Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 01, 1902, Image 5

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, \ \ : : : : : . Store Sense for Sensible People ' /l
' . , . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. -
: ! ! .t-m" : : : , ! ! : ! t.'t. : l 1t. : ! r : 2. ! m. : 2t 1NJt ! m : i : r-- - - - - - - - ' - - - t !
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t t N
! t RRECT Storekceping has dcvelopcd
. l cO into a scicnce. The elcmcnt
W of chance is climinatcd so far as the t'ela-
} i . tiOIlS of buycr and seller are concerncd.
" . . . . . , , i trhe scicntific plan admits of but enc pricc
, if for an articlc , and that the lowest possiblc un-
I f 'j der the circumstanccs. 1t makcs impcrative the t
r. ! rcturn of monc ) ' for thc return of goods , and
I.'j. lr . , - shodd\ . ' goods have no place in a storc conducted I
! 1i-4 on this plan. 'l hc progressivc mcrchant knows
j ' that in the long run it pays to havc a liberal
l Q policy ; that profits of today are \'cr ) ' insignifi-
F } cant compared to thc cumulativc results which
! j
come from ycars of honorablc dcalings with the .
i' j ; I. pu btic-a good reru ta tion being worth merci
, i . & than gold to the merclmtlt who hopes to hold
.1' "
1. . . . i the lead.
. ' i . : ; .
. ' : " , > . - - - = = = = - - - .
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t r ! III Silk Waists. \
" " I. , . , } (1) . .
: ; . . Thcrc's sotll.clhin very
' i UJ \ smart mill slyhsh IIhout thc
: : . ! j : silk wllisls hO\wht " lit . our
' .i : ; slore , thllt always grnllf cs
, t , s the wearcr.
: \ \ You can buy Childrcn's Hosc for JOC Weganl Silk Walsls al
! t in IIny storc , but our lOe hose IIrc full 1-3.00 , $4.4 ? , and. $ .1.95. '
1-r1 ; J I1cmt lful or Mc.r-
: . \ " scamlcs ! ! 1I1111lc from long stllllle colton , ccn1.cIl Salecn 'Vulsls 111
: i allli arc gUllralltccll to he cCJual to any Sl lchcIl mill ApliClUC clTcds
{ -.1n 12 C hosc ) 'OU eanl nd. in hlaek 111111 cvcninK shl.1I1cs
; ; ut priccs vcry low for such
: ! . . I bcantlful goo < < ls : $1.15 , 1.65 ,
l.oii ; tS a.vcry populllr prlCC lo pay. for $1.751111I1 $1.90.
: "p' 15 C a l\hsscs or Boys' nhhcc1 stocklllg , " " " " " " ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . .
: ; hut Oltr 13c ( Juality is finc grlllc , J.llIlIrfl ' ) 'I\\lor \ Suits.
; long fihcr , hcavy , , 'clghl. UoIr Skirts.
: , . , . Sorosls U1I11f1r Skirts.
.f , : l JlIlil1 : 101111 ( ' ) ' "lice Strlll,11 lIoSHJI'Y 111 Automohlle Wr IIR.
i1 RClls and 1I1acks at lo . 1\llIsIIII \ UIUll'rWl'nr.
15C Soc.
t" , " - - - _ n.n.nnn . . . ' " ' . . . . . n ,
: i ;
' \ . " t Terl itorial Map of the United States
. . J ize 4.tx S inches , nicely mounted , together with a his- ,
, 1i1r ; toncal re\'lCW of the samc. 'l'hcse maps arc very complete
' ; ; r and will be not only an ornament to any home , but also a I
; ; t'ij daily instructor to thc family. 'rhese maps are published J
latqina i ur ona uit t I
: .jj
And this spring 'Ve are Showing a ; r
vcry Strong line in ull departmcnts. ;
'rh. : Pow-oar of .pot CAsh I
can be scen herc , atHI our polic ' of enc f 1
price alike to aU insures our fncnds of
the faircst treatmcnt. Mot1crn 'l'ail- t/:1 /
oring has raised the standard of Head } "
Madc Clothing until ther dilTct' f1'Om
thc madc-to-order garmcnts simpl ) ' in pf :
price.Vc ha\'e on di ! pla'y an cndlcss p
variety of striking Ncw Stylcs , made , I
after the. latest nppro\'etl models- ar- n
sites , Cambridgcs and Millitarr 8acks , ; H
Slum , Stouts and Hcgulars-mostly f
made up with patcnt , Non-Brealmhlc ,
Fronts vhic.h insure pcrfcct shape. fJ
tl'he'a iety IS as to allow aln est # '
unrcstncted chOIce. ' 'l hc few pnces f.
. ? quoted here will givc ) 'ou an in cx to n t :
the stock.
: . : I
, , . . . . JI
' , - : ' Mcns' . All 'Vool business $5' 90 a
. , " : . SU1 sa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . I II rJ
. n
. Mens' Fancy Chcviott J
. and worsted Suits at f9 40 f:1
OUOOIBRomwClO11UNG o" $6.50 , $6.75 , $7.00 amI . . a
. -u1.Wi\UItCE. WI ! & . " .j , )
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Mens' AllV 001 Black . : r ' 1
C . CI ay 'u ors t c ( 1 S .t S , j\ \
190. 0. . . . . . "
: : nnt1 and Square cut 6 90 i
: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "I J
. . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gran l Arm ) : Suits , gocl f
weight , hnc 111atenul , J '
, sell at kind 12.00 that to $1..50. nl a'ys S9 75 f
Our price. . . . . . . . . . . . . . i.j. U
'Ve re showing a great
assortment of all H.le f r" :
popular weavcs 111 t
l ancy.V . orsted , Scrg- . I
es , V1cunas , ' 1 weeds ,
Diagonals , Meltons , ij '
etc. , at 8.90,9.90 , 12.50 , W , !
13.00 , 13.50 14.50 , $20 00 nJ
. . . . . .
and 11P to. . . . . . . I m
Young Mcn's Suits , agcs
14 to 20 , ill all the popular - ' . . ' .
ular and fashi nable ;
weaves , such as Dlack \ r' '
Clays , Imported.Chc"i- W.I\ \
I atts , l ancy Cassl1ncrcs , \ D
ctc. at such prices as . f ; i
3.25 , 4.25 , 4.40 , 4.50 , 9.75 ;
4.90 , 5.50 and up to. . . m
. till
B oys' 111ts , 3 picces-coat , vcst and Q .
short , pants-ages CJ to 1 ( " in aU popuf f ; ! ;
la styles , at tcmpting prices per
, SUit 2.75 , 2.85 , 3.00 , 3,25 , 3,50 , 4.75 , hi
c . I
Little. Fellows Suits , agc 2 to 8.
. ' . . , _ N bb.y 1902 Dcsigns at Nobby little Wi
1U 1lillllJ301DWi prices : 1.25 , 1.50 , 1.90,2,50 , 2.90 , 3.00 , n
' 'WI" 3 , 90 , 4"5 , ctc . t f : ! ,
. . . . _ _ _ _ . . . , . . . . . . _ ----1 r
' - - - - - - . - - . - . - . - - . - . . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . . -
r ! by 'the manufacturers of ' " 5 * Shoes , alld wilf be given
l away frec to our customers for a very limited time only , or as lohg as present stock lasts , pn the following terms : Any enc
& bu'ing shoes to the amount of $5.00 at anyone time , for cash , will be entitled to a Map FRItR.
, ; < ' . i . . . . , EVERYBODY KNOWSor , shou1t1 know , that we are headquartcrs for shoes of all descriptions.
\ t \ , s _ .000000. " ' " " ' ' . . n . U n."n. . " " " . _ _ . . . . . . - " " " ' ' ' ' ' - - . . . . . , . . . . . - - . .n. , . . . . " . 00 n. . n. . 0000. . . .
' ( ti ? : Housc clcaning time is herc with all its p rple ities , pleasures nt1 tales of woe. Our hou c furnishing dcpartment will
, i soothe your sorrows and make you glad that spnng bme comes once m twclvc months. Beautiful Carpets , Elegant Rugs ,
it . . Dainty Lace Curtains , Hich Portiers , Clean Mattings and Lynolcums , Spotless Table Linens , Napkins and 'rowels.
! I : , ; . ,
' '
t 4 Doors North of w. . . . :
f. f.l ; ' . . . Broken Bow State Bank. WI LS . . , N J I DRAU E .
t j . \ :
. . . . , . . . . : : . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , . : . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . ! " , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "o\III . I "oI " ' . " ' . ' : . . . . .w , . . . , . . , , . . . , . . _ . . . . . . . ,
. ! ! ! '
: ! "
. 1.Uf. .
f. :
e..P.fJ.r , 1ff m
? ; J \
" , ; : " , ; , ; ' : ; i ' ' : f ' : : j l' oI' : " ' , ! . ; : l''Ct.l' j ! . / ; : ; -t" ! : ! i : : ,1 ' ' ' ' . .l . . ! . ! . i : . : ! fli.i , : : , . ; " . , . : . ; . , : .1' ' . ; . . . : . : . ' : t. ! . . j . . ; : . ' 0' . . ' : ( . . : ! . : . : : . i , I. . . : . ' .1'PoI..L. : . .t.i. : ! ' : . I . ; . , . . 'iI..t ' ; . ? . . : . ! .M. : " n'tei'4 ; : , i.'t .Oil. J.L . . . . Hii"'Y . " . . . . . . : . ; ' ' . : ' . . ' : ( . , . " iat- ' : . . ' . . . . . . . .7 .f. _ . H .7. . . . .
Ollc-lIalf RlltCH
Omaha aIul Rclurn ? lIay 2 I , 22 and 23 ,
, i Vw Burlington Ronte.
Slate Encampmcnt G. A. R.
Ask the nearcst agcnt Burlington
Rontc. 45'49
FOR SALE-Five acres of laud
" in good state of cultivation adjoining -
joining Brokcn Bow for $200'1
Inquire at this officc. 3-27 tf
For TIIO"C 'Vl1o 1I"e , 011 Iral'IIIH.
Dr. Bergin , Pana , Ills. , writes :
"I have used Ballard's Snow
L1l1imcnt ; always recommend it
, . . . . . to my friends , .lS I am confident
, there is no better made. It is a
dandy for burns. " tl'hosc who
I Ii ve on farms arc especially liable
to man ) ' accidcntal cu ts , burns
and uruiscs , which heal rapidly
whcn Ballard's Snow Liniment is
app1i d. It should always be
kept 111 the house for cascs of
emergency. 25c , 50c and $1.00 j
at Ed. McComas' , Drol\Cn Bow
and Merna.
Are vou inlereslel in lhc nlg Horn
Basin f Wyoming ?
Its a rich hul undevelopcd portion of
: I I or1hwestern Wyoming. 11 contains
, marvcllous openings for small rsnches
along good streams In lhc vallcys , wilh
enc million Hcrcs of gm'crnment land
, . open to scttlcmcnt under the Vnnite
; , Slates Lanl Laws.
" Thc l\urlinglon \ Routc has juSl pu lish.
ed a fohlcr dcscripth'c of thc Dig Horn
asin. It is illu ! > lra1cd 111111 conlains UII
. rasin. !
. . . r- lccurale map. It tells ahoul the la } ' of
I 111l' lmul , characler of lhc soil , products ,
yield , irrigatioll and ) .
If you'rc inlereslcII , Jcllcr wrile for a
cop } ' . It's free. J. FRANCIS ,
Gcncrall1asscnger Agcnt ,
42'50. Omaha , Nehr.
. . - -
Via UurlluIton Rou Ic.
To nllJings , Mont. . . $15 00
To Cody , W'o. . . . 16 75
To Hc1cna and llutte. 20 00
To Spokanc , Wash. . :22 : 50
' 1'0 l'ortlnnd , TacoUla ,
Scltlc and Rossland , B. C. 25 00
Abovc rates will he in elTect cvcry day
in March and April from Missouri river
tcrminals IItHl from near1y nll stations on
thc B. & 1\1. R. R.
A wontlerful oppor :1I1Il.r lo visit the
'l'he I1ig 110m Basin of Wyomlnl { is a
counlry of great rcsourliCs IlJUi now un-
dc\'c10pel1. It has jusl heen madc lie. i
cc ! > ihlc h ) ' u ncw linc of the Burlington
Roulc , aUlI prescnts lIIuny attracllon ! ! lo
thc h0111cscclc1" ,
! toMcr on Bi Horn llain ! free 0'1 ' re-
Cjlll' < ; t.
For tickels , rules , or allditional ih.
fnmatlon apply to nearest agcnl , Hnrl.
ington Route , nr wrile to
Geneml Passenger Agmt.
35-46 Ou aha , Ne r.
Scnd me lhe adllresseil of } 'our friends
who might he induced to move lo Ne.
hrnska anlll will mbil them our new 48
pagc hook descriptive of Nehraska's
agricu1lural resources aJUl its unhound
opporlunitlcs. 'fhe hook is iHuslralcd
with Nebraska fann sccncs , nd is sup.
p1emenled with a sectional map of thc
stalc. It "ill he1p bring any home.
s ekcr lo Ncbraska.
J. FRA-CI9 ,
Generall'assenger Agcnt ,
44'50 Omaha , Ncbr.
.nd KAal" City Journ.I. . . . ' 1.2
cpublhan and Inter Ocean. . . . . . , . . . . . . 1.51
, epubllcan .nd Twentieth Century. . . . . . I ,6
Republican and Globe.Democr.t , eml.w 1.1 :
epUbhc.n aad Stat. Journ.I. . . . . . . . . . . 1.8 :
, epucllcan and.Nebraalu' F.rmer . . . . . . . 1.11 ;
, publlc.n .nd Lire of HtKloly . . . . . . . . . . 1.5' . . ' ,
. - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - . - - . . - - - . . . . . . .
U. S. I..nnd' ' Office.
. . . . . .
JAMES WDITEnKAD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Regt.ter !
Lt. 11. yOUNG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Recei'er
AU ndnrU.emonh under 'bi. head will b
charged tor lit 10l'ai rah , vl& : 11,00 per square
for nr t iu erlion. aDd roc per .tuar lor eacn
IDb eqootlt In er"on.
A " ' 1)11"11" ) 1ft Un IInee or fracllon Ibeno , .
In Iho Dletrlct Courl , OUltt'r ( Jonuly , Nrhrllka.
iI. L. Urlllltb , Plalnlld' , n. Obarlc8 . Moore ,
] 'Ira. ' ( .barit:1 B. Moore , hi. wife , Itd OJara . . .
LYford. ilefeudrnt. .
'I'D Charlell E. Moore 104 Mn. Cblrles B.
Moore. hit \\Ife. Non-Fnldeut Delenrlauu :
You Plld nch of , ou will tlke DOUCt ! tb.t on
Ibllll b day or Allrll. IXI'l , WI'II.'oruey
for the croet petltlonor tu tbe allo. . 811t1Ue\ .
tlon , SUed , , 'crall bill I" 'be Jlstrlct Ooult of I
Cnler COllnt , . NtIIlrok. , alllln.Cbarlc. . . .
lIoorft aud .Ir . Cbarles E. Woore 1If. wire.
defendautl , the objrd pndlrafer of wblcb cro. .
petltlou , are to foroc' ' ' > > e a cartalo I.ood 11& 'he
Mum of leCOO ) glfon b , I"rluk II. Coller ' 0
Clarence . Park. , co''rlog tbo lCft' of .eeUOD
2i , townlhlp 16 , norlb of rauge 20 , Co.ter 1lUlltv : : ,
I'febralka. 'fbat tbere1 now dUll UPOII , . .111
bond anll mortgute Ib , Ium of I ; < ! IJ.CO wllb 10'
tereat at 10 Jlor een' per Bnnllm ( rpm tbo 2111b
dl7 of Yay , 1002. And tbat ttl. , , , h ( , trlher duu
to Jeer crull ! petltluner Mpon elld mOlrltJ v , tlie
lum of'ICO.OO for tUti plld ulld r pru'hloo of
laid IDOrlaRO ; , upOO 18ld land.
TOU .od eacla or you are-rtqured ! to aolwu
.ald croes petition on 01 before Moodl ) ' , the IlIlb
dlY ef lIIa ) ' . 1002.
Daled till. IItb day of AprU , lOO .
AUy.for OeoE.CadwehCroli l'eUtlooar.
To whom It may concerD ;
'tho OommlulonerappolDled to view a raid
commenting at tbe Soutb eut coroer of it1UOIi
16 , lown.blp III , raDge iR ; tbeDce rannlDg welt on
Secllon lIot ! abollt aile and mI'e ' fo In'lraec'
wltb the laid Ollt rord from We 'ervlUe rn
An le , . Aba colIIlD nciDR at tbl Pontb weet
corDel of 8Ild . ( cUolll : : . , town.IIlp 16 , ralllte 16 ,
and th n funnlog DorLb on Secllon 11110 mile 10
wherA Iho IntellecUon of uil1 pUblic aDd laid ont
rOlld trolO W , , , eIV1I\8 \ (0n.lev. . hu "portt d In
' "or of e.tablllhlnl ( a part 00 .U U.e tioctlon 110.
rUDPllljf ealt aDd we t and to II j ct th" pat t
rDntiDg norlb alld SOUl II Ibereot , aDd all objec.
tlol1 'herolo ' , or claim' for dam'IfCl , 1II111C lie
died In tbo OounLy Clork' . oWce on or b Io'
Il00U of tbe Nlotl'enlh ! day of JDue , lPO : : or nrh I
road will be I'lltabllilled wUliout , eferellce i
tbereto. In Wltnc. . Whereof , 1 ban belol Dto
fe' my b'lId aud eeal .t . .Id count , . Ibll 2111
da , of Aprll.I9OJ. G . W. DwaT ,
( SUL ] 46-18-.3 CoontOIerk.
Job printing at this o ice.
- . . . . . . . . . . - . -
" , . . . . "
" j'o" " ' '
"I'r , .1ff' :
I , ' " " ' ' ' , ' , , . . . .I . I' , " .
- - -
1\OTIl' & Oi ATTAOllMI NT.
0,11. lIotl4 will lake notlel ! Lhd on lho tGlb
da , ofIIIch. : . l\IIrl. \ J J InJlor a Jn Uco ot tlla
IH'noc or IIrobu 1I0lY'ro'Tnahll' , C'II.lrr crunt , . ,
! 'brllftkft , h urd an utller of dtarbrnen' tor fill !
.11111 or "n 00 lloti IlIlorrRt In .n IIotloli IINulln/t /
befnre blluherelnJ. . ( I. IInohnrlf' 1ft l'lntlltilT
/Iud O. IJ. lIeth.IUctentlAnt , thM IrollOrly of
Ueflllldalit cnll81Hlnlt III ono .nlt ot clolh8'Aft
/lttachell IIIl1ler " . .11orller \ hy ( lnrnl hrll I'ro-
eoellhllft In Iho hallth nf N , ( IIolm lin"'l hi'lI
Io/lhl Clmeft wa : cnll\llluc'lItli \ ' the ISlh : tIa ) ' at
1\111) ' . IlJrJnt ( 10 o'clock a 11\ .
Uall'tlllhl. I.llh ! Ihr oL\\'rll. IP01.
. . n. I \ . , W\IIWLIC. \ PlalnUlT ,
10.48-fol 111 UOI.CO\l1l 1I110 . ,
11111 Allolllr8.
III the ui ; ' ; i-ct Co-t ; ; ; ; 7. . " t ; : \ ; " Nhik' ; ; ; ; ;
KlIuh lh 0011I1111 , l'l.lnlllt ,
V . }
Mllh'III" ( ) .Oulllllnjtham. IItlll , ncrrnlftllt .
'I'n IIUh ) ' ( Jllllllln\hnlll.Johll \ : OlllluhasllI\ml\\'IIltl'r :
11.1\1111. : , 1II'nr ) ' A. OolllllA , Alleo " 1 , 'olllnA ,
Mnry I , C"IIIII , IClllerlt I . IInkl'f , JOllnlo 11 nil or ,
1 .lwlli 1' " K"rr. Allnn Iturr IIIId Ionloltcrr , Non.
Uo.IIlolll DorllnllIlIlJ' '
\'ou nl"I"rh or you will IlIke IInUrC' . lIlnt 1)11
the 3rllll11) ' or A"III1H , lho IIhoo nlmH',1 1'111111'
tilT 1\Il'll \ her IImonlll'll POUUOII IlIlhu 11I lrlct "ouft
CUftt'r COli lit , . Nfhrn k. , 'l.alll@t Oll aillt carh
or sou 1\1111 olhi'r IIt'f"hllt , , Iho ohJeet lUll
l'rllJtr ' Of "hlch ftllhi l'rUllnn IIrll 10 fOIl'clo e A
corlniIlIllOrl le ex"rulul Oil Iho Illh ilnv of
"I'rlll ! , hy Ibo lIeMul"llIIlIlhlll , < J. Cunnlnlt.
ham ( In her Ihen nnmn of 1\1111,11111 11. ICon )
i llwlli U. I\-rr. Wllilor O.III \ ! : , lUlu both 1\1111 (
1I1I111I"nr7 . \ . l'nlllllP , to 01111 ' 1'IIOI1lM COllllor
UI'IIII ' fho N\llr\f \ ! ! , HI' Nutl. ntIl1cllon ! Z. ! ,
IhtN1tt ofIt'cUn" ! : ! : rlhn I' , of tlwa'l1 Hntf
of Hocllnll 2:11.11011'1 : Lhn Nn1i or 8'cUOII ! . ! tI.lnJlIIi
1'own htJlItNnrlhor : 1I" " t'I ; , WeRt III llulOf
rounly. htJlIt\ \ Iruka ; Mhl IIInrllrllJlI : Ivell
tn ' 11OlIro Iho of II '
ory 11010 clorull'l hy ICorr , I ( II lIu.1
001111181'arllll'r ' CfllllIIIRcil nf the Mhl 1 ll" III
It. Hurr , Walh'r bll' (1111 ( 111111 IIcllry A. efllllll . tfl
tbe Iht ' } 'holl\o , COllllor which IInlo WAft ilall'll 011
thu 14th day of Atlfll , lSU'J. 1111.1'IIS tor tht ! 1I"i ot
' \IOO.U ) IhlO 1111I1 J1A'Ahlu 011 thn n..t . IIIIY of Mny ,
IIIIH. uot dfllWllI IlIlere"t at the rllt fir ohht : Jlur
cent I'fr ' nU1I1I1Irrulll MIlY ht , lIur , UlitII , , , " .
1'110 ) llalnUlT I 1\0' " Iho uWIII'r nllli hohlt'r of nlll
note 1'1111 th" IDOIIKII U ocllrlnR the )1'iYIII""t of
thu nlUU ' 1'lmt 18 lIuW dul' lit Iho illltU ot
tIIllI of Ihla l'itlUolI , , 111'011 PAhl ) ' IIlIle
Inclulh"jf Intereet $ 'Jill\llXl , 'I' ICU' 1ft nl n lint ! I
Illalllllll lor tUII" l'Ahl hy her 111'011 rnlll rt'RI
, "Iatn ff,3.00 : for which 11111I1 wllh IIIIIOfi."t t"'lII
Ihl llalo , illalllllU IHIIY@ forI II co' rOe , thllt ell It 1
1II0rllllllI.I ( bo tora'olll e.f . , the iloff'llllnlltll be
drcroed 10 PlY 10 111allllllT Ihe ' " ( ) lIIlt duo 1111011
uM murllla u lIululllf'l11l08ft.1I1I11 tor IIluti I" hi ,
or thM aaM ""r.mlY ht' "olti M u\lon \ OleCII.
lion by tllu eherllt of ( 'lUlcr couol ) ' , Nohr/l@k" ,
lIud Ih" I'roccolill IIIIJlIIClI to the I'nymullt nf the
nllloulit loullil duo to thu 11111111tllf. You ullli
each of 1011 lire rCIlIlrlll tn 1I1I lVor IOn' ' " ) lolltlol1
on or bdoro MOIIIIIY , the .111I1 , IllY of JIIIIUlr. \ / ! .
Jlalcll thIM : l3ul till , . ot ALIfIl , UUIJ.
1i1.IUIIKTII COI.I.IN" , 1'lllutltl.
43..4 - 3 IIv U. ] . . { IU'l'r'UllloNI ' 1I0r Atty.
' 1'0 wholllit IIII1Y eOllrern :
A Iletllh'l1 IIIPII",1 lIy ( lco. W. ' 1'1111I110. Ollll ,
ha bO 1I nle,1 to VIICllto 1rllllll cnll.lllollrlllg lit
the nortblVo@t corurr of pectlnll UI , tnwII8hll' IH ,
rllll e 11 , rltlliling thellco CII"t OliO 11\11'1 to ( 'Olility
lIue IInll tl1fmhl"lIn lit nonhell"1 corner of uc-
tlOII .14 , towlI8hllll:1. : "IIIIO 11 , has ro\orloel \ III
fll'or or 1110'lIcllIlIlI thereof , IIlIli oltjp'Uona \
theloto , mUftt bo 01011111 tht' cllllul ) clork.11 uillee
Oil or butoro nllOIl o thu 121h Ihl ) ' fir Junu , IIIO' ! .
or RIIOII rouII will bolcfttell \ \ Ilhollt rrterolleo
thOlclo. III wllllcP" whorcot , t hRVu hrrl'tlllio
et mv bnllli amI 8"ftl of AIIIII ronnl ) , Ihlll : ! Ilth
IllIr of Ill1rrll.901. \ . UIO. W. l1K\\\ ' ' ,
011.17.47 [ HUI. ] Connl ) Ulerk.
- - - - -
' ' . IJHN'l' IJIn'ItNIJ.\N'i'I. .
NOTICE 1'0 NON.lm ) . \ : .
III thu Dlelllel COII\1. Cmler Connl" , Nchraakn.
U. IICUIIIIII , 'I ; ; Co. , l'lnlnllll ,
\'R. }
Hnloort,1I1II1 WIIII8Il1l1lln ) ' . ) ) " ' 0I111nIl18.
Uobort lIell , J r. . DUll Wllllnlll Hlloy.lloft'lIllllnlR ,
will take 1I0llre , I hilt nil tllo 61111hy of JlIlIl\ary \ ,
A. 11. IDIIl , the pllllllll'f ' 1IIt'11 118 petition 'n Iho
III Lrlot COllrt of custer COllnty , Ntlhrn lm the
object Ilid , lrllYl'r nf which Willi 10 oblnlll II I\IIJ \ : '
lIIont III thlll COtillty 111111 Rlnlo 1IIlIIIIIRt "nhl
tlrlelllll1l1lR IIllOn h.IIIRcrhLuf II jnelrmellt ; .Inly
alld tCRularlv iuul'11 hy J. H. Itvall , Ido jll811co
or the pencil wllhlllllllli tor IMln'n ' ! , 'tilillty , Rlnln
or JIIIRol@ , for the RIIIlI of $ IH , 70 Wllh III Jlor
COllt illll1fl' t thereon I ronl the ru"I'"Y ' of AIIRII t.
A. n. IIi00J. 'J'lInt Oil IInhl 11th III\y fir , IIIIIUllf ) ,
1002.1110 ) ) llIllItlll l11e.1 I\n nlTpIIITlt tor nil uNlttr
uf IItllichrnentllIel r rl\llIlnl cillo hulolll'l1/t : ' / 10 the
dfterlltllt , Hoben lie ! ! . Jr. , towlt ; 1110 NUILII hair
of the 8011111'1'1\111 IllIallor 111111 th , ' Nouh onRt
( Ilinter of the SOllth.wr.t qunllt'r Rutll 110 ! lontll.
un t 'Innt lor. of the IIHlhwl.11 ! 11unrler , IIf "ectlfln
fOllr (4),111 ( ) lowII8hlp tOlldren III ) . IIIIlIh.II1IO !
twentollo ' 21h WI. t 11I11 1' . 111.I'IH / AU.nholl ,
III Rahl nctlon 111111 hy "Irillt' nf Nllhl nrllcrur "tlnch.
1II011t. 'I'll III. un108" you aupOPf nnll nllRlVer Pllhl
pnUtlon Oil or heforo the ' ! Jth IllY fit MJ ) , A. IJ.
I { ) ( rJ , tile nllrLRtIUIIII tllorl'ill 1'011111\1'(111 \ ' will ho
IIIkollU8 un' alill Ju.IIIIIAlit . ; rl'IIlercllllcrlfIlln , ly
1\Illho reel n lllio IIbOVIIIIl' crlhc,1 will ho olll tn
IIlItiRfy UHI MillO 11111011 nt IIro ulI lIuw , No.
brll@ka , Al'rll ll th. IOlrJ.
11. 1I1 I"tAN , t Com'A"- .
I iIG 11)1Attorlley \ I.I'IIA MOItIlAN.
1U > A ) ) NO'I'ICI .
To wholll It I11I4Y concern.
'l'bt ! COllllllt Rlouer ll1Inl/lLrll / to v It. " n pro.
11081'11 roa,1 , Ilulltlo/ioll / fur hy fI , 1\1. Hhllllllhl ,
"Ial. : ( 'oIllIll ucl/ift lit tlIlIlh ! co"L r/.rllrr fNllh
WCRt H , :1:1 : : AIII Huulh wI/at COl' II or or tonlh t' , , t If
/It'ctlO/l\1. / : : \ . 'I'owlIHhllII : , 1111111:0 : . Ihc/lcu / IIln.
nlnK onu mlle 1I0rth on ! I II It t'r.ltolllJlllI. hRR rr ,
l'N"11 III f'ivor ' or the "Rldillahmcllt Ihoroll' , nnel
nil ObjCCtlflll thurt'lo. or ehlln , " fUfflplII goa. IJInat
hll f.h.tI ill the OflllllLy ( ) ( Olll' " ol1lcll on or Ill'foro
lIoon or Iho 10lh Ilay fit Juno , H'U : , or " "ch 101t,1 ,
will hI ! rslnllll he,1 , wlLbont refefUI\t'1i Ihorelu
III Wllnen WIII'r of , 1 h"vII h"rrllilio " rot my
bnmi Bnll Ie III or rolll county. thlll 21 t fillY fli
AIIIII , 1002. ( ) &o. W. JJrWIIY.
[ UAI. ] 4 4S-.10. COUl.I ) ' 1lork.
PIIIII'.1 . HllltCH 1.111111 OIUto , ,
IIrokon lIow , oh. , MllrchO : Ilkr. ! . f
Notice l Iwrohy j..VUIi . thllt rchlu Wolla for
hftlr" of l'ullk 1' . W'II. fir Wllworlh. " 'ohr , , kn.
hlR nlrd noUeu nf IlIlclitlolI III lII"kn 1111111 Ilrool
hoforo fIlltl ter 111111 rrculvor nt hla limeD In
II roll on lIow , NelJraRkn. nil HlltllrlI ! ) ' Ihll : lr,1 II'\y
IIf MIIV , IIHrJ , f > lIthnlJl'r clillumlllll1cbllnll N. . ,
7W7 tor Ihll No Ijnllr'Ir ' or pocllnll " 'II. I , hi
'I'owlIShll' Nil. III , IInrlh IInllgu Nil. 20 W ,
110111111I0' IIoR wllul'rIPa :
Wtlilurn I. IlIrlOllt of 1101111I1 YIIII"y , Nohruakn :
= C1blllloy ChllJlllllln or HIIIIIIII YIIIII'y , N'hraakn ,
1I'flUlk ' Uoly flf Wlliworlh , Nohras u ; J'rnnl :
ChrlslY or Wlliworih. NohrllRkli.
.11.\11-33. JUUII'IIITKIIUII : , lIo..IRlor.
. .
, ' . ' - . k .
, : . "
" ' , f' ' ' : ' ' . ! It.\ , . , \ ' . . " . . . . .
fi i
Unlled Rlaici r.llnll OffiOf t
I.lnc'1Io , Neh. . AI II rob OO'I 2. . f
NoUoo Is h'l'\b , ! llvlu thllt Ihe followlsg nllmed
.elLlor hll 1I10l'"otlce of his IntcmUon to make
final ) uoof 111 , ulillort of hll cll1lm , and tbAt .ald
1f0111 "Ill be 1111\110 lIoloro J. A. rmonr. coonty
] ' " 11t1l nt Irokollllolf , Nobr. , rll MAY , IOOJ ,1111
J Utl ! A. OWEN tor thn 8\Y , 8e .15.'Q"oA' :
No. 11\.1:1 , 11011111I1" UIO tollowlng "ltn08ll08 to
NOVII hi , ronllnn..nR . rOlOlllooco 1I110n anllouill. . .
tlclll of. " 1IIIIInhI , , I. . , J"nuno TlIllor , of 1Iro1on :
IIIIW , Nohraskn ; rmnn Cllno a Urokoll Dow ,
' ' John le\llo \ , of hrokoll 1I0w , Ne-
hlllRklll C "lrlc 1I0well , of llrokon 1I0IY , o'
All ) ' I'unll who ,1081rea to protelt 8Rnlnst the
nllnwllllco of Iwh proot. or "ho know. of an ,
.lIhUanllal rOU40Il. nlltlor the law and the rnlfllia.
flons of the Intorlor 1161'IIrimolll , wh , Ruch proof
ohollltl not 110 IIlIowell. will bo ! : Ien IIn opporilln'
Itr lit Ihe nlll1\11 lI1"nullnri , tllIIO IIn\ , to
CIO "l'Xalllllio Ihll wltnoa'M of II.1e1 c Iraco ,
IInll to olTer evlMnco III robullsl of tba' RlihanlU.
' 0,1 hy r1nllllRIlI. WA. UnlcrN.
.H' ' : tJ. U'K liter.
. _ . .
- - - -
N01'fl 't'O lfILI , WELl. .
'I'n11011I It 11111) ' conr'r :
I eoanilnll1l hll"III ! : hooliinallo to 11I0 eonoornllllC
1111 Ollro011 on Nw ! ( , ceUolI : " ' , to"n hlp 13 ;
UI1IO : :4 , 11. ' 1'rollt. OVOf'cnr of roll" IlIltrlcNil. .
\Va7l1o I Hiht cOllnty , "hero "Id
wollill RIIIIRII.II , till \ I'rohy nolllr the oIYcer of
lO.hllRnll ahovn tlollcrlh , , ( } to nil cr CiU8e , to bo
IlIlml 111111i I'll , or enllRO It tll hn 8001lrll\Y \ COfer'
! ' , llvllhlll thirty IlaYII frnm 1IIIIn or this nolleo.
If Ihl 1I0tlet ! III Del ' ' wllh lit the oxplra'
tlon flf thlrl , ilIloY , 1 "II \ 1111 ultl well nnd eol-
ItoI 1 the OO-tli th"rellf IIcconllllJ : tnl" " .
IInll',1 , thl. 10lh tin ) ' tlr April , 11I\1J.
4:1..IO-.n : n , 'l'ROUT , 1101111 Ovcr eor.
I , - - . . _ - , - I
It IHu't the Ilintcrl. , . .
thnt KOCH Ilito 'Your
rClullrcc1 , , , "utcla thnt
rCHuUH lu lcl'fcct
'ob ' , It IN tlm IQow } tOW
l lhllt dOllS Utll hushll\88 , nny hUlIlClor
01\11 huy the Hue khull1 of 11\l\torlal
lhat. J UIU In rOIJRlrlllKJ hut eklll
18 the m08t vl\lul\blo materll\l tbnt
JlUl bo tl8ell In wutch ) ; .
nntl the IJtllllllet"onn't buy it. .
[ JoH my oklll for whnt. It II worth
RUII It wlU nORt you leas tban
bunlClIn I\t lower prlcee.
F. W. IIiYl S ,
, Jeweler 1\1111 Optlolan.
West aide of oquaro.
. . -
- -
BROKEN now I Nf B.
1.lncnlll , ncn'cr ,
Ollinlua , Ilclclin.
Cllicnaco. IIl1tlC ,
Ht' .loWCI.II. I"Ol'tlnlld ,
ICIUIHIIH CIl , . , Hnlt I.ok" eu ) ,
tn. Ionln. A rul " &anlrrnIlCIHcO
" 11 I"olnt. . ItnHt Anti AIII..olutH
Alld Hnutll 'VcHt.
No. 41-Vnsllbulcd ! oJ.)1reslI ) tll\l\J \ \ : ! Lincoln , OlDa.
hi , flit. JORIIIID. lallRlI Olty. : : It. ] .001. , Chi
caito _ IIII/In ( loillt' , .netnRtI outl\.l..11 r.a p.lII.
No. H-I.ocnl eJ.I'raM , Inll , . , LII { lo , Ornalla ,
tit. Jo ol'h. ltllIlRO" Cltv , It ! , Lonle , Chlc IIO
IIlIli nil \1011111 ell t nUll ROllih. . . . . . . . . . .01 > 2 am
No. 40-Frol ht Ilnlly. ) lnvennn , Gr'lId bllllld ,
Auror. . Howllrd nlllll.IIIColli . . . . . . . . . . . .0 Ollun :
No. 48-I'rnl/lllt / , tinilY olcelltIUIlc1RI / : , 1111\'OIUJI
IIlulllllornlt.llIto I.olllt" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : J 161'10
Nfl. 41-Vl'ntllmlo,1 , CJ.llfl"A dall ) ' , 1I010na. Hunt.
110 , IIl1ltc , l'orttond nm ! IIn l'aelnc Conn
IlollltA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .404 nm
No. . ' : I-IlIcllol eJ.J1reRe dally , AUiallct ! Ind
IlIterllll'llIllo 1I01IltA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11681Itu
Nu , 4t'1 rohht flllllr , IOI's only An.olmo Melluca ,
WhllllllUI nnll . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . am \
No , . .11rulltht , 411111) ' excol" HUlldny , Ihocca.
IIlIellnlorllll'llIlItll Imlll. . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . .1:81 > pm
IIlooJlIII : , tIh.hl" ami rocllulng cbllir CIIra ( ROIIU
Ireo ) 1111 Ihrullllh trlllnR. Tlcl"'l 1I0ht Iml bag.
gll o chockull to nny 1I0int III Ih I United /IlIItc. / :
110I111 Cllllllela.
No. 411 hilA tnrrohanlUle car Tnollday. . Thura.
110"8 nUll HAlllrtlnys.
No. 40 wlh cnrry plll or.ICnrll for Hnenn.
Ornllti IIIIIml , Howard ami Lilicoio.
Intorllllltlon , mUIIIII 1111I41 " 'blel and ticket
filii on IIr " , rlto to 11. L. Onnllhy. .gent , or J I
l rllllc" , n. I' . A. , OIllUhvr Nobraeka.
I . L. UUlIlIDl" , Altont.
. .
I'ollch tor WORt will elu80 at II p. m. , oxcep&
BUlu'a ' ) when ItVIII clfl o at : 15 JlIII. I
1'01lch. oa"t fllr train No. . . 0108011 lit Sam
IInl , rOI No. H cloeo" nt , 0.30 11.11I. Mall for Ansle. ,
1111'IlohllR \ en L IIf Uraod Iululld ollrrlod ou train
No. .U.
OCOlito , III of lIyno nnel 'i'uckorvlll , . . dally ex.
copt Sunllll ) ' CIOMH , lit 7 n m : relurnln" .lIloe Ilay
, Call1l\VIlY ViII , Mc'm"ley lislly oxccpt Huoday
cloaca nt 7I III , rchunhl" " 8111e 1111) ' . .
1IOllllei Vnlll1" YIR Ureen anll Eltou oiole at. , .
mrueflla ) ' , 'l'hllrnIIIY Rlul atuniIl1e , returning
, "aiD II Ila ) ' .
I Hllllliler yln ( ) lIrnRoy. ( JeorgolOlVn and UploQ
IIrnlve" nt 11.iO. : . 'I'UO IIDY' ' 'l'hur811I1r aud Hlltnr.
day retllllllllll ; 1"111'111 ntl ,3t 81Uno dllY _
OlUn hUlirs trum I\lXI n ID to 8.011 11. m. Bun-
l1aYII from f.:4ftl' : , III. In OWl I' , m. l.obby olen
I weekdaYI from 711,11I.10 II I' . m. Blloda , , , IISO :
" . III , to 1111. m. Ulmcrlli dOllvery noL open /Iou. / : \
\ IIItY mOllllnl : 1111 burotnfore. L. 1l.J..TTl'M'
' -
- . - - - - . _ - -
. . . .
- - - - - - - - - -
I m
I AM OOING ' 1'0
m m OUT .
I. . . ' ' m AI y olllio 811101 < or olalhillg , Big 0111 in I"ieo.
. : " of Ladie'4 HhoUH lo rec1l1ce the Block. Como and
i . ' . = 1" ' A' . r1 [ 1 have yonr III03Rilro lakon for a
I p . , . Pnces l _ _ rom $8.50 Up\ \ " : :
The rigors of winter will soon As Good As You Want.
lSi be over.
I m I'lem.nter : days ahead. : Don'l forgot that wo
m Drlghlthlngslnsloreflrall. ;
I m Drighlest things In Men's Dress [
Goods that have ever shown [ .
. we F ) at C IU t 11 1) rlCCf4 , lUlu pay t 1 10
I -or seen.
.1 m J ae Come s : and t look : c r : at : g them-SOO : s ; r HI If ! h os t M ar k e t P flces f or P ro d ueo. : .
I Royal Tailors , Chicago , U. S. A. W ;
Everything made to your meas. J i
I ! ; ure-all wlse-grlees the thne-never wondrously 10w olher- , W rJ H A R RY D AV ,
I uJ Brol'cn Uow , NebraRka. f'
ID ! m
. ;
- - -
- -
- . -
I - )
- - -
- -