Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 15, 1902, Image 1

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    . ; ' ! 'J'Y. ; . 7 " ; " " . . " " , . . . '
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.ta\o Iltat Ltbrnrll1u aool" ) . .
I . . G'I " ' . . . .
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, .
USTER OUNTY EPUBLICIN. ' : . . , ( : : ' ; ; ' .r
. . , . ; . ' . , ' , . . (
. ES'l'ABLISHED 1882. THE OFFICIAl , OF ' , ' , ' ' i ' '
. . --4
. . - . ,
\ ( . . , . . . . .eve.
, . ,
; . . .
; ' J
. ,
' ; \0 The jcwc:1er's reputation is
, thc grcatcr part of his capital. .
} ) coplc arc naturally suspicious
I . . , : ofthe jcwcler because he handles
a cotlunodity with which they
not familiar. For this
are reason -
f son the jeweler's reputation is :
: . much. harder to keep unsullied
than IS that of any other trades-
1 mutl. I cndea'or to build upon
: a solid foutldation by making
nothing but tmthful state-
t men.t in my store atHlmy ad- .
. .
. . .
Iradullte of CblClIllO OI.I bnlmlo l'Oll gl !
( . . . . . . . " .4re. , . .
. School Supplies ,
J. G. Haeberle.s.
- I
. DR. Per Ie Elizab : th Fields ,
y .
ID DD I } ll B JhlJtilJ3iIlIb
9. a. m. to 12 m. .
1:30 : to 4 p. m. :
Or by appointment. I
1I6rOffice over Anderson's Jowclry Store
in Really Block , IIroken Dow , Nebraska.
- -
< >
- - -
HAil ! HAIL !
1.'he old teliablc St ,
Paul Fire & Marine
Insurance Co. , of St.
. Paul , Minn. , with over
. $3,000,000 cash as.
sets , oWel's the farl1\-
ers of Custer county
absolute indemnity
. against 108s by Hail.
, Lo\v rates , Honorable
adjustment find Spot
cash settleluents. Insure -
sure Jour crop aga.inst .
hail. . J. A. HARRIS ,
. . i
Office Opposite P.
t-- . ,
0. , Broken Bo\vNeb.
- . " "o..ld 'Vu'e Rep ; 'btl U.
I 'Vhite's Crea-Vermifug'e has
achieved a world wide reputation
. . as being the best of all worm
destro'ers , and for its tonic in-
: . flu nce on weak and unthrifty
. ' : ' children , as t neutr'alizes the
' . . acidity or sourness of the stomach -
, . ' ach , improves their digeition ,
' . ' andlassi.milation offood , strengthens -
ens their ner\'ous sjstem and restores -
. , ' stores them to the health , yigor
and elasticity of spirits natural
I to childhood. 25c at Ed. Mc-
: . Comas' , Broken Bow and Merna.
CulU . .ula .47.40 alld Retu. . . . .
Tic1cts on sale April 21st to 27th , M8) '
27th to June 8th , AUb'11st 2nd to 8th.
. .
. . Uberal and
' stop-over arrangements re-
I' ' ' ' - . , tum limits. For additional infonl1atiol1
.I' ' - - - ' 11e ne.nrcst . . . ap-ent , Jiurlington Routt :
. . . I ' . " ' . . . . - - Cahforni4 folder to
" ' . , ' , T. FRANCIS ,
Passenger Agant ,
) ) ngton H ; " ' . < < : : ,
hmha , li'r
I J .
. . . .
I : : : : : ; ; : : : : : : : : I
Doarders wanted at Mrs. E\'a
J.V. . Crag of 'Vesterville . , was
a city visitor Saturday.
Judge Reese wcnt to Crawford
Tuesda } morning on business.
C. 'V , Beal was transacting
busincss in "rhitman the first of
the week.
J. R. Rhodes of Mason City ,
was a city visitor Monday and
Mrs. Glen Johnson of Ansley ,
wa'isiting in the city the first .
of the week. ,
Dr. R. C. Talbot has been con :
fineg to his bed for several days
by stc1mess.
Fredrick G. BrocH of Merna
was a friendly caller at this
office Monday.
J as. H. Cosner is at Omah
this wee } , serving in the capacity
of federal 1uror.
C. C. Gardner of Sargent , was
a city \'isitor Saturday. This
office acknowledges a friendly
The city council has invested
in a new' grader to be used on
the streets of the city. It cost
City Clerk Rinne started out
Monday morning to collect the
oC'cupati n tax. 'l'he first .day
he took ill S120.
J. S. McGraw was I4illiall's
representative in the meeting ,
the Republican County CentI
Committee Saturday.
John 14yle , who has been \'isit-
ing friends and relati\'es for the
past week or tcn days , returned
to Alliance this 'morning.
V. C. ' { 'albot was down from
HalseJ the first of the week for
the remainder of his cattle. He
reports the stock 011 th ranch
d ! t w l.x ! . . .
. , , . : . . ,
Miss Sadie 'Vhitehcad , , teacher'
of the 5th and 6th gradcs on the
north side , has been confined to
her bed for the past ten days
with LaGrippe.
Rev. Geo. W. Isham , D. D. , of
Lincoln , addrcs cd a largc con-
gregatioll at the M. E. church
last Sunday upon the subject of
"Christian Education. "
Arthur HOfrtte of Merna , was
a friendl ) ' caller at this
office Monday. He returned
ahout the middle of April from
Oklahoma , where he visited his
brother , Gilbert.
Chas. Penn commander of the
soldiers home at Milford arrived
in the city last Friday and remained -
mained O\'er until 'l'nesday visit
ing with relatives and friends.
Mr. Penn is a warm supporter of
ExGoCrounse for governor
this fall.
Dr. Seymour , the noted Lin
coIn eye specialist , has been
s endin the winter in HouJton ! , I
'I exas , for his health. lIe writes
us that he is greatly improved ,
and will be glad to return to his
home , when he will pay our city
a \'isi t June 6.
John Mallane" has resigned
his position as sup.erilltel1dent of
the Kearney industrial reform
school for b ys. His resignation
is to take effect June 15. lIe
has accepted the position of
Gen ral Manager of the Arb"US
Gold mining Co. of Idaho Springs ,
Colorado , in which be has been a
stock holder for some time. He
will receive a salary of 62,500 a
year. He is secretary of the republican -
publican state central committee
which he will resign. He
expects to m "e to Colorado
about June 15.
Rev , W. . . . 'V. . Smith , secretary
of the Home Mis'sionary J\siiocia-
tion of Sioux City , Iowa , was in
the city the first of the week
soliciting for that institution.
He is equipcd with propercreden-
tials and no doubt is fully
authorized. The object IS
worthy the support of the public
as it looks after the homeless
boys and girls , fallen men and
women br providing for their
temporary and permanent wcll-
fare. 'Ve would suggest that as
there are many Cake solicitors for
charitable institutions that you
should always demand their credentials -
dentials before making your con-
" - -
-T- ;
" '
- - -
A Fonda of Oconto was auibng
the \'isitors in the city Sahmay. [
Mrs. John SchrOtler left Ii"ritlay
morning for Emporia Kansag to
vistt a brolher. 1
Ji'ou. RltN'l'-A double
: - roOl on
second floor of thc Custer l ck.
Enquire at this o ce.
Harry Dangs went to 0111 J ha
'l'ucsd y to attend thc Ph to-
graphcrs State Convcntion.
1. A. Reneau and wife c me
over from their Middlc L 'up
ranch Saturday returning S n
Geo. D. Mail' , Sr. , Editor of the
Callaway Courier was among the
friendly callers at this office Saturday -
urday , \
Senator Currie left Satur ar
morning from Sargent witlf a
car load of horses for the Chicdgo
Jules Haumont the stalwart
republican and prosperous farthcr
of Garfield was a city visitor leist
Mayor Elison of Ansley was. in
the city Saturday. He attended
the meeting of the county centr l
ReEpley of York : , was a
friendly caller Saturday morning.
He came up Saturday to hold a
quarterly meeting.
Messrs 'ripton and \Vahl have
just completcd the fra me work of
a fine reside ce for Phi Camp.
bell on his South 140up ranch.
I. P. Mills of Arnold was 2
friendJ > " caller at this office Sat-
urdav. IIc was over to attend
'te entral cotl1mittee mecting.
Jas. Fairficld and Dr. RObinscln
of Mason attended the meetil1g
of the republican county centr l
con1tlliUee in this cit ) , Saturday.
Rev. S. 'V. Richards was called
to Merna Tuesday to prcach the
funeral of ' ' ' ' 'Vells
1'1'0) an 01d
resident of the county . who died
Monday morning. , : ;
4. H. Copsey rep c ented 'Ve -
ervlll . . .at the meehng of tl c.
count ) . entral cottlmittcc in this
city Saturday. 'rhis ofiicc acknowledges -
knowledges a friend ! ) ' call.
'l'he Drokcn Bow T qua1ity club
will meet at the home of Mrs.
Clara A. Young Frida " evening ,
May H. . All are conhallv invited -
ed to attend.-.Tulia 'Vill s , Sec.
C. .T. Stevens of Ansley has
bought the stock of goods at Cal
laway owned b ) ' 'l.'hompsoll , Rub- ,
lee & Stevens Co. , with .the view
of moving the goods to Ansley.
S. C. Waldron and Lois Dlixt
of Elim to\vnshipwere in thc city
Saturday atteneltnLr the meeting
of the republican county central
committee. This ofiice acknow-
lcdges a friendly calt.
M. A. 'Valters and wife returned -
ed ' 1'uesday night from I ddy-
ville , where they were called
Sunday by telegr n , anllouncing
that Mrs.Valters' father was
dying. They remained over to
the funeral.
Rev. D. Augustus Shetler of
the Prelbyterian church of this
city was officially instal1ed as
pastor last 'l'lmrsday night. Dr.
Clark of Grand Island , and Dr.
Ray of Fullerton , were the installing -
stalling officials.
Martha Ellen Parkhurst , who
has been in the asylum for some
tithe , died at Lidcoln , May 11.
Her remains were shipped here
for interment Monday night.
The funeral was held in the M.
E. church Tuesday morning ,
Rev. 'rrites in charge.
The attention of the re'aders of
the RItPUDLICAN is called to the'
hail insurance advertisment of J.
A. 'Harris in this issue. The St.
Paul Fire and Marine Insurance
Company is the one represented
formel.v by 'V. D. Blackwell of
this place. Its reputation for
fair dealing is well established in
this community.
M. M. Parkhurst of Rose Valley -
ley , was a pleasant caller Satur-
day. He informs us that he is
planning to take a trip in a
wagon to the Black Hills basin ,
accompanined by his wife and
little bo\'o He has three sons
there th t he will visit. He expects -
pects to sta t the latter part of. .
June and w1ll return by the way
of Oklahoma where he has a son
and daughter. He hopes by taking -
I ing the summer outing to benefit
his hea1t.l. ! . ,
. '
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 " . .cu. " " 'PU\II LI"r .no. .
'l'he district court. will convenc
in th city Ma ) ' 2 ( , .
J. H. Edmi ten of 'l'hetlford ,
was a cit ) ' vi itor 'l'ncsday.
J. H. Ullom and J fT T4ce\J \ , of
Milburn , were in the city ' 1 uesi
day and 'Veehte u1:1Y , .
'V AN'rIlBy \ bTCutlcmau furn- '
ishcd 1'00111 or 1'00111 and board.
Enquire at this ot1 ce 5-t5 tf
Macc li' is still c011fiued
to his bed from a scvere attack
of th.e pleurisy , but is slowlim -
Rev. S. 'V. Hicharc1s will deliver -
liver the sermon tq the gradu ting -
ing class in Merna ncxt Sun ay
at 8 p. m.
Tank Kee's tiUe "
, "the Arte-
tltUS 'Vard of China , " is well de-
sen'cel.-Austin Eagle , 'rcxaa.-
At M. E. Church , May 16-17..11) .
In the last twenty-fonr Itour5
hbout one amI one-fourth iuches
of rain has fallen in this vicinity
and it is still raining at this
'l'ank lce's lectures arc full of
pice and thoroughly entertai.n-
mg.-Globe Democrat , St. LouIs.
-At the M. E. Chmch : , Ma ) '
16 17-19.
The DIstrict Suuday School
Convention of the North-west
District of Custer cou ty , will be
held in the M. E. Ch\lrcb at Cliff ,
Saturday and Sunday , May 24th
ancI 25th.
MARlUItD-At the M. E. parsonage -
sonage , Saturday , May 10 , 1902 ,
Mr. Isaiah J. li"reel of Brokcn
Bow , and Miss Chloe Brakeman
of Ansley. ReGeo. . P. 'l'ritcs ,
officiating. .
' { 'he Class sermon of the
gt'ac1uating high school will be
prcrched Sunday night by Hc\ ' .
Shetler in the Presbyterian
'church. The other churches of
thc city will hold no servicu at I
that hour. .
At the city council laRt night
cco. Honts , F. M. Rublec and J.
R. Deat ) , prese lted an applcation !
for a 'franc1l1se to put 111 the
Honts system of gas light. A
committee of three was appointed -
ed to act with the city attorne ) '
in drafting such a franchise as. .
may be deemed just to thc city' '
to be presented to an a jonrned
meeting os the council Monday
'l'hc . addl'cRs delivered by Governor -
ernor Savage before Nebra lm
State Press associatiot at Iincoln
the other clay was a vcry good
presentation of thc } ? osition , purposes -
poses ancl responsibIlities of the
pr ss. 'l'h governor admittcd
frankly that hc had recently been
up against it , and that hc fpund
it to be the rcal thirig. 'his
paragraph from the addrcss
shows the framc of the govcrtlpr's
mind : . "Darius once said in
speaking of his army of pne mil-
hon soldiers : 'Givc mc a lace for
my men to stand with thCIr spears
the } can lift the world. ' 'ro-day
there is more potency in a thousand -
sand load pencils than in those
million spears , and , spealcing.
frol11 my own experiences , if 1
was required to fa co the opposition -
tion and , wrath of either I believe
I would rather face the spears. "
-Kearney Hub.
Decol' t1on DAl Proram at MurDa.
_ _ , I
The following is' the program I
of the services to be conducted ,
by Rice Post , No. 256 , G. A. R. , '
in the M. E. ohurch at Merna ,
Decoration Day :
Song , "America , " . . . hy Cougregation
Music by Orchcstra.
Prayer. . . . . . . . ev. G. D. Strickler
Song . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Choir
Address. . . Commauder. J. M. Fodfe
Song . . . . . . . . . . . , . . ChoIr
Address. . . . non. J-4. n. Kirkpatrick
. : \ Music by Orchestra. '
Benediction. . . . . . . . Rey. Swart : ! :
12,00 1\1. . . . . . . . . . . . . Diuner
Music by Orches\ra.
Sohg , "Star Spangled lJal1ner. "
Recitation. . . . . . . . . Iisli FOlter !
Son . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . Choir
RfcltaUon. . . . . . . Ji8s Lulu Lowe
Music by till : Mandolin Club.
Recitation. . . . . . Mi&8 Mattie Fodge
Music by Orchestra.
Benediction. . . . . . . . Rev. Graham
The graves of our cOl11rads in
the different celUeteries will be
decorated by committees before
the morning services.
LaxaUve IIrolDo.C1utlituo Tabl.t. cure a cold 111
01"14&1. NoCun.ul' " , . I'rio. c.nt. .
. - - - . . . .
The Ma8011 OUr Salool1 Ca80 Agah. .
, 'l'hc MaRon City saloon ca
had anothcr inning earl ) ' last
Monday morning in this city bc-
fore Judge Sullivan. ' 1'wo weeks
ago thc hearing of the pctition-
ers aud remonstrators werc heard
by the villagc hoard in Mason.
'l'hc praycr of the petitioncrs
was granted and the license
granted. . Count ) ' AHornc ) " Kirk-
patrick in bchalf of the County
Anti-Saloon Lcague , appcnlcd
CroUt the decision of the village
board to the district court. Notwithstanding -
withstanding the appcal , the
license was issued amI the saloon
was opencd. County 4ttorllcy
Ki kp\1trick \ got out a writ of
mandamus to compell the village
board Jo re\'oke the license until
the question had becn determ ncll
. in the district court. 'l'he judge
granted the writ and ordered the
license r voled.
A lIal)111 NurlrJ-c.
Last 'l'hursda ) ' c\'cding' 33 of
the boys of Miss Lottie Richards
Sunday School Class planned a
very pleasant surprise on the :
occasion of her birthday. By
prcyiQuR arrangcments with Mrs.
lIall : Miss 140ttic was deta.incel
at the millener hop whGt'c she
was at work until half past six
which ga\'e the hoys an opporhm-
ity to ilssrmble at her home in
her abse tcc. On her arrival
home she ) Vas completel ) ' , ) 'et
lappily surpri cd to meet uch a
crowd of bO'R on opcning the
door to cuter her home. 'l'hc
boys had provided a Jibcralsuppl ) '
of icc creaui and calce for thc
occasion which was served to the
happ ) ' crowd. 'l'he class prcs nt-
ed MgR Richards with a ver ) ' I
'handsome 'r achm's flcxible reference -
ference Uiblc , bound in. Moroco as
a ( nc'mento of their. estecm.
' 1'hosil present report having. ( > 11- i
jp'ed a \ ' : : ) _ Jleasa : .o eni1tg.
Cllure" Hervlec. . .
Regular scrvi. s ill the 1II0rnlll at I J
a. m. III th cvcnill UI pllstor will
prellch the hllcclilallrclitc scrlllon for t\IC \
! { ruluoUu ' CltUl1I of the city schoo1 at
8o'clock. The puhlic ill cordially in-
vi hill.
M. H. clluncu.
Ser\'icea in the 1\1. H. church 1II11111Y
morning Gcn , G. W. nailey will fill the
pulpit. No service ill the c\'ening on account -
count of the 1111ccliinurcate Hermon in
thc Preshyterian church.
GJto. 1' . 'rIUTJH ( , Pastor.
- - -
Sill 111 ' 'ch)1 at . . I'reachiu
II } ( ) ( ) 10 II. III.
at 11 n. III. ! uhject , "Thc nUaics of
HaptislII. No services in the evenillJ. { ou
IIcconnt of ( Inion scrvices lit prellhyterinu
nAI"rl ! > T CUtlltcu.
Set'viccH in the Haptllit church next
Sunday flS follows : I renching at 11 n ,
JII. ; \lnduy Schonl lit 10 a. JII. ;
Jllllior n. V. 1' . IT. lit 3 " III. ; Senior
n. Y. 1' . U. lit 7. 1' . III. TIe 1'lIhllc is
kindly iuvited to allencl 1I11016t : : services ,
There will hc no prellchinf' ntnight.
S. W. RICIIAIWS , pastor.
Curd o. Thll" . " " .
We desire to extcllII our heartfc1t
thanks to the lIIuuy friel\lls \ IInd especial-
l.y the Masonic order that reuctcr cl as"
6lstatH'C nllli SYlllrathy durin \ he sickness -
ness ami cleath 0 ollr loved one who hns
been takeu from us. Those kind acts
will ever he renlctllhered hy us.
Mil ! ! . Alilim DtAN.
'f. C. DnAN ANn Witt , : .
I : . N. D AN ND WIItlt.
- - - -
'fROWItI.I.S was born nearZanesville.
Ohio. pctobcr :2oth : 1841. Dcparted this
life May 12th , 11)1):2. :
Deceased was baptised by Elder Jolm
P.r/ehard / I1l1cl received illto the fellowship
of aptist chnrch at lallesvi11e , Ohio ,
Morch 9th , 1871. At tht : tillle of his
death his memhership was with the
Merna church , Enlistcd. Octohcr 1861
in Co , A. 6:21111 : Ohio , Volunltcr Infantry.
Was discharg d Anb'1ts 25th. IH6S.
The funeral sen'\ces \ were held Tuesday
' in tbe Daptist church , RcS. . W.
'Richards ill charge. The fUllernl was
very largely attende .
MA..ket Report ' 0. . Teda .
Wbeat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 .00
Uarley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45
Oall. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . .to
Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 @ .
Uye. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
DaUer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
IfI/ic. / . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Potlltoe'.ller bU"JlII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1M
On'un. . per bu.beL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lW
Oblckcn. . 1"1' puund. . . . . . . . , : : - . . . . . . . . . .06
1I0i. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . oeo
Cow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13,24. : .
811'011. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : - . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1' : > 0 @ 6. 'i
Turko ) . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .lG
tltra w II.r cwl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
Uar. nl' , vel' tOil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " .M
IIUS'pOl' CW' . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . , . - - - - .
I - - - -
- ' .
- -
" . ' , . , I
" "
. , , ,
Paints ,
I "
Oils and
Wall Papir
, .
. .at. . '
Ed. McComas'
Dr.u Store. ' " 1
. , . . . . : I . . = . . - - . . . t' ( !
CB ! _ : : J [ .1 }
- 'r i
Job printing at thia ot1 ce. " : ; ' ) '
: :
Money loaned on imlrov .
farms. J AMJ\S LUDWICIl , : .i
7 18 tf Brokcn Dow , Neb , . ;
Dr. ' 1' . 'V. Bass , dentist , .officJ
nOFthwcst cQUcr ( of Realty Blo
8-1 tf. ilt .
For in wancc : and. rea1 estate .
g-o t Mo i & 'l'aylor , is. Rcafi { j
Block. ' : ' ( ' ,
Ii'OR SA'1. OR ' 1'RADn-'l'owq. ' ,
lotatHI : a few acre 10tsHit. ' : , ]
thicity. ! . for oattle , horses or fa'r ' .AI
land.-Allen Re ner. ' $ , 1
Se\'er l gooel : f rms fur s le : . t
a bargam , tllcludtllg n : ) ' OWli.-- ; ,
J l\Sfilt \ ; G A.NDV" . . . . 44 tf
- ' ' . , ' ,
Money to loan on imIJro'Ytt.d
farms-Moore & 'l'r ! lor , Realty
Block. . -23 tf . . .
l o } { SALlt-JNv : heael of cows' , ,
coming frcstt this sprinir , and ' . i
other cattle. Etiquirc of S. R.
Clayton at H. Day's stQrc ; . 46tf .J
, .
SaturIay afternoon and even. . : .
iug , I will open np my ice cream
parlors to the lJUblic. Ice cream , ' '
cakc mId strawberries . be It
served to orlcr. ( 'rhe . . ' .pab'onage "
of the public is soIicited. , _ . ' { )
Mus. 14. J. GANDV , '
Onc d < ; , or north of the Hcpublic&l1
Ofu .
FOR SAT.u-Gooel : quarter ec" , ; , ;
tion of land , four miles southo4" ' \
west of IJr01'1HI Dow , go.oel barn : . ' :1
well and large gtancry.-A. , , ' :
Sgybolt. 46-48 , , ,
FOH SAI.It-One : top buggy ,
. ncady ncw ; one , lumber wagoli , :
at my farm :
Norton. 46tf , , :
AI1CT.OKEER. - . . " .
Sales cried Ev rywbcrl. Stock , .
sales a s pedal ty. Wlfi te or see me { .
for terms and dates. JUD KAY. : ,1 , . .J
27 tf Box 111 , Broken Bow , , . ; .
Neb. t : , J
if you intOl to build call at' . , ' . .i
Dierks Lumb r Co. and get price . ' : , ' ;
Dr. Withers , Omaha dentist aiJ ? ' ' 1
Globc Hotel Map 23 and24. Sel" sf
of teeth for $5 and all work ; . {
at most reasonable prices. 2 ' . ' .
years experiences. 47 48 ;
Pepsin Gum , two packages fOr , :
a nickel at Wilkins' Pharulacy. ;
li"oR SALlt-Five acres t3f land. "
in g-oOtl state of cultivation adjoining - :
joining Broken Bow for $200.
Inquire at this office. 3-27 tf
Farms Cor ale aLd land'llior ,
rent. Now is the time to get a
farm cheap , as the cheap farms.
arc all goin , and prices arc advancing -
vancing rapully.-J. G. Drenizer. , ;
Dic\ks I4umber Co. has in stock
it car load of finc cedar posts for .
the trade. .
ShaUow gravcl wells made and'I
arantced by Frank Kelsey. 47-4 ,
Dr. Se"ymour wiU tl 'ain favor'
Broken How witlL a vis1t on Fri
day , Junc ( , . 47-51" .
AGRNTS 'V AN'ruD-To sell the 1
best household article on earth-- ,
one agent taking fourteen orders
in oneday"-agents making from i
ten to thirty dollars a day. Address -
dress at once to
47-48 Broken 'Bow , Neb.
For Wall Pa per Go to ;
J. C. Bowen's.
FOR SALIC-Lots 1 , 2 , 7 and 8 ,
block 5 , in Jewett's addition to q
I Bfokcn Bow. Enquire at thii )
. office. 11..21 tf
- . , . .
" .M' > I