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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1902)
- ; - - woor"7"- , - - - . . . I " I " , " " i , ' . ' P'i't'r ; A " ' 1 ' " "J . . , ' . I . , - - THE MAVOR'S PROCLAMATION. - - OwIng to Boveral cbal1gc9 being rnado In \he pollco service nnd 8treet. work , of tbe ' . . , : . I clt.y , the following proclt\matlon Is pub- lI.hcd , thnt. tbe citizens of Drokon ! low mny btS luformed of the new order , aud th'o rea80n8 for ndopUng the same. ) < Broken Bow. Nabr. , t , . Muy Oth. lU02. f , 1'0 tbo 10noruJlo ! Counoil of the . : . City of Droken Bow , Gentlemen : . . . . \\.t In assuming the duties , of offioe there are R few reoommen. , dations wbich \viah to make. 'I'he faot that our finances , Iwallablo for ondliotillg the aOi\lrs of the oity , ro limitetl , i8 too well known to need explanation or oomment , nnll is in . itself 8uffioJont ground for rolnoinR [ our expenses to the mininum , Rnd curtailing' .in every WRY oOll8istont with good gov'rnment. Every dollnr a\vail"blo should he put mto improve. tn'Ont8 of the str ets and erOI ! ! ! Il s which nro at tbis time bncny noeded. After II11\0h \ ( HIfOrul study. and cone - o 0' suhhtion' with various business Ulon Itutl citiztlnS of the oity , I II/wo de. cided tn reoommend tbl\t tlm oOice 1 of City Ml\fstll,1 and Street Com- . . . Utitlsionor , which hnVA heretofore I . . . , - beeD , unrl r tbe man"1pmeut. of onp , . < . aUioinl , be eoparatad , ami that aStreul Commissioner bo Rppointed whose whole time shall be givf\Q ; to strt'ot work. The Commissioner shall he etl1plpyed by the 1'I10nth and his . , services may be dispensed with during - ing such portions of the winter months aa in the jlld lDont of the counoil he cannot he of 8uf1i eDt " ' . ' 'b nefit to warrant the expen iture. I also'reoommon/l thlttthe office of Night Watoh Rnd Mlirb1111 he merged into IIno Rnd the Marshal shall be on . 0' . " . .du'tf fruw 2:30 : p. m. until dltylight f'-\ the followin morning during' tbe r' summer momha , nnd from 3:30 : un. til till ) light ( Iuri'oJ. { the at her seaSODS of the year. 'fhe offirial ' appointed fljiitbi 1108itiOD I1 h" pa'id lIy' the _ .city and IIllItll not soi"it. ) nor aocept _ n _ _ _ . _ - . . \ o. . . . . . , , . . ' . . . _ ' I " ' " from the busln M rne a'ny pay . tor gUatdlD the property of h. . .fi tj nor for any otber s echt ! p llce or patrol duty. He wi.1I be r qulred to give equally as good 6orvloo 10. Rigbt patrol work as the business men ha\'o rooeivod and paid lor dntlng tbe past year. That the city may not be lun with. out polioe proteotlon during the hours when tlie Marshal is oft duty 1 deem it advisable to appoint a doputv Mar hal , wbo may be all upon at any time his servioes may be nooderl , Rnd.hDViii , . bo pahl only' for such work liS he ay'do. ! 'l'hb rel\ona ! for tbeso changas are sovoral. it hl1s been demonstrated in the past tfmt the Stre t Com. missioner , who also act8 as Marshal , 1 can devote eely 1\ part of his time to ntroet work The duty of Marshal taked np his- time to such an extent - tent that it is uecc\sary to em. ploy addltiooal help 00 the stroets. Thin additional help during the last Joar ha9 cost the oit } . $2-10. Broken ow qwns ls' own team , sprinkler and Htroet irnplom ntl , 1I0tI thert' ill : Itmplo work on the streetB for tbe Commissioner ten bOl1rs onto of every day during su tRhlo weatlusr. , Rtiferrill . hn\lt \ to tl.1o police IIlnt. ter , w" think the H.atem of I skinJ. { the lJ119in st men to pay for the Auardiu of their pfOpC\rty at nigbt is wroug "nd un inju8lico. The oili1.ns Isro al. reatly taxed quite heavily and their that it is the duty of the 'oity offioials to Bee tbnt they have''lroper ' proteotion without dditioq'al cost , is " , just one. 1'ho recorda show that arreflt8 nroly oocur during' the' fore part of thu'dlty. An Ii\'eraqe of nt.out one in six months is as often 'as ar efts ha\ ' bean made for misdo. meanors in' the paat , during the hours in whi h the Marshal will be off duty. 1 therefore firmly bellE'\'o that the arrangements abovtt reft''rrod to will give the city ample police proteotion at all hours of tho''day aud night , and that by this' bl1ng . " " , . . , . , , - _ _ _ . _ - - - : . . . ' , , A New SecondHand : , St'b't ' ' ! t' Hugh Kennoyer has opened up a Second-Hand' ' 'S'fore in the building on the west side of the pu lic square , 'at , A. W. Drake's old stand. . lIe has a : fine line of , ' ; . Iron Beds , Sprimtsan Mattresses. : ' . . : o. , A 'complete line of new moulding and ne'W saws. ' Ff trte w rk ; 'a specialty , and satisfaction guaranteed' . nm. . Rtpairing' a'nd p- . . holstering . , . : 9f < 1s promptly done. . ' : . : . . . . . . . . , . . - - ' ' R.lmu. . . , A'uderlon , . , , . J. C , 'M\lQrll ' R.&o . A" " " ' ANDERSON & MOORE.A" , . . : . , ' > ' . - - . ; -'i , _ pr L"ud..tor 11I10 RDll reut . an CUtter couuty and adjolBlng coulltei. Xqultlu "nd . lUortigel ' ' . bont(1it IIno1loll1 / > 1"uIIU. plomntlf aud neatb mlde , . . , : ? : : Vl1CII"'AllltlIf'Ot ' , u twuon 4th end 6th vonael , 8ro.k Bow , Cnlter COUl t . Nebraska. I , . . . , . I . .JJ.I' . . ' , . \ ; ' . , , ' , a . ' . . ! " ' ' ' ' . ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . . ' ' ' . * . , , ' ' . I . " . . : . ' ' ' . . ' . . ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' , . ' . : ' ' ' 0. . " . . , . . ' " ' " ' . . . . . . . . . " " ' " , ' ' ' ' ' ' 'Ai ' ' ' ' ! r' ! . " .f'y''i' N ' : : ' : : iV . 2"'hW''L'.a : : i : ' ' 1aI"E' : . ' ' : : 'J , . . ' . : "i . . . i'1 . , ' " " 'i . i < " ; , ' : b ' : " " : ' : : : ' : ' " " " : ; : ' ' ' - : : - - " " ' ; " " ' } . , . ; . : _ ' . ; , . : . : . , . . ' . . ' . . - i4' r. J' " : . , , . . 'o . ' 'Ii I ' ' ' . - : ; : .1' ! .o.- ' 't l . . . , " . . . . . . . . - . ' ' ' . I : I ' : 'loI : ( . . . ' " . . - : . , . . . ' , . ' , 't . . , . . . . . 'I , ' : : - i J : I ' f . t . . . . An ( ! luties ipdebted to the' Eagle Groc rf Bre 'req efllea' I to call a . "tt o Lbij ; ' o ount 'by oiuih at' ' ODCIiI. , I ml1 1t 'b've II. .t m ' . i'Y ' . , ' . I1UUOt. 'do busiDQR8 on win. . ! . ' ' . P , .bit'I . i . . . . . , , I , , " : . ' . " . . . . ' . , . f ' . ) j Ge . ' . YO"8 truly , I. - W.S ' " ! ' ' ' ; Il . ' )0 . . . . . J m " . ' ' r.Ij. ' . . : . , . , 'Propriet r. tll. 10 B r.8 f.S , . ap for 25c. I . . . . ! . I-i1l . . . , . , .vJ.-.r "fi : I l.flti't : : . . . ! . . : : : i"1rI . . . . . ; , , , t. " , . . . . . 7j' . .vl. : iJ.P:1i't . . . . . : ' : . . . . : ! . . 'tiH.e.vJi. : rlt. . I : ' . . Nf.i' . . . . l . - ' ; . " . . " , . ' . WW . ' 'f , . > . 1 , , " " ' , . \ ' , . " 'For a . .First . Class' Smoke Try the , ' . , . / : : i M rtiaT nd , . " ' : ; : ' , . . , - Cigars. , M : N FACTURED I1Y- . . . . . , ! . ! y , ' ; 1i.i : nw , . 4 , m . . . . . . . , _ . . f . 8'U7TT'ER A'N'DEC'GS ' ' WANTED. A. W. Drake has locat d in Realty Block ill the rear of A. E. Anderson's Jewelry Stote , and is prepared to pay the , . . . . Highest : Cash Price for Buttar and EIIS. South Entrance-Loo k for sign over'd r. , . . . . . , 1 . . . . . . . " " . . . . . . . . - _ . . . . . . . 0. . . . . . . , . , : " , - , - " ' intei at' . of U e oUy 'wlll.M b.t { r \hibseh'ed and 'stl'Ht ImproveMents 'Will b madA , wbtch under tlie pr lent - ent 8rrang n1ent , could be done only by quite an Rdditlonal out1 y , In tbe w"Uer or street' work the troet Conun ! isllller shaH bo. under : the sl1peniaiuu ut' tbo. . Street and . Bridge Comtu uue , aud the Commls. Blon 'r IIIudl1nuk tn the chairman of tbat committe" , a.nd to no o"ior per- 80D , for his instrltctloDB. In tbu n'iatler of the l1Uroh sB of supplies or various Idnlla for I the city , I recommaDlt that all eUlplios bo or arranged " tor thraugh t If ) Supply COIl1miUeo , Rnll , ,11 bills for supplies cominf.t boo lora the Counoil mUIt bo audited by saiel committeo. Pursuant to tbo resolutiona passed aL the maslI eon , 'ention of our cit ltena Marcb 1 , regnrcling otiation8 looking toward the purchase of the wRter works llatli , I , rooommend thltt the City VOllucit Inko up the matter whh the ownurs or the plant and the bolllli"rs of its tonll ! ! , mortRa e8 aud judgementat and seOllro. . from tbelu tba hest. possihln pruposition Jor the Sltl" oC th plt1ht. . 1 al90 reo mmend that tha Counuit iuquiro : .n'o ' tho'con. dition of the entire plltnt J1 'IUlbmit ' R fun report in the matter at Its oarfy n ild I\S ( loB fhle , that th ) matter IItAy'ho br uRht. before the pao lo if , in tbe jm1Rcm'oDt of t40 , Connotl , the prollollitioll S OIIl foasible. _ I hope nnd expect tb t the ordin. 'jUIces now in 'forro " , ill he Uve up .to. It wiU bo tn'y earnest l1U aVer tb treat ll 'rludtera' ' tliat' 'o tno a. fair 8nd impartial manner , 'apd in coujuuation with th r offiliR1e ( ) f the cit . ' 1 allk the co oporati51n of the 'Oiuzlmil' o adh1inilterinR he affairs of the oity in ' . . . just , equitable and husinfs"liko ynannor. : Respeotfully Sub itt d , EMEnsoN R. Pu1tO L1" . M or. . . .i : ' urlb inl' pc : . liai a - - IhirlIligton Rote tralu9 to tlu : 'nbrth : " ' \ \ ' st change thrle on lY'4. . . On ariel fif. .ter that. . clate the lea"ing time of the lortluud Spe iul , train No. 41 , . Crom principlil points. will 'b a.1 fo' ' ows : ' 'LCU\'e ' St. JOseph 8:30 : p. 111. ; Ohmb" nJo'p. ' 111. ' ; Lincdln , ' 1Q5 : a. in. ; Gra111 IsJuud , 3 = 42 . m.t Droken Dow , 6:04 : a. .m. ; A1l1aucc JO35 a. tn. ; arn\'jng at 'Hel'Cna , Sr.okah , ' Tacom , Seatt1e uud Poi11aud nbo\ 'as ' 'at ' present. 46-47 , . " California . .n.4 aUd tleluru. , 'fickets on sale April : u t to :17th , May 27th to June 8th. . August , nd to 8th. . , Liberal stop-o\'cr arrangements and return - turn Iirilils' . 'OPor I1delitionB1 information ask the nearest a etit , D r1ihgton 'Route ; or , , 'rite for n . Cnhfornia C lder to J.FRANCru ' . Ge1i fml'Pass gcr Agent , nurlin on Routc , ' 39-SJ Oniah , 'Neb'r For Tho.e'bo , . . . . .e. 0' " a'rul. . , , Dr. Bergin , Paa , .J11s. , writes : , III } raVe usel Ballard's Snow Lmimentj 'a1ways 'recommentl ' it to my friends , as l am confident there Is no better made. It' ' is ! a dandy for burns.It 'l .hose W lO live o'n farms are especia y1iable to 'm ny accidcntql cJ.t burns an bruises , which heal rapidly when Ballard's Snow. Liniment is applied.It cthould always be kept in , the house for cases of. emergency. 5c. SOc and. 1. 00 a t Ed. McComas't . Broken Bow and Merna. DIG HOR RAtiIN. Arc you hitel'cstel1 in the Dig' . Horn Ua.'lin of Wyoming ? 'IL ' a rich but uudcvelop'cll portiOli of No'rthwestem 'Wyomit . Il contains mar\'ellous openiu 1I for 'small ranches Along gooII'streamR in the valleys , with one mitlion acres of gO\'enll1lent 131111 opell to settlement' under the Uunitell States Lund LnwlI. 'fhe Iiurtinl1.on : Route ha.q just.puhUsh- cd Ii foiller descriptive of the ni 110m Uasin. It is illustrated nnd contains an acc rate mup. It tells.nhout . the lILY of the laml , cHaracter of tHe soil , prollucts , yield , irrigntio'n 111111 opportunities. , If ) 'ou'rc interested , hett r write for II .copy. It's free. J. FUANCJS , General Passenger Agent , 42-50. Omaha , Nehr. . Curell WIlen Doclor. . . , _ "t ' Mrs. Frank Chiasson : , Pat cr- son ; Ia. , writes June 8th , 1901 : 141 hacl malaria fever ill'verbad : form , 'was un er treatment by c10 tors but as soon tis 1 stol > pel ( takin go their medi ine the , ever would return I itsed a satilp1e botHe of Herbinci fouild it help- ed'me. . Then b ugl t two bottles which cQnfpletey ! cured 'me. I ! feel g-rateful to ) "OU for furnish. . . ings ch a splend1d medicine , . an o can honestly" Tecob1mencl it to those'suffenng from malatia , s it will surely cure . theJn 'Uer- bine , SQc bottles , t EdMcComas , ' Broken' Bow , and. Merna. J j , , . 't J One-Dalf aa1e , - . . 1 Omah : ! . and Return : MaY : ZI , 22 'and 23 , Via Durlington Route. . ' . S ate nnCAmpment G. A. R. . Ask the nearest agent urlingtou Route , 45':49I 11'1 , F. , a4.TE8 EAIIT. VI. . Dura.lnaton Route. Oue fare f9r tb. . . ; trip to' Itl1rri9 bur PI1'"Ma ' . ' . , , } 14.tO' 19. Re'tVm' limit 'June 30. Tickets g od-via bicngo or St. I.oijis. A gnat opportunity' to v 6irtbe e:1it. Half 1'att from HQrrisb eg' to Ioln in Penn ylvania , Mar'land Il\td DIstrict of Colw.mbli , May : lJ to 24. Ask the Burliugtonagent. 46-48 . \ . . , . . ' . + , Wer"l . . . . . .hUen. White.s Cream Verm fuA'c has achieved a wor1c1 wide reputation as being the best of nU worm dcstro.'ers , and for its tonic in- flue nee on weak amI unthrifty children , as , it neutra1ics the acidity or sO\irness of the stomach - ach , 'itnprotcs I their digest n , andlassimilation of food , strengthens - ens their nervous system and restores - stores them to the health. vigor and clasticit. } . of spirits natural to childhood. 2Sc at Ed. Mc : Comas' , BroJeu now and Merna , If' ' : . L u. S. IJund Office. JAMBS WIlITKIlRAD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Iteal ttr F. D. yOUNG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rocol'lIr LEUAL DVKI\TISSll& TS. All Ildnrth"ninhInlier thll lie ad " , tit ho cllarged for lit tOL',1 rllte" Viii 81.110 Plr 811aaro for nr t tll"Or\1oll. \ allli 6bc Ilor .llanro for IIBcli lubleqao'Inputloll. . A " > > quaro" I um lineI' or trAction thorco' . . . ' . . . Uult"t Htlto , 1lnd OOlco. l Nortb t'tHtl' ! . Neb. . Aprlt S. 100' : . r NotlcR III hereh , Ilved tllUI" tollowlu/f / uam. 011 itcHier hal nll' " noticlI of bl. tll1..nUona to lO"kll nOlt II roof tn IIUp1101of hI. cl 1'1111 , alld Ihat nlll tlrllot will ho mallo hetoro Ibo cOllllty jllllgf. COI\or \ cOlluly , Nebrll ka.l\t 1Irol.I\n 1I0w , , thhrlllkl , on 'UII" 7 \ t\1W. vlz : .1(111 N tJ W II. . ! MuttJ. Itome tcau Rnlf1 No. tjr.o ; ' . tor th. . W ! , NI'r ( No , .lIlt 8Q ( Nw ( , "ccllou t2. lowlllhip 10 , .aIlRO : ! ' . W. . OLlII' . M. 110 nallle8 Ibl' rollowhlg wtlMMnft 'oproo bll cUIIUnllonl le.hlollnolpon and outttvatlon or BaM land. vlt : : , Inco ' 1' . . " Hillman 01 IlrakclI lIow , 1\ebruka : Neilloll 1 , IIImAn of Brokell 1IolY. Nebrnlka : S"ba tl II Nolla ot Drokeu tlow , Nllbraeka ; Jeuo Uandy ot Broken 1I0w. Nohra.lta. -M-IIt UKoROJ : R. IfIlENCII , ItlJl.ter. ! Unltoll 81"tul.alllt Oroce. l- Broken 1I0w , Ncb. . At.rlt . ! III. tOO'J. r Notice II borelly K\'ftll ! 'ha' the lollowlnl ( nalll' fcl.ott1or b'l lIIell nollroot bl. tntonlloll to make t lIalllroot tn IUpj'o.t ot hili Clllllll , and thanalll prool , ,111 bo mal10 botnrll IttoRI5Ier lI\1d nerelnr , at Drolnn tlow. NOhra ' k" . on Jnne ' 7. 1003. vI ? : JtJUWBIUOKU. 'UU0l11 { , 01 MornA. Nob. , on bll 1 ( . R No. tUU.lor tllo 8 , , No ( , e ( N\yI ( , Ne Nw J. Nw s He fcetloll tI. lown.hlp 211 , N. , r..IIKo C'J.V. . , 6th P. A l 111'11111I0' tbo lOllo"hll ( wtlllollel' to ro"Q hll coullnlloaa relldel1coII" on alld cutIlvUlon a' ' Idd I.nd , Ir. ' : Let. . WIl _ Inolb"Alulon t.'oll. Chllrlo. Tllylor , Jlmo 1 [ . Hel. 'enhlger. ' all et Murna. Ncbr. . " " . ' 46 t-r.l : Jutll WUITlUIu.n , Ue/liter. / Unttt1lt'Blllleu Land UlUrll , t- IIrokou 1I0w , Nehr" I.M..yl'I. 1002. { ' Notice . I" bllrob' gl'l > u 'hl't RLtAS II. 'JOlIN. ' 80. . lIaa 111ell nutlco ot. tuteutl n to lnakn nnll proof beroro Ute 1I01lleler Rnd UocelV\1r at hla OmM 111 Broken Jlow. Ncbralka , on "ondl ) ' . ' the Itltb dlY of . ) uno , t1l02. fin Ulllber cuttu o RI" plication No. II13H , for Iho Ho . at . . .CtiOIl No. 2 .lutqwul\lItp 1'1..1:0 , N.rllll1eNo. : : "W. 110 . "I1DIII. . 'l'hu1naH ' ' . namo. a" " : 'I' Wlnrhel'er ' , John B. I1arf't\lI , Wllllim at. lIarrell , Ollu J. 'Llro. ' .11 of 1I0oelor. Nehrlska. 41.1\'l-c. : JAUS. WIUTJ < : III1i4D. lIeglsler. Unitell8taieB Laud 011I00 , l Brokcli DP" , , lIr..lIa , Iay ft. tOO ; ! , r NoUro tl beruh , gtvell that the tOIlOlvlo/r nlm. ell.oUler hat IIlell nollco of hi. tnlell&lon to make1inal r nt Iin .01l1l0rL of bIll 'cllltmIDd that laid ProOl w1l1 bQ mallo lJe.tere UC\1I.te raud' Utlcel"r al IIrolren IIi" , . Nabral"a. on JUllaltl" 1900. vtz : OLIN J. LlF" , 01 Uoosler , Nebrlh , ' tor Ihe n. K. No M.H'wU No , N Bo ( 8wU : -I ! , locttoU tU.ilowushl ' ( ) , N. . rltoR3 ! , W o namell tbe 'ollowlnl ( " , UUIIUC. to Ire , bt ( cnUnnoul I'I1IldllorQ upou Ind cultlvatton ot ' utalaod , , vir. : Jobn 1' . lIarr , II , 'rrumari T. 'Wlnc e.ter , WUhain'Uarrell , 11:1111 11 JOhUIOO , : all 0' B oaler , Ntbraska. 47-1i'J-M J.Ullil WluTauK4u. Uegllter. , - ROAD OTIOJ : . ' " To wbom It ma ) ' con ctj rD , . J. QULlon'h vl lg licen tllcl1 by Frink Dollelb , . elll , tu TlC \Q a lIullllc rOld delcrlbld u tOUIIW. 10'w1 1 CoiArnullc\ug at the cenler cornur' , ) ; , accl1OI1 8. town.hlp It. 11"8.18 u\d \ rornor bu. InAr.tbe .uuth ! > . .t coruur of thu Ilotlhwut 11u8rtt'r b1 . .t'l .UCtloD ; Il1nlllo _ north to lIortb Itlde' 01 .ecttoQ.rro rod I 'fom pllell ot begluTotllg.lor the realbu 1ui& flld'rolU haa ne'or houn 011011.11 'or , "ani 011 : IUY pubUc money \llell en eald line , end tor Ihll reaaon that tlio .am" ta nut . prac. llcable location lor a road , end ran not be lnlde 10 U CIA be traveled , ,1Ibout IIl1a" outlay aud 'I1X"oo.o 'uUabor. All prol atJ ! 118alnlt the VICI. tlon thereof. ald , atl'ol.j'l'tloDI' tllerllto , muet bt ! 1I1 , t 'u tbu rOllnti : cl.r ' olllco 011 or beorl ! ' 110011'01 ! ho lint ! dAY III July , IW'J. or acb roall IVm b& Vaclll'd Wliliout rllleruucc therolo. In WltDdl@ wh r d' . 1 UVII bOr4tUuto lot my hilld aud Ileal ot lahl coant , . tbl. IItb day 0' May , IHtl. , I 010. W. Dlwrr. Count ) ' OIork. 4.50-5 ; [ U"LJ By Jo . l'IOIIAN , Vopul ) . . JIOAD SOTlOE , 1'0 wbum tt ml , concern : I . Tbo coromlnlCuor ep/lOlnled / to vlaw 'a rOld " , olll101lelt lor by OeolHt ! CUUU. e'll , c ul1nouo- tLg at the Dortbo".t rurner ' " It'cllou lour (4) ) , towlI.hlV twelitr ' (110) ( , rluKo levont ou 117 > , runnln ) ( thence ' Buulh on ' lectloll lIuo "bc"t IItnol , ( UO ) rorll'lh : nco 'n'at Ihout etllll1yI8l ) ) rodu or nuar thlt ccutur or' tbe Ne i. 01 PN UUn four (4) ) . thrnco IU a foulhclltIrly dlrectlou throu b secltoll nine III ) , to or 1I..r ICtUOII tell 110) : thl" C In A 1I0nibwellery ! dtr , ctlon IbrollglluctloU8 tteen aUil IIlxloon ( H , Ind III ) , 10 about Ihlltteu rode nOllh .01 tllo .0uUleut oor..or 01 .cctlon ,0\'o1'toen 07) . tuwlllhll' 20 , ran" 17 ; thence Bw 11'1111 ' y (001 rolll t about 'olenn (11) ( ) rodl loutb othe N"4 ! , 0' ncUon towllIblp 20 , n thence to a ItWCUI , (20) ) ' range : POtht abont'nluotl (00) roll. "outb hr. reported , In tllTor 01 1 hit cltaljlllhJnenhereof.8I1d 1IU ob- Jectlone tbereto , or claim. for dl1m'ge , mUlltJe ! died the cou01 , clerk' " omr. on or betore 110011 of U'ftlUh / da , ,0' , July , 100' : , or lu.h 10&'t will bo ratalUlhell WIUIOUI refereoce tberoto. Iq wltnllu'wlloreot , J bavo hOlounto tlot lUY .baud and 10111 01 1114 ounty , tbll IUlb day 01 MayI\I2. \ UKo.W.lIl1war.CountfOlork. 41.i-bB [ IIXALl Dy JOH.I'w"AN , Deputy. ' " " , . . . . . " . . , , - - : > OTIOG OF ATTAOHMENT. O. 11. Dettl " ,111 tAke DeUce Ihat ou tbe lOth Itay of MlJch. tPO'J. J J , Snyder a JUIUoe or tbe P"Aeo 01 lIrokAn tlow Townlhlp. Cu.ter COu.'y. Ne"raAI1I. bpned aft order or Ittlthment tor III" .om ot ,71J 00 ano1lnlorelt III I" actio II peDdlDg beroro him wherein oJ. O. IIA&berle II Pllllf\tlll III"t O. U. U U. . norolllt&lIt , 'hit 'Iropert ) ot lefenllAut illtlhtl jt , ono 'ul1 ot clothl ! wa. attached \1IlIter Iltl order by Oarnllbeo Ilro- coellnltA ! III the haudl of N. OIelm O.Inl h e. p .lil caUIO wa cnllllnuclt1to the 28111 dey of May. 100. : , ,1)(1 ( o'clock R. m. Uall11 thl. IHIII III ) ' orlrtll IOtJ. . . J. O. UAlltlnLX. } 'II\ntlrr \ , 4..45- , on , , , tl1 UOLCO\R Unoll. . . 1tI. AUOrn'yl. 1t D NOTIOI : , I To " , bm ( It may cOIlr-ern : A tll"n 'I UI'd by 000. W. Ttlnllle IItl. ha , $ 1I1110d 10 , araso A rollootcmouelnl \ \ It tbe II Ibweat cornr ! ! of 'f'lIoli ! ll , townlhlp III , rlnKe 11 , t""uIDIr thellco OMt 0110 mnt to ( 'onulT line anll tt'rllltnailnjt lit northrllit corllllr of ICC- &Iou4. ! . towu.hlp 1:1 : , fllnRe 17 , bill reporll'lt In tavur or the Vtl"ltlOII tberonl , aUII alohlcllnnw \ tbcroto nl\l L bo lIIu.t In. the "clObntclerk'i < < 11Ieo ' 011 or betnro noon or the t\lIh ttnyof Juno. tllltJ , or IIlIch lIIllt wilt bo VIIC/llclt / without. retcroncQ tboroto. III wlluc. . whoroo' , I bne h"reuulO et my balld .nd I' ' ' 01 tlaM cOlillty , thla 1.\11" do ) ' at I\tucb , 190'1. (1111. w. , . . -aMi [ RBU ] IHCWlYb 10r1l : . : NOTIOR ' 1'0 NON.lm/lU > NT UlWRMnAN1'8. In the Dlltrlcl COllri , On tor Connl" Ncbr..ka. D. 1I00Ila\l.t \ Co. . 1'laln1llT , , va. . } Ullhort . . , Wlllliln JUII'I 1 > 0fonIIA"tl. Uobert lie ! , Jr. . Arat Wllliain ICI oy. dofemtanb , will tlke nollct' , thUolt the IIIMI , or Janllary , , D. UI , thOfllllltlllltlel1 Itl Ilolillou tn tllo dlstrlot Court 0 Ca.ter Cou"ty , Nebrukn the objecl alld 'rRl'er of wblt'h 'VIII to oblaln a ) udg. mont. . tn { hi. count1 Iud Ilate agalult laid dl"cul1lnla 111 > 011 a trRlllrrlt't ot I judjment dnll and ICIIIIIArl , tnucllily J. 1:1. : Itcu , litO" jlllllco or the IH.'aco within alld for It-Nalll . ! count" I.ato of IIIlnoll , for thn I\am of 118. . 1'0 WlIh 10 I'er rent Intoron thercon 'rol1l Iho IItb , dllY of AlIl\uel , A. n 1111) ) < ) Thl\1ollllllll IIlh dRY of Janna17 , ll1ruJ. tbo 11\aluUIT \ OIelt au IIITl\davlt tor IIn onler of Plttll'bmont antt r. rtahll1\l'Itl bolollllng 10 the dutordlnt , Hobort 11011 , Jr" to,11 ; the North b"U of Ilia 8onth'l'nllt 'IlIluter 1111I1 'b. . NortheaRl .Iun er or tbo.l'Ontb.welt ' ! qalUtor and the HOllth. ( CIIt II"art r. or the lIorth"1clt 'IuuIOr , ol cctlon fOllr C : \In \ townlhlp tourtpon ( U ) . "ortb. rallgo twcnty.ono (21) ) , west IIlb 11. M. . " "I IIlt4chod tn 01111 action and b , v , rtup 01 RaId orller of attach. mont. That. nnloll yon 1l'l'oa , And anllw.r lahl I'lIlltlol\ \ on or lIeturo the Ctllh 1111' 01 At" " A. D. l'O2. ' the Allcltatlon. , Iboreln coulltnOlt will ho taton 118 It\l' aPlt judgmellt rcndorcll I\ccordlOrlY and tbe real oltatu IIbovo dClcrlbol1 wUlOO Boh to Bathf ) ' tbo 1"010 Jl1tOd. It IIro'on ) Jew , No. bru' . , Aprtl llith. 11JuJ. : D. II"I"AK ; . \ COlrA1I\ ' , 4H1-4G JJylta Attorney L1'UA.ltohlIAN. \ . NOTIOR TO NON.ItK8IDKt'1' D VRNt < : ANTB. Cbarl.1 W. Whited , JUla WhltClt , O. A. Whit. cd. amt Mallgle O. Whl""I. lIef 011I1 Inti. YoU Wtll11110 notice th.t on Iho 30th daf of April , . . . n. tOOl : . Iolonroo I'arley , IllAlllttlthlJroln , I1led In the Dllttlrt Court of Ull tor l ounlr : , NO' hrallta hi. lIetl lon Igalnpt Intd 1I0tcndllllll. the object nUlt pf"J'"r of Which are te to\1cto.o n cortRl1I lIIurlll'lIo docd executed by tbu laltt Chlrlu W. Wllltellend UllaVbltoll In ' Yor of the Iowa AlortsugeCompllI ) ' . whereby they cun- , eyed thlt norlh won ot the O\th Olst Ila.rtl'r alld thu 10uthealL Ilnarter at tbo .outbout Ilullrt. er aud t.oL l1umber 1) 111 ! ettlon'O 01.0 lot lIum. bur 1. In ! oollou 7r "It lu tOWII.hll' tll , 1I0rth of r'IIGo18. , Walt art 10 IIlh 1 > . M. , tn Nebr.\lkll. to lIecurethu , payllleutII onu certaIn "Ial eltalo lUortlaKO boud III tbo Uh1 or $ . % 0 dllell 011 the Ililb III1Y or nKu t. t8.'III , IIIlIlltuo amlll4YAblo ou &ho nrlday'or : lrl1tomhor , 181H , wUIt tntl-rell II tbo rail , ot'l per cllllttlUr nllllllln. 'I hit tbelo I _ nu" dutl ullon Plhl bciuIl'III1111ll0riltago Iho . .um of $300 " 'lth tulorl'8t. . tboreon 'rem the liNt " . , of 'tioplOmbor , li1lH. rur wblcb . .UIII with tntorollt lrom thts datu tllllnUITlr1l1'6 lor a droll'o thllt h. lIt'tocdintol ' b. required 10111' Ibu .ald IIU1l1 or that I/alll prl'lIIl.el IUIIY bo tloM 10 IIl1ltl thu amount lound dUI ! : YOn are Irllulud tft IIIII'Wllr 111111\ pltltlon 011 or ! Jerolo the 10Lh dllY ot Jllun. ' 9O'J. Uated Ibt , 30tb dlY of At'rll.A. n. UI02 M ON U01l : IlII.IY. . ' 41.M-W 1Iy Junta LIWWJIJU. hll Uornoy. tn the'ct ' Court. QUilter COUDty , Nehrailia Bllululth'Ootllril , } 'laloU\r. \ I , VII. . } 1IlIlvlllll O.Cunnlullhlm tlll , Dotendallt. . , ' 1'0 lIull1 oUuuluglt"muhlJ OlllllltlllllalUVattcr U.1Ung. Uunrr A. uollilla. AUoO t.1 t otltnn , " ' ' ' 1111 CoUlnN . , Klllcrl1 R. Dllkllr , Jallnlo 11 akor , Edwlu it. . Kcrr , AlinalCorr 1'"l1outulorr , Non. , UtI"ldom Dofclldantl : You "PIt IIlIch , olyou will tlllll IIOt\CI \ , t11 t ' )11 tbll fln111ay : ot abOY" lIamoll 1110111' It It Illedbor IIiDend..d potl \ tOil tu tbo lllelrtct court CUAtor Couut ) ' , Nuhralka , 'JaIIlBt JOI , QUit eath of ) 'ou and IItIJcr deCanllutl , the object and pra'tor 01 "lllcb IIIId Iletlltoll are to turoclolo . . curw'u ' lIIortltlgO I'xeclltul ou 'Iho 141h day r f ANII lillI'J , 'by l dw\II It. " "rr. II10lYloII O. ICerr W L1tor O. Klul ( , JCllubelb Itllljf elllt llonry A. L'olllu" to ouu Thomas COllllnr UpOIt 'he N \ ! fill ) ' . BY. NoH. ot 8orllou : : 1. ' 'be NwH ut Hectlolt : : : ItlIO NV. , of w ) ( anll 1M. of 8cctlou ! Jilr.IUd the NII of 8pct1on ! lO.falllll : ! rlorlb ot lIange 17 , Wo.t III CURter l1Uunty. l'ic ' Irllka : PIIld murtslIIn ! slvtn In .oouro 1110 IIUmeltt. . of 11 IlruIII' ' . ' I .ory ! lole oxorlUCt [ bt IOrr , I ( Ull 1111" , ' 001l1u8 a . . cumllUlolt 01 the IIItd 1.IIIYln It. ICerrl Walt r O. [ lng Alut lJenr , .A. ( : olllni. to ' the Illd Thomel Conuor whlcb note WAI dated on tbe IHII day 01 llrll , 1811:1. : InltfDK tor tbo IUIII ot ! nO 00 dUllalld payable.un the t1rst day of 1\tl\Y , uma.Rlnl drawluR Intor08t at the tlltJ or ol h1II"r cent pcr annum 'rolll Ma ) ' lit , t8l1l : , unLU 11.d. , 'l'htlpJlllntIlTtllnuw'lbo UW'lUr and holl1l'1 u , flUllt 1III1811UCI tilL' luorljRjte . .ecurln/ / ( the IlIymcuor tll" 1'11I0 Thllt tll ! > "ru la now lIuo at the Italo or IIIlnlof thll petition. nllon fllhl IlrolUll or1 nolo lucluillul { Interelt S'J7\IO 00. 'fllcr" II nlRn duo IllalniUT t\lr tllxOIl t'nld lIy b"r ullIIlI l1M real I'8tato 1:5:1 : : : r.o fur w/llch lum. wltb luterest f"ln tlliA dato. IlIallltlU pray. lur a derroo that llid IOnrtJlIlo bo tOfl'OIOIlOiI. 'ho detpll11Rllt4 110 decrecillo " .y to platntlll tile UIlOUut due OpOIt palll , nortUftu IliltulJll'lluURIt. "n,1 for tuel : p.lit , or thllt IIslli I'rrllllollllay bl' eohl al ullon I.Jtccu. linn hy tbu "horut at ( 'mler couuly , NeblJukll. IInlt the pruccolla a"plloll to lho 110YUIOllt of tbo 'amoulltlouutl duo to Ibu lalatllf. You and each ot YOII ar , . rcqulrtd to an lVor . .ht IlotHlon 00 IIr bororo Aloml..y , the 16Lb dn , of June , 100' . nltell 1hlK Zird dlY of llrll. IlJO'J. RLIUJlETIl COILINI. PlllnUIT. .7.00-11t lIy U. 1.lIU'rTI < : JlSoN , IItr AUy. . Job printing at this ofi ce. . . . l/I / . . . , " " , . . . ' . , ' ,1' , ' " .4 \ ) - L _ J4 _ , I f iii ROAD NOTICJ : , , . , j , ! To "born It mlY to. cern. ' . . Tk. Commll8loaer IJlPotRltd tlJ , Iew a pre . t. . I pOIClt road poUtioncl1 ror ItI O. M. Ite-liHHIj . , . : eN' ' . commeBctna A1 , JoaWa HIlt corRM' e.u. ' I WII U , 33 Ilut South w..C _ Rer of SOIttli HM U fle tlon Towllblp 13 . . . .go 2 ee 'foil. nl JJ 008 Rille north I/n / ItaIl8Cllo-nIIBfI. ! . . . . N- - Jlbt'ell tn favor of , he " , , _ llmeD rJ1ereot , MUt alt objoctlon ther to. r cla'1 ' ' lor dlnugNt HIatt bet ' : Ied In 1110 Oount ) ' oterlt'l onJe on or BIll. , . lIoon or tllo tOlli dly 0' Jnne. I\IQ'J , or lIach I" " will bo tltbUshl'll wntlont ref.tlRCe therlt. . I. } Vllne. . Wbereor.l I. . . . ' 11&10 eM . , hAM aUlt leal of . .Id count , . I tillilt lIlt de.y 0' JlrUlIJO'J , 010. W. UlwaT , [ "ALl 016-.19-10. Counll llet. , ) IOAn ' ) { OTI K. To "bom It mlY coucern : 'rbq Oornrnlllliunorappolntolt to , view a , a' " oemlJteuttnc at ibe South ! llBt ( or ot lIeetioa tll , tOWlAhlp ! to , taol.'It 18 : tb.Me'.lo\ ' ! . \ CIa Secllon IIno aboUt OQe Illd M. mile \0 InlerlCC wllh the laId out road trom Weltorvllle ' " An lef. AI.o commlinelDK at the Sontb wea. corllor at ItAIII 't'ctlonll .tQ"b'bh ) t , raupQ' : 18. 'Inlt 111bn ruunlng lIortb'on CtlollIflo , mUe'to "lIlro tbo InlenecUon 01 sah' public Inil laid ou rOlld trom Wn torvllle to \ " haa reported tn 'aor or OIIAb1l1hh11t a \ ) 0\111110"1 tbe tiecUon IInl rllunlu" eat anlt "c t and to ttjectbo tlut . runnlug norilianll ROUlh Ihereof , and alt olijllc- , t. tlonl thereto , or elahul for , dlmlgllA , mult bl tn tboOountT Olerk'e oOlco QJ1 or helot" ' noon ottho NlntlJOnU dl , of Juno , 11102 or 18 roalt will 110 cetAJUlbelt ! wltbout referent " lhOr\\loi III WUnclI. . Wberrot , I hayo hereouto IIII mr 1I0It IIUdleBI 01 . .lit county. thll : : , , , . l1ay 0 Atltll.lOO'J. UIO. W. nawar , " [ SKU ] .1'j.J-.4i ! 00llnt10lerk" ; - - - - - - I.r ------.r ' . IIIMU'1 Ute IURteruU UIRI Koellinio . . .our : rCI.alrclI ' ' ' 'alch nlht reMtaltM I. . a' l 'Oh ' , 1110 'lie IIOW } .OW . . tltnt does the buehlo8s , I1D1 bunRler OI1D buy the Ilno kinds t matorlal tbnl. J use In tOIalrhl J hlat skill II the mopt vl1lu"ble matcri , , ' tbat ' , an bo moll In wntch ropalrlog ; ; " nud the ImnllJor can't buy It. 1 " ' oell my klll ror wbnt It I , worlb 'n 6nll It will coat you lC98 tban bungling 111. lower prloc. . . F. W , UA. Y.EB , . 1 Jeweler anll OptlolaD. ; West aldo r square. ' : 1 1J J . ---q . ! . . ' . BURIu : on TIME TABtE BHOKEN BOWl NEB. "Iucoln , ne .T r. o..a. . . . , Jilcleaa , CIIClllrO , .I..ue. ' . .I. .JONCI.I. , a orU"dt . 1..lItt cn" . HRII..1&1II clt ) , 8t. I.cUI , And 8M" .r.r.llcI8CO All l.oln1H ItR"1 And II po.u , . And "OIlU , . , veat. No. 4Vo UbuIQd oaprcil : dallrl UntolD , 081110- ha , lit. JO.lIlllh Jtanue'OlLy. IIt. : Lonllt Oh1 oago and all 110101. ena and .olltb. . . . a 41 a. " , . No. 4.-Looal eJ:1'rllIt : : oIllIf" .UntoID. Oll1&lla , tit. JOloph , KIIII08 Cltv , IIt : , ' UblcagQ .lId 1\11 polatl'lIut anlt 'outh , . . . Lonl'l 1 liS a.m. No. 40-FreIKh& ItaUf , nAV.nIlD , Urand 1.111I4 , AUrOfI'hwardWlt ' LInColn , . . . , . . . . . . .004 &fa Nil. 48-notKbt , nlll ) ' exClpt ) Huuda , . Haveltu. aud JutorlULlU'te polllt" ' . . . . , . . . . . . . . .IJ II pm No. 41-V08L1l1uloll cll1rou : dilly , 1101&11. . He , " , tlo BuUo. 1'ortlanil Gud 111l'ACI4C \ ( Joalt IIOlIt { . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IIOt.m No. 411-Iocal oxpreoll dl ! II , Alllanc" Inl1 tnterrnedlAt.o noillt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .n 1ft ! Pia Nu. .r.-J'reltht ! dlUy.ItOIII only An.almo Seueca , Wbllmau aud Alllluca. . . . . . . . . " . . . . . .t03. am No. 47-1rrolgb . dltl , cxcept DIIUda7 , Ihueca alld Intormt'dlate polutt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1'36 pm 81ooplng , dlLtnK and rec1lnlng cllatrcar. ( l at. tree ) on throuKh tralull. 'flckoa IOhl aUd bai- Raga chocked toanYllOlnt III thl Unttad 81a\0. Illd Canida. ' . No. 4H haa meroblnc1llltcare Tu edl7" Thuft. , darl .nd Hatnrd yI. . No. 40 will tarry tuolgorl : tor ItnllJ1n. Oralld leland , Bowlrd and Lincoln. . IMoraultioll , mil ! , ! , time tablea and tlclr. . tliU on or 'Write to 11. . L. 'Orm'b"lgeut , or' J Ifrallclt , O. 1' . A. , Oml\h" . Nebratka. B. L. O..lar , AKent. , . 80HE UL.E : OF DROKEN now MAILA. . I'ouch tor Wed wilt cJltlO at 8 p. m. , except lin daf when tt. will clol'o t GIIII P m. Pouch. oalt tor tratn No. 4'.1 II1o 6a at 8 a III aUlt tUI No. . . . clolo , tit. 11.30 a.m. Alall tor .AUlle\ alld Jolnt "lI8t ot Orand lellind oarrled on tralu No.1. . " . ' Or.outo , Ia ot 8'110 al1cl Tuckentlle. d tly ex. cellI unllay clouD , at 7 II m : returnhlJt eamo dl' Call41VIlY ViII , Mc'IUllle1 dall , exoept Bunda . , close. 1117 a fII , returntng 811110 dill. 1I0u d Vatloy vi. Ureon anll KUou cIOIO at 7 J. m.'rueodIlY , ' 1'buudlY 'and 8alurd . " , IO Qrlllni 11110 dll' , . " . BUlUuor , IB Ourn1py" OeorReW . and U 1 i1 arrrIToR at 1t.3O. Tuo dDJ 'l'bU Y and /jatar. / : dlY roturnlng loael At t2,80 . . .e da , . . O lOJ honrtl from 8.00 a m t.o 8'\00 ' .P m. Suu- dlya from f > :411 p. m. to 0:4t ) p. $ " Lobby op.en week da ) ' . from 'I a. " . , to 8 P. m. 8undA , . 8130 I. m. toI . m. Ueueral'del1verYllot open Bun. dltf morntng. . heretotoro. L. n.Jab'rr. PM. . ' . 1 - . . . . . , . . - - - - " , ' . - . - . - , - . - . - - , . . . . . _ . . - , _ . - . . - . . . ! ! . ! I I AM GOJNG 11'0 riiil.m " m [ CLOSE mi1 . , ( " 1 OUT" ) " 01 - ID . ' , . L t Itl' alec k 0 f 0 1 otll ng. Ui g cut tD pr I' ffi ' dI . . , of J acJio Shoos to rec1uoo the 8took. Oome and' ( ,0 III 1 . . } . 'rl bY'All V i E SUIt , m . From $8. .o Up. . I The rIgors of wInter will see . , . , As G od As You Want. b : over. , . ' . . . Don t Corget that we . . . ; Pleasanter days ah ad. . . ' . Drlght Drightest things things In stor.e In Men's ft1r Dress 1I. ' S E.L L I .G ROC E.RI , Goods that . we bave ever ' shown m 11 t 0 ISIS h P roes i , an d pay thor e. , seen. -or . ' - I p , : : : : : : , dt received O r t from : . ; s ; The : Hel"he u ! t Market Prices to'r ProdDeD. " mer - Just I ROj al T ilor.Chiclgo : , U. S. A. ' EVerything mde to your m j\- : : 1 . otterARRY D A v , H I u . e-311 hc . tlmc-never otter- . , trices.cndrouly ' low. "Isetrices. \ / : : . . . Broken Bow. N ebraBkB. . \ , 0 : . . j. , . . . . . - l - . , - . . _ - " " - " " ' - . . , , , . . - . - - 11I' < . . , , -.r. . . . . . l . : ' , ( I'I. . iI. " " : ' - . , ' ' . f. -