Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 29, 1902, Image 6

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, , .
L' - " " . . - . ' . . - . . . , . ' . . ' . . ,
' (
: \ _ . ' By CIlARI.OTTe ftl. RA Ml ! .
I 1
t. , ,
.1 , ry 'CI1AP'I'I 1t , .V-ICUIIIIIIIII'd. ;
i II'AIIIII. III ' 11111'11111 : . Ih"I'I ) I IIlIlIl' . I
kno111I1l . \11I1 wU1I111 11111 . . . .1111 III" " II wa.\ '
: trom 'UJI. I k 1\1' \ \ \ . huw 1I1\1I'h \ . \1111 10n'll
, Jne , ' II\\ ' IIII' nllly thltl ! : III fur hllih . .r .
\111 tCI 'I 'II ! II lhll , ) , I'I'CJIIIIMI' IIII1111' \ ' '
. . 1110 111I11'tI ' , IIlIlwuWII IU 1'\.r."flllI' , 111111 I
\ . .vJII tuk , . 'IIII ulI > 'wllI'l'O \'Pll lik , ' Iu j1I-
liar IIlh..I' . 1'1111
to Irl'IIIII" ' . Hub' . ' -
, ef tl1l' WIII'III. If ' ( l1I will. 111111 , 111.\ ' , turllll ! : . ,
10\1 IIhllll hI' lilt hnppn . " ' 111 . .1t,11 , , hl" n
qUOI'II. I \\111 Ih'I'I : j'ull l\'llh "j " ! 1..1 ) pw.
filii. I\'hh 1'1111'111 111' ' ' ' ' ' ' ( ' ' ' ; . " ' " 1 . .hnll 1111\ ' ( '
all ) ' (1111' hl'lll'l ( ' 11I1 ,1"lIh' " " fOl' II ' ' ' "I' IIr
two. 11111/ / Ih11 'IIII will h. . 111 1111"1'1.\ " ' \II
I'rOclllllll . \11111' 111111'1'1111:1' Ir ) ' (111 wIsh h.
011III' / tWu ) " 111'11' HIII'III'I' ' " lIul 1I111'h. 1M
, it , I rl'lIl' " . ,
" ' ' III1w''rl'll. . Bill.
( I. IIlIt 1It111' ' ; ho ! !
Blr I1l1lhl'l'l. Ie ) 'UII 1'1111 IIIl1kl''ClIII' . 111.11"
rlnl : ( ' pllhlh' IIII'll , whnll IIIIWt.
"I Mhllll hl\\'c \ " " " . : " 1\11. 111) ' IIfflllt' "
f by tlll'II. " hi' ' ( ' ( , . "Ulltl h \\11111/1 / ( 1I1t1l'
trr whll kllll\\ ' 1whell \ Ihlll 1M 1111111' . "
I . Ullif IIIt-b' IIhc IIl1kl'll :
" , , 'ullhl 11 IlIIl Iii' hl'I'I' ! rill' II : ! 10 willi
unlll tiltH time 4'ullleN'1' " 1111111 lice
each . .lilt' I' 11111111'111111'101. 111111 wl'lh' ortl'lI.
WOllld It lIul III' 1II'IItI' , , HiI' Illllhl'rl "
"YtllllkIlIW , Ihllt It 1'4 1I111I'I'III\I ! ! \ , 1I''n , ' .
cnII ' ' ' wl\l'lhll' It ' hi' ,11Il- ,
1 ) i'lt'Jt'1I'UII \ ! 11111)
) 'cnl' , 'H' " IWO. ' III' Ihl'I" ' , I hl,1I WI' I I nl'l
" . .1th"tl'111I 1III1'I'I'llIlIlt ) . IlI'flll' " IIl1' ! . \11 ,
lr III' , } 'Oll 1111) ' , ) ' 1111 111\1' 1111' ; 10\1' IIII"
not slol' III " " ( ' 1'1111'1' ; 1111' III'ullf I II Ilk'III'
' 011 III Iomnll ; Ir(111 . l'IlIII" lo\'l ! 1111' . ) ' 1111
: wJII mil 11l' ltnti' . "
HIli : , IlIlIk"11 " ill' lit him with I.'hI Itl-llkl'
faith .lIlIeI 11I\1l lilllt mlldll hll\'l' IUIII'lII'11
! tis l\11l1l't , bUI which ,11.1 . lilli ,
"Tellllll' " ' 1'I111' ' ' 1111t1. , " "xllell ) ' whlll J'IIII
: wlsb IIIl' to , III , "
III will. " he r'ltlhHI. " 'I'0'111I ' h. ' 1'111'11'
oy , : \101'1 1111' hl'l'I' 1'III'Iy 011 'l'hlll'"IIII ) '
Jnori'lili/ / : . \\1' 1\111 wllik 10 111111111'11 1'1111.
'WII ) ' lillltlllll. thl'lI WI ! will Ink" tlw Irllill
to I.ohlloll. 1 1\11I pln'c ) ' 1111 Iu HIICI'I.\ '
"hllo. I UIII Ulllklllir. nrl'l\lI"lIl1'lItR ! COl'
ollr.-.n ! lrl'jll ' " Whell'I ! III' " 1II111'1'll'd'e
'Wl1Jf " I\"c OIW IIII } ' \lit ) rt'ly III 1I11II111111I\r. :
anit" iOIl IIhnll 1lllrehh',1t' , II 11'11'11'1111 III
: tor a "rllllil elllchclIH ; IInll IhllI \\1' will
wherc\'er ' 1'111I0 . 'J'ho I\'lIle world
go \ ) 1111 : " ' \
. Is Opl'll IP III. ! nllli II hcnllllrll I\'orlll WI'
wIll mnke Il ; " .
Bhc hl ! hllll'll OliIJ "irnlltl' .
IIWhll1111' till' ) ' 1111" III hilllll' , . Hlr HI\I.
bcrt " IIh , ' IIl1kcd.
"Thl' ' ' ' 1111wll. \1111
) CIIIIDot Hny'lrJ' !
ho\'e II Illlrtl'l'l rhht to Illen'1l' ) 'Ollrlll'lr , "
ho onswerld. ! " 1.ln'e ! II h'llll' ! , I I'll ItI ;
thcm ) ' 011 ho\'e ! ; III1I' nWII ) ' tll III' 1II111'rlcll.
, and Ihnt III IWII ) 'CIII'/1' IllIIe 'ClIII' hllMIIIIIIII
will brill1I11 / hUlllo II/nln. / \\1113'011 IUII'
.ont to thlll1"
"Do 3'1111 thlllk It will . : rlo\'l' th"1II1'1' , \ '
lIluch' ! " Hhl' nHkel\ \ .
, ItIIhhllld' . : Ihlllk II II , " he \'IIIIIII \ ) ; ' Ir
tbl' ) ' , , Jln't you \'UI' ' 1I1111'h. Ihl ! ' . will \lu \
pI I ! 1\ $ ( ! ( I III knoIhnl ) ' 011 IIrl ! hlltIIIJ' . 111111
10\1-11I11111 lIul Cm'gul 10 1,11 th 11I J"lII , , n\ \ ' ( !
hOIIP ' . " ' . . . . " ' " " ; . .1
AlIln ) IIII ! lI\\'oct. dl'lIl' I''eli WI'I'I' lli11'11
to bl
h JO 'Oll Ihlllk 11 I'iKht , SII' Hullll'l'l , . I
. .be'I\HI.cll. '
"Uhht'l'cs ; , Wh3' . 111) " tilltlllll : , whllt
a 81111(11l' IllIcKtilln. YOII lo\'e IUO nlld I tovu
3'O\l"wh ) ' IIhlllllll'U 1I0t cholHlc cllch IIih 'r
: trom nil till' 1\01'111 to UC hl\II ) ' whh l'III'h
oU\lr It wOIlIt ! 1I0t hI ! whlll ) ' 1111 clIll
rlghl to 11111'1 1I11t ! be 1II111(1\'lIbll ! . In 11\ ) '
mhlll nil Is tnlr III 10\0 111111 Will' . 111111 lIut
ODI ) ' , , fnlt' , bllt rhht. " : , . ' . ' ,
'II wOlltlcr. " 8uhl the girl. 81111111 ' , "It
nl ) ' ii olhor , will knuw whcn 1 11111 ' , nty !
Estmlro'I ! '
. . \ I .
. IIIrCI\I. \ . ho 1m III , quick ! ) ' , "ollllolllh I.
am , 110 Htroll ! : . do ) ' 011 Imow thnt I 11111
J1C\\'OIlS nnt-III1t ! ! tlllldll ! ; ot thol'lciIO
arb' lend IlIlItrl'SIIS 1110 , YOI do I so sld-
dcnly , ) ' 011 Htllrtll le. "
. . "Do l' 'l'hl'l 1 wi 1I0t 110 It ngnlll , "
ahe snlll , Iwroro ' . "
nllt t1) C\"Jrp
tlng WIS nrl'lIlllt ! for 11(10 to 1"n0
wIth Sir ' ; ' ,
\ome lllbcrt Oi 1hllrllll
CIAP'l'Nn .
0n the , to hll' ! , flltnl 'l'hlll.tIY h'l'no
"olkld' thl'ullgh the Iehls , Istllll\ !
the thnt ' the '
luslc l110 fl'OI 10ft tl'lrolltl
ot a hlllrll hl'lls ; so Illn shl shlll1 ' I
those grecn lelll ugalll , so Huon "h"
.hOIlII rctrlll'\ h r 61II ! : . 1111 Itllr lt
bnpplest ni/I / 10lt CI11'11 of WIIlIIl'n.
ThcI'o. In tl' ril' tlllllnct , \\'II' ( the
Oulon 111I1. whel' " HUllon DUI'c1111
frt HCCII his hm\ltlrll wlfl' . I'olin/ 10
hIm. ns I ' 'r ( ' , rl'OI tl' Iohleu IIII" "
IDnd , " Shu \ \ Ilklll ! 111lkl ' Ist h"I' In 1'1'
aholll-he wli1lll tm' hCI' . ' 1hC'I''I'U
no wOI'11 Whl'l thl' ) 1111 Ilet ! ; hu 111"11-
ed hel' hRUl1 In hil UII klR I'11 111' hl'un-
ttll lps ; 1111 huhlllJ hll' ! 11111 , I II : '
wolk".1 : oll'lher to 11111'n.
\ \ ' ull A \ ' ' ' , ' . thn
I \\111 10\11) II 11'11 Ilx-
UXIOII 1'1'elll / : . Ih , ' 11'/ H " 1\1111' .
" Wlllch , h ) dilt ot n 101111 ! kl ! ) ' . HII 1111 ,
"lert 1"llt . ( r thelh'cl. thl ! ell'C , Ihe
: CSIII.t , Ihl ! : luutlou IhOWI thl'l , hl'l'
delht wlll Ihl' ' Ii'lit IItl Itn''IH lt
, hl'l' ' ' Ihu . (
Lonlol 111'II'lle ( lt InllJ.IIIIIII' !
ot the bOle whll'c ! hI ! Illuct'll hll' , 1111
Iot hUI' . B.fn'u ho'clt , hc 11'1 hlt
to . und thur '
thl whilow. IIIUld fil' SIII
ntnlcl I\'ntchlug lhl ! el'ow..1 . . 'lrl'l'l ;
" ' . ' , " 11 " ' . " ) ' 11
1'11 lllll sltd"II 11 111 lt
, JUOIIlch IIhOlll . " Ihl In\I ot luriull' I
abolll 1llllul !
" o. 101'I" ' ' \lch , " III rCIII"II.
Yol Ihllk. wHhqlt dOllhl. " ho 1011 in.
'cd , "Ihn ' t , ni 1I'I'IIICI I I'U ! Oll'\1 h l'
i chll'ches
' 'I thought 10. " thu Illd , luol" " "I
att him , blt his eyls were tlrl1d CI'III
ler , street. oml Iclled ! fxed 011. I0l11Ihlllg h
" ' 'hl\t 18 0 \lllul.e , " he 11111 , hurlliy
"thll'o uel'll be 10 gollg to chlrll'ur ; )
enl ! , ) ' 01 knol. doc ! not hl'lu\'e In It
'Jlcre Is I llrllll. qlie 11 legll. qui ,
.J bIDdlu . 11 thollh I wlrl bolclnlzl'l
b ) " n bhdlf Oll 1111 1"I'ely to (111' (
cllSl' a sllcnl IC'lsl ! . IIIIHI Iltho clI'l'
g11Uj \ ' ' ) ' gal's well thl. I
\ ' u ' of . " .
aO\(1 grt'lt 11111 trolble.
. ' .
: ' ' . ' she " .
'Hi. Hllbl'rt. dnll. "llsl 1. !
monied n ' , '
wihout whll' weddllg ,111'11
anll u nll I 1\\'I'S thollght thnl I
nJI IUt wrelth ot OI'llnge blossoll I\'erl
' . tHc
UI I 111.
Hc . sUllet It the ylmillc , gl'ls1 qlea ,
" : \ ' ' Illc th" dl'SSII lut dte
tc wlllg , " he dlhl. " 'hls thll ) ' 01
WcUl' wi 110-1 Ilrll ) ' 111IUKII thn
' ' ' ot ' - . W
aWI 1 l't'I11t81 11 1'llg-tlll.
will 1.1) ' tl'I'/ ' ' cUOIIh tor I Iludlll II
tl'\.II. WIl ) 01 bl felll ) ' ) ' to'101
. a tUn
' .
' - ' r , L ; : ' ' & ,
\ .1 .
I 'lhl'rl' Wil IUllthlll' ' n Ihllol
III ' ' . ' It.
) 01 Il'r IWnllrl1 fnre. fl ! 111\\
" - ' ' ( . , ' ' ,
"WIII-I'l 11' Ihlll Irclo J\t'I' ni
'I rll "hlll 10t hI Inrrllcl 11 Ihll . trlM ;
wil H"IIII " " 01 n Ih'I'11 lO'IIJ.hl. : W1
" Ihllt Ilh'lsl .rll'
" " ( IM , " ! hI 114'I'li. . 1111 11' ' 11 ,
hrl/hl " 111' hi' IlwIilkIl ! II lel' . "I
thlllk II \'I'I' ' ' ' ' '
411 1111 wnl'I'I' 1I1'f' II II' lar'
11'11 II Ihl olllllllll t ( 'II.
11 , . hnll' hl'r Itl'l. 1111111 I I OICI' In
, ' '
( ' ( ' ! I WfIIIluJ tlt'I'HM ti' hOI' . 'I'hl'
PII'ehIMI' tld l'I'ldl 11 hl' IIMII. fe
hllhl n piiI Jrl1:0.1111' : of Illl Ilk.
' ' . . ' ' '
Il1d \1'1'1.1 hlllll.lh II'I 11'1111111
pllleH- II''I ! ! III OIC' ( ' Ill. Ipllll 1111
dIIIIIKII' . II \\'IIH N11 II Ilr AI thl' hn
1,1. wlh II nUl , . f' , " " hll. tKkluhl'l' 10
\ \ ' ' UII ' ' . ' Ihl'
tIl Ifol'I'OW.
\\111' 1 fl'lnl II
" "le I hil' U hl'Illlfll . 1IIIIIIet oC whlc
11111 ( " 'hlllll \ '
. \III' 1111 I'U. . . 1111 Ikl' 1 dl'l'IU t
- - , ' . ' ' , ' "
Ilr--lh IUI/ Mh'I'IIII : Ihht'h ,
11'1'111" If IWIII' IUIII ! 10 h"I' . thl HII\\ '
\ukhl/ Whl'lI lil 1" ; " " If Iw Ilslnllt
Ity'UM 11 'lrllll ( ' II Ilr.
II cllhi 1101 nl 11'11 1'111 hI ! I' whlt'
IIhl' wIH--rIMIIJ 111,1 , ,1'11,111 , , 10hldl" ut
hl'l'lllf 11 Icl' 11'11'1 : " wllh II Hllttl'll. I
hllf'Mhr . 1\'lIlller , Mi lilll IIWI ulll 1'\111 I
' . ' ' '
10 ' (
Ilrlll. . III WII'I. frllll'tll 11'1 11'llnl'I'11
fil' hl'l'
I"o ! ' 'ell'l I CI Ir\\1 I'll Mhll 1'lnl'll hel'l'll
Ihl Il' II" . wili hl'llll ) fr hlr 1111'1 1M
Ihl 111'IIJ.I' tl'l\1 111' ' II Ihc t 11 1' . II \I
hl'III' " IWI' ' " '
110 II 111111 ot II'C"'lIlce
thl" ' . ' , . '
ni Iltl'l. Ilr . 11' < thol/hl. 1101'
I'hlld. II ' ' ' '
Wil 11'1)1'1'
" . , , , "
. '
Iulht. . III Ir'd. "J'II trl IIlln ;
. . . , .
II nli I 11 tl nlllil I 11 : .1'
hi' : " " ' n hh'
111 II III'ied 11 11' :111
fl'lll . hl'l1'11 . " ; I h ! " WII 11 11t II 111'
I. ' tll' hl'I'I.
Tin' Ilxl IIIWII h"I' Iu\ ' ( ' " Wil II 1111'
. II \ ' ' ! ' , ' \ \ ' ( ' '
1111. llt II
1\'I't'lhll1 \\1 : (11'/011'11
. , , .
\ hi' 11'11.hl If. , I'IIJ Illn.
HI' \\111 hl'III'1'11'ih ! 1111'11011' , 'l'lw
111'111 IIIII ! Ihnl "hllll ' . 1llllurlt11
\\'II lillll'III'thu I\MI" IIIIII ' !
II II I. I !
II IhiH Clltl' . 'hIII II ' . IIhlllng sik. lhc
I'lch IICl' , til 111'(1)\1111 , Illuney IIIIHle 1\
' ' '
wlnll'rflli IUrlll'eICI'
" I ) ' tlrllll ! . " II clld ; "wh ' . 10n look
In tl"l'el. \hJ' 110 I IIJ' n 1n' !
io 11111I ' looltld rlir. \ ' prolll
) ( CV'r 10 111prolll
I or ' . ' . All thl'
nl ) 01. Ir 11:1'111. WII.11 )
. wil rncl. In11' . IIII' 11""HMIOI " of Ihlll fll'-
"I 1111 J.lll ) , ' 011 nll ! plell"I.1 \vlh Il' ; '
' '
Ihe 11'lllrl'lt
" 11'111'.1. . ' II :1111. . Inl hhlll ' ; "Ihnl iN
/1101 Ihl' wll'.I. . IWI'I.t ' : I 111 III'uIII. I WOI'
III' ! ' II 1011 fll'lll. 1"IIr 1"lfl holl"
101 hilI. . wlrltl luthll hulf 111 fiI' .
PI'III'II ! wl.I ) ' 111 I'l I111 . ) ' 11 111
' Ihlll ' ' ' ,
III' ' '
" ) 11' hl'IIIJ' 111\1 1 111111"
Til' l'e 1 I' ' 10 hl'l'- ( ' '
111 11 I tl'llll , :
Ihll "hI l'clhllll''llh fl't . wih
II1' , " ' \ ' ' ' " , hl' ' ' " ' '
\1' wi.h 1"\1'1'111 l'III'lh"I'I'11
lilI I' . 1 "lh'I. ! Illdll ; h , ' ! ' hnld wlh
I lu\111 : Ihlll' . 11'11 hm' III III CIIIII ; , ' ;
Ilhl. : UII Ihl' ' ,1'11 IUellcn thl'olllh
' ' ' . '
1IIIi MI'I'IIS. hit 111'1 11 : Ihrlll
' . ,
1'01111 hll' UI 111 h hI' 11111III'lIlh 1'\11
' 10 Ikc hm' fllll hll ; Ihnl , 111.t' I I'l1' fII'
II / : ' I . ' 11 ,
IIIIIUJ' Iltl II ) 1.I'IIlI I lil
glool ) ' . hOlsl il Ihc 1111.1 of II JIOOII ) '
"I IIIII ! : 10t luo1.1 I l'I'I'I 'IIII'1
'hulll : hu lllle , 11111 tl"1'lllh'I'111 \\'hr
Incc ' ! ,
hil grew 10 tendl \uu
. "Yol tlt 10l , UXI"'CI II HI ! ! II lolnl' : '
' ' ' , " , " .
\'lclu'lgt' CII\'I,1 wllh UOIllrH hi ! 11111.
. " . .
11111. throw IhlM hInd. dlnk m'l'r ' 'our
.hUlldll'l ! ; 1 do 10t I\'nl C\'ot'uue tl ,
kllow whnl II gollg on ; 1111 , 1) ' elrllg.
you tIll look 10 mleh Iw II bdd , ' , I h , "
Ill\'e YOI wOIIIIIIIII. jll'l thc ! lme. swe.t.
11 rnlr Inl cr'lw hlollll/ , 'Ol w'ru IlrCIHl1 !
"No , 10t 1IIIlo the siule. " : he snhl.
dtn wing hhwlt . 1011111 hcr -
II conl. Mholl-
. "
em'l. "Wheru 111 1) ' lowm'l Oh. I'
Illhl'rl. gh'j' II I ) ' 10\\'llrH ; tlre tl ) '
II ! . on thl' IHlt , I clllhi 111 l e Ilrrlld !
wiholll ) IHlltlru ! 10werK , Other girl.
hn\1 " 1lm' 1111 tl'il'ldR 01 thll' welllll
dl-I hlIUII I II H' 1) ' lowm'i. UIII
thl'J' to ' ,
lcml 111111'ltllll
"VOI hny 11' . Ir < I. . . . . be Iltl. h lt
' " , , ;
: ' ,
rCII'olchrlly " WhIL lurudoOI WRI
Vnl hn\'e 11 ! .
1"Ir 10lg . 'llt8 ! II rh'l'wn I'll 111rOII'I -
hcr'11 ' ' ' , ' '
' ! I\'el' ! or thlt
dllul : ClIIJ 1'11'
I'nh'rNI II InrI , ' . .
! ! 111 1 ol' illulY l'Ulli.
, ) " ! . "It ' ' ' ' ' '
111111) fllrllbll. ) wlh'I'I' 1\'llelct
Ihll II CII'rl111 IlIhllll"11 " I. Hhe I't- !
1\lbel''tl , ' It , ( h"r
\ 11'r ) elellll If " Ihl
Illh'IIIII'IO ! 1111 : 111 I' " I'I\'IIJ If '
" " tl'
"Ooot HIIIU'UII ; . ( ! 10 Ihlt
1IIIH.i hUl/
\\'rltlllll CII ) of 1.I'"IUI'111 .111 " ! wl' "
" ' " , .
"lllt 81111111' ; I rl'l 1:1111 11",1 11/1'1 \ '
hl\ " \1111(111 . Hllhjecll 111.111 III l > t
01 wurkl ul Thl (
ut. Irenllr
1111 I III
whll'I . ! c\'rlll wih 110).1 ) : II'r11
' . ' '
u I'CllthlJ. : ehlir. \\'I'lhll IlIlh' IIle II'
lWI hl'OIZIJ Illllll' ' ' ' ; I Iow Ilr : . fnllo
Iny . .11"11 the Inhl ! ; til .111'k . hlhllH
11\1 1II'k l'II'Inll8 . 11\1 /llhll' 1III'cl
10 I hi' 1011. ,
Tht' 1111' nlli Ihe . ' '
ulllll JIIII.l'r ( 'I'
lel'l Hhl1 \ ' " lil' , ICI'I. , hlif-fl'hhl :
1'Itl IIIIICI ) II hhu 1 ( tll III 1111rl'l"
hl'l' ' ' ' h ' ' ,
\ ; \
rll\'I'lhl 1\1101' 111 11111 Ihll : h '
111' " I 1111 . ( : llt 1111 II whl , 1'lIlnr , hiI
11111hllJ. : wn111111 \ II hll , Sh.
1'1111 IIlt1 whllt. II' loll'd to h
' , I .
Illhl'rt II I 1IIIIIt col flllhiul.
" ,
\11 1111ulll',1 hnI-11111 tll I" Ilt ,
" .
111111 , 11I II 11\11. I ) . ' tlll II \01.
Illhl ; It II 111 11'1 tu h. cllrctll nnll
111clll II . thl'HI . 1111II'I
" . . ,
1 ,
Mul.r ) Sir '
11 1lll Illh'rt < 1m
II'SII I thl\ghl. ) ' , "hit thl dl\'IJ WUI 101jcr tlnl
" 'I'hnt 11) ' be , 11111 I hl ! ! lollll/
/ tl
, \ ' ) ' " HI\'e I
wlh 111' II , 11\0 01 lie leCll ! \
Si' Ulllhl'I'I /1\0 hll I foll'd 1IIIII'r
whldl hc ' ' ' '
tll I'ml. , reld Itl'lt\'II ) rl'OI hl'(111111
_ " ' . " ht' Rulli. " .
"Thlt II l'hdt. " : ow. Inrl
J'IHI tho' wltMlng Ih !
"Yel. 1 tll lot 10'ct 1111 , " Knil SI
o lullrt tl'OI , : ni Ilocket I" , , Inw ! IhlUlu gold 1111
" 1'nkl Ihls 1\I"s hnll 1111 Ilnnl be
rore " " Ihl' ' , ' ) ' .
ni" llll II Ill I/I'r hrh'I
AIII tbcn ho \\'lt U\'CI' tb ' bllutltll
worlil or the 10st solll > er\'lcI I b
- ( bl'eh k 111 WI. " 1"01 rilllr. for IHlot'1
Cor . tal' , 111 ' , '
botr. worll t\'lw'u l
" . .Ioth (10 lS Ilnrt
h"llh.111 ! ,
' ' ' ' ' ' no ( ' ' , wus
a h'cll' coutll't 1'1'lllhl'l'cd 11"11 1lI't' I lk
alA p'l'lm11
' 10 ' thlt IIh" ' '
I IIl'Clll Irt'nl' : " nl'\ "
.wok lrOllerly to
lCe Intl Ilu Ollel (
. , .
. - " , ! ' -
t ,
f . .
hl't 1)11 In thnt brhht. : IY cl1 ot 1atll ,
1III011lllc whl'I' ( lCe , 1. 11 eostrly 1111 tclll IICII
Hi' Il1lhlrt hlll Indl'l hl'rvlh Ires-
' ; hc , to
, I'nll Jn,1 tnl(1 Ilr tl Illt IIHII
III ' : hlill ' ' !
111'IK Il 11'llhl'll u
I 1111\\11" \ 11 11 'r d rrK1WI. Hlw hall 11 thll
'nllll ' , 'clrnll 1111 ( Irl , loees nlil 1101
. Ihnt 1101) ' n IllelS" mlghl hl\'e cI\'led ;
Iht hnd jlwlll nnll trllnlll'ltK ; he IW\'UI'
le'II'11 Utl',1 , or II 'III for IWI' ; he 1,1-
; dUII ( 'aliI' hOlc wlllolll \111111 " 1ft
l011 klnll.
lit AN ! hl'11 I' " nlolll thl' IU'III (1IOllo (
I wtlll lurl 1 111 1111 Ig'lll t4 look lt
, thll'Olllh'OIH CI\'I ! . As ll drove lhrollgh
thl' 14011 li' BOllogllc. e\'ery 111 who
ld hi'uIIIIItud who .
! \ \ Iho WIS.
\11 1.1 IwlIlrll' ! . . . Ihe ' cnled her ,
' ' at
Iln } hlll'I,11 IHlllre wert
1I11111 ! io \ ' " ' Anllnllo" wns.
IH I\'ln 1Iell'
111' hlllorJ' ! C'II1 KflltIlollgh ! ; hu
\UN MrK. 1.lllh. 1111 Ihe Ih"II wih her
. ' . It
hlll'lllllli. 11 glJllh 1111111111'1. Wil
' ' . lhc 110
( 'nllloll 11111111111. lt 10lci
101 , 'hOI , 1011' 10 .Ihe 'l'lllrlls. ! ! 011 of
' ' In ' , ' 1'n8
II 111'1 hol'ls Inl'II 'Ihn ni
Ihl' . ' ' cUllld '
' !
Ihll IhOll1
Ilr. 'hl' Im'l 1\ , ' , I. ! , 1lgh Wil rend .
If hlIIK. ( Olt or Ihl' opl'rn. Iljo'ed drlv.
hinl. / . hlil " 1111'1,111 , 111' II Ih'CKI. 1111
\\11" . nllll'lllt 111 10\'elMt WOltJ II
Il 1"
A fll'I' 1011' ! II1 OUKl'I'\'lllol Ihey bc-
) : /11 10 PI'I'I'f'h'l' Ihli. IIltlllh1' / : . 11t !
II' : . 111)1111 10 1I1'11'1 ' ( \'erv , Illhlle .
. ' ' ' " ' ' ' '
Olll !
' II prh'lIll
hlll. tl 11"1'1' :
. . " .
'hlll IllholJ.h Ih ( CII'I'ill " Ir "I.n Iwl\
. . \IIII I' W/1 nlwlJ'K I II l'rl l.i:1 . I ) I
' ' . ' 11111) ' .
J.:1111'IOI'I. Ihl' 1111 10 ) t\lmdli.
. \ Ihl'h''IKIII'H . '
\11111 \'IKIII/'H 10 1IIIIIel cnll. 1ho
11'1'1llh'cr ' h/lkcl \\111 fll.t ! ,
11'1'1\ . , cI1'1 / , 'lh
' . nil
I'II..I 1"lolj I ) II $ ltlclll Out
Iln ' "II ! llllo Ir l\lll'rt :
"Yul klu1 Il'ent 1\11) ' . K Itemcn In
' . ' , , How It
1nl'll. IIIII'I bltlo Illl. II :
" .
IhI ' hn1' ' fl'h'"lh
Ih/ I ) 111 \1' 10 hlIJ' "
" 1 SI1I11 101 ( ' thl Ilsl Inturnl tbllK
il the woril. Irl'II' . I do 1I0t . kUlw tlil
I ( 'I rl'll 1IIIIhloll tll locl't ) or lallel ,
I ' '
Inli 11\\ 'I/I , .
Shl' 1111'1'I'Ulltl'd hll. '
" llIjlll' ' ' . whll , '
WAi lrl'llg wih
'II ) ' ( 'HI'I'II3. , Nli,1 , thl.l hil fllt"rs wcre
( : ' hl'I I wllh . woult ! In-
1(11)111 1\11' \ , " ! III
u'olhl'I' I" 10 Ihl'I
II' Inllld II WII ' (1'01 hcr. Ilghtl ) ' COl'
! .
" \011 wOlld not elre tor them. " he
1111. . " " ' ( 'h'J' IIrl'el' ) ' th'cOlc-llie ali
"I .lwII , ! lol 11111. " Ih" 1"llled ; " .YOI
tll lot knol how trllgc I stell alwli
lo ' hc wih JlltleII . nld to SIC no III'
tll'l \ Clnuot be 10nlly. Ilele , when
) ' 01 ha'I me ; ' le 101d. gentl ) ' .
" :0. I Is not thlt. I 11 not 1011Iy ,
nt how' I be . -
10l ni ; COlld wlh YOI. Iul-
' ' .
hlrt' ! I II lolcthlnl quil ( In'eront. .
IlrhlllK I Wllt to dllCII the Intest flsh.
10111 , Ir Ihl II'lI ! ! 1 bOlnlt. ! YOI cOllh
101 tllik nboll . Ihosc litle matcrs. coul
' , "
3'01 11Ihll.t ? '
"I willllk IIhollln'thlll In til world'
Ihnl 111'II'S ) ' (1. " h" rellhd ; "hil If I
wl'r ; ' II011' 1IIIIce I wOlld tr ) ' 10t to
kluw thl' I/1KcII CI1h'li-thl' ) ' nn' both
11'01,1 11111 1llllgrl'llblc. : \II\ke YOlrlclr
hllllll ' wih 11 m ) ' , llrlnl ; nlrlI' ! mind
, ihel' Ihl' Sllhlllel'H. mntroll or Inid8 ; . .
think of II. 111111 ot 110 010 cIJ , "
'I'rl ' ' wI'r , ' 'lllll III\elhll' 010 10ring
whl'n Ihl' 1'I/I..h : / 1111H cnll\ 111 . ; thl'rl
\\,1' ( ' 11\1'1'11 . Illll' ! ! ' Illh"I.t rtu
' h nHhl ,
Ihl'll tllh.klr IIld Ilhl
"I 111 111 il Ihe hllIOI' fO' hHt"I's Ihll .
" "
IIU'lill ' . ; hI' Ilill ; "lor tO' n neWK-
Ilnllll'M. .
l' , I I' I 1M wlell In IIlhllll ) ' :
"Thil 111111 J'OI 11'I 117) " nud wnll me
Iu l't'lll III 'UI.
" I ) ' dc\'cl' llll' dlrllng , YOI hlro
J11 "ell Ih ( ' eXlct 'lth. " hI I'elel. "I
111 117) ' . nnll , nhu\'c ni. I IhOlll1 tku thu
111'1 rl \'ulcl' 11 II wol'l.1 to relict 10 10
al thlt . 1' 1(1t 11111,111 In the news.
Llllrl. "I Indcbtlnll , " she repled.
I Wil'oltertll to see how Illickly
II hi ! nttlh'll 10 ni hil wlnts. Anothcr
( IW 11 UI t Il , nnd the 10st boallttll
womnn II Pnrl ! Hil h ) ' hil , ono whie
hnld 11rlng II thl ! 11nrk cl'ls of his
hnlr , lhl' ethel hllllll the plper trom
whlll Ihe rClld to him. There wcte Be\-
rl IIIllMllg pllrlgl'nphs. SC\'Irll 11Ibits :
: e III'llk'H . ICIIIIII. which were nil n
Jl'all lull.r to hl'r. then 811e snid :
" " 't. nro iltorlcd thlt thc Enrl G\
nll. wih hlR 10\'e1y Ili.1 IccollllI't !
111 hll'r. Ihe Lnly 111'1 Glrnll , 111'111
ilH'ntlll ! Ilw IIt few wIks ! In'Pnl'II : '
I rl'lId thl' WIIl'dM clunl'I '
t11 ) Intl IIHllllt-
: ) ' 10 Iwr thlY WI'I th" llne 11 1111) "
Otll' : Ihr1I : II WIS Itlrll'd b ) ' I low
1:1'fl'OI hil Ihs.
" 1-1-1 hl'ar. ' , '
lld 10l 1I'Ine 1'ltllhat
III 11' 11111. I'arl-whllt-who : Ruull
, "
i II/ulll
fOI' 1'111 rlltl . I Iowlr. carellly , word
Udll'o Iht ! had qllil' Inl hl'll he 1111
tl'om his rtuhlo
el curf 10lngin
r. . ;
"Whll IN the mator. Iu1b'rl' Ihe
IIHkl'l1 ' '
"D lut Il'lth' : ; II , mlr ! 1renl. Elthor
I nm Irrltahll Ihll morlllJ. 'or 1 1m lnt
\\111 ; I 1'lnlll 1111 which. "
"Yol nrl' 111I"rhlll \ ! Iho Il'wered ,
" ,
_ \t , ' . ' . ,
! nnd
1I0IC , 'Ol lee ? IOlnl 011. IIIJI't. . :011 :
lt' IWlt ,1011 nlli kllgld hl'r.
"I Ihll 10t he 10nJ. : , llllll. I
111) nl
: , or I " take
Inhl rOi. II 111 hlllf wOI"1
" \ \ ' ' Kllme , ' , ' '
I"'I tln \'hl'n hI
r'III'I111 I" 1111 hal SII 1\11 Ihe holel
lamll" WI'I'C II/hlell. He went 10 hm'
ruom. whl'rl hl' Wil II rel.lllg rllr .1111'r.
, " \11 wil 1111.IJ 11' (11 ' Irllllnt uglll it
) ' 011 I\'I 11u _ Ill n wlrm weicolo lulc ,
I ' . .
rl'I\ li 1111.
SIl I\'II 110 1Ihtld ! ! to SI'O hi I no
hlli 11\1' bel'lI nhselt from hCI' so 101 :
blroru ! IIICO Iho IIIY In LUlllou when he
I Jlnl mnde hfr his wit (
"I. ha\'e hl'101) ' hlS ) Irene. ant 1
hl'C 10mlthllJ to IAY which wi nstoa-
Itb ) ' 01 , Shnl ) ' 011 mind It I usk ) ' 01
to Jln' ol'llcrl tor lho 1101dn ) of ) ' 011
morrow ! " " . 11 1 wlHh to gtart ror Ull ) ' to.
"I wiInll ) ' do su Ie you ' \.1 I "
Rhl Illhl ; "hl thl Is u vorr " -
: ! lll"1 rliO-
, ,
11101 Ii I 10t " llllrt1
lr " . " ho ! n"ll ; "I met someone thlH
mlnlll who tlhlul. th t Ialy I\'ns look-
hll lllllrh. I r ) ' 01 WRII'Iolcls from
PUI'ml , 11111 rOSI' ! tram : \10111. 1I0W Ie
) ' 011 tlle ; let 118 Illrt 10'101'101. "
"I nl 1il'r ) " to I'I\'l Ilrls , " ! ho snldj
"wo ha1' hl'ln ! vI'r ) ' hllll ) ' hel' . "
" \V , ' Ihll he hnllillel' thCI' ! m ) ' dnr.
II' II : ; thl" II a Ifl' of gnYllr , tlit wi
he I Ifu or Itt. nnd " ) ' 01 10\1 : tt bt'/t ,
do ) ' ' ' 1 not. Iwet ?
Shl' lookell at him sllll\I' ,
"Hulbert , " Iho said. "I ( ila\- , ' notl'e
t ' seldom me 'wit" ' ! ,
thl 'Ol cnl 'Ol 8n
' ' , ' )
11111111YOI 111 cal mnny me 'wlfe. lovll ; 'orl : ,
- - - - - - - -
- " 1'
- - f
. . . . ,
- -
"I alw/YI 111/1 to 1f to be f. old.
tnlholled ! worI , , " he ropl.d , "and b1 no
11111 n prIY n11
lur lHnltrll tnc , tell.
"Uo 'Ol thlnl , IIlt , " Kho Ild , "I nm
! sor. , ' 10 htl' I. I think It thl tOlt
' ' word In tbo
I Iwoltltlll 1111 hllltl'l'I'o
1 IKIHh IllJUf/I' .
' . hI' :
II 1111'd. 1' ! ult
" 00 'Oll , 11Ilr4'11 wlfl ! ? 'rhen 1 wi
tr ' to n ' ; nCTer
) IIC I lliI ofl'ler .OU
toll fl betorl' how otlell ) 'ou lilted It ,
NovJ YOI I\t or.llf about the
( To . be . cOlllulled , )
- - - - -
- - - -
J'OltOnCC thlt 1 ) 'urty , II thc U'llcII
In ,
Htlt ! . Ild 1l.ty Caluda
" 'fienl wihout n coultry" Is el-
erll ' I'egnrdml iK ni nlllnly. hit
tlen' II HllelhllJ fil' ItrnJer-n 1101t-
Ilcl thnt dOlR hU'ln ( 1 IItm' two
laA , 1 IH loclltld In Blehe 111 In , 1
tOWI thnt Is half In the Stute of V ! r.
1011 Ild hulf II tl lrovlwe nr QIW-
hec. 'he . blllllg WIS 1.Ct. " HIIC
le\'cllt.I\'e J'CUl't n o exactly 01 the
Ile h.tweel Ihe Ulml Stntes IIHI .
Cunldn , 11 thut It stundt In t'o COII.
I'h's nlli ! HI'\'CH II lhe II0Alni Iwr\lce
of two 1111018 ,
TJIC , cela I' of Ihl llIIIJIcOllnecs
I hi' I WO CO I I l'ls. Ind HOle yenl' " Igo
when tlc Joslofc ( ' WIS 1 gelet'll stol'e
wlllky WI ! IwowlI 10 hl ! old . In aie
COII"HI dcl\'l'ut In alolle. wllh-
uut e\er 11'In gOlw Ult fl'om ulder
the rt.of of the olt NU'lwtlre. 'rhls
cOl lln ton pllRtolce II IOW hellg rUI
l ' pll'ent 11(1 c hld. the Iather bl'llg
postlnstct ril' Cnnndinn Quebec amI
Ill' Ilallltlj' ( loltmlHtress ( or "C"
101 t ,
. Stnl"ll 11 fl'ont of this atl'l Ige pst-
olhl ! If 1 hl'IIOSI which Inrks tll
hOUldll'J' lile , Ilt I Ii snld Ihnt ole
tll n Ilnll who wnllted to glt a rout-
wny to 11 ; lu'elhms 10VI'd Illf pOlt ,
ald IIIJ' tholsnlcis or dullrs Ild no
lte tlc Wl'l'e tpent \Htablshllg
Ih ( t'Xlct Ile agnln :
( lIt I shon tmc ago a"CI'Y IOCU-
Ilnr posloce wn8 uscd . ' .
! IIrg 'lHhlre.
En lnull I wng sltul ted In t\ lonely
his heU\'n ( I'lllil nld RIl'r , three
mlcs frm In.hl hlalloll , 111 cOlslst-
ed oC I Hlllll ! Hit In I I'oek , closed up
uJ' n IIely II lng Htonc.
Wien IIJ' IcUm's n\l\ed ut Dtlmnln
tor the dlst\lct of Bil'\ they were con-
"eJ'ed to the rock ly the frst shep.
Iwrd or croftt goln so fnr. HI vlog .
bcen dl'opped In nnd tlc Kit l'ccloBed.
they wcre lef nntl I shepherd 01' ( ! rot-
tC' rrol tho' othel' side hnppened to
.COIC nlol , when the ' WIre ! tuken up
nml del\'el'ell at tleh' due .
ll tlntion. I
o lelll' wnl CYI' knowl to get loat
at this 111.nlth'e poatonce ,
At Ihl'l. Shetnnd. UI old tn ran-
IRter , mnlle wntel tl ht wih newlpn-
per 8nll pich. was enc ( ' ( Icked lp 00
the Ihole , I contalncd Icn leters ,
wIth the tO'I'el' : IIHh tOl' postnge. With
theRe WIK also n Icle' fol the fndel' .
urgenty l'pqulltln the postIng ot the .
Iccomptnyllg IIRHlvl8. ns the ' We.c
Importnnt bnshles COlllllcltons ,
A fm' tlc lettel'f Ild been cHl'efuly
d 'lcll th.v Wl'l nt olce postcd to Iblh'
destlullont. whIch they relched wih ,
ant ( urthel' ad\'cnture.
Sculchinl A1cr Amber.
plclHan form of Idlng Is wnndel' .
III nlon . tle cdgl of tle Hel In lul t ,
- ' , sClu'chlng
out-OC.tIH\OI'ld Hlots 111
Cor ullwr. ! nys the London Dnly Inl
LatelJ' I Call nmount ot nmber hus
heen wnshed usllre n the sands nnd
bencles of Enft Angla ; a gale from
the cast nnd ' and 1 Htrong
Bea usunly brIng up the amber In El-
80X. SU1olk , Sussex nld ehlwhcl'c1
dIU'CSIY II lurts of the I.lncolnsbllc
CUlst. too ,
l'ln Home of tt Illofesslonnl ' -
men Iml hoatmen search tor nmber
wlln ihn ) ' nyc 10 more Ilpoltant
\ ' 01 bnnd. and sel. In n rough
slutI. thl RCrll ( ! tlc ' lld to local
jewelPI's 1111 IICIIII In cUlloslles aud
ollls nnd Cu1R ,
I 1111 Ille at tht'se tshelwen wIth
wlol I hl ye tlikel tiite qnlte the llC-
ecptld'Icw oC the du ) ' Is to the or-
IgII of nmbl'l'hl ! ' cal It glr from
llo trceH ; hut pelllps they an ! n lte
nstr1 - In rC II'd to the Ige of this
xlHln ; thl' .t ' In Ihl Imher" II not ex-
nct ' 01' 111111'1 hlue hutlc ; II tact ,
tw (11'cIn suhstl nel's foulld In umber
l'nel'lly helll tl Illcclcs cxtnct
111'8 I I A mbl.r Ii 111 10n el used In
IClclle : tormel'ly 01 oC U Iber wus
rlglll(11 IS n cure fovarlolls COh1-
1)111111 ,
" 'lcll with 'I'ln Cntf.
A ' ! Itc buldlllg ftnlds
01 .the hl\n oC Hr , numln I. Key-
S"I" house In CII\CI hle. Gerlll-
town , Il. I WIS el'ectlll b ' Dr. Key-
sm' 11lt wl\1 I1) 1c\I luldltou
or 11(1'1101 bl'll ) ntll ' 10 I elch
'onr 111'lnJ hl8'ncnt Ion. 'I'll 11'I'hl-
tccturl' I 0111 I' : nJ111 'h ( ' 10111 111'
II womI'l , nld the UIII'I' Ilu't hna thl
{ le ! t of ting , the tier lelllldl !
out of ell tn Clms , 'I'lo .rollthtul urcb-
Il'ct II' l'j Ill'C I Ilc hOJ' : ot tie nell-
' to colect cnls the \
I'lous Imlps. 1,00 or : t hcm uehl Ised
111 thc hulhll . 'l'he hotoms of the
( nns bloclwd O\'CI' wood ' cl'cu-
Inl' tl'H , wih whlrh the rouf II CO\- .
. the ' of the tlu
l'red. nld r11hllel' bo-
In" butlU out tit 1111 1110 hlocked.
mldl RI11r 111s fOl' tll' UJwr 1111' oft
t he , - ' ( .
wilsChllgo - - _ . ' . .
, ' ' ' ' . ,
1lusa \\'RYH Il' 'l'url.H
HOles. r1101 IHl dOllk ( 's go 10ndNI
to Il'ke II ' 1111" ) ' , but the rend II
I strewn with Jtln lelklllS from thl
ell Rnl'ks. 1111 t hOlSlllh ; or tt'ke ' : ,
\11'h II ' be uOIJht nt 12 centH
, the dropplllg ,
1llleee fce Ul , grlln
- - - - - - - - -
A ' ' .
lodcl sten1sllli tnlel Is so : mte
thnt the I Illh gOVC'IICUt hna 101
lost or Injurell In t'IIHI n 111 le JIU1
ot tht : mOO , 1i1 to Sout h _ \rieR ,
' - - - - - -
' . ' ' \ ' ( ' ( ' :
'fl .lh'llnJ Ilf ht't\'n IUles 111
, ,
tcar n ver1 narw OIU
- - - . . . . .
- - " - - -
- ) ; : " ,
. - . . . . . . - . , . \ "
_ , . . . . . .
. . . _ . . " -'r. - . . . . . , '
low thc 14 , ' of Unth Aralc" Whlcll
A \ \ ' , , 1.ICe II CIII-11urlJhlJ 1 1'
Ilcrlclccl , Tlrc"olt Mlr hcl-Thrl'
Il1a Heclc. 01 the Intlc cld. ,
"I WI , ! . Il Ol'ook' , dlvlfdol lt . )10'
nmlox. . Hn II Cnlt , I I'I' ' . "unt WhlI'
\.r thl' of nl'Olld ( !
( 1h Allrl COleR tl
Hl'l'lICH of Ilc wel , heto'c , the HUr'I ! '
dN' ' YlvldtJ' heru'c , ' .
(011' II ) 1 ( \I
\\1'1'1' I W(11 J'-n "I' IIIA I wn ' Wiil I
SI ! bl'ol lt al 111trm'tet dlMJltl'l
II'I 11'11 cOllnlsHllJ' CIC'11 ( (1'1
10 101' trull 101111 of ( l'ovlllolS lo
. \ 1111111 t tex dl'IHI. ' 1'1 Is I'C SII'- !
dll th ! ' IlIfol'mn ton he'llled. . : l (
Ioon thl' tl'IHIIH of CIRlel' , 01'001 , IU11
( ' \\'Ire ulopll towlrel _ \11110'
( I'rlt'Ire .
11 to :
" 'I'hp Imll : we1 Clltl'II , hit whlt
I 101 t t111'II'CCI \WI \ .IH . ll SIelf. ' .
thnt 1011 W ! Ut' CUlltI'c. IoCO\O-
I h'e 11llel'I'1 jllIJ\11 \ Crl Ile sII111M
II 01' 11\\'IHlol \ ald took ell1t ! O [ Ihe
loeolol\'es dl'Rcl'led h } ' Ihe rebel I Iltl
rUI the tIIIH hllt lul fotlh tlll
Iho )1'latIIIWt or C : \11 I'J' Inlll ; hotl
Hldc of ,
! tll tJlt They tootell the
whlll ) . l'tti I' cl III' hIN. whie
te \11'J'lel ) 'eled 1111 tl hO\/cs
p\IUICII ! anel ulghed. I Wil n wid
seenn 1111 I . ha'C n'lr wltnelsct tU-
Olhe' , . ikIl.
1.c 1Wt'w thut nt Inst wc W'I
nCI'OIS LeI" Ihl ! ' , Ind 1001
' otI'etrelt . , 11J
at thp IH II'Y colulns of cnvnl.111" ! !
II Ilto 111. I then ht WI could Chl'II , , I
tlc enllJ' , no IIUm' how It'on . l. .
( Il Iln\'I'ellt dllng thl nIght , bil Wil
l'IIS I'11 when the llflnll' ' CIII ! 111 :
at 1 dOlble'lllllk nnd fOl'll'd lelhut
lS In the woodl WhclI til IIIr 11l
ot Con ( I 'I e I t' hiII II 1'\ . ' 'OtvIICCt on
the rornlllt or the Ilh 10 hl'l1 Shl'rl'
dll'S Ila 1'nslie. . : j1'cnt dOlble
liH' of , Inflntl' ' II III IJO C to 1"et
" II ( on ( fnw 11 ell ( owel Oi I
stIck 111 I he01' Wlt Ilown 0\
111'A tlg of truc ( ; dOI't 1m ! Hit
Shm.llal Illd to tblehout hll : 'II
thi ! n maklsllC to time ? I 111'e
10Mt tOi Inu ' men this mOl'nlng tu UH
put 01 hy anJ' lne : , Gen. I ; l'dlln
ald other ConfNlemte otCIR expluln-
cd thnt Him , Lee In ' '
denc wih ( II. HI' ; I I IS to 111'l'l-
del Inll the.n . I ld : RUIWISlol of
h08tltll , In II Illule sellell 10
: I
1 ( tlp 1'/ \ , Ilslllntcll :1,1 , th' II-
tant. > InJ' ,11wI In lle of hate , The
men h:11 : ITm'hed ni nl ht , uut the:1 :
eJ'u8 WlI'e ! } lt 1111 thel' fnce elI'
OIU'r. 8ahbath tl.\ '
11\1 thp 1111 IUII COlI And whie the
( 'OnllllI'I'S Illk'tl I hou111s of tit'
011 dm e Illt Idlll In contentmell. "
" , . . . . .
\fl'l' the : m.l.clllpl. . said the HI'
JCUI. "a eUIIHle 1111 myself \l'lt ,
1\11 tat the 11111 ! \llt\s dl'I"
lOl to see how of }
tl len tIII
8tll\wn I hrl.ade 1001. the RI'I'I'11"r ,
'I'hl' 1'1 llentR lulched ont , ShHkNI
nl'I , 111 WCI'e 10lnoI Inlotil
plmlld ol'dlwhen their brigade hall
5t1cl. lPIn't I mlil em Out of the
( ' ' ' tollllcd to ' .
Wld'I'll'NS. all ul ! lSt'lI.
Then the bUid phl . 'e 'Ulxle ; hut thele
waH 10 chcering. Lntel' came 'Bo\w ,
SW et Home ; ald a chee' Hwcl(1 (
uround the Conrederate 1m's Ind WIS
cnl'ricil Into aud nrou11 thc Unl(1
IneH. I t "as not n ' of exull tlon. .
of ' thr rl'jolc.
hit . comlon J'\la Ind
"I ' clu'I'led '
IU1'e frm tha t dUJ' to this .
1 Itlla t'C Inch of III IJple tree oC(1. (
{ OIUIOX. whIch cal tl le In thiN
WU } " : Thm'c wal n 'IWI'll ImIH'e : del
lhal G\ant a11 Lee mel } uHlcr an Ilple
' for ' ' . '
tn'l thcl' th'lt Ilfolmal ll. on' ) .
the ' at ' , the
. tel'IM 111 pnrtk. .
ult. : Iree WUS ulrtl'd b ' both Fnlol.
IIN ami ConCedl'l'ates. . '
! Blt. lS :1)ll'ls
llsHl ! , twl ; urler twl waH hl'lkll Ilf.
1111 Ilnl ' ca\llr ' 111 hrokH otl III I'
Ilh as Ihoy rode hr. . At Ihll jwl-
11' ( ' : ll1ld or CI'II.rle cOWI Oi
' , .
the "I'owd Ihult the tree dlslollllll.
:11 lwo Il'l II'ocellll'l to Clt I 11\1
thl I'hllll nyln Ollt : IOlg Ihe 1'n
who stood lIellr. One of thlse ehlls ) 1
111 II lY pockct , nld I hU\'l' I 'II.
" \\'I11 the tree hlli heel cnt 11'1
tl1 l'I\'ah' 'lln Clt It Hetol : nlll ,
l1nltn their horlns , CII'I"c al oIL
tOWll'll ' ( \ . hi th'e 11111t'S
I'\'t'rr ( 'hil 111 tcrnp hud 11111)eal' 'II ,
111 Ihe lxt InJ' tlt'l'e Wil I I'eat
hul ( ' WhNt the tre ( 11111 HtOIII. til
\1 \ , , ' hlHl'11 ; lng dowl . to ; II1
1 h ' A , '
slllet Ioot brlllh. It I tm'
al. 1" ( ' ( li I 101 8m'relleIllel' Iho
I l'I' , hii l'I'ted u llcl' Ihll' wllll !
10 hl'I' : flol OI'llt. Inc I\'IH lel 111'1' "
Ir :1 ' ' 1 111 Bahcolk . , wIl l'II'I'h'll
G 1'11 1' I\SIIO to hll. , ,
"I Iwar I hI'
HlllllnJ In 10llS 111
Jll' f'I' whel .Jelkll ! ' 1'1'111 : I'li"IT ,
lel'llI 10 Ihe pllli ' " th.
; . . UIH
Wl'I'I' to hI ! Ilurl.ell. Ituek II tl ( mit . ,
' thl' meu wel'e '
\I I Itrl\ll/ IxU'I.
Clt ( tw gIIS I 1tI'l'l Cltpt. , rellkll !
III\ Iw fel. le snll : 'I \ '
11 11" 1\
, , , , ; ,
"u tlI' ' RIIICI stuck I nU I , the !
10\11' Iltl' o ole of tlOtC wIC'I . lS
hl11 I lnl lt. amI .
. 11 ; 1m1111 ; 1
th. ' YIII''I' 'ome I10n 11 ( P\I Ihl'
IU 111 hi or Ilown , tl 111'1 or tw
wlll'lO . \ tl the groUlI1 Is hOll. If
1'01 So I 111 bounl to t\al'll
1\ tel ( \
11' tOIl , no lutcr wll"t halllen . ; I . '
( ' 11\1 ( ot position wi he to I' the hOI.
1'1'111 \ost of the Johllnles seem-
"II to fl'l IN did Cnpt J elklns. "
"Til' III ot truce at AIPO\ltox. "
! 111 , H'lm Klchcl. "Wil hrluht to
:111. I . Ol' l I' , ' " Morln of the OUI .
nllli '
' 1111rr.t 1'ltty-tth , Pnll 'I\IIII.
'I'hl' 01 ( I hlll'l'l Ind 1'tHy-tttl WIH
( \ Ihl' .1.1'II h 11e. wheu I \ 1111 \ -
I Jil' I'a \1' . 111 wih the ' fn ; 111 ; 111 . to .
' 1"1' snke , '
111'11. ! lor's hl \ .Ot.
111'1 'Cl'IPH' Ih'I : ' Mnjltrul ' : rl-
1 } lh"I : ' \\'hr , 110l't you In \ 'l011 11'1
"Ihl Ih'II fou ( ! Hle here wih :
. . ' . . . ' _ " " ' 'r. ' ' 'I/ " , , . "
. , , . , . . , 'I . . .
. , - ' ' ' . . . , ' . . " , " .
I jl of trnce. luII yet your me ke
. ' ' ' ot the .
twlr fre. 'l'll' helrer la.
111" el to Ile I'cur to report to Uo
Urlin. 1111 In the Oeunthnc the
111 l'lllllllnl Ihl AllhlUI brigde
rrulII I ( IH 'I\I' ( o'wlrd , nnl IUJ
" thrmdown their arms lathe
"III ICI thrm\
the tl'II'IH ( ( Alllllltox Court lotKe
nnd 1'111 CI'wnl'l ) In I boty , 1IaJ. '
j Inr nl. HUl lallllllll his Iklrmhlh
Ihl . It cololeluUI hI.
I ( ( tlc .IIUIII
I th ( ! ' I' ' A
141 \ \1 ulcel' gUill
tlll' 111'1 hld tHt'elulel'eJ , lulcro
Ilrl OII'K Ilfle : Inlel'H were I' ( 'elve . . .
I tl I'I'IH ! 11'11 luc wI'rl 10t Ilchllo In r
' ' ' ' ' ' . ,
: lie fOI'lei IHU'I'l'ldel't'll hy Olu. Ic
hit "lel'l ! 111'011'1 wih the COICeder
ateM Cllltl'I'11 II 81101'8' Crlll ! , nul
I 'I'I'lh' . BII'IUIO ot 0\ 111 VIICe
110 1 101 01' hl'I IHII'I dl'Hlh"lnt'LI lu
I Ine\n I ordll'l to l'cI'II"e t hll\'remler
i of tht' IflS of the \rIJ' of Nlrtbcr
I "At 1"Rt " thl I'lh ( . 11 thct tUl'lwd eve
Iwh' 1'11 , WII'I' 1llhm 1 nt I'etcent.
hll whll tu'WII'I' luflI(11 Ihn they
\1'1'1 t'l 1'/\1 / to theh' 10 I PH with
thllr hO'IeH uml 1 I I ' ! , tl'ere
l1 I'I' 11 ! C'I'I' II'h' Jl rol 'H. IIHI UIIY-
Ilt on I' til tlol ht Ir ell ; hOle to
, ItIY.hllI 11 ( ' 11'11 Ilh'I lol of Uor
cI's ( ' ( 'PH 11 rl.'h 1' I JIHlol' Cllp go
II ! IIIIuj. . tl' 11 IHiWllhlll the
u'I , ldc hllt Oi th ( ! 1'1t shie IUt 11-
ftl'llted I tl JIIY ' 1011. : wet
HOIIl , OO'dol'M len sU'lhrhllned Ult.
cn uglt Htel' , ! WIIJ thei' hu 11 111
welt \IJ' from . iK cluerlng : , .
" 'I'II'lr 1JI.J hlt 11 en'eloUI , our
hOJ'f . 111 IH WI' Inl'clell hlck towarll
I ( .I ' Poilt . tu'r ( ' wus Illh shoutu"
to th thut the wnr W H and
( (1.t 0\11
I nlth HII II If "Wh1'1 .lohuIJ' Com
: \llu'ehll ; 10\1 , By Ihl' WiY , the
I Ilsl IUI kll'd II th ( 111) ' o the Po
tOlle WIH COI'IIU'nl lontgonHr ) ' or
I Olplllr I. 01 ( ' Iuleln'l ! ud Piey.
I nh , PellHJ'1 111 ZUII veSt le was
shot Oi tie Hkh'IIHh Inc a mOII'lt be
' ' ( ' of truce t our
101' tle 11' tllle
' ,
' '
fl'OII-III o Iltel' OCtIU
- -
10' , nld Ihlrl ( thc \Var. . -
\ ( tl'lmll"1 011 hlt with wrenths .
or 101'1. : . ulo I I Ih' (1'0the 111.
metl. 'Ihl : I > k elll'I'IJy devol'ell
IpOI 11' , I \IM al udcpt Iu the ar
( r Ilkll wax tl\\'I'I' , 111 this Imowl-
et ! ( WS of helwlt In hnudllJ tl0
; I ! 'l'led lu
Jullltlo tl ! \c 111ln/
SII ! blI1tlCII 10wel'M. which were !
1u'oor a nhlHl wlut and wellther. We
woull Illclllx wllh 11'1 tlfl of r' 1
nlt hlH 1111 tl gOI' euus placlck . "
' ' 10 hl'Ihtl'l'tlll , Some
It'alhll'j ! tlllII j
oC 01' , hnts'II'C 1'I ' 11)\'cly.
' 11. . 1111 Illhl'I' 01 II lulir : .110
SlOllt11 thl' " : llllu hnl , IIHl the w"
InlHlcl : llIIIJ'l h I hlld of Ilnl'k or
hIlI' 'I'lolh. ' 'rllsl hIls Wl're very
' hU' , " ( ' ' ' ' ' ,
Ihl'l 1"1111' WI'I' UII' dlstlnt ,
(1' Ihl'cr"ItH , : lil III thp 1' \lrllul I '
01 thlt IJII' II \1 : 11(1'llcIIgooll ,
" ' 0 nlo IIHM'I IC lahl"'lats
wlh 1:11110 hmld , whh'h w'e'I:111- :
: IIW II : lllcul'nllcl : lld 111' l celet
In Ihl'lhll ' Ih ( ' slll1ls j1'lIer :
- ' t ' . ) J
11 111'chllll . 1 tOI'PI. Iullll WUS
so Illh 11.tIIISSI Sl11 II lheh' fl'or , i
lhllt ihe I'onlh\tll Ihlh' 111 lOll : at-
tr ! thl' wnl' , :1111.11111111 IUIllg- . .
llslel : "alplH'I ! )1111I1f'llli f j
elil Ilell''s : ltl olhl ! " useul IUI
O'IIIlUIII al'llllls WI' Ilsl 1IIIe flOI I ,
1lllmeUo. '
'l'hc Illh tl'spllc'll ( 'II'n Mhuti cano
lrely to the Croul II the e dIYH. : lul . : '
fumlshct 1 1'llt'r YII'h'ty \ I mis.
lcnslhle nrtcls Ilnu In } ' otlm' slngl. j
l'011011ty. Our ulltl'118e , foot mal '
sCI\h hl'noms ItI horsl > ( : olnl's were )
11mlnuncturet frol tHe sImek. Iogi
excelent lattrlHIlS we Ilde 11 this , ,
wise : the slmckH W'I' tOIU Inlo very
tne strIps u ' 1HIIH 01 I C0l1on to ;
lle forl . tbe uiiler 01' hurl end. cut
IlWIY , nud tle tckl1 ! thcn wel 11e
Ind tacke wih strol Ifl't lu the
, ' ' \
usual mlJHr 'l'hl'sl' 11 t1'CASI ) 119-
lsI'1 mal ' :11'1111 : II'S over elber !
Iolton or IOS : , I : IhlJ' Il'e lght nnd ,
' ' . ' ' ' . ,
:11'11 ) : \l IW\'CI' 111'k.
Onl of the 10\1'llst ph'I'I' . : lt h\ck
wo\k I 1'\01 Rnw WIS a I'I , for .
' ' , I liSl'l1 ' Ihl'
: UIII'I' I le ell hlcr
IIIIIIU : , whl'h 11' ( ' : ur aud of a .
CI'PIIJ' wh'I's : , 'l'hliH I l'Ut Iut
\hs : hoUI 1n hlh 101 ; allli Illf au
hwl whll I lrosl1 ! Ienlil of thesQ
:1\111 , 11 : fl'lll 1 Inlul at the 10 } ) .
Fo11' fOllllalll1 of tliH 11 I used I
\ ' . \ ' ' ' ( ' of ' ' I
hI111'1' . whll' 1'01101 11011. 018
'lr.I IUt I half . II h'Ilh 1111 tll'c&
' of ' wilh' , ,
n I
lual'lfr ! J'II.t bl nn sew-
II 01 thl' 10lnis at thl' 1)lt I' l.tI ! , lot-
I'al'h ' ' .
tl" 1'1'11'11I.1 . row l'U\'cr the
( ' \ls of til row. ahnn' . 11111 I I'clwh.
I'll tl ( ' 1'11111' . Whl'l' " I "olt'III ' 11 al
tl I'I''IHlcles wih 1 Iun' ' 11f or
Shl ! ] . . . , I tll'lI S\'llldl'II ! Ihl Imll.o
I'U ; wih . , 1 . UI\'I. . hlaJ' 11'1111' Cl'IL'l
or hul.'I 'Ihll'l 1'11 ' ' uII-
: !
. ; WI I'PII
11'1.t , nlt ItlJ' 01 ( I' 11'lllllsml \ , _ .
. ' . . .
tlt".l tle ' - - \ ' ,
Jall'I'I.HOlhll'f lu .
\\hut the \\'ur CUt II Iuhor _
IHJ' II HR IIIII Ihlt lt 1 minI-
11tl ( osloI tHIPI'I'IHIIg ) 1 he I'ulcl. .
IUI $ HIOOOO. wl'ltl I' dwlll '
. ,
\ lhlII II thp 10'111 , It \ts ,
\ tll. &
' . , . ,
rOI'I' $ : '
$1I ) ( ( ( u 'H l for Hc\'cn
, \IH' . I hm ; hll'l hlll thll t the IUX-
,1\11 JI'OI1lt of t'llh 11'1'111 ol'uplpd
ri' ' ; .11 , II l SI 1'llll 101 hl\1 eXCI'ed.
8 : ; o ( WO'lh . ; InhO' 1111 ( 'llllnl wel'o
a t 1'I t 01.1 hiIll 10rl' l'ITlltlturllg
1111 :111' 11'11 1111 1'1'11 I ! 11 tOI.
. ' , ' '
tl'ne \1111 (11 : 1111'S Inhll' flo\
ISI\ to 1&IS , hwluslrl III $ : ( I J'l'ar ,
Ihl' work ' ' ' .
1f WIl' l'llluh'lll th. Ilrmult.
t hlg III hOI' or . . ( ) '
, : : iO.I 11'1 il HU1tull-
Inj 11'1 Al lll l'lwh , HI Isthulio
' '
" ' '
II'olln"I 11'1'11 10 tl' Inrk lt thlt
tIH' , Ihl' meHUI'llld hI Ihl COl-
slnut wOII. of : : i.Klt 111'1 ( 'I'h \\r
' ' ' ' ' ,
fi' 11'\11 ) I'nl'N The' ' ' ' ,
\I'J'it' lll Uil'
tll of Ullit ' wns aOOoO ,
IH'rlHI . : ( ( or
\hOI 10t 0\ ' ( ' ' '
Olt. II
1'1' cOllll be l'on-
tlcl'rl 1,1 uhh'holll"l 1111 .r urllr , . )
Il'l I'II HI ( ' . 'hl' t'Ot of Iwrty. UII'r
COIO COllt d , II Ilual tttllH WOI.1 ut
th ' ' ,
I'IHI of
or ' lte . ti'1I'U ) 'e : 11 , o ( OUl
Inl thl''c. nl'lt.blarllg U&C 1\ every