Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 08, 1902, Image 7

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    " -
' ' ' - 1 , " : r. - - ' . . - . . . ,
J ' ' ' ! , ? ' -
tJ t- , , 'i ' ' ' . " . ' ' . . . 1'T..r " ; P'\n- " ,
IIr r
\ ,
! Tired Out
IC I was very poorly and could
hardly get about the house. I wds
tired out nil the time. Then I tried
Ayer's Snrs\parllla : , and It only
took two bottles to make me feel
j ! ' perfectly well.Mrs. . N. S. Swln.
ney , Pran Mo.
, j
Tired when you go to
, \ " bed , tired when you get
I " ! ! tired all the time.
1 \ RI lY ? Your biood is im-
p.ure , that's the reason.
, You are living on the
l I border line of nerve ext -
t haustion. Take Ayer's
\ Sarsaparilla and be
' . Sl. bollie. .
qUlc 11 y eu red . All druultll.
, Ask rour dOl1lor what ho thlnla of Arer' .
8trolll , rlll. . lie know" , ,11 "bouUhhltrand
old ( IIm1l1 JOI"II lne , 1'011uw hi. ad"lce and
"e wl\l \ bo antl"n.I ,
J. C. A YEn Co" 1.0,011. 7 > 1. . . .
; I' - . 'A"-
, .
j I A Strnufo 1.0\0 thIlTII1.
: The challres ot marrluRo or old-
t ; DaldeuhoJ ( hnve been the subject ot
1 mnn ) " superstitions , which vary In
I HIcrent parts of the world. In
I iNorway the gi'rls me ( ] to weavc a
I wonderful uct of the fillcsL hnlr ,
working ten minutes of an e\'enlnR
/by / moulIllght , In the belief tlmt
hose who tolled successfully for
ithlrty moonlight nights would surely
Ibe marrIed berlro three ycars bad I
lPassed. 'ho girls who broke the i
Ibalrc ; given them to work with or
Iwho toro holcH In , heir nets , were ,
of oourse destined to be old maitIs.
A Soldier's Nnrrow E cnpo ,
Watts 1'lnts. ; N. Y. . Mny 5.-Goor0 , :
lIanhnrt ot this place. a hale : \11,1
( \ \ hearty old ROldler ot 80 yenrlor : t\ ( "
tells n thrlllillg' story ot IL narrow es.
pe trom death :
I uFour yenrs ago , " he says , "the (1oc-
tors who wcre attelldlllg 1I1e durlllA' n
. .erlous mileS ! ! caJ1ed my wlte aside a11l1
told her' that I could nt live two
weels , as I , had Bl'lght' Dlsea e. which
mennt"certaln denth.
"As n lust r'sort we thought we
would try Dodd's Kidney Pills. : LUd
acccirdln ly sent to ' ) 'rr. OIark's dl'Ug
IJtore a11l1 A'ot 11 box ,
"This rel11e'ly worked wonders III my
case. 1 noticed the lrupro\'ement nt
once nml dlschurA'ed the doctor.
"I kept on IlI1provln until every
lI1'mptom or Illness hnd gone nnd 1 was
IItrong and well.
" 1 teel lllee a boy nnd to.dny 1 am
cbopplng wood ns wcll at elA'hty : l8 at
twenty. Dodd's Kidney Pills did , It. "
Where IIn" IIn1\ot Jliln. ,
t The Rev. Dr. " Jwlght M. Seward ,
"tho Dlsllop at the Coast , " WIIS tOlld
of telling t a cergyman who spent
his summers In the Adlrondacks'ln '
( l s ttlernent at the so'uthern end at
Baranac Lalcc. The. clergyman cuI.
, , '
tlvated the genial habit to a degree ,
y.s and would , dlspellc ! ; greetings to
leveryone as ho walked along the
street. ' 1'he simple country tolks
could not qulto uuderstand the J.oods :
, man's cordlatlty. On une occasion
tl1e had bowed most heartily to a no.
ted barroom eharncter at tne town ,
, : who was plainly much surprised by
Ithe attention. lIe watcbe the re.
treating IIgure ot tbe clergyman \ In 11
troubled way. J'lnl1l1y ! , he turned
to n group of trlends and said :
"Now , where In blazes ha\'o r nlet
that man ? "
, ,
Tl o EJ e.o'n . I/y :
The eye at a l1y is so eonspructed
'a8 to'brlng the entire horizon within
I . bls circle of observation i a tacl
'whloh explains the extreme alertnes !
of these Insects In escaping attack.
I Works of Olook ,
.rhe LI verpool town hall clock wa
, . .topped . durlll the recent storm ID ,
England owing to Its works havlnQ
, frozen ,
I ' "
l Io" " lie Worked It. ,
uI don't see why they call you
! the star boarder , " cOfI1 lalned the
. lt l1ow who always got the wing ,
"That's easy , " replied the other ,
In , his copyrighted superior st'le.
"I JU9t tylnkle.twlnkle , and the
andlapy esn't know \'fh t I am
n- - & lets me stay on blind taltfi. " .
- , . ' .
( . . . ,
, . She Would Not he
Without It Now.
Neither would thousands of others. We
"efer to Vogeler's Curative Compound ; it
jdoes so much good and leems to reach
ery fonn of stomach trouble , that people
ve found that it is the olle true specific.
nd what are stomach troubles ? The easiest
IUUwer b that three-quarters of all the dis.
eases nnd aliments wbi. h affect us proceed
from one lorm or another of litomach
Indigestion II one of the , , "orst and most
, evalent lorml , but Vogeler's Curath'c
I . mpound cures Indigestion. Here il one
nstance :
Mr. W. Dowell , of 34 , Priory Street Win.
ester , Col" writes : . . I wish to st:1tc tbat
1n1 wile has been taking Vogeler's Curative
Compound lor a long time , and it is the
"oly thing that has dona her any real good
10f' indigestion , In fact nothing would induct !
her to bo without a bottle now. "
When we litOI' to serioulilr consider the
i fad , that this great remedy is made Irom
. , the fOlmula of one of the most eminent living
f London physicians , It is no wonder that
people who have happily experienced the
\ benefit to be derived lrom Its use , will not
"OW boith9ut It at any cost. .t . : .s ,
St. Jacob' Oil , 1td , Dal ore , 'Md. , will .
lend you 'a' freo' aamplo boitJ Writc.
. . .
. .
lIe I1ns I ncetl Grim n nth Intnn : : , .
of Its l'hn8es In Wlhl , " 'cstern } ) U8
- ervell nit l\lclllher of Vhl1uncc
There nro mell with chnrmed 11\'e9
all o\'er the West. l\ebrnslll'S neW
8enntot. : O. II. DIl'tt'leh , Is one of tlWItl.
110 Illuyeli n IHU.t
. , .
III the el\l'ly hlstol'Y
or the lllncl , lUlls
only secol d0 ' ( hill
11In 'ed b ' his 0111
frleDlI. S ti , 3\IU r ,
, hhnl\elf. : th'o t\1"1t \
shol'lff of Dl'lll. :
wood , Sellntol'ulet-
t'lch hns 100lwl11nto
\ he Cnco oC lIenth
11111 In' 11 tlnll' nt
. .m. . . . , nm - -
' .
f..i1 : . 'S. ; tt : . , , t.j . ' nUll
, close l'ange. , na
l. . u. 1.1. . lIhlll , a membel' oC n'Ig. .
Uancu committee , he hos helped othel's
1001 ; : Into It with th 11111 ot Jul1go
L 'Ul'h , The whole United Stutes Sen-
nto11 \ not be I1blo to Inthnh.1ate C. II.
'l'hu nuw Sellator went west .Crom
Am'ot'n , IJI , Ho b gan to mnlu ; : his own
living when ho was S yours old. Ile
chol'ed fot. Cal'mers , snutchlng whut
Ichoollng ho could get fl'om thu lIttle
lug Hchoolhousu during the winter
months. ' 1'hen he became a blacksmith
und , saving : $120 In 18 , hu paid his
eXpenHCt3 to Cheyenne , Wyo. Ilel'l' ! he
: bought provlsluns and blnnlels. und.
! the ' ' ' to
llr1ng ! pl'ovlslons tl't1nsl1ol'ted
Dead wood. he tied the blankets 6n hi ! ' !
bncI ; : nnd tl'udgcd ulon ; ; beside lhe
wugon that contulned hit ! 11l''Jslo1lS. .
' 1'he jout'lIey wns mude In wlnt01' . nnl1
the mlln who fought his wuy fl'ol1l the
fal'Ul to the Sennte wulked .JOO miles
along n trulllhat led through ! ted Cun-
' Jn. III which , just befol'u hu went'
througl1 und just aftCl' . mall ' white 1m.
mlgl'UlltR were. Idllcll hy Inlilans.
Earl ' .In 18 Senutol' JJletrlch helped
to build tl1e 11rst Htoru or De:1I1wood : ,
"Thu PloncCl. . . . After It wus b\lUt DI -
tl'lch dell\'el'ed III Ql'ch a11l1l HI' ull over
the Dead wood countl' ' . tt'I'elln nt
night most.oC the time , to avoid . , the
Indians , '
In 187G DIetrich helped to layout the
town of Spenr11sh. I dlnns cnme down
the gulch and stmupeded the ponlus of
the town bu1Jders. Chnse was given
nnd some of the Ilonle8 were recovered ,
and , though man ' shots were fired , no
one wns 1,1lI0d on either side.
"Vlth the VhlInncc Committee.
Iu the winter of 1877 'Dietrich ,
with two pqrtners , locnted the 4UrOl'n
mine. 1.'here WUB trouble over the
clnhn and In ono of the many lIghts
'yhlch toolt plnce Dietl'ich was shot
twice. ono bullet cutting his forehead ,
I"lul1l1 ' Dietrich sold out his Interest
nntl becallle a member of the vigilance
c lllllllttte ! , which took the plnce of thl !
cOl1\'entlonal COUl't of the East.
' ! 'hu Ill'st cuse the vlgllonce e0111111lt-
tee hundlel1 Improssoll J > 1tt I'jeh A'l'eatl '
with the chm'llI und01' which his lire Is
pl'otected. D. 'l'homal' ' ! Hmlth WI : < the
CUlPl'lt. Ills wife hall been a I11l11w 'ed
widow of bfOll\'er. Smith Wl'ut to tlll !
HInck JIllIs to Hwell hm' roll. lIe begun
to , elt'IIII' 111111 to leud n dlfOl'del'ly ; life.
In the rail of 187 his wlfo ( 'ume on ,
She saltf.Jte hnd desCI.ted hel' unll thell'
( 'hlhl , anll hall tnlwn ull hm' mune ' ,
IInel h\(1 ( Unnllr reCused SUppol't when
sill ! at Inst established communication
wit h him. 'l'he committee WfiS elllled
to ether , : lJ1d the women tolll her trou-
hleR , 'l'hel the nctlng mar8hul , Con
Stllpleton. and Dietrich were uskell by
the ( 'onllnlttee to Hnd Smith nUll lJl'lng
II 1111 to b'lul.
l'hey found Smith at elle Union.
where Wild nlll WfiS killed. and. call-
In him out , told him what wn ! : ! wunt-
l'll. Smith saW he would not go. So
force had to be ullplled. In thu st\'t1 -
; :10 Smith drew a knlCe nnd eut Diet-
I'leh between the fingel's 0)(1 ( In the ab-
domen. Smith \\'nt ; tl'1ed h ' the ( 'om-
mlttee. nnd the verdict was thut 1111 the
111'ollCrty ! Imown to belong' to Smlth--
mOlley Ill' hnd lounld ! out , nnd proJlert .
he hUll hought for a womnn for whom
he hud a COUllnefs-hud ; to be t1\1'ned \
o\'cr , to ll' , Smith , Aftct. thut wus
dune SmHh'ns fo lea\'e camp hefore
10 a. 111 , the n xt Iiny or Huffer the
\lI\HIIt \ , which Will ! death ,
"I slept that llhhl In Il cabin owned
b ' , hllge ! r. 'lIeh 1"-01'111 11 n. " SenntQr
rHetl'leh'uS telllllg not long'n o ,
" 'I'h'l'e'nR enl ' un old piece of blan.
I'l't at the dOOl' . I'a8 Rltt1l1 In the
, 'allln , just thllllting ahout tll'jlnIn
fUI' the night. when the at the
.111111' . WIIS pulled aside Huddelll ' nnd
: -m\th ; \ 1" < 'llllcd In. lIe hud u WllIChcH-
11'1' III his htnd. : nnd he thruw It tu hit ;
, . ; Iwllhl'l' . "
It seem : : ! thnt Smith had n qUlel , and
11I1\\'el'1'ul mun to denl with. for DIe.
, u'll'l1 tol'e the Wlnchestet. frol1l Hl1Ilth's
hlllldt ; . 11I1l1 , Jmp\lllng \ with him. Hoon
ftulI him lIl\lllr control. 'I'hell he tool ; :
" 1I1'1th's wOI'd ot honol' thut lie would
L'lIve town ut once tUul let hll1l go ,
j'III'I : : . ' th following litornl" ; ; Hmllh
,1I"t CIIII Stupleton , who WUs tulldnJ ;
II ) III1C1t1IU1' mun" und hluzed u\\'u ' nt
( "m. The hullct mlsRed Stupleton IInd
11111'11 ; the mnn Htupleton WIlS talltlng
\ \ It h , \lro1''slior \ trom an J lIstel'n col.
I ' ; :1' , Hmith waR nfterwnrd kl11ed In
( ' 1I11fllrnlu ,
" ' 1'0 "how ' 011 how honornhle Wcst.
"I'll " nll'lI lire , " Dleh1ch snld. "I must
, 11 : . ' , ) u thllt I 'wre were mnny men In
:11' : nl'hl'i : wi" " , had borrowed muney
111I Hmlth or hn.1 property helonlnl ; : ;
hllll , who \\'et'u unlolOwn to trs.
hllth ' to ' else Smith.
01' IIn one save .
" I' f(1II ( ilK they heard the verdict ot
, Ju' . . ' ( 'IIIIIIIIII''e . , , ' they cnme Into Cfimp
' , \11 . \.ft'lcl 'l1 lp the property or paid
Il' 1II111\l' \ ' the ) ' ow'd , "
. , , ' "
. - ,
Defore 1118 dt'ctlon to the United
Stntes Sennto Dietrich wn GoVe1'1l0f
of r\ebrnslm.
l1 < hv the Poor Little l'otl h 011'1 81)en
Hcr t:1I&\11l&:1I : to lIcur I'ntt I.
Inny 'enr8 IIgo n llool' little Polish
, ; h'l. 111 clnd , 111 fl'd. cold nUll wCfiry.
wns devoured by It Ill'sh'o to h'ar the
singing ( \ ( 'Ad l1na PaUl. the greatest
8ulJI'nllo of hOl' time. 'l'ho poor litHo
Pol11h ! gh'l could not aCl'ord to buy n
rose1'\'ed sent ( ot. the lIel.rOl'uItUlce , 'ot
aOlllehow she IIIUHt heut. It , Cor Ilerhl\lS
nO\'I1' agnln would the rnlliunt qUHen
of song COluO to shlno upon that fm' .
nWI\ ' little city. And so the 11001' llttlo
Polllih gh'l Jnthered up the a:1\'ln s ot
l1Iun ' mouths , which she hnd curnell
h ' sll'eplcs ! ! nights lU1d Ilitiablo drllllt ; .
l1' ! ' . hl\lIuuet'lng her little llngl'1's to
numbness pht 'lng dll11ce lIIuslc for'oplc , end with the mcngl'l'
hOI\1'el he clutched In those snme tll'ed
Ilngcrs , she Itood for Ilve hours In the
hlltel' coM with thc line of people wnlt.
In for the sallC1' ' enh'll11cu to open.
'l'hen , with the ct'owd , llUshlng IUIlI
IU1llthl , I she was thl'own , trampled ,
bcnten ul tll ( ! stulrs , hel' little sa\'lngs
gone , and the lJt'eclous tlclwt Iven up ,
tl11 she found het'selt huddled nwny in
a C0l'110t' of the gnllN'Y.
Anll then she heal'd Patti nmJ tOl'
two brief ho1\\'S \ the sordid enrth be.
CI11110 a pIIl'lIdlse. 8uch t1 parndlse liS
till ! pOOt' little Polish Jh'l : hoped to
rcach. pel'ehnnce , be 'ond the Ilortal8 of
'l'o.dny Adellnn PatU Is growing old
anl1 hatt lert the opemtlc stllC1111 ! tbo
' little Polish IfO'II' 'whol'e .
pOOl' girl If\ \ O\'I\I' ac.
clllhued as the gl'eatest'olllnl \ slngOl'
of the h110 : for thl' Iold ! , th'pel. hungl' ' .
cnger. little lIal'l'clIlokhl1nRI : ; : ' Is
now the Camous tnt'cellSemhrlch ,
the queen of song , 'l'ho once cold /\11(1
tlrcd Hugel's now spurl.le with din.
mends nnd the weary llttle Ceet uo
longer stnnd waiting at the Jntes of
the IlI\lIs of music.
' 1'he child who once could barely save
the pl'lco of mlmlsslon to It Puttl per-
fOl'lIlllnce. rmys the rllJrhn. now t.c.
celves $1 , OO fpr eoch oppeomnco In
opera. and has been paid a ! ' ! much ns
$1,000 to sing two songs In n coneel't.
And when she gl\'es a song 1'ecltnl , In
which she stands alone on a llatrol'm
.and sings to a piano accomponlment
sonA's ot Schubert , Schumnnn. and
nl'ahms. people go mlle8 to hear her
and hundreds' arc tunled nway , unnble
to guln ent1'l1nce to the hull.
Once Mme. Sembrlch told Mme. Patti
how 8he ad wnlted In the line betoro
that memol'able nppenrnnce , nnd l\I1l11 ?
Plltt ! snld :
"Oh , you poor glr ) , why didn't you
wl'lte to me nnd .1sk me tor a ticket ? 1
wO\1ld have given you one gh dly. "
"But. " said Mme. Sembrlch , ntter
telling me of this , "I nm atrald she
wquld not hnve tho\1lht n second time
of my letter. You sec , no ono knew
'me then. "
Pi"nin II. Profcssor .Down.
A Cact wol1 Imo\VIl to mClllcnl men
Is that Dl'equently after a patient has
swnl10wed or e\'en Imoglned he has
swnl10wed some sharp object , 111'0 a
fish bone or a pin ; the 8ensatlon or pnln
will bl' complained of for n IUllg time ,
o\'cn , though nothlnl : Is lodged In the
throat. It Is , often hl1l'd to con\'lnce
a IlaUent thnt hIs feeling ot dlstre8s
Is altogether due to hnaglnaUon ,
Such patients wlIgo \ trom oue phy.
slclun to another , HUll convinced tltat
the object Is Ucklng In tile thl'oat ,
In rmch cuses it IH n Ju ; tUlab e trlcl ; : to
1'001 the patient h ' IH'ol1uclng n substl.
tute pin which the operntor hits Itt
hand nnd which , he trJumpllllntly
shows to , the llIlUcnt aftcr touching
the throat with some Instl'ument. 1.'h18
In\'l1rlal ly nUaUes , 'the , : paU6M n1\l1
cures him.
'l'he profes or wished to mnl'e nn ob.
ject lesson ot this phenomenon nnd od.
\'Ised the f ! mlents to watch for the 1001 ; :
of sutlstactlon on the patlent'a fnco
when the Imoglnllry f\ou co of Irrita.
tlon Willi recovered. After a prololl/- / : '
( 'Ii exuuIlllttlon : , 811Y8 the New Yorl ,
'rimes. the protessor. with an nSHUI1l'
eel all' o ( exuUatlon , handcti the sub.
stituted bt'hht pin to the plltlent , only
to be 1l'eetet'J with the disgusted. t.o-
mnrlc of the mnn :
" ! \fl.W , dut'a not it , I swaUeyed n
black pin. "
The Enrth's Ornst.
' 1'he : ; l'eater 11art ot the earth's crust ,
thl'utm' und the all' , conalsts ot but
few ell'II el1tR. Ox 'gen forms one.halt
h ' wel/-ht. / silicon n quarter , aluminum.
Irem , cnlelulII , magncshl1n. sodium und
I1ot0881um I'omhlned f01'lll twenty.three
pur cent. l l"lng about two per cent
for ull the other olements. Chemical
comlolllllill rarely contaIn many clo.
IIIcnt . V'Ilrl ' < Hl/l rouplngs ot the Hllme
oletlll'nt ! ' ! plII lCe new 111ll1ltI1l\CeH. ( Jat' .
bon HI/-nallzcs / . . . . ItHelr by a peculiar 11111111'
t:1 hll\ty \ ot plURticlty , It tot'ms nu.
cll1l1 t'or nggre11lUOn : , nnd these uuclell
arl ! hOOl1 < ' (1 together to term cOlllpl1.
a t(1 ( mo.IL'l.11\eB. . \
UOl'p ( "OUtICR.
" , Wo llre Jolnl : ; to orgnnlze n pollt1enl
glee club , " 811ltl the cull'r.
" \\'ell , " llnswered Senator Sorghum ,
"l'li cOlltrlhute llherully on Olle cOlldl ,
tlon. "
"Whnt 18 thaU"
"Go tlnd lIerentll1e my hntod rival f01l1'
or 11hQurli n dll ' , If we Clln'rel'l ; :
hlH lIer\'t.tI thl' vlltory Is ours.-Wnah.
Inltoll Still' . W
' 1'ho Nuturul 'l'hin .
lr8. Dlxlo-I went to a pink ten when
I wnR In HOHton.
11'II. HOOller-DlI1 you. really ? And
did Uwy have lrl'll1nll bcnns-Somer-
vtlle .10urnn1.
Mun ' a woman hus fluh1 sbf > w uh1
dlo for 11 nUID who hn DO lIot . .1
doln It ,
. . . . . . , )
- - - - - -
. . .
- - - " - - -
l'l.tltle AII1I1't'CI11cc ,
nub to ether oue pillt of ! Iour , 0110
henplll tl'IIt1IIOOllful of hnlllI Ilowdl'1' ,
hnlf n tCl1l1poollful or 'IIIlt. 0111' tnlJh1'
8poollful ot 8u nr. 111111 IU\lf a cupful of
hutter. Add 8ulllch'nt sweet 11\11" to
IUnIH' 11 80rt dou h. allll roll ollt tht'N1'
11UI11'tl'l' or 1111 hll'h thlcl ; : . Bnle hI n
1U01ll'rllte ' ' \ IIh'I'III\- \
o\'ell. "IIIIL , 11111'\1111 ( :
with hutter nllli the prlllle.mixtlll'l\ \ \
8C1'\'e with whllllll'll CI'l'lIlII. PIl'I , 0\1'
111111 wnHh thol'u ( hl ' olle pOll III I or
II1'UII tI , l'U\I' thl'lII with colli wn1 < 'r ,
1I11d/olOllk for t\\'lIt.fOIll' : hOllrl ! , 'l'1'I1II1J'
f'r tu 11 duublo holll'r. nt'oolc ( sluwl '
ulltll Iwrfl'ctl ) ' tl'11I11'r. L1rulll off t h\
Juice. ndl1 Olll1l'lIllful of IIII/-ut" / nlllllJolI
to n s 'I'Ull , HNUU\'O the Rtolle ! ! fl'011l
the Ilrllll S , cut tlll'lII nllo. lillll stir thl'lII
Into the 'rup , 1'0111' o\'er the short.
cnl.e while wurl1IlId let stl\lId for
I11.10llt ten U1ll1l1t a hefore sel'\'llIg. ,
Oorm/lll C"lfco { 'nlco.
Two ClipS of Hcuhh'I1'lIIl1lc. ono Clip
of wuter , olle 'elltlt cnko ( l'leut ! IIIc ) ,
olle Clip sU ar , oue.hult CUll butter , two
( \ S , 1\ \ little I1l1lt ,
Crel1m sll ur allll bntter , ndll 11111I ,
HlIII J'el1Rt dlsloh''l1 lu the wlIll'r , thl'
Hl1lt nllli eJg-H wl'lI hl'lI11m , 1'hll'l\1I
with ellolllh 11011I' to Illl1lto hnttN' thl1t
CI\ll h ( ' Hth'l'l'dwlth n IIpOOll , Bent well
a 11I1 set to t'llIo for I1hout thl'eo hOlll'II ,
Whe/1 lIg-ht ndd cllo\l h'1l01ll' to I'1ll1hle
: " 011 to 1'011 It out. Hell nhout nil Inch
thlclc allll Illnce III 101l . Hhl1llow pllllll ,
S.ct to rlsl' . WhcII lI ht droll 0\111' the
top hits ot hutter IIhout thl' 1111.0 of n
hlclwry lIut nllll ' -
1I111'11I1le g-clleroullly
\ \ . , lthlA'tII. . 111111 n IIttte clll/1nll1on. BI1Io
nbout thh't . millutes ,
Bhortcnlco or Mcnt 110 : CrtiRt.
nub ( l scunt hnlf.elllflll ot butter
Into two CUIfuls ot 1I0ur which has
pt'e\'loully ! hl en sifted with two tl'n'
slloonfuls ot hnllng powder. Stir hi
olle scnllt cupful of mill , 111\(1 ( 1'011 Ol1t ,
hUlldllng as little us pORslhlo. It COI
, lIhort < 'l\le , dh'hle Illto 1'0111' ( IOrts. roll
out , hutter tWI ? ot the pieces unll plac {
the oUHrs : nbove. Bllke III n qulcll
o\'en , . cp'arl\to : spr'Id , with swcc
elled berries , fresh or cnnned , pleplunt : ,
O1'all es or penchcs which ho0 boeli
cut Into bits and Rweetenel1 well 11 fe\v
hours before IlUtthll : on the crllst
lll1ced chicken or tongue . inolte8 a 11tH
Frozell 1001' ; .
When meat IR fl'o1.en It Rhoull1 1) (
Roaked In l'Old water uulll 1111 the fl'ORI
Is extrl\etcd : , 111111 then be ! cooltcd In the
usual wny. If thl8 Is 1I0t dOIl 111111 th. .
frost remulllR III , tbe joillt w11lbc fOUIII
most iJlmclllt to cook : ' el etnhlcs tllIl
1\1'0 tl'ozen mUkt , when they hl10 beel
pl'epal'ed for ( 'dol. I IIg , bo plneed fOi
HOI le little tlme'ln plenty of 811ltcd ell
wutel' to CO\'Ol' thell ! .
I'\lWIl ] j.cI1l1.
One cupflll 0'1' IlIdla , " III cui. onci UI )
fill ot 110\11' . two cllp'fllis dC Ornhlu 1
one.hllif cllpful of white sll nr. ono
hulf cupflll of molusseil , two cllpfllhi 01
blltterrul1k , olle tenspoonul of 80du
Bake or RteuIII , two unl ! ollc-hnlf bOllrR
- -
Flah nunclI : In , the Thront ,
1'0 remo\'e fish bOlle ! ! 1'1'0111 the throal
BUcl. a lemoll. w)1lch ) dlllRQh'cfl the mill
ornl pnt't of the lJOne , nnd makes II
qllite lexlbie.
Urlcf BIlt : C8t101l8.
Don't IHlt hllttor In ) 'our refrl el'llt01
with the \\1'I\1IPIIlJs : 011.
Soap or hut wllter wllJ spoil oilcloth
I It sllOlIlIl be f1101I l'Il with colli wllter
gmht'oll1el'lel should he Irolled on (
tllln , 811100th Burfllce over thick linn
Irons shoull ! not hI ! nllowel1 to he
come red-hot , 1\8 they wllJ ne\'er rctnlr
h ' after\\'ut'd.
the at Ill'operly \ \
It mllrl'8 allel stains al'e on papercl
wnl1s , tr ' J"I'ench challt on n piece 01
dr ' bread gently rllbbe In ,
'fo re1110ve rellao stl\llIs , I'uh wltl
benzine. IllY between two pieces 01
blotting pupcr. und Iron with n mod
crntcly hot Iron.
Use n 10nf..llI1mlled brush In clenlllnJ
the wnlls , or mot'e Ilrollel'ly , n 10/1 handle
dlo e11l1lnl ; In II wh'e frnme covered bJ
n hunbswoolbll , which II1ny be III1JC ( <
off und bcnten IIlId wnahel ! .
Paint ShO lld lIe\'er be aeruhbed , bu
wiped with 1\ sort w091en cloth dlpllel
In wl\rm water. A sllJht tOlleh ot sl\nl
soup may be u8ed on n stllbborn staiD
Dry with n 1J1I'CO ot UUlmel cloth urte
11 good 1'1lIslng.
'fo clenn Iiwanl\(1own molte a wnru
lather of 80nl ) alld then gently aquecz' '
the down In It until It 18 quite eleal1
UlIISO In tl'e h cold water with a llttl
bluing In It. Aftor\\'Itrd \ , ahnlcc the wa
t1' ollt nnd han In the nIl' to dry.
In aeleetlllJ { a cheap or medium qlla ]
\t \ . or tuble damusk choose a ( luttl'ri
that nenrl : . ' CO1'1the : groulld. SIIO
n cloth wllJ Wl'UI' IInel look better Ula :
oilC ot the slime ( ! lIullly where there I
n oed de1 of plnln urtaco dlspla 'e ( :
When \\'usllllll ; u hClul'dL'(1 oor Illld
couple ot tnbl RIHonfllls of Jlurulllll o !
to some soapy wutl'r liS hot IIIi YOIl
hll\llls wllJ hear It. 'l'hls w11l clenn bel
.tel' . tllnn 80np IInd watcr ulone. w11l d (
all'OY InsectR am1 drive nwny moths ,
' 1'0 knep the slnlt plpo c1eun , l1ush I
ont C\'er ' w'ek with bol11n wat'r an
kee(1 ( n lump ot Rodl1 alwnY8 8tnnl1111
o"l'r th pipe. 'fhlH dllllloJyln alowl
" ,111 neutrallzo an , ; rl'ase thnt may h
I In t110 waGte 'water pout'ed down un
wm the prevent Its t'l1utllug a 8tol
, ,
. ' . ,
, . . .
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" ,
I ! CUTIOUnA , OINT m\T : toJrcIJrvlu } ! } Jurlfylng , RI1II henntlty-
lug' the 1\1ln , for'olclluslul-t the cu\lJ \ of crusts , Reules , uud dlll\llruf1 , and the
, of flll\1ug \ hull' , fOl' sorlelllu , whltouln , null soothing red , rou h.
alii 80111 hlllldi , for IlIlhy m'lhcs , Itehlugs , 01111 Ohllnll" " : ! ! , nllli for all the pill" "
poscs or the toilet , bllt h , nnd nursery. Millions of Women IISO CUTICUltA.
80A1' in \ ho 10l'm o ( hnths fill' lIunoylllg In'ltutlolls , 1IIIIIInllnattons , nnd 1
cxcorlutlolll ! , fot' too tree or offenslvo } Jor ) llriltlon , In the CII\'I1l \YaRhes for
ulco1'lltlvo welllme8s08 , alld for IIIlIny uUtl80 UO lJUrlml-ci ! ! whIch remllly sug-
. gC ! t themselves to womoll utlllmothnrs. CUTlOunA : ; OAI' cOll1l.1luos dollcnte ,
cllloJllent IJ olortics ) dCl'\vcll \ fl'om CUTICUltA1 the , I'eat IIldn CUI'O , with the I
PIlI'O'It ' of clonn9ln In redlnntq , litlll the mo\t ! l'ofroRhlu or fluwer 0I1ollr8 :
No other mrdicatcu SOllp Is to bo cOlllpllred with It fol' lJl'Csol'vlug' , Il\1rlf'hlg ,
Bnd bCIIIIUryluJ ; the sl.llI , lIealp , hll\r \ , nnd h1\lula. No other torelJD or
dmncsllo td/lrt / sonp , howeVl1r uXflCJn\lvo'ls ! to ho eompllred with It lor nil the
Pllrlloqeof \ the toilet , bath , , nlHluursol'Y. 'l'hll8 It comblncs , In ONI HOAP a
ONI l mCl , the mST skin nnd C0D11110xlon aoup , Rud the llKS' ; : to let nnd
bnby 80111) In th world.
Complot Extornnl and Intorna' ' Trontmont for Every Humour ,
' Oonsl tlnlof CUT/CUItA SUA(21 O , ) to clcllntio the "klll oC crllstA
tit' onlllclllc ! ! , 111111 OtOIi tlw Ihhkcucd cnUcltJ ; CUTICIlItA { ) INnUN ;
( ij ICU1P U ( ! IOc , ) , W III tllntly ulllll tldlhlJ-f , \ ulllllnlllltioli. 1111
/lootho IIlIft Iwnl ; 1111.1 < ; UTlmUA lIIuoVENTLLH : (21 ( O , ) , W coo ;
The Sot $1lntt 11101111"0 the 11101111. HUIO/.I : , sIlT III ortell aulllelcnt 1.11 cure
the IUlltit torturlug. dloOj.\'urlllA' \ , Ik'hlolJ-f IIUrllllllr , ulIll IIInly : akin.
.enlp , bloollll11mollr \ , tllllhclI , Itclllng ! ! , II , \ tI1ItUt\UlIA \ , with (01111 ( of hulrrhl' " 1611 011111
( III It" thl'olliihUlltlho \ 11'111'111. IIl'ltitih ' 1101101. : 2i , , CIIt"rhullllo ! 11'10 } 1.011111111. French
1 > ollot : II nllo' do III l'atx , PllrlS. l'o'1"rlm 1I1t1l1J AtW CIU : I" COlli' . , 8010 ) ' 1'0118" 110 > > 1011 , ,
OUTreun" HEllorvENT I'ILt,8 fOhOlll\lnto Conll'l ) nruI n"\V.In t"I . . , odollrll'll' , eronomlr'ft1
aub UllllfI ( ur Ihol ccl lJratcd lI'Iu II UIITIIDIU : IIllIorvrNTVol : ! aA ror "u olhl'r hloud puriller.
nud hUlUllllr CII'I'Ao I'ut up In .crCwcap l'ochl'C vial , . oonlllnlllg 60 dooe. , prloll , 2\0. .C\J'1'Io" . . ,
cuIUI'Ul.uuru : nlternlhc , . .nllwllo , tOllle , lIull dhC ' ' nud h'yIII,1 ' 11111.1 11IIltu IlUrn.t. awi'oLI
c81 , m03L BUCCCB.ut , Md ocouowlu"l blued IWd Bldu { , url o " humuur ulua. , aud CUlllo.tllIu.l.1vel !
) 'I ) cODJp undud. , , '
- -
- - - - - - - -
. . : ; Iror- ; I-- :
, J\ ) t. " Iror'II ) '
t I
Motor cara l11re 'now ' IbclnR made . , .
, NQw Yurk tor the chlldrcn ot the
rlctl. ' .rhe m IIlIonnl ro's ha y who
lIa9 pasqcd beyond the pernmuulator
st I e may now clIJoy Its dally outIngs -
Ings In a mlnlaturo ulecl'rlC victorIa ,
, whleIs / supposed to be capable ot
t . manllgcllwllt by chlldron or tour or
' 1ye \ 'ears old , r'l1o wheel ut a "IJIII ) '
, victoria" Is bllb a fooli In dlumetor ,
- Id the scat .ls but II foot sqllarl' .
J cost , however , Is not at',1\ \ lu
porpurtoll to Its dimensIons.
I ,
Lemon and salt" 111 remove stal1l8
I' trrm the hands.
Keep Your Bowels strong.
Constipation or diarrh a'hcll '
. your bowels arc out of order. Cas.
: cnrets Candy Cathartic will make
r them act naturally. Genuine tablets
J stamped C. C. C. Never sold in
bulk. AU dru t ists , Ioe.
w. . II' w hno reallY.91.011111111" . . . orlll1Ullr ruII\U'"r 10
J'JIIII'I'J'"I , ! > IN\t.1JII..JIo. AnlIl\h , illlth
tur .uCOtIwdul iMln. . \ \ rll < > . .nlllfe un. . , 'Jt , , ' ; :
1 Ht.ODORE 5. MEYEI & CO. ,
Bllnken and IIrokera , G2 Wall ln4:1. Nllw York
JoUI'1 : CUI 4Ir bb ow.
Itmdloroi no lnoum- ,
brllnce.II. , Lank " " 'IOun'
tncrl1&.11I1C year by y'ar.
IIInd " .Iull Innre .I,1to
.too. : lucrensl"l ( , ' 1'In-
did 01111111 , h. OIU , 11110'
licbuol. , nil ohurch" . .
low taUtiOll , bl.h . prll. . . .
Cor cuttlu 14nd IIrl u , , ow railway ' ' 1..lei ufOr1
, comCort. 'I'bb la tI , , , rn'e'i on or 1.1. .
r.Ulble In Weatern CllnadaProYlnce uC } , I/llItlolo.
and dhtrlcta of AlI4lul"o \ II. S.ukntchewan all4
n AI"erta. 'I'boUMaIlIJ , of Alllcrlcnn. are 11111" II < '
there. ReduOOll rul. . . 011 lilt mllwllY' for horll' "
II _ kel'l IIlId . "tLlerL No" dlstrluu aN 'ttle4\ \
' o > cued UP thi loor. Th. . "ftW fO-I'"I1" AU. . uf
l''Clt..rnCalllld. . , . . .
'Clt..rnCalllld. . mt If..e tollillpl'lkunl. . Apply to
t'l 1 < ' , I'cdley. fiullt.or Inllill r/lUolI , 0111'1"11. ( ) all. . or
. to W. V. lI nn..l1. 8111 Nt'w Yorl : 1MI. ' IIltl : . : " Oma. I
, ha. Nllb. , AlienI. for the GovurulUolIC of C.nada.
ELY'S [ , lQUlD cnrnA [ nAl , 1 II
prepnreel tor sufferers trom 11:11101 : clltl\rrh
who ulle nn alomlzer In sprll'lul : tlw ells.
eOllcl1 membrllne8. All the hell ling unll
loothlnlC ( , rollertlca ot Crelllll Hllhu nre
retllineel In the now IlfCpl\rll tlon. It .IOl'i . ! ,
not Ih' ) ' tll' the lu''r t1onl. ! Price , InrluII'
InJ ; tlprll'lng tube , 7j { centa. At drulJltlt'
or 111) ' Broil. . IiO Worren . atrect , , I\'f
'rk , , mull Jt. I
I f
- - - . _ - - . " : " - . . . . . . . . .
klfR Rl ;
It m \l \ lt.\le \ It teacupJ
tu ) of whipped ClcaJU Is Jlut ill th
t'llrrcn Just the Is ;
, ' liS SOllp pODre , ,
ovgr , 'the ImprovCIIIellt , , In Jlavor 0
the soup will Ie ) nOLlc:1blo. : 'rhe pura '
has sometlmcs It IIl1t , even wuter
taste' that I" noL Ilt 1111 ngrcea leJ
whhJh , thl. ! whipped CI'I1I11 , enltrel1
rClhovcs , , . ' ,
A statesman nmlably In the , rlgb'
Is nn IIJl1tch tor 11 polltlchm pURnaJ
clously in the wronR ,
From Ltbby'a111fDoua
hn:1enlokUoholis. :
We "lIIploy oher
who is an espert In
Natural Flavor
Food Products
Wo don't pmoUco economy bcf1' lie IIsel the
very cholce $ rnatl'rhlls. A supply on ) 'our
IMlntry .huhs enables you co have alway. . ,
hll1l4 tI. " " "enUlAh t\lr the yery be.t meal. .
OHIOAGO , u. 8. A.
Write Cor our booklet "now TO MAn GOOD
1'IIINOli TO I "T. "
) lor > < e . 'ouIII&11I I'rn Nllw I'atrnt , Auolrallan 0014.
to Inhudul'o "ur IouJ. , .111 0011 II In .UIlI"jl boa t _
'tAc. ' ) tOllroO Noy"lty Co" ) ! ouroe , NoLoruka ,
II I I .
I .N. .U. , NO.7' ' 8-19 YORK. NEa.
, ' .u. . . " . .fI'.I't.llllir _ _ lI IIJr { I" ,