Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 10, 1902, Image 3

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    ' -
. ,
' - - -
A Ycrltnhle Sleuth.
I "That WOIIIIIII. " relllnrlwd the rcot
! r'lf'll'I'tI"(1 ns he ( loilltell to whnt nil or ,
! . dll1nr ' Illortnl wou1l1 1III\'e tlllu'll Cor 9
1lUlIllsull1el ' dress (1 ( relllu1e , "IK n mnn. "
"A 1111\111" l'l'ho'd hlH COIllPUlllo11 In
nstolllshllll'lIt. "Why , how ClU1 WOI11'
Illl hl' II 1111111 1"
II "Whot [ 111(11111 , " repllel1 the grent lh.
, tCl'th'e , "Is thut the ll rt . referred to
fl mnll dls uIH11 1111 II wOlllnll , "
I ,
"now do you Iwow thnt'nskl'd / the
"BeI'IIUH . " onllwl'l'l'l the wIse OIlC , "I
J 101l0wel1 her Illto n I1r , .goods store nlld
( " , hc IllIrehnH'11 the tlrst thlllg she priced
j 'lu1l1neyer looked Ilt 1111 'tbl11g clse. "
'I III. . I'xcu"e.
JltlgcWere ) 'o\J 1I0t Iwre two week.
t IIgo 011 u l'hnrgl' oC lJurglllry ?
I'rIIl011l'r-1 WIIS. ) 'our honor.
. \ldgL'-A 1111 as I let 'YO\l go then I
, 'Hlppoe ) ' 0\1 thought ) 'OU could keep It
Up. eh ?
l'rlsoJll'r- ' ' honor. I wnr
. - o , J' 011'
forcell Illto It thlA tllIIl' .
JudgL'-Ilow's tllllt"
1'1'180111'-1 WIIS trJ'lnJ : : to raise mono
ty to 1111) ' the luw'l'J' who defended me.
"Do 'ou kllow ulI.thlllg obo\lt hypno
I Usm T IIAlwl1 the girl III the pink wnlst.
I " 'Veil , " l'eplll'll thl' Iltltr ' .hnlrL'lmuld ,
I 518 she held \lp Ill'\ ' left huml to dhlplny
11 spnrkllllg 8011tlllre to better Ullyun ,
ange , " ) ' 0\1 CIUI judge Cor yourse1t. "
Rhc 'Vns ncnl Rutle.
Shortll'lgh-1 dl'orly loye to listen tt.
the pll.tter or the rnhlllrolJs 011 the roof.
Miss BItTtoll-1 01wlI8 HUf.lwdelllt. :
i . Shortlelgh - Dill you ? And why ,
tlray ?
i MIIIH Bltrtoll-Bel'ouAe It III an umus&
ment tbll t lloesn't COIit an'thillg ,
- -
There Are Otherl ! .
I III1..mlelt-1 iec hy the pal'el' tba\
HoratIo Irootllghts Is 6tarrIIIg unller hilt
'vlfe' ! ! l11all\I.l'11Il'ut.
E ! ; let-Yes , allli I kuow a lot ot
blher 11Ien who lire mnnflled br : their
' ' 'dves , butthe ' don't 11l1vertlse the tact.
I i.
Prcsldl'nt of ForelnlIsslonsIIo' ! : \ \
t 211 the world tllclllll thcse sofa cushloU8
: lind' fnlr ' ! lII11P i cOllie to he In this box
, for the 1'ljllslaIlllmos , ?
, MIKH 1I1IIrhrnin ( earnestly-W-Whyl )
! a thou ht , with 1111 their sp ( > llrs IInlI wal
tf'hlbs , thllt Ir. thl'J' enl ' hlld II few cush ,
10ns onl1 jeweled lamps they could
i mllke such perl'cctlr level ' cozr cor ,
i' en-Puc1" !
' l'ltllCIIJII )11I8CR ,
\ ltJ.I / .
II I . I
r . Il 1 $ - - . -
Human Skeleton-That slI.leSmnI .
"cl'ms to be 11 pretty slick uy ,
Filt WOllll1l1-1 HhouM say he was
J 4"S just tall.ed the "Legless Won
" 'III ' of shoes ,
'pr" l11to bu It pall'
II iJh lIoJes.
"Hello ! You're 1001\ll1g unu8ua11 , ;
' , ' "
tlapp todn ,
"Yes , " replied the optimist , "I hrl\"l
! Jopl' ! ! of getting a fine job , I jllst Iln
' ' ' 'I'rL'(1 IIn ad v'rtlsement In the pape
tlft'erilia / Can\'aRSer's outtlt tor $ :
that'll elslly eaMl me $ r O n week.-
J'hlh\l1elllhlll Press ,
I'olnt of View.
New gnglnuc1 Statesman-'Yu8u'
tllllt II mortifylug scene In the 8euatl
tlulluhcl' "
tlltL'SIl1Un fl'om the Breezy West-
1lm'lIrylllg ! It WIIS dlR/-ustlng / , It wa :
\10111)(1 Ilefore we coulll t 11 which on ,
.PI'1I11 the 1I 'Ht mnu-Chlcngo ! 'l'rIlHlne.
DeeJ' Cut.
ll's , UpplHh-hlRt think. It's only slJ
months 11:0 ; since we 11I0ved IIway troD
tlf'xt lluor to 'ou , We're In a mue ]
'vl'lter nlighhul'huol1 now.
Mrs , 8hlu'IJe-So lire we.
It's , Ul1plsh-\\'h ' , where did Y01
1110\ ' ( ' ?
Mrl'l , Sharpl h , we ha\'en't move ,
t 1IlI-Phllllllelllhll1 Press ,
, UUllhMtructcll.
' , ' MrH. Bll\uk- ) ' husblilld bas tb
, tIt'HI'1'1I1 111'1111 of Iltl ) ' llIun I eyer met.
lrH , FI'lIIlk-Yes , my husbnnd spok
U It olll ' } 'l'llmlay. llt ! said there wa
1Iolutel ) ' lIothlng In It.
Provcs 111M Utlrollrn.
"Dill you IIIIY ? " ufk'll the author' '
rll'llIl , "thl1t your hero , who Is poor , I
to mllrr ' the rich heIress ? "
"Yell. thllt II ! the WilY he pro\-es 111
rrolsll1-ltlllllulapoll ! ! ews.
'fhe Yllnl"hln'cljbt. .
' ' ' 1'hIH truuk Is o\'rwelght. "
" ow , 1001 , here , let llIe gh-e you
tlp-- "
"Oh'l'r ' well. theil , In that CfUJe
' ' ( ; I1't-llIlll\IIOpoIl8 ews ,
HenMonnhJc Inference.
"Old tIll ! l'\'hh'II1' III the dl\'orce 6U
ml1lclI I' thllt 1t"8 , Flash was Ihlllyi
" 1 gueh so. 'rhe jllllge nud t1n (
the jurol'li wantell to marry her. " ,
Hrool\l'u l.lre.
Cut OtT.
"I wcut to the play Inst night. "
"l1ow llll ! you lII.e It 1"
" 1 lllllll't hellr II. I sat In tront.f
two.l"omeu wbo were t411.lng about
Q'el1dlu\ \ : : ' _ _
- , - -
( JIIJIt'olcrlnMtlclttllllh 811YIn tlcIIUat.
llIIlh. l ' , , " IIf IOllth ,
I All elllJll'lIt ! Ilelltist or BlIstlll1 hns
' ' ' III llud 'III hi ' ' lolI
, llwllt ) 1'111'11 ! ; : ! ! II\'ofl'
.oo ! enl ) ' 1IllIlwll'lIl'e , hUllIlso S 1111 nt.1.
& ' follnwllI/-t / hll'lIlI wel'e uXIlTl'fsetl h '
'hllll ' III the ' ' oC ' '
( 'OIlI'Se II CUII\'el'UUnll :
' "The 1II0St Itllportullt poillt III II 1111'011'
I' ant or lJell1lllflll tllce Is thu exprl'ssloll
Df the lIIoUtl1. A. bellutlful fuce Is 8poll ,
I NI h ) ' II IIISIIJ.:1'l'l'lIhle expresRlolI 111111 II
CH'e : 1I11111e IIttrnl'lh'l' lIy n pleal
allt Olle , ) 'J\'l'U large UIIII shlllleleRs
lIIouths which are H11Il1IelrlclII IIlhl
Lm VI' IIU upward tilt lit the cornel's ur4'
Dot de\'olll of ehllrm ,
" co 111 III on dl'fel't III 11I1111) ' 1\11 othl'r
wise well-shlllll'd IIIOlllh Is thut thu III ) ! !
110 IIOt meet nt the celltl'r-tlll' IIII1Ier
luw hus slllJped to oue side , ' 1'he hllhh
of hollllllg thl' jll W a little to the l'lght
3r leet of the flll'llil cellter stl'nhlK 01111
tilrlml the surroUlIIIIIIJ. : lIIusl'lel , 'I'hlll
! II'fl'cI 18 notlcealJle In singers unllllllb.
Ill' speakers , "
'I'hls UPO\t11' of the JIl'W urt hils f01ll1l1
( ' ) ' ) 'l'II1'1I of uXlllrlem'e thnt the hils
II1n ' be Illude to I'ellt R 'lIIml'trll'olly to.
Il'ther , their COrnl'rR to I'urv. t.lIghtl.r
upward , und the 0111 , lllll'd lilies lllllle
fl way with h ' ( 'ort'uetlnlo" : the "hltl' " of
the ) latlellt. ) n\'lIrlubl ) ' un 11Iu1ttructlve
mouth Is l'uusell 1J ' hull hllhlts of mns
llcutlon , Certulll teetl. ! . ure worn off or
others extrlll'tl'l1 , und till' teeth that nil-
ture Intended to meet In grhllllng nud
cutting teed I\l'e throwlI out or ) llumh.
lly 11 cllreful eXllllllnu lion of the relu-
tI\'l lengths or the teeth , h ) ' t1IllIg uff u
I'romluent one here 01111 smoothlllg un
I1l1e\'en edge there the "Clilse hlte" Is
Iorrected , WIH'n the "tr\le bltl' ' ' Is re ,
storl'lllloUce the hupro\'ement. It will
hI' seen thllt the upper teeth forlD a gen ,
tie COII\'ex cUl'\e IIlId the lower olles a
HIIght COl1l'O ye one , while the center 01
the upper jaw Is exnctly over the cen ,
tl'r of the lowel' one.
8eyeral of the most prominent cll'r y.
men In the usl. S:1 ' 8 the Detroit Il'rec
Prcs. ' ' ! , bnve gOlw to Dr , - luquest 01
11 "true hlte , " und without exceptiOlI
lhey l1ave I\'eu testimony lifter u fe'
I mouths thut there hus been Il DllukCil
Impro\'ement In their enunclutlon ulle'
lhe resonance of their \'olees , 'Vherl" ' ! < 1
lhe bellI's or HOtlton hllve foulltl thlll
, nnturl' Intenl1ed cllch onll 1111 to posses
II. . true Cupid's how In the curves 01
mill the ' hn'e stralghtwlI
lhelr 11\111 \ , ) \'e
one In for 1"true bite" liS n'er ) " Ill'
' ! Irnble tiling ,
nnmcRtlo Ahlllty ,
An arlsto'ratlc Enst Superior strel'
' \\'omon , who hils hl1l1 the usulII numhu
of flillure ! ! In tile wn ' of dlllDesticll
haJlg ! 11'(1'11 ( lIenl'ly e\'ery UII tlollallt ) '
heard the other till ) ' thnt a nlllllher 0
girls hall COlliI' here from 1.1111111111 t
seel. elllplo 'ml'lIt liS Se1'\'lIntR nml Hill
the ) ' were hl hl ' recoIII 111 1'lHleli u
strol1J.t , IntI'1lI ellt , cllllllhie lIull generul
Iy uXl'elll'lIt IlI'lrl ,
With hl h hOlle the housekeeller hll
hl'r to the olllce where these IlJIrI1J.on
were on l'xhlhltloll , anti wus ROO :
broll ht flll'e to fuee with n In'll WII.
8111'l'II1Ien , who coulll not Kilen ! > u01"
( If gll lIsh , WIth the ulll of an lutl'l
11I'l'ter the following com'el'satloll too' '
plncl' :
"Cu n 'ou cook i"
"Oh. 110. "
"Ca n ) 'OU wnsh I\nll 11'011 'I"
"No. " "
"Cali you sweep and dust or clen
110use ? "
"I ha VP. never done anything Ilk
tha t. "
"l < 'or JtoodneRs su I , c , " excluhnell th
astonillhed I11l1tron to the Illterl1retel
"IIHk her whnt she l'an do. "
With culmlle8H nnd complacency th
. relJly clime hack : " 1 clln milk relt
deers-Dl1ll1tll NewR-TI'llJune ,
'VlrclcRH Telephone ,
An ell' < : 'lrlcnl In\'entor IIl1med , I
8tuh1llellelll , of I 1Ir1'l1Y , Ky" elullllt-l t
have dlsco\'erell an IlIstrllllll'lIt h
which not Olll ' 80\11111 cnu he trauHl111
tell through Hpllce without wireR , III
thut the \'olee elln he tl'ansmltted an
- IInderstoOll liS c1enrl ' I1R with the tell
( lholle now In ordlnllr ' UIIl' , 'rhe It
veil tor claims thnt the JI'ound 18 u 11I111
net and thn t wi th the Il1'OIJcr IIse of h
hIKtrllment. ; , when they IIhllll hll\'e bel'
perfccted , shl\lllnt \ Hell clln he C011lmllll
cnll'll with or hll ttl I'll 11 I l'l'CtCtI 1'1'0111 01 :
shl\l \ tll nllothcr. Ill' l'IIIIII1H thllt hull <
tlUI'l cuulll Ill' ! lellt fl'olll1Ihlllgtoll I
e\'ery hlll1le III Uw colllltry tellhl II
thl' hl1portHnt hllPIIl'lIll1g of the 1111 :
at a IIIIht ; cORI. As 'l't : :00 : yurllll
the lon esl I1lstllllce he has tlllkl'd.
There " 'us II. OlJlIl On.
A cltlzpn of a tlollrlRhlng Westl'l
tOWI1 WtlH bOllstll11 ; uf Ihl' I'o\\'th all
enterprise of the plllce 10 u rullJl _
strtlnJ.I'I's In the 81110klll COllllltlrtruel
of u Wetltern eX\lrl' \ ! ; : ; tl'l1ln ,
OI1I ' el ht ' ( , lIrs lilli , allli Olll' or tI
fillest youn ! : tOWIIII In Ihe West. "
" 111on't thlnl , I1l111'h of 11. " sultl oue I
the s11Iol\l'rll ,
"Yoll dOli' ! 't" cried Iho lIIal1 frol11 tI
town In Cueslloll ) , aggl'esslyely'Ill
were you thl'l'e "
"Used to lIye there , "
"Whell did ) ' 011 move aWIl7'
" 'I'wo weel,1I ago. "
"Oh , well. ) 'OU ought to sco the pIal
II. "
pow !
It < ; 11111111 Wllter for New Ym'k.
New YOI'I , elt ) ' hils lit presellt
IlIlIeR of wtlter 11I111118. with threl' Wfltt
HIlI'lls tlml sUllllly 400OOO , ( ) ( ) { ) IIIIIIIS
, 1111) ' . What O1ust Ill' till' 11'1Ith : of tl
\\'lItl'r maJns thllt wJ1l ! lUllpl ' th ( ' grc:1 :
r clt ) ' to COIl1I'-nustoll Herald.
"Gerll1f1I1)1i llrll1k hJ1l II 111 olin 1.1
irOOOOOOO ; n yeur. " Hoill the mm wi
till' llaller.
)1 " 11tcre's 1I1luhlnll01l for you , " nllll' '
II tl10 cOllllDentator.-Iblll111l'lphla Ol'
'A ' we1'1can.
_ . , I-
- .
. . . . . . - - - - _ .
'l'hl' l'l'l'l'lIt Slllllllltorl11 frum thl' Io'
111'l' dl'sl'rt IH Hllll ! to hn "e pll11 up
1111111111 SllIIhlnl1 thlrt ) ' fl'l'i.
Sir HuhN.t Bnll.1rofCIISol' \ of JUllthe'
0111 tlCH II till Ollt 1'0 110 111 Y II t CIII1I hrldge
LnJ\"et'slly. : SII ) " ! ! . \lIll'rlcll III l10lllg UJore
alld hettl'r worlt III IIsIJ'ollOI1lY thnll the
I\'hole of gurolle l'OlI1bhll'l1.
1'he Ant'J'lclIlI Hrhlgl' COI1l)1lIt ) : ) . , of
Phllnll'l)1hln. ) will COIISl1'uCt t\Venty
tl'el brlllJ.I'H nloll thl' line of till !
( Jglllllll1 Hllllrolill In 1' IIHt ACricII , the
cost to be nbout $1.000,000.
' 1'hl' for < : , e k lIuwn liS hell t IH of ! ; rea t
Itnilurtllllcl' . 'rhe eurth III hotter below
Lhe Aurfll < : , e 01111 IJI'ohl1hl ' hns a'er '
hhh ! I'l11lJCrlltllrl' tOWill'll Its cluter. In
80llle plnces uot'ery fnr below Its sur , I
fnee It contlltIH ! hlJ.hl ' Iten ted rock ,
whll'h occIIHIIIIIIIIIloWII \ o"er the SUI"
fllce llurlllA' yolcllllic ( 'r\llltloll8 , III OUI"
l'r llllll'l' w ( ' 111111 hot SIIl'llIg ! ! In connec ,
tloll with \oll'lIull' IIl.'tlon.
Olle of thl.1ecullllr \ hllluRtrles of In"
1111\11 whll'h hllll l'I'l'l'IIt1 ' l'l'Cl'J\'ed II
fl'l'Rh stimulus Is the 11I111111fncture ot
( IUIIIIII , a kind of A'oolill III which slllt
alld woolm'e HO cOlllhlllell t\lIlt \ thl' HIli ,
cOIIRlItuteH the H1U'fllceH 111111 the wo..1 .
the IlIlerlor ( l1\1't , The silk coml'S rrol1l
Chilln , bllt It Is nil 11'el1 ; III Dubllll. b'o
Clllllle they o\'er ( n the 11'11111 cl\pl1111 thnl
there Is Home lUllllt ) ' III the Dublin
wllter which hlS\1l'eR a hrllllllllc 81HI
[ lerl11l1nenCe of color thnt hils not bel'll
n ttnlllet1 INewhl're ,
'rhe chllrm of the 'ello\V metal sel.
110m assertH Itself lUore c1ellrly thall III
, the accuullt JI\'I'II h ) ' HIIJ.ues I.e Hom. ,
a 1'rench eXIJlul'lI' ! , of the metholl of
collectllllttolll fl'om the IJlacer milles
of Ab'ssllllll , The preelous 111 etll I Is
founll h ) ' the IIlItI\'es lu amnII nUg'gl'tR
nlllll1ust III thp hCtlR ot strelll11R , 'l'hl' '
cnrry It to In large quills , wblch
, ore liS Il'IIlISlllll'ellt UR tubes or IIIHS.
1'be brolwr8 who buy the golll worlt It
up Into the fll'ln of circles of the a "Cl'-
, uge size of II hell "y III1/-errlllA' / , Bllt
the'e circles IlI'e 1I0t ( Iulte c1oAed , 1I
CIIIIse the pll'chllWI' IIlwlI ' 8 IlIslsts 011
twlstltl them , 1I1e strhlJH of lIIolIlSSI'J
CIIIIII ' , In 01'111'1' to Ill'tect ) lolIlllbll' : 1111111-
, tel'lltlolls , lxP'I'll'lI ! < : 'clI 1I11 l'rll l'lIlI tl'll
If the 'Iellllll ml'llIl IIOHHl'sses the ex ,
Ilct 11111 11 ell IJII It ) . of goUt.
If It wel'e 1I0t fut' the L'ollntless trll.
I lions of IIl1st PIIl'tlcieR thl\t 110111. sel"
r al'lltel ' hl\'hdhll" Itl the I1tmosllhet'e ,
: , Ilhere coulel be 110 rlllt1-l1l'olls , HIIOW cr8'
tn Is or hllll < ; tolll'S. Pl'om 11 ) lel'fectI ) '
III1Rtless I\tmosphere the molHtllre
\\'oulll 1l1'sl'1'1Il1 In cel\seless rllin wllh ,
t Ollt 1I1'Olli ) , 'rhe llllHt particles iel"'e u
IIlIclel nhollt which the " 01101' jl\thera : ,
' 'fhe snow cr 'slul IH the most henutlful
crelltlon of the lIerlnl molstllrl' , 111111 the
iJ hllllHtone Is thc most ex tJ'110 1'(11 II 11' ) ' ,
R I 'X'he henrt of e"er ' IIIIIIHtoue , liS . . . .1.tlIUI
It n , Bell Hhows III Kllowlcllg' ( ' . Is n tin )
y ! ntom of IIl1st. 811ch an II to III , with II
iJ , ! lltll' moisture cOIIIIl'IISl'lI uhullt It , I
"j the l'I'm fl'OI1l which mil ) ' grow 1hlll1. .
stolle , caplIlIle of rellluA' II ml1ll 01
/lIIIIIHhlllg' II Willdow , HlIt 1IrHt It 1II111
hl' clIII ht UIJ 'by II e\ll'l'l'nt of 1111' 11111 ]
cfll'l'led to the le'pl of tll ( ' loft ' clrrm
CIOlllls , Ih'e or six , or e\1'1I ten mlle
hl h. ' 1'1\1111 ' , ' ' 1J
\ , cOlltltlllll11) J:1'owlllg' )
r. fresh IIccesslolIs of muislure , It lIe lm
IIR 10111 ; IlhlllA'e to the earth , Slllllllllg )
( I throll h the clouds , I1IHl tlaHhlu : ; III the
I sun 11\\0 \ II 11111 mOlld tlOlt Hhot 1'1 m II
11 raillbow.
r'l HUlllor In N'w .J'I'R < 'Y.
The followlll notl' f1'olll CII 1I111en ,
e . I W 'R the I'lIl1nlll'lphlll Hecorll , sho\\ '
1. the ) lI'ogl'eH of hllmOl' III thut Int l' st ,
lug r\ew JerHl'y community :
CIIlIlll'n ! , N , ,1. , [ lIl'eh la ,
1\11' . gllltOl' Dl'l'e Hlr-I thout I wood
J ,
rite you whllt hllllll'Ul'1I here th ( ' olhul
II i dn ) ' I ' big bl'Othl'roeR / to the hlgl :
Y . school IIl1d tlll're Is n lot r Ilrls I
t , i Dill' oC his class'H ulIII the other I1nJ
\JIll \ hlRtorle tellcher Hell thut the ole !
, : Iud. whl1t IItnrtl'd IIl'st Ih ( ! In \\J' ! his
, I neH 11I11111' his Hlwllers or IlIe ! fill
1 I "mcl.tlcl ! thut blne ! , Is wlte 111111 wlt (
: : Is hlilel. IIIIlI theu olle of Ihem bo ) " !
. aell I call III'oo"e tuat 111111 Hhe 8(1l1 ) 'Ul
'U ' call ? 111111 he Rell I CUll 111111 he ! lee
1'llIll'l'e IA II J:11I'1 011 our Htn'et lIallll
I I \Vlle IIl1d ! lhl' mnrt'led 11 ChillI 1I1111\ \ (
L' " , hlncl. 1\1111 1I11wlte IH hlllci. allll bllld
:0 : , Is wile , but Wlte 111111 hillel , : lI'e hot !
wlte nllil hoth lire billci. uull 'Ihell till
/ , , glU'llI 1111 IIIIfell 111111 my hlg IJrulh ! 1
lulfed to
1' . H. IJ' brolher Is III Ihe See OIIlSI
IIIII I wOllt slJu my 1111 me , do YOI
.hlllk tlmt Is fllllll ) ' "
' 11
III thc J u'llc Cmll't.
I > r I In tlw rurnl dlslrlct n IJI'lHIJlIl'r Wa !
( ) roll ht before a justice wllo hUll IIl'l't
bls chum III hoyhooll , Thl ! Ilrlsllner
16 lJelllg on 1'1111111I111' terms with him , 1111 ,
' ! him a6 "Bill , " 1\1111 contrlldl < : 'tel
1) ( alll1 He\'L'l'1I1 tllI1es ,
" 1'\1 \ hll\'l to ' 1IIf' YOll for COlltClllpt 01
16 WIII't. " sulll till ! justice.
! U "Thllt's 11\1 \ rl ht , Bill , 01,1 boy , " WOl
the re\ll \ ) ' . "Do wllat 'IIU IIIw 1I0W , hili
1..01'(1 ( hll Vn IItel'CY on ) ' 011"llI'n I j11
'Oil outshle-Atlal1ta ! Constltutloll.
- - - -
c A \ ' ( ' ( Jtnl'll1n Ar/UlI1cnt. /
It Is estlllllltl'l ! that t\\'elll ' .lwo III'rl
) f IUlld IK lIeI''III' ' to SlIsI1I11I ulle 11I111
III fresh n1l'lI1. 'I'he slime s\lace \ of lalll
) ! lIevoll'll to wheat culllll'u would fCI'1
! r. lUI'ttwoleollll. \ . ; If to ollts , eIght ) '
/I ! Ihl ; ; potato's , IlIdlllll corn 111111 rlc (
III ! ( ill ; nnd If tu I Ill' 1IIIIIIIalli or hl't'llfl
It , full trlH' , 0\1'1' IjOIJO ( ll'olle ( ,
I oll1tI'y III Ullltl'li HtlltlH ,
011 tlte date III I\'hleh the CellS1t1i WII
to tlllwn there Were $ , jIHmHj"m'th U
Ih ( lOltlll'Y on foot In the Unltl'l ! Sta teli ,
( ! ( \ I Wilen a girl joeJ to hll ve hl'r fortllll
th told , sbe act8 UII ulll ) ' as n boy coin ,
I Into Q. 81110011 1'ur hili 111'lt drink.
. " , .
- - - . . . . -
- - - - - > - - -
Wl1ksbarrc. la. , July 2-he.
tlrst loss of lito during thu IInthra.
clle strlko occurred at the \\,111111111 ,
, \ colliery at Dur'ea Antonllo 0111.
ieppc , ' .111 Ita II II II , wus shot dead by
one of the coal I\nd Iron Imlhemoll : .
from hehlnd the stockll\e \ o.f the
collier ) ' ,
Hoports dllTer liS to the cause ot
the shom In . 'l'he frlonds ot the
man slIY he was \tallm 011 the
I'oad near the stockade when he WIIS
Ill'e(1 UPOII , 'I'he II1l1n was on his
way trol11 Scrallton to Duryea at the
time , A lIother report Is thllt the
ltall:1D : tried to et over the telll'lI
and \VllIld not heed the warlllll
frcm the policeman to o away , 110
Insisted 1111 maklnll his way Into the
; tockade and \ VasIred \ upon ,
'fhere Is nhJch Indignation over
the shootlll and the sl1erllT or Lllck-
awana COllllty , WIIS slIl11molled to tllke
steps to preserve order , as It was rl"
ported that. there would he an uprls-
In umon the forel tlel's and that
they would attack the stock ado be.
fore 1111-(111. (
'rhe body lay In the roadway for
some time , The coal and Iron pollco
would not venture out.slde the
stockade to remo\'c It , and the people -
ple 1I\'lng In the vicinity did not
wllnt to tllke It away until the IIrrl-
val of tltl' l'oroner , Wheo the sherllT
of Lacka\Vanna county reached the
81ene : hI' ordered the body removed
to an udcrtaklng esta\l\shment. \
Pottsville , Pa , July 2-Severl1
hUlle1red strll\Crs assembled on the
streets IIf St , Clal l' toda y , and , head.
ed by a drum corp ! ! , paraded around
town , ' 1'hey then seperated and
ulIIrcher1 to the various highways
and paths lendhlH' to the washer ) ' 01
the St , Clair Coal company , , "hlol ]
commenced IIperatlons ycsterdllY.
Workmen on thel l' WilY to the wllsh ,
ery were stopped and required t (
return homo , 'l'hls 11I1111) ' ot tholr
did , but onou h retured to worl. tC :
permit the washery to operate latel
III the day. Nil \'Iolell e'as al
tempted ,
Couple Weds In Secret.
1J remont , Neb" July -The re1a
tl ves of two young people of tltls cltJ
were taken by surprise last evclling tI
learn of theIr marriage at Wahoo 101
, I une 1. ' 1'he matter had been kept. ;
secret by the pall' and It WllS revcalci
only by accident. 'fhe couple al'l
I Lloyd 1Iaven , 80n f Mr , and Mlli
Platt 1Iaven , and MIls ! learl Ryall
daughter of : ' 11' , and 1\lrs. C. A , Hyan
, ' 1'he young man Is not yet nineteel
years lof ale and tIle girl Is but seven
teen , but notwithstanding this th
parents of the twain say they wilt Ie
the marrla e stalld ,
' ' Miss wenl tl
'I'wo weeks a o Ryan
visit a friend at Wahoo , Miss Bello"1i
for a few clays , While she was ther ,
, Haven Wid his folks that he was ( .folnl
I W Omaha bllt Instead he took a tmlJ
for Wahoo , He procured a IIcensl
there by representlnH himself , It I
alleged , to be twenty-one and the Ilr
eighteen , and the county judge after
ward lIIarrled them. 'l'hoy [ ) came
I.'remont. alld went to their respect.l\1 .
; I hOll1es , Ita vlllH agreed nJt to d Isclo ! > 1
, the marriage to any of their relatIve :
II or friends here for a year.
Yesterday a p\fty : or Fremont pee
pIe attended a wedding at Wahoo , till
' Iwom IJelll1 { a YOUIIK man who I
I I' known here , When hI' ulJtallled tll
! Ilesaid thatsol1' 11'II mont pee
; , pIe werc t.o h pr. sent al his weddlllj. :
. and the judle remar t'd that he hat
.1 married a ClJuple from this clty , only i
few da.ys before. Mr , Mellem , th
; prospective groom , looked at the rec
lord and found the lIames of Mr. fin
I ven and Miss Ryan , lIe reported thl
to the ! t'remollt people amI they 111
.formed . UIC relatl'es or the 10(1 ( rl whel
they ret.urned.
Best In State's History.
Ohlcago , , I uly 2-'l'he Chlcag (
Bllrllngton & Qllinoy crop report
ISSlled today , eompled : from report
o f IIcarly a thousand corn'spolldellt
shows that III N ehl'aska the cor
crop Is In hetlor 1\011111 \ 1.1011 than e\'OI
I beCore In the history of the sta te
I the acreage Is abollt. the salllc a
, I last YI'a r IIOt less , 'J'he crop I ; ; we
, ad\'anced , alld all COllllltlulIS IIIO
II fa'IJI'a hie ,
I The N chraska at'Cca e of wI nt (
wlteat Is Jurgm Ulall e\'cr hel'olr
TIIIJ crop is H.'adfor , har\'est all
the yield will he Iwa\'y , ClJlllplm
tlvely HttlB sprln.t : wheat wa' ! SOWI
Oats are In excelh'lIt. . COllr1t ] lOll.
III Iowa otld pl'lcei lCllrJl'd to \rl \
crease th corn acrea e. All repr.rt
covurln.t ( corn , oal , , > , wheat alld P'ltl
toes arc lIIost fa\'orable , alld III
8allle applies to northern M Issoll 1'1 ,
Dine With President
Wa.shln ton , .July -'I'he pres' '
dellt entertaillecl at c1\lIner \ A tt.orne
General Knox , Senators LorI ] ! '
S\looller \ ancl I\'en , nncl C11 \ Senlc
Commlsloner ! narllelcl. 'l'he dlnm
WIent. . ! rely a social alTalr. Sen :
tors A IIIson and 00111 vcr and nepr
sentatlve IIlJphurt1 or Iowa Wo' :
among the president's callers , 'I'hl
came to make some arraIlRernent. ! I
cldental to the pr sldent' ! prospe
tlve VIHlt to Iowa. _
- -
- - - -
Sellttle'ash. . , .Jluy (1-'I'he formal
11I'ItI of the keel of the hatUeshlll
ehillska tel ( < plnee FrlclllY , 'l'he
rllstetl1n of the \lrst \ rl\'et III the keel
\ \ ' perrornll'd : hy Oo\'erllllrs SI\\'lIgt !
! If Nehraslm and Governor McHrlde
, . \\'lIshlnjton ,
'l'ho ceromonles be 1\1I at 10 o'clook
with the IIrln of II 81\1I1to to the
\ 'Isltln'eruor of Nelllllskl\ .
UIOIt 1t the formnl oratorical pfll ralll
was not opellod unlll hl\lf I\n hour
'l'he Ilistl ngulshed gllests arrl ved In
the yards In carriages nt haU pnst ,
JO o'clock , alld their arrl\'a1 WIIS the
sl nn1 for the 1II1I1IJoturalion of the
forllll\l exercises , ' [ , ho proce81101f
lIIoved fr om the cl\rrlages to the
H ra lIel stand III the follow Inr ! order :
Ilohcrt MOI'U\1 \ , preslclent of the
: 'Iorall BIUS , Co , : .Joslah Collins and
\Ion. \ .1. II , MI'Gmw ot the dlllmber
ot cclmlllen'l' I'olllmlttee : Go\'ernor
Sa'II O or ohraskll and 11011 , J. W ,
Clise. presldollt or the clm1l1ber lit
cOll1mowe : Go\'ernor McBride 01
\\'II1hln tlln and 110\1 , 'l'homI18 Uurke.
master or coremonlcs ,
Members uf the stl\rr ot the go , ' .
orur ( of N ebraskll ,
Memhers o [ "tho stalT of the HO\ "
el'llor of Wl\sh I nlt.o\1.
Co ! . A Illlelt , I. Blenlhen and M rs ,
Sa'lIge ,
Ladles , members of the chambet'
ot commerce I\nd lrl\'ltetl lIl'sts ,
' ' , Jos.
'l'he oxerclses were opclled by
Ilih Colli liS , ohalrllll\lI ot the chnmber
ot commerce cOlllmlttee , who In a
tow brief remarks Illtroducod Judge
lIurko , masteJ of ceremonies , A t the
dose of his Ilddress , .1 ud o Burke In.
troduced Go\'ornor Me Bride of Wnsh-
Ington who IImde the I\ddress of wel-
COmo and has had fIIIW ) ' oompllmen.
tary nutlces
, Go\'ortlur Sa vn e replied ,
I The presentation of Morl\n Hros
I company to ( overnor SImHc of a
1 BmaH picco of steel , the mnterlnl
r punched rrOIll the IIrst hole In the i
. IIrst plol1e of steel shaped to beeo(1)o ) I
It part of the keel or the bl\ttlmlhllJ .
under construction tollowed ,
Then It sectloll of the battleship I
N ebrasklWIIS SWIlIIK I n to posl tlon I
. by the Hroat cralll'S , A red.hel\ted I
rivet was brought anll placed In PO ! ! '
Itlon nlld MI0 ! ro"ornort > of 1,1:0 twu I
states with t.holr coat.s 01T and their
shirt sleeves rolled lip ahove their
elbow , hy I\tlernato strokes , tlatteno
the rivet Illto posltloll.
When this tl\sk had heen cOmlletc (
I , nmld the ollthusiastlc cheers ot thl
crowd Illld the IIrlng oC IIIIS , a repre
II ! sentatl YO of the company appearol
I- upon he scelle and proceeded to pa
I' ! elf the c1lstln lIlshod workmen Co
t' their work. 10 ellch oC the govern
ho Iotave a check for three cents
With each of the clweks was a voucher
or which the reclplollts will be re
i , q ulred to sign.
I Officers Suspect Foul Play.
I ; Sioux City , IlL. , .Iuly [ i.-l'he vlsl
c 'eJtol'dIlY of I. D. Flllnclrell1\ \ , claim
II InlZ to 1e : an oOlcer froUt Lake county
I South } Jakotu , and who SOU l1t t4
- I hUG ob'lIln ! posseslon fit Maudl
J Holden , thirteen yellrs old , who WII !
l ! e1cserted this sprln by her parent :
at Homer , Nob. , ullcoverecl sensatIon
S al facts leadn onleors to bellc\'e Lee
1)1. Balr , who married Mrll , Nor
. Holden , Maude H01dell's mother , hit :
l ! heen killed In T.Jake COlloty , Soutl
s l.Ikota ! , 1\11' , I1nd Mrs , Blair 1Qt :
Ii : : -oux ; ! City In April In a l\Overel
I- wagon , with 1\11' . IIl1d Mrs , .Tamc
J lIalnlelD , IIlIlnlolll hils lung heel
:1 : III love "IMl Mrs , Blllir which result
[ 1 pll In mooy quarrels , ' [ 'hree week
e n o Blair disappeared In Lakecounty
: . . alld It Is understood I1l1lnllen hus lef
, - his wife aod Kone with Mrs , Blah
S 'I'he Dlalrs toole Malld Holden wltl
I' them , and , thou h but thlrtce
II'I'ars old , her IlhJther toreed her to
11 fc of shaIne , She was deserted a
, Neb. , and retllrned to Slou :
City , where she has au uncle , but
I fcw days a\oo \ : , " 'Iandreau , In the rol
of all ol1lcer , came to secure her , tha
I , she mlht ) : be forced to resume b
" \fe I \ , but onlcers were noli lied ane ) UJ
.S Io us ol1lclal tllrown In jail. 'III
s IIt1Il'ers are Investlgl1tln the report
aUIut , milir.
, : British Showed NCllect
it London , July 4-At the request (
, t'hlteln.w Held , Commander Cowlel
I former na\'al attache here , and Ml'I
; r , Cow1es met Lady Pauncefotc and 1) (
il family on their arrival In London th
I _ j lIIornlng rrom Ncw York , which clt
I , I Itley lett June 2lon ) the American IIr
I stl'amer St , Paul. Apparently owlll
I' t" " "orne mIBunderstandln , no Brltl
.s ' , l11lialll ! wore present , But for M
I _ a'1 ' 'Irs , Cowles , Lady I'auncefol
10 wOIII(1 have returned to Loudon wlt1
Ollt a ! > Ingle person to receive her ,
Boy Drowned at Falrbury.
- -
( . Falrhllry , Neb" July 5-Homer , tl :
.y thlnel'lI.year-old Ron of Mr. and Mr
] , , n. BI e , was drowned while swlr
0 ,
e rulnl- ! 111 a. pond north of this city wll
three companions , None of the 101
! r
[ 1- could . . \VIm but they "ilated about 1,1
e-I pen I un an ImprOvISlC raCt and whl
ru I 'they ' were o\'er the deepest p1ace , IItt
y' ' lIomer slipped olT. Ills companlo
nhelllg muoh smaller were unable
c. t r cl\e \ 111m and he . sank the third tlm
- - -
- -
. . .
- .
. . , . ' ;
- -
, . _
A oharter hilA heon Issued tOl' . '
It.atu hallk at Stockvllio.
'fho BtattJ COII\'elltloll ot lho Ohrls , j
111111 1'lItlea\'or : socltles wns beld 1
) mahll Ilist week.
Frelllollt 11'ls have combined In a.I
I't\l \ ! al of attelltlolls frorn youngmeJl * :
, \ ' \to \ ISO tohllCC ( ) ,
l'rof , IIrllllor , of the state unitcr-
Ily , cXIJUllmelltetl with moth t"
1111 cIIlIl-ht ! noon In IIfteell nights. .
1I1'II11111Y & Horllllllg of Omaba. . .
. 1:1110 : till' Illwest hId of $1.000 tor -f
. hall o III the hcnlltlJot apparnfu.
f the ( ) maha postol11co buUdin. . .
A systulII of fUllr'lual mall dcUy-
.I'Y WIlt.l'S . have becn started trom
ar\JI'l. : 'I'he carriers arc Charles
I''mbronk , Sall1l1el Martin. Gcorgs
: lIbertsoll alld111111111 \ ' Juhnson ,
The Hov Paul lIandy at I l\irneld
fillS rcsl lIocl a ! ! pastor or the Con-
dl'lwtJllal chllrch III. Falrlle1d and. ,
I.'rt Cor IIcl'kle ) ' , Cnl. , where ho ku' '
I.l'cejlted a clIII ,
' 1' . W. Cole ot Nelson has been a , . ,
\Jointed \ postmaster , lit Nolsoll. Neb. , :
'Illd JO. . Mclt'arlalld , postllllllJter LB }
J\O't1 \ ) cllunty to succeed J r M. MeOla-
Hlo , rcslgned ,
Y. II. lIerfel , a plolleer or AlleB
, 'onllty , tl week aKo fell and Injured' "
hIs helld , He IInKered on tor several
11a'slIl1t ttled from the shock anti
Internlllinjurics cllused by his h.U.I
Captain A. R. ' 1'a1bot nrrlved la
I'altlsmouth on his steamboat DeD. !
rtett.lI . , brlll ln with hIm the new
jlolltoon brldgo , whIch Is to spBn 'h.
; \lIssOluj : river lit that point.
GJllr e S. Nicholson , 11 tarmer et'
OOl'lllallvl1le precinct near lIaJeIi
Ventor ( ( ) mrnltted sulcldo hy hUD
hlmse1C In the barn. l1e hud been
III poor heatlh tor some time and lit
bol1e\'Uf1 to Imvu become despondeD
'l'he comp1alnt a alnRt Al Denn !
\VIIS dismissed by Police Judge C .
rove of 1.JllloollI Ilnd heVas orderert
101e1l80d. Beard was nccused ot the.
mmder ot J. G\11lnn \ and was-
brou ht horn Kansas City tor Ia } .
While IIs11lng In the North } ) ) atte
rlvor Chris Marycot , ot North Platta
aged 16 , wus seized with n fib. tell
1111,0 the water and WIlS drew cd.
The body was recovered In a few
Following Is tbo mortogo rcpo
for GIIKe coutny tor tbo mont.h vt
Juno : Number of farm rnortlagel
IIled 25 , Ilmount $40.225 . ; number re-
lensed 32 , amount $30,278 ; number 01
_ town and : olty mortgages tiled 22.
I' amount $15,205 ; number released 32.-
IIlIIount $20,20i ,
Mrs. Lydia M. Legg bas applied
I. tor a dl vorce ( rom her husband a
_ Jeweler ot Sutlon , on the rgouod
, ur oruelty , She claims that tW8
o yeurs ago her husband threatened , too
cut her throat and that on Jnue Jo.
s he endeavored to carry our. bl.
s threat.
A cloudburst occllrec1 seven mIJ < < :4 :
Bouthelillt or IJuyard find Hed Willow.
"reok rose twenty teet In halt that
many minutes , 'l'he waters washed
away the house of Richard Vivian
aml Mr. Vivian narrowly escaped
drownln , A geJreal rain nnd bitn
storm roHowed and did considerable
dama e to smaH grain.
Mrs. II , A. Lockwood was kine.
by a frolght traIn while erosslo8
Main street In Valley , 1I0r horsa
r. waR kl11ed also and the bugG'
h smashed. Mr. Lockwood , ber hUS\
n band was u candidate tor count1
treasurer a few years II O on the fu.
IX Ion ticket , l1e lives tlve mile nort
. eaRt of V II Hey.
It T.J , L , Wlnn whoso renl nama .S .
r F. Fl Ml11s , and who succeedeo to
10 to ClIshlng about $300 worth or forged
La Jchool warrants at Norf01kVIne. .
examinatIon and was bound ovel
to the district court , Two hundred
dollllrs ot the cash was recovcreq
ha vi ng been sent to Omaha In .
Gcorgo Gould. assistant cashier ot
the wrecked Platte VaHey bank at
Bell wood , has been bound oyor to
the district court on a charge 01
being accessory to the Issuing 01
furged paper. George Gould was DO' '
ol1lclally conneoted wIth the bunkl
hilt assumed the duties ot assistant
l ashler during the trequent absence
ot his brothers ,
'fho city councn ot Llnc01n slttl nil
:16 as a board ot equalization finished
s. the hearing or the complaint against
n. the assesod valuation of the Llnco1n
th Ous & Elcctrlc company and tbfl
ds l.lncoln ' ! 'ractlon company , made b ,
he the commercial c1ub , and adJuorne
lie lea\'lng the valuation as given ill
"Ie hy the commIssioner of taxes un'
ns changed.
to "l'hreo hundred and twenty Ilorcs 01
11rarm lana near N ebraksa CI ty re.-
cently s01d tor ! J25.800.