Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 17, 1902, Image 7

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New " "Hhlll IlIchlne.
The washln mrH'hlno shown In th ,
blustraUon IHelll to hn'e the f.lclIHy
H cll'ulIllI ! ; the cluthl'i ! without bub ,
I < > ctln them to the harsh tn'lulIIen\ \
r bBllal thlg chlll'ae-
In an 1IJ1J1amtlls of -
ler , as thl' l'ollllliers Ilre so nttnchl'll 10
r Uw operntln ! ihaft ns to ylelll rl'IHl\Iy \
h'n I\n ' hll'ge IIIIlSS of clothlll 111
tlleollllterec1 , Instenll of forcln , . ; thl'lr
wn ' t1I1'ou h the pill' nllll , pel'hulI 1 I
learlng the garml'nlll , The Jlltlll III'1
which cnrry the pOIllHll'r heatl' ! III'I'
tOlul'cte. ! with thl' 11I'tllntlll shurt by I
tur\'etI Rllrhl R , JnHtcIII } of bcln .101111'11 :
tlghlly , : I'll } Ilre t11\1 ! ! ' tllIHlSl'd to 'Il'hll
[ 1I1t'l. IlresRurl' whl'n obstl'"eth
_ . I i
NEWEHT w' o MAClll "i1" .
. r. : _ _ _
too reat for tllI.'m to force Into th
liulls. 'I'hl' Innel' surface of tlll ! tub
O\'I'1'11 wit h eorrl1fa tI'll melal , Sf ) i1hll p. i
td thal the 111t1ll l'r hl'lIls : cOl1le 111
rontaet with the front el } e Ilt'gt alld
frulJ the eluthell II0WII till ! Inelhll'll
surface UII ! 11 the hottolll Is rrachl'll. II' ' ,
will thus br ! H'rn thnt the rot 1tJoll d
tIle a'tl1l1t\n \ shuft b ' the crank whell : :
l. ' 1\111 slIh.'I't ! the wash 10111'111'111'1111\ ' tilt' '
"lime 1II0tion thut It wOllld re'el"e II
e"l1hhe(1 by hallll O\'l'r 11 bua\l. Tlu' '
nlllchille Is cOII\'l'lIll'lItl ' sllllll(1 1" , '
hIUIIIIIIIJ : the wnflldll alld ItH w'I ht II
Clot milch I''ntcI' thall that of the 01'
IUnliry IlIl' ! ! IIsed Oil w1I81111ay. ' 1'lIt
Inventor Is II. A. HohlnHon of POI'/ /
Uuron , lIch.
Chncoilltc Crcnlll PCllflCr1lJlnt " ' ( ( . . , :
Use the r : lIl ' .IIIlIle : ! Je/lpel'mnt / ! wa ,
ters. 1101 cr. stalll7.1'd , to ue fU1II1I1 in
1I1most II"clllldy Htore , : 'lIcIt dow
11 cal.e ofIedlllllon" : full vIIIII1I1 ,
weet chocolatl' . As SOOIi as the cho ! ' ( ) .
late beCOIII ( ' ' ! ! 'ioft ' hilt not thlll. ( lip 0' '
toll thc plaIn 11pl'l'lI1ll1t } " ' (1fI'1'I ' III I
one lit II tillie , with 1\ I .I'C.tlIIP(1 ( step !
"torl. ; ( h'op them 111 I''gunr ! rows ncl'o ,
a sheet of ullttel'c(1 mmlla : } ) apcI' 01
wax PI ! prr millet / them III a cOllI
t teem to I1I'Y I1nl1 hmlen. 1'l1e othl'l
I wnfel's of the Cl'l'all1 sO\'t , wllltel'gl'celi.
maple , coffee nlll } thc IIlw , may IJI
treated In like manner.
- - -
Stewcd Hhllhnrh.
'Wash thc rhubarb , I1eel It nnd Cllt
'lnto Illece ! ! olle Illch 101l , Hhllhal'b
t : r should alwlI 's Lw cool.el1 III a 110llblo
boiler. Put In tW < i tllblespounfuls 01
colll watel' 111111 olle Iuart at' Cllt 1'1111'
barh. Let thIs ( ' 001. 1111111 the I'hll1lll'I.I
18 soft , anel swertell to tnste , Som
vel'solls do 1I0t like the full f1a VOl' 01
Ihe , 'hllhal'h , nlld ndel two cupfllls 01
'Water to rCIIll'r It les ! ! ! 'ihnrp ' , Whe : !
this Is done more sugm' shoultI l.J
odtIe ( } .
TOlllntoct ! StlllTciI with : \fcnt.
Plun e ten tomatol's Illto hollln Wit.
tel' fOl' IIn 1118t1lUt. peel on' thl' skill UII
let tdem pl cold. Cut the toP ! ! off n\l
scoop Ollt the IIIHhle. whh'h 11I\t \ tlllq
the chopplnj ; howl with 1\ Clip Ol' col
ment 1\1111 one-half II Clip of hl'l'all
'trulllhs. Chop 1111 tO l'ther , nlld ! 'iull '
41111 peliller , and 1111 the tOll1atoes wlt
thIs mixture , Put a small plecl' III
butter on the top lIu(1 ( put them IlItQ
the ovell to gr.t hot. Sm'vc Oil slices 01
Browllcil PntlltOCM ,
noli nud mash II I ) 11I1\1 of pota toef ,
: nOIFit,1I wit h 1Iollrd milk. Bl'a I fH'P. '
aratel ' the white 1Il1l } 'olk of nn ep : 1
add the 'olk to the potato. nnd Ii IIttla
Ialt. ; WhlRle the whltl ! to II fmth anll
ndI , JURt 11l'1'ol'l ! IlIIttln1 ; In the o\'en ,
Put the mlxtllrl' III a 11II' e SOIlIl 111ata
amilIalw Ilfll'l'1I mlnllll's ; Nel''e us SOOI1
as tal.1'11 tram the OI. .
_ II
Iclflnn 1'11I1111n .
1'0 threc 11\nt \ hollillJ ; milk a(1I1 onq
1ahl'sllllon l'ornstul'l'h IlIssoln'fl III coli !
111111. , the j ulel ! 11I111 J.rn h'll I'hlll ot two
1emoll8 , thl'l'l' IIIIIII'SIIOOIlS 1 > 11)11I' ) 111111 II I
lump of lIlItll'r , tlr l'olltslllltly tl1'
thlcle , "l'1II0'e from Ih'l' , 111111 four well ,
) . . benten I'J. ; S. 'I'Ul'll Iuto molel ! ! . Ser\Q
See cold wllh CI'l'am IIl1d sugar.
Nntc\ ! for lInllHcwh'CH ,
RIIlc tomntOl'H will r1II0\'e luk OliO
bther stallls from whlto clolh ; IIlsQ
. from the IUUIII ! ! . I
For lIurn ! ! , l'I1UIII Ilarts of whlto ot
t 01\11 oll\'l ! ull will 11\'e\'en1 ' "
It 1IIII1I1l'III\I unl'I' . hlh'Iel"1
IChlllh'en will rl'lIh thl ! mornhll
ferl'1I1 thlll l'IIIIIIIIIIH ( hltl' ! ! , IlJ.H or'ell
rlllll'R II ! ! a 1'l'I1f fl'lllll Iltl 11I1II0I1I)8H. :
' 1'0 1'lIi'lf ! ) ' Hu nr hrl'lIl , It Illto n CIIII' i ' .
rr 111111 111111 III l'l\'h 111I11I111 IIl1nw two
Filii' ! of wlltt'r. 1'1111'1' UII Ihl' 1110\1' : In,1 ,
rllllllnllylliow It tn hnll. t'IIlrlll1y ,
temon' till' Hl'lIlII 1111 It rIHI'H , 1I11thl'llw
In IIUlllelltlllUIII IIlIlf Illnt of \\1\1 or
111111 allow It 10 hllil 1I lIln. 141.:11I : " 1'1"
thorolll-hly 111111 HI11111 I hl'llllh ! mll"lIn , '
Sille 1I0cl"'l 11I111I11\CII'I'hh'fH Hhlllll.1 . 110
'Wllshl'll h ' I hl'lI1HIII'I'll. . I'llt 1 hl'llto I
tllule ! In ( ' 0111 wah'I' fOl' IIn IWII" 01' I WII ,
a (11)\\11 1' < 1 wa'lhlllJ. : 1111'11Iwlllllu : thl'llI
II ! ! llll' ' 1I1' ( ! WIII411I'.I. \\/ltlh Ii 'H''lIn.I' '
tlm ( ! , If nl r.flRllr ' . 'l'1H'1I l'lutll ! III ( ' 11111
aoft walor l'olltltlnlll hllnlllll o ( Halt ,
Imi rln'le ' n1\11I ; IIImllr contaluluj ; II. .
UUII : bluJzur. I
- - - - - - - . - - -
, 1
F.Xl' [ , ( ) IN ( ) If OAS nUINOS ( lnn JJ
. 1'0 , JOIIl'/SI'O\VN. /
ThoAn1 , l'M lIpn Tno Jllllrh Y.'u.\trcl : \ tn
T.1l lI"w It 1IIII'I't'Iccl-lIIIlu ; ll.1\
" 'r'dUJd J\lcllwnr \ , . .
- -
, Johnstown , Pit. , July It.-Nearly
two hlllldred men , It Is thought
were killeel Qr Injured Thllrsday
all explosloll III the Cambria Strel
company's rollln ! ; mill cual mine
under West Mont hili at noon. How
lIIallY arc dead It will take se\'eral
dIYs to dotermlllo' . It was nearly all
hllur after the exploslOlf befuro any
general kllowledge of what d hall I
pened got abruad , Meu who Cluno '
f'OllI the milles , escalilng wllh th'II !
11 ves , lold the news alld It sprelld' ' .
like wild lire all over the city.
: Mothers , wi ves , daughter3 , sons and
relatives were frantic with rllr. !
I NI olle was pNm I tte(1 ( tu ell ter the
millc from which noxlolls gases wore
escaping. It WIIS nearly fuur o'l'Iode
when all hope of sentlln res ue
parties from the West Mont opelling
was aballl1oned. Hlchald BennoLt
a ud .rohll Meyers , whu escaped from
. the III Illes , went , bae ! ; : two miles to
see what assistallce could be relldcr-
I ed but t he dam drove them hack
and lhey fell proslrate when they
I reached the outside. It was olear
I hat resclle work cOllld not proceed
! froll ! the West Mont opening and
I hasty preparatlolls were made td
re Clle the Imprisoned men at the
Illl creele entranct' .
I Soon alter the news of the explosion -
sion reached tllU Cambria ol11cials'
, \ Bllgllleer lila' shall G. ) Ioore
and one of his assistants , AI G. 1)rl'8- '
I serf made an attempt to enter the
, tu Ille. 'rhey wcre flJl1owee1 hy mine
I ullerlntendcnL George ' 1' . Hohlnsan ,
I hut the glses compelled thcm LJ
return to the surface.
I tine 1 llrelllan IIarry Rodgers , his
; usslstant'IlIlam Blanch alld Fire
Bosses Heta1lil'le and John
'l'I1'IIII1S wele o\'ercoIllO hy the gases
and it Is feared Ihey perished In ao'
heroic cfflll't to rcscu the miners.
A son 'of Harry Hohers then tried
to reJch ; hIs father , but ho' was
quickly overcome hy the deadly gase ! >
and was carried nut uncollsl'lous.
I Wil1lalll.tihlch . spcnt several hOllrs
at the Mill Cleele opl'nlng. ne said
' that he hl'lIe\'el ( as many as 450 n"en
I' , , were stili III thp mine. In his olln- )
lon , from all he could Iean , no t to
exceed 1.)0 lIIell llUd come out.
A \llut \ a s'ore of America n ml "ers
who were at work In the l\1ondlkc
distrIct nol Iced the presellce of the
I lire damp In their apartments soon
after the exploslln occule ( } and
I started at , once for the lIIaln en-
trance. They were almost o\'ercollle
with Ias. One of tile men said It
j Ir kllown what caused the explosion.
' He snld that a few dllYs ago the
I' ol1\lIlal" \ Isslled an order to the em-
ployes In the ml'\e not to play with
the gls' : but that , the ne1"t day a
young Hungarian was seen pushing
his lIalecd lamp along the roor of the. .
mine In search or It.
Canvas screens are he\r \ R used to. .
wall all the sldo entrances and.
rooms , so as to force a direct . current i
of pure all' IIhead d'r the rescuers. I I
EngIneer A. G. Presser who with
Mr. Monre entered the mine at the I
main opening , . oame to the surfacfl
at Mill creek and Immedilitely set
ahou securing men alld material to
aid In the resclle. Se\'eral miners
I who WNe working near the scene
of the explosion reached the su rface
and say that they saw the bodies or
lit least fifty men ,
'rhe lIIen who came out were for-
el lIers and were so excited that
they could not tell a connecrel
story , The Mine has heen open for
ahouL IIfty years , and Is produoln
till ee thousand ton per day Tl10 I I
mlnlm olllcials or the CambrIa -
pany stat.ed the explosIon was one
or lire damp. OutsIde of the 01 Klon- I
lIlIee" the IIIlnts 11re safe and unln-I 'I
jured. Within the fatal mine willis
of masonry thr e feet lhrough were
t'-rn down , the roofs o ( the mine
were demoll'ihed and n'.1t a donI'
rellaills : standing. Miners who lert
the mlnn hy way of the Mill Oreek
cntrance brou ht horrIble stories of I
'crawllm ; uver the doa bodIes or
their comrades ,
Salt Creek Claims Victim ,
Waverly , Nob. , July lO.-Speclal. ( )
Ulatence AuchmulY , son of Mr. and
Mrs p , E Auchmuly or this place ,
was bathln with a number of com-
rades In the valley flooded by salt
cII'ek , ne walloll out IIntll well In the
C'lrrent ' which carried his feet from
tinder him , ne cllIld not swim and
, 110wn I\'e ) tImes. Aid
w'nt \ was secured -
cured by two oomrale. . . but IIwln to
the swift current nnd beln compelled
to Rwlm Ulfulnst Itthey were tired out
'when tllel reached him ,
_ .
- . - .
, Johnstown , PI4. , July 12-1-'rlda )
hnft bCl'U n dny or reSCIIl'S ut the
rated Holling Mill mine or the Cam-
bria Sleel company. 'l'hrllling ex-
petlenceiluttended the elTort.s . or the
rOlt ) . daring fellows Wll0 went down
Into the mlno with the fulnt hope
they rnhht be In Lime . to rl'storo t ( )
life sOl1\e of the. entombed ( \Ien ,
They sa'ed the 11'es or rC1urtel'n
men uy urln lng tlJern n aln Into
the sun1fht ! ; ,
Many dead hmesVero ] \ round uut
they were left In U10 theatre of
death unUl ' ' ' hud
e\'C1) Ih'lng person
been rescued , 'rlIllL dOlle , the dearl
were urou ht 11(1 ( arid exposed to the i
morbid gaze of the people 011 the i
way to the mor ue. EI hty-se\'l'n
dead bed Irs were reco\'red frolll tIle
mlno betwecli u'lI ht and nl ht-
filII , Occnslonully wlIrdVoultl COli\ ( '
to the ! lU rface by some l11)'sterlOlis ,
ml'nns that another hl'ap or remains
had heen expfJsed to the vision or the
searchers , three miles IlIslde the
mine. Dangerous headings III the ,
Klondlke section yrt remain unrx-
JJlored , Iany more dead Ulay bo
fou nil there. .
It Is t.hought that 1f O Is a low es.
tlmate of the casualty list. , Johns-
town spellt the day -
From dawn to dusk Hying amb , -
lUllces cOllrsed the streets bearIng :
grewsome bunlells from mine to
morgue ; from mOl gue to homes.
Ureat throllgs slirged abouL Lhe pIt
mOil t.h , the 1m pro\'lsed morgue at
the armory and ahnut thr. homes or
the deld. : Bulletin hoards WO\'O \
ellgerly scanned ff news flom the
scene. of the disaster. ] xlIggeralecJ
rumors of all kInds prevailed.
It Is dll11cult to picture with any
dergee approaching Its flill worth
the worlc of resclle alld the attending
f'enes and Incidents or the day at
the center of Interrst.
Along In the early IJart or the
aftelnoon che'ril1g word < : ame rrom
the Innermost recesses of the mine
tllat life Jet 1I11 erPll III some or the I
hl(1Ie < ; . Tile rescuers made first for.
No. .tldt headln ! { which they had
heon unable to reaoh the night be-
f"rc. " Desula ta e\'en for the scene
of a mille Illterior was the hea(1In
that strelched out befllre them.
Suddenly III an opl'n spllce thny were
startled by the lTIud langhter of 110
blaclcclletl form that l'ushed at them
out of the darkness. The mall
' '
g'lasj1e'd IIlml } ' a pit-Ie Il1l1 le aliI (
tl'led hi his fren7.Y o beat down his
rt'sClJers , II e was o\'erpowered and
drngged ba , ' " t.o Ihe IIInlt } heading to
the cars. Thlt'teon other , Ilvlllg men
were found In this chaml. > er.
.A t 3 p. m. the tral'l or ml ne ran
came to the pit tJlo lth whrJO walt-
I ng II ru Inlu nCI's stood , EIJ. ! ht mell
were II fI cd o\'er the sIdes ( , f the cars .
IIndlair / curried , they welltled tlH'lr
way to the nmhulanc ( s 'rhey Wl're
all Poles. As the ! \leu were drl\'en
I hurrle ly tl ) the Call1hria hospital ,
the tral. . of coal cars with the pll'sl-
calis , e-rntercd the mine. In un-
oIlier lwlr Iwur they came out a aln ,
this tlIlIe , with six IIvlllg but ulmost
dead miners. Olin lI\all \ had lockjaw.
At tha t time three lIIore head.
Ings , belle'd to he tilled with thQ
dead , were unse'u'clH'd. 1'hlrty- ,
nine bellies wore 1 'lng withIn reacll
In the malu..headlll ( . { . 'rhese were I
brou h ( jut ut 4l : : p. 01 , Their
10 lies were l1ilrd high In the coal
cars and covl'rell with canvas.
' ' ! rcmains were In a terrible
state , 8howllll { that there had been ,
slow death III cac h case. One 01
I the men hud his mouth and nose
lied ubol/t by a towe ) . 'rhe rest or I
his taco was Jul'ned ueyond recog-
nlton. 'l'he holdes or all were twisted -
ed In horrible shapes , most of the
arms being crooked so as to shlel111
the tace , The only one wlJo could
he Indentlfled at the pit moulh war
Fire Boss , Josl'ph Tomlinson ,
One of the \'olunteer rescl/ers / who
came ( JUt with this load or dcac1
stated that lire was ra iu In part\
of the mine that would take some
time to quell , Most or those who
were brought out alJ\'e this atter-
noon had saved themse\'es ! by erawlJ
Ing Into 11 chamber ancl turning alIve
\lIve on the compressed air pipe lInq
whIch runs alon the entl'Y. Ono
man was fOllnd dead with hi" hands
ell/tched so tightly ahout a monley
wreneh that I t could not be removed -
moved , I
It was at : 5 a , m. when the
first train load or'Ictlms was
brought to the mouth or the main
entry , Forty-nIne cars were used
In bringing Oilfortysix \ eklll b odle9
Fire Dcstro ed a VII.1 ! e.
Appleton , Wls , July J'l'he'U. : .
tage of Bear Crerk , thirty miles norlh-
west or this el t" wai : destroyed by I1ro
today , A d.zen stores , the poswl1lce"
Chicago & Northwestern depot and B
lumber mill harl been destroyed by.
noon , and tile I1ro was stili ra lng , Th
tlro bt : n at'l o'clook this arter10011
In a mlliinory storf ) , 'I'lle 10'8 may
reach $100,010 The residents fought ;
the tire with buckets , ' ,
- .
" 01A Tnt ! ' : IT I : I : un TIHt cn' "
WS 1)(10.11 u
, .ntll'r IfUlIlI11 111111. . (1rl l , , 'lIn F'ormrc\ \
IIl1c'k. " IIrh"II'I"lu"cI " Tllllt Surro'"HIo
( 'Ur J. Sllh "l1l1l1.
Beat.rlre , Neh. , .July tl-Flre Bnd
! leeds fOr/lwd a CIIIII hlna tlon oC ele-
ment ! ! whleh has sl\'crely tested the
physical and \\Iental strelll-\th \ of the
people of Ilea t 1'1 Ct ! t he past t went-
C"r , hours. ami thlll. thele hnve heen
seen In that tlllle man ) ' hl tcllclIl
( leople would excite ' 111 wonder It u
full vIew of tlw sltuatloll coulcbo \
presented. Losses n gre atlllg fully
olle quartur of a mllll\ ; \ ) dollars I.I1\'e
heell sustalnecl by the peopl ! of lie-
atrl ( l' , anti that the Ih'e whIch
slarted early Thursdn ) ' mornIng did
nut lay waHte the elillro hushle'B
SP.CtlOIias purel ) ' pro\'ldelitial.
VOl O\'cr rorty hours the I Ity had
heen ctl\\lpll'lely shut otT Crolll the
olltslde world al : far a' ) railroad comm -
m \III \ lea tI on Hoes ,
' 1'hl' Blllo river Is a mlnllturc lalce
for miles. and though no rain has
( ; llIeu in this section for f(1rty-el ht
hours the 110'lds stea lly contluued
to rase yet'rtlay ! and last IIlght until -
til the water at 10 o'clocle thll !
morn I n ( . { had rellched se\'enteen
Inches hl her than It was e\'er hefOlc
SOen here. All nlhht Hangsorlllen
were bus ] takln ! ; people out In
1. > 0alB , and as the clt/y was In total
dar klless sOllie oC the scelles depIcted
were thrllllllg to a degree.
A regular systematic heat , patrol
was estahllshed alld as thc [ Iver was
J'lsllI e\'erywhere with swift. cllr-
rent , It Is wonderful that no lives
were 10 < ; 1. .
Sensational stories elr railroad dalll- :
a e repeatellly carne I n hilt 1 he trut h
was had ellough , lJ p to noon yes-
INday , allro\11 ( tranlc through hele
\Y.1S 1IIIIIIttrI'\lpled ! , the \'allous roads
ulng the lIucs hee as all a\'enue for
trailis frum other dl'lslonshere
there was troulilo bilL since then
everythlug has been tied up
This e\enlng 'III extra work train
on the nock Isl:1Iul : , whleh wns en-
de:1vorln : to back In to Beatrlco
"froll ) the ea"t , lost four cars or mcat
and provisions near the Hear .creek
cro..slnj. , ( , The tract' slid Ollt frolll
under the cars which Cell o\'er In the
water. 'l'hey reliluilled COli pled , and
the train Is heillg helrJ there , The
hlltt'llCrs of Beatrice depelld largely
on the packlll ( . { houses and the meat
slIpply Is nearly exhausted.
'L'onlght the water Is rapidly ( fIllIng -
Ing and as It docs a scene devastation -
tion Is re\'ealed vhlch Is : ! ppalln ,
Tile dllnaJe : ; ! to property ownes III
and urollnd Beatlce , will reach fully
fine lllludrc'd thousand dullars , while
the city allli cel1lnty loose heavily
III wushed out und damNI : ! bridges ,
Itailroad lIIeli sa ) ' the ( hlllll1e ( to
track" Is almost beyond 1)'lIef.
OIllC Ide ? of the extent ! ! .lie . watrr
C,1II he j.alned : wh,11 It Is Imown that
the rl"er was n nll ) one mile whle
on Court streeL. Where this Immense -
mense'olullle of water came from
Is pU1.7.lIn .
'l'he nervolls tellslon eXllerlenced
hy Beatrice people hecallse or the
! lood was qlllcldy 1H1lghtenel ( when
lit 2 o'clock this mornlll a sIgnal or
lire was gl\'en ,
WIth the waterworks shllt down
cvery one stood : Ihast ! at the situation -
tion , The the which WIIS or undoubted -
doubted Incendiary orIgin , hrgan In
IIearly the heart or t.he I. > uslness sec-
tion. It was not helleved h ) ' anyone
withIn \'Iew of the lIurnes that any
power arollnd could stay the Illazo ,
and the StOll test hearted qualll'd a < ;
nppeal after appeal was made Cor
IIsslstance. lIelp was nt hand In
LIncoln , tile authorltes soon Cou'ld
out , ! Jut there was no possllJle wa ,
of tranSplJrtltlon , 'rhe sltllatloll
was 'Hie which the people of Beatrlco
hope never to ha\'e t < l race again
From the Gr'en IJlock , where I.ho
lire started , which wellt down withIn -
In thirty millutes , It ( Jat Its
way Into the ! JIg 11el'11I tlllellt storc
of the Klein Merchantllo r.ompaoy.
' { 'he heat hecame Intense IIIHI soun
1111 the windows In the three story
Iasonlo temple bulldlnll acro59 the
street on the wesL side were ablaze ,
Killed Two Me:1lclne : Men ,
Da\'enport , la" July I -Mate I
Dan Green of the steamer Dllbllque.
today shot nnd killcd Uhrlstophcl
Leonldas und hl'3 sou , Ion" hnlrrj
mellclne : men frolll Central City ,
Col. Green ! lays the men hoarded hi"
heat at RClck Islnnd , IIhCilvlly \
armed , and attempted to talcc pos.
session when In front or I1nvtnport. !
'rhe coroners Jury : : ' : : < , "l1tcd Grcl'lI
on lhe rourttl ( ) ' r selr-defense . . . . . I1nd ,
he was rcleu ltd ,
_ . - . . . . . . , - * - " " , -0 : . . . " ' " ' . . . . . . . . > lL dIb- . . . .
- - - - - - - - -
1't.JOT OF IIAIt\'ArU ) Hl.mUCN 011' l'on
l'ItWHU J' T.
J. A , . 'c..h. , . 1.0. . . AII'n I. . I. . . Anulhrr CAn- ,
c\lc'nh \ ' - ! ' > c\'rrnl tIUrll : " 'ont the N..xt
"MIIC1lnUun1"11111 : '
t . \ ' I'
Mlnl'apolls , Mlnn. , JlIly 9.-
Fifteen thousand tlelc ntes to the
natonlll ! educatloual Ilssocl'ltou's !
COII\'enton ! hll\'l ! already IIrrlvetl In
tbo ! lour clt , ) , 'rhe meJtlu Momlay
IInd 'J'ul'sdar were conllned to the
natlollull'lHlnoll , the Il1tllan dl1plHt-
tIIl'nt null the ellornl sesslolls ,
\\'eduesdnr the de1all wurlc beHan.
'j'he speakers of th 0 : ( ) n\'entlon are
men of I'ellutatloll ' , Includln IJolI-
tlclaus , hrrelltor8 , pulJlI heHI , church
men alld edllcntors , ' 1'hI8 IIrtellloon
\Vas 1\'ell o\'e\ \ , entirely 10 t.he Jener-
nl sessIon lit the exposilion bulltllll .
Wallnce G. Nye or Mlnueapoll In
troc1uced W , O. Martlndllle or De- ,
trolt , Mlch" ns ehnhlllan or the I
tIIectln , Governor S. n. Van Snllt
welcotlled the as' ocatltlll t.he \ state
of which he Is the ol1l1'lal head , J.
W. Olsen , slate supcrltltm'dent or
puhllo Instruction delivered an lid-
dresR or well'ome In hehnIr of the ed-
ucatlollal department of the state ,
Actln Iayor 11. P. , Jolles welcOluOlI
the delegate8 to l\Jlllllenpolis nnd .ex.
tended the frcI dom tlr the cllr ,
8u\Jc'llItendent \ , , of the 1IIInl1eal101I9
puhllo schools , Charles 1\1. .Jordan , I
spo\tc \ of the R'stf'lm of public mlucn-
lIolIVheh ! Is tllTerl hr the st.1 te
and cll.y. Dr. UYl'IIS N orLhrop ,
prl'sldt'nt ' of lho 1I111\'lJI'slly of Mln-
lies. la a Iso spllice words or weicollle. I
: Snperlntendl'nt , lallll's A. I'oshap I
or the cll ) ' ! wheels of r..os A ngl'les , I
Cal. . ; Dr. ' [ heo. n. Nos' . principal I
'or tile state normal school of Call- !
fomla , an l'resu1t'nt , Joseph Swain
: or Indlanll unlverslly responded to
the w'lcollling addresses for their
respeetl seetltllls of tlte country. ,
PIC ldent Ueardshenr hils been
lalccn to t he hospItal , sulTorln flom
un ntlta'k of ncrvous prOStratloll ,
and \VIIS unable to < 101l\'er his lid-
dress , I
Dr. Nicholas ' nuLler
MlI1'ray , presIdent -
Ident of Uollllllhl:1 : IInl\'Nslty spoke
'on ' "Sollie I'Ies91nlo ; I'/Oilloms. / " His
speeC'h souldetl the keynote or tllo'
and the ahus of the '
purpose COII\'en- ,
tlon , of the p"fJfesslon " ot teach Ing
In gcneral , and WIIS , eally the at1lIcss (
that marked the I'egular openln Jf
thn convent/loll proper. Dr. B. A.
All1erlllan. president of 'l'ulalle unl-
\'Irslly , , Now Urleans , IIlso s pplco ,1t
Shoots Mother and Sister.
Ooston. Mas.'I" , Jul ) ' -Herbert TllII
today Rhor ; and Itilled hlR sisler , Alice ,
at her home In Roxbury amI then
turned the revul'er on his mother who
had cume Into the room to protecL the
daughter , 1lIl\lctln \ prohahly fatal In- .
'Juries. . JllII ( , Hcaped ,
IIIIl ran wildly thronlh the street"
of Dorchester towards Franklin parle
t. < ldty amI dilappparcd amonl { the
treeH , amI a few lIIom' nts later these
who had Reen the fleeing man learned
that he waR Herbert lIlli , of Uoxhllry ,
IInd thaI , he had jUHt shot and killed
, hIs married sls er and had wounded
his lIIother 1i0 liel'louRly that Rhe prolJ.
ahl ) ' would die 'I'hen the police clune
alon the man's trail alld enterell the
park In the hope of capturing the mur-
derer. It Is liald that IIi 11 , who Is
twenty-one years of age , Is demented ,
'I'he pollee feared that the youn man
woulll hldo himself and commit
The murderrd woman. Mrs. A lIeo
Riley , was Ilistantly killed. ' 1'ho
mot her , t rs , A r/lll'lIa. lilli , hac ; a had
wound aL the hack ( , f the head fufllct.
cd apparelltly , with the hUlt of are-
vol vel' . II er cond I tlon IH cOlIsld recJ
vrl tical.
Lieutenant Kills IIImself.
Washll1 ton , .1uly 9.-1'ho war department - :
partment Is lit ! vis'd that r..leu tf'nant
Charles H. Barnett , Cluart'rmflstct"s
d'partment , commItted sulcldo JUly Ii
hy Jllmpln from a lire e-capc ; on the
rllurth story or a sanl tal'l um at Battlc I
Creek , 1'tI ich.
Two Vessets Much Ovc rdue.
San Franolsco , J Illy 9.-'I'wo more I
coal laden . . .essels have bl'en nddrd to
the overdue list. 'l'he Brilish ship
Oumherland Is now out forty.elght
days rrom Newcastle , A lIItralla , ror
' 1'al tal and : ! per cen t , 1& hel nl : paid on
It hy tile undNwulcrs , On th Brl I
Ish hark \flscullrt. : . 1I0wout , seVf'nty-
three daYN ( ft 'II , . fur Va'la- ,
ralso , III per COlit Is hel n p\ld. ' 1'Jo
ra.te on the I'rullpl , IJnk : Br l\n \ 1t 8 ad.
VIUCC ( ] to 30 pM wnt , I L Is 0111 , 183
diu' & '
.1..h. J'.h
: .J. . . . . . , d . .II .I ; I..1 1M ol
. ' " . 't
. .
- - - - -
' ' w . . Pi. , '
1'ne potat { ) crop promises
, r.ry ltca vy 0110. 'II 'I I
Olt.lzcnft of Omaha ha.vo 8ub5orJhC'
76OOO for an orphanB' homo. , (
Walter O. nay , fOf three years , .1I o
tlsher of the urohard 'I'hnes , baa eN'
that paper to L I. Noblc , of LtncroI. .
Ladles or . the PI' shyteflan ch1ltOll
I\t NebrnskaUlty hn.vopurcbasedafkW
plI'o organ. I
A quartermaster's atorehousr. 08111-
Ing $7 ,000 , will lJo built byrn. . . . .
dcpartmenL at On1l\ha.
It Is c1nfmcd that Mrs , A11'Ied
VauhtlI\'hlg ! l1ear Geneva , buLk
to a twclltY-fb ; pound rcccatlx. . , .
' 1'he mother tiled soon afterward _
Al WII.on wa8acclclentially drownetl
III a pool ( If water el hteen milcs from
Hed Cloud , lIe was aV < , .a.lthy farmer \
und about 40 Y" or aue ,
A charter was IsslIed to the L3urel.
nulldln Blld Loan Uompany of Iaurei
Olelarounty \ , , 'rhe company Is cap (
tall zed for $10 ) ,000.
A twenty.year frat10hlse to operate . , ,
h11ephone IIl1e In Beatrice ha.1 been. . .
granted by the cHy oounoll to the
Moota uo Im'etLment compan ] ' ot
Kausas City. . l'
A I-year-old boy of Conduotor TT\rea ,
waR nea.rly tlrowned In Indian creek a
Beatrice. lIe WUR resoued willI dUn'f. .
culty uy a f1mnor.
T..lnden'rrce , General Colby's C'\mou& '
stallIon , died I\t Beatrlco. 'l'h6 hortle "
\VIIS lIearly0 : \ } 'enrN old and \1\8 pre. "
lientAd to GClloml G rant by the Inl.ltl.ll
' 1'he trail of the tramp who. brok. . I
Into the Che'nowlth house near Tn-
cumseh , and aLtacetl \ a. l , year-oh.
I Irl haR been ) ( ) . 'iL hy the lloodhoullWL
Italn cn'aced all tJ'acl's. . . ,
While cutting rye Andrew Soremmn-
of Axtell , ran I he mower ( ) vor the bodf
of Ills 4.year-lIhl Hon and leveret ! tl1a
chIld 'R arm at the WI'lstl. ' 1'he ann \Vn ! '
amputateclantl the child w1l1 rCOJVct" . .
J. natai , l\J.ecl ( 70 , left hlH home at'
Nort.h Bellli one mornlnl- ( and later hi ! ! ,
cillt heR were foulld near the hank ol
I the rlvt'r. 1.18 thou ht hecomml tcd'
suicide hy drownlllf.f In the Platte , IUt
, he had been dClipondenlt Cor some tlmo. .
I r\-r ; : Otlut
111 'lie ' Mahoney , a ; \ lIvln
of FallR CIly , \\'I\S "hoL hy his hired
' ' amI Mahon ( ' '
I man , 'l'hey qunrreled ]
reachcd for a rocle. As he did liO th.
hired man slIot him In the side of t
I iwse , "I'be ball came lit tlHouKh tht
I The cotlllitiou or the 10 year-old ser
of Monl , g\'ans. or Decat er , has brcome
I dl'l'lous untllata\ \ refill tli 1) [ his accldcn'
j am feared lie. was thrown from lils
mount In the (1)\le ( race a.t , . hc Fourth
of , July. celebration and badl"
The molc1erR In t 1C Klnl ! drill works
at Nellm < ; lm 01 ty , have stl'uok hecau1 ;
, the ( 'ompllny would not furnish them
j \Vith the helpers they desire. TIlls
company 0110re,1 coconferwlth the ten
I .6I.rlkerR autllt Is prublIle U comproo
mise will be rea hecl.
Dllrl\lg \ a Ii'ere eleotrlcal IItorm
lIchtnllll ( Sl ruck the barn of IlenrJ
Borman. . nl'ar Portal , Idllln Ills mosl
valuable ho'se and shattering the
barn. Some membern of his family.
I "ere In the barn at. the tIme , but es. .
caped wlthollt Injury.
I ; 'I'he death or n , O. Russelt , pos
master -chyler : , lea.vhll { vacant the
I , po"ltlon , his bnl1blllOIl ha'veapPolnletl
Mrs. ItusHell to ocou pv the Isllion ) i I
until the expl ration of t : e term , JulY' i
100:1 : , or Ulltil SOllie olle oC the DO\'t'
I many aspirants fjeekln tne plac 8U I
I ceed In "ecurllll { It. i
I For the fcurth time within the
mOnth the Papplo Is above Its bankS
I , and the ton of Papplllion Is flfodel. :1 :
'Th reccnt hea.vy raIns ca.lIsed tbo
river tu reaoh the highest point It has 'I
heell at for several years , Water tu
I the depth of three ( eet lIowed throuR 1
the fitreet and I he people or the Bout"
Itle of tht' rtn'am could scarcely get
across to the other side ,
William KlIne , or Alliance , Is fuIrer- '
r In from a frwt.urecl skull which ma.y I' < ' '
, cause Ills cleath. The Injury wa. "
I ( mused by Geor e Brb. a IO-year-olel . :
boy , Erb had SOllie trouhle with Kllno
! J.
and told his father alJr'ut ' I t. The t\t'Q
went to ClI1fer wIth Kline and a quar- '
' rei ensiled , tl1e latter attackln the "
I' elder Erb , The son seized a tamping 1
Iron and stl'ucl < 1\ line a. hea\'y blow OD
the head ,
I _ .
I Deputy OllluRpeotor , n. GlaRgow : .
i has been a < ; kecl to rell ! n hili olllco bJ'
State Inspector Hayes , wllO will appoint -
I point E. A. Church of Lincoln , as his
successor. 01 as ! lOw will resIst the as-
I tlon , It Is char rd tlmt tile drputy
I/lRpcets the 011 of the limall town me. . .
chlIIts on t.\1C \ t ral n , the IlIcrel1i\n Is
I hrlnglllH a IIlJttle oC ull to his coacb ta
enahle hIm to pass thclr entire la'
without lea'lull his car.
\ . . , . - _ . , . .
' -