Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 17, 1902, Image 3

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    " - - _ . , , - ' , . - - - -
. . " " ' ' ' ' ' . . . , ; . ; : . -
. . . , . ' ' ! < . , -
, , , '
: , : J j
, ' .
. .
. . . .
' . .
Dr. Ha..tnlan . Gives Advice to
. . .
' Suffering Wonlen. \ , ' ,
. I I
. _ - - . . . .
{ < l'.1. . . .0
I't " , . , . . .
- <
Dr. "adman , the Famous Gyn colo-
gist and Inventor of Pe-ru-na Offers -
fers to Treat Women Free During
I the Summer Months.
Amerlrll II ! the IlIlId or Iwn'ou'l WOlllcn ,
! Jlhe "rent mnjorit ) of Ilen'utH wum'l1
are 8 ' bl'enlHC thcy lire slln'l'rill fl'OIll
lIome term of femalc disc\ ! . U ) ' fur thl'
ruubhtI ar ( '
are:1tcst lIulllber IIf " '
IISl't ) hy catarrh. t
" ' 011\1'11 nfllieted with 1I1'1\'ic catnrrh dl-I
a\air ot recovcr ) ' , 1 < ' 1'11I a 11 , trouble Is 110
< COUIIllOII so JJrt''nll'lII , thut theoecl'llt ,
It ns :1lr ( I t Inevitahle. 'l'hc rellte'jt O '
Blacle ill Oil' wUJ' of rl'eo"el' ) i ! ! that tII'J' !
do 1I0t U1\flerstllllll \ thlll it II ! catnrrh willch
their i1hlls , In ft'lIIale
It ; the "IIuree of !
COllllllaillt , IIhICIJ"lIlne CUS1'S 0111 f 0111'
hmurl'tl fire nothlll hut catarrh. I erUll 1
ct" cnt'arrh whl'ren'r loellhd ,
The Cullowillj ; IcUcr wus rcccullJ' fl-
ccl\'cd : ,
)8H W. 381h lit. . = , "ew York Oily.
The PcrU1I1lJedlcillc : Cn. . Cululllhu ! ! . 0. :
GcnUclI1l'lI-'Vhut hrcad Dud 1I1l':11
Plctns 10 tllI hUII rJ' I'.rllllu nll'llI1 ! ! 10 I
thl ! skk , It I ! ! 1111 1''III'dull ) ' ' 0111:11111' II :
lIIediehll' ' tUI' sick \ \ UIlIt'II , I hn1' ! oulld .
thnt no ull'illdnc su Ilul'ldy rt'slorclI I :
, lIenltb Ilnd IllncI's th. , hlllly ill normal I !
r eoudltlllll , ) but , 'nll'l' 1 h. , : ! , 'lItlnll'nls of
' , , "OIUCD who wcr OIlCl' ! iI'L. but I1n IIUW I
lu lkrtect Iwalth. ,
" 11SS LIZZI [ HIUTU ) : \ ' ' '
All " 'oml'll whu nrt'.11I 'J\ILI IlII tu whlll
their trolllth' It ! ! ! huuld "rite Dr. 11111'1"
UIAU. ColumuutI , Ohio. Uiv ! ! bim II I"JI , ,
.kII I' "tlnu of 'uur tl'ulluh' , I'rl'vl.IU"I I :
treatmellt , S'lIIl1lolllll nlill lI e. Ill' will'
l'rollllltl ) ' 1'1'1'1) ' with rull .1i1'I''liulI" rur
treatmt'nt Cree of char I' . ' 1'1111 ; j , . UII oJ ! '
! J < lrtunllr whleh no IIlliru : WUlII:1II "huulfl
Uli3 ! ! , Dr. Hfirunlill hol : > LecuUI rl'UUWU' I
ed throuh his "UCCf'jlS III tr"/ltlllJ ; WOIII'
eu' ! dill'ases. Ilis t'Xl't./'j"lh' " in " : : '
Platter Is vast. C.lrr..I'II/IIIt'IIf' , . 1111":11'1 I I
atrieth' roufid'lItlnl. : \ " '
pnblhdll'd wlthol1t writtt'll 1'011"1'01 , I II' ,
llartwau relies priuclpull ) ' uJm l'crulI : ! ' I
J\o" . I.'l > "r. ( nd rUI utlr EI "lrl tl < n.n , "III
.u "er"'M Inol'Ct"l r"Cdl'lurl"Clur , I'rlco .
, Aleunder , : .sr" & 8UI'I.11I1vu. . .
, 1I1'leu III.
.A1'N.h. ne alive . .nd prujfN. > he. )1.uur..l'Iu .
, vuro.1I ( ; 0011. , . ; h'yalu."I. . . mUM ! lIIal.lD. If'-
_ 11'1. ror !" . " Nu..II ) CuIU" " " ) ' ,
- HHlnlIIdJ ) I" . . . . .
.i . " . . ! , , IDIC. rutlUlio. du 1U\\f 0" " lIIanUra II1I'
IIDIC..t 70ur o.n bome. fiend .de . . . .drn..d . "II1'Jul' "
" ' " tc.t&p , IteIlLl1Cf' rll , Cu.
1..I't. I , 65:1-:1 : An. . X , \ ' ,
'l'he optimist hellc' s lhllt the ,
best ycurd or his lire ure uheud of
! JIm ,
IIavc IIsed Plso'/I CUI't' tor COlllI1IP'
tlllll uparl ) ' two ) "Cllrl < , IInd tlu,1 IIl1lhu !
to cOUllinre . "ilil It.- II'ti. 101.tUU , 110-1'\- \
JcJ' , CII ! . , Sellt , , IDOL
I , The cltjY of 'l'oklo has SOl 1'1I1.1\l' ' \
atlls , wlHre ; SOUl ! ! : iOOlIUll pl'r.sI1 )
athe dally at a cust uf aUt/UI UIIC
cent each.
) Ira. WloKlow' , ftOOTllllu , s\/lur / lor hUoJu ,
, 'eetblnr. lull.lI. th. . UIU. . , . . .1 , . J' " 11I1I"u.U"/I , /
.11. . , . I.IIICUI" , " " ' 1101' ' cuUI t'I.tlc.
A n Iowa Ulan , undergolug un ex.
amlnatlon III WashllltiJlon to deter.
mine his fitness fOI cnn , > ulsLllp , wus
asked : "Huw many 11 s'lans did I I
George 111. hire lO cUllle lu t.ll : .
country to tight Lhe A IIwrlelIlS (1l/r. / I I
'II ' the HuvuluLilJn ? " II lltuu lH.
1m a loug time. 'l'heu he ! : uld : " I
don't know , but. it WIIS.t dllru bight
more than wen t huck. "
10 a closed ruom whleh : cou WItS
enou h air lu last OIlU lIIali 101 UII
" ' 'Hlur ' , II IIghtcd candlc \ \ III shurlell
his exlslence U ) ' flfteell IIIlnultri , out I
'f ' a gas jet Is buru1ug be will II'C '
only tell minutes , I'
The g\'crl ; ; I t of the llIlal ) Ieu'l
Insula Is planting ultl1p lcb. trCC : J
eD a hu e scale. nd 'Ill. wllluot be
Jleoossary to cut sbclu d uvn as Itta
r perella D DOW -'c - e.x rlclcd fl'um
the IeavC8 aaul twlrs ftllbwllt IUJIIIY
t9 tbe tr .
- -
iu thl'se cascs. Pcrulla cures CII arrlJ
wllt'te'cr 10l'atel1.
l\lri ! , All'x. Jobllson , 2 G Ulli"l'r"H
n\'ellut ! , Kiugtov , Ontnrlo , Cno. , writ"s :
"I have been a sufferer for yenrs
with besrlng dawn pains and blZck-
ache , Dnd got no relief irom doctor's
prescriptions. I commenced tnklng
Peruno , and after tnklng the first bot-
tlc I felt much bettcr snd within a
month I was a well womzn : , Dnd
heartily recommend It to an ) ' WOlllon
who Is in as poor JcDlth as I WDS. "
MRS. /OllNSON. .
l\1Is \ ubel I'ers' ; , \ I'nthll' , Kan.
c lll'l'tor tor the 1 ( I ! 11.11 ' 1\'IIIII1'rlIl 1
( "lIlulI , wrltl'lI : "l'l'rllill hll" ) lruVeti I
triend to me. ur It cUI'l'tl III wlll'lI 1 wa :
/lIcit. :11111 thp 1t'11 1 1 CIII ! cl. . 11l'plllrtI I ,
to IIcklltl\'lt' it > l I"lIhh' III Ihe Iuuie , !
Hiul' " L WII" ) j II'nJ' " , .1(1 I II : ! r" rilla'prel
wltll hl"l aehe , 11I1 < 'Iul'\l. \ ' l Iull'aius ' In till
"lwulI11'r h1IILI'S , 1 cllllJh : l'ulil NISily IIIH !
' . ' ' ' wl'nk. ClI\I'I'h tll\
UlJ' lUll : ' ; ! ' WI'I'l' . : \ of \
luuu : Will' \ \ hili thi' lio"toclIII'd III )
11'011111" . I loul. tlh' I' lI11'dicilll' ' tur c ! : h
h'en UlulIl S witlwut IInIH'ul'lit ; , fillli
IIt arill ; { II hout 1'1'1'111111 I " ( ' lIt'd h. 11'\ ; il
U"I' uim' Lottie : ! IlIIiI ' ' 'I'I'hlul'I'lI ' II
he/dlh. 'I'hls wns two rl'IUS : loU , aud I
nUl 1I11\\ ' In Ill'rfE'chl'lIlth , "
Jr , J'OU do 1101 lierlprolUpt null tHIIl : !
CllctOl'Y rCriultli frum the 11"1' ot PI'I'UIIII
write al onl'e to Dr , IInrtnlan , givlnl ; ' II
tull stalement of 'olr ! CIUII' , nnd hc wil
lie /llll to gire , ) 'OU 1111lluuull ! I lid ,
, 'Iceratis. .
. \ddrl" ' " ! Jr. Hllrtlllnll. ) 'rl ldl'lIt III
Thl : ll..I".UtD SUllltu'luUI. : ColllmLu : ; , U. .
Ncar Scarborou h , E/J lalld , thcCl
Is a rarUl ror ralslllg buttcrl1le. . aud
moths. The output Is OOUO , :1 :
I1.\LL' CATAltltli , : lIItC
lis taken iutcrnaJl ) ' . l'rlc.e i ceut ,
Ir. and Mrs , Calligilll , or } 'J cal'
IIquls couuty , ) } 'dne , 1Ja\'C su\er :
chll ren , tOUI hu's IIl1d thrce Irl !
'l'hc huy. . arc called : \Ialthcw , IIlal'l\1 '
Luke HIJ Juhn , lIud the Irls all
IJilIJI ( : F.Illh , HOlJe HIJ CIJtI'Hy. :
h\llhl' fllUIIJllb J : . 11 ( 'ro lJl\l : lJllle , LI\IJ. : '
'o ! ' 1. I' " ( ' U " ; J ccnl ! > , 'rhHUI > : I CO/UI'III1) '
8.1I\11a UCIII1.ln ,
I , . , \1' . , ' ( 'ct I\U" Ullil Burn'/
bl\l.l' into ) 'our "hllcslIell't < Fout ,
I II" " . : I Ilnw l'r ' tur till' fCl'I. ItIIal. : . . .
I 1 Io'h : I or t.\\ : -llI' tl'l'l JontJ , ( jurel
Curil" . BUllloni. Swollen. llut ,1I1
: - : " " , , , : 10'1'1'1 , At 'nll lru ; : I..t" IIII
: -:11lI : ! ' : Olurl' : : ' ' , : ! 5c , : tIllllh. I'llt J.'H
Adlr , lI Allpn (1111. > . . . . . I."H\ : , ' \
AlulllliJUtu sllwR IHI\'c beell te lCl
III the HU5jlulI ! cavalr ) ' . lu lIlCSI
cXI1Crlltlcul8 ( Jill' alUl1lll1UUI ShiH
was woruIth three uf JI'UIJ , , all !
It was fuulld 111.11 in e\cr > ' ca e th
durahility ur the fUI"IIlCI xeeedcc
that or lue latler ,
l.un'llurKl' IIIr:6 : ' : .oz l'ulloIl : ( " lc.Illo
lJlIlIllhll' enl ) ' b ( ' . .IH. , lh. . HUt nllllllll
: > oul ! . HeaL1 11111 ,
- -
: \"ltro J'hllt'M'I.Ia , "
You "ould h.l\'o 10 KU tar tI , tlllli a
phllosupby 10 lIIatch Ihl. . : A lllgru !
slandln ! ! In his cabin door dUl'lug :
. exda1wcd , "lIJ .s :
God , I1ghlll1u's dc Ululc , t'll ,
' ! l'au't. h'J un 1.1111I ! " -\llaut :
10 lbj lI e uf p.l/ls J.ICl'U : and lOll
dUD purJJIII as spr3ylull UHtll'Tlal 1
is ucc\o3all , to wake lie' " appJlca
t.lu11j ! each UnH U.UJ pClwdl'r 1
wllihrli oil br , be lalo.
. . ,
- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - -4.
. -
- - - -
CumCortuhtc HeRtln ! ; l'luce.
" 'hl'rl' the trl'ctJ nhuut olle's hoUlle
are slIIall , or whcre there Ilt'e 1I0llC , thli :
ftrl'anement ; , dctJcrlbed In Coulltrr
Gcntlelllan , will lll ! foulld plellRunt III
! \Il/UlIIer , 'j'he floor IIn.l frtllll'WOI.t ) or
thltJ sflat'y ' r tJtltl ! ; place an' IlIntie OL
wood , while the Cu\'cl'1ng Is eltllel'
white duck or strlpl'l' n wnlDI ; clotll ,
! ; Old nt nil dry oOllB toI'l18-thc enl '
fault to be fO\llld with the IntterJlIII \ !
. .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
. L
_ : ; 7-- . - : _ _
bll.IJY 1\I8'1'lI'i ' 0 I' ) . , \ ( ' \ .
lis IIl1blllty to fulle. 'l'he bOI\l'll 1)001' )
Is vcr ) ' deRlraule , 8111CC It IH'I'mLts the
uc of tllls whell the tI'ISR roulld
, , "oultl be 1II01lt. 'rhe slIIuolh l1. > ur nlso
utorIB U 8111el\l1d l'hnlwe for l'hlllh'CII
to pia } ' Ln wcl wenlhU' , or IUlleell In
an. } ' weatl1I' . IIlnl'c their clOthing will
become Boiled much Il' II l'U.Il. : } ' , ' . ; hcII
plnrln ; on Slll'h U 11001' thllllllIun 1'lS :
ground or ra v ( ' 1. 'I'hls Illnce l'llII nit ; "
bl' ma e to shelter n 1I1111111ocl' } . ktl'ctch.
Ing crolll olle comer tu UII OlllOslte } < " 01'-
IIl'r. 1'lIe rouf fmlne IIhoultl , or cOUl'se ,
, lJe bl'aeed III the SlIllIe direct 1011 : HI thllt
, occupied lI } ' the hamUiock , t'Ullllln a
, , 'two ' b. } ' three strip of 1\llIIhl'r 1'1'0111 thc
top or one eOl'llcr pOlll to the tOll of
the one opposite ; nlso placill/ / SllIIlhll'
plcl'e bel ween the top ! : ! ot OIl' olllm'
'two opposite CU1'ner ! : ! .
- - -
Hnnl , . l nrn& ' 1'001.
1'h ( ' tool 11lul1'utl'd ! : ' clm be cusll. } '
fa hlolled b. } ' nu. } ' blncl.lmlth. ) t hl :
llIIlIar Iu form to Ibl' 1'uhblllg hue 1'11.
' 1II1l111r to lIIoI ! : ! fllruwl's. altholl h 1I0t
; 'su hard. It 8hould be lIIII I ! 1:10 : that
I the wille blalle w111 be IIbollt four
I I IlIcb , , ! : ! wille nollg ) thc' cl1gl' lIuli frolll
IlIlIe IIUe ) olle-half 10 two ) uchcs wldc
' ; : tlil' c < 1 e ot thIIn.rrOW 1Ilal1e.
i the I II.1I1ltl'l'lnl 11 > ; ( ' 11 ih
I II. .
1II1U1II.F-1lt1K 1I0E.
. - . - -
I l'lIluary ga rlll'n hoe aUtl the eI1HI'H kept
' \ ' IIhllrpellL'I , olle nlll ) ' wort.1'1' ) '
1'11/1111 to the plIlItItl ) the \'OWl ! wltll lll
' to thelll ,
'l'hls 1001 wUlIlIl b ( ! ellpccllIlI ) ' II lieI'II I
, Iu wOl'klng 1I1110llg Htl'l\wbt'l'ry plall18.
llilllJ' ! Ih ( ' whle I'll { ' fOl' clltllu elf
Ihe l'UI\IWr : ; 111111 Ibc 1IIII'roW olle for
j I " ' { 'I'Hug t'luse to thl' plauttJ. A fcw
I' tools of this klt1l1 woull l'Ollt but 1I1tll'
) ! lnd sa1' thcll' 08t III otle lIe111101l.
- -
t"'I ctlll" Cnlvc. . ,
The 1'1'11 cU I'll I ) IU'mer gh'tH ! Ihill
, tllotuod of M'lectlllA' cllh'4 to m.Jl. .
wl1l1.'h III follo\\'l { ) h ) ' IIIIIUMIl'Cl'lIful ! : !
1llIlrrUIl'II : 'rur/J IhIIltle 1'lIlr 011 ILs
Imck 111111 "l'l' tlllit It has fUllr Wl'lI.
I t..ats--thal III , wl.II' IIllarl--lIull
I II\'I/ ru ! llIl'utarlcR ' , 01' ( 'xtl'll tellt .
I l'Xt 1\1'1' 1I1IIt It hllN n lar/l' / 1111111'1' oJ'tI ,
I 1111I'h ; YOII cllll'I I'I Oil I he . . .hlt. . rub.
: 111:111 : ; IIl1g1Y' bac ! ; II/III fOl'lhII'h : 1IIII'tll
, ! tn' IIIl1th' hi IIt'uportlou. lIud a IlIr-I'
] lilliler IIl1l1eah't thllt thc call' whell It
, 1'conlclI II cow w111 ellrr ) ' II IIII'gl' lid ,
" Il t. 1' , h'l'lIII < C II IlIrge cOJ't ) IH u eeCH1I1l 1' ) '
lu huhl thlH 111' , = , "cxt 1001 ; Iii tlw calt'll
1II01lth. : tllll Ir tlW1'1' 111' ( ' Ihhl tl'l'th ,
J , \\11 thl'OIl h , you call Haft'i ) ' l'IIilll' thllt
1 l'alt , It tlll'l'l' art' 0111.10' t WII Il'l'th 11111
' . rt'jl'l't the ( 'Itlf. ht'cn IIIH' . 1111 II
rull' . thiN IUtHl'lItl'H thlll thl' ellllllllll :
j \'IJ. : < II' of Ihe IIIOt\II' ! W\I ; Iwl
, IIUll'lellt to IIll1tllrt' thl' enlt filIIIll' ,
I [ ore It Willi hol'll. Hlleh II cllit will he
1llclto ! hn\\ wI'alt vllnlltwhl'lI it
'rt'II\ ; " lip liS w\ll ! Hl1urhlJ. : II J'ollllgl'r
IIlJ't : ; ,
I - - - . - -
I IIJ..u c. . IIf ) .11111\ . . . .
S' ) )1 I' : ; of plllll1 ! : ! I1re dlllll-lllt to III e.
. n'lIt 1I1I1c'o : < tI I'otalloll ot l'roIJri Is II\'IIC'
, tiee , ' 1'0 11110tll ( ' IIn IIW k 11111 of , 'ruII
or ! IIore } " 'IU' " III lI\lel'L'Shloli 011 II
1Iot of IlIlIll IlrtllIlOt's ! the Itll'rl'atm ot
- hIIlL' ; 111\11 tJI11'1'11I)1I ) 1111111111'11 oC cm'lulll
t tJ1tnhl III tht , 11011. I.'ur InlltIlIH'C ! , WlIl'l1
_ . . croll ot potntI ( ' ' ; III I\tulek < 'd b , ) ' llln'
s NIIH : UIP luull 11111I11111 11 ( ' gl \11 ull to
JOU' " other , , 'rop th < < ! nt-xl } 'P3r , all tilt-
J 1,111. , U of potutOUfj 011 luull IIJ' U
- . , . . , _ - - - - , , .
; I
\\'hll'h II IllHelllet ! ( ' 1'011 WIIS Jru\\11 the
111'l'101:1 ) ' 1'111' ItJ Ow 8UI'l'lIt n\ooc ur
IlroplIllllug ! lhe evil. ,
- - -
11\lolulIll' l'hu'Ihute. .
' 1'hl' u'Ie : or In oll1hJe Ilhosllhll h's ,
Whl'lller In the torlll of Ilholphnllc : : I'II ( ' ] {
or ot tile RO'l'lIllell 1'holllllll lilli/ / . : , lutll
, lOll ! : \Jeell \ II hOIH' of l'Olltelltloll Ill' th. .
hatllhle lIIaUl'r. not on I : , ' 1I11l0tl till' 1\1'1.
elltllll' lIIell , ! .Jilt till' IIt'lIclit'1I1 flu'IIIl'rH.
'rhl' ftlt'lIIl'r 1111'C 1III1'litiolle whether
the Itl/uluhll' Ihollphlll , ' cOllll1.Je ! of 1I11r
I \1I111t' 1111 1IIIIIIt PHIl ! , IIl1d sUllie or thl !
I fnrllll'r'l bl1'l ! elllltlll'tI thlll thelt. el'lII
Wl're nry lIIul'lI hl'lIl.tHet ! b , ) ' .tt. . \1.
thoUJh WI' 11:1'e : 1101 tl'stl'l ! It. our 011111
lUll Il'llI/I 1111 10 lJllluve Ihllt the fUrllll'l'I : :
at'l' rl ht , 1111\1 \ thOll' who I'd ) ' olll. } ' 011
Rclellttlc ! IlrlllcllII'1I IlIn ) ' ! . .Jl''roll . \ \ \
U lIot plncl ! ' 1111111 1'11'11 t l'Ollthtl'lIce Itl tht !
power or tile Hell null thl ! netloll of
frullhl , I'nlll 111111 10011 III lIIel' heul 11110:1 :
i wlmt lire 8011ll'tlllll'I : : 1'11111'11 Illsoluhll
Ifertlllwrll : , Wc klloIIltle uf till' 1I0Wl'l
thai Ihmw elt'1II1lItlJ l'XCI1 , I\lItl whell tJ
the IIntllTl\I eleU\I'lItll uf thl ! suH tht'l'
l1Ia ' hc IHhll'd tilt' I'lTl'l.t or decolllposing
"eJctn.Jle ! IIIl1ttl'r , l'lIhl'r 1111 IIllIhl
mUllure 01' IHI ) ; I'II'1I IIInllm'l ! 1110Wl'l1 un ,
del' , wc CIIII 0111 , ) ' sa , ) ' IIl1\t 'C lllllli. tht'Y
bl'C lIIucll 1'1l'l'Ct III lIIal > lllg tJo1uhlc lIul
01111 lIhOllllhlltic hilt uthl'I' mlllel'1 l'll"
Ull'IIIs In the soil. ' 1'h08e who hu ve wwd
thl ! 11 II l'l. } ' II'OUIIII ru'k 01' Thumlls 81:11 : :
UllOn ileitis which IIIrl'cl'n.d ' ] II 1I\Jl'rnl \ i
dl'esslll ! ; of Btll.JIl' ! 11I11 II II rc , ur ! Jad lll'on
trollted with II JI'cell CI'oPlllo\\'l' un cr ,
lire so UIIIlIIIIIIOU I ' III 118 fln'ur tllllt wt
l'allllol dou\Jt \ but thai tllc so'clllled III ,
IHllllhc ) phosphult.s do hl'l'O III I' Hohlhh
In till' ell uliller t'Il'talll COllllltlulI , dl
[ ! Clldlll ! . : npull thl' Mull ur Ihe tl'calml'llt
I It hilS I'l'cc\'l'd.- ! I u slcLl\tsl'tts : Plough ,
- - ' -
' 1'0 Cure 111111 lIuhlt ,
A bIll' ' vlee HOlllellllll's CI'OlltJ out In
thl' hct'll whell II cow or two hc/llls / tQ
rt w lis OWII milk b ) ' IIlIl'lduK , Tu lire
vcnt this'Iec ,
casll'lI U frame as
, $
lIurtl'll'l d. 1 < ' ur ,
stickH oC hll\ '
wood , 10 or I : !
IIwhcs lOllnllll
g luche ! : ! SIIII'C ,
lire held tOJ.l'thpt.
hy ehhl routlll Ilolutl'l1 tIleks ; of tou ; ; ! !
lilli'll wood two 1'1'1 ) Oll nllIl Olll' ludl
III dhllllller , IIIISsIII ! ; Ihl'uuh ; the hal',1 ,
woud sticks. 'rhl'se dlllll'IISIII ilia ) '
be too larl' ; 1'01' II 111111111 tlL'l'lt. Fllstoll
thl' rOUlIt ! "t l'Is III the dl'IIII'Ill ! 1I1ul'e
wltlt 8el'eCWS % Inch long , 'l'he roke
1I11thclI be rl'1I10\'l'l' or udjusIl' to III
U IlIrge or slIIu11 uccl.-I'urlll 111I11
I'ru\lcr l'ucldn- ; J"rull.
'i'bc 1lllcr \ , I'letll' ! : ! or fruit should hl !
pllcked III buxcs. WhclI lJlIl'rcls arc uscll
thc IIl'st t'rult Is IlIjlll'l'd Ily O\'el'l'rl.8 ' '
Itlg' . 't'hc fl'nlt IIIl1stJe \ plckcd lit the !
right tlllle. [ .ust n'lIl' II lut of the ol'th ,
lrn : : JIJ Wl'rl. pl 'kt'll NO cnrl ) ' Ihllt'ery
serious IOSH III the t'emllJecIIUdl \ ! the ,
wal'l1I weuthm' hus rultll'd their ! \1tlltlll : :
. 'I'he IIUI'S jOIl ut Jrtlllllg' h
too Inrhe 11 Olll' to l'lIl wllh hl'\'I. , lIrcllt
! 'II1'C Is lIell SIlI' ) ' III ! ; l'IIdlllg , ulIII the
work \\111 III ! ! 'l'lIdl'rell lIIuch cusicI' hy
blL\'llI II lu1' ; ; ( ' IUlllltll. ) } ' oC tlll' OIlC'lIrl. .
t't } ' . II ! fnldll [ : tlw bUl'reJ Illck oul Cl'uit
t hilt Is talrl. } ' l'l'III'I'SI'lIlu UVl' or thl' CUll'
tCllls ot the barl'l'l. I'lal'l' ' the ! lmuller
nplllt'R on tlll ! outlhll' IUlll Illc Itugl' !
( Itll'iI III the Cl'ntl'r. 1'he pcklug' ! Bhou1d
he done \'cr ' CUI'I'tull ) ' , cllre uolrlK
lalwu 1I0t to brul1' ! the IIpplcs ! .J ' droll
1IIIIIl , Cllrl' II\U he t'xl'\'If.c ; In jlll'rlllJ ;
or ! ; hultLlIg thc harrc' ) 111 tilling , HO II 10
lt till' collll'lIts weB shnlH'1I IIlId to
U vol Ilnelmcs : ! , lIul1 III I hl' slime tllIIU
I IIOt brulSt ! the tl'nlt. 'I'hls 18 hcst I1C.
I co.ltllll1shcd by Ilvln ! ; a tn'mbllllJ , : motion -
tion to the lJllrl'l'1. III hl\ulllll { to Ihe Stll'
tloll II IIIU ; : ; \\'IIg'OIl shoulll bl' uiled ,
II othct'wl l' the fl'liH 11\11) ' tH' IlrultL'l1 III
Ihut WII ' , 1'lIe IIIOI'C the III'Chker clln
IlIlIcI. III. . OWII tl'lIlt till ! heUlr It wlll he
i 1'01' Ille tl'llde. A fwr jllclllIg tllc fl'ult
lihoulll he ! lilt III > ; hlc , , \ lll'ru ' It Is 111' ) ' .
'I'h. . 111I ITI'I or IlOx IIII0uld , liS II tuellllS or
II0 III ItlIIIlstll / ! " ' : : ! , bl' IItellelll'd : with
I hc IIU Ule 111111 111111 I'CSS or tbc pllcker ,
IUIIII the : ; rlule ulIII , "urld ) ' oe the trult.
I - , \ IIIcl'klll' CIIIlI VII tur.
I tI
1 > 11111" Bother the IlIcuhutor.
l\lol'I' \ 11'1'111111101' ' hutches IIrc [ Iolled
I h ' thc IIIIXIC'tJ' oC tlll ! ollerlltor thllll
from IttJ . otlll'r C'lIl1se. Gc.t th ( ' lilli'
I l'hltll' 1IIIIIg III'op'rl. } ' allr ! (1011'1 Iwtlwr
I It , 1' I'l'j1t to tlll'lI IIIl ! ( ' ; : s alld 1111tI1I1
Ilrllll thl' 1111\111 , I r th. ' tL'IIIII'I'lIlul'C rllils
I \II' or I'IIWII ' , rcset UIt ! I'l'glllllr , hut do ,
tr ' to brlllg till ! tellljl'ratllrt ! luwlc
III IIvl' tulllutclI. :
'J'elch the l.ntuh. . to } ut.
) , uIIILs HllOUitlllc tllll lIt to elll heror'-
Wl'lIl1ll1g tlmt' . IIt'gllllllllg' wit II 1lIuIIII. \ .
fill ! lr oahi 11I11)JI'll ) \ II. COIIII'llIhll'
' : ' ' , clCUIi wlIl..r , C IIUI ! foola/lllll
I \'III'Ilt . ur It IIl1tillllIU toU / llil 1'011'\11111'
will 111"1\1'111),1) ) ' IIIHllrl' hlg. hlml. } ' "hl'cil ,
I I hlt \ will hrlllg thl' 1)lIt Ilrll'1 ! III till ! ,
' \ ( ' .
,11I111'1\1. , _ _ _ . _
1.'lIrm : o..te. : . ,
HOlI\c ot till'Hcds that I'o\'cr thr-
tI'lrts wlII 1) ) ( ' 1'1111'11 otT It ) ' ( ' ' If tlw !
II II i 11I11 I 1'1 111'1h'I'1I 1111 ullllortullltJ' to I
elt'rill'o.f thl'lII. Put the "bl't'll lit wurlt
at t hip ! HI'nHOII a 11I1 tllI' ' will dllltl'OY :
111311J' wc.t'd I" to > tll ,
I WillI cl\rrol JjhulIIIIJc \ tlelltro 'l { ) late
III IHI IIItU 1'1' . lJltOI'I' ! lilt' Hl't'l1H matllrl' . ! II ) I
Ills tll HIIV" IlIltor , 1Sl'llIl ; ullhmullIJ , the
wlld cllrrot 1tJi 11 firm hohlllItl 11 IK I
vcry IIt'rI'IHh'ut , IlrollnjlltllIg ItN'lf rail.
Idly nnll ttlkhlll lo.'IM IIlhm or tht ! 1UIIJ ,
lI l'w'\Cl'llcut Illun If ; tu 111 : tbt' plautH I
. I Ii Nt ! loin. U 'W , -
, - . .
. - - - . - - .
- - -
F'urmed After tevf'ru1'enn' Ileal
deuce In the licit , . lulllt ,
\\1I11nlll Orl1wlI. } ' I'll rt 1'11111' , the pml
ellt tlCulllturl whlt Hlll'lIl lIe\'crnl .reA. ,
II 1111101) ' LIIIHI Jl\tllerlllJ ( Illforma
:1011 : II till hl lllrntioli I'llI' II Jt'OIlII h ,
whll'lI thl' \1111' will hi' till' ct'lItml Olf I
UI'l' . wrltcs l\lh'I't'HI hlI ! ) ' UII UI\l'I t u. ,
&II IdclII , IIlIl'l'eflll IIUtll. 'l'hl' follow
.lIg 1111 1111 cxtrul't trulII Dr. I'l1rtl'IlI ( I't !
II'tll'le ' III HUCI'CN8 :
to ) II l't'III'11 to 111'1 0Ilul nPlwllrl\JICl' WI !
UIII ) Il\m \ l'UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII { 1\1 IIgllrl' , NIIIht
, r hullIl , or IIl'rloulIIIII'II ! , with " , ) ' 1'1'1 ' thl\l
\\'CI'I' II ! ! h'lHh'l' liS II fll WII'H 111111 } " , t IIhlo
10 11118h I1I'cI Ill' tll'lIve the 111011 ( "
l1l1l1gl'rlll10\\ thl' llOl'tl'1I ! uf I1l'rut ! , A
1I11t11 tllllkl'j4 1111 hlllll'l'I lolI Itl tilt'1I8t
. . .lthl'l' 1.1) ' hl8 I'l'lIt trulll 01' ftllloWl'I'S
111111 tlll' ! lph'lIt1or or his lU'l'lIlItrt'III(1l1t"
or h ) ' his 1ll'rtllIlIl , 1IIIII1'ItrnIlC ( ' ; IItll1
I\'hl'lI the IIINlt'r IItoel , 011 the' sllorc uf
; nlllll'l ! IIlHll'HIIl't1 to tht' 1III1IHtJI'H. whlt
WI't'l' tll'll Llllt Rhllllh. IIshpt'IIH'II. thl'n'
\\'IIS NlIIIIl'thillA III till ! Hlll'l' Sll UIIIIII\lII :
hn t t h"lIl' rollgh IIshcl'llIl'\I ( 'Ullt tlll'h
'Il'tll lI hh' 11111 ] follll\\'PII 11111I IIl1hl't > 1
utlng'I. } ' , 'I'hl'rcforl' , wc lIIu t thlllor \
11111I IIUI olll ' lit ! the Illl'1 11I1111 III polill
JC tlchoIII'tlhll' ) ' . 11l1t nistl lu Ilh81"1I1 1114
"It 114 Inh'I'I'stllI In slllllll till the 111101
Whl'I'I' lIIost ( If 11\1:1 \ : 11I111 1st I' ) ' WitH 1IIII'IIt
111111 wnh'h , liS thl' wl'ltlr ! hll ! ! liOIll ! , tile
IIslwrllllUl jtlllh"I' III hll'Ill't , liS \'nIlUl'
1'0 "lIth' I'S hi : ; lai8s0 , IUllllhl'uW Ill ! 1\\11\ \ '
t'rhl 111\1' 1'111' uut 11110 111" IlIla' . 'I'll I !
IIl'l'III' hUll t'hllllrl'l' ! ' hUI ! lilli' , 1'otl'I'llt : fur
thl' hll'l. of C"I.tlllt , . , 1111\1 thl' IIhsl'IIl' ( ' IIf '
thl' lIuhll' BOIIIIIIIorth'tllI \ IIl1t ) hllllllicil
which tJtom1 lit 1I1)'I'III11\1 In Ill'I'oll'
n'I II ,
" ) ll''UI1I1 Icholnl'lIhlll Ilt'rsllIlIlllIll
11I'III'unce WI' UlU 1 lunk for hOllll' 11I111'0
11II111)I.tllllt I't'a turt ! to IIl1tlpl' 1 II nel t hI'
IlIlIuClIl'l' whll'h tilt' l'l\rpclIlII"I : 8t111 t'1'
l1'II'11 thl'oujthullt I'lIlt'Ithtl'1' du IIpt
1'1 lIllzc , unll ) wc 1It'l ! III J l'ru nll'\II , 011
thl ! tllll' of thl' 1t'lIIllll' . Iwi1'l'ltJ ! ' . Ihltl
11111111'11I'1' Wlls tl'lt. IIl1tl how Lt Hhoo\ !
ole1 trultltlllllllio theil' fOllIllIlIlIIH ! Clt
uIII ' 11 fl'w hUIIIIl'l'li slrll " , LIII. ! . hilt 111/01\1
tIlIllSIlIIl\ ! \ ! ; 11111111 thllll"IIIHls ur 111'111110
1'01lllWl' 11111I fl'OIll place "tll plul'l' . ' ) ' 0
thc H'I' } ' IlIlIt ile 1111111111 UPIHII'IIIIIIIJ to
l'lllitu II" , h'lIlllUl'ul to > OH'I't'hllt ' 01' t 1\ \ "
, lallllll1t will , ! .Jilt whut 1I1111,1'i IIltJ l'h\I' ;
lIl'tcl' stllllli Ollt III stl'lIl1gl'Ht l'UIIIl'llst
with thut or lluhlllllllll'el I III othcr'
II1'011hl'11-I Is tllltt Ills l"II1lIuIII1111 olle ,
orl1111.1t 11111) ) lIut utiI' hulll wllh IIIUlIl'i ,
J.'rl/III / the lillII' 0111' l1I tl'rs .ll'I'IIHIIII'III ,
111II'hl ! : till' hOllr III whlcll thl' tI'lI'I'lt'r
1II1I8l'O : : Iuullt lIl'rlllOIl , till' 11l1' } '
of IIII' IIIStl'I' Is'l'r IIrl'Hcllt III the sur.
rO\lllllltlhH or Ihl' , J 01'111111tl vcr , IIUll ,
hlllel'll , Iu till' ' S'rlnu dt'Hcrl. "
- - - - - - - -
- - - -
Wheu lie CIIIIII.lulncHilt , , 'Ire Cut
Jlu\Vu 1'lIblc 1.xl'cu"c > > .
"It Is n'Cl' ' rOIlIl11111111 whu huate
thlll hl" umll'I'sllIlllls01111'11. . " a 'II\I\lH
sul'let. } . 1111111 CIIHIIIIIl ' IJh'iI'I''CI\ . " 1'\ ' "
IItCII min'I'h't ! IIhuUI tell } 'cllrri IIl1t' ' thl'
Hl'lenec of f'mluillc JIl'lllotiltlo\l JeU !
tlPl'lll'l' 11m ! t1'I'III't' ! 10 IIIC I'\'I'I' } ' 'I lIt. .
WI"\ hltl ' ' . ' thlH Will'
\ I' : t'l'l/htful / CXI"lIoil'H !
ll'I' , 111111 till' oUwr till.I . 111111 III. } ' wlft'
We l'uiltlvl'1y : 111111\1 rllrcllt'h HUIIII\'hl'I'e
-lhat III lilY Ulllllloll OUl' I'\'l'r > 'da } ' bill ! !
111' tllrl ! wcre t'ul hCI' In vbh 111111 we could
lIut do helll'l' thllll to cllt dowlI OUI
tnllh' I'XCIIil'I. : : : hc 1Il'ced'l'rJ ! cht'CI' .
full. } ' , Ilut I tllllll'l lIotlcl' 1111) ' Itllult'lllate
t1 ; 1I" rl'tl'\'III.'hlllc'nt ,
" 1'\'I ' ' tlll11 hOllle to diu ,
\ 111\\11)1:1 : ; ( IIICU
IICI' with lilt' without wal'lIll1 < ; her , 111111
thl' Othl'l' IIIht ; 1 luok , ltlll. : ' 1'llIlul' ' nllt
-Ial'l , ' \1111011 \ , of all 1111'1whll hllH
b"I'1rl'II't't ! 1I1111cl' II J.III'I'I I'd , rOll" :
1I11I'111'1111.1'lIl':11101I ) ' , alld IIrnh'lhl ' lIe\'lr
11 elII'll Ihl' WOI'II I'COIIUIII , ) ' 1:1 nil his lire.
\\'l'Il , I wlllh : ) 'OU ha Sll'lI that IIltulI'r :
WI' dhlll'I 11I1\'l' nll ' ct"wlr ) : ! wilh the
SOli ) ) . ami Whl'lI I IIWlltiollcll ct'lde1'j
UI } ' \\'Il' slIlcI , bllllltll ) ' :
" ' \\'c ha'II't nil. } ' cl'al'1a'rn , ) ' tlcarj
} ' ( J\I 1tIIIW wl'rl' l'IIt1II1g' .1l1wu 1'\ : '
II1'II.t'l'\ . '
"Thl'l'e'IIS 110 tHlllld of allY Idlld-
IIUt eV1I 11 1IIIIIu ol cvcr.du , ) ' l'lIellm'
her 1111'1 > 11' ; (11I1 > ' OUl''tlcLllhlt > wllh It
\Jl'l'f \ rOllsl : ; ll tllllall thllt lilY 1I11111'1ito
WIISCIII'I'd ch'lIr olT 111111 UC\'lI' Cllllle
11I1t'1 , 1I 1I111and IIU cllffel' ! 'J'11111It 01' 1\ \
--111I coITl'l' ! 1 WIIM IIfl'lIld to say 1111) '
thlll ( III' fellr eellllUllllclI1 Ill'Voult )
1111'IllIet' IlIflll'1\IlIllou 10 III/II / , e IIIn tlm'li
worse , II thc frllJ.IlIIt1L'IlllIltlllll : ) ' hull 10
e'CIIllIIII : ilI'Il'lf.
" ' 1'ha t c\ll'I'd IIIC of hOUSl'llOlI' ' 1'0111"
II\ \ ' . " IIU 111 tlw ) ' ( ) \lIIl : 1U11I1 , IIct'ol'lllll to
the ) ) l'lrolt 1.'I'ce I'rcls. : "lIl'I'l lfler
wt.11 hll\'l' llIud IUUllt''S 111111 I'U wear
ulll IIvel'coa IH litH ) Hhnhh ' shuutI. "
- - - - - - - -
: \lnthuIJIIHluu ) } ) Ou\IJIIHU'n tlllll
"How Is tliIH , .o\II'Xalllel' " tiuh : ) lri. :
1'0 Ih III 'st. "YOII tllid lIIe III till' 1Jl' III'
IIIII u ( till' cl'ulur } ' that ) 'UU Wl'rl ! u'
III to stl'leU.1I1111t . > 'ourse1t to sUkJklllg
ICII CII1I' ; , II 1111) ' . IIml , 11' 1 IIIU lIut IIIL'i
tlllclI iu III. } ' " 1111111 hcn' ) 'UU IIrt ! IIU1ll1l
a'II. } ' 1111 ) 'OUI' t\\'l'lrth. "
"Trllt' , III. } ' dl'lIr , " III1S\\'l'I'L'l1 : \1' . 1' . .
"Ihls IH the twl'lttli clg'al' toda } ' , hul
liS 111111 th'r of filet I hll'C oul ' IIlIIlIkl.'ll :
I'I hl. 1 111'\01' hlllUke 0cr twothlrds
01' II l'I/III' / ; call't O 1l wltlwllt IICOI'l'Il'
IlIg III ' IIIUlltllChc. 'l'hl'lI If } 'Oll will
Ihlllk rur II 1II0lllelll , you IlllIlit lice tlllIl
I hn n' 111I1) ' IilllUkcd , 'Ight , which It !
1I\'It hlnls of t wl'l'C , Ica V 11\ ; ' ; me 8Ull
\\\11 1111I1 a llttll ! lUore } .l't to HIIIllw , So
rUII ! Jtt' , III ) ' dCllf , thn t 1 hit n' 1I0t
hl'oltcll lilY IlromlHe , Kltuy ) ) l'IUltJ : tht ?
lun tclll'M , " - - [ 11I1'lH'r's III ! ; lIzlne.
11 ) ' 1'011 > 1& ' " HytHelll.
"How IIII\IIY Iluurhi 11\ 11 J:1IlIr' : )
& ( ; II''l1 Ute ICllelll'r.
" 1:113 : , " 1I1ItlWtrl'lI thc little tllJlI ot the
mat'I't 11I11 II.
" : ' \0 , no , J OhlUl. } ' . 0111 > ' tOil 1' . "
"Huh , ) 1:1IC1I ! : ! ) ' \1' I'CII 'em Hc'll
enuugh iltfllWbcl'rlefo to kIlOW.-llIlIU ,
luor"1IICrICIII \ .
AUuther E&L : 1..tIHullt1on.
it un eJJHIli 1hulr eutJt tOllr ollara
JIll' U huH , \\11) ' IIUt lwy the lJl'1J-SL
t.Qula t3t:11' , .
, _ c _ . _ _ _ _ " .J . . . . ) ' _ - ! _ _ _ _ - :
GHANG Jf ! UFE/'f . . .
Some SCJ1slhlo ( lvfco to W ) " ' . '
mOll by ! Int , E , SnUer , '
. . Dun MM7PI.A1CWhcn ' t !
i'lnssed thrmllrh whut Is \mvn l : ! II. '
chnJl o uf lite , ' 1 hl\l1 t.wo 'enrs' 8\f. .
Icrh1lt , - mulde\ ! heat , nnd 1\8 quldl
chiUs , , .uullII'I\S1 ! o\'er 1110 ; 1111 IlppoUt.e
was vnrlulJlo IIlIlllllCVUI' uld tcll 10 % .
I ,
- -
1'1111" , " & ' 'II Qull'1 , Thn'flnt : . '
'JIlte Oellcm Sllllloll ! .Jotanlst 11u :
It\'l'sll l\tcd tl case III which IICa : : ! , I
Ilces storcd III II nil rSl1ry cellllr weILl ) '
, u\'lJrlly ! InJuwd II ) ' 1it1I/1 tlmwd' .
lot. ( tlllol.I ) ' . ' 1'1. . . , SUIIII aruund thc. J
r'luts of thc tJtcs ! hal1 hccomo frozcDot
Iud to raelltall'lheClllo'al or tl1b , \
\ CCS It slIIall wuudllre was uullt t.4. .
LIla w thu tlllIId. ' 1'he tops of 2li,0Cf. :
t.lces . \ \ ere IlluckclIlHl amI k1llccL 'I '
! lad the trecs I.Il'ell t hu wed \'cf11 i
I'ratillillly It. Is pl'ohahle that 110 In-- I
)111' ) ) ' would have Icslllted. "
; (
I'h. , " ' . .1.:11. . " HIt. I
MIN. II - III. ( , wbs : I
would ) ' 1111 O If bOUlC hUI rid mnJ : I
lhuuhl ! > leal mc tHai hold /Uo tOEJ , :
1.IIIHlJllI 'J ,
Hellpeck-Dou't make mc InuJr. , . " 1
J've guL 1\ hCldlche.-Dell'olt. ; li'.rw'I I ,
] 'apel pu ! ' cM-IllIg the trJIII > lmrenqr'
) C g-I.IIS Is lIIade In 1'1111.1 , frolU ke ) '
lId utileI' ! II' \ I
_ . :
I Ii 1'\JI'lIUII1t.C ) I'tln u'ate . .
I II'L. . \ 1'1. " , I III. } ' H , - 1J''Illlam a. : . . . ,
J 1 l'eUlI1I 1'01'\11UISII'I' thlli oWe .
II. ' \ : 111 ( ,
I . 'l/lIl1l hlltlIl Jt' :1 "CI' } ' (1I'llIlIlIlc , Ulan.
II' . 1J "CII 1111\1 ill ! tulhlll/u tu lJelu.r . :
IhlrilUJIIHLl'r III 11 JIII , in' III' I hc llcace. t'o
! lwtllllCI' , ot Ihc lUI'I"IUIII l hunh l1ut } '
I I 1.1 : h 1.1' l'I'o'llI'ch'tJ :11I11 11,1'1111 l' lIoGCU. :
I III' hl\l'4 bllll'I'I'11 ( IIr hllllW IIwe wlttJ I
I \ \ 11111 : ; 01111' I"'uillt' \ \ IIlIltt CII II "rlcketus" ' ,
till' " 1'1/:111'0' / : ) " ul' lilt , I.dll''ri , .l.llIlIc. } ' tHe. I
, 1',1"1' III ' ' ' ' ' , He cllul
1'I'I' I' ' " 1111 III tlll'llI
,1.,1 . , ,11'l'll. I. . . . lUll I 11 dull 11/1111 0\'e1' lilt > I
t 1..1 kl II".I' , \\UIi 1'lIlIlIlIllllll ' I'co'llcl ,
" 'lIlhl 1101 II" "Lili. 111111 111\.1 10 tct ui !
I IIII'I/ligh lht ! 111:11. ; . " , , ' \'t'l'IIl tlul\'ri lIu6. , !
I \ \ , h' 11u ! lI'Olltlh'J iu Ihll'o \ \ II ) i.lurILl I
t..l ! II.IJ' ,
111' lI"I'd II tl'W till X I'll lit 1I01hl' : ; ' ( lG-
I' ' , ' , ) ' 1'1111'4. 11 1'1 'II It. . 1.\ ' ! 'I'I'I'IIII } ' luI .juc ,
III Ihis Siall ! 11111.1 : lI.I\'II'III'ocll II : . II cur. . . ,
( III' I hllle.l' U'hl'IISl' ' , HIII'lIll1l1tIII. ! 111'
' , elc. , ulill III It th)1'1 ! 1111I1' W.tri coW'
IIll'lt'I\ ' l'I'Slul'l'll lu , ) . : uII , oot
111'111111. III' 1:1'CI' } gmldul 10 Ull1u 1
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Educate Your Bowels.
\ ' uur Lowels can be : trainc as weD
I a } 'our muscles or your Lrain. Ca : . ,
'carets Calldy Calhartic tram yom'
I bowels to do righl. Gctluine ta lcu
stampe C , C. C , Never sold j : ;
I bulk. All druggists , IOC ,
I A Skin &tn ty Is u ,10) Forovur. I'
, T , 1":1.1 : x ( jUll\t'II' trIlH "I' 'I.
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