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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1902)
. . . " " . " "W "C""Y . " " ' . , ' . . ' . . , . . ' . -.t i" . ' " . . ; , , d/ / " . , OOlotJ : ubrt\tU"l II C\\O U\8\ . . . . . \ . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . - . . . . . " , . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . . . . . , USTEJl OUNTY EPUBLICAN. I . , : . . . ' 1' 'j . ' . . ; . : , " _ . ' , h' ; ESTABLISHED 1882. THE OFFICIAL PAPER 01i' CUSTER COUN'ry. LARGES'r CIRCULA'l'ION OF ANY PAP.EI IN 'I'HE COUNTY. , " > 'f" ' . - _ _ - r r I : VOL XXI. BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , JULY 24 , 19021--EIGHT PAGES , NO.6. I - I . ' 'Y" ' , . . : . . . ; Now in thc lIIitlst of Hrhool dnlies yon must IH1\'c lillle. nil I accnrate tilllC. if ) 'ou wonld he snccesssul in ) 'our callillg. Jl's a Iluty ) ' 011 owe to your pnpils CIS wcll as to : youself. to have currecl tillie , to teuch the ) 'oullg mind the \'ulllc of tillle. alld the lIeell of always beill ! { on tillle. Watches of all kmds. , , . . . I . . , I , . _ . I/ / . ' Tablets . < . 'ANI . i " . - . S heel Su pplies , \ t . -AT- J. G. Haeberle's : . . - - - - - . Perle Elizabeth Fields , DR. : IDD BD D jD lJlln lBI1I ! ) r . . : " , OIIJ1ICn nouns : C ) a. m. to 12 m. 1 :30 : to 4 p. m. Or by appointment. n..qrOf1 ce o\'er Atllicrson's Jewelry Store ' " in Really J\1ock \ , Broken Bow. Nebraska. . . ' - - - - HAil ! HAil ! ' 1'he old rcliable St. Paul Firc & l\lal'ine Insurance Co. , of St. Paul , Minn."vith over $3,000,000 cash a . sets , offers the farln- ers of Cust'er county absolute indemnIty against loss by Hail. Lov rates , Honorahle adjustlnent and Spot ) cash settlenlents. In- I' sure youl .orop against hail. .r. A. HAIRIS , : Agent. I Office P. , Opposite . . . ( j 0. , Bl'olren Bov , Neb. ) ' J' - - - j , . / J ust recel\'ed a car of hedgl : ; .r" . posts at Dierks Lumber & Co a ] ( Co. in this city. Price , 12 aml ' 1f. cents. 2 tf \ Lubricating oils of allldnls a1 'Villdn's drug store. . 0 Ctll . ; ; A CO I , " IN UNit DAV \ Tllke I. 'I"Ue : Uramil ( Julnlu ! ! 'rIlIJIita. ! AI , lru lIbt ; rofuml tbi ! IUOUl'Y It II talll ! to cure , I W. ( Jrovu' luature ! ; \ UII each 1J0x. ! . ! 5o. . li'oH HHN'l'--A double ' : - - 1'00111 01 \ secolIlI Hoer of the Custer block gnquire at this ofiice. " i / ' , 'J h.'u' 'Io'ello".tonC&tl'k. . : ' Tnc Bur1ingtOl ; ute is organizilll I II pCl'wnully conllnctel excursion tu anI t hwngh Ycllowslune Park to leave Ne hraskn points , Tncsday. Angust 5. Uncommonl ) ' loratcs ha\'c heel ml1t1e for this excursion. 'fhe total cx pcnse of the trip will b : : less thau $100.00 If you're intercste(1. ( wrilc for a cop' of illustrnled inilincrary to t' . J. FltANCIS , Gencral Passenger Agcnt , 3-7 Omaha , Neh. , I [ : : : : ; : : : : : : : : I The RHPUDLICAN and Inter Ocean , $1.50. John \Velsh \Vesten'ille was a friendly calleJ Frida ) ' . \VANTUD-A good cook. 6-tf Willis Cadwell. Alpha Morgan returned last Friday from a ten days outing at Domc Lakl' , 'Wyoming. Senator Currie was in the city Monday and 'l'ttesfay looking after matters of business. Ii' . C. Me11l1 e sulicitor for the Omaha Dailv News was a friendly - ly caller at this ofi ce Saturday. ' 1' . C. Baldwin a'ud family , left yesterday morning for Colorado , with-thc' view of - remaning per- menU } ' . Mrs. J. C. Bowen left 'l'uesday night for Denver , with the view of stopping otT a few days , at Alliance. Nc George of Cumro , was a friendly caller Monday. He brought up two of his daughters to attend the institute. J. C. Bowen and J. J. 'Vilson returned Sunday from Dome Lake , 'Wyoming where they spent two weeks fishing anl hunting. E. R. Purcell is off on a vacation - tion south. He will visit l\Iemphis , 'l'enn. , and on his re- turn his wife who is in Kansas , will accompany him home. 'l'hc REPUBLICAN ofi ce acknowledges - ledges a social call Tucsday from State Supt. Fowler. He was accompanied - companied by J. J. Tooley , and \Vill S. Heitzman of Lincoln. Ii' . A. Dunn of Dunning , spent Sunday in our city. He returned - ed home S ltday evening , accompanied - panied by Miss Rose Fees , who. has been employed in our city for scveral weeks. D. C. Konkle \Veissert , who recently bought propertJ in the city , was a friendly caller yester- day. He informs us that he ex. pects to move to the city about the tirst of September , 'I'he Supreme court has issued another decision on the tire and police board case of Omaha in which it reverses its formcr opinion - ion and orders the Governor to appoint the police board. L. E. Picket of Callaway made this ofi ce a friendly visit Saturday - day and had his subscription credited u.p to 1903. Mr. Pickett for the past two years has been associated with the Callaway tlouring mill. Mrs. L. E. Kirkpatric } < eturn- ed Sunday from \Vasmngton where she has been visiting for several weeks. Miss Holcomb of Indiana who accompanied her returned - turned with her and stopped off to visit relatives in this vIcinity. M. \Varrington of Mason City was a county seat visitor yesterday. \Varrington reports - ports that the winter , vheat and rye crop which is unusally large in his vicinity is all in shock and in fine shape and that oats har. vest is under way. 'l'he suit brought against tIll : ; B. & M. railroad ompany b ) ' Mrs. Ursula 'I'uttle for the los of her husbands life in the recenl Hyannis wreck has been settle , " on payment by the company 01 $3,750. 'I'he case was tried ir the Omaha courts b ) ' mutua' I agreement of both parties.-'I'IH Alliance Herald. W. H. Osborne Sr. left us i sample of his potatoes Monda1 that caps anything we have y seen. 'l'hey are of the earl : Ohio variety. From one staU werc ti\'e large potatoes tha grew under the ground and 01 I the' vine which had five pronbrs . none of which are over twelv1 inches long are 3 ( ) well formel 1 potatoes varying in size from : . large pea to 0 quail ) ; egg. _ Prof. Housh has bought th double building , formerly occupi cd by Wilson & Drake , the drul store building , formcrly occupiel b ) ' Ed. McComas , on the nort' sule , and are having them titte up for his business colleg ( t. When complete , they will b , convenient and pleasilnt room 'l'he hotel building he ttSed las ) 'ear he will use for a conservil tory. John Decius has gone to Kansas - sas with the view of finding a location. Mrs. ' \Viliams ! of Ansley came up Tuesday to attend the 'l'eachers Institute. Mrs. Ii' . D. Gallup and children went to Hot Springs , South Da- kot last week on a pleasu e trip. Con. Gibson , who has been sojourning - journing in Texas for several munths , returned the latter part of la t week. John Cavenee of Georgetown , made this ofi ce a friendly call 'esterday. He reports crops fine 111 his locality. New street crossings , that have long been 'needed , are being - ing put in on Fourth Avenllc and Cedar Street. L. E. Kirkpatrick , who went to 'Vashington a short time ago , we understand thinks of locating in that state in the near future. \V. C. Luce and wife who have been visiting in 111. , for the past three months , returned homc last week. Mr. Luce reports a wet time in the Succor state. Peter Beck of Gcorgetown , was a city visitor yesterday. He brought up two lady friends , who have been visiting with him , who took the noon train for the east. Prof.V. . W. Waters of Valley arrived in the city Saturday night. He is one of the instructors - tors in the 'l'eachers Institute that commenced in . this City Monday. Joseph Scott and wife of Dry Valley , were city visitors yester- day. Mr. Scott reports crops immense in his vicinity. He has 300 acres in corn and 135 acres in I small grain. I , Delcia. the daughter of Pt.rry Foster , who accidently shot herself - self in the arm last week with a revolver , is getting aloug very nicely , and no serious complications - tions are likely to result. \V. H. Wallace , who has been . visiting his son , Frank , for several - eral weeks , left Sunday morning for his home in Council Bluffs. Frank and his wife accompanied him , and will visit a short ti l11e. Tom \Vest , Marn Freed's barber , took French leave last Thursda ) ' morning , while Mr. Freed was at Merna. He took I along with him about $8 and i two or three razor straps from the shop. Lorin , the younger son of Yc Scribe , who has been west for the past year and a half came in from Sheridan Monday morning on a months vacation. Hc is in the employ of the B. & M. at Sheridan. The financial Statement of the Custer Natioal Bank appears in this issue of the RH .UDIICAN. From the deposits we are led to conclude that General Prosperity is staying with the people of this vicinity. Roy Barnard , who we announced - ed two weeks ago had accepted . the position of business manager of the Loup Valley Queen , recently - . . cently started byV. . Ii' . Zumbru\l1 \ of Callawa ) ' , announced last week that he had bought half interest in that paper. If the Epworth Campl1leeting at Callawa ) ' from the 24th to A lIg. 3rd does not draw a big crowd it will bc no fault of the newspapers of the district , as nearly every newspaper with which we exchange - change has been advertising the meeting free of cost to the pro- moters. 'I'he county board is checking up the count ) ' ofi ces this week , and will not be ready with its re. port before the last of the week. i , Because of this the publicatiou of the proceedings of last weel < are deferred that the entire re. a port of the board may appear ill one isosue of the papers. e S. S. Hayman of Grand Island , who is state manager of the M , B. A. ol\der , writes that the dis. trict c011\'ention of the order ! to be held in BIOken Bow. III did not state the date , but in al probability , it will be the : latto ] e part of Septembcr or the first 0 October. The convention wiI' it elect delegates to the Supreme convention I , which will be he1c ] in Sioux Falls , South Dakota. REPORT OF THE CONDITION - 01'rug - Custer National Bank , At lIrokcnllow , lu the Slate of Nehraqka , at the CII ) e of lIu ! lIl' q. Jill ) ' 16. 1')02. RESOURCES : I.olu" allll DI coullt4. ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ f1I.l.145.91 11. S. 11I1IIIIM to H.'cllro Circulation. . . . . 2.5.1\11.1.1\1 Pre' III 111111 " on U. s. 1I0uI . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2\1.1\1 ( lIauklull' 1I01l tJ.fllrnlturoallll nxtun' . 3.M.I\I DIID frolll National lIallk Inot n''cr''D all'DutR ) , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.\1) ; .25 Dill ! frolll Siahl lIallkM allll lIauker04. . 40.111 : DnD frulII at'IInn..1 reM..ryoallellt" . . . . 40.\11).115 \ CllI'ck" allli other caMh 1t.IIIM. . . . . . . . . . 2H.f04 NottJM . of otlll'r Natloual 1IaukM. . . . . . . 1"2 .I5.1\1 1.'rnctlnual I'at"r cllrreuc } ' . 1I1c1eIM. : \1111 CI'UtM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41.51 \\'FUI.l\IoNIW HmIHH\'U IN IIANIo\'I7. : : : RII C" " " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3.52'1.(11.\ 1.1'lI'al.1'elllll'r NOlc . . . . 1.1125.1\1 4,55-4,1)(1 ) I H ' ' ' 'IlI1llou 1.'ulIIl wllh 11. S. ' 1'rea04. urtJr (5 ( ! ll'r cent. of clrculallou ) . . . . 1.SO.l\1 ! - - 'l'otal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ \ 'i2.19'J.2 ( ' LIABILITIES : Capital Rtnck pal.l In. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 25.\ ' Hurt.Il.R fllllll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,2$11.1\1 1111I11\.1 ' I.rullt" . II's' ! eXI"'n . 'q " , "I tax" " I.ahl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'Iill.'i ! Natloual lIauk nntes outHtallllluil' . . . . 2..lJ ( I.I _ ' ' Dllo tu Htah ! 1I:111k04 : :111I1 lIanlil.rM. . . . . . 32.3.'tl.1J3 I \'hlual.II'I"04ItH "uhjeci tu ch'ck. . i' 1)tJlllallll ecrlillcat" uf ' ' ' 'I , , ) It. . . . . . . . j,7i .i5 I - ' 1'ulal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ I'i2I' ' 1.2Ii Htatc uf N"hraHka , I . CIIIIUof Cu t"r. fM I.H. LOMAX.caHh. I II'r of th. . ahO\'D naulI'II hauk.u \ ultJlllul ) ' Rw"ar that the ahllstat""ll'nt I till" III the h.t IIf III ) ' lnn\\'II'lw ! alhllJd"'f. H. LOMAX. CaHhler. I.'HANK 11. , "OUNU , Att..stI.'HANK 1\1. CUKIUlt. } nln'ctlln . ALI'IIA MIIKUAN. HllhRcrlI > e,1 111111 Mworn III hMom lIIiI Ihl' ! 221111 IIa"of Jllh' . 1902. W. 11. I AHTIIAM. ( sIIAt.1 NlIlar } ' Pllhllc - - - - - - - - - I Olt 'Vebster lcftSnl1daymorn- ing for Omaha. 'Varren Morrisey , who has been at Seneca for some time , returned home this week. Cy. Brenizer just completed a fine dwelling housc last week for B. Ii' . Cox on the 'Vest ' .1'able. Prof. Lewellyn George has accepted - cepted a position , tCl11poraril ) ' in the ofi ce of the count ) ' treasurer. C. R. Kranz of. Dale was in the cit ) ' 'l'uesday attending thc schoolofi cers aud patrons mcet- ing. Doc Kestner , who has been employed by Jacob Johnson as tonsoria1 st , left Sunday morning fur Utica. - Warren Lang one of the suc. cessful farmers of the west table was a friendly caller at this ofi ce Saturday. D. H. Bowen of Ogcensburg , New York arrived in the city .last night to visit his son , our genial townsman , J. C. Bowen. A fine rain visited this locality last l ig1t. ! It is believed it is sufi clent to make the earl.r corn , which is now earing nicely. Jules Haumont of Elton was among the number of school Qfi cers in attendance at the Pa- trons and school ofiicers meeting 'l'uesday. ReS. . \V. Richards has a hard coal' burner , a cook stove , piano and some other items of furniture for sale. Inquire at the Baptist parsonage. ( , -tf 'l'he Holcomb School district northeast of town eight miles arc building a new frame school house which is to be read ) ' for occupancy - pancy b ) ' September tirst. J. C. Maulick of Seneca Kan- S1S is in the city looking after matters of business. He says al ] ldmls of crops are good in northern - ern Kansas where he resides- Mrs. G. W. Apple and childrell left this morning for Indiania her old hOl11e. It is Mrs. Applc's first \'isit to her old hOUl ( in a number of years and she wiI remain several wceks. 'l'he republican supervisor ! convention of the Fifth Distr C' has been called to meet at Stol 'rable school house August 30tl at 2 o'clock.Ve understul1 ( there are several good candidates S. Vanlluskirk and A. C ' ! 'owe ] of Merna wcre among th. . number attending the schoo officers and patrons meelin ! 'l'uesda ) ' held under thc super vision of county Superintendcl1 Lewis. ' ! 'he li'ourth Annual TIoosie Reunion of Nebraska , will b held in John HaU's grove , at Mn 1 son City , August 15 , PJ02. A1 . Hoosier's and friends are invite , to attend and take their dinncr I and enjo ) ' a good time. A goo program has becn arranged f ( ] t he occasion. t lotu. Happ , six milcs east of th . city commcnced threshing hi grain yesterday the tirst we ha\ ' heard of in this ' ' vicinity. ( 'h report came in yesterday aftel noon that his winter wheat Wil averaging 35 bushels to the acn In the south part of the count reports range from 35 to 5 bushels to the acre for winte wheatr . . S. D. Butcher and wife rcturn- ed last night from Kal1sas City where the ) ' wcnt two months ago for spccial medical trcatment for mrs. Butcher. Mrs. Butcher has been cntirlc ' relievcd of her trouble and IS now in per- fcct health. S. D. Butcher who returned last nig11t from a two months visi t in Kansas Ci t ) . whcrc he went for mcdical trcatmcnt for wife iuforms us th.t : hc expects - pects to start in a fcw days to take orders for and dclivcr the Pioneer History of Custer county. Hogs has takcn a drop. 'I'he market quotations this morning in Broken Bow is down to $ C1.75. But with thc ahundancc of cheap feed in prospect in the near fu- 'ture , those that have hog wilt not hcsitate to feed 45 cent corn fOl' a fcw more wccls , as therc wilt be moncy in feeding hogs thi8 fall at half the prcsent p1' ce paid. Church Hel''lcc" . IIA1'T1S'l' CIIUHCII. Stttll1cty school lit 10 a. 111. Prcaching lit II a. ttt. Juuior n. Y. 1' . U. at 3 1' . lit. Senior B. Y. 11. U. followin thc scrvices iu thc ) lark. No . preaching at I night. I : .t. H. ClI1mCII. Therc witl hc uo prellchit , ser\'icl' in thc 1\1. 1\ . church Sunlny ( lIIornlu . Suudny schoot at 10 a. lit. Hpworth leallle : aftcr thc e\'euin l'ark IIIceling. GHo. 1' . ' ! 'll1'I'IiH , Pastllr. CIIIl1S'l'IAN ClnmCII. Ou the e\'eniu of Fr tln ) ' . JIIly 25th 11I111 Sntul'I111) ' 26th there witl hc 1\hlcn- tioaul Rall ) ' serviccs nlthc dlul'dl. con- ( luctel1 by ] . W. Hilton , vicc Chnucellor of Colluer Un'crsit ) ' of J.inclIlu. Prof. lIillon wi11 nlso fill thc ) lulpit Suullny lItorning 11I111 ) lropnbly cvcnin . lIIusic nt all scr\'iccs. A cOl'llinl wc COlltC lo all. C. V. AI.IISON , Minister. l l'lSCOI'A I , CIIUHCII. St. J lms HpisclIlal ) church service Jttly 27. . 1\lorning pmycr 11I111 sel'lnQu It n. 111. \'cuin pmyer uUll serlllOU Ii p. 111. Sunday sellool 10 II. lit. 'fhc puhlic is cOI'l1inlly In\'ited. W. n. XANUl HS. Reelor. I.ettel' 1.11'11. 'l'he fo11owing is the dcad letter list. for the week cnding July 22 , JlJ02 : A. g. Arnold , Miss Dates , Ii'rank 1 . Bacon , Arthur A. Carpen tcr , W. Ii' . Li'oster , Dr. J. II. 1\1onon , Shcrman Totloj'd , Norman - man I ambo , Mrs. A. B. Smith. Partics calling for thc above w111 please say ad vcrtised. lot. II. JmvWl"r , P. l\r. . . . . . . . . . . ' HTCICln. : N Ao..I : N.'ION 'rhe Ccntral Nebraska Rtt,1- growers Association is 1I,1'b ) ' called to meet at thc court house , on Saturday , August 3 , at 1 :00 : p. 111. All stockmcn , whether helonging to the association or not , are cordially invited to at- tend. Business of importance is. to be transacted. 'Ve expect to have state speal rs on the itch and blacldeg subject , and take active stcps to guard against the same by the association b ) ' hudding vats or dips for same. 1. A. HHNHA u , SCC' ) ' . Dlnr1ut I CInl't for 'l'odny. \Vhnat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ .r Unrloy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ii l OlltS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :1' : ' Corll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I @ . .Ii Hyo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3. . Butter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I , V.III. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 : . I'ol toee. I'er hU81101 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . I'or hUHhul. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0 Oliloll . I'er l'ouml , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1 ( lluK , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. ' : ' (1ow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IIa.)5 : @ .t.D 8".0111. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IfI.r.o ! ( { CI 7.U 'l'Ulko'II , perllouJIII. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t'lr"wollerclI't. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 U"y , Now , Ior tllll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1i.1I tulI ; r , per rowl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f > .r. - - CUI'C' " Hel nalcn. . He'V. . lot. Hilc ) ' , T . Tot. D Cuba , New York , writcs ; HArte fifteen di.l ) ' of cxcrucia ing pail from SCIatIc rheu ma tIS , 111I11e \'ariOllH treatments , I waf induc ed to try Ballard's Snow fotini ment , the first application gi\ ' l1l m ) ' first relief , and the Sl'CUIIlI entire relicf. J can g'c it 1111 qualified recommcndation. 25 e SOc and $1.00 at 1 1l. McComas' Broken Bow and Merna. . - ' . ' ; . wrO.-H 'UI ; cOl/ca. / A 1'C1) 'VOle .CH : cur. . . . . . II' COI.t ) . 1. .IIt1VIt Brume ( ) ulnllllJ 'l'lI"tel I'uro 1'01111 OUU II"y. Nil Curl' , Nit \'uy. \ I'rlt : ' . ! : . 1'1111 HIee11l1 ChllUClL 'l'he Milburn store is for sale c nice clcan stock ilnd store fllfn ture , and buildings , well estahli shed busincss in a linc locatiol Annual sales $7,000 , stock wi invoice about $2,000 , uildin and fixtures about $700. Addres "T. E. SWHNGJU" 52-tf Milburn , Neb. Pepsin Guml two paokages fc a nickel at Wilkins' Pharmacy. . . . . . [ , Paints ; Oils and Wall Paper . .atn , . . ' - - " - - - - - - - - - - - - m : ; 7 ; a m m mMm - . J. C. Moore , abstracting. 2tf Job printing at this otllce. Monc ) ' loaned on improved farms. J AlllnS LUDWICH , 7 18 tf Brolen Bow , Neb. Dr. ' 1' . 'V. Bass , dentist , office northwest corner of l calty Block. S-l tf. For insurance and rea ] estate go to Moore & 'l'aylor , in Realty lllock. - - - - \Vest Union , Nebraslm-Yes , we will pay a part cash for butter - ter aml eggs. I UltUS G. CAlm. After August 1st , I will be prcpared to handle 50 head of cattle for an ) ' length of time. li'resh pasturc in Union valley. A. ' 1' . SltVnOLT , 4-6 Brokcn Bow , Neb. l'OR ! SAIU OR 'rHAmt-A threshing - ing machinc outfit.-J. 9. 'l'Av. I.on , ne.n ) 'n , Neb. 5- ( , FOR SAIIt-A five room hous and two lots east of Raclet Store , llrolCn Bow. l d Haumont , ( , -tf Elton , Neb. li'olt SAI.1t-A good rolling farm , sod house , well , mill and tank , framc stable , 40 acres in cult \'ation , 80 acres under fence , 4 miles south and west of Calla- wa ) ' . Price $800. Fair termsor liberal discount for cash. WITIIS CADwmI" Brokcn Bow , Neb. W AN'l'ltD 5 YOUNG limN from Custer Count ) . at once to prepare for Positions iu the Government Scrvice-Railway Mail Clerks , lotetter Carriers , Custom Housc and Departtnental Clerks , etc. Apply to Inter-StateCorres. Inst. ' Cedar Rapids , Ia. 5-8 Farms for sale and lauds for rent. Now is the time to get a farm cheap , as the cheap farms arc all goin , nd prices are advancing - vancing rapl < lly.-J. G. Brenizcr. - - - Several good farms for sale at a bargain , including my own.- J ItSSIt G ANDV , 44 tf ) li'oR SAIIt OR TltADIt-Towu lots and a few five acre lots in this city , for cattle , horses or farm .1 land.-Allen Reyner. FOlt SALH-One : top J buggy , nearly new ; one lumber wagon , at my farm 12-H-20.-Fran1c Norton. li'Olt SAJlt-li'ive acres of land in good state of cultivation adjoining - . joining Brokcn Bow for $200. Inquire at this ofi ce. . 3-27 tf Fen S/\LH-'I'en acres of land adjoining' town , cheap. , Enquire at this ol1 cc. 5-12 FOH SAI.It-Lots 1 , 2 , 7 and 8 , block 5 , in Jewett's addition to , Broken Bow. Enquire at this 1- oOice. 11-21 tf ) 1f you intend to build call at . ' Dierks I.4umber . Co. and get prices. 'i - - - " n4 lnl1Hlve l"e turcy. n Blac1dlea < 1s , pimples , greasy . faces and muddy compl xions , which are so common among 'J womcn , espcciall ' girls at a certain - j tain age , destro111g beauty , . dis- ; ' liguring and making repulsre . fcaturcs which would otherwise appear attractive and relined , , indicate that the liver is out of . ' order. An occasional dose of I . JIerbine will cleanse the bowels . regulate the liver and so establsh a clear , healthy complexion. 50c J Ir I at l d. McComas' Broken Bow and M rna. . . I - 1 , .