Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 08, 1902, Image 8

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    . . .
, . . . . . . . . . .J . _ . , . " ' _ 11 - II T l 1 "J LJ1. . . . . . . . . . -.1 I
. I ' . :
. I ,
. - .
, ' , 15 Min.utes
sufficient to give you most :
delicious tea biscuit using
I" Royal Baking Powder as di- :
rected. A pure , true leavener. .
- . - - . - - _ . - . . .
I : HDI'rnD y ALLIUH. J : > 1H.KItV.
1 .
: eonrcrled Senator On Womnn Sul1'rn e
t : , Ex-Scnator Frank G. Cannon
W' of Utah , has this to sa ) ' regard- '
l , ing 'V oman SutTrage : "It is idle
. to discu whether suffrage is
.t .
; ' , the right of woman ; it was her I .
; I right as soon as it was man's
right. The o11ly question is , Is i
it her ( luty ? Has man \\0 \ discharged - :
charged the right to vote as to
nced no hclp from woman ? A
brilliant man with whom I walked -
ed down thc street said , " 'fhe
trouble is that when woman votcs
slle decclHli into thc slu111s. "
' \Vho dragged politics into the
slums ? 'Those who did so should
not cQntinue to bc trusted with
the exclusive use of the ballot.
"I was not always in favor of
woman sutTrage. I was once
strongly opposed to it. We had
quite elections , with little friction -
tion ; we voted the way the
women wanted us to , and I saw
no nrcd . , f women having the
hallot. It tt'ok the lesson of
L W 'I'I , ' rh to conviuce me that
111\\1 'l'Yer itot exercising the
suftl'al : sutllciently well to dis-
pence with the help of women.
.All the efforts made by men alone
to put a stop to the corrnption
fai1 d. At last the womeu got
together , amI then evcry lroud
police captain tremblecl ; Whcn
I saw how much women could do
by her indirect influence , it occurred -
curred to me that it wou1l1 be infinitely -
finitely better if she could use
h r influence at first hand.
" 'Vomen will 110t ( egrade
politics. We find in our State
that they uptift politicsi and they
- - -
-.cur fa . . . -U LJ Nl . .
'll . . . - ' : " ' .AIII&
A Ballow complexion , ( Unine9s ,
. Biliousness , nu conted ton ue
Ire common indications of hver
and kidncy ( U80a91 . , , . St.omnch and
bowel troubles , lIevere a8 they are ,
give inllodiatfWrrning ! ! by pllin ,
but hver. . . . m lndnoy troubles ,
though le9s painful at tilO start , ura
mucli harder to curo. The ford's
Dlnck-Draught never fails to benefit -
fit iscascIllivor anll wealtencd kid.
neya. It stirs up the torpilllivcr
to throw off tl10 gonu8 of fever nnd
ngue. It is a certai.n preventive
of cholera and llrigl t's disease of
tile ki neys. With It\dneys \ :0'
inforced ' .
'll1cdford s Dlnck.
Dra\.i ht tholl aUU of I > CIonslmvo !
dwelt immune in the midst of yel-
low' fover. Many families live in
perfect heklUI and have no other
doctor ban ' ' '
'l'hettford's Dlack-
Draught. It Is' always on band for
. .0 in an emergency and Bavos
.many oxpenslyo Calls of a doctor.
Mullin. , S. c. . March 10 , 1901.
I hav. used Thedford' , Dlaek.D 'ausht
'or three y.m and I ha\tl not had
t. dodor .hue I ha een takll lL
It Is the best medicine 'or me that It
on the market for liver and k
tr..lltu . . . and lall o"cr cy
tOMpt. . . . Itcv. A. O. ll WS.
- - -
either uplift the politician or dc-I
stroy him , I have secn women
go to the polls for years , but I
never heard one of them swearor
saw her offer a cigar to another
voter , or stop to tak a drink.
'V0111en will discharge this duty
in the same high way that they
do all their other duties , The
ideal manner of exercising the
' .
sutTrage IS when a man gocs to
the polls with his mother and
wifo. "
Woman Hulfrage In Ooloratlo.
An dnonymous statement comes
from Colorado that certain politicians -
ticians are planning the repeal
of women suffrage b ) ' tlw next
Legislature , and that the etTort
will have strong backing and
pr6bably succeecl. Prophecy is
ch ap , especially anonJmous prophecy -
phecy ; but it will be safcr to
prophesy n.fter the event. Not
long ago it was widely announced -
ed in the papers that the Kansas
Legislature was about to repeal .
municipal wuman suffrage after
14 years experience of iti' but
when the repeal bill came up , it
was votcd down almost unanimously -
mously , and "amM a ripple of
amusement. "
If the Kansas legislators had
wished to repcal municipa sutTr-
agc , they could 11ave done so
\vithout fcar of political opposi- I ,
'tion , since in that State women
cannot vote for members of the
Legisluature. But every metflbcr
of the Colorado LegIslature has
women among his constituents ,
and the women seem to wish to
vote , if we may judge by the
nU1ber of them who exercise the
right. At the , election in Denver
last November , 31,780 men voted
and 23,449 women. It is harclly
probably that a majority of both
branches of the Legislature will
vote for depriving a large part of
their own constituents .of the
ballot ; and the womcn would
certainl ) ' dcfeat the proposition
at the polls. No doubt there are
plenty of corrupt politicians who
would be glad to gct rid of equal
sutTragc if they could , but there
is no likelihood that an ) ' plans
to this end will succecd.
'fhe Colorado Legislature not
long ago passed resolutions , testifying -
fying to thc good results of equal
sutTrage with only three dissenting -
ing votes in the assembly and one
in the Senate , the solitary dissenting -
senting Senator being a Spanish
Mexican ; and there is no reason
to suppose thai : tbey have so
spddenly changed their minds.-
For Tll08e Who "I" . , 011 Farm. .
- -
Dr. Bergin , Pana , Ills. , writes :
"I have used Dallunl's Snow
Lmimenti always rccomme1Hl it
to my friends , as I am confidcnt
there is no better made. It is a
dandy for burns. " ' ! 'hosc who
live on farms arc especiall ) ' liable
to many accidental cuts , burIts
and bruises , which heal rapidl ) '
" , hen Ballard's Snow Liniment-
applied. It should always be
kept in the housc for cases of
emergency. 25c , SOc 'und $1.00
at Ed. McComas' , Broken Bow
and Merna.
. . . . - - . . . . . . ,
. L" "
- - . .
A1wav. have the belt qualityol :
Lumber and ether building &J1a-
; terl.l at the Lowest PtlOOIl.
. ,
'PhOBI l o. ' 10.
C. . R. JUDICINS , Manager.
, .
, , \ f. i. - ' : . : ' _ . _ " . . - . . " " , . " , . " " 1 " , i"f" , , . ' ' , ' ! ' ' . ' " ' ' - ' _ / ' . . _ _
to. . . . . . _ _ I A .
- . . - ,
( OaUawa , Cou.ler , ) :
li\L.Sl11itbwho has just closed
: t successful term of school near
Lodi , will leave in a short time
fdr his old home at Jackson ,
. S. C. 'Valdron and Supervisor
James Henry , of ncar Over at-
tendcd the repuLlican cluh ban- ,
( Iuet hcld 'fhursday evening of
last week.
County ClerkGrorgc Dewey and
wifc , of Broken now , came over
last 'I'hursch' to attcnd thc republican -
lican banqu t. We acknowledge
a pleasaut call from the former.
lIon. James 'Vhitehcad , register -
ister of the BroJ < cn Row' Land
Ofiicc , passed throught here Mon-
da ) ' , enroute home from his farm
on Hedferll table. this otllce ac-
knowlcdge a very pleadent call.
Hegister of Deeds , C. O. Lind
was a Ca1Jawal visitor last
Thursda.r and II riday , having
come over to attend the republican -
can banquet. 'Ve acknowledge
a pleasant call irom the 'gentle-
As a demonstration of what
time , labor and water can do , we
call your attention to the yard of
C. D , Engels. Charley has ta en
much time and interest in his
yard , and as a consequcnce he has
one of the most beautiful placcs
in town.
George Grcer , who has been in
the jewelry" " business here for
many years , sold out to 'Roy
'I'hompson , and with his family
moved onto his fat-her's ranch
yesterday , where G orgc . will
grow up with the chickens , pigs
and cows.
James Deckcr boarded the
"Cannon Ball Express" Monday
for the cast. He will visit several -
al points , and bcfor rcturning
home will attend a.cattle . sale at
Sioux City , Ia. , where he expects
to purchase several head o (
thoroughbred Hereford cattlc.
Geo. Howell has leased the Jas :
Whitehead place adjoining the
citl.on the southwest , vacated py
Wtll Stevens and has moved onto.
same. 'I'his is one of the best
places in the country forchickens
and hol9 , amI we predict that
Mr. Howell will make a good
thing by the move.
Wm. Stevens an(1 family 'left
for t11eir new home at Broken
Bo\v Wednesd.ay , where Will has
sec t'red a permanent position
wih the Dierks Lumber and Co 1
Co. While we regret to sae this
estimable family leave our city ,
we wish them the very best of
success in their new home.
Edith tevens acco'mpanied them
amI will re1ll in for an indefinite
( Amanco Grip , ) .
- -
On the new time tabi that is
to go into effect next Sut : day
three dining cars will bc' put
in service on the "Vyon1ing dIVision -
sion on trains 41 and 42 instead
of two as now used. 'l'hc chan : e
in the lime of th trains \vl11
make it necessary' to use threc
cars in to do the bus111ess.
A special etTort is being madc
b ) ' the Burlington maJage111ent in
regard to the matter of watching
switch lights to see that the.r are
kept burning amI in good shape.
Nothing but the best lights that
can be obtaincd arc to be used ,
and Ule oil is of the best quality.
Daily reports arc madc to superintendents -
intendents by trainmcn of each
lamp that is found not burning :
Class ilK" 4 engine No % was
put on 41 and 4 \ east of Allialice
this week. 'rhis cngine has 66
inch drivers and it is saht'it can
attain a speed of 100 miles per
hour. It is one of the class of cn-
gincs that male the record 'break-
ing rnn on the ' \Vestern division
n couple of weeks ago , having
made a short run at thc ratc of 98
milcs per hour. 'l'hese eu'gines
were built at Havclock. .
( AnlleJ' OUllon. )
.Chas. Davis , , ho has bcen a't-
tending the Broken Bow Dusiness
College , has accepted a position
itt . the Custer National . Dank.
Prcshlent George' Sutherland ,
of the Grand Island College , will
deliver the addresB- , the' grad-
uatiHg class at the commencement -
, ment exercises oUhc high school ,
Friday , May 24. . :
Dr. lIauna returncd' from
Missouri Wednesday with four
llcad of choice cattle for his
ranch. The lot cOHsists of one
Durham and three Herefords for
which he paid a fancy pric < ; .
W. K. Miller writes that hcex.
peets to return home "uout the
middle ef the month. . He ; states
that the Oklahoma winter has
agreed with him and he is cnjoy-
.ing th bc feaAtJi ! in , y ats.
Rev. Markland. the new Baptis1
minister. preaeked to i'n excep'
" p .
. . " . - . . . . . \
. . ' .
'V 1 r 'I r " .n
tiono.11y larg CQlK gation Sun.
dny nigbt ln t , Hi.'u\ernlOJt was
well received. lIe , < preach
again in two weeks both IJ Qrning
and evening. "
Ray Zimmerman returned homc
from Cherry cOlint ) ' Sunday
mornillfto help his father with
the sprmg work. .Hn ' has , filM
on a claim in the sam hills. t\ear \
Pulhnan amI will soon return to
live on it. ; ,
Prof. Housh and wife of B'rok
en Bow were in Ansley 'l'uesday
in th interest 01 the Brokenllow
Business College. We und r-
stand tha the Misscs Carrie Van-
sant and Mamie Maxon have
been enrolled for the term begin-
ing next Scptember.
Major Elison has planted ten
ditTereut varietics 0 ( . early potatoes -
tatoes this spri g as an exp ri-
mcnt , Among one tot of early
rose seedling he recci'veQ. form his
son-in l w living at D lfa , Colorado -
ado , was one monoster potato
measuring ten iticHes iJ1. . len'gth .
and weighing 37 Q.l lces. .
M. D. Eglcston is smiling , . , its a boy '
born April 24th.
Hl1rvcy Owcn has engaged to work on
. the Prettyml1n. ranch this summer.
. : . It W. Prctt } ml1n infomls us that his
father C. W. Prettyml1n . of Wescott , paid
him a visit last \'eek.
1\Jrs. C. G. L"'rnpfichl spent last week
with llcr parcnts at Ortc1Jd returning on
Sl1turday evening accompanied by threc
Maggic I10icc and daughtcr of Creston ,
West Virginia , arrivcd last weck and will
spend thc summcr with hcr 1110ther Mrs.
] . V. Provincc near , Ryne.
I. D. Shuman infoms us that his mail
box has bcen tome down the second
time whethcr through , malice or mischief
he can't say. Saten always hils some
misc11ief for idle'lll111d . ' to ri . . , .
Ahout enc year sincc Philii > PrQvince
l1Iul W. F. Dcal emegrnt d to Wisconsin.
frovince staycd a short timc did'nt like
the llmlger litate lul went to , Colorado ,
k'emailling thcre ti1llast April hu.t' was
contcnted and scnt bis Eamily to
Custer by rail and has gone ovcr .laml to
Wyoming to make further sCl\rch for the
pl1ncake t cc , but' it ls' only a qucstion of
tUne when he will return . to CUlifer' and
, . . . ' .
squat . and be 'col tent d. ' .
. . ' - .
' -IG'JlORH 1 .6.8I . . , :
Ara ou nterested in th Dig' Horn
I1asin of Wyoming ? .
Its nch but' undeveloped portion of
NorthwCstem ; W'omit g. It containa
marvel10us openinbrS for smal1 r nches
: along good streams in tbe val1cys , with
one million acres of govcminent land
open to settJ " " .1e. t under the Uunited
States Lmul LawII. . .
Thc l1urlinJ , , ' ' on Routc has just published -
ed a folller dcscrip ve of thllig Horn
, Basin. It is iIIustratedlintl contains nn
, accuratc iliaI' . It tcl1 abe t he . lay f
the land , character of the soil , products ,
yield , irrigation and opportunities.
If you're interestcd , . hetter'wnte , for a
copy. It'drce. . . ] . IRANCIS ,
. . . . e.l.le ! ll Pascnger : , .i\g nt , ' . ; :
4:1-50. : Omaha . . , Nebr. . - . .
, (8'/14' ( . , . .
Thl. algnlloturo la on every box or the gonulne
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets
U10 remedy f.bAt , . cekl 48 ODe day
II" ' . F R.6.TatH 11.4.811" : .
Via Dur" " Route. .
Onc fare for the rounU trip to Harr s ; .
burg , l'a. , May 14 to 19.
Return lilllit Junc 30. .
Tickets good via Chicago or 51. Louis.
A great opportunity to visit thc east.
HI1If rates frolll I1nrrisblleg to ( ! Oints
in Pennsylvania , 1\I IyIRIHI : aud DIstrict
of Columhia , 1\tny : II to 24.
Ask the Ihlrli lgton ngent. 46-48
Cure. . 'Vlleu Doctorlt Pull
Mrs. Frank Chiasson , atter-
son , La" writes June 8th , 1901 :
"I had malaria fever in verv bad
form , 'was under treatme t by
iloctors hu t as soon as I stopped
taking their medicine the' fever ,
would return. I used a sample
bottle of Herbillc , found it helped -
ed me. 1'hen bought two bottles
which com letely cured me. I
feel grateful to you for furnishing -
ing snch a splendul medicine , and
can honestly recommend it , to
tJtose sutTerlng from malaria , as
it will , surely cure them. " licr-
bi te , 50c bottles at.Ed : McComas ,
Broken Bow and Merna.
. FOR 1 , 2 , 7 a'nS ,
loclc 5 , .in Jewett's additio . to
.Brokcn : P.'tV. ? Enquire' : ' , this
office. . 11-21 tf
- - . .
Copvnl..HTS 4c
Anronllllndlnil . akflrb Mil \ ! , u _ ,
UICItI' aloorlaln our "Ilnlon rt\ICrlll1lon , . .
' 'II ' .Unr.
n".nUoo I. "rohaLI , lolllnll\l.l ! , . . ( 'ultlmunl. . . . .
onuU\oUoonU4l1uUaL 1I&n\II..J" "a'en'a "
"nt troll. lIhlcat ' fur aeturnt , ' , ;
" ajlllnl'Y . : 'Ia\jnla
. l'alllll' _ .tahn tll..lllilit Ilulin " 0 , r" , , hr
notlc.'wl1"nuL .1r l'Ilo.ln tlio
: -Sdtntlflt JfU rIt ft .
A bandomtlr l\Iua'ntll \ < ' WN ! " ' " fhrelt MI\
eul..llon 01 an , f'lontlll" J < , url\l\l' 'I\'rlll' . t3 .
ti ' , r &O O:3 : . n : : : ; , N' w' ;
IiIranch Oll1ot. 1 ! WuhW.tuu. . It.
, . . . . . fi , ,
, " , I ! , . . . . ,
, . .
, . , "
_ . . . .I.Alf .Ate. .
,00AJIItlhet Rehi r } ' :21 : , 22 Rillt 23 ,
. .Vi" Ihulinrtolt , Route , . .
. Statc HncalllJlllcnt ) G. A. R.
Allk the lIearesl . ngc.t. ! nurlington
Ruute , 45'49
CallforulR .41..0 and Rcturli.
. - - .
Tickets 'on salc April 21st to :17th : , May
27th to Junc 8th , Alif'tlst. ,21111 to 8th.
- J.lh 'rnl ! itop.ol'ek' arran cU1enls nUll rc-
turn , limits. I'-or ndditiollu1infonnlttion
ask 1\11 \ : lIcarest n ( Jnt , 1\lIrlington Routc
or write. ( or A California folder to
i - '
J. } ? R NCIS ,
Gcneml Passcngcr Agent ,
Burlington Rontc ,
39-St . ' , Omaha , Nebr.
. .
- - - -
, -
We Are Better Prepared For'
, Business than Ever.
BLAOK PI'nonEON UIIYI.A nO-l' I1Irond ! ;
\Vollht ; , 2.000 pouud ! ' _ Bonlco loel , ! Ii tu $12.
MAINE-IIIgh Grade Percheou
, , olght , 1 , ROO Iloumla.
LOGAN-Five ) 'ellrR old : brown ; lSh Orado
! : Jhlr ! ' : elgbt , 1.600 pounda. .
FOX -JlIKhl ronrll Old .baYJ' IIIgh Morltan and
OIl1e ; wqlght ! 1 , IJoon 8. I
PDlNO&-leal ! brown ; pacer and Irotter jwelgbt
1,125 pounda.
The Four Ooal1o Servlco FeeR 8.1 00 to 88.00.
Come an see .
PENDENO la" Mammoth Jack , 31ear8
IND July 4th. 11/,2 / , oad I , . the largeat , but booed -
ed Jack ot hla , a In theae uartft.a goo , ' pl'r.
former and auro lfeoder. . denIeD 11'08 , to $1a. :
nUDE III a.Mammoth Jack , rather amall , bnt a
oat breeder of larlte. at111eb ululoa.
Bonlco leea Iwm 53 to $9-
There Ie no bettor Inveatmcnt than broedlDg
mulol aa tbo market III taking any.go. ' .1'ho ) ' 81'6
aearco and the1 will go hlgbor.
They will make tho'na80n ot 1002 at tbo old
Slar Dreedlng DllrD , north 01 ullro..d ! lJroken
8011' NobrlLllk. . . Como aud Bee our aLoclt before
b e dlng.Yo are here tor buelDCla and to IItay.
ftnclplo , Owner and Ma ager.
ffii !
Business and . m
Professi nal Directory.
. ! ! i
ff l' 03 u cell l's
Room. 8 anl1 D. Realty Dlock , Uroken 0011' . Neb.
JY' " ' 1'1 nna Bnd oat ! m aloa on ahortnollco.
lJrokoD lJow , Nebraaka.
J. J. NYDE ,
. .
allk ) Jnallco 01 tll8 Peaco. 8t1/lclalattftnton ! Kt.en
to colJocliona teJlQIIIUon tak nlcnlllon vonch.
erllnoally oxecutet' and all klnda ot le BI paper ! !
"rlnon. 00100 In tllIl rpar ot nnk ot Commerce ;
IIlokon Dow. Nohrn8kB.
Wi : :
f"1114- , '
. '
, I'
I It
. _ . .
, : J
. . I ' .
. . .
C . H. JEFfORDS , - . , . '
. \
JQ Iczleczl lasfJ.'a e , .
Abltra " Promptly I'urnllhed. Your' Duhi. . . 1
"olletted OO'e. In Oa01l : of Com l rcl lJn1141ul ,
IJro.OD Ijow , Nebr'IU.
" !
R ,
R'mln I R ! ! ! f.If't..t. . . . t , . .
lUanller. Plow work ami horAc shoeluJC :
a spccialty. Remember the loclltlon-l
the of Commercial hote . . . . '
lIew hop wcst , , 'l , , , ,
Physician & Surgeon. "
oreco In rellr or Ihe Dank ot Commerce. Rell.
denr4 Olb honao we t or tbo lIapUIL church.
1I.01len Dow , Nebrae1:8 , .
S.M. . DORRIS , . '
.1Q2 ! ! Iml'QJkQ .
AI. kinds ut work In.our hnll done promptl ,
and 111 rat-clnB order.Hed Bhop qn Ihe
corner weet 01 tbo hOle lIouae. \ j
OIVIt Utt A. 'rIUAI. . .
Droken Dow , - - - - Nebraska ,
o [ . O. L , MULL : -rS , : i
Physician Surgeon. I : I
2nd Btalrwa , tromTnt end In Realty Dlock ; ! ,
rcsldonco , 3rl1 WUlt . churcb , on Bllmo BIde '
ot atroet. tY"'Droken ! Dow , Nebr altB. f
w. E. DAKBR. Prop. .
For a 8oc1Al Ramo 01 puol. &jJorth ot Dntlll' J
MOAN Office , Droken 1I0w , Nobuakl.
II. o. DUTTON , Proprietor.
Flrat-cla.a Work. Uear Uoum ot Droken w
Rtillo lJan , DroLoD Uow. NebralkB. .
-Proprietor ot- .
Ueltaurnnt& Lunch Counter. Larso allortment
ot ConlflOtoulrlCl ! , Olgar8 and TobaCOOl. Nort . . . I. . , .
81do of Public t1quaro. Oroken Bow , Nebra.ka. I ,
m.e..e. . .br. . . . . .
ttorne.u = at = Jtuu ,
Broken Oow. Nebraaka ,
I.D. . lJLAZE ,
. . . . . .De.ler In. . . . . .
GranUo , Forolirn and .o\merlcaD Marblea.
Ornamentl Work a Specialty.
Uroken Dow. - ' . . . Nebrw. .
E. F. ! doCLtlBa.l'top.
Uyo Flour , Duck"heat , Gr'&b..m , Feed. etc.
DR. T. I. . . FARN8WOLtTH ,
. ,
omco Over 8wau' . GrocCl' , / . \ . ' . .
. . .
. . . . . .Dealer In. . . . . .
I'nmps. Wlud 1UIII. T8nkl , .Flttlni G ll .
Engtnell , oto. . elc.
Orokeu now. Nebrs/lka ,
FrOo InetrucUoD. how to and devolope I
picture \Vlth eYor1 camera IIOld. .
Ftnlahlog done tor Imatnrel ,
Latest Styles in Photographs. .
Eltab\lebed \ la 181)1.
DUB. R. 0. & w. E. TALBOT.
011I00 onr l1aeborle'a Drug Stero.
DroklJn l1(1w , . - - Nehru. . . .
Osteopathic Physician. )
tFOOloe nVOr 8"'ln' . Orocer ) ' Store. noau-
0. . . m , ' 0 12 m. and 2 10 . ( p. m. oaldenae-
Grand Oenlral lIotel. Ohronlo CAICI a BpoclBlt1.
- -
. . . .4
. . CJXr U..A.FI.N-ESS. : .
l or the lst l three ) 'cars I have been over-stocked on farm-
harness. ' ! 'his fact puts mc in a position to sell all harness t 10
p r cent. less than the marlmt value. I have a goo farm harness
at 'the surprisingly low price of $20.00 , worth $22.00 , and at $21.00 , .
worth $22.50. Other : ; at the same low value up to $30.00. ,
. '
, . 'New.lineol , Farm Implements. , .
i Sulkcy plows , . Disc harrows ,
Three wheel Climax Listpr6 , Steel pipe harrows , ' .
Walking ahd riding cultivators , Acmc and Champion mowers ,
. Fuer ] ! md Johnson huggieR , Graml Island Hog fence ,
I Vtic n , Barb wire ,
cd ok sto\'e , and Nails , t
Quick Meal rnngtH ! , Cutlery ,
'l'inwarc , and It cumplet line of shclf hardware.
Alfalfa , Milot and Cane Seed. .
.t. " , ' ' , . . , OUR MOTTO-.Under : Sell. . \ . J
"J' '
C. W. . APPLE ,
'Wcst SideS quare , Broken Bowoo.Nebraska. , :
. .
. , "