Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 29, 1902, Image 2

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    . ' " , . . - . ' . . . j viI . . - . . - . . -
. " " -
c.ster County RcpDbllca
. . . . A..nJC ' UT. JCdl&.rtr . ad rnbll.hll . !
. . - . . . Do , . , . , . . . NKBlLA8XJ
. .
. '
. .
EtJ 1'1 NO ITEMS ,
" . _ eat. alld Crltlcl.m. United Upon
ill. nappenh'K' or the ( hy-llI.torl'
.1 Brul New. Note. .
Mr. UOORC\'lt WI'CHUI'R cv'ry dll-
: wltJa mntterR ot lit II It. .
Tnrke.r prohllhly hellerR Ihnt no
tone 18 worlh $ i .O ( ) ( ) .
= - = = = = =
Rtoclpe tor oJlUlllfllIlI : 'rnke ollt
: hMtth7 mall IIlId 0111' ! tuoII 11\1'111. Mix
- -
Adt'eNllty nl/lY pr'lulre II 11I1111 ror Ihe
111' " bl'.fOlld , hilt 11 cllrlnllH his credit
while JI ( rc all ( 'nrth ,
: Wc are rllill ! tl1ttlllJ : h/u'l / : to IIr"t
prfnclpll1l1. \'IIII1I1'\'llIluli II1l1keR II
, . , : pcclnlt ) ' or I III It II thlJ : II IIWIII < t' ' ,
t _ _ . . . , . , . : . . .
he'lllclIl thllt IIlIIhlll'/l'I' / chI/lI
III nlh'c with IIIlcmhe/i ( JI' IIIIJ'lhhlJ : 1'1 , , ( .
lu purndllxklli. I.hllhlll'/el' / 1M dl'lill uud
- - - " . - . . . . . . . . . -
Tolllloll1t ' ! C Ihlll IIHlIIC' ' IH II CIII' ! ! ! ' .
, : r.ft . .t JlcoJllt ! 1'f'Jrel I hll I II IH lIul 0111' I
or tbe kind whll'h hn n' II IIlIhlt o ( COlli'
.Inl : 'homc to rllut.
! It II' rt'porh'l thllt II ; > lll'gI' Che'IH
1\iU prerent IIIIIIIIIIOX , A lIIuJurlt . 0/ /
1 'tbe lteoplc11I be IIkel ) ' , howe\'cr , lei
i J1rerer to run the risk.
< <
" I 'D1Jrhlt : tbe pnRt ) 'onl' the ( Jerl11nll
. I e lerOr hnK decoi'll tell : . ! . .Ii : ! peopll"
' ( The undecol'I\tt'tI GI'rlllnII. IIkc Ih ( '
'L t ' dodo , will lIoon be f.xllnct.
r 1 h'dtRc7 BIt'low ! , who Jlrt'lIch.tJ
f - \ w.r In .he mOllthfl , III Raid to hll Ve hl'11
Aed tor dl\'ol'ce , But 1)'I'hlllllt thIs Will !
' .not tbe " "ar he hnd In mllllt
I t \
.I Dtatot'J' Informll Ult oc hul aile occn ,
' JlIOII wh"n A lIoli on the bllck or the necll
11 I " \\.euJd hnI..en n Iood th'II ' . ' 1'hllt
i w" wben IlOt 1\11t1 his wlCe Hturtcd to
) j . . . . . . " , , '
' " '
i' 1\ . ; ' -
'Jot 1a tt.ftl thnt tht'l'e Itre more than
: r.o o.OOO brnlldlt or ( IKltrl ; 011 lhe 11I111' ,
.ket. 'nle call1llltlgl1 Clglll' , hI\\'evel' , 01.
'If" " smel18 Ule 11111111' , 110 I1Il1tttr ! what
.me It goeu by.
Jt III nllenet1 tllnt HUIlIoI'Ii Ho/o / , WII' ' "
J'f tly swindled In It 1'1'111 t' IIt'It , dl'ul.
'ht" mBn who IlItI Ihe lI\\'hllIIl1l ( ; IUII :
rUber ! i'clm'c or I'xhlblt hll1llll'lf In till'
A1lwe wUl'e ! I 1 ! _ hc \ 'ltll 't.O ( ) .
. . . . . . . .
, - - -
0. = ; : : :
.A .uhllcrlher wnntM to kilo\\ ' whIt
is Ith.f the IIChlllllH who fUI'IIIHh IIJI Oil
the races 1'01' II lolIHItIl'rlltioll : dOIl't I'hl '
'lbf > JD tbeItlH'I\'f'lI. Itn(1 ( tlllllI 11t'111 thl'III'
ll iTN to the gooll thlllgH.,0 ( Iuu't
kaow wit , . , ullh'IIS It III thnt th'v Cllu't
ar to lake the money (1'0111 tle ; llOor
bootmltkcrt . . . . .
, ,
. . . : - II..J 1 _ ,
The BuJlun oC TUI'lw ) ' III ) ; 1\1111 ; IIVII
' .eme or his " , I\'es 10 ( II \ 'OI'II(11I8hulI. ( .
\ "J1&e Sultan hns n IlIrJto HUIIIII ) ' or ulll
sad Ugbtl ) ' 1)jIIlHC W"'H thltt he CIIU
.J\IHU-e just n8 WCIlIlH 1I0t. hnt hllHn't I" .
'Wit enough to tlee thllt hlH IIwtlllltl or
, ,
, \clUn : , ; tid or them mllY III' till ! CIIUII
dt .a good mnny ot the troublcs thllf
.Jt Ct'olllllng out 111 'l'url < e't
There 18 nothing'Inil riilll1y III\'rell
.about drollllln , ; a blip oC IllIpCI' I1ltll II
wo den 1)x. Votlll ! : lI elC \'lIhll'les. .
"JUJ1eN1 th\re III dellnlte , Intclll ( 'nt I
.ttrinclplo behind It nit. When thl ! clIl-
aeR 'ao. , tbrough IKlloraneo or IItUpllllt '
_ talHrrerencc , to perceive 11 renl ISlluo
18 .tlnt DCmte8t It Mh mnke no dlrrereneo
111 the aUlmate resu1t whrther bo gOCR
te the po1111 or remnln ot home. He
. . . .m ba'f8 ' coutrlbutOlI nothing but n
. Mntngte 8Ull or pnpcr to the CnUR\ \ !
. -eft JJOPUlar sovereignty , IInd n mennlllC-
.a _ ' 1II1p of pnpor stuffed Into u bnllot
. ] ( is no more potl'nt Cor progrcss 111 "
Iraocracy thnn n mennlngleRs IItlp or
'P < < 1'fJI' starred Into fl gllrbltge box.
: rUchlgan 18 the home or n warnlug
rxemple of the chewing gum hnblt. Of
.t'our e , the IIM"80n 18 oC the CClI1htlne
.I ! : ( and , aUhough 1I0t ) 'ol1nJ ; , IIht' Is (1 ( ' .
. .crJb-d b7 thl1t well-worll ndJl'CU\'e ,
-preUyI nut that Is not to the IlOlut.
; ru potnt Is what the ( lectors ( tlIICOV'I"
. .a .dter Nho hod chewed gllllt ( or IS
"Mr. . 'l'llt ' y (1111 not mnke the IIIII ( OV'
. . .r.1B . . day , nor In a week , Cor ht'r CIIKC
" "AS ilr t dlagllosed by tltAt COlUllrl"
J . : ! nsh' tl'rm "llldlJ"tlon , " Uut Ilrtt'r'lI
, rlJllp , wllt'n 1111 their rmnedll'tt hllil (1111 ,
I'ft. 1h1 d'hltCt to IItlt the klllrt' IIUI ]
"be : Jyac cut , ollell , 'J'Iwlt thlR Is whllt
thet : tonnl ! . 'I'ht' Ot'JIlIlK at the stoltllll'l :
. blcl1.l'1houlll ' Im"t IIl'1 n nt work II1t1ln
rllt : t1on , , ' ( 'rl' jhtcll tOJctbcr. "Whnl
.jli .thl. wul h11ll't' crlt'd 0111' leurlll't' '
Irtn. ; anll 'when hiR IIR801I1 \ ( > 14 ( 'ould nnl
n..t'.r lIt' sellt IIOnt ( ' or th 1tI1t1tt'1' it
.JI t'111 111 ! t , who t'Ollortl'II , "ChuwhlJ
; mm.01 ' \ ' the yoUnltOltllut IlItli no' '
111"IIIonnI17 ! x.wnl1owt"d sth'k8 or tllil
-lll'Iii\'l' h1:1terllll , hilt Khl' Itlld 111'1'1
.1ttQI.l1Inv : 1l IH'twet'1t bl'r molnrs ror 11
. . " .nlt : 'tIltllllld " 'h'R 111I(1 r01U1I1 their WIIJ
'Jlto tilt" " IlIlm'lor of hl'l" 1I0dy , ' 1'It ( ' 1' ( ( ' '
( 'muul.\loll oC thl'/It ! wOIIIII hnre CIIlIIlI'e
'hf'r , ,1.Itll 111111 not rt'I'OIl'ft1' 114'11 hm
Sf' tilt" " knlre. . \ worll to the l\'llit" " II
\lIlffclrnt. 'J'III' fC ) JKh ( nre hor" th'lIr ,
- - - - - - - -
: Leta or lIIl'lI wOIIIII lilt-I , It thl'l' (
t-r , . an'lhlu III II If tlll' '
I ) ; ) (1111 110' '
I I ' nlw Ihn.l t'\'I'y WOII\IU thl' ) ' ntll'ltIllt
, , ,1 t\l 1111'1 with , , "cmlll u &Iff lllill h' )
\1 \ : .ahont It.
. .
" - - - - - - -
) j ' ! \ nollwr 1u.t ) l'un f'(1 b - ft'lctlolt : '
, . - , ' "
-Jo" " tlnltr"
. .
r ' 'W , ru1l1llu' " Ucrf'c thoUllltlllllollR (
f : t ' - o ' 11 ( } OO hurnt"
( ' 1\ \ , \ I ' . ' , , r . \ i
; , '
H !
! 'I' '
I l _ . , _
, . . , . ; . . - ; . . . . . . . . . . ,
,0 : . H' " ' 1 r - . " . , . . , . . . . . . . - . . , ' itf' ' ' ff. . .
I .
I , _ .
1-- ' 0. = . . . - = - : - : : - : : - - : - = - = = = = = -
O'I'r I hr 101'1'/1111 h or n "relit l'rlllllollc ,
I.'rolll m'l'lIl1 10 111'1'1111 hlll'III ! ,
Wlll'reYcr th. . 111111'11 lit Ill'r 1IIIIIIII'r
HII'IIIII oul III thr IIlhl ot IIwrll :
1'lulI Ihl' .It'JI\lII' \ lit /:1'11111'0\\,11 / " ,1It' , , ' " ,
The 11111111'/1 lit hl'l' IVlIllIll'd hllill.
III the , IIr hrr ' ' . , I 1'111
IIOII ! ! wlllll'I\\\'I'11I I.rl ( ,
'fhl ! rh'IIIt ! ot hl'r IIt'Dl'ctul 1'111/1.
ComclI the . 1101/11'11' " ' ' 11'111011 ot Itll Itrlll1 ,
Hhll.low , , 11111'111 111111 grn-
. \11 II I' lilY , Ihollh'IIIIIlIhed 1111 It'101l8 ,
1'Iil IIVI'II III 11111' hl'1I1'18 to.dll ) " .
To Ihl' 1111'11 who trolll nt'111 111111 tOMlnI
1'Irolll' , III till' c mlltrI"8 I'I' ' ,
'rll ( lr 'h'I' ' ' ' . It thl'lr 11I''d , tor the hOller ,
'fhl"r hOlloI' tllr h'r 10 IlIe :
Who. I.'I . III" Ihl' ! ; IIII tor 1111' fllo"hllre ,
AI\II 1:1'1111'11111 ' : thl'lwlltll rur th. . 111'11 ,
" ' 1'111 fllrth 1111 111'11I,1' ot 111I1I'loIS.
of 11111,1. , . IIlIel tr".hol'lI IIII'll ;
" 1'111 III tllI' ' ' ( ' II h'1I1 IIf II IIUtlOD
118 Irlbull ! lit lovr will 1"1" .
Whl'l'I'\'I' Ihl' Itrnye IIC II IIlIhlll'r
Shllil hllilow Itll toll to.dIlI. ,
ul wllh I.rllllclll't'lilt ' .I'1I0r ( 'Yllrl'M ,
IIl1t wllh ro ell ' " 111 { IhuII'IOI1" ' " , , ' ( ' , ' 1 ;
With nllllll'lIlIth 1IIIIIIIIIIrei IIho\'l thrill.
A 11I1 hl'lIrl'-III"e ! rllir ot their fret ,
Whlh , lIulft'r thllll Whlllll ot " " 8\111I1111'1' ,
. \IIIII1WI''ft'r Ihllll rUMl'1I hloOIll.
. ' ' Ihl' ' ' 111whl'h '
\1'1' 1II1'lIIlIrll'lI 1111I1 \ " ( ' ! tlltht'r
Alld hrllhlclll ' : III'h 'I1h'1I1 101llh :
AIIII tholljeh ' 1"11111' III hili IIIIU'ch trlulllllhllut
1It'11I1I1 1111 to hili ni ! 1' 111\1\1 ,
rl't 1111 1IIIII'h "C I hI' flrc'lIt 1'It'rnlll :
1K lIt'tll'er thull hI : 10.1111) ' .
n't'r thl'lIl' , ; fllI'hl.rc' IIIllrltc ! I" endl'd ,
Wherl' I hI' IIIIMI nllil II" 1IIIIIOrlc'lI lie ,
IlIKI' till' Kmteflll 111'111'1" lit Ihl' It'lIlllc
In Ilrll , ' " 1' to IIIe I.nrll IIIHI J , 11th
1"1' till' hO/,1' fIt II "rIlH"I\IK " tnllll't' ,
Thl' ! : rlll' nUll stitt IIf IIIH hnllll :
Ifill' /:1'1'111 1111I1 11111111 III1t1nll.
fI'I'I' 1111I111 trnllf"lllIncl :
1",1' hl4 ! IIhKt'1 "r 1'1I1'C , wllllMe' Illnlllnll
Mlr'ft'h m'rr Ihllt llinel In.lll1r ;
1"111' Ihl' I"fl' Ihnt 1'lliMfll'lh 1111 hrotlll'rl
Thl' hululll nt thl' hlnl' 111111 srll ) " .
-\\1111I1111'11 111111111 CIIIIIIIllllolI : , .
'rH HlnA H1' O '
M MOltIArJ DA y ,
" 1 rl'/lly / wIHh , " ! ! lIld II'I , ( lIxwolI tn
lu'r 1IIIIIIhll'r Ih'III ! . "thlll 'Oll wOIII.1 I" .
IIIntl ! 11I11Itt. In Ir. Gllrr ' . " .
"I II II II tllloll' : , IIHllIwr , " rl'lIlil.tI 111.111' , with !
Ihl' hll\t'III'IIII'IIl'I' \ nC II trllenlll'je:1111 ! :
/:11'1 / , "Ihllt I collll , ) h ' IwHlt , to n 1101't" o'j
II l'nw , If thl'rl' Willi 1I11)"lhilig III IllIrlfl'lI ;
1111' to 11 ( ' 11111"11 ' 1) ' It , Xnw 1I1IIFI ! ! Itll I
: tw wb ) ' 1 Khnllhl Irr III , hI' Ilolltl' tll thltt
HIII''lIlIlIc. 1'lIhl , helll'tll'Sf ! crelltll 1'1' , 1.1'1111'
' : ' I' CIII'I' ) ' , II
" " 'h ) ' , HI' III' . ) ' 011 nllhl , : In Imnw. Ill'
I" worth / ( 1IIIIII'It'r IIf II lIIillllln. "
"llIlh'I'll1 1'11I Itlll < < l. tllt'lI. thlll IW'II ! : nt
lilli' 1'1'\11 III 1111' 11I1 u 11011. I < < Inll't kllow lit
IIlIothl'r : ' I
'I'hl' willow IIIh1I , It II II lonl"11 rulh'r
< < IllIlr'KHrllll ) " nl Ill'r hnlllhlUml ! hilt II.III- ,
lIokeli Ilnlllthtor.
"Belli' MIIXWI'II , " HIli ! sultl. "mort ! 111111
lIIoru I Tl'ry tllIY 110 , ) 'on grow Ilkl YOllr
Inor ) tlltller , lIu Willi jlll't so Ilrolllllllr -
1Il'll-Jullt IIn hll\t \ llelltlcnt. "
. . .
. .m s:1 II II tn Ill'nr It , mill I hOlle 1
mny IIlwlI'II 11lIl'r\'t' 10 III' Rpol"11 of III
Ihnt wny. ' 1'0 he th ( ' tlnlllthtt'r o ( one ot
thl ! Iwrot'K who tcll lit Ohlekllmllll lI ,
lijhtlns : enr the Union IUIII till' old 1111 It ,
111111 to rIcmhle him us 1 vrow 1111-1
Ihlnk tllnl is glory NIOUgh fnr II lIllOI'
Irl Ilk , ' IIIC , Poor , Ih'lIr tllllll'r-llIIw !
wclI 1 rlml'mhlr how Ii II I ! hc 11J01 < cll III
hlH mnJor'lI IIlIltnrm whcn he loolc 11I0
1111 nllli kllllll'll IIII' , 1111 he wcnt hnd , Crolll
hl Ill1vl ! lit nbu'llce. .Iu t beCore tllllt IIl1t-
th. ! I WIIS oub' II lit tI I' thlll : ; ; hut Ihl'
rlt'lIlIl'ctioll will IIcver he blllttctl out
frllln III ) IIIcmorl. "
Hllch II rl'mlllllll'Cnce thlll1'1' '
1\11 \1'1' , ) IIlIt-
urnll ) IIl't J11011 Mrll , Mnxwell crylll , nllli
rur II mOIll'lIt tilt' suhjl'et o ( tllI'lr COli-
\1'1':11I11011 Wltll tOI'Inltcn. It Wlltl hroll ht
1111 111:1,111 hy till' 1'1111 : oC th , ! lloor IH'II ,
"Thnt' " hilt rlIlJ ; , " 811111IrK. : . lnxwtII ,
hllrl'll'lll ' tlrTIII IlI'r t''I'II. "Xow till try
1I11t1 lI'tllt hilll1'11. . ,1118t thlllk what n
e'hl11rl' II wouht bt , fur 1011 , IItH ( ! I I
1'111111' h I' II kc'R YOII. "
'I'hlll1111 rntltl'r murl' thlill thc wl"ow
hllel :4:1111 : ) . , .t 10 Ill'r , h\U htl'l' CIII tltl' slIh-
I JI'I't. Hhl''IIK : t ootl-llI'l1rtf'11 WOIIIIIII ,
hilt the llroollll'l't : ot hn1111 : : \11' . Unrr '
fill' n IIllII.IIIlIlW hR11 rlltlwr IIlhwt her
1111111111 , h'H'1 111'1111. Sltr 111111 1I1lllle II
: : n'ut 11I1111) ' 1.1:11I11 IIIll'cret , 111111"11 Oil thaI
, h.tirl' ' hll' l'n'lIt. 'I'he Ih'll th of Ill'r 1" , " ,
hllllli III till' WAr hnl ! 1.tI h'r 11001' , with
IIlIlhllll ; 10 fl'ly Oil hlltlll'r dnlllhh'r'lI mil'
\Icill IIhillU"8 , tht t'xl'rcitle or whldl 1I0'
. IIVt' till' twn . ' ' ' '
: a.'t'rl 1'0mCurlllht ! ! 11111"
1'01't. n'lll' wt II 1:011I1 girl. 1111 wrll n
hllllll : < OIllI IUIII el'Tt'r , nllil l'hl'I'rCllllv III'
IHlrt'11 Cor hrr 1II0th'r all" hl'rlI'IC , 'Sh ,
. 11' ' ' " Ilmhllblr II hRIII'1 III h'r hllh'III'II'
,1'lIf.t ! IUIII ill tht , lon' or hcr worll 111111
" ( 'r hllllll' 1111 11111 ! ' ; irl In the clb' . IIIII (
. ' 11'111'11 111",111/0 / : IlItllSI'tI 111Ie'e Ihe Call 01
I \ IIIJm'tnxwt'll : nmong till' eOllnlr " : t hI'
. .111. . . . thl' 'willow' " ! ' ; rlet hlill hl'I'OIlIl' h1l1ll1 ,
.1. ItIIll "ht' , ton , wnll 1'lIjU'IIIS : II ( "I'rlalr
' 11111111I'11' " 'fhllt III , IIhl' hlill h"'II. IIl1l1
lit. lul'\lIt IICIr : , Cllrry 1111.1 hill IIIlIrkt'r
1I1'1I1111h1l to Ilt'r Ilnlllhh'r thl''w Ihl' KIIOI
111I111" illto II IIUIII' " lit f'Aclt"IIH'nt an ,
11111,11'\111/11. : Xlllhillj ; III 110 llllllrhhit
" thl' " ' \'t'rnJ1' II'rKOII a8 II ( ' ( 'IIIoh' 1111'
1II''rIAin I'rn"11l'11 II ( wCllllh ; nllI 1111
l'I\th \ III In thl" l'lIlIl' Ulnt 1\IrH. Maxwt'l
11 nwaLt' : th , ' Jrt'nh'r 110rtlt'1l oC Sl'\'rll
' 11 htlC , " 11""IIIIIIIIIJbollt , , 'but wlIIIl ,
, , ' . . . , . ,
> ,
. - . = - - = -r-
hallllell whell Belle WOllid 1HI'OIlH ! Ihe rich
: \1 I'll. Cllrr ) ' .
'J'he YOllns : Indy hea'lI'lc Willi IIl1t in thl' :
1t1I1I1 distllrhell It . ' IIlIch 'I'III
, nil ) IlroHlect. ! !
IIll1n wnR Ilollltl\'I ) ' dlsllltrl'ellhiu tn IWI' .
11 ( . waN V'IIt1mllnlll ; ) ' III hili Wn'II , et'lld
IIl1d IIl1t'1l1otlnnlll ; 011 ( ' to wholll IC'II'I'IIIIS
hllllUlReli w'r ( ! IItrnllJers. Iie wn. . IIl\.ot-
I'el 10 Ihe I'llre ot till' Inl'lw forllllll' thnt
hall bl',11 Inti him h , ) ' hi. . IlItH IIlIde , n
Jr ( lIt wnr l'nllirnctor , IInd Willi cOlIslltllt-
I , . lonkillnllt ( or ChIlIlCl'R 10 8\\1'11 It
h ' HIII''ulnnn. ! ! 'l'hl ! ! WM the Inlll 1111111
Ihnt IItIht IIntllrnll ' lit. ! ( ' ' 'IIl'CtcII : to Cnll
III love. llllt "healllv elraw ! ( ItS II , . n
! thlltle hnlr. " And Ihc' firllt IIIJrht or lil'lIe
Mllxwell ( 'rr'hlnll ' cUd Ihe ! II II IIi 111'1111 ( or
, Lt'nllc1'r rlll'I' ' , HI' IlUeI hl'lm Ilrl'\'lIilt'd
11\1011 \ , 1IJIIII1Rt hili clllltnll1 , to hu ' II tlckct
COl' II chnrlt.CIIIII't'I't , III which "hOIlH' lal'
ICllt" wnll IIII'cb' / 10 hl' l'I'III'1I1'1I1t'II. 'L'II ( !
'JC'IJ o ( thc 1'\'I1II1 ' '
\ ( IlI'oved t.o be 1SOliS' I
I , ' IIIIII UI.II"Inxwell : , which Will ! hnrt-
lIy " ' and cllcorcd. 'i'h ( ' Itr\ . : !
IInl1 Il'n\1I ' ' , nl ! wclI : UI the IHlre , IIWIet !
rnlcl' o ( the IIhl tI. , 11111111' a I'CI ! IIIIIII' ( ' -
IIi the'lIst 1I11111ellee IIlIel till' '
on 11\011 \'lIst , )
IIl1111111y fllt'lIek IIOlIIe Inrks ( Cl'omlr. : .
Ollrr.\11 111111 ' h ( > lIl.t. HI' ( ' , IIIIC. IIIIW ,
IlI'l\fll-lIlleI wnl ! ( 'IHlIJUel'I. lIe ItecIIIIIO
II Cn'clllclIl cllller lit till' hllmhlc 11In'lI
IWIIII ! ; IIlIel Ihls cOlulitioll o ( thlns'i hlld
1H'l'1I III III'OJI'I':4:4 : ( nr lIollle UlonthR lit
the tIme thllt 1111I' Hlcctch OlcnK ,
. \11 thlll tllllt ! WI' h"\'u left Ir. Curry I
! ! tululillS : nt tilt ! elOOI' . whllo our noelIIoInr ! : '
l'qllllllntloll : hnll hcell IIIlule. Ill' UlIht ,
still lie Rtnlllllns : thl'rt' , ( or nil : \Iis llIx-
w.11 WOllld tlo to IIdmlt hll1l : 111111 tl'l !
willow , HI'I'IIIS : Bclll"s .1H'rCl'ct illtlllTt'I'-
I'IICIIIIIIWI'I',11 Ihl' 1'1111 : IlI'r H'1 f , ill a
jl'c'nl IItntt' ot'IXlltllIlI. ! . HIll' 1II' ( ' "lItlr
l'l'turlwd with tlm cIIIIl'r. who 111111111'11 tilt !
\(1\11I1 \ ; IIIII . . l'I'I''h'IIIIt II IIIKtnllt 1'1'1111'11 ,
Ir. (1l11'r ' WIIS IWIII'lh'al. lit Ic'ltllt. 111111
111'\1' wIIIIII.1 thlil' . 'I'he ! llIrtkllllll' UhJ"I'1
o [ hlR clllI , nul mlltle knnwII hl'III'I' hl" '
hlld Inkcli a ! ' ( 'nt. I I
"l\Il 1I \1 IIX1'1'11 , I ha VI' In I ( . .I.hOHht
II pair nr tllle Irulll'I'II , allli ) III\'I ! 11111 J.t
hllli tht'lII Ollt 011 II lOllS : rich' , I 11111:0 / -
1111 : 0\1'1' to HlIllrlll'tl InlIIllrl'nalld I
Ihollllllll' ! lICIIKI'ello ha\ ' ( ' ) ' 011 l ! 'l'ClI11111111.1
1IIl' , 11 III II hlls lII'IIH II' lI , hilt I Ihillk It.
will hI ! II Illl'llIlIIlIt UIII' . It will , of 1:0111'11' : ,
take I ! I { 111 ' . " ,
TIll' \\11111\\14 111'111'1 Il'II11I'I1. 'I'hill1'1'1' / . :
Jrl'ltlnl : nil IIlhlllrllhlr. FlU' hl'r t1II1llIoj' : 1
tn IJ ( ! IIl'l'n I'itlill ; : with II' . CIII'I' ' 1II'IIInl1
Iho , l' II'otlel'lI Willi 1I11I1IJ 1 ilK /:11(111 / liS. 1111
( ' 111:111:1'11I1'111 IIf 11I111'1'111/:1' / . he hllli 1II'\.r
1\1'/11'11 \ II ( hili IlIkllll : n 1:1I1ulll lu III'I , ' ! ! .
' 1'111' lI..xl illilllllt : Hl'IIl' mllt\t' - \ : i l't'plr
lIllIt ; : ,11' hel' IIwth"I' II chili , ,
"I nlll Itl'l'alb' ohlljI'tI to 'Oll , Klr ; hilt ; I
It wOlIlII hi ! IIlIpoilllh' : tm' 1111' tn : : n III- I I
IIIUI'rU\\ ' . I hltve ' : ' ' ' ' to : illl : : lit Ihl'
IlIIhllc Melllorial DII ) ' l'xcrl'illli III tll ( '
1IIIIIIIr ( ! , "
"Ynu IIhOllld not tlL'Clhur all thllt IIC-
IOllllt. : " the mnthcr ( 'ull'I'ly IIlIt In , "Yoll
( ' 1111 Ilt ! Ihl'lII 10 1.tCIiNe 'IIII. 'l'h'I'e 111'1'
IIthcr8 thnt clln lIilll : . tlo with h' . !
Cllrl' ) ' , hy II 11 III I'n II II , "
'I'he Irl IlIlIkcd' lit llllth hl1r UllIlIwr
1111I1 till' g'lIlll'mllll wllh U Ilull'l bill : ie-
\Irt' ( IIJlIlty. ' She Willi a dutlflll I'hllll ;
hul thl rl' IIr ( ' oCI'ulllnllr4 wlll'lI II lIIilll 1'1"
IlrollC Crnmllhl \ to 11111'111 III cw ( 'url'eet
thillg ; IIl1el It WII , ! ! I'll uhw.
"I IIhllll slllg lit th ( ' eXI'I'd ! > e ! ! . a8 I
IIrllllllsed " < Ihe IIlIltl decitleillr. "I '
, : , \'tr
since till' \'nr closf'tI , trom till' tlllll ! I Willi
n little Jlrl , I hU\'e tllium IlIlrt ill the
nhll'rvlllu'c ( nt thl ! ! 1111 , ) ' , 1111,1 I IIhllll tlu 1111
1111 Inlll : 1111 I lI\'e. , " 1111 sUI'e1r Inll't : III 'AII
to luh'lKe nil' IIgaimt It. lII\ltlwr ? "
" : > :0 , HI'lIl' , 'ou know 1 wOllld 1I0t ; hilt
thlR Is IIn 1111111111nl 11I\'lIulloll- "
"It III I ! ' : , t be dlcllnetl ! , " wns the hrlll
III . terrlllltlln ! ,
Ir. Ourry was \1' , ) ' much vcwd , 111111
\VIIS IlItilscrcet 1'I101IJh to show It. HI'
WlII : 111110 rllo\l\h \ : ellllugh 10 IIII ' SOIllC
thlllgs III hiM vexation , which , wl le correctly -
rectly rt'prtlle1ltJns : hl8 OWII UllrrllW view" ,
.t'I' ( ' ver , . 111111011111 : thln s to Hnl In thla
hlllllll' .
"I 1111I mlldl tllllllllilointed , I\KII \ III"-
\\1'11 , lit YOllr , 'cClltllIl. "
Shl ! tlltl 1I0t think It I\I'CI'/lIr ) ' to tllI '
thllt IIhl ! 1011 Willi 80rl' ' ; tm' she WIIH IIlIt
snrry , IIUll this WII ! ! the Illst 1111111 111\
earth thllt IIhe wOllld tllI 1whllt , Ill' tn ,
tnr the 811k ( ' or IIlt're pollt'III"\II.
, lAntl I 11m - rnthl'r sllrII'I ] I' " . " lit' 11111'-
811I'11 , "thllt'Oll shouhl Ilrf'fl'l' Iollch II
mellnlnvlt'ss ; show to a ph'nllllllt 1'lIle In
till' country I1t tblll charmhlJ ; lIellson , "
tellnlnJl ss show ! 'l'he hlooll ot her
heroic lIir t1ushclI 1111 III the ! olrI'lI : cheek
, at Ihe word8 ; bllt she kcpt buck hcr tem.
pl'r ' , ontl kCllt IlIh'nct. .
"It 111\11 atwII ' 1I IICl'lIICd to mc to hc II
! , ( 'ry 8111y pllrllllc ot Cnlsl' sentlnH'lIt , " till !
1100ml'Il 11I1111 w nt 011. " 'I'hc sohlll'rs en-
. \lst'd \ 1111 1\ mere mntter ot hllllhll'lIS : thl' ) '
wcre Imld tor their work : those that (1111
tllok thut risk at the stalrl ; the accollllt
Willi clollt'll Ioml" ) 'I'ars : II go. 1"01' sCllsl.
ble 11'ollt' ! . . to J"et "I' th'lIc Oll I'r\ull'l' I
I''ry 'l'nr , tu 14111 ! : . nllli prar : , 11I111 Ilalll'
\'r , 111111 hnvl' n Ifl'lIt tllllll with l10wers i
on'r n 111I1'1 , ur tI I' II II sultlll'rs IIltH\\K tu
ml ! tlw'I'r ' fonll1 ot Collr. 1 wl : > b- "
lie 1Il\'r hnll till' ollllOrtlllllt ) ' to ex-
lrt'lIlI hili Whllt , BloJII'Inxwell : hOllndrd I
Crom her chair wltla tlallhlllg c's linll I
buruhlJ" : CIICC.
- - - - - - -
- , - - -
= : : : = = - : . . - - - : : . . =
" IJ' . 01l1'I'Y. IIlIch I'clllllnf'ntM ' III' , ' Ilhl-
srllcl.rull" ! ! hl' cd'll. " 1 wnn't Hit Iwl'C
/llItI 1I'1ltm In lh'lII. lutJllr ! , IC 'IIII ) : I.t
/llIr Ilh'IHIIII'1' Crolll thlll 11I1111'11 COIIIIIIIII ) "
rUII IIII1Y sill.\ " here 111111 ( 'lIjoy It : 1 11111111
be IXellllltI. ! "
hl. ' Ilhl'IIItI.wltluhew , to her own
room. ,
On Ihc 'ullowllI tlay ! III' . 0111'1' ) ' druvu
hl8 lIJlelltlhl ( troltm'lI u\'cr to Hhl/Cor.1
nlollc , thlnkln ! : IIloll/ / : , the way a rellt
eh'nl nhollt hili Inn'lItml'lItR olld IIltemAI-
III ! : theilI' l'nUI'ctlollll with others abolll
till ! cnriollll nlllllre ot , : ; irill.
BI'lIe 'nxwl'lI Ilnrtlellli'll'lI In the tl'n-
rl'r 111111 IUllchins : ell'1II01lIcl ! II ( the 1111) ' :
/Iud 11I1111) ' rl'Ulllrkl ! < < I 111111 hl'I''oft'c IIlul
neV'I' IICIIIII.'el ) ! ! n IIWI''I :18 wlt,11 . .he nn ! :
" 'I'IH' ' SII'I'II the Swcot Rlec'p of the
BI'll 1'1' . "
\ 11111 YUIIII'l'lern / II wnlkC'lI h ) ' h'r
slele liS IIII'wl'nt III tlH ! nlljoillllll : CCIIIC'
tI' ! ' Iu Witll'I1 the CI'relllon ' , l'hl'I'e
Willi IIIlwh IlIlk bl'twIIn Ihe two , In the
cnlll'lIl' n ( whldl ! ! hl ! nhwr\'ed thnt he
hall II/It 1 l1l1ell1)11I11 \ ) her IIIII'I ' . ,
"XII. " he KIIIIl ; "lInd I helleve no man
hils hilt : \Jr. Gurrr. "
"I' ynll melltJnn thllt odlnllR mllll'S
II llle 10 11I0 1IlIln. ; I'll ue\'er : lp'nk to
Y'III , " .ISho Imld ,
' ) 'h. . lnlt ' 01l1lJ : velerllll WIII'erJ' IIIII
tll hCIII' Ihl ! ! , 111111 hl gunrncd h1m/l 'lr nc-
1'0rellnI : ' , A lid he COlldllclell hhwwlf
Jencl'all ' III SlIch n WII ' lownrd Bl.lIc
( lIxwc11 tltat hl'fnrt' IInuthcr h'I\Hlrial
) )11) ' Ihl' 111'0 wrl' mllrrled ,
\ ' f'lIrll hll1' ' : PII 'Iincu Ihen. = ' 0111-
II\ III 0111' l'ountry iK Illore commoll Ihllt.
n tllllltll'lI l'c'\'t'r. 1' IIf rll1'tlllll' : vet ! ! 1I'h lX- !
IIl11l1h'H 111' ( ' IIlwn\1I ; S1II1 II' illl II 1 ; : 1L W\I1l1ot \
II IItllll I 1111 th ( . r'ntlel' Iu 1t'II'u Ihlll Ihe tllll
'tIII11 : \'etl I'1I11 heCItIlH'III ill\'PlIlCJr : 'I nil
IICCIIlUlllllh.tI It rlIt fortulle h ) ' hill ( Jal-
! 'lIt ! ! : hilt It mll ' IWlIMilln : : II 1IIi111 Kllrlll'ise
wlll'lI1 \ iM slatcll IhlllIr : , UIII'I'10llt
1'\tl'I' , , < < 11111111' III IIllel'lIlntlllll , nlld I IIOW
ell 1'111 III : 11'11 ,1011111'11 , a'el'k III thc mnllloJ'
of HI'III"1I hll'lh:1I1I1. . \ nil ' 11111 : \ lrR.Iax : -
\\1'11. IIlttlnl : h ' thl ! hllllll ) ' 1il'f'lIidl' ot hrl'
.e1l1l1ghter. with /:1'unllchlhlrl'lI / 111Iout
hpl' , hUH IIflt'lI 1'1I1t1'1''IIII 11 to IU'I'wIC that
BI'lIc'1 wa ' WII IIII' hl'HI.
ThelIeru'H '
. Uru\'C' ,
"I 1IIIII't I'I" , " III' WI' I'll II hi linll It lit
Inti' Iln ' . 111I111I\\ ' . "
"I'IIU ) what , TTlIl'Ie 'l'1'11' ! "
" .Ihlllll ) ' IInrl'H ) . ; \1\ \ . . . . .limlll ' Dlre. :
thl' hl'l'o 0' hllllh-nll\ thl' h'rllloI. ! : "
"Who waM Iw' ! Whnt .11.1 } II' cln' ! 'fell
IIII' 1111 II hUll t hi III. "
" " 'h , ) ' , la IIIC ! " 'hlil's slIl'Il hlllll 1111
3'011 l\IIow nbollt 'Will' 1111I1 HO on. "I'\\I'i :
III 'nur Cather'lI tillw-rl'l' . III011I' . I'III1I- :
( n tI 11''I \ ! \ II.
" \011 IIl'e' , .llmm , ) ' all' 11I1' Wl'I' ( ' dllllll\ , \
( rnm ho 'honll : II II' I rl'd < 1I1I 'hnllt I he 11111 ; . '
thllll'I ! ' ! I'C ! ' tlill IlilTcl' In' ' \ \ aR ; l11r
8Wcl'thcurts : un'WII } tilt' wllr hrokl' uut
we Willi 11111011 ; : thl' tllst'Ollllllt'll frolll
0111' ecUou , jiUltI ! thc tlllllil' l'ulIIlllIlI ) " . 1111.1 .
lIIur'hc'll IluJ"s UII' I1n's tnelllC'r ; , hllllI' : : ) "
Homnlltlll'S , hilt ortelll'r tJl'el1 1111' gh't'lIr ,
Oh. lIIe , bill WIll' 11 1 tlrl'IIMul ! ,1111I11I ) ' III'V-
Ir ! : : nt hnl'l , In lite ulll hOIll1101' tn hili
IlIflKit. XI'HIt' Itll ) ' ; 111111 hcrr : 111m without
III ' : . } rlltt IIrlll-1I Rhl'\ ' ( ' t'1II111 . . 1111' n
cl'lilllh'll h'l : hl'dlh'K ; III. III-hilt we fOIlht :
in II IlorlollK ( 'IIIIHI' , IIn' we 1:01111' IIlIt,11"
torll , "
"Ullt .fhlllll ) ' , { JIIl'It ! 'I'I'II' ! '
" .fhulII ) ' ! " 'hr , thut'll wlto 1'11I 1lalk -
Iu' . 'IHIIII. .limInY. YOII III.t' . Willi " filiI"
hnlred ho1111' ; u ! ! I nC"1I c lll'lt,1 orl
0' chlckml'lI'urll'll. } Hhowli whllt II t01l1
( WII ! ! . tllllt' : ! 1111.
" , Jillm ' . hc 1111' III ktpt ! tOll'ther tor
a tlrlW , wellt (01'11:111' . IIUlI I IIII11St 1111) ' he
1'1111111 Jlst conk U l'hlekcn : or tllrke , ) ' lll'IIU'
IICIII ; hc'd Wllltl' hlllldll like II WOllllln.
yes , IIn' ( 'lIrIH. 'I'llow cllrls ,
"Thl' battle wh.I'I' hI ! telt WUR nt Shl ,
loh ; sOll1uhow we'll nt 'Iellllrntt'tl , 1111' In
the mldKt 0' thnt C'lIrul slall hter I
su w ( 'Illse In IIII ! 0111' l'tllont'l. II mllll w ( '
1111 10vl'lI. ' who hllli a bl ! llIlICIII wlCI' 1111'
buu , ) ' , III ! WI' 1111 klll'w. 01111 o' till' rl'l.
11'111111 torwl..1 a 1111 WIIS Jist 10111' to 111)\
11111. our t'IIIOIII'I , wllI'lI 1111 lIew his IIrm
I1U' lit ! fl.1t 111'lId trom ,11111111)8 ! lhot. 'l'hl'lI
otllt'r COllrl'lll'rall'lI HI'rlllll ' : lit IIR. aII'I
WI' hlul II Il\'cly UIIII' . allll1 > nit tOIlhl !
IIkf' tI crll. . \h , UII' ! IIh. mi' ! "
" \\'nl ! .lIl11m ' kllll'll thl'l't"
" .Jllllllly'l Oh , Cllst thilll ; I " 11t.W 0\1\ \
culolll'l WIIS dOWlI , wOllntll"lln till ! hrlms ! .
liS we Clllllllll1 tlt'I'WII I'd. , I hl1m ' hf'llt 0\\1
him. HUt.,1 him III III ! ! nrms-In hl ItfI
IIrlll , ( or he sllll ( ollht ! wltll bill rlhl- :
nil' hc I3UIII : Ollt to 11I1' , gnr nn' cheerflll :
" 'Co\'r mc , 'J'cd , the bellt YOIl l'UII
1'11I tltklu' Ihe colollel to his wlte IIn' '
hllb ) ' , '
"I trll'tl to line him. 1 think thf- )
Coulld Ollt then the mettlc III my good
MJht linn : thl'y'd ousht , Cnr tIlt'1 sllOt II
IIwn , . III 1L'fI1I thl1n tl'n miliutes.
. " 1 hcJlI11 to bllck out atter thnt , I tell
sort o' \\1'11 k ; nil' 1111 I wellt I wonlh're.
I ( , lImlll ' Ilt IIWO ) ' with tht col""I'I. I
hllll . II'H the hottcllt.o' the Cray ; 1llcrl
wnM just Ihen re-t'nr rcemcnt" , UII' III
I Btllmhlcd or dend nil' 11)'IIItJlysell /
most dend WWI pain nn' loss 0' blood ,
tt.As I went 011 slowl ) ' like , I law t
slcnder. oo'lsh form , a head. 0' 'y ! lo\1 !
, ,
. . . I
. - - - - = : : -
l'url ! : ! , UlllOUg whIch \I'll ! ! II crimson mass , i
nn'-IIII' lhllt Wllf ! , ThIlUlr. "
" ' "
"DIlId't" !
"Olt. 'I'fC ; 1 < lIlcel , h ' II holl. hut I couldll't
sce thc culone' lIowlwrl' . ' SII liS 1 wcnt
nwny , where my nrm fllt.a IIlt.le litten-
tlull. I foulld thnt the t'IOIwl had hl'Cn
1IllItt'tI uff thl ! IJllttlelil'ld hy bis own
wi1e 1111'lIer'lIlIt. . who. Slll'c onoll h , WI\S
.Iookln' till' him.
"Thllt'll the ' ' ' ' '
fltOl'J' 0' 1lI boyhood's
chum ; thllt'l ; the reni'OIl ! old maid MIs9
nn ' nC\'Ir mltrl'led , an' I I'cckon , you
dOll't wOllder I wlsbetl we new where
hi ! ! Jro'e WIIS. WI ! cnlll. ! l'OTer It over
with flowcr8 "
"I "llIh wc could. Ullcle 'J'cd , 'but"-
with II ICII Ir smlle-"the IIl'roe ! ! IIro not
nil dOIlt ! . SIems to lilt ! wc'v. ! ot olle ill
our own fnmll . . eh't'
" 'I'UI , tut ; I only IlId IJ ) ' duty , that's
nil. Ihnt'll all : but Jimlll ) ' WIIB n hero ,
true blllc. "
The Old Sword cm the " 'all.
Whl'r ! ! the wnrm 8prlng ,11111 , light , strenm.
1111 : ,
ThrbuKh thl' window , ! il'ts It gleamillg ,
Wltlt II "ottellell silver spurkle In the dim
IIlId dU8ky bllll ,
Wltlt ItK tllll'lel lorn , lIlId tllttered ,
' . \nd Its bllllle dt'I'II.hrllllled nllcl blltlert'd ,
f.lkt' the veterllll , tlclrrl'll Ulld weary , buns
thl ! oltl 8\\01'11 011 the willi ,
None CIIU tIll Itll stlrrlll1 : slorr ,
: > Oolle t'1I1I IIlng Its deedll orIory / ,
olle 1'1111 IIIIY which cnUKI' It IIlruck tor , or
(1'011I whnt III11J1 lUll II I It fl'lI :
011 thl' hllttJelleld tltc ' found It.
WhN' the 1Il'lId IIIJ' tlth..k 111'011I111 It ,
Frll'lIl1 1111I1 toe-n gor ) ' tllllgh.-to'sed and
I turll h ) ' shot 111111 IIhell ,
Whn. I wOlldl'r. WII' " IIH wearer ,
W""I " It ! ! Itrlt'ken 8111dll'I' henrl'I' ?
Willi he HolIll' prollli 80ullll'rll Mlrl\ll1l1 ! ; , tllll
nnd strlhtltt 111111 hl'II\"t' IIlId Irue ?
D1I81r locks. . IInd lashes hllll he"
Or \ \ 1111 hI' ! 'ollle : > Oorthl'l'n 111111111' ,
l 'I'ellh IInll tulr. wltlt chel'kfl II ! roses , alld
with eye ! ! IUlII coat of hlue ?
Frolll ( ' \ \ ' I-nltlllntl's : 111'11111 ot dlllsit's.
Or troUl "Ixle's howcrell I11II1.eH.
Hod. . he proud ! ) ' torth to cOlll1lct ? Whllt , I
I wotlllt'r. Willi hit ! IlUllle' ,
Dill HOUl ! ! SIIlII'I' . wlrl' 01' 1II0lhl'r
I : \tourll II hUHhlllld. souII' hrotber ,
\)111 \ 1'011I1' MWt'I lhl'llI't look 'wllh longlllg tor
II lo'e'ho ne"I' ) ' CIIIIII' '
( 'rull 8H ' 11111 , " ! I nte rnl'evl'r
KI'I'IHI ' . ' .
11 lel'ret. IInswI'r11 lrer.
' Hul the /Ilm nll 1111 ( ' HIIII hlllOI on tbls
IIIltl : Ielllorllli 111 ;
'I I'nr I the Hollllel' ' 111 hil t'IHHI'f wih I'oes
Iml'whlrl' ' 1I1'uth III
tl HOIllrll
hi. gl'h If hile or gruy. jrUSRel
:111) ' 11 10wers le tllir uhohll ,
: III ' th , ' IIIhl Inul' h.'ulllllt 1m' ! ! him.
)111) ' hi ! : IN'I' he lJCCp 1111 .lrt'III'SI , ti the
' '
11111 Jrl'ut hllgle 'ul ;
Aut 11 ' :01'11 11111 SOlth hI' neurer
' '
'fn I'urh nther'l heurt IIlIe ! I'arl'r.
For Ihl' Illor.v of Owlr hernl'O Ulld the 0111
sWill. un Ihl' w'II
' ' : .
-Hltllll 1'fllIllg 10111.
} 'rlcl Go UII nnl lInlnl the Stone.
} ' . I
li A1nin 'roftnhlc. .
Colomlla's emelll mines , which
hu \ 10t been \ollwd Hll'e the elght-
tenth llntl' ) ' . art to he I'e'opened Itnl
Illrtell hr 1 comJln ' or AnurlCln
nnd Brlhh t11111IHtl. 'I'he mines , In
I he Ohl\'or lstrlct. nre 1II'Ictiealy In
Ihe Si me cOldllon IH the ' were In
17n , wlwn the ' We'C eUod by order
of thl' Klu nf , hecIHlse '
H\IIII thel'
ol1 t 101 WUR UO 101 ( 'I' )1'00 ) table ,
I\\'II 10 th ( ' low "rh' " uf ( ! UC'ulds ,
Colomhlu 11 1 rich Cl 11 I 1) ' ulld has
11\ ' \ullllble tll'\oslt of 1011 , sll-
\er , n nt II'ocloU8 . Hton"s. hut 011 ac-
loUIII : of tl sCI..I : ' oC Illbor the
ubollJlues do m011 , of t hI ! work In the
Ilnes , ulll ll. ) mw III ' the rudcst
hUlllelcltH o ( wood :11 ! lolc. The
Jrent dllcul ' thlt clnfllts a prs-
\ector II Colomllu Is lhl method or
trIHpol'lutlnl. 'rhe toullry Is the
IIISt I1UltllillOU8 III tworll. . aud
the 011) ' I ni lS of 1 > 'llln flelht to
the COltt Is h ) ' Ilck mul ! ! IUII b3' bent
01 the II'cut t1\m , whll'h Is most dlf-
' ' ' .
Icll nt eXIH'lsh'l'
"l'he dhtmotll Is no 101J11' the most
' ! XIHJsh'e Jcm. " : ' 11 In old mlnC'
" . \H tcJ11ds 10Iwtul'ulue , I Is fur
smpassm ) II ' the Il b ) ' Ild the c.ler.
alt. and O\'t1 the pCIt1 Is nted hllh-
Ir. ! 'rhe elwrld Is at llreselt the
10st ralhlonl11c IItole , and brluJs
oed Jlrlces. An clelld or medium
slzaUII Imrlty thnt mi ) hl\'c cost
IIhout $ : O I , few 'earl 1J0 cannot be
hl'l todllY ror less thll 50. ne-
leuty 1 n luelld oC thtee carats wus
Ioll tor 8i : " whie one or six carats
brouJht $4,00. . \ dlnlont or exacty
the Hume size costs about $1,00 I
must not le assuled , lowe\er , thAt
( Ultlools nre deJlreclntnn In \lue.
Otler stolles , nnd eSlll1clnl ) ' cmeralds ,
simply hlt'c risen II price of Inte In I
I 8tprlslm : mllnner.
Young mclt think old ICI rols , and
I 01d men know young Ieo to b 80-
letcR ' . r - . . , _ , _
j' "
, ,
II .
Laid Up for Sixteen Week.
St. Jacobs 01 and Voaelcr. . Cur-
atve Compound Cured Ulm.
II I have ben a great sufere from Rhe
malism { or may years I WDS lid up wlb
Rheumallc Fever for nine weeks In 1894 , and
again for siteen (16) ( ) weeks In 1896. I tre4
many medicnes 1 saw advertsed and oten
( 1 Induced
wa reommended ; fnally wal
10 take Vogeler's Curative Compound , whlc
did me more g d Ihan al otht'r medicne
In fct. I { eel Clule a diferent ma since I
1ave been tak the Compound. An my
1elghbors nnd nj are quie surrised to
Joe me aboul and looking so wel. 1 can .
'nly say Ihal Vogeler's Curative Compound
aken Interally and by using SI. Jacobs Oi
) utwadly acted lke magic In my case. I .
. 'ad been taking medicnes for learl wihout 'Jy
btalning , but Vogeler I has " r
: beneft fract"
: aly cued me. I have recommcnde Vog.
] cr's Curative Compound , to a lot of my
lcquaintances worked wonders. , and they tel me that It h.
" Wishing you every success In the sale 0 '
YOlr Vogeler's Cuative Compound and St
Jacob Oi I remain , geniI em el.
I You obedient lervant ,
. .
, GFORca : (1ARla : , Gardener.
'J 23 Heechcrof Road , Surey.-
Send to St. Jacobs Oi , Ltd. , altlmorelo
a tree sample of Vogeler's Compound , J
; Nine-tenths ot al the books reaj
In this cOtntry arc rllols.
Are "our Clolhel " , uled'
U O Uo Crol ! ' )11 Dn. In.1 . tlkc th m
while agaIn , uirge : 01 package. 6 rent. ,
Fish peddlers in , Japan sel their
r fsb alve. They convey them tram
bouse to house In tanks on tricyclC
or in lttlc wagons.
I )01 w Bb blaltlll. dcar \ bie clotbcB u& .
Red CrlS 111 Jne. Lrle : 01 packge eent
The butcher -his a kllng way of
making Hving. .
10v is it that one or the toulhcst
parts ot New York is its tcnderloln ?
The spiteful talkpr's mouth might
be descrlbcd , as "an open freplace."i
' 10 thc dressy woman every . day is
1 Decortion day. "
Whcn a man is I I big gun , " his
wie is the only person who darC
blow him up.
= ' trouble witb the organ of
speech Is that , i too otten goes wIth .
) t. Wlnllow'l SOOTIIMI _ SynUI' . . for chUda
en. the rrduc. " "
ln In""mtol
Irrtbn. lOf ! ,
, . . ,
an" pAin. curel wlld cole ! belle
Cross Kidney Pis
Cur al Troubl" KIdney aad ,
Stnt A"7wh.r. b mAil. L.
Do % 2 Trlnl 10 % 10 BM onlr
n. h tbe ltl.n. VIUIN el FMltAJ. cu '
to. , . - . I mUle
Ulo i
Gie C C C Nev .old 1 bI :
smp wht' I
IwM te dclu ta t K
. . ' ,
.dJg A .n' '
MlllIONS\ \ :
. .
I ,
tr re. Puriy , and Beutif
the Skin , Sclp , Hair ,
and Hands with
1 SOAP , .
, CUTlcunA
BOAI aisted by OINTMENT.
tor beautiying the skin , Cur celslng the
, aud the , C r ,
Beall stofllngof 11ng
BOfelllug , whiening , aUl sthing rod , . . .
rOlgh , Indore hunds , Cor baby rshes ,
, and ,
Hcllngs Irrltatolls alll tor al thl
purp of the toiet , bath , and nurery ,
Miions oCwolcn IIse CUTIOURA BOA ! In
bath8 Cor annoylllg ,
Iritatons lululm
l018 , and excorlatl018 , or too free or ofen-
/Ive preR"ir"tlon , In washes Cor nloratvo
wea1ne C"I , aud for many 8auatve , allt-
, : '
septo purl0S whch re:11y suggC'
tbemselvC to womell , ( mother.
Complete Treatmcnt for Unmours , St.
COI ldIDg or CUTICUIA SOA l' ( . ) , to cleuu.e
\1 .klu of cn , t8 ! li 81'alc8. and 80fen the
thlkonc" cullo , Cu rculJ ( INT1XNT(6) ) ,
Itl'hln In ,
t Inslanty alay ana
, and ! llal , lnnaton
IrrtUon 8001ieali CUTICUaA
, : I'ILLS . . .
the blooll. ( : r. ) to l oo1 Dnll oleanB.
CICURl UnolVNT I'ILU ( Cboclale
Coaled , , .
) art new wiele. oorle.leconomlc
lublUhle for lbe c.l.bralld Ihlula CUICOI
1.r. RUOI.UMT and hlmour , . curt. al . for G al < . ber , 2. blo purt
114 lrUboul thl worl. IrlUh ph t- :
Ca.lolllp. CbU.rhoo. 1.0401. la , U. Ponll 8 Vagg UD CBK
N.N.U , NO. 721-22 YORK , NEB ,