, . : : . . . . . . . . 1 , I .bster County Rcpubllcan , . . . . , : . . . . .M.UEILHT. Itdltor Dd t'Ub\l.h \ . . . . . . Dow , . , . NmmA\K - One trusl wllh IL lIoul--lIlI' Hole lelllll' -.r 'tn16l. The worJrI 611111y IIIIYII lInd by I ! 10 Sol Smith UI1I1wll. . . - - - , E\"cn wllI'lI 11 , . ; Irl hUH 1II0nl'Y In IlI'r i C'II1111111I0 IIhe /llIxloll / : . III chunJ.1 ! II , I _ _ _ . _ _ . - - 1 JIow dOI'1I It hllllilell I hut lIohotlv , hUll .tbmlgJlt of 1I11l1'lIlIJ ; " gllrlllJlI HI'II .tr1lRl ! 'Indolmwc If ! Il IduJ.llIh ) IIU'I'IlIll. , VN It . .Clltlllllly 1I1I11t'rmlllell the 11t vh'lll 'a mnn hll9 , 'J'ho econlllllll'lll hll1Hluwlfl' III IIhYIlYII tl''lng tll 11I111" , HIIlIIl'lhlll III'W ulIl IIf ol1l111'cIld cruRts , ' - - - - - - . - - , - - - - . Afilr nil , Iorglln woulII hlll'III , ) ' hI ! lullllnn It he IUcllI'l wlIlIl 111 1\111I':1\1111.1' ) , couRIUerlnIhn / 11l'lce III' , . ; elll. : I.'here 1.1 Ii WOIIIIIII In : 'IllIln ! ! willi WIlH I .0 Jellious UJUI. Hho hll III'r IIIIhuutI"1 watch \vlth IIJlIlX hel'lIwH' II 111111 II IIrl'l . t.J' face. . , - 'To UIO ofl Ilrlllll'll IIluh'lIlI'lIl thllt < < : n.llll ) lIelroh'I1111 III eOllellll'lve lu lIulr grOWtll , It Iii IIlIly lIeeeHHII' ! . } ' 111 anHwer : ] .ook a.t Ute hl'lllJ of .1 uhll I ) , It lie 1"- feUer. I 'Ilr. CnI'JII J.It ! HUYII thl l "wPlIllh elueM . -tlot brln # ; hnllllltuilR , " Uf ! 11U1Ilhly IIOV- er IIt"L'IIUtetl hi ! ! chcck fllr II hllllll1'I'1I lI.to1t.nt'3 10 Ihl ! hlllleunltHll ! lIeall III' 1\ ! autUy. * Uwllto Hllcrel' ! whllJllce hlld II rur- 'tu.ne or' $7OOOO ( ) ; Illed III 11 IlOorhllllHIJ 11111 olher II II. } ' , . \ 11011I0 IIlIIe hi hili lite be III II lit huve tnddl'tl the W"IHI tanIWr. - - 'Ie the A\lwrlcull COIHllllllm' 1I111l JIll ) ' ao 1IIIIdl flit. fllUll , huw 1M IIf ! III hll VI ! amy clothlll ! : " WI\1 \ III ! he Jlk ! ! tlm Iluur , benlghtCl1 1lllIdoo , who I ror 1lut III'Ii mWlt mnlc hili 111,111 tlII1 - - " - - - - - - - Bllch JIm lilt ! cUlltrudlclIulI1I IIf hlllllllll Bluro thl11 11 Iii Ilulie IHIHlhle thl' WOUlIlD uho pl'nYl'tl fOt. UIIIIWY 111111 then went out 111111 Hlllie $ .100 rl'//trtll'd / U10 UlQDCY IIH tll ( ! IUlIIWlr 10 llra.'cr. , Xruabvorlhy Un wlllhUlH IIl11rlll lhlll pu1 18 n chttlp IIl1d Whllh1I1I1I1I ! 11rllele llood. 'L'lwro hi It dll'eel COIIIIIIIIUlcl1' . Uno wUh UlLwull , 111111 IhllH furVI ! believe. thoru hnR Iwen 110 Jlol trlllll . -rwmbNl. , Dr. "I'ahllllgc left : .tUjOO { ( ) , Sll" , In "tl1CSO dUYH III hIHh ; ll1cllnt IIltIo wIlli llko Ulal ( 'I1I1\\IIt \ be eXI edcd 10 tlllh , Joet OliO to nu ) of tlw dlllleullh1H the 'rich .lIlIIn Is HllllllOllml to cncflunlt'r III pinIng culnllll'u 10 hen Ven. , 'h lrt * dtlelll IIC II whlcly kllown < < q1lu'Jltlun IIIIYII lhl1l ! lIIJUIl L'CllnllllllcI am no Jll'4:11tiHnry : : lll-dllY Uli lhl ) . } ' l\'lH' 'W4r1but Ule ) ' IlllIlil hll IIchmllllc tl'II' ! -aomlc . " 'L'lto tlllya lIr IlIlvln , ; WI'IIII- 1 1V-I.WtIlO Ilro:0110 / ; thu limo IH hCl' 'tar : Bcclng UlIlt lIot u Ilellnywoljhl 'tUom tron Umll III lIecl'llsnl'y IIhOllll1 ; :11 out In lllJ ; . " : llm'ha(13 UIO 1IIlIJUc III'U III It HI'\lie ! \ 1nrtr.ly fctl.llOIllIllJlo rOl' lhe gllrrlllnllll- Dtma or boUI IIrmy IUIII 111& v Y lIUlccrH , Too mucb 11II11I11'lllnco hila IllclI ! 1I11nch- M 10 whul thuy hll\'o lIud tll IIII } ' I'e , gn.nUng ml1ltul'y ulllruUonti ! IUlII jU\- rn-nmcnt. lollc1otl , 111111 thty hllVt ! heoll encounlged 111111 hllllllrtulled to IlIlIt about Ulcm when It would hllVt ! 111'011 lll'Udoot to bo silent. A .rcUmlmul.cr or rllllwny rnllH tolll . . company or locolUolh'o Im hll'lJl"Ii Ihu a.1hcr . dny thullholr 1101111 W01I1I1 ho 1'1111 , .11101 ; lrrtlna nt lite rnto uf onn hUlllh'I 1 miles 1111 hour. 111111 thul hufurlJ J\IiJ \ ; ( lnicksVoultl be IIllll III II IItrlllJ.hl IIno. ! 1JIQ dhl1lulltlOII Hf tllr\'OIl : ItllIlIl UII .1 1111 ncederllUng I"IIte , Cor 11 111111 hl'UIi 'tllocrlnlnt'd tlUIt lho co."Il of 1I\llldn Ihl' ' 1.1\1U110 Is IIIl1ro thlln 1IIIIIIn j1I11I1 hy I hi' ' JI''Utcr HJlN'11 of trnhlll , 111111 h. } ' till ! do. rn lIed dlHlullce , It He\IIIH In hn'U lnktlll lltu IlrllctlclIl rn II WII ) ' I III II II CI' , ; 11 "Iunr. tllllO III 1I111)reclllte Iho fllel tlllIl Ihe czllr slumblcil UJlOII II grulII 1II'IIwl , Illn when ho IIl1t'll II ruler 10 11I11I'1. tilt l'ouLo lor UIC rllllwlIr : bctw"11 tllHl'II\\ ' ! l1Id t _ l It'rHhur , ; . II 1lns Jon , ; Iwen n COllllllon ' "III'o:1C1i : . " , hlltl1l'r JUNl or lIol--tllllt WIIIIII'/I b.n' ( ! un ' ; ( 'lIlu8 for frienelllhil" " 'I'hl' , } ' lulVL' hcoll 1I1'1'\Uwll of hIL'IIlIlItaIIlC\ , dL"luynll ; ) ' ; 111111 If there hllH 11l' 1I II rrlt1I1IKhlll 1H.l ! WI'I'1I womell whlL'l1'U 1I0l "hol'I.llvl\(1 Ihe 1''lIlcH . hll\'l' 11111 11 1lhl'J : or t'lcI'lIlrlclly IIIH > II lite fl'll'lItlt ! \ bt'Ull' dllII , ! homo Ir.tlllcnlloll 111111 11 1'r.J1'crt\m ' of llrollllrUon hn ve hruu/hl / WOIIII1l tu Hl11 It hlhl'I''lIlun / UII JI'IIII In ( rloudNhlll. 0111' of thl' hl'Hl of l'l'I't' II I tta"d:4lrK. . It UIUIhr. } ' Wllrtl'f ! " 1 < :11'11 : 1Inr. " dUllkl1l II fl'II'llllllhlll ht'l W"l'lI Ih two Itlrolllt'll whlt-h slood fliHI 1IJ.lIhlSI It . .UIIII ; : Htrnlll ; 111111 1111 IIII ! ! I\IIIIH till ] , h'ttU'e ( IIJe to IIfl' _ 1"rlellllHhill hliH III auUcN illl w11 III ! 1111 jU 'II , 'I'hel'l' IH 11111 011'4'1'111' ; whh-It WI' 1It't ! houlIlI nlwlIYIi Ic JlJi : Ull ll th ( ' nllnr IIf frlCllIlshllthlll 1 10Yl1 "lIt'lIl't' , Wo ' IIIn. } oul/row / I Jrtrml ; Wt' IIIn ' .1IslIllllro\'e . t1'Imlll ; 01 - UtI' pity uf Il--wo ! IIIn ) ' ovell 'IUllrn' ' ' , , "Uh : t r\'II'III1 : hut ror houor'lI SII 1\1' , Ie 1l lIt IItllk IIIllthlll1) ' of II rrlclIIl. I bn. . "IHl " to 111I11t1 r\I'I'III1. } ' thllt n 11I111 w1utlll Uollt'rl J .ollIH 8ltwenson 10\1" " 'Iut , ' ; I'Ullt\,11 IUI\III1 hili IIIJ\-ell ( rlIIIII ! 11'i ' , Pllhl\.hl't1 \ 1/1 IIU l n { h.h mll n7.ln , .t : r4''ILUr HtIIJ1'I'fII'R ' \ I/\grn\h't / ! II ( jl. n"lln'/ . . ( ' sl'llC rurlh , III hl , IlIdh' , " V' " I' I ' . 11)10 ; ' ! \IIr 'I ! Hlll\'I'II IIII'K (111111:111I < U4l'1' ' 01 \yj'III.IIo."h. . . . . lie If ; ' II' ( ' ( ' 101 J\ . . : -ilt " ( 'i'if nl : ' 11Hlli : t If Stl'\'i'nl'ul , ) . , ' I , . " ' - / 111'\1'1' IIlIurcll flllt hl hl'lIrl. III II'\ . \ 11'1'11 lu hlill. or filii r/II' / IlIlo tll/1 IIlghl IlIlklll with hllll , pO\1l'IIIJ \ ; : Ollt tI .VOIIIIR 111/111'11 / "XIIUIIAlvl' hul rlllI'llIUlIlI I'gl 111111I , 'I'IJ1'rl.J IIIUY 1I0l hI ! III lIlI"I' ! ( " mil ! word thllt IIIlol / Iruo ; hilt IlIlIl II /1111I11111 hll't hl'I'1I I hllH APt IloWII In Ilrlllt IIIl1rlH till ! wrltur UH IIlIvlll # ; 1111 It It'll I IIC ( l'I"II11l1hlp whl'h H'I'II'UIIII'D till IlIlenlrl'lI'tI hV Ihl' 1' 'IIIt''I ! 1IIhl ! , IIIH OWII , WortlswMI h ( 'll'lwll for IIIi . } 'I'lIr , IIgo IIII ! plellll'l' ur HIII'Ii II 1111111 , 111111 ItI \ IIll'lIIf11'lIhll ! [ ( HillY : 0111' lhnl WIIIIIII I"'P 111111 11011111 ( , . . " 1111111I 11111 mlllhl'l"l1 J.rll ; VI' , . . - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - Whllll he IIwlllrll ! 111I11 vlIIIIII'H , 1.IIIIIICl"t 1'01' . ' ' Is lhlll l 11I1IJ.I'vilyII'I / It lilllljecl Illy IOllllhll'rl'II ! hy ! luger H , 'I'ra ! ' . } ' . ( or , IIwr ! lugISU'III' 01' ItccllrllI , or lIlI' lJu , 11I1I.tlllelll ur I lI'ull II of Now Yorl. tJIIt ; III IhlJ Coulllry 11IJ.1I llIo. 'l'hlI'1' ! UI'C III'IIH IIlId 1'0llH III till'lUl'lItlOlI , 1I1l'lu ! I'I' ! till ! wl'lIer' . 111111 II/11CII # ; till ) prnll h ( ) III. cllll I I'll 11111 III'VIIOIIUIIIIt lie IIIUlh'ru 1-IIIIIIlllr } ' IIll'lhellli' ! . Ilw l'l'I'IIJ.IIIt1011 ul till ! 111I1111I'111111'1' IIf IIolil I/l/'IHJII ! / II I /11111 \ " , 1IIIIIllII' grl'l/l / /111 / , ' VUIII'I' III 11Il'iIIt'hw 111111 HUI' I'I'Y. , , to lhe HllhJl'd ' IIr sltr/-er / } ' , Ill ! kll.'H 1IIIIlII'ril IIlIgrl'lIlI IU'IIWIIII'Ii ! 10 vl'lIllIrl ! 11111"I he I'Itltell'l of III ! 111111 to t'lm1I11 ! I WOIIIIIIH IIf till ! hl'arl 1t1lII' ! . " ' ' 'I'III'fU I II'IW ' lIul a HIII/-h' / 1IOI'UOil or 1I11 ! hlldy thlll Is 1001.1'11 11111111 \\lIh awn II II C WIIl'I'U lhe HI'ulrH'1 Iii hllrrl'll. ' " 'I'hl ! ll'llllllllhl'l III' 1I1I'Ilh'lrll ! hI' helh'\'oH 10 III ! , lIIoHlly III I hI' IIIIIJ III' IlrIJ\'UlIlIulI , "NI'vl'r 111-(11111 ( will III" hlul'l , 111'lth : eletllrllY Its 1II11l11Hl , ; 01' \\'I.IIIH \ ! III III1 ! el\'I\l1.ml \ IHlr' IlulIs 01' 1111' wOI'III ; 111'\1'1' 11/11111 / wll\ \ 11I1'11 rllill I h.'II' hlllllill while hlllldrl'il'i IIf lIlIIlIl lIlIelll IIl'e 11.'llIg 111'11111111 tll'lI\ , I e/l\l / \ II \'Iidl/lUlI1I / IIf ( ; 1It ! , 111111 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' 1'1111 : IIII'h' 11\\11 ' hl'Jllh'HIi ll'l'I'O ( IIII1HI , or whlll 1111'11 Ihllllhl ; \ \ a 0. ; lilt' ' /l1I / , ' 1 III' , ltmlh 111I'1 11I ! ! 11 lorllI / II'II.V , 111111 III tlw Ilhlllltlllll f/ll'l' / Iwhhlll 'I ' \\1\ 1'1'1'11/:1111.(1 / 11m III'OJI''Uoli "I'IIlIr IIWII IIhlullUll 1/llIIr/lIH'I' / / 111111 : - ; 111'11 I'S" , " Bllt. 1111 lhll olhl'l' hllllll , KII."H M I' . 'I'I'II'Y , lItel'u III IIC ) tlolllll I hilt lIm 1'l'lIl /lei / , V III lI'I\i III 11I1'11I1'hll'11111 / I\I'J.I'\ ; ' . } ' hll11 IIhlll'll'III'11 111111I1'lVI'H \ whll ! ! lengllll'lIllIJ. : othl'l'Horl'II'I'I' : \ , hI'IHi'rl Ihlll lho ( 'IIUIolI'H IIf IIIHl'aloll' 1I1111111"llh whh'h hll\1 hlllll'l'lo helm hroll ht IIll1h'r ! ! IIIIIIJlry lollll'ClI Iin lIot IIITIJI'l hi UII , } ' IIIIIH/rlllH : III' I'I'I' thl' hl'nllh III' thm" " who hliVII 1'4'111'111"11I1111111' \ II fl'11111 1I1IIi'\ \ IIf lhl' IIIH'IIIH"S III whll'h 1III1't'r. ; } ' 'hllH hl'I'1I IIIl1l1t HIII'I'I/I ! / , flli III'I ! 1111 11111'011I11I011 II lIot to huve IIIl1l'h elTl'l'tlllloll till ! 1\I'lllh \ rnll ! , A 1II1111J. ; t1I1" ( ' Ilros IInti tOIlH : lit' ' Ihllis lhlll Ih ! ' 111I1 ' > llIrl' foullllJ : Iii 10 h ' ohlJlIIlI'1i rrolll HllIlIHlIcli , 111111 tlWIt ! Hlww lIol 11111 : , ' It 111'1'11111' III till ! , lI'alh rllll ! hill II 11111111111111111 IIf IIwrllllll. } ' III Hlul : , ' IIfl' . 11't'w 111'111111' , /o1I\1I / Ih , ' wl'III'r , hll VI' Imullg h SI ! ! -1'111111'01 lo 111'1'01111' 1'lmll'll/lrlllllH / , " ' 1'111' /lIIII' rOl' Ihl'lIis \ 1101 wllrlh Ihl' I'nllllln , " 111111 "th ( ' 11\11111'11. \ 1111' , fll\l-hlllllliell \ IH'rHlI1I whll 1/llIghs III 110dllrK11111 / Ihllll'lI hlH alllll'tlll'H I'l'1I1 Ilftti IIr nulure , tu IIltllltI'll rIll hl'r tllIlII HIIUHlhi.I , Ilol't ! not IIlwII'H uuUI\ ' , ) tht ! \ 'lllIlllIlIlIlIrhllwho \ 1:11111111'1 : fIl'l . rIlJtCH 1l1I111i11l11 > ! III OIlUhlIolH / IIf whit' , Btll Iho 1I1I'hlIIf / II\'I"S III thl' f'urllt'r lI l'tl hl'llI/H / Illnrgl' IIl1l11h'r III'IIIfph' ! to IL IlUhll Whl'I' " I hl'Y I'nll 1111,1. 11111 ror lhl'l1IMel Vl'tl. 111111 , HaYH I III' wl'lIl'l' ll l'hl'l'l'llI l'olll'luHIIIII. "ho\\'I\.t'r eh'lllm' , IIhll ! lhlI'IIf'ral ! / IlIgh'I'1 ! tll till Ihls 11111\ ' 'hi"I ' \ Is 1i.'I'lulll : llllll III , ' a\'I'II I' 11111 ; ' hllR Il 11 ( II'r thlllll'e "f 11\111' ' " IOIl Ihllli II ' IH'I'r 11111 11(1rlll'I'III Ih , ' hh\tIH'S lie Ihll WIH'III , " - - - . - - . - - - - - - - - - - - " - TO I.IUElt\T [ PRISONmS. . _ - - - - - - 'l'wlI IICrI + ( IIIK--11I I hlf"II I ! 1.1 It' Ill'r fm'IIWI' 111111 lIllt ! of I hI ! : llHllelHI"- 1'1 " 111'1'1'1111 ) ' 111'11. "lIl'h IIIIVlllg lhl''I'lsl' I I I - IIUl1ll11 II ) ' 1curll \ ( . \ I 'llIm : llIlIth'r l'lII'l I WO YI\\1I1i I 111I J. ( . b Illuceli U\I' till ! l.nl'tI : hhlllhl ! : 1111' wrlHI cllllllel'lillthl' / I \\1 prlonm's ( B ) . 'I'ltl UIHlt III 10 Hlll'I'1l11 till' 1II'ItlOlll'rli wllh olllllJlelllll 1111' klllll : o I' I't ! III 0 \ ' I II till 1'lIl'els a I'll III Itl I h . wl'IHIH. 'I'hl , ; 114 1101 HI IlIlIh'ull--11' ' UIWI1\1 - - . } \ hllW , Thl' Ilrllll\lIl'I' ' who WIIIIII'I III IIhl'r 1111' 1IIIIIH lr. ho\'I" tll , ' ( 'on I lhJl1 1'1111 1Il''IH hllll with Ih , tllh"r 111'11111I1111' ( II ) . \\'lth Ihl' hl\111 ur tht hllll or IIt ( rlghl hllllll , IIlI hl h I hili lilt I'III 111111 1111/1' / Ihl/-lH' / nr lhl't't'l \ hU1I1 ! I'UII J.rllh It mill IlIIt \I \ n\'I'I' Ihl' l'hll tlllg"r " IIf thn right hl\l\Il. \ . - - - - - - - - - . , 'RIII. l rlllluh "h''I' " ' " ' ' 'l'rllin I I.'rllll'h . nXI"(1H ( lruhlll 1111(1 ( II wit , 1'1111 I IIf IoIllel'II hu \ ' \ ' hl'l'l1 I'\ollll'\\'hlil \ JlI'UIIII 1II'II11r Ill'l'ut. " lhl ! II11hlh' 1'111' 1010 II III 111111' ' I 111111 Ihl'lc'I'I't' a J.II II I I 1I11111 ' 1'011I11"1" Ilnllt ! with 1'IIl-tlulIll : III I hi , ; 1'1111111'1111I' ' I 1.1111,1 , waK lIhl : II Ihl' Ihlll' III' Iht' " 111 , ' . ' " whll'll ' hul'l'l" I 'xl.rl'lt ! , 1'111111 1IIIIIy \\'l'l" I'al'ls :11111 1111' HllIllIlHh fro II 111'1' , :1111 : \\'hll'h 1II'I'IIIIIIIhlhl'S , ' ' ' lIH'rltllrloll L \ \ II'lH' : l 111'1'1'111'1111I111'1' . 'I'hlli lralll 11'1 11111' 11111I'1 l'Xlllllllh' III' 1111' 11I'1I/l'l'l'\s / \ thlll haH Itl'l" I II 1111 It , III 1"1'11111' " " III' rt'I'1'1I1 'I'UI'N w\ll \ . r" 1I1'l1 III I'll pili l'al1\\'II. } ' II'U'I'lhl11 / : I 1111'1 lit ! 1\1' rail , of 1'\1"1'11 \ III' IIn. } ' 111111'1 I /III / hOllr 1'111111 b 111111 III' Ilw flltlll' , ; Hl'tlII'h I ! " 111"1011'\1' \ ' ' , \\'hlll' It : . I IIltH'IIIl't I I IIr ' " " ' ' ' , .hll\\ , : I hl lIl'I'I : \'I"'II I t hUll Ihlll" I"'MIIII'I ! h } ' 1I11 ' BI'IIIIiI \111I/--1111011111I1' \ " " "lln'/'I , ; . III' 1'\1'11 h ; A IIWl'lI'a ' 1'1 " 1':11\111 : n' tJIl1' " I' ) , III"'HS. ' I'liris lmHH'lIl tH' , . . " - - - - - - - - \\'h ) ' JIll I , ; Blnll , "Whlll Idllli nf II hh'll I" a hllll'jll } ' ? " 'I'ltu 1'111I'1 lIl'I / j/l / ) ' 1111I1 I'UIIII'H M ) ' ; 1101 hI till' Hllrllll ; 1111I1 hI' I'rl'I'11I hl > l IIII'll , - 01'/ / roll 1"1'1"I'n'I" , Olll IIIlIllItJ 1\1,11 \ III Hl'l ! I h\I' , \ IIl'phl'\\ ' I ! ! ; rOW \III Into 1\llC'llItlltllI \ 'IIIIII 11\1 \ ! II lht' ' ' 1I1111.1"IIHlth'llI ' ) 1'1111 ! ! jl'ahllh. / . 1lllIlrltlll'lII / , I , , - - - ' - - - , Whl' " II ' ; ; I\'I 1'Ii ' 11I'I'Uy > 't11I' III II ! I U 11.11. . " 'IiNt , to hl.lIr It , , ' . . d ; " , ' - - , - - - NO PLACES FOn A WIDOW. I Vi ? llJoH1' : : IH II rulle 1I\\tII'IIIIIJt : 111 HIOl'e ( or tlllJ'UIIIIIII uf IIti I'till ! ! ' , ' cllli IlllUlIllIlIlJoliH ! who 1IIIII'ts III IIIlIlw Ill ! ! ' UWII II \\IIJ. \ ; 1I0wllllnys. I \ 'et''IIH Ih ! ! IIII ! , I\lmler , Hl\eIIII1I. ' lItlI II lw Ihrl \\'UIWII'H IJldl'a , I ; JI t UH gren t ni II I he Ihw fllluwell hy \1'1. , 'lhh'y yel't II O I.hl ! II tI'\\'Ollllll IIf tlelHIJmt UII hel' I\\'I IOI'CIH . l'ollJ tllH ( IW ! 'llutile ' IHilllH 1111 dille. orl of . ' . ' h IIIUII- II lte ! WI. } 11111 Il 1'111 ey 10 lupply hl'l' IllwtlllleecllH , Or Nhu Iuultl J.U oul Uti a II 1'8 I ! III hl'r OWI , ! locl clrl'le , lal ; II Iluzell IIlhcl' WU.'H \ \ ' ' ' 10 hl'r. ' ' ve ' ' \\'I UII'I 1'lles hl l'ItII I't Iwwo\"er , Olly II few dl. } ' IIJU II wOln" III II cly UI the ! Hule ur 1IIIIclo Ige wns len 1 widow , 11111 whel Ihl' uU'lIlrs II Ier hUHllllt'1 lHluh ! W'U WUIIII " 1/ Ihl roulI lhul Iltl wOlhl ha1 10 lill I WI ) ' 10 111111111'1 hl'I'Illr. Hhl' 11111 ull rrlelllhi Ulltlu lhem 111CIIII' , 'I'hl' ' dill whlll thl' } ' ( lIulIl III IlItI Ill'r 1'lllu : , ' , 1I'IIt Illtlll WIH Ill t'I'Hllt : . I 'l'ouJ . , I Illuce IIHll'ldl 1I0Ie. IwlJlII. . . hut I hI fa mi. } ' wlll 11 HO III I , 01'hu COIIIII do Jlall uf Ih\ \\'IHhhlJ. ; I :11 , Hh" WII , ! lol Il'OIl ; : elloull , 111 10 , glvt It lP , All ollllrlllll ' Wil 01'11'111 10 II" " 1 CHr ! of 11 IIVIIIII , hii Hhl"IOllll IHI II li I ! } ' , , llhlel 11',1a , ; 1l'lllel. , a A mll t1111 11llll'll PII'IUIIJ 11- , ' . ' ' ' . Ill' Iwrv\tlllll 'Ihe chltllllHI. hl\'I'\'lr. ' ' ' ' " ' " HIIt l'tl'l'll II WiY" 11' tie "Hcelltl/l' 1I'Iwdihe Inllr-d : . } ' Irlllllll , IlhouJ.1 HiI 1111 "ralll'II" Illiirell III Ihl COIII ' , ' . : ' , 11'\ tollllll'l IIIuCy I 'I ' uf 11ll'r , chlhlrl't ; IIII 0111 I who elllll 1lwll 1"I'IIIh 1111 ( ( : 'I'mal , I : 'CollIl Ilt ' I I 1) ' , 1IIIl'llIlllnwI III I Aul thrll/1 111 Iw t'olil 1111 Ilu II hUli lal\1'\ ( \ \ \ ' ' - - \lti Ino ulel YOllth nlil Htrl'lI lh W'I' l'Illeelll ! tl IIlmlll phlBI. Wllt Wil HII'h \011I111 l Ilu' ! 111111111 SII- l'ltl' HUll , Or whal'/-N'w , YOI'k J\'IIII t IlelL' ufII'lclt CItUII , 'I'll'Y SIIIIII' ohkt'llol whhI fO' " " ' ' ' ' ! ' ' \ \ ' ' ' . ' l'f'IIIII'IIs } "I 11'1I1'cl'IIIWII PI'Ol't. tr rl hl II'III'S. . whleh oITIrl'll ! IIBII hl'l' ' ' ' ' ' IIPJl"llIlIl 110' l'III'II'Hjelllelll 10 Ihl' l'dll'aUolI ul1 III I ! II. whlc'h 11'1'- sm'll'll tlu'rsl WIIIIIIII , IIh\II'III aUI ollllllllel til 111'1 IIoj / ellh hlllli'tl'\ , 10 tht' \ \ ' ' ' ' ' IH 1111I111:1' l'arll'l' sll oi JIIIIJ , : 10 \ ' Ihl ! :1\llIg \011'11 halul ( , \111 whlll 1101 Ihls uh.eclIII' ! , \11 11- ' " 1'111' . ' ' ' stillclve' Ihll 111\llull 111'I'I 101' WOIIIII wi II II'I'IIIJI' I hii Ihlll'- ' : . SIIIHW 111'1' IIII/hl / Ilh'hll' 111111 ' ' h ' 1I'lllt'li } BIICklllllL : " 'I'he h Ilhaul : lIel wi1 I rl' nill' , :1111 : Ihnt III 1 : the hlllhant. " I 'I'u 11\111111111 \ thlll Ollelll.HS II' his hllul I HIIII wlfl' huIe : :1111IIJlltl'I'I' : " heI' ! I II'OIMI't. ! , l'uI"I'11 hm'1 I'I I 111 , ; J\1 t I hI1IIII'Y ! ( or hl'l' , 'l'lnl hlIIHt ! 11.\1'11 ' ull-IIII' 11'lIl'I :111 : IIOW thl'Irl' , hl'l' ' ' ' hl'l' I IIIIJIS IWII al'I'H alil 101'S , i OWII IhllllIII : hil , as II 1111 1,11' o : lld\11 I'ISIIIII , thl' hllHhlllel VilIS 10' . II'r. II'r.le 10' 1I0t llu tliH 11'1'111'1' II II' , ' , ' 110111 ' " ' ' ' allllli' HIII'III"I'S fi' : mUIII'nl ' l'I "ly ' " ' . III ! \ ' 11111 II' l'III"llIls hI'\ ol's IIH , I\II Ipl II 1111'hll hl ! ' gll II'C- ( O'tl'll :11 II 1IIIIv etll'k :111111 : - III II : Ihlll lhls " is : :1111 1111111 " Illh"I' " IIJIIII ll' ' Illst hul III II'm' . ; ! H/I' / ia II wllo HUl 'UPPI"'I I\III : thl' , i slIllrlgl' II WOIIII ItallliH fl'lhll'llll , I ht'll'I' I hil Ill Il sllpl' .ISlI" ' , le II " ( : , : ' ' I j lke 11"IIIJulllhlll HJf''SIII i whl lelllltll tl , ulhl.l' IIII ' I hul hI , Wil 1'1111\/111'111 / Ih. . arJlllllIls . filUII ' ' " 11111 h ' II \ \ ' , " 11 11111'1' . "llhl 1101 ! I't Y"l t'III\ ! s.1 . 1111 hi' 1111"1 II his 1llllS il Ih'llll 01 tll' ' 111"sl ' IIf W'I'I- III ; his . 11'llshl'lI ' 11'i It " 10111 I'ome. I Is 11111. Ihl'l ' 111\11 : . PI'ogl"S ! \ . I fl'll'II , wil 1II'IIII's WIIIIIII sIIT- 1')1 11 Is mlll , CII''II :111tlilol : 1llllll1 , tmil. frl hlellell , Wll " ' OIII"SI'S , It--(11111' Clpmlll CII , i A. the Tw'l ' I , lent , , HI'ellly lhl'I'l' hlH Il'l'l " 111I Jll'II'1 hi I HIllh l'rlltllr I lsl ! IIf 1111' pl\'II'S IIf . , ul lrallll III hl ' 11 :11Il ; Irls , 'h , ' ohool a III hO'ltll's ' h:11 : a111'1 ; , : lall If 11111r ' looks pIHI'1 III a 1'lItllll hhhllsl'lf. , ' . . I , , 'lnsll' , If t111 ir Iln"'I'I'lIl :1 : l' wl'r , ' 1lIl 11111Ih II" 11 IU III. . \1 Ihlll th , ' tl'IiII'I'S 11111 111IIIH I hii I hl'1 ' \ I ! : (11) Ihl' 1'1111I Ihl'lllh 1111 1110 :1111 : 1111 I hl'lIlh 1111 hl'l' , \1111 tll'\ , , 1'11'111',1 II Ilh' las I'uIIIIIS I hI' } ' W"II Hsl11 " II II'SII'lhl' tl' 111 II lhl 111111I , : I'II'ly SO IILI' ' 1'1111 ul I hI' ' hls 1'111111'(1 1III'IfI'IIIIII ( u Ihl IIII'S IIIII'S : tl ollrs Ih'SI'I'II'1 hulh 1'lllhl'l 11111 fIll Ilrl' , ; . 'hl'1111' txl"'rlllll'lIl wlllI U'll'l wih ! urH 1''I'llltI Illt 1111 Ihll 11'11' . I , ' ' 1'l'lIt Ihem ' ' : jOIII' II l'UIII'IIIIII. al 11'11111 II till' III'II'S ft'IIII'I/'I , th , ' 1'1' mahllllr III hlih 1'11111'1' . : 11I1111tll'H , - - - - - ' Ocl Ihl' ' , tun'l l'lml ; Ilhil , \ Irl t 1 : II . ht II ht' the I\'III t , Illllrl' 11111 1'llt uf hel\h. I Is II I' IIII ' , IhllUllI' II II 11'lh , I' x ' ' I hi' " ' " ' ' ' ' \ l'rlllI' II 11'11 : I" 1'111'1':111'\ I ' 1'11111 : llI 111'IIIUIIIhl'I1' :1'1' II I' ll'I'I'I'tl ul' nlllt hl'lIlh. Thl' Jlrl will - II'I III hl'll In I' . 111'\11' wils : mlh'lIll 1'111 " 1 II II. } ' III 1'11 Il/ / ; . 11\\1 alltl Ilght 1'11 \ ' ' fl'\1 ' \ \ ' . 1111 hs ' , 1\\'I'r \\'cl. : 1I'IJI 1fl'I'1 ' , \11 ' ' ' " 1\ WI'II II't'Ilulll 111'11 ul II 1IIII' t'III ' II 1\tll , hil 11thill ) I'oul ht' wnr l' ' ' ' " thill tl' l'lltlllllllH l'IUI ! 0 : M\\'II'I sIIIT whll'h IW" tll IIIIUI girl : 11110:1 1ll\ral. } ' II tliK 1'\lIntrv BI'ltr lr l'lIIIJlh'\lll. lollllllllle 11. . ; ( 1II'Illhfli l'IIJO\'lllIt If ltt , 11'HIIRI , \ wlll'l thl' l\lll \f IIIK hrolht on 11 1)1'11 111 I Ilell 1' ( ' II H\\'I'ctl hellld to 81b 1It / Hi'lllt ' , ' 'l'llro 1M Illh hi' I 11':1111'11 h ' Klrtl tlll , WlllII 1,1. , Illujl't of dlt ' - - - - g\'er ; Irl Hhollit Ilt Olt whnll/ hel I for .1.'r , 1111 thl'lI ! ! LI'I , 10 I for wih. Ollt ht'llth Is to lu / fllHlrc IIIIC Ilea oul or tUI CCClllolll. } ' HOle ( IO hel'n gl'l'lIl ' to , ; . his t'lIolh 11I11 HUle' thll Ullt uf n If ( ' hllldlcllillet h : , ' , I 1'llllc IlckllCIH , hiI for ole whl h : I HIlt'll'eJ'1 I t hOls/ull / hn'C ' flll'll- " 01111'/1 101 I' COlllllullon , - - - - - CII' " of thl' "ect , W I.'II tie WI ri we : ther cOles , fo IIIII ' II'opl' II'ct trlhiel h ( III. ' .he Cl'l et tll'I'II , 10t , nnt ! wcl IlId feel ' . ' heHl , ' ' ' fOl' ' ' tClltt'r. 'l11 'IIIII'II tnlcl' 0' fept Is 'old , Hwolcl Wlter PII/gf' Ihe fl'tt ! IlIlu cold \\'nlr for 1 'rew ' IWI ! ' I ( lll1 e\'e : ' III ' , I/el folow Ihls wlh / I . VlgOrlH rlhhllJ. ; wllh I rOlgl lowpl , Whull thl' fl'et ' , Iche Ilel hll'lI I lepld , I Hlltwller foot-llth If mosl I'flesh ! I II , A few erol , ; or o\\'l' 111 rhhltI ' ' IpOI tll' ' feel wil II'I'\'I'lIt IJllt'H , hUI fcet IllIt pm'spll' ! tuo rrPt'I ) ' Hlonlel II 1'1111'1 wih Il'ohol nfer Ow collI elII IlllJ.l h. ! 11111 tlell IhlltCt wih fller'H' I , lll' feft IIrc Ip/der It wl nrore rlIr ! If the InsldeH oC tl Iloklllgs nre IWllll'l't with horuce'llowter. A I. tlm 1111e fl'OI onl' OIICO or horlclc- Jlwtlrr dlHlol\d III hlif a pillt of 101- hIwntl'r 1M I'xtrelel. } ' ; III to IHe as / fllllntntioll for lnllrl'tI ! ' IIlIt tCIII'r tllJOIIIH 1111111018. . A IIIccI' r IlIt MntUl'lh'tI wih I wlell loll 1111 I/hl Oi tie Joilt Oi goill/ 11 11(1 ( w\l I plcc ( ' of olet , Hi , Oi It 1111 I hnllel' ' I ! 0\1' 111 to { ( I In 1111el' , wll gl\\ Jrlll rLlef Ir tl' 1111II'Itiol 10 11r- Il'\'ellt In rol 10lW I1 hl ! ! . A Nell ce Howl. gver. } ' WOIIIIII' wlnlH II nc lJl' / : , Thel'e ' ' ' ' /-:0\1 Il'e ntI pl't1t III II til : hOIS. hut hl'I't' IK II home-lltlc olll : \He 10Wt'I'I'i1 IIHII 11'11' IIlk- 1)llIk II bille , L : . } ' I 1101 ! ) 'okl hi 10J. ' , , Sf't ' ' . l'rtn whi hllks l'IIR ( tollhll' I'UIIIIII Hlrtl ht U'rOI'\M \ til hacl' , hut 111 OIII ' III ( I'Olt. 'rom thl edjof til 'okl' I'l I hI' \lIHlln 1'11 In aet'or , 1111.lllls. 10 fnlc . ' , . 1"1 II ! ; I tlu Illk Ilcordll , \ 11..t ' ynkl' a IHI ! ! IOI , for n \ ht Hii , jOWI II or rumL11 luil' , tbe tUmIH , hollg HO tn ' 118 to look nhTlt . le t ' shlille Mhh'rilg , 0\\1' IH > t h IIrt. Hl't I' IImlll 11'111'1 1J1111. IIH 1'lolle lulclhl'r iK II'slrl\ . fold or l wlst of HI tll I I. } ' I hI' uSI't1 : t thl' tUII or tl' Iloek : nd at I lhl' 10\11' e'd ( o lhe ) 'lIke , I -un-y , " W' I"t L I I . ' t , ' ' with hllll'k \h\ Mik Wlll I'd/I'II \'nh't . fold ; IlI't l , Hl I l'llTH of hlul' tf. fl.tl. stlehl'd II hhl : ShOlld\I' It'H)6 / of Ihohlll' " . ' /111 hll'k hortl\ , \hlll' "I. stehl'il II - - - - tlreh nli trfI , 111 'lIlr RI.1 OIIJIIIIIII II lowd'I- tel Itlllhhll lhl ' ItU lIol II mH ' ' ' rl'om l'uHtln . 1hll wi ) N'Vllt thl'J lellh Illl Helll ) " Illt. _ \ 1111 1'0011nth lt IIhtlle11"uly , l'IHtH : ' whoh' ' lld IIVlgo/tl'i thl H't . tlW. , \ ' ' Hltl fllJ.rllll'I' 11\'IIHll Irnt'sR Ii gl'tl to hathlng wnt'r h ' t II'owll Illn 11 10,111. ( r'Hh 011 1 \I , "elH sholld eiher Il wlllhed or Ihrown a WI ) wlll Rolh'll , for the dust whll'h doll'lt" : III them IH h\1 : fO I tw 1 loml.llxlon . , I 10' IIITII'81 of the I11deH l1 l "I I I O\'I'I'I'"el'UolI , II very ( HI 10 I f'd J' III ! I 1'lh the nlTell'd IIHClc thoroTghly ' I ' II ' wih 1111'0111 1111 l'll I . \1 allls . l't' more or 1f1 ! Iljlrlol ! " to Ihl tll.th , 11'1Ie'IIIC In which tlre : Ii 1l111 shol hi hI tnl.l'n thl'\u/-h / I JIIHS I , thl' Hllth , ' 101ih rlt l'f wlh I 1tle , , hm'l x :111 I tr. ! I' ' Fi' \11'101 lJrs ( In\I thl' IIIrt5 . , , ! hlrllltI , wlh : 110f Ihld , 11111 or eal. ' IIw ' wall'l' This ' " 1II'Il nl'lll 111 ' f' . : lu\s tl' )1111'l'r. . } ' ( tlllc\I ' , ItI th\rl , " 1' ' ' "rtl'r Ihls trlt- 'I II slhlol :1 : Il'f " , - , I Il'lt. Thl' \\IIII\I's I'all'li "crow'H fed" ' Hholhl hI Ilrl\'I'IIt'11 h11111 , ) Itrokll 'I of lhn foils or wh"1 thl0111 ' . I ' thl' hlood ' KII'IIIIIg . II frl Ilrl'lln'ttl . - 111'1' 11 , skil IH thl ' 111rlll ; \ ( Ire. - \1'11 t h'f. . 'I'u IIllkl' II nl'lt.rlll' hall wlIII shrt11 I 111 1111It'l or'hll' 10111. 1'11111' ' 0\11' I I I Iullrl or holllt Wltll' 1111 Hlr tl 1111- I ' ' t'IHII , t hI' : SOh'l'lI111 1111 whlBlwt I , oi. of two eI mil II Inhl' lloolrul . I uf Hllh1t. of rO/ml/r\ ' , Cork l ht ' 11111 sltn kt wll hnCorl Tlt ! . I Brll \ \ ' ' ' IH I'XCIII'lt for thl' ' Brll111'1' 101' . I \h'xlol. . Illt II j'/l'll.flll or hrnl Int ] . I ' / l'II't'II'I.loth hllJ : nlel Illur 11 I hol. . 'hI I wlltt'r. \111 . Hutelllt ' 'ol It t , wi hI' ( OIIII.tLmvnt soft to \\/HI I r : In nntl'I'rr l'h'nufln , The hrll II/ HI h ' ' ) ' for waHh. ul I I II > I I IIIIII' dlly ril I ! : hoth rllce11 hllnls. ' 0 whlll'l lt IIIIIIIIH 18 ' ell ' tort , : I wutl'r tor wnthll 11t n Jlod tolel I seal li'Cor 11r 'II ruh 01 n ( ew I t1'O\ of 111m' jl cI'J'II ( ' work I Ilte . ' the thorouhly lld then drr tkll ; Clrc. _ I'ful. I' ' } ' , 1l'ell'thl1111 of R IClwn 011 ' ' " ruh tht' ' 'Ol'llh"tllId . 1\1 wlh I , I , hI' 011. or t\\ ( a tl" lh'l wah I II UJ . . - " . _ . ' : . . , . ' , . , - - - - - Hcmcl ! foJ CulY Iel : . . 'I'he dlPI'nse , BClly Ic . Is wul ! UO\1 to IIIl who Iwell IIUll'll whie It I , II cOlllilll'I'CII t hit UIIJ l.rIselce . or lhl ! trollhll' 11(1 lIul IIn'-el lhe hllIlh of the fowl , It 18 111 oljclollllbll 11'lIlhlo IIltI 111jhl tu he lellll'ctl , There Is I goml ' tu lhat ' ( ' - l'I011 Illtvc tIl' 01- furl If lot III healh oC lw rowl l ! 111'l'tI'II , Cor thl ICII ' le I due to n Illr/llll' 11111 thtorldl { or t he mile IUMI he IWI'l' or IIHR IlInoJln to lhe ' . hl'III. 'h" Ihllltmtoll Iho\s how lhe scnly Il lool'H. Ilel It wi II Rlt'l thnl I IllTerll from the other I : trllhle ImoWII II tUll'I''llolls If , Thl' IWIII ! ' o ( ' ' ' Ihl' " " trllltll 111' 111'11 IWIl'lIlh H"II"H , I'n 11011'1 lwm 10 II'ot rllll' 10 thlll to re'lIl'h tll' mltl'l 111 n'I\I' ( lhl c'/ll of Ihl' lrlble the lIeale ! ! must he 1'0'1 \11\(1 , HOlk tlt lehi / wnrl. IOIIY wll'r 111 thl' HcnleR 'III' " snrt'let I flml'wlwt , tHm removt lhel wll , I - - - - - tCAIY 1,1 : ( uN J'I"I."I . - , 1111 IwlCn , 1 hl'll rsuls , Ronk the legH I Itp'hl' ' ' . \\'h\l' 'lgl'r. . Pn'plc 11 ollUlllIl of 1 \0 IlrchmR of hlllum nf III'U , mlxl'l with two OII'LR \'u/llhl ! Ild npply thlR ! tie .cal'li han ! helm remo\ed , 'Iho ollltlCllt Hhoull IJ npplel hy spread- . . IlIg Il 01 I dotl lud IJllunljll tho. Je R or the fowl ! ! . HI'T'w crtwo , : dllI unll / CUt ) hi e lTul el - - - - [ Urcd Cnttc In 10"0. Idw101 onl. } ' h/l the rlllnUOII of Lellg tw ) : reute1 lJrlculual 8ttl' In lhe Ullul , lll that 11 lents os wel II thl Jlrotulloll of Ile entl In Ibl hrel'lllI ; : If Ilwrlhol ! II. slaldsrsl , : u/HI the SII' of IheHe clltlc cleal. } ' HhoWH thal the hUllllless Is 011 a guutI IH 'IJ ; haHII. 'Ihe \'er e of the sale of 10wI shurlhols the lust Yllr ! ItIIN hl'1 fl'om $ : OO tll $ ' : n IWlld. wl h the , lajorly of ! 1I118 111llIg , from * :00 to $ rOO I IWld. 'rhe breeder of lnf tortl Cllttc II 1mvI eljo. } ' / gOI ! lethy Irnde II Ihelr favorlci. hrect lug uhout oltH\IIUI of ni thl llrtfort l'UttC III the 11111' ( 81ItL . IlId I"ellre \cllt11 by o\er th\le ! hllllr1 ! bn'pdert lwo hUldred of whom nn ! 1tUht'I' : Ir Iho IIHRocllton , 'j'hus 10wI Htllllds fourlh II the producton 1111 > l111 Ir Hcrefon1 cnt Ut. Ili Uw 1l'lctt oblullIl'l nt the IIb1c HileR n\lrl ! l'd from $ OI to $300 I bIJIII\ Ai houJ.1 thef' Ir ' ten thllA nR mnlY shol'lhorns II 111 UnJ\tl Hlllte ! ! . unt thrcn tllc , ; UH \ a II , ' lerlJfonl ! ! lS . \bcl'ceu-'JI/us / , "cl l\ farmers RIHI h\C'er of 10\11 ure r'I\hlllg : out for tl laler kIHI. and 10wI stnlld ! Ilt II the brCdln of AII I tlltl' : . ha\llIj learl. } ' threl hUl- 11rud , ' , ' of hrttll'rs 11lng olthl'd ni the Anb IH cIttl1 II lhe Thllt'll 8tules , Fhowln n growth unt Incrl'lIle wihin tht' Stnh' IIr 800 , " ' 1 cellI II thc IlIsl tel ' ; , - ( Iomlst. . 'earl-Aglllurnl \\omlst. Oleo 8011 for Buter. 'l'hl' 01'II Illlle huv ! ! always Illc 11 d\ol ; 1101lt or 111' being a chellp hut- tl'r for tlIloor 10n. IInd luny hdve Ilcn ) hI' l'rol'mlle l.'ars . rhl'f hy the oleo trullt O\ ' ( lie Illh\t ) ' of tl IIOO\ ' 1\1 to puy lhe high prlcc for cow bu- ter , Of I UlrSl' I\'e - one knows how \Indl ; thc IIleo Ilkl ri slorllcl lltlI' Hl'h'cs for til "oor. IHtm'le ! ! ! lahorln \al. bul we hll\'e IC\r ! IlOI Ibl ! t lIu\'es \ lhl ! exact I'xrnl olluln : 8ho\hll I of th ( ' lIulrll e 11t Ihe IIIHt l IIO'1 01' the lenl rlvn iia tlu Iry 1111 rooll e'II- 11111011 1IIIe 1 hand , 'L'hls rl'llorl show ! llnl Oll or Its I 13\111'8 hOIht ( I' huHr In III 1111- ' ' ' . of Ih Wl'l'l ! "yh'anla 1'OCIII'lol 1.1m < 1 oleo , thl' ' was al ' .1 IhoVI' Rld hulll' prlCH. Ihl' Illm' 111 hud to pay ahoul lW o\r what he eOllld havl' 1ou ht the oleo ( or IHI'r IR OWII 1m I f This Is phlallhrnp ' at 10 cenls lWI' 1I0llei . 'xcess JlroUt" lollrl's Un 11'111. Thin UhJ1 How. , , ! , , . . < " ' , - ' , , ' - I 0" 1 j t - . . . - - . - . - . , " . \ Won frst prl'mhlllIl KI'11111. , llt\ J'ulr III 18 ! ) ; :160 sweellsllt"H 111'1111 il ugNI hlrd ut : nlhl'7 I ! . , ISU1- ' 88 , lroprl } ' of , In Ies : KIJI'r , II- lllbrook I"arm. Chnrll'stowl. 11(1 ( - - - ' Jnffrtll. uf J'I" : " , OlO 'of thc hl'll plllll ! ! or : vthll/ - ferUm" of l'JaS , I I ho rllly ! IC to tht fucllg oC " : llurillg Ihl' wlllllr , Ii to huve I luIIJI'I' or sell'ctel ruwll t lu tare kl'pt Nold\ , ' for I hI' ( II'IUI or IUlllll'II Ihl' ! ! I : thlll all' 10IJ hllch- NI , Whie lhls plnnollld Inttl COl' slil'rlll' InlJur 11Hl II SIPIrI. . ' Ilell , It I WOI"I nl.o t'llllc IHIU1I'.f 1l'rto IIllzl' the \'llllble two alli Ihrl'ycar ( ll h(11 Ihll Irl 101 equlII to lhe tlsk of hellwller In"llg. I Is Ilh'lwllell h ' \ Ollll nllihorltes thllore hl'l\Y # ; rullitl h'ls II II \\1) ' of lushcH bc fl't to Ilyllg helS. ' lIlm lcll thnt the vlllly of tll' ( ! tl hiIll . I'nn . bl kl'l UI ) IOIjI'r by this mt.tho. - - The : ore ut Foulll TIle. h\'h of the IDCe6 lhut tlluld at- I lelltl horH , ' thl' ( reelng 1'IIIIII , IIIIIU I'"n ! I\l Irdllua btltuwct Ullli the "lr tynzl nd a foaUnc time , al , , I thclI 10t olly Rre her own hnlh p nd snCcty at tllllw , hul the wufurt or he' Is n Cor Rcrluui JlrogelY II/o muler cOlslderton. I I Ihcr.Coro II'CC8Sl'Y l\ll oxtrn IrecuutulIS he Illopled nUl Intel cll Ohslr'lllnn mllltlfwll II ortler thllt marl nllll foul IIY paH : throllJh thl8 crllcnl period II thr mot HII ! ctury - , U toro tf Ill . mi I 1111-PrOr ( l"ltlln ) un't U"e : lll , " ' . Se\'crl Ro'cnll'll \rC8er\'ntTC uru Iwln ; : oreretl Ih1 ! : (11' Ihale'a not 011 tle 1111 > 1 I Ylr { , nnt the clnll Is rnte for III lelltl one of thom Ihllt 11 Wi lIot IniY WiY Iljllr' tlHI . I woulll A'I Ilmosl unneCtJ- " HII'1 to 1I1IlRI' . flrlllers .0 . unneCtJr IllreerVltvl.t. for tht ) IISC of twln wi lelll lrouiic 'fhl' Ilnl hoard lt 1II11h In lullr y Hvery tUWII 10 tl& cOlltry ! lleluntr lurge 10 have ucb u hody of nen , hlcked b ) ' the IIW , wi IIIlllt mure trouble thlH yur lhnll cyer ' ' ' , I'm'mnlln I m11 1 , II'fol'I' 11111 ullr < 1 \11 : ' IHeel fur the lr Ren'allll or 11 , 11'0 I' ; I'r. I . } ' InJllrlolR t hl'alh , untl 11\\1 _ , n/-nln.t / : thl UHp or thum II' " rl oroul" I lnfm'cd. lllrurllllly ! , lhl' flrlll'r t'II111101 conu'll ' , ' leuvlJ tl' 11111 all' I ' ! hi ! hllIIH. hil ni mllY flrler ! iL" IIv r thc prOllcl or tlwlr dalrll' dln''t 10 the consumer thlll wlrln I \Hnnt for thelll , 'l'hl1 er hll personla kuo\ledgu thlt tl utmoHI Jrecaulou : U'o bell ! taken III 11I111 ; BnI I' ! Illl I , tlerI I ! ! uo WiY of fuuln/ these 11l- . In lhe law /ectlelll thorleH. ! um\ / his lecn chanI't Sl that U lerm or hlR heen , : to InprlFonlent 1tcd te \ heavy ( hi thutas hnllo I'l a yclr /go , In other ! eelhHH Iln Ilnt lI- ( Imprisonment IrlsOHIlnt lulH _ IhH pht(1 o lne vr " 'oteh thc tl'H Curer. ) " . A hOJ thnt tloes nut I'nrt for Is cor Is nn object of IIHI.lclon . , I Rhou1i I \ t ollce he Iwllr : h'l from Ule herd Both the Rick pig Inl the Iwrd , whlcb lre lS yet IIppnrellty wel. Ihou1l be thorol hl , IIHlnreded - thllseh'e Dnd their Ylrts , neslH nnd feeding I lroll hs-U11 Imt on 1 Inxnlvl , col- J' IlIg Ilet. On a fllhll'I' or the or-Its- - reel I pito / rO\'II' al on'C. or the ap ; pellrnct of furl he\ ' dlso\'ters 11 the herel , Iesort ImllIIIIIl'ly 10 stringent IlellSlrCs tu cUle hog choler-for Ull lhlnc'ISre : tlat your Ilrll hUH tbl. rutll IIHCISIJ. I We are convlnCel thal Ivry ftrn , on which fwllle' lre kept 1lolld bi pro\'llell wllh 1 dillpll tunk for Rwlne , hI orl1'r to kel ) the atock rref fl'om lce Ind Hkln dhH'nse by IU occu- sloTnl dipping , and tspcJlIl ) ' to dll Ilfect the hOgR II CMt of I threltcne outhrCnk o ( cholel 'I'he elpplllg tank Is Nehrlslm n lolpllrltvely : Fnrmer. cla ! applnnce- I Good Wuaon Jlck. My Wn on Jack Is madl ! Ullil'cl Ir . oak , exccpt Ule plnl nnd bmcI ! . wblcb ; , IIle or Irol The brel III or 1lnc ronnt Iron , tnteu- I ll ends , Id : Ild bent n I nn allgle to ft , th ( uprlghl pieces. A : 1 ni b , The lip- , rl ht , 8. i ! 2x"x2 luches : Inse , b , I. 2x4x18 Inches ; lev- ' fr , c , 1x4x40 Inch 1 \ j' wile the Intel d. , Is 1x1x1 Inche I The Iron hrce is of - round Irol 1111 18 InclcH 101g. ' 11' cut Hho\v8 I- selt Ill to IIH' It 11 mnte.-C , LlkelR , II ( own Iomestend , I OverferthlJ or Fowl. lrrC ullr fleln Isullyell OYIf rCldln , The fowl , Ite olher anlnl\l. I thlt are not fed al pl'olwr IlIlen'nlll , II lahlc to tnt ! too much at ule tle , nnll HUIII' from Ildl estn , Bul suehlf - feril/ mean ! ! cCslng If egg prOlU for the towl lIurel ' lon doe IH , lS I or 11 , producton in the I OW. 'fhet Is hut one WiY to Iwent Ihlll , nnl II : II the fcllnat / reular hourK , alll If' IIY CIUHC , 1111 cnol'l'ct ahlllneU ! rrom hllme , delays lhe roeelhi : hour , jv& I'st ! rlher than mor 10 the Oock aud' IC ! that the lar cr ' ; 1111 101' Jrcedy OUCH do not obtai thul I morf heir Jlrpl'r Nhnre'I'U ! sRII Ulle tenl- II entirely Is not Il IIIII fil' thlll : IB glttn ; 110 much nt 011' 11m. :1/11 : / If nny tme Is 11 CXCISI' for n heary feellnJt It Is jusl Ilfnr' I he 0 f . , ' % est al nigh I. 'Ihen Ulej cnn tt est It h\for' morlll1. Whelhcr to muci at Imt tme over glvll thl thc nlht. \lre or lot we ( nulot HI ' . hut we nev. cr law or heard auy of - hllcnltns It- A ' , /lrltnn Culh'ulor Iolflnr or the . I""le Ulnle , . ACt'orthlg tll n Il'lc.grm rrum 10hnK [ the " uf Ih\ ' : Olt" "lIltelll IhNl'lhwlt lre hU\ul 1111 rlllllj lul sf tln" cOWI wih tl'lr "II'IIH , 'I'hc ' hu'e be : jUII tll n'lle Ihat Ih11uhle mlJf , wi 101 he 1 thlnJ of lit' 1)l1t. and . the mun who Illl wOllt IXltnue II the hUllllesR of mlHlng clltc must hn n' 11111 or hlH OWI upon which to raZl' them. 'hll I an ' / : 1\'ourn/lur ( cIll'e of lhl I\e stok hlhlHtry , for I I \I'ln ! morl' ( 'alll ti til lillll' 1um. bl'r of Icres 1111 Iwllcr l'nlUn thnu hnvc hN1 IlroduI't'l1 hJ' lhe I'lIn IB. At thl' slm ( tme Ilkt's tl "ltlell I I lllpCluleut mil 10 IOI 11' II thC IIwrcy of the IClsonR , l'ompllt'11 lo IOVI hlhcr nud thlhr wllh his herls hurler 10 fnt IUltpnnllcl' for , urler - - - tw/ Tbc Rtlhte Ir.nnr . , \'IHoublell ! , tht' lost con \'l'nlfJ ) l tor of I Ilahlr Is or 1'IHnt 1':1 Il'nl Her Is Iude of t'l/ent , with movlhle plank noel flr the stalls , h\ 111'llte ! wherl the 101 Is of a claylY ' tl' Ilt 1 I I IIO ! wi mnkc : \'cr ) ' Rntfnctor ) ' 10m' If the Itlll IIrf toorel wih Illnnk 1111 plank lut.n IIrn profll\ll ( or thl' IUlure , Sach z /olr mlkl'H an 1' ] < I'11'lt Itmof.r , Ar- ' ' ' , ( ' : IIIII ' 1'IIII'll'lIt be ; t'I'Itnt Inn pur- ehned ll'wlt a ut lad a n1t un ruut "I ' I