- , . . - - . - - - - . . ----p.- . . . - " i' . . . . . . . . . . - . - - . - - - - - - . - - - . , v. . ' ' " IRENE'S VOW . ) , ; t Dy CIlIt1 LOTrett. . RAE/ttE. 'I \ " . " " " , . . , . , . , . . , . . . , ' $ ) ' - nAp'l'I 1t X\'III.-ICnlllllllll'll , ) 1 "IJIII"IH' ' ' , ' ' hi' "II ill , "I will 11'\ ' III 1'\ " : , " " 'Ihill 10 nlll'1111,1 , , ph':1- : ! , 'nll , I I" 'UII 111"t " thllll. It' \\,0111,1 Ill' WI I'I' I" I , , ' I IfI'i 'nel" 't" . . . . " . I I\n \ wl , " 1Ihl' tI'JIII'II. 1'lIttl ' , I ; "IVn " " 1111 . lint thllli. Ih.lt. If 'OIl 11'11'11 ' I ' . M' 1 I ! elll malh. II ch > lll\It.lh' I' n' nl' I - .HII , ( " 'IltI fuml\1' IIII' ? " I u"l fort'I\ : ' ( "Oil " ? OhIII'\'I't ! If 'Oll III ' ' 4Ing uh.1' 11,1"11 1111' lu fUI'I h'l' 'Oll I I 'III1I(1 ( IInl , " I I "Bnl , It'l'nl' , " hI' ! I\ill ; , hl'lIl 11\1011 \ 11111' ' , " ! lil ! ; . " " " 111II11I"'H illll "II hl'r. " \1'11:11 : \\'ilI' ' itl'OpJt , thlllk of Ihe' ' t''l' n 1111 t1I1' 1' h.I I .t 'rm , , " 'I'ht ' wl1\ \ " 1t 111'1"1 111..1/111 / I I ' Ih" to : th"rl' II "onwthltll : 111'1 WI'I'1I " " , I 11111 110 Clm'lll'd , 1 Ithllll ; : II 11111'1 \\'lInlll 11111 111- Itrl' IIII' : : t hili' " ftOll1 1111 1'111'11I.1' \l'onld Ton"r ml' 111 I\'t , hll'k IlIlnlhl'r. I 11111 11111 I. 1'0\\111'11. rOl'1 fl'lIr 110 11I\11 ; , I ' IIrlll I- "tronJr. " RIIII I knolhol \ ' \I \ ( 11" " It. Yon ' fl1lhl'I' nlld hm- IIIVI' 101,1 1111' Ihul YIIIII' ' 1l/1'nfl / illll'nll III ' 1111' " : 1111' If thf'\ , , ' lillil /III' ' ' } It , OW , COIIIII 'Oll 1:0 II tlllrl'r I\ ' ' ' ' III Ipolnt 11If' 0111 to thl'l11 th:111 : hr tlhClwill on whnt f'fll t..llltl . . .Oll "t/lllli willi " WI ! " 'l'hl' trllth ot Ihl' I\'orlls 'III'l1ck I'r , nl ancc. Nllturnllv f'lIoll h. If .hl' , llIkto 1111,1 ) ( Or falhnr 1IIIW 'her Hhol\'lIll : IIIIY rl'lIl n" < , ntmOnl n nllllil 111I ' Olll 11I1111 Ihl' ' 'ould III once "UICII'I'I ( hll11 , If HilI' wi..h. (1 tQ kl'l'll hllll fro III Ihl' 11I0 1 I'rrlhh' ate , nnll kl'UII IlI'r'lIll'lInl'I' In IlI'r OWII 1l1nd , "hO mll"t nllt KholV whlll ' 1hl' rl'nll\ , ' Ithonght or him. 'I 81'1' , " shl' "nlll , IIlowly. " 'Oll nrl ! IJht. Ir I IIllOW 10 YIIU olltwnrilly lhl ! ntrt'd , "eorn , thl' cOlllel1lpl Ihlll'l fl'f'I , t will drRw IIIIIIIIIl'IulI II1'0n ' ) ' 011 , I will 10 fnr willI' thnl I will r"trnlll trnl1l It.'Jnt ; but rcmlI1her , IH'lwl'l'n UK llwrc IH Ttlo ( lI'Rc-bI'IWPell liS Ihl'rl' I" war 10 : hl' "nlfO. " . . ' ' CI1AP'l'lm XIX , ' .I1j're canllJ II Chllll1J ! onr Ihe YOlln ! : . , I1C } I' : She hnll ne\'er bl'l'n IIIY or tl'ifOO ! II , bllt IIIIl' bllil tllken a vital In- il'l'plf , in nil thlll tlurrolllllltHI hl'r : Hhl' 111111 1II''n R ] I'IIIIt'r In nil Ihl ! IR'I'III'1\ lit the " " ; JhborhoCIII ; hl'r h\lllltlrul fnl'u had 1II'Im IIlIve with eltllIl'IIl'C. Uut 1I0W' sIll ! rcnI < "I , nbRlrllcll'd : : she WRR , IIlwR 'R dl'lJp' 'lr ' , l'nl'rOs81'11 : In tholllhl : It 1I11)'onc 111111. drill , . pntrrl'll a roolll she IIll1tll'lI " " thul1lth IIrouReel trolll IIll'ell , The IXL"'II- .Ion nf her fRI'I' "hllllll'll ' 0 I1lIt' uf ell'l'l' ' . 'nl ' ( , . IIn" prof 0111111 thol1ghl. "nolani I 10 Hlrlk , . Ihl' 1II'IIrt of II III\n : I\'bo hll ! ! JlO IWllrl t' whu nH\ell \ ; hl'l'- .IIl'lf. In dl'81lair. 'l'h 0111) ' lhiul ; lhut fOIlItl'IJ\\ke : him SlIr.'I' "QIIIII h ( ' thu II ( I ( t01'1 .1O , th 101111 of lht' I1II'UII hi' "II- bOI'NI for thl' lIurclllllllll' ' ; or ull hi Ille.111- lu _ rll Ihat mlhl ; hllrt hllll : tbl ! 10M" of po. ! II1llon I11I ht bl' n keell hlow III hllll. hili Ith'l1 , hi' hnd hili wHe'lI rorllllll' 10 full llJacI : , IIn , nnd Lorel ( ; I'I'lIlIt Willi kllOWII Iu r111J rh.lt ; If he lost hl1l OWII 11II1I1t lOll , hI' IlIRII 'nlwlI's the 11O lllnn Ihllt 111'1111 : 1I1I1Iln. 10 \ \ . 10 nn enrl woulll KI\'u him : IlI'lther o -c or fortlllle nor Jlollilloll wouhl l'ulII"h ' QIIIIII Hhl' Ilellr 11. Whlll sllOlIld IIl'r ' \.IjI'aIlCe ! ! 111'7 \'t'l Ihlllll U'l she \\011111 , Ih ( ' ! ; t1'nl'on - ( \\,1' \ \ : or > her IIf" lIInllll'cI II 111\7.7.11' stili , ti'll : 111111 8W0l11 to ill' IIvelllcd , alll1 sill' ( ' 11'1111 Ihlll 110 lIIethlHI lit \'I'II I'IIIICI' . . "I' ' \111 Ihlt k over It , IInlll I tlo mnn- r.jl ; It , ' " ulll' "Id to Iwrlll'lf , A 1111 the-cl' , " 'urIH 1'111'011I'11'(1 ht'r 1111111 , ,11l' rl'lIehl'll \ ) , Cll lll)11 ) , , , 'hf'n Ihe "elltlOIl III'IIIII-Ihl' sua- , "on or whh1 ! 8111 WIIK 10 hlJ lhl' Illlel'lI , Olle 1'\'l'nllll ; ' all Rhl' IInl lit till' 01"1'11 , : h.i' C 'I' ' ; ; \ IlIc1ng IIIIIIITI'Tl'lIlly rOllnll Ihe ! tOIlSl' , lilll'toll ! all II fuel' IIlnl WUIt II'r. : rlh1r tllllllllllr to her-'Ihl' flleu of VntH' ' . ' . 1.'HI.tt'lIler , Hl'r rlle : , nuslwtl IIII hlly II ! ! Iw 1001.1',1 , al hlJI ! . :111,1 : hl'r whitl' JI'wuleil bllllih clln'III'd Pilch othl'r Illhll ) ' , 8hl' wlII..h , "d him. wIllie thu hr'lIlh Cl11111' III hOI , ( lll1 l < 'gn"II ' tram hl'r 111111 , 111111 tllI'lI 'ihl' ' Imlll'tI 10 hl'rllelt-II ! llow , IIIIIIO I rrll,1 4mll ! , ' , 'I'hl' duke WUII Iu thl' hex wltll lu 'r , nnl ( whell , , , II lIiglhl of 1'111011011 hll,1 , loCI hcir . I'UI'O nllil 1IIIIIIIIl'r , ! ! hl' 1111'111'11 I ( b m : ' ' ' ! ' ' ) I' , ' ' Hhl' IIlIltI , ill II ! llol\ ' , 1'11111I , 'olce , " 110 ) ' 011 ! lc'e n 1111 rkhll 11'1'11 11I1111 i tli. . , ' ' 'lnlls-IhlJ Ihlrll 111 Ihu rhhl-a 11I111 with n hanll ollle , 0\11 rllrl'1" . ' ( 'III' illlk. . rlllKf'II hi. . KIIIR'i'j ; . : rl io ! , I Rl'e hllll , " he 1'1'11111'11. " \i ! lu III III , " Hht'IHI.l'd . , with I'UIIIIIII'II / : > \J 1\.I4t"fJI . . . . . . . . . . ' , . " . ' "I I-.II.'W h1111 : hili 111111I1' IR--h'l 11I1' Ih'lll. ' . " " 1. v. 'r ! ! lerV . ; III1IJ Y-Irt'I'.ll'r ! ; lie Is whll I Jbtli nonl ' I'nlllHI " : II 1II1II1'lIhlllll-IoWII. . \ \ ' hl i l'i 11"7" "hi' IIskt'II , ) , . . , : ' ) ' 011 sbolllllu"k II' " tlllIl 11111'10 ilo . 1111 illY lulluenct' III'uclln'll him Ih , lI\ \ pointll"nt , lIe wn'l IIOWII lu till' worl , --J.ord (1I"'ant ( Ipol.1' IIr hlln 10 IIH' , hulI'I' / ! llulbl'rl nllked hilll 10 lilli' III bi j Inlhl"III'1' In IIII' fll\'or , " I pl'r fare \NW \ U Hlll1ll ( ' 1IIIIur , IIlItI hI' I lIp hu I II hard look IIbOll1 1111'111 : ! ltill Hh Jill l\II'I.\II'l \ , her hllUITI'n'tH' ( ' of 1IIi1l1nl'l .ltbou JI Iho hnnll thllt 11I'1t1 Ih'Ichl 1 pw lt-Ii , Irgnot ! ( ' trl'lIIhll'll , II ! i a tril'II11 ot SIr 1IIIIIIl'rt I. ! tl In.rt' . 'r' ,1111 IInlll. I .1Ic' 1\ all ; Sir IIlIlberl ! I\lolw \ 10 Lilt < : ,2\'IUI a bOil I hllll , nnd Iurtl ( JI'ral "lIgh. I" lIIe. " \ \II I , \lHI ? " HIll' keli. " . I 'I' : I' ' 01111(1 hllli' Ul IRt"excl'IIc'lIl I" "I HIIII . , I . hi' III land rev'I'\II \ lr' 011I1'1' . wI ! \ .11'1 ; ! iH'IIU' . lit 110 1t'1I 1111111 I'h ht hlllllln II 111111 1111 , nlld III ! WIIS wqll Illrll.WII 0\ " 11 , : < ,1 II ' ' 1\ ' 'UII , " Sill' lI'a. . ttllite tdlt'nt for II rt'l11I1 , ! i ; I h , n hf' IlIhl her hl'lI\1 \ on hll nrl . . . I ; ; l1l1l.l'h.'ml. . ! l11l ! slIlll , 'gl'1I(1) ' , "I a g llI In n l , UII II fn\'OI" \\111 YUII Iral 1llwltholll'lIlIlIng \ III klllll'h ) ' I II : 1t ? " . " . ' ' I 1\111. lI1 t IIstlun'llIy. " hi' 11111 lC011 uhll illed tlllil IIOSItIIlIl for hil lopll ) ) ' 1111 111 il' It n'u ' ' , . . ' ! Ot cUllr I' . I CIIU , SlIrl'I ) ' , Irlnl' , th lH 1101 th1I.ulII who trh'll to- " III' IIIIII I'II , ' : ooklllj ; IItj his wlfl' iu lilt ( l"h'rn'lllnll , , t'\'o-I : I1lhll'rstanll-no , Ulnt IH IInl t 1I. BII , Ihere I'nln to m ) ' kllowll'll I oij.c a \ :1'0'I : I wrol } : : Ihllt he hllil 110111. . . . ) ha.rr1hh' IV. ( ) ; - : \1e \ ! Ill'rSOll 10 whe 1111 111d that \V'ro' , hlllll'll thnt h Willi I lJlj ! I'lInl"ll1' I. PIIII I-h hilll , IItIt'III\IIII"c Q tnJw\ trOll ! :1111whnt : rOil ; ; 1I\'t' hllll , " he 111I1,1"i fille ohl fllre gfl'W Iltlt'k wi A&frllwn , f'YIIII t'IIIInot t < , lIme Ihe wrollg , lI'll1l' ' III ) IInlll , " ; ' 1:0 : , I ' tc'lJ ' ( 'nnllol ) 'OU ; II\Y worc1l1hol be flltlll' I'fll , " IIlte relll1l'd Ilroudly , I "I will Irll'il 'IIII. " h , ' I\nlll , " 1'1111 nl'o Idlill of Iworl11111 J.lnl'rlltlR ; h ' IInlllrl' ; ' ' ' 011 W'IIIII II lit 11'1 lIIu pllllhih Ih" 1111111 1111' ' ' ' III' rll'III ) ' IIp'il'r\'ed It. It 11111111 he KH , 'OIl 1\11\ ' ItllIl' ' ' 1 'l'hl' ' 1'I\ ; I'IIII'III'I' of I hll I COli I''rln lion WII" Ih.II III 1I'W flnJ'I aftl'rwutll Vnlle I fo'lItI'l'HIl'r , III IIi'l ! llIrl'rl'i ! ' , l'l cl'lvl'il II JIIllu IIII ' Ihlll Ih , . ollll't ! h ( ' held wnl nllol- ! . 'hl'd. o Ihlll hi. . " 1'I'It'I wOlIlII hI ! II ( ) : ' ' , ' ! . , \nll lh"11'nnl' Fotr'I''Itl'r hlJoan : to won. eI'r ! 11'11111 fnll' 111I1' 1I1'01 him : he : eould Ifet .lIolhlrl I ! : Ifl do , 1.(10 : ' : IIln'l' hu 111111 rUII ! Ihroll/-II / : hl ( l1'I\'ntl' fMlulIl' ; he hllli dtllllk alld Jnlllhll'l. , nlld hne ! IIIIIH' , 'v'ry- ! Ihill1111 / : I'nrlh Ihg I hi' oilJ.hl ; nlll 10 hllve , IOtlf' , I.'flr 'I'III" h. . hllli hlllll : ' uhllut lhl ! ' , 1'IIIh , 111111 had f I ' " 111',1 hlmlll'lf 011 "it'h IIIf'II. 11111' ' IItll'r nUfI , 111'1' . ! : I'ttltlwhlll / : II' ! l'OlIlIl I t'OI1l Ihl'lll , t,1' I1.lIhl'1 ( Illul Ilrnll/ / . il'l.tI hilll hi' wOllld 11 > 1' : I II hlllnll'rl'lItH fUI' . hi 111. I II' hnd , llIn , ' . . . .1 . , nnll Ihl ! retlllil 'Wli ' IIIal IIIl' 1111 , I' 1ild 1'0lluII hllll lhill ' ' wh'"h 1\:10 : ; ' 11 mllkl ! hllll II , ' iii ' ' hI hutl 10Ht It. ri'h 11I1111 fot' : IHI\\ ! a 1'111'111' slt'ult'd 10 hn\11 tnlll'lI Oil Iii III , "linn. I a hirldl'n fOlr' III' erll)11 lillI , "UOI'/o IIIIII' " 111'111\ , ' Ilv ; : III ) tOCltl1t'IIi : , ulld follow 11I1' Iu el l'I'\I'nl' , , 1I/-lIlnl'll / : 1II1' ! Till' tirol ! 111111' I 1 = 0 1111) wlll're I nlll wcll fI''h'I'.I. Ihl' 111'1'01111 tinl ( ' Ihl' floorl url ! I 1'10111'11 nuill"'l ! ' 1111' , I I'Rlluot IIlIdcl'lIlalld I ' . it , Wllill' Ih ! ' pl\'kl'15 of ! .hI'001 I. ! 1111I , Rllt'nl \\'Iw hlld hud a 101l illll.r\Iw ! with Ihl' IItll'hl'to nr lIu\"III'1I WI'I' " lilll'd with , atOIII , IIlIfl "hi' hl'rlllif IIlIn Hit wOlltll'rf11 : ! tu filld hllw 1II111.Jr lII"III' ' Jibl' WUS : ipl'nlllll ' , IIlIlil \11111' 1.'ort'I'HIl'r j11'W ; fll'SIII'rUlI' nllll 111" " 1111 till' HlrllJ.Jh' ; ; it WIII IItll'K1I ! ] , E'f'1'door . \\'U , . .h II I In hio fnce , 1J\'Iry I 1111111 I'l'lIIell In he 1IJl1lntlt hllll , 'I'hl ! ml'n I who hntl Iwell hill I l'icnl1two1I111 huv ! ! . nnlhilll : 1II0rl' to ,10'Ith him , 'I'hfl ' lold ' ' IIlhN' Ihl'rl' wn 11111'1hlllJ. ; UKllillllt hilll. 111111 Ihnllh ! 1I0lle of Ihl'lII knu\\ ' whnt it WIIH , lIll' l'IIIIIOr j.trew ullel sLlrel,1 , 1111111 hill olcll'lIl fril'tlll , . . ( luSIII'II him with. , Ollt Ii 11011. and he wns alone In Ihe worlel. 'I'lli' 1'1111 ot II wns lhut , 111 II lit , hllllry , I nllllo 1 fril'nllll ! II. Ihe oncl' hrllllllllt , wll'I.lol 1111111 Llrl'SllIlelJ himsllt before Sir 1I1111J1'rl g..lmorl' . I "I hll1' rt' l'r\'l'11 'III1 , " he Anill : " 'Oll nrl' nt ) ' 111,1 rl' . < OIlr < 'I'- ' 'Oll 1I\IIRt hel(1 III' ! -I 11I'1lI'd ( ; } "OU , " "I wllllid 1101 hl'lp .I'nll InIlI'I' 11 YOII " 'fir < ' d 'lnlt , YOII tllll I\'hlll 'ou JlIUII""I' ' 10 1'1111 a 1'1' I' \ " ! ! 'l' rill' 11If' " I cli(1 ( UIIl' ill : rl'turn for 'IIII. IIDII UIIwe lire 1IIIIts-- IIhllll 110 110 1II0rt' , " "I 1111I n rllilll'il , hl'oken"lown 11I1111 , " JII' I rt'llIrlll'd , " fI'\'t'R ! rOil rilthl , " 1I1t111 Hlr Blilherl. I "I 1\t' \ l'l've IIhoollnl : IIIr"elf for m ' "ill ; hilI I IIHt'r tllrI'1 Ihlll ' 1I11 11'1111I1J illio it. ; Bill fur touch IIICII 11M "Oll , nll'u lilll ! 11I- . ( wit \\'ollid I" , ! I'll lholl"IIII.1 Ihlll' h"lh'I' " ' : lhlll1 .hny . ure , " ' "I Ihollhl you wOllld help 1111' , " tlnill \'unl' I'orrl'stl'r , hill fllcl ! qlJivl''illJ ! ; , IInoi hi.l'Oiel' hUllrlot' Wilh I'lIlUliUII , hi 110 1101 I'l'l' wh ' 'Oll IIlwl1le1 , I , hlllH" I ' IHlOlIgh. nlCkl d 3'llIIr hl'lp ; ) ' 011 ' : ; \\IJ It , IIncl I rl'lllIill it. \\'ollid 10 IICI\\"I'II 'Oll hl1d l'I'fIlHlollIIl' wlll'l1 I IIMkl'IIIt , 11011th , ) ' 011 for ) 'ollr COl1lpllalH'IJ , " "I I'ollid HW\'Ilr 10 hl'l1\'l'II. " ! 'riI'I ] IIII 11I1111. "Ihllt I hu1' 11 hllldl'lI file ; it h jlltll al < Ihollh , 1101111'0111' hall " \\"I\'n HII' 1:1'11111'0' 1I/l / lIHI IIII' , I l'all IIII' I' SIIC'I'ILJ ill UIIY ! lilllt ! , Ihill , 1I11c1 rlt ! I kllow 01 1111 1'111'11I\ ' ill Ihl' willt. wOl'ld , " ' II. . ( ' IIhrllllll ' . for Iir : : ; HIIILul' ! " I' 'I'II \\1'1' tixl'tl UlOII ( him wilh 1111 CX ' ' ' ' ' ' ' or lUnlH.d ! nnll hl'\\'illlul"1 1111I11:0.0 : , "What l1Ial. : , ' , . " 011 Ihin' ' ; Ihnt' ! " h. . nsk cll , slol\'l ' . with ; 1 clltiolls whitl'lII's ! ! COlli I ill'I'r hlte fucc' . . I " 1 1'1111111 > ; WI'll I' il , " hI' 1'1'1t'11. "I elln , In" . 11'11 who. or wllIll. or whit t III\IIIJ ' \ ull he l'olnl'ltll'lIcl' , Ihl're it ! 1111) IIIl1ch ! lYII I 11'111 ill It. I "WI'nl' Ihlll R 1111I I' wll 1'1"1' IIn tll'l' lhl' pllllt'lls bk , . I hn\'c II foe WIll I , follllw : ; 1111' , 1I1It ! Irlll'Its IIII' . UIIII I'llill . - I 11I1' , ' : : 'Ir" 1I1111'rt WII" , , ! lelll for a few lIIill lillI's I , 1"01l1t1 " II hI' ! I".I..le . . . IhRl thl' hl'all I . lirll1. illjllrl'll \\'UIII'III. ' who hllll thl'I'U'1'11 I ell him with " " 11"1'.1111'1' . hall IIltMOhlld , IlIkl'lI "I'IIII'UII\\ hill nccomlllict ! ' : J IcHlkcII ilkI' It. " " 'ho fllllllil fol' 'Oll Ihl' 1I0sitillll 'o , IlI'ln In Ihe IlIlnll,1 H"\'l'lIl1t' o UII'I ; ' ; ' , h I n ! I'd. , . ' 1'111' 1111"\\1'1' WR" ; " 'I'hl' IIl1kl' Ilf Ha I ' nrd , " "How .Iltl 'Oll Icl " It't" I "It WIIS luklHl trolll 1111' ; i\"l'1I 1111)1 . cnll8e .hl' ' wl're tl'lllll' ng 1OClll'lh\ : ! , I' WU ! ! told , " , " 1111"1' ) 'IIU nllkl'l lhl' IllIkl' III hl'lll yo inc" ? " " \'l'lI , I hll"I' : hilt I rl'el'h'l'fl U htt ! HII'lnK that h , . IJt'1I1I1'11 to 11" ( ' UIIV IlIlul rest thul Ill' IIIllhl 1III\'c ( or 1111' , IIlhJ 1111 I' I wUt ! 1I0t 10 lI'ollhlc him lInlll. " "lIu1 'UII 1'\'lr ! HI'ell II. . . . DlIl'1lCsli I HII 'arll ? Thl' ' 11.11 11I1' shu II ! \pry IHI "rOIl"ht ! , IIII hl-- " . " u womall l'UII Iwlll 11I1' . " hI' l'rll'l , ; wnlll n1l' IlItllll'lIl'l' 111111 IlIll'rlHt lit II male o , I ha\1' 1101 I'I'II hl'r ; If I llic11l WI/II : h , ' o ( 1111 11"4-,111' wOlllt ! not he'lll 11I1' , " lll' 1Il'\'l'r tlrl'lIlIlt'll .hlll the hl'nllllf WOlllnll , rt''plellJt'1I1 ill Jl'wlllI , who III lookl'd ul him lhal lIilhl nt Ibl' uIIl'r waR Ihl' . : Irl ut WhllSl' 11\0rlt 11111 rrlll 1- : " I hlltl IlInglll'll as Ihl''r ' l'rl'lIm or jl'l1 " 'I'lwrl' I no hOIlIl'Jt'SIi 110j ; In Ihl' t-olr , ' thnl hUH hl'l'n ! III drln'lI , nllil 1\0rri"II , at 11- II 1-lIsl'll , nil I hll\'c' hl'l'lI , " rril'll11111' 1" , 11rel'ltl'r , " ( iI\'l' lilt' II flw 1I01l1l1t1'110111 ! 11\ \ lu hl'glll 11ft' with In nnolhrr IUIIII , III III 'on \\111 11111 hl'lIr or 1111' n lIill , " II. HII it hlllllll'lI"ll Ihnl hi' Il'fl 1 IIIIIIII,1 I'tfl't : ' , 111111 Rfll'r " 01111' 'l'lIrli hl'l'lIl fi , 1IIIlte fnllll/lI'i IIIUII III I' \ ' Yorl" 'I' II , ' 'I If his l'I'hlll' ' ' ' I\'UII 10 hlJ IllIhl hi h ullll'r hlllllis Ihllll IhoM' of IIIWOIII nl Wlllhl' IIfl' hi' 1\1111 \ hl'lllI'lI 10 IIIllr u IIlIull , I'r - - - . PI1.I'Tlm XX , , hi' 'I'h ( ' ! olllllllll'r I'nllll' 11111111. lilt' h'illirl , IC I.Ul11011 " 1'11"111I hull 1'llh'll. Haxnllhll -I 10 ' ' 1"'l'r II.io . " Wil I' 10rc' ! I Ihln 111110"1' uf 1111' I'O ul I' ' " I' > hlll 111'1'11'1 IIJ , , Iill ill\.allllll Cur a1 'l.j ; ' " shuotlll { , : \ , - ' ' . : ) ' ' ' WI. . Inll 1 I 11'1'1 11111 1..1) 1'11111'\ . , . ' ' , Hllllloll II.j 10 l\'CIs ! I'ul 11Ih ) ilh I' ' 11I'\1118t'll 10 ! Ill'lhl ( nl 11'181 11\1' \ \ . " Ihel'l' II thl' 11111111. A hrlllnllt 1111 1 of Ilelh WUt III \11'11 10 11'1'1 tl 1'0 ; IIrlnce , unll ul 11'111 Iprr ' ni II mllrri lll JII ; wll Ihlll I'XI'PIIIIMI. thlt III I I'UlIlrlll face of IIH' lislrl' ! of Sox ; . --t- " , - - _ ' " . _ -r" " " _ , , \ " . . . _ - , , . . - - - - - - - - - hnr , t tlrf n" MUIIII'II ' 10 011 Illier , slood. 811 WII hrnCIII nlwl1 O\'c ono 11111 tIl Inl1 thllll'r \'ll ORnll' . , RIIII Ihu AhuI' I WIIIII lulf ! 'lllre 111,1 0111' 1111 II til olIY 11 Hel' tllllr , I III ' thlll tl' DIIIM lt BIY' \ ' ' for Mhollll IllIrly 10 11\'l'r ot nrl , Olrloll GhIHI ! llll 11'111 IIrrnlJ.I' ; , 1111 . Ihe \ ' holh l'uJ.l'r ; In" IIX" , 1f1ItICIItl' 1011 o\'cr i Bil 0 : the 111,111 1111yl ' ' - ' ! hnd OJ I'htlllre wus nol 'IIII ! wl'l-lhe ' fil : 1101 ! l1'rloIlH or 111 ri I UJ but Hlr I I I hc'rl WOII 1111 lel\1 Ilr. Inl "lIln HIl Irl'IJ ( or hllll 10 In , IlIfl 10t , I to tlelllr hlllI'lf : of u (11)1 plelHure tor , , her ll'llinl : IIIMrllUII ; Sir Illhl'rt : , "I I III be or , wllll lot 1:1 Wil 10 le 1.\11 , " hi' fIIII , "I Hhllulll not UIIJO ) ' III ) " 1 ; ) 'he Ihulght or ) 'Olr Ilalo fucl ' 11111 11\r 1111 VI ! Il' ni 11" 101g. You' llch Iholltl , " 10t hn11 lule le 10\0 you RO "I 11'ery glllil 'Ol do , Illhert ; hut , 1)11\0 IC , I 11 1IIlu 11 wll as I Wil ' ' ' , Yuu ' , , YC'Hll'rllll ) ! lCI' JIIIlrl Ihlt culllr ot Irl'f' ' ' . th heeclw8 ? " Ihlrl' ! O\'r ! IIlvlr " 'I'H , I III ! thel , 1.lrl , " fl ( , nll"werel , "I ( onld 10 now , " she cmt I ull , In I IllIe tlHt WIH I ! lull ! ' , " 11111 pilce my hllil nn the vlr ' Ilot I 1111011 , whel the I fr'll rllMh of 10\1' flll'll m ' hllrt for yOI , , . I ' It ; ; I Jlllrl. rlll'lllr 11 wel rOI I MloC ! Il'lItln IKllhlHt n birch tree , YOllr I 1II'IIt hurl' , 111111 winll pillylll nmOI ; YOllr IHlllu ' curls , Iy dllrlng , YOII know I I IIlw(1 ' ( II whel WI were mlrrlel , hit J ell nll 10\1 'Oll ; I was 31 oprn IIUUI' 11011 , IH "Ol wi rllelhlJr , whether I WIH 10 lo\'e 'Ol or 10t , 'lhl'rl wlr a few 10lcn ts or flence , nlld Irel ! who Hilt IAtl'nlnj ; unnvoldnbly jllHt ollllll ! th ( ' window , kncw wel ho\v they w'rl' lllld up. "I wil lIot Iu IlItl'rrnpled In that tnsh , ion , IIhf'rt ] , " Inllhell LRdy Elltmoro : "how cnn I Rpelk It you stop my lps " 1" wih Idf6eH " : I ' Ilurlna " he mlrured , "I have IIC\'cr dell'l'veil Ilch love nA your. " flly " " , 'I ) ' nOl , Hulhurt - 7" she nAked , wlt- "I clnlot tell you. Thu lve" ot mOi nre 1101 111 tlU Un8 ot women. By your RIfle I feel nM I hlack vulture must tC1 " nl'nr R dove , "But. ApoteHs , " Inlll the 8weet , wilt. fnl'oice , "you hn ve never loved anyone ( ! xcept me / In IJI 10111'1 sllnllht nlld frnlrnnt slll'nce. the dudleMH fouud IlrRolf l ten- inJ wih h'r hellrt on her 11S , tor the nnHwer , I he hnd snld , "YeA , In my you Ih I hnd n ntlll love for a J'rl , antI di her a grent , vrong , " Ah ( ' wou1 hRvo hel'n Inclned to mercy , but te anllwer ea 11 : " u : I hRd 1nncei , ns I toll YObe forI vlln , fOlllh fllncies , but I hove nU\'lr 10\1' < 11 ' hUllln being truly , my wlfr , Int I lo\ed yon. " Te blne Hky ! eumed suddenly to gow Tetl ; Ihe trers nnd towers , te tOlntollt unfl tIl ' ) iltlllt woos , al tremblet he , ' ' ' } at I fO'e h'11I1' : n rus1 rORllng waterl flld her cars ; she droppl'tI the book , It fel 11 Ihl ! Iotl , Irlen grnss ; she stnrted trolll Iwr senl wi" n Jew monn. SI. wOlld not go itnck to the hORRe , hcllle in doing so she must pas Iho wllld"w wheru lhu ' stood , hil arm rouud Ih ( Irul'flil lillf' , the fnlr tRce hout on his htl'llt , She rOlld not pnss them by ; it Wil tel thnt the lo\cd him , hit thnt. hcr whole enl WIS tred by liat one worll , "fnnc ' , " SIIe WIII down the terrace nnd cr ssell the thlnr gnrd ns ; from there she wellt lhrough the WOII ; the tbought at being iHloors " 1''mell 10'stne her , I wn wl'l that : ihl' Ii II 1101 hellr whRt else pnssl11 , , be'tWll'l thcm-Iho caressing wOI'ds , the ellll'lrlNlls. , I "I Rhlli 10t I't Y < U remnln . Jndors ni : dn ; wih 11' . " ! : ld LltI I 8tmere. "I : ' wish 10 ' me , out I ) 11 1111'11 ( YOI wi go I fOl' / l'olplu ot 1011'1 , lt lenst. " "I wil JO. It YOIl wih I " he lid ; " 1 , , ' them I 1 10 IIflur 10 , " Dlrnton ; wl ! sllrt jllt heforl' nell _ I Berul'l' bl' Ittl hlr he bent down aUIl Iis ell the helllllitul tlce. " ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' wIfe : " 11'11\1'11 l'ss 'Ol m ) d.nrf'Rl he ' 1111 , aUII woutlered lit thu solemnity of his OWII worlls. Il' weil thrulgh Ihu ounds11181Iu ) /lId IIIIJlng us IH went. his heRrl warm wilh lo\'u fur lhe b < , nllltlIf ! ( ' who lov , ( 'd hil so \\1 He clme to the beach _ trrl'lI. 111111 Imlll'd as he tholght of her II . lo\'lng worts. 'j'hu Llue heavllS ! 11'1'm- I'll 10 KIII , tl sunllhl smied. IUII hi' > I wllwII ; , with nil thl fl'l'\or of his heart , ' , thll hl' hlldllwn 's bltl a jood mln. - : As Ihe wish , ; r\\ il hiM hl'lrt he saw , I' Ilwn ' In .he lf'CS , Ihl' ! 'lmml'r ot a blm v I Ih'.s , the trlsI Il 1111 Sl'n Ihat morn. 'I . illl : wor b ' Ihl' Dllhl'ss o Baynrd. " 'hilt'IIS she tloll ! : lhere nmolg the I ' . n ' from \ ' ' ' ' ' , IreI'l. WI 1\1'1' 01' IItll qll I nloue ? he , I' . wOldlJrct wih more thal a I. touch of Inxlet ' , WIS she Unhlllll1 ( ' . luII she Iome thure to weep n wa ) " hlr I Ilrt w ? His henrl went out to her ; h rl'memhered her tnshlon at wanterln I10ne , If II'r nn ' Itlo clold cnmo be I wef'n . ltm. "PIHlr Irl'nlJl" he murmured : "Rlthou , ! he Is R lIulI \ ) " u wlnlhy \"lulful YOUI tllf'hu"H , Ilour Ireul' ! " A II ruug 1IIIIse cn lIIe 10 him to dl 1'hlt he hnd ne\'l'r done hef01-to hl ! her Ilnrdol for thu wrong he hod dOlI hl'r. In Ihnt moment he forgot her ' 0\ It of \'lgeance ; he forgot the revenll II' whIch she hnt IlwuYI . thrlltl'ned hili wih ; he forgot u\'er.thil' : I'XCUt. hO\1 'I 'oulg IIlt talr IItHl Inllnel'lIt Hhe w , , : wbeu he fOlnd her h ) ' III broollllle , ani Ii 11e91lnlrng ! whell Aho hnll leC him n Uel'rhro\'e , le wn ! slIllrcml'ly hIPP In the love ot hIs , ' II "HI . IUII his ht'lr II Wl'lIt Olt to her III (1 , li' Inngl'll lha , sIl should torgh'o him ; hl' longed to ' I Iwr ; It he hnll Ihnl , he should b Il1rtln 'I mn-cl the " In tb .s. . cerllllly h"Pllh"Iln 1'1 world. III 11' would go InlllIlr 1I0Ilerha ; ( Ir- on Ihl1l 10\'e ' , lln3' Ih.llillL her hl'llr dl wOllll he sofulCII 10 hllll : lhe lunshln { .he 10w rl , nnd Ihe ' mh fralrlllcl' m\ Iit plelt for him. 1" " 01111 ulk hlJr fo III the 10vl' ot hln'l'l to Corg 'e him thi lt his Rlns mllht e bloth't out or his lt , ' he /nd forutl'I , 1m 11' lef Ihe hl'lh Irl''s nlld went I Ihl' ' ot thl' ' coul 111 tlrt'rlol lillI drl'sl ; hI hl'I' us qlllekl ' ho hoped 1111 10t tlIll IH 1111 \ clo ; al tme ! she W , II 11'nnlsh frll hi Illht ulorg II tf'l'S , 11111 'lt othlr tlH II path : to ! she 10111 WIIS. till 10 ICllng \bt lt rst ( ' 0 b ronlllll. ) :1' : , ( ,1 InltmO t1 the Chltohrl i' 'lw Il ole Ihl'll 1\01 oC the sl II , ; . Illnl'lJl1 Irole tlnt llrch or nnlz : Ir. n from the ' tO11 IhoWH fnlng of ) 'e ' 'I'H ' 11'0\1018 , unt II ft folowl' nllts I : ; 1,5i.OlO : Con rlJn tonnl , $7mooU : IIJ 1'lllsl'oJllln. : $ H.8l1OO ; Iltherq III $8,10,000 : lethollllt$18,051Oi Pr ln , b'torlno , 10,338O 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ , ' , i ' .t _ . - - rllIEY LIVE IN rrHE SEA. ; PEARL DIVERS OF THE PACIFIC OCEAN , - - Thlrfln , Jllnlll , Bclween Atltrnln nnt New Gulnen , li the Ccnter of the JUcheMt lcur PIHhcrlel hI thc \'orld -A lulJerluH Culll , A lal'gl ) rollortol of lhl pearlH that ' ' . ' of thu sex II'l'l. thl fall thl'Ult ! gente Irl' rOllllln thl' Iaclfc OClnnJI oua of lll' rllH'it of the pearl Ishlrlc ! IH ' the ' . ' ' of ' , ' 11:1' 1'111. ) Hhor'H 1hlrsllI ) 111111 'l'hlt 1IILII II enl of the mORt ( ' 1'1111 Inll Iltm'pHUng llts of Inut on the glll , , 1 Is the ( OIII1l'h(1 center ( If I 1'll'e lf II'ullo who J\e prctl' ( al ) ' In Ihl spa , ' 11r l'e the IHnrl ti\'p'i ! of thc pnlnc OClUl , 'l'hllfHII ) ' I H 11 II Is one of the ltte , rUII of coml forlatonH 1)'lnK ho t wecn Australa aJI Now Gulnen. 'ral. , ( n to ehl'r lhl' Ilrgest of these IsIIIIls ( 'onsuule n calendar , with an Islanl fUI' O\ ) ' day o the week , heglnnh\ ; ' ' . 'l'hursda ' , with Hln'la ) Isllnd. ) Illllll COIIIIHIH 'I'ores Strai , Helreseu - t\'CH of nerl ' ILU the nations of thl' fIl' I ast IUY ho Heen lL ) ' dllY nlol ! Is Hhol'CS. dlsllOltll theJseh's ! II the wltlr-I"lplols " , JUIHnese , ChInesI Bust IlllulS , lr1lnn , InpluUs. ' 10 the 11 ht of the Isllnd. n\nln for l , OO Jll' towl the A Istrlun con t , Is a Bt'otl'l oC wn vll reenejetntou , np. ' the Hurfuco or the pa1ellt a1nat UIOI Illnchl OCl'al. This Ja the tp of the Ol'ent UUI'rler Heef , the mORt notahle corl rC'f II the woril. 'l'h1ougl1ut Is 10lgth Its hllks are Iled with Ileul'l o 'sters. 'l'hursduy Islnld forms the rlt market for these o 'slcrR. Aholt i OO , . 000 worth of Hhels arc ralle allualy nlllg the reef all on the wester CO.lst of Australa. 'l'ho bURI1ess of pearl fshln IR l'Olluced on the bnsls of the proUt frol the o'lteshels. . ' 1he learlR ure eleu. gain , the value \al'ylng a great deal One penrl fuund In 180 sol for i2,000 , unother ( or i 1.10) Pearls worth ! O ure quite common. ' 1ho ahels of pearl o'stors are o [ enormoua size , meall'lnfrCluenty eIghteen lucles ncross , ' 1he O'stO'H ; 10 In thl I'a fnstenel to rocks , especialy carl rocks , and qule away from RIII n11 dirt. 'rhey huuJ hy thrend.lw tlments. aholt a dozen In bunch. The business of the dIver 18 to cut this tl'ead ald hrlng up the o 'stl'M. 'rhe shels are wurth from HOO t ill u ton for the best ; the poorest from ; . to WO 1 tOi 'l'he uatlvcH trde them for lerchundlse , und realze about 115 a ton on the a\erage. lrlRhll II done In sml1 heats or 11- ers. Blch bent IIIS a Illpln aPllr- .ahl to force nil to tbe dl\ors 1uler water , The amalest bat , with appat" ntua. Is worth ! . ' ' Is , Pol. 'l'he huslness Isery dangerous BOIOIH tsh , sharl.s and squil IhoUU1 Shark rarel ) ' atack llvers , hit cn- Illensely 10 tbelr nen'ous- trlmle . ' of Inl.y ness. Hquld exude a Iuaut ) blacl. lquId , which dangerously clouds the wa tor. , JapnleRe nre the bl'st dl\lrs. 'l'hl.\ stay 1ller wnter longr , dare more. and ( an hI reled upon hetter thln an ' of the othcr types. AmonJ the lalY ' dln'rs , nllh'es wOlon 111 snlcessful 'l'he ) ' go down without dl\lng suis , fnstonlng slone to theh' felt to helll thcl to sink. Nutl\cs nlll l1vl'l 11'1 not alowed to opell tl OysterH. A clrefll watch Is kept to provell Ihc tllf of lns uudo the I' 'O or l1 IX- Ilrrl'III'11 fOI'Iln , . uod opern Ilr en I opel l ton or shel ! In oue da ' , - - RESCUING A CAT , - - 5t , r.ollH lln Clmhcll I HiJh , Pole to 81''c nn Anllll . \ the risk of hIs ml Wllal ClYUPR , of St I.olls. clmbecl 1 tlnJllole 11'lltt \'e ' high to rlcne 1 1111" ' . 'hIH or ' Is , ' II : 1'1. ' Illee I 11'0 I r'lort. : ' l'tllll" the Il's > C\Cllts 11 tl' dll ' , ! 1I1IOIIIIH , hld no 10t\O hit srl- ! . ' ; 111lh . 1 1IIIIh 111111 II Ilstre . \ 'hl' " . tl 't leCol'e , the cut hlll rll 111 I Ihl' t:1 tnl"lllf II CnI 1Irk 11 her : ' , it of n ' ' , When th , l1 'flll'row WI : \.lhil three feet of hll , tl sJlrrow 111\\ a WI ' , ' 'hl'l the clt , hU l'111 01 I "IiIhlll'k. . l'ltIUl'\ 1'llh lnt I , . . . . . ' rllchcl the goldel bal at the llil . 'If Ihl' , , Hho I 1011 Ild this to tcr. , : OlltCI ! . \for n brief rl.t she tied to de , " 11111 Then her Ceet ! llllld , 1111 Kho lall I hl 118CO\'y t hl t her cia WH , nl , t hOI h I'XI'f'lllt for clmbllg. 1"111 111 , \ prl' Isf'less Whll Rhe Ilt her wI'lght 1101 tl'n II'nl IloWI 'hl rotllllY 11 the 111 or t'rl h nt tll Ill'\'ltO t I'lml',1 , to deJrl'o her of the 10WH' to t ,1lcl'lll hlckwl\d ; so ahe snt Illtlhllg t. Ihl' hiIlt thl' tOil of the swu 'IIg pole , r allil 1'1'111 IIW'OIII ' , : I 'I'hrl/hl of olle II ht or mlllll ; } ' , I h 1'0 I ! h I hI' folowilr In ' . /lcl I hel I III'I\h ! llothl'I' Ilght Shl' CI1I ! coltl t :111 : hllr ) ' . 10 hlr nlrrIWI''h. . . Oi " III thlnl 'I/ - n ' / plrk.keeler 1111 / 10' , t lil'Pll1 tlllll to l'l'nch her , The 101cI" Ir 111 1'lmIH'11 forty flet fll wns thll : t 0\1/1"1 to glvl 1"Cnll't 1111 enl o " , I t : } " tl' poor Irltur ! ? he IIH'I ! 1\1- 1111 hlt I'IInt hI 1111 dOWl , I . ' 11'11'illl U 'nC 1 Ihlhr In n . o .tll'l fll'Ior3' , 1111'1 of hil I'O/t 1111 I" lllll'l ( II lhe 1111' , Foot by fOOL hI 8 Wl'llt , Intl he hnc renehrd UII 1IIIIt , I fl'I - 1111 Iho\1 th ( ' grolntllro II l ht 1011lnHt WIR splccd Oi nil this I 111. S\I'II ltel , which to the IWlple hl'llll luola'll 1.e a reil. nllll whllh . 1'1'11 1111 tl'mblet 11111 CI'uP/ IX I " , 'Ihl Illowlr work"11 hIs wny , ! -t 0111' , \ hll l\nr thl top. hI II/lINI II , ' 11'1 ; 1 fl'Icet 'lhl' crowII gnthl'l'lll : t Ih'ln\ , . : I'I'rll. nnt Inn ) ot the Slll ( [ ) j tulors ( 'IJ'11 to hIm t come dOWI , 1 , ' tllr thl pole tht halIte , 111 Il' : rlppcr t\ \ \ ; ' 1 1,1 , ' .hlll. 1111 Hlowl ' worked hIt J " .I 111 , uul hI Wlt olly 'Ien fcet fl'OI' ; = : = - ; - . _ d ' . l r J 'c' li l ! : , . _ - - - - " - TOMAS ESTRADA PALMA , fnST PRESIDENT Of CUBA , . y"I I y"f y"I f j I - ' 'omnR ERtrnl1 Inlmn I ! n IUh , . ell , . man He Well" l'It hll'k lotl le mO\ R 1II'OIHI ' Indllul'kl ' , wllk ID blH hlue e'I' " aR hI tllkH , lo Is Ilv , IRhly 101te , afer the mllll'I' of thl' 111 Spnnlsh fwhool. Hil { hltl IH morl' thln strong fI I a rlHsl\e , bl'III. whut country - , Wl'll , peple 111 jumfr-II . whlh mlll' thl t hli lhlll hl.tr 'H Rtren1th 1111 n gl'lgslol Ialll'l II th. hlJhet llwr , ' 'be 11ISlll'lt of thl rllllh\l' Ir Cuhn I Hi yl" old. He wus horn lt BUYI- mo , In thl 1110\111 of nltllJI IIH mother trh'l 10 keeJ him out of thl revolutolar.10llnls whl'h WII' ( ' hrowllJ II the lllulll 1111 hh YOlth , She ' welt So far lS to restrIc him to the hmllllries of lhl' BI 'tIO etltl' , ARsoclltl ! ! h ! Iml'\ II mlst hlve. hut , hlH bo ' frll'IHlt hll to ( ' 011' to Rl' ( ' him ; he WII not I/mnl to'Isl thel , 'il fl thl'r hlt cll whlI 'IIIIS WI ! \'l' ' YOUIJ. ' ,11n he WIS Hi 'elrs old h" hroke frm hlH mothll" " leudlng strlllJH 111111 to 11111 to ttulh' . on lfter that tl' 11eth of hlA 10th 'r left hIm In ole pOltrol of I lt os- tnte. . lellt hal. to Hu 'nll Jrl to 111. 1f' It. By this Inw rlh/111 1111 hrkl'n out IPt'el ' 1111 11111 l'USt h 1 : 101 wll the Isllnll (1I't. ( " . Yllr of ngltutoll nnd , In organl7ltolI folowed whllh the cat fve fcet. two fe ( ! . . mllelt In tel' he hnt lllld the tOil , n 111 wl'a II- /Ing his I H III 011 hUld trll ' nbout the ' , he slllllm' ftnf IlachCI thl . ulhl'r 11111 0\11' the 1 Iml 1111 elt. I ' II'ked the elt frol hl'r plnce of 1111 1' . Thei he s/ll dowl tie pole to thc rould . , whel'l hI stod II Ilmclt : for the.crowd to InRplt thl CI I hlfore he tool , Iwr of 10 et her Rl ! mik. MOLD PLANTS , Bcaut 108 of the FnnlIM that Guther. on Jelle. uld , lroHol'etl J'ruls , Iold o\'er jl/ ' or Ilrlser\'C1 fMll If jUHt ' rl' lrllld as I Ilest , 'It sclelltHt , who have ' It ' ' stullh't Ultl' thl mll'lo fcoil" declll ( thut thl m01 Illult Ii I 10t level ' erenton. 11111'111. \\ler 11 the Kltchel ln a7ltH Nn ' 1 thll lIolhllg In nature li 10'e hllutful ' 1hese IlultR Ire IHlocntl'l II 1\ 11111s wih Ih'llh ItI Il'I ' , 1111111111 dl'n'loI"1 IlrcIsoulnj Ilrljullce hlR ' , \ny ' thl' ' 110 IJalnRt thel II lny I'asc' ' " ' ( Iecy , blt nH the II ' l'lsts I hU\'I' the fuullst . 11011 , " 0 I 1011 IIY te\'llol ItR froit.lkl Inlltllllts I ni lml I I'SH , Its lxlllHlte 1'0101'1111. III tbl' of . ' ' mllst IHllefactloll. HUl tl' Ilso Ihrl\'e In til' Ilelllst Hol , une1'1' whol ' hnrlll' 11 their rWUI , ' 111' mORt 1'0 I I on or thl loltl IH thl Iollllul IIIUII , WI'I klOWII to hPlll'klellOrH nH th ( fUIjIR , 11"IIfRt whllh I tght IH mule lit clllln llI. It Ih'st form ! I Jr'llh'KrU11 11 l , I III If , torUI a , ' . rllo\e Iln Jle JOwtl'r.r Under the ' ' IH I n dust mlcr08l'01l' wOl41'rCul thln , hit bOIRl'wlveR nre llrhnhlr INt IltlrlRtlf In Its f01'1 thnu II IlthodH of cmhntnJ It II thllr tnlg le for OXlstll'l' Ihl 1111tf 11'err hnrd ' awl obftnnle. aU11 Illtlrl ! his II'o\'IINI thol wih I WiY . of IIISltllj thl 10HI l'nrl'lul )11 Ii ft. lhllr ulclollll 'hl' Hlll'L' whll'h tnI' tIllnl'I' of II IIIH , HOlltll' ror n 1'laHOI thUH rnr IlklOWI lo SI'lIco , plRR Ilto I restl ! Rt1 l histelil ( f slH'Oltl lt 01(1. thlJ Il tOlllult 101 11 Illfn 1 I Ilrlol III erl Inl te aJ' InrllIl ) ' lt theIr OWI RWIlt wll A Uerlln " 'clmtHt ' hlH dlslOH'I'ciI thnt I 11111 Iny II' qllescnt tor two YII'S , Inll twn IHllr ( I\ol'nhll ( 'llllonH of hll nlil 10lHt I1' , 111\11011 1110 n stutJ1th , 'l'hl ! I. Jrohlbl ' Ihe rllfOI whtrlt Inr txllli 10 lult ( or lonhH 1111 thl1 11111111 - 1111 tll hOISl'kl'llllr' IWlrl 10 tnllt b ' I thick r(1'1I JI'owth . I h'nK I'\er 'whel'e , "ut'rlll " 1:1. Inlec" ell ' IU ' eXllel't to wil Ihl dl ' olu'lly of Al Umhreln , \h(1 tll IIII ' fn t dowl II the CII Hhl' 11t h'r Imbrlln In the Inl'row Hi hl'l WI''n thl wludow ulll thl hlwk II the seu I , Thei Khe 10ok(1 wih whnl UIO . New York 'rlhune cnlt nn nIl 01 \Il.tory 1111 C11ISOI at the Htlllil . I1B81I er who Hit hoJll their 11 hrelll Ilcomfortn bl ) ' 1 gn IIRt thl'll I klee I O cu when Ue er hl'cll'l thl - 11111 lore ni neth'e nwl promlnm 1111't 11 18HS , wll'l 01111 wnr b nn , he om' o ( ' ' tbe - Wlt tl' 1'11111A II l1wly- ' ( ' le lsllth'e hod ' . HJI h < ; lo tow II Ule t which the WIR t Il\n HJIIIsh troolls descellllfd. ' 1he pat- rlotA. lo\'ltl It 1ll\tpdl ' nN they dhl , ' I WIS 11 ( Id IInd 1IIlaHnlt l'lt ) ' or hOllS , 111'1'\ to the Jrolll. 10 thnt 11' olcolllJ t' lleltH Hhould fld - nl'I11r foOl \OI' slwIl' thlrc , Dulll the ' or JlHrrln I'nlpaljnllg the ' 1'11 YI'lrH' Wnl 11111 WIS elete Prlhlllt of n re/lllc o lllzed hy tll'tl'OOi. II 18ii hl' WIA ( 'npturl'd by the ! 111 II rdH. 1111110101 fur a ShOl' tln III HI\III. nue Intlr tlkm to Hpnill. ' { he wnH ( 'ntncdln 1U old l'IStC ff' 0\1' a 'I'lr. H , ' IlklH { I' ( ! 10 In' Ihl' HIHnllrtf twlr chII. nnll SI 'S he'aH treltcd wih rl'l t k hllnl'A nld t'JI' : h ' th-I \ . \ll'r hlH rllelHP hi' WIS IIOtmlter ellell of HOllu1H for 1\1' 'l'lrB , ami tWI 1'111 10 the l'Ilel Slntes , whl rn ! le l tlhlHhed I coleJlltl school for I CUhl111 ! outh Allrl'llI by lt ' Clmtral'IIe ' , : Y. lull the hl t stru/Ile for Clbl n Ill'lllllclIle Il wnt tll III } of Ule , jlnll whIch. with leldqlnrl'l' II New' YOI'I , . ralfCI 1 01 elnl l'arrl'l 01 a I Ilroll 11111 In behllC of thl ( : UHr. Illl'eln . toJIl'd I IIt wen OWI the I hol. , hut Itl OWIII' dId 10t Iotcf , Is ' tliIIIlal'III'e UIIIIlhl' roi' 10 gt out I " \hl'1' Is lY ulire/l 'f she cl'led , . " ( OllcIIPlor. SO 1 1'1 111.hl ! Hlolell IY 11 II'PIl , I Illt It Iight II tJl1-thlt the . " slt II lnr. ' ' 'lll I IIHI IHrhlll1 'Ol la ' et I IIXt . . SU I 1l' when Ihcy 1'1'(1111 ( the Cll. . IIHWCI'I the ( 'ollluclor , Inlahl ) ' , "But It cOllcII't hn1 gonl' II0wl . there. I mlle Hlre It l'lldl'l drop dOWl SOle ole hl8 8tollu It" " ' "Wel , I'I 80rr ' , but I cal't blok the , llI Do YOI wnnt to tet of It thiN ' " Hlop' ! I "I wlll m ) ' umhrelI , "Olle , . " 10lellt madnm. MId the man oplolle. 1 ( took hIs own Ilbrll. I wll'h hlt 1 . hook-bhlle < IIUIle , nnd ' wlnl fHhlll . . "Don't telr IU" I'rlcd Ihe woman , ! ) .I'H a lke s011. nlc I think 1 gor' ' of It ' I < l'll hccllse I eous"l I'lc " gl \ I t to me. A 11'1' n f'w proheN. Ihe l'I'/I'lIf'l (111'11 I out n Ilrt ' ' It Ilhrlla nlt hlllt''J 10 0 W , I I 111 " ' 1hllk YOI. Hlr ! " Hhl ! lllllcd. nlil stloll Oi ! 'hl' 1:1111110' JI/I'1 te ' ' ' ' . ' - ( "I ' hCI-'I'd . - ) 'Jhl' 111HlI r'f f Si 1 Id. - - - , , OllahlntngeM 0' 1 Int , 1lnj-1oll Ii IUt ni Ilmlt : l1'11 bll'iHlug , whel pll(1 11 a 11 t-tbll IH tl t" Ih\'Ir II other 1/lrtUllts , " ) ' \ ' Is all. "Tie 1111) IIlIt I\H o\'er ml d\tl'l to the Jun\ , " ! 1 'f one \I.tl ! , " 11\1 I 11 (11111111' wllh HOIW of the wbllks of \ ' In such ' - trl 1\11 cot n'll- HOlf with hahllll 111 'III ers , J'J- ulll'l ' IHr ' Ilght ntc' dlnler I hear tl' turlturl 11 Ihl ! wll 101 nhn11' hellg ( llId nholt th ( room , I Imow thlt the 1II'ge taile Is heltlg 11'1'11111 for t hI ; allle. .Hler tllt ( . hll' slenllr Ult I hedUl1 the Iwtlta- 11' I II 0 IOlle ! of thl lats. 1111Ig-JOIJ pllgPOIJII . -JOII ! US tl' llle O'H I know 01. , lou't lt whlt tnlhey I ( " ' tn HtOl "II'nlle n lWIl'om letore thnt 111 :111 tl ' 10 o ' 0 sl'ep , I Is Iot- IIISAllll to elo 111 'lhllg II tie Ilrwlng 101 III wh(1 tl COIItllt alld In- ChlllJll - ) lnIII Is hllrd , - - - - - - - - Ht'/ ri n g H"\'I'I'S'H , , \R ' ' . ' 1 l'ul' WOIIII lIear forllle' ! re \mls IIUcr Ihan Iln , . \ WOlnn per- ' tOllS IIll' IICtH of Helf-llel11 ! 38 u Ilt- ' ' of ' ' ' ' Hhe t'I' l'OUI'Rl' ; h'IH her lp 0"1 1111 lO II I I Ilxlrl'8 , or m'cl IC'eIHlrfel wlholt l'Olmclt or I'olhlllt : thtrl' , furl' hl'r . of 11INI.of unslllshnes ofh'l 1'1'1 Ill notlI' , , ' [ hI 1I'Il'nge 11 I l1 I- lint 110 Ihls le 1U ' rellllulll some hl UIII wi hOlt 1 rowlj hl : lllhtl II I Irellt l'I'IIIlatol 111) ' be ChIU'Ul'- h'I'I7pt , I ' thl' Slle ( xe\\lur ' It- Uell ' whIch murks such woten ft 1 tme. hiI , shollil the otrilg of IIICeU t01111 ll\'I'rtr Il tH t\\ero us to tuku from him 11) ' of thl trlUls which he r tI'lbl I I mntrr of ' . hI he t'IImorn w , 11\1 hlb lelpcl' slll'rs ! n l'lIselelCI . _