Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 31, 1902, Image 4

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or _ _
QIu tcr QIo. 1\cpubUCRn \
Pnbllehell OTH ) ' 'l'hllrlllla ) ' lit . the U0l1bl1 &a\ ,
- - -
n. 1\1. \ A1\ISm \ HJt\ ' . - - l t11tor
" ' Olce In OUllter Ulock. Fourth A.e.i
- - - - - - - - -
KlIlnrcll nlthl110lllomco lit roken lIow , Nob. ,
at ! IIocolll1-alllAII IIIl1llor \ranllmluloll through
the U. II. MIIII/ / ! .
- - - - - - -
Ono \'onr.ln advnnco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.00
' ' ' .
AUVlm'I'IIIINO JtA1'jt9.
0110 rOllllnll , Jer mOlllh , $7. ( ) ( ) , Ono.half col.
umn , , , 'er IIII1Utl1J $ t.U > Iluarlcr column , Ior
mOlllh , , IAJM than IIII/uler col UIII II , [ j ( )
coni" ' Inch ) lcr 1II01ith.
Cr.rl I'or 011 aet I'DIIO. ; GO cout" pcr IIICb , per
. . Locul ollvortl.IIIIt Ii CCII' ' " Jlcr IIno cach In.or.
llItleo of church ralrll , , oclublc" 111111 onlortaln'
lI1ellts whcro money III chnrKcll , OIW.lllllf rute" .
( ) cloly IIIIIICI\3 IIlItI r"/lnilltion/l , ollo.lInlt fIItce.
Wntllug ! IIlIlIel' ' ' hOl' , half I'rlrl' ror luhll'lIln
lI"t of ' / , . .
Hent 1 1111 11m , , , frre , hl\lr Irlc ( , ror 111111111111I111 (
( JlJltuury nutlccH , alill cardH or Ihanka.
1 ! ; lIllIotlCD" lit rnu'a lrOTldcll 111 etntutoB of
. -
'l'h lrsdaY : j' 31 , 1')02.
- -
- - -
State Ticket.
Per ( Jovcrnllr-
J. II. l\IICKgy , of Polk.
. I'or 1.lontcnllutII"orliur . -
l . O. McGT I./l'ON , of DouglaH.
l"ur 81'crAt/iry . .r Htnt- ,
Gl ( ) HG1 W. 1111m II ,
or IIIchRrd oll.
For Trclwlror- .
PWl'l R M011'1 NSNN , 1
Of Vallcy.
I or AUtlltnr-
CT 11U ) gS Wlt'l'ON ,
/hcrltllll / : : ! ,
l"lIr A tto"vOouornl -
FHANK N. PI OU'I" of < Jagc.
For COIllIt1I"HlnIlUr I'uhllo 1..111(1. ( nll(1 ( IInlhlluH8- (
GgOI G I D. ) "O ( r4\1I H , )
or Nuckoll"
l"or " Cnlt1lt1l .lnnor I'uhllc IIIIItructlon- I
WI 141 IAl\l K. FOWI gH ,
or W/lhhlllgton.
- -
Congresnlonal Tlckot.
For COlIgrcP"lt1 n. Hlxth Dlptrlct-
1\1. P. KINKAID ,
or O'1-'uli.
Roprosentatlve Ticket.
Per ItClllcPfIIUtVCH. , ! Mlh lII.trlct-
A. Tl. coPS my , of Wcsterdllc.
S. C. W AI4DHON , of Over.
- - -
County Ticket.
For County Attorll"Y-
A. R nUl\lPlIHl Y.
Broken Bow Township Ticket.
For : ! ul'orvlpor , 'I'hlrd UI trlct-
G. n. 'l'lIORPE.
For Townshll ) r.lelk-
For TOlVneblJ. TrcnllnrAr-
J. M. KI1\113ERLING.
I For 1'ownHI ! .1' ARPoP8or-
W. 1\1. VANNICE.
l or Road Overpe'r IIIA r'ct No 1-
} o'or 1I0ad Overpccr 1 > I lrlct " 11.2-
Eor ! toll(1 OverHeM DI"'rlcl ' So :1- :
For 110111 O\'I\rpcer IJI tllct Nn. 4-
For HOld OVutHI'.r Dlpllict No. t.-
C. l . REC'rOR.
For )10811 Ovcrpcor DistrIct Nil. a-
1'or HII:1tl : O\.rpo'r Ulalrlcl o. 7-
J. N. 'YES' ! ' .
, i
UCllllhllcm , : Stlllntorlni COIU'ClltlOII. 1
, 'l'he Hepublicans of the li'ifr
teenth Senatorial District of Ne. f
braslm arc hereby callcd to mcct
- in a cOl1\'cntion in the city of Ord ,
in said District on Monday , Sep-
tembcr 1st , lIO at 10 o'clock A.c
1\1. , for the purposc of placing in
in nomination a candidatc for
State Scnator and for thc transaction -
saction of any othcr business
which may propcrly comc hefore
said convcntion.
1. A. HUNHAU ,
Chairman Senatorial Commit ce.
- - - - - -
" Prospcrity is the Issue" is
the title of thc great speech of
Unitcd States Scdator Jacob II.
Gallinger of New Hampshire , recently - (
cently delh'crcd in the Scnate at ;
\Vashington. l'he s ) cech has I
been issued in documcnt form b ) ' I
the Amcrican Protective 'l'ariIT j
League. Scnd postal card rc- c
qncst for frec COP ) ' . Ask for
Documcnt No. 75. Addrcss W.
\Vakcman , Gcncral Secrctary ,
135 West 23d Strcet , New York.
Judge 1\1. P. Kinkaid , thc rc- (
publican candidate for congres (
was in the city li'riday 1'0 sec the (
membcrs of thc County Central (
Committce relative to' his cam- i
. . ,
pa1gn 111 thc county. 'l'hcJudge
feels vcry confidcnt of his cIec- r
Hon. When he entcrs on an
activc campaigu he expects to (
visit Custer county and will viHit '
as many localities as thc com-
mi ttce may decm ad visahle and
his time wiJ1 permit. 'L'he Judge
is one of the most popular men in (
his j\lhcial district aud is highl ) '
capablc of filling thc position to '
which he aspires. IIis election
is'a foregon conclusion and it is (
only now a question of majorities. 1
'W'c' predict that old Custer county j
which gave hnn a han somc I
majority two years ago will j
double that majorit ) ' this fall. ]
'I'he fusionists would
havc it I
appear that J. II. Mickcy , the ;
republican nominee for governor , ]
is po ing as a farmer/for lolitical I
, . . ( _ ' . ' 1. _ . . . _
" "
purposes only. Mr. Mickey lives
on his farm of 240 acrcs. lIe
farms by the sweat of his brow
al1llnot b ) ' the pcrspiration of hiS !
jaw. It is truc that he is president -
ident of the Bank of Osceola.
But he is not ashamed of it. lIc
has not denied it nor will he try
to cvadc it. How much differcnt
is his attitudc as a farmer a 11I1
a Imsincss man than that of llank-
cr Shallcnberger. In the campaign -
paign of 1900 the lattcrprofesscd
to have sold his interest in the
Bank of Alma , and his namc was
rClllov < ,1 ! frolll the bank's illh'crti-
Hing. lIe dressed in l rongh
rider costUIllC with sombretto
and buckskin leggins and had his
picture printed in the World-Her-
ald , which cxpatiated at length
concerning the "farmer candi-
datc" for congrcsH. AH soon as
election was over t hc naine of
Cashier Shallenbcrger again
went into print and the ranch-
mau's suit was rsturned to its
owncr.-llcavcr City 'l'imes-'I'ri-
lm ne.
( } ul'rlc'lI the 1\lall. .
Unless some Valley county man
) f cqual fitness should signify
lis willingness to acccpt the re-
mblican nominatIOn for state
enator we are of the opinion
.hat the coming scnatorial con-
Tcntion ought to rcnominate the
) rcscnt incumhent , Ii' . 1Curric. .
: Iis abilities have have heen pro-
'en and his integrity tried , and
L hctter man for the place we
: ould not hope to sclect. 'Ve re-
fret that thcre seems to be a
: ommon assumption that , because
Ie was in thc race for a higher
.Ilice . , he could not consistently
Lccept this enc again. But a
nomcn ts though t will show
hat this ought not to bc the
: ase. Other men holding posi-
ions of honor and trust , failing
n an attempt for a nomination
o a higher placc , have with all
loner and no sacrifice of dignit ) '
: ontinued in the position they
vere holding. ' 1\11' ' . Currie
lot our senator it might nqt look
vell for him to ask the , place ,
) ut the fact that hc is still sena-
.or makes it perfectly proper for
1im to continue in the place. It
s generally understood that
Ie never sought thc
lomination in either of thc
'ormer campaigns and we feel
: onfident that he is not desirous
o continue , hut he might be in-
luccd to remain in the place he
las fillcd so honorably. At an ) '
'ate let us rc-nominate him if he
nay be induced to serve us again.
: -Iis eminent service and cxperi-
is state senator lit him all the
.he more for oed serdce in the
'uture.-Ord Quiz.
It Wout Work.
We tllctly here it intimated
) ccassionally that the democrats
Ire busing their hopes of success
Lhis fall upon help they will get
rroUl thc brcwer or saloon or-
anization of the state. It is
: Iaimed that the saloons of the
, tate do not propose to tal < c an ) '
: hances with a church man for
overnor and a republican legis-
ature and that they will not only
: ontributc freely to the fusion
: ampaign to sccure'l'hompson's
Iectionbut that thcy will pay
) ut in great chucks whene'er it
: an be uscd to ah'antage in the
nterest of the democratic ticket.
l'ltey figure that with harmon ) '
'estorcd bctwcen the pops and
lemocrats , by thc equal didsion
) f thc spoils that the two parties
, vill present a solid front at the
> ol1s for the ticket. 'l'hej' also
gure that evcry saloon will havc
1 numbcr of republicans , the ) '
: an control on the whiskey issue.
l'hese combinations the ) ' figure
, vill elect the cntire ticket with
mch majorities that the republi-
: an candidates will scarcely know
lhey were in the race. Our informant -
formant says the plan is for the
1aloon organization to kecp in
lhe hack grounds and dcclare
[ mblicly and privately a total in-
liff erenco in the results of the
iampaign , while their tru ted
l1gents are supplied with an un-
lim it'd amount of money and i
g-oods and instructed to tay in
- _ - . .J _ . - _
- -
the fight untH the last votei : ;
countcd. 'l'he HHl'UUI.ICAN is
here to concede that organization
have planned to do all that is
claimed for them cxcept the re-
sult. , 'l'hat the ) ' will not ac-
complish. 'I'he saloon organization -
tion with the machincry of the
dcmocratic and populist partics
under their control can not control -
trol the state ofNebraslm. 'l'here
are thousands ( f church men
who belong to the delJ10crat and
populist parties that wil1notsuu-
mit to the dictation of thc rum
power c\'en with as clean a mau
a W. II. 'L'homp50n as their
standard hcarer. If it is to bc a
fight of the mill power of thc
statc against the churchpolitical. .
lines will bc ablitcrated in Custer
COUtttj' as wcl1 as c\'cry other
county of thc state. 'l'he I H-
PUII/.ICAN / accepts thc issuc without -
out any fcars of the results ,
What few republicans thc saloons
maj' be able to control 011 .that
issuc will he r placcd tenfold
from the ranls of thc midroaders ; ,
populis and democrats who wiII
rccord their votcs in protes
against the domination of the
rum power in state politics. .
Bither HIIrItI , Ignorllllt or Hoth.
\Vhcn the republiCans tell you
in thcir platform or on thc stump
that they favor this , that or the
other law if they < Ire reclected , tell
thcm they He and they know
they lie. And prove it , show
them that they have hacl for SIX
years the President , thc Senate.
and thc house , and could havc
cnactcd any law the pcople de-
malHled and their national platforms -
forms proclaimed. 'l'hcj'do not
want any legislation. All they
want is the votes of the dupes so
they can continue to skin the
puhlic. ' ! 'he Hepublican party
I has passed in the last six year's
every law the trusts , the monopolists -
nopolists , and protected int rests
ha\'e desired. It has never pas- ;
cd a single' act that made it
easier for , thc working man to
make a living. But its legislation -
tion has rcsulted in enabling the
special few to tax the clothes off
his back , deny his wife and children -
dren thc necessary food for their
proper sustance and put beyond
the rcach of any wagc carner thc
possibility of an education for his
' ! 'here is no party that has
ever had control. of the gov rn-
ment , state , or county that has
been truer to its pri nci plcs and
its representations than the rc-
publican party. 'rhe history of
the administration of thc republican -
publican party is proof of its
loyalty to the peoplc. No party
in so short a space of time cver
accomplished as much for all
classes , the rich and poor alike as
has the republican party After
the election of 'Villiam 'VcKin-
Ie ) ' and a republican congress in
1896 , one of thc first acts of the
republican administration waste
to repcal the Hill-Gorman frec
trade act that did more than any
other factor in bringing a
financial panic on the country ,
that not only threw laborers , by
thc millions out of imploYIU nt ,
but bankrupted hundres of
thousands of others who were
getting a fair start in lifc. 'l'he
republican party under the leadership -
ership of William McKinley re-
cnacted a protectivc tariff law
that at oncc rcstorcd thc con-
fidcnce of the public , started thc
factories to running , prodded
employmcnt for thc millions of
idle people at rel111111crati vc
wages , creat d a demand for the
products of the farm and factory.
'Yhere want , pcnury and l > al1k-
ruptcy prevailcd , plcnty and
prosperity in cyery walk of life
has been substituted. In-
dh'iduals as well as corporations
and trusts havc cnjoyed increa- !
cd compensation for their lahor ,
prOtuce ! and capital. We de-
nounc ( thc assertion that the
republican party ncvcr passed a
single act that madc it easier for
the worldng man to malw a Iiv-
i ng. It wns the protect h'e tari IT
act which provided protectiou for
thc products of thc factorics , the
meat , cnUlc , horscs , eggs , l > utter
and in fact cverything produced
or manufacturcd by American
labor .that furnished implo'mcnt
for the working man and gave
I the farmcrs fair prices for thcir I
- - . , . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
' . ' 1\alk about taxing the
clothing the poor man wcars for I
the hencfit of the tmsts. Whcn
was clothing' c"er cheapcr 01'
lahor allll farm product higher
thall at the prc'ocnt tin.1e. ' ( 'he
prcscnt laws are in the interests
of thc poor and the rich also profit -
fit hy thcm. ) ducatioll iH frce to
the PllOI' and rich alike and more
of thc poorer class arc g'ing
t'.lCir ' hoj's and girls thc acllnt -
agc of a higher echtcation to-htj'
t1 1I1 cver bcfore ill thc histor.r
of thc county , simply bccause the
COll1litions cnahlc them to alTord.
If the Bcacon thinln ; it can per-
suadc thc voters to votc for thc
t.etUrtl ; of thc frcc trade days of
fJ2 to % it is verj' much dccei ved.
'l'hcy are happy to Iwow that
the prescnt is far ahcad of that
pauic period and thej' willncvcr ,
knowingl.r vote to return to thosc
days. 'l'hc proof of it will bc
seen in an increascd majorit ) ' for
the republican tickct in c\'ery
cOllnty and state in thc Union
this fall.
- .
- - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
ft- . 'v"I'v , " ' . . , . . . , . ft , . , . , ft ' . , . - - , " , , , , , , ' , , ' '
. . . ; I'v . , , ' : : ' ' 't.:1t.1'I"I' _ : " : : " : ; " " : " : \ : :
CI' " ' " ' " ' " M"M" " ' ' ' ' ' - ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
: . I Superrisors Proceedings. )
c.c-t- ctl" ; ! ; " , ' ' ' : ' : - . \ ; . < I'U''W . . _ . . . . " 'otC. ' ' ' > ' ' C ' < 'W " " . . . ' > . ; L' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' . & . ; : . . B . ) )
c1 ; ! i . . . . HE IJlEII1) 01' TIIG 1I0AIIU. . . . 'j k ; ) )
c't : , 1" , H. MOIIIIl.lrleJlt. . . . . . . . . , .Hls't. . . I
. . . . . . . . )
"i UFO. w. OIl I.hvAI.T. : Llllllln. 2 " ; ,
; 0 . 'I'IIOIII' Broken Bow. . . : J "
i 1,1. ' " : : l"h
c c.'j ( ALIN Ihll.t. 1II11hllfll. . . . . . . . . , .1 ' '
' .JUlltI IIENIIY. 11I1I/lwuY. / . . . . . . to r. f''jjl
c1 : ; J. \ \ ' . I'ONLI1Y : , Oconto. . . . . . . . . . . j- - ; )
: - , . . . . " )
Ct. < 10-rTIEU 1113111I. Mllqon City. 7
C. . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . , . - " . , . . . ) )
t ; J. i. . ) 1 . \ ' 01.fu. : ; . " ' " ; ; .r . ; ; 'I- ; , , : " ; S"it.1' 't , { "i. ; . . . ! . t . : . .
'I'UHSDAY , JUT.Y 15 , 1')02.
'l'he board of supervisor of
Custcr county , Nebraska , con-
\'encd in regutar session at the
court house , in Broken Bow , at I )
a. m. , wcre called to ordcr by the
Allmemhers present.
' ) 'he forenoon was spent in
committee work.
.A t 12. o'clock t he board ad-
jou rued till 1 :30 p. 111.
Board met at 1:30 : p. m.
All mcmbers prcsent.
'J'hc bridgc comJlI i ttce .report-
ed as follows :
\Ve , your comlllittee. rccomlllcllI1. that
the hridgc claim of the- Standard Brilgc
Company for $1,125.89 he a1\owc(1. \ (
l\lo\'cd and carried io accept
and adopt thc report of the com-
14' . S. Morris rcported as follows -
lows :
I ha\'c soh I old hridgc lumber lo lhc
amonnt of $2.5u and lurnc(1 the moncy
o\'cr lo thc county trcasurcr , whosc receipt -
ceipt is hcreto atl lchcll.
l eport accepted and adopted.
A pet i tion signed hy J. C. JIu tt ,
et aI , pra'ing' that thc question
of thc county paying hounties ou
wild allimals be submitted to the
voters at the next g'cneral clec-
tion was read and discussed.
l\fm'cd and carried that the
petitiou bc submitted to thc
voters for th.c purposc of bounty
on coyotcs he g'rantell as provided -
vided by statutc , and that each
person applying for said bounty
l > c rcquired to dcsignate section ,
township and range , on which
said coyotes w rc Idllecl and that
the balancc of pctitiou be re-
jcctcc1. .
Movcd amI carried to adjou rn
till I ) o'clock tomotrow.
\\'HDNHSIM Y , JUT.H" } 902.
Board convencd at I ) a. m.
I.'orenoon was spent in com-
mittce work.
Moved and carried to adjourn
till 1 :30. :
Boarcl convencd at 1 :30 : p. 111. ,
with aU mcmbers prescnt.
Mm'ed hy Grccnwalt , scco1H ed
bj'1\lorris , that the count. ) ' clerk
be and herchy is instructed to
purchase a ucw road platt book ,
and that the proposition of thc
county sUr\'eyor to transfer all
roads onto the new book for $75 ,
and to takc the old hook for $15
he accepted.
.l\lotioli carried.
_ _ _ _ : uI _
YOII ron mlllw ) 'tlur hnr.
IICtllt IL : ! IIUrL II , . hl\ '
1111(1 , , IIIlIloh : II" wi. . . toy
1191111 : m It IUCUnr -
, , , , . ,
no " " Clil. Yon 'nn
11'1I1lllrnlls IIr , . . . IIl1lklllt
IUlit hI h'o I\ " ' " 3 IUI It
unllnllrUy WDuM.
ElBff fE A
Ilarness on
tnnkr " poor lookl"g bllr.
IlhS IIkll 1I1'11' . . " "t1e ot
purl ! . Ile.yJoIU \ 11 011. I'll-
' > < 'I.'lnlll' pr"plln' < 1 to wltb.
IlIAU" tlu wClllbrr. ,
& 1 < 1 " , 'er.where
In cnu5-ull alz
. . . - _ . . - - . -
. _ , . . . . . . . _ , . . . _ . . . . _ _ _ _ - = -r. ; , . . . , ; : - ; ; ; : . : ; ; . 'fp' ; . . . . . - - - - - -
J .
. . .
. . . . . ftI' { . . . . . . ! " 't. ' . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . , . w. , . . * . . , , ! " ' . . . . . . . . . , . , " 't' . , . . , 11" ' ' ' ' .I. ' 'I..I. ' . . : \ . .
: ' . : r I. , , : : " ' " . , , ! , . . : ! ; iI. I "i'I.i''i . : . . . : , L. ' . : " . . . . . ' ! ' II.m..Ia ' ; :1''i : ' ; ; m ! .I"mJl ; ' ; : ' .t"f. ; ' ; i. : " Ii.f.'mi : 'I"'IL" ! ; ; ' : " " ' ' ' ' ' ' : ' . ' i ' : .t"I : ' +
: f ' ' ' ' I , .
1. . . . ( . , ' It , :
g . ( . J . C . BOWEN . II " , .
: . , . I..J
u n :
. 'j. : . , : \ : r.J
1 all , competition in j J '
'r i
'i ' LEADS frui s in their season. r
\Vc tal\C 111 exchangc for M' :
; anything 111 stock , Po ultr ) ' ,
Butter , l ggs , ancl aU c1as es l 'i
: : of country produce.Vc gn'c
Kf1 orders for any thillg we do not : .11.1 ;
carry. Our stock of Groceries t1
: t is CompletAlways i' csh. A
1 Crockerj' , Patcnt .l\Iccltc111es ,
Wi and \VaU Papcr always in 1.j ,
lY stck. J _ Pure Old Cider i : f:1 !
: . , i . \ . ! V Illegal' , IS our trade . mark. ; : ; ! ; .
U !
'H' . Y ours F. , .Ii :
. . . . . ftWi
t. " d ; , .
' ' ! ! l.
. . . . , . . . . . . I ! : tJ . . .
- J C ' : , -
: t . ! . . ' . . .1.11\ : l
j- . ; . ; : ! ' ' ' - : . : 0 . r . ; . : . . " . " ' : . , . . ; . l . . : ! , II' . : . : . . - ; . I'f. . . : : : ' . 11'tU1 , : : , = , ' ; : " , " , : : ' 8"1,11I' , : : . . . ; : ' ; : . 'II' . : ' , ! . ( ; . . ! , ' ' .Ii : '
. ; . " : : . : ' : JI , . . , t..1 . , . . : ' . :1..J. t. ! , , . . : ' : . :1..J. il t. : . . . : ' : . :1 , I . . . , . . ! . , . ' : , : . . , , It -II. ! . " : : . ' :1. " ' ' . " t. ! , , . . . /'IJ" . : , . . -1 , . . " : : . ' " ' .1/ .1 , J h. . . . , " . ' : . , ,1 uo J . ! . . . : . . .1' ' " . . "
Bridge committee reported as
follows :
\Vc , your committce , recomtllcl1l1that
thc fullowing claims hc allowcll :
Geo. Grecnw lt. . . . . . . . . . $13 00
J. 'V. Conlcy. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 30
Ernest Morris. . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50
Andrew'Veaver. . . . . . . . . . 525
Sam Johnson. . . . . . . . . . . . 825
Ii' . S. Morris. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 O
G. Hiser. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 17 00
Barstow & Pcrrin. . . . . . . . 1 95
li' . S. Morris. . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 00
Standard Bridgc Co. . . . . . . 56 52
Alvin Daily. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 35
J ames Henry. . . . . : . . . . . . . 5 00
amI thntthc claim 0' the Wheeler Lum-
bcr Co. be laid ovcr.
ovcr.P. . S. MORRIS ,
G. H. TIIORPg , }
J. W. CONI.E. . . . ,
Moved and carried to accept
and adopt th report.
Ollicial bond , road and road
claims cOI unittcc reported as
fol1ows :
'Vet your cOlllmittcc. rccommelHI that
the fo1\owing \ botHI ! ) he approvcd : W.
R. Pcnninglon , county physicilIJ ; John
Adalllson. rom I ovcrsccr district NO.3.
Sargcntj Andy Court. road ovcrseer district -
trict No. ( . Sargent ; and l1l11t the bond
of 1'011I1 ' district
Hlijah Owens. o\'crsecr
NO.3. Sargcnt , hc rcjected.
\\'c also rcrcommcllII that the fo1\ow- \
ing claims hc allowcd :
li' . 1 . VanAntwerp. . . . . . $ 30 00
II II . . . . . . 8 00
" " . . . . . . 27 00
Chas. Barrctt. . . . . . . . . . . 2 00
D. J. Kring- . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00
Jcsse H. 'l'cagarden. . . . . 11 25
S. L.V ood. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75
] binezer 1\Lillcr. . . . . . . . . 3 75
Algcrnon 'l'ownship. . . . . 100 00
Mo'cd and carried to accept
the report.
Adjourned till 9 a. m. to-
'l'I1UHSDA Y , JUT.Y 17 , 1902.
Board convened at 9 a. m. with
allmembers present.
1\lInutes of July 15th and lth
werc read and approved.
Movcd hy Conley , seconded by
Morris that the" clerk be and
hercby is instructed to draw
warrants immcdiately to the
Standard Bridge Co. for the
sll1n of $11R2Al , for bridge work
done to datc.
Motion carried.
1\10\'ed and cnrried to adjourn
to 1 :30 : p. m. - .
Board conv ned at 1:30 : p. m.
Allmcml > ers present.
. Head committec rcported as
fol1ows on road petition of Geo.
Court , ct al :
\Vc , your committcc , rccolllmctlli that
the within pctition he gran lcd , IIn dum-
agcs allowc(1 as follows : Arthur R.
Bowcn. So ; J. B. Brush. $10 ; Frcdcrick
Hmlhmt , 50j Hilwin DlIl'rnh. $20j
Joscph Kriz , $3u ; alllo hc lc\'ieli against
roml l\istricl \ No. I , Sargcnt town hipj
alllithat Joscph Kriz hc grantell the pri.
vilege to constrnct atlli muLltain a cattlc
chutc , saill chute to he 16 feet wille with
hanistersr GI\O. \ GIUUtNWAlo' ' ' ,
G. IIISHIt , } Com.
AI.\'IN D.\lI.\ ' .
Moved and carried to accept
and ndopt the report of the com-
mi ttee.
Mm'ed and carried that thc
surve'or is hereb ' instructed to
' -rune ) ' and cstabltsh the T . Leep
MO\'cd a\HI \ carricd to accept
the proposition of H. I . llrega to
pa \ ' $25.00 for the assignmcnt for
taxes on lot 13 , block 55 , l . H.
Addition to Callaway , and \V.
Zumbrum ; to pay $25.00 for
the assignmcnt for tax on lots
19 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 and 24 , block
41) , Callaway.
Movcd al d carricd to adjourn
till 9 a. m. tomorrow.
IrlUDA Y , JUl. Y 18 , 1902.
Board convencd at 9 a. m. , . .
with allmembcrs present.
Judiciary committee reported
as follows :
. .J.
\Ve , your committee , reconltnend tbat
the following claims he allowt'd :
N. E. Armstron $ ' " . . . . . . $65 50
N. E. Armstrong. . . . . . . . . 10 50
J. M. Smiley. . . . . . . . . . . . 2 85
Z. S. Branson. . . . . . . . . . . . 2 35
D. E. Lincoln. . . . . . . . . . . . 11 45
Lee Herdman. . . . . . . . . . . . 2 50
A. C. Crawford. . . . . . . . . , . . 3 30
Morey Welch. . . . . . . . . . . . 25 00
I Frank Hendricks. . . . . . . . , 3 20
ll\Irs. Marvin Freed. . . . . . . 8 00
I J Alii US Hi\NHY ,
G. HISlm ,
l\Ioved and carried to accept
and adopt the report.
Committee submitted a majority -
ity and minority report on claims
of N. E. Armstrong , as follow !
on the claim for $278.10 :
\Ve , ) 'our committee. rccommen that
the within claim he IIlIowed for f.8o.oo ,
fees for return on 160 distress warrants ,
. . and that $110.10 be 'rcjected liS over
, charges in mileage on the within claim ,
and $88.00 be applied on ovcr charges in
mileage on claim No. 1284 , for 1 273.60 , _
. . .
. I
balance due , $80.00 , ,
JAJ\ms Ihmlw.
G. HiSI\U. }
I rccommcmI that the within claim be
allowcd for $278. la ,
: atlli on thc claim of N. E. Armstrong for
$550.1)0. we rccommcnd that 261.IO of
thc within claim he rejcctcil as over
char c in mileage on the within claim.
allli $140.45 he applicd on ovcr chargc 011
mileage 011 claim No. 1354 fur $369.35.
Icaving halrmce due of $140.45 he allow-
ed. JAI\II : S III\NR\ ' ,
. } C on t .
G. HISI\R \ ,
I recommclul the within claim be al-
lowed. Gi O. GIUl : NWAI.T.
l\Ioved and seconded that the
minority report be acccpted and
V oting 'es-Greenwalt , Con-
ley and DatI ) ' .
Voting no-Henr ) ' , Hiser ,
'l'llOrpe and Morris.
Road committee reported on
road pctition of J. E. Holcomb ,
ctal , as follows :
\Vc , ) 'our cO ltnittce , rccommend that \
the within petition be granted , and dam-
agc nllowclllls follows : J. Jr. Hubhard , .
$60ooj to be levied agninst roall district
NO.3. Garficllltowl1shipj and Passump-
sic Savings Bank , $20.00 ; and 1\1. Jr. Huff.
man , $20.00 , lo he Icviell ngaiust road
district No. I , llroken Bow township.
GriO. Gkl liNWAI.I. .
G. II ISl It , } Com.
Report adopted.I
Adjourned till 9 a. m. to-
SA'l'UHDAY , JUI.Y 19 , 1902.
. . ,
Board met at 9 a. m. , with all
mem bers present.
Minutes rcad and approved.
Moved by Hemj' , seconded by
Morris that the sheriff l > e and
hereby is instracted to return to
thc countj' treasurer all distress
warrants now in his hands not
sen'cd , in the following manner ,
to-wit : Returned by order of
county board.
Voting' aye-Henry , Morris and
Voting' no-Conley , Dail ) ' and
Chairmau declared the motion
Gco. Greenwalt raised to point
of order 'l'hat
: in-as-much sa
the chair had cntertained the
motion to adopt the -
port of the jUdiciar ) ' comlluttee
in the matter of its report on the
claim of N. E. Armstrong , a con- . .j. (
sidcration of the majority report
would be out of order. .
Chairman over-ruled his objec-
Hon , whcreupon Greenwalt ap- i