Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 01, 1902, Image 7

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    , , . , .
, , ' , . '
- ' " , ,
" ' fA ' ' CORED or
" \
, , .
Ih Suffered for Years and Felt
1 Her Case Was Hopeless
, -Cured by Peruna.
h , .
us A. A B. FI , HA1t1.'Y , rt.'Cenl
' : M bl1 u1"iulclllluut ut tllU W. O. ' 1' . U.
" b 1uIIIUllrWl'g. ut Ual lIul1rg , lit , was
, ' , for leu ) 'CUI'II ouu of tllu Il'l1uluJ ; WUUlUU
, fb ru. Her 11 1111 UII IIU. whuu 11 v Ill ! : , Willi
i ; " \j"nt Ilrcshlent or the uul'uliltu , Wt.Ilu'uu
, '
ulrCtltlt ) ' , lit Lluculu , uu.
" lu a Icttur Wl'iltuu frum ,101 8lxty.
' /11" / ' ' IItl'Cct , W. , Ohlelllo , 111. , ll'11.
if't'uth BUYti the tolloWIU ! : 111 r lllI'd to
rul1a :
"UllYluj ; lIvcd a vcr , . actlvc Ufc nt ! wlfc
&ad worklug IlIlrtner or u lJut ! ) . 1II1111liler ,
111 ) ' beultl1 [ ulleu llIe II tcw ) 'Ullrll 11 ( I. 1
at wy hUllunull nuout the IUUW tlmu ,
IUI grmluully 1 s elllell to lose hellith
' 11t.l slllrit. 1 , . uuuhter ! III II conlil'llieu
In "alhl. nlld we both felt Irel1t l1el-d ot
. . IlIvllorntor.
, .lJnt : of my Ilelghbors lId'lsed me to
' ' ' ' Pcrllnn. A bottle WlW Immedately
. urcd and a grcat change took place
In my daughter's as noel/as In m ) ' own
Acalth.- Our appetites Improved very
veat/y , the digestion seemed much
ilclped , Dnd restful sleep soon Improved
, It ! , so tllat 1VC seemed like new women.
i ' ! Iwould not be without Perulln (0 ,
n times Its cost.Alrs. . AnlUJ lJ.
" Fleharty.
\\'h\t used to ue called Cemnle dlscnses
, the mell kal lIrofeslllon lt ! now callell
' : SII"lc catarrh. It hus ueen Cound uy
Illeril'nce thnt cntarrhal dlsenses of tlw
.1' orjtllns nre the cuuse of most call
.r Celllille dlsense.
Dr. l11rlllllin'ns nlllong thc firtt ! oC
lIIerlcn's grent lIh 'siclnllt ! to mal.e this
41lsNlvery. For fm't ) ' 'ellrs he hus ueclI
trl'lItinJ ; discuses IleclIlIar to WOlllell , nnd
lema : ngo he rCllcbed the conclusion that
. , , "umall entlreb' fre ! from cutu1'hul
.lI't eUon or thl'se orgalls would 1I0t lIu
.obJect to felllule dlst'usc. lIe then'Core
blrItD usllll ; PerulIlI for tbelle 11SCt ! ! 111111
'QUlld It so IIdmlrnul ' lid II lit ell to thclr
erUianent cure thl1t Perllna hns 1I0W
. bl'l'tJllIe the most falllulls remedy (01'
. t III.le dhICnse8 ever knowlI. liJI'f'rr.
, ' . , . . . .h re the women arc uslllg It 1I11t.l 11I.d ; 1
, ( < \lnl : It. PerulIII Is not n llUlIIatlve sim
lib' ; It cures b , . removing tlie CUllse or
tnnle dl l'lIse.
Dr. Hartmllll hns'probnbly cnred 1iI0rc )
" , omen oC Cemnte IIlInlClltli than IIn\ '
othct' UvlnJ : IIh'slcl n. lIe mnke3 thcl e
rcl 81U1llly by using nnd recollllllelld.
Ing Perllnn. I
Mrs. I < ; . IJ. Brown , 32U EUiott strl'tt,1
l.Iewphls. Tenn" writes : I
, , ' Mrs. Jacob Spooner , or Ierr's Cor-
atI'8 , N. Y. , during the absence of
her 800 nod busband , went into a
" "ra crib. Tbe door closed with a
" Iprlng lock , maklnK her a prisoner.
1 , When the SOD and husbanc1 returned ,
i. ; late In tbo evening , tIJe110und her
frozeo to death.
Most or the , jewelers In the Philip.
pines are women , and they are very
npert In their art.
. . ,
Gpod eno gh
for a body !
' , '
( ,1 \
\ . '
, . , , '
\ '
\ , " ' ,
. .
; ; : (
, :
. , ' 1 ,
. '
, , : . \
, ,
I..i ,
. 'I
' ,
, ' , '
, !
ofame value as tags from
and ; : ; . T. " Tobacco.
0111'00 < Vouul4ln } 'tn , 1'0. . . 1.lenu.lmll , " IrChl , :
10 " 'lro < llI..8 our Ol\o wll.ell \ 11 In .I"II , , 110. ( ur
IIa. "ohro. . Nonlt , Co , . 110nroo. Nchr. . . ,
I'ot. " "Il' U".lon " "M tr1l111 "n. . . . .
" 'Iter lh..n 1'.rl8 On"'n orhalllllall""lng Ten rt. , . ,
pper : , , . . . . . . . n4 no. WOQd Cb"' " l'O , . ' " , , , k : .
"re. , " 1.
t H , .U. NO. 717-1 B YORK. NEB
" . . . ADM P. VI , . . , , , .
! ! . I J
. . . -u. . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _
" 1 slIrretl'il for se\'crnl years with head.
ncbe hl'OIl ht on lJy l1enou. . 1 > roslrntlou.
1 WitS IIlso IIl1l1ctetl with hUlOl1lnlu. 1
woulll geluII III thl ! momlug more WI'IU ) '
thall when 1 I'NIl'ed uutl 1 ulletl to tll'CUtl
lhe I1pprullch of ulJl1t. l'Cl'IIlI1I CIIIlI\ !
lute III ) ' hOlllu all a welcome & ; 1\ellt , uulI
within thl'eu IIhort 11I0utl1s 1 Wall IIk
IIl10ther WOIIIIIU , 1 hllve 1I0W enjo'ctl
llertect hellith [ or over 11 year , I1nd t1101l1'
wbo bl\\'c suffered us 1 did will kuow
how hllllllY 1 nU\- " lrs. Eo L. Ih'owu.
Mrs. I'slber l. l\lllcr \ , De Grl1ff , Uhlo ,
writes :
"I WIIS II terrible 8ufferer Crom temnle
wel\lmess I1l1d hud thu bellduche contln.
uousl ) ' . 1 WIIS not lIule to do my houri\-
work for lIIyclf 1\11I1 hUiuuutl. ! 1 'l'ott'
) 'ou IIIld Ilellcrlued 111) " cOllllltloll 4S uear
liS lIe slhlc. Y 011 recolllllle11lled l'eruna.
1 tool. four hottleli lIud wus COlllllletely
cured. 1 think l'erulI:1 u wOllderfuIIUItl.
Iclllc.-i\lrll. Esther l. lllller.
COIIJrl'SSIIIIIU Thad. 1. IQhon , etCh
Ch II I11hl'l'lUn 1'1 : , I'll. . wr1tc :
"I take pleasure In commending your
Perunlllls a substllntlnl tonic and a good
Cll Jrrl , reined ) ' . " -T. " " " 'allan.
I r ; " 1111 .In . uot tled\'u II1'Ol1lllt uutI IIlItls.
( allury : rc IIIL.4 CroUl tbe use of l'crulla ,
Wrill ! at ouce to Dr. II II I.t III JlU , glvlll n
full : -ItultlIIcnt of ) 'OU1' CIIe , 111111 he wlll'l" '
he . ' ' his \'aillnule .
pll.uscd lu'e ) 'ou \ ad.
\'Icc rulill.
AdtlrrH.'I Dr. IInrtmnu , Prt'-Iltil'ut or I
The llartml1u Sunltllrluw , CJlumbns , '
Ohio. 'I
Th" Of'Mllan Arm , . .
It Is proposed to stimulate promo.
tlon In the German urmy by reducIng -
Ing the period or service requIred to
uuthorlze tbe retirement or uo of1lcer
from rorty years to thirty-seven
years , und a bill ror this purpose hus
been prcsented to the sccretary or
the mtlltary authorities. The retlr-
, In allnwauce Is to be increased so as
to make the small penslo granted
three fifths ot the rull pay.
In 110 ungry dispute with a neIgh.
bar , , fohn Bloomfield , ot South
Portsmouth , Ky. , became prorane ,
aud luunched several curses at hIs
opponent. A Kentucky law Imposes
a fIne or $1 ror each curse , and Mr.
Bluomfield had to pay $ Ifi , hi ! ! being
the numher ot curses In whleJh .he
had IndulJ.ed.
Sudden death ! > IImong men are
eight timeR greater thau those among
. , . . . - -
1IIiiIt- = - - " ,
We , "IIUYII ' ' ' ' ' ' 'l.OU "I.I ) I" , or11..llor r"lallll , .
' . ' ' . . . . ' ' ' . . . . . ,
a'lIul"'l'A..I.t. 1l'Ih'lU' : : > 1. 'fllnh .guul
tor'lIrc\.rullI"ln. . "rIte . . . , Ilret un" l"Uo.l.I : :
i HiT.DuRE S. MEYf.I & CO. ,
&nleno and Broken. 62 Wall tHroe' . N. . . . orlL
I . : . '
, Nasal
I n . .II 1111 II" e .
Ely's Cream Balm
dCAllI'u ' , ootlies and heata
Ihe diseAsed meUllJrl1uc. ;
Itcuru catarrh and drivel :
awa.1 a cold In110 OJlll
Crf'l\m nl\1m II place.l Into lhe nOltrlll , .pread.
over the Inlwbrano and II . .blorbed. Rell.tlt 1 _
mrdla.te nud a care tollows. It II Dot drJIOf-doea I"
Dot prodUCIi .ncezlut. ) Laro ! SIze , 60 oeD' " at Dru .
EIAh or by 101\11 ; 'l'rJaI Size , 10 ccnta
XLY UltO'l'UElt1i , GO Warren Street. New York.
- -
oWEll "
WHY . .
" d 1 = li OF-
M de In"blatk or yellow
of the be t mttai b nd
saki with our w rr nt .y
reliable. dealer everywnere. .
A. cJ. TOWf-P. co. , n05TON. MA ,
. . . .
. . . . . .
- . " " " .t-t. ' " '
. , ,
' ' ' - - - - ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' - ' ' ' ' -
" We "nt th"l..rrfl.t manutacturera DC
YeJlIc1N an.lllArl1eslf'\n tbe world aall- I
IJIJ : couuD1.raa.nd " " b""f < b ndo-
U4 buatDeu In this " . .y fM9 year- .
but ehlp &IITwhr. . tor uaml..Uoa
ar..tMl.'u..r. .I1YWY. you. . . .
OII''OLlllflll LlflOL Nothn..s. . w. . . . . . . .
JM "TIu . , oh.II"'I . . . . .4 " ' " 'TluoC
I loa. , . . . , Our p"rea . . .p. . . . . . . , 'b. N..I' " " .um . .
. . ' . _ t ot 1UA , I..l &JId maklnr pI. . . ICellno""II , . . . dNlotucO'lo
: io,211"J''P5ea&Tn , ! 1ft. . . . . .
. . . .1 > t'01I. . O..rlarlC".r&l ete4.tpt.I'rlCI .f.OG.
( . . . . . . .11 , f. . . .0 Ie , ao. . . Aicoed
, . . , . .
/ > 0) e < 1"I.rel1"l. IIIfl4 torU. au.U. " " ' . . . .iiJ ; m _
ft !
- - - - .
To I"IIU' Important I"nrt In NaTAl Op.
crntlOlul In Itutu" .
'rherc Is not the sligh lest doubt thnt ,
lD Cuturo warrare on lhe 8111suhmR'
rlno bolts will 1)1:11 :1 vcr , ) ' liromillcllt
pnrt , In the system ot IIn vnl tncUel4
" , 'hlch hns beeu e'oh'cll by huullrNlt :
or : rcnrs or en l1Jhlln , thcse 111\Inll ,
IncoUSIleuotis boats will brln nbollt
cbanJC6 which will he almost revolu.
tlonary. Tbl' blockUtllug or 110rt ! ! . 118
prnctlced umler OUL' 11re8ent ) 'stom ,
will he well.nhh IWl Osslblc. 'l'he 1m'
mensely wenllhy IIca consl cltlcJ ! : ,
which ha vo trelllhh'd at rumor ! ! ot Wn ! '
becJ\usQ ot the 1\kellhooll \ tlmt on (1U.
emy wouh1 steal up to tllell. tloors utlfl
de8tro.T them , mny put IIl1ltlu thl'lr
Cears. A Cew IIlIbumrlne bents wll1 lit !
I1ble to clear au ) . hllrbor or IIttncJtlnn
shlp9 ot war , . \llIln8t tbe steJlllh ) ' ntlll
uutlerhnml , hut tcrrll1cl1ll ' , Icfltl'lll'tlv\ !
nSHllult or such II CI.I ft , /I Il.1l1lc"hlll
cau hl1"c no t1ctclsc bllt 1Jl lIt.
At Snntll1o. ; for 'rxIIOIph. , our JIIeU ,
ot.war would IIr.VCl' 1111'e Ilared to duse
In n.rouull the IIIOU I h or tilt ! hnl'bol. it
the Slllltllllrtllhntl hnd three or rom
\essels : llke the II olllmllcllrr 'III : ;
I1hollt 1\11\1 tll'1\\'crlu \ ! ; flUcl. : IUUI uuforl"
scen 1.IlowI $ [ ' 1'011I tllf' dl'jnhs of the
occl\n. A battlcshlp CIIUUl t I\lla" : OUI )
of thcse 011\111 : ihu'I.I : ! , for the \r , 111111 ,
pie rellKon thllt It lu'clcnts 110 tn r : ! : '
Hc the lookout e\'cr so , 'IJ.l1ant , thc '
cnnnot , of COUl'SC , dltcct n n 11t:111 ' 1111'
pronehlng henc:1th : the S\1I'I'IICll1 to lit
tncl. (1'0111 u wutl' ! . nllllH1Hcmlf' . No IIr.
mor plnte thut hns C\'er lwen d\'vlsL"tl
Is ns eUlclent os a ilCOl' 01' 1001'0 teeter
or wnter.
Ordlul\l'y torpedo uets will Iyc no I
Iu'otectlon ngalnst lubllllll'lne allat : i 1
the assulll\nts will IIn 11 blc to 11\\'C \ 1111.
tier thesc ucts , or ilCllcl Ihl'ough IhulI1
II torpetlo which will tear 1holc h1l' , e
enou h to enilble the bOl\t Itself 10 pass.
1 thluk It Is not puttln It too stron ,
snys Iowls Nixon In SucceRs , to sny
thnt , In 11 harbor prolL'Cted by Rublllll'
rlnoJOllt \ ! ! . bloclmdlng , ns pl'uctlced H I.
der the present systelll , will bo 1tllu \
of the pnst. \Je1\c\'e \ \ Ihnt It will hi
necessury to Ile\'llIe sOllie type of'n I
\'essel to wlthstnud these IJOats. WllIlI
tnO this will \Jo \ no ml1u can , ) 'It SI1r. :
Prince I1ourJ" or l'rulIsln the Only\llIn
\Vbo Currle Jt. .
Prince Henry of Prl1s lIn , our rl'ccul
rO111 guest , Is proba\Jly \ the only 11 r'
son In the world who Is Insured ngalnHI
nssl1sslunllon solely. 110 hUH nu I ntHi r.
unco or $000,000 ou his life which Ie
pnYllble In C11S0 be Is uSMH8hll1teli nut !
not otherwise. He tool. out this sln II'
Il1r policy whou he sulled for the } ' : nsl
to tnke over the command or the ( ; er.
mlln ! loet Ip Ohlnese waters 80l1le ymu' ! !
11 go. It was nt Prince HenrY'1 ! depllrt.
uro for this command , It will he remembered -
membered , tbat his brother , the Kl\lsol" ,
, mndo his cl'lehrnted "mullc:1 : list"
Ipcech. 'rhls I1ssl1Rslun lion rlHk 1I110a
Prince Henry's life Is held hy Glrml1lJ
compl1nles Ilnd tbm'e docs not ! lcem te
be 1111) ' elleclal dnngcor or tbeh' eV1
bolng Cllllcd upon to pay It , tor l'rluce
lieury 18 11 popull1r p\'lon : ! nm ] theri
ure sonmll lI\'es betwecn him and the
It woult1 sccm ns Ir the Cznr or Hus'
sin would \Jo \ the 11I0nnrch most In nC ll
or a 811eclnl Insllrnuce ng'alnst USII1& !
Hlnnllon , hut thnt Iloh'ntlte , " hlh
h:1'lIy : Insllred , hus no f1peCIIlI clnllllf
Iu his polley rc nrdlng nssl1sslunllou ,
lIe 1M grent belle\'er In life Insur:1nce ,
Is the , Czar , nnd. consltlerlnK the mall'
ucr lu which uUllrchlsts and nlhllltJt
Fl'Ck his llfe , It Is no wonder. Within
weel ( or thc \Jlrth \ or his dnughter ,
the little Grand DIIChcf18 Olga , the htHI her 11 ( ( > hlsurl d Cor f".t OO , .
000 , aud his wife. the C7.nrlul1 , Is InlIr. !
otl for $1,2r O.OOO , II. . : hllll1.oJf carrl4 !
un In8111':1nce of $ ,1.000,000 : ,
l'l'lucl' lIenr "H hrother , tbo Kalli'er ,
cnl'l.It : ! ! un IIIn 'l\uce of $5.0UO.OOO. and
hlK IIlIcle. Jlu gd11 rd. II. ! Iusllrl' , t for
$ a.liooopO. CJelll' e'J1n ] enll1 If ) 8:111 ]
10 bo Insured fOl' $ lOOOOOfl , am ] "Om
Ohllllnccy , " thl' brlde l'oom , for $ 'iDO"
000 , while .Tohn Cnr\JIIl'y \ of PII I 11111 ( 'I.
\lhlll \ IH said to cal'r ; ) 1111 hlsnrnnc ( ; of
Orl tn or "StatCI'Cloln. "
Iost peol11e 'rho hn ve Hlellt on Ol'IIT.
stlUmerH In Ih tiny II\xI.9 timt lire
called "staterooms" hnvo TfolHlert d
whcnce the lIIanlllcellt ; Jltlm ( ' WI18 de-
rlvcd. A rltltlh eolollial { lnpcr JI\'C !
nu eXlllnnntlon of whn t WI. )111'C' ! ) lever
hl'tor scen expll1ll1cd. On the f'url ,
11 lllslpj)1 ! Rt\nmbonts the cabins Wl'I'e
tll\'lded by cm.laln" ollly. But an 1'1I1'J'o
prlRlng owner llIllt wOcen vurtltlotl
In his bontll. I1nl ] numed Ihe fnlllnA nt.
ler the \'nrlo1111 Sin tes of the Union.
The IlInO\'lltioll 111'O\ ' ( ' ( ] lOIItIJnr , 11th'
pnsHengel'I comlllg on bOlml wouhll1Jk :
"What State nrl' . } ' 01l IHlttlng me In this
trill ? " 'flit' delimtlon of thu term II !
p 1mdble. Bnt wpre thnre not " ' ; { : I"-
rooms" on lnS8lIICr ; , 'esBcls lwtorf : t be
dn's o ( sten III ?
lUra. SauJtliter to BtnJo-Htrllo ) [ Girl. . . .
1'0 rocatlon Is so rull of tlrud ry
mtl so heset with dlsnppollJtmcnt I\Ii It !
the llta { ' . 1 lny tall IItlm'l , ) ' , few
IUccet'l } brJlllnntl ) . , nnd mediocrity Iff
Ul llllid nntl 11Itle ( ) stclnwcJ. ! } iH ] { 'pt
(01' the oCCIiSIOlIlI1 girl , the fltn t' Iii a
( Irot'm.slon ' to n\'old. As tor Itny Him.
rul culture n Irl may } lI1ve lIad , lr
dIOI'OUKh , It will StH'Vc her as 'Tell elsf'-
whurc us In a thl'lltDlcnl cureer.-J.a.
:1111' : 1111I111' JOllrl1l1J ,
lllu1a : II l mIJtl'l\nUl.
111(111111 alIulI < lt1t'lI tbuw ; thnt the f.'m
mt1on \lI\erlt'u \ hils reachel tbe 11" .
uro of 1 9,04JO nnnuullY. About hl1lt ot
tbl'He rctntp cwmtunlly to Itnly , the
: cat fJw'nln.1ng In till' United
Ev"r notk-e that OlDe Vffiple uro
lucbvorma their trll'tills f'l' ) tree to
IUrnl ) ' on them ?
I Oftentimes ) 'ou tWnk , OUIrecYe , ) a
IV'1fP.letlll lIIesnlCe wben ncD waf ! lien"
. . . . . . . .1
ZIO'Uloit , IIAI ) ( arltl" , .
Electricity bns Inorensed tlll' p'lwcr '
bt sea coast lI hts tu that or a 000.000
caudlcs. ' .rho mlnernl (111 lamp or
the "Doty . ystoID , " whloh WI\S In
ulmost unlvernl use prc'lous to thc
lntrOlluclion or electricity , did nol
exceed MOOO cnndles 10 thu lrcogtb
or Its lUulUlnntJon ,
Cllt"nlt CnulI'lIt " " Cur"d
"lIh I.O(1AI , . " 'I'I.WA'I'1N . I ) " th01 Cl\nno'
roach Iho l'I\t or the 1\I'lhO. \ l'lIlurh. . . . . n blU\K1
Dr ( , Ulbtllllllnrl .11'1'1\1' . 111111 In ortll'r 10 ( ' 11'1'0 ' 1&
)011 II1I1 tln"o Inlfllnll\'I\1I'llIol. . : JlIIII' , t'Unrrh
Cllfu I lakl'll IIIII'nlall ) , lIullllel'l dlroell ) 1111 the
loI00.t an1l1l\1ICOII'l \ MlrillelIII1U'sl'nlftfrh Cllro
blot II cIIII"k IIIt'1l1l'IIIO. It \ \ \ . ' . " h )
Dne oC Iho bc.t lhy ll'IIU1'1 \\1\'Illro.erlllt"l ( or
) \\IlrN. 1111111'111 tt'IUllar Ilrl"'l'tllllloll , It l.i l'Om-
' ( " ( \ or Iho b.t Ionic : ! knol\ , l'ulllblll 11 wllh
the OOIt blnol 1'lIflllcrs. : lelllll : cUn'I'II ) 1111 thlt
I1I11CII\I1I MIffWlli , 1'11\\ > crCl'Ct combillulhlll ot
llio two III rt..tll'nI.O ; 1'1 W l lilt Ilr\Khll' ' ' ' ' uch won.
der(1I1 rl"'l1ll. III l'lIrlll CIIU\rrh , iWull ror tote I
1111I11111:11. : ; , ( rl'\ ! . I
I , .1 , ( 'JH ( HCO"l'rop3" Toledo , O.
t ( ) ltI by lIrnr.III . > , , ( ) 'jilt ! .
llall'l 1'.Qwll ) ' 1'1 \ hI 111'0 the best.
t\'r , UIIII I'Inllh'811 Jlullurl'd ,
'he mural tnhh t , to be plllccd In
St. Jnul'8 Cttlhedrnl. LOl1l1un , to the
tnlmory or Sir Arthur Sulll"lIn Is
OI'nllmented wi th a IIgure or Orpheus
and his lute IUlll lwnellth the In-
scrltpion lire 11 few of the opening
hars or his l(11111lar ( melody for the
hInm " 011\\111'(1 , Ohrltllln ! Soldiers. "
318111 SchUCll Chllllron nr" ! 'tlckl ) " .
lrothl'r 0'1'1\8 ' Sweet 1"1IT(1cr. tor Chllllren ,
IIlIccl''fnl1yIIell h ) ' ) Iolhcr Url\v , n lIur. " t.
Chtlllrllll' " 110100 , Now York , brt'l\k up eolt1a
in4 ! hUll 1"1 , cure FI.\'orlhhlll' . , IIclulnchCltoln' : !
I\clI Trollhlt'll , 'r'othltll ; Ulsllrtton. am' V tt'f'1
" 'urlll' , 1'\111 thlllllllnil 11'1'1111I01111118. 'rn KY
NR\'lm PAIL. At nil , lrllgll"t ' , 2.\11. 91\1111.1c
I11l\lIcll J' "I' : . Adttrl'u ALLI\N 8. OLWII1' , D , 1.0
no ) " , NolY York ,
- - - - - - - I
} ' ' ' 'Inl II 11111 un 111\111\1' ,
rhe W < , stern A lers Hulhvay com.
pany has dechled to olTer premium
of $30 on tile hi rth of every l hnc1 e.
lougln to Its elllployes. ' 1"0 ' em.
pluye with more than three children
Is to recel0 an exwa IIl1owauco of
$10 a ohlld a J'ear.
Dord for ( 't 1Jargo 2 oz , pncltnK8 ! lelll
Orollll Dall Hlue , only 6 cOllt3. ' ! 'he ! tUM I
COIIIlnny , SOllth } 'cnl1 , Ind. '
.A lIC\V word ! Jas Ucen lidded to the
language since \Vlrel ! is telegraphy
hus C0ll16 Into u , > e. It Is "lllurcolIl.
grams , " nlJd refers to wireless tele.
US" the ClllnOIlS UttI ! Orc8 I\II Dine.
Inrge 2 oz. l'I1Ckl\l1c ( j cellls. Thc nU8 ! !
cOIllJIRny : , ! ; OIlth Hcnl ] , Ind. !
Th" Coyote ,
The coyote Is usually , 'ery lean , :
[ \ long , sll1Hler suout and bushy tuU ,
and Jooks'ery much Ilke n welt , to
whlch family 1 In fnct , 110 clongs.
Ills rur Is lighter colored In winter
' , In summer , 1.Ieln 1n the rormer
seaSOD grizzly ray , with biack
I streaks on the bark , hips IInd
'ihouJders , I\lId tawn ) ' ones nloug the
legs. 1'be under side or tbo body
Is dingy white. .
Detroit paper or a recen date
'ontalned this advertisement : "No.
Icc-I1'- , who Js SI1PllOscd to 1.Ie
In Ohlcago , wl11 communicate with
hls trlends at homo , be wll1 hear or
iomethlng to his udTaotagc. 11111
w11'e Is dend. "
I'c"n.nUyClltN' . , "ntsorJl".rr" ,
FITS . n. . , day" u" " " 0 ( IIr. lillll ' . u j'i"rve II. .
. , e..r p..a < f , , , . . J , JI t : . . : ' 11,11I' 'rlal b < lII"lln < l I" ' ' ' ' ' ' '
1Jn. . 11. 11. KJ.lK Ud. , 11I1 ore" tII..I'hll&th'11I1w. I'a ,
h .
: k i ? jJ
I-Io\v Truly the Gfea ,
Faine of Lydia E. Pink. >
haIn' Vegetable , Coin. " . .
pound Justifies I-Ier _ Original -
inal Signature. ) ti . 'J
Lydia E. Pinkham's ComfJound. '
It will cntiroly euro the worst forms of } i'emnlo Complalnt8 nIl Ovm-
'rlan trouhlcs Inilnmn1l\tlon nmi ( 'll' mtlOl1.11'nlUng ! nnd Dlsplnccmcn'
of the "ramIml conquont ! : : : .illiul\l 'y calrncss , nud is pcoullnrl ,
tldllptcl to the Chl\ngo of IH'c. '
It 111\8 curcd moro cascs of Dnclmcho nnd L.mcorrh n\n anT
other l'Cmcdy the world has ever known. It is nlmu1t Inrllllibio ill 8Uclt
cases , It dissolves I\ud oxp\ls ltullord from the Utcrl13 i11l\n enrly stage
of devclopment , nnd ( 1\oeks \ l\ny tcndency to cancerous humors.
Irregular , Suppresscd or Plllnul Mcnlruatiollt'YcllmeBs ' ! of thl )
Stomnch , Il1lU sUon , lllontlng , : Flooding , NorvollS - 'rostmLlon , IIcnd-
neho Gcnoralllcbility quickly yields to it.
\Vomb troubles , cl\usingJ > : \in , wuight , nnd baclmr.he , instnntly ro.
liovcd I'l.nd perml\nontlr cure uy ita use , Undcr nll circumstances i.
ncts in hnnnol1Y witll the laws Uiut govern the Iomnlo sj' , 1U1d is tU
harmless ns water ,
It quickly 1'Cl110VeS HInt nOl\rln t1own Foolhul' , extreme 1I\BBI.
tude , U don't c\rol : 1\11(1 " fcollng , ctcitabllity" :
irritability , ncrvousncss , Dizziness , 1"nlutucss , slech } ssnu8s , flntulency.
the t' ul1109)1 uuckncho. ' 1'hol1o Al1lY.indlcalt !
melancholy or , nn uro Al1lY.\ > ns
of FOl11nlo 'V CI\kUe9S , 01' some domngollltmt of U10 Ulorus , whicl1 tlwf
mcdicino nhvnys cures.
Ithlney Compin.lnts nnd Daclmchc of e1t1ICi' sox thl ) Vegetable
Compoun nhmys oureR. '
No other fomnlo mcdlclnc In the worid 111\1 rocoh'cl fmch
wldcsprclul l\11tl UnllUI\Uflol elHlul'SOIlWllt. No otbur JUcUclne
has such" rccord or curcs or femnlo trou\los , .
Those wonum who rcfuRe to nCC ( I.t ma .thlng 01801'0 ro-
Wl\l'detl & \ 11\lIu1rOI thouSlUul tlmcs , for tl.1oJ J t what they wnnCl
-0. cure. SoM lIy DrugtL'its ovol''whcrc , , l ol'm o uU substitutes.
U'stJ Is the sweet SIIUCO that Is
(1IahelJ up ollly In COllllcclou with
hurd lubor.
Plso' . Oure tor Consumption prolt.ptly
relle\'u my little . 'enl"oltl IIlster Ilf
et'oul1.-Mls9 I , . A. . Petlree , I 1'1llluJl
.trlet , llrooltb'n , N ! Y. , Oct. 2 , 1UU1.
- .
.rhe average llIan tlllccs n ere Interest -
est In what be suspccts thun wlmt
ho knows.
Thirty minutes 18 nll the time rc-
Ilulred to dye with PU'l'N)1 F ADID.
LIJSS : DYlJ1S. Soltll1y druggists.
Ground rents arc sometimes due
to uu eurLhq Ulllcc.
HI'S. Wlolllow' . ROOTIIII\IJ H\'IIUI' tor cblldren
Ipt'lhlll1J. , often. the KU III' , teducea IlIn"III..Uon
all"1. palo , cure. wlllrt . .olio , t c hoUlo.
I Emperor William or Germnny
apcuks sIx languuges IInently , but
wheD bo Is unrgy , unci alJorlls his
cunversatlon wi th profllne eXjle.
th'l'S , bls terrilled IIstcncrs think be
IS speaking In thirty-two Jnnguucs !
IIl1n' oncc.
Gold coins representlnu $7 were
, accidentally dropped In lhc stOY"
by Irs , 'l'homus JUlUes , or Allhwl'e ,
Ohio. 'l'l.1o wOlloy beloutctl to her I
SClIlIlor Hoar 19 11 Jokor. 011 re-
eel vI 1Ij. ! word Lhat n rrlcndVh \ ) bad
bl'CII 111111\10ilCll \ to have appendlcltlG
\Va ! ! liUrl'rIrIK. not from thut al
ment , ! Jut trom IIcute IndlgcslloDt
he rcmarked : UThat Is good newl\ ,
I rejfJlce tl1ut the trou le lies 110
the lahle or cootents rather tbllO:11m
the Ilppendlr. " .
Doubt ns to prayer's 'cmcncy CRn bel
removed by 110 urgulUcnt ! Jut pruyor.
, : Kl'flry farmer hb OWE !
fJ lau.lloN no Ineo" ' "
. - " IJnlullII..hll . .
, ' . : : . "J . S..kllOOtIUIIO
J 1I1"l'lIlullllC lKr 1J'1"&I\
An 1111111 'IIolnl InoNA.ln. . .
" I'J' sLcJO lucr.-lInK , 11'ti.t \
iI " . . " .Ihl a 11m an , exa'III1.Q
G J ! Ichooll a , "I church" . .
I low Il1ul1nll , bhch prlrAt
tor l'IILLI. . lIud Ir"lu IIW ralh\1 , " 811
I r < , 1I1J I oomrnrt , 'I hit II I1IU oondll \ on orhi : !
r.rUlflr lu Wt'ltllfll ' \ \ ' or ) lllnllo
IU .lIdrlult of " , .1111100 \ tiukllowhew.u 110'
AlIIIrlll , 'l'hIlUIllIllJa or A\IItri n' Arllllll" Sf'tU
'there. ltldue IJ fa" ' . Oil . .II rllllwnl ! ror 1a0l
, , , , , I.clI .11I1 'eltler. . Nell' dhLrluLs arc " "In ,
o'IIPI U\l Ihl YUllr. 'I'h. . IIUW 40'P:1K" AUa ,
\ \ t'slflruCllllndllo lellt rrl' " Lnulllllll'lIc lIU. Apply
( < ' . l't' Juy. SUI'L. of 111I11I1 1'1111011 , UltllwlI , CAn. . u < < J
' 0 \ \ " V. 111111111'11. tlllI NilII' Yllrt , Ufe 111111 ( " OIl1
h.i" , A"\ln for Lhe GOI'OrUIIIOIU at Canada.
l'tUUIII : < : ST ItUfoISli\N MILLET.
Will yuu bo shurt of huy ? Jf 80 plnnt Ii
pleuty o , U s III mJ.lJl1l1y I'mllllo mlle
r ; to ' 1'01111 ot' Bloh 'lirty ' . ' . . A.N.\t
I'rl. , 10 I. . . . . " .1101 JIIO I. . . . . . .lI.tJO . _ Fe'all4j '
JI\h. . . .11. " Sr" > I"I "It I , , , tro:1io. : WlI. Q
I , (
i ' I
I ,
" {
. . . , , , . .
. ' , : ' I. \JJ ! i
, , , . . . : .1 .
' "
t ' . . , , . , t .1. . 10\ I I" I t , ' J '
, . I
, , , ' " ' " ' { . . . . ,
I u. <
t " " If I 1\t t .
, , . ' ' ' . , _ . . , . , . . . " ' , , ' ' .
, I' : : . , : ; i' '
I , , I . , .
, I ) I r' '
I ' , : , i'I J. . .
J1f' ' 1:4i N ! ) t j S BJ.ESS'J't ' ( : ' : " ) :
t ,
JIt nlth wm come with nil Its blesslngR to thoHo who Imow the wny , Ilnd It 18 mainly n , question - ' : ' , : I
tion or rlgJ1t-l1vIIlg' , with un too term imlllies , lmt the on'OJ.t ! ! which strengthen the system , .
tllo games which l'cfreslJllud tllo fooils which nourish I1ro Il1Illortuut , each Inft. wuy , whllu II , is , , . .
a.lBo mlvautn.geous to lmvo Jcuowlcl1go of the best mcthods of Ilron otillg' frecilolll from tlllllltl. ! ! f
tltry condition" , ' 1'0 assist nat.ure , whell uuturo needs usslstUIlCO , it Is un hllJlortunt thu.t UIO if :
1llodlcllU1.1agents used should bo of the lJest quullty ullIl of Imowll vuluo , umI the ono rcmedy I
wWch n.cts 1llO t bono.(1.ciu.lIy ( mul plcusantly , us u.lllxatlve , Is-S 'rull of l jgs-nllmufllcturcd hy , : ,
the Caliornla It'l 8yml ) Co. ' ;
With 0. propol' understanding' of the fllct thl1t ml1ny 1 > lIyslcl11 ills Ilro of u. transient clluI'- ,
zwtcr nnd y1cJil prowlltly to the gentie ncUon of 8yrUl ) of ! figs , gludncss nnd comfort como to . t
ihc heart , nOO If ono wouhl remove tllO tOl'por und straIuuUll congcst1o I IlttCluIllut ullon u. cou- . ,
tfIHltctl condition of the B 'stcmt take SYI'Ul } oC Figs und enjoy frcet101n 1'1'0111 tllo nches nnd ;
pnlns , tIle co1da roul hel1dn.chcs und the deIJrCBSion lJuo to Inllctlvityof the bowel ! ! , In CUBe of 'J' '
av.ty orwutlc trouble It is weil to consult II. COIllIJetcnt Ilh 'slcilln , but whcnlllnxut1vo Is rellull'cd , , !
l'emcDlbel' that tbo m08t pcnnanently gratifyIng results wlll follow IJCl'Sonu.1 coole , ration with
the ben.cficlnl cfl'cetil or Syrup of FIgs. It Is for sale by all rellilbio tlruggists. lrico fifty ! ;
cents pcr bottle. , . . .
, . .
The excellence of Bymp ot Figs comca tram t.ho beneficial 1fccts of the llluuts uec'il in the ; ' , , ii' , . . >
.embinat.IDn nnd also from the method of manufacture whlell Ol1SUl'OS Ulat llerfeet llUrity and , j
unltormity of Ilroduc $ esscntlal In u. lJOrflJct famIly hUlltlvo. AU the mcmbers of tllo fll1Ully .
tr m the YOnDg 8t to the most ndvnuced In years mllY use It whenever n laxlltivo Is needed Ilnd Ii
share nUke 10 It beneficial el1hcts. W 6 do not clo.1m that 8YJ11p of It'i III the only remedy of ' . '
known V1l1nc , but It possesses tltla great advantage ever I1U other llUutlves tllnt Itacts g'ently . J '
a.wl plewllwtly wIthout disturbing nntural fnneUons , In nnyfll ) ' , ns It Is free from every ob- . ;
Jeetlonable quality or substance. To get its beneficil11 effects It Is uhvnys lICC,9Ury ! ! to buy the , .it
g6II1Kno nDd the tull Dame of the Co-t'ullfornJo. FIll' 8yrUI ) Co.-ill printed on the front of every
: @JA MIIA 1fll WlRlW ( [ , : , ' ,
San f'ranctICO , Cat. '
( , " j Lou1svllle. Ky. Now York , N. Y.
0 "
r' ' ' " "I '
' - r
1 .
' ;
f't. , / . ,
, . - , .
' ; , ; I" ' , . .
. . ' , . . . . , '
: ' " . - ' .Jo , . . . . . . . ' ' " 1