Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 08, 1902, Image 6

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. . .
, ' , - - - " " " - " " - " " " ' 1- M . . . . . . . " . . . . . A . ' < . . , W 4
j : NQi A'QmsT ; : : n"ss \
i : ' To LIght
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, CllAPT lt XXI.-tContlnlled. )
Aguln Iurl. IIUIIIH'II for u CewI1oment ! ! ,
but Norn onb' wnltell III 811011 ( ' ( ' , siUItI ! ;
j' ! rery stili , 111111 wunlll'rltlJ ; " why hcr bcart
beat so hlll'tledl ) ' ,
"Dru..1 : : A rmlltl'ong hnew thnt11"1 :
Giffard hnll rl l'n InOl'o thllll OIlC' ! III hl'r
111111 Itl ' 111111 l'nl't'l'tI ' IIIIIIIK-
/tleep / , ( I II ( ) )
terld ! to the Hlel. 1I111y who KeI'lIwll-wnk.
'ng nnd 1I1Cl'IIIIII--to hl' lu IlOr Cllrl' : hut
be chose to wlthhnlll his Imowlellle oC
fllcl lit the tlllll''lwlI It,0111,1 , ha. . . "
blls Arthur 1'0111. Cr ( ' ( ' CI'OIll HIIKlllcloll ,
e undlll > ' IIIH'II'I'ln' cou8111 , 1i0 I clnllll
It kltlll of , 'ou lnHhIJl , too. Of ( 'OllrQl' . 0111'
al1l ( ! III till' KIIIIII' , lIull I lint lullCrltell
the Wit. , In'l ' , IIlItll hu 1''turUl ! ! ) to 1'1'-
celn ! It Crol1l 111l'-hlll jllilt Ihll'1 Do ) ' (1\1
" , "onller:01'1I : , 11M ) till } , why Dr. AI'III'
.tron ! : tJllIIlIIII hll\ ' ( ' ! lIIJlIII'l'RSI'11 thlH IIroh ,
ahle Mollltloll oC IIII' IIIHh'rnf , Irs' . H\ "II
death , /Jlld / ht till''jJ ( , IIHpl'lolI of Dlur'
dcr 11I1I'r ' h'r ) ' 01111 < ; ) Ielr III the grnh--
.8 ho tlJolIht ! ? I ( ' 1111 lull 'Oll now \Vh '
jt wnR. I'or , ROIII ( ' tllIH' II " ( hllIltltlll ,
IrIsh 1:11'1 1t1l11 1JlI'1I'IKltlllg ! 1111 0111 fdollel
ot her nlllth'r' " nt till' Ilellton "lcl1rl1 e ,
IInd Nllel Arll1ldl'lIlI : , : 111111 ChOHI'1I 10 flilley
this gIrl I'ur hlH wlrt ! . Ullt Al'thllr P ) 'II
hud lelll'lIel ! b ' thlli time to 10\1) Illr for
' 011lelhln C\'CII h'o III I her honllthf'r
rare I\II ( ' "ftltlslto 11lIIUty ! , " l'II'nloll ! ,
1.lnrlt. Il1uhlll/ , ; / : 11It11l' 11f1 bo wlilchi'11
the color rls ! ! III NOI'II'f : chl'ellH IlndUI' his
.tca tnsl II17.c-"l1Iul 110 olle dn ' thl' ) '
crc ( Iulutl ' mnnletl b ' the \'Icllr , 1I11t1
.he sta , ( , tl on nntl 0'.1 , IIn tJcouw to Cllr-
eet her 1I'Iflh hIlUl" . 'fhtt:1H : IItUo WOII.
del' , " COli timlld ! I 1\ rl111'1111) ' , "coI lltl.
erlug whn't 1hOlilU It \\'IIS : ) 'et I 1\11\ \ ' ( '
.Inca tholl IwowlI 11 Ilrl who e01l111 thlll. ,
tovlngly 111111 tel1lh'rl ' o\'n of 8ltch II homo
a. thllt , At tlml ! .or 1.I'1I. 1)11 : ) "S Ilellth ,
when NUl'l AI'lIIsttoll ! l0 rJl'ompll ' Inid
. 11' . SU"I IlI'lr hlH '
.uAplcion on < ) ! , jUlllolltl )
bnll rOl1ehu Ilit c1hllux , Cor ho hud buen
toMb ) ' . UIO "lcl1t hllllHlJlC ot thu 11111 1'1'1 a go.
' 1 ; < > I1""J'6u " ot 111'Ileoillu , : -ora-cnll : ulIlIlJr.
.tl\1l1l how. 1Itt10 nn ) ' conHclentiollH lIem.
pIe would IItny Nllel AI'II1"II'Ol1g III his
eolollsy nnll te\'ene ! ; Cor hu WUH IlH Illti.
less ontJ nil Hulfish IIlnetecli J'I':1rS ago , III
I pllrRlllt or , your lIIother , liS ho hOIl
een"hl' thuRU Inlor yeord- " "
' ' ' " " ,
'l\Y' nlothcr1'
Nom ulterct1 the wordA 1 very' lIottly ,
with her IIII/'CI'S Joclcutl , IIl1d hur eYCR
wide nUll wlllUul. She hnd 110 thollJtht
for Nu1 ! ! Armslrollg. She hut ! 111moAt lo t
the story Murl. ha hell tIIIII her , in
the new , dellclollll Ilnlll or heurlnl : her
1110tber'II nnme ut lust.
"YCd , II10ther , HWet , " Inrk nnswcred ,
/fery / ! t IHl ) ' , ' ' ' 'l'ha henutlrlll girl whll
eOlUo Illouo to 1I'nton , nut ! wny luft hel'e
tor 80 mIlU ) ' mouth" , 11IIIIIIII11110llC h ' her
collI nnO yelilsh tnther , wuII : 'ollr molhel' :
and-nutJ , Nom , dnrl'st ' , the ' ( "lIIg nll\ll'
tor ot this old hOllse , who hnA In In 110
long , RUtJ so IIl1justl ) ' , I1I1t1ur the shotJow
or n crlJllt cl'llIle , It ! 'ollr fll Iher. l\1 '
dnrllnc I" hu crlcll , toldll IIlr : hnn"s In hili
as IIhu rolO to hl'r teut , "don't 1001. 1111
I\woll onll hewllllurell. It will nil IIIlJ'U '
110turnl to you \'lJI' ' Hooll-whell YOII hu\'c
.ecn 111111 , 110 oul ) ' thought It wOlll he
best tor me to IlI'epnro ) ' 011. All thllt Nllu !
Armstrong tolll J'OIl at ) 'our futher WlU
. lie ; coluull to IIlJI'\'C hIs UWII IIclh'l'Ih IHlr'
pOlle , Ulltl 1\11 the morc 1lIu helnl1l1o ! II
touched thc trllth , DCllr , hu uo\'m' hl1t1 v
clew to 'our tuthl'l"a hllllll ! ; 1llIcc : hi
pe\'cr' trl1c d him , nUll hroulht n lutlul
troul hlm-IIA 'Oll I'Irll ) 'et1 In ) 'OUr 111
l1ess thut he hud Hnitl hu hlld-Oll1l ) ' 01\1
Inther thollght milch 1110l' or l.clpluj !
bidden from him thull trolll 1111)'Olle will
bore hili owu tille. YOII IIUtllJl'litnud lIm
POW , dOll't 'OU , deurest ? Allll IlrlJtlellll
, ou w1ll 1I11l1erstl11111 how , tu grllltr ' bet !
bls pUIIslollllto udmlrlltloll Cor 'ollr hl'lIut :
RntJ hla coltJ nnt1 10ng'"l11'lIell rUVUIlj ; '
agnllll1t ) 'our tuther , hu stro\'o with ul
bls I > ewer to win ) ' 0111' hnllll , 'fhlJl'l' , \ \ "
lny lut hlll1 l'lJllt. lIe hUll his wlto wHl
hIm now-llOor girt ! poor glrll"
" , Anmy mother'l" whlMperod Norl1
pot knQwlug whilt shu JIIII\I d , ouly 10111 ;
tul : to hellr Romcthll1g or her ,
"Your 1I10thol' , dlJlll' , " Ilut Iu lIss GII
tortJ , wIth II gl'I1t10 IL'III Ullon the clrl'
wisttul fuce , "wus my delli' trll'lll !
'though ' 1 teurecl ' u\'ur cOllld lenYe thl
l1ou80 to sca her , or IIsl : her to como blJrl
'rOil ure 80 like her , Noru , thnt It WOlin
, . , 'ontJer m ' hUlltt wunt Ollt to 'Oll thu
'first" ' du ) ' , Inl'k brought. ) ' 011 to my cOI
togo , wl lu ! , I Cl lJl IIlIro nuw , ho hu
lues.lHl..lIIHh at 0111 : stQry"nnl wl hu
'to ' 8lJlJ It I rucolll7.ctJ ; 'ollr Ul1l11e. orv
'dcar , " she went 011 , Illr'oleo ! Hlllkln
aowcr , "it wus uol 10111 ; IICter hIs etlCIIII
that-ahe dletl. AIIII then she Illnt ! h"
'boby girl nt oueo to hlJr tllthur , Col. 81
Gcorge , In Irelullll. It WIIS ! tuchnl'l COT
\'I'ho took J'OIl , nnd 1 helle\'o ) ' 0\11' gl'IUU ;
father mntle her tllla IIn oath 1I0t to It
vulIo the scctct ot ) ' 0111' 1111 I'un till ; '
threutcnlnJ ; ufturwllrll , wheu 1Iho 1111
tuarrlell Corr , thot he wouhl t\\1'U h
from hIs hOll8l1111 IIOOU liS O\'cr ho hell I'
Dr her dolll ! ; KO. "
" 1-1 uUtlerstoul t" toltered Noru , r (
catllng oue other dll ' 'wlllm she hlill e
pected to lIIeet hlJr unlmowu tllthlJr. " III
1 ( :0 to hll1l' ! "
, " 110 Is hl'roorll , ! \ sohl lI11'1" ' 8tro
lug her hllir 1ell\I : 118 ho ll lw. ' . \1' '
, rested 1I0111) ' o\ n'tlenr )0\\)1 ) \ .U
tOU CI111UOt slllJucl' 1110 1111) ' 10uJtel' , I III
reoklng 110 Ilromlse , Ir 1 IIlluut enr '
jnolUcnt or o\'er ) ' hour In ttoIllug 'ou'ho )
; X loye you ( oUll I'ur ' cl1HII ' uUll lllcn :
IInU1 could ) , oUll It I C OSt'S'rehlJIlrl \ . '
: ed our 111111'I'lugo tallie , sweet , I IIhouJ
" .tlll bn'llk no II1'QIllIse now , tor I 11111 ue
iJ.ord Kustol1-ouly Illnlll : 'Illlrl. 1'0)11 :
'No\v wo wl1l- : -:01'11 : , durling , lill
'rhere ' 19 thu real Lort1 J\rllton.'t : "
, 're111bllng so IItrnngcl ' 'aull ' 1I111tllll
that bur hunll wellt hellll'Ssl ( ) ' out 1I'ekln
aJPllortorn stood with her e 'ell fixe
; "I > on hQr Cuther. Each mOllll'llt h
, brenth - qulc\el1\ ) \ ! \ er 1' ' 11 tlIIl1tcll , 1111
, ber fingers gre\y tljht' nnd con\'l1ltlh'c 1
their tensIon. Stili shu mullo no IItlJll tOI
, " "nrd to mtct ! 111111 , nnd nq . . 111 , IItll.ll1 hi
flome 11I181etJ her1wbltl' , I > nrt ll tll > 8 , C
Ua , with all ber reaUy lI ) ul1l1tby , cOllI
'aultlerlltnnll 110tblnt : ot .thls iutel1l1(1 ( I\n
Ipaintul emotion ; but yet , 111 'nn'uncon
'prcbentled sorro , she turned bl'r CUI
.w81 , because "ho could not atop III
'tear. . [ Ilrk , shndln ! : npnrt oud rllIls !
Inr br.el , hIs nlnlost uncontrollnbl
'hnpulle to put hIs strong , 8118tnlnlll
' " . . . .nn around tbe tremblln ; ; figure , tUI'n(1
I.W8T'too'arlut , . hl. < chellt'bcll'ilngdSD
the lIn's Klltlll'rlm : In hi" Corf'hf'l1d , HtllI
tllo 111'1 IIU"tlrrel . , : olll ' now 1111 ( ' hllllll
wn lifted a 11I1 Ilrl'HHI',1 , IIJIIII1 lH'r IIl'l1rt ,
I1A It Ita throblJllIJ ; IlI1d ruwlI hlllll/Illort- /
nhl ! ) , With n troll bled , tortmlnl : 11111'111-
IIl'fllI she r'lId hur clI tlll'r'I fnce lit ! hI !
ClIl1\e 1111 to Iwr. IlI'r OWII ru\\'lnJ : whltur. .
II 1111.1 . whltt'I' th ( ' whffl'I'nlllll'r ' , ) " HllIWI ) '
, tlllrllUlllng. wllh ; 1 louk which Ihl' ' Il1lfl
; 1I1'\'ur IcuUWII 111'(01'1' , Hhe WII ! ! I"'nllhl
nil till' IInlltt'I'I'11 h'ltth III thnl ! :1I1.0 ot
I his ; 111111 whell lit 111111 110 CIIII'II hi'I' h '
' h'l' 11111111' , IIhl' C'II fllullJI'III > ' to Iwr Iwt''II.
11111 wh11 he 1"11111011 hOI'lull Id ! 4tI Iwr
I' --,1,1"141'11 lH'r 1IJlIlu IIlul nlalll. 1111 II1'CI\V ,
all.1 . 1'III'es. : IIl1el IilH-lIll'lI ( ' 111111 hl'r ' Ill'/lfl /
I 111'1111 hi ! ! " 1'1'11111 , IIlul whllllll'l'l'd ' IIW'l't
1111,1 lIulwUWII WOI'tll4 uC ellrI'nrmelll ) , Rhe
" ' ! I'IIfI ' IIloh , JWI' 111'11111 IlI"OIIUI1 11111I , 111111
, Ihe low , hmkcn CI' ) ' ot jo ' Wnll fOl' hb
" 111'11 1I101Il' : ,
" I ' Cllthl'r-III ) ' o\\'n Cnlhl'r' ' "
SIll' 1IIIIIIolllWIIIUllhhll ; or Ihllt Jllwnl'flll
10 hOI' dUlul lIIuthul' which hlill l)1'olllht ;
' lIl'h IlIIlIIeuHllrnhlu lo\'u Illto hIli C'l1I ! lIt
II.Ihh I t ot hur. Hhu hn d 0111) ' 1I1'111 ! tIll' 10\41
Iher ! ! , nUll kllOWII It h ) ' IlItlllllulI tll Ill' 11
Cnthrl"11 lo1118(111111) ' , In till ! IlIlenMlt '
oC thnl 1I101ll III ot dllllht nlld hOllo I1l1d
101lJIIIK , thlJ 1I'lIth hlld rllRIH'.l . Inlo hl'l'
I hunl'l , IIl1d Ii II ( ! ! I It to o\'erlJuwln ( . : with
! thlM IIl'W , dl'lIcllJllII joy.
I AIIII It \\1114 wull thlltInrk : hnd told
Iho ( IItlwr 110 IIttlu or his child , fllr the
I Ilntl ! llIl'pe ! ! ! ( ' 011111 mnku m'l1I hilt . jo '
Ihu gl')1I1er ) In thl ! ! hour.
. . - -
' 1'hlltVolltJerCul lIu ) ' nl Henton Plnco
, \\'n3 O\'l'r , hut thu 0111 CrletlllR hnd 11 lit
I HVIHu.:1tt'll. : 'l'huy hnll wnllwll tOlclhur
, Ihl'ollJh thl ! llnrl. to lIM tJiTnl'II' ( 'ot.
InJtej 111111 II II W , lu thu hrhht 111111 WIII'III
I lItt1u 111'11 will/ / : , room , Ihe ' HII/erell / : nil it
I th ' 11111 not Imow how nllhl on 11111'1. .
, 1Il ! 1I hlld Hettlell 011 the world without.
'l'hol'o seNlietl HO II1l1eh to sn ' , I\II IIflmo. I
I how lIolhlng c\'or ( ' 011111 hI ! snltl qllite ! 'n'I I I
tiollull ) ' , nntl wlthollt cOlllltless wlltJ nnd
1I1I111IY Il1tl'I'I'ulltlonH.
'l'hl' wllllllerul chUIlfe In IiSM G urllrll
rl'utt'llorn'lt : O'l'1ol liP orten thnt OIlC ( ' or
twlc ( ' Iur" Intercl'pted hlK own IUIIh' :
hlJt fnce , ntlll rellllllllell hl'l' thnt Iwr 1' 'lS !
\V Cl' ( ' too hI ! ; 10 IIIHtlllll 1n nRtoulKhlllent.
"or courllU , 'ou IIIUKt 110 IIHtonhlhml I\t
m ' hnpllilleijll , Nlltn , " II11 ! ! GlfClIl'tI whls.
llerell UIICI' , JuellslllJt the tholl/-ht / : wblch
lI1ulle thu JII'I so Ilullly wntch hur ; "tor
) ' 011 cOIII,1 , 1I0\'er rellll1.U the welht ! whlc.h
tOl' IHI IIIIIIIY 'UII1'1 llIls 1)l'CIIlClI ! IIPIIl1 lilt !
111 111 ' solltlltJO. l'uI or SIlKpicloll , ( It nr-
lIe"el' thllt ; (111) ' oC such uth r huwlltler'
lI1ellt nllll 1II'Htillclltlon , I could hili Ih'o
In thu Ilust , nnel the post WI1S so vcr ) .
dnrk. " .
"It mllAt hn\'e heen so IIttcrl ) ' Ilicoll1pru-
llClIHlhlc , " " 1I1t1 NOI'U , Ientl ' . "Bill uu
OIiU will let 1110 rUlllelllbcl' It now. " And
: \lhtH Glffarll mlll'tl In IlerCeet ccrtulllt '
or Ihl" . _
I " 'Vhlll n crowd Wc 1001. her ( ' ! " l:1u/hl'll /
the \'Icor , 1001\1111 : I'ollnd the Ijrhht jlWu
wl.IHillud 1'001U. "Whnt illtl'IlIlerli wo
al'o. ( JIM ! " hu IIIlllull , tllruln ! : to hiM wlf ( ' ,
1'1 renlly ne\'ur II l' 1l1'l'cI n 11'11 thu .I'C II I
IcomCurt of 111) ' cottn l ! 11l1tll to.nlght , "
I : \I1Hl'I mfCnrd nllswurcd , cotdlnll ) ' , "I
hll\\1 \ 1'11111 : Cor ten 011 1)\II'IIO ) \ ! ! ( ' to Sl ! ! Nero
Ilrcllhlln . Arlhllr , will ) ' 011 Hllnre her'/ "
I "Knte , " ho whllllWrlJlIltjeutl \ ' , "Hbo
Is nH hUllutlrul 1111 her 1I10thur , IInll mOl'o
r -murl-what . IH It "
. " \011 will IInlurfitunll b ) ' on by , " she
r IInllwurcll. wlh ! II slllile.
" 'l'hlll , " IIlIhl 1.01'11 I\eslon : , stulldlll ! ; to
tulw hili lell CI'III1\ nntliooldlll ; 1'0\11111 \
with 1'lIlIwr n Ilrllllh IlImlll'lIH 111 hi ! >
e'es , "Js just illY hllHl1 oC n home , I
IIhnll lIe''UI' ho Ilhle to Ilt 1II 'sulC lute nny
posit 1011 at " 01111 > or sIn tu 1111111.llIl'k / : : ,
) ' 011 will hl\\1 ! tu r'lIu\'e lIIe oe ul1 thut. "
"Bllt I 1I0n't 1IIIIIuI'Htl11111 it , " obMcr\'et !
Mnrk , jllHt os coolly nil It his ( nco hI"
trn'ed nothlllg oC hll.l hnmtnslll'llhio ! 11111"
plllUHM to'lIhht. " " 'u 111\\1' '
: \ \ ' n \11111 In
1"IIII'ellce , I bulle'e , to which we I'eth'e ,
( ! \'r ' 1111111 In OIU' CIIIIIII ) ' , on hlH mnl'I'IIII' ,
'l'hllt's nil I knuw ot our rulure : "
"I thlul. 1 shllil settll ! 1II ' : fdr tlW1'11 Cor
1\ time , " l'elurI1llI ! the eldlr ! 11I1111 , IIIIIKh.
III ! ; u little ; " 111111 Ihull I 11111I11 hn\'e 11
chllnce ot IIlJollI/ : ) ' 011 lIull Norll IIl11'llI ! ;
) ' 0111' l1'I\\'ls. ,1I111gllltl'01l1 / : 1101110 1311'1I ) '
l'c111l1rl'lI ot ) ' 0\11'11 , l'o 'uz , uiuHo trll\'IH
111'0 to uxtellll Into 11 l'U111uto e01l1l1 I' ' . Bnt ,
lit 0110 lIllIe 01' olhlJr , ) 'OU IlIlIHt IWl'lIl1"IHIt
li'lorl'llco : III1 'onIhnll tint ! mu therl' ,
with Othul'lI ot 0111' olt ! Ctlends , tQo , I hopu ,
But thllt , " 1Iu wcnt on , with 11'0\\-1111 \ :
lmrlll'iltlll'SS , "I Illllllt Hee the Irish hUlllt !
ot 1ll-111 ' wlCo 111111 chilli ; the hOlm
whul'o lll'h oC thcllI crew 1111 to Irlhnod. "
"Oh , tllthor , 'etJl" whlHlIeret ! Norn , HIlII
clollo lit hltJ KllllJ. "Wo will ! : o to ' 1'1'11'
"eel'e , Ant ! It will IIl'elll 110 tllfferell t , Uow
I kllow 111) ' llotlll'r.lln't ! Ihl'I'e , 60Iltar ' ,
100 , liS I IIltJ. Aut ! 'Oll will IIlJO nil th (
0111- "
'fhy wcrc IInllhetJ tenrs thnt BtnYCI :
the wortls to CllIu'lI ! crallt ( ! lKIlIR ) ' ; tOI
how , IIho thlllUht , cOllld Nora cure tOl
thllt 11'1111 , comfol'tlellH ohl homc , WI1l'l
hu cOlllll Ih'c uow In 8uch II h0111U II !
IIrntoll Plnco'lnt ! how , In this 1)(1111'0
ful , l1rott'III1 ( ' ' , l'onltl shu tltlnl. tl'll' '
. - dlrl , ! ) ' of thllt chili , bllru IIIg'l" )
"NOI'II , " nlllrel : 'olllrlllIu hlld l'etn'Cl'1
11lr ; lIunt at the tell tobll' , 11I111 hr IInl
Hut down neur hl'r , h'lIl1ll1g rorwl1rll t (
, Iuhlress her \'ry llIrnl' ! tI-"mll ) ' I nsl :
: \11' . PI. llllrlJlon to 111 II l'r > ' 1111 lit KI\\"er' \ '
Will ) 'oh not IIIe to be In the oW'llI rcl
'Oll hl\\'o Imowll 110 wall , IIn b ' tlu
olll trh'nll ot Wh 111 ) 'on IIrc ! l0 Conti T'
' ' 'l'h're Is 110 trollblu In thnt , " 8uh
orn , IIln1l11 ' , hilt Mtlt the btlghh'ft :
awlttl'st bl\1sh. \ ' 'It Is 1"cr ' ells ' worl
to' Sll\ ' " : \llIr . ' " '
wl'hllnk ) ' 011 , thank YOII , my own lovc , '
he whlslIl're , fr0111 his fnll , clod bl'l1rt
"It III whllt 1 hll\11 lOll ! : been wlshlnJ ; . "
. . . . . . .
. I. ol.lug 11I'0 ' . , KJcCk on , th l whll
stretch bt ilio" ' 11 ll lq\l ! : \111 \ .chlrlo : Will
creullln ; : IIlowly alollg the roul : betWl'I'1
Klh'lJr'Iellrne ! : 01111 ! 'rll"eel'l' ; unt ! bll
itor ; the Cresh ll'l ' IlrjlIh ! } uhter whlcl
11' II1'oercdtt ! ! , lIud Itl
.J ! 'lither treq iel1t PIS I1 , W wonld hl1"l
Iworn II sOl11awhnt tlrol ftRlilct. !
l ! I 'Don't ) 'OU Cecl cxuctl ) . tlktl old times
! r Ir , PO'uz ? "
tNoro ul.ed thl. qUl'stlon grA\"cI1t. 41
II ! . .ho MOt , Vtr1 ! III > rhht antll'ontcl1t , on bel
Il IIltJe the jolting ol CRr trom Trllve'ft' .
II untJ looked nflectlono.tolJ" down upon Uo
d , 'I'Ok/ , " . , . , . - " " : . . . . " . . . .11III : . . . . . . . . . .
. ,
"It oM thnr. . tOl1 vflrl comtortl1hlo , III
rille' . . . . " 'j lr
n , lIIII..llrO r"Qlllv , ret ol1 MRrk ,
Crolll hIli 111110 of thf' C" ' , "III ) ' Ceellni r. .
( OIlIhll' thuill ( 'xnetly. "
"I 11111 nCrnlcl , " ' 1l11d Nora , her torollYnn. .
111'rillIC thollhttllily , ; 011 he'onll Borak' ,
Ollrll , "thut I tlon't fl'l'l AO chl1l1"erJ " " -
un nllY nllu ( lIBe wOlild II' ! , hy 1111 I' ' hllVfI
1'lIrIll'd nllli Cull HluCl' > ' 011 ( ho\'I ! nw hero
hfore.11tl. : . , r ( ( .d AO hlllll11 , nntl-nllll
( Illite' 'Ollll/ / : , nJnlll : J'ct , r ollght to Lo V(1ry
' , " ,
c1111'tl'n t.
"YOIl IIIIht ! , " rulllrnell Iark , In hili
lelAlltely WilY , "to hI ! 11 grn'C nnd.lderly
IIn I'IY wllh 11 mlllHloli. And ' ( ) II oll"ht
lIo\'or ell to 8111110 : 'et I hn\ ' ! ! 'Inll'ly '
Ill'lIrll 'Oll 1IIIIIh jllMI 1111 It ) ' 011 \ \ ' rb stili
th ( ' IIUIlIO or/l to'hllm I f:1I\- "
" \Vh ' dIll Y/lII I1tlll1" ( AlII' nllkcll , 111m.
pl ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' ( ' 1'1) YOII ! : lIilll : to 1I:1 ' to wholl1
'Yolr Jn\'o'l1ll1)h \ ) tluel ' tl\'l ( ' ( ! 'fhi t" l ! ? ft
" 'J'hlll , " III1HlIItl'l1 ! IIII'k , with urn..lty ,
Iflfl. nullll'n" ' 'm > ' predollltrlunL r rnllllll'
cellro or thnl dllY , "
"YOII 1I1'IIIIot nltl'I'It'Jthl'r-now , , " Rnlll
Norn ; nlill IIIIl' COIIIII 1I11t 11l'11 > till\ ! \11111' \
tlCIII , 110ft lIhl ( : cOlllllig Into Ilt'r 0 ' 1'9 , 118
HIll ! tl1l'lIl'l , thelll 11(101hlH ( \ Cnwl
Nol'II hllil 1111 1II11'h 10 Ilny to her 01,1
1111 rile , ( 'IIIIl''ln II ) ' 11 hout t hl1 t pttltty hOlllo
which II wlIlt11 hl'l' III gllUlllllll , 111111 wlll'ru '
HIll' W01I111 11I1\'u lleJy with her , thll. : .
WIIl'1I lnl'l , IIhll"'I'1 ! hI' " how Bllrnl ( . C'c1.
III ! : hhll'tllf ! ! ! llIlIIl''ntl ' ' ' I'.rrl'hlll , WI\II \
Wlllllllllo : IHlI'llIlIly Oil , lllle 1111/1 / HtllI left
1I11/111hl tIll ! OIlU thlc/ : which hllll mllll ! ! her
helll'l 110 Cull 1111 tlw while IIh ( , But In Iho
Ilt'lit little III tl'hell , 1001:1I1oftl'lI / : n Ihut
llI'l'tty IIlwh'h or her OWII hOllw , 111111 rlel- !
III ! ! HIII'IIIIl'I IW IIlIIch IIrlll'er to Ilt'r ftom
hn'luS ; ImnwII III'j' CII tlwr 60 well ,
" 1 1(110\\-1 Iwow It 1111 , ! \lIss' Nero ,
( lellr , " ltlll'hn1 1111111 , wlll'1nt \ Illst NOI'II
tl'l11 ! to tlJ ! ) 111'1' , "Lol'll Kton ! hll9hl'1'1I
lim'e 1IIt''III , ) ' ; hu IH 1101 olle to fOI'Jot 1\11
olllllUI'\'l\lIt. Ill ! 110 t Iwr ( ! (01' nn hUllr thl ! !
morlllll111111 / he told 1II00\'l'ryl1l1u ; . : . 11 ( '
told me of II R KIIIl' , IInll how IIhl' , too ,
" , ollltCllllle \ IIn\1 \ HIU ! 11IU to'IIII ) ' . 110 toltl
IlIlJ how , 'uu 1111 IIrrlveti with him IIISI
lIhht ; , nllll Ihut the mOI'I'IIIe ! Wlt to hI'
hel'e , IIl1d so 110011 , lIu Hllid lr. I.'o tor
hnll ! : ( ) III ! 0\1' to Klh'er Ihit ! morning ,
And hu tolll 11\L'-e\11 \ fl\lIhln/ \ ( : / . : , IInll JIl !
WIIH IW\'el' olle 10 lall/h much-thnt Mr.
1'0\111. , 111I11 tllken the old bur e IInd cllr
O\'l'r to thu'ICIII'O / \ / to ( Itch 'ou , OUII
hnll to JIIl'nt ! the whl'1 hlmsllr IIlCol'c Ill'
could Htlll'I ; nllIl oC Kltt "s ; , 111111
u\'cr'thlnJ ; . Oh , m ' deur , whut II gllltJ
comln.IJIlel. ; this 18 , "
" : -OI'R : , " sl1ld ll1rk" ns thl'Y wnll.el
nrter Borllt. , whllo ho sl' ntuly Iud thl'
wny In thu omllty cor. "tlo 'OU know , I
thlnl. wu shllll 110t lese ollr clerg 'l1llln
lit Heoton'en thollh the 1I\'lnJ ; Is tll
bo u weelltll1Irt ! / : for the husbllnd ot
) ' .our truu little fdellel. "
"Oh , I hopu not I" she nnswcred , eottl'
cSll ) ' , "Will n11l1 Cello could mllle cncL
othur so hl1l11 > 'I"
"In ced they cOlll , nnll will , 1 thlnl. .
Noru , " llIrk soll1 , tllklng lwr Cnce hl'-
hVlJel1 his hallds In the ( ) ullJt rand , unll
Id\l \ : lng her IIpOIl the tlIIM , ' ; how Jcnerolls
he wes 111 his j.reetlng ; to J'ou atter-ot.
tel' ho know ) 'oll'wure lost to hlml It ro-
mltHlel1 t114 or 'our owu tllscrlptlon ! at
him , on thot dny we dl'o\'c ulollJ : the 1I0g
buCore. "
"You remember thnt drlvo. ( ) lIlto well. "
"PrcU ) ' w ll , consillurlng nil things. I
ho\'o 0 tnlnt rucollcctlon r J'ollr III r1U' .
Inme / , Ilk n tnet beyolld dlspllte , that
, gllglllntJnboullrlell In hl'l1\1tIClll. \ highly eel.
lIellteil IInd ultul1ther ! chllrmlllHosa. / .
Hl1l1 ! ! , nnlong whom I rOl1mell lit Inrc ! ;
mill that 'ou tJlO\Iht \ : It woulll be nil ex.
cellellt thin ; : Cor 'ou to hu0 II Iew , or
their IId\.nnlnles. "
" h , 11\1'I" I UIvor thllllght-to
"Also , " he 'Wl'lIt on , trnlHlnllly , "thnt
l ester wns n vcr ) ' celehrntotlman In thlll
countr ) ' , IlIHl thnt I WUII WIlcol1ll1 to011. ; . '
IIlImo Into UII ellrly 1:1'110v.lth jlJalollsy ,
It I chotJe. POOl' Will ! 1IIA "cJ'e" IIr
oJIIlng.llow , , nn on ! ) cau I:1CC : whut hnl > '
plncHs Is'ln h'torO tor him. "
"I bulle\'e , " intm'lIolllh'tJ Norn , "thut
) ' 011 l11ust hu..e forgottel\ the chelrCul
cnl'cur you motl.cll Ollt Cor yo\1tl1lt , Ir.
Io > 'nz , " , hull ) 'OU sllOlIlIl be fiet ) " ) 'l1l1rS ot i
IIgu lIull IInl\lnrl'lell. I II"\'II 'H hlll1l1 gl"'lIt
wlHh to jh'o 80I11fJlhins to thut hOlllltul. "
"IIHh'cdl 'rho ouly obsur\'utlon I en'r
heird CI'om ) 'OU ubollt It WUII Lhut III\ !
Inmotes 1111131 bery ! 1I1111sulilly comeol'l'
nhll' , unelr ! the c l'Il'cumlltul1ccS. ' tllI or
COUrfil' , ) ' 011 mfht ! IlIlh ) hel'nll'crltly ! de-
vol III ! ; ) 'our Wl'lIlth to thnt 10011 CIIII e. "
"I IIl1ell 10 thlnl , , " sll"111:01'11. : . llrtclltly ! " , ,
her \'oleo gl'owlnl ; rull ot thought , "how
I woulll COIIIU tHick to Il'ulonl1 lifter 111Y
holldll ' 1Ill1llmUrVIIi ! ovcr , 1I11l1 U80 Ihe
mone ) ' gl'tllHlpu Il'tt me to glvc l'IIKO nnd
comCor't to these who , thouh : they hatJ
Ih'ml nrounll him , hutl 11I'\'er been hclped ,
I 11erhops , lit 1111 , In thOse olll dll'S , Ullt
It III 110 111'0 thlnlllIg at thllt , beclluso the
mOlle ' Is not mln ( ' . "
"riu tlOt't11)'III'IC 1II1lto so c nfident upon
, thllt heall , tll'lI retlt , I b'lIo\'o Do 'le In'
tenllA to clnlm It for ' ) ' 011 , 'In COI1Scqucl1CA
. or the IleCulltlr worlllll ; : ot Col. Ht.
Guorge's leUl'r : lit ! hIli lel1n Is ' 'ol1r full-
I ty tllthor , ' ) 'OU unl11'rHhll1l1 how Do'le In.
telllls to (11l1ll11to thllt nljeeth'c. ! Al1,1 ,
tl1l'n , 111) IO\'t ! , ) 'UI1 CUll tlo liS yon will
with 'our pocket monl' ' , ) ' 011 Imow. "
"An,1 , It I hn'o COI'Cultel ! It , I1t : I IlI\'o
; n1WII's Imngilled , 1 hnvlI Counllmy tllther ,
: \llIrk ; 111111 1i0 It Wl18 well COI'h'lIel ! . I
UH'un , " IIht ) olhll'lI , soCtl ) " , 1I1)'llIg htr !
hllllll I1ponlls \ , " ) 'OU Cound him for 1110.
Yet I bllll thought , " Hhu whlsl > crcll , lItes.
entl ) ' , with n SIIlH\1I1'r \ at the rUIIII'l1l'
bronco , > It WIIS only : -uel : Armslrong
who col m unltu UA , IIl'-ho snld thl1t
ollght to be my 10\'e te\t. ! Inrk. "
"And WIlS It uot , H\\I'lJlhellrt 1"
. ' ( 'I'lli' 1'1111. )
, . ' . AI'I ; . ; null Nnt1U'c , .
It Is hnrd t 'c ' ulmrrnss n qUlcl'.wlt-
ted nulU. A lect 1I1' ( ) . wns once Ilcscnnt-
In ! ; , on ttn ! ' supel'lorlt ) . of nil tme o\'er
nt't , when'an Irrcvcrent IIstmwI' In the
amlleuco I\I'\d thut 0111 question fit hllU ,
"How would you 1001" sh' , without 'Qu '
wlJ , : ? " "roun mlm , " Instnntly rellUu(1
the lecturer , IloluLln his tluJcr nt hIm.
"J'ou huve fm'nlHhcd mc uu nlH lIIus.
, trnt10u for m ) ' llrIUlUl'ut. ( y bl1hlncsl
Clln ho traccd to the nrlltlclnl hl1blts'ot
OUI. mo lc1'U lvUlzaLlon , whllo the , II ;
1 nm wcurlnJ-hcl'c he rnlsetl his , 'olco
till the whulowR Rboole-"Is mndo'ot
nut\11'nl huM" 'l'hl ) 11I1111enco tcsUl etl
1t8 nllllrcclutlon of the IIQlnt by loud
nIlIJIl\uBl' , nnd the slleuker WIlS not : Iu.
tct'rUIted ooln. ;
No Cunl l"I ) 'II1 . '
AU persous found pln'lng C1\rds ' 111
rl1l1way curs In Hussln 111'0 BUbJcd lJ
. .
tieiwy pCnl1lU zJ. ' I" t' '
: Some pcoplo are prcpnroo for InJ . .
. . . . . l'mcrjeDcy-OXccllt " . , . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " .f. twhlS. . . . " . . . . . " . . . . ' .ho1l. "
. -
. . . . . - , . ; . .
. - . .
They Ion't T.nNt I.OII" , 11I\11 Thelr'Vclir
or" Jlu\'e Qucer Ifunc1e .
"Ono or thc Rtrnngcst things I ha ro
notlcc ( ) 8lne 1'\0 been In thl hUIII-
ness/I IInhl an ofltlclnn , ) ' 114 tllnt "cry
few \\0111(111 clln tcll whnt Idlld ot lIoses
Uwh' hllslmlldll wear. ' 1'hllt01111111 th/1t /
'ou met liS ) ' 011 were l'omhlS' III , tor
InstulHe , Rhe hud brollght In hCI' Ihls.
IJ/lllll'a / JtluHHcfI to bc fixell ab they wonttl
IItu : v 011. I IIsl.ell Jlel' If hla n080VtR :
IlIn\1I ; or lurge , bcttlng IU/elf / n clglr
Hhe couldn't 1t1I. ! She lIuld shl' I1I1IJl1't
lIotlced , IUlt would do 80 whell he cIUllO
"And ml'n nre no better. ' 1'll'y cun't
tell olfhaud whether theIr , h'cg 111\\ ' ( '
( ! lns It' CJ"I'UnOH or the I hlll thnt tilt tI
\\1\I'cl , I orten nal. JURt to SCl ! II' thl'J'
cun tc.'II , hilt It's n question that fel\zel !
( ! \'I'I' ' OJI' ,
"U'a the samc nbout cars. Earll Illny
an llI1J1ortnnt l'ole In the IIttlng' of sllee.
tllcles , III ! , It'H IICcessl1t.y to IIhlllll' : the
howl ; nceol'dtnJ : to the WIIJ' the CIIl'S
JI'OW. Sometlmcs otic enr III1Ij \ Inl'll
: \1111 n hulf higher thnn thl ! other ,
thollg'h no ono wo 1I1 evcr HIIRJlC't It.
YOII seillom see hotb cars nt onel' , that's
wh ' . I"uw " cun tolf nnJ.thhlg' uhout tI1l'
CU1' or 1111'11' uelu'cst relntlves ntHI
friends , "
As he tullwd the oJltlclnn hegun to do
HOIIIthll1g' to n , ; Iass u 'e he hchl In his .
11111111. Stlll'lug UII from Uw showcuse
were hUllth'ells of eJ'eN of o\'el' ' tint
and size.
"AI'o thm'l ! mUI1Y of theRe worn ? "
asked the rl1I01'tl'l' , 11lI1Ieritln III < ! cOlin.
"Within two 'enl'l ! I hnve sold 300.
We hlvo nbollt : WO stenlly cllstomel'a. "
" ' ' "
"Slcad cllstOl11el's ?
tlYe . An I' 'c wenrl' ' ! out In two J'carR ,
g'etll dllll , J'OI1 Imow ; or J10rhuJlH It
" 'l'ho plica of one ? About u unlClH ;
1I1I\l1t ! to ordol' . ttll'nlt Ifl $ H or : : ! O. A
'few 'ef1t'R ngo the ' wct'e all $ I 01' $20 :
hilt now a J.rel\t 111nny cUHtomers thlnl.
$ tJ nn OUh'II I'OUR fll'lcl' to pay for un
( 'ye. It's n dlillcult thIng to lUl\l.t ! ' thum
tit nnd lUn teh.rrherc Is n great dllTer.
l'nce In the exprcsslon of glnss c .es ,
'fhm'c.are . nlso rights nnll lefts. When
a pm'Ron hns thc stump of the eyc left
the glaslI cJ.n put on over It mny bl !
mO\'l'd around quIte IIntu1'11l1y.
"The othm' dny 1 receIved n lettl'1'
from 11 customel' 8n 'll1g he 1I1111 ! JI'okcll
hIs glnss cye. lIe ccmented It tOg'etlll'r
1\1111 sent It so 1 coulll J.ct thn e01'rect
size and shape. In the lettcr he snld to
hurr ' up on It ns he 'couldn't Sec with.
out It. ' ITe was qultc serious , too.
"But the queerest client I hn YC Is a
\"cry wentthy woman who wcars two
nr tnclnl c.res. She com s In e\'m'y lit.
tle , vtlle ! to stock up , just ns she'd go
to her mllllncr's 01' dressmnkcr's. She
gt'tHU COIOl'R , so sometimes her o 'es
ure 1I\'OW1I. FOl1lctimeR hen \"cnly bluc ,
On e'she ' hu n pair of queer green OlleH
mnde trom n. description of the hero ,
IlIe's cyes In Il novel. She's vel'"alll
nbout hm' gluss cJ'ea. She hrlngs .her
mnhl wIth her , nUll asl.s hcr a thousu11l1
questions concerning whlcb pnh' she
, trIes n , are most , ! Jecomng. ! She , gcts
\"or ' nngry wIth the gIrl wben thc Int.
tm' doesn't' ' ngree with hcr own Idens IlS
to which nre the hnnchOml'st.
"Ycs. even us grewsome ns thIs
b1j\1Wh , or , tb ( ! optllcans ; huslness Is , It
Is not IncI.lug , In Its cOll1'dy elemcnt ,
bc'nuse It Is denllng wlt peoplc , nnll
theJ' nrc funll ' ullder the l trllngest cir.
cumstnnCl's.--New ' 'York Sun :
The only musk ox IIOW III enllt1vltJ' is
at tbo Nutlonnl oo 111 Wllshlugton , D ,
C. , alld seems to bo cnjoylll Iblelf very
111uch nnd to be getting ulong' quite
well , though It I1rol1crly ! Jelon s to the
fnr Arctic. This species of anhul1l , In'
del' < l , III exclusively Arctic : Its 1.111lfC
extcnds nU nroul111 thc Arctic CIrcle ,
I1n1'dly blggcr tbun a 110ny , It 18 such n
crl'nturc ono would lIIcc to mnl.e 11
pet of-stockn ' built , shorlln the legs ,
wIth long Illld thlcl , ball' nnd with smnlJ
horU8 thl\l.cul'ye do'wwurd. 'J'hls pnr'
tlculnr musk wus fetched from th (
Arctle to Sl\n I runclsco. together wlttl
two otbers , hoth of which dIed on Un
vOJ'agc. It IR not 11 "cry near relnth' (
ot our domcstlc cnttle , belongIng to at :
enUrel ) ' dllTct.ent ICl1\18 ,
Photo" 'l'nkon b , ) ' Rngnr Light _
The curl us tllscove1" ) ' bus rcceutt !
hcon ml1l1e thu.t Itght mny ! Je procurel
fl'om 'common 8\1111' . All you hnve te
do 18 to geln few pounds of lump 8\1
gnr and put It In the open sunlight tOI
80Jue bourll. On tnklng It Illto n l1ur1
room It w\l1 \ ! Jegln to glow , fnlntl1
OI'8t , but nfterwnrd with ( { ulto n Rtron
light. So strollg Is this hUllluous glo"
thnt photogl".1phR 11It1ctuully lIeel
tnleen h ' the tight _ 'l'hese sugar.lIgh' '
pllOtogl'l\llltS nre quite dIstinct , even i :
'lot quite so clear 1111 ordinary photo
, raphl.
To ono Allont to Step On' ,
The DnltII.ct l11e gIve YQU a bIt 0
nllvlcc , my dear. ' ' 1'0 11 mun , tbe hel\r
or the womnn be lon 8 18 like nn 01
cO\1ntr ) .
TlJe Daugbter-Dow cnn tbnt be , I1n
" 1.'be Interest Is Intense enl . 80 lonl
ns there Is 11 11rospcct ot now dlsl.'
les.-LlCo ,
; " : hen ther'IIro children around , I
man bouh1 be us thoughtful to ha.vl
r candy 10'0 hl8 pockets , a8 a womnn 18 t ,
have In pillS In thD bosom ot her dre81i1
. . : : : : - - : ; : -
- . - - . . : : : . . 1 . J . " , , , ' u' - , . " , , , . , t I I
. , '
. , .
! '
. . . . , . - . . . . r
, (
, I
' - ' , :
1I I 1
I '
. . :
. I . ,
Mlljor T. II. Inrs , ot the FlrHt Wis.
( ' 011'1111 Ctvnlry : rejlnwllt. writes Crolll
14 : ; Dllulling slrect , Chlcngo , 111. , the
tollowllI ! ; leUur :
. . For years I suffered with cntnrrh of
tle kidneys contracted In the army.
Medicine diel not help mo any until a
comrnde who had been helped by Pc.
runu advised me to try It , 1 bought
sonre at once , amI soon found blessed
reHef. I jCpt tnklng It four months ,
and am now well and strong llml feel
better than 1 hu.'e done for the past
.twenty yellrs , t/wllks to Peruna. " . . .
T. II. " 'nrs.
jlr. J01111 Vnnce. or Hnrtfortl Cltr.
lillI" S:1)'S : " : 'Ib' ) .itlnoy tro\1hlc Is 1I1\1ch
hlJtter. 1 lln\'e IUlllro'ell so mIlch thllt
1'\'er1Io y " , nnts to kUIl\\ ' what tJll'lIl' !
clno I 11m usll1 . I recommend l'el'lIlIfI
' ' 'b ' ' hu\'u COI1lI1Il'IlCI'IJ
to e'\'or ( ) \ IIn ROml' \
toHIe It. 'l'he toll. ! ! 1111 tt\y ; \ thut IC 1)1' .
HnrtmulI' ! ! melllcilll ! cures 111e It WUllt be
j1"lnt.-.Tolm ! Yllnce.
/Hr. J. Brake , of Petro/ea , Ontario ,
Canada , writes : . . Four years ago I
bad II severe att.1ck of Bright's dls.
case , whlc/I brought me 59V the
doctor said nothing marc coulel be
done ( or me. 1 began to take Pcruna
and lUanalln , and In three montlls 1
WllS' a well man , and Illlve continued'
so ever sInce. " . . .J. Brake.
At the 1ll'IICIlrauco ' ot tIe ! first B 'D1Ilom
ha's' be n :
Sponge-l1shl prhIIJHed
In Turldsh walers , and Greece will
lose an annual rC\'enue of nearly
$2,000,000 In consequence.
- - - -
"Ye nre never without a bottle ot Piso's
ure Cor ConsumJltion In \\l. house-
Irs. E , M. SwnyzeValdtn , Oklo. , AIII'II
I 17 , 1001.
The famInes in' , the Int rlor of
Russia are col ncldet1t''Ith' il decll ne
In tbo hnmldlYI dlle In great measure -
ure to tbe destruction of forests.
Use the famous Rod Oross Dall nine
large 2 'oz ' , IlI1ol.lI c 5 cent : ! . The RUBS
onJ.1 > 1lny , Ol1th ne d , Inl ! ,
, A syn leato has been started , In
Paris to promote j the Interests' of I
It 1antst ' 'he landlords 1lrendy . h vcI I
; , . .
. llelr sybdlcQ.te. ' "
Don t Cor l't 1lIrgo ) 2 oz. puc mge Red
Cross DIIII Hluc , enl ' 5 cent . The nuss
Compony , South Poend , Inti.
l\tollUlI1tnt8 lit 1'01'1. . .
'No city In the world has so many
statues und monnments as ParIs ,
und every day sees a new project for
a ncw statute or but. It Is curIous
tc note I n th's , c , nt cctlon . n 1l1r e
proportIon of the famous men bon-
ored In lb s \vny \ clime to their cnd
by vlolenceIn , , some form or other.
Many a man's success In lIfe Is dn
to the fnct that he Is foolish In hIs
talk but wise In hIs actions.
Austria Is to open a state Institute
In London , to enable , .Austrian student -
dent to perfect their knowledge of
. EDgI18 .
Yon Cnn Get Allen's Fot-J n8e FnJ R.
Wr1t to' Allen S. Ollll jct ) , I.e Roy ,
N , Y. , tor n I"IIEI6111111.le ot Allen's I'oot ,
Eu e , powder to. buke Into' your Ihoea ,
. It cnrell tired , 8w'ntlng , dnmp , swollen ,
l1 hlng feet. It , makcs new or tight shOE' ' '
'eIllY. ' A certnln cure tor Corns nnd Bunion ! ! ,
AU druglets allli shoe It ores lell It.
TIt.I ) ' St'rll1J ; ' 11I..h" . . .
At tb s season tbt ) " appetite Ulll"'CS
rcllshes. ' .1'1' ; the followlujJ , rclt
n largo tablespoonful ot butter over
boiling watcrj sUr In two e s , 11
, phlch ot cayenne , que ot paprika , It
few , cuper alld al1cho\'los chopped
I . tlnc : sUr until the c gs are cool\Cd i
servo on rounds of buttered toast ,
on 1ho water : pli1tc , if p sslblo ,
'fbls Uom buy toast. " , ,
110' " ' ' 'I hlAT
We offer One llunllrOlI Hollan renr. . , for " "l
'o or ( : all\trh tll' " c nnot bo curoo by Hall 1
Catarrh CUrti ,
F. J , Cnmmy to : CO : , Toledo , O.
'Ve the unrll'rslJm(1 . hll\"e lJ1ownl . J. Chl'Ul"
for th8 IL\t 111 . ) ars. anll IltJllt'\ him pfltll'tUy
bonor'"hl" III all ( ) 'hlll tl'nll-actlon. ; IUlII nuan.
chili ) ' Rhl" tl } , cll ry out ILUY obllltullorullJJllde by
tholr 01'111.
" , , .IIT It ; TRUAX. W1tolC < Rte Hrumlsts , TolndoO.
WALIHNO , KINNAN & lI1AUVIN , Wholll > lIlo
Dru j'bt . 'ToIl'llo ' , ( ) ,
1111\1'11 l"allrrhJfe : I. tl\lIl'n Inlnman ) ' , RcllnlC
dlr001l ) ' ullon the blood IUlII lUI'US .unaco. , of
the ) "llJm. 'fo.'illmol1hlli I'nt froe. l'rloe 160.
"er bnlUo , RoI,1 11\ ' nil lIm ' ' 'tll ,
lla11' . FnD1l17 1'1It1 are the belL
? '
; It blaok undcwear ) ' stooklngs Of
. . blnclc 'arn that Is so knItted IS
boUnd u few minutes In mUle the
dye w111 not stalu the skin.
: , A . ihot.c ot , t Und 1 t , ; o ! " ,11
bel. . . Jelly or 'Ices to oome"trom' It
without sticking ,
oC k I II n e Y
lrollhl ( ' Pc-
tltnn hllull )
h e t 0 I. e' n.
blooc ) .
. . . \
. " , .
Maoris nfe to he enr l1ed'as volunteers -
teers by the New Zealand govern-
ment. It Is expected that 5,000 wlU
bc recrultcd In sIx months.
spot , strenle or gl\'e 'our goods an on- \
cycnlJ' ll 'e nppenrnnl'c.
' -Jot water und suda will remove
most'greaso " stains. t .
. .
It bootjacks were boquetg , the nine .
l vp.s ot the ( musical. midnight cat \r
would be strewn with flowers.
T.nm 11 of l\lnrlnc lUlcrobcs.
A strang lamp hus been constructed -
ed by Professor Dubois. " A glnss
lube placed on a , n etal stand , 11
nearly filled wltb a liquid composed
of lumln us marIno inlcrObes ; thcn
are two tubes runnIng from the glob.
and througl these u supply of all
can be sent to the InterlJr WhCD
the lI ht grows dull , the elYeet'apo
parently being to revivify the mlc.
robes , The lI ht from this lamp wl J
last for sevcral. . weeks wlt.hout rOt
newal of the Illuminating medium , . '
, WInslow' . . " ' . . . .
) fr SOOTlllo.u : 1\"I1U1' for child.
Irelblni' , .orlell lb. gums , . .educes InnalDaUoa
alla1" 'pain ' , cure. wlllil colic. 25c bolile ,
'Good enough
, - for anybody ! . .
of .same value as tags from ,
- 'STAR ; 'HORSE SHOE" , "i1J.1
. \ ' and ; : } - 4
. r.Tobacco. . . "