, - , . - . - . - . . " o dimillutloll In 11l1. I' ' York , I III' ! ! ! ! Is 1I111UCIiI ! : rom labor l'ulltl'lll'CI'iIl'S : , OWIII10 / h\ ) JlrUMlll'rOIl ! ! comlilillll or thl' IIlriC'llItul'al 'f ' fl'ct ! 'IIM nnd Ihl' hrlhl : oUlluok Cor this 11'111"11 1'1'111'1 , Hl'tllll dllllrihutlilli of 11/:111- / wl'l/ht / \ \ 'l'uriliIIPllllrl'1 / hllH f11 Iht' ! l111J\ . I1lu fir hhlll'r ' 1IJ\IJl'rnll\re. Halwuy ! t'lIrlllll/lI / ill : \111) ' wl'rl ! Ii.i 111'1' cellt lar.scr thnn 111111 rellr ulld l.i 111'1' CI'ul IIh\'I' ! thOlll' IIC 11100 , " H , G , Duu ' 0. Co.'s I \\'I'pkh' HI'\'ll'w lIC Trllde 11.1111 1'1111I" III' ' th\ ) , II Kh\l'lI ! ; ! lltlluUOII. COlltllllllllJ : , the j' rl''lt'lbll ) ' ! \ : : 'l'ht'I'I' 1'l'IIIilllll'II III' wldt. . ' ' ' ' ; ' ' III ' II c.J''I'I'1' ' I I : RIII'Y hl'I\\\I'1I Iht , 111111111111 fir busilll'lI'i ' , f . ! 'I'red 111111 Ihe l'ulllrIH'11I closl'd ill 11I1111\ ' bralll'heH o ( Ihl' 11'011 fillll sll'pl IIHJH ' ! ' nwillIII / IlIlIhllll ' ur Ilruluc'rs 10 1I-lllI'l' ' fh'lIn'ry lit n upl'dfied 111111 : . COIIIllIl'tli ' f 1'11111I1111 ; \\'III IlIlu IWXI ) IlIr hlllicUlt , . hilI I thl' IIIII of ncU\'it ) is 11111 uCllr. PI'/lSIII'P I ill lItill IIIOllt ( om\lII'1101I1I : \ fur ruil \ \ II ) ' IIl1d \ -Iruclllrlli 1I1I111lIe ! ! , 111111 11 Irll' 11 1 1 111'111 III' I vleml'lIl1II'IH4 Ilt ( ' crowlll'd with . .rd\11 , X nlel uf BI'SII\UlI'r I" Iroll11 1'IlIIlUUI' ! : Ij lor dl.I\"lrV ( III'XI , n'lIr Wt'rt' n'cl'lIlly 4 nlnlh' at : jHI ; , O. whlll' IIIIUII"liah'ibill' : , I/I'IIIH 1'1111111I111111 ahoUI 5 lJIurl' , Lill1ited ! ; tocks Rl'l' HtllI thc CUII"'t' nf. . 1III'IIdllle8.'I iu nil hrallCh1i ! ot Icxtill's , \ Holters ! IU'I' 11111 IIrill ; ! . : : sles. aud ltllr"I' : ! I . .how . n dillosllioll [ III wult , PlIl'chu'Iers ! : ( If cotton 1:1111I111 un' IlIlIuellc,1 h ) ' Ihl' I i \ vnl1ipccl or dJl'alH'1' 1':11I11tll'rlaJ Rftt'r i \ thr ncw crall hl'/llIs / III mIlV" , ' Conon , I ' ; ro1' Rlightlr 1111 a ( ( ' \\"III1a\OI'IIIIII' \\'alh- f 4'r rlllortll , hut thl' IIlItlook Is1'1 > hrilht I \ In IDUIIY HllleH , Tllrdy Ilelln'rlelit " lIamlle 111'r ! : ! ! hl thl' woolell IUllls hn. . , \ ( 'lIl1ped comlalllt [ ! IIlJInnthl' / clolhit'rs111 \ \ Inll otlll'rs lire nlll ( : ' , ! t'n'l'I ' , \\001 : 111'\11 \ > ulU"e rrl'l I ' III It'll 111 III { t'lIltel'U 11I'11'- kl'h. , ami fl\lnlation" \ nr. . Rh'ady , \ 1"rum Ihl' lnet Ihal there IJ , . . I Cl1icauo , ' IlIhllr dl > lllUtes ill o \ mallY ( iinces It Is l'\'ldt'nt thaI Uw "Ilirit of III11'C1 is : tt wo"I : . 'I'ht , < olllltry Is lIulllllllllly pl'n'lIH'rOIM 1Ith lany Ilidustriell tux'd ltl'yond cnpllclt ) ' . MOlley Is Illelltitlll nnll Ihe l'l' ' < IIle hllve more ot it pl'l' l'allita Ihllll evel' LIl'Core , , .A IIY willill ! : mUll IUIIY Ii 1111 cml'IO'IIIt'lIt , i alld WlIgI'ou Ih. . , whol are hllher than for 'eat'l. Wilh tlll'se conllilloll : ! It would 111'1'111 Ihnl this IIhOllll1 hn tllut. tor eOlltelllllll'ul. ) 'd it is 1I0t clltl'd ! ) ' so , UnrcnstJlIlIlIl' UK al't' 110/111' ot thl' de. mUJllls of Ilw workltumell , t herl ! i3 soml ? ' thlll to ht , t'lJiti tor the , ; elll'rlli CIIIS. ' IIf Inbor. Au illl\lOrtllllt \ cOlIslderali..u , au I ( llIe rlrel ' , ; in'u , " , ulhcil'ut we ! hl hy em- 1,10)1'1'8. wIlli look ulIluUI'e lit IIU IIICI'I/IS' / , WI : : waJl' sl'ale , Is thl' illcreasetl COSI < If .f H\'iug. Dllu's IlId\x : . : ur , ! , which Is 11 . prelly r'lia"'I' ' ; ; lIilt' ! , shows that while 1 tlw eflst of livill in 189i was iii.5 , ; t is to-day 10 l , , 't'he ! ! oUlh Wcslertl whellt rnovellll'nt Is \ I'UillJ : uudlr I\'ay. and while laul\ ; ; , 'will bl\'I' : a 'ichl couoiderllbly lIutJl'r the , \"era \ ! , tile eIH'rul flutlook toralll , tonlllle is IU oc.J , The g'OVI'rllllll'ut has ) I sul'd Uw first bulletin of the yeul' hCllr- in 11\1011 \ the ucw Sf/rill ! : wlll'al ( rol' . It : Is round , as118 the : ! ! e''Iwl'tatlou , thnt titerI' Is U 111111'11 IIlIIullel' arell III I wheat than Inst ) 'l'ar , Ihe g'fl\'IMlltleut ! ' puttln the tlccrel1MC iu UlulIl'solu :11111 'r. the Dakotas at , ril1OO ( aew , > , 1'hll j does JlOL 1111'1111 thllt the nurlhwtshrll nilronlls will Ill'l'essarily hl1 VI ! le'lu ! g'I'aln to hl1l1l , IInd iudl'cl' ' wllh fllvoruhlt. w'l1th- t'r the nllt/ook / is ror n hl'avier ! : rnin 1"111. UI ) 1' than ever. l'rnl'lIcully all this ahnllt1olll'd wheat Illud has gone inlo uth- 4'r 11'11111 , Ilrlll I'vell yet farll1t"rs : irl' plant. In ; ; IIlIx I1ml harll'Y in ! lcath'retl pluee , whl're I\edlur. comllliulls wer ! ! tht' worllt I'nrlier ill thl' fll'UIIOII , It'rom Ihill tillle 011 I tbe rl'lorlM from t/II' / I'owill ; ; spring wheat will tlila. Im'I'I'lIeuce flS the prl'e Innlll'nc ! ' , 'I'hl' Norlhwl'Ht IlOhlll 11(1 ( wel/ / III the ! 'Iwral voluUlc of hml lws9 , In UinrwlIl'olis ' the hallk l'Iel1r1n ' \ lit $ I : ! , . -t O,02:1,2i : flllow n gaiu of mt ! pl'l" ceut. , . .hlch is l'III''l'lall ) ' g'ratifyluJ : ill Ihe face f n decreasl' ot 2a III the lolal for thc conntry fI t Inr e _ trJ : \ ? - . Chicnjo-Cutlle , common to prillle. " , O ( ) to $ ioo ; ho ; : ! ! , Hbll'lIII I'a.II'H , -tt. : ii 10 $ irm ; KhCI'II. filiI' LO choiel' . $ ' 1.00 to ii.r O ; wlll'lIl. No. red , 78c to iUe ; COrti , No.2. Ii.lc tu ( ) fic ; ontH , No , : ! , , JOe totle : r'e , o. 2 , : fic to riic ; bllY , timothy - othy , $ lOOU to $ J4r.o11'011'11' ; \ , $ , iiO to $11.00 : hlllll'r , choice Crl'nllll'ry , : We to 1 c ; t'J/N / , frl'Rh , lal' to lric : [ lolaIOI , new , 701' to 80l' Iler hushll. I lutlillnII\IUIiM-Uatlh' \ . Rhil'llllIl.00 ' : tll 7.40 : hOIII. choice 1iJ:1I1. 'I.00 to 7.1' ' ) ; . .hl'I'I ) , l'OllllllOIi 10 Ilrin1l' , $ : . ! , no to ; j : I.7ii ; wlll'ni. No , : ! , irie 10 ik ; corn , o , 2 white , ( He Iu Imc ; OUIS , No , 2 white. 2c 1013c , . SI. Lo'nls-Cnttlt ! . $4f O 10 $7.1:5 : ; ho 'I , .tOO 10 $ i5 : ; Kbecll , f2. O 10I.hll , 'hl'at , o , 2. illc to ,7ic ; corn , No.2 , \ We to Gtc : onts , No , 2. He to .tie : ; rye , No , 2 , MI' 10 rilic _ , , , " - Cindllllntl--Cllttlt 10 $ ( ; , : .1(1 ( ; hOI.PI. $4,00 to $7,40 : Hht'l'I ( , a , 10 , I ) . . , wheal , No , , 8Ic to 8c ; l'ilrU , No , mixed , ( 'Hc lu Il5c ; Oil I ! ! , o , 2 mlxt'll. 4c to ' ( : il' ; r'I' , No , 2 , ionl' to ri7c. Detrolt-Cuttle , $ :1.00 : 10 $11,50 : ltos ; , ( ) O to $ i,05 : shet'I , 2,50 tll : : ; : ' 1.00 , " , hrat , :0\0. : 2 , i { ) ( ' 10 HOc : corn , No , :1 : j'1'lIflW , ( Ul' 10 ( me ; oalH , No , 2 white , -iSe to , ( Ie ) : rye , l lle to lOc : , \ , ' 1'oll'do.-\\'llI'lIt , Nil , : ! IIIIKell. 7Se 10 'iOc ; rorn , II. 2 mlxl'tI , Gtc 10 1121 : : enl ! ' . f 1\0. 2 III il.t' : , , Wl' 10 He ; clovl'r bt'CII , prime , $5,02 , Mllwnukl't'-Wht'nt. No , 2 IInrthl'rn. 'me to ille ; corn. No , a , tUr to lI c ; OlitS. o , 2 white , 4He to 47e : ryl' . No , I , me I to 58e ; hnrh'y. No. : . ! . iOI' to iI , : ; Ilork , ml'SR , 17 , 7 , New York-Gllltle , $ ail'l ' to $ iIi ! " " hOlt' ! , , , OO 10 $ i.2i : : IIhl'l'll , $ ,1.00 to U'IO : \ wht'at , No.2 rl'd , 77e to 71c ! ; corn , No , 2 , ftSe 10fII' ( \ ; olltll. Nn , : ! whill' , rilc to ) : ! : bu rr , crI'll mer ) , : " ' l' to JrJ ; egKs , Wt.'lIt- ern , 15e to lie. Buffal-Cllttle , cholrt : allitJlliug .tt.'NI' , 4OO 10 7.f30 : hogllo fl\lr to prlull' , aoo to 7,7rl ; IIhcel' , Calr to choice. a,2i : 10 1" " ' " $ ,2."I : lambs. common to choice , $ -1,00 to $1.00 , ' Flr In the bUlllneli .ectiOIl at Buler , I 1110" dId dl&ula"e eat1l1Utttd at 'ntpc ' 10 , . I 000 to 'I OOO , GIFT BY HELEN GOULD , I l\llIl.rfll ccllt Bnllilllll.r of Brnllkl.11 ' I I , c , A" NIIVllt Bl'unch , Y'I I TIll' IlIlt.t nt till' hlIt'lIeel1t ; "t'I'I 01 : JIl'll'U , UlIult1 10 IIl1ru't 11 Ill ! II till 11 1:01 : Ihol , : Jrt of II lit'hulhlllll : III thl' , \ ' 101'11 Ill'll oC I hl' \ ' . M. C , A , TIIl'l1 rtlc' I tllrl' III IIO\\ ' Ill'lIrhlcUllllllt'IIIIII / , It hJ : , l'I'I'1i ' built lit II. cost oC $ .JUOI/O ; / IIUrl Ihe I I'lItlrt' ( ' ' 'III'IICe l'O III es IIUI of1111" : I 0011111'11 111I1'1' , When rOlllph'I/,1 , It \\1\11 \ III ! till' filll',1 blllltllll ! : of Itt klrlll III the I worlll , II hns n Crolllal' ! or wo 11'1'1 , Illud II IIt'IIth lIf i , h ( St\'t'll slfJrillI hllh I - - - - - - - - - IIIUJOII.\\ : ' - IJ. I' . A. lItlr.III : II. . - - - - Illid Is lIC I'tllill' , hrll'l , 111111 11"011. I t hll n rlloral'dl'lI / \ \ hl'l"t , IIIl'l'tllI/:1I / I'UII III' h..ltl 111111 'vhl'l't. IIII' IIIl'II milIll' 1IIlI'h IIIl1re l'OlllCorlllhlt , IllIrlll : : tIll' 1IIIIIII1WI' wl'llhl 1 thall Ihl'v , Ioulll III' IIlld.'r ell\'er , I i\ , G'IIII.I . ha" IHlilt IIII' hllllllt' as : t lllo'nlll' I'ial ClI hel' fathel' , 'I'h" rllrllhill ur ! wlil ht , lIulll'l'IIII1'1I Itv , 1111' \\'IIIIWII'1 ! . \lIxllilln' II ( IIIL' y1. : . G , A , 'r Ill' 1'1' wiil III' 1I1II 'l' IhllI , : ! tO ) 1011'1'1" IUI : 1'0011I" , rnrnhdwtl III 1I'II I IIf : : ; il Ill'r rllOlll , ' 1'llCrt' will III' II Jilll' ' rl'\tall' rllnl. lHJ\\'lIu/o / : alll'a , l : llUlillilllll , ha. . . . Iwr 111\11(1. ( u , : rl'ul IIl1l1itorllllll , IUIII\ ! I'UOI1lIl. rl'/Hliu ; . : rUlIlUS , ll1ulIlng' .1I..m nnd c\'r 'thlll ! ; thul wlli IlIlIke thl' plac lriJht , 11I111 cheertill. - - . . . . - - . MITCHEll CAllS CONVENTION. QIIClIlIoll or Geller,1 8trlle 'ViII De Hdtlcll nt the l\1cutllll : . PUller dlreetloll ot I'resitlent .llIhll Mitchell ur thl' Ullitell Millt , WlIl'kl'l'H ul . \lI1ericu till' 101lj-I'XIIl'cteti clIII Cur . 8\11'I'iul \ uIIIlI/mll'OIl\'I'lItiulI ! / of lI1illl''olk , er , ; WII isslledVI'IIIItsda ' h ' Sel'rl'l :11' ) " 'J'retHllrer'lIson. . 'l'11tJ couvelltoll : wiU Ill' hl'l,1 , iu IUtlillrllll0hll : .IIII ' 17 , 111111 will delerUl hit , W IlIt h'r till' ! : < II [ 'L-cUIII III hwr , ' 0' [ Ibe 1'011111 ry IIhull:0 0111 011 tril.1' IQ lI"slst th. . "Irikill ! : II III h I'IIcl It , miucrs 01 J'l'ulI8yl\'lIl1la , llIeh IlL'pl'nds 011 Ihl' II1hll'roC IIl1ulll 11I11IIIna and I lillo , who will ( 'UI n II ro III I. IlI'lIt li/llre / ill th. . I'lIlI\'l'lItloll , 'I'hl'tusll \ oC thl' u\lporlitlllllll'lIt uf Ih'lejltl"s 10 thl COII\'llIt1l1l1 ill 0111' (01' I'"t'rIOU , 1Ill'lIIhel" 01 I Ill' Ilical lIuloll or fractlou IIVI'r ufty , ' 1'hiK will make II l'OIlV\IIlIUII of lOO dl'legatls. 'I'hl''oliu strl'lI/tll / oC all loeals itl hl t\\'el'lI : ! , : mo lIud : ! , ,100. Of this thl ! I'OI Vl'utluu wl/I / hll'I'1 volill8tru / lh tY from 1.700 to umo , A hllre lIIajllritJ rail ortlel' u 8tril , , ' , Thl' nnthrIC It ! [ 'Co /IOU9 / easl i47"Ules , Vlrliuiu I1Ild liehl an , whll'h joilll'd III the . 'all Cor the cou , vt'ntion , hUH' Iirty-LwlI , mukluJ ; iflll'olt ! CroUl thulIl' IiIlilllrlelM whleh lIuilt'cI Ie cnll thl' couvelltion. As IItllled at tIll' IwadtlUUrlers COlllli , tHHlM ur. , not HulIsuctor ) ' 10 minlI' ' ' h li"Collrl , Knmmll , Arl.llnslIlI lIuII ludl:1I : I 'I't'rrltory , IIl1d il Is lIelie\'lcl till' deletl" ; I trulII thoss'I'llolIS will \'ote for II tlLril : ! ! I 'I'hmlrll'rll ot Ohio arc IIIlderAtolll1 te I ill' o\llolll'd ( to n slrlkl' , while tllIlSI ! uj I IlIIullis , 11111111110 and lowli IIn ! III tlollht 'l'hl' rlJrlllll1 1'1111 fOl' Iht , eonvelltion cle- I tallll at lellg'th whnt IInlons IIrl ! I'IUlOW'I ( I I'red to R'lId df'It'Jatl'lI. Ihl' nllmh\)1' 01 dl'll'/aleli / to II ! ' sl'ul , th [ ' IIwlIlI,1 10 IJ , l'lIl"1illlod ' ill 1'\1008ill \ ; ' ; IIII'm , [ 'tt" . _ _ - I 'I'he IInllllnl mileuge of mall tlllion h ) ' rullrolldll ill ISiri WIIH .7r , Jr I" 1110 lIIill'\l ; III lIJU1 It wall aOlI1a:1 : : miles. The rl'qllest oC lhe Chlt'l1 o srull1 lIIen to have the trnllslt prl\'iltJes ! l'xtendt'J frum IIlx to lIinl' mnllths hils hl'l'n 1II'II1etJ 11) th ( ' rallrondzl IUIt'n'IIIt'd , 'L'hl' Mh'hilUI1 Cl'lItnll : lIIlllIunces ome 1 challJ.I'\ Iht , rllllnilltlllle / of Ilusllta ' 1 tralus : Iltl will IIho fllllter time lIud 111I. Ilrovl'd ! Hrvlct > III other wa's , 'I'he HII ; SlIndy , I' asl 1.'lIl1e IIlId Oily- , nil Hai/roull / ( IIIIlnll ' unci the Ell , Vul. II'lnd Mitlland Hnilrllacl COlII\lallY \ have Incorporutt..1 III Chnrl ( ' > ltllll.Y. . VII , PI us are ht'in111'1 / WII Cor IIW tetlllllll' ' ImllrllVellll'lIl1I lit Ihl' Olll'illllati SOlltlll'rn at Chnltulloo/:1 / : , 'I'hl' n.'w IIwltch ) 'ltr.1J . I will OC'III' ) ' 1\\'I'I\'t' al':1 IIf JrfllIIlIl. 1 , It Is rl'lorll'LI lint I Ihl ! Burllllltlln : tud Ihl' HI. 1'/1111 . " . .iII IIlII 011 CItHI Imillt ! tll IIIt'l't 1111' I'ut in time lIIalll' b ) ' the H. " , , , 1111:11111 "I'IWt'I'1 ! Oh l'a/u / 111111 Olllllha , I'rcliilcut No II. HarrjrwlII Ill' Ihe : HOlltlll'rD I'acifie hat ! allllfJlIlIl'ed tbat pus- selll'r ! ratc , , , nn 1111 oullll'rn PIlCIfic IInl" III Orelou will hI' rPiluct11 frolll . . to a ( , l'lIls milt' , Whut iM . .alLl 10 "U the hirJt'llt loelllno' tive I'\\r hllill I. belllg IIt'l up ill IIt Raulll I"e IIhol' ' ' nt TOllt'kll , h I" It Inn- I t'1IcOll1ll1Junl1 III'calol , wl'lJhs HiUOO [ loulld nnd hllR Q heal III ! : 8ul'fnct" of r.auo qllllrt' Cel't. or altollt jllOflllart' ret'l , more than thf' en lne n'xt to It In slxl ! . . 'I".hl' rillet ! on I'xllOrl Itrftlll and dOliI' from ChlcRlo 10 New York 01'1'1' r,11 routt ! which are now lu I'feet ! al'11 on ruln , 1ah < , where the rate wu Cormerl , 17c. Thl' new rat ! ! ' on export nour II Illade 1 c , In lead of 17c , Tb. I.k , lint ! rail routl" make th. rat. em nport duur 1:1' , a n > ductlou Cro. . . Uk. , . . , 'NAS ClEVlHtS1 : : Uf : CROOKS. - - 'UtltlI' III " ' \'ho HIcl ll ! : " , ! ! ccntl7. 1111I111111) ' glllillcllt "lcthIlM. Ul'III'IIIg'1t 11111111' 011 his 1'011I11 lilith' un , lei' whll'h he wu1I11I 1I1'\'l'r he l'I cog- Ibwll. JUM'llh Ll'wllIl , IIl'lIer l\IIown nil 'Il ll r ) ' JtIl' , " WIIHl'IIrt'll'tI tu Ihe I'I1V t'l't'lIt1) ' III ew York , 'J'he ! ; tut' ) ' IN told HlW liner sUlrt'rlll frolll BI'J ht's Ills- 'II Ioi l' fOl' fnllr Wt'l'l.s the coutilleul'e IIII1U lIet ! III 1111 1I\111rtlllent \ houlle III ew \01'1" \ Kllow II VII l'hlllHI ' lIulIt'r I he nit ml's .f , Iollel'h I.l'wl , . , Ilt'orI' ! 11. I'ost , tOr ; l' II OWIt I'll , 1'rum'lsh'nllt' . Itull ) therN , till' Ult me IIIHler wLt Il'h "II UU I'\ ' IUt' " WitS blllltl ! ' 11 hl' kt'Jlt enl't\Cull ' fUIII'dl'11. Itlltl e\'ull hlN Intlmlttes UC\'l'r uww his fn mll ' UItIllC , I'or n IIUltl'lel' of u eell t III' ) ' "lIuultr ' foc" WitS OUt' uf lilt' 11I0111 eOIHllllcuouI D ure l III l'I'lmlllnl 11ft ! , II e'wnt ! kuowu I'dwre\'m' the 1'II : IIlh ! lau ungl' WitS llokeu , bUI coulll In ke lIII'l' ! of hltwwl1' Itl the I'relll'h , or Gerlllllll cllpltltlN : HI ensll ) ' . He Wit ! ! II 11I1111 of wnllllel'ful "olltih , Nt ! > I ! ) ' III II tI I' CrlellllH of his \'Il" tll\IlC 111111 ItIJpnt'l'IIt1 ' 1IIII'l'l'I'lletl f\l' OII1I1Y , ) "l'U rs III 111I1JIlI ! ; l"'t'll I he polll'e. Nolhlll IIII ! ! ' \ ! \ 'el'.It'l'lI It'UI'lIl'lI or : 'UulIr ; ) ' , roc's" birthillact' or cHt'lr II fl' . lIt It WIIS bllcl. In tht ! 'UO/l Ihal ht' Ilt'Ht IH'Jnn lu IIIl1lw hltllsl'll' eOIlillllII II- ! : III I'llIIllIltlllft ! III l'W YUI'I : , 1Iis Chl'IIIl' lu et II IU Ill' ) ' wert ! 1l111'U1t 111111 well I'XI' " clUed Itull few WhUIII he 11I111'1 , , tlIIS \\t' \ , 1111I s en' I' e 1'1 l'nllC LI , I'l'ohllhly " 11l1l1gr ) ' , IUl" " " lIIosl lIotll' "It.'Ietlm WitS Gell , , Iohll , \ , I.O ltll , l'he 0111 sohlll'I' WitH stll 'llIg' Itl the It'll1h A'l'III1I' 1I0ll'I , whl'u U Hlee111111 \ oll-tnlluctl , ; , ) 'olln ) . ; SII'III1 ur III rntl , Btell himself Iuto his fll\'O : ' , III' WitS Il'amelll ) ' dlsclIsslug IltWstions or Intl'r- III1L1ullal IlIIpOrlltllCe whl'n the hotel de I 1.'C tI't ! ! ltellllld 1111 lIull wlu'lled the ! ; tJlwrnllhnt Ill ! WIIS tltll.llI to Ihe 1II0St remnrlmhle cOlllltlelicu opel'lItOI' Itl tlhJ " ' , roc. " worlll. 11ullgr ) Gell , I.OgIIII WI1S'hllhl ' : lI1l1oyell Itt tilt' IUlurt'IIIJllou , nlld 111 h1 ! ! brusquH I1Il1l11wr 10111 the tlulectI\'e to uttelltl to hlB OWII busilless , ItS the UlOU with wholll he WitS COLI'erHlnlt WUS till' 8011 of oUe of his oltlest frll'lIlls , A few mllluteR litter "llulIgr ) ' Joe" cnshed ( lell , LOglIlI's ol'lIer 111I the clIshlm' or lhl ! hotel for : free ; ltuII wallcl'lI IIWII ) ' s mill IIg. 'l'he Illte , rull ! ; ! ) Nonh UII\'III , who trltJl1 Uoss ' 1'wletl , WIIS IIIHO olle of the elll'l ) ' \'II'tlllls , nliLl CllIlI'les Frnllels ALlllms fell Into his Iwt , Annlh'r COIllipicuOIIS \'Ictllll WIIS OSCUI' Willie , OIWIII' 1111111 for' hiM ItCIIUltlutlllWl' with "II II II Itry Jnc" tile IiUIII 01' $1,000 lu cusll allil I,1 HO 1IIII0les , Llltel' he went tu OUl't. WiIIlallls 111111 lold his tnle of WO ! ! , uUII said Ihat whlll ! he 1"'lIbllhly coultl 1I0t reg'1I111 his 1II011l ! ) ' he woultl lIIe 10 et Uw uotes11I111 illS sellt for " ,101' " IIl1tl told hlUl hI' wouhl hu\'e 10 gl\'e up , : lntl with oed I'llce the coulltlence 11I:111 did so , "That Is Ihe IIr.1 liwl'll who hils eVlr slluellll'lI Oil 11I1' , " tlllitl , Joe , 'l'he tlowllt'l1I of "lIuuJ.'r , ) ' , IOI ! " oe. cllnell lu lS8 , 8118 , II St , 1.0IIIs Post- DlsllII tch Rlll'claJ. lIt' WIIN IIl'n'lite.1 l'ilul'/-ell / : wllh HUlllehlll 11'011 of hlll frolll the IllllltlN of \'Ictlm. . " , roe" Wll9 cnll"lctcd IIl1d sentellcell 10 four : rear1J III Stnle , , ! 'I SOli. Wheu he waR r'- h'lIsed he went to Hlllitmore , hut hl IlIck hud tUl'llel1 11I111 he Willi HOOU HrI I . rested a 11I1 sentellced tn the ! \1ul' 'IIlIIII. tllle JIt'nllell1lul'Y , wlll're Ile n'lIIl1ll1l'd : lIutll IS ! ! ! : ! , UII011 his releuse he I'et tII'JItJ to UII [ : Ity : ltItl hud sluce Ilt'en IIdllqllietly / : III It weRt sid ! ! IlJlI1rtllwnt huuse , Ills last IlIlhllc 1IIIIIIU'IIUCe wa' : ! In II snll. lItlonl1 : mid on It Ilouse lu Soubwtt , ! row district. whell he EIIII II0WII the I ilulIIlJ'Wlllter IJhnft for four IJloril' lu 'iCl1pe ' the Ilollcl ! , Awl'ul tr ) ' 01' III1r.ill : 111. y\ \ ! : . 'l'11I ! tletulhl of II hUl'l'lhle calie or lUtz , III which occUlTed III IS)2 ! III Yllie hit \'e I lust Irmlctl out thJ'JlIh ! II stol'tolll at lhe ulllUlul IJlllller lu ew York by I ( , 'rllllk IIIulw , ) ' , the I'umous Itft cull of ( , :11'11 : footlJIIII lealll of Ulllt ) 'CJlr , lr , ' \lIkl'Y I \ loltl how HOllie 80phoIllOI'I' : ! : Ilotll'lJtJ thll t two COtJIlU'Y bOYR hllli 1m. : 1 : ; 1111 Ihell' houselwcpllJ In a roolll Oil I 11001' or of the l'ollt\ ! the grouud olle ! ; \ ! , ImllH , with u mll'1Jmhle ' upolog , ) ' fot' a I Ilt'd , 110 cUl'\wt. \ no lJlhle I\lId ollly two I : 'IIILII'H 111till' NUIII 101111 or their outllL l'Ill'Y proposetJ 10 hOllrl1 themsel , 111I1 Ilatl ouly II fl'w dollars for their i rood tlUl'IIItheil' / tl'rlll , 'flwy IXIIl'ch'il ' , IJllzllJg unll were 1I0t tllslllIlJo lltetl , I Oue IIlltht the 11'I\lIIhllng \ youthliVI'ro : ! I H1I111110lled lIy a so"hoIllOl'c. who wu i lIIl ovel' COllrteOI1R. to go to a ruom lip' ' I' , tlllrll. 'l'lwy 01'1l'd , pule with rfUr , ' ' ' ' tli'llIlnt'd Hhout hour hut 1'II'Y WI'I'I' nn , I Wl'rU Olily . ; ( ( ' II ) ' the liI'cle ! of Hltl. 1 lenls In tbe roe III , 1'lItcrlnlt : UII'ir OWII Il'urlrut'lIt , tlW ) ' WI'I' . , IllIzzlt'd b , ) ' a 1JI'W 'Ul'lIet. a tmteful hl'd"lt nd , ( ull ) ' l'ltUII" " ,11'(1 , a slully tolJle. I'JI ! ! ) ' ( 'lilliI'M , II hUlllt , i ' 011I1' drop 1I11nll , a hnokcmC ! PI'll'Uy 1111.1 ! IJ with lIoolcH , 11 Htm' ! ! , pictures 111I the , I walls , I'U S , etl' . . while In a dost wI'riJ ' 1III h pro\'IHlons to I ! it1 welk. I It Is hllWtl [ t hnl the r/I / < 'u/l1 / will look ute thl''l' ' 1 ; " . . . .nlll dl'III1I8 , - - - " - - - - - - - - - - 1'rUJ4t 'l'lwrn , TIHJ , "Uut , " we ! la ) ' to the Intrepid IJ41lnr , ! Xlllol'l'r. "do ) 'OU nol feuI' thllt YOIl will " ! COllle t1ellrl' ! 'I'Cor \ Ilick or hOIllC tll'2t IIId home t'URtnlll" whlll' In till' fro7.en 101" h 7" "Oh , I don't know , " he careleH"ly reo I [ IOJIII ! I'h ) ' . It III'ery homc1l1.e up .hure. I rl. h mt'ut Iii Iluotetl lit $5 , [ Jouud-l1nltlmoro Anwrlcan. Cun tI""lty ; , "he ( lickpoket klCJlK In clo ! ; ( ! to ueh with tlw pulIllc.lW York Huu , - - - - - When the l'llildren re Hound IIslc In bl'tl Ilt IIlcht hi 1II1 II' " lIt'Ht chane" to Jet his wlre'a ulIdh'ldl'd attentioD JI dny. Willm 1011 nbuRc nnl one , and lOur Ih'tlwer 811)9 1I0thlug wben 1011 aet ll1rou Lt , 110w nat IOU feeL . . , . - _ . - , , - - - - , - - - - - - - . . . . - - - . _ _ _ _ h MOURN FOR PRESIDENT UENEAMINO CARRIES GREETING , TO MRS. MCKINLEY , , Cantlin , 0" , June 2ii-Mu , Me : j J\uley \ recch'cd trom li'ellpe Buon. I cllmlno , tormer 1II1'l1Iber lit AHUI. Inaldu's cahillct IIlId 1I0W II ICllder tit lhe t deral party In the Philippines. lhc rl'ulIII , ! . al1l1 ItIclllotlnl o ! thaL party wh Idl hc was ctllllmissloncd to personllllv cury : I. Iter , 'l'h" FilII- pllHl was tUuch nlTect.ed . by his meet , . In with 1\1rs , J\1d\lnluy and lears sLtIamed ! dtlwn his cheels as he addressed - dressed hcr , 'rho adlll'csS contained reterence lethe the distress whkh lhl' federal purty of th" Philippine Islunds felt at the ns'assllluLoll ! of Prcsldcnt lcKltI- Ity , 1 L stated that ho'IIS lhc protector - tector ot t.ho FllIlllnos and Ihat , , the tederal I'a rty was honol cd In hnln IIllowed to tl'll t.IC . ! widow ot tl1o , de- cra"ed IlfCltlcllt or Its eteeIllS : , fOf hllll , lts , [ cKI"ley was assured tit the love tlf liOOOOOO Fill piliu Oh rlstln liS , A 1 the cOlllelel J' 1 ho vlsl tors weru alhllltted lo thl' vanlt In whllh rest t,11O , relllalm ; or the late presld nt and General IIl1enCllmlno as he sl. lently looked upon the caskut wepL Il alu , _ . - - Attack " 'ade By Bolomen , _ . - - - 'Manila. , IUIU : -Sevon soldlel's' ot UIO Twenty-se\'enth Infalltry , ; forllling an ad\'an"e unrd which was escorLlng a WULlOII tmlu hnlt a mile frtlD ! Camp Vlcnll ; . Islltnrl ot Mludallao , Wl're attacked by tell btllolllen. Oue soldier hud au arlll badly cut allli was seriously wounded in the head. 1'he Muros captured n rille nnd escaped - caped unl njul'Ct1. ' [ , hc adlllillam Mores say the 1tlIack , was mudo hy I I Mores from Bunlllod , whu wcnt , on the wa r pl : th for till' ex pr ess pu rposo I at klllln 1II'llll ellt A IUcl'l ' ans , ; ; 'fhe First ulld SCt'olHI separate brl udes ha ve hcen uOlIluj ilia ted. 'l'he Muros ha vu held a bljt can- tewncc at Jlalcocoa. The Sultan urged It policy IIf friendship with the AIIIl'rll ans , lJtll , tWIJ I'f the dut- tos said they wuuld die IIrst. Others d.clarell . that It the dattos lIIlUsed wllr thcy wOllld nUL IIsslst t hCI1I , 'l'hrec towns in the wcslcru part ot tlwlr island an ! declared to be IIU- I rrlondl. ) ' , Colollnl BalciwlI hupes to I win them o\'ur to peacc , I Twenty-f vc Struck Dead , I Madrid. , r lilli' i- While a funeral I , " "as beIJIK held In a church at Pillerlo , III the provInce II ( Gronso , wday , the bulldllllVa : . struck by lIhtulng ! alld as a result twenty-lI\'e people . . . . .ere "lIled and thirty-live were lujured , Sent to 'edical Cotle5c , li'alrtmry , Neb , JUlie 25-The body of \lIllmown tramp who was killed III the Huck Itland wreck south or here last [ , 'rld:1Y : was shipped ulday to thc Omaha medical college tor dissecting I purposes , 1 twill , howe\'cr , be held there four days Cor Ident ! tlcatlon In accordance with law , 'l'he man was live reet live Inches lall. hrowu hair and eyes , sandy moustache , blind In right eye , tatto Inside left arm' , all- char , cross and heart , and a very larj.e fcar on left rorearm caused by a burn. He had lIutnt'rotls lither scan ; on his body which IrH1icated Umt they had heen caused hy knife wounci. . . , 'rlte ldy hud aUsoluwly nothin. . : .upon . It by which W Id IILify It , E , O. Miller Rearrested , - - - - - - - Chicago , Ill. , .Julle : ! ! I-K O. MtI ler , pu'sident , and lIenrj' Clllrk Ia- \'Is , [ : . eneral lIH1na l'r or 1I1e St. Luke's sodct ) ' weru held r ( ' 'jponsl- ble hy the cortlller's Jllry for the fire nt thu St , Luku's SlIlIltarlllll } . , which deslroyed elm'l'lI 11 ves 'I'he othcr fnur employel's arrest.ed fitter t.1w Uro were rearrl'Rted a few rnlnu\'s \ litter the verdict ot the jllrr was rl'nll , A alnRt the hllspllal ol11'lals It Is charAod that no elTnrl was made to rescuc the path'lIts who wl'fe IwJplcss lu locked rooms , with tlaned windows - dews , anI ! some I\f whom were strnllPI1f1 and hOlJlld , while others were delirious , under trcalment. A nlncl Pn'siclt'uI , Miller It Is further - ther chnrged that he has \'loJated the medIcal p r'III'o ( al't , of t.he . slale nlld tila ! , ho t'Jllploycd Incompetent attendallts anc ! lIursl's. Attorneys will CrHleit\'or ! IOlUorrow to ha ' " 0 him released by hilhl'flS untpue ; pwceed. Inlls. - - - - - - - HatDln for lieI' Wealon ) , Nortolk , Neh" , rUIIO 2fl-Whlle un her way toward hOlllc rrom the south part 'of lewn het\vfen ! { } IInd o'clock . . ' flltttie ' to , ! IIi. ! Mfll'fjunrdt was followed by two men. one ot whom passerl and stopped her while the attIeI' grasp cd her frOIl ! hehlndl demanding her mellluy , She fought them with a hat pin , hreaklng It , 8S roporte , In the hund ur onu of them. They took frllJht and loft her. She tbought the men stranllera bere . . . , . . , . - - - - - - - - - - - - - STIRRED BY CRIME - - . KILLING OF ElMEB THAYER PRO. NOUNCED A CRIME , RANCH QUARREL TilE CAUSE ! 'ltlt HIIClII'I'11iO : liAR UH ATI.Y \1'1 1 Hit 1-:1. 'I Jilt CtHIN'I'It\ ' . " 'U1 DERED FOR illS MONEY V.'ntl tUII /.1 HIli foln'r ! S1I1'I' ll.I 'Ct lie "nrt" " " tlr ! th'ul t"nlmulI" , NOIth I'lalle , Neh" , Jlllle 28-1'ho part.hmlars ot the slwoUng IIr JI llIIor 'l'hnycr hy , JlllllcS HllhlllSIIII 011 the "allllY l.allcl ullcI Cattle com IJII "Y I'tIllch In lc1JhCl'SOIl count.y last I'rt. day hu IIlIally ruacllctl this cll , ' . 'j'hls rum'h Is IOt'alml , about sevellty. II'e mill'S nlll Mlwest lit hero In the salld hills , an,1 Is t hl' IIIIC that hus heclI tI\\'lIml hy Capl:111I llerslwJl Cllr UItJ pltsl. II rt IJCII yea rs , 'j'he pr III- l'llal ( stockhohlers IIf the cattlc , com. pany afl' CaptaIn lImsheH alld 11. n. Head. alld these t\\'I' have JlCell III 1It1 atlon over the rallch for the Imst Uve ) 'ell'S , 'I'he 1It1 atloll has heoll S\1ch \ thIt ; Hershell aud Hl'lul ' heLlllllo : \'llr ) ' hltler , towart1s elll'h tither. lIer- shaH has lIeell III posscsslon 'or the IHnnh ulltilltbout the IIrst 0' ' Juue whclI the chI ! rtcr nt the curpllra lion exulred nnd , llIIJge IIft Phcrson tlf t.llU UlllttJd Statelllll'cull ' , cI"rl , appolllted Charles A. Allell of Omaha tempor- Kry receiver of Lhe cllltluany , upun the application lit lit r. Heml ) A llen prollt'elh'd to t.IC ! ralll'h III compllny wi th HOlld , took pC/lSl'.HSItIll and pJaced , lallIes HohIIlSOIl , a paroled cOtl\'let lItul all all get1 lJllcllmy ot IIershelllll\11 oMlOr tJlJJl'loyes or Her- shell 1111 the 1':1111'11 hI poslessloll as manat'r ) ; , } IIIH'r 'l'hnYl'r had hen ! un ern- ployc for the "ast lI\'c yeul's atlll the , com panyVas IIW I n him cOlIslllern hlo monc ) ' , which Ilcad , It 13 chnrHec1 , l'l'tuscc1 to pay A nj'how ' ( , hnyer was t1Jscllal'gf'c } and he ufld Hohillsotl h:1I1 : sOllie wOlds o\'er lollIIIIIUcr _ 1Jast It'l'iday nfternooll Hohlnsofl lIotlced 1'hayel Cllllllllf. ! 1111 Ihe , 1'(1:111 : lhl'OlIgh the meadow IIf t hi' ranch , 111I toot" " Itnd he at OIlCtI IIIl1ulltcd his slIlt11Q : horse and rode l own rds 11 111I. 'I'hnyer was wal1\lIg \ II10n whlt.tJlnH a RlIck , alld Hohilison sa's ' he threalened 111m with tlll'lwlft ) . Hohlnsoll dmw Ills rl'yolver and shol. I.wlel' , onJy onu hullet taklrlL , ! I'ITecL , which pasRrd I IIrar1) ' t1lroJl h 'I'hayol"t ; hody. ( tol- IIlson I'ode huol. to thl' rall h house allll told ! It rs , HIrsIIl'JII ! allt ! others t.hat 'l'lIll'er came aL him wlLh a knlte IIlId he hllJ to 1"11 him. 'l'hree pCl'son saw 1lm shofLItI anel they delJlare It. was n culd.blooded mUl"- der. Oaplalll HorshaJl 'was In the ranoh house at UIO LIme and It Is asserLed hy 1l0blnjII's ! ( cnemlos that ho illtcrilled to lihnot thu captain , The sherllT was lIolitlCI1 , but the Ilellltentlal' " olllcluls gent out and tool , Hohlnsoll to 1.llIcoln alld he Is 1I0W huck in the pl'nlttJlIlJlnry , Ullbillson Is c/largecJ / with three kllllll H lu 'Jhls ' t'Oulltry. For Ule sbootlll of his wife at lIyallllls 110 was clIlI\'ll'tcd of mallsJall hl/er and selllenced to ! .tIC IlCnltelltlar ) hut was panJltotl , III ! wllhe \ prosecut.ed In McPherson cOllnly'hon his time expires at. 1111' pcnltentlary , 'j'he shootlll of 'Pha'er , who WIIS weH Iml WII , and h"J lIIany friends , has rea 1,1) ' stJ rrml the country , . - - - - - Tt\urdcred For Ills Money , Wood HiveI' , Noh. , , June 28-Fur. ther particulars reeel'cd here today from Fort nalJ. ( daho , state t.Jmt . Johll S. DOllullson ! of this dfy had heen Hhol , frolll amllUsh hy Ilersoll8 UllkllOWfI , wllllSC lIIoth'l'Vas , undoubtedly - doubtedly rohlml'Y , Charles M. 1'rHz. ot jlocaluHo , who \Vas prospccUn with Donaldson , was tOJllld Jato ' ( 'ltcsday art t'rnoon on l'oca teJlo crolI ! { , ahout el ht miles from l'oea. tello , ] Ie had beell shot twlcuJth a rille , OIlC ! ! UlroJlj.th t.he lIead 11I111 lI uln tllTIJ\l h the holly , On Wt'li. flesday mllrnllll : the IJlJdy of Jona1l1- son was foulld within a qllarter ot n mile IIf " 'rill , HI ! lIud also Iwen shot with II rille , LIlli IIItHet cllt\irlnJt IJelow the eollar hone and t'OllllllLl o tit throll h ltw bal'khone , I.'ron : Hw Iwidl'lICe at. t.lw ' Inquest It WIIS shown that hClt.hIIell had heen shill , 'J'lIosdny Hlornllll { , hltt I h ) ' whom tlH' ( 'oroner'R Illry WIIS 1111-1 ahle t J say. but It Is hellc\11 ! lhl' deed WIIS cfllllrnlttt'l1 for ro bnry. . - - ' - - - ' - - Pay For vlolatln Game Law , Columblls , Neb" , June 2IS-Geor o n , Rlrnpklns , I hlet cJClllty ) aruo wllrden , find Geflr e Cart r another deputy , prosecuted Chris Mcedel nnd Julius Uuclat , 0111 settlers I D Butler township yest < ! nHIY for vIola. tlon ot U1f ! IUIIl' laws In seIning and offerlnllIsh / tor sale. Mee- dr.1 pleaded Ilullty to catching Jl ve wllh a net IInd was tined ' 27W Rudat pleaded Quilty to catching one Rllty.pounder , . . , . X , . , - ttE RASKA NOTES. 'I'lle 'own ot Havelock b.u been J exlslenco elevell years nod now 8ul00ll8 tor the ! lrsL tlmo , 1fJvo hUIHJrell 5tmJontBre ! exp rJ lo IIttelld the RIII1JlUer sesslous ol' the /illllc ulllvcristy ot r llIcclln , fa lnl. A few days ago the JO. . . . . \i01l \ or Mr , Dawes WitS cuu ht in the Gllllle ItIlUlIICr and seriously Injured. ' ! 'he lIeatrlce Clla tnttlua grotl 1\'Cle throWII Into jlrCaL oxoltmDen' h ' the epxlfl ! lolI of a gasollnc 5 veI 111 lhe lestaurallt tC'lIt , 1'he Senti waN t1eslI'oyml. , causlnH 11 loss ot pel"- - has ! $ : . ! OO , I'llIe und ( lcllar trce. , from tIh4 , Hllll'k IIII \ : > cCltlnt.I'y will be system- II tically planted till the two forc I'l'servlltlon ! ! ot 200,000 IIcres hII IIl1rlherll N elJl'flska. A mastodoll tlloth "el hlu" 11 ; 1111111I lis , In II fine state ot IIreserva- t lUll WIIS recently ullearthed near HUlll uldt at II deplh ot 21 toct b7 HOllie well dlJ : CJs. 'l'he TCllnmReh Ohuutal1ua wlU bo , hcld III Cook's ) lark .Tllly J2 to 20 , in- olusl\'e. 101UIIII.1Cr ( Dundlls Ulloonccs. IOIl ! lilt , tit Lalollt and It Is boliaved' the IIIcctIIIH , w JI ) bo IL SUl"CeRS. , 'l'weuty trclI IIIU\l \ routes wIU be e&- tubllsh't1 In Oass lount1'a out .AII"1 \1st 1st , It. will be the second couotr. In the United StateR In which every larllllJr will he :1lven a dally mnll. William ' 11 , ltIehurd80n , u carpeD- ter , died at WceplllH Water ot npo- ulexy , tOil IIIlrmlos Utt f being strick- en. HlclulrIlsol1 hnd been workn ! : neur LouIR\'lllc and came home for few da's to'Ist \ his wlte and child. Al Beurd , char od.Ith the kmlng ( If , J. .T _ Gll1Ilun , wns discharged u . his llIlllIIllIury ! ! hearing he fore Juttlo ( letJII tlr Llncolnl the . .tato rest'lIg- ' wlUwut lIIuln a .mso that would jlltltlty his lIuhlK held to a bl hcr , ou rt. ' 1'e body or Dllvld Kumloutt , an old turlller lI\'ln nbout tour lIIJ1e& fouthcflst of Arlington , wus found lulIlglng I1Y the .neck. It la. t.hought that 1Cumlcutt , hud a falnt.lng . spell find In tlllllll his cravat c u\ht \ D a hook on tllIJ grtlnnry door. A wreck occmed two miles BUuth ( lr N\ohrnrn \ on cOllstruclloll lraln ot extension or ' 1 lkhortl , dHchlll threa stlllk : cars , SOIllC _ ono hall placcd tie } Ila tl'8 on the Lrael , and spllwd them anll hilL tor the slow rUllnlng about tllrt.j' labnrerR WOllld h'1\'e heell 10- j n red , .r , 1' , J\ . Black , recentJy candh1at tor th rcpllbllcnn nomination for go\'ornor , hils started unothr Dank III westerll Nehraslm. 'I'he new con- eel'll which Iso ' he ealled the Stock- vllle State bank ot II'contler county wll1lmve nn authorized capital stocker or $ fiOO ) , lllll' lartl onterell the hOl1lo ofU. It' , Wmen : at NelJl'lslm : Olty nnd stole jewelry worth $100 , 1'be pollcl ) have Stl tur gaillcd 110 clue to the rob crs except that t.hore have been several sllsplolous Jooklng lIogrnes about the town ttlr sernl duys wbo can 1101 , 111I localed. Youthrul Pat Crows at NclJ h. Salll Fields atHl Burt Dillon ot Oak- dule , aJ.tcd 14 and 17 yell ' 3 respeo- tlvoly ) al'o ' IIndor arrest. . chnrgoir with sCIICHlIg a threatenllJH letter to O. 11. 'l'orjlen. l'he buys demanded that M r , 'l'orpell plnce $50 In an oJd tree ur his ohlld woulll be abducled. ' ' dumJil ' 10 1'orpell jlllt a } package the place named allli the boys were Hathered In. Miss Haltte Marquardt , at NortoJJ { while collcetlnVas held up by two lIIen within a bloclc or Main street. 11 [ 18.1 Marl ] ullrdt malic a plucky tight with II hatpln and her tueth alld cCllupellcd t.J1C men to release her , Ihuu h CIne ot thl'lJ ) Ollt oft ber hair IICCurtl he doparled , A fter knocking her tlCwn the mell ecaped betore the polhe : arrl\'l d , 'j'ho hl h\aymeo secured I ) booty , NotwHhstandlllg the recent helv1 ralls , a IIlmhor tt wells In Gaga I'ollnty arc golnJ : dry , In Midland tOWIIhlp a weJ on the Sallonbarger tarm alld anJther 01 the Hamsey plaee ha ve dried up compJetely. loth wols wee deep oneR and had furlllslwd abundant suppJy of water to yefr , 'Ihero Is much speculaton as to the cause tf this phcnomentln , huL ni satlsfaQtory solutoD has ye' hecn oITec , } Tie rcmalns ot the unidentfed who in the man was kiled rairoad \ reck lIelr Falrhury were sent to the Olhu Medical Institute. NO papers wore found on his , He prsoD waR about 3S years or age , lve teet nnd lve Inohes tuJ , brown hair nnd mnstache , blnc In rlRht eye , and had all : nchor , heart and cro ta- toed On his letr arm. Is left elbow had 1 JarHe SClr , cllsed by a bOl , and several srs , nldently knltQ wounds , "ere on bla k a1 'h.ld. . _ - - - " . - - " --0.