Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 10, 1902, Image 1

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" ) ' " " " ' . . . . 'Y' " .
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' _ 6\e.\ 11\8' \ L\\Dtl\de.u \
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I " . .
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, lJ. inle Teller. s.
Our C111 , h < .tod ; jo ; \I nrth o- I
illg a lOll ) . : \\11) l. ' 1'1' ; IIIr " ' , I' 11
III10thl'I' collCl'lIUII II. . . . 11 < . ' ,
1 heclI gathen'l ! iu thl" ' " . . \ , :
'rhc allradioll is 1I0t ollly 111 Ils I
, higllcss 01111 variely , but ill thc
, liscrilllillalioll ill thc e1ertius ,
I I ) Thcrc arc h\IIHlrCtls of Clock
styles iu the lIIarket : it takes
I . tilllC amI la ! > te to selcct the
\ he5t. nlHlto gall\l'r a COlllpn'-
I hl'lIsive stod'c havc 1'\1'1' ) '
I : killd of Clocke : . for cvcn' kiwi :
. of persoll ; Clocks for offi es , for
; ' . puhlic placcc : for kitchclI alHI
' parlor , for "up-stairs IIlId dowlI-
i stairs alld ill lilY lady's challl-
I . bl'ri" allli the low prices 011
I 1 : thelll an' till' rC'HlIl ! of largl'
\ huyillg ill U ! OPl'dal lilll' , . Visit
our stor ( ' for a n'\I'lalioll of
\ CIOl'k-\I'luh \ filld Clol'k value. ,
i . ! ! ! pd B'.s\ )
. , t' .
: j. . . : :
. GrllI1U llJ or ( ' Otllll lmlc C'lIlICSC'
' ! . . . . . . . . . . . , . . e
- - - . . =
- - - - - - - - - -
II I I School Books ,
; Tablets
; ; 1' -AND-
i *
- -
1'I 1
\ t School S\1ppJies \ ,
! 'k
' 1'
; ( -AT-
i I ; " . 'I. .
iC _ .
'jl ! J. G. H ; ; b' , , " ;
' I'
J ! !
, ; I'
'i ' : : - - - = _ - - - - = = - ' -T " ' " ' _ _ _ _ _
r . Perle Elizabtth Fields ,
: DR.
I . . "f ) Q m"h f ! .
; 1p BD nHUJ lJ ill j BI : J : l
) a. 111. to 12 111.
1 :30 : to 4 p. m.
Or by appointment.
I .n&"Offil'e o\'er AIIIl-rsoll's ! Jewelry Store
ill Realty 1I1ock , Brokl'l1 How , Nehraska.
- - -
. -
, -
I HAil ! HAIL !
: The old reliable St ,
; Paul Fire & ; ial'illC
I I" Insurance Co. , of St.
PalJJ , Minn.\vith oyer
I : . $3,000,000 cash as-
I : , sets , offers the Htrnl-
1,1 ,
ers of Custer county
, absolute inc1enlIuty
against 10RS by HaiL
i I..ov . rates , IIonol'ahle
, adj ustluent and Spot
i cash settlelnents. Insure -
, sure your crop ag'ainst
! r hail..T. A. II A It I JS ,
I ,
l , Agen t.
Office , Opposite P.
: , 0. , Broken BovNeh.
- .
I ( 'hUrl'lI luslt'l\l.
I - - -
\ Thc Baptist wi11 gin' a Iusi.
! cal in the church next 'l'uesda >
I evening. SOIllL' of thl' hest IIIUSI'
: cal talents of thc city has hL'el ]
secured. An entertainment of .1
high order wi1l he proddcd and
\ the liberal patronage of thl' com ,
I JUullity is solicitell. 'l'ic1els wi 1
' he on sale at the Post OmlH
, \'here a plat of the sl'atinb
j' , capacity is on exhihition. 'l'hosl
purchasing resen'ed seat tid\Ct
! wi11 h.l\'c . the advantage of gett
Ii r' ing a good position cven the
r I should arr'e late. Ceneral ad
t' ' . . mission , 25 cents ; Children , 1
. 1. ccnts. gxercises wi1l com
1l1CI1ce promptly at 8:30 : 0'c10CH.
tl : : : : c ; : ; : : : : : :
' 1'he RUI'UIII.ICAN and Inter
Ocean , S1.50.
John Haney of Merna , spent
Suuday in our city.
I eS. . , V. Hichards will preach
at Merna Sunday at 8 p. m.
D. C. Konkle of Weissert , was
a social caller at this ofiice Mon-
' 1'heodore Purcell , his sister ,
1\Iiss Clara Jelfords , spent
' the Ii"'ourth at Ra\'enl1a.
D. C. Konkle of 'Veissert , has
bought the Decius property on
the nort h side. Considera tion
Geo. Schmidt was around Sat-
unlay setting up the cigars to
his friends. Its a girl , and their
first child.
Senator Currie came o\'cr from
Sargcnt 'I'uesday and spcnt yes-
tenlay in this city. He says the
croos arc most cxcellent all over
Custer County.
HeS. . W. Richards returnell
from Arnold Monday cvening ,
where he delh'ercd an address on
the Fourth , and preached Sunday
morning and evening.
R. D. Pickett and wifc are thc
proud parents of a boy that was
born to them Tucsday 111oming.
Dr. J. J. Pickett now boasts of
the fact that he is grandpa.
J. C. Bowen , J. .T. , li'red C. ,
and 'Vilson , left ' 1'uesday
morning for Dome Lake , \Vyom-
ing , wherc they will remain a
couplc of wceks recupcrating.
' 1'om 'V right and A. II. Barks
attended the annual mceting and
banquct of thc Custer County
Editorial Aasociation held at
the Grand Central 'l'uesday night
Mrs. J. J. Snyder lcft last
'l'hursday on a visit to her old
hOlllc in 'Pennsy vania. It is her
fir5to/\'i / t.dn si t , en , . , . 3'ears. She
expects to remaltl a couple of
mon t hs.
A heavy rain of 2.95 inches
was rccorded at this place 'l'uesday
night. As thcrc was no wind
wi th it no damagc to crops was
sustain cd except it will keep the
farmers out of their fields for a
few days at least.
' 1'he state prohibition convcn-
tion has bcen called to mcet in
the auditorium at IAncoln , August -
gust 7 , at 10 o'clock , to placc in
nomination a statc ticket. Cus-
ter county is entitlcd to 21 dele-
ga test
J. II. II. Cross left us a sample
of l is barley Monday morning ,
which was ready for harvest. It
stands 42 incllcs high. The
heads are unusually large and
welllillce1. He estimates that it
will yield 40 or 50 bushels to the
C.V. . Beal , the senior editor
of the Beacon , who was called to
his old home in Missouri , Rome
three wecks ag'o by the critical
illness of his mother , returned
home Monday morning. IIis
mother had improved so as to be
abll' to sit up when he left. IIis
hrother , glgin , who went with
him , has not returned yet.
' 1'he new mail route , Sargcnt
to Somerford , Coburg' and Berwyn
starteel July 1st. Mail leaves Sar-
gl'nt at R . m. and arrivesatBer-
WVII at 5 p. m. IIarvcy Smith hi
Uil' mail carricr. Chas. B. O\'er-
ton , of Bcrwyn , has the contract.
Byron BenU5' . has the contrac to
carry the mall between Plllll1ps-
hurg and Sargent. Mail lea\'e
l'hillipshurg at .t:45 : p. m. , arrivc
at Sargl'nt at It p. m.arr'as at
l'hillipshurg at 7.t5 : p. m. l el.
I Gra\'cs , of Anselmo , has the con.
tract for the Sargent-Anselmc
' . Leader.
I'OU te.Sargent
Ceo. Sillivan of Sargent , ir
company with his brother B. Woo
made the HIU > UJII.lIIAN ollice .
friewlly call Ionday. 1\1 r. SilJi. .
van had recently returned fron
Idaho , where' and othe !
- hrothers located fifteen mininf
1 ' "claims in 'L'hun < 1er mountain , .
distance of 70 miles from tIll
nelrL'st wagon road and 12
miles northeast of Boise City
s One stamp mill has heen erectce
- in the camp and two or threj
others are In prospect this sea
- son. Prospectors to the rate 0
100 a day are now pouring' 1
- therc. One claim recently sole
for $125,000.
H. U. Mullins went to Omaha I
Monday morning , returning' Wednesday -
nesday morning.
Mrs. J4. A. Wens is enjoying' a
visit from her mother , who resides -
sides in the easturn part of the
H. 14" . Gihson of Kentucky ,
arrived in the city londaand
will spend se\'cnil Ilays \ . siting'
his sister , : \Irs. Alpha Lorgan.
HeJas. . Juel1dns , wifc amI
1\1rs. Ii'inch of Arnold , arr'ed in
the city 'I'ueselay.e . \ ' < ; ning' , .t hc
guest s of the fanllly of'c sCl'lbe.
Andrew Horn tool { a day olTthe
4th and celebratcd at Ail'elmo. !
' 1'hen seems to be a special attraction -
traction in that \'icinity . for 1\lr. ! .
. I
Geo.I3. Mail' , R R Hern.11'\1 . and
wife of Callaway camc O\'er ' 1'ucs-
day afternoon to attend the Cus- I
ter Count\ . Editorial Association
and hanq lct.
Mrs. ' 1' . 'V. Edwardswho went
up to Mullen to celebrak the I
Fourth and \ ' sit her two nieces , I
who reside there , returned hOllll'
Monday nigh t. ' "
Mrs. C. l . Judkins retlll'ncel
'I'uesday night from a''isit to
her 0111'hOllle in Pawnec City.
Shl' also \'isited at Omalla and
J incoln while gone.
Dne of the best musical programs -
grams cver rendered in Broken
Bow will bc given next 'I'uesday
night. Sec program as pnblishee ,
Prices 15 and 25 cents.
Mrs..T. II. Kerr of Anslej' ,
came up 'I'uesday e\'ning'return-
ing 'Vedncsday noon. She with
othcr memhcrs of thc commitee
arranged the program for the '
Custer Baptist Association.
M. W. Storms of gdelyville ,
who was in Monday and ordered
the RUPUBI.ICAN scnt. to his ad-
drcs , rcports that the hail did
considcrable damage north of
Oconto severalmi1cs. The damage - I
age extended as far north liS I
the Want raneh , and east to I
I ! tk Creek. Some Holds six or
seven miles wcst of Anslcy are
rcported completely clestroyecl.
'I'he school bO 1rcl held another
mceting 1\Ionclay nigh t , and ,
electcd teachers to 1 1l the remaining -
maining placcs , exccpt the position -
tion of a\sistant ! principlc.
'l'hosc elected are : Prof. J. 1\1.
Scott , principal , at ShO pcr
month ; Miss Nellie Downey at
S50 for thc primary grades. For
thc intermcdiate grades , Misscs
Sadic Whitehaad , Mamie Cooper ,
Mabel Funk , Pearl Hunter ,
Madge Kay , Jessc Smith at. $40.
Editor'Visely of Sargent , who i
was in attenclance at thc county
cditorial association , maclc tlli's
officc a fricndly call. He stated
that the socialist congrcssional
count ) ' andlcgislative con\'ention I
would be call cd to IIICet in this
citj' about the middle of August. I
Hc also stated that the socialist -
ist of supen'isors district No.
1 , have placed in nomination
.Tol111 E. Grint , a popnlar farmer
of Phillipshurg , for supen'isor ,
aud that they CXI1L'd to pnt up a
winning campaign.
J allies l-4i nelle ) ' of A nsd 11I0 ,
was a cit ) ' visitor j'esterclay. Ill'
reports that No. 41 calllc'ery
near IHl\'ing a serious wreck ) ) l- :
tween Merna and Ansclmo Weel-
neselay morning. 'I'hc truc1s
jUIIIPQd the track and for a quarter -
ter of a mile ntn on thc centl'r of
, the tics , breaking c\'ery onl' of
thclII in two. ' [ 'hc sulelen ( application -
plication of the hreaks , whkh
I soon brollght the train to a
stanllstill alonc prevented a " l'r-
i iOlls wreck. Onl ) ' a few hours
; Wl're required to get the trucks
back in place whel1 tlle train
passcd on.
'I'he 4th of July cclebrations in
) Cllstl r cOllnt ) ' were largely at-
tcnded and genemllj' enjoY'L'd so
I far as hcard frolll. At l\lason
I City , Callawa.y , Sargcnt , Mosley's
1 ( ; ro\'e , New Helcna and Arnold ,
" large crowds an' \'portl'll. A
numher of social gatherings
where onl. , . local attendance ! >
sought. fn this vicinity thl're
1 were fOllr of that natllrc. 'I'lll're
was one in the city parlonl' at
J4. A. Wells' grv hy mClllhers
. of the 1\1. B. A. , a 1Iiile west of
town , one by the U. B. Sunday
School at Vannice's gro\'e Wl'st
- of town , and another a couple of
f miles north of town in ' 1'appan
1 Valley. ' ! 'hosc present at these
gatherings report a vcry plcasant
t line.
l"rankChristil'of l ouml Valley . ,
was a city \'isitor 'I'ul'stlaj' .
Hose ll'ces , who spent the 4th
of JlIly at lJunning' , returned
l\londa.\ ' .
'I'hl' fusion Cong'l'essio nacon \ -
\'l'ntion convened at Keal'llej'
resiL'nlay a flL' rtlOO II.
W. 11. Comstock of Wescott ,
was a city \'isitol' 'l'lIesdaY amI
Welncsel\y : \ of this week. '
I" . n. nrown of BL'I'Wyn. was
a [ 1'iL'lUlly callel' Satl1l' < lllY. He
reports rep in Ii lie c mti tion
in his \ ' d n it ) '
W. II. Wallace of Council
WulTs Iowa , is visiting ill th
city with his son li"'rank , foreman
of the Chief ol1 le :
'I'he lH\lId \ boys hart ! had the
band stalul in thc city pal'k re.r
mocl1cel thi ! ; week. It l\as IIl'en
\'l'ry materia llr , i mpro\'ell.
It'rom thl' IlIlu'ning' dailics we
learn that Will. NL'\'illl' ell'clines
to he a candidate for l'l'lIolllina-
tion for Cong'l'css 011 t1l1' fusion
Wl' an' a clay Jatl' this wl'ek
through tlle fauh of SUllie one ill
ollr paper not \'l'acllillg' \ tiS on its
usual tilllC. We hope it may Ilot
cccur agaill.
! 'l'hat musicale at the Hapt ist
church next 'I'liesday lIighl will
ue a fine treat. III order to g'd
a good scat huy a rcsel'\'cd ' cat
ill advance. i om will he at a
Mrs. 1 > . A. VallSalll of A IIsley ,
was a fricndly Ialler : at this ol1i e
) 'l'stcl'day. She I'L'ports that thc
1\1. B. A. oreler at 1\lIsll'Y has re-
celltly hccomL' enc of the Htl'Ong ,
(1l"elers lIulllerical of that tOWII
Dr. C. f-4.l\Iullins has just clom-
plded all add itioll to his resi-
dcnce property that has cost him
a.hout $12UO. ' 1'he nr. figured
hefore commencing' that it woulel
cost abut ShOO. lie now has a
fine hame with lIIodL'l'1I improvc-
l11en ts.
One of the ! illcst walks in Uw
city is one recclltly put down hj'
'Valt Georg'e ill front of his lIew
residence. Mr. CL'ol'g"e now has
one of the ! illest rL'sidL'lIce buildings -
ings in the city and the surround-
i IIgH are bei ng malle to con forlll
to it as : as mechanic1e
kill and lIature can do the work.
Ii" C. gm hrec of Ortello , i 11-
forms us that his registered 'Ab-
erdecn bull increased in weight.
2 < < 15 in RS
pounds days , including
thc two days he was transferring
him from Mason City to Ortello.
' [ 'hat. is a rcmarkabIL' g-rowth for
a yearlillg' in so short a time.
1\(1' . Emhr e is now more cO\1\'inc- \
eel than ever that 1 > loocl tells.
Noah Clinebell , who has beell
\Visconsin for se\'eral months ,
returned homc on thc mid-nig'ht
train last night. 11e says cast
lof Omaha , through Iowa and
I iii nois is flooded with water.
'I'hat country has hael the greatest -
est rainfal1 in the past few days
since the flooel. Ill' says field
a Her Held of wheat , the water is
standing' up to the top of the
shocks. All the corn exccpt on
the high lalld is Hooded and can
not possibl ) ' make a crop.
I d. McComas and wi fL' return-
cel this lIIorning from an extended
trip west. 'I'hey were accompan"
ied hy I. . W. Wilson and wife ,
They dSitl'd scveral poillts of ill'
tcn'st in Colorado , Utah , Idahc
alld Cali fomia. 'l'hey took the
hoa t from Sail Ji'ranci'sco to Port.
I a lid , Ol'eg'on. 'l'hey a ri vecl a I
SL'attle th ( ' clay after the lallnch.
i IIg 0 f thc I\l'ef , Ne hra lw and IIIl'I
nOSa'ag'c and his stair. .
' [ 'hc ) ' retlll'llL'el by the BillillW
route. ' 'l'hl'\ , reported a1'1' )
plcasau t trit > .
I'rof. 'l'homson'8 house at COIl.
laway was stmck by 1ig-htnin
' [ 'uesday morning' ahuut 4 : , l
o'clock. 'l'hL' bolt ell L'rill tlll
housc ImockL'll the WilldoW' , cas.
illg'ill and threw it acres thl
hed ill wh k h i\l r. 'I'holllsun a IH
wife Werl' skl'ping. 'I'he 0111. ,
dilll1ag-l' dOIh' therc was to hun
l\l r. . . 'I'hom on's sillwaist. . 11
passed throug-h the \'Uoms when
the childrclI were aslN'p , U1I'
1I01lL' Wl'rc ha\'llIL'c1. I'n passin
through t Ill' bat h room it stl'uc1
a hoe of l\l r. ' 1'llOlIIson's ane
punctured 11 hole through it jus
helow thc instep. 'I'he hOIl)1 !
was dalllag-ed to thc extellt 0
ahont $41J.OO.
um ( . HAHHom . \'J'lm
'I'hc fusion congressional con
\'elltion nominateel Cen. Barn' of
Greclj' C H\nt ) ' : t. K arll ) ' ) 'est r-
dOl ) ' . Ills 1I01ll1lUl IOn IS an 11I-
elicatioll that nunc of the ahler
men wonld aCCl'pt the nomination
because of the unCl'rtaintj' of
SUCCL'SS. As the oldman Bat'n-
has hel'n a stalleling' calldidatL f r
years fol' the place the con\'entioll
tioll l'\'idelltly felt this was a
fa'ora hIe opp'urt n n it.r to pol ) ' hi III
olT with alll'lnpty honor. Score
enc more fOI' Judg'e Kinkaic1.
On 'I'ucsdar , Jnly . 22 , 1902 , '
there will Ill' i1 schoo.1 hoards allCl
patrolls 1II'l'ting' at Brokell Bow.
State Superilltendallt l'owlel'
will \ ' sit the tl'ae-hers illstitulL'
011 that clay ancl adlh'l'ss the
HdlOOl ollicL'rs allCl othL'rs in-
tl'n stl d \'elll'atioll. . All ed-
IIl'atiollaII'OIl\'Clltioll ollght to hL'
aillterc ! ting' to till' people of
CUStL'l' cOlinty ' as is a political
COli1'11 t ion. ough t to hL' as
\\'ell a ttL'lIllL'eI. SOIllC q Ul'Stiolls
of impol'tance an' to he cli cussed
and the school otHcel's will hL'
ul'geel to take IIL'fillate action up-
011 them. All arl' illtcd to at-
iI'IIe1. A prog-ralll will appear
I\I'Xt \ WCl'k.
- - - -
I llIlth.all' .
A 1\lusirale will be helel at the
Baptist church , July 15 , 11)2. (
I xercises will heg'ill at R:30 : p.
m. l'ollowi , ng' is the program :
: \lallll,1111 CIIIII.
' . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . .
I'lall" H"I"1. 1,111111" Itn'lIll.'I'
" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . " '
"HIlIIl'h' C" " fl''sl"I1. .1-1'1111'1. 'h"III1'
H"\lIIII : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SI'h'ch'III.'rulll H Ih' } '
! 'nof. II. 11. lIawlh"I"III' .
I.lIarll.\I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HI'I'cII',1
l 1,011'1. . 1I..1I11. . , . . . .
H"J" . " n"WII u" " , Hhad"II"'II lalll1. . . . . . . O"I"ull
. . . ' . . , , .
JlJ. " " D.11. "
I I.cllall , , " . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H'h'ch'.1 .
Murlha. " HI''lor.
DII\'I--'rll..t , IIlJl' Nul. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ltal"I'
Mr. . . HIIIIJ" , . . . alill11' ' ' , 1\11'1'1. . .
l ccliallnll-"CII" tIIlIfOfT thl1l1all } . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .AII"II.1II01l11
l\lar ) ' I\lorlfall.
Corllel Hell ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SIh'cII'11 :
1.'ra.lIl , 'l'II'hr.
HolIllI " , Inll' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ihllll , ' ) ' 1I11c1 ,
laII"1I , Qllarh'lIc.
Solo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Hel..ctcd
! \lilliI'll' H'cr" .
" ) " " "
Ih.dlall , , " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .HlIlcNcll
IIIC ) ' J'lf"nl" .
I'lallo : 1011111111" HII'I" ' ! 11111111' . . . . . . . . 'rltalll. : } '
1\\1. \ . " ticrtrllllullal' ' .
Ihll.I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Suh'cII' "
, \llIla allIllrllHl Hlllllvall.
.I/I'ollllllt'li ' "Sl'I'1I 'l'hlllllI ; It Nllht..I.'II'JII. .
lIerllm l Cllrll. . .
Qllarlelh.--"lJlIllIlh. . DOlII'll. . . . . . . . .J. A. I'arl < "
H'cr"11 allil'all. . . ,
Aelmissioll---AelIlItH chil-
- - - , 25Cj -
eli'cn , 1Sc. Hesel'\'eel seats at
post ofiice.
Church : jcr'lccl'l.
IIAP'l'IS' " Clll/nCII. /
SUlldll ) ' school atD II. III. 1'reachillg
lit J I II. III. JUllior B. Y. 1' . IJ. at 3 p.
III. Sellior II. Y. II. U. at 7 p. III. No
preachillg atllight.
IJ. II. ciluncil.
'I'here will he the IIsII1I1 services lit the
\ ' . B. church SlImlll ) ' IIIOl'llillg. Special
IIIl1sic will hI' prodded. I-ver'olle : is ill-
vitciito thcse scrvices.
All the rcglllar scn'iccs as uSllaJllext
Lonl's Day. Bihle school lit 9.15 : sharp.
COllllllllllioll ser\'ices cOIIIul'led ! hy H11I'r !
1' . I I. 1\llluk. Slll'cia ! IIl1l1e Quartelle.
\ ' ' " ! Jalliel. " '
l\tol'llillg SCI'IIlOIl E\'cllillg
HCI'IIIOIl , " \\'IIS Chri'liallit ) ' the Nalllral
l'rOllucl of its Age ? " Special Ladies
! lual'tl'lll' iu thl' cVl'uiug. praYl'r IJIcel-
ill ) . : lopic. "Tht. lIeauty of Quiet ! . \'es. "
lIihl ! ! C111SH will JlIl'ct l\llIlIday en'lIill ) . : ,
July J4. fol' L'Xlllllilllllioll Oil ! .ehsoll No. , I ,
C. V. AI.I.I ON , l\lillislel' .
' -
1\1. g. ClIlJllCIl.
UIII J'I''lIlmi S'l'\'ieIJ.
All 0111 ' ' ' hils hel'lI '
peoples Sl'fll' : aI'-
ra\l cll hy the Epworth Icugllc lit the
1\1. H , church lIl1dllY lIIortlill . A SI'I'-
11I011 " 'l'h Ih.trospl.cti ' IIl1d J '
! ! n' lllOSpCCti
. .
of ( HII AII. . Text Ileh. 11:1 : ( , . e > lel
HOIII ) : ! will lie ' 1ul\g. Ensy du1 rs for the
old tolks. Buggies will ( :111\ \ for n1\ \ who
111'1' ullable to cOllie ot.1ll'rwise. I Jmillg
the park 11I1'clillg ! ' t.1u : HpwOI"th I.caue ) :
will IIIl.'t ill thl' ( 'h url'l I illlllledialcly
I aft r lIll' sl'l'dl'l's. ' n. 1' . 'J'II'J'I\ \ .
- - - - - - - - - - - -
1'1\1'1 , IJlilJH'l ! ! .
' 1'11 ( ' chul'ches of till' COlli 11I1111-
itwith consl'nt of till' city
, a thorities and at the rellul'st of
t hl' g'I'llI ral puhlk , hayarrallg -
. td to hold lJ lIion Sunday L'ven-
ingsl'l'vices in the dty park ,
. dllring July ann AUg'ust , beginning -
ning- next Sunday nig'ht. 'l'hL'
service will beg-in at ( , : .10 with a
t wen t y lid nu tl's sacred concert
by th 1Jilnc1. At 7 sharp thL'
> achillg service will hl'g-in.
\JrL \ \ ' . 11. I . 1\1)'crs will pr'ach
Sumlay night. ( :10:0. : : P.'I'IHTEH ,
Pres. .l\Iinistl'l' aJ As 'n.
fI'l' ! Cnnl Tn.CI lIu'lp.
July 1 to 13.
Augu"tl to 14. .2\ . .lI. . , " . . \ ' .
Hcpt mJJr J to J II.
Oil the uhovc days th. . lIurlilllOlI ) :
Houte wi11 "l'1mUllel \ tl ' lh'kl'ls tl
Colorado utl'.trrumlillaril \ ' il' mtes.
- Jl's clIol ill Colono ! fllI'uulIllCr 10llg
mu ! there IIrc huuclrel'l of rl'sorts illlu
Rockies wlll'rc ol1e 1I1UY CSCllpO fl'OII1 thl
heat of the plaills 111111 spcnd 1111 alto
J.cther : dcli htful ncathm.
A ( 'lIrd to J. Frullds , GCl1erall'assclIgc
Agcl1t , Omaha.ic1Jr : , . will brillg ) ' 01I I
ootl hl\l'pl ) ' uf Columllo huoklcL" llln
- will help you plllll yuur trip. 3-1
. . . . . wJiIJ !
. . . : Ij j I
Paints , !
I .
Oils and
Wall Paper I
--a t- . .
Ed. McComas'
Drug Store. !
- .
- - -
x B
: irJ : ' ; i\l ! : iZ ! : i < m *
.I. e. l\lool'l' , abstracting. . 2t.f
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Joh p1' nting' at this ofiicc.
l\tollej' loaneel on improvcd
fa rills. J A \ lHI4IWWIClI ! ,
7 18 tf Brokcn Bow , Neu.
I- _
Dr. ' 1' . W. Bms , elcn tist , office
northwest. cortlcr of Healty Block.
H-l tf.
- - - - - - - -
For immrance and rea1 estate
go to Moore & ' ! 'aylor , in Healty
- - -
West Union , Nebraska-Yes ,
we will pay a part cash for but-
anel eggs. l UlIUG. ! . CAlm.
- - - - - - -
After AUg'ust 1st , I will he
prepared to hanelle 50 head of
cattle for any leng't.h of time.
l"resh pasture in Union valley.
A. 'L' . S1tvJlorr ,
4- ( , Broken llow , Neb.
. .
- - - - -
'V AN'l'wlloarclers. . Reasonable -
able rates. North-west part of
tOWI\-l\Hs.EI.IZAlIl \ TlI Sm.T.s. 5
- - -
Dr. Barnes , the eye spccial ! t ,
will he at. t.he Grllnd Ccntral Sat.-
urclay , the 12t.h. ' ( 'his is vaca-
tiontrip. Prices cut ncarly in
two. 3-4
Farms for sale tlt.d lands for
ren t. Now is the time to get a
farm cheap , as the cheap farms
an all goin , and prices are advancing -
vancing rapully.-J. G. Brenizer.
.Tust rcccived a car of hedgc
posts at. Dierks 14uIllhcr & Coal
Co. in this city. Price , 12 and
H. cen ts. 2 tf
FOH SAI.H OR l.'RADIt-'fown
lots and a few fivc acre lots in
this city , for cattlc , horses or farm ,
land.-Allcn Heyner.
f4ubricating oils of all kinds at
' \illdn's ; drug store.
li'OH SALH-One : top buggy ,
learlj' new ; enc lumbcr wagon ,
farlll -20.-1i'rank
at illY 12-1 - -
Norton. 4tf
FOH l HN.'l'--A doublc
: - - room on
seconcl floor of the Custer block.
I' nquire at this office.
Don't forget the date you are
to see about your eyes , while ] Jr.
Bal'ns is a t the Grand Central
Saturelay , J lily 12. 3-4
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Pepsin GUill , two paokages for
a nicl\Cl at Wilkins' Pharmacy.
POH SAI.H-4"'ive acres f land
in gooe1 state of cultivation adjoining -
joining Broken Bow for $200.
IITCJuirc at this officc. 3-27 if
Se\'cl'al goucl farms for sale at.
a harg'ain , inclucling Ill ) ' own.
J H--1o : ; : ; ; ( : ANIJ\ ' . 44lf
Shallow g'1'a\'c ! wc1Js macle and
g1larallil'l'cl hy I'rank , Kelsey. 47-4-
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I'ol SAI.H---f ots 1 , 2 , 7 and 8 ,
block 5 , ill . /ewett's / addition to
Broen ! Bow. ] nquire at this
ollice. 11-21 if
If you intend to build call at.
Dicrks f-4ulll bcr Co. and get prices.
- - - - - - -
11lnrl'ct Itclurt fur Ton , , ) ' .
\\'hrlll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ .00
" "rluy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 : '
( laU. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ro
Corn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 @ .65
Hyo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M
lIuttol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I : .
1 < 1:8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
l'utllocllJr \ hUllhcl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00
OUIOIl .IH'rblllllJol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00
r.hloklJn . I'or pOIlOlI , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .05
I 1I01 : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .r. . . . . . . 7.JtJ :
COWij . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' : I.2 @ 4.00
I Sh'Cl8. . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stj.W @ 1.01
'l.lIriloy " ) cf/IOllnll. / . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .to
Hlr"w.I'crcwt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
. lIay , Now. vcr Ion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00
HUllllr , lIor cwt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.00
"COIIIC let us reason together. "
A stndj' of the prophecics in the
park Sunda ) ' at 5:30 : p. 111.
, .b'