Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 15, 1902, Image 8

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    . " . " " " . . - .
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fi } . Baking Powder
. .
. .
, Most healthful
leavener in
the world.
. Goes farther.
- " , . . . . . . , . . . . . . . - - - -
- - - - - - -
A 'l'rel' 1)1i. ' . 11 fO 'lon'R I"IIIOI'J
- - -
Friday evening' after the close
school th < : hooJ / hi1dren of the
Broken Bow schOlJ : ) , headed with
fife and. drum and colors flying
marched to the public square
undex the escort 01 their several
teachers to parcipate in the planting -
ing of a tree to the memory of
Hon. J. Sterling Morton , the
author of Arbour Day.
r . The tree had becn sent to
Willis Cadwell the day prevous
f om Nebraska City by Ex-Govern-
or Furnas Secretary of the state
. brricultural Society and also
Secretary.of the State Historical
Society of which Mr. : Morton \yas
the founder and President at the
tune'of his death. Gov. li'urnas
reeluested that the tree be planted - '
ed in honor of the mcmor ) ' of Mr.
. , . ' - Morton. 'l'he tree. is a cork
. . . elu,1. . .
'With th pupils of tlJe school
. . assembled il number of the
. citizens of the town to add their
presence to the histor ) ' making
Mayor Purcell stated the object
of the assembl ge and introd.uced
Prof. Macy , principal of the
Brokcn Bow schools. He gave a
short address on the life of our
, lamented and distingushed citi-
cns. At the conclusion of the
address the school sang art appropriate -
propriate song under the leadership -
ship or'Mrs. . A. II. Stuckey.
The mayor designateel 'Wlllis
; ' , MRS. L. S. ADAMS.
O. GI\I".tOIl , TOJU" ' .
"Wine of Cardulls Indud a blwln
it > > tired women. tlavln .uHertd for
leven ) ltAr. with weakness and bear.
Ing.down paIns , and .hlvlng lrltd .ev.
uAI dodorl 'and dlrfcrent remedies
wnh no .uccess , your Wine of Cardul
was the only thing which helped me ,
and cventu lly cured me Ihurned to
build up the wuk parts , strengthen
the st m and corl'tct Irregularities. "
Dy "tired women" } [ rs. AdlUU8
means uervous women who have
, disordered U10n5e8 , { illing of the
womb , omrinn troubles or nny of
these nl11uent9 thBt " , 'omen hnvo.
You can cure YQJ.U'solfnthomowiU ,
this-Rreat women'lI remedy , 'Vino
ot Cnrdui. Wine of Cnr ui Ima
cwed thousands of cases which
doctors have fniJed to bonoflt. Wb ) '
not begin to got wen today ? All
dmggi9t have $1.00 boltlcs. For
. nllY sto1J1nch , liver or bowel disorder -
der Thedford's Dlnclc-Drnught
should be used.
Fond11ce and IIl < < atnre addreu Irt 11M
1JU1jloDIi. 'ltlO lAdJe".AdvtlO ! ) ' Ueparl-
mcn The . . ,
L OlJaitanOOtra .Medlclne Co.
Cbammoo Tenn.
_ . ' . . . " ' . . . - . . . " , . it. . ( .
. . , . " ' . . . , . . . . ' . . . . . > _ . . . ' .
. . - . . . , . . - . . . . ' . , . , . - - . . . '
. . . . . . . . . . .
. I'JJ1'J1" ' ' . . ' ' - - , ' - -
nc.1t. " " ! ! r'- ' ' : ! :
CHlw : l1 , J4' H , JCW H unci D. oM.
Am8berry 11 committee to plant
the tree.
'When this was clone A. H.
Humphrey gave an addrcss , giving -
ing a splendid historical review
of the life of Mr. Morton and his
public achcivements since locating -
ing on the territory of Nebraska
in 1854.
JCSIIO lIe ! ! } 'oUIHllho Idcnll"noo.
- -
Mauy J'ormcl' : tuslcrltrl ! Wllb 11Im. .
EdisOJlVash. . , Mn ) ' 5 , 1902.-
Mr. D. M. AJltlibcrr- , AR
Sm-Please : change my paper
from Mason City , Nebraska , to
Edison , Wash.
We landed April 25 , 1902 , in
what lool { ! ) to be one of the finest
fruit and small grain countrics in
the United States. Fruit trees
of every description are in full
bloom. We arc to1c1 that tame
hay makes thrce to seven tons
per acre , and it is worth $8 to
$16 per ton. Potatoes make
about 300 bushels per acre and
arc worth sixty to cighty cents
per bushel any timc. Cows. are
worth $35 to $75 per head , and
horses $75 to $500 pcr team.
'Wagons are worth $115 , but they I
are good ones. Flour $1.00 per
sack ; mcet , 15c per pound. All
groceries are as chcn p and some
are cheaper than thcy are in Cus-
ter county. Wages tlre $1.50 to
$4.00 a d y , according to what
you work , at. Farm hands gets
$2.00 a day. Nobody is idle here
unless hc wants to be. House
rent is very cheap. I have seven
acres of land , a six room house ,
a large barn and out buildings of
every kind , about 100 fruit trecs
'of 'every kind , except peaches and
I pay $60 per year. Cedar , pine ,
spruce and fir arc the l > rincipal
timbcr here. You may lOt be-
lievc it , but somc of the trees
arc tcn feet in diameter and 300
feet high. Wood is our fuel and
it is free. We are six miles from
the G. N. R. R. , but they have a
grade through this valley and
will run trains ovcr it b ' July 1 ,
1902. The May Queen , ; 1 small boat comes in 3. . quarter of
a mile of U8. Their landing , is
Edison. All Idnds of mi11s and
and industries are in full blast.
\Ve hived a swarm of bees today ,
and we have a very sore place behind -
hind each of our cars. Bees do
well here. Every body are COll-
tented { l11d happy here. L. D.
Shadle and family arrivcd here
May 3. Thcre were twenty-four
Nebraska l > eople that took dinner -
ner with Mr. and Mrs. Ii' . C.
Deiter , a former Custer county
family , May 4.Ve had an ex-
ccllent dinncr. , Yours truly ,
J. D. AMsmnmv.
For TboNe 'Vho LIYC ou II'n. . . . . . . .
Dr. Bergin , Pan a , Ills. , writes :
"I have used Ballard's Snow
L111imentj always recommend H
to my frien s , as I am confiden1
there is no bctter made. It is 1
dandy' for burns. " 'l'hosc whe
live on farms arc espccia1lyliabh
to many accidcntal cuts , burn !
and bruises , whid1 Ileal rapidl )
when Ballard's Snow Liniment i
applied. It should always Q (
kept in the house for cases 0
emcrgenc ) ' . 25c , 50c an $1.01
at Ed. McComas' , Broken Bo\ '
and Merna.
DIG 1I0lUtC B , Uti N.
Are ) 'ou interested in the Dig 1I0r
lInsln of W'oming ?
ILq n rich but undevelopl'C.l portion (
NorthwcstemVyomlng. . It contaitl
I marvellous openings for small rnncht
along good strcams in the vall ys , wit' '
one mi11lon acres of govcnnneut Ian
open to settlement under the Uunite
States Land I.nws ,
'I'he Durllngton Route hns just imh1sl !
ed n folder descriptive of the Dig Her
asln. It is illustrated nd contains 1\
nccnrate map. It .tens about the lny (
the lnnd , character of the soil , product !
) 'Icld , irrigation and opportunities ,
If ) 'ou're interested , better , rite for
copy. It's free. J. } ? RANCJS ,
General Passenger Agent.
42-50 , Omuhn , N br.
" ! OW.
, Alwav have the bo t quality ( J
Lumber and other building \1111
I torials at the Lowest Piece ,
. : : J ; 'Phone No. 10.
. Ii
\ : \ C. R. JUDKINS , Manager.
. . . < , " . . , - . . _ ' . " " ' . . . . . . . . . .
. . .
, : : : ; : : > i t J'HUH' "l' CS are cuuW " " . "v. 'U . . -
\ . age.4 ( ) lJer cent ef tbe premium lucomtotbcr ) we lon , to Ollcn the hKek dee
_ In 4ficl.l et the & .oartl et uader. a kHrse for. all .Ude It "taUT in ,
, , . . . . . . , , . , , . . , , . . . " ' . _ . . . _ _ . . , .
" : . : r _ - , . . . ' . . , . : ' " . - , . . _ _ . : . . : . < -r _ : : : - - - - . UJ. - - . ' - . ,
. . . .
. . . . . . . . . . , . , . .
- , - . . . . - - . . . I , . . - - . . . . . . . " , . . . - . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . , . - - . . . .
. . . . _ . - . , . ; . ' . . . . . . - . , . . . . . . . . . . . - -
WWt" " , - .1--l IIIT - . . . . _ _ _ _ . _ . . , J
1\IJI.IU'RN. .
C. A , SII'lter has tba best ll lca ! of
l11faUn in thlll countr } ' .
Your reporter hl\l too much other IJsi -
ness lnst week to wrilc. ,
Supervisor A , Ualty WCllt to lIrokcn
1I0w this weck to attCllel to counly busl-
Mrs. Clara Clark of C1rninfal1j Kiln" ( \
sistcr of Mrs. Swcngie is visiting at
II. II. Copps nn Re , ' . 'fh mnY Evans
of lIl'ewstertook illMHburu ) 'esterday on
their way to lIrokcn now ,
Sutton Peters went to Omahu this week
to tnkc lccelcy cure. Mrs , A. DnH ) ' nc-
corupanlng him ; she expect. to make a
good boy of her littlc brother.
'fhe county has been blessed with
enc of the finest ruins of thc season fol.
lowed hy pleasnnt wnt'm wcather. Every
thing is growing r pidly IInd the little I
flowers . arc out to we1com the glorous. ; I .
suns I 11IIC. :
- I
CooJler nnd Deal arc farming Inrgely.
AU. is getting to the front in good shupe.
Curt Dean will stop on the homcstc d
with his mothr ; don't know his furthcr
purpose : ! .
E , W. } ) rcttymnn is rushing around
caring for the cattle ; he will plant a lllrge
ncrcgc of corn.
1\1. Conley is planting a large acr gc of
corn nnd has planted a large garden IInd
truck , melons and such.
G. W. Jeadly infonns us that 'he has
planted 40 acres of com nnd will c1o'somc
brenking : says his health is poor.
M. n. Egleston hns consi erable land
broke , n well and wind mill. l\li1et was
only here one yenr but he is getting
L. II. McCullns . usual is fnrming a big
lot 01 ground , H has a Inrge hean1 of
cattle. You seldom see Mack silting on
the slorc boxes at the 110whittling. .
George Pelke ) ' is busy fannillg. He
nl\\'n's hns corn nnd potatoies to sell a11l1
keep. 'fhe mndam is busy in her gnr en
when not writing up Woman SufTrage ,
W. S. Birge has huilt an addition to
his frame house : will plant one .hundrcd
acres of corn , sowed fifty bushels of oats ,
but best of all he has recovered his health
recovcred his health us he was severely
nfTccted with Asthnmn when he left Iowa
one ycar ago ,
Jtopubllca County 'Vontralommlttco
A meeting of the County Ccn-
tral Committee was 11cld in Broken -
ken Bow Saturday , May 10 , 1902 ,
at 2 p. m. The mceting was
called to order by the Chairman ,
Alpha Morgan. Roll call show-
cd nintcen townships rcprcsent-
ed. ' There appearing three
v cancics in townships caused by. .
removals , the following. named
gentleman were elected to fill the
vacancies of their respective
townships : Loup , Lon Davis of
Georgetown ; Lil ian , J. S. McGraw -
Graw of Gatesj Wayne , Jas.
Byerly of Etna. Moved and
carried that the '
County' convention -
tion be held Tuesday , June 3 , in
Broken Bow at 11 o' loc1c for the
purpose of placing in nomination
a candidate for county attorncy
and the elcction of delegatcs. to
the state , congressional , senatorial -
ial and represcntative conventions
and for the transaction of such
other business as may be requir-
ed. On motion the hasis of representation -
resentation established for
the several townships is one
; delegate at large and one for
: ) ' ach ten votes , half or major
fraction cast therein , 1901 for
Hon. S. H. Sedgwick for member
of the suprcme court. It was recommended -
ommended that the primarics Jl
the sevcral townshils { bc held
Ma ) ' 29 or 31. On motion Hon.
n F. M. Currie was elccted temporary -
porary chairman of the count }
convention. ' ! 'he report of the
secretary and treasurer showe (
that all bills for 1901 had beel
provided for from a local fuuc'
and there was no outstanding in
debtedncss for last ) 'ear.
Lubricating oils of all kinds a
ItVilkin's drug store.
8prlnll : ll cutM.
'rhcre is an aching and tire !
feelingj the liver , bowels ant
kidneys become sluggish and in
nc.tive , . the digcstion . impaired
with htUe or no appetite , 11 <
ambition for anything , and :
feeling that the whole body ani
miml nceds toning up. Th
trouble is , that tIuring winte !
there 1ms been an ncculltulatio
of wastc matter in the systeu
Herbinc will rcmove it , secure t
the s cretions a right exit , an
by its tonic cffect , fully restOt
the wasted tissues and giv
strength in place of weaknesl
SOc atEe1. McComJls' , BrokcnBo'
and Merna.
Ir ot J : ; ; ; tno"uti'rl b tbu tllo p
it 141
1urck la New York attended
, -
- . , . . - - - - - - . - . - , . . . . , . . - . . . . , - . . . - _ - . . - .
- . - . . - . . . . . . " " ' - . . . . . . - . - . . . . . . . . . - . .
. _ . . . . . . - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ' ' 1W . , . . . . "
. . '
. -f" . . _ .h. . .r --p. . . . T- - . . _ _ u , .
Smntl.l'ox ( ! lIatllltillO , .
Dr. C. Pic1tctt worltcc1 a surprise -
prise on the community b ) ' developing -
oping a genuine case of smallpox -
pox last Sunday in thc person of
hit11 elf. He had been complaining -
ing three or four days with what
he supposed was' thc LaGrippe ,
before the disease had devloped
enough to he properly diagnosed. .
Feeling indisposed , fortunately ,
he hac1not heen down town sitice
'l'hursclay , an the number cx-
posed were comparatively few.
As soon as the city health officer -
ficer , Dr. C. L. Mullins , ascertained - -
tained Sunday that Dr. Pickett
had the small pox , he proceedcd
to force a strict qU lrh.1 ine to
prevent any further spread thait
possible. lIe ahcl his family ,
which consisted of his wife ,
daughter , son , Claude , and Miss
Ferris , teache.r in th hi gh
school , were pl c d UJider quarin-
tine. Harra Osborn , Paul Hum-
phrey and James \Vhiteheadwho
had been at t hc Doctor's house
on Sunday , 14ute .Sheppard , who
had delivered goods at the hou e ,
Sam ClaJton and Bob Brindle ,
who had rode in thc buggy with
the Doctor 'rl1Ursday , were' all
prvmpUy quarintined. In rder-
to lessen the inconvenience , Paul'
Humphrey took up his abed at
W. H. Osbort 's with Harra , and
Eddie Osborn went to Mr. Hum-
phrey's , ancl 'V. H. Os horn , r. ,
wcnt to his son , James. 80 in
the two families oljly the two.
boys exposed and Mrs. Osborn
are under quarintine. It is to
be hoped by the prompt act'oi1. . of
the health officer that the sprcad
of the disease will be stopped and
that 110 more cases will develope.
We undcrstand that Dr. Pickett
is having quite a severe case'of
it , but he is not at all dangerous ,
Sugar ncct Experlmel1t. .
The Nelraslm Experiment Station -
tion has just issued Bulletin No.
73 , which gives the results of a I
number of expcriments iu the production -
duction of sugar bects. The bul-
lehn may bc had free of cost by
rcsidents of State upon writing
to the Agricultural Experinlcnt
Station , lincoln , Nebraska.
SEND NUt TIIRII N.\-I :118. :
. _ _ I
Send mc the mldress of ) 'our fri cnds
who might he inlluced to move to Ne.
braskn and I will mail them our ncw 48
pnge hook dcscriptive 0 f Ncbraska's
agricultural resources and its unbounded
opportunities. 'l'he book is illustrated
with Nebraskn fann sccns , und is sup.
plemcnted with a sectionnl map of the
stnte. It will hclp bring auy home-sceker
to Nebraska. ] . PRANCIS ,
Geueral Passenger Agcnt ,
44-50 Omaha , Ncbr.
CU"CS 'VI\cn Doctor. . Fan
Mrs. Frank Chiasson , Patterson -
son , La. , writes Junc 8th , 1901 :
"I had malaria fever in very bad
form , 'was under treatmelit by
doctors but as soon as I stoppcd
taldn g their medicine the fcver
would return. I used a sample
bottlc of Herbinc , found it help-
edme. Then bought two bottlcs
which completely cured me. ' I
feel grateful 'to ' you for furnishing -
ing Ruch , a splcnchd medicine , and
can honcstll recommcnd it to
those suffering from malaria , as
it will surely cure -them. " Her-
bine , 50c bottles at Ed. McComas . . ,
Broke n Bow and Mcrna. .
l 11".1" nA.TI\:4 : RAitT.
VII. Dllrllnaton Jl.outc. !
One fare for the round trip to . . Harris-
. hurg , PII. , May J4 to J9.
Retum limit June 30. .
'rickets g00l1 via Chicago or St , Louis.
A grent opportunity to visit the enst ,
Half rntcs from Harrisbucg to I.oints
in l'enns'lvania , Ma11'lnnd aull.Dtstrict
of Columbia , May 2J to 24.
Ask the Durliugton agent , 46-48
- . . 8
t This slgnaturo f8 on every box or the genuIne
LaXB.tive Bromo"Quinine Tablets
the remedy th" oO 1'eIII 8 colli ta ORO dll7
- - - -
Anyone lendlnll a IlLctl'b Rill' ( ' ( ' ' mil'
! lulcltl , alcortal. . onr o(1lnlon free ' " .etl''Jr IW .
i. I..Tllutlon II probablY 11/\14'lltll" " " Cou"lHllIh'
. , ' .
Uonlltrlctlrt'OUUdcuHlIl. 11lUulhIOIH1ul'.JllenU
o lent free. Uldell I1JlCIU'r for 101'1111111 { ) " " 011I0.
1'lItllnlll taitlJU thftHlllh )1111"1 \ l u. leI IVf
( 1 11'11' ' ' ' ' noUlI.1"0111 \ chAr ! ; ! } . lit tI.1)
: e Stl ntifi Jltn rlcln. . .
c A 1'&J\dlomely. Uln.tntt' < 1 mwILI. . . 1."r"r . 1 . .Ir
S. eulAtlon ( It an , , , ' 101111110' Jlurllilt. ' 1' . " , . Ii
'Nif &IC :3 : ; N 3Vi' ' "
UIIWC e"lIeu. ca. } , ' 8t. . Wuhlu.lll'lI I. \ .
' rllltl1t. It JOu're beglal4lng tno hUnt'
or'l toea ter Jo--PkUadetpWa Recerd.
- .
- - . - . - . . - " . . " - . - "
. . . . . . .
- - - - - - - . -
- -
. . . . " ' " ---------.r : :
" 'I''J. ' . ! . . . 1.1"'y . . .I ' I " , , " , "
, .
. , . " . .L. . . . .t. . . . - . . - - . . . . , .
. . , AI
- - - -
Oue-lialf ante. .
- -
Onlnhn RI\lt \ Return : Mny 21 , 22 aUtt 3 ,
Vin Burlinglon Rdule.
Stllte Hucmnpmcnt n. A ! R.
Ask the nearest ngcnt Hurllnlrton
Roule. 45-49
r ' ' .
In the rnlliler ot tbe apl'Ur.aUonof Airred Fonda
ror lI'1uur IIcen n.
Thill Ie to ceruty that AUre11 I'onlill IIled It
petition lila , H , IIln. wllh the aconnty clurk of
UIIJler county. NelJra ke , at rellIlrell by tbo
, "atou-I'or fiuhr.ll8ka. prll'lD tbat" IIclJ"'u m.y
110 granted to hi m the lIaltl Alfred Fondll , to .ell
malt /Iud 1IIIrltuuII OM vlnQo. IIquorll ror the
lI.elll yellr l'nlllnJt May I. 1'IOt : , In block 4 or tbe
uulncnrlloaloIITIIIIIJ1I ot Ocouw , In Wonl \ Itlver
townablp , In ( n.ler connty , Nebraeka , and tb't"
MarluA npon . .aid potltlon Lefort ! tbo board of
11111 enl orll or lIld connty III Dllke1 tOl on or rter
Jnllo II , IIMr.llIlbn laid board of uponhora may
.lIrcct. lS"-Ar. ( JEO.W F.WBT.1l1nty Clork.
4SoW-GO lIy JOR. J'UIIAN , Deputy.
- - - - ' -
- -
We Are Better Prepared For
Business than Ever-
PEnOnnON DHVLANDO-l'edlg"eed ;
BLAOK ! . 2,000 poundll. Bonlee reCII , S5 to $12.
MAlNR-lllgb Orado Porcheooi
GLOmE 1,800 ponnda. '
LOGAN-Five reare oldi brown ; 11Igh Grade
Shlrei , yelgbt , , ( , ( ( ) pouudl.
Fox. . . Right yeArs ohl bay i 11Igh . Morgan and
01'110 ; woljht.lroG Iionnoa.
PnINOG-'Ical ! ' brown j pacer nod IroUer jwelgbt
J .125 pound8. .
The FdurOnadoBervlco Feea $3,00 to $8.00.
Come and see
. OUR ] 'ACK.S.
: la a Mammoth Jack , 3'1ear8
old JUly 41b , 1\1(12 \ , nnd Id tbe largeet. but bon-
011 Jack 01 bls aWl In Ibeso I\SIrl8 : a good performer -
former and aure breedor. Senloe teee , 5 to $ UJ.
18 a Mammoth Jack , ntber smaill but a
Iroat brocller 01 larae. atll1eh moles ,
.Servlce rcea : from $3 to $8.
There Is no beltor Investment tbau brcCl\lng . \
moles aa Ihe market 18 t.'l.klnl ; any age. .ltey are
sCArce and Lhey will go hlgbor. .
'they will make the SOlSOD of 1002 at Lbe old
Slar rccdlu Dorn. north or rallroal. ! IIrokon
Bowt NebraRka. Comu and eee our atock berore
breeolnr. , We are hero ror boslnes/ ! Bud to etAy.
Principle Owner and Managor.
I _ .
- -
- - - -
ffii ! 1
r Business and m
m Professional Directory. .
Glff P0cYS . u clZ.l1 l'S
Rooms Band 9 , Realty Dlock , BrokeD Dow , Neb.
W-Plnnll alld ellLIJoato on hortnollce.
Jlroken Dow , NebraRka.
J. 'J. SNYDEH , "
. .
ill 1D iDrnl"l [ } , } ill 1 m.1l.ANl , OTARY PUBLIC ,
alao Juallce o [ Ihe Ponco. Bpedallllt ntun IIl1'en
to collecllon8 lel'O/llllon8 : tnk'D , Ilenlloll voncb _
orll neatly executed 1nlll\1I klndl of legal paplJrs
wrltteu. onlco In the rear of lIank of Commerco.
Dloium Bow. Nebrnaka.
i' , - > ) , ' " , ' , . . ' . "
: . ' .
' , ' " " \
. '
. . . . . . . . . " , , . , \ \ ,
" . - _ r - ---NO 1' I
H. JEli'FORDS , ' . t
C ti i
J' > 1)JIZ.J Jlbshcfcz.p : , ,
Abltractll'romptlv Jl'urnlahed. Your I1ulloell
"ollclted 01l1c8 In Rank of Commetco Dulldln , . . ' "
8rokoo Dow , NebraA. . . . . I
Repairil f R I If t'c1ass II
IItnnncr. l'low work nnd horse shoeing
n apecialt . Rcmcmber the locutlou- .
the new shop W:5t of COl1l1ncr fltl
h01ly : t1
Physician & SUI'geOn.
omco In rear of tb n.nk of Commerco. Relt.
donco 0111 bollle weU or the lIapUlt churcb. ,
Broken Dow , Nebraaka.
.S.M. . DORRIS , I 1 "
. .
mlo bml\lllaQ \ I
AI. kinds or work In onr line done prompUr .
and In I1rat.I IIs orller. I'IrRed Sbop on the
corner weet oithe hOlD 1I0118e. ,
GIVU Vet A. TR..A. . . . . .
Droken Dow , - _ - - N bralh.
DR. C. L. AI UI4LE 5 ,
Ph ysician Surgeou.
2nd . .stairway from 'l\"e t end lu Really Dlock ;
relldenco. ard W01t .J . cbnroh. on Bamo .Id ,
of IIreet. W"nroken Do , . , Nebraeka.
W. E. DAKEn.Peop.
For a oclnillamo orplOl. atr : orth at' RlrtlD-
LIOAN Offioe , Broken Ow , Nebraska.
i C TY BARBER SR P , _ .
II. O.llUTTON , Proprietor ,
Flrat-ola.a work. ! tear 'fl oD' of rokon . Bow
Btate Uanlr , lJroken Dow. NobrAska.
-Proprietor or- ,
HeltaDrnnt.t Lunch ConDter. LnrKO allortment
of Confnottonarlo , Olgar" and Tobacco. . North . . .
! lIdo of Public SQuare , Droken Bow. Nc rl8h. " " " " ' \
. . .
IIB'W ! l' _ e. . ek.lI' .
lUottt y = af = Jaw ,
Uroken Dow. Nebraska.
I.D. . < : } IJAZEJ' .
. . . . . .Dealer ID. . . . .
Granite , ForeliD and Jllllerican : Marbl. . .
Ornament ? ! Work a Speci ltf. f
Broken 8ow , - - - Nebraska.
C , .
McCLun. . Prop.
RYII Flour , Dnc.kwbeat. Orab..m , Feed , eto.
DR. T. 1.4. FARN WOltTH ,
. , . .
-01l1ce Over Swan'.Orocery.
O.f.I. . CONRAD ,
. . . . . .Dealer in. . . . . .
Pumps. Wind M1I\a \ , Tanka. Flttlng.Osaollllo
En ll\.e8 \ . , 010" etc. ,
Droken Dow , Nebraska.
, ' .
Floe Inelructlons J10w to take and develop t
lllctnre with oTer1 camera lold.
Ftnlshlng done for .matllr"B.
Latest Styles in Photo rapbs.
E.tabUlbed In 1801.
DftS. R. O & .w , E. 'l'AI 01\ .
OlI1oe over llaeberle'll Drug Btore ,
Drokern Dow. . , - Nohral . .
DU , .J. E. SNYDER , -
Osteopathic Physician.
rromco over S-an' . Grocery Btor6 , 1100fa-
( ju. m. 1.0 J2 moO and : : to 4 II. m. ResldenClo-
Gran. . Qenlr"1 floLel. Chronlo Cllle. . . A Spoolalty.
C)1'J : B.A.El.JSrESS. : : - '
I .
For' the last three years I have been over-stoclecl on farm
harness. This fnct puts mc in a position to sell all harness at 10
per cent. less than the marlct value. I have a good farm harness
at the surprisingly low l > rice of 520.00 , worth $22.00 , and at $21.00 ,
I worth 522.50. Others at the same low , .alue up to $30,00.
, . New Line of .Farm Implements , '
Sulkc ) ' plows , . Disc harrows ,
Thrce wheel Climax Listers , Steel pipe harrows ,
\Valldug and riding cultivators , A J11e and Champion mowers ,
Fuller nd Johnson buggies , Grand Island Hog fence ,
\Vagons , . Barb wire ,
. . " . Cook stovcs , and Nails , .
Quic1t Meal ranges , Cutler ) ' , '
Tinware , and a complete line of shelf hardware.
Alfalfa , Milet and Cane Seed.
. OUR MOTTO--Under : Sell. ,
West SideS quare , Broken Bow , Nebraska.
. . . . . . .
\f8 I - - - - -
) . C > ' _ .