Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 31, 1902, Image 1

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L\btl1dlm \ eoOt6tr
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ES'l'ADLISHED 1882. 'l'IiE 01 1 'ICIAL PAPEI 01 CUS'l'EI COUN'l'Y. LARGES' ! ' CII CUI4A'1\ION 01 ; ' ANY PAPmI IN 'PIlE COUN'l'Y. ,
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Ih llIItJ III . \ : ; : ' : ; I ; ' . r
SClllto' I'la : ! : , ' ' \ l1Iay Iw ,1I t1"1I1 " illl/ ' . :
. .
Clolh , lIIa1. 1. > . . ill IittllllC "r , h'col1l'
1111 ( II CI'1I1. , 1I1H111 \ \ lau iii. . Ihelll
lIlllholl. "Do Ihe ' iii ? " i'la
} ' 11I" '
tioll ofl..11 " 81l'd. fI'lf.IUIlIlIr. shoC's '
i or clolhes 1. > 111 11"1 ahl ay 1IIlllllfhl 1
of ill 1.011111'.11011 wilh . . } . . .lfla8 e. . .
You ClI ! wear cllI'a" . 11111111 } ' clolhe"
alld IIIJUre YOllr " "l'lIlallllll. Ollif.
: You caut'ar ch'aill \ f 1tillll' :
vta'l e'l. ollly allh , ' rl'll { of illjurilll"
your , 'yesI11hl. All 1111' lillillif . .hll"
lIIalce'\ , 'II 11110\\11 It\ . 11.lill. Pllllr g
I eyelrla'l&e'l Ifl\ < ' 1111 warllillll' 1111111 r
the harlll i 011'11I' . 1"1'0 h"lv , fl'Ih : ' "
hul all 111111111 rca < l IIIHIo'r"IIIHIIIIV.h "
. \ Imoql allyon , ' I'all III \ "II 1IIh
IlaESC . . 1. > 111 will H'U ht' "lIlIe < 1. "
. " ' " "
aft..r 11l' haq 1I1I'd" VIII' ' I call
a lql III J > rolOIlIl'IIII ( , ollr t'.q. II' e.
fulllerS all < l 1100d "I IIIII.
, .l I : Clllh.gC.t
Jrsl1l1atu or Chlal'O OPI hnhnlc . .
. . . . . . . --s--'IflO :
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
School Books ,
Srhonl SlIpp1ies ,
J. G. Haeberle's :
- _ - -
' - - h' - - - -
. Perle Elizabt'th Fields ,
ID BD r jB llIhn Bjn ] .
O1/PICH BOlms :
C ) a. m. to 12 m.
1 :30 : tot p. m.
Or by appointment.
&irOffic { o\'er Anderson's Jewelry Store
in Rcally nIock , Brokell How. Nchm ka.
, \-tt- , . _ . _
HAil ! HAil !
The old reliahle St ,
Paul Fire \ lVlal'ine
Insurance Co. , of St.
Pall. ! , Minn"Tith oycr
$3,000,000 cnsh assets -
sets , offers the nU'nl-
ers of Custer coun ty
absolute iuc1cl1lI11ty
against Joss by Hail.
. Lov rates , I-Ionorahle
adjustnH : nt anc1 Spot
cash s ttlen1cnts. In-
t . .
sure you . ) ' ere ] ) uo'alns t
hail. .J. A. I-IA l { ItIS ,
. Agent.
\ Office 1)
, Opposite .
0. , Bl'olrcn Bnv , N eb.
. _ _ . . . . . . _
- ' - - - ' -.r. " .
- - - -
\'OU Mi.i51' : Htr.ttD "i-HI :
t@rv J 9.a1Sta
ItlIL mln I ' \0"\11' lion. , ' "
, ,1,1.t , ) . . you . .ur ! . . . . .t. . , . , _ " [ : . .u.L' , I
d " " , ; ellenl I'lctllr 01 III U " "oj
, pl c" : ; yvu ImounJ "h"Hld I.n : > w ,
, IIC s cor'D 1"6TA MtNT Of'
Latest and Grealest i'I"vcl
, .
g.he earl " aiden
.his Is a wonderlul story and is belnc rea. !
Ly hundreds of thouLands READ rr.
make ) 'our hair \JrI t1e.
These ami many other roeod thlllC ! ! nrt' In'
' . Au c U ST P tA : R so N' S
10 CentsCvorywhere
For /I 2-oo"t st.uup we wll\ \ mall
YOII ( \ Looklct giving the lirlit Instalmenl
of "The Pearl Malden" und show how 10
mnle lJ IJulllJrll IJIJ ) ' ( or l.lfe write now.
l' lIrsou PublishluK Co. , Z A lor 1'1.c , Ncw'IIL"
. . .
1l : : : : c ; f : 1
n. II. Andrews of Callaway
was a city . vi sitor the first ot the
A. II. Ba rks of thc Anslcy
Citizen was a visitor in thc city
Sunda y .
1\I. F. Blaltkenship of Custer
Center was a fricndl.r caller at
this t1 cc Saturday.
Rcmcmber thc Ice Cream Social -
ial < 1t the [ Ieming Vall .y school
I house Saturday night.
n. B. Andrews of Anclmo was
looking aftcr busin ss matten , in
the county scat Frida ) ' .
N. T4. I cynolds and family vis-
itetlVcst uion Saturday afternoon -
noon , returning Monday.
Jas. I4indley of Anselmo was a
city visitor 'Saturday. This
ot1 ce acknowledges a friendl.r
Sheriff Armstrong brought in
alto Anderson of \\Tayne township -
ship 'fuesllay to bc examined for
his sanity.
Miss Lelia Holcomb who has
been in the state of Washing-ton
the past ) 'ear returned home Saturday -
urday morning.
' [ 'he 'reachers Institutc will
close tomorrow. 'l'hose who at-
tcnded speak very highly of the
work accomplished.
J. H. II. Cross bronght in Monday -
day a colton wood branch that
had made a growth of six feet
and , three incnes this season.
D.'l'rout of the southwest quarter
of the count , ) ' , writes that part of
the count.r has hecome a lake
countr.r. Everj' body has a smile
which te11s it a11.
Another rain of 1.3 ( ) inches
visited this locality last l riday
night. A few morc such rains
in the next month and the corn
j'i ld will be immcnse.
E. EHogaboom ; , who resides
wcst of town reports having har-
, 'ested 80 acres of rye and 80
acres of oats. J t took four
pounds of twine to the acre for
thc oats.
Company M. went to Gcorge-
town Monday afternoon to spend
two or threc days in camp on the
Loup. A number of the mem-
hers of the company took their
wivcs with them.
Mrs. I4. J. Gandy , wno has
heen running a boarding hbusc
in thc room just north of the He-
publican officc for the past three
months mo\'cd out Monday to
her own residcncc in thc nor th
west part of the city.
Prof. Fordycc , dean of the
Wcsleyan Univcrsity of I4incoln ,
was greeted with a large
audience both 'l'hursday night
of la t week and 'l'uesday night
of this. His lectures were enter-
laining and highly instructiye.
Joel Lannum of Ansle , ' was in
the city Saturday and closed the
deal hy which he he hccamc the
owner of the Painc heirs estate
ncar 'Vesten'i1le , which consists
of 1hO acres of unimproved land
for which he paid SHOO.
Prof.Vaters , Principal of the
Valley school ncar Omaha , th
past year , was a frh.'IHl1y caller
at this o1 ! ce 'I'ncsda ) ' . Mr.
\Yakrs is one of the instructors
in till' institute and hif. work is
"poken'er ) ' highly of by the
tea c hers.
, We rece'ed several daily newspapers -
papers from Salt 14ale last week
giving a detailcd account of the
rcception extended to Gov. Savage -
age and his staff on their
return from the coast. ' ! 'he
Nebraskans wen royally entcr
taincd in the capitol of Utah.
Jud Mortcn put in a brickcros-
sing for the city Monday between
the State Bank and Swan's grocery -
ery on Fourth Avenue. 'I.'ime
alonc will tell whether brick are
cheaper than lumber for crossings.
'l'here is no quertion but lumber
is the cheaper at the beginiug.
R. C. Cannon and Mr. I ewin of
Westcn'ilIe made thiB office a
friendly call Sahtrda ) ' , 'rhey
were feeling" Jubilent of the suc-
ccss of their ball team O\'cr thc
Broken Bow nine. It is well
they might as the score stood 21
to 11 in favor \Vesterville. .
'l'he Westerville battery werc
Lewin and Copse } ' .
Ringling Circus is to be here
September 8th instead of August
'V. C. Luce returncd today to
Prairie Ccnter , Illinoi ! ' ; to carc
for his fathcr who i now in his
nlHl year.
l . 1\1. Hublce and wife retu1'l1cd
Sunday morning from their w stern -
tern trip. Mr. Hublcc reports a
verj' pleasant timc.
Dr. Wither9 , Omaha's painless
denti t wil1 bc at the Glohc Hotel
ncxt 'I'hnrsday and I riday Aug.
7 and S. At' Ansclmo Aug.I ) .
'rhe Ninth Annual District rc-
union of the Central Nehraska
Vcterans Association will be hela
at Ansley Aug. 19 t 22. 'l'he
l1odernVoodmcn will hold their
annual picnic Aug. 21
Dean Holcomh , who wcnt to the
state of Washing'ton a few monUm
ago to acccpt a hlcra ti'C po ; it ion
in a bank retll1'ned lo Urokcn
Bow 'l'uesday to accept a position
as teller in le Custer National.
About one hundred and fifty of
the citizens of Omaha will stop
011' here Saturday afternoon on
thcir return from an excursion
from Deadwood for their dinner
at 2.30. 'rhc ) ' will he g'en a
pleasant reception by the citizens
of Brokcn Bow.
'Vamer 'Vest of Brcwestcr and
Miss Ida Dunning of Dunning
were married at the Grand Central -
tral Hotel of this city yestenlaj' .
Rev. S.V. . I ichards l1 ciating.
'l'he bride is the daughter of
Samuel Dunning well known tea
a number of the readers of the
Notll'O to UChlllllHmt 'l'UXIIIl'C'R
As you ought to know , pcrson-
al taxes are duc October 1st of
each ycar , and are delinqucnt
and subject to distress warrant
being issued l eb. 1st of each
ycar following. Land tax is due
Oct. 1st , delinqucnt May 1st , and
advertised Oct. 1st , and sold to
highest bidder , or at private salc
Nov1st , after datc of becoming
due , so govcrn yourselves accordingly -
ingly , ' .rhe law says you shall
appear at the trcasurer's ol1 cc
and pay your taxes , and if YOll
the county treasurer shall collcct
personal taxes by distress warrant
after thc abovc datcs. I he-
lieve that nearly everyhody wan ts
to pay their taxes withont costs ,
and I have concluded to take this
mcans of notifying' everyonc
through the prcss. Do not neglect -
glect this matter , but lattend to
it as soon as possible , as I do not
want to make you allY cxtra expense -
pense , but 1 must , and wilt collect -
lect delinqueut taxes according
to law , as 1 bclievc that was
what I was elected ) 'ourtreasnrer
for. W. A. GHOIWH.
Coun ty 'I'reasurer.
J. , . NC .
\\'eather fille since the excefsive mills
of last week.
1\1iss Grace 1\1. Griffith iH at Sllllllller
school at Brola'lI ow. . .
1\1rs. 1\1. COllIe ) ' was vcr ) ' sick last
week is sonll : illlpro\'cilatthis writill .
1\1rs. Dallson of Tllekerlle was
throwlI frolll It horse , slIstuining a brokell
1\11' . G. A. Grill1th reports the first
roastill cllrs. lIot h ) ' words hut h ) ' WOl ks.
lie scntllle a hi IIICSS. Thanks.
ROlills illlpassable , IIIUII ) ' plll'l's : hy
washollts forlllilll canyolls reqlliring
forty feel hrilges to span till' chaslII.
1\lrs. , purposes to have a prolral'
cllq > l't ra bt \ \ 'inparty ! , evcrybody in-
vitell. Dent forget your ncedlcI ! \ II I
thilllhle. '
A 1\1 iss of six or se\'cn SlIlIInll'rs
Ilaughter of 1\11' . McGlaughli1l of O\'onto.
was joilcil off II wagon 10:111 : of su.I . , tht'
h lIII whccl passing o\'cr her he1I1 ! hreak-
ing her jaw , her life is despaired of.
UI .TF-I.I.O ,
Two and thirty hundreth inchc. . of
rain feIJ since our last wriling.
1\11'5. G. O. joiner who has been on thl. '
sick list thc past weck hi IJeUer at
prc ! > enl.
1\Irs. Phillip Johnson was ( 'allell to
Brokcn Bow , 1\lomluy lIIorning to attend
at the bed sille of here dallghterIrb. : .
Ackerman of 1\Iuwn City , who is at lhc
home of Jacob Johnson. II son.
The youngest child of 1\11' . hac Wadd.
ington of Eureka \'allc ) ' was bul ed at
the OrteIJo Cemeter ) ' on last Saturday.
The little feIJow has been II suffer all 01
its short life , anll God took him hOllle.
1\11'5. C. n. Da ) ' was taken violcntl ) '
bick on Frida ' of last week. Dr. Downing -
ing was calle ( aUII was in attcndance un.
til SUIHluy noon. Congcstiun of , tht
howels was thc aillllent. hut she in II fait
way for recovery at this wrilin .
j. 1\1. Fodge went to Ansley. 1\1011(111) ( '
to help in the preperation of a P'ro nllli
for the G. A. R. Rcunion for this dis.
trict. Ansle ) ' citizens hll'inlraised funds
to defm ) ' expenses , un invltc the " 0111
I bo's" to come and cnjoy thclIIsch'es
AUIlst 19'20-21 allll 22 ,
' -
- : <
Allllllnll'lclilc nt Unlo.
Will hc held 'l'ucsday , August
1t1 ) ! , 1"02. " 'l'hc mauagcr iu-
tl'ml tl. make this picuic enc of
the hcst c\'cr held in Dale and
cxtcnd a cordial invitation to
everyone. 'l'hc program well
consist of speaking by IIon. W. .
II. 'l'homp on , of Grand Island , !
candidate for go'emor , and other I
promincnt speakers. 'l'he Broken !
Bow Cornet Ballli wil1 fut'llish
music for the ( la\ ' . Sports of all
Idnds during' th aftct'lloon and
c\'cniug including' llase hall ,
horsL' racing , foot racing , slow
IIInll' racing ch' . l efrcshllll'nts
of allldlllls Ci\n hc had on the
grolllllls. A 150011 ( linncr wil1 he. . .
SL'f\'l'd hy thc ladies. Comc.
e\'cr ) ' hOlly and l'njoy a day of
sport. By order of Committee
WOl'thy 'l'I'lhute to 11 I'UJ'IIICI' ( : IIHtln' .
( JulIlIl ) ' 1.11111' . I
IWlllh'lI . 'xll..I < sl ) ' fur III. . HIII'IIIII.H\N uf
IIrnl < t'1I IIlIw. N.'h' ' 1Ia. hI''lIh1'
Cia ) ' JlIIIII. .
"I4augh ; 11111 thc world laug-hs
wi t h ) 'OU Wl'ep a 11I1 ) 'OU Wecp
alone" says Rlla Wheel1'Vilcox
in one ol'r 1II0st heautiful po-
CIIIS , and therc is IIInch 1'0011 for
reOection in the saying' that
" ' ( 'his world is "
what wc make it"
fol' we ilia ) ' travel throng'h life
without sccing its lIIan\'bcautil's
01' rcaping any of th hcnelitn
which om Maker dcsignell that
wc should ; on the othcr hand if
we g.O in search of earthly pleasures -
ures thcre is IIInch to he fonnd
ahout us e\'el'Y day.
A striking example of this was
brou [ ht to lilY noticc when 1\Iiss.
1\1 irmula 1\laupin took up hcl'
rcsidcncc in Omaha , Ncbraska
hailing from Brokcn Bow , Nebr.
'l'his lady has fol' lIIan ) ' years
heen an invalid unable to cnjoy
tifc as those of her friends who
have been morc fortuna tc than
her from the stand point of
physical strength and cndurance.
For years she has becn unable to
risc up out of her invalid's chair
and 111ust bc contcnt to rcmain in
practically in enc position all the
Yet withal she has that happy
faculty of looking at thc hright
side of life , enduring pain anti
suffering without scarcel ) ' a mlll'-
IIIcr and posscsses at all timcs a
cheerful countcnancc and affablc
Bcing possessed of a bright intellect -
tellect and polished manncrs as
well as heing a lady of good conversational -
versational abilities shc at once
attracts others by her ready wit
and daily adds to hel' lal'ge list
of friends and aCCJuaintances'
l ) Unahle to travel arollnd at will
she must necessarily confinc herself -
self to her immediate slIITound-
ing's , Unlikc the majority of
pl'oplc who arc always pce'ish
and fretful when confinell to
their homes dming' a siegc of
sickness , she deligh , "look ou t of
hcl' wi ntlo\V and cnjoy the bcau-
tics of nature , to listen to thc
warhling- the birds , the rustlc
of the lcaves wafted by the gentle
hrcexes brings music to hcr and
all nature secms to comhinc to
makc her lifc enc of rcal enjoy-
men t.
"Contentmcnt is natnral wcal-
th" says Rocrates"lllxury ; is al'ti-
licial po\'erly. " Contentmcnt is
generally conccded to bc a high
dass of character and is possessed
by a limited nllmhcr of in-
d i \ ' tlllals.
In the enjoyment of life in its
t mer sensc 1\'liss Maupin seems
to ha\'c acquired as much happiness -
piness as thollgh she had becn the
proud possessor of all those ( joll-
g'cn faculties which others possess -
sess , and her am iahie and pleasing -
ing manners affords an amplc
which others might welll'ntulatl' .
Thus allmanlcind to a greater
or ie : ; degree lIIay partake of the
pleasures of life as he or : ; he may
choose to malcc them. In thc
language of the poet Doanc :
'Chll > eJ ill halld. U. " ' , , : . . ; ; ; : : ; ! "t"l. > flY.
With hi" marille blocl , I. > doru him :
; \1\11 hit ! facu lit Ul' II Ilh a slIIlJ of jO } ' .
A6\II alllle dream l'a98e < l 0'1' him.
Uo carveI thnt on Iho } 'I ldlnll' 11111110
" 'ilh lIIan } ' a tharl' ' ' IIICI"lolI :
III lIea\'ell's o\\'lIl 1chl Ih scull'lor shullc- "
Ue ha caullht Ihal alllCle vIsion.
cullll"r" of ( If" are W" . iI" \ \ ' slalld.
" 'lIh our Ih' " IIl1earv"h"fure us.
WallhllC . . , hour. wlll'n , 011 ( iod'lI COl1llllall < l.
Our life r alll pa"tlcS o'.r us.
tct U8 can" II. thell. 011 Ihe } 'I"hlllllC SIOIl" ,
' \'ilh lIIall } ' a hharl' Illeisioll :
Itt ! h avclllr lIeauohall h" our "wu-
. OIH livet ! . Ihal .IIWel , .It.lulI. "
WmW ( ) ( ) LOU HOIII U A I' SI'W : AUU
I Iow Hntc. for HoulIIl - 'l'rlll AlIllIlt I ,
YlnllurlluglUli Houto.
! tor the IInl1ua1 log-rollinj { nud picnic
of UIC Modern Woodlllen of Alllenca to
he iteM Auu ! t 21 at Scwnrd , Nchra kll ,
tlte 1IurJiugtol1 Route hns IIIlIde the low
I'llte of olle IInd one.third for the 1'0111(1 \
trip frolll IIearl ) ' all poillts il1 Nehmska.
} tor mhlltlol11t1 infonl1ation IIhout rates ,
tickets , trail1 service. etc. , IIppl ) ' to the
IIca test 11111'11 IIgtOI1 Routc lIcnt ! or wri te to
J. } tIUNCI ,
GCllerall'nssel1 er A ellt ,
7-9 Omllha , Neh.
( ] lIswr ( 'Ullllty Crops.
\V. O. Dodge , of Grant Precinct -
cinct , on 'l'ncsday Imt threshed
a twent-one acrc ficld of winter
whcat which ) 'iehled 1,125 hnsh-
els , or fiftj'-fonr bm hels per acre.
1\11' . Dodge had all 01" it hauled to
I cxil1g'ton wherc he disposed of
it at 52 cents a IJtlshcl. 'l'he
grai n tested ( )2 potIlHls.-f4cxing-
ton 1 ) ionccr.
- - -
' \Ve leam that Mr. Slterbccd
out on Clcar Crecl { has thl'ashcd
out a ficld f fal1 wheat which
mJk' the enormous , 'ield of 47
hushels to the acre. Just think
of 2S20 poullds of weeat growing'
' ' of ground anll
on c\'er ) acre
wort It Ill'a r1y a cen t a pOlI\Hl. 1 l'
that is lIot coining' mone ) ' equal
to an ) ' mint in the count 1' ) ' wc ( ! o
not know what's what. - - ArcadIa
Champion. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ '
l'uI IUt ! II' l.o l.
La , t Frida ) ' afternoon het wcen
Broken Bow and m ) ' placc threc
milcs south cast of the dty. It
containell hetwcen $ ( ) and $10.
' ( 'he finder will confer a favor hy
noti fying' JIIC 01' the R1\l'UIITICAN \
omce. .I. W. CIA\ ' .
, .
- - - - - - - -
A Sl1ldlle.
Joe Jelinick of 1 lk Crcek com-
mitl'd snicide last Saturday by
hlodng' olT the back of his hcad
with a shotgun. lIe was one of
the earl ) ' settlcrs of his localitj'
and was in fair circumstanccs.
l ; lInily troublc is said to be rc-
spomihlc for thc rash act.
Cllnrcll Hcrvlcc" .
, .
St11111ay scltooll1l 10 a. III. l'rellchillg
lit II n. t11. JUI1 m' H. V. I''U. III J p.
m. Senior II. V. II. U. fol1owill tltc
scn'ices in the park. No preachinj { lit
St. Johll's HpiscoJlal courclt service ,
SlIl1day Angllst 3. Tl'l1th SItI\IIlY \ after
'l'rillity. l\lorl1il1l sl'I'\'icc , Iitany , 11(1) '
COllllllunionII : \ s'W"on. H\'eninj {
praYl'r IInd serllloll H ' . III. SItIIIIIIY
school 10 II. III. 'l'he pll I' lie is conliall ) '
1\1. It. CIIUHCII.
It is lIot possihle to fill lilY pnlpit SIIII-
day. lhere will therefore he no , ! {
servicl' nlthattillle. 'rhe SlInc \ av school
: \I\I \ \ Hpworth Leaglle lit the rcguinr lill\ \ ( ' .
Wc me IUl\'ing II ! { reat tillle here at CIIII-
IIway. VOII will regret it if the 1IIeeting
closes withollt YOllr IIllcl\llIncc. \ COllie
for Saturday : \1111 \ SItIIIIIIY. 'J'hey will he
grellt Ilays. ( eo. 1' . 'fitcs , Pastor.
' ' " , . . ' ' ;
t'i'C'OI" 'I'UI ; cOIJn ;
\.NU , vou n : . . CJ t ' . ' 111 ; ; COI.It.
] , t\xntlve IIrolllo ( ) ulultlo 'I'nllh18 ! curoll colli In
OIIIJ .Iny. . Nfl Cur" . Nu I'ny. I'rlllt , ; . c lIll.
Itlurllcl ' . .c.'llurt 'ur 'l'ot"3' .
\\'llI'nt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ .4H
IInrlu ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .tm
O ls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Corn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 @ . .11
Ityu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : L
IIIIUor , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ir ,
IC H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I
l'ltntCle oI".r hllHIIul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Onion" . Iur hIlHIIo\ \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . I.IXI
ChlckonH. pur IIU\lIHI , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,1Y.i
nllj ( , . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II. I
I'IIW . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1J.7f. : C ! . ' 1.IXI
HI'ul H. . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rol ( ) lie ) ti.r > ll
'I'urICCYHlor \ 1'OIllHI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .lIi
Klrllw.Jtorcwt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .111
nil ) ' . Nllw.or ! 1011. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . .IM :
Hll ( nr , \ > urcwL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . r..rl , :
- - ' - - - - - - - -
'rllc lIutH. , , 'urn. Itlcd/clnc.
TI. P , KUlI1pe , Drngg-ht l-4eigh-
ton , Ala. , writes : "Onc of 111) '
custoll1ers had a child , which
was skk , alld threw up all food ,
could retain nothing' 011 H
stomach. lie hought OIlC hotth'
nf Whit 's Cn'all1 Vcrmifuge ,
al1l1 it hrought up 11'J ' worms fmm
the child , It's thl' hess worm
nll'didne ill the world. " White's
Crealll Vermifuge is also the
chililrem , ' tonic. It impro\'es
their digcstion and assimilation
of food , strengthcns their nervous
systcm allli rl'str ( ' ; t hem to tIll'
hcalth , \ ' gor and elasticity of
spirits lIatural to ehildhooll. 25c
at I d. 1\l Coll1as' Brokell Bow
alld t\lcrna.
- - - - - - - -
11.U' IL\'I'I S li'WUIXI'W HH'I'JUoi. (
. ' 11I' tile NchrntjJu I pwlrlhJ ! ! olllhir.
'l'ickcbi 011 : ; ale A IIgllst 5 to I ) , alld
Return limit , August 15.
Among thc disl llgllisheJ spcakers will
he Gencral Fillhll h Iee , II. S. A. ;
Bishop Earl Cmnstan , Portland. Ore. ,
fonncr I'rcsilcnt , John of Dc l'a 11 \ \ ' lJlii.
\'enity ; Charlcs A. Cranc. I J. D. . Boston'
Itev. C. F. Aktd , I.ivcrpool , JongllUul. :
pl ( lulitll11u iclil fl'atlll'es by thc Kuf1 iJ
I Bo ) ' Choir. 2uth Centur ) ' Quartette ,
llespcrinll Mnle Qunrtclle IUlll IlIIperin :
lllllld-llell Ringers.
Mnny Hducntlonal Almlltnges will b (
offered durin the \ssemh1) ' .
} for lickel.'i IUllllllhliliolial il1forUllltiuI
1 ask the HttrJjn tun J\jcnt. s-t
'Ii I
. . 'I
Paints , . !
Oils and "
Wall Paper'I
, . \
. .at. .
Ed. McComas' ;
Drug Store. I
, , t
. -
- - - - - - - -
mm m
.T. C. Moore , abstracting. 2tf "
. .
- - - - -
Job printing at this office. '
Moncy loancd on improved .
farms. JAl\lJtS LHDWICH , '
7 1S tf Brolcn Bow , Neb. '
Dr. ' 1'V. . Bllss , dentist , office
northwcst corner of l ealty mock.
S-t tf.
- - - -
It'or insurancc and reat estate
IO to Moore & 'raylor , in Realty '
Block. ,
- - -
'Vcst Union , Ncbraska-Yeti ,
wc will pay a part cash for 1 > ut- I
tCI' and cgb"S' l UItUS G. C RH. [
FOH SATH-A five room l I
atlll two lots east of Racket Store , .
.BrolCn Bow. I d Haumol1t ,
( I-tf Elton , Neb.
Lubricating oils of all kinds at
Wilkin's drug storc.
'V AN'l'Jm-A g-00l1 cook.
( I-tf Willis Cadwell.
RcS. . 'V. Richards has a '
hard coal burner , a oook stove , . '
piano\and some other items of .
furniturc for sale. Inquire at
the Baptist. parsonage. ' 6-tf
'V AN'rIm 5 YOUNG MICN from ,
Custer County at oncc to prepflre [
for .Positions in the Government !
Servicc-Hailway Mail Cler1 , 1
14ctter Carrier'i , Custom House
and Departmcntal Clerks , etc. \
Apply to Inter-StateCorrcs. In t. '
Cedar . Rapids , Ia. 5-8 !
Pepsin Gum , two paakages 'for f
a . nickcl at Wilkins' Pharm cy.
Just rCceived , a car of hedge
posts at Dicrks Lumber & Coal ,
Co. in this city. Pricc , 12 and
H , ccnts. 2 tf
1 0J { RHN'l'-A : double room on
sccond floor of thc Custer block.
Enquire at this office.
l : l1'Ins for salc and lands for
rcnt. Now is thc timc to get a I
farm cheap , as the cheap farms'
arc all goin , and prices are ad. l
: lcing rapldly.-J. G. reni7.e . t
I Sevcral good farms for sale at ,
: a bargain , including m ) ' OWI1.- y.
: JH "t > H GAND\ ' , 44 t !
, I
: l oJ { SAY.It 01 { TRADJ\-'rOWu.
I lots and a few five acre lots in : I
this city , forcattlc , horses or farm
, land.-Allen Heyuer.
FOH SAIH-Onc : top buggy ,
nearly ncw ; one lumber wagon , I
at lilY farm 12-H-20.-Frank )
Norton. 46tf
: j
l oH SAIH-I ivc acres of land !
in good state of cultivation ad-
joining Broken Bow for $200. t
, InCJuirc at this ofl ce. 3-27 tf ,
- - - -
' . 11'01 < SAIIt-Ten acres of land I
. adjoining town , cheap. Enquire
at this ell ce. 5-12
- - - - - - - - -
. l oH SAI.n-Lots 1 , 2 , 7 and 8 , I
, block 5 , in JewQtt's addition to '
: IJroken Bow. Enquire at this )
office. 11-21 tf : t
If } 'ou intend to build call at '
Dierks Lumber Co. and get prices. 'I
I Prof.Vcldt , the phre nolo gist
writs charts , delineates character , i
bus1l1ess talent pointed out ; reads 1
I character from writing , photos r
: of people by the names only , ,
. present and future froUl the
; hand , how to select the one '
. , wanted , locates disease and no
qucstion asked. At the Glebe
I Hotcl August 1st to 9th. j
FOR S\JIt-'l'hirty six yards of !
I gOOll new rag carpet.
7 Dr. C. PICKIfl'T. !
. . . . . . , . '
" , . ' H ' ' " . . ' . . , -