Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 05, 1902, Image 3

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. .
_ _ h _ _
, Contlncnts nnd Criticisms "tJnsed Upoa
the IIIIIIPcnluJs of the Day-ilistorl"
cill utJd New. . Note" .
It-Is 11 dull dllJ' when Mr. Carnegie
: ralla to shed a nl'w library.
The J'ent' , 1II0 : . ! la I11l1lthlg a splcm1ld
. rccol'd ns to sh'lIwl ! U vCl'ted.
, ,
. ' 1'ho only tr\lst In the worltl tbat Is
uhlo to utilize tier , , ' beats Is the beet
r ( , \1'ust.
'bo long and short of It Is that much
-01' the alltl-trust 10glI1atlon : : Is entirely
untru.stworthJ' . .
Dlumonl1s at' ! . ! sull1 to hu ve heen ( lis.
I -covered at Cnll , 01lle. It hils been so
I coll1 i t Ol llltelJ' , thllt tlll ! Ice fl'oze.
I Jolin D , n , ) ClwCeller , .lr. , sUJ's he be.
gUll onrnln/l / ; 11101lJ' ( ; when ho WU8 0
j . j'ears , old. It must be n cnse ' 01' Instinct
I , Mrs. .ln111eN Urowll Potter Is now n
. grnndlllotb r , lmt pcoille who hll0
j "cell her us CnlJ'IIfO SI1J' she doesn't
1 8Cem to let It weIgh upon her mlnl1.
A man who has asthmll clnlms tliat
i the trouble with the cllmuto Is that the
I '
, lite Is ull squeezed out 01' It hJ' the
I scorchers who pUlIlp It Into tholr tlt'es ,
1 According' toc.J , \lorgun's : Idea of a
i commullltJ' of IntercHt. that of a mall
doing wluit ho Iliwa wIth his own , allJ'
tlno cnn I.eep chlclwns In a reshlence
dlsh'lct , .
A wea1thJ' roulIg llrebug In the Eaat
Js accused of "PJ'romIUlla. " A horse-
thlof In ) Iontana lIlght be an "equo-
, .I'pt , " but his health woulll sulfel'
. from It.
, The Pl' shlellt 11IIS wrenched his bad ,
, f1'Jt. trying to l aru the , Jlutjltsu wl'estlln
trick , ' .rhe rest , of the countQ' hils
wrenche1 ! Its tongue tr 'lng to pronounce -
nounce the name.
A man who OlHeUYOl'cd ] to kick n cat
off the porch fell IlUlI hroke his neck ,
In these bootjacldess daJ's It Is mucl (
. safer to u.e ! 11 shotgun ' In the closing
, . c erclses of a feline concert.
! A consclenco.strlcl.en ew York mnn
'Who beat a hotel bill eighteen 'ears
ngo , hils just sent the Illndlord the
moneJ' due , It wus n. long lIght , but
, conscience IH a stu 'er when she gels
nftCl' 11 sinner.
- llchllrd'IIardlng [ Da'Is has startc < l
" , nWIlJ' 'Ito tllke part In a South Amerl-
can ro\'ohttlon just for the Xllerlence , "
If I chnrd expects to get much expel'l-
enee In one 80uth AmcriCllu re\'olutlon
, be wIll have to accumulate It lu a
b\1rr ' ,
" , \lllflsnchusetts : Supreme Court
bas declt1ed thut people who lose theil'
.p , muney In bucket-shops mn ' get It
. , r : bIte I , . AnJ'one who succeet1s In doing
80 ought to bo Ilble to waite a fortune
by exhibiting himself through the
counh'J' .
Lord Aly < rstone , Lord Chief Justice
of Englllnd , In tel . . 'when real1lng slowly -
ly Ilnd with hesitation an elaborate decision -
cision In' un Important case , rell11l1'led
thnt he ) Vus SOI'l'J' , hnt his wl'ltlng' was
. . bad , A hint fOl' his lordship : , 'l'hore Is
" an AmCl'lcnn In\'entlon Imown as the
. tJ'pewrltm' , the manipulation whereof
\ , Is I1n mrt not dllllcult to acquire ,
John D , Roclwfellor , being a million.
alre , momns nnd lumonts beclluse he
bns no hall' on his h < 'nd , oyelJrows , lip
01' chin , but wel'e he a poor , Impecuul.
. ous cuss It would be a source of rojolc-
Jng thut he could make a livIng In a
sideshow ns a hairless frenl" and thlli !
IJen'erso nature denls out us a CUl'se to
one , man what woull1 bo u fortune to
\I ;
' .rIle CZal' vIsited Prance a few
\ mOllths Ilgo , nnd now President 1.ouhot
' lias been Invited to go to nussla In the
/ SUlUnHr ! , The German 1 1llperor wIll ho
. ' "
In'l'sellt at the Husslan mllltliry mnneu-
yers In l'uillUlI the spring' , returning the
ea ) ) which the Cznr made on him , 'l'hus
( lees the game of dlllomuc } ' go on ; but
110ne of the three rulers jOUl'ne 'lng be-
: rend their realms will hayo so good a
tlln liS Prince IIenry had here , when
1110st of the ' ' .
so\'enQ'-l1ve mIllion soy cr.
( 'Igns who hnd OIIlOl'tunItJ' } joined , In
lwlplng him to enjoy himself.
\ \ ' 0 ha Ye heen for generntlons send.
Jng missionaries to China to II'rsuado
the Chlnose thllt Chrlstl:1l1ItJ' : Inculcates
1hl l1l'r moralltJ' tlum 11lIJ' , tl1 ( ) ' Imow.
The Chinese hnd tJw oppol.tunlt ' 01'
filWlllg Chl'stlunltJ' ! UIJplle tor the first
time on a Inrgo scnle , 'l1o ' encountered
Chl'lstiun H'oops engaged In "punltl\'o
expeditions" who bl.'hu\'t.'d 111'0 flend' !
lu humlln shalJ ( ! without anJ' tincture
01' lll'eteuse clthl.'l' of justlco or 01'
nH'rcJ' , It Is true the Americans did
not en nge In these raids , und the Chi.
JICSI ! IIHJ' them the lIonor of supposing
tlwm II.'is Chl'lfltlan thlln thl. ' Germans
:11111 the -Husslans. But the Americans
hl.'ha\'eu 110 hetter thl1n the Jupnnese ,
who actuuIJ ' shone by contrllst with
th < . . gurol'em : Christians , and who are
'not Clll'lsUuns Ilt nIl.
Somebody In I l1don , who has qUill'-
rele with the theorJ' tllILt Kings rule
by' divine right. hils dug Into history
nnl made some of the Ulonurchs of Europe -
' " rope look yetJ' lUuch lIIe 1l\'eralO men
ttre" " . ; I'11 uII tor their parts. King Ed.
wnr owes his crown to a horso. lIe
bolJn s to the housl ! ot Hano\'er , In
Ij01 Pl lIameut elected the Hanover-
. + .
Inll I10uRo to UIO British throllO by 0011
"ote. 1'ho wlunlng'oto wa ! ! CI\t : : ! b3
Sir Arthur Owen , who 1'0110 from
" -nlos , w'arln out nu I n\l11 13118 II
nmount 01' her o 1l1'sh , nml arrl\'lug jusl
In time to e11ter the III'O" 10bll ) ' . Ii'lvq
, hUndrl.11 3'111'11 ngo li'relWrlclt Holum1.ol.
lern waR Hurgra Ye ot a Rmnll'GN'mll1
elt . . III loanell Emlleror ! : ! 1 1t111untJ
about $50,000 , 111111 topk It mortgngo on
the Stllte 01' Brundenburg. 'ho debt
WitS not lalll , 111111 the mortgage Wit ?
foreclosed , li'rettcrlck lIohenzolloru os'
tubllshlng himself as Ii'rcd'l'lck I. of
Brll1111cnllurg , With Increasro power
cl\me mOl'e terrltor ' , and In 1701 the
title 01' King Wlll ! ; proclnllnoll by the
house or IIohl'n1.o11ern , I'l'om which
spruug the llresont Kaiser. Alexander
ot 80r\'lIl cnn go bacl , 300 ) 'ellrS 111111
Ilml hIs nncestor caring (01" pigs , This
1\11Cestor "IlS " 11 swlnehord. Queen l\Iary
11. nnl1 Queen Auno were the g1'llud'
. .llnughtl'rR 01' a IltllJle1'ltlc ' , t racing theIr
nncestry bnck to 1.01'd Chancellor Clar.
emlen , who mnrl'le.11l housemuhl. Ii'or ;
n l'eal Jln , whoso bhlo bloo(1 runs I i
hack Into the aes , the enl ) ' man who I
IIlISWel' ! ) 1111 rel1uh'oments Is the Ilresent
I'Ulel' of JIlIlIln , IIo Is the 122tI In un.
hrol.en descent 01' his line , his fllll1l1y
hlwlng Imt on the throne since Gnu B ,
C. , the time 01' Nebuchadnezzar. Artor
ull. whaL tIoes It nU1\Iunt \ to ? A little
'tinselJ' power , bowing anll scraplng , ,
llU1l1pu-ml CC1'e1110n ' , ovorfOll ambition ,
some love antI a great deal of hatrell. I
'l'hllt Is it King's lICe , Imd It Isn't to bo I
C0111PIU'CtI with the exlstonce of the
free mun who knows lIttle 1\1111 care:3
less I1bout his ancestors , Ilml lmows no I
honor or Ilowor , eXCCl ) ! thut ho hns WOD
bJ' hlll : OWll efforts ,
The recent appointment 01' Col , noh'
' ' of the Wost.
crt 0 , 010Wl'J' as preshlont
ern .Unlon 'l'elegl'11ph C011l1111l1 ' , 11:1 : uu ,
other domonstmtlon of the fllct t11ut
thel'e Is alwuJ's 1'00111 at the top for
the bOJ' with an lI111hltlon and the pl'Op'
01' en01'g ' nml plucl , . Since ho WIlS' 13
'eIU'H old he hus'ol'lwll 11l11'd uud
faithfully for the great c0111lmn ) ' of
which he Is now the head , uml the
slmplo St01'y of his lire Is this : lessC1l'
gN' boy , operatol' , 111unnger , suporln-
tendent , general 8uperluten ont , vlco-
111'esldent , 1l1'osldent , It hus tnkon just
nn even hull" centlu'J' to molte the climb
fr0111 mess'nger bOJ' to president , l\1t
at the ugo of H3 J'eal's , ho uow hns the
sntlsfllctlon of Imowlng that he Is the
chief < 'xecutlvo 01' the greatest tele.
graph sJ'ste111 In the world , Itud that ho
draws a hll'gor Bular ' than docs the
Prosll1ent of the Unltcd Btlltes , (101.
Clowr ' was horn In Will Countj' , 1111.
nols , In 1830 , nnd tIll ! u ' ho became
13 J'eltrs of age ho wont to worl cnr-
rJ'Ing messages fOl' tho' Western Union
In what'1vas then the vlllnge of .lollet.
Attending the IHlbUc schools nt the
.samc time , ho made o\'er ' effort to cd.
ucate hI111SI ! ! , aud nQ time was wusted
In IdleneslI. : When not engaged In
stu J'Ing or In cnrr 'lng messages ho
wns "Iellmlng the Iwr , " with the reo
sult that at the tender ago of l he became -
came au operator an went to worl , In
the olllce as such. At t'he age of 1t.
ClowrJ' was one of the best operators
In the elllllloJ' of t1 e compllDJ' und was
sent to Sprlnglleld , Ill" to manuge the
olllce tlll'l'e , A j'ear later ho was
transferred to the Bt. Louis 01l1ce , und
In lSm : : , when but 20 ) 'cars old , wus
made superIntendent of the S1. Louis ,
divIsion. In lSj3 ( Presld'nt Lincoln's
uttentlon was called to O1owry's clever
worl. , IUld he asslgncd him to ty In
charge of the United States military
teleg'raph In the Southwest. In 188 I
he hecamo general superintendent , In .
188i : : : vice-president , a1l(1 now , by the i
retirement of Gen. Eckort at the ngo
of n , ho becomes presltlent. O1owry's
whole life Is a good sermon for all
bOJ's ,
"LonA'.horllcli Steer" nnd : ! Iu8tnn
Grluluully BecllmlllJ : Rdlllct. : I .
I 'Whlle efforts Ul'e ma lng to save the.
buffalo from extlnctlou , scll'utillc mon
are just wuldnJ ; up to the renllzntlon
that there are two other fornm of life
that once 1Iomlsll'tl ( in the West thllt ,
while not aboriginal , are nevertheless
worth sln'lng as curious exal11l1les of
development In Em'ollellll ani mills under -
der mild conditions , 111111 which arc
rap ! < 1IJ' llsllppellrhl ! , TItese arc the
0111 lonl-hol'l1cd Texlls steel' nnd the
wlld m U : > tllllb : ,
It la said thllt the olil steer , "Geron.
11110 , " exhibited lit the Bulfalo Exposl.
tlon , Is , Indeed , the Illst suryl\'or of
thnt once fllmou : : ! breed , of cllttle , 'he
NntlonalIUSOUIll Is f01'tulluto In pos-
sosslng It YC1'r line mounted heud 01' .
the old long-hol'lled 'l'exllS steer , III.
thou h the ml1111W1' In which It cluno
III lJOsHeHslon of this specimen Is mther i
cll1'IoUH , About twenty-Hve 'ears ago .
u farmer out In ' .rexns Ill'eseuted the.
Delll1rtment of Agl'lculture with tills
helld on account of Its unusl1lllly long
1101'ns , i
' 1'he Department of Ag'l'lculture hud I
no plnce to lwe ) ! the head , IInd sent It
o\'er to the NlltlolIlIlIuseum : , ' 1110
fllct , Is that IlCJthe ' IIIHtltullon was
flnxfouH to own It thing' 118 cOllllllOn us
tho'lwal ! of a 'I'exus Hteer WIIS In that
da ' , IInd the museum lleople were rath.
er Indlgnunt ovm' the WIIJ' the head
WIIS unlol1l1ed on them b ' the Depart-
nH'nt of Agriculture peoille. 'o.duy
the ' uro congratulating themselves on
their good fOl'tl1l1e In owning this un.
u8uall ' tlnl ! helHl of fI hl'eed that Is
lIOIH'ltctlcallJ' extinct , THe wild
horse 01' the plnlns 'has nlso dl8apPl.'nr.
cd , the lIearest flpproadl to ulIJ'thlng
lilt ( ! the 0111 wild breed being the cuy.
use pOIl ' 01' Ot'egoll ,
A. bo"s hloa of the hnporl11nce 01'
to\\:1I : Is formed b ' the number of tire
engines It has.
When nn agent comes In to sell you
a book. how glad ho Is to see y u !
, .
Ootl1 , BIiTcr , ] tc. , Blum Out Into Fine
Thrends nllll Thcn 'Vovel1 ,
In th\ \ ) show window of n 110\\'ntowlI
store there Is exhibited a RJgn thnt
! loll1othlng lIew111111' the film hns at
lllst b'n < 1I1co\'erl' ! < 1. nl111 the at'Uclo
In question Is culled metul Ince , with
full' sumllicS of It dlsplllJ'cd for em111.
Inntlon. 'hat It Is something I1OW.
however , Is onlJ' 11I11otl ) ' true , but In
the 1I0W ( orllIn ! which It Is mchlbltClt
It 111'0 bll blJ' comes liS 110ur to n. ll W
thlllg a8 Is 110Bslhle.
The metnl luco la a } lrolluct of the
motul wOl'ltOr's : art thut shows how
8klllful1 ' J01l1 , Rlh'C1' , platinum , or any
ether hllrd suhstallce call bo spun out
alld wo\'en Into llIlttl'l'lIS of gl'eut del.
Icucy. ' 1'ho arUsllns hayo practlcully
mude mctal lace hJ' slllnnlllg the metnl
out Into \'ery Uno thrcnl1R , a 1\\1 then
Wo\'en them b ' huml Into Il design
wblch exaetlJ' resembles the finest lace.
'l'ho patterns 111'0 mostlr 01' com'en.
tlonnl designs , IInd nro talen direct
trom laooworl. , both common au ox.
pellslve In co patterns nro Imltutc < I , '
'ho worlt IH done In gold , 3lh'er ,
platlll\lln , WhItl' metullUlIl occlISIOnllll ) '
In ether malleu blo substunces. It Is
for the mOflt pnrt Inhl over back.
grounds of solId nll'tal to g"'o It an ar ,
tlsUc lillish. When nol Il Hitched to
I1nJ' solid sub8tnnco It Is so frail thnt
, little ha1\\1 ln will hl' 11 It It.
1.01' . ornamentalllJ ; lamp Rhndes , stat.
uary nllll metul "usos nlld urns , metal
luco hns 110 superlol' , ulIl1 It hils al.
i ! 'Cally becolI\o \ 1'Opull11' In certain lIne8
01' trade.
"It w111 lIrove sorvlceable for Indoor
decorutlon In tlmo , " explullwd all ex.
lIert worlnnnn lu metuls a few days
ngo , IIArchltccls to-dn ) ' nro using mort !
' \Illd more IIwtnl. This Is 1111 dUe to the
chenlleulu IIl'oce8seB of ml\l1\1factm' ,
Ing the tlllYereut metals , ami to the
sldll of the worlmlllll In fashlonlno ; ;
them In IIrtlstic C01'IlIS. Now metal
lace Is something thllt follows ulong
this slime 11ue of Impl'ovemellt. 11el'O
Is the vel'y IICllle of metal workmlln.
ship , made so IIno I\ml de11cntl' thnt It
cuunot bo hnmlled with Iml\tultJ' ) . Y'ct
wllell We IllY It on the 111'01 > 01' bacl. .
groulld , 111111 fnsteu It thll'e , It shoull1
lust 11S 10llg liS the 1I1'tlcle to which It
Is uttnched , Metlll Ince will IInpro\'o
b ' uge , 'he 0111 , worll look which nt.
tnchos to 0111 h1'llss or goll1 work comes
Iu time to metnl III co.
1101' course , thl ! Itlml 01' n1'tlll IInd
the lIutm'o of the Ileslgn determine Its
price to Il IlIrgo extont. 'Vo mrely
mnlw It 8e' thllt It sells for IIrlce8 with ,
In the fUllge f the } leer , It Is strictly
the rich mali's ol'llllmont. llCl'e 18
801110 golll IIICO which we cl1n sell for
: : OO Il Yllh1. 0\1(1 We hnve IU\ll Rome
thllt rotl1l1l ! < 1nt $1.000 a J'lI1'd , I gUlss
thnt Is nhout the most eXlenslve ) Inl'e
111 the lIlllrlwl , E\'en YOUl' gellulne old
1I0lnt IUl'e will have to tnlto a hllcl ,
scat when the fillest specImens of goll1
Illce are exhibited. SlI\'I'r lace , of
coure : ; : , Is corl'espondlllglJ' ehellper ,
"Gold mnlw8 the best llattOl'IIS , " said
tlH' OXIW1't , accorlllllJ ; to thl' New Yo"l.
' .rImes , "boclluse It Is posslhlo to'SIIII1
It o 1t to the Jluos"t thre\l1 : Imllglllllhle ,
l\JId at the slime tlmo It IJro\'eH strong
nml tellllclo\ts , It Is cOllsecluontlJ' ens.
1m' to work this metal \1)1 ) Illto dellclltc
Illce. I'Intlllu111 slremls ) out Illto II vcr '
fille thrend , IInll we hn ve It hero
wo\m of COttOIl or II110n , Hero 111'0
) llntlu\lm throudR which J'ou CIIU hllrdly
see with YOUl' eJ'cs , Illul , when woven
Illto Inco , the elrect Is about as coh ,
webb ' as J'ou clln IlIIuglne ulI 'thhlJ ; .
But these cohwebs of 1II0tul 111'0 ua
bright nud hurnl8hed ns If the SUII hull
sudl euly brol > cu out \111011 them. "
J\lost Ii'amouH'Vetltllltj. ; ' ,
Porhalls the most sen1'lntlol1nl ' cere
mOIlY of murrlnge thllt hns ever been
pOl'formed 111 w Yorl , was the OIlE
ImowlI o\'el' 'wl1 < 're In the Ullltell Statcs
as the "DllIllIolld Wedlllllg , " It wus the
ullloll of a dau hter of I.leutellllllt BIII't ,
Jott , of the Ullited Btlltes 1I11\'Y , to II
OUhll1l gelltlellllUl of gl'eat wealth , Don
Esillball 811nlll Cruz de Oviedo.s gl'l1'
el'OUS I\S he WIIS opulellt , Oviedo luvlHh ,
ell upon , the brldo llIore thlln olle hUll'
dred thousalld dollllrs' worth of p'urle
IUIII dlnmonds. 'I'he 11UltllIl ) rlteH WC1'e
solemnized by Archblsholl Hughesl
Ste mnll con\lnemol'lltell tlll' e\'I'lIt III n.
llOem , mill m01'll11sts Ilolllted to It liS nil
Ixtl'II01'dllll\l'J' IllsulIIce of the e\118 0 :
splelldor IIl1d hlx\l1' ' thnt WOl'lJ COl'l'lI)1t. )
Ing Amerlcall soclet ' , So gl'eat was tile
cUl'losltJ' to witness thlR welhllng Uwl
1)I'obllhlo' for the Ilrst tllII ( ' 011 Hueh nl\ \
oCCllslolI carl1 of admission wm'o Is ,
sUl.'d to the eh\l1'ch , A tH1UIIII of ) } olke-
mOil WIIS rcrlulrecl slmlll ' to protect thE
] alii ] groom fl'OIll stl'llllge1'S whe
1'ushell nfter them , ' [ 'he magllllicelll
J1\11ltlllls , It IIIIlJ' he J'1'IIIIU'lwI ] , hlld 3
lI1ellllll'hol ' sequel-tho IJrlllegroOJI ;
SOOIl died ; his widow , \1IlIhr ! the SlIIII' )
Ish hm's , wus entitled olllJ' to thl' rlghl
of dowel' , 111111 1111 thl' Jlfts whll'h hE
had showered Ulon ) h l' wm'e tlllwl1
IIWII'l'olll hcr 011 the JroUlHI thllt Ie-
gl1ll ' thl' ) ' were helrlooms-1.adle8
Home Jounlul.
JjOIlrf'cJow ! fl'HI , IIJlfawl\thn , "
"Such u conCuslng vlll'lnllCI : 111 tllt
IJt'OI1\\1'I utloll of 'lIlawlltha' exists hott
III dlctlonurles nllli III the } leeeh 01
echtcatc < 1lI01l \ Illld women , " \\Tlte !
BlIznlieth A , Wlthp. ) ' , III the T.IHlIes'
'Home , lournnl , "thnt I have I\sl. . .tllIs. : .
, Longfellow how the wonl If > pro.
nounced h ' the Iloet'8 tllmll ' . Hhc
I sn 's the pronullclntloll which she Ill ,
WIl ' 8 hen I'd fl'om the } toot himself I'
' , ' . , the 'I' } lrlJ1ouncqll liS II
Is In 'machine' or IIJII\Je } , ' the I > l't'ond
'a' pronoullcc < I us It Is In 'Cllr' Ol' 11 :
' " .
tuther ,
l\lIoroho of COIl8UIIIItlon.
The 1Ilicrohe ot tuberculosis 1Il1l ' 11\ ' (
III a bool. loa dn's , us hns IJCon shown
I br experiment.
How 11\l\ny different "figures" you
fiDd mong womenl
. . ,
. ,
tJccllul'tI Story Tolc1 In Court bT Ohnn
\ \ 'hnl11"ltJumt : Founl'ntlon - 0" & _
COllnty Girl Sulcllh"
Alllnnco , Neb. , May 27-Tho de.
renso began Its Inning In the Siork-
, Jahnke.Alson murder trial this
morning , and has been Introducing
ovldenco durlnH this entire day. The
testimony was Interesting but everything - :
thing else sllnk Into InslgnlJlcance !
when a ohlef dOfondant , AU8U ! > t
, Jahnke took the stand and coolly
and firn\ly \ don led every matorlnl
patt of the confession mnde by 011-
, 'or Olson lasl 'l'hurs ny. lIe told
a story as straight as t.hnt ot Olson's
uorroboratlng to:1l great cxtont the
confession as to his own and Olson's
actions but ho donlod allY ugree.
mont or Intent to do Siork Ilium , .
saylnH the shooting was acoldental.
, Jllhnl\O donlod the story at drupplnl {
Siork In the well , und testilled that
Ir. SIer1e never fell Into a wollin
seventeen oars , although he udmltt. .
ed working at the well mentioned by
Olson. ' .rho attempt to polson the
old man was also donled.
' .rhe deronse w11lno doubt at.tempt .
to corroborate Jnhnle's testimony
tomorrow , 'l'hedeCenso called sevornl
other witnesses to prove that there
was 110 motlvo for the 'lcll1ln-t. ! and
: \tr. Jahnke testllfed to the frlondshlp
t'll1li existed betw e the Jnhnkl sand
the Siorke's ,
n. Nolan , attorney for Jahnlces was
lined ton dollars for contempt ot court
this morning by Jud o Westover.
no roplled to the court In Its ruling
concernlllg the admlssbll1ly of evl.
dence by. saying that ho wanted to
show that the mnn Olson had been
made a pot , ,
s.h'sIan . / Prompted Act.
Beatrice , , Nob" Muy 27.-.rho cor
lIor's jury In the ease of Miss Ellaza-
both Hoherts , who com m I tted sui-
cldo 1I0ar hot homo south of Wymoro
yeslerday , rendered n verdict Iliac-
cordanco with the facts liS given In
Just night's dispatch , The note
which the girl left was as follows
"May 24 , l 02 : 'l'hls Is to certify
that John Y. llolmcr Is the cause of
my death and to nobody elso. It I
die , whlcb I hope I will. I w11l be
going to my grnvo with blue and
black places on my body caused by
him from' boal ! ng mo , I trust that ,
the Almighty God will serve him as
he served 1110 , lIe said It I would
the revolver he would pull the trJg-
gel' . II ( Signed )
Lizzie Roberts , "
At the request at the fnmlly an ,
nutopsy was held , but no evldenco of
her being In a dellcate condition
were found. .rho gIrl and Holmer'
were engaged to be ruhrrlod , an engagement -
gement which the fumlly oppnsec1 at
Ilrst , but IInally ave their consent ,
The people IIro Welsh and Lizzie's
p trents wanted , her'to , marry ono at
their p ople. lIelmor lived with his
parents auout one mlle fWIII the Hob.
erts home , lIe has horne IL good ropu.
tatlon , ' . .rwo'eolcs ago ho left his
homo and hils not since bcen heard
from , II Is absence I'llusocl the Ilrl
much ulleaslness and she evidently
contemplated suicide several times
as recenLly she was IIJ Damoton
where she tried to uuy a revolver ,
remarltlng that she lIouly wanted It
1\ttlo \ ono as It. could do the worlt she
wautedlt to do.tI 'l'he strychnlnc
she use was some her falher had
bought. . , several years ago to polson
See' Five Tornado Clouds.
Sorlbner , Neb. , May 27.-1:0 : see
live dlstlnct tornado clouds In less'
than 1111 hour In one uttemeon stllll-
ces an ordinary mun for a life tlnw ,
'l hls opportunity was offered Scrll ) .
nor people Saturday afternoon upon
what , fortunately , were. the m'lst
tavorably Ilrcumstances. One struck
the feed barns 111 the ghlers hroth.
el"s pastil 1'0 , and IIn rJofod one or the
barns , 'l'l1e twister then left Lhe
rlvor , tra\'eled almost directly cast ,
to the fal'/I1 of Henry Ii. W , Borchro ,
where most at the damage wus
, Five Days of Storm.
- - -
Mackleod , N , W. 'r. May 27-The
disastrous results of rheI , / vo da's
storm jllst over , have completely
Isolated 'this dlstrlet from tbe rest of
tilO world. ' .rho whole country has
been oode , rIvers and smaller
streams are swollen to Impass'lble
proportlons and railroad and high.
way bridges l n'o been swept away ,
' .frame Is completely tied up on
tbe Craw's Nest lass railroad to the ,
Fornle mlnos. , - '
- - - .
Now York , May 30-In connectIon -
tIon with the I.'onl traRedy , whloh
oecmed recently In this city , n story unpublished Is In ulrrulatioD
rOlll\rdln \ "tho cause of the shootng
which cos1. the lives ot the author ,
I'aul Lclcestel' Porcl , and his brother
talcoin , the tamous athleto. I
It Is to the elTeot thaI. Malcom ,
, ho wns 1101. pro\'lde for In his
Ither's will , notilled Paul n week
IOtoru the shootl n ! ; thnr. ho mllst
111\0 $2j,000 , , whluh ho claimed was
'IS ! due becnu'3o he signed n wah'or
lIerl1llttln the prohatlnl-t ot the will.
lie Is said tu hl1vo declared ho need-
d the money badly nnd to ha vo boo
'of\le \ much InoonRed when 1)aul rc.
.lIed . tllnt he did not have the sum
n hand. adding that he should con.
, ult other members ot the family.
Ilalcol1l Is said to ha\'e replied that
ne ot the hel rs had kept t.l1O a reo.
110111. , but that he would cOllsult the
, thers , and departed with the declar.
I t lOll tllnt he would return a week
lIence for the money , fni1lng to reo
lei \0 whloh ho wou(1 ) resort to es.
perato measures.
Woman nadlY nurned.
1J'ort Dodg , III. . MIlY 30-Whlle ,
dtartln a lire with koroseno. Lhe'
I'un expolded , setting the clothing at
[ rs. II. L , 1IIIhn OJ ) fire. Dor aby
WIIS lyhlR asleep in the Imrnlng
kltohen and the mother refused all
ofTers of IIsslstllnoo until the ohlld
WIIS rosClled trom her burnrng home.
It was only lJy IJreaklnH In a window
thnt the rescuers rCliche the llby
he fore Mle I1nmos. ' 1'he Infant was
uninjured , but the mother was bad I ) '
hurned before the lJallles. which
completely en\'olopec : her , , could bo
extinguished. She will recover.
Kills Child and lIerself.
New YOIlc , MIlY 30.-Mrs. nose
Plgeonow : wlto ot 11 news denlor ,
killed. her slx-'ear-old dlllllhter
Hertha today by IIS asphyxiation
; \lld'then \ committed suicide by tllk-
Ing cnrbollc acid. ' 1'ho woman lll1d
been , a sufferer troUl a nervous dls-
ease for seve1'l11 yenrs.and It Is supposed -
posed she WIIS tempon1 'lIy Insnno.
Killed While Scallnsr a Peak.
Vlonna , MIlY 30-'rho IIrst fatality
It the mountaillcering season occurred -
curred In the Semmol'lng 1'I1ngo of
the Aplo when Dr , Bl' ' .ezltlll IInd
Herr Pacer were both ki110d W hllo
ntteUlptlng the IIscent of the nux
Alp , the highest point at the rungo ,
Fatal nurllnl'ton ! Wreck.
A Ima. Wis. , Mny 30.-One man
was Idlled and several ethers sorlous.
Iy Injured , some probably fntally , In
11 wrecle on the Burlington road here
this a ternoon. A grave ; traIn , on
whloh there were six ol1lcll1ls of the
road , Inoludlng SuperllJtondont Cun.
nlnulll1m , was going on the switch ,
when another urn vol train , comln
from the north at a high rate of
speed , crashed Into tt.
Crushed Skull With Jlammer ,
NowY orl { , Mn ) ' 30-Pollceman at
I ructed by the shou ts of alarmed resIdents -
Idents In a1 apartment Imlldlnjot at
fiO Second avenue early FrldllY , IJrolee
the door of ono at the lints and tound
, J. S , Keldaln , 11 dealer In clgarottes.
lying on lhe 11001' with his skull
crusl ed ,
In an adjoining room , lylnJC ; on h
bcd , was N. Cannan , 11 tobacco merchant -
chant , Carman'as shot 1fllIlh , } } (
tot ) head , In one halld he hold a
pistol and near him was a hamlner ,
'rho pOllce belleyo ho attempted to
le1l1 Keldaln with the hammer and
then shot hlmself. 1'ho cause Is
not Known , Jeldaln will die , the
doctors say ,
Four Men to be Garroted ,
San Juan , I ) . n. . May aO.-It be.
came known today thnt Antonia
' .rOlez Acedvo , not namon ' .rroohc
Oadollo ( one or : the lI\'e murdererR
condemned to bo gurroted tor crimes
cOlllmltted October I , 18G8) ) , Is the
mlln whose sentence hns heen com. .
muted hy Go\'eruor Hunt to life 1m. '
prlsonment , owl n to the fact tha t
Acevedo WIIS only nineteen ycars ot
age lit the tlme of the occnrancol
which led to llls condom nation to
'L'he other four men will be garrot.
ed at Ponce ,
Town AadlY Scorched ,
WlJllatnsport. Pa" May : JO-A con.
lIagratlon which ragcd lor two hours
Jj'rl day afternoon III the tow n nl
Jerry Shore , destroyed sixteen build.
Ings In the business portilln of the
town nnd callsed a loss or botwoeD
$25)0 ( ( ) and $ :10,000 : , Fears we. e relt
that the entire town would be de.
stroyed , and word wns sent to Lock.
hl\yell and Wllllamsport for assist.
nncc but wholl It arrived the Ore waf
'undor con trol.
. ' , . .
. ' I
" '
- - -
- - ' .
The state talr will bo hola at Lt
coIn September 1 to ,
The Methodists wJ11 bulla a cb1llrct
lJl\vltl ( j ( ) ( ) sentlng capncltl a ; "
Adnm ! ! . Ji J
Mrs , Thomas Maxwell , ot no. . . , \
boldt committed suloldo by drownfs , !
herselt In the Nentllhn rh'or. 4
Locnl business lUon wish to 'reo , . . , \ "
the West Lincoln paoklng plant" ,
which was worth orl lnnlly 1250,00Q ,
but today can bo bOllght tor 121,000 ,
' .rho David arty ChntaUllua . . . . . .
bly promises to be a tnr greater saeo
cess thnn betore. N egotlntlon1 ! art
being made with talent. ot na lona'
A military company , to be COlD"-
posed at volunteers trom the 2nd anC
3rd Nebraska regiments Is bchJK OP
Illnlzed lit Unstlngs , and wIU Join
tile DatlonlllIud's. ! .
A motion for n now trial In Ula
casc Ilgilinst Vlncont ConneJ1 } ' 01
Lindsay oon\'lcted ot assa1Jlt with
Intonlt to kill was ovcrul a Bm' "
Judge Jnmlson sentenced ConneJ1j'
to two YOllrs In the penitentiary.
G. W. Newton a lending mercban"
of mnlr IS dCIHl from blood pOlsoDln ,
resulting from a bruise on bis tooc
sustained n. yenr ago , Amputation
of : the leI { wus nUtdo last week but ,
was 110t. of a vull. '
1'he city council last night pauedr
nn ordlnunce gruntlug to the Chicagt'
Motor Vohlolo oompnny a trnocblSl. '
to tJperato jotasollno motors over the
street ear trncles at lloatrlce. 'rhe
now motors will bo 1n operatioD' .
within the comlllg month. '
' . [ 1ho Morton Gruln company's. ele.
vntor nt ! ) ulmyrn burned to th.
ground , William . Dm a tormer
banlccr at Nebrnslm City was tbe
onwner. On the building aDd ma. .
ohlnery the loss will bo $2,000 and
on crnln destruyed $1,600.
The rccont olectlon for officers In
the li'lrRt Heglmont , National
Guards , nt Lincoln resulted in the
seleoLoln at MnjOl' J. W , McDonnell
of l alrbury as lle\Jtonltnt colonol.
lrosont Lioutennnt Colonel ' '
'l'rac ) '
recelvod nineteen votes , ' ' ,
. Ji4. ; ' ;
- " .l , . .
An assoolatJ.on whose purpose Is to
ereot a monnumont to the Into 1'
Sterling Mortoll hus hoon orglllllze < t
at Nebraska Olty unllor the nome or
the Arbor Day Memorial Assoolatloh _
Many of the most promInent men
ot the state are Idcntll1ed with the
lussoolatlun. '
' .rhe Morton printing company bll8
IInnounced that liS soon liS the Can. .
80r\'atlvo Is discontinued , 11 paper-
called the Nohrilslea City Wcekly will
bo started which will not follow tbo
Consorvatl vo In policy , but will devote -
vote Itselr to promote the we1tBre- :
Bouth.eastern N ebrasku ,
' .rhe tlrst falluro In Dlalr tor seven
years WitS that ot Henry Helmer'
who dullvored the keys of his har.
ness shop to Mrs. J , N. Newcll.
Mrs. Newell holds a knortgnge ani
the stocle. 1.'he total lIlb ! 111 ties. ara
B2OOO , 'rhe stock Is worth bouO'
8uO ,
Articles Incorpora lnB the Onmhn ,
Lincoln & , Southern'rnllrond hava ,
been filed In the ol1lco ot the sccre-
tary of state , ' 1'11e cl1tpltl11 ot , tl10 " - $2fiOOOO , nnd Its purposc
Is to construct and upefllte un electric -
tric or steam road between Omnl &
1)ll1tts1I1outh Ashland Llnculn nnd
Nobrnslm City.
Instruotlons ha vo been Issued by'
State Food Commlssoner Dassett ,
for It complaInt against J. W. nicc ,
of Superior , chl\rgln \ ! : hIm with sellIng -
Ing adulteratecI butter. 'I'he analyslll
shows but 04 per cent of butter rut"
when there should be at least 84. .
Hlco mulces a business of buying'
hutter and recently shipped a largo
consl n1l10nt to Lincoln , . It 1& assorted -
sorted he has a method ot hI9 QW1l' '
; \vhlcb be uses to adulterate the but-
It Is now thought that wm Berger
who Is alleHed to have deserted his
wife and marrlod her sister In Conn-
'ell Bluffs has stolen the two , chlldre
that were left In the care of hi ! !
former wlte. Mrs. Breger 10ft ber
two 011 lld reD In cha rgo of trlends
while abseilt trolll tbo city and on
her return discovered that they had
disappeared , No trace has been
fouud of the missing chUCkon nor at
! ilor. (
Spiced l'enre.
Take one tellslloonl'ul 01' , , 'hole cloves.
11110 tnlJll'flpoonful 01' n118111co and one
tablespoonl'ul 01' lel11on. Crusb them
' 11lghtly uud bor. ' ) no mlnuto In 11 quart
.It vlngear nnd If pint If sugar mixed. .
Belecta fine variety 01' pear , halve tbem.
tnllnc out the seeds , boll them In water
until ( nrly tender , nnd Hnlsh Ulem In
the syrup , cooking them not too sott.
Cover them well with syrup and pInes
them 111 smnll stone jill's. Tie II. covel
wer the jar.
, Ct
, ,
. . . . ; " , . . _ . _ . . . ' . . f. . . " :
- - ' . . . , . . _ 'I.a ; L.Jht. " . . .t ,