Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 29, 1902, Image 4

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    - , . .
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\ ' i.t : : QItt let ( ltO. 1tepubhcRn
1" I
II'I ; \ \'nbUebod onr ) ' 't'hur daJ' lit , tbo Ooonty &lIt.
lh ' , . D. M. AMSUJUUtY. . . llItor
f t.\.t..L \ : ' , . t.- f\co In - Copter UloCk , Fo , , th A'ffl.-V ; "
- -
? , . terod Rt Uu , ti ; c"oMlliok"lI-lIo\V , ob. :
1 U rcan I" . mnUcr tor tranemlpeloR tbrougb
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ADVRIt'l'lSmO ' ItAT S.
Ono colnl 1ll , tv 1nf1 'h , ' " 'f ) . ORn.halt col.
umn. Jlor IIIOllth , a . , lIcr column. I'
" ' \onth . , :3.W. 1.0.4 _ .In cln lter column , VII
l OIU ! , tlr loch ) lor mont . ; . . .
r" "II nlll 1'11'1. IInls I'or ' luoh , per
. . . . . .
u'r t. .1:0 : rach IDicr.
. t rIJ" h t. . . . D. .1' " n. . . .snlnr''Ilo. ,
ruP. , 'rll 1IA CI'"I ' rl .I'I\1t ' "
fit. . , , tv IOII. blot ! lue/flU : II " , ' II.
. ' . . . . . . . . . ,
W.d' "KnoUCI.II tr .s. balr p..1 h. JH oK
JlAt or ' ( " 1t8.
T)01l1 I , I. ' , " 0:11' : I/rf / I tor Jltlbllot-.IIIK
, . , . . , , . .
Inf. 'f nflo. .1 cllrl .hnnke.
. . 1.llIuII dlllule8 of
w'\llIotc. : It UtcS hl
NI\.B.k .
. -
'l'hw'1day , M. . 11)0-
= - : : = : : - -
'l'he 'coal mincm strike for
i 'i
- wcr hours is taking on largc
dimcnsions. 'Phe i nd ications
' . arc thnf it w . .ect 1.11 uranchcs
. ' . : Industrics operated hy union
labor bcfore an ttlulerstanding is
reached between the em plo'r-
and employces.
. .
" - - - -
Senator CUJ'rlr ; ' chatlces for
the nOlllinatiou for congrcss
grows brightcr as the date of the
com ef1 .In npproaches. J n the
pa'.t .lew days he has rccoivcd
favorable " " 'couragcI1".nt from
80" cotmtil'fI .at Wf re slated
fY t' , t"d. . . . Let tlt\ " good work
b ' 1'he indiana Grand Army con-
Vel" . . . . has rl'solved chat 'we
hold in scorn aI l contempt all
. . citi7ena of he TTnitcl Ptatp.s who
sec. fit to branll Her soMicrs and
tbeir : conduct . . . . as cruel and in-
} )1\tllur" ) Thc G ; " " I Army boys
Im"w " , hc.t to do with , the cop.
p" " . .tJ"th j have encountcrcd
th . oJreed . . beforc.-Kcarney . - . Hul2 , .
Pn : essor K.1.iser , a South Ger-
t"1 : , ' , CI HI .rcal ! ; cnius , ltaB pub.
. ' , ' . Ud "How
a p ) 011 to
.r ' " A , hip With Eagles. "
Pro fe or rrlIser says an cagle
h s sufikicul strcngth to draw
a 'b l1)1n , and , by mcans of numerous -
merous diagrams and claboralc
calculations , hc shows how eagles -
les can be harnessed and the
weights they can pull through"
thc air. In spite of the ridicule
with which the pamphlet .lias
been received among mechanical
aeronautsl Professor Kaiser is
training a team of eagles for a
balloon which he has in readi
ness.-State Journal.
. . . . . . - . . .
In the : rears of 1894-95 when .
' . 'ee ' rat J .c1c1'acy was ad-
min. . . r : 'u . . .lirs of state the
la oring element of the countrr
was out on a 'br. for more
110urS of work. In the year of
. ' : ' " 1902 , aH. , ' .no'ing ; five
yc. ! ' of pr < . . : : ; pedty u.uler a re I
' ' . . I
pu .can .niuistration the same
I elemcnt is out on a srike : , a
less n mber ff hours for a da's
, . . . ) rk at thc same pay of more
11Ours. III U1f fortner strike , in
ailint' tl' ) get wor. / . . . .y had to
be : l . .t tIll' oup housc : bJ' the
cliarity of the public. Now the. ) '
at their own expense they sail for
Europe or son' other summcr. re
sort , . . .ith th . . iamlies : for an
'l'he sound of the whistle of
.the Br6tlfen Bow Ro1ler Mills
again delights the citizens of the
ami . . .
city vicinit. It means em- '
ployme t for se\'era1 hands amI
indicat s that the over stoc1e of
flour 1. . .
" been consumed. At a
tit e when wheat has to he imported -
ported to k cp the mill In opera-
t n , a malh 'iuite 1mr < lshiv
f/'l' , . ,
1 ( rgan when he has to
. . . . . . . .11Jj , et with tniJ1 from districts
where they raised their own
vhr. L , as th mauufactured
flour 'cun be shipped in cheaper
th u the wheat. As Mr. Loner-
gan always p < 1)'s the higrhest
markct price for wheat when the
fr rmel' have whcat : for sale , they
nCi ' . ht've R1l opportnn tj' to re.
ci , . . . . . ate by using the Broken
Bo. . . . . Roller Mills flour , which
tVOUr" enable bim to Ieeep the
" 1" ; ; in t" " r . .ton wben odds arc
: .im t 1 . 'n. Stand np for home
yom wath'c land.
Congress has 110t ) 'c't been able
to reach a conclusion on the
Cuban , reciprocity bill. There is
- _ . . . . . " , . - ' " , . . . . _ . . . . _ . . . " , . " " . . . . " " . . . " " ' . . , . . " . -
) . , ' ! t C'\
4 . . '
. . . . . .
gravc doubts with some of the
1II0st able 1IIen in Congress as to i
whether there i any rcd prod t ) ' I
in the mcasure. While thc free
or cheaper sugar is the plea made
by the advocates of the bill it is
\'crj' cluestionitble whether the
hill if enactcd into law would
elTect the price of sugar to the
consumcrs. 'l'he rc Ii ncrs and
jobcrs would in an prubahilit. ) .
be bcnc/Hell / to the extcnt of the
reduction of the tarilT but not the
pcople. Il has always provrtt a
a safc plan to uphold the pJ'lnci-
pIc of protecti n to Amcrican industries -
dustries and in this case we tire
inclined to think that Congrcss
will malee it lIIistalcc if it mal < es
anj'reduction on the tariff on
Cuhan Sugar. , Ve do not fcpl
that wc arc cancd upon to cripple
our own industrics in order t fill
the colTcrs of the Cuban republic.
We havc bcen vcry gencrous with
that peuple and we du not feel
thcrc is any further nccd of us
lavishing our gcncrosit ) ' on thCIII ,
at least imtil thc } ' havc bccn
given a fair opportunit ) ' to pro-
"ide for themselves frolll thcir
own resources. ' 1'he production
of heet sugar in the United States
is yet in its infancy. 'With thc
proper incouragement it is dcs-
tincd to bccomc one of the grcat
industries of our country. ' 1'he
timc is coming should the manu-
faoture of sugar from bcets rc-
ccive the proper encouragcmcnt
that we will not only be ablc to
producc all of our own sugar in
Lhis country l ut wi1l be enabled
to compete on the markets of
Europc. 'rhe iron Industrj' bj'
thc fostering carc of our govern-
mcnt has been ablc to compete
with the European nations in thc
production of iron and steel.Ve
have built up an industry that
has not only madc its promoters
dch but has provided imploj'-
mcnt for millions of people and
made a market for our beef and
porle. Protect American industries -
dustries and we not only build up
large communi tics 'of manu
facturies but we create a market
for the producer that makes the
country prosperous and happy.
Doooration Day Program.
Urand Marshnl. . . . . . . . . . Col. v. C. ' 1'l\lbo
AldoR. . .P. M. ' 1'owsley-N. E. Arm1ltrontl
CO CMl'r'fJCI S.
Spenkers-l\I K. llaKndorll , Alpha Mor un
MUlllc-Mri lr E Tnylor. Mra J E Adnmllon
Ilnll Decorntlons-Lleut.llough Kenoyer ,
Serleunt N ' 1' Gl\lId , Sergel\nt John \Tdod
'l'1 0 business mon uro requested to
close their respeotive places of business -
ness { rem 10 1m. . to 12 m , nnd from
2 to 4 p. m. It is nlso requested thnt
they appropriately decorate their
plneoa of Dusinoss cvith flnHs nnd
l om NOON ,
A t ten o'clock a. m. the \'l.uious
orgnnizl\tions IUl citiz nll will r ' ' 3t
at the south aide of the publie square
and form in I
the following order an
mareh to the cotnetry :
1 UrolwlI Bow IhUld.
\ ) MOlllbors of the n. A. It. Post Itllllull
soldiers or the OIvll Wur.
a 1IIom11Ors of W. It. O.
. . MOIuborl ! of Co. M. , 1st Holt. N. N. G.
ullli nil Boldlnrs of Itho SpnnlRh.Amnrlcnll
WitI' .
Ii Brol\11 \ Uow HOllo COlllpnuy.
II Urokon Bow lIoole & rulldor COlllpnny
7 Buptlst Boys Brlgl\do.
S All ether lIoclotlos.
\I SchoolluuU : ul\tluy school ( \hlldrou.
10 OIty omcluls.
11 CllIznns In cnrrlnltes.
On arriving nt the cOUletr ) ' . the G.
A. H. Post will haM oxeroises appropriate -
priate for the oOOIlIlSiCHI , IUlII the doc.
orutions of the cmvos will then talco
It is espocinlly requested tlll\l u11
"ho possibly cnn do 110 , bring lIowors.
Al"1'J ) tNOON.
At two o'clook p. m. ILL the Opera
Houae th following proHrt\\U \ will bo
Soug , "Amurlca" . . . . . . .Uy Congro nt1ou
l'rnynr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rov. ( leo. 1' . 'I'rltes
1IIuslo , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MltlHlolln Club
Addruss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . \V. n.1I1111
tlon : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Doublu Qunrlet
Uocltntatlou. . . . . . . . . .MIRS Ethel Sltlwull
Song . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . ; Hyorson QUl\rtot
Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . .0.V. . BOI\I
Uocl1ntlon. . . . . . . . . . Miss Ooanllo SulI1\'all
Solo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J. n.'lIsol1
Song. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Double Qlinrtot
Addross. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. H. IIUIIIPllfoy
Music. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mnndolln Club
Uelldlctton. . . . . . . . . . Rev. S. W. IUclumls
CpUornla . .n..o nlld Uctnrll.
Tickets 011 f\l\lc April 21st to 27th , 1\111) '
:17th : to June 8th , A\lb'\tst : md to 8th.
T ihcrnl stop.over nrrnngc1l1ents mill reo
t\101 limits. 1101' additional infonlllltion
ask thc nearest Rent , Burlingtoll Routc
or write f r It Cahfomla folder to
Gencrnll'assenger Agcnt ' .
Burlington Routc ,
39'SI Omnha , Ne r.
. . . . . " " . .1.1111"1" " " _ . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . .
" , i. . . . . - - - \ . . - - - . . .
- -
H1 > I'l'tlJ 1IY AI.I.ut H. I'HI.KIty.
III 'J'he II\W , 'list. '
' \Vhen a YOllng mail and a young
women get marriecl ancl start Oil t
in life with but Httle property as
the great majority of young
peoplc do Rnd worlc ancl save in
order to secure a homc and something -
thingto maintain thcm in their
olcl agc , it woulcl seem that thc
property they succeed in acctlInu- ,
lilting woulcl belo'11 ' : : ' to both i
cually. ) 'l'hat just as utUch of I
it would belong' helong to . thc
wife as to the hushand.
Is this so uncleI' the law in this
gtatc ? No. 'l'he wi fe , howevcr
harcl shc I 1aY work , however carefully -
fully she may save shc docs not
really have a dollars worth of
propert ) ' that she can call her
own. Shc cannot will a clollar's
worth of this propcrt ) ' if she
dies before her husbancl. But
the husband can will two thirds
of this property that the wifc has
hclped accumtilatc to anyone hc
plcases. Is this a just law ?
Suppose that twenty years litter -
er we fincl that this young couple
havc secured a good 'quantity
pcrsonal propcrty ancl that they
have becn hlcsscd with a family
of ninc chil tren and then the hus-
bancl dies without leaving a will.
'l'his wifc who has helpecl accumulate -
ulate this propcrty coultl not sell
one clollar's worth of this propcrty
but must sit with' folded hands
untill the court appoints an ad-
minidtrator and after weeks have
passed and the requircd advcrtis-
ing done five hundred dollars
of this property and the wearing
apparel and ornaments of her departed -
parted husband arc given to her
-yes really given to her for her
own use. Then after the advertising -
tising and administrator fecs ,
court costs and all other debts
arc paicl the wife instead of being
allowed to have one half of the
balance of the property she has
helped accun1Ulate is madc to
share equally wi l the nine child-
rcn which would givc' her one
tenth of the property her labor
and careful saving had helpcd ac-
cumulatc. And the law would
rcquire the pp intment of a
6'Ltardian for the children who
would hold the property so de-
cemling to the children.
But suppose' now that the wife
had died instcad of thc husband
would the law require thc appoint-
men t of an administrator and a
great quantity of expenses for
advertising , administrator fees ,
and court costs belore the husband -
band could sell c ny of the prop-
erty. 'Vould thc law rcquire
that the husbancl onl. ) ' be allow-
ed/hc / : hundred dollars and the
wearing apparel and ornaments
of his dcpartcd wifc and one
tenth of the halance of the property -
erty and that thc children should
havc the : 'other ' nine tcnths of thc
property ? No.
'rhere would he no administrator -
tor appointcd , n0 advcrtising fees
or court costs to he paid out of
the property. 'l'hc law would
not set apart one dollar's wort h
of the properly for the usc or
support of the d\ildren. 'rhe
husband would 'own it Rll. Hc
could sell cver ) ' dollars worth of
the property the wifc had helped
accumulate and spend the money
or go 'away and leave the children -
ren to thc tcndcr mcrcics of the
world without moncy or property
to support them.
Is thc law just ?
Does it not seem that the law
rcgards the wife as bcingab -
solutely devoid of \rcntal love
and care for 1tcr children that it
must require the setting .lpart. .
notonl ) ' thc husband's half of thc !
propcrtj' for UIC .care ancl support
of the childrcn but in the asc
above citcd it givcs to the children -
ren four fifths of the mother's
half of the property also.
But if the wifc clies the law
depends upon the 'husband's
parcntal 10" to see that the
chihlren is cared for.
Dnt suppose now that the property -
perty this husband and wife had
accumulated consistcd of houses
and lands "Renl Estate" and the
. . . . . . . .
. . . . - . . . - - . . - . . - - - - . " . .
husband dicd without leaving a
will. ' ! 'his wife would 110t rCilll.y
o\\'n au acre of this land in her
own right. Shc could not sell
au acre of it , 5hc could not will
an ) ' of it to an ) ' one. She could
simply hold the homc5tead as a
tenant during' h r lifetime and in
adc1ition wonld be cntitled during
her lifc time to the rents or pro-
ceecls from enc third of the othcr
land9 shc had helped pa ) ' for.
At her death the land would
dccree to thosc tJlC iaw dIrected
it should go to. Shc would n.ot
be allowcd to say who should
I have c\'cn enc acrc of it.
lIow'ould it be if the wife
died-wh } ' the husband would
own evcry acrc of it in his own
namc. He could se1l an , ) ' or all
of it , couid witt anj' or att of it
to an } ' ol1e hc chosc to wiiI it to.
Is this Jaw justVc havc not
called attention to these. pro-
visiuns of thc law in order to find
fault with the mcu for we believe
that hushancl dcsire thcir wives
to have their just . of thc
pro pert } ' and whcn thcy futty
rcali e the conclitions will dc-
mand a change in the prescnt
law. .
'Ve ask wh , ) ' not allow.the wife
in her own right , a one half in-
tcrest in thc propcrty shc has
hclped her hU ! band accumulate
and al10w hcr to do as she pleases
with it whcre th.ere is no written
contract to the contrar } ' .
'rhcn if therc .lre. some men
that c1sirc ! it ) 'oul11ight enact a
law a1owing ] any man that is
hog cnough to do so , to dem'and
of the woman hc is about to
marr } ' that she shatt allow him
thc privilege of witting to whom
he plcasef two thirds of the property -
perty that he and his intcnded
'wife mLY ; accumulatc and that iu
cass'she dies bcforc he docs that
he is to havc all the property
they have thus accumulatad regardless -
gardless of the necessities and
best interests of the childrcn.
But make such a man show the
hog that is in him by making
the records that he madc such a
demand and that they cntered
into "Such an agreemcnt at the
timc of marriage
. \II 800 l'OUlllllll1lJy.
Probably thc smallest of larg-
cst of beasts is the juvcnile
mcmber of the heard of performing -
ing Elephants with Gentry Dros.
Famous Shows United. ' ! 'his
fine Pachyderm has been in this
country bWut a few months Jct his
educa.tion is ncarly completed.
His part of the programme puts
to shame his older and bigger
companions , and on account of
his size hc is able to perform
sc\'cral acts which have nevcr
been aHC1n1 > tC\ \ by. Elephant
'l'rainers before.
'l'he "litHe fcHow" in question
is but enc of the man } ' features
presented sincc the conso1idation
of Gentrv Bros. li'amous Shows.
'rhey wiil exhibit here , on Friday -
day , June ( J.
Ifor Tl10He ' 'VllO 1.I'Ve on 1l'arlnH.
Dr. Bergin , Pana , IHs. , writes :
"I have used Ballard's Snow
I 1l1it11ent ; always recommend it
to m ) ' friends , as I am contident
thcre is no better made. It is a
dandy for burns. " 'l'hose who I
live on farms arc especially liable !
to mRny accidcntal cuts , burns
and bruises , which heal mpidly
' ' is
whcnllallard's' Snow Liniment
applied. It should always be
kept in the house for cases of
emcrgency. 25c , 50c and $1.00
at ] d. McComas' , Brokcn Bow
ancl Merna.
Take l.axatl'fo 11 rum II Qulnlnu TIIIJ1et . All
clrn Rl tl ! rafuDlI the money If It fall8 to ClltO.
11 : . W. Gro'fo' lguliluro II ! on each box. 260. .
, , , \
Rlllp APllweat
have : : :1t pu : eneet : ! I op : l1iJt 1\ : .
PCSI 011. It re.
Illtl ihe damp ,
; flt \I \ : , ffA M ( !
pble. Sdlthu , "
, do not brr Ie. \
No ruulhl : r. \ \ \ rr , >
face 10 chafe 1:1 \ \
_ " , leul. 'I'ho '
harncII nol , '
" \ \
only le..pI , , \ \
lookll1l : like
new , but
wearl t w\ce \
. .Ionlby Ih.
u.e oC urele _
lIarnell WI. f.-
, , ,
In " n-
plJ Ih. . .
lohlle by
Standard 011
L L Company .
. _ - ' . . . . " " ' . . . . . . . . - - - : . . , :
't'1'V. , , - ! ; : . . . i.--- . - ; . . . . . . . . .
. . - '
- -
rr U1J1JLfUC > > U1J1JLfU1-fU1-hJ"Pl
Trained Animal Shows , . '
. ,
\ ; ; : 1'1
, : Brokenbraska ,
5 The Worid's Best Trained Animal Sh w. ,
- -
- -
. . . .AHIS'l'OCRA'l'IC. . . .
325 '
Nn L AC'l' .
S : : .
I Pet'forming Ponies , Dogs and Monkeys - I
keys thut do Evel'ytding but taiiq E
See the Herd of the Smallest
Pel'forming Elephants
that is in Captivity.
A Revelation in AniInal Training.
- - = - " ' = ' - " -
Mammoth Waterproof Tents
Win Be I
South of Depot. \ :
I : ,
- - - = - = - - : : : - - - 'i
. Grand ! ; ; t : e .P rade . !
1E.n..n. u1..fU1..fU1..I1. C > >
- . '
1I" .3 , . . : ti . - , . ' . ' 1..1. ! " ' : : ' : ' . ; . . . : . t . { . : . . . , . . . . . ; : . . f. . . . . . . . . . : .f. i : ' . } . " ' ' , . . . : . ' . { . ; . : ' , rfN , . ' ff . " " : - I.r. . _ .m'.1.- : : : : , . . ' : : : , IJ ! . : r . : . : " - , i1. : f . . { . : : ' . : ; " ,81. " . . : ' , . : ; ' ; . ; : , . .
IAGLE' . 'GRbCER _ y J l : ; i , .
, 4 4--- 1
: mt . '
. . n : 'i' ,
! It : ; I : I
r All parties indebted to the Engle Grooery , are reqnestod M '
to oalland settle th ir account by onsh at onoo. I must have !
. . . . . ,
' \ ! " , :
: . - money to PBJ 1 .11 s , I oannot d 0 b USIn BB on WIn d . . . , .
'il" .j
, : . . . Yours truly ,
: : tA' :
il . ' W . S SWAN !
r 1M II 'n .
Proprietor. .
-r ,
l 10 Bars of Soap for 25c. 1
" . . , . . . . . . .1. . .10 . : . . . . . . , - _ ' . , . . . . . . . . . " . , , . . . . . . . I. . . . . . . . . . . : . , . _ : : r /.v. / : . ; . , . . : . . 'ot ' : ' . . . . . . . . . . .m.04I- . . ' . . . . . , _ " " " . . " . " . . ' . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . , , . ' . . , , " . . . . . . . . , . , u. . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . : : , , . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . .u. ' " , . . , . . . . nt . . . . . . . . , : . .
: . . . , . . :4'e . 1 , : 1..j'I..I. . . . : . . . , . . ; . e. . . : ilr' - : . . . . .n. . ' . ' ' ' ; el'.f . , .
: : ; ' " : f } : ; : t ; i } ' { : i 1 ; ( i. ; i ; : ; : .I. i ! } : : ; : W.- ; : } ; : N : : } ; t. : : ; 'iJ ; : : ; : .oI : } j.J : i
. . .
- - - - - - - - - - -
Coal o.n , Case line an'd Axle Crease. .
CoiIecs arc strictIy pure.
ur 'reaR arc strictly tine. I
Our Extracts arc excelcn1 ] ,
. ,
ur Spices-None better. .
ur Vinegars-Pure they arc.
Dricd Fruits arc clean anc1nicc.
ur Pickles are appeti ng.
Our Oli"es arc olh'es. .
ur Bacon is thc lest. , . . ( t
ur Hams-'l'hey arc.b . autics.
Yours for Purc Healthy Food Products , at
Pure THADJ > ld cw- . J . C . BOWEN'S
cr V 1Jlcgar.
MARK. Of Course.
- .
Yes , Wall Paper & Patetn Medicines
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ . .4
, A New Second Hand Store !
Hugh Kcnno'cr has opened up a Second-Hanel Store in thc
building on the we sidc of the public square , at A\V . Dr lce's
old stand. Hc has it Hnc line of'
I ron Beds , SprinJIs and Mattresses.t t
A .complete line < ? f ne' ' moulding and new saws. Frame work
a specI ltj' , and ahsfactton guaranteec1. . Jel.Repairing : and up-
of all kmds .
holstermg promptly -lonc.
" . . ' . ' ' = . . , . . . .r.- < - . . - . _ . - ' " - _ _ . . . . .
" . . . . , '