Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 01, 1902, Image 6

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    ! J T ' ! , . ' ! \ " ' " ' " ' " " ' : " < or " ' ' I
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"rom l.
. , NOR A-&mST t > . .kn" , . . $ <
To Light n
! , . . . . . . " '
OIlAPTwn XX.-Colltlnllcd.1 (
-No , " tholljht Will , IItIl3'ln ; : hla wlllln : :
pteps , "It wOllld he IInfnlr to uk Nol'II.
Dlow. co1I11I Ahe litter n word or conAoln-
.uon . to mother , while Ahe knowA Ann-
CItron : 80 thoroll hl ) ' ; ImowB how Iersillt-
, antly ho lIolIlht her lip to the InAt 1U0
1'Dlnt when he dnrcII to'Imturc Illto her
, : ; whllc , I 1IIIIIpOMe , nl1 the tlmo
II WnII pretenllln/t / to cnrt ! for 'I'or ) ' ? No ,
, fucoe ncrt asle lwlp tram Nora ; I-I
ow " , hnt I wlldo \ , "
1111 IIt < 'I' qlllclcclIOl1 II little In thnt mo ,
rment or reller , Cor he hnd cIIlIght III/tht /
.r his mother , with her nnll In Collll's.
ilolnln/ / : her , IIntl trtldnl ; her other nrm
.Ithln his own , whlll' , In II nnW , nnxlol1t ! ,
calmest timid wnf , ho helsI'11 Celln Jlut tll
" - " 0 RWIIY , ho led them Crom the 1ler to
1"1- / 1\1. mother'lI rllUllllnt rooml'l IIpon thl !
. "nrade , and theft ! he tolll her ot hOl'
4nllIChter'II III1ht , whllc Cella crimI n0011 /
f \tenl , nnd IIpoke'I'I'y Iittlo ; nn(1 ( : .n't WIIH
110 gentle nllll tcnder with the UUhlll'lIY
mother , nnd 80 ( Iult't IInll ( 'OIl1I'I1HHlunute ,
I. VIllt attern-MII , when lrH , Fotlr loueClI )
' \ \back \ to that Hnd hour , Hhe fllncled thllt
Cella hlld IH'en II JI'CII t conHol'r , IInll hud
a 1 l21allo the hnmc nnd 80rrow leslI for both
, I eraelt 111111 Will.
J , It Wllft a IIhort Btol'Y , tholl h the mothI I
or' . tellrs IntelTllllted It HO oCtI , IInll
I ade the tclllng ot It tnlce II long tlnH' .
nrly on the rro\'lou8 mOI'III11Vldol'llI /
! rolter hod leCt homo , IIroCeHsedl } ' to
: IJpend 11 dny or two with II ) 'OUIII : friend
. , . , ho lived lit 1I0\'e. ' 1'hllt IIftcl'nooll , liS
" Willoughby snt wrlUu , . ; In hlK JIIother'H
X 8odalnI ! , while she IInd Gene\'leve weru
i Gut , he hnd roceh'ell II letllr ! trom hlH
, tToungest sister , IHlsted In Do\'er. Hlw
\ . ' told him she hnd bCt'n mllrrll'll on the II1't. .
" Iou. dal to Dr. Nuel Arllllltl'oll" " ; lit the
Church or St. Stephen , In Wlllbl'ool < ; thllt
t the , were 011 their wny then to l'uI'ls ;
i. Ohat Ibe wnft'ery 11Il\lI'Y \ IInd tltIIiI'ed ! him
fI . t.o . ilve her 10\0 to her mother IInll Gene'
.Jllve. Such a thol'ouhly hearth.HII ! IIl1d
4IClfisb letter It Wll8 , thnt Will Ilrttendod !
J &ust , now that ho hnd lost ft , IInd told the
; at9ry In hili own way.
\ " 'Va cnn do nothing , I BUPI'OSI ! , " moall-
MrR. } I ester , at lullt. "Tory 18 of ngo
I ; her tllthlr's will , nnll know the mun
f , . , bu" Willi tuurylll ! : . Bllt you will 1:0 1111
'Gnd lIeo the regllter at St. StuIhen'II ,
I " , Yel , All loon 1111 cver Lord Keston
comr.JI down. ' 1'he law proceedlnls arn
f all over noRnll I rnnC ) ' he w1lbe \ here
II nlght. "
, . ' 'l'ho bnnd hn(1 begun to pIa ) ' nnller the
: .Ier , wheft lArk PO'IIZ eotertJIlllnd wellt
lilowl , along It , & : Ianclllg nt o\'er , tiuro !
( t e met , but with no cnlurntJlHI oC scruthl ' ,
\ lor ho knew ho\v Inlttantly he IIhOllll1
l fleCoulze the term ho Hought whcn he
'eame near euou\h \ to see It. IIIUY e 'eJ
lIollovcd him , Cor ho WIIS not one of tbo
"uuallouuler on the plur ; 11U11 the ) ' IOrow
Qullltlve , too , tr 'lul ; to rec'ollclle the
Glow and lehlllrely IItOp with thl ) e\'ldent
eoncentrntloa or both gnze nnd thought.
J1ut. uncousc1oUI I of uny ! ; Iaueo ! .Iestowed
.pou hll1l , ll1rk went on , nntll nt last , at
the , 'ery end oC the pier , he llaw thllt his
.earch was over ; uod lu his luclden lrent
couteat , all well liS hl8 f ltr ot itMtllni
\ oru , his step wlaclwnClJ Instead ot hnllt- :
Qnlng. So he wunt soCtly lip to her 1IU11
ratood ! fellido hur , wIth hla hllnd on herll ;
C\nd Wough ahe ata rted little , the gra YO
thoughttulDeu within her C'es tiled 10.
t tautly In the lI,1ht oC her Iront joy-a
! 01 whIch she wOllld Do"er ho\'o let him
' boo bnd ho not como Ullol1' her IIDI1\Vl1rel.
,1 'i ' , Ahl dldu't thllt Hturtlo 'ou-tho 11\\11-
ten IIplllllhlo ot the OIlI'S hclow ? Whllt
ghoatly IIt le bOil t to como glllllu" so
I \1U1uxllectcdl \ ' rromlIIller the 11101'1"
Nora said this Der\'oullly : , turnlnl ; awnT
: , i trom 1ark to look dowu UI'OU the wliter ;
, " I lor she had rcmcmhered oow , allll the
" childish teal'1l rOle to her eycw when 11110
'elt how uuable lIbe had IJeun to hldo
trom him the gladl1eslt his coming gu\'e
'er. And 8coluthlH \ , Mllrk IJravely IItlll
( whllo hIa owu lltrolll ; Im11ulll0 : tempted
. . Jalm to IIhatter rC8111tlculy every bUl'rlur
tIotween them ) \'clltrulued the words
"hlch ho know aho rolt IIho tuhbt : not
' .uar.
' "Where are they all , Nora ? " he asked ,
/ , . hia warm , stroug finger : : ! held her
.and within hl8 nrllI. "Ullnullh told tilt !
-I am so & : Iad to lIeo H unah buck In
, our service. darHug-that you werl ) all
en the pier. "
"So wo are , " sahl Norn , ! "TateCul to him
' " 4 tor al'ea kin ! : oul ' th 1111. "hi-III 1I1111 U If-
; : &rd. not C01l10 , thun'i"
\ \ . " .No , sweet. She Is awaltlnc you-at
; , liomo. "
" ; "I do not under tl\DII , " taltered era ,
f 'savinI : slowly ou. "I lll\\'e no holUo. "
, . " .A.b , 1 torgot that , " liald Iark , In bls
t eel , 11ulzslcal war , 111111 with no algu or
.1 ; , , e effort It cost him to alltlIk to Iter
1- ; wltbout betrll'lng 1111 hi heart held ot
! g'u , I1nd care , lIull taudel'uellI. : "Well ,
" 0 must 1:0 nnd s e how tilt ! milltnke hilI ! :
arlilua. Hho curtlllul '
I > told mo to IJrill ! ;
' . . ou home 800D , nod to lIay thut . .ho
, 1\\'lIltud IOU thero. "
" . "She haa beeu'erI , yer ) ' kind to me , "
1. ' 1\1d era , earaestly. "I hOl18 1 tuS ) ' aeo
1\ \ , kt.r I1luln. "
r"Y ou ha vo to hear , IwC'ethol\rt , the r t\-
\ , CiIOU tor her not comhl ! ; to BI'lhtou , It
, ' Sa rl1ther a Iou I : IItor ) ' , aud CUll oul ' Lo
' : ' told at hOllle. . lIo\v sooo will ) 'ou como
. "lth met'
[ / "I wonder bow CeliR hna IODe ? " 111ld
. Norlwoulel'lnl \ : ' wh ) ' llIrk &llole ot
: ' , homo with IIlIch a nuw nutl hRIIII ) ' tone or
, . 'olce , bllt ne\'or Illclislug how hb utter-
, , ' : " 6nl'C or the wortl mlule hur own u 'es
; . "ootten with all I.uexlirolllilbl. " hOIlO IUIlI
r . ' H\al'11IDU8S. " lu ) ' We wulk ou nud look
ior llerI'
D- , S ' .1'hey tuet Ir. nnll lrII. Pl'nnlnctol1
' , ' eutly , but ( 'onhl fillllllone or thu oth ,
' m er ; so thp. ) ' trollell Cl'nm the pier , jnellS'
v ( ine that Cello hutl unthllllclnl . ! ) ' auutlrelJ
t. , bomewllrtl with the 1'.oMIt-t.s.
. CQ " 'J'hen will you tull u. . uothlag , I.orll
tn Keston , until we reach l1llton 1" " nS\t'I ! ]
, , . 'Mra. Pennlugton , laughing ns the ' IItoll
. .
fa : I. ped Cor last look ncro 1I the IIhudow )
" at - ell. "Anll do ) 'ou really eXl1ect UII : tt
: 'Atart to'morrow ? "
. ' b " . "It ) 'OU 1I1 lIse , " 110111 Inrl\ , with rllthe :
: : ; , Dnusuul grn\'lt ' . "I hn" ! ! lilY horllCJI IJI'rl'
? < raDII will I1r\\'e \ 'on lit any hOllr ) ' 011 wll
'f I errlllllo. Perhlllls I.'o ter al1l1 hl IIInthl'
, 0 Will ( ' with . IIH" Gen ' '
'omo 11/1. " Gen'IlH'e Is go
, ; . tr I ! Dc to Purl : ! , Will tellll m , nntl h r HIKIt'
, : 'I. -but 1 CaJI tell ) 'OU thelle ltallll ot newl
J ,
: - ' ; t. ---too"'i - - - , . . = . . . . , , " , "
I hy and br. Nora , will you walk on with
me to lice : \Irll. 11'0sUr ? All , 1011 look
i KO much ! .lotter , m ) ' belo\'od. I nO\'r cnu
he grlltotul enoulllI to the lell ! aIr for
hrlnllnS ( the dlllnt ) rO ( ! 11 bacle , Aod ,
prI.M'nt1) ! ' , when ) ' 011 nlUl 1M ) ' lo"e , do
1I0t flhrlll ! , frolll ml ! , I nm nut lolDI : to
hrcnl , 111) ' word ; ouly , when WI ! IlO hOllie ,
I hn\'e a ! llory to tell ) ' 011 : 11011 tlwu YOI1
will tell JIIe something nbout that love
teHt oC ) 'Ollt.s , I dll rl' S/lY / ) 'OU will IlCnr
lIeo Dr. Armstl'Oog nglllu , "eurl'st : hut
pORslllly we mllY find the lest tllWllcd ,
0\011 In 8111t0 or hlll1 , We IIhllll IICI ! . Why
11I'1. ! 3'011 HtOIlllu ) ? Oh , IH thlll wllel'l )
lrH , I'o\tur , 1III'i UI'Il , durlllllC , I ba\ " ( .
KIlII nOWK to tulw to her ; hut I 11111 not
IIfrnlll , bcclIUl..c I nlll taldlll : ) ' 011 to hI ! ! "
lit the 8111110 time , my own IJIloveel. ! "
Inste/lIl ot Jultllng his IwrHc'I round
tilt ! cottnJe ( when the ) ' I'enl hod lIeatou
nuxt momillg ) Iurlc tooll thcllI thrllugh
the 1'111'1 , to 1If'lIton Plnce , nnd Ilruw tbelll ,
up UIIIIII tilt ! grunllel HWI.Op ! Iwforo tbe
wille , Il1'ched Iloor ot the Hllent old houllI ! .
" : Oorll , IHn't It strlluoe'whlKpcretl /
Cella , In n IIltie ilutter or < ! 011,1ht lIud ox.
cltemcnt. "ihlt I'n 80 "Illd Lord Kt'lI-
tun IH rUIIII ) ' 1I\'Ing here at IIIHtI 11' , I'OH.
ter will bo 110 glacl , won't hl"l See , thero' ,
IIKI Glffllfll III the hllll. Whllt a llenu' .
tlflll 1IIIIco It Isl" I
Tilt. 1.o . . \ . . : who hnd orenrrl the outur
Iloor to thelll hlld throwu open II door 011
tilt ! I'J ht hnud IIlde ot the hell : nnd now
CI1I1I1 111111 Norn nnd lllrlc toilllwud lI11H
ltfflll'el : nllll [ r. nnd lrll. Pennington lu-
10 till' roolll to which It led.
"I thlnl < lunch III relldy tor us , " IInltl
Iark , In hili cool nllIllelsllrely wny , "but
I want 3'011 to IIII/Ire / III ! : a f.w JIIlulltcs
l rst , It fOU will. Wo have II little "tor ) '
to tell orn hero , IIntl I know I1IIe will
lilt ! ! 3'OU to be III'eRent. too. "
lIe hnd drn wn UI' 11 couch torIrs , Pen-
nington IIl1d Miss Ulffnrd , but Nora hall
wlllklHI UII to the wide , low \\'Inllow , alld
stooel looklllg out thoushUIIII ' : reUlcm-
! lorlng WII ! thnt thlll WII" the "ceno ot
thnt little wllter-color IIketcII In Hncllnel
Carr'lI cllhlll , nne } recnllln , ; thnt one dny
when [ nre ) hlUlRelr hlld tol" her the slIIl
legonll or this house. WIIS ho going to
tell thlll fltory ngllin to-duy ? No , Cor
Mnrl , ani ) ' IInld :
"We thlllk that In this room we clln tell
) 'OU the end at the story hetter tI\1I11 In
liD ) ' other spot. Norn , tIe ) ' 011 rememher
It , or do 'on wish mo to tell ) 'ou an '
Ilart lignin ? "
"Oh , I remember quite , qulto well , " 8hl'
"This wnll Arthur's room , " : \Inrl < Hnld ,
"I will clIII him Arthur stili , beclluse , III
) 'OU know , the title l1enr realbed : him.
When 1 first came hero ( I Willi 1)lIylnJ ; n
, "hIlt to my uncle then ) , thlll room WUH
fillet ! wltb hi ! ! mnchlnery , and chemicals ,
nnd n hundred IIpeclnllnll ! or his odll
tnstcs nnll purllults , IItlll 1 hl\'estfcntet ! : ;
o\'er .thlnl ; ; Cor lIueh work IInll lIuch experiments -
periments hnt ! n zcst for me , too , At Ilist
one rln ) ' I mnde nn UIlt'Xllectet : ! diHco\'er ' .
I nl'ell not tell you now , Nol' . 'fhnt will
tIe IInother time. I fouull that thllt one
CreRro-just nbovo your h I'll t ! , lrR , Pen-
nlnton-l , tlell Into the willi with u
sprln , nnd , when tllketl awn ) ' , 11Isclosed
a tin now , Hecret stlllrcllse. 80me tIn ) ' ,
orn , you will climb It. I can tell you
whnt I Counll , just n8 well as Jr ) 'ou hnd
Heen the little turret room to which It
.10nllll. "
I As Mnrk 8poke , Hitting oppo lte orll
nt the window , he rnrel ) ' nddresllcd Dny
ono excellt henclt ; bnt the . . .Icnr nnd his
wire Iiut IIsteulng qulotl ' , nnt ! did Jlot
"cem to wonder wh ) ' the story should ho
tolt ! to Nora.
" 'l'hut turret room opens to the hnttll'-
ments' b ) ' n trap door , which cnnnot ho
stlrrel1 trom wIthout. bllt which cun be
ollenetl tram wlthlu . . . .lth"Cry Ilttlo tlim-
cult ' . In thl8 dim little room I tound
0110 or two thlllls whlch-Jrt1tlllnllr , I
think , not nil at once-exclttd : It . .trllno !
SIlSIlicion In my mlml. Il'lrst , I found i
whut seemetl to me the remnants or an '
I ohl bnlloon ; but Iresently I dl8co"t'red
thnt the whole bnlloon wns therp , only
cut Into pll'ces. Th n I tound portions ot
a n1l\ll'8 dress , au oml' ! ) ' bottle , dry CruHtl
ot bronll , nnt ! torn Lleeell or pnlll'r. l'or
hour , orll , I have snt In the gloolll or
tbnt secret chnmber , tr'lul : to bring my
\0"110 urmhJes Into shupe. I seelllud to
lice so much , nnt ! ) 'ot , wlUn ! I brought
what I 8aw tully Into the light , It dwln-
dlclIllto \ 10 little , Cor wnnt or the key
to 1111. Goln ! : hnck lignin nUll aln/n / to
thnt IItory at Arthur's SCllpl' , I lrew to
teel quite sure thut ho hnd , b ) ' meunot
this little bnlloon which he hnd hlm-
lIelr con tructud , retunled to thu Plnce ,
111\11 tnlon reCuo ! III this unknown room ,
trom which , one da ) ' long atterwnrd , ho
muy Hnfeb' hn\'e escnped In dlRlulsc. Cnn
) 'ou Collow me , XOl'l1 i"
"Y ( 'II. "
' ' 'rhougb I see thnt 10 plnln-
I ' , thuI'o were stilI , na I 1I1t . , greut glllill
where 1 could liut ! uothlonntl ; I wall
oblhld to wnlt , only wntchlng eurnestly ,
Il'Ht thu IlIghtl'st clew IIboul1l'escllpe me.
But whllo 1 willted , I 8ellrchld well tor
uuy trace ot Arthur hlmseIr ; aad lIl1s
GltTnrd mll t reml'mber well how , lome-
tfllll'S , I w nrled her with IllIel1t1ons. "
"Yes , 1 1'ClllemhcrlIsli : Olffurll 811111.
Bllt IIhe unKwcr 11 Inrk's Hmlle wltlt one
which WitS O\'l'n { : ru tctul , al well Itl trau-
tlull 1\1\11 cOllt nt.
"But she 1I0\'CI' hohlet1 me In the 1I11Jht-
l'8t , " Inrk wellt on ; "she Willi too 103'nl
to ht'r oltl rrlend , nUll too Culthful to her
III'omlse. At IlIst , NOI'n , came thllt tlu ) ' ,
when I wall Ijulltlltontd 110 1I1It1l1t'nl-1
I will uot t'l'ellll thnt , " he ntlllell , hurrlelll ' ,
wh 1I hu sa \ \ how thc ( 'olor left C\'IU her
Ihlli 1111 thllt e\'l'lIluJ ; Willi IJI'ollgbt befort'
her ollee njlIln , "Arter thllt the title
\\'IIR mine , nlill tbe power to act. You un-
tlCI'stntlll , sweet , But thou hl'llln lIIV
IIt'nl'ch Cor ) ' 011 , lIud the olher Bl'lIreh wa' , .
almost COI'utt n-lIhllost , 1I0t quite , tor 1
hllll mnt'hh\Cl' ' lut
Ilut \ motloll which
I wOI'ICII 011 whllo my OWI1 mllllr3'-
Ol'lwc wilt I'IIS8 ' thnt time h ) ' , aU11 I
r will nlll , 'OIl It ) 'OU 1'Clllellther tullllll , ; 1111'
IIUO tluJ'-thnt IIr14t Iln ) ' ) ' 011 were nllow d
to willi. to the little ch\lt'rh , nUll whclI I
lIIet 3'OU thel" how 1I s G IUnr11 Irllll
lo.h'I' " 'Oll 'our lt1p.IlIdlie III Ilt'r Ii I l'11 ,
e14 , I lOeo how ch'III'ly 'ou t'l'lIIt'mbcl' It , "
h $ a cd , tullowllll : ber gra tcrul , 10vIuo :
- -
' " 'ilSy" . W" > .7"'r" ' : ' - I"
Klnnce ItcrOBII at Mills Oltfnrd , "Nora ,
'thotl ! ' 1torl1i or ) 'o rll IIbtlbfull' "bMe1t w 111
put Into my hnnd the 1(6) which I 10 loni !
had wanted , I WOlJt at once to Milt
Kllte , and told h r what I tancled , I han
no tenr ot her r eutlllg ttt1 wordl or dll4
eredltlnlC ) 'Ollr , unl1 Ibo listened klndl ) '
811 I kne\Tlh would , , wbatenf' paln'the1
COllt her , " .
"She , too. " arhlerl Mark , otter a little
POUIIO , while bill warm , clear glnnce rell'
od on MIlia GlCflll'll'l foce , "had nevel
be\lc\'ell \ In A.I'thur' " "ullt , only It hnd nU
heen 110 1Jt1'lIn o to her , .0 utterly loox.
1)lIr allle. "
"Hut-but IIho did not give the olon.
( > \11 III her 8IecII. "
'J'hl WIIS01'a'1I wbillperod crl , AI , b. ,
cro sed the rool11 nnd bent to killS ! lUu
Glffurd's' IIhnklug ! Ipl. Dut nrk W9ut :
00 rer ) ' qull'tly , 001) ' turululC hll eJ' 1I nil" .
owuy tl'om her.
"She Cfueled at once , 811 I dId , ' tbal
this wus tilt' 80lutlou or the m3'atery ; hut.
011 a HUllpll'ion nnel lurmlso , thnt knowl ,
edge mllst hu\'c hcen klpt In ollr owu
hoartll , Norll , tor the tllIlDg WOllid hl1\ " (
done no good , aUlI QIII ) ' Iioined her IIse
10Ilsl : ) ' . But , In her rcnl dcslre tor jlls ,
tlc'J to lip rlonl' , lit nn ) ' COlit to ll r/elt ,
Hhr. Collowed up till ! c1W ! , anr ! Ilt IlIlIt.
tempted 011tentl3' nud hllllCrcclltlblr ,
: 'I II II Ulffnrtl'lI old Inlllnll IIl1rSI'-fou
Imuw tilt' g\'Jltle , J ; Illd old WOl1lnn , Nero
-cnnt'c scll all thnt Wi ! hntl heon unllbl ,
to mllke clenr. Shl' , Hitting fll cpllll ; hi
till ! outer roolll thnt nl ht , hnd nWllkened
jUHt III tlrne ! to lieu lwr younS ( mi trclIP
1I0ur tbl' dropallll IlIIt the glnHi'l ' to ohl
I rH , Hn"fI 111111. It hlHI only t/lltcn two
or thr'e lIeconlls , nod bt.fore IIhe couill
tl'ncIJ the Iwd lIfiJ ! Knte hnd IlIIt dowD .
the l'Il1lltf'Iul untl retlllwn her 1IIIIce hLM
sltlf ! the bed , '
" . \ Cler thlll conft'IIHlon , " contlnuell
: Inrk , " II ! > s Grrfal'l ! at once gave me the
clew to Arthur's wht'rl'ubouts , , and Wilt
fllr more andous'UII ! , thnl1 I waH tbul
jUltlro ! : IIhoulll lit Inst bl ! donll to Ilhn , leI
the eooCellHlon cost III \\'hllt It ml ht. I
lioon founll him , Nora , nnll hrought him
to BlIllnnd , while Ir. Do'le n d mf OWD
Rollcitorllilaved the wny for 11S. 'You ' wlH
lIot undcrstllnd thnt quite yet , I dar
IIny. I nccll not tell ) 'OU what Arthm
hnll thought , poor Cellow , nil this tllJle
Pm'hap8 : 'III8s Giffard Is rIght , and h (
r\nll ! ' must hn\'o suspectcil llOr , frtl ! ,
lI,1alnst hill will. It Is hard , . Illdeed , t. .
think how else he could ha'e.accountel ;
Cor the 'nct ; but he hllll not told mc
" 'hen , vo reached 1.011110n we found thlll
Dr. ArmHtrong hnd 111111 his plnns , too ,
Cor our relurn , IInd wo hlld IIOt been nil
hour In Bnllunll bcCoro Arlhm' WII/l IIr.
rmllell. [ y dcnrc8t , tllrD ) 'our pltlClI1 e "el
awhy tor a few minutes , 'l'hl" purr 01
the Rtory I hllte to tell 'ou. Armstron ; . ; ' .
c\'illence wall rejected us , , , orth/ess. / 'fher :
the old n3'al1 made her conCe Rlon inI
clear , strllightforwllrll wa ' , which mnd'
It doubly com'lnclng ; nnd lIss UI1Tl1rI1
hetHolC did the relit , Xo need to tell ) ' 0\ '
nil thllt pussed , or hnd to hI' looked Into
Hut Arthur left the cOllrt a tree mnn
nclcnowledgl'd innocent ot thllt old crlnu
whost ! "hlldow hnl ! so long relltud on hh
liCe : and , . ; rateCully IInd hopefully he
hroushtSII : \ ( Giffard IUlek to her pellce'
tullittle cottnge to rCflt. li'or It bad b cn
II tr 'lnj ; time for her , orn : aud for that
It WUK thllt she IIta'od from Bi-I&hton .
wlilm 'ou weDt. "
"And I , " snh1 Norn , wondcrlnsly aUl' '
sllllly , "faneled It wall becllu/C she Will
110 tired ot me , after thc great trouble I
had gh'en her Cor so lon/ : . "
"You should nerer func , , " obHerved
ln rk ; bu t he lowcred hili e'es tor 11 moo
ment. " orn , tnleo 3'our thollghtH bac\ \ ;
ngnln tor n Cew minutes to that ulht , s'c
loti , . ; ago , for I want to mnke It all cl'at !
to you. Thllt blllloon I Bpoke or Will
malle , ns I thought , by Arthur hlmscll
In thl" very Teem , 'l'he IIlan at escape ,
b ' It ! ! menns WIIS his own , but It could
not be done without belli , nnll : ll1s Glt ,
Cllrd helped him and Iellt his lIecret ; I
neell scarcel ) ' tell 'ou how It WIIS mnn ,
ngoll , hecallse It wlIIlrow so c11ar to you
prcs ntl ' . lIe carried the hnlloon dO\\11 ,
to the bout house on the lake shorl ) I
whllo :11188 : Giffard , In the turrl't house , :
Blowl ' unwomul the cortI wllOse ethel
end WIIS IIUllchel1 to It. Arthur 1IIIIkinG
deep toot Inlnts In thci snow a ! ! be wcnt.
On tll elho : of th wllter' ll . mnde the
mnrleB which next ntorl1ll1g so 'thoroughl ) '
mlslml the lwlic\ ! , Then Crom the root 01
the hOllt hOllso he entered the bnllooD ,
throwing his eont Into the lnke , nntl Mill.
GIffard tllrned the " , tlcel nether ! wn ) '
now , nnd grIHul\l1 ' hrollgbi the IIttl bal ,
loon to the tnrtel I'oot. ' 'l'he rcst wn
\'ery soori dOl1\ ' . just nH I uled to flee II
nil. The balloon wne wanted no moro ,
IIDII 110 was destrofed ; toad and II dill'
ult e were lloon procured , and litter .
time , when nil susllclon wnl ! dend , IlC C1I'
cnped trom the old house /lnd lett En/ : .
IIInl1 In snfety. Bnt he hnt ! u fllr reutel
trouble than jio'Vcitrn1ll1I have that te
toll ) 'OU , too , orn. " ,
- ( ' 1'0 hI ! ntlnnCd : )
UnCXleotetl Atlvloo.
Some t1lno ngo a 1111111 lIrcenttd ! him
solt before the 1.I\'el'\ol \ mnglstrntel
with the followl1lg tl1lo : ' 4
"Me nl1me Is Pntrlck O'C0I1TIor nn' I
Un's nt - street , n I' I knpes hens It
my cellnr , but the water Illpe Is burst
! tn' m ' bens nre nll drownell. "
" 'YolI , m ' gool1 Ulan , we cnn do n'oth
Ing tor 'ou ; 'ou lu I 1.IcttC'r nppl ) ' to tIll
wnter COtilPl1l1Y , " WUII nll tilO nd\'lc bc
A tew driys Inter the snme mnu.'np
l'l'nred with lrCl'lsel ' the 8nme tnle.
"YO\ were Ilero n rew I1n1'S n o , 'nnl
we I1d\'hwd I , OU , to o to tbQ , water w
pl1n ' . Did ' 1'oU ) t1o Roi"
"I II Id , 'el' hOllors. " "
"Autl wb t ldey Bn ' to you1"
" 'l'he ) ' t01d mo tol.alo ; : I1uclcsl"-r1on
don ' ,1.'it-Blts. <
no lInt ! IIIIJ Hl'siIl1H. .
An olllcer In ono or thu gngllsh : : rol
uuteer 1'C lmNlts , who hnll m/Hle / him
8elt oxC'el'Uu I ) ' UllllOlIulllr with ; thl
meu , wns CCI1IIIII : , hOl1le olle e\'l' .lnl
wh'n bo RIlPI1ed nutl fell lute dl'Cl
wuter. j lIe wn l'e clllt1 with grl'at ! lIt
IlcultJ \ ' IL Ilrlmtq ' Ih hIs own reg , I
'l'he ot11cer wnli llrotuso In his expre
I.\ons \ ot rntlt\I'e , ntltl nslell his "pn
" ' h h could l'cwnrlhim. \
1il1"r w . ,
' ' 'l'he 1I ! it wn ' , " snle\ the 60ldlefj "I
to RIIY nothlns ul > out It. " , '
"But wh ) ' " nslell 010 olUcer , II
amllzement. . ;
, "B cnuse , " Wfi the l > hmt rl > ply ; , " 1
the' rellows Imew I'd vuUcd 1o
out lbe "d cbuck wo Iu. " ;
, . " . - ,1' , " , , ' " ' ' U
- -
. . , . , . . . ; . . . ; " : } f O'P"f" ' ; " " ' : ' ! " ' : ' " " " "C '
. . . . . - - -
- - - - - -
The rotatloll of the earth determines
the lenth , ; of the dn ' , nlld llIuy lie reo
nrdecl UI Olll ! of Ute mOllt hnllortnllt
elelnenbl III IIstrolwlI1lcul science. It
IWr\'ell 1111 n unl\'rlllll luenHurc of time ,
nnd forllIll the RlullIll1rll of cotJtllnt'lson
fot" the l'evolutlolls of the"celmltlnl hod.
le , for 1111 uJ.ell pnRt untl ; to l'Ome.
It Is llrollO wd , to project a thlttecn ,
IlIrh Htr um of lI ht from thc'tcu to th
Ilk ) ' , which } VIII 1.Ie , 'Mlllc l'ort ' milcH
1111 \ ' . 'J'he"electrlc IIJ.htfl on the IIJhl.
IIhlll' now 011' Dll1mond Hhoul call only
he Reen thh'teen mll . 'l'he Heurch-
lI ht 11IIII11I/\1UII ' will be urrllnged lie-
tweell UI ! ! two ; ma8thcacJ , 111111 the roilIng -
Ing of the IIhlll will produce u dtlllct- ! ;
1\0 \ \ \'crlu light to be rellected from
llll ! Hky. . '
. \n ImplJt'tllnl anhoullcenimil wnll
Intelr lU itln br I. . O. -iioward. the Uult-
I'll 8tlltcs ' ! IItolUolo jilt , of the 11IH < . ' ( ) \ ' -
, 'I' ' or the IUIIg"IIOUghi orlgln.ll , hn1.lltut
or thl ! SI1I1 .JO-lI' : scule instct.i ' 1'bll'l WIIK
! 'oulIIl to lie tll Chluu , In the l'e lon to
th ( > HtJuth ot' the GI'elit Wull. 'l'h scule
Iltsect11 II1'e 'ed upon h } ' U IIpecies
lot' Ind\'hlrd . heetlr > , lI\'hlg exnmpleA of
whlcb.ha "e heen IJIlPOI'tcd , to he prall.
l1 ntell nlHI dlstl'lhlltel1. ' " -
PrOf'HI\Ollul \ dh'crs , wbo rl'muln un-
dm' wutel' from t\\'o to Un : lullllltes at
a Ume , Ul'l. ! IIccustollle J ; ' 1.Ieforc lIub-
lIIerglllJ. { themsel'e8 , t 'luke deep in-
Hillmtiolls fOl' ten minutes. 'l'he ol > Ject
lit said to be to Rtore uJ oX ' , Jen , not In ,
lhe IUlIg' cclL , hut In tlw hloOllcot'JIulI- :
cles..t'l'hh ; l'Jucrs n temlJrurJ' ( flUS-
ponslon of the breathing 1I081:11hle : hy
Hupplrlng' tw corpuBClell : wIth an extra
Ilualltlt ' of oXJ'I.\'en. \ to be exchnng'c
chclI1lcl1l1. } ' with the enrhbnlc ncld , pro-
ducell by'Itnl procctses , hi the blooll.
On the loftleNt tuoulltnlll In Germun ' ,
the ZU HpItZe. In the \\'l1rlnn Alps ,
! } , 7 fcet abo\'e Ren leyel , 18 n Imllol't ,
allt metcoroloJ.lcal obser\'ntory , which
11:1 : occuplcd nil thC' , renr round , but In
winter Is cut off from conllnunlcntloll
with t he lower carth Iwcntwe of stimus
thnt lies troy the telegraph nnd telephone -
phone l1ne8. R'ently ! n wlrC'lesa tele ,
g't'ltpb Instnllntlon (11I18'been ' mnd ( ! nt
tile ohservntory , , c nnectlng' It with
the postolllce at Elbsee , In the vnlley ,
thl'eemllcs a wny. , The obser"er In his
lofty perch 18 tlms mne Independcnt
ot the atol'ms , tor tHe wind has no ef-
fcctIllOn the etbereal wuvcs that carry
his mesRnges , :
A recent chemical exnmlnntlon t the
blnck clcpoi1lt , resC'mhl1ng boiler nle ,
thnt hns fonned to a tblclmes8 of three-
quarlers of IIn Inch \l1Hler the copln of
the b J'ustrncJe sut'rouudlng the "Itoue : ;
Gallery" at tbe base or the clonic of St.
Pllul's Cnthedrnl , l'e"el1ls the urlo\ls
fllct' thnt It Is esseuUnlly a. el1lclnm
sulphutc cI\lected from the nil' . III two
centuries the smoke "find ases from
'f..onl1on ' ehlmneJ'8 ha\'e charg d the
mlns with sulllclent sulphurous und sui-
phurlc' ' nel 1s to cover the stone with a
I1eposlt tlmt strlldngly esemble8 cnlen-
reo\ls tufa It Is thickest on tbo'unlter
sl e ot the coplng because ot til 1lrlp- (
ping ot tbe rain' . ' , i I , ' . i' ,
A Dnnlsh engineer , 'n/c : Yost : of Copenhagen -
penhagen , hnR Invented a p1'o\l'lIer \ tor
Hhlps thnt aftmnpt.s to "Imltnte the 'ne-
tlon or a fish's tnll , an comhlne drivIng -
Ing with s'teerlng pOWfr. . Rxperlments
are Raid to hnve shown that the ne\v .
apparatns , wl lch IR"cnllciJ the "peudu-
huu propeller. " lve II ureatet' drIving
thrust thnn docs the flcrew propeller.
whlll ! ItR steerlnJ. { 1I1)lIItJ' exceeds tlmt
nttulnnl.lle'Vnh : hyln-screws nnd helm
to et1ier. The great lfnculty Is with
the eUg'lne , for , with present fOnuM of
engInes , the : welg'ht or , the , , drivIng
mecbaillsm , ' Is . t06 . . , . ; re : t . to b , ,4- ; pracflcn- I
lilo ror stempsllps. } The oscl1lllting I
, blade ot the pendulum propeller Is
plnced at the stern ot the flhlp , In the
position or the ordfnnry' rudder , with'
Its 10nJeRt nda vertlcn1.
DeUef In Some Qnnrters thnt Dlnoln.
tlOIi Comell ' ' ' 'hen the'Senft Go Onto
Is thcre nny necesSary colmcctlon between -
tween denth nml the ebh tide ? Do the ,
soulB ot ml'n more genernlly paBS away
wIth the outgoing wntors1 'l'he Idell
cxiensh'elY pI'eval s nlong the coast lu ,
En lan IIU America , nm1 nm .unts tea
a pOIIIU'e conviction among sea-furlng
peOIle. Death Iln the tide IH'O
expected to go'linnl1 In hnn . it a man
Is lIugerhlg' In a sIckness unto death
the nlmlll1nc Is conslt1ted und the opInIon -
Ion Is expressell thnt he wi " " out
Wll thc tide. " ThIs belet Is so char-
acterlRtlc ot sencouHt communiies thl
tiP novelfts hn , ' ( u8 It with good
'In e of theh' most
efect f dmmntc
sltunton's. How tar'trom ' the comm9n.
) ace Dlclteul removcd the dcalh or
Bnrlts by the' emlloyment of this ) op'
, ular Idea. " 'leR : aloln Ol\t with the
tile 6nl\\ \ [ r. Jeg ot . to me"hehl11
hlR Illud. , h' ( 'C : were lm nutl1 : were
h' . Ieggo\tY'8 \ , hut I rClleute . Wl h n
whisper : 'With the tlle , ' 'PL'fpIQ
nu't nlol the const lal Mr ,
( ' 11\
. ,
PC g'ot ) , 'cxcept when tle ttc's Pl'ct-
t ' ul h out. " Anll IS 1' . Pcggoty
, snld o I wns.
Oddl ) ' ellou h. fame color Is gl'1 to
I the Ilolllnr Idl'a h ' tle deaths of ( U
, mnrt.'I'o:1 : PresIdents. 'l'he hellr ncr , - -
r Wlt so fnl' as to Inclllc . hy
( .dclh
I' uClhlC'nt \'Iolence , und uev ( ( , In Inctl
\ ' ' In 'cnses ot Ilt\ll -
\lh'C'rsIU ni Ils-
Klilutun. I WIS onlJ' thnt mcn In
, ClcrlfD' ' slclmcss ani 011 nge , go hI
' 11t mannm' . 101 It woull he evi-
I \1l'nt to th lul\st c011lrohcnslon that
hi the COl'80 ot nature e\'cn thN'1 nre
, 1U)1 ' l JUona to the rnlo : anl thnt
,1 1111'Jlt nm1 murder no moro walt 0J
Hie Ute thln the tl10 wnUs rOI' nll1\ .
t 'rhe Ienth ! or .I.lucoln , tor InstnnccIas
so only n' fo\v bours
\ : ' mtc , ' . ' tom , to
- - - - . - . . - - . . . - . . . .
- ' " : . ' " - " , ' . .J",1 ; . - V " '
dlschnrge ot Booth's murderous JhtoL I
'l'here was no grad al waRUng awnyl
ot strength. no prlonged l torvl ot
receding vitam , lenee lte InOu-
ence could be expected trom the tde ,
and yet It W1S neary ) low tde In thE
lattude ot WURhlngton when he died.
In the CRRe ot President McIlnley lhe
circumstances were a lto more favor-
Ible Cr thlnl Interterence. A weele Interposed -
terposed 1.Ietween the shootuJ ; nn,1 the
cuhnlnnton In death. Anll he went out
with the t II e. At the tmo of dcaJh ,
2:1 : n. m. , the tde wnl about halt ebh
mt the Atnnte const In the Intmle ot
Uufnlo. He becnme uuconacloua just
before the tut'n or the tldo and thro
nnl Il halt hous nferwatd expired ( 'n
the Ktren th of the ebb. 'l'he cnse ot
Gnrleld nppronC'hc more nearly to
thut of n nnlurnl event He ln-
ercd on tor months atter the ratal
shot. Hope nnr despaIr rose und Cel.
'rhe spnrl < ot lfe lrlhtenml Ind dim ,
med again IIII again. But at last he
also went out with the tl1e. When he
Iled nt 1011 ; Blnch nl 10:3 : : II , m. . I
\\'nR dCII low wlter ulolg' the , Tersey
8hore. So two tt 10lll : of the throe
P esldentR who have falle : hy the
hand of , 'Iolence ha\'e In conformiy
with the old 1.IcleC Jono ont wlh the
thle. Is th'lo nny sl nlfcnnee to theNI
fnts Or nre they only colncld ( nces ?
-Ho ton 'rmnscrilit.
lroul of the lrnrmcr thlt 1Inn of the
. ,
Lotc , Are ! 1nrrlct.
At Inst there nre more blchelors than
spinsters In thl8 country. 'l'he feml ,
nIne porton of our ommunlles wi
bl' much Interested In this tact , which
Jms resulted from the census of 100 ,
ow , It has II wnya 1.Il'on popularly sup'
po ed thnt te splnHtorR predoml1lu t-
e. nn.l this CUIeJlt helef hal been iS
a , thor& l thu side of woman , for the
' existence of n bnchelor rellnl1'e ,
for the Intelligent curloslt ; of the gent-
lei' sex , un explanntlon. Wllwut the
oXIlnnatlon , he Is In hhn elf , a I
wete , an eloquent reOecton 'upon the
charms \yomnnldml , and eVlry wom.
nn In her own peron l'esents IL slgbt
to the ' .
: that the cenRUS ' 18 cleured the
Ilueston oC fl lle statistcs , and thc
rtsldunl flct r malmJ that the lmchel ,
orl predominate , It becomes Inclmbent
1110n us to Ihlulre why this Is 80ud ,
the Inquiry Im\lug scurcel. } ' ptcemled
beyond the Urt ftntement ot the case ,
wo tnd , as C'er. thnt womnn Is the
gul partyl 1101 wih the known In'
consuquencc ot the sex , It Is she who
Is consciously and voluntarily l'cspon.
Rlblc for the prcdomlnance of the un.
married mnn. We lear thnt the fnsh ,
lonahlo matron delbertely him
Ilr lIet-thnt she hns 60 '
Ilerformed the rie over him that his
SllclQS hns been sepalted Into kInds ,
of , vhlch "the corncr man , " "tbo dnnc , '
Ing mun , " "the dinner man , " etc. , etc"
are the besl known and most cnrefully
cultmted , 'arletes. So blghly con ,
sldered nnd 80 acth.ely In demand , so
wined and dined , are tlse populll un'
married men , that theh' pelsonal ex.
peilses nre'reluced : to a minimum , Ind
thry hecome , among men even as the
IIe8 ot the' 'feld. ' They nre , so to
speale , the supernumerrleB In the dra ,
ma ot le , to bo engaged ns occasion
requlreR. AmI womnn , dear , del ht ,
tul ; Impetuous , Jenerous , b\t unrelect ,
Ing w mnn"ls the stage mnna er who
Is h lst by hQr own petard.
'Whlle. tberefore , tbe census ot lO
'posesses ' for women , ns we have Int
mated , unusual IntCest , It Is also re
plete wltb tbreatenlug pOlbltea
wbleb must give her pause-Hnror' ,
Dalzel Uns Stae ) 'rJcht I
nepr s ntat\'c Dalzelns discover.
cd pachlS uneasiy up an down the
\aya nnd' ' ) moans , cmmlteo room 10'
: ,
Uy .
c "Whatn 'he umter ? " nRkell neprc i
scntat"o McCellan . , "You seeU t. .
be ner.ous.
"I nm nervous , " repled Mr. Dalzel.
"Im going t speak on tbls Phippine
tarif bi. I nlways have stgo' frIght
tor bours betoro n spech.
"And thnt reminds me , " he cntln.
ucd , "Y l'B ago lrlsldent IeKlnley
and I W re , 'nltng at a hotel to be
drlvcn to a hal where We Wc' bth
nnnouneed to spenk. lr. McKinley sat
culmly smoking his elgar , whllo 1as
pnclng up an down just us 1 nm
no" ' .
" ' : lnjor : I 8ald , 'don't .ou e\'er get
len'ous befoeo spealtng ? You are ns
cool lB n cucumber , and Im lS uer-
vous n8 the , 'uledlctorlan' ot n
laly s semlnnl' "
" 'My dent' Dnlzel ' he rpled , 'the
dlference betwcen us Is this : You hnve
ot yom' 8peeeh In your hend nnl Ive
Copltol. ot mine In my poclct.Washlnton
} ( Ant Have lorfoH , Too'l
: ot long ngo'l ' 111'ench UXpIOl'UI' , ,1.
Chn 1'lls :1 elt"en , In t1 yelng tu'ough
Slum obser\'cd I speces ot smul lty
IllS which We'O new to him , 'ft l l
' ' them tl'om
le notcel among
tIH , to , hte an , .1 lt ) .hlch
was much 111 er than the . olhels IUt
moved nt a much swlrm. piCH , Inll
( nch of tllbse largcl' nuts , I. Ielsseu
! aw , Il'B elu'I'lcll pne of 'll' ' gmy
11\S \ m Is 1.Iuct : 'l'hls dlsco\'el'S let
, hll tQ watch theh' mo\'emets closely ,
, le soon Inw thnt while the main hody
of gra ' ants wns nlwa's on foot , the3'
w're nccomllnlice h ) nt lelst one or
' own sort mounted on one M
t1h' twsu
Inl'JC' : uts.Ie mOllcd Ilnd d tnclld
hlmclr nownud ' tlU fl'om the Ile ,
rode rpltl ' 'to the hl'nd , enme 1\\f ! '
. to tl ( r'nr , au(1 ( fcnld to ho lu
cormaiH1 ot llo QXfcllton. : :
'A young perSOD mny Inel , mg'y
wihhh : ; tt b\y' ! Ipcpl , . pt be 1
au , npIItlo lo . enjoy ! t wbcu a
elven . ' . ; ' < . ' 1 _ " ' ' " , , , I <
: I
- - - - - -
, .r" I''i' ; " "i . " . I
, "
UKI Crouetes.
Chop tle whltcH ot six bnr-boUe
eggs' fue wIth oue-hnlt can or Bluab
rooms. which sbould be draine rre
trom ni lquor. Mnsh tle } 'olks or th I
eggs through n press. SClld one plat
of milk : ru1.l together uutl smootb one
tnblcslloouful or buter nU two Of
10ur , ued to the scalded mik , an ( .tk
uut It lhlckens ; add the yolks or on
l'V egg and the whites nnd yoleR b
the boied , Iggs , mushrooms , and 8lt
anc Ilepper to tnRte. Str quickly nn
cnrefuly to ethC' tnlt fl'om Uu ' , n
nud pnt a\n ' to cool When thorou b ,
Iy old , form Into c 'lIildrlcnl croluetC j
dip In e g nUI hrcnd el'Ul1.l1 unt t y 1
sloklu hot fnt , Gnrnlsh with parslq
and ser\e.-'Inble 'rnlk.
. J
French J'.rlcd Pttltoes.
Peel potn tOls. cut Illto ! tl'IIIR nm ] JST
thee In Icee wnter for It leust nn hour.
Drain n1111t dry Iwt wecn the folds era
a clr > nn elHhtowel , that should Ibsor
e\'ery dro ) of moisture , lnve ral1y .
Ietle or del'll fnt 1.Iolng hot. Tfs
thll by drOIllluJ. { II a 1.IIl ot the potlto
It Rhould rlsH to the top nnd hrown 1m-
mCllately. Pnt lu lh ltntoes. fry tD
n olcen brown. d1ln frst In u hot co-
nndel' . theu 8hlll.e III tssue pnfur befor
trnnsferrlng . to a hot dlRh lned wit a
nllpkln. _ _
Aplite Ptllnu.
Peel , core ald slce two JoUuls ef
good cooldug apples n11 stew them t
n mnrmnlnde with a'cry lte wntC
to pre\'ent their hurnlng. n strip or tW'
ot , tillJlly peeed lemon rind or a lOo
"anln or two or three cloves Iu ] sn l
to1t ste : t.ln 1f out the ta\01ng and ,
1.Icnt up the npple pulp wih two wen '
hen ten nnd three ounces or wnr. -
el buter. Un "e reacJy a paste el1ge
pIc dish , turn In the mixtue and buk
ti the pnste If done.
Rnlftln UrclHt.
Scnl ] a pInt of mi. unl bent Into U
a t\aHpoonful ! of melted 1.Iutlr nnd one
of nlt When ' the mixtue Is luke
wnrm hn'lt a 'enstcalto dlsHolv
In hnlf-cull ot warm wlter und heat I
enou h Oour to mnlt a eel buter _
Set In n Warm room to rlje for cllht
houts. Bent hnrd. ull I eup ot fou
nlld worl. In n CUll of huh'ed and see
ed rnlshls , plentfully drod OI wih
four _ Iet : ; to l'lse untl l ht , then bn
GlnJor CnkC.
Cream a cup or huter with two cups
of sugar. U1cJ a cup of sour mik. tbr
'heaten eggs , two teuslloolltuls o
ground ginger , U teaspoonful of cInnamon -
mon anl a teaspoontul of soda dt
solved In a lte boln ; water. Now
str In just enough four to make .
very sot dough , rol this out IghtI
cut Into sbnpes and bae. Do not rl
the dou h thin. nH these Ire cake D
naps of cool.les. 'I ,
Chil Cn Cnrnl.
Chop together six smnl rcd pepp
three garlcs , six bay-leaves and thre
tomatos. Stew al together tweDt
mluute. Now add a pound ot leaD
bef that has been cut Into cuhes an.
simmered In tut for Ofen mlnulC
Set at the side ot tbe steve and ste\ ,
genty , unt doue Season to t
' ,
wih In Ben'c
10m nm ! Chicken Bnmlwlbe8.
Into n pInt of col ronst 01' bone
chIcken cbopplo'ery fue. sUr n cup
ot mInced hnm , season wih u rew
mln ed olive and moisten wIth 8tlad
01. Add whie pppor to taste nnd
'preal letween thin slce ot cru8t
'hlte bread , .
" butered Igbty.
Nnt Bolnl. /
Sbel two dozen Engllst1 wnlnut
throw Into 10lng water , leave tor fT.
minutes , then druln and skin them.
11 the Ice unt very cl : nrfange 08
letuce lea "es und l1en'e wIth
I l"cJ
or MayonnaIse dressing.
Fried Smoke Batman j
WaRh , 8Ik nl11 parboi the 81100
as In the tormer r'clpe. Wipe vcry drr ,
I rol II egg nnd crncker dust and st I
a cold place tor liD hour betore rryln ,
In hot Inrd. Sene wih snuce 'l'nrtal
Sn = etons for the Inu ewlfe.
Don't boll mik for coffee. Iculd : ; It.
Don't put l > uter lu your retrlgerto
wih tbe WrJllln s ou.
In bnldug bread It Is heter to overdo
rtier than utlerdo tht , worlt ,
Dou't kecl ) custards In the cellar
an come open poisonous \tsel , 'l'hey nl'e la1.lle to bl- J
' 1'0 gh'e the IlIest Ilolsh to glass , wasb "
wih slightly molstelled newspapers and I
fnish wih dry ones.
Sa\'e beeC marrow trom soup boncs to
Idd to Ruet for PUdlllls. Marrow f
' delcate thnn suet.
I Brooms flhoull be washed oren
dried , ntlll tumedlln thclr
' ' \lln hantle&
i 1'lwy wi sweep eleluer null lust
Butter crocIs which tempt
woull th
most thrlCy Irt of delt wure. low , and
n tch In shape , ! Ul a1.ldolutely nl.
t ht
Croclwry ornnmented wih ImIHI 1
1 !
or ! ! sholhl be \
Iglre washt1 quickly
I and drnever
cJrlnNI wlllCd , eVCD t
I with n ser cloth.
I \inrgm' nHl I'l lenvcs wi efectu-
nll '
cll'un '
I dls'ol\1ton nnd
, ruses which \'C
In'C cut
contnlnel -
ers. IIISC In ltlr , cold wuter.
I , , too Brown much 8\11' sui hnH Is 11 let.1 anttote put to snIt soup t-
I 01''e ' '
I'llhll 01' suurc a , ltte bl'owu
IH nr Bhpull h ! Hlnt11 In , nnt the dIsh
l wl bccowo QUJ W ltAIl "Wc , W c
" ,
. , . . . , . , " .
" I . .