Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 01, 1902, Image 8

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" . . .t ' , } - :
. CI' ' \
0. , A. . &AKIN6
Makes the food mor\Jelicious nnd wholesome
_ _ _ _ _ _ , " ( f'OWOrR co. , "rw vonK.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
I ' - - - _ _ _ _ d - . . . . . . . . . , .
. ' , J ( 'hOH PJ'UIJI 'I't'XIIH.
, '
: ' BeaulUont , 1'exas , April : ! 3 ,
,1902-lDm'l'OT { ( ) It I Hl'tTJIITCAN.-
. : \
DttJ\H Sw-l : alii Htitt here in
. 'j'exaR , 'n" " , weathel' is'l'I'Y
" . Jine'f me abollt 80 dc-
, , " " 'et" 'f.rlay , bllt rathel'
: ; :1 ; ell' , > Port rthllr
! : . 111. . : . . , . natR atl
, ! , 111.111 jet ! ou t - all < "dd gr":1 : a foot
I . , . high. li'arrners were atl hllHY
r : ! sowing rke. 'I'hey arc buth1 IIg'
.j . the largest oil refinery in the
: ' : ' ' orld tI ere. 'l'l c boilelre \ !
. :
; 'I > hftecn tcet 111 tltameler. 'I he
. , , . Cardium , the largmit oil stealller
in the world was there luading
with oil , amI it was a rare treat
to see the operation , ' [ 'he oil is
piped there thruugh four pipe
lincs from the oil fields fOllr milc
ii south of Beaumont. New we11s
" arc orough t in evcrj' da ) ' and the
pressure is as strong' a cvcr.
Yesterday was the day of the
I .
t11cetmg of thc confederate vetcr-
ans at Datlas , 'l'exas , .lIltl as t hc ) '
all had to pa sthrol1gh this place
on their way to Datlas , we had a
a good chance to see them.
- l'herc were five trains from Georgia -
. gia , Alaoama , Not"th and South
Carolina , with ahout eleven cars i
to the train , anti as it was sti pu- I
lated thc contract for cars thtt
, , they should oe shown the oil
, t' ' here , the ) ' remaincd here
i . .1. all daj' , and wc saw much
of them. One car from cach
, statc was occupied by a glee
I cluh , an l as the cars ntll through
1 the center of thc 'air , thc ) ' favor-
I cd us with their fa\'orite old war
songs , but nonc of them' had a
familiar sound to 111e exccpt
Dixie and Star Spaugledllauller.
l'hcy ll had their old tattered
and , torn battle flags , which thc ) '
carried in glass cases with the
* 'tcnMerest care. I cannot dcscri he
111) ' fceling as I looked on these ,
' , to me stralge ! s enes , confcdcr-
t' ate olhcers 1U their gray broadcloth -
cloth uniform , and , to me , strang
j badges and shouldcr straps , etc.
- - - - - - - - -
I 1
! -r. . . 'S. Ln.u't : ; . . S. WCl'D.
VleooPfttllllcot " 'olllao' " n mOo
craUo Club of N' l'therll Ohio.
"I druded the change of lIfe which
wu fast approaching. I noUced Wine
. of Cardul , and decided to try. bot.
I : . tit. I vcpcrlcnced somrelld the
f. first month"o I kept on taking U for
thrcc months and now I menstruate
with no pain and I shill take It oUand
on now until I have passed the climax. "
Female , v a1moss , disoruCl'ell
mousell , famng of the womb amI
oVlU'ian troubles do not welU' off.
. . . 'I'he > : follow WOlnan t6 the change
of hfo. Do not wnit but take Wino
of Canlui now nnd I\voi the trou-
ble. Wino of Canlui never fails
to benefit suffering woman of
any ngl : ) . Wino of Canlui relievc < 1
Mrs. Webb when she wus in dnn-
ger. When ' 0\1 cOllletoUlochnn
of lifo Mrs. Webb's tetter will
mean morc to ) 'ou than it docs
now. But you mny now I\void the
Buffering sue end1 'Cd. Druggists
sell ll > lt1es of Wino of CIU'i:1ui. :
> I
. . . .
. - . . . _ _ _ _ : -1' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'h _
Since writing the ahO\'l' , a lady
of the rctief corp here , has bccn
in our office soliciti ng moncy
with which to recci\'c antI cnter-
tain delegations of the IIBoY8 in
Blue , " who h l\'c heen invitcd by
the post hcrc , to come here tomorrow -
morrow from e\'crj'whcrc. 'l'hc
lacty said she Cilme l cre fr0111 New
Jcrsej' , les ! : ! than a ycar ago. Shc
said shc. was having g-rand suc-I
ce s in ra ! ing 11Ioncy. I shatl
expect to sce s011lcthiug that was
ycsterday conspicous by its ab-
HenCl , vi7.-'L'he : Star Spangled
Banncr. " Not enc having becn
Hcen in Utis city during thc
whole tiay. If anj.thing comcs
of this last mO\'cmcnt worth
111 a ki ng a notc 0 f I witl write you
latcr on. Yours ,
W. S. 'VHSCO'I"I' .
Fl'UII1 , 'ullu ' ! : ! UUuu.
Boyccyille , 'Vis. , April : ! 7 , 1902.
--I d. HJtl'UIIJtCAN.-DHAI { 8m :
-While'my wife was gctting the
chiltlren reatly to go to Sunday
school , I though t 1 'ough t to do
a t least one good deed , and
thinking what it might be , I re-
memhered my suuscription was
tlc1inqucnt to yunr valuablc paper -
per , ami that hy sending you the
price of enc ycar's subscription ,
it would make you happ. > " as wcl1
as myself.
'Ve have had a very dry and
cool spring here. Grass nor
grain could start , but the drouth
was uroken by a 24 hours rain ,
commencing the morning of the
25. 'fhel'c is scarcely any whcat
sown here this spring , mostly
oats and uarley , but more than
half thc fields will be put into
corn. ' ! 'here is lots a clearing
going on. Land is advllncing in
price very rapidly here ; some
selti ng as $25 per acrc. 'rl1 s is
a big pricc when you consider
that its real value is no more
than half that of the good land
in Custer countllut Custer
will ee its day it the near future -
ture , This vi11agc will be im-
provcd to a great extent thi ! ;
spring and summer. ' 1'wo OI
three dweling houses will be
uuilt , and a large store huilding
50x,0 amI 20 feet high. 'Vh J1
completed it will ue occupied bj' '
Ottunllros. ' 1'he outlook is
this will be enc of thc hest little
vi11ages along thc Wiscons 11
Ccntral. I rcad the market re.
port in the I Hl'UtIT.ICAN and cas :
say in fa vor of the stock buyer !
that they arc paying from 7 <
cents to $1.00 per hundrcd hettt !
than the IH1)'crs herc do , only 6 :
miles from St. Paul. ' ! 'he huy ,
. /
crs I lere were paY1l1g S5.25 t <
S5.50 for h06'"S last weelf-nearlJ
$1.20 less than Brokenllow.
Yours truly ,
J UIIUS o 'l"l'U N.
Curc" 'Vhcn UoctOI' " F\n
Mrs. Ii'rauk Chiasson , Patter
son , La. , writes J uue 8t h , t 9011
"l h ad malaria fcvcr in \ 'erhac
form , was under treatmelit 1.Ji
doctors , but as soon as 1 stoppel
taking their medicine the fev
would rcturn. I llHed a sampll
hot tle of JIerbine , fouud it hell )
cd me. 'l'hen bough t two hoUlc
which completel ) ' cured me.
feel gratcful to you for furnish
1I1g snch a splcmhd mcdicinc , anI
can honcstly rccommend it tl
I thosc suffering from malaria , a
it will surel ) ' cure them. " HCt
hinc , SOc bottles at Ed. McComas
Broken llow and. Merna.
: AlwaY8 have tho' . btRt ) quality
! . Lumber Bnd . ether building , on
i' , . , . , torial at tbo IJowoflt PticoR.
'Phono No , ' 10 ,
C. R. JUDKINS - , al ! g . r . . . .
: , " " - -
. ; ;
- -c. . . . . . _ . _ _ . . ,
. . . . . . . - , " / ' " . ,
. . .v. ' . . .1. . . . " " L , , ; 10. , . ,
. -
'l'h < \ , 'Idull } ' WM'Isltcd 1Iy 0 ruin 01111
InrJtc 111111 Oil Hutllln ) ' night hre01dllJ
\\'iudow1nllll ! hot hedR. 1\11' . 1\Iny hllli
Olll' wltlllohrnlcu. . lie iuforlnl ! thnt he
IIll'Mlln'll chllllks of Icc 4 fllchcs IICro
IIfll'r Iinylighl 011 1\I01I.ln . ) ' 1II0ruillJ { .
- Afh'r spcllliUg ! three ) 'l'lIrS in Okln-
hOlllll , C. H. Coull , ) ' exchangcd hf
11'1arlel' licdloll with hi ! ! sillter Hllen for II
qllnrtcl'Reclioll IIIljoillillg hi ! ! lother Oil
\\'l'stllcllr R'IIO , Ilc 111111 his ffllllily III" i
r \'cIIIIIRtllrillny ; hc will hlll111 n hOIl c ,
pllt dowlI II wclI , ch . 'l'hllll OIlC hy OIlC
Cllstl'rs cOllllt"R OIlS lire rcturllillg.
Htllull up for Nchrnskll. .
Dutll-Ou April : : ! th lit the rOHi.lcllct. .
of I" M. I'il'kctt lIellr R'uo , 1,0)11 C.
RlIsk IIftel' II short nlld l e\'cI'C ntllld : of
laChippe IIwlllet\'ollH proRtrnl elI , agcII
22 ) 'caa.1 , II 11101111111 111111 151 dll's. 111-
h.'rlllcllt lit Brokell Bow Oil SlIlIla ) ' . lIis
fllthl'r , hrother 111111 sistcr prol'ecdcII hilll
10 thc spirillalll ! . IIc ill ! ! 1I1'\'i\'cll h ) ' hi ! !
mothcr , hrotlwr11111 two sillters , ) Il'
will he s/ull / ) ' lI1isselll11 ! he hlllill host of
rclllti\'clIl1d IIRsol'inll'lI who ' .
\ ! ! lire R'lI1pa.
th'lIillg o\'er hi ! ! cllrly dCllliRC.
Rell1clI1hl r YOlllh 1111 yon paR ! ! hy ,
All yon IIrc 1111so oncc WM I ;
As I Inll no1'0 ) 'on will hc ,
Prcpnrc for Ilcath nml follow IIIC.
( Too Illte for Inst wcck. )
Bl'n HlIIpficlll ill flgllin in hnnl luc\e \
IIc h/1I1 two coltll HatHy cut in thc whe.
Grnce Grinith stnl tCll Cl1routc to 1\lc'
Cook , Nchrnkn , ycstcl'lll1Y to'isit
fricllI ! ! ; .
IlnrriRou J\lcOwcn is ngain on thc Will'
I'clling 1IIl'lIidllc ; he carric ! ! his
mn ! ? ' with hill1 ; hc rcwlcrcil swccl
IIIUSIC at Ryuo this lIIortling.
1.0YII Ruk is confined to his beel with
tI I'e\'cre nttnck of < irippe. Ill' is kinllly
cllrcll for h ) ' hill hrothcr-in.lnw aIul
sister , I , . 1\1. pickett nml wife.
J. II. Hlllith illforllls us that his cattlc
ha\'c wintcrcil well hut hc hns lost. SOIllC
cows ami cnl\'es , 'rhe COW ! ! arc not 110. I
ing wcll when they lite cOllliug fr sh.
'fhc tClllpatnrc was 100 on Suuelny ;
coolcr on 1\lonela > , fllIIl to dny ( Tueselny )
nCllr frcczin , spItting snow , wl11el blow-
llg a gale , gettmg vcry dry , Rain hnelly
Dmn-l. II. Dean of Rylto , at Broken
Bow , Aprtl 18 , of Dillbctes , at fill lIel.
\lIlCCIIlIgC. Jlis SOli , Curtis , took his
rClllnills to Illillois allillnill thcm to rest
with rclnti\'es who hall pnss l on before ,
ill thc CClllctry near GnlcI'burg.
Prof. Dcnl of l\Icrtln , was in Ortc11o .
Carrie Empficld is spelldillg the week
with her parents.
Mrs. Johnson l\Iul uughtcr WCllt to
Ncw lIelenn , Suu ay.
SI\1I1 Wae1clillgton amI Miss E\'a were
at I1rokell 1I0w , Pric1ny.
The S. E. Society will hol an eleetioll
of officers next SUlldny.
Carl HUllt r , frolll High Hill , Mo. is
working for 'J. ' 1\1. Fodgc ,
1. Wnehlingtoll l\Iul wife spcnt the first
of the weck with Mr. Baker's.
J. C. Baker of Mason City , spcnt Sun-
dny with his parcnts at this pInce.
Mrs. Swenson anel chi1t1ren of Gcorge-
town , Spcllt the first of the weck with
frielll1s hcre.
" 'e undcrstm1l1 thnt Berl Waeldillhrton
hns dcpartcd Ifor Colorado for an illliefi.
lIite time. l crl will be grcatly missell hy
his fricnlls herc.
The SmulaylSchool recci\'cd ninc ncw
scholars Sunday. 'fhe primnry clllss Wn ! ;
gi\'ell thc baillieI' for hnvillg : ; ccurcll thc
mot : scholars durillg thc past month.
Arhour Day was 1Iot a howlillg success -
cess , hut th pll 1I who plnllts a tree pCI"
pctuatu.o ; a hl ssmg.
Thc JUIIge's mothcr mo\'cel out from
I.cxington Inst wcek 111111 wil1 occnpy the
Jluhhanl' cottage , 1111111 thnt prctty little
IIl1ttie will he her cOlllpnllion.
Judge JJohtitz hnll "got itso" in hi
hack nccoUllt , of ganlell/lg. ; IInd the
hlues too } Iecausc it poured miu ill Kear.
ncy all , Itrillay , 1\1111 only forty Ihops 011
the J.O\lP ; , . ' > ' ' ' .
S lI1UC ! ' ' f.\ \ e mId wife } Hl\'C gonc te
W1 ! nJ rJ } 'ffiP'I.I , 1\1111 tll 1r return lIe.
IlCnl1j1' ntt"ciubllgellt thmgs. Alberl
_ IIrj iYt ! } \ $ ! " Percy Brigllm dro\'l
t t' < : "I1 ' , 'r ' u : Satunlny , to say "Aut
W , , \ "tsJ \ - ' ) . . .t . v. ,
Yt' > ! J J rl ! ; Vill Willanl had acccpt.
etl"n.-ipsij ) i1 he Courl House in th (
now f t'lri\11 me to fill it yesterday.
Wclr , f thL'Tcls"any cOl1ta ious diseasl
nro1l1\l1 \ tl.ler .a f1n > ' timc , it wont bc lI
thcr f/II / \y ! # VIIl11111 thnt pipe an
fo\uul'.lijglJlh '
'fhe ReGeorgc J.nily formerly paste !
_ in n .ok l.B . \ : is now in.Washn . ton ,
n. " , miU : i.g n cstalc 111 th : 1I1tcre1 :
of SI ! mR 11 CoJlcgc- Salt YlIk (
City'.i.f& ! U \ \ t Il ft for a visit to he ]
pnr i\ : c 1 < < d last FrilillY , and Mr ,
. nit ) ' iYH : ; ! l ! ) ' run O\'er in Jul " Hi !
adt re : 1W Lonn am 'I'rusl
nlIStUt1'1 . , . . . : r > . . " . n . . . . .
h. p , ; . ' , I'J "n. : v ( . ; 1\11 wifc of Oconto , ha\1
1.0 < < 11' , Ii.i@i.b his mothcr in Keyser
\\rt't\th iM , ; , the past wi n tel' , 1\1 r
4\:1 ' 1I : , : 'I' lIbj ; ) . jgreat sufferer for a lon
hlll' l. ij\ \\ll1t y Illst gClltly passel
to her.tbi : ItOllle , smccrely monrucd hJ
all w lO ' 1ci1 , anll greatly lo\'cd hJ
little chil f1I ' lt\\'ith whom she wns r
grcat fa\'or'itel 1\Irs. Da\'is was abon
' - \ ' ) " ! , . ! y f'11 of uge.
I . r' . , . . . ' " . < ' . l'r..nt . in CO\fS .
. '
i , " " _ _
J"dBF-R "t.f and a\'e Hamil
r t Friday aft rnool
= ! . : , ; .
froAt , . . . ! fw days tnp 111 t1u
c& i9. " rit1 ! 'teport winter wheai
cMitil htrii "tl1'lpost pcrfect. Speak.
. in cows , thc in ,
. " i. : ; t/ / ' I. to that they mCI
Ir , ' JnmJ # { 1t llc trip who - wcn
: da ' " ' ; U n dollars per CO\
I ' \n:1jU : , ' : . r . - ll1 the sale of han <
I - ' \ f' ) ' 1 .1-
" l14a. . , 'f.nll1. . B an I cer D .ou tl 1
. . . taf , . ! ' who was 111 the
etl ) ' on U Sl S Frida ) ' and wllC
cashcs the cream checks of till
, : ft m. ' \ vicinity , tells 0
one\"tith four cows wh (
averages. $7 . : $0 $ per cow per month
I ifP. , I ll. .
, - ,
" J . . t , . . . ' . d - . : . .I. , ' 'I' c. " . _ _ _ , . .
' ' : 1iW. : . . . . " 't. _ , . . - . . . _ . . . " . ' . : , , ' , ' ' ' . . . . 4-\-iil. 11" ' { ' , . f.-I.-f " :
. _ . - . - . - -
. -
- -
Hol wiml/1 / , HUlllln ) ' , April 20th. SIIOW ,
'rlle ! > ! lny , April 221111. I
Rc1IIrkllllll / / , prcnchcll ot the HecolI.l .
Hlulc'lIl1nptillt , April :20. : Hc ill a Boptist
l\lillillter frolll Chlcngo.
'fhc A rill ) ' worllls IIrc hllrvcll ng rnth ( r
carl ) ' 1111.1 . the fnnnctll in thill vicinity
wOlIlII glnilly llispcrsl' with their Inhorcrll ,
hut thc ) ' wOII't go.
Rog'r HOlllll1cr\'ille Rllll hi estilllohle
little wife iA with 1I1l1gllln ! ; wc IIrc gl/ul /
to welcoll1c thrill hack. ROllger is n
Hl1Iulny chool worker allll we will greatly -
ly npprecintc hig help.
Wilh the Alh'cnt of spring COIIIC ! ! thc
ncl\'ent of the "huy WII1CltinlI ( ! tOolla ) ' ?
cll YOII ! ! chcnp" 111111 they surely will scll
YOII chclIP clIC/ugh if 'Oll will only alow
thclII to. we to tolcrnte the
yrian pClllllcrll ?
Whcrc ill thc pJ'OlIIil'e ' of Pcace that the
"Pence Con\'cnl on" nt The Hngllc COli-
vCllccl for ? A ! ! soon 119 thc 11clcgatcR wcnt
hOlllc to the lifferent ! lIatiolll'l thnt : ; cnt
Ihelll , thcn clleh nntioll rcp1cscllted , bc-
gan greatcr prepa rntion for war thall
C\'l'r hcfore. A linnccs , nnd COlllltcr
AIianccR IIrc hcing forllled. Is this thc
prcparntioll of the "Grent Jlnttlll of
A rlllagclillou ? '
If thc fllrlners wOIIM lIrlll thumselvcs
with "horl'c whips" 111111 gi\'e e\'cry
"worthlcs ! ! tollllcr" thnt cOllies 1110llg
with II lIice hright shot glln ontQ his fnrm i
to shoot lit lIe hird ! ! , a "W1011 Awcettickin"
it WOIII.I . put a stop to nrmy worll1s. 'l'hc
hinls lire the nntural ellcmy to 1111 in-
secllcst ) ! ! . If thcse "Yollllg hlood ! ! "
lire IInxiollS to kill s01l1cthillg why IIOII'l
they go whcre there i ! ! ! 1olllethillg bigger
to kill than binl ! ! ; pcrhaps their uuturnl
iustillct of self prescr\'atioll warns them
1I0t to shoot III ( I1IY Inrger gmu < ; : .
" 'hc"rtlnnd Hllcclnh
BurlIngton Route trnill ! ; to the north-
WCl't ehauge tillle dnlay : ! 4 , 011 and lIf ,
tcr thllt clate thc lClI\'illg l me of the
J'ortlt1lll1 pecinl , trniu No. ,11 , from
principal points will be II ! ! follows :
I.Cll\'C St. J ( seph 8:30 : p. m. ; Olllaha
11:10 : . 111. ; Imcoln , 1:05 : a. m. ; Gralld
YI'lt1IlI ,3\2 : \ a. 111. ; Brokcn Bow , 6:001 : a.
111. ; .A.lIIl1ncc , 10:35 : a. 111. ; nrriving at
Helenll , Spokanc , 1'acoma , SellllIc alll1
l'ortlnlld about liS at present. , ,6-47 ,
( Analey Cillten. )
n. J. Tierncy reports the sale
of three choice rcgistered Shorthorns -
horns to John and . Jalce Kul-
Miss X. Snyder , sister of our
popular grammer teacher , camc
down from the Bow this morning -
ing to attend the school enter-
Mr. and Mrs. 'V. H. Moody
left this morning for Grand
Island. Mr. Moody expects to
stop at the soldicr's homc during
the summer.
'V. H. Zimmerman , who left
here about six weeks ago for
Illinois , writes that he has located -
ed at Harpstcr , an is running a
general store , also dealing in
i grain and coal.
I ast Saturday , Andrew Sher-
heck marketed 8 steers that
netted him S552 , and 29 hogs
that hrought him $55 ( , . It w01 d
he hard to connce him that
farming in Custer county did not
I pay , as this is only a portion of
the income from his farm this
( OatJaway Coorler. )
An editor docsn't really leno\\
how many friends he has unti1
he gets married and undertake
. to treat them to the cigars.
Guzzling beer makes some met1
fat , it is true , but on the ethel
hand we have noticed it make
some lean-against a wall fO !
su pport.
'l'here arc some big heade ( ]
fools in this town that remind m
I of uarrels. 'l'heir heads arc
swcl1ed becausc thc timber wasn't
properly seasoned.
A recent ordinance requirm
citizens of the citj'ofBrokcn Bo"
to plant shade trees on street
adjaccnt to their property. IJ
proper carc is taken of the tree
after planting , somc line , restfu :
avcnues will be the result' in .1
, few ) 'ears.
Dr. G. A. Fix , Gering's femah
physician , was cal1ed to her doOl
the other day hj' a hobo who ask
ed if she "would he so kind as tc
ask the doctor if he had an ole'
pair of pants to g'e awa ) ' , " " ]
am the doctor , " said Miss li'ix ,
"I1oly smoke I" ) 'ol1ed thc tramp. .
- and flcd.
_ This IIlgnlLturo Is on every box of the gOD\llne
Laxative rome = Quinioe Tablets
Lbo relIlOOy thAt curew & eol".4D ODe dli"
L'nlwtt Rb.lul.and Ol1lee. t
IInlken How , Neb. , llrll \I , 1m. r
NoUeo I' bereby Itlvnll ( hal1bo tollowlng ualll
ed , eulor hul1\ed \ noUce 01 hli Intention lo.mak
ftna1rrOOf In 10l'pnn of hl claim , lIuII thlUal ,
Ilroo will bo made before It&ogllter ancllllcchtl
at IIrooo ; ! low. l'IeLraska ' , on Jane 7 , loo. ! , vlz
FItGIIRIUCI\G. IIltOt'K , of Mornl' , 'Nub.1
bls 11. & o , Ills' for the Sli Ne ! ( , HI' ! ( Nw !
Ne""l " Hw , Nwli He'f , feetton Ii , 10Wlllblp , N ,
raDgd J ; W , ( llh P. AlI. \ . , nimOI tb" fuUowln ,
wltne"o. . to rrove bla conllnlloa. f\lld n o III :
on aud culUvllUon of IIhl land vII : \1t \\11
. moth , Almon Coal. Clinic. 'ra710r , Jame K. Jel
tonLarger. III of A1 rDlNebralka. .
4Ul - J.uu. WUITIUKW , KlItU.
l t ' : ;
. ' - - - - . .
. . , . , -Ar
Unltet 81alol I.and oruco l
North l'lntte. Neb. , llrll : : , ! ! lO'l. r .
Notlco I herob , , . : lvtI11halhe followlnR 111111I.
cd RoJlil'r II. . 11Il'11 nollco of hll In"'nllooa to
mok" fioalI \ roe , Irl nP1lfJn of hI. claim , anll
tllftt ultllrn"f will he lI1udll ! Jdoro thll cOllllty
Judllp , Uutor eMlllly , NebrnllhnlIt Ihokpn HolY ,
No IIFIUk II , on JIIIIO 'i. ' lOO'J ' vlt : .11111 N I. WII , .
JJIAMH. Jlo"u tpnl1 I'ulry No. liWi , for th. ,
WI Ntlf. HI.I ( Nol ( , . 1111,1 , Hl'l.l Nw . ( , MICUOIl12.
townshllllO , 1111I11.0 : : : . W. , roW ! ' M 110 II 11m 011
Iho 101l0wllI wlln.,01\ , Ilrovo hll cOlltlll1l0n/l
rOlltlHllnn . upon IllUl clIltlVRllon III R"hlland. vlz
Allnco T of IIrokeli 11011' , Nohrllllka i
NelRon J I1Imllll of IIrokoll lIoNI.hrnllkll. .
l1b".lInn Nolh of IIrok1I 11011' , N"lIrallka ; JIIIMU :
UII"dy of llrokou lIow , Nohru"kn
, I ! il-il ! UHonrllC . FlltHIII , Ul'glller.
We Are Better Prep ared For
Business than Ever.
. MAtNIt-lIIgh I'crchron ;
GI.OIlIIt ; I , r.o lound8.
LOC1AN-FlvH YORrR olt ! : hrown ; Hljh Grallo
Hhlro ; wehht , lr.oO pounds.
FOX -RllhlYl'nrR ohli bIlY' llIJb ; Mo , an and
OI'do ' ; weIght , llAJO IIOIlUl ! s.
PmNOI - 1'I11 brown : pacer and erotler iwolgllt
J , : : . ' pounds.
'rho (1'our UClldo Service Jo'eCA S..oo to SH.oo.
Come and sce
' 18" 1IIlimmoth JacK , 3 ycars
old Julv 4lhl\1l1 \ , an < 1l. Iho Inrge t. best boned -
ed Jllck of hl8 ago [ II tbeAolnrla ; a gOOl1 pp.r.
former Iud sure breeder dorvlce fco , 5 to 12 ,
, 18 n mack 8panlsh Jnelc with meRI ) '
COLONEr 1 light lolnts aU. ! a fine hroeder 01
Ilyll11 mules. Bcnlcefct18 , from S3 to 8 ,
DUDE III" 'Mnmmoth Jack , ralhor AmnII. but a
IroJat brpe < 1Hr of lllr e , otyllllh mulcH.111
pell him for $200 If taken aoon , I.f uot , ho will go
on 1he Ilalld.
There l no better IlIv Rtmont tbau bree < 1lng
mules as the marklJ' 18 takIng au ) ' ago. ' .1'boy are
8earee and lhey will go higher.
They wl1\ \ make the 8Cllllon ot 1002 at the old
Slar Jlree < 1lug lIanl , north 01 railroad , Jlrokon
now , NobrnRka. Como nnd sco our stoell hoforo
breclIngo. , Wo are hero tor bn8lnes ! Iud to 8tay.
Prlnclpte Owner and Munager.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Iiji\Ji ] ' ! . ! ; jQm ! Iii'J ! m
r Business and m
m Professional Directory.
! ! I
ff I' 3S u cell ; rs
I Rooml B anll II. Realty Dlock , Droken lIow , Neh.
PlanA and eslhualeB 011 Rhortnolleo.
Hrokellllow , Nebraska ,
ID 1 JytIBn } I ffimiJ"ANI O URII1.1C ,
l\lilO Jlliltleo or the I'Ul\cu. tll'eclal nUentoll ! KIon
to colloellous Ccpo lltonR takm , III'n81011 vonch.
erl ueally execntod IUlII all kinds ot legnl pallorA
written. O/lle / III the rear or B"nk "f Commerco.
IllokolllloNehrnska. .
- - - - - - - -
. - , - . , . , _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . _
. . . - . . . . . . . .
f ? > 9ded Jl1sfl'czrcfeI' ,
Ahltracb l'romSlllv Vnrnl hed. Yonr IIn8ln8l'
"ollclted. OWl' ' ' In lIank o' Commere8 Uulldlng ,
llrullen Bow , Nebraella.
R. . SKINN H ,
Rcpairillg of all killl19 Iiolle in first.clnss
mnllller. Plow work auel horse shocing I
n Al'ccinll ' ) ' . Relllcmher thc Ibcation- I
the new shop wcst uf COlTl1nerciol 11l tcl.
) ! : ! . 11
Physician & Surgeon.
Ollleu In rl'ar of the Bank 01 ( 'ommerclI. Itell.
Ilonco Olh honAo WIRl ! 01 thn 1I1111t1At chnrch.
IJrukclI 1I0w , NcbrnRkl\ ,
s. 1\1. DOIUtI8 ,
) H ] haf3lli ( : ! J.11lal'lnnQ ! !
AI. klnllR IIfYork In onr 11110 iloilo prompny
RIH1111 ftnt.I Rs order. O' ltotl Hhop on Ihe
corner WORL 011ho 11010 bOll u.
GIVI < ; US A. TRIA.I. .
IIrokon Jlow , , _ - ' Nebrlsi-a.
DH. C. L. MUfJLEN5 ,
Physician SurgeoH.
2n,1 Hblrwsy from. WMt cn < 1ln Hellty lIIock ;
rORlllollco. 31 < 1 wo t "L . ehllrclJ , on Romc side
01 Rtroet. cyrUrokcn Bnw , Ncbralka.
, , .
W. R. BAlmn. l'roll. .
For RoclnllRmO olp."I. . Morlh ot RUDa , .j
LICAN Oaleo , Jlroken 1Iow , No
u. o. IJUT'rON , Pro rlctor. ' , .
Flrsl-clara Work. HOllr UOllm of lIrokel 'Dow
Rlale lIallll' , JlrolocnlJow. Nehrukll.
-Proprietor or- .
Heltanrnut , \ ; Lnnch Connter. l.urlto aR.ortmcnt
of CohloctionarlcR , Cljarll 811d TobRooo ! . lIIorth
: ,1110 of lubllc ! ! qllaro , IIroken no" , Nebralk '
1ll11l ! ! VN.a ) ' m ! ! 1l 'fi m.pU ! ! ) ) & ap.
, ttorncu = ot = JOIU ,
Urokcn Dow , NehrB8k8.
D.G AZE , '
. . . . . . Deaer ] In . . . . .
Granite , ForeIgn and merlcan Marbles.
Ornament ? ! Work a Specialty.
Broken nOIT. - . - Nebraska.
E. P. AoCLUIIW , Prop.
ltye l < 'lollr , Duckwheat , Grablom , Feed , otc.
DR. T. fJ. FARN8WOln'H ,
W"omco Over Swan'lI Grocery. "
" .
o.H. . OONRAD ,
. . . . . .Uoaler In. . . . . .
Pnmps. WIIIIl MI118 , Tanks , FIltlnRs , Gasoline
RlIcllle , oto. , etc.
, Droken Dow , Nebra ka.
Free In lmctlons I10w to lake and develope t
tliclnro with uvory ClImer" sold. " t
FJnl"bIDL : done for am8luros.
Latest Styles in Photograpls. ]
R8tllbll hed In IBJl. !
DRS. R : o. & W. E. TALBOT ,
Ollle nver Dlluberte' Drng ! : lore.
Brokcn Dow , . - - NelJrash.
. .
DI . .J. E. SNYDER. {
t1' Ontco over Swall' Orocory 810ru. nonr8-
I " . m. to 12 III. . and 2 lo t II. m. UoslcllJnlle-
Grlln.l Uentrnl IJolel. Chronic calos a plclalty.
- - - - - -
C > .A.FI.NrESS. : , . . (
For the last three j'ears I IHl\'C been over-stocketl on farm
r harness. 'l'his fact puts me in a position to sel1 all harness at 10
- per cent. less than the market valuc. I ha'c a good farm harness /
at thc surprisingly low price of 520.00 , worth $22.00 , and at $21.00 ,
worth 522.50. 'Others ' at the same low \.duc . up to 530.00. l "
: New line of Farm Implements. ' j
Sulkcy plows , D sc harrows ,
'l'hree wheel Climax Listers , Steel pipe harrows ,
'Val1dng and riding cult \'ators , Acme and Champion mowers ,
Fll11er and Johnson huggies , Grand Island Hog fence ,
, 'Vagons , llarb wire ,
Cook stm'es , and Nails ,
Quick Meal rangcs , Cutlcr ) ' ,
'L'inware , and a complete line of shelf hardware.
Alfalfa , Milot and Cane Seed.
, OUR MOTTO--Under : Sell. - <
C. W.
. . . . ,
'Vest SideS quare , llrokcn Bow , Nebraska.
" . ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .
- - - " ' ' ' ' ' ' " , ;
. _ . 3PF.Ii'.i : : ' . . - 1M , ' . . " ' . . 11 . . _ . . . . . " . - - - , J . ' 40 _ , . , J I , _ . . . . . . . . . . I. : .