Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 22, 1902, Image 1
- - , ; T' . . . . . , \ . M : : = - = - , ' 'r.I'f . . ' . . . \ \ \ . ' : "ri . ' > T " " ' _ . . . 1ieO\t\ ' ' . , , 'L ' r\.U \ j' < ' ' ' I I " I a\3 ' . " ' - . . I \ ' I' , I , ] 1,1 . 'i ' JI' , ' ' , \ . . . . . . . . ' .A.- ' . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . . - . . . , " ' . . , . . " , . _ _ _ . . ' . . . . . ; . , ' , , , ' ' " . ' ' " ' / ; . , ' . . . . . t. . ; , : . . - 1' : , ' . : . , . . ' STER' 0 , ' . . . " : ' . ' } ; : . t ' ' . . I I i . ' , . , , . : . ESTABLISHED 1882. . . TIlE OFFICIAL PAPER OF CUSTER . COUN'l' ' LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY PAPER IN TIlE COUNTY. " , . - I I I VOL XX" _ . BROREN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY. . NEBRASKA , THlJRSDAY , MAY 22 , 1902.--EIGHT PAGES. NO. 49.- . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 'f , ; \ \ ' ' . , ! j I , , . Off willi thc oM glllsses' - " : n < ? ynnce Rnd impcrfe .t.vsiou , an-I" , I with the ue\y- \ ' InND-gi\- I " ' ing cai ; and comfort Rud \ l\IRUY a person stumbles on I I through' liCc with ng ' frar.ncs pneI cl1cap. d ccntercd : lenscs , ucver kJiowin that perfect - . fect vision. may be gtvcn thcm . by my thorough mcthods in ex- . . ' . umiuat on , nn subsequcnt fit- I . . . liug of proper glasses. I ' : . . . . " . ; . t . der.s : , . . . . , ' ' ! : COllose.J . . urJldll&to of ChICIlO OPtb&lmlo . . . " , . . . . . , . . , . . f. . . .I . d , . . . t , . . , . . : . ' : ; , . . , v. , . , . ' ' . - . . . . . , . : ' . " ' , .0 ; I . . : 'r--AND- . . . ' . " ' I . . , , . I . . ' . . , . l qol Spp1ies ! ! , , . ' ; > . . , , . . . . . . ' . " . . , --J..f" ! " " " . , . " . . ! , " G. Haeberle's. . . . . . . . ' " , . . . . - : erI E izabtth Fields , _ DR . . 't6 n ' IIJa. . . , ' - ' OFFIcn HOURS : " ' 9 a. m : to.1:2 : m. , . . 1 :3'0 : to 4 p. m. . . . . Or . . by appointment. ' . offic 'ovc ! ' Andcrson's Jewelry Storc in'Realty.mock , Broken now , Nebraska. . . . . . . . . r . . HArt ! HAIl ! . 'The old reliable St. ' . Paul Fire & l\Iariue : t. . . . . . Insurance Co. " of St. t . , . Pa1d , Minn. , with over , . $3,000,000 cash os. , . . sets , offers the farmers - , : , . , ers of' Custer county ' , . ; . : . absolut ilid mnity , . ' , agninst los8 'by Hail. \ : w. l ate8 , Honorable _ . f\ . . ; . . . . , adJ ustlnent and Spot . ' , , ' . .i : cush Insure ; 'i { - settlements. - . ' sure : f , .r crop against 'nail. J. A. ' HARRIS , . , . . ' . . . Agent. I Office , "Opposite P. ' . . . .0" Broken BowNeb. . . ' . ' ' " Jt-- . " : . . . t. . } : h Perklus 'Gowing. t - - 'l\his o ce is in receipt of a , . . : .communication. from the Lecture \ " " . , .B reau of Eli Perkins stating . . . . , . _ .tJm . Eli ill .le htre in Brok t ] . . . . Bow Saturday , May 31 , 1902. . : . . 'His 1 bjct' will. .be "Fun .and ; ' ' .faits in : Tapan" and "Stories . l 'aroUlHlthe store.ft' The famous ! ' i' " Eii Peddns has many admirers' ' . . . . t ) : ' . in Broken Bow and vicinity that , ' . wil ] be pleased to hear him again . . . . . . . .J . . in Broken Bow. . . . . . . : If you intend to build call at . ' . 1 < " ' . Dierks Lumber Co. and get prices. " . " . . . lUurlust Report 'or Teda > > , . 'Vbea\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M , r" . , lJarlel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4:1 : . , ,1 .nit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .to , . . . . . 'CO'n. . . . . , . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 @ . . . nJo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , lit I\ . : . . . . ' . . .j ' J. . " , tUlIor . . . : ' . . . . ' ' . ' . ' . ; . ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 . . . . . . . } .otatoo..perbu.b"l. . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 160 , . t. 'On'on . r hu.lle ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.W ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' " . lC1bl.bkCD' , . . . . .00 J IJi' ; . . \ . . ' . . } 1101. , . . . . . . per . . . . pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fI.W , . . ' . { ' w. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . ' 9.26 @ 4.00 " = " . . .i . . , ' . tlHt..t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . 15.1\O@ \ O.Wt ; " 'Turke . , . . per 1IOuad. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (0 .tllra'.percwh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 " ) ! ' .r " -r lIat.n.wler'toa. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " .W Jjqar , per CW& . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & .W , , J ) . \ . ' . . . . ' . . ' . t : -f , , " ' J . . : . , t . . .i' l . . . ; , . . ' . / I : : : : : ; : : : : : : : : IT AIE NOTICE. All person9 who .have matter of au ) ' 'description they desire to have published . in the RJ\PUnI.I" CAN , ar .rc uested to have it. . reach this ofhce not latcr thau. . 'Veelnesdar noon , as we go toI I press Thursday . morning. i - - - Masoti City has made arrangements - : ments to celebratc the 4 of July. : I. S. L. Cannon and wife . of 'VestervillE : , were city visit.ors yesterday. : Mrs. Fann ) ' Elliott of Torrin - ton , 'Vyoming i visiting in this city Wt.h ! her parents , Mr. and Mrs. John Lowe. 'V. G. Purcell , wife and daughter who have b el1 on a pleasurc trip south and east for the past six wecks returned bome Saturday night. Dr. Seymour espccially requests - quests that his patients caU' early - ly on the day 'of his visit that he lIIay have aUlplc time to give them careiul attention. Junc 6. Dr. H. B. Mullins who has been attending the Medical Colle e at Omaha the past year arrived hoine. Sat.rday.night . and will remam hcc dunng the summer va.cation. Mr. 'rhomeson of California spent several days in the city last his brother-in"law J. week with - " , W. Bruce. Mr. Thomson has been in. California for seven years. He is yery much pleascd with the country. VIm. Mooney , a bricr } molder in this city in pioneer days who has been mining in Pcnsylvania for the past seven years , surprised - ed his friends by arriving in the city the tatter part of last week with the vi w of remaining The action. o.f the school' board I last. } i"'riday night in 'the elec- tion.of principal is meeting with considerable opposition by patrons - rons and. pupils , because Prof. Macy was not rs-imployed. A petition protesting is being . cir- culated. " Nond of iHe s"u jects placed tnd 'quarantine for sn all pox has .up to dat.e , showl } any sJmp- toms of the disease and the probabilities - abilities . .arethat the disease wili spread no fnrther tan to the one family where it was first developed. . DI1 DVaugh , son of L. C. alid M. M. Maupin , May 15,1902 , at 6 a. III. , ill Omaha. l.\he remains - mains of Ute deceased were laid to rest in the Omaha- Cemetery Saturday , May 17. The RJU > UD" LICAN extcnds to the parents and grandparents of the deceased the sympathv of their many frien s of this v cinity. \ J.1'.Merchanta prominent citizen - zen several years of this city , one of the first settlers of Vi toria creek arrived in' the city last. night from the east. Sinceleav- ing here some eight years ago Temp h s resided in Canada , hut is now located at Lincoln and is n traveling salesman for a wholesale - sale firm in Omaha. , The city council held an adjourned - journed session Mondny night to consider the granting of the franchise for a gas light and fuel 'plant. to MC'ssrs. Honts , Deun I and Rublee. Instead of granting - ! ing the franchise , the matter was ( Ieferred untU ncxt M01ic1ay. . night and a committee , consisting - ing of 1\Ia'or Purcell , C. S. Martin - , tin and J. J. 'Vilson , . were appointed - pointed to visit AlbIOn , Tildeu , Central City , and other towns where plants h ve recently been put 'in"with the view of obtain- .1t1g nataon the question. The many friends'of Prof. M cy will be pleased to Imow that he has ccepteel a position as one of 'the instructor ! ] in Broken 'Bow Business and Norm l College for the ensuing year , at a salary in advance of t.he amount he re- ceivcel. T le RRPUnI.IGAN con- gralulates Prof. Poush in having secured Prof. Macy , Ir s popularity - larity in this cOmmunity will' make the Broken Bow Business - ' ness College more popular wit.h the people of Broken .Bow aud vici.nity t\lan \ ever.Ve \mder- stamI that Prof. Macy will begin work for Prof. Roush soon after hi work as Pdncipal of. the schools is ended nd will be. . im- i pl yed during the vacation , in I canvassing for the 'college. . " . . , : c ' , A : . . ; . . . . . . . .d. The RRPumtCAN and Interl . Ocean , $1.50. : \V ANTltD-A good dining room girl. Mus. L. J , GA D\ ' . Ii' . M. Rublee was all east bound passenger the first f the week. ReGeo. . P. 'l'riteswent to Lexington , Tuesday to att nc1 a ministerial conference. Rev.V. . D. Hall of Sarg-ellt will deliver the oration o Dec- oratiou day in tb s city. ' N. T. Gadd has accepted an invitation to deliver the oration at Arnold on Decoration Day. Senator Currie of Sargent , was a city visitor Saturday. This office acknowleges a friendlJ' call. Five inches of rain fc1 hi this vicinity in t.he past two , veeks. O\'cr four inches fell in th past week. 'romVright , publisher Qf the Ausler Chronicle , was a city visitOr - itOr 1onday. . 'l'hc H.Rl'UDIICAN aClmowledges a fricndly ca1l. DI' . H. C. 'ralbot has sullicicnt- ly recovered froUl his recellt sickness - ness to be out again , which his many friends ar pleased to know. Gee Honts wc'nt to Omaha Monday to contract for material for his gas plant that he contemplates - plates putting in this . city hi the near future. Judge Armour's fath r and mother arrived 'yesterday morning - ing froUl Illinois. They expect to send the summer visiting in the count . ) ' with thcir children. Otis Barnard -Callawu ) ' , was in t.he city 'ruesday. We understand - stand that he and Mr : Zumbrul1) . are planning to start anot.het paper in Callawa ) ' in about. thrce w b. \ . If Y04 want to cnjoy an 'cven- ing of fun amI 10 ic seC11le a ticket for th. lecture by Eli Perkins at the opert ; hOl\B May 31. Reserv _ eI sea'tes oii1 ' : ? 5c. 49-50 . Mrs. S.V. . Richards nnd daughter , LilJia" , left this morning - ing 011 a.visit to Beulah , Jas. Mrs. Richards .has a sou there whom siIC has'IIDt seen for six years. ' 'V. H. Andrcws has receiveel notice from his agent that he ha ' been granted an increase of pension with bade pay to the amount of $ tiOO. He has not received - ceived o c "al nbtice yet. A royal feast. of wit and humor and logic will , b.e enjoy.ed by those ; , vho attend ElI Pcrlun's lccture to be given in the 6pera ho se Saturda ) ' night. May 31. He will combine three of his best lectures in one. 49-50 A meeting of the state bankers was held at Gr.apd Island , 'rues- day. Custer county was represented - presented by S. K. 'Varrick ofl Broken Bow , Scnator F. M. Currie of Sargent and Ed. Rors Secretary of the state Banlung Boar4. Senator Currie's address was on "Pioncer Banking. " S. \Varrick discussed "Negoti- able Instrument Law , II and Secretary Royse " , "Purpose of Bank Supervi onll . ' Rev. J. R. 'Voods , pastor of Mason City Baptist church Was in the city the latter part of last wc' k. He infornm 'us that his church h S arranged for a grove service and hasket dinner t.he first Sunday in June. Rev. S ; 'V. Richar s has becn extended an invitation to preach for them on that occasion in the morning and afternoon. 'l'h ordinance of baptism will be administered to betwcen 50 and 60 persons on that occasion. Mr. George Purcell has just re- ' celved from Springfield , Il1inois throngh his son , 'V. G. who re ; . turned from thfre Monday morp- ing , to him , very valuable mcmen- toes of his old neighbor and friend Abtaham : Lin.coln , which were sent him , by relatives of the immortal' Lincoln. One is a picture of the residence of Mr. Lincoln as it was at the time Mr. ! ) urcell lived there and was neighbor ' nd intimate frienel of our martyr Presid'nt. 'rhe other is a photograph of Mr , IAncoln tak n in 1860 , after . he was elected - ed President. He was then smooth shaven , a s Mr. Purcell kne\v 'h.n1 . and to him is vcr } " natural , much more so tItan those taken pf 1 im in later years whe : nllowed His beard to grow. ' Mr. Purcell is justly very proud of the pictures. ' , . . , _ " . , fI _ . ; . . , _ . \ . . : . . " , { " ' , . , . - - A large COnb..cgation nttc1Ulcc1 serces at the Presb'terian church Sunda ) ' night to hear the class sermon which was 1)reacl1ed by the IH\stor , HeD. . Augustus Shetler. Rev's. M'el's of the U. n. church and Trites of the M. E. church participated in the exercise ! ) . Equality Club ROBol'.aUonB , - Believing that Peace is the un- derl'ing principal in the J.fovcrn- ment of an all-wise Provulcnce , bcl < n'ing that war and its attendant - tendant horrors mu ) ' he avoided by , , : ise arbitration ; nnd belicv- ing that it is thc natural tend- cncy of motlicrs to prder thc s ttleD1cnt o ( questions of dis. pute bct. ween govcrnmcnts or nations by the ballot rather than the bullet and May 15th being the annivers ) ' of the Hagne Peaceconfarence. The Excutivc Committee of Custer county Political Equality Association offers the following resolutions : RJi OI.Vnu . : 1st. .thut wc fu\'or the maiutellulIccof P ace. : l1u1. Thut we frL\'or the ! tCttlemcllt of nIl questious rellltiuJ. : to go'.enuueut l nlTuirs hy n wige IIrhitrntuu { mUter thllu hy the tleclllriu of war. 3rl1. 'I'hnt to promute this cml of ! ) CIICC Rnit Arhitratlon , nothing could he more important thnn a constitucucy of yoUng uloUlcrn. 'fhereforc , RItSOIVJ\D. That we aRk for the Cll. fmllchisclllcut of the motherR or thc Rcpul lic. \ ' COMM1TTlili. Jlrokcu Dow , May J5tl1 , J902. M. B. A. Post Poned. Owing to the commencement exercises of the city High Schools Friday night , the regular meeting of the M. B. A. lodge is lOstponed to Friday night , May 30. , . S. W. RJCIIARDS , Pres. D. M. AMsm RH.Y , Scc. . , EB8tcrn Star. . - - . At the liI ( cti1 g of the Eastern Shir''l uesda ) ' night , . the fol1pw- ing .officer5 'lcre elected for the c.ttsu ng" term : Worthy at I , MrsJ. S. Mol neau ; Assocl8.te 'Ma.tron , Mrs. F. M. Rublee ; Worthy Patron , A. H. Humph- rev ; Conductor , Mrs. J. G. Bre- nizer ; Asoociatc COIuluctor , , Mrs. Alpha MorganSecretary ; , JM. . KimbCJ1ing ; ; Treasurer , Mrs. Co' II . : Jeffords. ' . . . Brokjn. BoY { . a ra lUtlt s. ' Fridnl Iliht , . the Commencement - ment ExercI es of the Broken BoW High School will be .held in the ppera house. The memb rs 'of the class arc Clyde 'Vilsotl , Harry Oshorn , ' arah Owens , Janie Stockham , Paul Haumont. 'l'he 8everalmembers of the graduating - uating class will deliver orations. Special music has been provided for the occassion. . - - - MtlBOn City Qradutl too. This ofiice acknowledges the receipt of the program. of the. commcncement exercises of the Mason City school held last Friday - day night. The members of the class are : 'Vall ace Priug1 , Harry CoJIman , Carl Anderson , I "elyn O'Brien , Brit Nicholas , Carleton Bunnell anel Emil And- erson. The address of the occas- sion was. delivered b.y Rev. Jesse 1.'eagarden of this city. 'Ve un. . derstand that the principal , Prof. T. II. ahr , has been employed for the ensning year. IJoctors Meet . The Custer 'couhty Meltical Seciety met in the office of Drs. Talbot of this city 'l'ucsday , 111 the absence of the Presiden t , Dr. C. PickettDr , Clinton , Day , Vice Pres. presided. ' , In addition to the regular business - ness of the society an interesthig- program was carried out. The fo Jowing papers were read and . diicusscd ! : "Developmcnt and Care of l.'eeth" , D. H. Bowen , D.D.S.of Ahsley ; "The Pueperal Infection , with report of a case"Dr.C. L. M llins , 1Jroken Bow ; "Carcino- ma of the'stomache , wi ili a case and postmortem findings"Dr. W. H. Young , of Ansley. . In the evening the held a banquet - quet at Mrs. L. J. Gandy's , in which the physcians and their . wives participated. ' Mrs. Dr. J. Ii' . McNulty of Can- away gave a select reading. 'l'oasts were responded to by all present. 'l'he physcians in at tendance I , w r J. F. McNulty , Treas.AL. I Mafthews - of Callaway ; 'V , R. " -oung. D. H. Bowen of Ansley ; i I A.A.DowningMernnL.B. ; Wams- : tley , \Vest Union ; Clinton Day , ! Vice Pres. , C. L. Mullins , Secy. , I , ! . \ . . . { . ' . , n. . . , . . . ' . , . " .J. . - . ' . " . . . . . . . . . . . ' .tv. . . . - . R. C. Q\albot , 'I' . L. li'arnsworth , a11l11' . 'V. Dass of llrok\'lll Bow. Mnsonlo Offloers Elooted. At the an11ual meeting of the MasolJIc Lodge of this city lust Saturda ) ' night , the following o iccrs were elected for the cn- suing' yearV. : . M. , II. I-4011mx ; S. W. , 'V. R. Bruce ; Scc. , Alpha Mdrgan ; 'l\rcas" J. G. IIaeberlu ; 'l'yler , ID , Ii' . McClure. ! l\It'wortRt \ Ncrvlcmt at UnlURt Churc1a , A popular Sunelll ) ' Memoria. } Service will be helel in the Baptist - tist church next Suuda ) ' at : .11:00 : a. ru'l whcn addresses will b delivered - livered by the { ollowing' named gentlemcn : D. M. Amsberr } ' , JOl111 G. 'V. Lewis , Judge Ar- moul' , Jos. Pigman and \V. 'V. Cowles. Everybod ) ' is coreliall ) ' invited. A special invitation IS cxtcnded to the mcmbers of the Grand Ann ) ' of the Republic and members of the rchef corps. Speciall11usic will be an important - ant fentul'e of the service. 'I'he pastor will preach at 8:00 : p. ,111. S. W. RICUAHDS , Pastor. I..ct ! : , IIJ' , The fol1owing is the dead letter list for the week ending Ma ) ' 13 , 1902 : J. E. Bramblett , John Bryan , Cassins 'V. Davis , Gee , N. Flag- ler , H. J. Hood , (2) ; W. A , Jarvis - vis , Miss Mae Knoell , Cot. A. J. Iay , Menn Key , Miss Lulln Melvin - vin , (2) ) ; Mrs. L. Miller , A. Myers , 'l'heoelorc' Phillips , Dr. John House , J. F. Smith , 'Vll1. Stafford , JameSullenberger ! , E. E.Vright , carel. Partics calling for the above w111 pleasc SflY advertised. . L. lIt JuWIt'rT , P. M. Can.rcll Her"lcc" . UAl'TIST CIIURCH. SU11l1ay sch ol nt to 1llJ. . Popular l\IcllIorinlscrvicc nt 11 n. m. Junior n. Y. P. U. at 3 p. m. Scnior 11. Y , ' 1) . U , . at 7 1) . . lit. ' Preachin . bY' the pastor , lit 8 p. I . . S. W. RICHARDS , l'mtor. . - . 1n. . ClIUltClt. Next Sunday morning Mcmonnl tlay 'will be obscn'cil nt the 1\1. E. church. Subject , "Our Soldicrs lllhentullce. " Tcx , lIeh. , I I :4. : We cordilllly invite the attcn llnce of the veterons of II otlt Wllrs to this ser\'ice. 'I'hc re ular services in thc aveniug. . Ono. P. ' 1 JUTI\S \ , Pastor. ' - tI. n. CHUltCH. . Rc ulur IIcrvi es next Sun uy. 'fhe , mornulg' scrmon witt he on missionary work , tUltl a hihle rclteUng will he givcn in the evening iUNtcael of 1sennou. . All arc iuvitcrl. 11. E. l\I\'JtJtlj , PI11tor. ! ) llmmVTIUUAN CHURCH. Services ncxt Sabhnth , at II a. JII. Suhject , " 'flte Glory and Peril ! ! of our n J1uhlie. " E\'cning' 8 p. m" l1iftIt , lecture of the Hcnes 011 thc Book of nsthcrHuhjecl"I ! ilher's Hcnrie Rcsolvc" . Spcdal lIIusic will IIC relllicrell in the evening. Y. P. S. C. H , at 7 ) . m. 'flte puhlic i9 cordlully invilcr I to thcse servicc9. - - "TO.'Filit COlTOIi A DWO"K" OFF T.llt COI , " . I 1.UllllvIIUlomo.ijulnlllft T.blbla cnru A cold In' ' ono dllY. N Cure , Nu I'IIY. I'rlo/l 11 : unll. . Ell PERKINS. Eli Perkins will deliver a lecture - ture in the Opern House in Broken - ken B w , /J't1RDAY : NIGHT , . MAY 31 , i90 , at 8 o'clock , on Philosophy Qf 'Vit , a Year in China and Japan and Stories Around thc Stovc. 'l'hrce lcctures combi11'Hl in one using the choicest of each. 'rbis wiil well be wort.h the price and should b enjoyed by everyone. Rcserved scats , . 35c , at the usual places. - " - . . . .I.t , -.k - . . , . > . , \ , . . . . . . . . . . . . . " ' .s'IfI.l . . . < t' t ! ' . .I . . " ' . . - < < , $ : . ) I Paints , Oils and . Wall Paper ' . i I Ed. McComas' . 'J Drug sto e. ! . : : _ _ _ . . .0 . _ " m ! i ( ' . [ m nUSINBSS oor. POINTERS , : , , Money loancd on improved' t far111S. J AMItS LUDWICIr , " > 7 18 tf Broken . Bow , Neb. ' I i Dr. T.V. . Bass , dentjst , office ' , : northwest corncr ofROiLlty lock. . 8-1 tf. ; . " For insurance. ane1 real cQtntc 1 go to Moore & Tnylor , in Rcalty Block. ' ; Boarders wanted at Mrs. Eva Martin's. Screen doors furnished and hung Cor $2. D. E. BAUDRR. 14'oR A fresh milch , SArfJ " " ' : gOOt1 cow. S. M. DORRIS. Farms for sale aile ! lands for rent. Now is the time to get.a. . farm cheap , as the cheap farms. . are all goin , and prices arc advancing - vancing rapully.-J. G. Brenier. 14'oR SAI.U OK 'rRADU-ToWI1' lots amI a few five acre l1ts in ' this city , for cnttle , horses'or ' fa.rm. laneI.-Allen cYl1er. , Several good farms for snle at a b.argain , including my own.- Jnssn GANDY , 44 tf Money to loan on improvel farms.-Moore & Tuylol' , Renlty mock. 1-23 tf Lubricating oils of all kinds at Wilkin's drug store. . , FOR SA .n-One : to } > buggy , nearly new ; one lumber wagon , at 111) ' farm 12-16..20-Frank' Norton. 46tf W AN'ruu-By gcntleman fuen- ished r00111 or roOt 1 atHl hoard. Enquire at this o ke 5-15 d . . . - - - - Do not fail to hear Eli Perkins at the opera house May 31. 49-S0 li'oR l nN'1'-A : double room 011 sec ncl floor' of the Custer block. Enquire at this o cc. Pepsin Gum , two packages for a nickel atVi1kin ' Pharmncy , Get your tickets early for th.e lectures Sat rday night , . May 3J' , at tha Oplra Houie. ! 49-50 I li'olt SAI.n-Five acres of la d ill good state of cultivation a - joining Brolten Bow for $200. Inquirc at this office , 3..27 ' f Dierks 14umber.Co. has in stock a car load of finc cedar posts for the t.radc. Shallow gravcl wells mnde and guarantecd hy Frank Kelsey. 47-4 - I Dr. St. ) 'mour will l1 'ain favor Brokcn How with a visit on li'ri- day , Junc ( , . 47-51 For Wall Paper Go t J. C. Bowen's. Fou SAI.u-Lots 1 , 2 , 7 and 8 , block 5 , in Jewett's addition to Broken Bow. Enquireo at this ofiice. 11-21 tf - Hpl'luar " "meala There 5 an aching and tired feeling ; the liver , bowels and kidners : become slu gish and inactive - active , the digestion impaired , with"liUla or no appetite , no ambition for anything , and Jl. feeling that the whole body and mind needs toning up. l.'he trouble is , that during winter , there has been an accun1\llation of waste matter in the systcm. I1erbine will remove it , secure to the secretions a right exit , and : . by its tonic effect , fully restore the wastcd tissues and g \ c strength in place of weakness. al Ed. McComas' , Broken Bow' and Merna. . , . . , ' . ' " .Jj. , l' 'Gi J