. , . . . ' . ' USTEBI I- OUNTY EPUBLICAN. . . ES'l'ABL1STIED 1882. 'rUE OFIi'ICIA14 PAPEI OIi' CUS'l'gI COUN'I'Y. 14AI Gl S'1' CI1 CUr4A'l'ION 01i' ANY PAPEI IN 'rIlE COUN''Y. . = - - : - - - - - , VOL XXI. BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , AUGUST 7 , 1902.--EIGHT PAGES. NO.8. - - - - - - - \ . , . . ' < . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . YOU I WE A k : CUFFS J : Whil'lkindUII' lint , culT . . .or the othl'r k lIII ? , . You'1UI"oIl'1I1I \ " ' } , - \ ' ' \ . \ , . , . f : 5u Cl'nts to is.oo II pair. . I I , . . : t ; t1 ! d r.s\J I , : t'IIlhgC.t Irlul"lt ! ! ! or ( hl O ON halmlc ' . . . . .wne..8"Ce . - - - - - - oq " ; .l tI-- School Hooks , J'T' I ' :1' Tahlets t . . . ' < ' , * " -ANU- 1,1. :7j" . . ' .I : Scl eel Supplies , ! t- ' , I 1' , I , : ; " I --AT - 'A' ? I' ! ! . ' 1' * J. G. Haeberle's ; It. ' 1' ! ! . ' 1'1 - _ . - - ' " ' - -1 . Pelle Elizahtth Fiehls. DR. IDj D ) ) hjD ] Jjhl nn. . . . . . OFJlICH 1l0t.TUS : q a. 111. to 12 111. 1 :30 : to . , p , 111. Or hy appointment. h'bY"Omce O'eA IIdl'noll" , JI'wc1ry SloH' in Rcally Block. HroIl'n : Bow..ehra ka. , , , - , w" : " " " . _ . . . _ . - . . _ HAil ! HAil ! rl'he old l'oliahle St , Punl : Firn & : l\lul'ine \ lnsuranee Uo. , of St. Palll , l\'linn.rith oyer $3,000,000 cash assets - sots , oflers the lhrln- el's of Ouster COUll ty . \ ahsolute illdenuuty against loss hy Bail. I oY rutes , IIonorahlo I adjustlnel1t and Spot i cash sottlelUCl1ts. lu- t 8111e y ( ur el'op ng'ai t hall. .f. A. RAltRIS" , t Ag"cllt. Office , Opposite 1' ) . ( ) . , : rolren BnvN eh. - - - - - . . . . . . . , - - - - - - - - . COlVIING ! Ey A. CARlJCHS . . . . A nd II i . . . . Splenlid OrcheBtra - . . . .Of. . . . 19 PIECES . . . .at the. . . . OPERAHOUSE. r ruesday Evening' , Aug' . . 12) ) 1902. H serd Seats now on Sale at \ Post Ofiice and at Groat's Storc. . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . - . - . . - - - - - - - - - , .J. - ' - , W AN1'rm-A gooll cook. II-tf Willb Cadwell. _ . _ _ _ I - - - - - - - - h - - - - - - " : Ele aut Jewelty at Ed. McComi.\tiiP. \ , : : : : : i : : : : : : Chas. S. Martin went to Omaha 'l'ucsday morning. He111'Y Kelley of Anselmo , was a ci ty visitor I'rhhl ; ) ' . 'V. n. COl1lstock of Comstock , was a cit ) ' visitor Monday. Irs. Geo. Purcclllcft 'l'ucs ay morning on a'isit at Crcfe , Neli. Ii' . l. I nblce was a passenger to Ccntral City 'l'uclay ! morn- . ing' . i , J. G. Brcnizer sold six f , rms i Saturday--all to Custcr county dtizcns. lotlrs. Hattie 'l'albot is visiting with her mother at 'rclmmah , Nebraska. Chas. Johnson. wifc and children - dren , of Chicago. arc visiting at Wcsten'illc. with rclath'es , 1 'h y 'VYl1lore of Callaway , was in our city Frida ) ' . 'l'his ofiicc acknowlcdgcs a fricndly call. " ' . P. 'l'rue of Gcorgctown. was a city visitor Iondav. Hc rcports crops linc in his l cality. Judgc Armour and wife wcnt I to ( rand Island Wcdill'sday morning returning 'Vl'dncslb\ . ' night. Mcsdames l\lolyncux allll Pdel' Dierks left ( . 'rida" morning for Domclakc , 'Yj' ming. , for:4. few days outing. A. F. Ingraham left MomIav morning on a busincss trip to We\t ! Virginia. He expects to ue gone about four weels. 1\1 rs. Xanders , wifc of the Epis opalminister of this cit.v. left 'l'ucsda ) ' morning on a visit to San l"rancisl ; . California. A fine musicale was ffi vcn at the opcra house last 'llmrsday nig'h fin hOlloI' of t hc teachcrs that were attcndingthe institute. Iisses f-4ottie and Florencc Hichards wcnt to Brewster last Ii'rid aj' morn i ng to spend a f cw da's visiting with 1\lrs. Mary } antin on th ( ' ranch. 'l'he Ansley Citizl'n is authority - ity for the statcmcnt that J. 1\1. .Amsbcrry. formcrly puulisher of the A nslcy Advocatc. will start a paper at " 'aco. Ncbra ka. HelI. . G. Bentley. thc e\'an- gelist , and wi fe. were the gne ts of l l'T ichards 1\londa ) ' . 'l'hl'Y wcre on their way to 1\ll'rna t hold a series of t nt mcetings. 'I'he teachers in attendance at the institute , vcry happily surprised - prised Supt. Lcwis last 'L'hurs. day , uy presenting him with a tine hook case , wort.h auout $25. Peter Barnes of Hosc Valle ) ' , lef at this ol1icc Sahtnla v. a bnn- dIL' of oat fl'om a field < if thirty acre that hc estimates will make sixty bushels to the acre. 'l'hey . I ' arc 'lim' . S. K. Warrick and wife , who hl\'c been west. for the past three wecks , rcturncd home last. Friday - day ' morning. 'l'he ) ' pent most. , or'their time in Colorado. Mr. Warrick reports a pleasant time. S. C. Waldron of O\'er , republican - can nominee for representath'e of this district. was in thc cit ? ' Sat- unlay to attcnd the Illeettng of thl' tockl1lens association. 'l'his ol1ice aclmowledges a fri ndl ) ' call. .I as. T4argej' . who has b"en at London , Ohio. for several months at the hedside of his mothcr , returned homc last week. 11e reports that his mother has greatly - ly improvcd. and that thc phi i- cian in charge prcclicts her cntirt recovery. Miss Jeie ! \ Smith , a graduatC' of the Callaway high school. has Iwcn cmployed to teach the ith grade in the Uroken Bow school ! ; for the coming year. liss Jessie has the reputation oi being an excellent t achcr , and wc are glad to hear of her suc ss.-Cal- laway Courier. 1\Irs. l-4ongfcllow , an old resident - dent of thc count" . die Saturday night. July 2 ( , . ai1 < l was burrietl Sunday afternoon. in the 1\Icrna cenwt ry beside her husband. who had procel'c1ell her ! revcral year . to the born from which no I travell'r rct.ul'lls. She was the mother of John f..ongfellow.1\lrs. Wesley 'l'homas , anti Mrs. Dick Bryan. 'rite funeral sen'ices were conducted by l eMyers , Jar rnbben . the best , at .1. C. Bowcn's. Jules IIaumont of Elton , has bought II. " ' . Albcrt's farm near Weissert. Consideration $2SpO. W AN1'HD--CoI1l'ge slttllents to hoard , and rooms to rCIlt. S-l1 IHS. l' VA 1\1AW1'rN. Hod Burnham of Brownlec. came down 'L'uesda \ ' m01'ning to attend the funeral f lotIr. Gleim's little bo.\ ' , 1\Irs. Oeo. Brown retul'lled to her home in Seward Sl\Iula" \ morning , after visiting friend' and relatives for sevcral wecks. l ilS. A 11Ilenmn sold six fal'lll ! ; 1\1 onday. At th is rate the nonresident - resident land of Custcr county will soon be a thing of the past. Mr. Great of Broken Bow. has placed an order with the Ansle ) ' Acct'line Gas Co. , 1'01' a gencra- tor with 100. light capacitj'- Ansley Chrol11clc. Walt George and wife , and Geo. Dewey and wife. wcnt to 14incoln on 42 , 'l'uesday morning' to attend a meetiug of the count ) ' treasurers and county clcrks. Thev . rcturncd 'Vcdnesdav . ni.rht. b Mrs. l'red D. Gallup. of Bro- ken Dow. accompaniell by her two children. arrived 'l'u sda\ ' , on aisit at the home of Walter I ( allup. Bcforc retlll'lIing' home 1\lrs. Ga llu p expects toisit Hot Springs.Chadron Journal. 1-4. Eo Kirkpatrick returned from " 'a hington last 'l'hnrslla ) ' morning. He yisilcd Spokane , Scattle. alld other to\\'ns while gone. His COUSill , O. l . Hol- comb , an attorm'y of Hit \'ille , Washington , rctul'lled with him. 'rhos. JIarwooll of Blk Cr'k , was a cit.y visitor Saturday. 1\11' . I Harwood is among the unfortunate - ate who lost his small g'l'ain July 5 , hy hail. TI < ' thinks his coril will comc out 1'1'0111 the l'JTects all'ight. if not overtal\l n with frost. i Claude " 'altl. who wcnt to 'I'hl' Dalll's , Washington. with JA. . Colloll1 lut spring , arrived home last 'I'hlll'sday night. Ill' cam ( ' home hy till' waof Tdaho.wItert' O.V. . 'I'homp n is locatecl. a 1\11 \ wcnt aroUl1 < 1 h\ ' the way of St. Louis u < , fore r turning. ' Herbert Cummins of Berwyn. strayell into OUt' ol ce Wcdncs- da ) ' : lIe reports that his Iwig-h- U01' , 1\11' . 1''ans. ' . had lin ished threshing 2 acre of wintel' that yield 50 bushels pcr acre. This hl'avy .riel 11 of grain will pasily pa.r for the land on which it was ! 'aised , In man ) ' places the yield IS .10 lmshels per acrc.-A IIsley Chronicle. D. n. Bow 1I of OdgenslHlrg , ew York. who has ueell'isiting for sl'\'eral days with his son J. C. ' lIIet with quitc a painful accident - cident last Sunda v morning. By a mis-step at tIie top of the. . stairwa ) ' he fell and slid to the bottom of the steps. He was considembly 1 > l'lIiscll and so crip. pled that hc has not beclI ahle to get out. l1e is aule howevcr to mO\'e aboul the house and in a few ,1a's hopes to get aroulld as usual. An ad\'el'tisement planted in lhe l ltI'UBI.ICAN scldom fails to uring good results. An instancc that helps to cstablish thi is thc pocket book ,1Ihertiscd last week by J. 'V. Clay. 1\londay Mrs. Jane ' 1'a'lor near Berwyn rdurncd the poc ket book a 1\11 \ monc ) ' which she had fonnd tell days previous. Shc saw thc ad- \'crtisemcnt in the HHI'UIIJIl'AN Satul'llay nig-ht allli on t he MOil. ( lay followi ng" call1 d on loti rs. CIa \ . to describc t.hl' pockct book an1 ; con tcn t which she d I1 to I rs. 'l'aylor's sa t isfaction. Prof. g. A. Oarlichs will g'in' a concert at t he opera housc. tIlL' . 12th of August. He has nim' . teen people in the orchetra. all ot whol1l are tine musicians , Prof. UarlicllB has becn cngaged by Prof. Housh as illt.1'lIctor in I the musical d'pal'tment of the Broken 1J0w Busine s and or. mal College. 'rhe members of his orchestra are hi ! > pupils. 'I'ltl' public b especially invited at. tend this concert.'that thc ' may judge of thc musical abiltty t Prof. Uarlichs. who is soon to h. . . idcntilied with the educationa1 interests of our city. 'l'icl\Ct are now on sale at t hl' post ol1ic : I and Groat's store. I cservctl i I scats , 5Ue ; gcneral admission , . 35cj galler ) ' , 25c. Palll Tlallmont of 1Dlton , was a bmdness callel' at this Ol1 cl' yes- terday. l eW. . Hicharl1s will preach his last sennon in the Baptist cltmch next Sunday at 1 1 :00 : a. 111. .John Lowe. who has .been vi itillg for SOIllC tim with his Ilanghtcr Ml's. [ , 'annie Elliott. at 'l'ol'rington , Yyolllin . returtll'd Itonll' ycsterday mortltng' . .1. M. 1\imbl'rling' . wi fe and chiltlrcn and lrs. Dr. nay left this morning 1'01' Dcs Mo tles. 10. wa. Mr. Kimhl'rling will visit at Knox\'ille. Itis old home and other points in the llawke'e state while gOlle. 'l'he resignation of HeI ich- anls as pastor of the Baptist chmch was accl'ptcd at a rCI1I1ar meeting' of the church last IIlght. l c\ ' . l ichal'ds aUlI famil ) ' ha\'c made man ) ' admiring friends 'wh ilc residcn ts of the ci t \ ' . tha t. regret that he has dcci ed tog g'e lip the pastoratc. l1e is an able prcacher and a mall of cul- tme and a splcndid citizcn in c\'cry sense of the WOI'lI. II , II. Hllssey , formcl'ly of this city , but now of StlIl1l1Hir , ) ' 1\1is- oll1i arrivcl in tlte cily ycsterday morning , and will spend a few days rencwing 0111 aC < lurintances wltile looking after his interests in this cOllntJ' . 'Ve were sorry to learn from Mr. Hnssey that his wifc is dead. ha'tltgdicil last 1\larch , with canccr of the hreast. She was a most excell- l'nt 1:111y : and was most 1l1ghl ) ' respected - spected by those who formell her aCluaintince ) , Iluring her short l'l'sidence hcre. The Ornllcl ' . 'u..rnuIIH lIt. . 'I'uesday mom i ng. the mem bel's of the Brokcn Bow rIose a 11I1 the Hook allll 14adder companies accompanied by a number of citbwns went to Grand Island to attend the fircl11ansstate t.ourna- , mcnt. 'I'he following is the I ilmcs of lhe fircman and ci tizen that l'entfrom here as neal' as we were ahle to tsecurc : .lOl' 1\101 yJll'ux. .hllill 1\lorton , J. < i. Helbcrle. n , W. Apple. W. I . Bl'11cc. Dr. 'I' . W. Bass. B. O. Hutton. 140 g. Col ( ' . C. II. Hol- cOlllb. Dr. } . C. 'I'alhot. John JoltllsOIl. f4utl' Sheppar'd ; 1 > 1' . I.'al'llswort h. I li A I'lIIst rong. A. 1. , Johanson , .101111 Helll" ) ' . lIug'h KenuoYl r. 1 farry Day. I d. 'I'ip. ton , J as. I4eonat'll. } "I'ell Stack , Kl'm Wahl. JessL' Wilson. Ii'red \laulick. W. I I. OShOt'lll' . .11' . . Jack Woods. Among' tIll' citizens - zens that accompatiied were : \Jrs. Hugh Kl'nnoYl'l' . l\lrs. 14ulu Urakl' . 1\ll's. .Iohll Henry. W. 11. . Osllol'ne. Sr. . .I. l' . , lnd 1\ll's. Ada11lson. I. . ' . I . alllll\lrs , 'l'aylol' . .I. U , Brenizer. Miss 1\laude'I.'ar- I'cll. alld - l\Irs. - _ H J. _ _ _ B. _ _ Osholll'n. _ _ _ _ Fruit D&lY nt ! I < : . County Fair. E. Ii' . Stevl'ns of the Cret < , Nu I'serics has Ilccidcd to make a llisplay of fmit at the county fair. 'J'hunday ; will be fruit. day and 1\1 r. Btcvcns i n t nds to ilia kc thl' day one long to be rClllclllberl'd hy those in attcudance uy dis- trilmting free to all the bcst fruit that his nurscries affonls at thi sea3on ! of the ycar. - - - - - - - - : UAIIIIIIII ) . Kmn.IN-HoIIHH'l'SON-A - - very prctty hOllle wcddiug was sol- clllnied \ " 'l'rlncsday at high noon at the JOIIIl' of the brides parents when Miss Katharinc Hobcrtsou hecamc tIll' hride of Dr. J. D. Kcrliu , a promincnt citizcn of Whiting. Iowa. 'L'he ccremony was performcd hy Hev. } lmer fife. the bridal party stamling under a canop } ' of Whitc chiffon , whitl' swect. p as and ferns SUH' pendell f\'OlII \ thc ceiliug' of th how window hy hroad hands of whitl' I'lllhon. 'l'he bride wm allirl'll in a dainty gown of whit.l hld'l'd chi/ron / o\'er whitc taffeta l'n train. She wore a tulle \'ci' ' fash'lll'd with a diamond brooch. . tIll' gi ft of th ( ' hridegroom ,1111 , al'ried bridle roSl'S and fcrns 'I'hl' bridc was a ttl'nded by hl'l sbtl'rI isChrbtin : l obertson who wore whitc chilTon ovcr hhll taffeta and carricd 14a I.'ranc ( rmes and fernH. l\lr. James l ob ertson. Jr. , acted as he t mal and little Harold 1\lurray was rin ! bearcr. After thc Cl'WmOny , wl'dding' hrcalcfast was sl'n'cl it th ( ' dining room which was dcc ol'ah'd with pin I , sweet Iwas ani fl'l'Il. thl' gl\l'sts \ beingsl'atell a two long tablcs. At the bride' : taul the color scheme was greL'1 and whitl' . I.'rom the chandelic fcrncs comhined with whitt 1 swcet peas were carried il - ' festoons to each of the four corners of thc tahle. A low bowl tilled with sweet formed - pcas ed the ccntcr piece. ' 1 he guests tahle was iu pink and grecn. Ahout 30 gucsts were present.1\Ir. alll11\lrs. Kl'rlin left on the afternoon - noon tmin for Colorado Springs for a month's HI ! > it. after which they will be at homc in Whiting. * * * 1\Ir. and 1\Irsr. 14. 1\1. Beal en- tertained.informally. , . . 'l'ucsda ) ' enlng In honor of 1\IIsS l oucrt- son and Dr. Kl t'lin' 'I < * * 1\1' . and1\lrs. Eagleson's beautiful - tiful country home at the } i'oote ratch was thrown opeu on 1\Ion- da ) ' in honor of 1\liss I obcrtson and Dr. Kllrlin , A mooillight luncheon was sen'cd on the broad \'eranda' the table decorations being sweet peas. About 30 Ruests were prescnt.-Dail ) ' Statesman , Boise City. Idaho. - - - - - Church t4crvlccH. 1I.\l"rIS'1' cmJUcu. u\\lay \ ( schoo ! at 10 a. III. Preaching at II a. III. JIIIIIOI' 11. Y. 1' . 0 , III 3 p. III. cniol' B. Y. B..T. \ . ful10willg the scr\'icl's'ill thc park , Nu prcaching at lIight. I CIIIUS'LIItCII \ \ , I'sllal scr\'iccs al IIHllal lilllcs. COlli. \nllllioll scrvicc l'OIlIIIClc.1 II ) ' Hldcr J. C. l\lool"l' . H\'clling serlllOIl : "Is the \\'orl,1 Growillg Bettcl' ur \\'o\'sc. II pl''ialllluHic. COIIIC. 1\1. H. cnIJItCII. l'rcachillg Hcn'iccs ill thc 1\1. E. church Ullllay lIIorning at 1100 ; o'clock. lIh. ject : II Faints of thc \ . " 'rcxt : ROlli. 8:5. : lInlay cho ( ) at 10 o'clock. I 1\1111 Epworth I.cagllc aftcr the park \ necliill thc c\'clling. Now thnt thc calllp lIIeeting is o\'cr let c\'cr enc hc in thcir accllstolllcll placcs all,1 , takc lip thc work \.jgl'rollsl ) ' . Allareill\'ilcll. l Ho. 1' . 'rIUTHS. Pastor. l'luiS\I\\'HluA-l ClllmclI. Prcshyterian church cn'ices at 11:00 : a. III. Suhjl'ct : tlolllc Missions. No cr\'il ' in thc ' . \ l'S c\'cnillg. HI'ISCOI'AI , CIIlJUcn. l. Johlls Episcopal chlll'ch scrce SlIlIda ) ' AlIgllsl 10 , 11IC\'cnlh lInla ) ' aftcr 'rrillity. J\lorlling l'mycr Il\Ie\ \ St'I1I1011 II a. III. 1'\'l'lIin : , pl'llyer a\lll sermoll S 1' . III. lIndllY sl'llOol I" a. 111. ' 1'hl' I'ublit' Is l'l > nlially illvilce\ \ ' . - - - - - - Allontlon Memuori ot' the Spnnlsh- Amul'lcul1 War. A lIIeeting will be held in the Armory. in Broken Bow. Monday night. AUg'ust II. at X o'clock. for the IHlrposl' of organizing a local hranch of the society of the Nl'braslca socidy of the Spanish- Anll'rican War. All memll'rs of that war al' rcquestcd to attl'IHI. 1 lect ion 0 f deleg-a tes to a It end the third annual meeting of the national society to he helll at Council Bluffs. AUg'ust 13 , 14'1 and 15. will he hpld. ' 11. I' ' . KlmNIWY. Capt. Co. 1\1. . . - - - u. . u. Or.mII---Saturday : night , Aug. 2. at 12 o'clock , Charmal J. . the on of II' . and Mrs. N. G lei tIl. ag'ed two years and twenty.onc dOl j's. 'I'hc 11eceascd had only been siel , for a wcek al1l1 all that hUIII- an aid could do was of no avail. lIe was the on 1) ' child aiul his loss is very hanl for the fond pal'cnts to hear. In their great grief ha\'c the sincerc ' ' thcy \ s'mpath ) of their man ) ' friends , util ac- quaintances. 'I'he funcral ser- \'ices wcre conductcd 'l'uesday afternoon from the rcsidcnce , 1 L'S , W. Richards conducting the services. . - - - - c-u.n ( )1 ' 1'IIAl'UCH. 'Ve hereb\ ' extend om' thanls to all om n ighhorslul , fricnds. who so k.indly helped us tIming till' sickncss alul death of out dl'a r 1II0t hl'r. 1\1 u. & 1\1 HS. . ! . H. LONGIIHI.I.OW , IH. & IHs. WJoHIIW : ' 1'1I01llAs , 1\IH. & l\lus. I , S. BUYAN , - - - - - - - - - ( : , \,1& " Ol . 'IIA.NICH " 'e hCl'cby exten our sincen , alul hl'art-felt thanlts to the citi , Zl'ns of BroIcen Bow for thcil . k l1l1 assistancl and sj'mpath ) during the sickness. death ani hurial of our darling' haby. MH.NI > 1\IHH. N , UI.m l. - - - - JUnl'lu'I Itt'Sluri 'hr 'I'ucln , Wtl'll ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ . 1IIIIIu ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . lIoU. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : : l"rll. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I(10 ( . :1 : - It ) II. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : t Uuuer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Ivt. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 1'.l It' < ! . . Iwr h".hul . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . 011111" " . Iur IIIIMhul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.11 ( ! hlokull. . I'ur ' l'Oullll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ll IItI ; : . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IJ A ( 'IIWV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . , : J. ' ' , Ci1.11 Ht. . ' ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . ' : ' .111 ( cl ) tJ. 'l'url.uYd. I'lJr 1111111111. . . . . . . . . . . .l Htrowd.urlwl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Uar. N"wJ > lJr lull. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r. I IIUII : II r , l'lJrcwt ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tI , I BUSINESS POINTERS. * * J : m M J. C. Moorc , abstracting. 2 f - - - - Get your Clocks at Ed. McComas' . Wall paper at J. C. Bowen's. , Job printing at this office. Mone ) ' loancd on unproved farms. J AJ\ms LItDWICH , i 18 tf Brokcn Bow , Neb. Dr. ' 1' . W. Bass , dcntist , office northwest corncr of Rcalty Block' ' . 8-1 H. . . - - West Union , Ncbraska-Yes , we will pay a part cash f r bu - ter and egbrs. RUItuS G. CAHIt. FOH SAI.Jt-A fivc room house and two lots east of Racket Store\ Broken Bow. Ed Haumont , ( I-tf Elton Neb. _ _ h _ _ _ _ _ _ , Luuricating oils of all kinds at Wilkin's drug store. For Elegant Watches go to Ed. McComas' . 'l'he RHl'UIII.ICAN and Int r Ocean. $1.50. WAN1'HD 5 YOUNG 1\IItN from Custer County at once to , prepare for Positions in the Government Ser\'icc-l ailway Mail Clerks , f-4eller Carriers , Custom House and Departmcntal Clerks , ett : . Apply to Intcr-StatcCorres. Insf. ' Cedar Rapids , la. 5':8 : Cciling wax for scaling jars at J. C. Bowcn's. 8 tf FOUND-A linen coat , on the streets of Broken Bow. The owner can have it h ) ' calling at t1ti ofncc. and pa'll1g for this notice. Pepsin Gum , two pn.takagcs for a nickel at Willdns' Pharmacy. : . Just rcceived a car of hedge' posts at Dierks Lumber & Coal , Co. in this city. Price , 12 and 1 ( , cents. 2 tf 1i'OH RHN'r-A : double room on second floor of the Cu ter block. 1 11 < 111ire at this ol1icc. l.'arms for salc and lan s f < ; > r rcnt. . Now is the timc io get a farm cheap , as the chcap farms aJ' ( all goin'l' ' and prices are advancing - vancing rapullY.-J. G. Brenizer. - - Sral good farms for sale at a bargain , including my own.- JH SH GANDY , , tf See Ed. McComas' fine Jewelry. . 1i'01 { SAI.Jt Ol { ' 1'ItADF.-1'own lots and a few five acre lots in thh city , for cattlc , her es or fa.rm laud.-Allcn Heyner. FOH SAI.H-li'ivc acres of land in good st te of cultivation adjoining - joining Broken Bow for $200. Inquire at this oflice. 3-27 tf - - Grecn and dry fruits at J. C : Bowcn's. li'oH AI.H-'l'en acres of land adjoining town , cheap. Enquire at this o11ice. 5-12 . FOlt SAI.H-Lots 1 , 2 , 7 and 8 , block 5 , in JewcW addition to Brolccn Bow. Enquire at this officc. 11-21 tf If you intcnd to build call at Dierks Lumber Co. and get prices. Wa tchcril..Thcy .1' . : Finea.t Ed.McCom. . ' . -VUI.'C ttAI.U. On Wednesday , August 20 , we will olTer 250 hcad of cattle , some horses , implements , etc. , at ranch. 5 miles south aut ! 2 miles west of Brokcn Bow. 'l'erms : Onc ycar at eight pel' cent. interest on sums above 510.00. XI ) ' 1'I10MI'SON LIVH S CK Co. I . " 'wn nUII 1& eWIU'd. _ 1 I' For thc return of one She1)herd ; Ilog , lost in Broken Bow , on or abont July . 25. Goes by the namc of iiShep. " Is rather small , mostly black , with little whitc on } jellcy. I-4cave infonna- tion at HHl'UlH.ICAN ofiice. 8-9 li'OH SAI.H'l'hirtysix yards of good lIew rag carpet. . DH. C. PICKI\'M' . t Ed. McComas has a lot o II . of Nice New Silverware. - 1 ----r HTOPMTH COVGH g . .ArcnVOiUCH UF. " " ' 111etU.D. . 10 I I l.ax.UvlS Urolllo.Juloluo Tabl.l. cur. a coll11Q . . .0 \ 00. iia ) . Nu Cur" . Hu 1"11) . l'rlO ( , Uliti. ' .