Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 24, 1902, Image 5

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    - . -
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' i' -'JO " " ; ; ;
. . . . .1'10
News scarce.
I GrilliUt ul1l1 Shuman are cutting second
crop of alfalfu.
W. S. Birge is busy harvestlllg hi9
large crop of ants.
G. W. Headley Informs us that the '
huillnjured his gurden amcom. .
Vegetables in abundance , with 11
promise of roasting ears und melons und
I such hi the near future.
\ L. S. Empfield is building un addition
; y to hill house. C. G. and M. P. Empfield
I are oing the carpcnter work.
I .
i' I spent n plensunt hour ulthc restdence
of G. A. Gritlith un the luth in stunt.
Ohl tlm bellutiful : ; llIlIle ttce'urtesion
j , water , tame grass. pic plallt , four lellves
as large us all onlillury hl'l : ; prcatl , fine
: gardell and fruir trees , promising a fair
crop of fruit , all this and for more in
drouthy Nebraska.
- - - - - - - -
5ctut' ' u V. . . . . . . . , ' .
Corn cultivating is ahout doue ill this
, neighborhood.
1 The Uhlman boys are cuth'atillg ! 'orn
with 5 teams nowda's.
Bert Frencois is so bus } ' now da } ' ! ) that
he don't know what to do first or last-
go r stay.
Nels K. is working at ltoll for
Edd 'iiaG'mollt , I illg up his new house
with screnes , etc.
Dal Nash ma e his regular SUllday
trip on his wheel to thc valley. III. is
always full of fun.
Oscar Ellingson was out taking a
buggy ride. last Sunday with his best
friend-but it was a male. .
The Sand Creek bo's played with the I
Round Valley boys last Saturday here in
the valley. The score stood : Sand
Creek , 32 ; Round Valle } ' , 13.
R'e and winter wheat are now all cut
) . and somc are stacking. It madc a fine
crop. Oats will soon be ready to cnt , i
and they are promising a big yield.
. .
, I
pY"Planr. and cstlmatel on BlIorLnoticc. 1
DrokcD Dow , , Nebraska. I
. c
. . . . . .Dcaler In. . . . . .
l'umpi. Wind Mill. , Tanks. FlttlDgS , GaaoHne .
EnilnlB , ctc. , elc. ]
BrokoD Bow. NebfBBka. '
Physician & .
Surgeon. . j
Olllco III rear of Ibo HBnk of Commerce. Real. i
dODCC 6tll booao west of tbe DaptiaL cburch.
Hroken Bow. NebraBku , - C
, ttorneU = t = JatU i
Broken Dow , Nebraska. j
O. L , MULLENS , '
'Physician SurgeoH. ;
2nd Stairway from \feot cnd In Realty Dloek ; j
rosldenco , 3nl wust J.I.J , ehurcb. on samc Iide 1
of strcet. roken Bow , Nebralka.
: ]
BAKER'S POOl. HAr.r. . 1
W. B. DAKBU. Prop. ,
For a 80clall1amo 01 pool.Nortb of flUUD.I
LIOj.N Ol ce , Broken Bow , Nebraska , I I
Ij j
Ii. O. HUTTON , Proprietor. i
Flrst-olau work. Hoar RoolD of Broken Dow
9tate lianlr , Drollcn Uow. Ncbraska. :
ff I' ys 8 u Cl.ll l'S c
' . lioomt t ! and II. RCllty Dlock , Brollen Unw , Neb.
' . - " - ' . . . , . I -
- Where to locate ? :
" Wh } ' , ill the territory
, , traverselby the
Louisville & ashville
. Railroad.
Great Celltral Southem Trunk Line ,
Kentucky , 'l'ennesseeA labama ,
Mississippi , Flordia ,
Parmers , Pntit Growers ,
Stock Raisers , Manufacturers ,
Investorsl Speculators ,
anu 1\1oney Lenders ,
will find the greatest chances in the
United States to make "big money"
by reason of the abundance and
cheapness of
Land and Farms ,
Timber and Stone ,
Iron and Coal ,
Labor-Everything !
Free sites , financial assistance , and
freedom from taxation for the manu-
Land and farms at 11.00 per acre
. . and upwards , and 500,000 acres in
West Florida that can be taken gratis
under the U. S. Homestead laws.
Stock raising in the Gulf Coast District -
trict , , ; 11 make enormous profits.
Half fare excursions the first and
third Tuesdays of each month.
Let us know what you want and we
will tell you where and how to get it
-but don't de1a ) ' , as the country ilt
tilling up rapidly. Printed matter ,
maps 8J1d all infonnation free. Address
General Immigration and Industrial
Agent ,
. . . _ . . . . . . . . . - - . - - , . . . -
j , Merere Hall.
I. A. Reneau who reides !
about twent ) ' five miles north of
the city , north of the middle
l up reports one of the most destructive -
structive hail storms in his
'vicinity last 'fhursday that ever
visited this section' of the coun-
try. Fortunately it did not extend -
tend over a very wide scope and
the damage while complete
where it struck is no.t very ex-
tensive. 'fhe cloud appears to
have started on Victoria and
travelcd in a northeasternly
direction , whilc aliother branch
of it came down the river and the
clouds mct at Rcneau's where it
literally pounded cverything in
the shape ot vegetation int the
earth. Mr. Renean had 200
acres in corn , millet. callie corn
and alfalfa. Not a vestage of
any of it is leftcxcept the alfalfa
which will come again. 'rhe
window lights of the house were
broken out , six pigs that weigh
about fifty pounds each were
killed , cattle were badly cut and
bruised as well as horses. 'fhe
hail were not large but very'
thick filling the canyons from
five to fifteen fcet deep with ice
and water. In the vicinity of
Gates on this side of the river
cdnsiderable damage was done
to crops , Jas.and John McGraw's
farms and the farm of H. H.
I-Hatt were included in the Jist
that sustained damage. On the
110rth side of the river from
Milburn to Judge Shinn's place
110rth ofVest Union more or less
damage was sustained , but
the destruction was not complete.
rhe crops in the vicinity of
Walworth were not in the path
Jf the hail. Mr. Reneau nor any
Jfthe others as far as we have
b.eard were insured and their loss
Ivill be complete.
F. 1J. . Gurrle Writes a LetteJ' .
Dear Amsberry""it is
" : well known
that there is a shortage of horses
[ n the United States. The for-
ign demand is active and will
: ontinue so for years to come.
nl spite of the Automobile , the ,
lecrict cars. the bicycle the horse
[ s still an important commercial
factor. he has not gone as was
predicted some years ago and
what is more he is not going.
Ele will be a popular and useful"
means of locomotion long after ,
the automobile and the bicycle
[ Jave been consigned to the scrap I
pile. To meet a growing need I
have decided to open a horse
lt1arket at Sargent. 1 will offer I
July 26th. a large number of 1
g-ood horses. All parties desiring 1
to sell horses shonld bring th rt1 1
[ n on that date. This sale has I
been extensivel } ' advertised , and 1
1 large number of foreign buyers I
lre expected. F , M. CUHRm. I
- I
AdaU1 JUu ! Rve. .
. -
These names will be remember-
d as the names of our first parI I
mts , placed in the Garden of
Ede:1. But now we have another I
Adam and Eve-in the home of :
Geo. Hammond , south of this
dty , familiarly known as the U. '
S. detective. ' 'he first addition
Lo the Hammond family was a
boy. and they called him Adam.
Sunday , July 13 , their home was ,
blessed with a girl. and they
have memorized the event by
naming her Eve. in honor of the
mother of all1iving.
It' Cool I" Colorlldo.
July I to 13.
A\lgust J to 14,23,24,30,31.
September I to 10.
011 the above days the Burlington
Route will sell round trip tickets to
Colorado at extraordinarily low rates.
It's cool in Colorado aU summer long ,
and there are hundreds of resorts in the'
Rockies where one ma } ' escape from the
heat of the plains and spend an altogether -
gether delightful vacatiou.
A curd to J. Francis , General Pa'3senger
Agent , Olllaha , Nebr. , will bring you a
good supply of Colorano booklets that
will help ) 'ou plan your trip. 3-U
lI. pu\8Ivc FC8turc ,
Blackheads , pimples , greasy
faces and muddy complexions.
which are so common among
women. especi ll . girls at a c r-
tain age , desfroY1l1g beauty. dlS-
figuring and making repulsh'e
features which would otherwise
appear attractive and refined ,
indicate that the liver is out of
order. An occasional dose of
Herbine will cleanse the bowels
regulate the liver and so establsh
a cleaJ. healthy complexion. SOc
a Ed. McComas' Broken Bow
and Merna.
r - -
. . _ . . . , , .
" " ' . . : .
" 1 < - " - " , < 'f..fl'1'1 - '
-1'1- I
Tile. Du. . , vurlu .ee1l lue.
II. P , } { umJe , Druggist Leighton -
ton , Ala. , wfltes : "Onc of my
customers had a child , which
was sick. and threw up all food ,
could retain nothing on its
stomach. He bought one bottlc
of White's Cream Vermifugc.
and it brought up 119 worms from
the child. It's thc boss worm
medicine in thc world. " White's
Cream Vermifuge is also the
childrcns' tonic. It improves
thcir digcstion and assimilation
of food , strengthensthcir nervous
s'stem and restores them to the
health , vigor and elasticity of
spirits natural to childhood. 25c
at Ed. McComas' Broken Bow
and Merna.
' - - - - - - - - -
Itellubllenu HCHullitiOUH UrCII8ter COli lit ) .
"he republlcalls of Custer count } . in
conventioll ussembled , rcaflirm the IJrin-
ciples of republicanism us set forth III thc
nutiollal plutform of 1900.
Wc congratulate the people upon the
huppiness 11I111 prosperity that has come
to them us u result of republiciln pollc } '
and republlcun legislation. Wagcs werc
never so high , nor producers so well
compensated for their products liS now.
Mcn wcre never so welf housed , clothed
am\ fed , and ha\'e nc\'er before hml more
contentment of m lIII than Iluring the
ycars since republican po1icy has bccn
cnacted into law.
\\'e congratulate thc Prcsldent IInll thc
Army on the satisfactory prowess lIuule
in the In surpressmg the in-
surection am establishing order , Ilnd we
unqualifiedly c\llorse thc policy of our
government therein. Our Ilag is in the
Philippines and thece it will remain until
such tune as the Amcricau pcople may
deem it expedient or proper to g'e the
islands a free and independent ) ; overn.
ment , such as it has just given CUDU.
The American Arm ) ' has taken up the
work of maintaining authority in the
Philippines , and while we depl re and
sevcrely condemn any instances of crnel-
ty which may have occurred , we rcmem-
ber our soldiers arc fightillg a barbarous
[ Uld treacherous foe which has inflictell
most revolting anll inhuman atrocities
upon its prisoners , It is the Nation's
Army rawn from cvcry section of our
country , knowing no politics nor creed ,
but fighting the Nation's baltles under
the Nation's FIl\g : and we resent with
indignation , the recent democratic efforts
to. drag its honor in thc dust and cast reproach -
preach upon its fair nllme.
We congratulate the repub1ican party
for the faithful fulfillment of the pledge.
made at its national convention of 1900 ,
to give the oppressed Island of Cuba a
free and iudependent government , which
was consumated at Havana on May 20 ,
by the withdrawal of thc Americun
troops and the turning over of its gO\-
rnment to its own people.
'Ve commend our prescnt county oill.
ials for their business like methods in
the administration of county affairs.
We congratulate the people of Nebrus.
1 < 11 upon the present prosperity of our I
\late , amI we conltnetlll the business like
ilnd economic methods employed by Go\ "
Savage and the state officials of his administration -
ministration , which have resulted in a
saving to the state in comparison \th
preceei:1ing : administrations of nearl } ' two
hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Be
it further
RESOI.VI\D , That we disapprove of the
inequality of the present methods of the
ssessment of propel1y for taxation ,
there being no two counties assessed up-
) n the same basis. We therefore demand
that our revenue laws of the state be
ltnendcd so that every dollar's worth of
proJerty or franchises shall be assessed
It Its actual cash value and that the
, evil'S be decreased to the lowest possible
lumber of mills , that will provide su ci-
nt revenue for county and state pur-
: , xJses. Be it further
RESOI.\'HD , That it be ma e the duty
) f thc attorney generall1nd connty attor-
ley to see that the law is properly
nforced ; and be it further
RUSOI.VED , That wc recommend the
a11ing of a constitutional convention in
: he near future , or that the qucstion of
ltnendments to the constitution bc sub-
: nitted to the people of the state for their
With the Ullllerstamling that the lion.
R. 1\1. Currie is a candidate for the posi-
; ion of con ressmun from this congres-
, ional distnct ; thcrefore , be it
RI\SOI.vltD , That we recognil.C in 1\Ir.
: : urrie his eminent fitncss for the placc ;
md as a mark of uur confidence , we do
llereby authorize him to name the 11ele-
atton to represent his illterest ill the 1
ongrassional convention.
S. I. . CANNON ,
G. B. 1\1 A lit ,
D. 1\1 , AlfSllliRRCOlli ,
F. C. WU.SON ,
- -
rake LaxatIYe Dromll Qnlnlne Tablete , All
, lrug lstll refuDd the lUonllY If U tails 10 cnrc.
E W. GruTc's signature Is on each box. 2roo. .
Thro' 'ellov"tone . . . .rk.
Tnc Bnrlington Route is organizin I
il personally conductel ) excursion to anll
through Yellowstone Purk to leavc Ne ,
braska points , Tuesday , August 5.
l1nconunonly low rutes hll\'l heen
lIIade for this excursion. The total expense -
pense of the trip will b less thull fIO .oo.
If } 'ou're interested , WI He for II copy
of illustrated initinerary to
General Passenger Agent ,
3-7 Omaha , Neb ,
The Perfect Lh-cr Itlcdlclac.
Mrs. M. A. Jolley , Noble , O.
T. , writes : "I have used Her-
bine for a number of years , and
can cheerfully recommend it as
the clost perfect liver medicine ,
and the greatest blood purifier.
It is a medicine of positive merit
and fully accomplishes all that
is claimed for it.II Malaria cannot -
not find a lodgment in the system
while the liver is in perfect order ,
for one of its iunctions is to prevent -
vent the absorption of fever pro-
ducting poisons. Herbine is a
most ell cient liver regulator.
SOc at Ed. McComas' Broken
Bow and Merna.
Several good farms for sale at
a bargain. including my own.-
JRSS GANDY , 44 tf
I '
. .
r r\
, , . , ,
. ' ' " i - ' ' " . '
NE ItMKA. VOLUN'l'IE1t : : .I'IItE3UN'M : :
' ' '
Teath A..unll\"cnt to lac lIeld Bt
( r'nld I.anlld. AUlCllltl1'5 lu 7.
'IInll ' .f.ftle/l / Ifrolu All Nehrn. . " ,
. .olnts. Via Tllc Our _
IhllCtun noulc.
'I'he Nebr1slm ! State Vohmtcl'r
Association has ar-
fanged to hold its al1llual tournament -
ment at Grand Island. Nearly
$ \500 has been appropriated for
cash prizes , in addition to many
valuable medals and tr phics , for
exehition drills , contests and
races. l"ireman will a ttcnd from
all parts of the state.
For this occa ion the Burlington -
ton Route has made a rate of one
fare for the round trip. 'I'ickcts
on salc AugusL . . to 7 , inchls'e ,
good returning' until August S.
Ask the Burli ngtoll l otl tc
agcn t or wri te
J. I"HANc [ ,
Gcneral Passenger Agent ,
< 8 7I
This IIlgnaturo Is on o\'cry iJo of the gOlllllllO
Laxative 8rol11o '
QlJiuine 'ruhld ! !
Ulo rewooy th L urt1I 0 eo"l 4u uuu tiny
! 1 I
( Y r w t ,
scriber. On1J' SO c ut. a y.aar.
M5 CALtS :
A LADIES' Mj ( ZINr. '
A , " " : b"ulilul colood plat. . ; 1I"t !
fuMona ; dullnaklnll : .conom ! . . , Iancy
work bouehold hnu. , \ . ,
; . ( < llon. elC Sub
Icrlb.lo.doy , or , . . .nd0 'or 1.1011 coVY
Lad ) ' aronn " .n.1 , S.IlI'M Itlm. ,
Stylish , Rolll\ble. HhIlP" ' ,
, dat. . EcollUmlcd \ anll A haolulell I. I
Perfect-FIUlnjf Paper Palterlls.
M .
AU Seams 41owed ! and Perforallons .how I
\ the Ikstlng and Sa"log line. .
I Only 10 and 'S cnll nch-non. hl her
AAk for 'b , m. SOld In nluly eVIlY clly
&lIiS IOWA. n. by mall trom
L 1I3-115-1JT West 31si St NtW YORK. '
- - -
Editorially FoarloBu
Conalatotltly Republican
News from all of thc worlWell
written , origiual storics-Answers
to queries-Articles ou Health ,
the Home , New books , aud on
Work about the farm aud gardeu.
The W ekly
Inter Ocean
Is a mCIl1Jer of the Associated
Press , the ouly Wcstelll '
receivillg the eutire telegl1ll ) tit'
news scrvice of the Ncw'OIk 8uu
aUil special cable of the Ncw York
World-duily reports from OVCI'
2,000 special corl'cspondent ! )
throughout the counll' ) ' .
Subscribe for the RJWUIII.ICAN
aucl the Weekly Illtcr Ocean OIll'
ycur , both papers for f,1 .50.
. ,
, . I
_ . t
or ' - , -AL" " . . , J7 . " " 'f"
- - . - . . . .
'rno\r..r : M AltKIJ
"lh h1
Copvnl"Hl s &c
Anyone lo\lIn , II nl.elrh ! ' . ' " '
qUiCklY , "r rl.lllI I IIr I 'III ' n\l \ III tll.I"I'r nl
IIIYl'II11l1n 11 JrllIlIlIly , I' .tl'l\l \ 'III. ' . . " \ 111'11' ' "
nonn.Ulcllrl"\\Ullon/llll. IIl1n II. . , III'nll'nll
'I'llt fr'o. lIlIlInlI'nry C.r . .r" " 1'"IIIIIIt' ' .
1'8telll InlwlIlWllIlh ! Mill' ' . \ I" . r _ , . 'h'f
i' ' , pref' " nollrf , " 'lIhollt 1'llIlrlll ! . 11111. . . , .
S I tttiftC' Jtnenu. .
1IIIIIlho'nl'V ! 11I110trnt".1 . T , " ' " 1 . r'1 , . ' ,
CIIIII/I"n ur I1I1Y , 'h'"tu" . t , , , . . I . " , . f .
fllllr I fOllr III f' 11 I h II. I "loll" . . ,1 , ' " ' ' , ' , ,
MUNN & f . : . " , . ; , , : \ . t -i ' :
. , . . . . , ' ' . . , . .
tlrltllch 11111 ' : h'1' ' '
- - - - -
' IIn < l lnn.1I9 CIt ) , JOllrnlll. . . . $ t ,2,5
rl'ubllclln Rnll Intrr Ocran. , . . . . . . . . . . I.SO
rl'uhllclIlI RI1II Twenlleth Century . . . . . I b,5
Rrl'lIlJlIClin UI1 < t OIobe.1)elllncrllt , ! ieml.w I.HS
epUbllcnn IInll IlIt. Jnllrnol. . . . . . , . . . I HS
rl'IICIlCUII IIn < l I"cbrUKklll.'nrmtr ' . . . . . . ' .85
el'ubllclIlIlIlI I Lllc 01 McllI1le ' . . .
. . . . . . . . . ) . . . . . I. . . O
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
. - - - : ; _ . . : - : ; : . . . : _ : _ , - , - . . = : , . . . ; ; . _ , , : . ; : . : ; ; ; ; ; . ; . . .
U. s. JJUI1 < ( ) fti .
JAMIt : . ! WIlt'l'IClllCA\ ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .HI'II : tu
1 < ' .11. YOUNU. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .lh.l"uIT"r
_ _ _ _ _ _ u. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I.I ( MI. A\\'ICIt'1'18ICMI 't'9.
All luhortl oll\Ullt ulllter tlll 111'1111 will hl >
ch/lrK'1I1 fur ItL ltwltl rlltr , vi , . : ' 1.1" , " 'r "Illlllrll
fur Ilr"t Innortloll. lUll I Clk1 l'ef BIIUIlr. . Cur onrh
luh C'IUO L In NtlulI.
" " 'IUltrO" ' I ICIIIIIIO ur frucllulllhcu'or. I
Unlt"11 tllh'lI I.1I1Il1 Olllrt' ' , l
Broken Bllw N.iJ .llIly 10 , I
Notlc\ I IlI'roby IlvIIII tllllt In IlIlrllllnnroJ of III'
sluwttoll. . from Iho t'olllllll HIlIlIlJr IIr th. . . CI"lIorlll
1.1\1111 oml. . . . 1111I1.r lIullwrlly'c..t.1 III him hy
" , 'clloll : ! 11i I , U. H. ttov. HII" . , M nlllollll ,1 hy 91.t
uf CUIIrnPli ! 111'1"\,1 ' ' hllr.ry : :11 , IH\1i \ . WII will
"rocond 'n ' olTer lit I'uhllr Ii"h' nlllhll IMh Ilay of
AIIKI\ \ t. lUll : . ! lit thl. . 01111" ' . lit u'clo'J. 1' . M . 1110
'nlluwlIll ' ( traci o ! lall,1 , tulu-wlt : N. Ie. , , N , W.
1 ( , 80ctltm , 'l'owllsh1l , IH. N HIIII' \ ' )1 , W.
AllY .lItllllll"er " 1II111 c111"ulll 11I1 er nly I hn IIltnvo
, lo crlhUlIIIlI1'I. ' . flllIllllvlpCllrulllln Ihnl , CIIl'III ' III
thtu onle. . I'll nr ItcruUl till' 1111) ' "IIIIY. ' Ih'111811111 '
for the "OI\IIIII'IIIWIIIU1It \ IIIlhl / 1IIIIn , ulhur\\'I"o
their rJlhluwlll : 100 rurillet ! . JAMKII'IIITKIlICAII ,
I.II70 \ Ih'gl tor
. . . - . -
Ullilutl 8UIII' . 1.111111 011I1" ' . I
\ trolltHtnw , NlIh , .Iuly 1.1 : , IIIU : ] , f
Notlcll lu hClnhv Kholl thlll thc lulluwhlJ ( 111111-
"I Hotller hll8 tllI'llIotlcn , of hip 11110111111111 lumllkll
nunl Iroof , III II\IIHH \ of hit l'IlIhll , 111..1 . . th/lt / Hahl
I'ruof I ' will ho 11I11,10 hornro 1I1'1t1 ler 1l1l,11I'col''r.
at IIrokellllnw. NlJh. , UII AUIIII t : .1 , ! (1m.'Ir. :
WI'lIlm 11. 8mutl. of CirCUli. N.h. , II , g. HU. N
! , N. K ,8ec.14 , 'I'uwlllhl" 1M II , HIIIIIUU ! ! w.
110 nameu the follow III ! : wltlle' 1"8 In pruYn his
cOlltlnl10111 rtlllldellce 111'011 11111 clIltl\'lIlIulIUf 1111111
1111 , vlz. Wtlllalll Uhlllllll1 , or 1t01ll1l1 Vllllo , . .
\l'rltzJ. \ UblmlllloCHolllHt Vlllluy. Dull' ' M"rH
uf Greell , bdllllllll.oWu : , JUlllti WlIl'rr.IIKul ,
I" HI-CII Hcglster
lto\ > NOl'\lJK
' 1'u wholllit may coucelll :
'fhe Oomllliellolu'r 81'11111111."t tn , low II rOIl.1
cOllllllonrln "t \,01111 tiO nllill HOllth of cOllter of
Sectloll 3-17. : 1 olllh ru lorllllllll. . 8t. IlIlho dty
of l"n811 Bow. Nohrn.II , runlllu thell .ulIllI
40 ru.h 1\1 , ellllt ,1110 ur I''ulln 11110 chwlIh ! : IIII
Hcctlon : I : ? , Ihelicil lIolith 411 rn < l 011 w.'st 111.10 . uf
ald cOllter IIl1n ot Mill UI'clloli 3 : ? 111111 lellllillal
Ilig 8t rlll'rnctioll IIno l..tlI\IOII 'I'ctlon 11.16.\JO \
111I118cclon , : I - 171 h , " hI'Olt.lln ! ' fll\'or 01 lito
" 8tRhll8111110111 Iherenr , UllIllIlIlIhj ctlulI lheroto ,
or c1 IUle ror IIRIIIRg 8 lIIuH 110 11I1111111 t , , " Coullty
C1lerk'lI olllcn nil or heforll IInolillf Iho IBth 1111) of
Meltem\.Jcr \ ! ( } : ! , IIr neh routl will ho 1'811111110Ilc.1
wit bnllL rererollcu therot. . .
In Wllllcr Whertor , I hliVII Iwrolilitolet my
hlllld UIII 80111 of 8Ritl COlllltf , this : ! Iu.01 , Till v ,
1902 111'0. W. IIItWIc\ ' .
6.\I.7t \ [ RCAL ] COllnt1' Clerk
- - - - - - - - - - -
[ WAD 01'1Oii : .
To Whlllllit IIIIIY COIII'orn'
The COlDm'6slonrr 8p\llllnte.1 to , 'Iew II rOlld
commencing lit the ollth wo..t oornor or 8ccllon
1:1 : , 'I'ownshllll3 , HI" . o : ! . ' . thunco O sL to crock
abollL30rnllll , thollcO ollih III II floulh cRetorly
"lrt'ctlol1 RIIII " " 1I11t RII.I lIoutb rJlroclloll RJOfl
8f\Id cICl'k to Ihe PIIIII h IInll of N. W. or 13.13- : )
IhctlCl' .Olllh fll 'n. ' .lrllIl' , . . ROllth IInc or 8 \ \ ' ! Ii
or cr.llon 1:1 : 1'O\\'II hll' 1'1 HallgothpllCo : : eRllt
to 8. g or tno h. \ \ . c.c . 8rctloll 13 , 'l'own h'n '
13 , J/llngc / 26. baa'reported III favor IIf tlte "stab.
\J8hmont \ &horoof , nllll nil Ohj.CtlOIiH trloreto. or
clllllll. f'lr dlllnll CH rnullt 1m IIlcll In thll OOllnt )
Ulork'8 oOlcn Ollllr I..forw noon of tlw 18th IIIIY
of tlllptumber. IPU ! , or 8nch rOAI' wIll 1m u'
tllbll.holl wlthollt roferenclI thoretu.
InWltlleru Whercof,1 hnve horolllltu Hot 11I1' Imnd
IInd 8eal of suhl cOlin t I thIs : lllIt dllY IIf , I uly.I\I \ [ ) , ,
r IlAL ] ( JIIO.v. . DEWJT , Connty Clerll ,
6.1).7 ) : !
, .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
NOTICE ' 1'0 No . HltSllmN'J' IIIWF' DAN'I' .
In thol > 1.trlct COllrt , ClIster Con lit ) . , 1'111 IJr II
) Irrlha C JlolVlllnu ,
vs. }
Oratoll A 1I0WIIIIIII.
' 1'0 Crntoll A. 1I0WIURII.II0I1 re81olell ! "urellliallt :
Ynllllrl ! lIorolor lIotll1Pl1 that on tlao ' ! n,1 , IIR ) or
, Jllly. n. I\I\J . Mllrtlaa C' . 1I0WIII/III 1110'11 her
petitlollin the III trlcl J/lnrt of C ' 1I lor coullty.
Nebra l : ! , . the ohJect IIlId I'ra1or ' of wlall-h 1110 to
obt.11I a IU'"rco from YOllon the 1-:10111111 tlant YOII
hllTO wllUnll'abRllllonUil Iho ph1111t1tf wlthollt
jooll clln..c , for the term or two years Itl t past.
'I'hat you hoy" fnlll'll tn 1I\llll1rt \ or cllnfrlbllto lu
the Hnllilort of pJallltllf. You IIfll tNlllllml to
all8wer 8ald tJl'tltlOIl 1111 or hofe ro ? tnnj'IY. ! ' the
I t lIaY or 8eptelllhlJr. 100' ! . or the 111I"lntlontt of
8sld p"Wlon will bo hllOIl Uti trill' IUIII JII.lllIIolit
rOlllle , hl IIcc"r.IIII : ly
IlItell lit BroKell ItOIV , Nl'huHIIII.lhlll ! : ! III. ,
IIlIyofJlIlyA.nIIO ) : ) .
6.0-71 ; By hur . U' ) . A'I'IIA MIIJUIAH.
. . , . .
'I :
. . , - . - . - . . _ - .
li'OI { SAT.J\-'I'en acrcs of la d.
adjoining town , cheap. Encluire
at thi\ ! ' ell ce. 5-12
- - -
1.'oH 1 lm'l'-A : do ble room on i
second Hoer of the Custer block. J
ttire at this ofiice.
' . j
l'nltcr18tatu Land 0 100t l '
Norlh I'lattu , eb. , JUlie : ll , IPO . f I'
Nollcu I. beroby given tbat In purlDrlnce ot
, In.trllctlon8 from 1t.1I Commlilionor ot tb. .
I lIenerlil Llllltl Olllell , ulltler authority nlled 111
hllll"y lectlolllllM , lIeyIJedBlatUtel , Ut.S. . , & 8
IIICII < ll',1 hy Act of Uougrol8 , IItlprond 1"sbaar ,
26th , IM\l5 , we will proceed Lo olter at pabllo hlo
/tt HI o'clock A. At , on the 13tll day of SepteUlber ,
1I1tlIt thl olllce. Ihe follo"loi : tract or laad ,
\11 : ; the Ii , . ! ( H W. J.i , 9ec&loIl3 , Towlllbip 15 ,
N N , 1I"II o : ) , Wept Oth , 1'.111.
All per ells clalmluit a < lyorlol , tlle abon d.-
crlb."llftllIl arll nllvlled to 1110 tllelr clilm III tbls
ollleo 011 or before , thc liay tleslinatel1 for III. .
CUlllillOllC8molit IIf the .alo. othorwl. . u&lr
rlllhtn wl1ho \ fnrelltlJlI. . j
\llIt lllt the UIIUOII9tale. Laud OWco , North
I'llth' , Neh. , thl81lth : dIU' of JUliO , 19c'J. .
:1.11 : Iii FRANK I1.400N , lCecelvllr , :
- - -
t'IIUOtllitntcB ' .and Onlet , . l )
Nonh Plitt. Neh. , Juno 11ft 190'.1. f
Nntlro Is hardlf KI'n tbalill "ur'lIance of 10'
hIlCUm" frum th8:01l1111118101l0r : of tlle Gen.ral
I/tllll Olllre , 1IIIInr lIuthorlty vc.ted In blm y
eolhlll1. : \ . ' . , . H..18e.18taluto , U. 8. . al amendell
hyct IIf eullln' " al1llronll l < 'obuMlry 20' ' ' ,
11I11r" IVO wllll'rllcoo,1 toolTer aL lIublic lire aL 10
u'chll.k . II. III ,1111 tbe 11th IIIIY ot Allgnet , 16O'l , a' j
thin IIlIIe" . thu f'111uwllll : tract of lanll. Vlz ; tbo
. lo : . f or Iho N. W. " , Hectloll 10. 'I'ownlblp 10.
N , HIli. ! : " : .11. Wu t 6tb L' . aI ,
All I"'IIIIIII clalllllllg adverll , tile aboTe rle.
el llhl'd hUIII/th' nIvl8cllio IIle tllelr olatm la tlls ;
IIflh'c UII "r hoforo thc Ilay tllIllKuateit tor the
C"lIIllIelll'emellt of Ihe eall' , otborwlsobclr rlihtll
II 111 h" fon'fI'cil.
\nCo.1 \ . lit the UIIU.d Hlal"8 Land Oftlco aL
Norlh I'lath' ' , NlJh. . nlln Ittb ! II BY of Juno. IUCI'J.
: ) 7GtI ( \IOIIUK : \l'llIucculteilater. .
- .
It bll.'t thc IlIntcrl.1
thut K'UC' " lute your
l'cl'ulrcd , v..teh tllnt I
n'U , , , In a Ilertcct i
Inh. II Is Ihe lIOW
{ ) Jfow
Ihllt cloul ! the bualuoall. "ny bUDgler
oan bll } ' tltH 11110 klnllB of matorhll I
fhnL I uau In rCJllllrhlK ; 1muklll \
ia Ihe IIIOBt v"lunblo material Cbat
' ' 'II he mOil In WIlLob
IHItI tlw huujllur onn' , rOllulrlnKl :
0,11 III.V okill for \ VImIe \ 18 worth j
nl,1 It will n08L you lool ! tban I
hunlClI ) ) 1\1. lower Jlrlou8. "
1 < ' .WUAYES.
.ro\Volor "ml OptlolnD. f
W CRt B llo or oquare.
f f
. _ - ,
1.lncoln , nCllvcr ,
Olllniln. Ilclcun ,
ClllcnCo. Duttc ,
ht. .JUNCI.h , . . por..nd ,
leIU'HA' " CII y , Hnlt Lake Clls ,
Ht. Loul" , . A tiel HUll FranclHco
All . 'olntN It"Ht Anll "II Polatca
And Huuth WCHt.
No. 13-Ve l\buled \ IJIlrcu dl1l1J : ! Lincoln , ODla-
ha , 51t. JORellf1 laDSIiS Ully , t. Laniel Obi
CRgO and 1111 lIolnt "lIst antI . . . . B 01 a.m.
No. 44-LoORI oxprce .h.lly , sOi. , Omaha.
Chlc o 111111 al1 pOlnte ea t an aLbl133 a.m.
No. 1-Ve8Ubulod oxpreBl dll1) . 110lona , Heat.
lie IIntte , I'ortlanil nnd 1111 Pacilic CauL
lIo/nta. / . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! Ham
No. II-I.ocal : IJIpre8S dally , AlIIaDcII anti.
Intermedlale 110IntB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .II & 8 pm
HleoJlln , dlLlnlf ami reclining cllalr carl ( lIa' ,
fruo ) on lhrol1Rh LralnB. Tlokoa IOld lad bli-
Kilgo checkld ! to any point In Ib , United 81a&u
"ntl Cnnala. ,
Information , mal'lI , thno t ble. and Ueko'
rllll on or wrlto to 11. L. Ormsby , Igon& , or J
\l'rnnch \ , O. P. A. , OlUnbV Nebrllllka.
. r. . 0111188" , AKont.
. .
- - - - - - - -
PUllch for west will cloeo at 8 p. m. , except
8nlldRY when It will close at 6115 p m.
l'unch. oRnL tor tral" No. 42 cloBoa at 8 a m
IInti for No.U C10lOI "tII.30 a.m. Mall for AnllBY
111111 Jlolnt8 0119& IIf Grand IBhlnd carried on train
No. H.
Oronto Tla of IIYllo and 'l'uckenllle. dally u- :
copt ' ) IIIIIIRY clo8c" . lit 78 m : r"tllmhllr same da ,
Cnl1l1wllY viII , Mc'Klllley , dal1 , exollpt BUllda ,
clu ell lit 7 . III , retllmlllg Hamc IIIIY.
1111110,1 , Valley via Urean Bnd Elton ole.o a7 a
1II.Toellay , ' { 'humlay anti SatDrdaYI , returalDl
SalDO Iiny.
Hlllnller via Gurnsey. Uoorgetown and U"toll
Ilrrnvo aL 11.30. TneptlBK "rbarsdllJ' " aud Batar-
dllY rotllrnlnK IOIlVCI lit 1,30 lame day.
Olllo ! hOllr8 from t1.J ( ( ) n m to 8.00 11 UI , BUD-
t'aYII frolll " 11 [ ; II. m. to 6:4t1 : p. m. l.obb ) open
\V , ! k IIIIYB from 'i' 8. m. to B p. m. BUlldau B:30
II , III , to V a. In. ( lulloral dellvery nOL open Ban-
IIIlY morullll { a8 horotCJforo. L. " .J.WIIT'l. P.M.
. -
. - - - - - -
- - - - - - . - - - - - .
. . < - ,
L\lIiji'I \ clm.2i ! ! JPf r.m.1ffiij1iffi' ! [ ! ! .
l J I AM HOING 11'0
] [
. - , . , , I CLOSE
m . : " { 7 1
, 1
. . .
: ( J. ' 1
bl r . . . : .J--4)t : ' . . " ' t'i\ . , [ " 1 , OUT . " .
w r 1 I
[ J ) , - f . fl. 1 1 . . , . . .
rg I -c'J. 1 1 I\l y OIllIro fltoelt of ololiling. Big Cl\t In prICOR ,
l , .
. l ,
RJ " \
m [ ( , I , > ; " ' : ' " 1" ' , : , - - p. , ! of Lad io' ! HhollH to roc ) m'o thu Htnuk. Oomo and .
) rl . have your \Il1'afmrU ' taken for ! \
. r ;
I " . Prices From $8.50 Up
m The rigors of winter will soon As Good As You Want.
rn , be over. ,
! PJeasantrr days ahead. ! ID DOll l forget that we
Bright things in store flf all.
I I DnghlcstthingslnMen'sDrm m
' Goods that we have ever shown .
'I . rr.J I a t C as I I P r10C ' , alii 1 'Jay ' t I w
-or seen. m'
! I ( ; .om : : iii and : : . look i' : , at K's them-.5OG : ; lID HI u ! : h as t M ar k 0 t P flees e f or P ro d Dee.
m m ure-all Everything the Urne- made to never your oth mC1S- r- ! ID H A R RY D AY
m wisecrices wondrously luw.
I -gJ
I ill . _ _ _ 11 , Broken Bnw , NourRska.
: ! 1 fm E ! . ilffim Ilj ! ! ! " 1J.Ijj !
- - - - - - - - - - - -
- -
' - _ . _ , - " " " " " - ' ' . ' - - . . _ , . ; . - - , . - : - . - , . -'i.1IM-i---- ! o