Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 29, 1902, Image 8

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    .1 ' . .
{ I" " , . < ' . . ; , ' . _ . _ "lr . . 1' " _ - ' .a " ' 1 < "J' , . " . " . ' , . I'.I- , . . ' " . .
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. . .
. . .
. <
Mfss Ida. M. Snyder ,
I ' 1'r < 'Mun..r of the
IlroohJ5f1 ERAt Eml Art Club.
"If women would pay more attention (0 (
thtlr health we would hive more happy
wives , molhm and daughlm , and If the ) '
would obstr\'c results they would fln J
Hul the dodors' prescrIptions do not
perform ( he mlny curu they are gIven
credl ( for.
"In conJulUn ! ( with rKy dru glst he Rd.
vised McElrce' , WIne of Cardul and Thed.
. ford's OIack.Draught. nnd .0 I took It and
hlwe every ruson (0 ( ( hank hIm for a neW
lire opened up to me with restored health ,
and It only ( ook three months (0 ( cure me. "
Wino of Cardui regulatoroC the
menstrual fuuctions ami is n mosl us.
tonia1lng ! tonic for wOll1en. It cures
5t'nr.ty , RuPtJrc36ell , too frequcnt , irreg.
u.1r ! I\nllamCul Ulenstrftation , fullinn
of the wom whiles nnd Huoding. It
is helpful . . .vholapproachmg woml1 : .
I JOO , nring ] , rC'lJnancy , nfwr cbit -
J imth nnd ill change of life. It ( re.
. :1 : u"nly l1ring9 n dear babytobomC9
I hnve heen harren for years. All
: , . . tJi8tn hnve $1.00 hottles of Wino
of Cu-dui. ,
, j _ - - - - ' = - _ _ = - - ; ! ' > A _ I
I.ctrer 1.'H' .
'l'he followitw is the dead
ctt:1" list for th. . : w'ck cnding
1.1 " "Y 27 , 1902 : .
.1. HClldricJs , John'V. Hicks ,
r , .ter. L. Lewis , . ; . A. Murph ) ' ,
.vtr' } cnni , Power ) M' 'V.
. . ! : : . , " :2) ; .
, . . ' . - , reet , H , , . F. 1\ , .
' . . - ,
" 'diams.
, . . . . . " , :11) ( \ , : . ,
" , \ , 'rtl'1. .
: . . . Ie ; , . , " I.'J' " , I' . \ / ' ,
- . - , -
, . . . ' 7' " . ' . . . . . , " 'r . - 'r' " # - .
- -
n , ' It. 11 HIATT.
Agatw , Islnlld of Guam , Fch-
IJ02.- ' . \ . - -
ruary H , 1 - IU'tmr.Ic'\N.--
Wc ita\'e hccn 10lc ng for thc
"dry season" which \Va ! ' ; told us
would begin in Decemher , hilt it
rains copiousl ) ' ) 'eL Ycstcrda ) '
and da ) ' he fore it pourcI , dowlI
lI10st of the timc with somc
thunder. 1 have jU ! t rcceivcd a i
largc bullet which was cllt out of
the old Spanish Prison 'Vall ,
where Filipino prisoncrs were
Icpt. Sc\'cral .rears ago thc
Spanish had over a hundred
prisoners in this placc and enc
night somc of the prisoners tricd
to escape through thc roof.
Word was sent to thc Spanish
Go\'crn r that the prisoners and
nat \'cs had forlllell a plot to as-
sassinatc the Spanish and hold
the Island. It was a foolish
rulllor , but the govcrnor ordered
to shoot the Filipinos without
Illcrcy , and thc killing bcgau.
'l'hcy wcre fired upon in thcir
hclpless condition tiIl , alt were
supposed to he dead. 'l'he Killing -
ing began carl ) ' in thc c\'el ing
and continued till threc o'clock
'l\he . whcn
at night. next. day
the prison was examincd there
werc found % dead men and 15
still aliundcr the dead. It
took 10 hull carts to haul thc
dead to the cemctery , where the ) '
were dumped into a hole to-
gether. It may SCI'1Il strangc
that they should be buried in a
cemetry , but Spanish history is
full of seeming paradox. 'l'hesc
Fitipios dead wcre of c.ourse
tUyrt < > fs in their countrymen's
l''y ( > I . < I nrl here is where the busi-
1h' S part of thE' burial came in.
" 0 pn..l'rn' thvir , grave , requir-
Tbe pub1l"hrr of the Re-
, J , t J'CBLICAor ball nlade 3rTallllL"
rornt. . , , "Itb 'tie' Internatlollal
) Art Co. . of CblC3IW. wh.-reb ) '
. 'We arable to offer al ! 3 "tL'1I'
, , . 1 , .ent 10 each of nllr 8l1b6crl1)-
, . " en ! tbls beautiful memorial
: \ , . cra"on of our 1113rl'r I'n'\ \ ,
, . ; . denl. Ii mlnl\lure Co I' ) ' of
which I. shown horewhh.
. . { In the cenler ) ' 0" will
.1 . , nDllc" 1\ full Icnllth porlm ,
. .
: ' tlf our brlo".d Pn'lIh\t"II \ : ( III
, , hili rl hl1111 left halld"
. pol rail II of hi. . wlfn 1\1111
i . lIIothrr , h..lh . oJ Ihelll eX-
, . ' . . cL'II..n I 1I1" : , , , ! . . . . , , :11111 TC
I tln..lllellllll" IL'o' . " rl' . 'nl
'"'lfmph : III Ih 11\1' UIIIII'r
, ' ' CorllerR of tbo I' " luru(1.1 hi. . "
. 1 1 blrthplacc allel Callioll n'Rt.
dence. 'l'hl. . "lIIall rt'"rfllIHc. "
. tloll wlllllh'e I-OII'U iII" , a III
. t th" Itclll'ral , 'IT'CI. hill call.
jl 11,1 "rhllt IItII the he\IIlIflll
. .IT.:1 ( If th , . filII "ll"11 1111"
m"'lnl 1lctllru'hkh 1 > ' 2'
"It I. . ' " whl" all" 2 III > h ,
" 1":1 : " "llfa\,1 " 11 1t"I"Iat"
11. " a , , , .IIatlflll wnrk ( If
nn which , ' \'l'r ) ' IIlIe will
\\.1111 alll , : \III.rlah , . It
wllultl h , ' , 'ahwd al :11I ) ' arl
14111111 ill Slro.
III mh\ltloll 1(1 Iho ahll\ ' "
tl1 > ' ' will "IIe1I1" " with , 'aeh
Ictllr ! , ' lI\t'jr 1"'a III ffll I IIW-
IIIl1rlal Mheel 1II1I"lc. cUlllalli.
hilt Iho hdll\.c ! l'n'Mhle'III'M
tWII fa\'flrlle h'IIIIIH. "NgAn-
IH : M \ ' ( wn ' 1'0 TlIIm. "
allli "r.I U KINIH.\ '
Iln1l'1' . " 1111 IIIIJ hacl ( of
"hlch III :1 . .1'lch ( If hi. .
lIIerll.'rO\\'IICII IIf , ' . 'l'hl"
bCIllIIfIlIIlIIl\lc Khlllllel ho 11I1'\'Or ) ' hllllh' .
'VI.I Irllllt U\'I'r ) ' "lIbllcrlh'r Iu tI" , Hm'UIII.IC\N wllllaim al1\'alllall'lI ( If Ihlll 1I111n'celh'lIh , < 1 o IT , ' r ,
I"I nltach,1 CIII'IIII cardllll ) ' allli "mill aIUIIL'e. Nil 1lIllIfc willi. . , H"III 1I111t. " " COllpml I. . n
eclnd. 'l'II'CIII.lh'u CI.IIIIH III culll call ho bellt Ihrmllth Iho maltR wlthllllllalliter ul III" " .
' . . I
. , . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . , . . . " " . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . ' " ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . . . . . .
: , : ! 4II'1'1' . . ; ' : : ' .r..l.'rt."l. ; ; ' " : . : . ' . " ' ; ' : ' .r..I..f . ' ; . II . . ' 1..1. " ; : , * . " ' ' : ! ! ' 'I. ' f.e , : : . . . , . . ; .i : . . . . . ; : ' .
I ; : . i'I. ; . , . " ' . . . . , , . ' . . . . , m. " . ' . . ' . ' - . . . . . . ' , " . . . . , , _ ' 'JI"'Z"e : : : I" > I''ili 'I' " " I" " " . " . ' I . " " . . . . . . _ , _ _ . . /I"II : : I. . ' " ' ! . S' , ' - . . . . " . . .u. 1 . : . ' . . " .tG . . . ! . ' . ' ' ' . - - "L.I'j - _ : ! ' ' " 1
. . , . . RT CO/U1 > > O'Ne ' \ . :
. . . . . . n ,
) ti ! ' ! 'll1s IS " Lo cerhfy that I am : rcader ' .of the CUS'I'HI { " ' ! ! r ! :
: lr COUN'l'V 1 IH'UlII.ICAN. Enclosed hnd 25c In stamp , or \tJ. \ ;
! I 'ft' silvcr ,\'er cost of wrapping' , mailing , etc. , for which J.J J. ;
" n plcase send me one copof McKINI.HMHllOHIAI. . ENGHAri ,
J lNG . , and one COP ) . of the MHMOHIAI. SUItlt'l' MUSIC. '
! - " . :
: t" < 'i '
. : ' .i . . N a nl e . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , ' . ; _
: " 7.
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, Street Adlr ss. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ft
; 'U \ "
J ' " Post Office. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , State. . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . : ! j
. :
1 Fill ont this coupou and .ma.i1 the IN'l'ItHNATIONAT. Au' ! ' i
i i ' Co. , St. Charles , 1111noI9. r
. _ 'I' . , . . . . , . . .V""l- ' , . . . . ' " " ' . . . . " , ! / . ' " " ' " ' ' ' ' ! / . ' ' ' ' ' . , ' ' . ' ' . _ , . . . . . . , . , . . . . 1\ . . : ' : . : .
.V""l'J f1r : 'l" ' ' wJ' ' ! / " ' .
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- ' - - - " - - - - - - - - - - ' - -
- - -
Ralmu. Anrterson , . .
J. C. Meorc
. . . , . . . . .
' " " . . . " . . \0 , .
Dr"1andl tor .alo and. tint 10 Cu. . lor county allll adjoining ( 'oun\lel. Equities lAllIl moljtllol
. -'oDIIII1 ' : dnd .olel. A h frll. ' " IlrOW\lII , 1101nClIlh tuada.
UIDco-t 11111 SII\'ol. , 1I0l.woen .lth Illld 11th Aelluo 1 Urok n UOIY , Cne\er couuty , Nhralkl\ ) .
_ .
- - -
' ; ' 4P P 'D. S 1TTH COMPANY ,
' . ' . , hl'pt quality 0
JJu ar l1Ult hur building .OB' '
terlnlB lit the IJowolt ! PtioOR.
'Phono No. O.
4. , C. R. JUDKINS
. . , Manager.
, ft
< It
- - " 'V' . . . . . . . . . -1"- . . . .n4 # . . - " :
ed a htndsoll1c : IH1)'lI1cnt Jcarly , !
and if the ImYll1ent was not'
promptly madc , boncs and grinning - 1
ing slmlls wcre cxposel to givc I
timcly noticc. What a strange I
blending sacrilega and religion i
maIm when artfully compounded
to tcach superstition. On ncarly
e\'cry road lcading out of Agana
arc shrincs , with roofs of cocoanut -
nut tree leavcs , under the shed is
a cross and near by a canclle
which burns at night. 'l'hc
tradition is that at each place
SOIl1C man has hcenldl1cd by somc
mishap. I have secn en01tgh to
bc very suspicious of these traditional -
ditional accounts. In fact any
effort to find the facts lead to an
interminable maze of story. 'rhe
Chunorro's pass all these places
with a feeling of reverence and
awc allll so at each turn arc the
fcttcrs of his superstition made
stronger. It is very encouraging
to notice how the boys and girls
arc taking hold of ( lucation , and
it will not be long ti1l this pcople
will begin to have SOIC1e personal
independence. I enclose a state-
mcnt scnt mc a fcw days ago by
the governor :
"Prof. H. H. Hiatt.-Sir-I :
desire to express the great pleasure -
ure I havc in noting the advance
made by thc puplic school pupils
in Agana , as shown by the
Ictters writtcn in English by a
number of thcm , which JOu were
so kind as to send to me. It re-
fkds great credit upon their in-
telligcnce and industr ) ' , as wcll
as upon the mcthods adopted b ) '
) 'OU and applied b } ' you and your
assistants. Very rcspectfully ,
Commander. U. S. Navy ,
Governor. "
'l'he natives who havc some
Spani ! > h blood feel that they arc
bettcr than the others , and do
110t attend the Public Schools.
'l'hey co stitl1te our island Ish-
maelites and it will not be long
till their foolish pride will set
their hands against all others
and others' hands alrainst : them.
'l'hev wilt learn the fact that
mi nil makes the true and hilher
distmction , and not Casttlian
blood. . II. HrATT.
n.C..IND , . 41..1 ' -
'l'his is thc first year of 20 that we havc
not hUll frost in l\ay. [
Anlla Hall was seriously sick with
I.a Gripe for a fcw days.
Al Johnsoll sct out a number of fruit
trecs this spring and thcy arc Hoing'
niccly. ,
lrcd 'Vcinman was the first man that
ot donc plantin corn ill this valley.
He finishcd 1\1ay 14th.
O , car Hngclsjcrrl thc ( husy man )
of RouudVallcy is gclliug ahcl1\l of all
ill thc vallcy with his work this spring
1111I1 stitt hc has only a ncwcommcr' to
hclp him. '
Bcrtlrcucois bou ht a new razor herc
the othcr do ) ' , as thc one he bought in
Brokcn Bow this IIprillg tIill not sh'c
f mooth ellough. lie ill now practicing'
up IJcforc the 4th. . . .
A trcady arrnllgclIIClIl ; arc mute to
cclebrate Jnly fonrth ill Round Valley
lhis yqar. Somc of thc hcst spcakcrs in
the county arc nlrcady cngaged.
n\'cr'holy ( is ahout through planting
1\11' . Dllllhain of Omaha , spcnt 'l'ucsllay
with Will Davis.
Arthur While Gnd wife wcnt to New
Helcna , SlIIlIlny.
1\Ics.lalllcs . , Day , I1cals ntHl HUllt wcnt
to Brokcn 1I0w , 1\1olllln ) ' .
Will Davis spellt a few days last wcck
atthc SUlllllcrll-Catwn rallch.
1\trs. Shaw from Sprin Creck , has
hccn visiting at I : . C. Hmhrce's.
Jaspcr I1cals rclurncd Saturday Crolll
Milson City , whcrc hc has hcclI visitin .
, 1\11'1. Joncs , who has hccn visiting
fricnds atIlrokcll 1I0w , rctnrncd Satur-
Quitc a nUlllher of our pcople nllcnllt.l
lIll' fnncml of ' 1'0111 ' { 'chon's chillI 'fIlCS-
day ,
HcJ , 11. 1 lIIhrce of 1.001llis , Nehr. ,
prcachcIl to n small f\tuticncc Smulay
Ncllic Hill was the Jucst of the Misscs
Forncy's at Mcrna dUring thc commcllcc-
mcnt fcstivitics. .
1' . 11. 1\Innk , wife mlll1illlc danghtcrn ! .
of Brokcn How , dro\'e up last SlIuday.
allli Spcllt thc day with J. 1\1. llgc's.
- - -
Dnu-At Cnllnway , May 24. Willinm
McClure nt nil I\Il\'anccll agc. He hili 1
hcon coufillcll to his hc.1 for three
1II0nths. Iutermcllt at Calln\\'a ) ' on SUII-
dny c\'cning. '
Alfretl ) rcachcd his fifticlh
milcstollc Oil list Wcdncsllay thc : ! Jst.
Be invitctlahollt fifty of his llcighors
10 help him celchratc the e\'cnt ,
1\1111 pnt a lot of ice ercnm nllli cake into
f stomgl' , I\ftcr playillg on the grass the
S\lC ts hill him nUll his estimahlc wifc
goodh ) ' wishillg him many more plens.
. allt hirthdn ) ' ; afler midllight the ) ' return-
ciito their homcs 1\1111 on Sl\tlllay Collow-
\t1R ? llr. Cooper camc down in hiscnrringe
l\Iill took tip Nnshy n\lll wiCe to cntllinncr
. with him , rcturning thcm in the cvcning ;
1I0t ncccssnr ) ' to spcak of the ( linncr
.cn 1\Irs. Cooper has charge of thc
mcnu. Wcll olll Nashy did not recovcr
hili uPJ > clill till ncxt dn ) ' .
( Too late ( or lnst week. )
Ihilip ! ) ro\ince is linck , hUB concludetl
. . - - p.-- .
. ! "If > . : .l"
:0 : stay. hM hought a quarter seclion nenr
Jnu1l.'s 1\111) ' is vcry Il1t ) . . report sn ) ' ! !
lhllt hc will he mttrrie(1 in the near
J. D. 1Icall1y will plallt a hU c nen'nse
[ IC corn , he was olle amongst the fcw . that
sol.1 . corn last fnll.
J. P. ] toxworth ) ' is SlInlcnill ; ha
bought nuother IeI'm 1\1111 is planl lIl- : n
larsc IIcrcage of corn.
II. G. Donllel is nssessing thc towllship
11\\11 fllrmiug ; hils 136 sheep ; reports 9.1
\rllllbs \ , will shear this weck.
14. 1\1. pickelt is plantiul- : Inrgc
IIcrcnJ c oC corn , is milking' 8 or 10 cows
6eperutlng the milk mill selliug thc hullcr
fat at OCOlltO.
NathclI Pro\'illcc WnI mllkillg' his nr-
rl\1Isemcnts \ to go 10 Colorudo hml also
cOllehlllclllo stn ) ' has hOllght II quarter
seclioll Ileal' Mcrna.
Jack Reeves , although his gnnlcn was
dcstroyed hy insl'CLq last senso'n , has
hought seeds 111111 will tr ) ' nl-ain. : will
n large ncrcage of corn , hIts not
est faith ilt Nebruskn.
John ntlll Jasper Pro\'illce will telld
thcir mothers fnrm , w1l ! plallt n I.arl-c :
acrcllgc of corll , nre I1lIlk1Jlg' 8 or tCII
cows , nre scllillg 10L ; oC hullcr.
J. D. humnll illform-l ! thl1t hc has 45
frcsh cows ; ollly milking 3sayslllflllfn
is fille , 15 or :20 : stallds of hces to gathcr
the hOllcy 11\111 will ent the n1fnlfn to fecil
hi ! > cntUc dnrillg the winter ; is fannin
some hIlt pa'illg the most of his nllention
lo slock rnising nnd hees.
_ .
- - - - - -
, vnH'.ltu. VII.i. .
Sl'\'eral fllmilies of eastcrn Carmen : and
homc.scckers ha\'e lJOlIght locntions in
0111' IIcighhorhood this sprillg' , nllcl nll nre
wcally clclighlcll with the cotlutry , say-
IIIg thatlhe cOllntr ) ' far cxcceds their
1II0st sangnine cxpectations.
Nc\'er saw fincr ) for crops
than wc sce toclllY al up ar1l1 down the
Clcar Crcek va1ley. An cxccel1ingly in-
crcascII acrcagc of corn nnd IIlfnlfa is being -
ing cultivutcll this spring , 1I11l1 gnat suc-
ccss is thcse c rcals.
Polilics nre comlllencing to simmcr ,
allli Ihc republican outlook is thc 1II0st
promising c\'er kllown in WeJter\'iIlc's
history. 'rhe repnblican factions have
fina1ly fetUcrlnll their pclty diffcrcnces
and there is bnly one kickcr left to 111-
mcnt the party's hright prospects , and
c\'cn he has a tired look whcn politics
arc IIIcntioncd.
Commenccmcnt ] xcrcls ( ' .
'l'he commcncement exercises
of the Broken Bow High Schools
were held last li'riday night in
the opera house. As is usual on
al1 occasions in this city whcre
our public schools entertains , the
attendl.11ce was good.
Th stage was very handsome-
I , ) ' decorated with l ce curtains
and flQwers. At either cnd of
of the stage were a large bank
of potted flowers that added very
materially to the appearance.
'l'he exercises were interspers-
wi th music b ) the Broken Bow
Orchestra , the mandolin club and
a ladies .quartette. 'l'lrc musicians -
cians seemcd to be at their best
and it was vcry much enjo'cd by
the entire audience. 'l'he
orchestra gave us one of the best
selections of music it has been
our prh'i1iage to hcar in the city.
' ! 'hc selection rendered by the
mandolin club was exceptionally
fine alHlmct the hearty and long
applausp. of thp. audience. 'l'he
song by Mesdams GuUerson ,
'l'aYlor , Blac1nvell and Adamson
was very finely rendered and
liberal1y applauded. 'l'he class ,
Supt , Mac ) ' and the President of
the school board , J. J. 'Wilson
occupied the stage.
' ! 'he .following is thc program :
Mnslc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ScleClel1
Invocalloll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .s. 'v. Hl hards
Oration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IlI\lIIhtratlo'n
Oratloll. . . . QUCIIII Vlclorla a. . all Ideal WUlllali
Jalilc Rivel/halll.
l\11I lc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; 81.1leclc,1
1\Ia."lnlln . Clllb.
Omtlnll. . . . . . . . . . . .Ovcr thu AII'R r.les Our Itlav
lIarr ) ' Oshorn.
MlIslc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sclected
Orallun..Totla ) . We r.allllch. 'Vhere Shall
'Vo Allchor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. Sarah OWCIIS.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ' Hrilial of the nlrtlR
. , \llleR Qllartctlc.
i Oralloll..A . RUlln tbo Chilids
I Ch'de WlIsolI.
) 'rcscliialion of 1 > ll'lulllaR. . . . . . . . . .J. J. Wllsoll
I'n'shlulil ofJloanl of EdliCatlulI.
JlCII"lIcllon. . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11. I .l\I.crR
'l'he graduates all had good
orations and the deliverenqy was
highly complimentary. Paul
IIaumont was rather the best in
inf1ection a'nd with the proper
cultivation in volume he would
nmlc a splendid public speaker.
Clyde 'Vilson has a heavy voice ,
deliberation and with the proper
cultivation in inf1ection he will
he heard somc da ) . in the ha11s of
con ress. Harry Osborne is an
cxccllcnt s\eaker \ and his language -
age splendul. But his voice is
not strong' enough that cultivation -
tion would give it volume. If he
applics himself as he may he will
make his mark in litature. He
is a good thinler. ' .rhe orations
of Miss Owens and Miss Stock-
ham were hoth fine and well
relulerGd. 1\1 iss Owens has
rather the best voice of thc twofer
for oratof ) . . J. "Tilson in the
presentatton of thc diplomas
made a very acceptable address
and gave thc memhers of thc class
some good ad'ice. 'l'he session
was closed with benec.liction by
ReH. . E. Myers.
This lgnaturo Is on every bo or the renulno
laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablet.
the romed7 that. eIU'N . rI8W ba eae dlQ'
- - -
. . . . -
RO\.L .
Baling Powder :
Makes the bread
more healthful.
Safeguards the food
against alum.
Atum baking pow era are the greatest
menacera to health of the prtunt day.
. -
- -
" -
' .rhere is a'n ac1Jng and tired
feeling ; the liver , bowels and
kidnl'Ys bccome slu 'gish ancl in-
activc , the (1 gcshon impaired ,
, vith little or no appetite , no
ambition for anything , and a
feeling that the whole body and
mind needs toning up. 'l'hc
trouble is , that during winter ,
there has heen an accU11Julation
of waste matter in the system.
Herbine will rcmove it , secure to
the secretions a right exit , and
by its tonic etTc t , fully rest lre
the wasted tIssues and glVC
strength in place of weakness.
50c at Ed. McComas' . BrokenBow
and Merna.
ml l'cr'III\I ( Jomltll ' _
'l'his office is in receipt of a
communication f1'01\1 thc Lecture
Bureau of Eli Perkins stating
that Eli will lecture in Broken
Bow Saturday , May 31 , 1902.
His subject will be "Fun ancl
facts in Japan" 'ancl "Stories
around the store. " ' ! 'he famous
Eli Perkins' has many admirers
in Broken Bow an vicini ty that
wi11 be pleased to hear him again
in Broken Bow.
, ,
- - - - - - ' - -
I B ys ! . Girlsll
Any boy or girl who will
secure for us TRN sunSCRIp-
'I'IONS for the Kansas City
'Veeldy Journal at the rate
of 25 cents each , making a
total of $2.50 , and send the
money to us with a list of
the namcs , will be sent postage -
age prepaid , a llI A UTIFUI.
WA'I'CII allecl 'l'he Eclipse !
Send monc } ' by P. O. order
or draft , and mail all ordcrs
to 'l'he Weekly Journal ,
Kansas City , Mo.
Boys an girls , here is
your chance !
lJE9uSend for samples to
be used in canvassing.
- . . . , - , ,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
lf ' - cel1 '
l'-903S . u l's
A'r LAW.
lIoomll8 and IJ , Realty Dlock , nrokcn now. Neb.
rFl'lnnR I\lId oRlImatca 011 ehortuollco.
llrokou llow , Nebrl\8ka.
liJ ) ! JP : mJn j [ } . . . lli crall' . ! . ! , ANllNO'l'ATtY l'UBLIC.
111110 Jusllco of the I'ellre. 8pcrlallllt nt ell KITon
to collocllolls . lepoRI\onR ( \ tAk n. IICI1 loli vouch.
er ncall , execnlod & 1111 1\11 klndl ot legnll > llpcrll
wrltton. 0/1100 / In Uln r"ar or IIllIIt or Commorce.
Dlokon 11011' , Nohrnska.
I.I I ,
, d
q ,
Job printing at this 100ice. ,
R. . SKINNER , )1 )
Rcpairing of nll kinds ( lollc in fiffit.clas
manner. I'low work nnd horsc shoeing
rt specialty. RClllclllher the ) ocalloll-
Ihe new Rho ! } west of Conllucrcinl hotel.
Physician & Surgeon.
Office III rear or the JJAUt or Commerco. n"l\y \
donce 61h bOIl.e IVeet of tllo lIapU.t eburch. r
Broken Uow. .
mnGlwbmllllao ! !
AI. klnde ot work III our line douo proml' ' ' ' ' '
11111'ln slI order. I1'-Ued Sbop on tbo
COrnf ) west 01 the hOle boueo.
IIrokeu Dow , - _ . , Nobra.h.
Physician SurgeOH.
211'HtAlrIVl1 / from 1I'A t end lu Ucslty 1II0ck ;
r091/leneo / , 3rd Wull "LE. churoh. on 1111100 aldll
of Itroct. B'f" lIrokell llOI. , Ncbrll.ka.
. . . .
W. E.DAKER.Prop.
For" 8o'I lllarno 01 pvOl. . . . . .North ot EJ'tlB'
LlOAN Onlco , lIrukoli 1I0w , Nehrallk. .
u. O. JItJ'l"l'ON. Proprictor.
ItlrRL-clll s worl ( . Hosr Uomll or 1Jroken Dow
ll\ld IIflnk , IIroken now , NehrAeka.
-Proprietor of- .
Ueal.aUrllut& Lunch Couliler. Lnrl { I\s-ortment
ot Conff\cl\ol\luloB. \ OJwu. . IIml Tobaccos. orth
HMo of Pllhllc Iq : ! uarll. lIrokon 110\9. Ncbraeka.
ill1ll" ! ! l1mel1l11 ! Imat'o& . . . ' , .
J\Uorney = at = Ja1U , '
Broken now , Nebraska. J
. . . . . .Dealerln . . . . .
Grllnlte. Forellfu and " . merlcan Marble. .
Ornament ? ! Work a Specialty ,
JJrokon Dow , . - - Nohaeta.
E. F. McCLun. . Prop.
Ufeour. / . JJuckwhcat , GrlhaauI ! , Feed , elc.
D ! ! . ' 1' . r" , FAH.NBWOln'H , ' )
aromeo Over ! ! wau'l ! Oracery.
DUS , R. U. & W. E. 'I'ALDOl' ,
Oll1oLl over nleLerlo's Jmg Siore.
rokn lJow , . . - Nehra.h.
o.U. . OONRAD. I
. . . . . . Joaler In. . . . . .
l'ulllps. Wind MlI' \ , Flttlug , Gasollno j
EIIglncB. etc. . eto ,
I1rokon now. Nebraaka.
-9Jeczl JIksfl'rzrcfel' ,
Abatracts PrompLiv Vurnbhcd. Your Duslne. .
ollclt d OllIe" lu Bauk of Coulmerco llulldillr.
Drokoll now , Nebra ka.
Taxes paid for non-residents.
.lfroe Inllmctlon. 1101' 10 taka aud dovelope . I
plclure wltll evor1 c.mOra Bold. .
FInishing dOlle for aml\turell.
Latest Styles in Photographs. ' .
ICa\ahll hed In ISlI. : i ,
Broken ow , NlbralJka. t
- - - -
, C > N : EI.A.E = l.1'J SS. -
For the last three Jears I have been over-stocked on farm
harncss. ' ! 'his fact 'puts me in a position to sell al1 harness at 10
per cent. lcss than the marCt ] value. I have a good farm harness
at the surprisingly low price of $20.00 , worth $22.00 , and at $21.00 ,
worth $22.50. Others at the same low value up to $30.00.
. New Line of Farm Implements.
SlIllC , ) ' plows , Disc harrows ,
' ! 'hree wheel Climax Listers , Steel pipe harrows ,
'Valking and riding cultivators , Acme and Champion mowers ,
Fuller and Johnson buggies , Grand Island Hog fence ,
'Vagons , Darb wire ,
Cook stoves , find Nails ,
Quick Meal ranges , Cutlery ,
' '
'l'inware , and a complete line of shelf hardware.
Alfalfa , Milot and Cane"Seed.
OUR MOTTO--Under : Sell. v ;
c. W.
. . APPLE ,
'Vest SideS ,
Broken Bow
, Nebraska.
- - - - - . . . . , . - - - - - - - , , - . , - . . . . - . - - - - , . . . . - . . . . - . . . . . . . . . " " . , - ,
. II