Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 29, 1902, Image 7

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    I :
Ie I "ave kept Ayer's Cherry Pectoral -
toral in my house for a grcat many
years. It is the best medicine In
the world for coughs and colds. "
J. C. Williams , AUlcl1 , N. Y.
All serious lung
troubles begin with a
tickling in the throat.
y' ( You can stop this at first
In a single night with
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
Use it also for bronchitis ,
consumption , hard colds ,
and for coughs of all kinds.
nrcc .lIu : 15c" SOC. , SI. All dtunlll. .
eon.l1lt , our dl > ctor. If hll . " , . take It ,
tbllll do . . lie . " , . , If he te\1. \ , OD Dot
to take It. then dOll't takll It. nil keo" . .
r-e It wl\h him , We are "l1l1l1g ,
- J. C , A Y ER CO , . Lowell. ) lall.
A horned rooster Ilollithts the
henrt ; of , T. A. Short , of , Toplln , Mo.
The horns are on each sldo of the
hend , whore the cars sould be , and Qupposed the fowl bears throu h
Its horns. Jt ts u remurlmble fuct
that the rooster has no spurs on
its legs.
urnlnl : nCRd.
StAr City , Ark" tn2Uth.A ; vcr ,
remarknble cnlle hils .JURt n'I'urrl'll hcre.
1Ir. 'V. n. Md'nlll hils hl'l'1IulTr. .
Ill : : sevcrely ror two 'I'III'i w:1 : il : \11 1111.
ment that pmr.le tile rlOl.'lfJl' 1 1I11
e-rerybody. 'he trouble IIN'II.I II tn I" ,
en In hlR head. which IHtd II 1111\\1111 \ ; :
.eD6ntlon nU the time.
, SometllDt'S this burnlug pftln 111 the
head would wor/l th u at other
times. but It never lert 111m.
At lnst be Irlt"d :1 new " , moor calle < l
Dodd's Khhl PHIs. nlld ; VIIA ngl'ce.
ably 8urprJsl'd to tind that the burning
cnulunlly dlMJtvoorcd.
An nttnck ( If l..a Grippe bns Inld him
11p tor the Inst few w L.s. lmt Dodd's
KIdney pmll have banl.bed his old
trouble eutlrl'ly ,
RIo sou George U8ed n few of the
PlIls which hl fnthel' did not need.
and they 11I1\'e dolle him .0 much good
tbat be ! ! ays he would not tnko ten
cents 11 Idllror , thc tew he stlU bas left.
. Arttfieial wood made from pulp Is
coming Into us . By this patented
'process excellent imitations of oak ,
mahogany , and rosewood arc now
produced ,
Yea Cao Get Allen' " % "oot-EI'I.e PREK
Write to-do , . . to Alltm 8. Olmllted. Le Roy
Ji , Y. , for n F'ltF.F. 11DIllie , 'f Alleu' , root
Eaae , II pq11'der to IIhnke lotu rour .hoe.
It cure. tired , 1I11''otllll ' ; . damp. Iwolleo ,
achlDg fret , It mnkl' ' ' III'or tl ht h
ea. , . . A Cf'rtalll curl' fnr COrDI aull 1IYlllooII
II drUIr1Rlfl : : aD,1 , > lh , , , ! Htort's II It , 2i : <
General gloom pre\'allH aUlun tl ,
BUbjects flC Morocco's Sultan whel
\ be decides to murry , us everybod
I Is expected to contrIbute a w ddlll
LI\'tng Is cheap In , Japun. Ix tl
eight dollars a munth wJ1suppl \
teed , fuel and clothfng Cur a lam 11 ,
of five persons. .
The postman Is a taklllK lello"
"Ith a fetching way ,
In the business world sllf et mush
Is not classltled ati lollJnK stock"
An audleere wllJ not be oold If It
Is wrapped up In the perCormance.
" ,
1 To Cure W om n s DIB ! Lydia E
Pinkham's Vegctahlo Com-
I pound Succeeds. , Mrs. Pauline
; Yudson 'Vl'ites :
. . DEAR Mns , PJumASoon , after
sny marriage two years ago 1 found
, JDyself io constant pain. 'l'he doctor
; .
; said my womb was turned , and this
caused the pain with conslderLble ; In-
flammation. He prescribed for me for
, t
" . . .
f. ,
Becretary of ScbermerhorlJ Golf Club ,
I' Drook.tro , Ne , , York.
four months , when my husband became
Impatlcnt beC'.1LUSC I grew worse Instead
of better , and in Bpeaking to the drul-
gist he advised him to get I..ydin , Eo
Pinkham's VCJ'otablo Compound
and Sanative 'Vusll. llow 1 wir.h I
, , f had taken tbat at. 1lrHt ; It wonld bn-re
. ' PTed me weeka of tm1Yerlng , It took
three long month ! ! to " .store IDe , Imt
it. is a happy relief , ! lnd we lire bolh
most grateful to you. Your C < nnpound
ha.s brought joy to our home nnd
health to me. " " ' ' bIns. PAUI.INlC JUDBON
47 Hoyt Street , Brooklyn , N. Y.
OOO 'f t If abwe tltlmoall , not gnul" . .
It would "cem by tilt' ! statement -
ment that women would Hnve
time anti much lclcnei8 : if tbey
would get Lydia E. Pinkham's
. . Vegetable Compound at once ,
J and u180 write to 1\lrs. Pinkham
at LY1n , Mass. , for special ad.
vice. It is free and alwnys helps.
lo.ter'lI l\telodlea T3'II c < < t I.ICe Defore
the " 'ar-Tbelle , , 'er . . .ollnwell b , .
80UllII DC Uecoulltructton Perloll , aud
'l'belle b.r UaKtll11e Tunell.
tlDld It evcr occur to you thnt we
hn \ ' ( lmd In thl ! ! couutry durlllg 1IIttJo
more timn U hnlf-Cl'l1tUl' ' three dlRttuct
I\'pcg ; of llclro 80ngs 1" ,
Thc sllenkcr Will : ! u. I'ltlrl ! d minstrel
performer of thl' old school , who IIUS
been speUlllug 11 few du 's hi Wnshillg-
ton ,
"Purbups It would be morc correct to
Rny two , for the ! : Io.cullcd ( ' 0011' 01' 'rug.
tillie' sOllgs IIrc far from t 'plcnl of the
. \.ml'ricun lIegt.o , " IJc continued. " 'l'he
Ilrst thnt I wol1111 IIpelik ot I1re the
nlltehelluUl Illl lodles of the l)1 > e com.
\losed \ lI ' Stcllhl'n O. l'oster. 'Old Hll1ck
, roe , ' 'Down on the SUWIIIIl. e Hlycr , '
' lnRsu's In de Cold , Cold Ground. ' ' 00'
for ChUI'lCf HI KO Enrl ) ' lu the Iornln' . '
'Old U1H'lclll' : und 'DownJohlle' : lire
of the elnss to whIch I l'cl'r , 'l'he ) ' 1I1'e
Bongs thnt dellcl to u consltll'l'lIhle lh' .
! : ree the cOllllltlunH of thl' outhern Ill. . .
gro In the 1111)'S IlI'fot'e tbp. wm' , 01' Img.
Jest something of his reellngs dm'llIJ ;
th.ut perl oil. 'l'hc melodies of not u few
of those Bongs ure , ot CO\ll'I'e. \ fumlllar
to the prl'SI ! t gene1'3t1on. Fosler'8 mc'l.
odles wll1 1U1 1' die-not bCl'11118e or I he
tlentlments I XI > l'I'tlSl'd ' tl1I'r'lu , hut lie.
t'nuse of the 8hlllll cltof ; their tuneful-
n . 'ltere 18 1I0lhlng complex nIJout
them ,
"But pllrllculurb' do I detilre to "l > euk
IIr t Iw NCtond ! t'PC or 11I'gro ! : IOngK ,
whIch are lll'ntlknll ) ' to/'gotten , nnd
\\'hll'b lire IIhuORt nll80lutcly unkuo'I"u
to tile ) 'oung mell and women who were
hlH'Il , Il ) ' , slIC'e 188U , 'l'bey ure thc
HOllgs thut were hlsph'ld ! 'h ' the coudl.
tlOlltl olllJllnlnic durlug rhl' rl'COnKtruc-
lion pcrlod , unll whlt'll met heurty
response up to nhoul tile ) 'enr I have
JUclltlone < 1. Who 01' Ul oldcr fellows
won't rf'cull wIth ple.umre Ned Hum.
n'8 old wordll with the sweet Ulelod '
or the Intc Inmentell Dnve Brnhnm ?
"I am thlnkln lodur
or de ) 'enl's now PUSfl n"'n ' .
Wht'n dl'Y tit'd us up In bondllgc Iouago. < .
" .rWlS III 01''Irglon ) ' Stnh' ,
It ' ' 't're rll're We ! ; ( 'purnl , ' ,
And It tilled our hearts with ajony uti
woe. "
" 'here WfiB 'negro sOllg or the per.
led thut WCllt rnr tOWUI'd buildIng Ihl !
national repututlon thut ciunt' to IIllI'rl.
glln nnd Hnrt. 'I'he people of the North
during the reconstructlon period were
III a mood for t.'lllch ' BOngs , nnd there
wns a n1t1ltlllIclty ot th\JU , just the
snme ns t1lcl'e Is It SUI)4.rnbIlUdullcl' of
'rugUwe' songH to'du'h , : ' , who of
the 1)l'tI.'edlu euI'I'I' ' tlon doeln'l 1'1'- '
member Ule tin1.WIl'II , with l'nptul'ol18
plelunu'e , he Xllt III I hi' tlll'n IeI' nud list
eUI'l to till' oltl III ! I'O'O : ; plulnl. the
chol'us of whllII'a :
"Takl' 11I1' huek 10 ulIl'Indullr. .
Dl'rl" ! < whert' lit' 1'.11'11 nllll lie sweet per-
talers gl'II\\ ' : '
J)1're' 'Wlwre de IIlIJOU hlne 90 brIght in
III " cblldl\tod : .
n..1' , " " , wlll'rc Ill" " , 1I0C0111 cJp'k\"s 11:1rt :
1\1) 10llg to o , "
" 'rhe melodies uud the wol'tl werl'
tUl'lwd out bHOllg ; wrltel's willi l'I1pld.
It1111I1 ; munof ; thelll wm'l ! good nud
hnd rewl1rkuhll' ! ! ; . . \.H I sl1ld lIefol'l' .
tlWI' { ! wns dl'nllIHI for tlll'lll durluJe
tlie dozen or , reUI'S Collowlu the
CIvil WIU'lIolhl'I' ROllItbut hud Ii
long ruu III tilt' IIIlusln'l HhnWH or thnl
( Jel'lnd Dud WI1S plll\'ed ; b ) ' h:1llds nlld
0 ! ' < : lIesh' 8 und whlRtled In the tltrl' ( tl.ol
wns thut In whit'll IIU nge ( ] dUl"'y wus
depleted UR I'l'clIlIIug formf'l' dn 'foi on
'de nl' plulltntlou. ' I remember olle
verse und I flHlll'mbel' whl1l II hit It
mnde Whl."l It hllil .ItR Inltlnl produc-
tlou In the 'lIrst ( lllrt' of our show. It
wcnl :
"III de e\'l'nlu' by dl' moonlight ,
" 'heu dl'J ( ] nrk "H worl'IIS 1IIII'r ,
" . ( ! wOllld bil'urulIlI' dc tlr'sidt !
'fill tIt' hOl'cnkl' it \\'us dOIIl' :
A ! tel' lIul wc'tI 1'111 our supper.
Atlel' Ilul wt.'d dl'lIr dl' kltl'lwu :
"I'w1\1 \ Ill' IIIII ' Ilull' WI' ull'd to hab
' 1'0 111I built III' fUll ,
tudl' nahl'ollld tukt' Ih. buujo 1I0wn
" 'hll'lI : ( \ tll' wall ,
Whlll' , II' 11I0011 wus hillln' hriilItly nil
tll' tlllll' ,
Bow dc 01' tolkK'ould clljU ) ' it :
De would sit 1111 lIight 1111' II ! It I'll
. \t ! \\1' "I\II III I' eVl'niu' hr tll ! 11I0011'
light. "
" 'I'he IIld.tlllI , . IIIllIKtrel fl'lIows , sO/ue
> f whom un ! tltlll al work IIllluslng I he
pUlIllc , will I' { ' nll with no little ) llcas-
ure the hlt thnt were lIIudc with thlR
sl I'ond elllHi' ! of Ill'gro tong8 to whll'lJ I
refer..old 1 hellen' thllt U rc\'I\1I1 or
thc 80n ; : : ; of rICOnSlrlll'tlolI ! l > l'rlOiI
would hI' 11 gl'lIlId , , o)1I tblll , " " Rho\\-
In to tilt. IIrtsellt Jcucrlltloll whal tl1l'n
ohtnhlt'll lu the \ \ ' 11.of . lI ; 'I'O IIIl'lodhH.
XelU'I ' 1111 of 1111'11I deJlI11'11 ! Ihe IIled
llu'k : . II" lHln ! II WII1'OUI ; ! ' houl ! ' :11111
Inn 1. to go IlIwl101'1' : uften It wus
( ; eol' la1111111111:1 : , Kl'lIllH'I\ ; \ ' ' 01'
"h' It.IIwllh ; 1111 OI'I'I1SOUIiI ( 'J"'III1I'S'
IW ( ! , tilt' \ \ riterI' ot lite.,01'11" 1I11111n
tllP m : 1I1I : i of Ihl'lI' HIlltl' : ; 11101'1''h'IIt. .
IIllcIII I hnn 'J'eXlH. : LoullulIlI 01' " , ( lII1'p of
Ihe otlu' I' slu\'ehohllll Hlllh's'h ) ' .
( rom H.jO : to ISS0 uo millstrel show
would think of ; . :011lJ : nut wHllllul : I
t 1'St.l'lIl > . . 0111 muu IlIu'I : ) ' XliI IC'\1 \ III lit :
0110 , UI II some of I h ( hebt hllI'I-flllell :
l'omedllllli : lu the COIIUtl. , IIIlIlh' IIll'h' '
l'I PUtutlt.IIS wit II such "OU R UK I huw'
IIIl'II tloll I'd.
" . \.R I lwlll'\'l' I slIllI 111 thl ! lIl' III'
ulnJ : . " couthlUl'd tl1l' ollllIme mlrlHtrel ,
ul''orlllu to till''ushlllgtou Htllr.
"U.b'Je or Ille 1'11l'1'lIl1uU of IIHIII" . allli
I think I mll ' 811C1lk lis whol 11101'1'
11I1I'llcutafl'l ) ' of IlI'ollle who 11\ ' ( ' IIIIl.tll
of rnson und Dlxoll line , hn1' IIsh'lIl'll
: lth'utl\'el ) ' durlllj. { Ihe Inst I'ew , 'ellr. . . 10
'coon' nnd 'ragtime' n1l'Iodll't'hlt'llt. .
h' hf'lh'vlnJ ; thnt Ihe musil' 111111 wurc1R
t tlll'IW lJeculllI' Ullil h 'bl'd ! ; > UII " art !
- - - - -
I t'plcnl ot tbe lll'jro rnee tllnt hftll &
Inre , Tl'Jl'esl'ntaUon III our countr ) ' .
: -\otlllug ( 'oultl he rnrtbl'l' from the CURe.
'J'hl' ' IIrc n erN\tlon tinting hnck 01111
tc'Cl1r8. 11 ht well ' tllUt
II \ \ 'Cl1r8. itA Mn )
till' l1lu ll' of the 'hoochl ool'hlc' thl11ce
or the war \\'hoOI' ot tile 111l1lnn It ! the
, music of tht , AII\l'I'll'nll ne roIIlI , un-
ders'tn 1111 DlC , the t\\'o ftrst.nnlt1NI tYi > 1'9
of 80llgS nre 110t thl' llntlye UlURlc or the
Amerl ltu 11 1'J. : 1'0 , lie hl\s II type thnt Is
pccullarly hill own , nllll'cr ) ' fl'pp.r. .
110119 on the stngc hn "l' ttelUptell to Ill'
trolluce It. 'I'hm't' hJ\\'c heN' nhout the
country durlllj : : till' In At twellt ) ' yenr
seyernl tl'OIllI'S ) of colort'll juhllCl ! sllllot-
erA tbnt hn\'c Jtl\'l'n the Ir\1l negro
lllUHlc of n rl'lhdoUR ( 'hn I'll ctl'r. ' ,
- - - - - - - -
- -
l nOrlllOtiN 1 tlCO III el l nJo.ed by HOllie
HllccclIIrll1 I'ntcnteell.
Some ot the IlIrgest fortunes nppear
10 ha'e been d { I'I\'Itl I'rom the 1I1Yl'U.
tlOll of tr1\'llIlIllell nlld nO\'l'ltlc8 , such
us the onccpollUlnr to ' known us
"Dnnl'illg ,1hllcrow , " whlth fOl' lIe\-
eml'l'nrs ; III 8nhl 10 hn'I'.Ithled ; ! Its
p.nteutl'e nn I1l1uuol Income of $7 , OOO.
' ' ' " 011.
'I'he snll of ullothel' loy-"Johu
pln"-curiched ItM IUl'I : ) ' Itl\'l'ntot' to
the eXll'Ul of $100.000 It J't'ur 1111 lonl ;
os It continued to cnjo ) ' thc \\Ill.'xpect- \
NI ) lo ( > ulnrlt ) ' thnt Itrl'ete < t II when
IIt'Rt Illncl'd1pon I he mil , Ir.
PlilUplon , the IIl\'eutlll' or the roller
! ! kntes , mnde $1,000(1(1 ) mil of his hlen ,
lIud thl' gentlt'llIliu who IIl'IIt thu ht
of ) lIUl'lng n ruhhl'l' IIII lit the end ot
Il'ud t'n lltmlllh' Iluite $100,000 n
'cur lI ) ' ml'lI1111 or hili 81111ple 110\11'0\0- \
Wheu Hnrvl' ) ' It'nlledy lutroduccd
thc sh lace ht' mudI$2i > OO.OOO , nd
the ordlnal'Y umbrl lIu lIll1Ctik'tl six
peollt' ! hy liS mnch n $10,000,000 , 'l'he
Hownl'd pntent ror holl'n ' . MUg"I' In
' ' lucl'llUYe luycshncllt
! o'UC\10 proYt'd a
'to I' the Cl1)1lt ) llllts who were able to
relliUnl'rntl' the IUYf'lltor 011 n colossnl
Bcule , It Is I'MUmnt 1 thnt his Income
n\'crllged IIl'tWN'11 $2 OOOO nnd : , mu , .
000 per nnllum ,
SIr ,108111hla8011. : . thc Invcntor or
the Impl'o\'ed stecl pen , made nn 1'1101"
mou ! ! rort\1ne , nud < > u hI' ! death l < ng-
IIsh chnrlUes lIt'llefttl'd hmlll ; ' mil.
110118 of dollnM1. 'J'he IlUlelltee of tbe
lieu for shndlnlt III dlffl'rellt < < olon\
dl'riyed n yenrl ' hwomc of IIbout
$ : ! OOOOO trom thl8 hlg'l'nlous contrlv'
nnce. It Is stnted thnl thl ! wooden hnU
with au eln8tl < < nth1 < 'hNl 'Ielded over
$50,000 a yenr. Iuny rlIHlers will t'C.
member n legl IIcllon which took
plnco 80llie ) ' ( 'lIrll ngo , wheu In the
course or the e\'ldence It trunsplretl
thllt the Inventor of thc pll1tes
used for protcctlng the sol R und heeh.
of ! ! hot'S tl'om w'ur sold 12,000,000
pllltes 111 1870 , filld In 1887 the number
reached n total of 143,000,000 , which
renllze < l Jlrollt ! ! ot $1,150.000 ror the
yem' .
Tllc Inti ) who \'l'uted the UloI1 ru ,
buhy CIH'I'ln e ( 'nrlcht' bel' llr tn the
exll.'nt of : OOO ) , nUll u 'oun Indy
Ih'ln I1t Port lW1.nheth. HOllthfI'I. .
en , de\'Iled Ihl ! Kimple' tolll'l 1'l.'tlulslh'
Imowu 11M Ihe " rHI'nlll.'rl'lou" 1.111'1.
IlIg Irou , from whlt'll Hhe derIveR ro ' ,
nltl R HUJounthlK tn $ : , OOO n 'eur , It
WHS Ibe wIre of u clerK'wllu who tit'-
NI III'd au hUIIl'O\'tlIH'ut fm' the corl'llt
n lid lIuHle1 ( ort utll' out or It , 'I'he
gimlet-pollltl'd st t'ethl' Idea of .
IItlle Irl , brou ht Ul1\UY mll1onK : or
dollnrs to the le\'r IlIn'ntm' , IIHH
KIII ht. a 'oun Indy at exccl1ent tnl.
em ! ! ; , WfiR lftet1 wIth wOlHh'rt'ul me ,
chnnh'al powm'I < , liS will lie Heeu by
tlll' tolUpllcllh'd : mt hnl1lRm or hel' ma.
chine ror ml1klu pnJlcr bU R , Wo
111'1' lolel she rl'used rlOoOO rol' It
8bortJ ' uttCI' tultlug out the patent.-
Sclelitlac Amerlcun.
HUAllilt's GloolIIY COl1ltltlon.
M , De Wlttl' Is Ill'rhul'K the I''lItest
thu\I1cc 11111111tlr HU8SI11 hllll e\'m' hud ,
IInd In hlll : IURt 1'I'POl'l he pllhltltI ! DS
gloomy u ,1ew ot thl' 11II1IIHtrlui lUld
economIc Kltuntlon of the 1Illllll'e ns au ) '
or his pl'edereRfiorR hn0 douc lu the
tlul'lst dn 's or WHI' , hllUlu'Ulltcy ullfl
fnmlne , The mctnl lutlnRh'II'II , he R1\'S ,
11I'1. on thl''el'll ! of rulu ; the textllc
111'1l'1u" ; hnd : lu Iwellty'CIII' ; " Ihe
Jlrotluctl\'Jt . of the IlIul1 hils dlmlnlthed
o\'el'' ; un 1:1' : " IH'IluclnK (
le-\R thlln ouc-t1fth of tht SUllie nrt'U In
Amf'rlcll : tile ullmllcl' of hOllHCR IIl1s dl.
mlulsl1l'tI nenl'l ) ' oUl..half lu thirty
) 'IUl'S ; ul'lIl'l ) ' hnlt ot the population nre
hopll- ! ' ' In : tlTl'l\l'S with theIr lax ! ! ! ! ,
:11111 the oul ' purt ! ' of thl" ! mllllh'e whIch
Hhow 1\11- ' o.llnll of lll'OSIWI't ! ' nrt ! those
IlIhl : 1IItl ( ] LJ ) ' nou.Hul'lslulI pOJlUllitlonr-
Flulnllll , PnllIl1l : untl Ihe CllUCI18\lS \ , It
Is lIot u \'oruhle Rho11I1for H\ISslu'g \
nl { res"h't' lllU'IIO ( 's. Ihoulh sill' Is little
acculltoull'd to nhllte Ihem Oil account
or hm'd times or the pl'lHll'Y : lud/mlfel'-
Ings ot her Iwoplc.
'rtw I > nlllllItlc nlllolIIll t.
'I'he f'mln hll' { 11I1111'8t1e dlJllomll t IIII
JlPI'SOIl of lIulhultl11 Illct IIIHI oed
KeUIII' HIli ! hnH wllut not 10 110 I'clluced
10 a KI'hmc" . null , Ilho , , ( ! ull , shc h : ! lit.
tl'III'II"I' . It Is ohfI'I'\'I'II :
'l'ha l 8h IW\'I'I' tllserl1Jl'f ! her llcllqr
lIud lII11Ul'l , 'l'hllt Ihe : ! II In' 1.1' II I\'IIH ou
IIUJllellsllul l'ellllulHceucCII , 'fhlll she
111'1'1' alolo ( lze ! ! 1'01' Ilic (0011. 'I'hnt
1I1' IH 111'\1'1' Il II\IlI'I'I' \ . 'I'lint tiltl' lll\'CI'
' ' ' ' ' hl'I' l'ltildl'l'n '
t'UI'I'I'I'I lu I he IU'I'l' Cll"I'
of IIllr 11I'1'I'HI:1 : , f'\'U Ihl' rllmllv. 'l'hol
lfol'/fr ! of II tnll\poml' ' unh'H'e dOl's
not \'IHlhl ' dlRlurlJ hel' . 'I'hn t wllllI
th , ! falllll ' ! > Iwlclon tlJrl'utclls to he t'x-
IIOBed , 81w lWOWH how nud when 10
dcft1 . chnll ! f ! I ho RUhjel'l lIull pr'Hl'\'P !
IH'llce. 'l'h.11 Shl' II'IH l'ill of Il llesl
who here : ; her b ) ' HllIl\lly \ foldhll ; 11(1 ( U
III'WHplllH'l' , 111111 t:1I : ! IIlhpr lll\'I'r ! HUH'
llects , 'l'hnl HIll' h'IH l'\'t'r ' n/ll' hn\'e
IlffnlrH of ' 1111'11' OWU. nllll dw , . ; uot III' '
Into IIII'm , ' 1'1111' Hhl' II' 111\\11 , , " " \llIlIlt. \
nud r.ordlnl to Ihc chlldrl'u's fl'II'/III ,
- - -
l ortulllltely n womnll'H' dlllllOHltlou
Ilol'Rn't dcpend ulon thc 11 t of lwr'
shues. '
. f
. . .
l'une fir Ur"1 O""r th. . UtI""II.
' 1'ho force of fIlvlty over the Innd
I. dctcrmlucd by cOllnllul : the Ilum
her or wujS } of n pendulum ot knU\YII
length that occurs 11111 known lupse
( It time. Dr. Hecker , IIf Putsdam ,
hus Iccent1y Illude an uttempt , to de-
tormlne the relatlvo tOrt'O lit rl\\'lty
o\'er 1111fcnmt ) larts oC the tlal1tlc
ccnn between llllmbl1r and Bahln
b ) ' l1I'l1US or tL barumoter and a h'p-
, Utueter (11 ( boiling pI/lilt thermometer -
ter ) . 'l'he baronH'terlc CorllIula con-
lulus 11 tel.tll del'elldlui ( 1111 the Iuteu-
sity uf Itrl\\'lty at the place ot uLlsel-
\'I\llon 'rhe h'psolUeter Is 1l1l10pell-
cnt of this IlIllUellce , A cOlllpur-
Isun of the I'csults or slmll1tI\UeUIIS
obsurmtlous b ' the two methods
alTord\ ! mcnuS of detCl'mlnlng t1l0
forcc of ru\'lty upproxltuately. 'l'he
pcrihullll\ry t'esliits Indhmto that
ru\'lty IIf the dee ) ) occan Is IIcarly
uormal IIIHlthey confirm Pratt's hy-
pothesls In rcurd ! 10 the Isostatic
rr1l1lJtclllcllt of the masses oC the' '
cl\rth's crust.-N. Y. Bun.
' 1' ' ' " " 'urlel' " SlIlIIllra' lIaral'l.
Accol'dlul- ( the theory of 11 wel1-
knuwn hl so brecder , tile comll tons
thut would produce the smul1est
race oC hmses are a mnnutuillous
eountl ) ' Iu a vcr.v hot cllmute. Ouo
of the most experlonr.ed horse breeders -
ers ot Now 1 < 1nlluud desorbes a mce
of horses whlcb he says he discovered -
ered had been exllt'u ! ' Cor muny
yellls on 1hlHh pll1tcalt In the Island
of Bnl'I , and tells his IxJol'lellce ( III
elplurlll and trallspOl tlng them to
his hUUle Carm III Rhode lsll\nd.-
Leslie's Mouth.v ! , I
In unclcut days the nddiLlou oC u
cross to 1\ the signature did n < lt 1\1-
I\'U5 Indicate that the signer Iould :
not wrlto bill , wus as UII attestlltlon
of goud Culth.
Spel\klul ( of mouey malters-why ,
It wutters ; & rcat deal.
Call \'cltctarluu's llterary feust
IDclude a slice of Lamb alld 1\ bit
of DucuuJ ;
Muuy persons look on the wrollg ,
side of lite to see the funny side of I
Like cl er , SOl1l0 people remain
sweet until It Is time to 1(0 to work. I
Of all the old maid ! ! In this ( 'ountry
the oldest Is MI Chll ) la ,
lI.ware or OI"tm'lIt. fur Catarrb tbat
t outahalortlul7. . I
u mercury 11'111 . .lrely . tJe > olroy Ihe IItIDSO or
smellllJld coIDlll loly llernulCtJ UID w/lolo / ) ' .tem
WhOD uturilli It t\lrollJCh , th 111110011'1 illrlaceol.
: Iuch arll\'le 8houIII nuver bl ! l&1jed , elctJllt on
I'relcrlrlluo froUl rC\lIIlnble I'hllhuu , , the
I ml\go Ihev will do \ , Il'nfolil 10 the OO" YOII
aD VO 8Ibl dtJrlve lrom Ihem. t1nll' ( ' : tlirrb
, : ur& , tnllllUrudurecl b ) ' I , , I , CheutJ ) ' & Co. . ' 1'1110-
110 , U. . coullllu.s uo IIwrellr } ' , aud II > lakt'nlultlr-
nally , arUII ! ! dlrel'lIy "IHIn Ihe blool 111111111 \ .
l'OIl hurlSf'ts or thu ) ' tlJm. In bllylult IInll' . I
( 'aturrh Cure 00 "lire ) UII gel the ItJlllllulI , .It , .
'nklo , 11i10nllll1untlllla"e III Tolello , Ohio , bl I
I. ' . J.l6UI"'I \ ' : { - , 'lo lImonl"l frett ,
t : rllohl 1.0) ' IlrulllCl tII , prh1t ! ; roc , I"r 1101110.
Oal1' . Fowll ! ' 1'111. ar thl' m..t.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the71 / / '
GignllturO of .t'
. .
- - - - - - - -
, ,
_ . _ - -
lll-ItU-NA CURtS PELVIC CATARftll , ) . ,
"I am perfectly well , "
says Mrs. Mnrtin , of
rooklyn. "Pc-ru.nn
cured me. " I
MI'IAllIIn Inrtlll , .Ii 1111\1 . II"'I'I
Brook'II ! , N. \ ' . . wrltt'I : :
"Perona did so much lor me thnt I
leel It my duty to recommend It to
others who mny be slmllllr/y alf/lcted.
About If Yt.'llr llgo my health was com-
plctel ) ' broken down , IlRd bncknClre , '
dizziness and Irregular/tics , and life' '
seemed dnrkndeed. . We had used
Perunn In our home as a tonic nnd for
coldB IInd CRtnrrh , nnd I decided to tr ) '
It for my trouble. In ICM tlrnn three
months I bCCRme regular , my rnlns
bed cnt/rel ) ' cllsnp "carcd , ltnd nm
now perfectly \Vcll.-Alrs , Anna
111'1t ! Mnrle . ! 11 COIUlIlhlll.
NUlt , Dl'trolt , Ih'h. . II Worth ) ' \'It't"
' 1'1'1Il11111r In IInlll' l.lll1jll' . No. tJ , IlIlIt'lll'Il-
tll'IIt Orllt'r or UOOI1'l'l'1Il1IRI'R. : .Jllhn.
' othl'l''Olltl'II lilt" , hn\'I'
11011 , n ! to 1Il1l1l \\'Olltl'II " \
Iluue , touull III 1'l'l'ulln n ! tlll't'ilil' fur . \
SI'\'fI' ellt' ! ot rl'lIll1h111111'1111 , Hht'
writ I' " :
"I WlIllt to lIu what I t'UIl to ht thl !
wholl : ' world : whut II Jrulul 1Il1'lll-
dill' P'rllllil I . )0'01' ) I'It'VI'II " 'IlI' " I I'IIIr.
' , 'r. . . ! with tt'lIlal. . , trollhlt'I : nllil 1lIlIlpll. :
l'UtlOlIiS :1 rl ill I II A : thl'N'rrolll. 1I1It'I\\I \
falhtI 10 1'lIrl' lIle , lIlIll 1 lIelllllllrl'lI nr I , , ' "
IIIK hr.111I'tI , P rullli ( mrrll 1111' Iu I h""I' "
shorl 1Il01lUII. I t'an bI1NlI ' lwlle" , " Il.
myIr. . hilt It I It bll'Itl'tl tllet , I 11m
perrectly wl'li uOW. 11U11 hllVl' 1I0t 111111 un
achl' ' or IlIllu fur monthll. I \\'IUII UI '
lufI't'rhllC III"h'rR to kllow whnt 1'1'1'111111 I
blut dOli , ' tor l1llI"M \ : \lnl'll' .10hll'\Oll.
MIl1I Uutlt I mer"oll , 72 Y"I"III1I'I' HI"
BlIlTolu , N. \ ' . . WI'It. . , , : "I IIITl'I'I..1 rill'
two Yt'RrM with h'r' lIhll' nllil 1IIlIII'"I.
"Il'IlMtruRtlolI1111 / I'erllnll l'IlI"11 IIII'
within : lb. w'kll. I l'uunot 11'11 'ntl
bow grnh'tlll I rl"1. An ) ' ngl'ne ) ' whl.'h
brhl"l1 1II'ILlth 11\111 ! ttl"'II1th ! : to Ihl , IIr-
111 Japun the horscsvCIlI' shoes
lUado Ol1t of rice straw , , Ilnll they I
are tllsteued to the huuCs with rnp ( s
nllldc uC the sume01l.crln \ : \ .
I cauDot Ilrftlse Plio' . Cure enollKh for
tbe wontlurl It bu workNl In curluc' ule.
-It , n , S4tldel , 2 OO Olive .h'IH t , t.
1.0111.10. : . . April Hi , ) U01.
'j'he skoletou of a 1111111 or I\verulto
size wCI hs ubollt fourteen pounds.
PU1.'N.UI l'l > I IESS DYltS do not
.tulu IJ bnndH 01' SI\Otl'bl ! keltJe.
A \\'cl1-ploportlolled man should
weigh t\Vmty-cIIIH , , ' pounds' for
evel'y fnot { , f his hul ht.
A fllrm flJl' ralsln'lIlcs I nd
moths IlIIs been stlhllshr.d : neu ! '
Scarboruugh , J nJ.tllllld.
Marl'lcd men , 011 an average , lI\'c
SlVen ! YIIII'I IOIlHel' thull hachelms ,
and wh'cs JI\'o } 'cars IUIlKer thlln
maids "
A shl'lt , lUay be like a tnuH ! hurl-e
'nce II' IL has II dull 11111/111. I
UOl'luany's twonly-t.\Vo shlpYllrds
gl0 crnplnYlllclltJ tll unlIoo mell.
' . " . , 1.I" , " ntly \ ' , , , , 'd. :00" "Ilr lurnl.noI' " I
FI'rS II , . , .1. . . . ' . . , . . . 01 11" , "hnu' . IIn , . , Ii. . " . 11& '
.r" " , . r < " Ir. ' 1 ' ' ' : Il'II.'rIMII''ILI : . . . . . _ . , , ' ' ' ' 'II. . . . I
1111. It. It. IIot ; ; : IIII. . al II. ' . .1.1111"101. , 1' . . . ,
\ 'fI I ,
II It. 11'11 1'1 1I1\\1I ' /I / wl'h'UIIIl' trlellll , uud 1
In'llny 1111' IIIl1tk,1 I 1\11 tII1"II with u'\l h'Si ;
111111 I1dlll'hllll ' IIWllldll"H Ihnl It I. a ,
111I'IIHurl' 10 1.1111\\ ' III' ' 1\11 \ 1'1'11 hll' \ n rel -
1'111\ ' 1111 Yell IIlnl'I' IH't'lt , Ib , ' 111\\1111'- \
I 1\:1 ltulli J.J1I1I' ; ' OIl ,
It I" 110 101lJllr n IjllI'H111I1I Itltll whl'tbrl'
I'l'rllllll 1'1111 h. , 1'111.1 \III hi , 'lIrl' alMIICIa \
l'n""Inurlll \ : till' 1J\1I11 ' , \ll' ' III whlela
I''r\lllll \ hll' ! hi'\11 IlIIt III " ' : II III 111rOrnll1 \ , ' ! '
1111I1 Htnt' ! tlr . \1'1111' \ 111111 "hl'IIIIII' ( 'ntnrrb . . t
un 11I11'1'111' . ' hllH 11111 Ihl : < > 1'1'11I/(1) ( ' to
ICrt'lIh'l' I" I .111111 . II. . . . I'I\I ' ! 'I'O"1 " \
1"1111.\ \ 114 Ihl' : II'I lItlWh'II11 1'lIlnrr" j : .
1'1'11I1.,1ur III ! ' II I' , III' , 11:11 t 11I1111 , the t
1'1111I1111111111'1' of PI'rllllo. hllllnlfll'lI a . ; .
hlloJ. 'III II" . I'hul'Il' " nr 1'.llnnl. . IWI'ullnr ht , "
\\011I"11. ,1'1111111'11. "l1l'ulth 1'11 Hr.lIllty , " I
It \\11I I" , 'l11 trl'l' h' 1I11 ' Rtlclr" " b1' :
'I'hl' 1'1'1'11\111 h'tl1l'1ut' C . . \lllIm\II111 , O. . , ;
I r 'dll 110 lint dl'rh' { ' 11l'IWIllt ntHI l4all. . ,
tIl'lOI' " rt'\IIItM tl'oUl Ihl. ' UHI' or 1'1'I'una 1
\\'ritt' ' 111 11I11' 10 Hr. l1nl.tUlnll. Illvlnt : a
rllll PlIUIl'IIII'nl ur ) ' 1111eu c. 111111 hI' will
hi' 111t'UIII'1I 10 h { ' Yllll hili'nlllRhh' tad-
\'h'l' Iel'U 1111.
.o\dllrt"H ! Dr. HurtlllulI , I't"'IIIcIt'nt of . .J. .
1'1 , [ 1Inrlllllill ! otn Itltn 1'1 II lll , ( 'Ohlltlll\l/l \ , O. \
l.ttfl tllft Sh lI.
II Y 011 had clams un Ute 1m1t-
s'le\ ] \ , " expJulllod the leRtuUl'nuQ
proprlutor , Ilnnd you. . . . bill Is 11I1. "
< < But , " cxpll\lncd till ! puti'ou , "t'D
scelU ! ! to 1116 thnt ydu 1II1IL \ to
mnko reductlJIl ( ror UIC flhl1.r \ ;
dldu't cut tholl1Ohio Stutu . .Tour- .
' "
'l'be ! lsoft soup" oC his cotllitlt11-
cnt , ! ! caunot II1l1ke a polltlllllltis repu-
tntlotl clellll. .r
II . ' Jh. " . 'artDer b1a 0- . . ,
. . lanlIlm ! , n e II a II. .
. ' c : . d bl'llb"tIo.hl.IIBnlcaC'C"'II" :
' ' '
'it' . Increllllul ( 'II6r bYorallt :
.J. ' Q'jf IlIId ullll' ' , . . . '
. 1 ! Inoh'aln.
: . , .
f " ' _ Loo. IIII'r ahlir. .11' ' . . . . ,
" . r.J Jo" ! " . clld . ai , on l. . , eIO II. . . .
. .I".01aIM ! eharet" , . .
1011'Rlall"n. ' . hljlh prlotlll
lor l'aUIt ! Ii III "r""I1 " ow rl l" " , " ' \ " ' , anel e" " .
pI\II lb II 00011 , , " , 'rill. h 111OIIlIuon , ufbiII
ranllll ! ' la W'"wrulallilda ; ProyllI' " "r " "
and dl."lota . . or A 'IIIIL < ) \ " , " ' \ ; & " "Dha
Alhertl& . .1..101.,1'1. . , IIr Amer1W1lu are IIOW .eU !
. . N d"l.Je J . al\ \ . . . h'm. .
" < raL" 011 alrl&lI".y. rllr '
'lI..k"r. all.1 . . . " . .rll. J' ' . . " dblril.Jta I&N " "hll [ ; , ' .
UI'I'III'.IIII' / , , ) \'o"r , 'I' " "II" 411'1"111" Atl. . III
Wf'U"rIlC""I ' < 1a . . .11' rf > ' 11 wall Alll'lh..nh. Appl , . I
" ' ; . P , I't\ ! , : IIII'IlIr 111111,1 , rnU , , " , { ) I\"w. . C"n. . Of
I wIV : II"I , II . . r < < lr ! ; ! .HIt IIII ! ! " 011I. .
. . , . , , , , . . . . .
. .
_ l1a. U : illl ; . AII""I lur II. G.rllll'"L..1 ' - :
, I : >
, ' . . .j. ' . . . . . " ' " -
" . J ' - , " " ' , J\ , . ; , , ' . ' . . , , . . , .
' , . ' . ' \
ri' [
. . " , . ' I , " " I ' I' , . Y'I' . . . , : : . , . . , . " , , , " , " , . ' : . , : " ' I' . " ' . , I ' , , ' ' : . . , < J , . " ' I. , ,
, . ' ,
, . , . ; , ( . " I ' .
J1l l1N ( ) ) tLTi : B1E , ttj' ! . . . . .
. .
Health will como with allltB hlesRlngs to these who know t1ie Wit ) ' , n\ll \ ( it , I Illlllllly It IIUCS- .
tioll of rlght.livillg , wIth Itll the torlU hnll1ieM , 1mt the efforts which litl' 'JlgtlwlI the system ,
the J.1tmes which refresh allli the footls which nouriMh 1\1'0 illlilorlllllt , ( 'Itch ill 1wny , wlll10 ft. Is ' ,
also u.dvuntag ( oIlS to have Imowlmlge 01' the h ( Ht lIIethmls Ill'CHIIOtlllg fr'IICHIi ( from 111 I 1111 11 i- . , ;
tn.ry colltlitioll . ' 1'0 uB lst 1Iature , when nntul'o ueeds IlIISIHftU1CO , it is 1111 hupol\lant tbat the .
medlcillal ug'ontH UH.l\d should IJ of the IWHt lJulllity utili ot' kllUWII mluo , ulIll the olle J''lllclly : ,
wblch uctlf 1l10 t llellcflchllly 1l1ll11lemunt1y , ! , UM It laxlltI\'o , 1I-B'I'1I11 01' JfI I-lIIallllflletlll' : ! ( (1 ( hy
tIle CIlHfol'nht ' Co.
Fig' Syrll ) ! f
With It III'OIIlH'lIlIdcl'RtulHling of the nll.t. tllllt. lIIuny IlhYlh1l1 : ! ! flJ ) ! UI'O or It t1'ulIHllmt char- . . . , :
< J
neter tLI(1 ( yichl PI'OD1lltly to the g'ClltiO uctiOIl of B'I'IIII of } i'i H , hlllllms allli ( omfO\'t com I ! to , \ .
the heurtulld If 0116 wou lII'CIllO\'O the torpor UlIlI IItl'ulll : allli cOII e8t1ol1 II tt f'1uhm I. Ulon ) It tOIl- ! . ,
Ullated cOlHl1UOIl of the system , take SYI'II ) ! of Fig'H ulIII ellJoy fl''llnlll Ihlln Ille ItdlC allil , : : , '
plllnB , the ( ! ohts alld lumllacltcs Illld ; the dO\lI':8810n \ : II ne 10 hlllctl\'lty oj' tile ' 11lI\\\18. \ ] 11 cUlm of : , .
nny orgnllic tl'ouble It is well to cOlllmlt u. competllllt , ) ! h'slclulI , hilt. " ,111m It IlIxatl\'o iH 1' ( lItllt"11 ( . . ' , I ' ,
remellllJel' thllt the 1110 t 1lOl'mlUle1l tly grutit'yllig l'e tlltH will follow IHJl'tmllul Coolwl'lttlon with . :
tbo bOlleficlaLI cl1ects of SYI'1I11 of } i'ig's. It IH fOI' Imle hy all ) 'ellahle Ill'u islE ! . ] 'rico fifty .r
cents IICI' bottle. ' .
'Pho excol11'IIco of SYl'tl11 oj' 1'igCIIWH : ! fl'IIUI tile IJmwllcllll Il' ( cts oj' the I1IallH ! IIHCII 111 the . . ; : r. ,
oombllllltllllllllltluhm fl'om the 1II0thol1 of Illllllut'nctlll'o wltlch CIIHIII'I'K tltllt IU'I't'cd'llIIrity 1111I1 . " , ,
uniformity of III'Olltll'l , l' ! it'lltlul ill It 11l\1't'lIct \ 1hllllly laxative. All the IIIIHllhl'l'H of'the t'amlly " / ' ; :
troUl the YOl1ngeHt tll flU ! 1II(1 t IldVllnC ( d In } 'OUI'H may IIS0 It WhCIHn'ol'lllaxllti\'o IH lIcllellulIll ' fi. . .
sbare nUke inltH bIHu'1Ida I effcdH. We tlo lIot clnlm Ihat SYI'UII of 1"I s IH the (111) ' } ' ( 'nwlly o ( , 'f
known vuIuo , hilt it IJOHjliSeH ! ! this gl'cut udvulltugo o\'lr ! all othol' Inuth'IHi thut ItuetJ ! gtmtiy :
Rllll.llleaslllltl ) . without dlHtllrlJillg lIatural fuItcHolIS , 111 aItY wuy. aH it Is fl'l\ ! fl'olllI'y \ ob- " , ;
JectioItuhle ( IUallty 01' IIlIbtallee. : ! 11'0 get its hmwlldul ell'ectH It Iii ulwlI'f ! IIC'I'S ju'y to II11Y the :
gcnnillo uull the full Itllllle of the Co.-Califorllia FIg' 8)'rUII Co.-Iii III'illlo(1 ( 011 thfl'Ollt ( of' evcry.J . :
t .
' ,
package , to j
> , \ lliF@ , IIA tn@ ) w .o . . ; . . : ' , ; ( : ' , j
. ' , . . ,
. . , - "
. " . j
, . .1 " ' .i1r , '
, . . . . . : ' 511n Francleco , Cal. \ " ; \ : '
. ' > . , ' / , , , , , . ' . . Loulsv111c , Ky. . . . New Yark , " N. Y. . . . ; " \ : ' ' . , . j , t
' i'
, tl' "
. ' '
' . . . , ' ,
' "
J . , ' . ,
' . " , ' . . , . . . . . . . . . . , ; 'I ' } , , , '
" . . . . , . " , , " ( '
, " . . ' " ' ' \CI" \ '
. . . ' . ' , , , , " , . t. ' . . , . . . , . ; : '
, . , ' , , : . , , ' " , , .
.J'\ , ' , , , ' _ - ' 'i' , I . " . . , . , . .X : . . . . . . ' . , . . " , "ft. , > , ' , ' " . j
. . I . " , , )
I ;
. (
. , } '
" '
, . . . - . ' "
. "