Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 29, 1902, Image 5

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! t'lmIJUcnn CmHlty ClllVClltlon.
'rhc Rcpublican County Con-
i vcntion of Custcrcount.r , Ncbras-
ka will bc held in thc Opera
House in 13rokcn Bow , Tucsda ) ' ,
Junc , 3 at 11 o'clock a. m. for the
purposc of placing in nomination
a candidate for count ) ' attorncy
, and the elcction of delcgates to
I' the state , congressionalsenatori-
al and rcprcsentativc convcntions
aud thc transaction of an ) ' othcr
' busincss decmcd advisable.
'l'hc se\'cral townships of thc
county arc cntitled to enc delc-
gatc at largc and one delegatc
for cach tcn votes , half or major
fraction thercof cast for lIon. S.
I. H. Sedgwick for Suprcme Judgc
, 1901. ' .
: . . It is rccommc1Hlcd that no
: \ ' . proxies bc allowcd and that the
.i . be.cntitlcd to
. dclcgates prcscnt be. .
: : cast thc \'ote of thcn' respcch\'C
_ I' . prcci nets. '
' ' " ' ' the
: > 'J'he townships comprising
' : ' , t county of Custer are cntitled. to
/ > ' thc fol1owing number of dele-
, ' . ; gatcs.
. . ,
" . ' _ , Algornoo . . . . . . . . . .10 IUJroll..W' . . . . , . . .11
, ' ' .An ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1111110. : . . . . . . . . . 6
' . ' . A.nolll. . . . . . . . . . . . . .7' J.OIIII. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
, ; ' , lIerw'n . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7' lIIrllo . . . . . . . . . . . . . n
\ ' , ' ' I1rokeu 110W. . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. " . 'I' " ClIlr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7' , 'IIII111'h. . . . . . . . . . . , I
I.I\ . ' ; , ' Clo le' , . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! ! Vlclorla..7
. " ' ' n lIht. . . . . . . . . . . . .10 WU1'IIO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II
f.'C . ) nOIl lolI Or vo.1 ' \"I. . . . . . . . . . . .
.r II. " ' $ Ullm . . . . . . . . . . . : \\.eptl'lIllIu. . . . . . . . . . . 7
, . J.U : , IJreoll. . . . . . . . . . . r. WooIIIUvor..1I
. ( ' " . . U.rt1eld . . . . . . . . . . . f , , -
iI' , ' , UUlJt . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ii 'folll. . . . . . . . . . . . 2Ui
, ' lJlI'ell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a
< ' ' . > ALPHA MORGAN ,
! , . , ' Ohr'n. Co. Cent Com.
/ " D. M. AMSllmmv , Sec'y
' ; ' " . ' . . ,
/ : . . Ul'lI ( J ( ) GUESSIO , IHS'1'1tI0'I' .
, .rfii -
: CaU " ' 01' ( : ulI r"RI\)1I1I1 ' CUII\'I'lIt1UII 1.01'
"t _ : , , ; Sixth t'lH11lIil ! UIlh'lrt. !
' ' -
A republican congressional conj -
" - v ntion for the Sixth Congressional -
j ) , . sional District of Nebraska will
be held in the City of Crawford ,
Neb. , on ' 1'hursday , June 12 ,
1902 , at 1:30 : o'clock p. m. , forthe
" purpos f nominating a candi-
. '
" , ; : , ;
: "
' . , j , CHANGES
f . In the most attractivc couutry for the
fmancr , stock raiscr , manufacturer ,
a11l1 invcstor. Plcnty of good opportunities -
tunities in thc
; " , " , Kentucky , Tonnossoo.
, ' " AlobomoMlsslsSIPPI & . Florida
, . #
.1 . . at all points 011 the Hne of
Louisvil e & Nashville
: Rai 1 road.
All classcs of husincss mcn wi11 fillll
. _ . , the grcalcst chanccs in the Cnitcd
.f ; ' , Stalcs to makc ll1rgt : profits hy rtason
r { j'r- : " $ : . . . . of the ahundance nnel chcapncss of
. Land and Farma ,
, H : : I . . Tlmbor nnd Stone ,
, ' \ ' ' ' Iron nnd Coal ,
: ' Lobor-Evorythl ng.
\ 1' " 't
. . . . . : ' , , ' . _ Frce sitcs , financial . msistance , anel
r . . . . . . . t. ' ' f rcel I om f rom taxation f or thc manu-
! 11ot , : i ; " factmcr.
i ' . 11. , ' , _ Lanll and farms al $1.00 pel' acre
\ " , ' 1 ' 1'- ' . ' amI uJ"arcls.11el ] 500,000 Hcrcs in
: - : { , ; ; ' " West Flor lla that can he takcn gratis
; : ' I . mulcr thc tn lecl Statcs IIomcstcml
Stock raisinj. { in thc Gulf Coast
" . I District wil1makc enormolls profits.
Ha f fair oxourslono the flrat
and third Tuesdays ooch month.
Iet UR know what ) ' 011 want , amI
\'e wi1l tcU ) ' 011 wherc anel how to get
It-I > I1t don't elelay , as thc country is
l f 1ling up rnpiel1y.
Printcclmaller , maps and al1 . information -
mation frcc. Addrcss"
Gcncral 'Immigration allc1 IIHlustrinl
Agent ,
, : . . l otll VII"I.I , U ; : \ ' ,
date for congress to bc voted for
at the election to be held for said
purpose on Novcmbcr 4 , 1902 , amI
the transaction of such othcr
business as may properl ) ' comc
before said convcntion , 'l\hc
sc\'cra.l countics comprising said
district are cntitled to scnd to
said convcntion o e dclcgate at
large and one for each 100 votes
or major fraction t1lcreof cast
therein for lIon. M. P. Kinkaid
for congrcss at the 1')00 elcction ,
as follows :
1I1I1I1It'r . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1:11l'lba. : . . . . . . . . . . . 4
IUlllle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 I\elth : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
JloJC IIl1to. . . . . . . . . 7 Jlrllball. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1I0y.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . \I \ 1.llIeolll. . . . . . . . . . . . .1:1 :
IIro" " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f , 1"lIau. . . . . . . . . . . .
Ulllhlo . . . . . . . . . . . . .111 J 011\ \ ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I !
Ch Jcnn" . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 ? tIel'bor.oc . . . . . . . . . . 2
Chorry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 noek . . . . . . . . . . . . . I }
( 08lcr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 colt" 111011. . . . . . . . . r.
Ua''f . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Hborhbl1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Daw 011 . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Shermln. . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Deulll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . oj NlouI : : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : I
Out1cld. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Thoma. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'l
Orllllt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,110' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Orooloy. . . . . . . . . . . . . Ii Wbeolor . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Holt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Iii -
1I0 ker. . . . . . . . . . . . . I Tolll . . . . . . . . . . . .1:07 :
UOwlud. . . . . . . . , . . . . . ! J
N. P. M'DoNAJ.D , Chairman.
J. R. lianna , Scc'y pro tcm.
J. L. MCIntosh ,
Ass't. Scc'y. pro tern.
. . .
UCll\lllhcnll Prhunrlcs.
. -
A It-OI.D ,
'l'he Republican electors of Arnold
'l'ownshi ) ure hereby notified that a
caucus will he helel in Arnuld , Saturday ,
May 31 , nt :2 : o'clock p. 111. for the purpose
of electillg 7 dc1c atcs to the county rc.
puhHcan com'cllbon to be heM in Broken
llow Tucsday Junc 3 , 1902 at I I o'clock II.
m. and for thc transuction of such othcr
business as may he rcquired.
I. \lu.JSC0111. : : .
m.J1\ [ .
'fhc eleclors of EHm town-
: al'e lerehv . notilicel that a caucus will
shill lelel in the. 'l'a1lin school hou ! > c , ' Saturday -
urday May 31 al2 o'clock p. 111. for the
pUl'po e of electiuj. { 5 delegates to thc
county rcpuhHc\n c011\'cntion to lIe held
in BrokclI How 'rucselay JUlie 3 at I I
o'clock also the clcction of 5 r\clc \ atcs
to the superyisor COll\'cntion of the Fiflh
Sl pervior llistrict'ct to hc cal1eel IUlll
the trallsaction of auy other husincss that .
may he requircd. _
S. C. WA1.DIlO-l , COlli.
woon IUyHR. I
'l'hc rcpuhHcan clcctors of WOOl ! ' Rivcr i
township arc herchy notified that II ,
caucus will hc hcld in Ocouto Saturday !
: May 31 at 2 o'clock p. 111. for the purpose I
of clecting J I dclegatcs to thu rcpuhhcan
county convention to hc hcM at Broken
Bow , 'fuesrluy June 3 and for the lrans-
action of such othcr husiness uS lIIuy he
rcquircei. A. FONDA , COlli.
'l'he rcpubHcun elcctors of Berwyn
township arc hercby notified' that a
caucus will be held in Bcrwyn Prielay ,
l\lay 30 at 2 o'clock p. 111. for the pUI' ( > ese
of clcctinj. { 7 dcleg\tc to the republtcan
county convcntion to he helcl at Brokell
Bow 'i'ue day June 3 , at I I o'clock n. m.
and thc transactioll of allY oUler husiness
thal111hy he dcsircd.
J. O. 'l''J.OIt. . Com' .
'rhe rcpuh1ican electors of Douglas
Grove township Ilre hcrchy notificel that
a cuucns will hc helel in the Anlhony
school house Saturday May 31 , at 2
o'clock p. 111. fol' the purpose of electinj. {
9 delcgatcs lo the rcpuhhcau couuty con-
\'cntion to be held June 3 , 1902 at II
o'clock a. 111. aud for the transaction of
such other husincss as IIIay he rCClIired. ]
II. B. GI.O"Fll , C0111.
'fne rcpuh1icall lcctors of Garfic1cl
township are hcrcby notificll tl\l\t a CItUCliS
will he heM in the Swiss Vallcy school
home Salurday May 31 at 2 o'clock p. 111.
for the pllrrosc of elccting 5 .lelegatcs to
lhe rcpubHcan coullty com'clltion to be
hcld at Brokcn Dow , 'l'uesday Junc 3
1902 al I I o'clock a. III. ancl for the transaction -
action of such other busincss as 1\\1\ \ ) ' be
deellled nccessnry
JUJns IJAU\IONT : , Com.
Thc rcpubHcan clectors of Wcst Cnion
IlOWllship ute herehv notificd that an
elcction wi11 be hclll iit Walworthchool
house Saturday May 3ISl at ' thrte o'clock
p. III. for the purpose of'clecting scven
: ; . ) : W
f : ; ; For a First Class Smoke 'l'ry the ff
I M ar t1 1 an d
. Ioron , G ran d'i
. E. H. DALBEY ,
i Bro ! n Bow , - . - - Nehraska.
: . . -
. . . .
A.V. Drake has 10catc < 1 in HeaH ) " Block in the rear of A. F.
tAnderson's J ewelr. } " Store , amI is prepared to pay the . '
Highest Cash Price for Butler and EIIS
South Entrance-I-4oolc for sign ovcr door.
delcgatcs to attend tbe Republic Il Coh-
\'cnUon to be heM in the elt ) ' of nrokcIL
Bow on 'l'ucsday , June 31'11 , 1902 , at I I
o'clock u. III. , 3mI to tmnsnct IUt ) ' hU91.
ncss thllt 11111) ' cOllie hefore the pnlllllr ) ' .
J. C. 1'IUtul\IOltJt , CUIII.
'I'hc republican clcctsml of , CItcr tuwn-
ship arc cull eel to lIIecl at RI.\'c lcle
school hou e lItunl:1) : ' MIlY 31 , 11)02 , III
2 o'l'loek p , 111. for the ) ( ) c of elect.
ing elghl dclegates purl tc repuhliclln
'CDtIll \ ' cOIl\'cntion at Broken nuw 'rucs.
day , jnne ] , H)1I2 at II o'l'1ock u , ilL , the
nOlllinatio l of tn"'n hip oOicers lUll 1 lhc
transaction of such ( It hcr husincss nI 11111) '
COIIIC bcfore the lIIeetin .
II. J. HUI G'fO , COlli.
WI STI\It\'nt.1t.
A rcpuh1iclln prilllary will hI. ! hel.l ill
Weslc1'\'il1eun SlIturdu ) ' , 1\IU ) ' 31st al 2
o'clcock > . 111. . for the puq > ese of elect.
illg J cglltes to con\'cntlOn at Brokcn
Bow , lUulllny other busincss that IIIn ) '
COIIIC before th" IIIceting
, D. 1\1. Savillc , COlli.
'I'he republican elcctors of LiIllnn
township 11ft : hcrcby nolified that a
cauclls will he helll in thc Oxford sdlOol
house Salunla ) ' , Mny 31 at : z o'clock p.
111. for the purpose of clccting Nix Ildc-
gatcs to the republic n county com'cn-
tion to be hcld 'l'ucsdny , JUlie 3 , 1902 , at
II o'clock a. 111. , the nOlllinlllion oftown-
ship officcrs anel the transaction of such
oUtcr business as ilia ) ' be requircd.
J. S , McGraw , COlli.
, . ,
H'lll\lIlIcun ( ( Jauc\ll1. \
'l'he rl'publican : primal' ) ' of
Brokcn130w precicinct was hcld
Saturday , May 24 , in the after-
noon.irhe l tceting was called
to order by chairman Morg'an
amI the catI read. On motiouMr.
Morgan was elccted chairman of
the meeting and D. M. Amsberry ,
On motion the caucus l'ocecd-
ed to nominate dclegates to the
county con\'cntion.
'rlJC following namcs wcrc
placed in nomination for town. .
hip officers :
J. 1\1. Kimhcrliug- . . . . . . . Treasurcr
W. 1\1. Vannicc. . . . . . . . Assessor
L. , CllsluU1I1. ! . . . O\'crsecr Dist. No , 1
J ohu Keuno'cr. . . II II II 2
J. . 1\IcCan lcsil. . . II II ( I 3
I. . Hcrsh. . . . . . II II " "
C. I . RectoI' . . . . " II II 5
Henry Reeder. . . II II II ( j
. .
J.N. 'Vest. . . . . II II. 7
'l'hcre beiug no other nominations -
tions , for township officcrs , Otl
motion the rules were suspendcd
: nd th < : y wcre nominated by
On motion , Alpha Morgan wm
clected township committeeman ,
On motion the conUl1 ittemar
was autho1' to recommclU'
names for clerks aiHI judges oj
election to the district clerk fo !
'rhc chair appointc ! ! A. D ,
Bang-s , S. E.YilhamH and 14con.
an ! Hcrsh , clcrks a.nll jUllge of
the primary.
l\'loved and carried that th (
po1ls be kept open unti14:30 : p. m ,
.On motion , the township COIIJ'
mittce was authorizcd to Hill an )
, 'acancics that may occur on th (
township ticket.
'The following' is the result o.
the vote on delegates to the Rc
publiqm County Convcntion :
We hercby ccrtify thut thc followiul
persQns. rcccive.l thc mujority of vole
cast for dclcgules to the Repuh1icul
Couuty' Conveutiou , viz :
D. 1\1. Amsbcrry , G. II. Thorpe , A
Morgan , S. E. McWi11iams , A. Bungs
I. . Hcrsh , Charl I.uce , R. C. 'falbol
H. l . Kcncdy , J. Kenoycr , C , ] . . . GUllCI
sou , A. R. Humphrcy , Gco. Watcrs , I !
. Sands , W. J. Wcnnnglc , C. H. 1\lillCI
Chas. Wright , T. W. nass , L. Cushmall
John enJamine , Fred Hayes , Frci
Stack , Frcd Arthur , J. T. Woods , Jo '
Thorp , Ed. Whitc , F. A. ertrnnc1l11l1lj'
H. Johnson. A. D. B.\NGS.
Sigucrl , { S. E. 1\lcWUJ.JA H
Number of dclegates electe. .
18. The total numbcr of person
bal10ted for were 3 .
SI\CRn'.l'ARv )
" - - - -
1I011Cit Ihlllhll'R I\lctholis. \
\Vhen applied to amuscmcnt
of any character usually rcsult il
many succe5ses for thc vcnture
One 'of the first Shows to adop
this principal , and one that ha
always retaincd it ui1c1er a
circumstances , is Gentry BrO !
famous Shows , and from a sma
exhibition of Opcra IIottsedimel
sh1s , , it has grown , until , it no'
reprcscnts the large1t ! trainc
animal show in the world , E\'er
city wherc the Gentry Bros. ha\
evcr visited , their pcrformanc (
arc greeted with the same cnoru
ous audiences nd the anuounct
ment of the coming of the e ;
hibition is cagcrl ) ' lookcd fo
ward to hy evcrybody in tl
entire domain , 'l'hisseason fltH
. thc Gcntry Shows much enlarge : :
- and even their form !
seh'cs. A special featur is mal
of the superb Htreet displa
which will be given on thc mori
ing of the date or exhibitio
which lta been definitely UI
nOlUtced as Frida } ' , June ( , .
'Vorld 'Vldc UCllutaUou.
\ White's Crcam VermiCug-c h ,
/ achievcd a world wide reputati (
as being the best of all wor
destroycrs , and for its tonic i
fiuence on wcak and J.1nthrif
. chil ren , as it ncutralize8 t1
aci , it ) . or sourness of the stol
neh , improvcs their digestion ,
auc1lassimilationof food , strength-
cns thcir ncrvous J'stcm and rc-
'storc9 thcm to thc health , vigor
and elasticity of spirits natural
to chi1dhood. 25c at Bd. Mc-
Comas' , Brol < cl1 Bow and Mcrna.
HItNn 'lit " ' "IUn N."ntH.
- -
Selulmc lhe nllell'cs' ! uf ) 'our fricnel9
who IIIIg-ht hc huluccrl to mo\'c to Nl'-
hraska atul I will mail thcm our lIew 48
hook ' ' of chrnskn's
pac tbcripti\'l' ,
ugncultunll r ( ' ourccl 111111 itsnuhoulllictl
opporlunltlcs. 'rhe hook 19 iIluslmtcll ' ,
with Nchraskll furm scens , 111111 is sup'
plemcnte.l with II scctioulIl map of thc
slulc. It will hclp hrill nn ) ' hUlllc-scekcr
to Ncbrnska. J. lltANCI ,
Gencral Pns ellger Agcllt ,
.J.I-50 Ollluhu , Nchr.
illiG UOIIN lI"tlIN.
Are ) 'OU iutcresteel ill the ni Ilmll
Bllsiu uf \\'olllillg ? '
Its II rich hut unrlcvclopcel portion or'
Northwestcrn'omill " It contllillS
lIIarve1lolls opellillls fo smull rauchcs
IIloug gooel strcallls ill the \'allcys , with
oue milliou acrcs of j.ovcnl1ucllt latlll : :
opcu to sctl1cllleut ttllIler the Vuulleel i
Statcs Imlll I.lIws. I
The Ihtrliugton Route has just Pllh1ish-
cd a foldcr elcscriptive of the Big Hurn
Basin. It is i11ustrntcelllllel cOlltains IIn
! 1ccurate lIIap. It te1ls I1boul the III ) ' of
the lauel , chllrnctcr of the soil , producls ,
) 'icltl , irriW\liou IInd opportuuitics.
If ) 'ou'rc iutcrestcll , hcttel' write for II
cop ) ' . Il's frce. J. FRANCIS ,
Gcncrnl PassenHcr Agcnt !
' \2'50. \ Olllllhn , Nellr.
u. s. I Offi
. . nnd e.
JAMBS " 'UI'I'EUHA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . nelllall'r
I , ' , U. YOUNU. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .lIocel'cr
All IIlI'OrIIH'IOIl1III und r thiN helill will bo
clllugell for allo 'al r\lep. ! vl : $1.(1'I'r ( \ \ sqllaro
for Urst IMorllulI , 1\1111 6\e I'er 101111111'0 ( or Mcb
10\l'I'IInOlt \ 11I I'rUoll.
A " "Inaro" I lOll I\no \ or frncllolllhtJfI'ot.
Unlll'd 811\tl'l Land OJllce. l
lIrokoll 1Iow , Neb. , A.rllI . \ , IIO- ! . r
Nollco II borohy Ilvl'tII : tha' lho fullowln ! ; nlllll'
I'll poltler bu IIIcll noUco 0' hll 111101111011 to make
1'IIIII'roof In urport of bl Clllllll , 1I11111hlll sahl
) lroof 1\11I bo 11111110 before UCJlller olld lIecoler.
lit I1rekon 1I0w , NnhrllRkR , 011 Jnno 7 , IIIOJ. viII :
lI'USUlUUCKU. mUH'K , of lIIornn. Nob" on
his JI. R olIll1. for the liw : 2'le ' { . Bc ! N\\'M ,
Nolil wJi. N" He ! { . ftCtlOII tI , towIIblll18 , N. .
rnnKo 21 , W. , IIlh P. l\1 IIn IIl1l11es tbfl followln ! , :
wltncII'o" to Jrovo bls eOllllnllouR rc.hlcnc U\ \ ) '
011 emI culIh'ntion of IIlIld land. vir : : 1.00 WII.
molh , Almon COl\I. Cbllrlo' Ta'lor , Jalllo K. Iel.
, Il'nhllger , a'l ' of M.nOR , Nobta.ka.
411 : l1-f > 2 JAIES WlIITKII1UU , Itel\ster. \
Unltl'd Sinies Lanll OlUco , I
IIrokl'lI How , Ncbrne I\.1IIay h , 1002. l
Nollce III hereby Klv-n Ihllt RI.IA8 n. .tOIlN.
BON hll8111ed IIOUCU of IntenUon to make IInal
liroof helore Iho I/eulstlr / IIlId Hccelvcr at hie
omco in I1rokon Jow. ! cbrn ka , 011 MondllY ,
the 1111h Ilay of .JIIIIO. IDOZ , IIn Ulllber clIlIuro 1111-
pllcntlon No. I33U , for the So ! { , of III cUon No.
: towllahlp 1'0.00 , N. , rl111go No. j , W. lIe
. IIl1meR all wltllessel : 'fhomllH ' 1' . Wlnehl'alor ,
John 11. 1IIIr'lI. Wllllllm M. nnuoll , Olin J.
INn. all of Hoosier , Ncljfa ka.
41 rft5 JAlIEII W1I1TXllEAIJ , Jtegl8wr.
Unltod Slalci lAnd O lco , l
Drokeu 1I0w. NebrlBka , 1I1IIY fi , l00' r
Notaro I. horahv glvcn tllllt the rollowlnlt nllm.
I'd utllol' hili mcd 110111'0 of hili IlItOlltlOIl 10 I
lI11\kc lInol Vre.or hI lIllport of his cll1hll. IIlld
that sl1l1l proof will he II1l1do beCtrc Helldor Illd
Hceol'ur at "roken 1Iow. N"brllska. on JUliO III ,
IOOJ , vlz : OLIN J. Lll g , or HoolIll'r , Nehruka.
for Iho n. IC. No O : l , 81V f ! : o , N ! ' SoU 8w ! (
e ( , sootlon 10. tOll'lIlIhll ) U , N , . rnog :13 , W.
, 110 lIom , , " the fnllowloJ ( wlillesse8 to pro'fI' hlA o
. COlltllluons rl'Rlllonro U\'OIl \ IInd cl1lt1vr.tlun 01 r
ultt IIlnd , vlz : John . lI"r " II. ' 1'rlllullII ' 1' .
Willchc tu . WlIIll1\n IlIlrrl'lI , KII. " II JOhlllOO ,
1111 01 1I00slor , I 111'118"0.
.l .62-r.G Juu : WnlTIIUKAn , lIegl ter.
, To whollllt IIIny COllcelll :
' 1'110 eOllllUlssloner IIploIIIIII' ( ' to vlow " , . .
I'd r..lld pot1lloorll for h , J. N. OOllr , 0111 . 111m.
IIhlnCtnl ( I1t the 1101 tlt'CRst COlnOI of oclle/ll B ,
Towmhlp II , lIango : ! 'J. wo.t IInd rlllllllllwo / t
IlAtlVocn : lcolloll I1lnl 3 .1111 0 nllli 710 rOllle line ;
3. . \110 cOllllnoncllll : " the olllh'we t cornar
01 SCCtlolI Ii , 10WIIIIII/lI.I / , Unll" . wast nnll I
rl1l1nllg lIorlh hetwCI'1I 8t cllo'l lilllltill tll North.
II't'Nt cllrner of 1I1CtiOll : r. 'J'IIwobhlp J.I. JlIngo : : , ,
- west a POlrlt on 1(01111 Nu. 4:0 : : III CURler cUUllly ,
IIiU ' ' f.vor IIf the estubllAlllucut thuro'
d , filII \ 1111 ohJeellone , Iherolo IIr oIHIIII" for
tlllmaRea , 1 1I t tJo 111 I ! 11. In lito COllllly Clork'
olllco on or bl'foro J\lIon Ilf tllo lIuvcllluflnlh Ilay 01 r
July , JOO'J , or slIcli rOMI wll , bo cHtullllllhod wltl1.
oul rOflrolleO UloretO.
1' , WHII081 Whereof. I bl1v& ! IIl'rcunlo ot lilY ,
. hOOll11111leil or lIld cOllnty , IhlB IIllh II"y 01 f
Ala , . 111m ORO. W. DMVEY ,
111.1III [ SKAL ) Couuty OIerk ,
1 < 1O'l'JOI .
Notleo lit hereby Jlv ; u Ih"t nn tllO : J7th dllY oj
MItY , lOO' 111. . lllUtnrlllltlled Alel1 Wllh Itlu Vlltag" I
Cluk of tile Village 01 M"uu CII ) ' , NehraHKa.
I."tltlou according 10 law. IIflyln for IIcell 1I Ie
111'11 Uliit srlrltoua anel vlnou lillullrH III lIalll
vllia/l / for tile 1\acal \ YOIII cnmmOllclnK 1I1IIY let ,
1001 hod ondllltllrll,30tll. . IOto : !
:01111.1 : p tltlllll will bo con ld"rod on Juno 13tll ,
l04rJ.llt which lime IIIIY I'ToteR1.II or relllllll"traliCtl
to Ihl' IranUUil IIr Kultll 01111.11 will boloard \ ant ,
Iinlormioell. IlIted : Inls ' 7 IIIV IIf " ' ' 'Y. IIIO'J.
r.o'IH-63 I' . A. CAIII.HOH.
. .
- - '
United 8tlle. L.nll omco l
1orlh l'IIIU" , Neb. . AJlr\ll \ ! lOO' ! . r
Notlco II ! herebr stlvtd tblt Ih" lollO\tlu lIam.
cil eottier baa OIN' nolleo of hie InhtlolI" to
make RIIII l'flInf In ellPllOrt ot hIli claim , IInl1
1I11 t uhl root \\111 hll mlllio before UIII COUll I ) '
Jllillr , Cmtor COIIIII" NI'brn klllt IIrok\n III1W ,
l'fllbrlllkl , . , " JUI1I' 'j. II'1O'J. , lzI JUliN L.11. . .
1,1.\1I1tJ , 1I0me ttad ICntr ) ' Nil. lit07. for thlt
WH Nri ! , No ( , 111111 B ( N"I ( , IItcllolI 12.
lown hll ) 10 , rlllll\o : : - . W. , IIlh 1' . 1.1 1101l"IONI
thl ! follow\l \ , WIIlh' Hell In 1'10\0 hlR cOllllllnone
! Ulotoll" " 1I1''n nllil culllvI\llon . . .r 11lIlIlll1nll , vl :
' . ' Of IIrollcli 1101ohrIII"a ; .
NelAnll I / I11l1IlIn ot IIrokl'l1 UnlNI'lIrRllk , , : ,
Rllhllll\lllll \ Nolh ot lIrokoll 110Nobrllftkl , Jono I
0111111) ' of 11101.11I1 1I0w. Nohll\pk" .
4 mM U.onClIt . : R. 1.'utNcu , Ul' lllcr.
'J'o whom It ilia ) ' COIII'om :
'rho COlllml..loner IIPI.ollIll'el to , low II rOllll
IlcUllom'I' for hy OCOIllo CourL. (11111. COIOI1IOIIO-
'lr'lI lit the u rthl\ll , t fllrner of IIrclloli fem ( I ) ,
IOWllllhI1) twelll ) ' ( n ) . fAIIIO M vonlcoll ( li ) , '
1IIIIIIInl : Ihouco IImllh Oil IIoclloli 11110 IIbollt
nIIlOI ) ' 100) ) ro.le ; Iheure IHllt ahOllt IIIKhly (8111 (
r0111 or lIt'ar the rClllor of the Nel ( . .of prclll'n
fellr ( I ) , Ihl'uro 11.IIlIthoulcrly IUrectioll
throllgh "I'CIlOIi 1111101),10 ( \ ) or IIl'ar eettloll lOll
110) ) ; lhe. co III" IIollthwfIIlolly Ilir. cllnn
lIunlllh Ptctlllll" t111001l1l11l' IldoOIi ( II' .11(1111) ) , I
IlIlIhollt Ihlrtl'oll TCulll lIorth of the ' 1IlIlhoul. .
COlIlIJr of .ecUIIII 10\'orteeli (17) ( ) , towulhll' ) , '
rnn o 1'1thrllro \ HIIIlno ) ' (001 ( rmia tJ : "oollt
1110" ' " ( II ) rOil II " "oth Of the Nw . 01 .eclloll
twonly I 'O ) , lO\\'lI hll ) : : ' 1 , 111111:0 : .17 ; thollro tll .
, IIhollt IIllIoty ( ' 10) 1011. 80llth h" rOl10rlcil
II fll\'Or ot Iho olllllhllR\l1I10Ut \ Iherenf , lilli' fill IIh-
J.'ClIonn thornlo. or CIIl'I1I ' f.l . ( ' "nl1laltl' . , III II lit hI )
IIlclllho Clll1l1t ) ' 1\IIIrt' ! " 111111'0 un or . . , 1I0m ot
tlmlltlh d. , 0' .Inly , Jn : , Ot .nJh 10 'l will he
11I11l11111hcII ! wllhllilt rcforollco Ih roto.
III WI\IIO \ 1I WhDllOI , I h"vo hl1lUlltn ! lint lilY
hnlill 1IIIIIIIenillf . .It , cnllutv. Ihlll nfl h lIay Of
Mil ) ' , l\1ItJ. \ ClI.WIIK\I'T.l'lIlIlIlytlcrk.
41.-M ( l"KA.l H. H , ! Ol I Y .
_ _ _ _
NO'l'IOIC'ro NON-Im8I1mr-'l' IHtl < 'I NI'AN'I'S. :
elI/illeR W. Whllrll , 1m"'hIlNI , n. A. Whit.
rtl. lIull1l11l1(1:10 : O. Whllrd. 110(011I11111. . .
You will tall" IIlIlIce tbnt ou , he aOI h 111IIf
April. A. U 11)02. ) M\l\roo l nrloy , 1IIIIInlllt horolll ,
ftlod III the \IIali \ Ir t ( : ol\lt or ( Juetor COllll17 , 1 < C11.
hllllhtll JJell 'OIlIl ' "III.t Mid dotNIIIIIIIII , the
obJol1t 1111I1 Ilrll'I'r of whlrh 111'0 to fO\l1clu'll II
l'I'rtnlll 11I0rlg'1110 1101'11 exeelllNI h ) ' lho In ! ! I
Chlrlee W. \ \ ' 11111'11111111 Hila Whllt3I' III fllvor uf
the lawn 1II0rllI\Io 1'011I1'111) ' . wberoby Ihey COli"
,0yoll thu IIorth'lIlt of the .0"lh out qnnrwr
nnlltho IIonlbl\ut III1"rIH of the aOIlLlolllt ! 1llIlIrl-
I'r .nll Lot number IIcclIoll III 111110 lot 11I1111'
her I , III IIocllml 7 II , 1111 tOIYn.h II IIli north of
UIICO lA , " "st IIf Jlllllllh PM. , III No , rukll , tll
I'Cllro the l'I\1111ellt . , t IIno reft ! ln 1"1 I'Bt"lo
lIIorl IIiOioOllln : \ thn MIUI of : f.i..o 01111'11 Oil thl\
Ullh dnr of AIIIII I. 18S'J , rlllll11110 IIlIll'lIVllbl1l 011
th. . nrll clllrofHtlllJmh r , 'till I , with Inlorelt lit
lbl' r.ln of , IH'r cHIlt'JII'r 11111111\11. \ 'I hd there I
IIUW 1III01l11l1n .nhlllOlI.1 alld 1II0rllllll(0 the 111111of
5300 with Ililorl'at thereon from the IIr t 111\Y of
tjclltiJmhor. ISIII. tQr'hlch RIII1I wllh Intoro t
frlllll Ihl Iloto Illnllllltt I'rnytl for" deer 1'0 th"t tll"
defOl'llallt bo rCI\lIlrJ,1 \ 10 1'1Y lhollAh' lum or thllt
Vlllllllfl'lIIl ( JS lIIay bo III.hIIO IIalllfy lho 'amonnt '
fuunI' dill' . YOII nro rrllllr\'ll In IIIISWor Pllid
I'rtilloll ' 011 or hefllio the Illth .Iny of J IIUU. 19O' .
lJalctllbls : loth dllY ot ANII , A. U. IlIO'J .
Momn I
. .M-r.1 lIy J Unl.R I.UUWICII , hili A Unrlloy.
NOTICb : Ol l Il\AL SET'l'rbMRN : I.
The Hllllo of Nobralke , l
CUlltor County , r'
In COllnly Court. hotoro J. A. Armour , JIIII o.
In tbo IIlIuter of the . .tat , of lIellllllh O. JOtlll
Docl'nM' ! ! ' ! .
' 1'0 the IrclUlors : nnd 1101"1 " " 11 to 111 who IIro
IlIlrrcftlOll In the 01111\10 01 IIlInllllh O. Uodc'J
Joceuod :
Tnko noUce , ' 1'hllt John J.Jltt , AlhullllatrBtor of
the n'"ro..l1U"lIlo , hllR 1110.1 II rl'llOIt " ' hlH dll'
1111-8 11ft IInoh , BUlllIRb lIant the IIIOO 110 , IPr.ra\'ell
IInllthllt h be dt chargell Irlllll fllrlller oblllIUlI1I
1Il\1reln , nUll tllllt the Coullty Jlltllo : IUllko II\0h \
croJr 11M 10 Ihu dltrIlJ\l ! ou of Ihn IIPpete heIOl'I- :
IlIg to BBleI rHL tn ilK IIIIIY el UI j , , t allel tqultlb1e ;
1\1111 to a. lltn Iho dower of lhll widow hereill.
dealgnnto lhe holrll ellllllell to II Iharo III Halll
Olto\IO , anll to grnllt suoh olhorrelluf .8 IUa , . ht )
deomelilloceullry hI the Qllal ettlcmont IIf anlll
osllltn. tJa'd ' II1I1Uor hlllhooll nt for hell IlIg 011
the lith lI'y of Junn , I\IO' \ , nt 10 o'olode II. III. , at
whIch lime and 1'llIco 1111 11"rll Intnosloll 11I11) '
Ullpellr IIntl he hClird concernllll ( lhu 11111I0.
IIl1tOIthle 121h IIIIY of 61RY. IOCr.J
lIlEAL ) 48 > l ) J. A. AmeQulI , County JlIIlgI' .
III tbo JIltrlct Court , CURter County , NohrlUlka
R1Izahelh 0011I11' , l'lolnt\tTI \
VR. }
l\lnlvlllll C.Cllnlllllglllm. I\tlll , DofonllPIIIII.
' 1'0 ltUhy OOllulIlSllolll.JobIJ Ollllnlllglllllll , Wnitci
O. ] UUII. Henry A. Oollills. Alloo U ( ' , 011I110.
] \\lIry \ I , Culllnll , mcrlt I . Jlllknr , .10111110 II okor ,
l dwill 1" . J\rr , Alina Ierr IIlId I.ollie Itorr , Non' '
) lnohlell' DIlCUllllllllte :
You nUll ench of you wll1lalle IIOtlCfJ , ll1at ' )11
the : lrll : ! day oC AlltlllOo2tho \ ' ! ) namcd tllIllI' '
lItt flIeet her nmeollflllllotllloll In Ihe dl trlct cllurl'r County , NI b'IIPkll , Dltl1lu t Jail a011 caC
of : rOil 11\1(1 ( otller deftmlanl , the ohJect nllli
Ilrllyer of "blch " 1I1tI 11c11101l ! IIrll 10 fl1fdcloAo f
cerlllin mOfIJ8Ko I'xecuh II Oil Ihe IlIh dllv 01
AI'rll 1 112 , by J 111V1n It. Kl'fr. Molvlnn 0 ,
ICorr. WlIlLer O. mll , Jc.tllIbclh I\III
1I1111IIenry A. I'olllnr , 10 OIlU 'J'lIomnK Ooul'or
IIpon thl ! NIfJ HI' ! ( . 8 NeH. or Herllnll I ! ' . ! ,
the NW,1 ! of Noctloll : ! 3lho . ofI'H ' 11111 tt- !
of ! : I1'Clluli ! j1 ; , .allll the NoM Of B cllon 211.tnlllll
' 1'o"nabll,13. : 'Iorlhof IIl1nO , ; 17 , Wellt ill CII8101
MUllty. liohro.ka ; raill mOIt lIgo IIlvell
10 .ecnro Iho Imymellt Of 1\ prolllia.
MlfY IIOtO eXllclltcd hy ICorr , Itlnlt 'lIIeI
( JOUI1l8111'artllor bh' cO'lIpoAel of tbo Balli Iethl III
n. Iterr. WnlllJr U. 1\11I/0 / : IIl1tlllonry . . . . ColIllI" , tfJ
tholtalll 'I'honwi COlllln. which .lIIllIlVall dlll'll 011
" , " IHh II a ) ' of llrll , IkII'J , 111111Vn for thu 111111I nl
IW 110 lIu" HIIIIlItYllhlo \ Oil Iho t1rHt lIay of lIIIIY ,
IMOI , IIlItlllr.wlnt. : mlorc t lit the rllt ! or ollht I'c ,
. e'l'lIt l'I'r ' nl1ll1ll11 frlllll MIlY lat , I I'J. ' : 1111111 1''Ic1. '
'l'ho III.IIIWI III IIOW Iho oWllor nntl hOllll'r 01 p01i1
nnto 111111 tbn 1II001 IIJe I'cllrlnlt Iho II"Yl1lllllt "I
the MillO ' 1'II11t 1111'1'0 Is nllw Iluo lit lho 111110 01
111I IIOf / lhls Ilotitlon. UI'OIl paM 80ry noh
Inchlllll1lt Inlerellt $ ' 711\1 IJ. ' 1' ICrl ! I" ol ( ) Ihll
) llalt 1m Cor Ilixes I"hl hy hnr 111" ' " PIIII relt
1'lilalnfil : : r.o for \\'hle'h HIIIIII with 11I11"I ! t fnll
. Ihll'o ' IIIlW , 111111111111 I'rny. . fllr " IIcr.roo thllt lall
f IIIl1rl flto ho ftul'elolll'l. the tIOI'lIlllIlIt. ht
I etl'l'rucillo poy 10 1lallltlI ! the , IIIOUllt Ihlo 1111111
\ 811l1ll1l11rllHlo : IlHh'hII'lIIlU II , flllli ror lI1X N II.ill
) or thllt Mill l.rl'lIIt81'8 IIIIIY hI' 80illllll IIl'nli , 'XI\CII ' \
I 11011ly \ thu Hherltt of . IIMer ( ' 011111) ' . N"hrllpkll
, IlIId Ihn I'.orl'oIlH 11))1'11011 ) ' 10 Iho III\\'melll or 1111
IImollllt rOlllll1 tluo 10 Ihu 1lallilin. YOII IIUI
, 1111ch IIf YOII IIrl' ! rI'llulr. tlln 1I0 I\'cr . .lIill ' ' \
N Oil ur heforoIInll IOY , tllo IIILIa IlIlY nf Jlllle , 1li1J. ! :
I Ualcll I hb : : : I"lllay of A IJfIl. lIItJ (
UrlzAII TII Ct 1.I.INs. I'IIIll\lllt.
.W-61 lIy C. I , . IJUT'fI.IIMON : , lIer tt .
. , "
r ,
In the m.ller ot till ! aPltlclUoa 01 AKteli rO da
far In\lIor \ IIcen , " .
'I'lIls III to cortlfy thlt Alfred 'F0&IIa lIed a
plltltlon M" , 1.1 , 100l. wllb " ,8 tCO Bt , clerk o
OUller cotlnly. Nebraekl , . . rcqulr by Ihe ,
alalnl01 of".kn , prn.lnlt IIllIt R IICet/IIIMII" /
boranled / to him. the HIeI AUrecJ FONdA , t .e11
IIIla and Iplrlloll8 IIn.1 VlhOBl liquors tor the
lI clll yellr oOl\lnlt llyl , t903 , In block 4:1 : oftba
nlilocl1rl'oratod , lI1all" ot Oeontoln wOOA } tInt
lownlht ! ) , In CllllterOlInt1. . NebrAllla , Ifld Ibat A
hClrlll1l. IIPQn tlill Iotltloll befOre the bolrd of
uplIfllon IIf 111111 count , III .IIked for on or afler
JUliO Ii , I\IU \ : ! , 81 the .ahl lIoa.rd of Bupenlora ilia ,
dlrcct. l8E.\L } , Oso.W.D1t\u\.Cfollntl Clorlc.
.1H.o-r.o ! 0 , JOI. l'IOWAK. Deputy. .
' 1'0'holO It lilli' concern :
Ietlllolllllwlnit been dltlt b , Prank Uobeab , .
01111 , 10 , nuto " pl hllo rol1d 11r.crlbol\ follllWI1
III'Wltl COlUlllellclolt at Ihn cenlet corller 01
. "cUon 3 , to\'lllllllp U. ratite IR. I"lcl eornor III '
IIIIt lJlli eoulliout corner or tllo nOrlhwlIt"t qllllrtor . . . .
01 ul'l ' lecllou ; rnnnlnl ( 1I0rth to lIornl tide of
' "CI\OO , 100 1'0118 from plllco or hcglfltilog : for tllo
rOllllon Ib.t uhl roall bIB neVer booll dJoaed for
lrnel or I"y 1IIblio , Inonoy IIII'll on IIIhl line ,
I1nl fur the rclRon Ihat the IIII1IU II not a prac'
tlcahle 10CIlloil Cor a 1'0111. Ilnd CIUI lIot ba m.dl !
n It elln lI lrll\'ololl wllh01\t hellv , oUtilY "nd
cxpcnlIO ortallOrlIlnoll'lta IBIIII.t the \11'-
tlon Ihereof , lIull 1111 obJecUon" thereto , mllat bo
Ulelll11 lbo ( 'oullty clerk ' " oRleo Oil or lido , , ,
'lIIdl1 Of Iho t1C1hdoy 01 July , 100'J , or 'llch road
will he'IICllOcl without leferollco &bereln.
Ju "ltncII whore'I' . t ham hereuhto : IIl't 1111
1I"d , 1\1111 1101of . .hi Ionnly. thlll Mil IIIIY of Alay ,
100tl. UIO. W. UrWKTI Count ) ' Ulork.
< I1.M-5 ll4tlU ) lIy JOII. 1'ICUI N , Doputy.
I . ,
- - - -
- ' - - - -
Xi IHII't tliC luaterl , , '
that 1C0 H Intn . . .onr
relmlrcct " "Rtell UIRtif
. . . . .
. '
reHnltH In 0. Ilcl'fect
, oil , It Is thc 1QOW Jj W"
[ tlmt 11008 tbo bu iuo tI , nuy ! luDller
080 buy tbu I1no klmlo or mt\terlRI
thl1t J UIO In rcplllrlllJJ bllt , skill
18 the tuoet valuable tuMorlal tbnt
Jan be tlootl In wlltob 1'01 > I1I1'I11g1
RUIl the btlllillor OI\I1't buy It ,
BolllU. } " nklll for whnt It 18 w.orth
111\11 \ It. will ooet you IC\9 thDU
IJllIIJllnK I\t , lower prlOlJ8.
F. W. I1A 'YJoS ; ,
IJo\volcr I.\U.I o.Ptltjlnn.
West 81110 of BltlnfO.
1.llIeolu , fnclI' er ,
On'Rlln. Jlalcun ,
ChlenlCO , unUe ,
. .t. .JOMCIIII. . .ortlnud ,
ICnn..aH City. Halt Laka City ,
Ht. LouIH. . . .nd Hun .rran"ltlco
. . .n . .OlutH It"Ht And AU I."olute
. . . . .d ttontla 'Vcllt.
No. 4\1-VolUhuled \ ospre . dRI111 Ltncoln , Om. .
bll , lilt. JOB II1loau Cll1 , It. Loula , Obi
cngo Illd 1111 polon "a.t.a'l1l1outh. . . . 0 .41 " ' 111.
No. H-Loeul oxprcll'S , Iully.l.Uncoll1 , Unllhll.
St. Joseph , lalJROe Cltv , I1t , Lonll. OhlCIIItO
lIud 8111101iltl onllt und Aon tt ! . . . . . . . .11 3:1 : 11.111.
No. 46-1rolllllt 11111) ' . ltl1VeOnll , Oraud bland ,
Aurora. tewllrdlllld ! Lincoln . . . . . . . . . . .6o-t a1ll
No. 48-l'rohbt ! : , IIIIIIY elcellt tund" ! , . . Ravoonl
IInd IIItlJrlUl.dlltl1 ! IIOll\tl\ , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : J 16 I'm '
No , nV eatlbllioll OSPfCPII dally. 1101alll , Moat'
tlo lIuUO , l'ortla1I1 ulld nil l'aollle CouC
) lontll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .004 am . .
No. cxpreu dill" AlIIlncu anll
Intermedllllo polntll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1158p01
No. . 1 rohtl1t IIll1Ynol1a onl1 Amolmo Hone a ,
\Vllltmall IIlId . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
No. .t7-l'rohlht. ! lIally except SUlldllY , thoeca
IInd Intorml'dillta polnte. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1131'1 pm
! HOOIJlng , dlLlrlK Ind rocllnlng wllrc"rl ( IOlltll
free ) on Ihrolllh trlhlN. 'l'lckea Bold lIud big.
gn o chocked to nu , point In tb. United tlatu. !
Ind Callilin.
No. 411 bllll merohilldilo clra TuoedlYs , Thllll'
dnYI and HIIlllrdIlY' ,
No. .6 will carry ll".orjorll for RII\cnns
Orllnd hland , , Bowln' IInd Lincoln.
. Information. . mllp" , nmo lablel and tlcltct
call 011 or wrlto to II. . L. Ormab , . , agoot , or.J
1o'rllllo" , O. I' . A. , Omaln'1 NObrallkA.
I . L. OIW8DT' , Aont.
l'ollch for west will clo8a lit 8 II. m. , except
turlllllf ! when It will ole o at 0 : Iii I' m.
1'01lch. Ollllt for tr.11I No. 4'01 010801 lit 8 a m
a1ll1 for No. 4& CIOIOIlUt , 6.30 a.m. MIIII for Aueley
111111 polntH Ol1st of Urlllld lailiud oarrled all trlln
No. 4 ( .
Or.onto , I" of OYllo IIcll 'l'nckonllie. dally I'x.
cUllt ' : Innllll , closel ! , aI.7 n m : returDllI1C "amo IllY #
Cr\llawny vIa , 1\Ic'I\llIlry d,111 , elol.1I' : lilllld. ) '
cloHeB lit 7 ( \ III , retumlnK SlIlIIe drty.
IIl\lInll Valin , viII Ureell 111111 Rlloll clo'll ILL 7 a
1II.TUl'lllay , 'l'lIufllloy 01111 dllurll.I , roturDlng
Ha Irtl IlIlY.
tillllll10r vi" Ournllll ) ' , ( J"or otown Ind U tou
arrrlvoll It 11.30 , 'rllupda" 'I'hur day aud liatnl"
tl dllY rutllflllllK l llyo.1It 1',30 IIImo dllY.
110m , , , hourN from H.OO 1m to 8.00 II m. 811D-
II'ays from rIr.I' : . m.lo 1I:4p. / . m. l.Dbhy cJon
week III\Y. frlllll 'j a. III. to 8 II. tn. BIIIIIII\I 8:11) :
11.11to \I \ II. m. Ul1Iwral do lvory not open Bun.
. I d.y mornhl.a , horoluforo. L. U.Ja.aTTl'M'
; I - - , - . . : - : . . . . . , ' - " :
. . - - . - . . - . - . . "T . . - . - . . - - - - - - - , - . . - - - . - . . .
- - "
- - - - - - - - - - - " - - - - - - - - - - - " - -
. < ' .
My cntire IHock of olollting. Big out in priccR
of J.\liO'l ; ! hObH to rClluco thu IItook. COllie and
have } Ollr IUO:1HUrO : tnkun for n
Prices 1 ron1 $8.50 Up , ;
The rigors of winter will soon As Good As You Want.
Dou' forgot thBt " 0 ,
Bt Cath ! Priccl' , Bud JlBY the
Hilhest Market Prices for Produce. ;
; HARRY DAY , ! I .i
I ' 1
Urokon Bt'w , NourBtka. , i
I " (
I I . _ _ , . . ' - - , I
- - - - - - - - - - - -
. . . -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -