Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 15, 1902, Image 2

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' ; . CUAI'1'rnn I ,
"WJIDt will mr tlte be IIIlc , J wonlrr , ?
a am nhnollt tired ot wnltllll ; to ! lee whllt
tIIu tutlll'1 ! hohts torIll' , " lIollJ 1lWel't ,
.1Jtb yolce. I I
" 1.'lrt'll ot "lIltlu : : , " WOII thl' , ; rl\vr. , AO\V !
. . . Huw 0111 111'0
1ft1I11 ; .tired ot wnltlllg.
1'011 , Irene ? "
"Snenllen ! antI a hult. I hllvo hl'llI !
"JI'ondtrlnl : eVer IIlnce I was fiell'CII whut
rllte h01111l Htoru tor mI' . "
? 'ht ! , ; rA0 volco I\Hke11 :
, "Uld I 1Il'e you runnln& & ; atter n white-
) , lnIL't1 blltterllr thlH mumillg , ullcI 11M
hour rl'lIterduy III tencll.
rou not np\otl 1111
Dilr : a starlinto / 8111 luuwthlog
.0unelc tI IIko II word ? " ,
"YellId 0 rlllilio ot loughter COhlO
Jth the reilly ,
"Lalit IIIht ! you Ilrrssed a d01l ror the
.lIIer's IIttlo daughter , did 1'011 1I0t ? "
"Yl'IJ : 1-- "
" 'YtII , IIlId much plcnslll 8110 wall when
, ; tool , It to her thlll 1II0rlllll ! : , SIlt ! put
,11t , In a IIttlo hont , owillent /10111111 ; dllWll
Chc plllI Itln'nm. I Iwnrll yo 11 tcll SIIIIJIl
I tilllt H yhc for/ot / c\"lJr\thlllJ ; cillo 111 the
, 'Worl1 ; IIhl ! Willi to rt'tllC'lIIhor to' ll1lrc1uHe
: , ' " blue rUJboll tor J'uur white IdUell-wlllf
It ) jot IIO ? "
, uYL'8 ; ' Minnie Is JIINt RII tohll or hillo
, j. 1 1Iboli nil I am. Why 110'ou Ullk : IIII ! ull
, &ese IllIlJlltlons 1"
. , "It cOhltortlJ me. I mhht reel fright.
' . .oed At ) 'our ardcnt larmlng tor JU't. It
. I 1Iid not rcmcmblr tbllt ) 'on hnd the
\ ' ' ) I\ol4 , IUtcs , 1I1lillwII , nnd IlUrlJultM at II
J , ' l1d. It rou were 'ylst" Ireue , you WOIIIII
tep to thl' btittcrlllea , kltt'nt ! I1l1d dlills ,
te balds 80 wueh ; but , l11Ild ! , It hulllH
IIIUTO palo than plellHure. " t
" 0111 peoiliu 84J' IIU , not 10UIlr : onr" , "
j , Wall thu rcl'lv.
[ , " ml wile boulcl kuo\v 10 weU all 0111
, , opll'-who know , , , hnt a bnttlc lIto llItH
; tK > eo BO wcll 1111 thl ! pl'rsnn who hllll
i , ' tllht 1t1 Which can tell bellt whnt the
niL' i-tho J'OUDI : Moldier , or the olrl
i 1W4rr&r ! , Irem ! ? "
'l'hl ! two Blllklng were Irene Dorc ) '
i flBd 1\11'3 , Cotrel , her grnntlmother-lroolJ
f 111 the tirst lIusb ot lovcly glrlhooll-Mrs.
j -4- trel 00 whou worn fuce the light or
1 , T ' 1lIlYtJ11'1111 nln'luly IIhlnlng. A prutty
.0(11) ( , thL' ehlcr IAtil In hlJr euy chair ,
\ ttladng wht.'I'e the Ume treell threw 11 JIht ,
j It arrND , halt goldllnt nl'ar a rrellt
i 1l\'af ot white lilies , over which Uti !
! .hltv-wlnled butterllies boven'tl ; Dnd the
111'1 , 11100'e beautltul tbJtu a poet's IIrlJnm ,
.at on thl ! ItrllKa at ber teet , The l1ln.
tIl ! ; 111m , the trll r/lnt Ilo\"ers , the BUn ! ;
et WnlR , were nil 110 1IIaoy weet lIourCCIl
et elhht to her.
} .1m. Cotrel WObt ovcr or\ln : thu om'
' 1111111011l1tll Borrow at hur liCe. She hull
"It lovl'l ! ' her hUKbanel vcrr deurlyII. .
Miough he WI\.H one or nutur " 1 genth ! .
! - cbolur , IUld a noble , klnllly
ttn-a 1II1ln. I'-or mllny lenrs he hall
'eD1lJar oC HI'IiOll'l1 , IIUlI IIlell , len vln : ;
\"lre au 001) ' chilli , AllCI ! , fairly pro.
9i ed tor.
0. . hili death In. C trel , vent to live
at ,11 , pn'tty yUill callro li"ernilltle , where
4Ihe dl/voted hersllit to thc OOe greet lu\'c
, . . .t her llCe-hlr dAUhter. ! HOUlO women
; . ' .lll ty their heartH l1ud lavlsl1 ull their
" Ie\'o OD their hUllbllnll , others on HllJlr
; , ehlldren. Mra. Cot rei 'Willi ouu ot the
fatttr , Thel lived hl11111111 enough , moth-
. . I1ml daughter , their IIIUllIlu Ih'cs 1111011
" lth 81011110 llleallurcs , untll the hudow I
I II thut CAli" OVlJr thll Ilve8 ot nil wonten
. . fell over thelr , anll Rhevho , In hur
lIIothltr'1I II wal 11 chllcl , tell In love
, with 11 ) "ounG artist who ca01e to Url1n-
tea In lI ureh oC Ule vlctU1't.lilluc.
. Sunton Dorey clime llko other nrtlllts
" , NUll' , but , uDllke tbem , ho relllninud ;
'or. ono eveninG , nil he WIIS kotchhl ! ; 11
\ , IIlorlous IBIlIIt : or roldeu cloud , that liUl'm'
. to retlt ou the Jrt.'t1D hilltop , there CIUl1\ ! '
lei him whut ho thought I1t tlrst \1111011. .
talr-tacell , talr-halrec1 girl , who , de-
, ; . "ceullIol : the hili , loolted nil though Rho
' .ad ) ust lutt thu ! ; ohleu cioudllllul. 110
" . Idd t hlmsclt Jt IIhe would but stowl
, m , ADII he could In aketcblbg her oelll 11
( . : I. JIllr or whlto wlnClt , ohe Wllulll look IIIH !
' , ) : an I1D&cl & , It Ihcmed I1S tholl h shu UII'
( ' ! , t1cr8toOll hla thoushtll , ror hliit way IlmVIl
: , ; : tile hill , with the tight oC the gulllcl1
' . ' 'c100lland round Iter , IIbe 8tOOIl quitI , ' stili.
: " llIling her eycs' with one whlto hlll\ll ,
: ' , . - . , . . pad , a ah ItOOt ! thCfIJ , ha run1ClUbert.'il
; , " "n' untU the trllgell , Willi c lIll'd.
jf. \ Yctlll"ll afterward he Willi I1t on e"cnlnlf
: ' : 'I1rt ) aDll 10ml'One MDr : Gounod's lJl1l1t1-
' : tul 80q. , ' 'There is a IOrelln bill rllr
" . .wnyaad hll thoughts went bnck to'thl' '
; . . lIutirul C'lolllllonll , to the goillen lIht ,
' , . : , n t e irl'n ; . hlUshle , to the tall , IleUiJur
, ' " "tIN to .the tnlr
. . , rllce IlulIled with IIUU i
whbe lund , and ho ruse with a cry ot :
, (1 'Bhtpnln , unl1blo evcn to henr the !
, worda. So01t'Qllc allked whnt wnll wrollj ; :
wJth Ule 1ttell artist ,
" , and the nnswer
WI1I that b. bnll nenr bten the same i
sluce : his 10ung wUe dietl , . 'or thnt Will I
th m&w ) thllt darkt'nt'd hl ' IItc-thr. i
" 'n\h \ t th , rlllr-hl1lred , flllr-tl1cell Itlrl , ,
who hall Rt'emed to him ou that IIUll1111ur
ennlng to come out ot the . : olden cloud ,
! 1a-l1el.
.rbfiY were ver ) hnppy tor ono brll't
Ii. ar AUt.'V alwlI'Y
; WII ) blltho and /a / ) .
.ho lauJbctl the aWtltst , silverI 1311gh.
, "r when bur hUKblull1 told ht. r IIoho i
J del drat 8l'i.'D bel' coll1lug out of th" goM.
. . clc"dll\ull.
. "Th sIple , 10111en c10\\(1s \ m01 ollcn I
aud take m } ) ack al1ln ! , Sl1J1tou , " Hh !
.Id , aDtl wlth 1t be INut couHdouSnl'dl : I
' " the prol'blC , ) ot hl'r o\"n , yo rd. .
. The prollh 1 ( om true ORe ) 'ellr lstcr ,
. . .llel1 INUO WAI born. ? 'be ) Joill tb t
" Iie'V born babe In Jts 'nother's arm. JI1st ;
IS "he wnll hreatltln ! ; ber last.
. : ' " 'Santon , " IIbe whl'lll ! I'IH1 , "you wl'l I
; ) rlnj baby to Ileaven. "
; ml . And wh n I
tlU.1 lool.el1 Ilext tbe Bmllc au the white
, I . , . ' 1)1 'Was thl' sUllie at 80ul who Willi ,
( with the angrla In beaTen.
, ; The-til are no worl' , In whlcb 8ueh , " , lot
III 'thl'lra could bl' tolll. To the artist
' \Isbnnd lite1'118 ne\.r the slime 1lIln. .
o other love clime to him , noTomnn' , I
, 'act' charmed blm : he wna true to hi. I
i' 'tit. de.'I ! it" be had bl'f'n to bel' 1I\'ln .
II tiMe wo on the hot , quick 11l18slon I
at hili grl ( a'ne WI11 to 8et led me ! : I-
' -011. 111.1 lived In the world , but nut ot
' . ; , ft , ! WI tllnt be c 1U1t1 take AIICt" . hob , t'o . ,
n\'en. ne bpt hlmlltlt pure anel 8tnln.
, " c.1 ! a a cblld , 80 thllt .no day he mlht !
, > . r the autitul ( 101111101111 , holtIlllj ; the t
ute one b ) the hl\Del , and place her III I
, c : , ell . tl'ltcbell Ilrms at his wire. No .
. . " hl"e r 'brht wonts , 1\0 meaD actlobll ,
taraMuM Ulat . hU . ocent Ute : It . tempt. .
\ , . :
\ ' , , - " , " ,
'dr , 'A. "
, , W , '
, ;
. . . . , .
' " D' , : . .
\ 11
t ,
' ' ' ' = . . . . . . - - .
- - '
. - - I
I tlon c' " 1' to hltl ! ht ! ! llI led It with thl'II ! !
'I\'urlhu " ; 0.0 , I IIIUKt tlll ( ( the ! Lnby to
. \lIee In Iwn\'ell. " Ah , huppy mnll , with
HIlCh a JllI'rllon. i
Baby Irl'W : RtrOIl ! ; onll bellutlt\ll ; IIh"
h/lll / her molher'H duluty Invel1nl'RIIVitia ;
I1rlJ 111111 I/plrlt Ihllt gentle Illdy hllli 1II'\'r.r
IWOWII. 'l'u Kit ) ' IIlte Willi wur hlll d 111
thnl IItllr' hOll/wllllld wo1I1II be 10 ex III' ! ! ! ! , .
but 1111111) ' the Illuce she hehl-tather ,
/1'l1llllllwther ndllcrv811t vleel with t'neh
Clthor 1111 to who Nhoulal be th ! ! fil'st 10
curry out bf'r wl ll'lI. whim ! ! allil cllllriccil.
Her hl"UIY ! : ulIl 1rIIl'e ! ; I'e\r with her ilK
.11eI tltl' IOVl' or thOll1 ! , , 'ho I\'cd hlr. ! It
WlR : only whllI HltlJ rlllclitd ! thl' IIU ut
KlVentl''u 111111 Iw rlll/l1ll thnt Iwr LCllilty I
wnH wlllulruuJI 1IIIIIl'Xeel'llluJ ; thltt ot IUOtlt : ,
WOml'lI , thnt tlw drenmy , IIwhlueholy IIrt.
lilt ' ! ' , : ! It would \lot III ! IIU eu./ty 1111
ho thousllt to luJw baby to Alice III hear'
lJlI.'fher" \Vall ono spot above All ollll'u
where Iruut ! lo\'ed to dreall1 , l1ull tJult
"ilK 1IClur ) ' , luud ) ' corller , wher , ' n Ilret.
ty hrook HIIII ) ; or ull the IIlcalll1l1tCllt 111Iot./l
It hlld " 'nnllerell thrulIJh ; " IuUlhlng
brllolt , whu'H ) clear \Vaterll Ithowe thl'
pcbhle8 allil WIcds ! , al\ll rlln bctWl'CD tWu
greell hnukH , klggll1ll tlJl'm OK It I'all.
Irent ! Idt Ill'r , ; rl1l1llmollwr's ldu onll ,
cnllle herL' to drrl1m , 11011 the drelllll/f wort.
n\l \ ot the tuturo , thut wall to her rull lIt
lI1uHleIII / the hlrd'lsUllg. . Site I/lughud /
uloud wlWII MIlt ! rl'lIclll'd the prL-tty 111'0010
IIlIle. Sht ! luululIl Ilo\vn IlIto' the clellr ,
hrlht watlJrll.
" ' ' lh'ln tbin . " .hc
'l'hu brouk Is not R : ; ,
1Illll-"at : leaRt. It IN not IIvlllg UII WI ! !
arc ; but I belluve IIul\llIll.r ! thl1t It knolvil
lite hetter than grll/iwertJ doell. 1 am Ul'V'
clltlJCn , anti that III lint 11ulte YOUII ! ; , IIUt
nM ) 'OllDg , at leuRt , RII UttecJ or Ilxtl't'u :
:11111 : Bhu I' ally tblnkll thnt I cure ror but.
terUles . II nil klttclHt. Ah , It sbe k ew
how 10ttIIHlJly ! I long tor flJul IIte-lItl'
that ha : : Ilvo nnt ! loren < < III It. How olel
\VIIS .rullel , I "OIulcrvhlJn obe tiU W' Uo ,
nteo 7' Anel , 011 , Uttle brook , you bll v. '
huorll In ) thoughts ey'r alnce I hlld nny
thoulhtR , to\l \ me what Will lite lu .turt'
tor 1lIt ! 1"
'l'ho brllht , Inughlo : Wl1teT sang on
throush tilt ! grlllls , and It 8eemell to 1er
that It whispered :
"Lore , love. nothln ! : but love. "
'rill' 90111111 WIK ! l0 plel1sant to her , Rbe
In 1I 11l'11 nlollli III her Glee.
" 1O\'C , luvl' , uuthlnJ , : but love , " ! lbt , r ( ' ,
IIIAtlJel. "Whnt U P"lIlt , atgl'l tor IIny
II1Ulhl1l1 ; t..roul. to tell , "
'j'h" Bun ot a bird took her I1tttntlou ! .
frum thl ! rll11lllnl : wuter.
"Little IIlr.t . , " 11111' II lilt ccl , r31 lnl : her
chllrmll1j ; "olrlen helld. "lIttio Itlrds tell
Ihe truth , they iUl-whllt docK lite bllid
III stOTI ! tor 1111'1 I Imow whllt It hullll\
lit Ktoro tor ) 'OU-II sUlluutr'lI ! " 've , dl'w
to .t . rill k , aYl1rlll neHt. I1nll tht ! uun tu
worm you ; then lIIht oer the bluu HCU.
nl1d another 111I11I1IItr ! 10 11 tllirer lUlld. Hut
whnt III there for lIle ? "
' 1'he lIult ! blr.1 louked down with In"
finite whulom In Its brhbt blue cll' I , flnd
It sCl'mctl to her that tbe burden oC It I ! i
1IIIIIg WflS :
" 1.1t10 Rnll rolll , title nUll gold. "
" 'fhl\t woulll be nry pll'llllint ! , " IIbl !
8111d ' , ' the IIltie bird
, gl'II'cll , os tllUurb
1\1\(1 ( pOllOIl I1S on ornclc ; ' ' 'hut lUke lovl'
the bl'lIt. "
'l'he brook 81ln , the leavt's rllllled ( , tilt"
blrlhl IlourlJd Ollt rich , clcur lIIelll ll. th. ,
Jtoldell SUII Rhone , the flowcra IIhool. thcir
tiny blolll\Omll , till ! wfoll dnnceel o"cr tIlt'
Iblllll1l ; g I'fl 1111 , while the Ih'l ilat bl HII'
wutlr-lildl' ! lIre.mlng ot till ! lo\'cr to cOllie.
'I'he il\nJlnl \ : w II tun < < ' . : a0 her DO WI1 rll' ,
lng , th'cy dill not RflY { hnt tl'ue love wall
R ro e IIUI'rouUlled bl ubllrl1 thornll , th:1I
10"0 broultht ruoro Ilolu thall p/el1lIIn' / : .
thnt IIlvo wus 11 trllt'lly. ! 'l'he briht. ;
0)1'11 ItIrds lll not tell her bow OW'II
women's 11l lIrtB wern hrol.eo , fllld that
love waR othm the erowo oC BorrllW.
, OllMI'l'IiHt 11.
The lengthl1nlng 8hlliioWI ot the willow
trce tolll Irellu thllt IIhe hnd been hefe
long cnougb , 81\1' 10uShclI nlollli to III'r'
Belt 1111 IIho thought \"hllt tht ! grallcmCl'\ ! !
, , , oulll I\ny It nlw kno" thnt tor OUC wholl'
hour she had been lingering by till' hl'yuk.
IIldl' , lIrlnmlng ot the 10"er to tome.
'l'heD 81\0 atnrted nhrullt1I unll IU'OIIC
Crom lur pretty Ment. Cor a dOJ ; rllclug
a Illulrrel ADd barking turloUllll rU8bl,1
11I\l\t ber IInd two gentieDlen tollllwctl th\
" \Yhere Is m ) lover ? " wus the lut
thought 8ho rCll1cmberlJd b torQ the Duill. !
onll contullon ot thc trh-btcned IIquh'rel ,
tbu hllrldng dog , the hunk'll tootal'll"- "
" 11 1:1 : here , " wn9 tbe UIJit : thought that
oecurrt.11 to her mind. tor looking up we
tlOV the lIunllht ! tailing on the vor , henl
ut her dreliDlR.
She saV two trrlltl men , one tali nn,1
Btntely , with the dInlfitlI : , el1Rl tml'e nnll
benrln ! ; thl\t dllt1n ! , ubbt. " n solcllor , , , 'lth
hroad ahoulders,11b a rllnll , well"knit
tralnt ! " wltb II fUl'fJ , bondllOll1e In Its Illlrk
beallt ) . 'l'bo bro , , wnll broall unll 1&11'41 ,
with erebrmrs that almot : uwtj th C'J'l ! '
\VerI. ! Ilark ! ; rt\I with Indt'tlcrlbnhlc colur
IIlId heauty DC exprcl\ulm ! ; CIell tbot DO
womllu couhl l'e lst : Bhe 1111" a prntl11
mOllth , .Jet It ball III It the grnce atILI
1\\'t'Ct11l'SIl ot a womnD'a.
"lIe 13 here , " aae tbougst to hf'I'III'1t :
" 110 II Just as I bl1"o pictured him In
ruy C1rel\1nR. "
"I aUl IICrl11d we Itart1ed J'ou , " II1ld "
del'p voice.
"It Itt mr tl1ult , " aal11 aDoUu'r VOIN.
"Dido Is a terrible do : ; tor B'lulrrels. and
I . ousbt to bue Il'tt him at hom. . . "
"I Oln not tarthtll now , " 81111I 'IreDI' .
IIBllt ) 011 wertl , ' llrotel\tt'd th'o entl. .
mlln to whom the dog bulonjl'll.
I.ooking ulilibe Bnw hlDl , Bnd halt WOQ
dered 10 thllt ouc moUlent , , l1etber he bl- !
lonrl'll to tbe ulue world al thltbe
hero ot hl'r dfIJl\mlJ.
"I know tbat ) ' 0'1 Wl're rrlgbtt"UM , " II
pcr lltt'd , "all tht cowr leCt J'our tace and
) ' 011 IIro ttt'nlbllng nen now. "
"It Iii not that , " .he RDS''t'rt'd "Impl , .
So 111m Illy Ihut the' lAme thollgbt ot reo-
erl'neorcat throllrb thl' mlndtl ot botb-
tbls111 a girl , bl1lt auul , halt child.
1Iotb Involuntarily took oil their bAlIa null
utood b4rcheneell ) lwtoro her.
BheVUlt wide Ol' R .rtIJ , chcckell I\ r-
sclr. It WU8 not that-nut " 0 much the
DolBe ot tile 1101 : that startlcd hf'r . .
Iht ! Will alnrmed b ) ' the emotion aroulIl't1
In IIl'r o\yn beort by the .I ht ot that
dark , bcoutltul tllce.
Her .easel were .11 awak. u4 aJ
, ,
. ,
- ' " , : . \ . . . . " \ "
' . '
. "
looltcrl trom nnr I. , theo 1lhrr , tllkln" I"
cn'rl IIItul ! of tlulr 1I1'11I'ArIlIlI't' wltl.t Ii
I" ' 21. colllllrdll'nlllvl' "III lice. ( . 'roln lb.
I " "rlc , IlIlUllHOlllt' fllCI' IIlIel kl.t'n , Jrll ) ' r'P8
I Hhe Inokloll to a tfllr Hit xuo tace nrltlhr
" 'I'ry 11111111111111I1' Iwr VIrl ! 1'111111. 'l'ul'l
" 'I'rn bolll 1:1'/ltll'/IIl'O / , IIho klll\V , . trula
thdr.ldrl'H . .nlld'UIII II III'r. '
' 1'III ! tlirfl1l'l'IJ IItrl1t1 erVrllt au : i
. "I 11111(1 IIkl'll IllY till ; : , Dillo , 1111 , lln ,
! Ife , " . hl' ! laid : " 111111 I 11111 ollgry with :1 : lm
for till' firllt IImt ! . " JI
"It WAH 1101 tllu dos ; ' tuult , " .ho aD'
IIwered ,
'fhc dnrk rnce ' 'I'M turned to hm , on
thl' dClJl' ' , cll'flr volel ! Mid :
"I thluk "e oll/hl / tll be"crJ' grutrtul
10 Dido : bill tur hlJr IUllilleTttloll ! In bark-
111 ; ; , " 'rlhllIlll , uot hl1vl ! lIIIJO\'lll H .
1/101114111I \IIeet I 111 ( . "
"I do lIot cAli It Illenllllnt wIlen It haa
trlJhtcnl'd a , ) 'oun" 11111y , " 1111111 th tlllr-
hull'lJl1 trnuJrr. "I wOIIII ! ratlll'r hUY
toregone till' 111I'nllllra ot IIlJdnl ( bcr thul1
hn "c callned Iwr (111111. ( "
Irl'nL' 100J'd nt hlln ; his tace pll'nRed
Iwr , although It Inekl'cl thl ! dark lwllutl
thllt 81"111\11 10 btr the Dlllllt Plll.tect ; UI. ,
l'Jillrt'IIlInli WIIN ! ! Intille. Iwnl'lIt lint ! trult :
the 1'1'11 denr 111\11 CIIIIIIIII , the mouth Brill
IIDII Ielillc. Ue drcw a card rrom Id
l'lIrel ' .
( 'nile.
" . \11 Dltlo trI'IIlln III. ! nnd ho belonls to
ml' , IIlIow rue In Introduce 1U'adt. a J
1lllologl3t ! tor hllll. "
1I''ne took th . ( 'ord I\nd rt'nd thl ! name ;
IIhe looked I1t blm wltlt a lulplr. 1"e'cr-
Nice tha t touclwtl him ,
uYou nre l..orll Arulillale , " she 8 , ld ; " 1
Itno\1' your lIuml' so w..lI : 1011 uug 1t
lIume ot my ttlther B plctun's. "
"Your tuth r't"I / hi Al'lIullllle ; "II ho
au ortl t 1 Wbo III bc'/ The lIul , attLit
I IHIII" here 114 Snlltun Dllrc ) ' . "
She loolwd at hlOi with unutterable
"I alu Sllnton Dare , ' . dallshtl'r , " she
Nnlll , A 1111 he could hue 1D1l1ed at the
IIrlllb in hlJr vblce. I
"I lit ! nut Iwow wht're your t"thee'
IlVt'N , " hn al\llI. "I Ilurchllll d his ph. .
tun'1lllt the IIclI.lemy. It wall onl1n te\y
111118 slucl ! thnt 1 h/lnJ h rt'lIlded 18 thllJ
ncl ; ; borlHloll. I . .bull be pleuwcd to 8ce
him. "
IIlo re\varll for his kll1l\ly \ wordll wns
Ibe wret mist ot tCllr tbllt rUIIe to bel'
l''t'll , 1\1\11 1111'11 thl' 'JIle with the dark ,
Illtnel umn tacl" Knill 1IlInll tilleVor,11I to
her. I.urel Arulillitiu Wtl8 10111atlent wl1l1o
Ihl'Y wert' utt red.
"I IIhal1 hope to If'e 10U nGoln when 1
caU nllOn Ir. DItI'CY , " hI' 8 1111 : "It will
110t 1t4 ! loog until thl.n. "
"narc ) , " Roltl tht ! y.ol1ng mnD. " " 'hy ,
Ihat III the nnllot tilt. ' Iclllnchol ) ' Art.
lilt , ' they call hlru In to\\'n. All his Illc. .
tUN'S are Hllll IInll traglc.u
Silt ! turlwd bel' lovely t8 80 tull or
lIht ( , to him.
" 'l'hnt I. becnllHr my mother died nnd
lelt him , " Bhe snlel. "Ill' hall 1Il'\'lr ! ! II uGh-
l'll lnce , nlill It III IIlvl'ulel'n ) 'l'l1l'o : ( llll'e. "
"I hllve 11111'11 tUIl11tlllll ! or hili stol' ) ' . "
I\llcl : Lorll AI'unlllll. . : " 111111 that whlcl1 I
hll\'e henrll IUnllJ1I lIIe 1I1t ! hllll Ill'th'r. "
Then , with Ii ( toW IdntllVIII'IIII , hl' went
.IWIlY . , trJ'ln , 011 fllr 1111 ItVilli llOHlIllJle ,
IIllIt no WIll'll "bulIl.1 be tlXCIUU1lod be'
t \"l'l'U thl ! ) 'UIIII : ; 1ll'ulle ( ,
lie with the 1I111'k l' ) ' she" hl'arll .lIt.
UOllle IICu'rWl\rel , ! : ilr lIulbt'rt t1nth'-
lookell ut hl't' 01 hI''lIt II WI1J. . '
" /.Ie / III iulllg , " shl' lhullghl ; "I hav\ )
t.u him , ami nOIY he III gullll ; . " ,
Ilur tace rt"\V white all death nnd a
. .hnllow com over her t.'Yl'II. gh had
lIten hhn. Dlet hint , tile hero ot , , her
, It'CUI11S , the klu who WUI to crown her
IIrl' with hll ) lo\'c hull eume , uod 'Wal
! ; ulng. Would sbe ever "e ( ' him l1fuln 1
\\'lIlIt h'1I1 ' It bel'lI ; or. thlll,8wlft , l\ueltle
elUollou , IC nil \VIIK tu IIII ! O\\"uy at Olleo. ,
.Ind ho WIll to llUllg IIUt ot her sight ?
Whl'XI , 'lillall ) ' , ht.'lIlIllJhl'd 1U1l1t..r tho' '
: .Jllllle ot tbe jll'l'ell trl'l'li It HCI'lIlCd to hurI I
Ihllt her benl't Cl'UlIl'l1 htllllu : ; nllll lito
wes ! ! tondlillRtili. : . I.'or Uluny ollnutl' !
: the Wlla InclIlI11lIll. ' at movlllltbeu .ht !
! 'lilliI'll herself witti II alhh. l1 \ \ C vtsh !
It WIlIt : ' It WIlIt bUl 11 Cuner. Whllt cuuhl
Iht ! tuct ! ot a 'IJtrun-er ' : ; be to hl' ! . thit : h
Jlhoul Welu'e 11\1 \ Ihl'lI l'onlllUCt'i uhout
It1 Yl't thD IjItU : ; IJt tht' little brook hnd
ehnoll'll. tht. UUW'I'II ! hall II'OWII tulrer ,
Ihe bird' " Bunl ; hull del'ller III I'll 111 II \ : , the
light WIlli hrlghhr. The ilrl trit'd ;
rUUIIC . hl'l1Il'lt , u KliI'll' had ColIl'n OYtr her.
"Whl1t III"ron with 11I1'1" IIhe alll.
"I ho\'c I'CII 11 CUCl' . Dutlllu , ; morc. "
She lIutercd by the wlltl'I"IIldt ! . Ilrcnm.
inr ; al WII1t oC till ! IllIrlc , hnlldsome fuce ,
unll lIulhll'uly n tUOlltl11 elUlie Ilnlckly
over the hraclcn ou11 Cornl , 'j'hN'c WUIt
110 time to loole , thl' lIulhlen belllln , ; ot
her blJlI\I't , thu ! Sl1dlll'D brl"htnt'tJ tlll\t tt.11
o\'er her , thl ! ullcleo " , ullie tbat tlc'nll'd
10 lel1p 111111 11ulvcr In the utr , nil tllill 'the '
IUUDI' IItory-hu WIIH thl'rL'-hl" 111111 come
uack uuhi ! for Clui ! word with Ilt'r. 'l'he
dark , IIl1nlllllll\le fu ! ! ! ! , Unshed wltb eXI'r-
tlOll , wu. hendluOYcr \ her , null hu s11ol.l0
lu hurrlell tllll\lI.
"Lord Arllull lc liltl nllt Illtrodllct' me , "
hI' Rlltel. "JIl' beltt kuowlA why. I.t't rull
IntrOiluce 11I18Ct'lt : I al1l Hlr lIulb..rl Nllt
" , t'rt' ; I 11111 IIt.\'lug at J\I'lUldale Uoll ,
! llId a very tlull pillce I Iin.1 It. I grt'W
Qultt. tln'll or It 111I111 tll.dIlY. "
She WOII looklnj ; lit him \Tlth n Rtrl1ng
mbture or 'lIh'uHurl' , wlIlider uoll ( ( 'or.
"I IIIW that l.nrd AI'un.Itlc : did not
" , llIblie to IIlll'lIk tll 'Oll , " he uolll : "he
Is ubsurlll.r IlIlrtlculur III slImt' thlllK , 110
Is l.tIcll An'lce. hlftvlfc. . I coulll nQt
hell ) returning. I longed ror oue word
with you. "
l1 'r tace wnll 1'0VI'tt'el with a burnins :
Ollflb : her hand" trl'mblell. Shft would
Colli IU\\'e m c1e him some Itllllffenmt An.
N\Ytr , but till' wor.l. dlell uWlY : 011 her
Ill" ' . 11.8,1111 ; her mllte 01111 dumb.
"nnve I tllllJllelilled ) 'ou b ) ' r 'lurnlll1" : .
h. nllkell rentlr. "I [ 80 , I. wlli 10 at
onl'tt. "
" ; 0.0 , J Rm not dlslllt'nled ! , " sbe answer-
t'd. "Y.u Itortll'd nll' . "
, And tile 10'tly l''l'S I'OIell to droop
CrOUl bls with tbl' burden or UH'lr own
\Iht \ uDII 'l'CI'ct. Slit ! thuuht : ot what
h. , woutll IIOY or think It he knl'\T her
thnuhtl , hod mlult' Ill'r h\llrt bl'lIt ; anJ
sill' 100kCII 80 Ihf , 10 KWl'l't Iu ht'r Ilalntl ,
11ttl'nte ! lo\"elllll'si that Sir lIulbert lust
his bl'Art ' . her.
" " ( ' 11 011' , " he crlf'd , In a pORslonate
wblllllt'r , "will Ion ht' hl'reo by tht' brook.
8hll1 at tltll IIIIme bour to'D1orrow ? 1 must
srI' 10U altllll\ , "
She IIlaltli ! her own rl1tf' , IIhe wrote' the
lirat lIue ot a trR cl1y , Mhl' be'rnn the
drC'Rm ot lite when lIbe I1n WerlJll , IIIowl1
onl1 qull'tlJ' :
. .
( Tn hf' rnntln" , . < < " ,
1"10111 III' l"otrcJi'Jum.
Russin's ) 'loM or &wtrolulll11 & Is G.CJ 000.
000 llll\'rel. . ' n ) 'cllr , I1I11J thllt ot the ; Ull
tell StntCtt 58,000,000. ,
A sirt lccs to think aile burts nll bel'
I mnle aCQunlntnllces when ahe an.
Bounce. kIN' u emeut. , ' , _
I. .
. . . . . . . . . ; ' 4. . . . . . 01. . . . II . . " : J. :
, ' . . , L . ' ' ' . , . . . . . . . . , ' . , . . . : . .
' "
> to
J , . , . .
. ' . . , - - " -
, ;
. .
r' , . * ,
Odd , , Curio" , . ' nrul " 1..1II1:11I\le \ ' ) . ! I"hnrtelt
of ! llImnn Nntllre Urul.hlcnlly Par-
tr' il'y 1 III"tntVorcJ A' . : Mt of
Our Owu Du-A IltuJaet of lo'nu ,
- -
"I UPPOr. ! you nru , , .orklnsmen out
: . .r1 job , " Imld the kind 1I111y , us' ahe
divided a hOJUrm1 do pie between tbree
tl'lIIIPII. .
" : -"t so ns you could noU-l c It , " 1'0-
plied the Ipolt Rt11nIJ ot the snn ,
" , ruRt at the prualJDt writing We ure
worl.lngVolllen for Interior depart-
\IIent lIullplles. : So lon , mu.nm. "
nnd the HnrmnrJ < .
C 'nlclU-1 rend ) 'OUtlllrln noelD In .
Iho ,1l1st 1f111 to oC 1nnk's Mugazhw.
Scrlbl.lle&-1'Jtnt WILIIU't : 11 l rlu ) ;
CynlcuB-Or course It wns. 'l'hat tired
'catlng got a strallgle ho1 < l 011 11\0 be-
(01'0 1 hnd rea hnlt n ozen Uncs.
- -
A. . O ! . " " ' ' ' ' ' .
. ,
r , Oi"I "
. . . . . . . . . . ,
.u uu. - to II1' : W &lJ ) lull t l VU uc
for this fine plana ? . . . .
Muslchul-li'our dollars and bafr ,
Illwed ; , , split nnd delivered.
A ) U8uUl'cr8tundln
Hlcks-I thought you nld there
could be no question 6S to Brovne'a
, e 1'111 : I ty.
WlckR-Well , there cnn't. lIe Is an
ul I1IIt1roted IInr.
) tennt the Sllmc.
"The doctor l'ecommont1cd long
\\'alks , "
"Did he USe tl10sc words1"
"Not cxnell'j Imt Ilc oITered to sell
\110 un cllclrlc automol.lllo. "
Iu ChorJuy'lt VCRt.
Jdn-lly beau swokcs , .Arc you
ttnlnst ; cigars , dear ?
: \ll1y-Well , sOD1etlmes. Lnst night I
WllS u nIllst two or tJrQ. ! ;
- -
Matter of Sex.
" 1'hls 18 one at the 81 > lclest books
[ C\'er read , " remnrketl the hnrdwarc
tlrumnler , as lIe turned over another
"So ? " queried t B hotel clerk ,
"Wbat's the name of. the nutboress1"
Inside Iuformatlon ,
Gyer-l have nn oUiet ! coat that I've
\\'Ol'n tor firtu < ! 1l consucul1vc years.
lIlyor-lsn't it nearly 'worn out. ?
Gyer-Certalnl ) ' not. An office COl1t
Ia noyer worn out.
COInporlllun Are OdlonD.
Miss Upper ten ( haughtlly-My ) grett-
btll.udaU\er wns , a Vlrglnln. 'l'l1ylor.
Miss Ncwrlch ( unalIected-lndced ) !
And my grandfather wus 11 ChlC3go
Imtcher , ,
AmonJ : the Nobility.
Ur. Upperten-I SUlpose 'on snw a
sroat many 0111 ruins while In Burope ?
[ \ourlel1-Ycs , Indeed ! Amt KeV-
eral at them had nerve L"l1ough " to pro-
lIe e ruurrJace.
Not. Thnt Kind.
"Wen , 11111 3'OU 1..In " 0 a
tnll ; with your unclo' about your tu.
' " .
" 0 , no" there was notblng In the 1rost
disagreeable ahout it. "
I ,
WUlInJt to Try.
. _
Miss IIlght1atte-l\nry , It Mr. Money-
hilt omes , hoJd him untU I return.
lUar3'--All rlgbl , mumj an' It ho trloB
to brenk nway shall I bang hlm ?
As l Xllulned.
SPluc-ITow : It Is that humorists nrc
always wrUlng n lot ot stult about
ehc.p boarowg housel' and finmclal
II lid 7
Qualls-Oh , I suppooo It comes nnt-
ur:1.l tor people to write or the tblnga
bC.Jt : known to t1Hun.
Acquired WillIam.
Itt bnnd-Whnt Is thnt stull you , m ) " dear1
WlrL'-SugC tcn. I'm trnlnlnc tor R
\'Islt to my cou.sln In Boston.
Femlnlnu I'olnt of Vie , . , . .
l1usblll1tt-1 ace thut n Germnn selen-
' 1st 11:1)8 : Idiots Jll\'arlnbly cross the lert
i J : Q\/l' the right.
Wlto-Nonsensof Anf mnn who
' 'rossc hIs lecs nt nil Is an Idiot.
Anothcr 1'1110 Rtory.
Muscum lutlnser-Whero'8 the II\1n1 ;
Iclt'ton 1 It' : ; his turn to co on.
lJllllc. I.'utemu-Te lost his balfUlcp.
while washlllg hili bunds nt tbo sink a
. Inolient ! flgo lAnd allpICd down the
Wtlltu : pIpe.
. . - - , - . . - '
# . I' , . . . . . , . , . I . . . . " , J. . . '
, \ " ' " ' ' 'ftt . . . " , -4.t. . . . , ' , ,
, , ' . . . " \ '
lie .ICQDW U.r.
"In jour stor ] ' or till. wclllllng , "
erlUelrCd the elt1 e Jlor. " 10U sn ) ' .t1.10
brJdp. lell 1.0 the nltu. ' You should
hll\'e written that aha 'WM lcl1 to the
n1t.m' " "
If 1011I thnt 801" , retorted the nero -
'lwrtcr , cOIlRclo 8 or helng on firm
irClU1\(1 ; ( , j'lt hnppen ! thllt I kuow thnt
, hrhle. Silo III US yc.1r ola , and It ts 1\
cilich thnt she led aU the way"-Bul- .
tlmore Amerlcun.
It Jollnlletl nud.
M . New.lwell-GrorlCe , where Illt1
YOII meet thnt young girl you Just
l11 > olte to 1
Mr. Ncwllwed--I pIcked her up on
Ihe street.
MI' ! ! , Nowllwed-Why , Georgt. ! , I'm
shocked I '
l\lr. Xewllwctl-So was ehc. She
had fnllen on' \'Vbcet-Phlladelphln. ' .
Ordlnnry UfTort Wnflted.
Clnra-Is It true that M4l.Jel Is ulnG
her husbnud fOl' divorce ?
Mnul1e-Yes ; Ilud I don't blnme her.
She was hnndlCIlllped right frow the
ClIlrt1-'VJJY , how'o tbit ?
Ml1l1de-II r h\lsbund hnd InlllgcstloD
before they were mnrrled.
An InslnllllUon.
Sottlelgh-\\'hcn I st.'lnd on my bcn
the blood rUBl1ea to my head , doesn'l
It ?
IInrdlclgh-Sur thing.
Softlelgh-No\V , when I Btand on my
{ eet why doesn't the blood rush to my
fcet ?
HnrdlelJh-Probnbly because your
{ eet are not , ballo\ " .
: IIao'8 OrlJlnl1l1ty.
" ] 'Ine w1ll be orlgluut"
" .Ah ? "
"Yea , she slnt old 1ol\tmnn n comle
vnlentlne by expresH. " .
"It must ha\'o been very heavy. "
"Yes. It was a box ot CD.uned lob-
sters. "
Prnctlcal Uel1tnudratlon _
Fredorlc'k-I notice you have been ns.
soclntlng with thnt 'young ' burd or Inte.
Have you learned nnything about po.
etry 1
Van Albert-Oh , n. little. Since he
borrowed that X I lInderstnnd , ' ( lIat
the truc poetic touch It.
PaIr of Guclle. . .
uDo you love me sUll ? " asked tbo
"I do , Indeed , " replied the hURbam1.
Then she thought nnd he thought nntl
she wondered If he clnt It as she Ull'
derstood it and he wondered If she un.
derstood It ns he meunt It.
A Dud .Admission.
- -
. . . . . . ' " -
1 r
" " < : 'r
JUdge-Your rnee seems strangely rn. .
mlllar to me ?
' ' Pr1soncr-Wellyour honor , two yenrs
'I' ago I gave YOUt" daughter singing les.
I sons.
JU(1ge-Ten years.
Rill Excuse.
The Pnrson-Don't you know , my
dear sir , thnt It Is positlvely sinful to
, stand around wustlng your time In this
D1anner ?
' .rhe Lonrer-Yes ; I know It Is , par.
son , nnd I'm going to quit It just ns
soon ns I find 11 comfortable plnce to
sit down.
A RII ln" DeUe.
Dolly-Poll ) ' , how' mllny men have
you been engaged to ?
Polly-Ob , Dolly , live lost countl"
AU'1I:1. : ChlcnJo.
' ' 1'hey any thut n person on the vcrgo
or deBrlum tremens dreams of crLOCP'
Ing and crawling things. "
"lly Jovel I , must be going to hl1vo
nn aUack. "
" " 'h ) ' so : "
"Lust nlght I drenmrd ot nothIng but
messenger bo"s , carettes and cabl.
CIll'S. "
Sht' ; Rapid Trnullit.
Dorotll-Wbnt bectlllle or tbnt busb.
ful mun nlld basbrul g11'l you were tell.
Ins ; me about ?
Dnvhl-oh , I Introlluced tbem : and
In three " . .eeks they w < ! re engaged.
Fotherly IU"IIJht. "
pony-pu , don't ) 'ou think I w1U be :1
succcss In business Bfe ?
Pn-No , Polly , not unless you get 11
situation where you can boss the bOlS ,
Mrs IIomer-WCl'e ! you troubled by
ml11 do mer whllo crossing the ocean ?
Mrs. Neurlcli-No , Indeed. I Wtl.'I 1i0
sMslck all the wny over tllat I dl\n't ( \
even hD.vO n. chance to mnko his nCt
The Joxpo ltlon Craze.
Purchaser-Are you sIJro this exposl.
tlon at.nmp I the lust edition 1
Stamp Clerk-Yes , sir ; but tltereVIIi
be another c ltlon In a Cew houl"J.
Tile Flow.
Helen-Delln wouldn't listen , to fUly.
thing but classlcnl musle tor the world.
Judy-No ; hut look nt the rnUmtl
hn.t she wears 1
I Needed Dlvhllnr.
"I am going to JDake blm ent hI.
words , " ronroo the bnd man ot th
" 'l'hen you had bettcr sive him n knife
and Cork , " SUSgl\'Jtt.'t1 tbe b'stander.
" " 'hy so ? "
" ccause be Is from Boston IUld hh
w < < lIs nro 110 loug tbnt they wID choke
It.1m ualue ko cull Uwa up. " . _
. . "
I . . . . . " "
" 'J
' > " . , . . . .
. .
I ;
; 000D
Ii 3hort 3torie5 :
. " . . . .
- - - . . .
. . A la\V 'er who met 'j'homns U. Ueet1.
the otlier 11:1) ' , t'lulllrited : " Ir. 'HeCt ' ) .
110e Il not seelll to ) ' . u that the dillclp.
lIue I\lfllctell ( III 'l'lIltunu nnd lcl.l1urla I
for llwlr hreuchell or propriety ' ' 'WI !
l'tlher light ? " "Ob , uo , " lIra wlet1 the
11\Slll'llwr : "It Is the hct'Iot : thnt
( 'o\lld be Illlposc < 1 on n Senator-
leuce. "
PUI'C blood ludillns In the City ot
1I'xlco are never IIeen riding 011 the
cleett'le CIll'S. : fhey go nnd cOIl1e , rl'O ' ' 'y
; he llllhborhorlu ! , , ; towus uhvnYti o.r J
loot , or on the more Hure nnd unllo-
, "I\llable \ "burl'os. " 'l'hlll Is due to th.
1101'1'01' the "de"IllIke" tralus hlSllh'c 1.
the [ n..Janll , uml one of them , Il1nu
IUUIl , w1l1 hel'l'l1ftcr Cear nn "cleett'ko"
,1101'0 thal1 a "toro llUntul , " tuI he says.
:01' he wus recentl ) ' l'un over by emu ot
. : helll , und f1nw hi ! ! rl ht L'IIlr rolll1wll1
glued t.o the wheel.
Once dm'hl ) ; a IWl1tl ! debnte betweCA
Senat.or .Joseph n , It'orllker , 'of Ohio.
nnd Senatllr JosepW. \ . lll1l1ey , or 'l'ex.
us , the Ilueatlon of llW : In 'l'e.l1I.I nut )
Inw In Ohio CUUufl , 'l'\e \ pussue ; be-
l'l\llW warm. l"on.ker , by way of a
purtlng IIhot , told Halley thut It ho
\Vould come to Obi D he would learn a
gl'eat deal of law thut he did not know ,
"IC Is SII vcr ) ' much law to be
Il-arl1C11 In Ohio , " relllnrled Halley , "I
must advise the Senntor to spend nn
his spare time there. Ue neet1s It. "
'l'he recent electJou9 In Canutla wcro
bitterly contested , I1nd elIorLs wc
made bo-th by the I.lheral and Conser-- !
vnt1"es to aUr 111' l'uce an. ! rell lous
prcjmllce , A Quebec Liberal , whoso (
aCllIalntallce with ! : ill' WIlrld LnurJC-f. '
the OU1udlan premier , was only pollt.
Ical , sent this telegraw to bls hadc . '
who wus In Ontl1rlo 'un a speech.mult.
Ing . tour : "Hellort In ch'cull1t1on In 1
tl ls countr ) ' that your cblld1'en have "
not been buptlzed. ' .rclegraph denln.l. " . ;
'o whlcb dispatch thc prewler sCJlt , :
this repl , ) ' : "Sorry to IIny l'ellol't 1a
C01'1'ect. I bn vo no children. " - " " . . .II
The OOUrl'le1' des Etnts.Unls anYJt 1
thnt on lanuary 14 , 18)8 ; : ) , the late F'l'a.n' 'I
cesco CI'II1 > I , tbe grcat Itallun statcs- ' ;
mnn , thell a 1)011 tlcnl I'efugee In Paris. I
I'eeelvcd from nn ItnllU1 trl nd connected - I'
nected with the Pm'ls ol1eb two saJ. : .
lel'Y tklds f01' the IHl'Corl11unce at that '
evening' , which thn elUlluror nud eur : 1
In'ess wore expecled to attend. Crisp' ' 1
und his wlfo were ou the point ot i
starting for the theater , when thc Jat--
tel' exclllimed : "Pnmccsco , where shill ! '
we get u candle ? " The ) " were In such
destitution that thuy hl1d neither caDI
ilics nor mnlches , nol' ) 'et tbo where-
, , , , ltl1.:1.l to bu ) ' them. Going to tile i I ,
oper:1. would Involve gl'Oplng tor their I'
room at midnight , nn ! ! goJng to hl' < J }
In totul darkness. ' 1'00 proud to cou.
Cess their condition nml to borl'ow Q
Cew so us , they l'egretfully denied thel ( . ,
selves the prowlsed treat , remained lIS ( . ,
their room , aud l'cUred betorc the twt. . ' .
light had faded. On the fotIowln ;
morning they. learned at 01'5lnl's' attack
on the emperor , the police raids , nnd
tile arrest of 1\11 Italian revolutionists j
CounJ In or nellr the tbroter. If Crlsl > 1
had been In the house he would cc "
tulnly have been among the first at"-
rested , tor he was known as Wl n.rdent
disciple at M:1.2zllll.
E Jltlan Gh's at Play. > t
In her "Uecoll < 'ctlons at nn Es1ptlnn
1'rlncess' " the author describes u little
game nt romps In the garden or tbo
pnlnce whIcl1 discloses a very close
touch ot nllture. 'l'bo prIncC8s wns
seulell neur 1IIttlo : lake , which had
been clnst 'ltcted In u Rerpentltle shupe.
wlml1ng about under rustle bridges.
Shu was Inughlngly scolding one of
her uttelldants , when tile girl hroko
uway , crJ'lus ; out , " : \Iy mlstrcss 1.'J nn :
gry with me ! I'tI drown myseltl" nnd
rushed Into the wuter.
Tl1e princess catIed out. " 011 , stop
herl ' Stop her I" nntl three or tour tal-
10wed'ID1U1edlatHly. But the first kne\f
' ell enough thnt the wuter wns not
marc three three feet deep , so she hud
done It for a jOlm , and ahe turned
round nnd threw water In tile fuces ot.
her , pnrlluers. ,
'I ho princess hlld seen the joke d' "
rectly attcr t1..le cry had escaped her ,
IInd now joined henrtll3' In the run , .
und tlI'gel1 others to help In the cap. .
ture. 'ho geneml hurem dress wben
warm weather set In WI18 white Indlaa
gruss.cloth , moro or less fine , mude
loose , und confined at the waist by aJ
( 'olored sash , a ribbon to matcb being
usul1lly worn roulld the throat. nnd to
tie buck the hall' . I'
The dress could 1I0t bo hurt by the {
Immcl'slon , but tbe ribbons ml bt be
spoiled. Some were seen to cast . .
glauce 011 theh' pretty tics , which Tf' , . . .4
a sIgnal to thol1c who su\\ ' the lool ( to
mslI U1)on them at ouco antl push tbent I ;
? 'bero WI\S nothlns ; but screnmln ' 1
nnd Jnughlns ; , 8e\'e1'111 disporting them. ; ' . i :
selves In the water , others pursuid aU'
over the garden , met ut the cros ; ;
paths , turning and doubling ou thete
pursuers. 'l'ho 'l1'lncess clapped her
hands wltb delight and Inughed tJnr
stralnedly , nnd the girls themselves
were hnmell831y plensed with tIlC joke.
A. COOllleii .
"The boys all SU ) ' I'm n 'brIck , ' "
gushed the yellow.halred
girl 11.\1 \ sbo
11l1ssetl the cream to hel' lips
1'he young IUUU gazed IIndlY : nt the
tour empty 8nucers nn(1 sall1 : " 'hen
I ) ; uess you must be a brick ot Ice-
C1'eam. "
' 1' " '
saduess ot' a 11Ian w bo has love ! !
I\ndlost Is
exceeded by tbat
at the IOor untortunata
who IoTed &UU1
ralled to loae. . 1"
, "
. . . . - . . - - . "
, . , " " I
, 0'
0'r r
. . , , r
. , ( )
, j
" , I' - . . . . , . , '