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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1902)
, f . , ' : . . , , . " . , . " . . . . ' " 't't- " . . . . ' . . . 't . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . , . . . "i . . . " " " " . . . " , , " . 'tCo. . . , ( , II' --/Co. " " " ' " "f' - CI . . " . ' . " . ' . , . .t , . , r . . . . . - . , . . . . . - . , . . . . . , . : .J. . " ' ) _ " . ' ' . . . . . . t" < } . . " . " . , ' . , ' . ' ' , . J. . . , t. 't' ' " ' , , , t" " ' . Jbsterounty ) RcpubHcan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M. AIUUiHU1tY , 'dlkr , , , ,11 1'IIIIII.h. . - . . no , . , . - . NJmnAR"Ai " . ' . . . . . . . ' 'rte fGre ii' : " hilf hnlH ) hnd to diD to ! < < et .bt. picture In the 11I\1'l'rn. . - The proJCr dcsl nntlon RcornR 10 lJllvo . : : It tUed down to "Mnrconl l"llIn , " ! I'he mor a runn ( : lJtR the 10Rf ! ho If ! ' .ab1e to underslnnl ) Iho dlscolltent ot ' : tile poor. = . : Auybody who trh' " 10 pick UI ) the 'Baltan ot 1'urltcy tor u reel will drop : hIm 21aaUly. , . 'Wbl".tl n wculthy l.IIIclwlor InY8 his ' .beart at a III'I's reot Bho cCI'hdnly . ( Iutht not to Icicle. 'he klnl : JOOIIR clown nil the IleolII , ! , but whnt w01l1l1 Ihe , Idll 1 > 0 If It WlI'O . > > ot tor the 1)01110 [ ? - - - : IDery mlnutlJ II IIIl1n HlltlllllH rt'JI'et. ' /Un& : whnt ho l1l.lth ctt'll 10 clf ) IIR 11 hOY 'doubles the wnl'tc _ . .J- - SnbJt'ft will he the rllHhlonll hll' I n ! ; ' . Jllh fur IIt'X I III'IIHOII , SOI'r ' UIIW WO , 'bought tlillt 8olf l'IlluchllJlI. 1.110 mnu whll ( 'IHI 1''lIIl'lIIher Iho IlrHt 'IInnU'1I of ull ! lit' JtII'IH III' )11111 ) 1'\ ' ( ' ( ' lo\'ed tuRt lun'e II colli , Clllt'lIll1tluj.t ulIl\lro. - - - - - - - - l'nll r 30Cf ) 111'11 cOlllhlJ ; . Whl'n It 1Jole Is worn In U IIIlIWI'lock the WIur. ! , will not 1 > e Imtlsfiell with llIerely . . (1nnilnJ : It. , I 'Viii the IlIlrUrI\lhorH ! ph'uso hille I 11J1c1r IIII1UU rll'ell'Isni : < 's ? 'j'h < , IWW jprc ldent ot the lolhel'8' 9IHl I'eSH hUH , children or her own , mnn 1I111Y be HIIIIIII ' mullllh durin/ / ; 'hIs Urothllo. but In I he IIblluII1'Y lIotlce : .it 18 nlwnYR I1l1hl thnt ho hutl the cour. . e ot his cOII\'lctioIlH , I I \ .A mrdlcnl joul"lInl 1/1 try Illto / IIlId , I leut It .tlle tomnch eVer becolllcs tlrll. , -ITbe Jatc Hem ) ' Huhl'lI7.olhml IIIIJtht . 1ta\'e 'Tahml slh on ) ' on thl8 IlOlnt. i , ; John Wannmuknr IItH'nda $ t. OO n dn ' uU1nrtfsln& & ; hl/l PhlJrul < , lllhllstol'e. . 'rhe . b Jbm UNJS l' ( ' ultlu ) ; rl'om this Ulh'I' . 1ni : .rlchlA him u Ilrollt j.trl'ntel' thnn the rest of 1118 ndvol.tI/lIII . 'l'ho 11I0l'ni ht i , PIal , n. . I .A Mnn In 10wl1 who 111\11 Invent < 'lt 11 ' crenmlCllIrItlH' Is to h IJI\ltI $ SOooo , 1 n ro.rnille8. The old Sl1ylllj ; or "there " . . 110tbhl new Ulllh'r lilt' 11\111' " mil ) ' he l ' . .U . ellou h. b\lt OCId ltlellK url ! Hllll j brlnghlj ; torl\mcH to tllo 1 ! , , 'ho lurll I ih m out. I I _ ! The youn , : mlln WIlli slt Iln. tn t h - - A.tar nO\l I' 1I1lt ) ollwr hullllIuJN ' ; f'de(1 1rouj.h I'hll'I"s uIII rOrlll , \ nr'l . af1ld be tirt'll tlit' llUllIlluJ:8 111 II rll ( 'I' .thnt be IIIIjht tlIIICO\'I' RIll ) eJtllI-ul ! : h I 1he bln1.I'K UIIII hCt'lIlIlt ! n he I'll. Is It I 80t about thut. : tl l't'lhlce thc IIl'Clllhll11H ' 'OR het'olslII't - _ - - . _ - - _ . _ - . - - 'l'be GInllel1\I'II'K lIollle , loUl'lIul lul. 'Tbt's ItA n'nllt'l.s to IIIIIV tell 1I11 Cl'ult MlntlR. 'l'lIt. > . IIr , ' IlhlboIlcul nffnh'H lit. . , JlII\ to hlllmit IIIJt'stlllll II uti IIInkc JUUllllll'I'lIbh' uuhl1lll' ' ' hIlIllC : ! . I.'mlt 111 . "U rljht III ! tit uuttll'l1i IIhlllll' . hut wlwlI jt llJI'la'll 111' IUhl sl\hul It III 11 troll" 1I1e 1I1'OltIlCC1' oi I1IUU1t\lllt. ! . - - - - ' - . - - - - ] ' 11 ( " IlItplt'1111t s'nle or 11111111 IN 111'\ \ jcn10us hoth tn tht. tult , IIUtl hi the hi. dh.ltlul1l. It Jllt'lt wllh t'lIl11'dt 11I111 , dt.tullr lIthic. 'I'hl' strtlnJ. ; 'blllg III thlll 1111\'n ! H'C nlt to Ilh111U ! th\'m eh'ctl UIOIl 11..1r . Intoh'rnlll't' . It II' l'\\t1t'1I1 \ tlmt 11 111un'N COI\hlc' IIlut n nallon'M conduct . ' btlllltl 11 ( ' . the t'eRull ne IhouJ.hl nlllt 2udm'nl : but Intolt'l"Imce stOI'H 1h uJbt nUlt ,1 ttroYK j\l ( I11Cl1t. .E.ltfl'nt1 . thl' Ul'1'0KtmllRtl'r Gt'n. nl ) L" nol IIUIH'rKt1t10" : hi' hnH Ih'1.'hl. 1 to II\/lt1 < ' 11 thlrl'cuct'llt lI'nllll. ' ) 'I'hl' drnomll1ntlol1 III II\\ ' lu tht ! I'Hs'nl "I'r. TIt'e. 3111t I" (1l'81':11(1 ' 1'1I1)'clnn ' for n-r.ll'ltC'rl'tt CorelJlI nllin.t 111 1'l'1I1 Il JI'I nt'.t'l'lSI1 ' r ' to UKI' twn I'tl1l11pl1. Olll' ' 4' ( ' f'1shl 1' < < 'IIt ! ; ror rt'lstmtlou. : nlltl nil. hl'l' ut tin' l'I'nt1'l ' " , Ir l'IIHtU I . 'I'hl' .nt'\\ I'IhlmlJ11I do I hI' worl. of htlt h. ' 1'11 IfdJn thOWN l'rl'lIltlt'ut IInn'llIou ; tt"lt nt hl tIt'MI ; . :11111 t h < , rtrnrc III : \ . .rlf'llIU.turl' r1'011l till ! llI11HI''llllt'th'l1 ' 1k l1. It would bt , Iutt'r tlu ; : tn kuow Jlnlnn . IIt'OI,11 , ! wl\l \ 1'01lUIIIII' to Iin' . f'r tilt' old two-tltJl1\1l ) IIlnll rather thnn TIML : 1IlnrtlUi : " n Il'tlt'r with II hoOtlon , "lumber on till' , rUf'r. . - - - ' - - - - 1'h ( ' l1Io t drnlll:1Ul' hll'lth' hI n''eut _ } nt'n\Uolldl politics I" thl ! l'out'llh.lon r.allll ( ltIhtil'lItlllll ( lr II ttt'llt ) ' ot IIIT'I. _ 1\ ' " JlIIt ) d"fNIHln' IIl1hlllcl. ' lwt Wl.4'l1 . : rC'al Urltnlll nlltl , hWIIU. It rt'1l10\'C ( ; rtt Untnlu Crum I ht. 11Otltlou or , . . . ' " " .lll"'lIdht ' IMln Uun" , wbll'll IIhl' 1I11/C 110 .10111 : ( lCl'UI11c't1. IIUtI 11111 k ( ' Ilt'r t hi' 1I11 ' , . ( lt clf nil ) ' 1' = Ut'\JI'I'IIU Iml\'t'r. hut or 1m , . . , J."hSUl' f,1)\rullIl'Cl whll'h lIul ) ' n't"'IIH J , . bn4 lit-en lIt't'ol'I < 't1 11 I , hit , , ' : UIIUU' ' : ( ' 1'I'Uu'tt : IIntllIl . 1'hl'1':1 \ \ ' l < it'r\ ' ( ; 1'(11'111:11 : IItlthc' illltill tht. It'\t : ( If th .w t111 I hnl tilttWI 111\\1'1 ( 1"Hll't'rlft'll' ' .1uln 1111 dl'sl : I ! < 1111)11 tilt. "lIlt'III'IIII. J'II\ ' ( ' Clr I Ill' tl'l I' . tllr > ' or f'hlln IIr I : o , rt. nutl tlmt thl'\ . . will otJ(10l ( ( 1IJrt'Ii' ; 1\1011 ltJ' otllrr IK\\'I' . III 11lrtlt'ulllr , : Cbc'll"t.ztt ) . III :1 wllI'nlllJ : tll Husslll to ! 1 > l't"p II lrOllll"I'I ( nl' tll ll\IlI'hm'lt : :1\111 \ 10 14\01 ! ( 'loWlIIIIJ : " 0 rt' " , BI'hllll1 thl ! fl\tlt'riulC 111111 "II"l\Inllnj \ , : l'hlll"l. ' t'OlIrt ; alI < I 1111' rf't'hlt' 1:1I1lJt'rllr u 'n It lllIlt'I'C. ) ttlr Ibl' ' ( ( ' < ' ( ' ot . h\II \ ( ) t1u < h.'I1CU anti tcrrlturhll l"t ( ' t'lt > . . thl' ' . " ; rI"S0UI'C < - . . of two , MW'l"K WhONe CU11\ \ . I , Wft..d It < 't'tl' ulfl I\nul" " : tr. . II\Or.t' : 111111\ .X hll.tC'11 fur fill ) ' ( ttn"f' "II'h ( 11& lIIi1'l > ' , hl II ' Ul'f&1)'e.1 3i'oi.Ul l tIIl'lII III th ' rar " - - - . " " ' ' ' ' ' - ' ' ' - . _ . - . - , . . , ' . " ' _ ' : ' . " , . .d , , , . . .r _ ' _ " . , . I RIIIII. Auell ItI nllJl\ncr. , ! tROIt 1eI1Jlt , to pn'lIle I' tilt H , 1ft tll/'IICH / Jllnrnntol' ' 'or JI < ' /I / ( ' ( ' , hf't'nllfH ! It 110 ( 'lIhllnCCR th. I ( lorlill of wllr nil to l'olnflnl 11111 IHWer /10 / Ihllll : twleo III'tore ' ; 0111' ' ; coulllt'r to I. It , ' 1'110 011\11'11 \ HillteR IInR Ilceullllr l''nROII 10 think w < ,11 of 1110 IItHV nl. IInnce , whlt'h Iii rOl'motl to clll'ry Olll the " ( ! rJ' flolley to whlell tlliR country lit committed , Wholl Suerelnry 1111) ' dptllwcl tllllt po\l'y \ , III IIIH letter to tile po\Vurs III , Iul ) ' , 11)00 ) , ho ellUIIII'rlltelt Itlclltlclllly t hI' lI"ml' und9 which IIrn mellUolH.1 . Iu 1Ill' 1II'I'IIU1hle to the tI < , w trenly : the HCCllrh11t ot lIellce : tIl ( ' IlreS1'\'nllllu IIr the 11I1)penelcllcc ) ntlel the tcrrltol'llIl hltegl'It . ot Ohilln : 111111 the lJIululIII1I1CO of the prillciple of the "ollell dnor" - - < , cl un I /tI1I1 1m II 11 rtl 0 I trndo ror 1111 IIlIti011f1 wltll ull lIurtH or the ChlueHo gll\lh'o , , 'I'he new trenty cxt\1I11I \ the thrco 1II'Incipiell to Koren untl 1Il'dgeH ! hnth IIOWel'1I 10 nlllilltllill them , It 1ft IIIIHun to multe prollie. 1I0lls reltlll'llIlI ! ; Iho cOUl'se oC nl1ull'lI : Iu 11 eOllul1'y of HO II\II11Y l'XIl08lvo pORIII. hllltll'H I1R Ohltlll : hut the IIew IIl11nllce will cOI'I/llul ) ' tOlld to l'oHtrlet the ul'PII of IIU ) ' lutOl'II111 IIIHturhuuccA whlclI I ' mllJ' ItrIRI. , nud to 111111111111.0 tile chllllces oC 1I1tI'eHllloII ! fl'om without. . - - ,1111110 SIII\on N , Blld wlu , who Js VOI'J' ClllllltHH 11111111 'alo IIrofossor , hllll tlhco\'rell thut A 1It'l'l wOl'lullcn : ! \ ( I CII II CIII 100 lIluell , t'HI"'I'hlll " ) ' III' 1I\tlIt , dl'ORH tou \\I1 111111 1111'e too IIII1I1Y olcglll1eleR In thl'lI' hOIlII' ! ! . It CIIIIIO IIh ut 111 II lee tUI" ( ' to'III'ldll II\l'II. \ 111111 tIw IlIlk Will ! full of Ihl' 1'I'llItI'tJ'uluc : ! of'al'loIlY ftHill" lIuII tlt'IHlt' ! hlllllllll11111 1J1'j1l11 HII'I'II th1111 J'CC1H 111111 1I III't'8 thlll \\0 11 hi 11I\1 Ito you 1'1'1'1 t hn I If t hi' hll Ich , ' ' tllUu dll ' It tJI' HtllJllletl 11I01'0 tJlICO 11 \\'oultl bo well 10 Jlr"llul'e rOI' ( ! IIl'I ) ' IIIB' solution. It 1M too HOOU to wOI'ry nlJout till ! IIIII0llnt o ( Ult'ut the tollel' cnts. It 114 his 1 > uslllt'tjH 1I11'II ' . It 18 time to hl ! gflltl tllllt uo\\'hcre uu the tUCI ! or the 1'111'111 dOI'H tlw IIII1U who wuc'kt ClIl'tl HO lIIuch tl t'ut : 1I0where IH ho lu II pUHltlou to hUlte 80 lIIuch 'ot IUXUl'y ns In this 1111111. IJxIHlIuCO ! with hllll 18 1I0t 11 lIIuth'l' ( If suUI' lIud black hrelld , lIc j.toes Iuto 010 1II111'ItoL nud bUYH tl1l' IhlultH thltt hili IIt01lll1ch C1'IlVe8 , and hI ! hils lhe 1II01ll'Y to PIlY Cur tbel1l. lIe hits It'cruell to Ilh'tJI'Hlfy hili 1'0011. Ills In. Mo 18 CO\'cI'ld ! with thlu s thnt enl ) ' ( 'ome to the COI1lI'UI'IIt1\'tJly well to tlo In thl ! oltl world , nUtI Iht'He lhlugs hit vo uol ahol.teued his tlU ' 1I or 1l1Ipnh'cd hili lIHeruhwHS. 110 III. U8 11 rult ! , hell It h ) ' , tttrouJ. : , tuII or hOle ) nUll 'COUI'Ugl ' ! , : t nl J'Oll OI1U . .1 h'ce II ) ' tl'llee 1101110 or hhJ IIUC' ceSH III IIro to till ! cOl1lCortt thut l'ellclt his It01lluch. ! IIII who cut wI'1I work well. AM ror the lothlu : : , thcI'o III a hit ot ' lu the hrclIst ot ' ' ot'lIulIl e\'l1'Y hUlllnu Iwhllt. 'I'he well.ft'tI lutlh'ldulll WIlUIH to 1001. wl'll. It he Is " , 'uSIerhlj.t bl''IUStH to look Ihe JlIII't. 'l'he good t'ont IIml the st'lIsh hut I1re 11 IlIIrt of , ltlou. 'j'hc heUl'l' ' ul1I 1111111 01' wo 11111 n III dl'eNNI'11 till ! heUel' the ) ' dt'lIlro tl lib I Ilrt'Nscd. 111'111 It \8 \ ull fill' thl ! gooll ot tlw 111.01111' who lire NltltIcd III 11I01' nUtI HUll UII'O11111 \ hl'tN' cillthhllt nml 11101'0 l'011Ifol'tll. lltJuw rm'nhdI1u ; ; ! 'l'hcr 11l'1t1t. ! : a uti 10\1' IIhhll' . ( or Iho COUIIt. ! whu Ill'clII'ute tht'lI' IW81 UUII lu. \'lte HUUllhIU\ ! , who 11111 Incc CUI'Iululi IIU 1110 whltlow8 lIuII liun c\18h10l18 uu tlw ruckt't'I' ' lu twit. ' ' tu , IIl'I ! IIIlU ! : I 11111111' ) olnl USI , ulltlll lIlu 11111IUlIst1'll1Iu ; ; the ! IHlI'II'l1'Ity ' : ( If I hI' U " ( I I'll J.I' . \ IIIcI'lca 11 hllllll'S ( lYl I' Ihe h011ll'II ( If ull tlllcl' II' UIIII ! ' . ( ) IH'\\'I' 11111111 thl' 1Il'OreSlu" 1.1'1'11 1111 \ \ ' lh'lIt . Itl I'll t. 111111 a t It wl't'I ) ' . I.t'l' ! ! work ror morl' ootl l'lnthlu ; ; 1111111\101' ( ' IIl'CUr 1I01\\t. \ \ ! rurnbh III 11U11 II Ihl > ' hllllk IIt'C\UIII , to I' this h ; . \lII\.lt.\ . II lulltlhal { H t4tlll fl'I'I' , whl'l' , ' 110 co lit rOl't 11111' ' 110 11\1\'lIl' " worth tIlt. ! h'I\'lu/ / I IIClllt' " tll hleu wh" will wOI'I. uUIl'Iu It. l' ' ' M I" 11\1(1\ . . . On'r 111 I'lIrl fllHhloll hllil ( It'crt'el\ tlmt whl'lI thl' Il\'l 110 I\'s go 111\1 rill' 1111I1rllll : llurlll dU1II11 wl'lIt1wr th ( ' ) ' InuKt W\1I1' rubhl'l' hOllttl. Of l'Ourtt' , t ht ! hoolH :11' " 1\111t1 tll' IloJ : \I t ! 111111 , tht. . l'OHt t.i ; ) fllr twu.I'\lrK. rOI' n ttoJ ; \\'lth tlll. ' . 11l'(1)cr 11 II lit hI' r or It'jN 1\\l1 \ t 1m ) ' hIlS. hootl ; hlllr lit It tl1\1" . 'on kUtI'l'h ( . ' ) hll , . 'I'llt hllth rOI' JI''Y' hOUtltl1l II1ItI IIII'm' IllIl'h"hllililfl , ul\ll th.I , : . ! ; nI 11 IIf Ih\'k ! ioh'll , IIl.t'OI'IIIII 10 thl' u\\'lI < , r'H lHHt. . . . . \1111 1I1l" . HI1It' . " rirally II tOlll'lllll IIIht ; t\ : ot't , thl' I 111I1t1' 11\I1Ic1I1 . \ro\11111 thl' IlIIthllt'H In their IIhlllhll : hootH , :11111 IllI'h' little rIlIIlJ"lhl ' 1IIIIIIkt't. . , hilt , :1111-1. : t hi' hu. 11I11111t . IIC Ihl. ' . thlll ! : hUK tll 1'\llIlIt : \llIllIl\t Ollt' "t'I' ) ' 11\1111 ' 1I"lIlIt , le-a wh.\I'I. . . nfl ! . lo , " ItJIII1W rnhllt'1' . :11111 I ho t'II11SI'I\\It'IIt'I' It ! I hi' ) ' dlr\\ " 1' tllI'r : I bontH jlll"lt 1114 quick Ihl " , < ' ) ' Jcl II t'hIIllCI' . II IIOllllt'r I hili oWIlt'r' : r.t' I 11 r\1\1 I nWl1y'thlln t'H'n Ihl' ht'l\thl't' 1 tlol ; III I'urlll will Itlt tlown In Ih't'n' . \ UNIt IlIullI ( ' nnll worry hl hotfl , Il' II Jrt'at IIII ' , of " 0111"1\ " . hut nfh'r ull , ltl ! . will hI ! 11t1 ; . : . -CII.t'lIII\l1 Plalll I . nt'IIIt' ! . " 1'"uIIII : III. . " ' ) , I" It : IIIII ) ' III IIltll'u 1 IIl'rollll tillli thc ht' I lulIlI { ; ' : or'II \\111"1"1'\11011 IIwkwl\1'\\ . . I'SI'l'l'Inllr 111\ 1I'1I1UIIIIIIIl' (11.\'I1H\IIII \ , , with t'l1ll'fl'r"11I'thlt , : & . ( tn\\ , . en't. , thl' IIt' IIIIIIII ; : not hhl ( " 11 It wi. . WIII'II 1111'hat ( .tIllII' nnt'I'wnl",1 . \ .llIIl < ihCul ' ( \I\IIJ : 11I\11 1111 \lliu \ ; : 111 h'llthlt'l.'ll . to n 111(1) ' : It It tlhmel' 11:11C : tin 1 < 1 : l' ' " 1"1' 1i,1 ! : 1,0 , ! "k , . l'un h lu II lIu 11' . " lIl\s \ ' 1'I'n\'I'1'1 ! . : " " \1'\11 \ " 1I11\'r IIrl'Ihl III 'qu. 'Oll IIUOn'r > ' 1111. . ItnH ' 1111 ! 'IIII'I'1''r \ ' l'It"'I'r , " ' 1'111' > 'tmll ; : Iltll ' WIIHltunlllJ :1111\11 . . . { h ) . IhlM , U"lluy IIr j\llIIIIUI'II ) ' , " 1111IIhml'tH" : ! lhl f'xd\huI'11. . ' { .u I Jlllt 1\ hit den'r. " - . ' ' I 'I'ht' 'OllllJ : lIIun 111'\\1'11 It :01:11 IIf I'\ ' ! I " 'f. 111\.11 II 11" Wt't"\ll : ' \ \ \ : 'l\ \ . < III > ' 011 kl. \ ' . 1 Ihlllllhr ) ' 01 W"I'\\1'U"--Xt'\\ \ ' \111. . . . . i _ . . _ _ I Wbl'lI ) 011 (10 " toollsh thill' ' : ' "OU zIt , tt ! YUU1l < ,1t , ' ' 'nll' Ilt'ol'l ( " won't uotlt. , 'r. ' Bul tht' ' wilt 110h-C It ; tlll' ' a:1 , WII1j to. . . / . . , - . - . - - - . . - . - - - . . , " ' " . . . - . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . - . - . ,8unif TRICK . . . TO CATCH BASEl - -I. " 1 ) lInlle"otr ( ] 1I1le' " "heory t 11R eelll' t 'V , rJ ( Welt III I'rllctlcc. . ' , WII I ! , 111 : Fllml' ' ' , 11 11I1I1'Rofl1 J'IIIIcI:1' : -whl h III to JoIU ) ' U 1I111H'gota , hOltt. 11111n , who JHlIIH U HldlT ror f1 hrnHm nt $2fiO n dIlY'1I'lIIlces thc thl'OJ'V thnt not 0111) ' url' 11(111 ( witter 111111110"LR , nntlf'ral7.t'd I.'rUIIIII < 'H , 1It1l1 slIeh Cry em'l. nll . hut tht ! hlj. : hUHA which recd on tlHm Imow 1hllt the ' fll' cUt'IIHl ! ! ' , n.nd , ( uilw 1111\'unluJI' lit tlll'lr ( ultlnJ. : . Ol'ulllnlt mlllllll\\'II , or crol'lll' ! ! , scclng IIIIY 11111111I1'1'ct lliut Iii lIot 11 l1f\h III the \\'utln' , nl'l' lI'1'I'HIIIII1 > ly 111C1\'CII 10 o tuwllrtl It 11I111 111111 out IIlwut It : the 111HH \ ell II j.r ltll I I' 1I1.1It. RIIl'h flll ohjoct , ami 1I1111 III' ' the lIi\'HlIlllttll' ' liS they come. Wltll tIlifI ItIell III hlH hend , Humes rllWR hili t'llIplll > 't'r IH1t. IIIIIIIY ' 1Il ) ' ht'IIN 111111 IIthel' lIItol ' 1,1111'I'H , , 111111 will luwlI 011 rowhlJ ; III the ltJctll or l'e1110U- Ht1'IIIICCN IIlItIl lit ! CIIII 1111I ) 11 slllgie Illy 1'1111 I'owill' ' : CI'OIll I Wl'lIly to Ulh'ty fcnt ClIII rl'0111 IIH fell II \ \ . ! ! , He , : lPIIl'ollche thlA IJlIII cllutlollHIJ' , movlug tJl ( hont Ilt Ilho I'ntc of 11 CIIOt 1Hl'COlltI. . 111111 when he III tnn J'UI'118 Cl'Om It be alo1'9 nnll whlspUl'H : "CII.HI C1'II1II h"p nnll hUll I within thl'eo feet 01' thll t 111111 ; let 'our halt slnle tlel'll 1 > ofm'c 'ou beln ) to reel In , l1ull rOI'1 ! ! llIw. " OIJe > 'IIIj. : IUHlrnctiunH to 1he a 'I1nhl , the I1nItIN' will In ( ! IJtht cnf ! nt or 111 cL : t ! : III'II e fit rllU ! bofcI'o ! hQ hl\lI \ , 111111 In I \\0 'I1l'IlH or Ha1l' . 111111 will 11I1\'e Il tlJht luUng : ! froUl II\\ ! to tlftUOII mlnul < 'H. ( 'ast 11 ( ( ( ' ( ' ellt will icilY\ ! the rcult until HllIUCt1I1H'1I 11 hnlt I' ' 1l01.I"JI hll1clt hllll ! ; 11/1\'t' hcen Il1lwn. I1nLl In no CIIIIO Will I III ! hult 11I1\'e 8tc'U < ! 11I0re UUl1l six feet t'l'011l the f10Iltt.1'y Il11d. 'l'hln lIuUlt's l'OW9 on In lIelll'ch of nn. othcr pIneo of thc I"nd. Whelhcl' t le t hl'Or ) ' 18 wort hy or worthlc88 , hi ! ! I'll' tTonf\ got the lmss. Upun tills fact ho hll8 oreetcll hI ! ! 1''llUtntlon ; ho guards his sCrtl jeulousy fl'om ot.her guldcs , , Inti n1\\"I\'s reflllts his empl yor o kee ) ) l11um , HuUlos RU 'S thllt hll ! ! ! ! I1In > ' he tnltNI nonr the roots or n slllgio pall when they wIlI not IIttm'k II 1111'1' In I11IY IIthel pl1rl or 11 hll.e ; thllt thl'J' llInJ' he'taell ) : there with C'llIllIt ! . until Iml'll time ns they arc selz(1 with one of theIr. unl. , 'erBIII ntH of con t1'nc' I n I."SS , : tml wHi 1Iot s11'lke I1t IIn > .thln IlU 'whl1'e. 111 cnstlntow1I1'I1 / 11 Hotlllu'y PUlt he InHlsts 1I1\\1I'S tllut the IInqll1' R.lIlI\1 \ liNe U wccIIIlSfI hook. uon whIch n 8mnll'o / ; . /l'eeu / IIl'crel'red , hIlS been I IUl)111 1. < 1. His 1'I'I1son for 'this Is statCtt shortly. " 1'he 1l1ifls have heell hnngln I1roUlul there JubbUnj. ; ro,1 , minnow ! ! nntI CI'01' pies uutll the ) ' 111'0 Un'll 9 ( them , ami wllnt tro . 'fake off Jmt UIll111oW- , on 11 frolt , be s.urQ he's I1l1veJ Iul.lei . him sluk ( te'JI. " " " - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HI'llorhl ot t1IP Yl'lu"s outlmt or bQoltl. , . ) mw t1ent I1n In'I'I" e or tlu''e hook" , lit ( \c1Ion \ 11 dc ' 11:1 ve been p\lhlhdwtl. 1'h , Mulell ( lr "Duvlt1 Hunlnl" WCI' ( ! 1't'Utl'l thun un ' book lust 'ear. " 'I'he lklsls , ' In splfe ot cI'1i 1'lshlR , hlId8 the list. . It lOoks us tholl/h / Ilellll"S ) clII'lo"UJ liS to the Il\IthOl'lIhll ) ( If " . \u l lIj.lIsl' " ' 0111:111' : ; LoLt.ttl.'I' : ; " will tUOI1 II ( JI"I Inl'll. 'I'hl' HnolwlItlI 11)1I tlw t'e lrl'l of Ihl ! Il\11hnl' hlll will , H1III\.t1 nUHlc mhlll" 'I'hm' ! : ! I 11 hl1'J' 111 Ilal' 1)\11 : hJ' thlH unkllown lad ' -If It he a ' ' ' ' \mabl'lll11t1 lutly-cI1Ut'tl 'l'hl ! Story of Amun ! ; . " The Boolmuul snytl ot the tWent . . ulne ( tln'I 'l'nt lx > ok8 which npPcI1'Ct1 111 its mOlltbl ) ' list ut blst sQlIhlj ; ooli'I ' Ihl1'ln lilt ) } . IW' I1r ( > the \\\1' ) , IIC mon : lIlIt I ot W011lCII , while the uuthor or "Au Bngllllh " ' 011\1111'11 1.0\0 Ijett < 'l' " nUtI or " 'l'ruth 1)I'Xtt'I' " h1'U 1101 ' , ( 'ell hlt'nUth. . . . Hhhlt' ' lcCIlIJ I" , Iholl ht h ' 1111111 > ' to hi ! II womnn. 'l'he 1\111'r ' WI1K IIskt" I In lht1It1ou11 ln aT.h1t' : Who Is thl ! wOI'M' " fOI'e. ' . IIWIIl Ih'lu uuthllr ? ' 1'11 ! ! r < ' ) ltll'I clul1e. fnun 1'\'I'rJ' Inte 11U11 ' 1'N'Tltor.r ot lhe' ' enll"ll IlItt. , l\uII e\"ln rrom Porto tUt.o. 'I'\\ \ mlljo1'1I ) ' h\\'u I\cl'o1'dcd t1wlt. 1'lIl.t I hl : t It I'rbt.1't 8)1l'IICCI' ) ot. " t.'nlll thnt hlhlOS.IIIII. ; : \ . . 11 would ho Il1t 'l'l. . : > tlll to kllow IIl1w UlllU > ' ontlu. II1'J' 1'elItl'r8 11I\\1' tl'ul : ) lell'er. 'l'llt' lnlIl\\lwOIII\II'1 \ ; Yenr 'Book gh'e tbl. n\lUH ot onO uew UO\'l'ltl pub- Ush(1 b ) Wol11t'll wrlllrs during .1001. 'fwtlr I he I1Inll uotn hh. ' 1rl ! 1I8t t liS "The ( 'rlllt1'olllnl ; " . It > . .ltlbn Oll\"tu' 11,1 > > 1)11. ' :11111 " 8r ! ItIt'harll eahllut : ) . . . . . : 1,1l1'1HI la1t't.m01l1 ; Ih , . mOl1 llrotlfic wnl ( ' or Ihl'ur wert" I"S. . \ meI:1\ : Bu'I' . I rs. l :1I : tharlne 'rrlll1 It InltlNI. Ii ! < l 11 ' ( ' , ' ce Wnr.1l'1) anlt JblM . i 'H:111 I : \\'htter. . , " ' ( , L'ltlt' IIft11IS'O'crf'd : ! l11t'\k\n \ ; ; ot nll'hltrd Clr\'t' ) . lbl\t the h ) ' mo.1".I.t , KIul1r 111hl : , " waK not ( 'OI1II > > < ) lIl'\1' In tiltH' tll 11:1'I : ! tlepn snllJ : h ) ' lrs. Cun'cl. , 9bjl .tI'JII Is also nllllle 10 ha\'ln ; : : L ll1lml III ! > ' "Cohullbln. .1111. ' Gl'111 ot the , . O HI , ' dnrln ! ; thl' II1t'Olu.I > onlu5 : tIe. t lIlt ' at 1"l't'l'port In Is.-.s. ' 1'1.1111 sOH : ; "nr. tll ( ' IlrOlll1l't , or wllr 1I111 ( > . severn 1 , " " ' 11' : lrter. W'It , Ih ( llUlllltlhpni'U'rIJ lmt rrl.tllu'fhe Crl\ls" ! 11 $ stili 11I\\ : h K It llig run. I I - - - Puhllc nath. . In Tokln. , Thrrt' : tn' son smblle h:1th ! ! In 1'01:10. 1\'hlub nr" lJllrollh , , ,1 lIall ) ' h1 ; OIl.OO I I I''I."JI\II ! TI.t } t'llar.e III I\l lul hale. 1\ . ( 'I'bl. " . , " . : , W lI"b ' : I IUnn " " a B.ult III l'Om't he ail . . WR15 bt'II\.t''th:1t ' ' tbf' , , 'lt lt'flllCS on'lbi ftthf' " . .It , . . 'I\wur tll OlJe lie ott..ran : ut , , r. , . - . . ISUpP.OSE ' .WE . rIJJE , , , 1"1' . r.I. If. ; .i " ' " ' ' . : " , . 'TfJ 4 t "HUMOR > Usf.P'FJAa A HSFR9.M : f THE COMic PAPERS. , ? [ > Ieo.out ; 'Indltellt" OccllrrlnJ : , the' 'Vorltl O"CI'-Bnyhlj.11 thut Arc Cheer' rul to Old or \011111-1"111111 ) ' Bclcc' , tlOII" thllt verYjdy WIlI'I IIJ.oy. . ' ' . - , , 'J" . "I \\lut 11 IIIN' ( ! of " ,1110 rlhhon , hal \\111 tlo 1l1'IJ' Inlo n IJlIII ml1l1'S IUlot , " ' IIn hi the' IInll.looltlllg mnll , I1lltl1' ! ih IIII1I1I'slnll ' . . , ' \ ) " ' ' " ' ' will ' ' ' 'I'IIIH 1"1'(1 nnswt'r 'ol1r IlIIr' ( lOS ( ' , 1 thlnlt , " l'tJlllleti thoJ'Ol1ng , lady. IIIInIIIl1ch do 'Oll rClllllt'o ? " "It Is In altorn tile 1I(1'k o ( my wlre'g pot 11oj. : , " 1.pIlL..1 . the -H , I. 'm" wllh , a SII'I" ) ' smllt' , "so ple'asc ClIl It .necortt. . . . Itlj.IJ. . Hn\'c.1 lIy the 1j.IIul er'lcc. J.oIII-I"llh-'rhl'n" : J'OIl didn't IIl'opose tel II ! ! Uolrox. Itrlcr nll'/ Shol.t1 'IJh- o. Iy Icnowll'ttge o ( III < ! HI 11I11II'I'v1l'e ! 1'(1I11 ( ! IInyed me from IlIl1ltlll ! : 11 (001 of 1IIJ' t'I ( . I.on ll'l h-.WIJ , llIlt IIII ! on. ' . . h--hIHt I nbollt Shol'lI..l - - Ill ! wnH to C011l11l1t u'l\eIC ! ! : Ihe holstl.1t the cold. ' \\'Il , ' ! ! IIllg. J n A. ] ) . t nOI ) . . Flnt ; , A IItolllohlle GI I-\"hy clo , they hlln' n \\0111111 IUlllnl1 outside of 11 clgnr I III' ! ! ? ' I'I'OIIII ' , \ ulo11lohllt. . Girl-I gl\e Jt 111'1 ' Wh "Ilo till' ) ' hll'U 11 wooden horse out. l'illl ! ! n It'llthel' oocl ! ! Rtol'o'luck. . - - - (1:0 After UClnltl ! . - - - - . . - - " , "Did HI < ' tYlhold [ e\'er lenve 'ou with nll .thlllj. : ? " "No : the doctor /ot / It nIl. " \\1111 O"erwehItt. "I " , llIh I Imew of , ,11 good wn ' to' ' 1'I11 e bl'end , " remark'd the \\1 ( ( ' ns the tllckll'lt . one of her biscuits Ilt the brenlttllRt III hIe. . "Wh ' ' derl'ele ! ' delH' ? " not h'Y.n . ; m snJJitcd : the brutnl other burr of the com bll1:1 tlon , , Ilcr Ollnlbn. Ir. Qlllnn-I ne\'er U7.ed upon such 1 > enutlful hrle-lI.brltc liS the IInrwo < xts hllye In their llI1l'lor. An they'"e hud It ' ' . i for Ul't ! . h'H , Qulnu. ( conJeU1lt\1o sl ) " : "Oh " , It JURt Rbows t1l1tl they cun't. nffon.t to ; : ( ; ' 'n Iwr\'l\lIt , If.the . ' .bl . n 11Iuld ' . be thn.khl'le-n.hrac woulel neyer thcro 80 liftig.-Uhl'w'o Nows. , , I' j - , 'rIte Octnl'II1'1. ' . ' "Whll t ! " ( ' ja utllt ll lIlo mnn. . "J ! qm' hnl1,1l'ell ( } 0Il l1'S rol' that tireS ! ! ? " , ' ' "Yl'i : , " 'IInsw'red ( the wife ; so'othin . I ) " , " 11 Is 'Iho tl Iln thnt mllkea It so I'XIll'n"lv ! ! . " j i , " " . \h.h.h I" rolllll..d t.lIe hlsbllUII.IIU11I ! . " , cm'Hl' " l'I1I1rPlul lrust : lignin I"i I i " , . . . The lie"er- ; ; ; 'ror 'Ohtlcnrlt ) . . ' "Whllt ( to . (1t1 thlnl. or t1lh new min- litll'I"H ' flCl'mOIl ? " 111 111 h'l.'tt Mr , . 'C m. ' I'OX'II wlfl' : " " 'eIl , " he r.epllcd. "I g\1eRS it wnRtl't. VI'I' ' oOlt. " . "UI'Ol1 what d yOhns \ your 011111. ' ' ' lon't' "I UlIt 'I'Stood e\'ery wJr(1 ot It IIml tOI 1't'tl1 . Intl'reRtefl.'j-Wnlhln : ! ton Im. . I' " " . - - . - " , Iohn ! DlIln't you swellr ore wenr , il'J ; tht' first of till ! yenr " , Iohll twho hn8 just stepped on n ' 111'1-1 ) lillI , nnd I'm s\\'enrlll err 1 lIln 1I0W ! , . It 1\1I1Rt lIu'c neen. tla1I 1.'lsll < ' . .row , whal , , "ould 'OII ' ' I : I > ' III > ' : I e'I1I1' ? , . " II' . hllrl'-mJhtcen. ' 11s } o'IHller ( coyl-Ilow ) prompt , "OU : Ift' . \'ou spenk 118 It .rou bad'certnlc : Ihllwll'lgc. 11' . Shn."e--Ot l'OUrse , I knew It wa ! hlt : lt 0110 thue--Phlln < 1.elshla rre 1 ! " 'ber IIJ. . Genlull Shone. " 1 ( e'll ) 'OU thai Iloct hi a genl s.'f' " . \ ! ; eUhlll11) ' , his stuff 18 UII WOrt 1 evcr fl.II } . " ' "I " . klww ; , "Hut 'wl ) ' dJ 'o t'al1 , him a genius ? ' . "Ht't'aUlil' he slIl'c < 'etls lu sl'llIng It.- , . : : llhlllelllhli , ' HecurtL , " . . . . At the l'ln , . . "Wber ftrt' " ) ' 0\1 ) ; ulng. n y. prcttJ . multI r' . I \"Tu thr , I'lu ) : , kln sr , ' 8 C saltL , . \ \ , hilt dl' ) 'UI1 thert' . my , ) retty mnh1 ? ' ' 1.1It. \ . 1II.r lwlnbbflrtl. sir , " e s ltl ( tJl' Altilinat It. SI1IIlb..Whut'jI thl trouble. old man \'uII louk ms I ( II 'luan lUll' struck : rou . . ' 4111Wooc . HulU tbat. my bo.r. r1' . Ih ' 'I'll "trllck lJy . lwo sluI\118. Iu'th ' WII ) ' . ho".s thnt ? . .IoillCJOt twills lit our hOIlIlC. All It f'hould ne. IU - . . \ t"Ol1sln oC mIni' was Jnllrrll'l II _ lit' \ \ . . . t 11 o ' ( 'Htt'n.Il ) ' . . Uj q1'hai' Ilurer. . . ' . 'UI \\113t'S ll't'r""noout ' It' ? ' pfJ4' " ' 1) " , ) ldn"1 he aet mftrrll'll ( I : ; 411 sJtI while be'n ahout It ? ] t Never ( ( lJt\e nnc1c. . "Tuite 111) n 'I'C ! ! . I ) n' I n Bur- ' . , rOllj.hR IInJnone " ' . " ' f ' 'jj . , . . " f' ' . ' "I 1I0\'er ( ItI.i . . , . ' . : ft. "Why , ) . $ tlsed Ito , .lm ! B lro , . . . .bc- . 1t ; . < I .4'f ' . ell use- " o ; 1 IIRe(1. to thlnle 1 was ll'ndlng It 10 him , . hilt I soon dlllco\'l1'ed It Wit ! II\II''I ' a girt. " Htllllewhilt I > lfTercllt. III WIIIIlIg e\'It1cntJ . Is not a ml\n who Jlldcs HIS : light undur 11 hushe ) . Dlx-You het he Isn't. On the con. tI'nl' ' , he COIIlttcrs . hlm elr tht' whole ihctt'le power .Iioue 111111 IIunghlcH the town \\'oulll llc In totl11 IIltl'lmess' It 110 hnllpcned to brealc1011. / . The Hclort COllrtcolIA. I I . Elt'llhllllt-Wl111l did tlw cl1mcl MIry WIlI'II the monlccy reCoITed to his hUIIIlH ) ? Glmffc-IIe said he didn't wnnt' nny . bnc t tull. , Nonc thc nCllt of HIIII. . Blohhs"Uj01WS : lIltfl n suit of clollle for' t\ll ' dlt > . III the \\1'1'1 : . " SlobhH-So hn\ ' , ( ' I. 1'\1' got It 01\ \ now.-Phllndellhlu ) Ht.I'OI'd. Iorc IIIIIJllrtllllt. "Yt's , " snlll tbe 0111 ( h ctOl' , YU should t1'J. to hllve J'O\ll' o\\'n 1:111'1'lnge , y nil 1U01I1IS. Bocuuse when 'ou wunt to ge\ \ to It plltlent Iulckly"-- ' " , ( "O ! " Interl'upted tile 'OImg1. : . D" "I Hon't think nny { mllent who Rent CO 11Ie woulll he lIkel ) ' to die before rent'hed him. " "No , 1 > ut he might reeonr ef rc YOli got there.-l'hllndelphla Post. . . " Conrt hlp Too l xpen8he. : 1'eH8-Yoll don't menn to Blly tbey h : ve brokcn , off tlwlr engagement ? .Tess-Yes , 'l'css-Wh ) , I thought the ' were per. Cl'cll ' devote to encll other. ,188-80 the ' lire.'ou Ree , they hll'e hrolten off. the enguJ.emcnt 110 thut he mll ' all \1' enough mOlWY to enable them to get 'mnrr1ed.-Phlludelphln ' L7ess. L7ess."A "A Poor I xcnle- " "Whnt Is hlB excuse for not mnrry' lu ? " "SI1 's he docsn't wnnt to Weur darn. ed socks. " . I 'c.\ I tilt'l : fh'e enused bJ' Crlctlon. " "lIow' ttint : " IoAw , ru\lblnl \ Il thr\'e tho\1aud.dolllll ' 1IOIIc ' on a , OOO hnrn ! " , . , Ord InllrJ' l fTllrt'IIHted. . Ollll'a-l 'It l1'uo thut Iuhel Is suing her hushnud ( or tll"on' ' ' ' ! 111I1l1t'-- , anll I don't hlllme hor. hc Willi lInlllllculllle l'lght ( rolll the IIturt. ( JlIrl1-Wh ) ' . how wns thnt ? . : \lumle--Hcl' husbnntl hllli hllllgctlon llt'fol'c t hey were UJI11'I'lell.-.uhlea o ew , The od J > lIrl. : \11'8. Hnttcrson-Whllt ! Yn\l'\'o ha rourteen coOk ! ! In threc mouths ! : \11'11 , Gnltt'rsoll-Yes. 1 dfdn1t JlleH 111l ' of them.-Llte. , , . , Ju..Wllhle. Hlgg-I sce 'our trlclld CI\tt'ng \ ' has \n lIJt't1 In II 1I0buslnl'H8. . He atI. \'ertlsl' hlmselr ns n inn 111 11I1 n r. DI s-\\'ell. whut or It ? You er. tl1ll1l ' wouldu't 'Xl'cct him to pOHe nt ! W01111111 mlllller ! , would 'ouChlcfi' JII : - \ eWE ! . - - Other Uote . lemUcllllt-Plenlle. lutJ' , wlIl .Ol h'e 10 Cl'lIts to n poor 1111111 to el'll h\11I \ trolll :4I1I1''ln/ / ; ? 1I11 I"I- ' Iert' ' no , 1 1':11I'l 1I1T01'\t It ! Wh ' , I"'I ! Kot to et m ' Slll'llI ! ; IIUIt 'wcek.-.SolllOl'\'l1Ie . J 0111'11 II I. A wfut l'otlIlIIlHIt ) . . , " : -\e1thel' the wide Ot'l'nll lIor Iroll hllri will kecp me fl'UIII .OU , m love ! " I he cried. tt'r\'l'utJ ) ' . "But. Ih' IIIIIItI. " whlslll'rltl tll" Jutll"s : Illugbter. I\S IIhl ! tl'cmhlcll with .I\IJIreliellsloll , "wbllt ; It 1'111111 shoul11 Is. ' t' e nn Injunction " Uehhul the Scelle. . . "Denr lUe ! " mwlnflUL'tt thl : ; oul\t. ! , , . 'I''e broken one or UlY : ; rr1UpI.'hllt - IIhult I do ? " "TelelJhonl ! tOI' n ) ; 11I1.ler. " 8U I'8tl' " the low t : < ; unctlllln.-QhlclIgo ews. o Other Inferelll'e. SlIIlcus-'l'he s\'Cr t ot hnIJplnt'NII b to I11I11'rJ' one't' OP1)l1l1t ' . , , C 'lIlcus--'fhell 1I1Il1n must be 1\ rOil ) to IURrr ' n 111"11111) ' wOl1lnn-Phllnlh'l. } ) bln Hecord. . The Latter I'urt. " " 'hal IJurt of 111 > ' Sl'1'mmlt ; dll 'OU t enjo ) ' mOHn" nskttl HeDr. . ) . 011 ! . : . wlutl. "Tbe cOllcluslons ) 'ou rl'\I'h : ' rt'I'lIt'II Deacon l nnIUI1.-Phlllld'IJlhll1 HI'curl1 The IIIAher : l-duclltlon. "You bf.'lIere In the hlthl'r t'thwlltlnlt tor " 'OWNI' : " ' ' 'W l1 , , hl\rdl ) ' know ; but UlY dnu-h. ! : j tiir 83)8 tbllt'lhIJ'S II girl whe cnn't piny buket-bsU : unll Cellc" INII" lu lr. " . - . . J _ . . 't. . . , I Weak ? I " I sufcred ( terribly and was ex. tremely weak for J 2 years. The doctors said my blo.od WI19 aU turning to water. At Inst I tried Ayer's Sl1rsl1parlll and was soon fcellng aU Ight a a r n. " Mrs. J , W. Finla ) Hadlymc , Cr. I No matter how long you have been ill , nor how 'r , poorly you may be today , Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the best medicine you can take f r purifying and enriching - riching the blood. Don't doubt it , put your whole trust in it , throw away everything clse. SI.OO D boHle. All drutlsl. . ARk your . \o \ tnr what he think. of Ayor' . Ranaparllla , ICe knowRtlIl about Lhl'IraDd old family medl ln. , Follow hi. a < 11'le. ADd we will be eatbne. , . . J. O. TER Co" t.nwellMau , A carrier pigeon's sDeed. In calm wenther ) Is 1)200 yards a minute. , With brisk wind prevailing , and blowing In the direction of Sts flight , a pigeon has been known tD male 1,900 yards a minute. I Just as Charles 1. was about to ' step on the scalTold , In 1 < 149 , he took < ; Iff a\te \ silk under shirt and. ! gave It to his doctor. It was 'latflly ; sold at anctlon 111 London , and brought lt022. ' I. Hcld on to n CluUr. . ; 1 Pnhner , No. , Mar .1Otl ! . . . . . , lrs. I.ncy ' : C6mpton hits for the Iltst. eight 01' ten , yenrs suff'rect 11 rellt del11 of pain nnd 1 sIckness : She l ad Jldne " 'fl'ouble with I1n awful pllin In lIer bile ) ; : Wblch was so hntl at mnn ' tlm"s thnt she could BCfirCel ) . get II110ut : It 1111. " " . "I hll"e been down with my bnclc : for th ! ! } Just eight or ten yenrs , " sh , II II > 'S , "uud sometimes 80 h ct thlt : I could not get IIroun enl > ' hy holtllng on to n chnlr 01' so'me other object. "Dodd's Klchle ' Pills 11110 \ \0 gvcn mo more reller thnn I1nythlng I JJJ1"e e\'er used , "Arter I 11Hd usect the fh'st bo I was nlmost entirely CUI'ed of thl ! ! dreaMul troublo. . ; . "I cun truthCulI ' recommend Dodd's KldneJ' Pills to llY womlln ! ! utferlllg 1 119 1 hnd suffered ( or so long. " Mrs , CQmpt n's cure WI1I3 cel1aluly a i rcwllrknble one. ' , A Galvanized Iron Is merely dipped In moltcn zinc. The coating Is I not applied electrical yt ; as the term I galvanized seems to hnpIJ' . . . Chrles ! n.Jb" EM YII. Cha ales Lamb would wrl te ODe ot his essays In an evening , atter a day , spent at his desk In the E st India ot11cc. . " Edward Dcnnlt was iound guilty ot- murder in the second dej.ree by a jury in PaKe county , Iowa. district court. ' 10 ( , He is charge d with the kIllIng of O. 1 { ' . MIller at Shenandoah , la , A horse call carry a pound on his back to an ounce nn , hls.root IITATg OF 01110 , OrT. OF TOLKDO , t ' . . I.tICAI ! COUNTY. , r' I"RANIt , J. CIIFNK" : nlllk6:1 oalh that ho Is t1M len.i1r . partneror UIO timl or F. JCIIKNHTc' : CO. dolu bllslnt ! s In the ellr or 1'011'(10 , COllolr &lid State aforesaid. anll Ihat Id ! Iran will I IY th& eum or ONE nUNnnED 1I01.Iu\llS ror t'acb Inll ovary ease or OATAJUUI Ihat ( 'annol b eured by the use or llA l.I.'N CAT IUm (1UJtK. F'UA Ii : .J. CIIKNJoY. worn 10 before me and MlboCrlhtJd In my prllS + ence. lhls 6th day at l > ecdmoor. A , D. 1886. - ' - j 8E L t . . W' . GI.l ASON\ I - . - f 11 0111111 Llublte. HaU' . C.atanh Cure Is taken Internally antlllCt5 llreoUyon tbe blood antJ mllCOllS > or : h. .fltem. Send tor &estlJnoolals , freo. ' ll. J. CHE mY & ( , ' , 0. . Toledo , 0 ; JrSuld b ' DlIIgglsts. 75c. Ball's amtlY 1'11I8 are th. . bnt. The English language Is tuught In tl e public 'ichools of , lapan. In th . commercial citIes the , JapanesB youth .are eager to learn ED lIsh deeming It an essential quallflcttloD , to secure a position and attJlo wealth. , i > , ; _ ' 1" ' LIBBY Luncheons ! : : " , . . . . .1 lb. pradur' III " - " > " " 111. r.lI. . Turn hr "lid lOll IInt Ibe m. . , .lOrIS , . . 111.rt u. , " . put Ihlllll "I' In Iblo . . . , Pottea " .m lJ et "nd Tonllu ( ' . OJ ( TO"'JUCI ' ( . .hole ) . , ' ( ' . , Lo"t , etlle n.m. Drlslld nut , Sllud Smoled lJcct. " , , U a..III..e. Natllral rlayor fltod. . ral.ta..I. . . . .d Your &roo.r ' ' 'ould hu. Ib.m. LIbby , McNeill . . LIbby , Cblc. o f -Bow Tn lln.s Goon TRillo. " . . . TO En" .III " - . . .nL , . . . If JOU a.Ir. II. . ) N.H.U , HO. 120-21 YORK. NEB. . J. _ . .