, . . I _ _ . = - , . Ceutr . l.NelJr sku Stock Uroven ; 8S . elation Meet ! ! . Broken Bow , Nebr. , Saturday , July 5th , 2:30 : p. m.-Uuder call for the secend regular annual. . meeting of Central Nebraska : Stock Grower's Association , its Jnembers convened in the court room in this city. Present- : . A. George , Pres. ; S. \Varrick , ' 1'reas. ; 1. A. Re- ' ( neau , Secy. ; and Geo. Templar , J. A. Kellenbarger , S. Wadding- ton , James , ' \Vooel , Da\'id Christian - tianYillis C lllwell , Clarence Metcalf , F. C. Embree , . J. Ric'.mrdson , 'I'om li'inlen , A. D. Johnson , H. M. Sullh'an and several visiting stockmen not members of the Association. Minutes of the first rl'gular annual meeting of July ( Ith , 1901 , and also of all subsequent ! ; ' , , ' and execu ti vc meetings , were read and each were appro\'ed. The reports of the secretary and treasurer were submitted , and on motion of S. \Varrick"sec- ; - . oned by 1. A. Reneau , an l auditing - ing committee was appointed by the president to audit the accounts - counts respectivel ) ' . Committee reported . substantially - tially as follows : "We , your committee , appointed - ed to audit accounts of secretary and treasnrer find as follows : 'I'reasurer's acc't balance . $125.85 Recieved fees , six members - bers , $5.00 each. . . . . . . . 30.00 . 1- . - $155.85 $ . Vouchers paid. . . . . . . . . . 134.80 Balance on hand. . . . . . . . .S 21.05 ' 1'hat the sccretar"s book corresponds - responds with same , with order of $6.00 outstanding to balance. Present ( payin ) membership" Dated July 5th , 1902. t CI'ARlmCH 1\h\TCALF , I Signed , { S. VIADDING'l'ON , 'VILIIS CADWItLL , AmJiting Committee. On mohon , the report of the auditing committee .was accepted - ed and the original ordered filed. Under a suspension of the rules , ' \V. A. George was elected presi- dentj L. H. Jewett , vice-presi- I dentj S. K. Warrick , treasur r ; I 1. A. Reneau , secretary ; each to succeed him , .1f in office and each I for the third term to his respect- rive , posi tions. I W. A. George , L. H. Jewett , I \Vadding-ton , D. Christian and Clarence Metcalf were each elected - ed a member of executive commit - mit tee. U neler motion of D. Christian and the withdrawal of his name as member of the executive committee - mittee , H. B. Andrews was elected - ed to fill the vacancy. A general discussion of matters - ters of interest to stock growers followed election of officers. ' 1'hat of "scabbers" or itch in cattle being the principal topic. This was very fully considered from , 'arious points of view and , I Where to locate ? Why , in the territory travcrscrl hy the 1 L uisville & Nashville Railroad. -THE- Great Ccntral Southern Trunk I.ine , -IN- Kentucky .Ten nessee , Alabama , . Mississippi , Flordia , -WIIFRF- . ' } , Fruit Growers , Stock Raisers , Manufacturcrs , In vcstors , Spcculators , anlll\Ioncy I.cnders , I will finel the greatcst chanccs in the United States to make "big money" f by reason : of the abundance and of chearncss I.Bnl nt1l1 Fanns , Timber 111111 Stol1t , Iron anll Coal , Labor-F\'erything ! Frcc sitcs , financial assistance , allli , frecllom from taxation for the mauu- ( acturer. , I.andanl1 farms at I.OO per acre . . and upwards , anll 500,000 acrcs in , , West J'lorilla that can be taken gratis I under thc IT. S. Homcstead laws. Stock raising in the Gulf Coast District - trict will make ellormous uofits. Half farc excursions tIe , first and third Tuesdays of cach month. Lct us kllow what you want 111111 we will tell ) 'ou whcre and how to get it -but don't dclai" as the countr ) ' i ! filling > rapilly. Printcd matter , , maps Ul all information free. Allilress / : . & R ] . WEMYSS , , General Immigration anll Industrial Agent , I..OUIKVII..1..F. , Ie , ' . " \ I _ _ _ _ _ 4.- . . , . . ' , . byinear.i : ali members'presen , and developing the : fad that at the present time , th di ease is throughout the c \ ntrY nd is spreading at a'n alarniing ex ent. 'I'he secretar ) ' reported that he had been in correspondence with the National Stock Gro\fers Association - sociation and had received reports - ports of its spread throughout Colorado , 'Vyoming ami Utah , and that our association had bccn requested to take active steps to check the disease. The' secretary also reported t .at the question of tanks or dippin vats had been suggested and that four localihes had been named as most convenient for use of all members of the association. The places suggested being Broken Bow , Anselmo , South Loup , at or near George's ranch , and tbe Middle Loup , at or near.Reneau's ranch , or at Gates. Discussion or the places named followed , and also the plan for raising funds for the erection vats and .pens , and by common consent , decision was reached to mtke an assessment upon the association for that purpose , and that a nominal fee be char.ged each party not a member ot the association - ciation who might have occasion to use the vats. ' 1'he price for non-members being variousl } " estimated - timated at from 6c to 10c per head. On motion of Sullivan , seconded - ed byVarrick , that it be the sense of this association that the erection of field vats is demanded - ed .for the public good , and that the executive committee be instructed - structed to act at once for the association in arrangements for the erection of vats at points designated-Broken Bow , Ansel- mo , South Loup , Middle Loup , and also at Dunning. Carried. The advisibility of making a general call to all stoc men of the country tor a meeting early in August , to be held tinder the auspices of the association was favored by many of the memb rs , and such call is expected at once under order of executive cow- mi ttee. A discussion of importance for counter brand on any animal sold in locality was had , and on motion the secretary was instructed - structed to issue circular urging upon the members this necessity. Meeting adjourned at 4:30 : p. m. 1. A. RENEAU. . - - - - - ORTFI..I.O. ( Omitted from last week. ) P. C. Embree haS a fine piece of fall wheat. The school meeting passed off quietly Monday. Jno. Teahon made a trip to Callaway Saturday. S. Waddington went to Droken Bow , Saturday. . Mn ; . Gray and children went to Omaha . last week. C. D. Day was at the ranch Saturday allll Sunday. Rye will be ready to harvest by the last of the week. \ G. O. Joyner was at Brokcn Bow , Saturday - urday and Sunday. A. D. Hunt was taking the school census the latter pnrt of the week. I , . 1\1. Davis and wife , of Omaha , are visiting their parelts at this place. Several of our nt'ighbors attended the Masonic dinncr .at Merna , last week. Mr. 1100te made his last trip as mail carrier Saturday. J. . Smith of Merna , will succeed him. 'fhe growth of corn has heen greatly retarded by a heav ) ' frost and unusually cool weather , hut July's heat will certainly - ly make it grow. B.OU.N V.a.I..I. . V. _ Fritz Whelman bought a team nUll buggy lately , he 111ust have something in site. Afrell Larson and Othm with their famil L s were S\11l1laying with 'Vm. Hllingson. Corn is growing fast now days , It is tr'ing harllto make up'lo t time , and it looks as it will. I I . Pet Johnson and famil ) ' was SundaylnK. with Adolf Fllingson and Julius Johnson - . son and Family with Fred Weinman. The West Union hall team played in this valley last Sunday against the Rounl1 Valley 00)5 and won the game. Come again boys. 'fhere is no lI an in this I e ghborhood that works harder In the corn field now than Bert Francois-do you know why ? . Ltl.L .1 He ia surely going loon . to hi on , . . . . . . . ' - & ' . ; \ . - b lneS : - Se\'ert Lee and Hartey } " , nt OVer llind to.d y r r'K arne ) ' M ( " legute ! ! . to the demo.pop Congress convention. Mrs. Lee accompanied them a9 far as to } 'ig Basin where she i , to visit Gust Olsen . and family. John Francol ! ! who sold out last spring 81111 wcnt to Washington , hits uotified , Joe III\\11nont tbat he will com. . back Again in October and that he want his farm back again. He is fortunate , that he sold it on conditions thl\t he could get back if requcsted. ( Omiued from last week. ) Dert l ngelsgjerd has been dowu with rheumatism the last week. N. K. Lee is the next to add u two row cultivator to his im lements. Doys look out or you "ill soon get out of n job , as one mnn can soon do the work for two. Roy Westbrooks oldest girl got her leg hroken above the nnkle by n run- \ ' y team last week. The last 10 days of June was unusual. There was a two inch min last Saturday - day night and Sunday. It did good. Small grain is booming this. Finer than it has been for many years. There is winter wheat in this valley that will go 30 bnshels to the acre. Jt.VNO Mrs. J. H. McClure atlli Mrs. Charles McDermott visited amongst relatives : at Oconto nnd R'no over Sunday. Picket and Pclkey accompanied by Michel McDonalrt and Weaver -Headley startcd enroute to Hamilton count ) ' . Saturday to thresh. Mr. Pelkey is away aUil Mrs. Pelky and their 12 year old son are laying by one hundred'acres of com. She sets the yield at 5000 bushels. Patrons of Ryno I ) . O. are putting in mail boxes and I will serve notice that it is a penitenituary offense to meddle with them as 1. D. Shuman bad two boxes tom own that he ba erected for mail delivery under the old system. "A word to the wise is sufficient. " ( Omitted from last week. ) Dmncl : gathered 33 bushels of strawberries - . berries from alquarter of al acre. Still it mins and vegctation is getting therc and farmers arc resting and smiling. Virgil Allcn COltUMnc't\ cutting hia rye on S turday , is fine supposed yield from thirty to thirty five bushels per. acre. ReceivCld mail on new route thil ; mom- ing July I , 1902. C. V. Ricbardson , Contractor and Andrew Chrlstinson , carrier. Picket lLUd Pelky threshed in Hamilton - ton couuty last scaon ! , they left their thresher , they will go and thresh again this season. Ice cream and strawberry festival at Custcr school hous was a success net- ti g "I5. 5. P oceed9 uPP.1ied to the Orphans bome at Council Bluffs , Iowa. GItORGIt'J'OW.N Al > plicatioDs for Durr Oak School began - gan to pour in. We bave at last been favored witb about n week of fair weather. Willis Cadwell and family of Broken Dow were on the Loup for the Fourth. Mrs. Barrett of Mema spent the Fourth with her daughter Mrs. Diab Woodruff. The County Surveyor is in the neighborhood settling linc coutcoversies. S. S. McConnel retum't\ from Omaha Saturday where be shipped a car load of cattle. 'fhe dance at Campbells new home was a very plea ! ant affair and very much enjoyed - joyed by all. OU1' celebration was quite a success for a starter. The crowd was estimated at 250. Silas Thompson was overcome by the heat while cnltivating corn Satnrday aftcmoon. He is abont again. The rccent flood waheduway part of Judge J10blets irrigation dam and slighly damagcd the mill dam amI race. Ry request thc bowery will not be tom down inllnediatl ) ' . It will he1SIed for n dance some time in the nCl\r future. Guy Seevers sustained a sprained ankle in : ltepplng from a high sidewalk at Oconto thc Fourth. He is able to he 'about. Ru I McSherry lcft for Mema , 'fues- day where she expects to spend the summer with her grandmother , Mrs. Darrett. Mrs. Hicks and Mrs. Ayers of Pilot Knob , Wisconsin , who have been visiting their sister Mrs. Peter Beck , returned to their home last week. Saturday's hail storm was as close call as we desire. Vegetation - tion was almost prounded into the earth both north and west of us , two and five miles respectively. At the annual school meeting Mondav , J. E. M'ers was chosen director and A. N. Robinette treasurer. A 5 mill levy was voted and 7 months school decided - cided upon. Mr. and Mrs. Farrell and daughterMaud , Adolph Ander. i soh and' sister : Pearl Jewett and . . . . I . ' T Fred Stack of Bro en Bow enjoyed - joyed a da's outing at tbl ! mill dam the Fourth. The base ball game resulted , Scrubs 121 Ii'irst team ( I. l d. Lyons the first team pitcher twirled the spher for the second team , which undoubtcdly accounts - counts for thc scorc as he did some ver ) ' prell ) ' work. - - . " uI"lvc I'coturc , Blackheads , pimples , grcasy faces and muddy complexions , which arc so common among women , especiall ' girls at a certain - tain age , destroY1l1g beauty , disfiguring - figuring and making repuls'c \ features which would otherwisc appear attractive and rcfiued , indicate that thc livcr is out of order. An occasional dose of IIcrbine will cleanse the bowel ! ; regulate the livcr and so cstablsh a clear , healthy complexion. 50c at md. McComas' llrolen Bow and Merna. ( } W1) Meotlug. 'I'he arrangements for the Methodist Camp Meeting and EiJ\vorth Lea ue Assembly at Callaway are being pushed to completion. 'l'he program has already been printed , and gives evidence of careful planning. I ' ' fact that the committec have secured the , scrvices of Rev. Geo. L. Barker of New Jersey , as evangelist , and of Mr. Robt. Davies , of Cozad. as musical - cal director , givcs assurance that these two important features i will be in thoroughly competent hands. ' 1'he date will be July 24th to August 3rd. Information - tion regarding other attractions. Also in regard to rent of tents and other expenses will be found in the printed programs , or may be had of any Methodist preacher in the district. Decide now to enjoy this gathering , and send your order for a tent before July 12. Qne for the round trip on railroads. TO CURIt A COLD IN ONE DA V Take Lriat\Y8 \ UroIDe Quinine Tablell. All dlUIUrlatl rofuudbe monllY If It fallil to curo. E W ; ( ] royo'l Ili.uaturo lion cach box. 2 . . , . . . . - . - I A1Aedc1. ' s BEST . " . . . . Edltorlolly Foorlo8A Conolotontly Ropublloon News from All of the world-Well writtcn , original stories-Answen. to queries-Articles on Health , the Homc , New books , HI III 011 'York abollt the farm aud garden. The W ekly Inter Ocean Is a membcr of the Associatell Pres : , the only Western Newspaper receiving thc entire telegraphic news ser\ice of the New York Sun and special cable of the New York World-daily reports from ovcr 2,000 speciul correspondcnts throu hout the country. YEAR ONE DOLLAR Subscribe for the RHPU I.ICAN anll the Weekly Inter Ocean one year , hoth papers for f,1.50. - - . " . . . . . . ' . . - . . . - - TlJe I.crleot I..iver ltlctUclnc. Mrs. 1\1. A. Jolle ) ' , Noble , O. ' 1' . , writes : "I have u3cd ! Her- binc for a number of : rears , and can cheerfully recommcnd it as the most pcrfect Ih'cr medicine , and thc greatl'st blood purifier. It is a mcdicine of pogitive merit and fully accomplishcg all that is claimed for it. " Malaria cannot - not tind a lodgmcnt in thcsystem while the livcr is in perfect ordcr , for enc of its functions is to pre- vcnt the absorption of fcver pro- ducting poisons. IIcrbine is a most cnicient li'cr regulator. 50c at gd. McComas' Broken Bow and Merna. 1lIl1nl1 To" ' " , , 11111 CnUCU8. 'rhe rcpublicans of Lillian township are hercby notified that a caucus will be held in the Oxtord school house Friday , Jul ) ' 1 Hh , 11)02 at o'clock \ ) . m. for the purpoHe of nominatlIlg township - ship ofiiccrs ami the transaction of any other business that may bc r quirc . J. S. McGraw , Com. To Northern Inll : ' : : . . 'rhe Burlington Route IInnOllllces un- cOllllnonl ) ' low rates to luke rcsorts of l\1 nnesotn , Wisconsin , South Dakotll IInll I IowlI for the followiug Illites : July 9 to 15. August I to 15. eptem her I to 10. Better ask the nellrest Bnrliugton Route a cnt ahoul the IIbovc excursions anll tuke nrlvantllge of thc low ratcs nllUlcri. 3-5 . < 8 f/f ThIll algnl\turo Is on every box of the gentllno laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablet. ! the rcIUOdy thAt .cures 0 cold 4D 000 dll ) " OUR CLUBBING RATES , IInd lauIII8 City journlll.$1.25 epubllcau and In\er Ocean. . . . . . . . . . . . 1.50 epubllcpn and Twenlleth Century. . . . . 1.65 RepubliCAn and Globe.Cemocraenll.w : : 1.85 epubllcan lIed HaJournal. . . . . . . . . . . . 1.85 epucllcan IInd 107ebraska Fnrmer . . . . . . . 1.85 elubllcan and Life of McKinley. . . . . . 1.50 _ . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . : " " U. S. IJ .nd Offioe. IJAMES WDlTEIIEAD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1tegllter F.n. yOUNG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Itoccl' r LEGAL ADVEItTIBKME TS. All luhorttlornolltl uUller tbll head will bo charged for at leval rl1\e , vlz : $1.00 per IIquaro tor ftrllt InllorLlolI. aOlI 6(1 ) 110r Iquaro for eacb aubloquont In ortloll. " , qulro" III Lon 1111011 or frncUon tboreof. NOTWE Oll' rnOIlATEOl WII.L. 'I'he Hlato of Nobraska. OUBler County. III. 'ro all the tlOVIll008 aUlilegllhe8 , and alIlor. \ . 110111' Inlorllilodin e late of 8yholter Rd. wadll , deceassll W hereal , J. Vran1l. Iturnloy. of 11I11I county , hall led III my omcc an IlIlLrnmOnlllurlorllog 10 be the hUL Will aud TestalllonL of Sylvester Ed , wards , decoaaell , iale of aaill county , lIull II Iell. lion llrlylol ; 10 b. . . . . the 8al1l0 IIdlll\llod \ 10 lIra. bato. whiCh , VIII relael0 bolb real ann pllnonal ellAte , whereupon I ha , , " _ llpolnled Iho 6th dly of AIII'U81 ( , lOCI' ! at Ion o'olook IIllho forenoou , lit my omce In .ald counly. a. Iho limo an.1 Illaco 'Yon ILnd all eOllromed , 11111) alll'ol1r anll conte81 the IJrobato of tbo sallie I I hllve further ordered Ibat Ibe t08tlIIony ! tu prob&to said Will of Iho IIlIbecrlblrJK wlln0811 Frauk 'r. IIIcklllore a 11I1 also \ho 10 lIlIIony of l > 'rank J. and IRrolll ItuIII80Y be taken before Jalll09 M. Ad lit. 1I0lary IlullllC , or olbor cOlllllo , tent authority at No. ( \ Sholman 81rcet , Chicago , IllinoIs , July 30 , 1001 , at ilia. III. wIth I10wor to allJourn from dl\Y 10 Ilay. In tOltlmony wboroof. I hno horounlo 80t III ) band and .mxetllllY olUcla' ' loal.h18 3rtl day of JIII , . 100' ! J. A. AnuoulI , 3 r-\/j \ / LU.l.Ll Gounly JUdgo. 110AD NOTJOK To whom It may concern : The commle loner IIppolnted to view a road commoncmg at II p"lnt 49 challis north at Ihe IIw corner of ocllon II , 10"1I8hlll II , rllnjto 17. wcat of tbo flLh P. JII. , runnln about 30 chain. "a.t and runnln" thenoo almo t duo HOlllb about Jr , ehal"l i Ihance 101ilhea t abont 10 chaln ; tllollel1 ahno t dlle oaBt ahout : ) C } c11l\11I8 ; thence I nltlheRBL 8nd 101llheIL8t to hrlllKu acrOh8 crook aloout 10 chalnl. 11&111 ronl' followIng Muddy creek from poillt aile of plllt to bridge at 1I0rlb. I eaRL carll or of 11111I1 H. 14 , hll8 rcporlClIII favor of the e t hlllhJJonL Ihoroof. allli all obJecilon. Iherelo , or clalmH for damaiCcI , IUII t be med In the cOUilly clork'o ollleo Oil or hoforo noon of Iho 15th day ot . \ tlguat , 1000. ! , or Hnch road wllllJo 08. 1/lII1I8hod wlthollt reference thowto. III wlLlle . whprcof. I have hereunto Bet lII hllnII\\II1 cal of IIlIhl cOllllty. thl8 171h da ) of JUIIC , I\I \ ( ) ' . . ! . nlCo. W. DKWKV , [ CAL ] 1..1-65 COlIlILy Clerk. _ . . . - . . . . . . . . _ "f 'r . - u - f.'F C . . . ' t United Stalea Land .0 IIItt1' Norlb 1'latt. , .b. , Jl1d Ill , 801. } Notice I. bertbYllnn . Uub'II : arllt c4 IUltrnctioD. trom' u. . C..aI. . . . . . of tW ( Jlluoral Land Ome. , under autborlty " , , & .t4 sa blm by nctlou IHM. n",1I8&1ot-te' . , VL- . . . . . IImoudtd by Aet ot OOUgrfll , .P mi14 . . " . . . , 2tlth , 18\16 , 1'10 will prc eed tD Q < < " , Jt p."l4c I& at 10 O'CICCk A AI. on the 11th dlJ' of 8"t a 100'.1 , at tbl omee , tb" tollowltllr bilit' .ot . . . . . . . vlaUho 8. E. II. W. U. BeetloQ 3 , Tomablp . . . . . II ; N. , naugo 2. , WIU61h , P. ) t. All l.eraoul ctllmlDI Y Noly the abe. . descrIbed - scrIbed land arll ad'l.cd to 410 tholr clatm hi W. onJce on or botoro , the 11&7 d"liD'1M ' ( jr' : ' . . cOlllllloncemont of tbo . 18. otbrwiaa tMIII . rhlhtll . .III bo toreftted. Datoll al the united IItate. Laud Orlle. , K' " 1'llIIle. Neb. , thlll 13th liar of JuulIl . . 3.U 67 lI'n.l.JCK. AOO.Jltoc.eiVIIf , - ' , , , I'UULIO LAN ! > HALE. Unltllil atat'll J.and O l e. l Nortb l'IIU , Neb. , June III , lQOIl. f Notice II berebr Ilvon tbat In pattuance at III. .tracUou from the OommlllloDer of tk. , QQDuli\ Lau,1 Olllco , uudor autborlly yo.t.4 III. . 41m bW eoUon I : 1M. Hotloll : : natute" . u.a. , luflhlClu4. by Act of COIIIreu : , apprond F'DU" , . , . . . . 1t\9r" \ WI ! will proceed to olrer at publIc Ul. ' & 1 I' o'cloak. . 111. . on th.llth day at Ui\llt , .1000 , . . thl. . omceJ thll tfl\oIYlull \ tract of la d , YI& ' tha M. E.011110 ! N. -"Boctlon ! 10" 'To"D.b ' , P IO- N. Uuge21. WUI6th r. .11. All pellonl' clarnlug ! aeInrllbD aboo dOe Bcrlbed lalul arc ndvI8t'.1 ' 0 II. their olaIJa IU th : . olllee ( Ior boforu tbo day dOllguated. . tor .tI. . COlilinOlll'elllont of the 1110 , 0Ibor,1. . . 'b.lrrllb . will bo fonlllod. ' \ 1 > 111011 ILt the Unll.d Slatlll Land Ollee at Norlh ! 'Ialto , Neb. . tbll IBlb dlY of June , I . .7..Gt1 01l0all8 R. lI'.lCcar , Uo.llter. . . _ . 1 - - - . . . It IHn't tile luaterla' thAt IOCK Ilito . , ou. . ' , rCllnlred 'Watch tbat rCKnltH Iu a perfect . 'oh , It 18 tlle:1QOW : flow tbRt (1008 tbo buslnoss. any bUDaler' oan buy the fine klnd 01 material thRt J UIO In rcp lrlu ; buiT JtUl i8 tbo m08t valuable matorlal tbat. Jan bo UBod' hi watch ropRlrlng ; Rud the buojllor ORo't blty 'It. 1 0011 m ' okill for r'bat It. II worth" Rnd It. will 'ooat 1 'you ' 1 . ss tti n I bnngllog at lower prlooe : ' ; 1. . ' ' " \V.'IIAYES' Jeweler "nd : opt t.'n. I \V cst Bide of square. . . - : BurlinetDnl TIME , JAQ'tE ' : Route Ar\.l. I I 1' ( ( Ii 1'1 \ . . . . , - . BROkEN BOW. Q. Lincoln , Dc..er. OUII'bn. nclll . . . . . . C.dcnaro. .qUtI' , tn. JOMcI1b , . "PorUllud , KnnHa cu. , . , Bait Ulltefl1S" ; . Ht. Lonl . And 8alilIYauetR All I-oint. . na.t And . . . . . . . . ' . A.I' : -'in'r" , , Aud "ouU , . 'We.t'in'r" ' : 'I t/1 . . No.Vol1buted O rll' c1r.11J'1 LbtCOID. 011I" ba , lilt. J08e1b'llalllU Olt" , tI'L ! aIL , Ohl. oAio and aU po \ ut..U.IIC1Ji1ISU\.i. ' , .117..11II. : No.-Loon ! .xpton 1f1111 . "Uaeo . . It' , 'O . . ! : It. JOloph. Kalliol , OUy , .A..Lo.1I ; mSMaO and all Olull out and ioutfi. : . . . . . , h . .JIl. No. CO-Freight dallIRav&lUla . , Oran4.1.11.114 . , ADror 1 Hewaroand Llnoln , ' . . .l.I..IO.OC. . No. 48-.rnlllht , 11 ny 8JUpt : 8undaJ. Jla , . . . . and Interml.dlto potn&ll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Lot II ' 01 No. 41-Vostlbulod esPrll1 daU , . nelfta , U.a lIuUa. Portland and , all Pac1JIc , Oou' tlol nta. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .110 ( Ala No. 4B-Local OJpr081 : dally , AlllbC. ' ' &JI11 IntllrlUlldlllto Jlolntl , . . . . . . .I. . . . . . ; IU , . No. C6-1frolllhL dally..topi 01111 AII.IImO . BH . WblLmau and Alllanco..J. . . . . . . No. 4T lI'relgbt. dRIb' escopt 1I4a1i 1IW.u anll lutorm dlate poIIIU. . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . .1&- . IIlooplng , ( ULln < < and r cllntn , chilrearl ( . . . . . trco ) 011 ttirougb tr ln' , 'TScket 1QI.f. 'AD4 . . rae ! ! checked to allY faint In 'b' . , 1.t1111.&a4 . . 8 , . and Canada. ' 1.- ; No. 48 hu m8fohancU.o car. Taud.'I , nars. da ) " and lIaturdayl. ' - , I' No. 40 , ,111 carrT UleD"orl for , RayDD. ' Grand bland. 80wald and Ltncolrr. ' \ : Information , map ! , 11m ; tabloe IJIG Uck. , call on or wrlto to 11. L. OmulJy , qellt , ot. , J 1franol9 , G. I' . A. , Omah ! , Nobr..ka.4 ' .r uL. OIU" . ' , A lnt. - . SOHEDULE OF DROKEN DOW MAILR. J'ouch for wcst will clolo at ' 8 p. In. . ,0XllP' Sanday wbon It wilL cl080 at OU6 11 m. . 1'0uoh. elut for trala No..42 01018' at 8 a. and fOI No. . . clolo at , 6.30 10m. lIaU f.r Anal. , aud polntft oallrot.rand Isllllld banlorl'on' 'a1IL , No..4C. Oconto yla of mo and TDckonlll. . datl7 ' ; c. cUllt ! ; unday clolelS , at ' 1 am : ro\umlnlr lame da1 Callaway via , Mc'KIDler dailY' except , UQdq . . . . ' . . ' clole lit 1 a m , returnlllK aallle dllyt. - Rouud ValloT via OrMn and BIIoD Clo.e . . . , . m..Tueldll ) , Thunday . and lIatu . &J'r4tarplllJ r ! . BarDO day. HUIIIDor , Ia Gurnl'oy. Georjtetown alld Ullt arrrlv08 at 11.30 , Tuo daJ. T lSudar aud' . ' SlInt' day ro Urnlnlt leaol at ' 2,30 .am.lt&y. . OlUn hODrR from 8.00 a 'm ' to 8.QOjI m. 81111. I days from 11:46 p. m. to ell' " p : m. Lobbl Ollc week day. trom 'lll. m. to S p. m. BundalelO I I a. m. toI \ n. m. Generat dollnr 1I0t open 9tJ.a. I day morning al heretofore , L. 1I.J.1n'1'I' . . P.M. r , I . . . . _ . . ' " . , ; " , 'I./.T ; . - - - - - , . . . . . - - . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ! I I I AM GOING .O ; r : m CLOSE : If"t i I I m r' " ' OUT i m 1\1 Y entire utook of olo\hing. Big out in prioe. ill . - - of Ladies SllOeK to roduoo the stooke Co e Rnd . = -i , : ; { I /w- hri hrAi "R wi ESUIT , : CJ I I W. ! Prices From $8.50 Up i ( The rigors of winter will soon m As Good As You Want. , be over. W , . Don t forget that wo Pleasanttr days ahead. I m Drlght things In store f'r all. : . :1 : I Brightest things In Men's Dress SELL GROCERIES , t m that have ever shown n.l . - we ' I . [ pj a t C BR h } ) rlOoR , nn d pay tl 10 -or seen. ID m : Come : e s : and : t look : c r : at gf them-SOD S ; m HI II ! h as t M ar k e t nces f or P ro d UCB. t. ; j ! Royal Tailors , Chlcajto , U. S. A. fp . [ D u Everything e-all the time-never made to your other. meas. ( H ARRY D A v .1 . , wI wlse-orlces wondrously low. m 1 m ! D J ilJ Broken Bow , NQbrallka. . E5ES . - . - - - - - - - ' - - I