" , " \ " , . U , [ ] lJ . . . ' - - - - - - , ' ' - - - - - - I RENE'S VOW . ! By ClfARL07 E ftf. BRA . Eftl E. , " ) , , . " " . . , . : ' ' 'VV. , . . " , . . " , . . \ . ClIAI.'T It VlII.-tCoutinuell" I Agttln shl' o\'l'rhenrll thi' lIl'dun It wa tIle Queen's 'L'hC'atm' . Altaln Hltt' took a c'nh ot\(1 ( tollllwed tlwlI1 to th" ( IIf'I'II'H , I It wall lIoll1l'thlnl : IIt'W to hel' to ! ltrulnl" , tllrough such a CI'OWIII1I1 flhl' COlllltl nt the door oC the theatm' . 'I'ell IIIlnlltl'lIlIler ahe wr\s lIelltud hi thl. 110I'qu.1 or the . . th nter , her nil , Ira wu 0"1'1' hel' 11t'1111tl. I itl \ youn ! : CaCl ! . hm' , llIrk clool ( dlllllIls. ) rlg tbe lo\'ellnes'l ! ' anll Jracl' thot wOlIlII : ' bt\lrrwllo \ : hll\'e hetra " ' 11 her. For sOlne . tnlnute there wall 11 clolIll o\'er hl'r l'ItI ! ! , ' 1' and a'Round 1111 ot rllMhln ! : wnterH III hel' earS. 'rlwu her 1I1lellruw ! clunr 1I11I1n. 'Sho 'Iookell rountl the hrllliant ormy ' ot boxes : her hl'lIrl.llI'ot , hl'r whnl < ' Crllllll1 , trc1 1bed ) , 'l'huy wm'o tlll're-ll hex on j' I the firllt tlUI' , 0110 ot the wst In thl' tlw. ateI' . nlxt ! to the I'U ) ' a 1 uox , Sh' IIlIlhlrl , loolchlg Il/lUIIRnllwl' / , hlH dlll'I ( , snll fl1cl' Jlblnln ! : tl'lIlII the crlr\ll onh'I't hOIlJIIIJ1I I alko It clellr.cllt cllnwo. III' WIIM lilli' of l the tew/lllell who III o"NllnJ ; dhuHg IIUItIl : . , ' leJUlwl1 ' ' Illch kill . 'rho fJXoctlr : ho e\'er n ! : Klcam oC hl/l , Ullmollil stllll/l , the light ot the IlInlllolld rlllg hI ! worl' , the 0110 costl . 11(11'/1) ( / ' oC 11 0 WI'\/I-II \ II HIelllell ! to her to ndd so mueh to hili Ilrllllel hellllt ) ' . / . , ' 1'ho Indy h ) ' hili Hide wnl ! the CYIIOIIIII'O ! \ . . of all eye-c1nrk ! , benlltlClI1 nnll hllllght ) ' . , , She loolcil tIIce nn ellllrl'SR , , Coati ) ' jcw. els sholle In thc colis of her rn\'ell hall' ; her whltl. rOlln.lec1 . rms wcru ollcrlclcd ' " , . , . by rllhle : ! thllt looked IIko lite , . , . Next to IrllIo sat n gentlemen with his , . ' I 'wlte nllil dnlljhtor : tholr IImllllelllUl1t nt : the thollter COIJllhltld : prillcllllilly oC poillt. : ,1111 , ; Ollt to ellch olhol' thl ! cellhl'ltlj ! : ( ot the boxell , 'J'hwlto IIRked h/jr / hllshllllll : It he Iwow thl ! dark , IU'olld IlId ' with the diamond Ihlr : In her hiliI' . ; "Yl' , " ho anHwcrlI , "all LOlldon , I ahould 1111) ' , kllOWIi her , COI' Hhl ! III COli. alderoll tlw IIIUllt IlI'alltlful WOIIII\lI III ll , " " 'Vho III sho1" l'ullUlltecl till' good wlt\J. "Ilcr 111111I0 II : ! I.lllb' l.h'lI Gerlllll , 111111 8ho Is the IllIughtel' oC thl ! f1l1l101l1l : MOI'l Gorallt , the gl'llIt polltlcllln. " " 'Ybo Is thc gelltllmnll with her ? " nRk. , ed the I1l1l1g11lm' , I1l1d lbell Irlll" hllrdl ) ' 'brcathel ! 1111 she hellrd the IIIJlIWCr , "I do 1I0t romulllbur hili IIl1l11e , " wall , ! lIO sldw , meaRlII'el1 reply. " 110 Is a boronel , .uld a wealthy Olle. I hll\'c ottell Aleen him with hlr : ho Is to morr ) ' her Dcxt SIII'llIg , " "Aud II'ery hnndsollle pnlr. they w1l1 / \ ltc , " IIILerrullted the wltl ! . Her wordli gll \ ' ! ! Irullt' uno Iwen , slltlden abock ; the 'OUIII ; toco hidden by the clnrk ' \'cllloRl nil Its color , then she cOllld ha'O /lAllghl.d / ! 1I10UII. Mnrry her next spl'III ! : . Vllost nonsellsol .Why , she herllolt wes his wltel lIow Sir ltllllJert. wOllld 1Ia\'o , IIIUjhlll ! had ho hlJllrcl .them. . . 110 to 1II01'r ' I.utly Llra-ho , who 'hatl alrelld ' IlIl1rrlcd hr. ) ! ! , , 11d e\'OIl ns she tlilt UUJI'I ! , ' III tlillt ero.wdod thellter , wltll the srellt sensn. tJol1ol II hi ) ' ot the dny ou the stOgO ue. tore her , Bhu wall thinking ot th gloom ) ' room whll'oln Rho Willi mllrrled , nlld till ! .trunge 1)lllIlster who. hlld mnrrled hor. 8nd. "ho woke .trom what 'wIIs n tmllcu ot II\1mory with these words ringing III hdr eRrs : " 110 Is to her ' , " mnrry next IIprlnS' Whnt nOllllensol . Next spring , III all pl'obabll. It ) , thdr mllrrluS'o would ue mudo puu' 1Ic , ' , Rntl shn should bo known us Lad ) ' tlt1U re. \ I _ . .I OIlAPTIDIl IX. , There came a morninS' which Irene 1'I 'In Septolllb\r ; the aky wna us ulue nil Itllnt oC Itnl ) . . und the green en\th Hllllletl in the sun's wl\rm rll's. 'rho beautltul { morning air cheered her , IInti shl ! hoped Ip , bin henr tha.t . Sir Hulbert wOllld COIIIO homo 00 thllt dllY , The 1I0\\'lIllnper IllY on the'table ; It WIIS one thnt she had chollen .horMlt , because It contained 11101'0 news - : 1 < IJf ho. uppl'r hm thousonll thnn on ) ' oth. 'er. , Olrdessly ! , and without a thought C , what lay betore her shl ) OrlllIell It. She read 110w the Dllke at ! 301l11110l'stoll bnd gene to tllO mool's ; how Lord nlll ] LallY IIcsls were ot Calluell , how th\ ! lInrchloness at Breut hllll gOlle to Itlll ' , 8uddenl ' her tall' ) ' 011111 ; Cllce gl'W color. llS , the "ery slsht tleolllod to die Crom hj JeyclI ; tor , s o 'rcnd , tills : " "ApIll'oachlllg l\1nnlllge \ In IJIgh LICe. -We lenrn."th , ! t' ctlrQ : 1lI'pnratiolls oru DQV b\jll \ ! mnllo tor , the marrlugo of the Llilly I.lraIGerl\nt. 'L'h'u noulo hrhl grOOII ! , 8111 HljJb rt tmlrc' ! , hall Illtrustell 'to : M llllrll ( lI ndelll & SOli the ! lINk or I'etlec. ol'atlng 1 hls l1l1gnlficellt 1I11\lllolI. . the 'MIre. ! , ' . , It 1111 expected thl1t the IIIlIrrlllg\ ! ' ' " ' " , w1ll' tak'trplocolJn l"'ebrullrr. She relld 111111 re.I'nlld : shl ! reed with ) llghtor lld with teors. Whl1t 1I01l1l1'lIso what , l\ttel'ly : crllel 1I0l1HIIISe , HI w could /t / be , when 81)0 ) WI111 nll'elltly hili . 1wlto ? h 1II11st he stoPP.oll , tllllllh ! , this 'cruel reporf. . which was so doubly CI'1le1 ! to hcr , hu ! wlte. I When IIhe hilt ! heard It In thl ! thellter , _ Iw had thouht ! at It merely liS sosslll anl , bllsoll's rUlllor. ) 'hlli , WitS dlfferllIt ; this plIl'nrllllh , III , a tUllhlonaulo IllIpor , who hud hlsortetl tbnt pl1rll rll\lb \ , ulld how hlltl tlJcllll'ed 'to 11\3' toulllch ; : tbot WI1S uot 'tI'III" ! What ' , ,01111 ] SII' ' ' " Hulbert 811) / Whllt would 'I..ntly r..lrn . SIlY ? 'She hnd hellrd hl'Co.'e . how .cureless thosjoul'llnlll WI'rl ! , hut alll'ely thl ! ! was somethlllg morl ! HIIIII cUl'elessuess ; It wos. ! nlslly , wle1\Ctlly UII. ' trlle. 8ho I'esol\'cd the moment Sir Ulllul'l't came tll Hhow It , to him ; nil wOllld he ' ; " 'cl1 thull , She heurd the SOUlltI ot his horse's glll1op , nnd stood III the IHlrl ( " " , altlng him ; the e 'e8 thllt IIIlt hili Illul o the ullunl sweet lovelIht ) 111 thclII , the lexqulsltt , tlleu hod 110 light oC woleollle. "lIull/ert / , I WOllt to slll'uk to ) ' 011 , " l Io 8111d , < jnt once. 1 hn0 somethllll ; .oat particular to toll 'OU' " . He lauglwd nt her ellgCl'lless , hili the , kugh dlel } trom his 111111 wlwlI 11l' SII W e mourntul expression 011 hel' Cnc ' . " 'Vhy , ( ri'lIo , cvell 'ollr'olel' 11111 ; lO'lL itts IIwe tnlNsl" ho cried. "Whllt. Is h. Ill ) ' den re8t'l" , ot OUl' r'lItute ot hfr toce rClllxl'd. ulJ'olloW mc , " she IInld , and slltt Ild the t , Into the Iltetty morning 1'00111 , whtJre t - 5ny brhht SUI1 sb 0'.1 I' on till'01110 1\1111 " I.- I e white laco. : : , Aft opln nI'WIII'aptr ! III ) ' on the tllbll' . : I ! > rawlnf ; herllelt to 1)C'r ) tllil helht ! , with 11 I ' I 'tl'agody nnd dlgD1ty of . a queen , she f' ' I ' : _ Id ; polntln. . : to It : f , I "I In\ ' ' 1 ' that tor da's ' , \ ( < I'pt two da's'ultllll ; ! lti1 re tor ' u to sco It. " I' 1 'tt' " . . . . -11.2 , " , ; , . . , . ' " . 'T" - . , ' . . . , ' \ ) ' , J I . . " . . ' , ' . ; . : \ \ , . . \1 \ ' < ' . , , t1 1 1 1I. I. 'f. . . . : . . AJ1t1UJ ! ! MJ ? ! : . ! I . ! I'j : : , 1'\ I "A \\'lIpl1lll'r , " he crlc'd , In tonl'lI ot Jreat relict , "n IllIpnrl Why , Irene , 1 thollJht ht leRllt YOIl had IIhllt n bUI' ll1r , hllll n Ilellll hOlly to IIlww tnI' . Whut III thcl'e III the II/Itler / worth 1111 this tra. g.h' , " silt , In II ! It bltoro ! him , and pointed Ollt the IJlu'lIJrnlh. , III' bent hili dnrk , hnnd. lIollIU hl'all over It , 111111 hillel. IlIIlt with R IIrn II e , hult with n IIlIuer , to " . \llllrOl\chl1ll ; Iarl'lnlC ( ! In HIsb Life. Ah , thll ! III the cnullp ot the tl'agl'tly , Is It , Irene1" "Head , " IIho snld , brleny , Alld he read thl'oush , Then for 11011\0 tew IIIlnllteli they stoOlI III allence , look. III/ / ; lit cnl'll ulhor. ' "Well. " hi' crll'd , hnlt hnlatlently , "suy wbllt ) ' 011 hn\'I' to . .ny , Iren ( ! . " "Whnt dOI'1j thl" lI1'nl1'IIhe atlked. 1t 1) ' dUll I' , It I tdell to 1I : < lIlalll , OJ' O\'CIl to 1Ill1lerl4ll1l1c\ \ thnt lJuWKInlJera , IIIY , I Nhllllll 11fO\'r hn\'I' flnhlhl'll , " " 11111111'rt. ) ' 011 II\IIIH IiHHlk curllll4tl ' to me ; II IIIdit WOI'cJIII'Ii \ 011 nw. I wallt to kuu'hnt l'lght 111I ) ' jOlll'l1ol hnK to Pllb. IIHb IIlIeh II thlll ) ; at u In 1111 who III III. tllItl ) ' mnrrd. ( " " Iy , ll'nl' Irl'tll ! , tbey w1\l \ pllbllsh nny. thing ; tilt' ' dlmclllt ) , with them Is to kllow whllt 1I0t to pllblhh. " "Yoll mUlitnlt ! ! I\nd coutradlct It , " she 'Iold , InlIHJl'loIIHI ) ' , "I 'o\\IIlIlel \ hu'nr ' " he IInld ' \ \'nr ) lIorry , , louhlllgly ) ; "It III not worth the trouble. " "It Is II 1)1I1'Rtloll at III ) ' hOller , " Bho Kllld , " . \ 1IIII'lition ot nonsenlle , " ht ! repllell , " \011 Imuw qllltn well thllt thul'O Is 1I0t II IIIIII'I'III/I'nhio 1111111 III l nllInel ! ot whom tlH' ) ' .c\u \ IIl1t 110) ' the 111111I0 thlll ) ; , " "lIut tI.llt . III ch'cullllltuullnl : It , mtera : Into detnll. Is It trill ! thllt 11ulllh'n & Son I hll'I ! l"uh'IHI orllt'I'j ! to dcurutl ! the It'rc 1" "YI'II , " he nllswl'rud , "ee\'ernl \\elJs ! { IIllIce : thllt Is trul' unougb. " "A 11I1 It lit COI' 1II1 ! , tor YOII to tnko mo homt ! thel'l ! , I It 1I0t , lIulhert 1" 'l'hern Willi sllnHthlng : ot Hhorp ontulllh , : III her \'oleo thllt toucbed him , II/III ho tlll'lIell 10 bel' with a cUI''lIslng glsturu ! ot hlK hll lid. "Xo , " IIho crIed ; "do 1I0t touch ml ! : I mnke this cleol' to me-tell me how J'OIi I w1I1 contrudlct It. IIIRt a 110 IIko lhlll -0 110 thllt In\'ol\'l' ' ' lilY honor-go nhrolltl to nil the wurlll wlUlollt contradlctlon'i" U\I ; ) ' dlllll' IrtIII' , do not UI ! so'ery 1m. petuous , I 11111 "er ) ' plltlOllt , aM II rille , but I eOllllol IItlln too milch Imputu. oPlI t ) ' . " " \011 do not Sl'elll to rl.mll11hcr ! thllt Jt Is 0 mottoI' . ot IItt' or dee th tor mc , " ehe crIed. " 1.011 ' ' ' hIlSUIIIIII I ' 111'1' In ) , 1\111 'ollr wUe. How , thun , do theJ' dllro to clrcu. Into this Hlllr ' thn t ) ' 011 are to mnrl'y au. ether wo nlll II " 1'hc IIweut'olco UII'lIll'd with poln , hilt c ld 110t tnltlr : the benlltltul tnce flllllhocJ with 1t"10 " nnd Inllgllatloll ) : hI ! SIIW thllt IIhc wns In no moot.to \ bu trilled with. " \\'hllt do ) ' 011 wish UIt' to do' , " hi' nllk. ed , llOtI . . " 1'hls Is a licuuo-nncl I hllto seenes-whllt do ) ' 011 wish DIu to d01" " 'VI'lte , first ot all , to contrllillct this ' ' . Sa ' bold I ' thnt It III 1'\111101' . ) ) not true ; Ihun mllke ) ' 0111' mnrrlnge with IDO Imown to the world , Whntovel' IDOJ' hllve been rOllr 1II0th'o tor kellllJlS ; It lIocret It cttu. not be HO IlIIportnnt 118 III ) ' honor. Llstl'n , Hulblrt , the honor ot YOllr wlto emnn s thllt YOII 1ilOlIltl do 110. " "I do not BCI ! It , " he repllld"coldly. "I1ulhlrt , hll\'o you ever loved tills I.ocly , Llrn ? " "Yoll ore the only women I hove C\'cr lovecl , nnd YOII lenow It , Irene , " he re- pUecl. "Why hll\ , ( they connected tile nnme with ) 'ourll ? " IIho nsked , "Wh ) ' , If thl'ro bo no renllon COl' It , IIhOllld the ' lIay thnt ) ' 011 are solllg to lUurr ' her ralher than nll 'Olle cIKI'1" " 'rill ! saplcntllUblic h "e mude Ill } their mind thllt It Is to UO a' mlltch ; end 111'1' . hllps they think It II sllltl1ule one. It tlO , \\'h ) ' nOOlI I Interter01 1..l't liS leove It nlolle , ( rcne. " " : \0. " she rl'pliClI ; "there nr ! ! lIome CIlIiI'1I where to ) 'h'hl Is 1t\IIc1ne ! < tMy 'h'lIlIng now would ue wrong. Write to thlll jOllrllol' to eXllI'cliH 'our surlll'l 1 ! thnt they shollid wOlltollly InKort whllt tile ) ' kllow tll ho ulltl'ue ; IIlcolldly : ! , write to the 1It1Lotly ( .11'0 Gel'allt-tloy thl ! SIII\I\ ! thinto her , thnt 1:10 : till' as 111'11 In YOllr Jlower ) ' 011 apolOllzl ! tor the nIlIlO'nIlCC thh rUl\lor IIIUst hnvQ call1lecl : Illr : then , to pro\'cllt n rellctltlon ot It. mllkt ! 'ollr 1II111'1'Ingo known to the world , " . "Whnt It 1 dcclln ! ! nn ' ot UICSO III ells , , Irt'tlo 1" hlY nskl'd , " 'J'hell I 11111111 tnlo ' ( nwastll'OS . to defend 11I 'lIelt , " IIho rl'lllIccl Hu InuJhl'll : 1\11I1 there wus cnouJh ot " SlH'l'r In hili IlIlIgh 10 1'01180 nil the pride end 11IIjI'r wlthlll her. "Whnt wOllld ) ' 011 , Io ? " ho RIIIl'el. ' " ' \1'11 ( ' to the "Illtor IIrlit oC all , tlll'n to l..oII ' 'Oornllt , " "YOII ,111 I'\ ! not , " ho rled. slldcll'n fierc\ ) 1\11/:1'1' / Illwlng In his tnee , " 'ou dill'\ ! not , 11'1'1101" " ] dllre , :1I1t1 1 wOIIIII , " shl1 repllecl. "I 10"e 'Oll with all \11 ' heart und " -0111 - , bllt I 10\1' hOIlIl11I01'0. \ . I wOllld write to LllcI ) ' Gll'liut nlld S/I / ) ' hClw hOI'r ) ' I wns to tilill \hllt \ Klich CIiIsl' 1'1111101'11 wel'e ch'cllilltl > tl ; lI lll 11I 'lIllr ! hll0 the bllPlIllIl'SS ot hllI ! ; Sir Hlilhert gstmero'lI : wICo , anel thllt 1 telt Indlgnallt ot blrlall1O uelng used lit nil. " "Yoll wOlIlII 110 thnt , lr'ne ? " hI' I1l1ld , 'his tnco dClld white with nllger ; " 'ou wOllld do It , IIftol' Ilrollllslllg to klep the ' ; CI'ret ot our mn rrlllJc' jUlit as 10llg as 1 .wlshcII ? " "I did promlRo thnt ; bllt then ther\ ! wns IHI IUelltloll oC tlllch n thllll : os this. I COIIoItIII' ! : IIUW thut 1I1 ' hOlloI' It ! lit stllkl ! , nnll Ig mor , ' dlar ! to 1110 thnn litl' . " , ' .hDIl 1I0t 11rO\'okc IUC too till' , l1'mle , or 1 IIhn ) ) 811) ' thllt whleh wo sliu ) ) both wish ulllh ] . " " HIli' lJoked nt hll\l cnlml ' . "HII ' whut 'II\I will. 1I1\luort \ : ( do 1I0t ! lhrlnk fl'om heorln ! : whnt ) 'ou do 1I0t ' tlhrllll , frol1sa'lnJ ; . " "YOII forrl' 1111' to 110) ' thot which I con 1I11\'l'r UII II ) ' ; that which Wf ! slalll1 both \'l'GJet. : ; , thntIIIih : I 1.\ " . t V 0I'll , tn Illy. 611lr tI\'I" lu tllI ' ( jll ; Liut : r lir OWII ou. ' ' ' It fl'olll " ' sll1ll1l' ) rUl'Celi ue. _ SIll' fI'111111 ' 11 tl't' pIIllI'r on th tnhlo nllcJ stoull hdorll hllll , clIllII , urlct , grnclnl , ulthonjb her tliCO WIIS qulto colorlells , anll hl'I' hllll111 ; 1I'l'lI\hll'l1. "Yoll clltll10t hllull .thlnc to fjn ' that I need drcad to hoar , 'rh Ircntl'st wrong # _ J ' . , , "ot" . : . ' . , ; : : . . . . ' . . ' , ' , , . , u , . - . . . . . . . , . . . , _ - _ , U.Jt.P:41 ' " , , . , . . , . - , , , " ! < " : . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ot III ) ' lito wnll 11'11 vlult hOIl1I' nul , trll'lIIllt to ' :0 with YOII ; hilt ynll coul,1 , 1I0t call thut ' clJull , l'cpl'onl'h wrllllK : 'Oll 1I0t lIIe with It , nllil I 1111\1' lIf1thlll elRc to feur. " "You torco It CI'OIl1 IIII''h ) ' lire YOII 110 obKtlnnte ? " ho 11111,1 , ; allt ! Rhe ! law thllt ' ; I'I lIt Ilrops 1It0nI , 1111 hili tOI'ehend , " , hllo hili Cllce wall pnll ! with ( 'lI\otlOIl \ , " \011 clet ) . 'M : 'OlIro'oku \ ml ! : .rOil clnrl' tIIo : ) ' 011 , ,1 1 1I0t IH'III''e'hllt I Mny : yOII re. CIIIII' to tl'lIl1l lIIe ; II..W , HHlell to110. . r hllh' thu worda ; IIl1dIS I IIllenl ( them 1 OWII 1II'slt ! the ! ; rtlIlcst11111111 ! I1l1der the sun : uut , Irelle , ) ' 011 art ! 1I0t III ) ' wlto. " ClL\P'l'loJU X. 'l'he wl'rdR IIl'e III I'll to tall , III the RI. lelwe. like thl' hlu ot red.hot tonguls. ! Irolle hen reI thelll ; bnt 011 one who does not unllerlltoncl , lIe relll'nted , them : "I 11111 sorr ' ) ' 011 hll VII torc't ! the words tro\l1 1I1l' . " ho sold : "uut 'ou nru not my Wltl ! I" 'l'he benutlful J'oung tnee , In Its ghutl1 Ilollor. Its IIIlserable tear , Its awtul drend , W/lli I'nlsed to his : a voice , unlike any \'olcu lie hod e\'l'r hl'ord , lIold : " : \ot YOUI' wlte ? " "Yoll mil ) ' 1I01le\0 III ! ! , Irene ; It I. Quite true , " hI ! 811111. "Trlle tllnt I nm Dot J'our wlte ? A.b , 110 , I Iwow thllt you lire tr'lnl ; to trlght- un lIIe : thnt III nil , tr 'llIg to frlghteu mo , dl'ar , " She clung to him with thl' grusp at a tlylull child. ile trembled , end hili white fllee luolod trolUblllljb' Into hors , "I 11111 , your wlCe , Ah , my love , my lo\'e. 1111) ' so ; Ilt ! me forjet those hOI'rl. ue ] wClrelll , or I shall elle hel'e at your teet. " 11 ( ' WI\8 telUptl'd to deny thllU ; but lIoon 1111 tIll' IIcelll' mllst be relleuted. "II'I'III ! , 1001 , up , lilY dlll'lIl1g ; I Ilid not III lend to tlilitrelis 'ou so : look np , dar. illig , I 10\'e you Ultter ! tholl all the wol'lll bCHldes : but ) 'OU 111'0 1I0t lilY wi to. " Wllltll' IItllI gl'IW thl' tllh' 'OII\1) ; tace un,1 , the hlll'lIll1g 111'11 , more Ilendb' stl\1 \ the tlhnllow lit telll' III the IIweet , snd e'OIl , 'L'hl' "II'r l'III'1' y of IIt'HPllh' CIUllO to her : 11l ! lIu'otchetl out her IIrmIJ to him with II pll'adlncry. . "You elo 1I0t 1I11lIn It , Hulbor.t , " sbo cried , "You f-nlllwt mean It ; you nre flstlllg ! with 11I11 : but It Is lIuch II bitter jl'st j thel'Is 110 mnn 1I\'lnl ; who could ho 80 crue ! . " , She ralsel ) her mlsernble tnce to bls : IS she nslwd hlllli "Now tell 1I10'the truth ; no mntter how bard , bow bitter It may be. . 1.1'011I the first hOllr you so 'v mo did 'Oll lIIeun this to bo-was It plunnod In your IIIlnd ? " "I nlll ntrnld , It you press lIIe , I IIII1St say 'es , " ho relllled. "I am nshamlod ot It 1I0W , Irolle ; but then It seemed so lItt10 harm. " "Did no ImllUlse ever come to you to paus ! ! , to plead tor me , to save me , to lnclllle you to go on your way and leo\'e me In pence ? " Io bowed his head before bel' , remem. berlng bow IIInny such good thollghts had COIIIO to him , "Thoro Is a renson tor It , Irene , " he ollid. "Will you tell mo what that reason Is ? " IIhe sked. He wnll silent tor a tow mlnutcs think. Ing deeply : then he answered her : "Yell , I will tell you the whole truth , 11'1'110. Ot course you cnn , In n certulrl' Cushion , ruin mn by betrnylng me ; but 'Oll wl11 not , It you do. ) ' u mllst. You will not , you nro too true alld too loyal COI' that : but I wl\1 \ tell you the truth , Ireue. " She co\'ered her facc with her hnnds all the' blttr words Cell on her earll ; words that uurned her as with red-hot finmo. "I ought to have told J'OIl betore : but I wes ntl'llid that I IIhould lose you. I could not moko roe my 'wlte ' for this renson. " He spoke , slowly , ant ! the words were long In coming. thl'1 scemed to dIe In hot gl\s\ls \ all his lips. tIlt was not all my tnult , Irene ; my des. tiny was , ath'r a tl1shlon , settld tor mo , While I wnli quite boy my father ar. ranged thnt 1 shonld mnrr ) ' Lndy Lira (1prant-whllo wo were both chlldreu thnt compnet wes made. Enrl Gerant Is n powrtul mun , a grl'at statesman ; his nnme III n power In the lend ; and I cnn. 1I0t break the contract. Wbon 1 letl Oxford Lord Gerant sought me out one Iln ) ' . " " 'Sir ilulbert , ' he lIald , 'I wltnt to tnlk to you auout this contract mnde yeul'g no ) hy 'our tnther aUtl myselt. ( wallt I.ndy Lira to ha\'o II few years III th\ ! world I\otol'o \ her tote III lite Is fixed. .Sho Ig dghteell now ; lot lint hilibe \ snld oC tlw conU'act r the mllrrillgo untll she Is . ' t won t ) . "I nssured him tlult hlH wi"b sl10uld bo comlllled with. ' He Went on : " 'You w11wOllder \ , Sir Hulbert , why 1 have sought 'QI' out to sa ) ' this. YOII ueor 0 nnme OB Inol d ns my own-the Estmel'es or the Mere are lIoconll to none In the lond. I will tell YOIl why I Beck ) ' 011 as a hllsul lll tor lilY enl ) ' child. I hn0 no sou to succeoll me : my whole lite Is dt"oted to polltil'S Itnd to statesmlln. IIhlp. I 111\\0 work ell nK tew lIIen work , olld ( dlsllle to think thllt whell I 110 tlown to dlo tlwre will ue no ono to cn rry on III ) ' work. 1 hn\'e 1II1111110tl out a line ot 110lltlcs which , III n tew ) 'cnrs , would chnngo the Cnco at Burope , I 11110h'on / the Inuor nlltl the thought of n IIfetlme to It , 111\11 1 tlllIlIIe to tllink thllt when I diu tl\l'rc will ue 110 one to tnke It up , to thlllk ot It 01' to 1\Inku It succeed. It I hlltl ueell ull'ssell with a eon 1 should hn\'c tl'all1l'tI hllll to tillce 1\1) ' 1lllIce. You Itre nmultlolls , ' are 'Oll 1I0t , Sir lll1lbert'/ / ' "I told blm . > 'ell ; that It would ue n plon811ro to 1111,1 to ser\'e my coulltr ) ' . " "fhell talJI to 11I0 n SOll'8 plnee , ' ho snlt1. 'Yo nro 'YOUIlJ ; 'ot : I \ \ ' 11gl'o \ YOII three ) 'cllrs to enjoy IItl'-to go nhollt , to scek YOllr go 'etlcs olld your IlleuBures as "Oll will. Dllrlllg thnt tllll\ ! come to see us when ) 'OU will : call on Llld ) ' 1.11'11 , go OlltIth her Ilt Umes , uut let ther ! ! ho 110 word at thu contrltct bl ! . twoen Illir nUll you-r' 'ou alld 1\I'sult , ' "So we lInrlld , lrlllC-1 knowing thllt 1 . hnll uut U shl.lrt thuo tor elljo'meut , nnd that tlle rest ot III ) ' lito IIIUSt uo given to hnrd wurk. AIIII though.l ho\'o soem. ed to like 1t1l0nells , 'nnd hll'e enjo'od to their utmost , all Joyetl's oml 111cIIsnres , ) 'ot ( IInd mysclt lool\lnl ; torwlU'lI to thu tlmo when lilY lito will bo great I\lId no. ble , " "GI'l'nt 111\11 noule ; " shl ! cried. "WIth the stain ot ' ) 'Ollr cllssl'llco 011 'our hands , how cnll 'ou ue great olld lIoblo ? You ure nwltner thnn the mellllest-slllnller then lIIl\lIest-tQr J'ou hl\\'o done tha 1III'IHllstllceiJ. ! " "Ullt Is ther ! ! no eXIIISo : tor me , Irene -IIUUI ) ? I WOS COli tent enolllh ; with mf IIfo IIntl1 ( sa w 'Oll. 'fhe prolllect ( at \111\1'1'1111 ; I.lllly , .Ira Gurant , the Ulost hellnUtll1 womnn ontll the richest hl'Irl's8 In Bnrlnnd , wes pll'lIsont cnollgh IIntil I saw ) 'ou. Mhll ! , ( Willi no\'or In raptures I . , ' . . , . . . . . . . , . . 'y. . . . " . . - , . . . . - - , . : : ; . - . . - . . " . . , . . - . - - - - - - . . - - . _ . . . . . . - - - , : , -r. . . . . . . . . - . . . . . e - - . - . . . . ' . If ovOr It , hilt I IIna 1II0llt brllllnnt tu. tme wnltllll' me-1luch ' .11 CnUII to the lot ot CCW , Wlwn I met J'ou-oh , Irl'ne , bl'lIe\'I' mc , with nil lilY tnultR hl'lIe\'l ! Inu -whl'n I Inet YOIl I kncw thlltst / ( Ins. slonate lo\'u ot my life ; onll , lilY dnrllllJ ; , it I hn "e been "clfish , torgh'c utA , I can. not gh'e you lilli" tt ; . trlell to clollP hl'r In his armR , but ap , . "lthdrew IndlJnnntly. (1'0 ( ut ! contluued. ) ESKIMO BOWS AND ARROWS. now the Nntlve. . UKC Twllltc(1 CorllH of Jlcl/ulccr Slncw , Aa ever ) ' ono knows , the gakhnos , with , 'ery Cew exceptionH , Inhabit reo glen which Is perCectly treelells , or nt any rnte where nothing Jt.ows but the plnell alld 81lt'Ucea. whose seCt , Inelnstlc wood Is entirely useles COI' mnklll ; ; hews , Iays Popull1r Sclellce lol1thly. 'I'hey have O\'UI'come this dHllculty'ery effectively hy fils telling alollg the hnck of. the how twlytetl cords of relndee sinew In such a way thnt el1ch cord IH IItretched when the how Is bent allil filCH bnck when the bowstl'lng Is relent ! . cd. As fnr as We know , 110 othel' rnce ot sa\'ages makes use at this Ingenious contrlmnce , Some tribes of IUlllnnH are In the hnblt of stilfellln : ; thell' bows by "baclclll ! ; " thelll with strln of sillew. glued on , bllt the EIII.lmo backlllg Is mn e of cords amI tIed Oil , As old Iartlll 1.'I'ohlshel' , the Ih't ! En : . ; . IIshlllllU who evcr sn w the Elklmos. III l 77 , tells us : " 'l'helr bowes lire ot . wood a yurll loug , sluewed 011 the bnek with strong sillews. lIot glued too , but I fusl gh'tll'l1 alltI t'ed uu. " I ( n some regions th ( ' Esldmos whell first \'Islted by white lIIen were stili using bowl ! with a'eJ'y simple baelc. Illg. mel'ely twent ) ' or thlrtJ' SU'I111dli or. twIne runlllug from oue end of' the bow to the other , twlsto. ! together tlghtl ) ' from the middle 1\1111 tied tlowlI to thu bow lu two or thl'l.e ! 111nces , I ' frlelldi : at Point Bnrt.ow and along tile nd.lll. ' cenl coasl , howe\'el' , had Jtolle on 111I' pt'o\'lng the bow nntll It was the besl made by Eslc1U1os nnywhel'e , 'Vlwre 110 Got 011" Detectl'e George " ' 1111 of the clt ) . hili. . torce was riding uptown In'a 'l'hh'J tc-entb street It'olley car Il1st Io'rldl1Y when a colored mau f hl acqunillt. ance cnme In and sat down In tbe next .Beat. Atter a brief ehat the detectl\'o snld : "Are ) 'OU superstitlouJ , Sam ? " "No , suh , " said SaUl , " 'Veil , It'l ! a good thing ) 'ou'l'e not , " said I.'all. "Thel'e's a cross"e 'ed womau slttlug opposite. " "Ya-as. suh , dat's right. " chuckled 811m"And up In the corner there Is a hunchback. " "Yas , suh , I sees him. " "See the number at tbe car np there ? ( t's 313. " "Yal ! , sur. " "And this Is ' 1'hh.teenth stt'c-eL wo nro on , ) 'ou Inow. " "You go 'long , suh. " ' ' 'l'he cash register , as you may obser\'e , shows the figul'es 1313. " "Yas , sub. " "And this Is ( 'l'ldI1Y. " "Ya-as. " "Also It Is the thirteenth day of the month. " "Quit yo' foolln' , Ulnn. " "It Is now , " said the det'ctlve , pulllng out bls wuteb. "just exuctly 13 wlnnteK past-If The colored man hud risen to his teet , "I ain't supahstltlous. Mlstah Fall , " he said , "but heah's where I glts otT. You do mnl.e n mlln mighty oncowfn- ble.-Phllndelphln Record , Climate of Alaska's InterIor. In the vast Dnd almost unknown In , terlor of Alnska the climate Is arctic. The winter Is ot eight months' r1ura. tlon , dry , and , excepting certain restricted - stricted localities , entirely Cl'eo trom wind. The tempemture descends as low ns 80 degrees , wIth a wean of , i perhl111S , 40 degrees , ( ce Corms .In the rivers and lal.es to n thickness ot eight I teet nod more. SnmmCl' extends over four months. During Its earllest months high winds lU'ovnll. The bal. ance oC this short sellson Is mild , and the temperature pleasant , rnrel ' ex. ceedlng 86 degrees. 'fhe snow nnd rain nnnually precipitated Is about l , O Inches. , It 'VUII Dolled Down. Patrick Ryan was n section foreman ot no mean ability. He never wastel company material nor words. One tog. gy mOI'Dlng while running O"CI' his section - tion he col1lded with an extra freight , and Uyan's car was reduced to scrnll Iron nnd kltHlIIng wood. The repoL't ot the accident to his supCl'lor of11cer was clmracterlstlc ot the man and .was I1S follows : "Pother Morlnrlty. Hoa master , . ! ! . . qult'e : Au ust the wnn : fo , ; y 1II0rnln' ; wildcat Crate , reen mnn at the brek ; hnmllmr'smnshed to - ; where wI1 \ ) ship the wreck ? p , Ryan , see. mnll. " -Spr:1ue ! , Colo" Nows. Unyal Colors , The Sultnn ot Turl.ey Is nlways seen attired In pnle brown , glll'lnents : the Emperor of Austria affeets a grny. 'l'ho Got'man Emperor has whl1t mny be called a loud taste lu clothes , and Is novel' so bapllY as when , wearing the showiest of unlCol'\I1s or hunting' cos- tUlUes. The Czal' of Hussla , on tlto Otll1 er hand , likes the sltnplest , darkest ! torm. 1' Qni1res , ' uniform. Bhootlll& : 1 < ' 18h. The shoptlng fish Is a' native of the East htdle . It bas a hollow , c'lIn. drlcal beak , When It spies a 11) ' sitting - ting on the plallts thnt gl'ow In shallow wuLer , with remarkable dexterity It ejects out ofa tubular mouth 11 slnglo drop oC watQ1' , which seldolU , mlsseR Its aim , nnd , striking the 6y Into the wat. er , the fish ma'kcs It Its prey. Orow HuntA In " ' , 18hln.ton ' or the State ot . The , tamm's Washing. ton ha\'o organized crow hunts to drl\'o out Infetng C1OW8. What has become of tbe old.fashloll. ed Uln who spnt on his hands befol' " beginning n pleco of work ? old bachelor Rn 's that matrimony AI and not the "bndser" Wtsouslll4ls state , , . - . - , _ ' . _ , _ . . . , . , ' - - ! - ' - , - - . . - - - - - - - . , I . . . . ' . 0 . : , ' r. " , , DOINGS OiWOICN' , 'v . . .t. , ' . _ ' 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - EXIT THE NAGGING WOMAN , I ng wonderful chlnges thnt 111'e I tllCn ) ) Ilco In the experience Ild I 1 . cl/lructer / oC W01\10 \ II the I ( lst 1f yeura have not yet fOUld / Jhrollclel' , perhnps w1 10ver tl11 one. I I ducattn nnd enlnrged olportuDty : I have not wrought their chlnges on those alone wlo bave gulned the right 10 ( Hid the niaglc B , A. to their Dltes. rie tW Illrulng has ftered througb tle tUSR ot oclety , alld has leavened the whole lump. Certain tJ'lls famiar enough both hi fcton and In real lite Itty yenrs Igo hi'e become plcterll ' exHnct. Ihere was the romantc malden , who \\'n \ lI < e a hout the h"uBe In u dret l ot lted lo\ers , el'uel pal'enll Ind mll. . night fghts , She was a dUlcult lel. her of n wel-regula tell (1Inl ) ' . ant e'en sending hel' to hurdlnJ Ichn , I \\'nR not sure to cleal' hm' mind of I : I I'oseato ul'calltles , Before the wh.llu. J1e hr'ze of a mOl'e'Igorous el.la. lou theJ' lil'el I 10 hi0 \'lnllhe . 'l'hen ther ( ! wal the delca te If.den , he wes famons for hcr Inck of Ippe. lte , hm' dlsl'e lrd of ! ; eep nnl1 hel' In. Il'estng IUIII' , She WII h'el to the cOnSUtjHon : of slate Iencl . Chil. , ' weetleatf amI ! OlotltlWH . she even I ' dal'l hlllt , ' . Ih'llpcl < of fllmllu.ly of : tnlc. She tall < cl sWlet ) ot her ner\'es , anl she could faint at tle shortest notice. Ier shoes , her CMRS all hI' ! earl'llgR were maters ot the ; reatest molUlt to hcr. ' : , golf , Ihe g'lllaslul Ind the hasl.et hal tell have reforled the delcatl maid. en , nnd she Is now In moro dUlger u I . hoyden thnl : \l\'ald. . I There IR allothel' type which .has not I 'et wholy disappeared , but which Is ; INIR comlon than of old , 'I'hll Is the nag lng woman , She had no Rense ot I proprton , The stopping of her watch . WaR ns Important to hel' as a deaLh In the fa mi ) ' . She hlrped 01 a slll leI I - example , a persmml - I strlnl-for Incol- \'enlenceultl husbund a 11 gUeEtil Ivel'e at the last notch ot 11ltl1ton , She worrlcl her chidren Into open rell- lon. She could ne\'er keep her ser" \nts , She could brelk up a church commitee It a slngfe session , alhough I ho one dared to tllllk of Jler as au.- thing but "a'el' ) ' gpo WOll1n. " Slowly bnt IUely the Iladol' hOl'l- zen , the I'lcher resource , the. bctlr tl'alnlng are bunlshlng this woman from moderu Hoclet . . She was . . ot. 1 the unconscious victim of her own n- , erg ) and nmblton , 'To-lay theBe nre and In the ' 11rccted utized act\'ltet of town n 11 cl . She begins to s'e herself , 111 otherR RCC her , nnd the twen. teth centuy w1 mark the dlMppelr ance nt the nagglng'wom.an as the nine- tee th has rejoiced over thc extnction ot the romantc drelmer and the Invl- ld by protcfslon.-Youth's Oompulon , - , rr ' J - 'fhe plln CO' moklng n Bhlrtwalst of this muterlnl , the 'one appro\'cd b ) ' 1 ( . 'rench Ihlrtwnlst maker , who II doln the ahlrtf for , the junior 40 Is this : ' 'I'he bel slfO d be 1 wnsh lnen one , thn lolor of the oodf. I should hov\ h huclle II fl'ont , prerern hly n hlress ! l lce 'oC gold. 'fhe "c 'l's" " 1 he pUt III the hel b ) ' any harneSHlnl el' for ; 1 Ccw centRo ' 10 mlke a st 'lhdl fHmmel gown-to Ilrrow' word thnt hns rllel Into 111- t o-J'ou IURt Imow how to 111lw I . ' ' I.'rench Iwot. You must unle\stond' the ' . of ' . Imll'l. Ilhrohltl'lng COII\ltoll. 1.1 . dnlsleR. The m'sturles of ctstlch. ! lg mURt bl open to 'ou ; nnd how , to hi'm-stll'h nnd how to zlgzlJ lu L 11 be as plnln 11 blnd"Rtchlll ! 'fhere Ol'e IJlutful lew In WIS , fr'lh with the Benson , In nl the lehlnrs , with Ilel HI'IIICS wo\'en III , thnt : Ul Ixalt ) ' 11nptel1 to thl lal.hlJ of Bhlrt. Wltlts , 'I'hlse come II tuquolRe hIle , In sall hlru , In ChlneRe blue , III 111' , III "IUb ' " bluc , mid II duck's egg , not to h ent0n the pnstc bluwhll'h Is HO lght thnt I rell ' doeR 1001. rndrd , ' . i How'Icllghttul ) fortullte thllt the aww Ilwnl , cUUhrlcs , luslnl hntRtt's. lnens alll lm 1 ts come so freel. tlhn 1 Il You 'cnu bu ) ' lawn h ) the 'lrd vlh lace strilles wo'enIn aul ! Hh'II'S ot sntn tbat 1001. ' lke satin rib. hlnN. ' ob\'lates' nce sl ) . or hhnmln , mil mnkes home dress1nk. lnJ less oC a ! ( 'ourgo to ' , ' nnd'eJ'ds , Hummer shlrtwnlsts trlmmell wih ' these nilorllll . stitches are XPFusl , ' . ht'I'lhl eXlllIsl\'e , bllt ) 'on cuu l ) ' Q ' waist dnls ' . ' pnrtnl 1lalll nld .wol'k I J'oursl11. 01' 'on can get ( lIe that Is Ilrtect plain nnl treat It to iprlnklhlg of Frencb knots , ( n making thl'BO hemre thlt ) 'ou take a sUicl1 11 the kn t drawing I Ught and hal'd , or ) 'ou wi hlve' 'tnot that cme out tn' - - - - - - - - - I string. the f'rst wash and Is noting but . : I 'nkl YOI' mater/al / and tuck I acros. ' ' , the yole lu such 1 wlY thnt only te Y' I open stripes of needlework , or lace ; I show. 'hls malcs a lace yoke , wit I the Ilc ! In11 In rows , ( 'or n stock us' I the snme gools , tucked lengthwlsc. , 'with ' the top plnln , so that I cnn be. turned OVlr , RclenRe tbe tucks acrs I the bUft to make a good Culness. rrlt the "n Iqt Jn at the bel lne , so fB to I gl\'e 1 : nt ) ot Il'ugth In Cront , witout ' ' . n gl'l'il t deal ot bagginess. Hllucaton nnll Enrb 1orrlole I Is a tact worth notcing that . I I 'ueaton creeps Into n couutry eal' ) ) larrilge8 Jrdully become more ! carce , Nowadn.'s youths and maids 'Ire taught to thlnl. before they leap. . I'helr mental ) 18 stloller nnd 0016 mature than In rOl'mel' ) , 'elrs , so their I heads mOle oCen speak Cor or wih' their h arts. MluJ' at the unhappy marriage or which we hel1r mn ) ' he traced to tbe de lusIon ot yuutJ'ul Ideas. Lmmature 10\'e Is Ignoralt ntHl ul'enS011ble. womall wlnts to be lo\'cl lS she loves : nd mlln wants to he lo\'ed ns ho love I and bllause Lhe thing Is Impossible I they hu "C the most dlsc rdant results. We Ilhcl'l this desire to love , whlcb : ' at ni ear ) ' a e Ii 1(0 a frecl'ackm' . , ' 'I'cnd ) ' to eXIlode at a moment's no. t'e. It mnkll no dllel'ence who seLs fh'o to the fuse , & we grow older , Il. 0mO'e Intle . lovc alfalrs wo attn - tn h more Impol'lalce to the hlld that l htl the tuse. We grow more dls- crJmlllntlllg as we advance In years , . , Cor our minds expand and grow , Ind the emotons , as wll as the intelet. nre strengthene by age. ColcJc for 'Vomen , The Irst techllcnl colle e tor womC C\'er establshed In the country 18 be Ing plnnned III Boston atter thirty-two rlrs of wnltlng , I1 teach bouse hold Iconomlcs , seel'tlrlal work , Ibrl- r ' Inlagement. l1dustlnl deslgnln : medicine nnd ' ' : Ilossibly hor- . nm'ser. :1. . tlcult\l Bnys the New York SUl. Us 111m wi be to help wOlen to ear 1 J\'elholld In occnpatlon1 tOl\ which there hI now no special training on 1 sclelltlc basis , .Tohn Rlmmons"of Boston , dead theRe thlrt ) yenr ! : nd more , Is the foulder. anll the colege wi hl'lr his 111me. Mr. Hlmmolls dlell lu 18 O , Whim bls was ofered for Iu'oonte It was wi rls. l'o\'ered thn t the 'el ter part of his . 11'OpC.t ) " , conflstllg ot real estate , wag lef to establsh and malntalu an In. dustrlnl colege tal' women. A'Vomnn " ' 10 Writes Sermon ' J.nlol. England , Daly lnU sn 's tat mny ot the eloquent ser mons herd nt the churchcs arc cm posed by a lady : who makeR her 1\'ln thereb ) ' . 'fh re Ivet In tbe north ot I J.ondon , the widow ot a clergyma \ho. under the nnte ot her late bns blnd , II writing fermonR for clerg- men In the metropols and elsewhlre Most of her - . are bought by cltrgymen ot the Chuch ot Englant who write to her under the Impression . that the ) are communicatng wih a clerg'man who hnl retred trm te mlniltry. 'he srl'lons are excelent. nnd no doubt m\wh beter than they could wrie themseh'cs. Phi tlCA , A great mnny pcrsols are trouhlo with pimples on the tnce , which art unsightly - sightly at best , and especialy annoying when they come , as they otten do , on the nose. OC couse thcy arise trm Nome Impurity ot the blood and nc-e11 constiutional treatment , but unt this Is obtalnel a and ' ' . slte en1) WI ) ot lIr. \'cntng them Is to upply arnlCI to thl sl.ln , A pimple ne\'er COlCS wihout wnrnlng , A few hous heflH'e thC'c 18 nh\'a 'f a slght Intnmmnton or swel- Ing , and It a dl'op ot nrnlca he appled to spot when the .he Iwfll be 1113 hn\ n 107en nppllcltlonR III tll com'sn o fl 11 ' wl\1dl'l\'e \ the pimple bnck un. leI' the skill. AH to Clrc of Hlna ! . As the welrlllg of mnlY rlll R , hoth In the afterooll 1111 e\'ellll , hns become - come I 110wllel'd fld" tl eare ot the Jems If worth ' ot Ittlton , If ) ' 0\ . 'our l'lngs to Inst ' \unt ) , Iion't weur t1 m wih loveR , 'he CQlstllt Crlcton I Wllrs off tw poillts thlt h01 the . Rtoles In IlIacI 111 the stonCR wi drop Olt nliess constlnt ntl'nUon Is 1111d to thi'I , The wcarl'l' mllY lot detect the loose Rtonl hnt juwellr at 1 wi ! Ct I 0111'.1 Hngs shoulll be sent to the jew- cl'r'H at least onl'e a 'enl' to he o\'er- hnnllll , If W01 1tCt' gloY'-Detat ' 111 OU 1 e , A ovcl Curtiin OeKIJn. A ' bon\le ' ' II'W fi'IIO c\'tnlll desig Is dl\'l'lolld III Illh'nshoe ' \hoe pre\'al- Ilg t011 II lul I' 'd , r Id by durk : md fnint . ' green Imher. ' 'hl bottol hns In InsI'rtcn' of delp rld fsh nct which Is edgl'lf wi h a rute oC th mndnu ( Inl hed , wih Arnhlan Ince. Other color effects nre carl'led out In .he snml.wny. , l"rcclle 111 Hlnhnru Ielclly , Bomwlll II ' . ' f 1 l'oll wlter. 1wo tel spoonflil of the rOlwr to It pInt ot the later. Bathe rlel'I " for se\'el'nl min- utes. mornllg ! ul flight , the nvohlll en s" , Alow t t mixture to , 111) upon ' . ) h klt , a n'lh ' , h\t ! l\'le ) I ; } ) ai .caretul- Iy , In ie m rnlni . before It , bna " drl I' .