Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 08, 1902, Image 2

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    -11 , ,
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. ; F \ . ,
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\ , \
. !
' . , , . ' r.
\ } 'r .
. tJstcr County , Republlcanl
. , . / '
, '
; , i xiator I'nhlhlh" .
" . " AlIHIIEIUlT : , nllfl
- . . _ : NJClIltAflK.A
In III a WIRO IIInll who Iwows whell
" 'UI'to t > cll11jolllcl ) .
'The comlll 1111111 will 1I0t slIeceed If
" JUt 10 too enN : - olllJ ; ,
, ' - - . . . . -
TIle hrnrest lIlell fit'l. ! those who are
atm.ld to he cowllrtls ,
The [ : orerlllllcllt l'eI1l'IIl/l Ule smooth
.Iekel-It ) ' 011 el1l1 Il"l Olle ,
Dyhody CI1t1 Rce throlllh the Inss
JruISt. It Is to mnlw 1Il0lley ulld It gl\'es
8 a I ) ue ,
t 18 hmnnll IIl1tllrc to deslrt' tf > be
) ( JDol to 'our tlullel'lora mill HUllcrlbl' to
, onr equnlB , .
The New Yorl SUII , ollee written by
1 wan nnmell Duun , now Ilrlllw It "neo
lcnnne lIugo , " '
Arter 1111 , Croesus wns ouly meltBllr-
, . .1111'BuecesRflll , II c lIe\'cr WUS cnlled
a " .Naloleou ot IIl1uuce , "
'In Mts.'J Stone we IIlnln ; sce womnn
" " " ' mther n
"coming to the frout. "l'wnll :
aarrow tlquceze , howe\'cr"
- New Jerse"s r.e INll1ture hns Ilppro'
frlated $10,000 to lI ht the , Jm'sey lUOir
lto , 'fhls Is cl\'l1 lIer\'lce ,
The longest 11010 doesn't nlwnys
knock Ute pel'ftllllmOU ! ! , Iuch dep1l1ls
.I1pon the cle\'C'ucsfl ot the UIlI1l with
the polo.
A " 'estern mnn hn ! ! oltered to sell
" ' 'wlte IUIIl fOllr chlldrell fUl' $ : O , Afl
Je.r hlmaelt , he coulll probnbly bo luul
"r a glnss or bocr.
, Mr. Thompson-Seton hils tormnlly ro-
: JOUnced the lecture plntform , but ho
I INcrves the rlgl1t to chullgo his 11umo
; tt > mo moro Ir be wnllts to ,
In the hlstorlcnl 110\01 , wben tbe
: Jlero nnd the lIen"y VllInln get to-
i tether nt the close , there Is uh\'n's a
j rerr pretty bit or Seuutorlnl courtesy.
If It Is true thut the Amorlcnn cnl o
tm1k hns capturel the ncver nimble
leet or the slolld Drlton tbo spectnclo
_ ust be one tor galls nnd men to nll-
. .atre.
Mfa ! Columbll1 blushlnlly Rclmowl-
< 3IlIge tM Dlurked nttentlons or Ger-
_ any , U11BBlu , 1 < 1nglnl1l1 und tbe rest
.and 80rtly murmur8 , "I'll be a sister to
. \
, roa. '
dentlsts nrc tryllll ; ' to fasten the
. . . .mo "Amerlnll" on the Amerlcnn In-
Iian , 1'bo rell brother Is jURtllled In
. 1ng on bls IIclcnUfic friend a copper-
) oed Dloccl1sln ,
t Sudynrl Kllll1nJ ; thlnlts n good ,
.usky tyrnnt Is nbout the hest tblng u
free and t'nlhhtellell lIeollo CUll huve ,
1 Imt he druws the line ut n brother-In ,
law with n hnl1l1 ' list ,
The Chlcugo ml1n who cnn cut coll1
Iteel 111Ilerltlmor County oheeso Isn't
, .u8lng the plntn lleople to worr ) ' n1ucl1 ,
amt ho cun hnrllb' eXllect IIny tuvors
from such men U8 Hussell Sugo ,
To retunl once moro to Mother Ship-
ton nnd her ulleJ.Cll III'ollhec ) ' ns to the
ItDd of the world , p08slbl ) ' tlwre Is n
kmgtn11l11ng t 'pogfltphlcnl Cl'ror to be
eorrcctelt. She 111UY bnvo wrlttcn It
Rlgtnnlly "tUSt. "
A young lUllll In New Jersey cluhnH
. t ha'e been curcd or conBumlltlon h ) '
. ' Ii aso or smnllpox , There Is n Doston
' ) . &ady who hud consumlltlon ulld who
' . . . . . cured by the shocl or lImUng u
tP1lt Infiulth'e In her Bmerson ,
I . '
The Motbcrs' CQngrc A chunged Its
. lIy-laws so as to udmlt tile fllthers to
membersblp. WbcII It comes to acting
" u.motor to n truul. strup futber Is the
: ctn : : l' rtnnr In the fumlly 111111 de-
aerTCS we1l1hel'HlIlp tor doing tbo hnrd
acUve work ot tbe firm.
Y' preacher Is cuusln trouble because
.Jte heard Idtlldng In the choir while ho
, I " 'AS dellrerlng his sermon , ne call
\ ban1J ) ' be blamed. No man could he
xpected to go Illong smoothl- under
.uch OOl1 < 1Itlon8 without reterenco to
'Ids note3 ,
The tonr greutest mcu ot to-duy , says
1It'.nry LnlJoul'lHr , I1rt' Iarcoul , HOimt
g n. Edison a11(1 Caruegle , "Celobrutld
.t\tcstnen utHl IIlstlugulshed sohllerE
cenernll ' do more harm than good , 'fb (
foreOlost heenfuctors or the mee hn \ " (
been tbO e Who rou ht ugnhlRt I1hu8e ,
superstition , Iguofltl1ce or diseuse 01
lun-c\'ered the 11101. JS of Itdl1ln
tu the resoun'cs ot mUJ1kll1 . "
, F'Awnrd g\'ereU lIulo suld nt 11 hun ,
Quet In New York thllt he bnll been t (
only two prlulllr ' l'l cUous lu tlu
t'hbty yenrH of his lICe IIl1d WI1S not In
dined to tbluk thnt hili Iolnl : to the ! ! (
did un ) ' good , 11 ( ' Is only It t'PC 01
U:1m' thoujlIuds who would bettl'r de-
.en. ! the tltlp of cltlzells If , Instead 01
dPJlllnlrlnl : at tllO pen'orsloll or the ox'
Istlng 110lltl < 'nl JIlllcblncry , they uulted
ly trO\'e tlrlit to master nnd then t <
better It ,
. ' \ number or nO\\'JilJapers are ( 'OIn
tUCI1Uug fl1\'omhl - ou the proposUlol
thltt till' Unltell HtateK c01l111el 'furltl' ;
10) retund the money puld ror tbe rltll
BlllU ot 1I8s Mtone. 1'he TurklKb GOt
rrnuH'nt took good care , HU 'S the IQlI
IlIltl City .10uru\lI \ , to warll111 : > 8 Stoll
JI1 "IlflUlC'n thut Iwr ( lroJCited trill t
tilt" Interior or the wUd IUlltrht h" d
, ,
t'i 1 I' . . . - " . . . . . . . . . / . - . . . . .
- ' " " , . _ - - - - - - . . . . . . . , . . _ . . . . - _ . . . .
I'i"--t--- , . ; : ; , ; : } ; ; : ; , \ , . . . . . . . . . , , " " " \f , ! . - , . . .
slrel to Tlslt wns trnt1 llt with perU
nnll thn t It could not , nITorll her protection -
tion n olnst the III WICI'JR Ilcollio who In-
11IIhit thllt reA'lolI. 8M WUI4 detcrmhlod
10 cllrry olll her Illnn , howe\'er , nllli
Ilrnctll'lIl1y nssullled nil rhd:1i ot the
nntlerlnltlnte. tJnclcr fluch circum-
lito 11 ( 'Nt the ' 1'111'1 , hlh II uthorltle'I conhl
IIl1t flll1'I ' II ( ! hl.'lll 1'C'lIllOnKlhle Cor lhe
WOllllln'1I II'nllRtrOI111II1111'IIIIoIICO ( ,
- -
COIIIIIIIlUI1CI' , John W , Huwley Pllt fhp.
IlIl1tlcI' < < 'llh fmllII'-IWe hltllltlll'HH wlwn
ho tolll tlw 1I0UKO Nn\111 COlll1l11ttee
thut the AIlIIJ'll"t'lI 1I1I1n.oC-wur'fI IlIl1n
dill 1I0t Iet l'lI ll h to ellt. 'l'he 1I11\'nl
OHll"l' slIllI thnt the 11\nllY \ defCI'UOIIK !
fl'OIll tlH' Hcr\'l o w I'e dnn Inl'l.cly to
the fllIlIllIlIl'I.IH of the Cooll fiUllply. 11111
HlllluIIIl'IItK tlllI'III'lal11 ! thl ! cOlllmlttee ,
11I111 CI'01l1 whlll the 1I1emhcrl ! NIIlll NOIIIO
IlctiOIl 1I'olJllhly will ho tnJwlI to l'e11\- \
cd ' the IIIl1tter , COllllllululcr I1uwhy
Willi stlltloned COl' II I"II time In Chi-
CI1/-O / : on I'ecrullillHUI''lce / : , IInll for
11nn'elll'lI \ , ho ( IOIllIllI1 uleli trulllln
\'cH.1cls mllllnell b\ , ' I-I'o\\'ln/- / : ho 's who
wl/lholl to hccome IIhlo NCllmOn , I1IK
slntl.1I1cllt ! thllt 11)(111 hctwccn 1-1 nnd O
) 'CUI'S of n/-c / : necd plenty oC food Will
fllltl no dmllnl In I\1ly lIunrlcr. Whllt
COll1mllnller IIn wle ' Sn'H IIhouhi cnrry
weight. 'l'cII 'cllrl ! nlo the Holillcl'R of
the Uultel SinteR IlrmI'ecll'ed 110
fresh \'cgctnhlc8 with their mtlons , The
men COlllllll1lnct ! ) 'enr In nnd ycnr out ,
lJllt the cOll1plnlnt wns turned ot ! by the
nuthol'ltieH with a Fhl'ululld ; the re-
mllrl , thnl It WOI : ! "ollh' n sohller'a ,
I'ow ) . " 'l'ho fit tlons , hM\'e\'er , under
Slcrctnr ' 1'I'Octor wcre 1111111'O\'Cll , nn i
lha I'CHIIIl WIIH thnt thc numher ot de-
scrtionH te < 'I'enHctl IlIrely ) , ' 1'he nn111
lI1e fI s 'stelll IIIITora frolll thl1 t oC the
nrm ) ' , but thm'o Is lIothlll In the 111'-
1'IlllgellwlIt whleh , Hhoulll 11rl'\'cnt lhe
snl\lll \ 'lnof / : nn IIdellllltu IIlIIount ot
food. COIIIIIHIIHler HnwloY'1i wOl'ds
should hc hccllcl\ \ .
IH genlns II 1111111 I feftll ! lion oC Insunlt ' '
[ R the III\'cntm' who Jh'OH to the world
u dOl'lce thut re\'olutlolllzt'K l1\hlstr ( ' n
1I1111111111n ? 'l'beso nro qucstlolls thll t
nt'e liS oltl nil the humllll 1'lIce , 'J.1\ey \
werl. ! dOllbUc : ! dillutt8Kctl hy the doctors -
tors I1ml } 18 'cholo IHtS 'lolI bcfm'e
Gutcllbm'g , wh6sI. ! hlsllnlt ) . toolt the
fOI'm of mO\'lIblo blocl'8 or t 'PCB for
111'Intlllg , It It : rellltcd thllt the mother
or , Jn11le8 Wntt cOlltel1ll1ll1t d her oft-
sprIng wllh UIIRllclllwhle sotillesK 111111
l'egretful1ll'ss nK he to 'od with the tCII-
IcoUle lIuli cOlleel\'ell the notion of hur- '
nesslllg Its escaplllg Htcll11l to the
whcels of Industry , Accm'llIlIl : to somq
ot the lloctors the lHcovcry or Wntt' '
rgnrdlllg the 0\11OIIsl\'e power of
sten111-the greutcst force IlIuli the hls
tory of el\'lIIzntlon-wlIs the 111lmlfes-
tntlon of a Jlurtlculur form of Insnnlty ,
[ n their minds there Is no douht thnt
gcnlus Is Ute SY1l1pto111 ot 1l1cntul lie-
rnngcmcnt , I dlson wus 11181\no when
ho concoh'ed the Iden ot lllllmlnnt1l1g
the cnrth with the Incuulll.scent IU111P
nnd Inrconl Is n rl'Ing mllnillc whel1
he perfects n do\'lce thllt wlll ellnble
111cn 10 tell'g1'l\ph WIUlOllt wlrcs , Nupo-
Icon , the grelltett 111I1ItIl1'y geJlltls In
hlstol' ' , Is enr.lly CIIl HII1CIl liS U tnnll-
111 11 n , ' 1'111. gl'I1ltiH for Rlollghtel'ln 1111111-
1 111(1 Is Cl'I'IIlIIlI ' IIl1ell wllh u f01'111 ot
InRlllllt . , If Jcnltls Is the numlfestn-
tlOll ot tlcfectl\'o 01' dIRqn Il1 hrnll1s , us
Dr l"1'I\111 J. 'llslon or OhlclIO ! nnd
1111111Y emillont 1I1'\I1'010118tS 111nlntuln ,
thl' loglcul deductioll 1ft : It 'Oll WUllt
lo SCOI'O u noteworthy uchl\'ol11el1l or
succss 111 IIny line Jnt u h1'll11l IIIfellsoj
slrl\'o to be eccl1l1trle , 111.11101'111111" 111.
811no , If the lobes or ) 'our hraln nrc
unltorm , H1I111UJtl'lclIl , 1I0I'11\nl , thel'c
Is 110 chnnce for 'Oll , ACC01'tllll tl :
thesli doctors the 1111111 with I Cllltl'
11\lIl1t be lIut 111 till : SlIlIIe cllteJ.01' ; ' wit ! :
the two.helldetl ell It ; he Is Il tl'euk 01
nll1\l1'I' , I , Bnl.thelot Is Il rent chem
1st becnuse Iw hus ntl hHlcmlcd Blmll
sny these Icn\'lletl \ 1I0ct01's , I rllnltlll
gu'clIIl11lstlllwhle e\'ldcllccs at h1'llh
deJ.ell1'u ( ! ' wlll'lI hi ! Relit UII n kite tl
draw clccl1'lcll ' fl'olll the clouds , Ac
corlllllg to th ! ! " the01' ' eyCl'Y' ' mnn whl
conllncs hlH 1I1elllnl Clldl'lI'or to 0111
l1nc of lIehlo\'C1I1ellt hl\s dOfccllve , lib
norl1lnl hrllill d\'elollUcllt } , [ n this I1g1
or Hlll'clullzlltioll , wheu 110 111111\ cnn dl
morc thllll 0110 thlllg well , nhollt c\'cr'
teuth IIIUII Is IIIBnlll' , ' 1'hlllk ot' the \'I1
nrmy of nuuhncJl , hOIHlcSH 1II1'II1nl e
rcl1cts , l'OI\111ll1g thc ellrth , gl'eut 111
"elltors , gl'\'lIt 11\usldl\ns , grullt wI'lh ri
, ; rent IIIwyer8 , gl't'ut 11111 11 U fnct\l1'er !
grellt rllllwnr 1I111glluteR , 'j'hey nl'O n
hlsnll 1\1II1 \ yet thl'1'o wOllld be 110 11\
lInn pro re8R wlthol1t thom ,
UlI-JI'Ht. SIIl le-Hlmn Hrilllo ,
A nH\80nr ' hl'ltljo Is being COl\sh'uc
I l'll ncrORS thl''IIIl ) ' ot' l'el'1'I1ITc. I
J.\lxcmhol1rg , which will hll\'e IhInri
cst slll le of ' ' b1'ltl
I " 11I1n 1I11 ml1sonr 1
Ylz" : . ! i1 fcct ot 11 IIlll1n wllIth 1\1111
rlslnJ ; ncch-It ' of 10 toet , 1'1'\'lous ; 1
thlH the II11'"flt m\lsom' ' h1'ltl o 811\ :
\\'nK thnt ot CII1IIu , lohn brhl o , ncI - : '
I " 'IIKhlngton , " 11. , , 220 feet , with n 1'1
In IIcl'lI\'It ' ot IIrtso'on
\ -so\'on lint ! on
hnlt toet nUll n helht ! abo\'e the Willi
of 101 tect , I"ollowln Cahln .1011
hl'1I1I:0 ' ttm 1'ulll'out ! '
: co 111 1'8 hl'hl e :
Jnl'cne : , ( I\'I r the 1'1'\lth , ( 'o11uwl.'l1 I :
thl' Gr < > > l\'l'lIor hrllll-o : o\'or the Hee , z
> > Cht'KIl'r , Rn lnntl. I
Oer""n"R IncrlJlH4011 l.olHllntlulI ,
In tbe fi\'e ) 'cnr" (1'0111 ISH ; ) ' to 10f
Gtrmllll ' tor thl ! 11I'l tlmu tul1l1'Ilmol
r I Inhnhltullta (1I.1.1 ( : ! : 1I10rt' ) h ) ' h1l11111-:1'
- 1 tlon thull It 10Ht throuh111 ! I/-I'u / : tI 01
r In the 11 < 1'1011 ISSO-lSS ) tlwru hUll hl'
- n 108s of IIcarl ) ' n mlllloll ,
- - - - - - -
II&II ) 1111111&11 hlllulnnll.
1'he Senl'CIlK ot westm'lI OYOI
are 111111'1111111 111uKll'Inlls. ' 1'h < l ) ' hn'
their IIno hIlU'.111 mill IU'O milch lu II
II UlI1t1l1 wlt'h show toll I4 , IIU the ' tt'll\ '
tar nud wide.
Whell a lIo"tI halllls Hct thoro\1h !
I , t.rhnetl : with lrt. tbero Is (111) ' 111
' ' them clenn Henll hllll too
e \\'n to Het :
o l'unlly pull. A J11'1 rellcht's tht' 1'1111
. . . l'lId hy kll'RdludOI1Ch \ ,
. , . --Itoot' " "Itr , " ( ' , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . , . " . .
_ w . _ _ _ . . . _ _ . . . . . . . . . . '
. . . . . . .1 , , " * . j _ 1 'RJi" . ' ; ji ; . . . .AIII' " W . . _ tiI
, I" " ,
A fhl""f'dlo1' : thntIn ! , . I'rove to pc
, of Vnluc.
"The r'C'l'nt ! : ! tlllll of Irll. onlne , nc.
[ 'Ifwd ! or tl : " 1I,1t:1'de-r o ( , lnmes 8eymollfl
. \ 'r , Jr.-thp JlCtl\llttl11 nr the dorend' ,
'I11t'trlnH'lng the elJmn ot the fumou
CI11\1oro Hotel lI'oJclly-clel1rly dcm-
'Jl1stmtcd ' the II U 1'1' wIII.thles'il1eSIl of
p lIert tCllthlll1l1 ' IIH lit 111'l'sl'nt Cllllllo ) ' ,
, . .1 , " de'llu'l'll 11 111'1)1111111'111 lIIemb01' of
III. ! Wushlng-ton UIlI' l'eent1y. :
" ' 1'l1lto fl el'llIlnllll1'oCOlllIn \ \ \ , for In' .
; ! l1nCl" " IlIhlml 1111' III \ ' ! ! t. " 'l'ho Ulllt-
'II HIli tl' ! : ! 11 tto I'll ey \Vi III to the stllUll
's ' 11 wltneas nil 1II1II\/llInl / , It'tl'ul'd : 111
.I ! ! IJI1l'tlcllltu' ( lI'"Cesslon. who testl-
leli 1114 IIn eXplol't 111 11 IIIUnl1M dnml\ -
I\ \ III the dl'C1ulnllt , When tholr
nil 1 11 ; ; 1ft rC'achctl cOllusel Cor the ac.
'IIH llln\'I1I'luhly IIII\'e IIn expert I1ppcnr
wfol' the e011\'t ! ' who Is
( ! \ nnl jl11'y CIIUIlI-
\ ' 1II'IImlncI1t UR thet ludl\'lIlllnl SU111-
, lHJlIIHl In behalf ot thc IIroHecutlon ,
l11el who con tl'lIll1Cts the I1BRertlonR of
the luttr In toto. hI other wortla ,
' : < 11Orlellce would seem to Indlcnte that
, t 11:1 : IIlwlI 'S JIOM81lJl0 to IIl1el eXllerts.
hey helll.t ; men who nre cntlrel ) ' hon-
I'st III lIIulting thch' Rtntemcnts , to testify -
tify hotll tor ul1l1 nglLlnst nllY 8tllto
" [ have been Ilven to unllerstllnd , "
the Kpelliccr flirt her snld , "thut un cf-
fOl't will be 'mnde Ilm'lllg the prescnt
lil'sfllon or Congl'ess to secure le lsll1-
tlon thllt wlll l'es\.llt III n dechletl 1m-
IlI'OVclllont ovcr the 11I'e\'n1l1ng SUUIl-
lion I hn dCllcl-lhed , '
ve just 'rho IdelL IK
to IIsl , Con I't' ! ! ! ! to nulhol'lzc the courts
or tile DIRtrlct ot Columbln to 8ummon
I.xpcrt ! ! whell uecl'RHl1'Y : , An expert of
Imown stlllltllllg u1ll1 nttalnments , call-
cII by the cOllrl. wOllld not he InUu-
el1cal , c\'en IIlIcllnHcloualy , lIy the fllct
thllt ho WI1H cmployed by oue Nlde or
the other. lIe woulll beglll and con-
Iluct his expcrllnl\llts \ complctely un-
lJluscll , the enl ' plll'pose being to bliu
to llght the rcal tncts bellrlng on thu
cnso , Doth the Ilefense nnd the I.rose- .
CII lion wOIIIIl hn ve equnl Ollllol'tunlty
to Intol'rogllto the expert engaged b-
lhe CO\1\'t. "
"g\'ory memlJer of the bar to wbom
I hll vc bronchell the BuhJect , , , conchld-
cd the III WYOI' , nccordlll ) ; to the Wl1sb-
Ington Stur , "ngl'cell with me that the
liu/gestlon / should ho cnllctel : as In w ,
111111 the chnnces nra thnt It w1l1 Je
110110 within the next few months , "
, - - - - . . . . . , . , . , . . . . . -
Mlco will hereufter be pnrt of tha
equlpmcnt of the IUbmllrlllo : bOllt 1i'ul-
lon 011 her trIllS Iwlow the surfnce or
lho wnter. 'l'hcy nro eqH tc to llro"
h'ct tlw crow from USllhrxlntlou uy de-
tecthlJ ; ! : I11 , which IItfocts them twenty
tlmcs mOI'e quickly thun meu , Thll ! glls
comes fl'ollthe fumcR of the engine ,
IInlf n dOZl.11 ! whlto mice hll ve been sc-
e11\'cd \ ,
A bul1ocl.'s hend with un Illgrowing
horn Is II curloslt ' owued by n cltlzcn
of Ol'leuns , 'I'hc I1l1lmal WIlS 01'l -
Inlllly one ot' Il worldlll : tl'um , the proll-
II't . of some IIIOI'IR ( cw Zculnlltl nil- i .
, tI\'es ) , b\lt escnllel1 abo\lt twelve 'l'llrH.
ngo hUll joined wllll cllllle In the
muges , 'l'he Icft horn IIcnclmtc8 four
I IIntlll hllit Inchcf ! Into the heull throngh
:1 : hole lwo IIUll II q\lIl1.ter Inches 111
1111111Whr , 'l'he other horn hllil IIIHO
llc1'ccll the SI\I1 \ , cn\lRII1 I1n 11IIlelltn-
1I011 111 the Klmll , ' 1'hu II nl 11\111 \ wut , ;
f0\l1111 \ h ' II 1111'ty or SIlr\'C 'Ors III such
II poor cOl1dltlon thnt It could hnrdl ) '
1I\0\'ej \ 110 It Wilt : ! shot ,
. \ . glut'ls ' cllsn cOl1tllll1ln three lel1'Uled
lI\olllI \ ! ' 1I WIIS l'I'CI.I1U ! ' HoIII III II\'Uon
III LClllllon fill' * : ! : m. 'rhese 1I\0nlw \ '
. WCI'C I1ll1co\'prcll II tlW 'ollrs ngo In II
clI\e 1\(1111' \ KI'JOII IIIIlt , III the 01'nn "
Hh'l'r COIOII ' , Ills H\lIIIIORCIl thnt thc '
10011'CfllJl' th're fr01l\1I \ s101'1n , 111111 thl'
l } l1\'Ohahll1l \ ' Is that the Rtorm oeclIHlol1Cl1
( ) 1hlJh ! 'ItlIlJ ; of the 1'lver I1CIU' , whll'h
tlntoreel the eu\'e IIUlllmllrlsol1ed thelll.
'fhe } ' WI'I'O'Idntly ! ( 11 "hllIIIIY pnlr"
with thclr off811rh1g , ns one wns qnltc 1\
Ihllh ' , 111\(1 the mothr ! hnll III ! ! ' l1rm
1'0111111 It liS If 10 Nhl\III ! It fro1lhlll'I1I \ ,
1I1I11/er / WIIS nlllul1'entl . thl' CIIIISO or
Ihuth ! , not dl'O\\'lIhlJ ; , 118 thl. ! bodies
I' Wl'I'C lI\\lch ell\lIellltell , 'rho ( 'IlV ! ! , helllg
01' I1l1l1'stone f01'\1II1t1on \ , hllll prescrvcd
thl' hOllies In u011 II OI'f\l I \\'II ' ,
Iii his IIIW heel , "A ' : '
IlgI , " II , Ithlur 111111111'11 w'ltes of till' '
oli\'o h'Cl'S ot C'III'IHI UN follows ; "I
notle I'd thnt lit thl' oxlrclI\lt . of th
IIII\I/hs / 1I\1I11 \ ' ot thi'sI ! h'I'eH , ettlll'clnl1 '
III the cnlle of old RI1lcIIlIHlfI1'1'1' (1It1'
t1 I11'cll h ' hUllphl's of rl'tl IInll ru t
lell'ell , On 11111\111'1111 : the I'CIIRon Ir ,
Ohl'IKUnn It\for1l\ull \ \ mo thnt the hnr111 If
dlle to the l'n\'lIlcH ; ot 1'11111 , which 11\ ' (
In the hollow holefl 111111nnw / thc j\llc
hlll'l. or tlw rOllng flhotH , SOIlHtl1I\1'i \
thIH'o1I1'o : ) ' thc ollllrc tI'CI' , hilt 1111
( ' 'llI'loh's llro too hilI' tn 1.111 them O\lt
'rhl' ' 1\1'l'fer to 10R ( ' tllt'lr l'roll , 'rill
goalll , too , IInnll1/:1 / ! t\'or ! 'thlng thut. Uw
1'1111 1'1'lIch91\1111 Kllow ( 'xtrn01'IllIllIr ) ' In
J:1'11I1It - III 11\l'lr "O'orts 10 IltH'UI'I' till
o fooll till' ) ' 10\1' , ' 1'h\ls with m ' own l-I'1 ,
'I' , I IIn \ \ ' II l'O\lllle or thCSl' IlItl'l1I"I'l1t nnl
i mnlH l'l'lIl'cdII ) \111011 tholr hhlll .Iog
' theIr Corl'f't 11\011111'11 tOJI'lhcr In 11\111 \
II ; 1111' tor l\I\1tunl \ 81111110rt , tllt.'lr hClmlt'l
Iwntlll olltHlrolchl'tl to lllut'l thc S\leC\I
Il'lIt shoot,1I nhovc , "
rlt Oltl Hnlt lUllIl" " nt HI' : < < .
I'I ! Swltzl\rlUllIl hllR , lit Bux , slIlt mille
ie- which hll\'o h'l'n workel for :1-t8.'l111' : !
'el TIll'nl1'I'll'K / lIl'e h\'I'nt-tive mill' ! ! I
ICII tb Ilnll Iho 111'ol1t HiiOOO nCllr ,
Iy 'l'flU\R' "l'onIIII011 Wnlls ,
Ill ! 'fhe II "CrllJ ; Ill'llth ot the 'J'cxu
' 11 IIPOUUIIJ ; 011 'weill' Is II f"w t't t mor
11\1 thull 1,000 , 1\1111 the hclJht to which th
tioll 18 eJl.'Cted sIxty to 200 teet.
t'QifL. ' . .
. ' . , ' - . .l.
\ j
- . . . . _ . .
' . . - - . . _ - - . . - - - - . -
, r. . . . " . 1. ' ' ' ' _ 1' ' . , ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " " , III ,
' .
'I- . Hf ; ! ;
. . . . . . . " .
_ . . . . . . . . . . . ----v
Inny yenrll ngo , when Senntor In-
gnlls wnK III the Senntc , oleomnrgnrlno
wnll II hOlle of contention , 'l'he l1ehllte
1011 IlIl-lIl1B to utter one ot t.heso cpl-
grnmmutlc st'lltences which mnde him
CRmOUII , "I hn'e ne\'er , to my knowl.
cl1 Ie , tllsted oleomurJnrlne , " 8uhl In-
gulls , "hut I hn'e IItood In the prcscllce
of'Jenuillo butter with IIWO for Its
strellgth and reverence tor ItB nllUq-
ulty , "
'l'ho Into Senntor Cushmnn Ie. Dnrls ,
ot lInllcsotn , WUB nslted by PreKldellt
lcKluloy whut he thought ot the up-
1I01lltmcllt of Gell , , Joe Wheeler In the
IIrmy durinI- : the wnr with Spain , "I
think It wo1l11l lie olle .of tile best np-
IlpllltlllentR 'ou could mlll'e , lr. PI'csl-
dOIlt. " rCllIed DIl vis , Crnnkl"I ; am ,
Ih'llIg witness ot Wheeler's rlt utilI
perslHtence. During the Hellollloll he
ehnRel1 me lIke Ute very dm'lI tbroulb
11\'e Stutes , "
An Bnstern mnnufl1cturer ot bIcycles -
cles , lIolng compelled to go nWI\Y on 11
hushles8 U'lp IIbout the time nn Illter-
estlng domestic C'ellt18 expected ,
left orl1cl's for the II11r8C to wire him
results nccordlng to lho followlllg
formulu : It n boy , "GeutletlllpI'S sllfo-
t , nrr1\'ed , " It II , girl , "Llld"s sllft'ty
nrrlvc . " 'fho tnthcr's stnto of mln
IIIny bo Imngllle < 1 when , n few dnys
Inter , he recclved n telegrum eontnlnlnl :
' ' "fnlldem' ' '
Ute ono wOI'd ;
lllrlt Twnln ollce hnl1 11 trying experience -
perience with 11 composItor-one ot
those conscientious compositors , who
not only know , but know thut they
know , Accordlu : ; to n w1'lter In lIur-
per's Weekly , Ir , Clmens bnd 1'0-
cm\'ed from his publlshe1'8 the prooCs
of n story which he considered ns funny
ns on 'thlng he hud ereI' written , lIut on
rending the proofs bo lsmnlly lscor-
ered thnt tbe fuu hlld been carefully
eUmlnllte < 1 , Ir , Clemens returned the
proofa , . congrutulntlnA' the co'mposltor
upon ha\'lng consumetl "only ono week
11 mnl.lng s nse ot 11 story which he
hlmsel ! required two weeks to muko
nonsclIs orl"
Drlgudler Genernl Loyd Wheuton hns
little respect for Ute Ii'IIIpln09 us sol.
diers , and at his meB8 one e\'enlng be
expressed hlmselt In 11 churacterlstlc
manner wheu , a lscusslon nrose In
whlcb some of Ute newspapcr mon who
were following Ute Pbl1lpplne cam-
pahn took pnrt. It hnd to do wlUt tbe
general churncter of the 1"l1Iplnos , nnll
the generul expressed hlmsclt with his
customury "Igor , At Illst. 'ono of the
corresllOlHleuts , lblllklug thnt lhe discussion -
cussion wns getting rnther wnrmer
tlum It should , \'cntured n suggestion
wl1lch he Intended to he ot a conclllll-
tory nnture. "Well , gonerul , " be snlll ,
"you'll nt least ndmlt tbut Ute li'llfplnos
nre hrn\'e. " The I-enernl lenped to his
foot and stnlck the tnhle 11 resounding
blow with his fist. "Dravel" he shouted -
ed , "brll\'el 'rhey're hounds I They're
houutlsl Tboy wou't , stnnd up to be
SlI\son Thompson snY8 , tlmt t.he Inte
Eugene 1.'leld Wll8 fond or relntlng lhe
followlu fltory ot Jnl\leH Whitcomb
Hiley : " 'o hculle ) the tollloUIl1HRS ! of
lhe rltt1'11'o 'lIge from Europe , It was
proposc to gl'e n concert In the snloon
ot the shlp-uu cntcrtnhmcnt to which
1111 cUliuble ot mnut lug their fellow-
\'o 'uger.s should contribute. Ir , Hiley
wns uskCll to i'oclto gome ot bill orlg-
Innl poems , ' 1\111) ) , ot course , he checrful-
Iy ure , d to 110 so , AllIong Ute numher
pr sent ut this' mlll.ocean cutm1ulti-
ment' , o"cr whleb the HcI ron Heed
prcttlllCll. WOI'C two Scotchmcn'ery
worth ' gentlemen , cn route fl'om tllU
IlInd 0' cal\C8 to the Il1nd of biscuits ,
ullon 11 1)\11' ot Investlgatlon. ' 1'he8e
twain shured the enthilslusm with
\\'hlc1 ! the llut1ltOfS Il 1 > lIln 1111 ell lr ,
lUle"s churml1lJ ; recltntlon ! : ! . 'fhoy
1I1I1r\'elc < 1 thnt \'orslltlle n genius
could hn'C lIvc < l In 11 lalld I'cputed for
\11\Couthlle811 nnl1 sn\'lIJcr ) ' , "Is It no
W011(101'U' , Donlll , " rOlllllrlted one ot
these Scots , "thnt n tnHlefllIan suld be
sic u bonnie poet ? " "And Is' he IIIIleeli
11 trul1esmun 1" u l\Cll the olle. "Inllel.
ho Is , " nmlwel'ed the othOl' ; "did ) 'C no
hunr the domlllio IlItr 'Juce him 118 the
! IlIoslel' Iloet ? j ust thllll of It. moul-
just think of tllc 1Utle IOct dlvldlllg
his tlmo U1l1ltlllg hootllery ? "
SClltI"tIOIl" nile Experlcllccd Jurlll u
lIuhlllllc : : UI"hu'hullcc.
"Sl1l.uldllg ! of U1'lous tlolImllolls/ : '
lnlll the old reportcr , "I bu vc lIa : > sctl
, through 1111 Idnds of vlolenco dnrlll my
, Cl\reer , l.lllt thurc It : ! OIlC which stulli1
I out b ' IlImlt , l.' ! IH nothing IIko It.
I hnve ! Jcen Ill. burlllllg hullillugs 111Itl
r 1\1\\'U \ hl'lIl'll tilO willis lu'mbl'l'llIg 111111 tht
I noors cl'l\HhluJ ; next door , IIlId I kllow
how U tell ow feels \1111101' the circum ,
. HtUllces" I hll\'e hooll 111 tllo rlllll-O 01
h\lllotR < 1urlnlstrcct Illwls 111111 hn\'l
hud to slh'mlsb to Jet Ollt wIlli nil \III ,
, )1\1I1Clurl'tl hille , I hll\'o hcel\ Oil tOIl 01
,1 , the tlllllsl ! oUtl 11U\ml'8l hulldlllJ:8 h :
OhlclI o with 1\III'I'tl : > , who 1II111'IWtl 11
III.ot . III the strct ! below N ( ) \'Oulll I to ! :
the lIul1lhel' ot IlIchl\'I the hl1l1lllllg
wou1l1 swlllg nllli SWU ) ' hi II 1\'II1 time
n1ll1 [ felt llIw hulhllllg , huh ' Il11el III
I , wouhl t uII\1I10 m'ur 111 II hl'lIl ) llIw thl
llro\'crhlnl trce tOil WI. 111I'U ull heun
the ' ' ' ' 'l'lWIIO IIOIIHIIIIIII1K '
of 111 1I111'1C'I' , nI'l
\'lo1 < ' 1Il I'III1U h , 'I'he ) ' Ino hllrrowhl ! ; II
s some IIISh\llCOK ,
"nut the enrtllfl\luke Hensatloll , whl'l
'ou feel the grol1111llIlIl'r ) ' 011 slllll11J
tlhh'e'lu. : Illto RlI\ltht'rcl'IIH , III mol"
l'nl\tl ( ' nml tuuJIIII1CClltl ) ' hlll'rllll.
tlllln nn ) ' I ha \ I'xlltrh'lIl'cd , I WIIS (1111
01\ the I'nl'ltll' lo110 11 few ) 'OIl1'H , IIlle
whllo I IIIHI lillJht Hhol'k" of thlH Itl1l1
before , 01\ this occuilo1\ 11:111 : Ull UI'IIIJr '
tUIIIto \ und\rHtuud \ 11I01' ( ' , tull ) ' JUHI
- . . . . . . . . . .
- : " , , ' . ' " ' . - W' . _ , _ ,
- . , . . . . . . . -
. - - - - - - - - - , - - - - -
. . . . . , . , - ' . " . . . . , . . . . . .rt " > I _ " ' . . . .
W\tllt \ Ill8 to feel the olll rarth rumbllnlr
'vlgorously under 'OI1l' vtr ) ' Cect.
" 1.110 8cnMtlon ll l tlnctJ\'e. I bInd ,
nmpo } tllIH. tll def1l1o 1tR'chnru terIRtfcS :
1\1111 yet 1'IIS cOIIHcI ufi lit t\te \ tlllle ot
n 111rntlll unJlllnnl'lvhl ! \ h1l1fit me for ,
j ,
the task to HOllle'txtellt. ! ; 1'110' , ellrth
shivered \lnder mo. : 'Ily feet scemcd
to be l'esUnl ; 011 II In'cr of shot , IInd 1
let'ltJed to he r011lu ) ; into S011l0 hotlom-
less ollgulfment on 11 scrll'fI of bnll-benr-
IlIg wu'os , Irre ullll' In HI1.e nl\ll \ l.ihlll1e ,
} y senses 8C nH'1l to swim nndI lid \I.
Into'wltb the- - forces which ahook the
crust or the earth. Iy mind I'ooled
null tottered , 08 It were. l.'ho'Iew he-
cnme bllzy , lm , Ullcel'huu , nu thlng9
nhout me seemetl to be melting IntI >
1.hln ulr , .
"Suddenly the ceRsutioll came. My
'fcl'l Wel'e ngnln 1'l'SUug (111 solltl eurth ,
I felt us It 1 ha < l flwcpt t1I1'Ol1lh cen.
turles of time uIIII ha co\'oroll ls-
hmct's Immensurnhle. Yut I hn < l 1I0t
lJudle < l nn Illch 1'ellltl\'lI ' 1\11 < 1 hud 1'0-
mnilled III the shocl ollly 11 fcw seconds -
ends , But It Is something fearful for
the 01 < 1 enrth to get I1l1sten < ly tlIIlcr
one's fcet. It Is 8111'111'181111 : cuol1gh
when ono misses nu , oullnllry stop , 01'
when one mlstlll.cs 11 pool of Wlltl'l" for
solid ground , 1hlt these thln's ; IIrc
nothing whcII compnroll with the tcur-
ful 1111\1 1111101l1lllhle seIHmtlol\ the
el11'lhIlUlllw , lIud 0110 good sound Hhlllce
Is geuerlllly enouJ.h fOl' 1mlln 111 11 Ufo ,
tlII1I-Now Orlenns Democrat.
" \Vlten Futher " ' 11U18 the Qloclc.
Oh , the npples ronstlu' on the hearth
Arc spl1ttcrin' like the del1ce-
They're fnlrly poppin' out their skins
Antl loshl' ull the juice , \
The popcorn's jest n lIoPllln'
Antl the 'Insscs tnff " 11 eooldn'
Anti sister's lJen\ljeKt , stole a kiss
Not knowln' I wus looldn' ,
lle' uetter be a ell-urln' out
Or s01l1ethln's mo lo rol'-
It he's lInjterln' : hcre 1poonln' yet
Father Winds
the ,
I The fire's snaPllln' on the hearth ,
'J.'hl' andirons jest a s11inln' ,
.c\nd sister Sa1'8 u sprlnklln' clothes
AJin to-marrow's Ironln' ,
She's maklu' sheep-e'cs ut her beau
A settln' there so gr1nny-
A teelln' powertul awkward
And n smllln' like a ninny ,
He'd better be a makin' tracks
Or somethln's like to drop-
It he'a hangln' round these premises
Father Winds
the ,
We hav to dl'op things Budden
And go scnmperln' off to bcd ,
I allus pulls the covers up .
And tucks 'em round my head :
For there's llrely times a brewin' ,
And I'm glntl I'm out troln under-
The way thnt hlckery aUck can sting
Jest males a teller wonder ,
Sal's hcall's a temptin' Providence
And somethln's like to drop-
It he don't vamoose lively now.
Glock ,
-Detroit Free Press ,
FleldR for Ixplorerfl ; : _
There Itl still plenty or worl. for tha
! 1dveuturous explorer or unlmown
lunds , Europe bns nothln to disclose ,
lIut a great pllrt or Asill and Afl'lcu Is
stili 11 8eulcd hook to UB , 'J.'he eXllloru"
tlous of Stunlo ' Ilnd those who preceded -
ed lJlm lire 1111'1'0 Hpldcr tracls ; : In the
descrt , nu < l our best mnliS ot Illtorior i
AfrIca nrt ! hul ! guesswork. I
III AsllI there Is 'l'blbet , Turlwstlln ,
nnd the grcnt desert ot Arllhlll to he x-
J1 ored , We Imow almost uolhlng ot
nomeo , PIlPUU , or lndugI1Hlnr , ulld
thousnnds o ( Islouds In the Puclfic
Occlln ure stili uucxplorell ,
Great trncts ot Austrllllll hll\'e ne\'er
bt'cn trodden by the foot of n white
11111U , and nearly 1111 of SOlth111el'lcn
Inside ot the oaRt lines Is Imown only
b ' henrsay nnd trndltlon. Ccntral
AmerlclI and lexIco lIer fertlle Hehls
for explorutlon , 1111 < 1 Lower Cullfornla
hilt ; ne\'er 1)lcII thol'oulhly explol'cll.
[ n the tur north 114 Greenlorlll , Hut-
fin I.and , the Jr lllliudson Bu ' roglou ,
nil of rlllsh Amel'lclI uorth of lutlt\ldo
Rlxt ' lleree8" ; : nud the grclll tel'rltory
or A II1Rlm , IIerl' II ! 11 wouderflll ficld
tor nd'eutlrOIlKXlllol'ers , nnd H 181m-
posslhle to I1relJlct whllt IH lu ! ftore for
thorn , 'l'hu IIIlU\'es of Nqrthl'rnluRlm
IIlso report thll t tm'ther 1I01'th Is 1111-
otll'r IlInd not 1I0wll In the 1I111111i-nn
Inhllbl1 < 'd Inud , with a compU'IIt1vely
mlill ( 'Ihnntc.
The I'lunlHt IUlll tlto Poet.
. \11 Intereatlul ; Nlory IN toll1 of tha
minuet whl'h 114 pel'hl1ps the 1I10st I"IP-
I \lIar ot nil l'zulerliwld'tI C01l1110."ltlons ,
I'ndl'rowHII , while u lIrofcltlol lit the
COIIHlr\'utolre or WIII'tllI w1114 one
e\'enlng ut the house of the l'oll h poet
, Swleztochowskl , who eXllrf.'R.'Ied lhe
Olllllion that noI'llIg \ composer cOIl1 < }
, CU1I11111rC with : 'Ilozll1't In hl'nlllv 111111
11l1ullllclty At the tIIoment I'n < lmI\\'lIkl : !
lIIel'I ' HhnlJ/l / hili flhoulderH , hilt the
tollowlllg e\IIII1J ! ; ho np1'01l1'I-I1 ' 111111
11141"11 ptrJIIIHtllon to 11111) ' hili hOHt II little -
tle thhlJ ; ot 107.II1't't ! , whleh l"'rhllllH "
ho (1111 1I0l kllOW , lIe 1111I'c1I thH 111111.
lIet , Swf'7.tochowHI.1 ! waH ( ! I1I'lIllt1l1''II ,
111111 I.'rlcd trlllll1llhllnl1 ' : " o\\ ' ) ' (1\1 \
111ullt uclmowledJu thu t II 1.leco . Jllee thllt
, ' 011111 not hu0 heen '
( \0 wl'ltten 111 IIlIr
tillie , " "Wcll , " lIuld l'I\llcruWHkl \ IIIIIt- ( !
! Ir , "thllt hnIIIOnH } to hI' II 11I111111 ( 'lilli'
I 1101111 11) ' 11111. "
IhlHlIllIII IIl1tl " ' ' 'rhlllll I'fHa'ulrum ,
I1ecllulIH ot tlw lwor ( III/Illty / ot HUft.
tdllll IlctrolculII IHlIIII1Icd H , thu GI'ech1l1
1I\'erl1l11 < 'n t 1111. . . ol'IIerCII 111 No \ \ ' Y orlc
j O\ ( \ J.1I1l ; 011 H ,
HoIOIIIO'I ' ) ' tit ; 1:1111' ) : ; Ir ; - \ \ ' III
In Iter hlllr , hilt ho < lUCHII't HII ' 1111 > ' 111111/ / =
IIhonl her Iotlrry lIulllJ : lIltrlhuhJl& &
KOI1lI ! otlll'r . . . OUIU 11' . Imlr.
, , . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . -w. . . . Mf-Mo . . . . . . . . . . . ' .T- " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1'\--- - _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ , , " ' 10" "
. : ;
. . . . . _ .
. . . . - . . . . , " . ' "
, I\ '
, II.I
tIrs. . Ectds stevenson of Snl
IJ'nko C'it rells How Operations -
tions : For Omrinn Tl'oublcs
May Do .A , 'olded.
. . Dr-An rn ! ! . rlNKtJA f : -t [ mfi'ercd
with infinmmation of the ovarics nnd
'Womb for over six yenrscn < 1urlng nchcs
ntlll pains whlclJ none can drenm of bu'
tlJoso wlJo luna hud the 6amo exp
, 1
' '
, '
' / ' . } , ; fJ :
i ' 1f1I !
% ' ,
' . .10 2 ; iN/IIII , .
rience , undreds of do11nrs wcnt to th
doctor nnll the druggist , 1 wns tiimply
n wnl1t1ng medicine chest an n phys. ,
ienl wreelc , lily sister residing in Ohio :
wrote me Umt she bad bCl'n ( 'ured of' '
womb trouble b uslnL / ' ( lIn. E. 1
PlnkIuuu's Yegctnblo Com. . . i
pound , nnll adrifieu me to try it , I \
then discontinued 11.11 . other med icinet- II
nnd gave your Vcgctnblo Compound It. I
thorough trlnl. Within lour weeKs.
nearly nil pain 113d left mo ; I rarcly
bad hendnches , nnd { TlY nerrcs were in
much be ter condition , anll ' 1 was.
cured in three months , anll this avoided I
terrible surgical operation , " - Mns. .
ECKIS STEVENSON , 250 So , State St. ,
Salt Lnlte , City , Utah.-$5000 lorllt II' .
abou , tllstlmonlall , not gMuln .
Remember < < n'cryl womnn fs.
eordinlly invitcl to write to 1\Irs. .
Plnlc1mm if tIICl'e is unthlng
about Iacr symltOn1S SlC docs not.
undcrstand. 1\Irs. Pinkham's. .
address is Lynn , Mass.
. "
There nre no\v 30)12 ! ) dnctors nnti
.4,015 rolsgtered dcntlss prqct olnar
In tbe United Kingdom. \
A nov"lldea tor ' .
gl\'ll1g nn apart.-
ment u frcshl ngreeahlo odor comes ,
from A ustrln. Orris root bends Oi" :
ralns , r.olorcd bluc , rodl yeHow and
grcen are thrown 011 the grate , l1ro ,
aftcr the manner of Incense , .
Miss Maud DenIson or Chicago J&
saId to bo the only womnn harness :
maker In the United Stntrs , : She Ie.
28 years old , wns born In Loulsvl1"e-
nnd I1:1S : workcd n.t the tr de toUf' "
year '
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1I 1 I
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$32. . 01161S : :
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IIUIIH8tOIl r.I. . _ I
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1901 = 1,566,720 Pairs.
Buslnu , Mor , Than DoubJd In Four Yara. , ,
W , L _ ) )0111:11\9 tnllktD ntllt 8e1l8 more men' . t
$ :1.00 : aml$ hoo8 thnn nnyotllertwo man- "
ut\otllrer : In the world. '
W , I , . Douglu83.oo nnd $3,110 S11008 r1Med ! '
81de by 81 < 10 with $ G.oo nnd eOOO shoos of I. ,
olher mRke. , are toum ! to 10e juet aD Kood. l ,
The , . ' \\111 outwoor two pairs of ordlDaI' ) t
$3.00 and 133m ShOM ,
Mad , of [ he bllst leaCh" ' , IncludIng fatlr.t .
Oorona Kid , Corona Colt , and NatIonal Kanrtaro . \
r. . , Color 1 , . " . , . .4 AI. . , . III. . . . 1100" 1' . . . . .
W , L. Dou'llu ' III OO "Ollt 'EdIf8 ' Lin.-
CI\DDOt bo eQuul"d at any pnce ,
IShuea "r"'u " 'lSecxtr" , ( : "tRlo tr" . . ,
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A SkIn of Beauty 13 a Joy Forevor.
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