. . , ( ) ' 1 . r. : : . - , ClItt tft fJIO. 'C1nibn'a.n - ; 'nllll h"d Of' ry 'l'hureds1 at the Ouuul.180llt. - - - - - - .o M' AMSUlUtitY. _ . . - . . J elllor - - - - - - 't..L"UCO In ( ! IJ LI' ( Hhw-k.lI'oureh ATfJ.-r1' jii rl : ; ' t \JQ'Jinnicl1 lit Brokell Uow , Nub. . as &t'I".DlI.otAtlllnUr ! ! ror tranInIPMlon Lhrolllb the U. 1:1. : Mall. . . - - 8Ull C\m'TlOh \ I'HIOIC : 0' , , \ . . In MVR" " " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1$1.00 $ . . Al > Vlmrlt1NO : ! n..I'I1t : : : . . Ono colDlnll. pH month. ' 7.UO "f ) ' hair till umn. p . r tn"ULh. $ U ) Ilnal' c IUlun. I.er m"n' " ' ' } .W. 'pu 1"311 liD , Idurnn , f ) ( ) c" ( lich l' UIH I. I" I 8 I'a I1I t 111111 60 cen' , per Incb , per ru II ' . ' ' 'Ich 10.er. twCP' ' 1vorll ln. . . "U'II per t\lu. \ Notl" " of cburch flllt8. 110"1 . . .nd onterln I n. lD n' " ' 1ero monl' ) ' I' cnn ouoholt rl\tell. " . ( > ( ' , . \ . 'JoI1Cr.1I.1 'r ' . , unu-hl\lt rote II. " ' , h , let' for t.ubllnlnl' 'i' ' ' I IC" " Irl' ' ' ! . . ' , . { 'I I1l'1'n' ' . . . ' . Dmlcl'o tro" ' . h" .lcIII for publlebln , , ' , . ' . , ' ' " Ic ; ' , " . ' co. . .If thllnks. . . " . ouUc. . . . "Loll pre.Tldcd bl . 'atutcor / :1 : , . . , - ' - - l'hursaay , June 19 , 1902. ; - REPUBLICAN TICKET. Stnto Tlokot. ; ( ) r CODgrc 8m n. Sixth DILrlc- ! M. P. KINKAID , . Of O'j. 011. , \ . . . . . " . County Tloket. For ( J1)nnty Attorney" " .1\ . .t . IIU IPHHEY. Broken Bow Township Tloket. Vor 3upfrvleor , , Third Dltrlct- G. II. 'l'HORPE. For TOWDShlp fltlk- : _ A. D. BANGS. For Townehlc r".r- . J. M IMDl , RLING. O' \wnalt I . \\1 . . \ I , ' . h.NNICE. Fet I-II. d 0 , . . I. ' . .rlrl o. 1- : L. CUSHMAN. For Uond OVOTPccr I > I trlct No. 2- JOHN K8NNOYER. Eor JtJ1.1d . OvonooT 1 > 1 , r\ \ . n 3- ' . L. McCANDT./Ess. , " . 1.op,1 Ovcr etlT I litll , I ,4- : LEONARD HJi1HSII. FOT Ho ,1 Ovcl6uor Jllelrkt : In. ' - ' C. E. HEC'rOR. 170r nl d ( ' crete , nlehlet Nit 11- . HENRY lEED1DR. ! 'o : nOllll OVtrpo r DI.lrlct NI ) . 7- , J. N.VES'r. . . " - - - ' ' ' ' . ' ' . Hun 'rWEN'l'l' PutS'l' VUI.VAIE. . , - " - - The Hm'ltn .IcAN has reachcd its majority.Vith .tbis is ue it starts out on its twenty-first Jcar of uscfnhl'ss. It is with 110 sU1all degree of pride we look back over the history of the past twenty years ' u t'recal1 th6 worlt t 'at has heen accomplished in that perior in his vicinity where the RUl'UDLICAN has played an humble part. In one partic.ular at least 'the RUl'U LtCA'N' has ful- i 1le ( } a prediction made in the initial number. We then stated "That the RmUnLICAN would live and was here to stay. " . Since that date the R1tPU J.l- CAN appeared every week. Somc times 'prospects have not beel1 the brightest from a 1 nancia1 point or view , but it has been able to ovcrcome every adversity an today it enjoying libera1 :1 : lrc. of republicau prosperity , Wiif11 mc.rl . : handful of. tye ] ? am1 \ . ( J l . .arlIY l ( ! SS it began its exist. : o.i1C. < ' ; 'J a "o house ot ! the cor. 1'1 : . \ , .mich i& now occupied bJ the 'JJrokch Dow State i Bank 'l\he plant n consists - of foUl doubl and one single rades oj 'Wcll filled type of variety , sufi ci- ent to turn out all classes 01 work reCluired h a country ofi ce a cylimler ! ireS6 and a Gordo ! ' jObber , run by a gasoline engim and an other neccssary quip ments for a first-class office. II is comfortably located in a gOQ { 'substantial ' two story building h whicJt il was moved from tlu led in the sum mer of 1857. . Pol.itically , it h:18 : reniaine { steadfast in its advocacy of- the principles of the.republica ! party. Since March , 1887 , tlu writer has been' associated wit ! it , and for several yea s 'YC have bc : n the solc proprietor , man agQr and editoI' . The history of Broken Bow ii contained in its files , all of whicl are neatly bound and preserved. 'Its columns gives the ltistorJ of the first inhabita'nt , the pIaU ing of the townsite. The firs1 merchants , lawyers , doctors blacksmiths , hotels , feed barns were chronicled. The fight of the Rnl'UDLICA } transferred the county seat 0 Custer county rom Custer t ( l1roken Bow in the fall of 1882 Until 'after the location of'th county seet ltere , the Rnl'UDLICAl' was thtonly Hewspaper publish " in Ule town. Several haY , - riHen since in competition and many hnve failel to 1cl.cp ! up with the proces ion. l rom the Jdnd treatmcnt which has C\'cr been accorded us , and the liberal patronage - ronage of the business mcn of the city , we feel encouraged to rcnew the prediction of thc pa- pcr in its first numbcr , " 'rhat the HHPunLlcAN will live and is here to stuy. " Pcrsonall. " , we have had our financial reverses , but physically we have continued to improve. Our avoirdupois 'has increascd from 140 pounds in the past twelvc years to 185. Politically , for a decade fortune - tune was against us ; hut for the past five years conditions have : been more favorable. Politically - ly and fin anci allYl as well as P11JsicaHy , there has been a steady gaiu , and we are pleased to note that we are able to provide - vide three mcals a day for our family and enjoy the association of the best society the community - ity affords. We have a large . number of patrons , who have . bccn patrons of the HItI'UUI.ICAN all these years , having subscribed - ed for the first 11l1mber. Others , who have joined our happy fam- manlincss in att his walles. He has qtat dipl ntac ) ' and presist- enc ) ' in his nut1ce up that will malte him a succcssful worker. in national1cgislation. L'wo years ago he carril'd Cm ter county hy 34 majority , when Br'an carried the county o\'er McKinley by 11. \Ve predict for him 150 to 200 majorit ) ' in Custcr county next November. The l1rgcllt I.CIIIJCI' JH Not U'JlUhUCIU1. Bro.Viseley's , article refu ing the charge of the I40up County News , in which the News charges Mr.ViseJy with running a socialist and republican paper at Sargent , is highly gratifying to the republicans of the vicinity of Sargent , as well as the re- l > uhlican press of Custer county. . \Ve now sce we were laboring undcr a mistaken notion all this while. 'Ve were aware that the teader for 'several months h d not given forth any evid .tce. of being republican. But as w had not seen an announcemcnt to the contrary , since Mr.Visely purchased - chased the Leader , wc had' sup- poscd it was yct republi an. " . He then 'stated it 'won d con- . . I , , I - whether it . , would be political wisdJm. ( 'l'he rcpublicans of VaHey county as well as the rcpublicans of Custer cOllnty have no desire to enter into un arrangement that will deteat the party ends. 'j'he republican convention in Valte ) ' count ) ' e1Hlorsed M. L. Pries of Arcadia , for the state senate. Probably no better m n for the position , in either of .the four countics of the districtcoul ' he selected. 'Ve believe Mr. Fries to he eminently qualified and worthy of the higl honor. He has. heen a loyal republican all these years and a faithful worlccr. His location being near Custer county line , no 'douht ' , . gives him 'rl widc " . acquai ntance hi Cust r COl\nty \ than any other yalley count ) ' man has , which would be to his credit were he HIe can- ( idltc. But there is aques i < ? n whether any republican can win the race this , fall. Vall ) ' count ) : . can be put. , down . with. 100 majQdty against us. 'l'he republicantlra- I jority last fall on county officers in Custer . county ran as 1 w as 29 : ' While if is - ' . . \ . . . ' . . . ' : . ' ' . . . . ; ' . . " , , . . . . . ' . : \ - - . . ' ' . ' . . ) - . . . I . , H. . " . .I ' . . . . . . , . ' , . . . ' , ' - . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . , . . - ; ' " ' - . " " . I _ . . ' " f / . - . . . . . . . < , . _ . . , . . . _ . . _ " " . . . . - . . . . , . , . " . . - . - - . " . " ' . _ . . . . . . . . . _ I. ' . . " , , _ . ' 1 . . ' 1'huboV rellr..selltfthu onicu firllL oeclI,1 h ' thu Rr'UIII.ICAN. ' 1'IJo \ > I.lliIhlll' : wa'l'loealllo'thc : ' " l.r > cornl't whl'ru thu two "tOT ) ' hrlclc hloelc of the IIrnlclltlnw Statu 11\1111. ' now IILIIIIIH. "l'ho l ulhllillt.Va' ! Ilhuto. " . . ' . . . . ( . . . . , II'rtll.llI'd 111111117. 'J'ho lIlital\ll\nlr \ III ( rollt of thll hul1dlnlr are : A. ' ; " ) . . AI. Autcrijon. Ch 4rley ' . Wr"t. who were ClUlllo'celi of thu fficn at that tlllle. and ) 'U IIcribo : . . " \ , - ' . . . , . . . " . ' . . . , . , , ( , . I" ' . . " . ' . \ , - - - - - - - ily , have been just as loyal. It is to them , as well as our patrons of the city and political friends , . we owe our present condition and future prospects. May thcy ever enjoy the riches of earth's blcss- : ings and prepare to enjoy an , eter- I nal bliss beyond , is the sincere I l wish of your humble sen'ant. I . 'rhe county b < ? ard of equalia- tion has been wrestling with the unequal taxation of the county for t1 c past week. The republican representative convention has been caned to mcet in this city Saturday , Junc 28th , 1902. The editor of the Omaha Bee has again del110nstrated his popularity - ularity with the republicans in Donglass county by securing the' delegation to the state conven- tion. In an interview as pnblished in the State Journal a few daJs ago , Go\ernor Savage practically - ) ly conceedcd the justness of Rose- water's injunction suit to COIll- pell the state board of equalization - tion to increase railroad assessments - ments and to assess their fr t- chisea. . . . , . - - - - - 'Vhile we did not help to 110m- I inate Judge Kinlmid , but urged the 11omination of Senator Currie - instead , we have no hesitancy in giving him our lo'al snpport for the high position to which he spires.Ve .think in Custer county , if 110t in others , Mr. Currie would 1m ve been the . stronger cand < late. Dut. in his old judicial district the Judge is , very popular , and is doubtless , stronger than any other man t mt could have bee11 selected in that territorl or twelve years he was diitrict ! judge , ami was elect- ) cd twice to that position when . the district ltad a majority of populist. While he is not a fluent speaker he is regarded as - able. He bears a high reputation - tion for 11OttCSty , sobriety and , tinue the same political'poli yas it had formerly. ' Mr.Visely now says : "I do not publish a republican paper in ' Sargent. I am imblishing a s.o- ciahst paper and also a non-par- tisan. Never since I became e ' : itor of the Sargent 14eader has it advocated republican principl s , defended the r publican party or supported republican candidates , * * * I ha\'e saM a hundred , words against the republicat 111d democratic parties , where I have said one against the populist" Bro. Wiscly is to be ompli- 111ented for his honest conf ssiqn. \Ve had been thinking that. . way for some tim . Since Bro.V.iB . /ly / frankly. declares' that the Leader - der is not a republican p Her there should he nothiug fart1 er in Ue ; way lof the republicans of Sargent and vicinity to pre\'cnt them from taking such steps as 111iY bp. necessary ' .t secure for Sargcnt a pilper th ts republican - can in poHtics. . liNer ) ' town , where republicans arc in the majority - jority , can' and should "have all organ th t will stand up for the princilles ley advocate. Do this and it will enable Bro.Vise . - ly to consolid te his solialist and non"partis lIl' paper. A' consolidation - dation of t1 e hvo "wo ld serve Dro.Vis.elys : purpose.fuHy as well and bring , in eqiH l1y as ml ch business as the .two' < 10 now. uAlJlclo In U o hllt" , . Paul's ad 'ice.to the C l turian on their vo'age to Italy appears to us is 'applicable in the 1Uatter of the senatorial nomination in this district this fall. . 'rhe opinion has gencrally prevailed - vailed both in : Cust r and VaHey counties , ' tl d in as Seiiator Currie was tJQt 'a. c 1H1id < : l e for renomination that VaHe ) eounty was entitled' to the candidate for the seltate this year from this district. ' 1'0 thelesti n. of politica1 courtesy and right we heartily alprove. . But , we question . . . true we elected the co nty sup r- intendent 'by 520 majority , it. . must also. . be reme'mbered that the populist heri .was ele.q : ed , by 479. ' . 'rhe vqt on the S\lpe11e judge is probabl } ' the nearest-the part ) ' voteoI'any.of ; "the cdndi- i dates. 'l'hat gave the republican - can candidate a nmj rity of 125. Custer county has about 2 tim s 'more 'votes. th n.V . illley. . Should the fusionists nonii'nate , ottc of their nJost popular men in .Custer county for their candidate his personal acquaintance' at home I\vould , overcome the 125 ' majority in this county and , give : hin a , balance of 100 yqtes to his credit froln valley ; coun y : t 'l'he only safe way is. for the republicans to "Abide in the I Ship" . , through another voiage at. least.v.e have heard of'no 'candidate in Custqr. cp nty fo ! the place and .we have. no personal - . sonal axe to grind. But our advice - vice would be to sele from Cus- ter co 11lty someone who. is knOWl1 .an l tau s well with the public. One. who : ; : tands for pr.inciple and is in no sense 'of the word a ll\a. chine politician. One that is n01 . 'a-professional otlce. s 1er.V I. : 'believe such a' . man can carry ' US.tCl : . 'unty with a. large enough majority to Orcome the . . \ \ - , . - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; ; , : : Soft . .Harn s . 'You can make ) 'our har- II ' ' ' ' Bot' fill a IIlovo , 'IIndlIe tou h uwlro by ' ! ! llnl ; Ul/ltIU. / " liar. . 110" " 011. ou can I'Dltbf\n . IJa Uro-n\aku" 11\ . ' \ . . 1l'8 U IODS a" IS Onllnarlll waul" . EUREKA ' H rness .Oil. . mll 1'II a lIOor looktni' bar- r.l' a III. " 118.Malle of , pure. tI'av > kl' oU. ( . . . peclnU ) ' tJftpI\rl"l1 LO wlU4. .tAIIl1 tbt ! w"alb . Sold onrywbero 111 tans-aU.I&e" . - . ' - , , " - - J r.CJ.J3G : > : VV-E : ; , . , the Pioncer Grocer of Custer County.Ve are buyers of Poultry , ' Dutter , Eggs , And Country Produce.Ve want all 'l ' the' butter , eggs and poultry that you have to ofTer sale.Ve will give . ffi . . . - " . . YOU orders for any line of 'r , , . . . , goods that we do 110t keep . . . _ . . . . . ; : ; .t- . : ' - in stock , such as . Doctors , Lawyer-your own choicc-Dry Goods , Drufrs , Hardware , Millinery , Implcmcnt , Harness , Doots and Shoes , 'Vuld Mill and Repair -in fact unything that y u may \ VanVe . handle a complete - I plete hne of Grocenes , Crockery , Patent Medtcttles and .i ; , ' -vv .A.J.aI. : . . . . : F > > .A.PEFI. : : . . , . Healthy Fooll Products. THADJ Pure Old Cider Vinegar. l\IARK. Yours For Business , - { " J. C. OWEN , Broken. Bow , - - - - - - - - Nebraska , l ; ; position in Valley county ! against'tlle best man in the pop , ranks. : . But no man outside of' ' uster county can do it. The e is alwa's a certain local pride in . < ! -ny county that knows no political - cal bonds. That clement is proportionately - portionately large in Custer coun- ty. It is an , unsafe quantity to count 011 when the margin is sm ll. If 1Jo'th candidates are fi ii1 Custer county that obstacle will be removed. When it is safe 0 'to' , do. so we arc in favor of the Rther counties having their turn. But we feel now is not the time. Old Custer is the ship that 11as .carried , liS safely int port in the ! > . Llst , and we arc of the opinion that except Valley county con- " ' 0 CUII..o ; A. COI.O .N ON' ; : JA V 'l'ako LRXRtlfO II rom e. Qulnlue Tablets. AJI dlugRlsho'tefuDlI the money If It falle to enTO. E. W. O1oVO' & slgnaturo III on each/box. 250. . sents to "Abide in the Ship" through the voyage we are now 3bout to enter , we cannot _ enter .th = htrbor safely. . In 1110 Sixth DIstrict 'l'he nomination of Moses P. Kinkaid as the republican candidate - : date for congress in the Sixth , ; : . Nebraska district ought to insure - - ( - sure the redemption of that di8- , trict to the republicans in thel next national . house of represent- atives. Judge Kinkaid went into - to the nominadng convention as ! the leading candidate and held his sttength without diminution through 176 ballots and won out by the stea 1Castness of his sup- porters. 'Having twice made the race under adverse conditions , it was no more than fair that he should be made the candidate again , when everything points , . I , . . . " " - . \ . DRDAKINO A VICIOUS KICKER I. , L. LIVE AND LET LIVI . i my motto. I will sell goods to the public cheaper than ny . ot.her h9 se west of Lincoln , and if you will spare a few minutes , I .will gladly show you my goods and tell JOu my prices. . $ LOO saved is $1.00 made. Come in and sec. - I ilie ggs.in exchange. At Collom's qd ! stand , west side of public s.quare. Cash'Grocery ' , Dry Goods and Notions. _ . ' . , . \ . , \ ' , . J. W. COOK , and . MRS. L. L. SHARP. l " . " "L\e.l- . < : : = . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . ' . . . , . . . ; . . . : . . ' . . . . . , " : . . ' . " . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - ' . ! ' . . > ' . ' " . , . . . ' . . . . . . , . * . . , . ' . , ' . . . ' . . ' . . 1. . . , , : . : . . , . . , . , . . . . . . \ . ' . . " . , : . . . . . . . . ' . . = . . . ' . . . . . . 'L\ . , ' . . . " . . . . . , . ' . : . . . . . . : . , : . . , . . - . " . ' , 'iJi : . . . . . ! . . - . . . .r..L . . , [ Ji : ! : : , ' -I.I -.r . ; , : . . ! . .fit ! ! . . ; " 'iJi . . ' . . ' ! ! . ' . . . - . " ' oa'J " : ' . . . . . .11. \ . . " : . . . " . ' l : ! " I' "t'0 ; ] . : .f. , : ' It . . . . . , t - . " All P\ftioll ! . indebted to the Eagle Grooery , are requested . . . . ( . . t ; ' : I ' it. } k'i ' to oall a'nd BottlO' their account by oash . at onoo. I must have f : t , : : money to pay biUs' , I OImnot do bUBinoBB on wind l : : I YourB truly , r'- 3 'R'ii" I W S ' SWAN II . .i . " , . .JjJ , Propl ietor. . r ,10 Bars of Soap for 250. ! t , . .1" . . . . . ; . :1'11. : , ' . . , , 'WU . . . . " . . . . " . . . "i' . . . , , /jo " _ : 'S' ' - " ' . . . : 'S' . . . . . . , . . , . _ . , . . . . . . , , , ' . . . . . ! . , . : -fJ.'iai'I'J. . . , . . . . . . ' . . - . . ' ' ! . i' . . : . " . ' . " . . . . , . ' . " . . , " . . ' 10t" . " . . " . ' , ' ' : . , . . .f..I1..t" : : , . . " . . . , " ' . , } r : . . . . . . ' . ' . ' ' ' . . . . . ' . . ; . . . . 1 . . ; . . . ; ; : * ' ) , , ; . ; : : ; " 'rN' " 'fiPl. ; : ; 'I . : ' 1.IJ I. Ji. : ; ; : : 1rN. ; : .U 'lrNi ; : ! : 'r'.Ii"i.U : . , . A New Second H.and Store Hugh Kennoyer has opened up a Second-Hand Store in the . " building on the west si' e of the public square , at A.V. . Drake's old s alld. He has a fine line of Iron Beds , SprinJs and Mattresses. . \ , , . A complete line of new moulding and new saws. Frame work a specialty , and satisfaction guaranteed. IS-Repairing and up" holst riug of all kind'S promptly done.