. 10'11 h ) ' Hlal'Ie. . . . I'n' It1I'III. 1111111 , : J\11 ilIIIH. 1\1I \'all Nl' ' ' , 3:211-1'urelllll : : 'II 1. . lolI . h ) ' : 'IlrH. . \ . II , Cmllillh. H'pllrlo ! Slah' W".I . ( h ) ' Siall ! S'en'lar ) ' 1\11. . . . J. 11.1\.1'1' . "rII..IIJI' . -IIHI : Oillilll..h. . . ! IIII"IIII' . ' - 1:311H"Iurt : "r COllllllllh'I' . 1\1-11-1" : HISSIII-1. ; :311 : S'rlllull hI)1' \ . lIlh.'rlallll , I'llIs"h'lIlor lrall,1 ; 1 lall.1 Clll1l'l [ ' " S : 15--S'rlllllll h ) H , ' " . l'lIlw. ' " nr 1.,11. S-I5 11111111' : 'Ill . .jllu S"el'I ) ' . H.p..llh.,1 h ) ' H. ' " . H Ichanl ur Ilrul"11 IIIIw. 'I ' : 15- . \Ij"U""II"III , SI'1UAAII.III'I1' : II. ' / :311IIo."IIIIlIal S.'r"I , . ! , 1"11 hI' 111'0. Ca. . ' ' , lOm : - : ' . . . . . II II In II Ioy H. ' " . 11111.111. W:1I1 : : I'll hll'a II " " Suell'l ) ' hI' Ho.I'.A.HII. : . , 'II , 11 : ( I S'rll'11 ' hI' H , " . H Ichanl or Ilrul11 IIIIW. I."I ! : , \djOIlI'III1I1'III. A\'TEU-1110-1 HI.'IIII-1 , 2-15 : I'l'ai . . S"'I " , ' " 1",1 hI' 11'\\11I.1:1111I"1111- ' : . : I : ' I Slah' C'"I. I'IIJIIIY \\'oll ( hI' H. . , . . III ill..I.1I1 "r Olllaha11..11111 ; ; 11111 SIIclal i-ol' ' ' I' ' " . -1:311 : AU" , 1111111'111. /\1-11-1 : , . SrS..III-1. ; :311 : I'ral' " S"'il'.Io',1 " h } ' 1I.rt lIall. SI : ' II. Y. 1' , II. Halll' 1",1 h ) ' H. . , . . \ \ ' . I. , : 'Ilarl ( . 1.,111. , l'aHIIII' "r A " " " ' 1' : UIII . , ' 11 "I :11111 : S."I , 1'II.Io'IIl'hllrcllI : : . ' 1:1\1 : A.lj"IIII1I1I1'II ! . Church Hcr'lct " . m'ISCOI'\I , CIWIlCII. Sl. JOIIII'S Hpisl'opal SI n' t'I $ Suutla ) ' , Augll.t 17. . ! SlIutla ) ' afh'r 'I'riuity. : \ Ioruiuprn'l'r / alltl senlloll II a , Ul. Ewuiug prn'l 1 autl serlllou H p , III. SlIlItlay Sl'IlOolat lua. III. Tile puhlic is l'oltlially illdlell. II , 11.1.:1111111.:11. : : The ; .eril' " of Sl'llIIOIIS IIU lIw Iords ' ' . tallle 11I111 ill- I'raYl'r ale plodllplof / ' . . . , TIll ! SUI' Ill' X I SUllllay . . 1I101Uillg' will 11l " ' ! 'hy will Ill' tlOlIl' . III the e\euillg lhe suhjeh : will Ill' , "Th , ' Rl'quill'llIelll of Cleall lIallds aud I'UIl' I leall. " A cordial \\elcoll\l' \ luall. CIIIIIS'j'I.\- : II' ' ItC II. : -exl : Suuday IIlomiug IlIl' Bihle l'Ja" l' will olllll' " ' ) ' / . { 'I'OWall ) ( alllla- . 11I1. " Hldcr I' . II.ll1uk : will presidl' al thl' Lonl'H 11I1.le. I'n'achiug III 11:3" : , C. 1 < : . lopil' , " 'I'hl' I.ire of Pailh. " 1'lL'ltl'hillg al Hl : 1 O'l'JoI'IL I'sllal lIIid , wl'll. sen'icc. . . A conlial ill\'ilalioll h exlellllell , to all. C. V. A II.ISO , l\Iiuister. . I'IWSII\"I'lIJtl\N ClllmCII. Services Ul'xl Sabbalh l\lorllill a J I a. III. uhjl'l "Weary ill \\'L'II doillg , ' No Serces iu the C\'l'lI i IIg' . J\II an wckOllle. : 'II. H. ClllfltCII. Althe 1\1. 1 < : . l'IllIrcli SUllda ) ' lhe fol _ lowing scn'il'l's : Ilia. III. 1\lIdll \ ) ' hcllool II a , III. I'reul'lIiug sllbjl'cl "lhe ( r:1l'1 : of 'frlllllfllilless , " Texl , Hph , . \ : J5. . 1" III. Hpworlh Il'a/ue / { , 'l'opit. . "l ll'alll IlIg frolll l\lallY \ Fidds , " Leader , , K \\'arril'k. H p , III. I'real'll llg ; .lIhjl'l.t "l > allie1 , \lIll/lIg llll' ! 'l/lit l.ialls. " Spl..j'lIl the e\'l'lIiug sen'il'l' . \ \ ' , Opl'lI 0111' l'lIl1n'h agaill fOI l'n'lIiIlJ ' , l'f\'il'l' . I'll'a.l altelld , n Ell. 1' . TIO"'I''aolor. ! . C ' -RU ( ) I " 'U.\.NIC" . 1 l'xtend Illsincere herehy Ill\ . allt heartfelt'thanl\s to the citixcn of Brol\en Bow for their extrcm Idndncss a 1111 assistancc in m great distress , and for the grc : ! intercst talcn in the larc of m helO\'cd hushanll in his short ill u ncss as w\ll a , > in his funeral. .t . \1HS. CAIWI.INH S IllwUltH. - 2 W BUSINESS POINTERS. MI : " > < : IiIiOOi : ( ( > ( > ( > ( " " ' > ( " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " " , ' ' ' ' 'II' ' : I J. C. 1\loore , abstracting. 2tf I , - - - - Get your Clocks at Ed. McComas' . Wall paper at J , C. lJowen's. , Job printing at this ofiicc. 1\lone ) ' loaned on improved farms. JAIIIHS LHDWICH , " 7 18 H Brolen Bow , Neb. . ' : 'l he Custer Count ) ' li'air W\1l \ I hc held at Brokcn Bow , Nebr. , Septemhcr:23-4-5- : , County 14"ail' all 11ay , a11l1 Strect allnigl , . Comc l'vcryhody. IJ 'tf Dr. 'I' . W. Bass , dcntist , offi e northwest cortler of l ea1ty mock. 8-1 H.'f , Wcst Union , Nebraska-Yes , we will pay a part cash for hut- tel' and eggs. l uttu ! > G , CAHH. FOH SAl.H--A five 1'00111 house i and two lots cast ofHacket Store , Broken Bow. ] d Haumont , I ( , -tf J 1ton , Neb. I W AN'l'HIA goood cook. ( , -tf Willis Cadwell. f4uhricating oils of all kinds t " \Villein's " I- drug store. For Elegant Watches : ' go to Ed. McComas' . , 'I'hc Rm'umlcAN a 1111 Inter Oc an , $1.50. . Cciling wax for scating jars at. J. C. Bowen's. 8 tf ' . FOUND-A lincn coat , on the" streets of Brokcn Bow. 'l'he' . . owncr can have it h > ' calling at. this ofl cc , and IHl'lI1g for this , not ice. Pepsin Gum , two paltkages for ' . a nickel at Wilkins' Pharmacy. :1 : - - - - - - - - - - - f' Before , You get monc ) ' on your ! t cattle , clther stock or feeders , ' don't fail to see S. n. Thompson. i Ed. McComas has a lot of Nice New Silverware. . Just received a car of hedge , posts at Dierks r umber & Coal , Co , in this city. Price , 12 and H , cents. 2 tf 1ft 1 'OH l HN'l'-A : doublc 1'00111 on seconll floor of the Custer block. j II nCJuire at this omce. } ; Farms for salc and lands for , rcnt. Now is the timc to get a " farm cheap , as the cheap farms are all geeing , and priccs arc ad. \'ancing' . rapicll-J. G. Brenizer. - - - - Se\'eral good farms for sale at a harg'ain , including my own.- JHHHH GANDY , 44 tf l See Ed. McComas' fine , . Jewelry. I FOH SAIH OH ' 1'IADI\-1 own lots anll a few Ji\'e acre lots in this city , for cattle , horses or MUIll ' land. A1len ( e'ner. < : reen allll dry fruits at J. C , Bowell's. . - - - - - - - II'OH SAI.H'en ( acres of land adjoining town , cheap. Enquire. . ' at this onice. 5-12 11'01 ( SA IH-f40ts 1 , 2 , 7 and 81 hlock 5 , in Jewett's addition to Brol\Cn Bow. l nquire at this omce. 11-21 tf If you intend to build call at Dicrlcs f4umher Co. and get prices. - - - - - ' Watchee..They.6.l"a l' : F. ' i.nea t E'd.McComaa' : ' . , ' ' ' . lW'I.Itl 1'0 CltlWI1'Olts. In Coullty Unurl. wltiliu aUli ror . Uu.lercollllt , . ' : -Icllriibka. In IIID lUiiU"r or III" . .UatD of 1I0Uil I' : , 11111111 , lIecullbjll , ' 1'0 Iho e ' , , , llInro IIr blhl .tal. . : \'uu or" Ill'rull ) ' nutiliDII , Iha 1 wlil .It at the S Couuly Cllurt ruom. In IJroklu lIu.\ ' . ju nlll Coullly , 00 Ille iLh lIay of Oct. , 1k1 ! : , lull 1111 , Ii. e ith llay ur ruh. , 1001 , neh allO o'clocl ! ; a , w. of neh day , 10 rlceivil 11111 examlDI ) 1111 claIm , IIlalr..t 1I1" oitalo , with a , I..w to tholr all. jU lmoll& aUll allowl&ocu 'rhJ tltIID IImltell for 'be pre.oulaUon of clalml ftlaln8& eohl o.laLu Ie Ix moutll. from 'hI ) 7'0 l1al 01uJueL , Hili : . ! , and 'bo tlUI" limited for pallUoDt of doll11l 18 UUU you rrom 111II111alll , . Wlluo. . InJ ! loud lull : lulor ull1 OUllnt , ( 'ourt Ihl. Itb l1ay of UgD.t , 100- t.II-1 ! J , . . .KIIUUj& , ( ; QDu'l Jlld" . .