Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 08, 1902, Image 1

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" " , USTER OUNTY" . . EP'UBLICl' ' . .
. .
- - -
. . , . . . . . , . . . .
. IInvtJ ron A I'lnt .
. Then fasten to ' .
your memor- :
'l'hat r oul } ' sell goods which
I ive sntisfactiotl. That satisfy I
1t1 use ns welll1s in price. That
I sell nothing but the best of its
C kind aud price , do en't matter
what that kind aud price may
be. That I.guarantee it to bc
such. That I back my guaran.
I tee with new goods or money. I
or IdUA 1I or.h' \ : IIU Ullt hallDlo ' ' .
. . . . . . . , . . , . , . , . .
-ANn -
Scl ooliSupJli }
J , . . a. Haeberle's.
' " , J' . . , , . . . . . . . . . - > , , . . ' . . . - ' . , . .
. Perle Elizab th ' } ield5 ,
pl 'B ' ID1 .JB
9 a. 111. to 12 m.
1:30' : to 4 p. m.
Or by appointment.
_ _ Office over AtU ersol1's Je.elry Store
in Realty llIock , Broken Dow , Nebraska.
ALL- - 'V ciinesday
May 7 , at 8:30 : p. m. , in thc pres.
encc of about fifty relativcs amI
friends , Mr. Willis Kimball and
Miss Viola Russom , at the home
of the bride's parents in Custer. .
Centcr. i
Mr. and Mrs. Russom arc call.
cd upon to give up anothcr one ,
of Hlcir charming daughters at
the matrimonial alter. 'l'he
wedding march was pla'cd by
the bride's sister , 1\Irs. F. E.
'l'aylor , as the happy couple en" ,
tered the room and took their
places under the arched bower : of
blossoms. Rcv. H. E. . . Myers ,
, ' : ' 1'be bride wore dainty white
with beautisul brides roses , the
groom the conventi nal bla k.
' ! 'he company then sat down to a
magnificient supper. ' 1'he remainder -
mainder of the evening was spent
: , in pleasant convcrslltion and
I r " visiting. Mr. and Mrs. Kimball
, ' : : ' " are t e raci pients of many useful
\ ! I 't- and valuable presents.
' I The bride has grown to
. ' , { , womanhooll in Custer count ) " .
" } i She is one of Custer county's most
" excellent teachcrs. rhe groom
: [ ' 11 has resided in Tappan Valley the
" : I past year and is a young man of
J -.t ' In ustrious habits. He bas won
, t the friendship of a large circle of
J t : ' admiring friends. He has furn-
' : tshed a house in Tappa ! ! Valey !
J . , f wberethe young coup1e w1l1 resIde
for the present.
iII ' . '
I , 'rhe REPUBLICAN extends con-
j. ( gratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
I' Kimball and wish thcm many
, years of happiness and pros-
. perity.
: . 'J'be Portland _ SpeclRa.
, BurlIngton Route tnlius to tlu : north.
west chauge time on May 4. On an af.
ter thllt date the lcaviug time of the
J'ortlattd Special , trl\itt No. 41 , from
'frrincipal ' points " , ill be as ( ollows :\'t St. Joseph 8:30 : p. m. ; Omaha
' : ro " lit. ; Uncoln , 1 :05 a. Ul. ; Grand
Isbill. 3:42 : a. m. ; Brokvn : a.
L. 111. : A111ance ! 10:35 : a. m. ; an ving at
Helena , pokl1l1e , Tacoma , Seattle and
IJortll1nd about as at present. 46-47
1 : : : : : c ; ; : : : : : : : :1 :
Doarc1ers wanted at Mrs. Eva'
J as. Lindlcv of Anselmo , was
in town Saturday. '
J. M. li'odg'e of Ortcllo , was n
city visitor Saturday.
Tom Turnbull of Dunning ,
spent Tucsdaj' in the city.
J. l ' 1'eagarden bas purchased
the Prather farm on Clear creek.
O. J. Life of Hoes er , was a
business caller at this office Fri-
day. ,
Chas. Hammond called Saturday -
day and had his subscription ad-
F. M. Rublee was an eastern
bound passenger on 42 Monday
Joell\faupin of Mcrna , was a :
city visitor 'l'uesciay. This office -
fice acknowledges a pleasant call.
C. P. Hubbard , formerly of
this city , now of Atlantic , Iowa ,
w s vis tillg in thc city thc first
of the w ck.
A ruuning fire of wit lceeps the. .
more instructive. portions of his
lecture from
Evening Heralc1.
J. G. Leming is down from the
Black IHUs. Hc says that the
prosJJects , for lti5 ullning propertr :
contulUcs to d " 'elope favorable. i
\Vm. Bass , formcrl ) nig-ht I .
watch here , died last 'rhur : : clay.
at Des Moines , Iowa. He was
employed bv an electric light
c011lp ny at f1l1. time of his death.
Phillip Daggett of Ottumway ,
Iowa , who has held a posi tion
with the Custer National Bank
siIJce its orlanhmtion , , has resigned -
signed and will return to Ottum-
RcXarders , the new . pisc9-
pal minister , arrivc ( ! in t'hc cit
last Saturday night. ' Hc held
his first service Sun J" Hc is
a very plcasant appearing g n-
J as. H. Cosner has been chosen
as a member of the Federal
Grand Jury. He was to have
gone to Omaha Tuesday , but re-
ccived word Monday 110t to go
until the 12th. :
Mrs. G. T. Robinson returned :
Friday night from Corrydon ,
Iowa , where she was calle < l by
the serious sickness of her mother -
er , Mrs. E. Crawford , who died
last Saturday week.
Jacob Stauffer of Over , made
this office a friendly call while in
the city \Vednesdav. " He says
the worms are doing" some damage -
age in his part of the county ,
but are not bothering his crops
' 1\he Nebraska State Journal
and Omaha Bee now reaches
Brokcn Bow at 6:04 : a. m. on the
day it is issued. This enables
us to get the- news by the time
the people in Lincoln and. Omaha
begin fo get up.
This officc acknowledges the
receipt of three small buckeye .
trecs by mail a few days ago ,
grown from the seed , supposed
to be'from Arlie , the s n ofV. .
D. Gral1t : of , Urbana , Illinois , as ,
his llam .was on the box in which
the trees were received , with the
suggestion that we name them
J. St rling Morton , Chas. F.
Busy and Gen. Funston.
John 14yle , who for several
1110nths h s been holding down
a position in the store house of
the B. & 1\1. t Alliance , arrived
in the city' Monday morning on a
ten days leave of .absence to visit
with bis larents and" many. I
friends of this city. John is a
steady ) 'oung man and the - I
PUBLICAN is pleased to note RE-1
has a good position and is meeting - ;
ing the requirements of his em- '
J ames Pierce and his sons , A. .
'V.\V.A and Jesse of Somerford ,
were in the city Frida ) ' . 'l'hey
are having some trouble over
roads in that locality. Mr.
Piercc is one of the pioneer settlers -
tlers in his lucality and is one of
Custer county's most highly re-
amI law abiding citizens.
1e informs \\s that the worms
have donc comparativcly small
damage to tbe small gram in his
valley , alid tbat as a ntle , both
tbe winter and spring grain is
looking nicely.
Alex. Pcrn e of 'Veisscrt , was
a cit ) , visitor Sat rday.
G. 'V. Keller of New Helena ,
was a friemUJ caller Saturda ) ' .
HClln' Barrett oC Mcma , mad
this oft ce a welcome call Sat-
'l'his loculit ) ' with a fiJ1 warm
rain Mouda } ' forenoon , vcgeta-
tion of all kinds ig doing nicely.
Mr. RobinsQn , who has run
the U. & M. restaurant for sev-
cral months , has sold out to
Howard Dccious.
E. Royse Secrctary of thc state
Banking Board returnetl a few
days from a visit at his old home
ne r Knoxville , lowa.
Chas. Stanton of Bcrwyn , has
accepted a position in McComas'
dnlg store as helper thrOugh the
busy icc cream season.
J. H. Chapman of Call awa.y ,
-was a friendly callcr at this. office
to-day. H thinks of makmg a
trip west in a fcw d1)'S. ;
One who bears 'rank Kee feels
that he is listening to one who
11110ws what he is talking about. '
-Duluth Evening Herald.
O. II. Mevis has bought the
building and two lots .on the
corner opposite the Grand Central -
tral hotul , cast side of the square.
A. R. Humphrey and C. 14.
Gutterson were at Lincoln the I .
f tst of the week attenlliug to
lcgal business before the Supreme
'l'hc Broken Bow Equality club
will meet at the home of Mrs.
Clara A. Young J,1"'rida ) ' evcning ,
May 16. All arc corchallr - invit-
cd to attend.JuliaVilhs , Sec. I
O. H. Mevis is inwroving the
property on the northeast corner
of the square , which tte recently
purcha.'icd , by putting down new
and wider walles and a wider
awning. .
Ii' , 'W.---Conter , editor of the
Callaway 'rribune , wife and
daughter , Emma , attended the
Nebraska Press Association
meeting at Lincoln this weck.
The , ) ' wilt return home tomorrow.
A. Wallace , formerly of this
city , now of Jameson , Mo. , was
a ( riendly callcr at. this office the
latter p rt of last week. Mr.
Wallace is here looking f r his
property interests. IIe still has
a warm feeling for Custer county.
Mrs. T. E. Wheeler has sold
the Grand Central Hotel tu A. J.
Elliott of Lead , South Dakoka.
Consideration $9,000.Ve understand -
stand that Mr. Elliott is an experienced -
perienced hotel man. He will
take possession of his new purchase -
chase about May 15 ;
We notice from the associated
pres\ : dispatches in the Monday that Jas. 'Vhitchcad has
been re-appointed register of the
Broken Bow Land Office , and F.
H. Young receivcr. The Rn-
PUBLICAN extends congratula-
tiom ; to these gentlemen in their
good fortune.
The new house of J. O. Taylor
between this city and Berwyn is
rapidly reaching comp etion and
it is a large two story frame and
when completed will notonty
afford ample accommQdati ns
for the family but very ri1 h im-
pro\'es theappearancc of he
surrou.ndings. ,
, Mrs. D. M. . Amsberry and ye
scribe returned this morning
from Lincoln , where we had been
since 'l\uesda ) morn111g attending -
ing the meeting of the State
Press Association. Thc attendances -
ances was the largest 'hel in
years. A , ver profitable and
pleasln1tiwe [ was enjoyed.
Clarence O'Banion has : ! Iecured
a charter of thc cigar federation
with the view of establishing a
c gar factor in this city of his
own. He WIll occupy the rool11
at the south end ot the building
occupied by Ho1coinb & Son's law :
office. Mr. O'Banion hopes to .
be able o stort up in about a I
weEk. .
Admiral \Villiam ' 1' . Sampson ,
retired. died at : his home in
'Vashington , D. C. , Tuesdayaf-
ternoon , at 5 o'clock. The immediate -
mediate cause of his death is
said to be cerebral hemorage ,
He was born February 9 , 1840 ,
iu Palmyra , New York. He entered -
tered the naval academy in 1857 ,
and graduated in 1861 , and en-
tered into activc servic with the
I navl' being promoted irom time !
to tune for pluck and galantry.
Iton't Kill the Dlrt1 .
Some people , doubtless do not
regard it out of the way to ] dll
a quail , 5Jmrrow or praIrie chick.
en occasslOnall ' thc '
) , providcll )
can do it without being appre.
ltended. Such people doubtless
do not lenow that the violation
of the law is notthcir great crimc.
' 1'hese birds and fowels arc of
incalcuable benefit to this coun-
tr ) ' as bug amI insect dcstro'crs.I I
One farmer iuforms us that he
saw a prairie chickcn that had
been found ncar the rail road recently - .
cently , half hour after sun up that
contained 95 cut worms and but
one grain of corn. This in-
dicatcs the lumence amount of
good those birds and and fowels
are doin - and shows the great
harm it IS to the country to kill
one of them. Don't do 1t.
The Nebraska l're89 A ocilltiou.
The Nebraska Press Association -
tion held one of the hugest attended -
tended amI most pleasant meetings -
ings in the history of the organ-
i ation at Lincoln 'rucsday find
'Vednesilay of this w'ek. In ad.
dition to le regular routine of
business transacted an d the ( lis-
cuss ion of the topics on the program -
gram , the members were royally
entertail1ed. 'l'hc first reccption
was given the membcrs and
their wives 'l'uesda , ) ' after-
noon at the state farm by
the ofticers in charge. 1i'ree
transp rtation to and from the
farm was provided. Aftcr sct'iug
the magnificicl1t sights aud hearing -
ing the work of the statc cxpir-
mcnt station fully explained the
uests to the number of 140 en-
JOJed a bal1quet served in otle of
the rooms of the buildings.
'l'uesday uight the members
were given a rcception by the
state ofticers in the Reprcsenta-
tive Hall where a very pleasant
and social time was spent.
.Wednesdayev.ening the m m. . I I
hers of the socIety were entcr- I
tained at the rooms of the Statc
Historical Society and refresh- .
nients wcre servcIl at the c1ose.
At tbe closc of the husiness
session it was decided to bold thc
next meeting of the association
at Omaha at the timc of thc
national association next year.
'l'he exact time has not yct hcen
'l'h election of ofliccrs resulted
in the choice of the following :
President , Adam Brede of
Secretary-treasurer , F. N. : Mer-
win of Beaver City.
Corresponding secretar ) ' , Frcd
L. . Werts of Schu'ler.
Vice prcsidents-First : district -
trict A. 14' . Richardson , Nebraska -
ka City ; second , II. R. Secord of
Grctna , third , Julius Huff of
Norfolk ; fourth , W. H. Smith , of
Seward ; fifth , C. O. Pagel"Hold -
regej sixth , D. M. Amsberr.r , of
Broken Bow.
OUr Couurll Mee Ilug.
At the cit.r council meeting
Tuesday the new organization
organized by clecting C. S. Iar-
tin , president and he named
the following committees. Committee -
mittee on Finance-J. \Vilson ,
0 , H. Conrad and J , S. Moly- '
neaux. Strcet and Bridge-C.
I . House , C. S. Martin and ' 1'hos.
Finlin. Supplies..C. S. Martin ,
J. J. 'Vilson and 'rhos. li'inlin.
A. R. Humphrey , city attorney.
P. M. Towslep was appointed
cit ) " marshall and E. F. Moloy
street commissioner.
Eighth Orado Euwluatlol1 ! ! .
Eighth grade examination for
pupils who have nnished the
cighth grade in city schools erin
in country schools , will be held
at Brolen Bow , Saturday , May
17. To the pupil receiving the
highest average in the county ,
Bellevue college offers a scholarship -
ship that wi11 pay $50 per ) 'ear
for four years toward the expenses
lof such student at Bellevue col-
lege. Grand Island College of-
fers a year's tuition to the.high . - '
cst or one among the lughest.
The superintendent will give
free tuition for tbe Summer
School of 1902 , to the one stand.
1l1g third or fourth. No charge
for the examination.
J. G. 'V. LHWIS.
"TOpa TIII coven
Al'CDWOII.Kft ' OFl ? TJlF. COI.n.
LaxaUn Uromo-Qutntllo T&blel. curu A cold tu
0110 d. , . No Cure , Nu 1'1\7. l'rlce 2ft tent. .
Lubricatiug oils of all kinds at
I'Vilkiu's drug store.
Clal1rcla Hor"lcc .
1I.\1'TIS'1' CIltIllCH.
Services III the naptist church next
SUlutlW a9 follows : l'rcltchin lit II II.
1tI. IIlu1 H p. 11Stltlltlty \ : cllllo1 at to II.
nt. : Juulor n. V.I' . tJ. at : \ " . 1tI. : Scnior
11. Y. 1' . { T. nt 7. p. 11'rhc l'ubllc li !
killttl ) ' luvitcd to uttctut thcsc lien'leell.
. W. RICIIAIWS , paltor. !
- - -
11. 11. CIltIitCU.
'l'he ' 1'hlrlt Qnnrlely Confercllce of the ,
t' . II , church w\11 \ hc hclrlut Custer Center
ncxt Saturllay. 'I'he I'residin 1 llIer
will preach morning ut1tl e\'r.nlllg. 'l'hcre
, , 'iII be no prcnchlng ill town hut SU11l1uy
school us usual. II. It. l\\lUtSl'ustor.
Scrviccs Snmtny morn lug Itt thc usuuJ
hour. 'I'he subject for the ltIornlll ser.
utOIl " 'I'he Unparllouablc Sin. " V , 1' .
S. C. E. ut 6:45 : p. III , Mr. Potcr Rycr.
son , lea cr. Prayer meeting WellllCslln ) '
c\'cllillg al8. p. lU. l\Iiss Joe Bishop
lea cr. 'l'he public is cor fltlly invited
to attcnd these scrvices.
- .
I'WOR'1'1I JltAGUlt 1Im.1'IIDA\ ' .
The Up'worth 1.cngut of the M. It.
church will celebrale its 13th blrt1utay
Sunday , Mu > ' nth , wilh thc fo11owing
program : 6:3o-Sunrisc : Prn'cr Mectill ,
lcluler , 11. I.oltlnx. lo-Sututuy chool.
Il-Hdncnlional Adllress b ) ' lteGco. . I
\Y. rohun , I.lncoln , Nehr. : ; ' :30-Union :
Meeting of Junior mtd Senlot. l.clIguelJ.
8-1 pworth I.clIguc Annlvcrsy Program ,
'fhc pnblie conlinlly luvitcll to all thesc
serviccs. Gl\o. \ 1' . 'l'RITli9 , l'ustor.
Mother's Day will he obscrvcll
in the Baptist church , ncxt S'un- .
day at 3 o'clock. Mothers arc ,
requested to comc and bring
their children. Program by the : .
Juniors. '
It.O\\l \ n v " ' 1..11 ; " .
'I'hcre is no stnutl pox iu the viclully
I of HOllnd VaHey. ;
I Rain bcltuliful ruin I Who ii ! not cherelt I
lip with good hope : : lIOW ? ,
l rcl.'d Wlcnman hils hunt a hig hCll I
coop to keep thc chickcnR In.
Curl Lee is hnsy huil.Ung . tckphouc
lIlICR IIIl1t puttill up phOlies for the ! ltock.
holdcrll. .
Bert HlIglesjcnl hns hou ht 3& . aerc. .
'of lUllIl lIollth of his holtlcolcnll. Con-
sidcr . tion sha11llc $1000.
I Dul NlIlh ! is sccu cvcry SuncJay in lhc
\'Idlc ' , hc ii ! rillin his lICW wcel. nal
cuu nde. aUlI I dolt't . forget it. I' '
Saruh Wc nltlnn IUI ! ! stllrtell illto thc
poultry busillcss. She hils hought uu ill.
culm tor which she is rul.miug III f..11 .
'l'hcre wus coulinllatioll lit Routlll
Vn11c } ' last SUlijluy by n'ev. Gltrllclis. ,
Thc c1ltss waR Clara Johllsou , lIelill lIu11
untl CUI'ric Uurlie.
Mcrel 1 > ot ) . nud 1'IIII1IIIe Wc ltlilall is
to bc 1IIIInicci Oil May 7th ill lhe ufter.
110011 at the house of Mrs. Wc umall.
JeGarnes ! ! is to officinte.
'l'hc West UUiOll , ROlIIHI Va11e ) ' ntHI
Broktn ; How 'J'clephollc Compauy is to
mcet WCclIlCsdl1) ' May 7th ill Uotllill
VII11ey school house to make hy.lllw > > unll
rcgul111lons ,
Mr , l'u11iltm furnishcd Mr. Adolf
Hllingsoll wilh u ucwiucl mill ill placc
of the oltl lIIill that blowc.l . dO\\1I ill the
willdstorm 011 April 22. Mr. I'nllllun is
now the owncr of the furlll fonnely own.
ed by N. 'J' . Lce.
C. D. Day hils put in a tclephollc at hill
'i'he rain fa1t Monday 3mouutcct to :
of an illch. .
n. n. Anclrews of Call11way was in the
va11ey last wcck.
J ssc l mbree was sick lllt , , ; eek bnt
is sOllie het cr now.
Mr. HiI'mlcy auel the Misses Witlalllan
wcre iu Orte11o SUtHlay c\'clliug.
John Pasquc11 , a lIephew of Mrs.
Whittlc , is visiting with his lUutt.
Irs. Da ) ' went to Iasoll Cit } . , Sunday ,
to see Mrs. HHolI Ieals who is quite tiick.
'flu : sqcial last Thursday night was
quite wcll attcndcd. About f.8.oo was
G. O. Joyncr , Jas. Phillips nnll Con.
Fhshmnu shlppcd cattlc to Omaha the :
first of the : week.
Irs. Hmpfie1c1 returneJ to R'no , Sat-
urda ) ' , IIccompanied b ) ' her sisttrs. Eva
and : : \Irs. Cooper.
R. N. Norcutt of BrokclI How , Wi
Fellller oflernl1 , and A. D. lIullt ure
doing the upenter work on J. : : \1.
Fodge's : hou\e. \
Hugh and Jessie Scott of Ansdl1lo
spent Thursday mul Fli IIY in ortel1o.
'The ) ' were the : guests of J. T. Da\'is ami
mhcl Ashbaugh.
The mcmbers of the C. E. Society are
especia1ty requested to be present next
Sundar evcning , ns there is somc busi.
ncss to be trnns.1ctcd.
. "Josiah's COUttbhip" wus prcscull ( l teA
A fuir "izccl ulutience lit thc school house
last Prilta ) ' cvelliu , 'J'hough the 6uIge
ltccomudatiolls Were poor , iu some re.
"pccl' ! the pcrfonnuuce WI\.S heHcr than
the enc at Anselmo. 'fhe spcciulties were
fine. 'fhose who wcre absent certain I } ' , .
missed 11 rich tre.1t.
. .
. . . .
Paints ,
Oils and '
Wall Paper
. .a t. .
Ed. McComas'
Drug' Store.
- - . , -
: : im : It : tt\ : : .q ! ( .t.16 ! :
Money loaned on improv d
farms , JAl\ncS Ll DWICU ,
7 18 H Bro1ccn Bow , Neb. .
Dr. ' 1'V. . Da g , dentist , ofJicc
northwest corncr of Real ty 'Block.
8.1 H.
For insnrance and rea ] 'estate
go to Moore & 'raylor , in Realty
School warrantsjwLl1tcd , nigh. .
cst marlet prices paid. 4346 '
J. 1\1. KI1\I HULING.
1i'on SAI.lC OR 'l'RADn--Town : .
lots and a few five acre lots in 1
this citr , for cattle , horses or fa 1
Ilaud.-Allen Heyncr.
Scvcral good farms for lialc : at
a hargain" i1tcluding 111 } ' OWI1.- '
JJSSIt GA DY. 44 tf
Money to loan on impl'Ove l
ff\rms.-Moore & Taylor , Healty
Block. 1-23 tf
li'oR . SAI.1t-Fivc : . . , hcaJlof.cows . ' . ,
comlitg frcsH tins spr111g" , and
other cattle. Euquire of S. F ; .
Clayton at II. Da"s , store. 46tf
1i'olt SAT.It-Gooll : ( luarter sec
tion of land , fullr miles 50utIl-
wcst of Brokcn Bow , good harn ;
wcll and large granery.-A. T.
Sc'bolt. 4(1-48 '
li'OIt SAI.H-One : top buggy ,
nearl ) ' ncw ; one lumber wagon ,
at m ) ' farm 12-H.-20.-li'rank
Norton. 46tf :
Al1C" ' IIIUI. : . .
Sales cried Everywhere. Stock
sales a specialty. Write or see me.
for terms and dates. JUD IAY. .
27 tf Box 111 , Brokcn Bow . ,
If you intend to buil ( } call at.
Dierks Lumber . Co. and get prices. ;
Dr.Vithcrs , Omaha dentist at ;
Globe Hotel Map 23 and 24. Srit-
of tceth made for $5 and all work'
at 1I10st reasona lc prices. 22
years expericnces. 47-4
Pepsin Gum , two packages for'
a nickel at Wilkins' Pharmacy. : .
Pen S.\I.It-li'ivc acres \f land
iu good state of cultivation ad : . ,
joining Brokcn Bow for $200. :
Inquire at this office. 3-27 tf.
Farms for sale ar.d lands for
rent. Now is the time to get a
farm cheap , as the cheap farms
are all goinl1' anti prices are advancing -
vancing rapully.-J. G. Brenizer.
Dierks J-4umber Co. has in stock
a car load of Hue cedar posts for
the trade.
. Shallow b'Ta'cl wcBs made and
guaranteed by Frank Kelsey. 47-4
-br. Seymour will l1g1lin favor
Broken How with a visit on Fri-
clay , J IInc ft. 47.51
AGUN'fS"\V AN'fItD-1\O : sell t e
bcst household article on earth-
one agent taking fourteen orders
in oncdaagents making from
ten to thirty dollars a day. Address -
dress at once to
47-48 Broken Bow , Neb.
For Wall Paper Go to
J. C. Dowen's.
% tlnrllet Ueport 'or Tada , . .
\Vb..t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 >
UarluJ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Uatt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1\0 \
curu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (20.63
UfO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Uutter . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
R\J : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
l'otAtoe. . 'Iff blt.bol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Onlon..perbuabcl. . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , . . . . . I.CoO
Cblckenll. P6I' pound. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,00
1I0'tI. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . tI.1iO
( ; ow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 3.2 $ @ 4.00
81 , . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60 Q G.
Turko , . . per Nund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , CO
traw.l..rcw' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .111
n'1 , Ne" , . per loa. . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60
Hqar , per c , , ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .