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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1902)
' . - - . . _ , . " f.t , . . . . . " " ' : ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ; . . . - . , , , " , 1" . . - . , - - - - - - - - - - - , I. I.I I . I , , I ; . 1 " r' , .f 1il .OW. . . . " : ; 7. " " : .1'-1 ' . / ( lV'J , . . -.1' - - ' I . , . \L" 11 - ; ; ; . II . - :0.rrtt P _ ' . . . ) . . ' - . , / . , - - - = = - ' J _ 1 : - --.a , - . - . . II lI"fII'u'll ! Cln\'cr Cutter. A simple 1\'lcc If ! hl'rt' IIhOWII ror , , "uttlug Jt\eu CooII ror IlOuItry thnt nt'c olllhICd. 'I'hl' IIh'l1 IN cll'lIrly shown I 1n the IIltllltl'lItlon. IItHl little ' fJ , . tloll 114 I1CCI ! oIIIIII' ' . eXPllll1n'j \ - - . ' , An 0111 tll1.llt. that I ! ! Rtron nlll. ! firln , , ( m Its Ceet. III IIttl'l1 with II Hllunre hough with U Hlol ( 'ut III It. nA Rhown. " .tit tJKurl' a , whtl'h tthl,11 thr kllife llhllle. FI l\rt' I flhowR how till' 1'1111 of the Iwlrl' 1M httUJ : to IIn uprlJht 1IIt'I'C 110 litt'd thlll Ihe ( ' 1111 of the kllire'ol'I \ 1I III I hi' . , Iot itA "hawn , ( o'1 - . \\1'1' 2 Is II hn IId ' lltth. tool 111/\111' / of It tJlock oC wooll Hlx luchR flllttnre wllh n Jlltllclle of cOII\1'1I11'1It 11'1I th. the tool heltl us I'd to push elo\'lr ! or otht'r rcen teed to bt' cut utllll'r the kilife. I -nlld tlUIK \'old nllY ( JU/slbllIty / or In. ' ' to tht' ' jUt' ) ollt'rntor 'l'ho Imlfl' If ! fn hlolled from n pll'rc 'of nil old "c .the hllldl' g'I'oulld Rhnrp. \ alld lIS fitted Into n hnlll1le oC COII\'C' Illl'lIt sIze 11I111 flllnll ( ! . 1"I lIre" III the , tlluutmtlon IIho\\'s the mallller In whlcb - - . . , , ( { : . . . - : = be slot nhouhl be cut In the bon 1'11 , . I\I throtlh ; wblch the Imlre Is 10 1'\111'1 , . ' 1'bI8 tlm'lce 11I11 , ) ' be rl'filllly . ' :1shloTled at hOllle by I1I1Y olle who Is t till hnlldy with lools. 1111I1 by Cllt- tlu/ / . ; the roots IIl1d clo\'er for fowls ltl1e greatest ( eedlllg"alue Is o1.ltuhll ! . - - Spray Thorf'lttlhly , Secure ft oed Hllhstnlltllli prnyln outfit this ! ! III'III IIl1d spray thol'oll hly Slll'n'III hlll ( dOllc Is hlllor lost. The ( JUler hlll ( lIIenllS [ lolIslllly II little 1II0l'I ! 111\'C1 > led III the olltfIt , nnd 110 1II0rl' In. 1101' . A force 1)\\11I11 III II hnl'l'Cl. which < < lIould bl' mOllnted 011 II trucl or el1r- rled In a Wllgon , Is slIlIIclellt ror n 1l1U1I1I 'creban1. ' The cost will be IIhout $ ; ; to U. wlthottt the trllt'k. 1"01' lurgeor - . .churds'n ell SI"'I1 ' ( 'rs IIrc II1l1de. ' ' ' 'here the wlwels lIutlll ) IIlr to ( orce the I flb'cUIII. Also stell III out/Its / that ClIm- ' ' 'tnute the manllnl lahor o ( IJUIII pillg , I . , I'hcsc c st from $ i IIIWllrl1. Ir , ) 'ou I ! In'C only 1\ few trel'S 1hl'I1I8 hllclcet f "flprnjel' will hI' sulllcll'nt , cost IIhout $3. For n fOw bUilhL'S thl're Iii notblllg bet. ' 'tel' thnu the IIUtIlIl hlu\1 oprn'er or atomizers , ( "ostlllg 50 cents to $1. or on .ft Inl'gcr seale the comllrcssed nlr hand illJnI'ers COStlll froUl . : m to $ U.m I ncb. Tbese SIrn'lI's , CUll UKUl1l1y be o1.ltn Inee ] from dlnlers III hard WIlI'C , .fIgrlcultuml 1111 1)111I on t9. seew.wen. , < < e I.'nrmlng. , , ConTcnlont Fly-\Vhect. A fly whecl 011 the fnrm Is a greftt -con\'enleuce at times ror such ( lur- > > osca us 'helping ' keCI ) the churn In II I I , re ular. motion. or I the hllnd Rel :1I'ator. or the grindstone. I where one must Jrllld .r . u8ln It . treadle ( or foot power. III tbe Int- tel' cuse. a Uy' ' wltl'el will t'uuse the Klolle to rUD Vry evenly. Our sketch Khows a cast-off. ben \'Y fU\"In c\I.twheel , . moullted nlld retuly for uusllleNIi. Smull 8trlls of hard wool ! gcruwcd to the rhn Icecp lite bnlld from comlll ! ; off. Thc plan of settlllg Ul the wheel 19 ,1)lnllll , sltown. Where the rim of the , , "heel used Is of 8ullleleltt tlllcko'KIJ , t old 11'011 ttre enll be reUlo\'ed nud a \'cry tltlck. bllt lIut'row. ttru Ilut UpOIl tJoth edgl'H or the 1'1 I ' tn , ell \'llIg n . hallce tor the ImUil to rUII bctwel'u them. In the CUBe of a caRt-olY curt- heel ! plan would nllswer adUllrn- .b1y.-C. G. Hili. 10 1.'I1I'm nnd [ lOUIO. , ProOt. In Strow'berry Growlu ! : . ; Quite Itl Ihl ! ! with tltc more apllro\'cd : . - . . . . . . 1nethods of culturc Is Ihe Idea .that to get the best results from the stm\\ ' . / berry plantntloll "otlle care must he I rlven ; to the prelJnrlltloll or the groulld I long Llerore the Illnuts nrc 10 be KCt. 'rile old plnD III to set the plants on nn ) ' JI11J they ballpen to ha'C 110 Irullledlati' Olle for. and pick the ft'ult the first .en801l. 'I'he bt'St Inlld for strl : wberrle > > ' 18 thut wblch Itus Iwen In sod , aud to " ' prepare such' Inlld It rhlJuhl he pll1l1lt'd to flome hoed crop like corn for' two renrs Lleforc stl'uwhcrry plants nre 6tH. 'l'hls 1ft necessnry In ord r 10 rid the 8011 , or Ih , , 'hlte Jruh. the Jrea est cnern ) ' . or tho.atrnwberry pia lit. Altaln In Favor. Montana hus Ihe alfalra fever. Tht' Northwest I.lve Stocl. nll Wool Grow , ers' Journnl surs : "The .Inr ! ' numh'r .of prlzt's cnrrlt"(1 home from the Inter oatlounl'e stock show nt OhlclIo ! by lIlIneflotu Is Ilroof that IItock call be grown' And fattell at R Ilront oUlsld. . , , ' , the c.nt bel& . It baa beea CODunded Cor , t" ' " : \ . . . . . . . ' " . . . , I tl. . ' r,1. . -L , \ - . t\ : ; , . . . . . " " ' _ : oI , f-- . . Vt , ' . . t . . . " " , . ' ' , oj I . . -wt. , , " , , , ' -t' J" ' " , 't ' \1- , ' , - . . - . . I . " . / " Jt , 1 : " ; ; " . ' , . te. " . . _ . ' . , . . J. , , ' , - - . \lI\I'H Ihal UIII ! wnR IInprlIcllblc. . nnd thnt till' eOI'll Iwlt hud n lIIollopoly on till' fl'CIIIIIJ ; hURhIC811. HOWC\'Ir. ! St.'ltc outRIde till. ' l'orll ! It'lt h.'l'e roulll1 other teel1 ! ! Ihnt nre lulte ] n l'lll'lIply , : ro\rn ntlll 111'1' quitI' nK I'lliclelli In becf-mnle. III nil l'orn. WO nre tlohlJ { well Illre ! wllh nlfl1lfll , tllltl ell ht 10 do mu1t hct. tel' . Utnh Is tnnl llI I.tlpld progrclI. with h1l'11rn. nlllilIl1l1caotn : of lat4 "I'lIrs , urtf'r 111'111' ' ; toltl h ' lhe rllllrOlld ! whll t 10 do , III now cnlTylnJ ; th WI11 rlltht Into 111 ( ' ( 'ornlll'll1 and wIns hon. ors th.'lt nre t'1It1rely l'onvltlcln thnl Ol'e'on. ; Utnlt. Golnrndo , Wyomln \\'u ! < ! hlllJIOII.Iolltnlln. : . the Dnkollu nlld Mlllnrsotl1 mllY all prove fcedlnl a llrol ln1.llo hUHhIlRR. ! A l eeleT"1I l'rnctlcn1 'Vn , . . III Jt'nl'rnl , ( lnrly recdlll la the maRl prulll.'lhl' : . ' 1'h ( ' 111111'1\1'1' YOII cnn mnlur nil 11 IIltlln I tlK- ' more I1IOIII"Y It will mllke. It Is not profllllhie 10 fel'd art1 ! C'nttlt' 'lrt. t'lpC' lIud I'l'ntly for mllrl ct _ I hll'e IIIl1de cnttlt' lIln fI\'e nlld one.bnll poulld ! ' Iler dll ) ' ror fllxl } ' dnYR , hut nf , tl'r lhat not lIenrl , . thllt \'ernJe. . I ha'l' hnd II1tll'h lIIort' RU'C'CSH In reed hl roulld rt..tI Ihlln I e\'l'r hlld III nn , other wny , IIlId I hll\'c Irlcd nlmost ev. ery wny fillll hll't' 1'01111" to the coneIII' sloll thlll to Jrlnd corn nnd cob tG glther. ratlll'r fillc. III much bettcr thtUI to fre elenr lI11'ul , I hn'e 1Il'\\'r hnl1 80 l1od rcsults n. \\'hl'lI I hn'e fl. ( ) tl ve tlmt'8 a duy. but I ne\'cr ft'ed so the cattle len ve the Il'lIRt hit III thl'lr hoxell , Onttle will nol ellt nn1 more wlll'n fl'd Ih'c times I dny t.ltan wltcn fed nil they will enl Ihrt'l' thut' ! ! . Inti Iht' ad\'t1ntng ( ' Is thnt you do not o\'C'rlollcl tltclr stomach" " , nlld tht'rl'for ( ' till' COOlI tl' ! more < easll , dlt'stcd , nnd tbey fntten tuter ! on tilE RnlUl' food , I hn ve hnd hl.'tter succes. III feedlll clltte ! k l ) ! III their IItnll. tltUII III nil } ' otller wny of keeping them. 1 Rill n Jrent IlIh''ute of feedln bran ! alld mlthllltlJs nllli think Ull' } ' are n'nr , I ' or quite nR oed nil the ralt\e welJht : of corll , I a m rl'n tI } ' In fn01' of de-I horlllll eutlle , nIl 'ou cnn ferd tltelt10 : a It\ullh sUHlller Slmee nnd they w111 de I much hetll'r.-I'nrlll nnt' ! Home. I Crno" , with Hlllull Frultll. As n rule It II ! ! lilt' better plnn to keef , the smnll rl'ult plllltntion : free fro otlter CI'UP ! ! . nlthou h. If one has rcr ; tlllzed tltl. ' soli rellsoua1.lly hea" ) ' , hoed CI'OIIS mny he' t'oWU 1.I1'tween the row. of t' splprry nn blackberry plullts tlu fit'sl BenOIl after the plullts nre set. j BI'IIII ! ! . , Ilotllloes or [ lens mny be thm i to ' but ' . growlI nlh'311tuge , , us oul , ) ' when th. . 8011 has been Certlllzc so thnt tlte hoed crop will not use the plant Coed thnt should go to sustuln the small fruit 1lunts. The plnn , S8 common In sections where these twe sllInll fruit ! ! nl't ! grown with the reat est pro lit. of 1)lowln ; ; the spltce betweco tlte rows. thrwlll n furrow townrtJ the I'OWI'I ' of III II II Is , Is an e cellent onu , pro\'ldNI the plowing III not too deep. I Aflcr prunlll thl ! plallt ! ! propl'rly and doIng the Illowlug aU.tested. / . If a Iten\'y mulch or conrlc mnllure la placed aroulld the Illnnts tlte } 'Ield will be very much Increused dnll the berrIcs lJ lurger _ I . Feed for Dalr , . Anlmn1l. . Ne\'er feed fattonlng to dalt' ] : nllmnlli. The tt'lIIlenlY : to lay on tleslJ I I'il1lluld ' be dlscourllgl'd. I"ced pens. , oats , I clo'crtny. \ . pea Ituy. bran and the like 311I1 11\'old so tnI' liS possible corn. bur. . Icy nml other hlgl1Iy cnrlJonaccoul roods. For Chlclel"n Cho1crft. A cort'C'lIpomlfmt In tlte Ohio Farmer clnlms thnt , : rnted cnlllll1us root mixed wltlt brend crumbs nnd mul1e IntosmulJ boluses Is 11 [ { ur ! ' cure Cot. cltlcken cltoll ern. Force the Iloluses down the thronl . oC the sck towl. Dniry Note. . I Cheap salt Iu butter Is an expcnsln ecDnomy. . A cow thnt wll1 not eat abundantly . will not produce IIherully. The less watt'r there Is In butter. the Cewer odors It will talte up. It rou 1t1\Vt. a cow that keeps tat 111111 slue" on little Ceed , keep her heifer cnlf. Butter Is bItter bl'cause of Impure toads or Crom , holdlnt : the cream too 101l . . II Cows wll1 give moro milk nnd of better Quality It Ced aud milked regu- larly. Olle Important Item In bulldlnS up n reputation for butter Is unlrormlty In , thu Quality. , I Butter undt'worked w1I ! be trlped ; . . o\'t'rworkud. It will have the Rppenr- . anco ot Inrd. . A loss oC nppetlto and II. drooping. head are among the first 6 mptoms or . . CD\V Blckn fB. With thi' dairy cow there should aI- . wnYft be a ue proportion oC concen. Irated uJIIJ bulky food. I Do not put Ihe cnl\'es on skim mll too BOOI1 GI.e them the rIck mille Cor ten dllY8 or two \Vcel 8. ' 1'be heifer calf docs 1I0t need tntton- Ing food , bllt plenty at hone nnll mus. .clc.rormlng food should be supplied. A cow Is a machine tor rCtluelng reed to milk. Site consumes tlte raw . mnterlnl. eliminates the wnsto mutter 0'011 furnlahes n "nlAht'd product. COWi dllTer In theIr cnpaclty to cousume ( oed 1111I1 In theM Jlower to prodllco IU II It , Iloth 1114 rcards , IIUlliity Rnd quantity. ' 1'0 he a prolltJtble nlry ( 'Ow she IUUllt convcrt her surplus food Into rlelt mille rather than rnt or fit'Sh. A good dairy cow rarely gets tat "hlle Pro uuluir ,1lIJlk. no matter uW W fed. . . . I ; , , . . " . . ' . : " , , , , , . " " " " " . " . . " , U . . . . . ' . : . .t.w. ; . . " , . : : _ T . _ , -I nURN AND PILLAGE HUNGER FOMENTS RISING IN THE SOUTH OF RU9SIA. . . . . > > . .t' .r.'t < MANY PEASANTS DESTITUT' 1)I.tnUr IN nIWMT\TJNO ) TATruJ O } ' 0 11 1.t 'J. . . . . . 4 , , , , . ' ' , \ ' ' ' \J.c.f- . . , I , I SUffERING FROl'tt A FAI\UNE \ rnko :011'7 Whnt 'Ih , . Un- 01'1"11 , Uut I.rcft ! . U otl , " , \ \ bl\lI N t'e"II nry. \ ; > ' / . " i"T' } " ' Lomlon.-Tho St. Petersburg oor. rcspondent of the AssodJted press , Iftcr n personal InvestigatIon or the 81 tUl1l1nn I n southern RussIa , o\'rltc.'J from Moocow , under date ot uturday , May 3 , us follows : "C mparatlve order has been db- alncd by the go"crnm cut ot loltuvlJ Iud lCharkotr , but the peasants are ) ( Ily outwurdly qlucsccut. The ell- 11910n or the lauds of noblemen w11l )0 elteltod during the oumlnluu - lumn , leavIng the land owners oul ) ' iwellty acres und n yoke ot oxen ! : Jch. . . PartIculars of the disorder oc- : urlns during the lust three weeks Ihow that they were Jnrgely rlue to xtreme sutTerlug from famllle , .vhlch was utllllezd by ngltators to IlIIuent n rlslfllf. 'I'he peasauts were out the only bellc\'ers In the Issue or an Imperial ulmse permlttt'lg a dl- , 'Is Ion of the property of the uoblllty wd a chultable : dlstrl butlon of potatoes - tatoes by the stewnrd of the Duke uf Iecldenburg'CJ lstato ut } { lmrlolIkn lended to confirm thIs beller. " ' 1'he people ot the whule country sldo , orten led by Ule vlllnge mn - oateJ , streamed to the KhnrlufIka and ( I her estates afoot , on horse- bac1 , and In wngons , IInd demallded he Ioys of the pllDtrles , granarIes IlOd barns Ilnd carried olr Lhelr con- tents. ! tlcb Cos l1cks sulIcl'ed ' equal- Ily wIth the nolJlemell.Vuen lanel : ) wner3 refllsed to dell \'er up the i ke's the peasants bruku own the 30urs , quIetly seized Cllud-stulTs and ret-urlled home , oven ocasautg sharlllg In tl10 plun e I DUItNED .AND DES'fHO\'lm. "WIten unopposed the peasants JOlltented themselvel\ with supplyIng their Imme late needs , but when opposed - posed , they burned and destroyed. mu'led oil JIve sLuck nnd desolated est.ttes. Most. of the ll11cullles occurred - curredThoro the ljhabltants of the Fllla es wera ulready on n. str.llner ) routIng wItb the , neIghborIng Jnud , wners. "Violence Js reported In from 'wolvo to fifteen \'JIlages , while" three eltates ! have been devnstated III tbe Kharlwlt go\eCllment. ' 1'0 und lo the general coosternQtlon 200 CosRtcks : arrlvad nt Pollam nfter the re ular m Iltary lIrouess had restored I. Drder. ' .rhe Coss3clcs Jlred on the pcolpo In two or three cases lIud ' one Instance the peasunts nttacleed the troops with stones \Vhereupoll the latter I1red , lelllng several per- on9 nnd wounding n score , among were women and children. "Corporal punIshment was adminIstered - Istered rIght and 'Jeft without over scrupulous Inquire Into the gullt ot the people Ilogged. Some ot the es- tlmntes pluce the number of peas- Ilnts punished ns high liS 30,000. There' was a sImilar occuranco ut Klmrkofl' ' , whose Governor genera } , Prince Obolen1kl ! , was partlcuhu Iy severe. Geneml EvenHo 1\l1chael- oVI lJ-DoulchovRky liS amollg the mlrereS's IIls estnte at MechelcVIIS ruilled and be hImself WIIS seIzed ! lnd bOlton. ; lie Is stili III from the elfects of the tr atment ho reeeh'cd. e. As nn efumple of the extent to whleh the ranks or the famIne stricken vllla ers nre swollen by Llle return of unelIlployed factory worlc- el's It Is pointed out that one 11'011 workR , . . . . hleh lurctofore : employed 12UOlJ to 20OCO people , Is nllw cm- playIng eely 5OO ( ) for tbroe days II week. " TRA1\IP ItII.T.1 D IN A WRY-UK. Des 1\olnes III-A wreck or.currecl on tbe Chicago Nortl1\"estern at Am s at 1 o'clock Friday mornIng. A Iotrnmp was kl1Jed nlld 1\1ull Clerk Grit- fin of Jes Moines , wns seriously In- jured. MnlJ Olork Gra\'es of Chlca n WIIS burled under mall sar.k nnd bad- Jy bruised and Mall Olerlc Alexandl'r Turk of ChIcago bad bls arm and band Injured. cnF.nOKEE : OJUH 1t AP"EAL Vinita , I. 'l1-.Tudgo Wl1Ilnm M. Springer , attorney tor the Ch'rn. ! kees , has been Instructee1 hf Chlel IJumngton to appcaJ from tlte decl. slon of the supreme court or ColulII' bla , which sustnlns the power of thE l'iccretnry ' ot the Intel'lnr to Il'II' ! ( Cherolteo all lnnrls. The cllse In. roln's the 1casrR on 12000 ; ncrrR 01 011 land hr.1I1 hy the CllIrokce ! 011 nnel GIIS rnmpltD1 , 'Tbleh Is s rid tl be a brnnch of Stundnrd Oli \ Compmy. " . , ' . . " , I'L' ' ' ' " . , ' , ' { , . , , " . , ,1 I , . , . . . : . ' .h.LLJV..z ; : : ; . . . : . .U.A ? t . IT IS A PLEA OF GUILT\ ' o\DMIT8 SHE AIDED THE BIDDLE BROTHERS TO E9CAPE. PIUBbUr"-Mrs , } { ate Soften. the ! 'fltu ' or Wnr on Softel of the AllIe- heny county Jail , who flltured In tha umsallonnl c cni'o ' nn recapture ( If the .J,1lddlc brut ! , 1'8 Just Jnnunry , was called Inlo co' " and onteted u Illelt ot gUlJly to the l'harL' ( , or uldln and nbettlng an the tell..tpa or lhe prIsoners. She wlll bo scntenced lIext Saturday. 'l'to ! nlltxlltlum pennlty Is two year _ In the penItentiary. 'l'ho cuurt rO'\111 was crowded to the dllorS , man1 I\'lImOIl being prcsent nml lIIch curl. oilty to see t.hc prisoner \Vus oll\ul. tested. Mrs. S\tYol \ entered the room with t\Urm step. She was aocmpunle ) oilly by her physIcians nnd uttornoy , ha\lng ; IlIndo speolal rCllll tlt thlU 1I0ne of her relatives bo preseut duro Ing the trying ordenl. She WI1& dressed neatly , unveiled nud nppenred to hnvo entirely recovered rrom the wounds received durlllg the battl between the hand It : ; nnd omcors. Durln the prellmlnarlf" Inddent to the opening of the , urt : sh "howed little cmharrussment and tnlkoc1 rreeJI with her attorney and physician. SOIUIDE TA1UtN TO OLD DOIIE. alan FOUDI } tn 1I1I. , , "rl nl"Ir Itf.nUIIM .1 lIenr , . 'I1t111''ua. ' I West Folnt , Neb.-Tbc bOdy 01 i nenry 'rhlltkcu , who committed ilulclde by jumplllg oft the Dail"lal slreet brlde ! Into the MIssouri rher at Omlll was brought to this clt ) by Un l.l'taker 1tll1ler at PI.S city. Tlenken JIved on a rarm north 01 thIs city until about two monlhs ago , when be wua arrested on a ohllr e 01 Ill-treatlttg blsVUo while under the Influence or liquor. Failing to rur. nlsb bonds for his release 'I'lenker WIIS let go on condillon ho would leave the Olty nnd county. Ills Wlff then brought suIt ror dl\'orce from him , upon the grouud of extrell\ ( oruelty , the decree bolng granted abOut twd weeks ago. Shortly aftel , the dlvorco was grullted , 'fhmker. returned to this olty , threnteulnp to ktIJ Ills Conner wUe. ne WIIS ar. rested ns soun 118 he stepped from the curs und lodged III JI1I1. FailIng tCJ hunlsh bond ; a l1ln , ho was agulo relensed nnd advIsed to Jcuve thll communIty , and lust 'I'ucsdny he de. parted. lrevlons to his ( lepnrture , the estate was dIvIded , 'l'lenken'l ahare being $000 In cash , hIs wife re. talnlng homestead In this city , Sc ornl years ago Tlenkell served a vear In the ponltentlary on cClnvlcthlo of stealing wheat. lIe \VIIS II heavy drinker and tills causd hIs troubleR. When not Intoxicated he WIlS U lund worker a.nd provided weU' ' for bl ( family. JJNDS : 1.11' Ie WITU l'OISO . I'OUnlr ) ( lan NMr n..nvtlr 'cttT ' CIJnlmtr. " "Ielde . Beaver Olty , Neb.-Conle1 .rhnver , a sIngle man , thIrty-two years old , commItted suIcide by tllklng strych. nine at the house ot .JlIlI1eS Thorn. ton , two miles cast or IJeaver CIty , No cause can be assigned tor the rush oct , cxcept the probability that he was mentally unbalanced. IIe purchased - chased the strychnine which ended bls Jlte In Beaver CIty on Saturday , took It borne and burled It. near the bouse. Monday morning , ntter Mr. Thornton had gone to the ; separator station In Beaver Olty wIth the ml1lk , he dug It up , swnlluwed half or It and again burled the romaIn- dor. lie thun entered bllj room' and Inrormed Mrs. Thornton that ho bad taken somethwg. She became alarmed and summoned neIghbor II vlng near. Dr. Bro\vstor was Rent for but arrived too late to bo of service - vice to tbe ylng mun , who expired soon atter hIs arrhaJ. Coroner Hop- pln ( ( convened a jury who rendered D verdlot In accordance with tbe above facti. ACCVRRD 011' AUUUCTJON. , naa An"lted Rt Ht. I'alll navlIII : ' ICfOarftl ! ) UlrlVlth Ulna. St. Paul , Neb.-Anthony Dunn was nrrest-cd by Sheriff Hunsen upon InformatIon from Keurncy Ibn'rglns : hIm with abducting a young girl by I the Duma of Hoover from her home near that cIty. The gIrl WflS found I wIth him by the ofllcer and fihe was e.lso placed In julJ for spfc keepIng. Both wllJ be taken to Kearney , tbe glrJ beIng returned to her homo , whlJe Dunn wllJ be held to nns\Ver the serious charge prererred ngalnst hIm. It Is reported that unother young mon frolD this place by the Dame ! ) f Gre jtston ; hll8 been IIrl'ested lit Grand Islund charged wIth bolnG Implicated In the uffulr. DAVE 1 ItKE-FIt-At.L 1 lunT. Vlenpa-The congress of the Ger. mnn people's party held here ) 'eRter. day evening was broken up by the followers of Herr Schoellcrer , pan. German , who Immediately attel ner' : Wolfl' ' , the pan-German loader - er , commenced the pendIng address bombarded tbe plattorm wltb Jump. ! or lIugar and paper balls. A rref sht ensued between the dltTerenl tactlons aDd the police with dlWcultJ cJaare4 U.I , tau. . . . , I , , , 'I , I , , I ' ; " I . I , : . , . ' . . . . . < " , ' , . 1It . "ilL J IoI. " ' " - _ .a. ; : ; ; ; ; ; ; END OF BRAVE LIFE ADMtnAL SAMPSON DIES AT WASHINGTON HOME. , . . . . SUCCUJ\\DS \ TO IIEMORRHAGE - ' . , , , nf' f11tJU.CONt'IOUR { ATK l < 'Olt uu. : 111m O.I : ! ' I.A . . . . . . . , . . .I.\t'f . , .o ! < ) .oI. . : , " REMAINS TAKEN 10 OLD n01\\E \ n"mfttr , . In nil Tnk. . " to Olt ! New Turk JlUII\t ! r..r I11t..rm. utFonner BuUcatur . & .ooUI"11 or Hmb..ulotulUI. Wnshlngton.-Rear Admlra1 William - liam 'I' . SIIIIII1S0ll , roUred , dlcd ut his hOlllc In this city at 6 o'clock , Thurs- duy , : 't12\1 6. The hnmedlate cnuse of death wus u severe oerebral heutor- rhnlo. lie hnd been In a sellll-IIn- : I 6clous state lor severnl da's and this rorenoon suffered a se\'ero cerebral hemorrhaj.o. At the bedside when the ndmlral brellthed his last \Vas Mrs , Sampsun , ) Irs. Lleuteutlnat. Oluyerlus , the lid- mlrnl's ! Uurrled daughter , AdmIral SamlSOn'S t\Vo 80ns , H ll > h and lIuruld Sumpsou , Dr. Nixon , the at- tcndlillt physician \Iud nUrses and nt , tendnt8 Mrs. Snmpson hud hroken down under the sc\'ere strain , and WIIS qulto III all durin ! : the duy. lIul for I ho crltlcul condillou of tile ad- mlr : she would hl1ve been cqullued to her bed. While no definite arrangements havl as yet been made couoernlng , the f'ncrnl : ceromonles , It , Is proh- able they will take pineo 'l'lmrsdnl at. the Churoh of the Oovenl1nt In this cIty. ' 1'ho remains will bo tllken to the's old homo at Pal-ruy. ra , N. Y. , for Ihterment. JrRtcUOl'jT titAN IS TUOUULE. I"or u.r Solloltor ACOUMOd or Xmltnut. . n..uU. Fremont , Neb.-Informntlon has boon reccl ved In this clly thal Geor e' ' n. oulelllnn rormerly or 'rcmllnt Is 'wantml ' Ill. PI no Blult , Ark" on It cUar e of cmbczzlln ! ; Lhe SUIII of $300. For two years lIookmnn WIIS an Itd- verllalllt ( solicitor and CllJleCtllr for the 'l'rlbune here nnd Illter he lie- came bURlness IIIl1nal-er : or the Bl'r- ald. Lllst No\'emher he went to Ar- kunsas nnd IIssol'lltted hlmselr with the ltIanllHelU nt ot a papo'r there caJled the CommercIal , Afterward he WIIS business mlltll1 Cr ot the Pine mutT Co nler , and It Is the proprietor of that paper who brIngs tbe chl1rto ftgalnst him. When Uookmah lert Pine Dluft he said he wus olllg either to OhlclI o or Mempls. It Is considered fllirly ccrtaln that he Is now at tile fllllllcr plaro as n Jetter wrltt'n by him aud lOSI ed In OhIC O on May 5 wus re- celfcd In Fremont today. Dl'fore ' Jeavlng here Mr. Bookman Becur d a divorce trom his wlte. 110 atterwurd nHurled Mrll. D , n. ( . 'ranl- Jln , whuso hUlband bad outl\ll1od a cYC rce of divorce about tbe same tIme _ Tonn1tNT Ol l\1Ur..T"S : JI AL. Vour 1\on Cmujbt au I'lolHl aDd 1.llantl , JUII.d. : nllrrlsburg , Pu.-Four men , . , cre killed , two fatally Injured , and two others terrIbly burned by being caught hI a torrent oC molten DIet- 01 'rhursday In an open hearth pit at tbe l'ellnsyhunla Steel works , Sttelton , near here. All or the mon \Tcre Austrlnns. They were at work In 0. pIt behInd the "chockers" when the Iron boiled over or the furnace burned out , and the en lno pit wus turned , Into a pool oC tire. The pIt boss , Charlc F. Lockett , .cave . a cry of warnIng 11'J the Iron commence W flow Into the pit and three or the htborers heeded hIs cry nOlI escaped tatal Injury. The others , thinkIng OTldelltaly thut ; the overflow \TUS a slight one , slmliar to those "hlch occur frequently ut the turnaccs , pressed Ullulllst the 81de and . . .ere oan ht In the awful pit , 8X TJtLIWUONJ r.l ItS AT TAYLOR. 'ray lor , Neb.-Thcre are six toll- phone Hnes cnterlng Taylur Ilt prl'S- cnt with prospects for stili wore. There are tour lmrb.wlro systems a central at H. S. Scollcld's office. These lines represent over 100 tclehponcs In r.ollp county turmers' residences , and ultord excellent Bor. "Ice.rile Bcll and Adamson lines else bave an exchange at the Clarion 011lce. KILLED IN RLEC'Clt10 OHAln. Doston , Mass.-.John D. Onssele was electrocuted In the 8tnte prls0I1 In Charleston nt 12:40 : 'ruesrlay , fOI the murder of Mrs. MaryJ. Lane 01 Long Meadow , , Mass. , In Februar , lust. He wras absolutely tearless It ] hIs Jast moments and hIs lust worde were 11 plea tor dIvIne help to thO&f of his tamlly who arc lett , Cnllsel ! intatuatlon tor Mrs. Lone led to tbE murder. The man hlmselt was Mar. ' tied. . . . L . . . ; . . . . ' . . . " "J ' . " . I' \ ' \ " \ . - "f 1 , , . . , lli , ' /1' ( J - , I ; ' NEBRASKA 1101 ES. . lJ U'CI 300 women art' pre ont .c t rnlltl chupter or the order or UMlr " Eastern : Slur Dt Orand Island..1 . . , . . . . The Hlnlr Ml'lIIlelslohu ! Ohord ' ' ; ) . . . . ' , : , Irll1 rrudnel ) " ( ho Cruscrs" at. . ' ; : ' , t Melhudlst church. - . I .TRmes Canon , n ( ormer Ijhcrlff . . . t ; " I old rCRhhll ! or Wool ! ! tIver , ( ite.t" i > it , . 1 . i parlll } 819. 'l'he Stnte ] ) n'S8 l\&Rllclntlnn \ beht. . Jt , ; t\Vn da8 , ) scssilln at LlucoJf ) . . . . . . . ; ' . week. . . ' . II. II. McOruw hils Inl1orH4l ; . for pnstn\nRtl'r at WlIsnnvlll. " _ ' Henatnr DIetrich , vlco D. Jl. SDd resl ned. Jnrk Lamb fiurrcnderel1 hi" bro er , Mlko , tn the ul1lcols am1 clal. the rc\\'nrt1 olTered. Bulb cnarlled wIth cnttle stealing , . , , The Culumhu't Woman' . club ekfl' " 1 cd ( , mecrs fur the comlll" 1'0111' . The 1 club cnterlalrlll the stalc tederat. . . " Ihlsycar. . , J The cltv connr.1I IIr 'ftoumseh hay. ( leclt1ed thllt 1111I11\1(1 hQII , p'fI halk. J howllnl { n11erR nnd like resorts must close. 'I'ho sl1lolln licenses ha v not : . heen rencwed , utilI the bar ru . . .rt - 1- all closcd fur a limo. " - Mls Leon ll'e" " Ielt 10 tba. j" o01co ot GIIcrnnr a vage , hns b c , : l11lulnted Btengrnpher of Senat l : . 1)Ietrlch , and will bCltln hcr na\'lt " ; : . , ltltlCH shnrtly. llnscDgcr Eo Eo G1I" ' " : Jcsple l1as reslR nCII. " , f , : , ' 4 F. It. Ynllllg hils been rCCOMmcnd. 1 'I cl1 as receiver Rlld Jo'rank Whltehcad ' j I\I ! rttllitcr or the Broken now hfDd' " . ) nnlco 11 , both Scnntofa 1\IUhud .n. .I nletr1ch. noth f\1I'D 110111 ih. olTrct : ; nll" . . . . . Tbelr rm9 ( ! xl1lre May " , I Conle1 'Ihaycr , . 8In".0 . raan , 2S enrs oil ! , cnmmltfcd suicide 'by tnk. " IIIJt str'chilille ut Iho hOllso ot .J"mci . 'I'hnruton , two mlle Cftst or IfcavfI' I. Olty. Nu cntlse can he nsslngcct "or the net , except t.ho prohablllt1. ' , that beTIIH mcntuJly unb < 11unced. . MIlR ! neUn'llIsohcn \ tlltcd 17. wn. fiorlnurly hmlted at Ilenl rIce by tit. . ) l'xplilslnn of a clm or IrasollltQ whuli hheVII ! ; stnr In a lire. Nel hbl ( Ii cxtlnjulRhcd the IIlHnes I\fter most o the c1ullles hid been bnrued teem her body. She will recover. I II I A second prnlp ! ot hole hl\'l liunle on the Hcmolc tnrm nar bCC3 rrultt , tll a depth or 18 ( tet. Tit , amo 011\1 : yclll was struk as In the IIrst h010 , nnd Ilt nbout the sunlo deplh. 'rho q"l1llty nnd fornllltlo IIf the \0' ' n scorns to he & .he same 10 both placcs. - ' , ' , RherllT Sammllns bronSht. ' . , In . N .It Ie ITllover of ) { cnrnt'1 fnlffr St- . 1'.1111. 'l'ho I rl was nbducted by t cllllple uf truvellnJ ( 'ctmlers : StSvern' wel'ks n n _ nl1l11n ) ' tiJin 11l1s beet1. nrloted nnd charge ( ! with tIer nb-j rluclllJtl. Dunn declarcs thllt he " 'a ' IlIrlltllntce } with the "Irl , alld wlJhe to marlY her , though she 1a lJut 15 yenrs of oRe. I , I The state hnard ot l'ql1n1lz.'tnn mot nlld Jlstenell to representnth'c lit severn I corponltlnnl. The tHII IIn tnn , UnIon Pi1olllc , lIsnurl , ; Pa1 'cillo nnd OhlclIl ( ( ' , St. 1)IIUI , Mlnn04 np'llIs 'G Omaha roads , Bud the l'ull.1 \linn CIIllplln1Vere reprclenteJ ! , At > > nr"lIor1 ' 1 lIlnst the luor.lllo : 'jf Ills" yeal ' 8 ! Inures , nnd clalmcd "hat rnn. . rund' ' prnperty Is now OTcrtaxoa. 'rhe board will mCl't "Jlnln. . ! I . , GeorJtc'M. r'ratt : , n farmer IhlOl1 two nnl1 a hnlf miles from Shelto" " , ' ! ) flld this sprlnu m'or 18,000 b\IShels \ flf rllln , whIch he Itas rnlsclf on hla ' 10C1-aero 'nrm unl ) hao ; b en holdlnR. fllr n o\d price. Last ycar lib thrc I1p.(1 :1,000 :"8 ' ot tall \Thcat. . fur whIch he rcclcved thts lprlng O ( ( 'llts n bushel , ul1Il 1fiOOO bushels oe 0'11 corn hns been sod by bhn . at liC' een ts n bushel. The body founl1 In the river n' Omnlm Is Uf\ll(1uhtcen that or nenr \ 'J'lellkcn , formerly u prosperolls fur. , mer. Tlenkcu and his wife and tum , Ily IIvc(1 west or West P , ltl on farm np t n. few months a lI , "hc hi ! ! llsslIlllte I1nhlt8 und obuse ot hl wire Ilnd children compclled th womnn to swear ont a pence com 'plnlnt nltaillst hInt. nl9 wlte thcQ ' ' 'olel the personal f1roperty blllInrln to them and the pnlr dlYld'd thq prol'cec)9. . Tlcnken stayed Rwnv fo I Kllme time , but n tewVceks n o I Coi I turned with the avowed pnrpose Icl1l1l1 hl wlrQ. lYe \filS 'returned lall and relltl1l1rd } there untl ] a fe I dn's II O , when he was Hllnln set a IIherly nm ) presurrinblyVent Omaha , where bo met hIs deatb. O. 11' . Schruenor , a bachelor whty I lives on a Istand near the maclc ce cry fnrm near leenlney , mct with ,8crlous ncehellb ) whl10 leadln ! . : " hurse. 'J'he nnlmal h'came frl hten , I rd and drnlntC'Cl him & 01119 dIBtnn I hIs foot bclnt. ( cntlllllled In the halt ; I cr. I1Is left lr wns broken and hlt ! I sl1stnlncdlntcrllnJ InJuries. It wn I nn hour berore his crIes tor hel , were heard arid six Iwurs bcfor , medical asaJstanco was procured , . I . I ( ' . . . ' . " , , , .f ' . , r , ' ' . , , . , ; ' . " . , ' . i , " f , , , . , . , . , : . ' . .